Vacuum Fluorescent Display Specification: Model CU20026-TW200A
Vacuum Fluorescent Display Specification: Model CU20026-TW200A
Vacuum Fluorescent Display Specification: Model CU20026-TW200A
MODEL : CU20026-TW200A
Published by
This specification is subject to change without prior notice.
1. General Description............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Application ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Construction................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Drawing.......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................................................. 3
3. Electrical Ratings................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 3
5. Optical Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 4
6. Environmental Specifications .............................................................................................................. 4
7. Functional Descriptions ....................................................................................................................... 4
7.1 Character data write....................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Control data write........................................................................................................................... 4
7.2.1 BS : Back Space (08 Hex)....................................................................................................... 4
7.2.2 HT : Horizontal Tab (09 Hex)................................................................................................... 5
7.2.3 LF : Line Feed (0A Hex) .......................................................................................................... 5
7.2.4 FF : Form Feed (0C Hex) ........................................................................................................ 5
7.2.5 CR : Carriage Return (0D Hex) ............................................................................................... 5
7.2.6 CLR: Clear (0E Hex) ............................................................................................................... 5
7.2.7 CAN: Cancel (0F Hex)............................................................................................................. 5
7.2.8 DC1 : Device Control 1 (11 Hex) … Character over write mode........................................... 5
DC2 : Device Control 2 (12 Hex) … Scroll up mode.............................................................. 5
DC3 : Device Control 3 (13 Hex) … Horizontal Scroll mode.................................................. 5
7.2.9 DC4 : Device Control 4 (14 Hex) … Cursor is displayed on underline.(Default)...................... 6
DC5 : Device Control 5 (15 Hex) … Cursor is displayed as a blinking all dot character. ........... 6
DC6 : Device Control 6 (16 Hex) … Cursor is turned to invisible........................................... 6
DC7 : Device Control 7 (17 Hex) … Cursor is displayed as a blinking Underline. ................. 6
7.2.10 CT0 : Character Table 0 (18 Hex) … International character font ......................................... 6
CT1 : Character Table 1 (19 Hex) … KATAKANA character font .......................................... 6
EUR: Euro Currency mark (1AH) … Euro Currency mark ..................................................... 6
7.2.11 ESC : Escape (1B Hex) ...................................................................................................... 6
7.3 Test Mode ................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4 Character and control code table .............................................................................................. 10
7.4.1 Inter national character font ................................................................................................ 10
7.4.2 KATAKANA character font.................................................................................................. 11
8. Timing................................................................................................................................................ 12
8.1 Parallel interface Timing........................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Serial Interface Timing ............................................................................................................. 12
9. BUSY Time........................................................................................................................................ 13
10. Jumper wires ................................................................................................................................... 14
11. Connector Pin assignment .............................................................................................................. 15
11.1 16pin Connector ............................................................................................................................ 15
11.2 3pin Connector .............................................................................................................................. 15
12. Outline dimension............................................................................................................................ 16
Notice for the Cautious Handling VFD Modules .................................................................................... 17
1. General Description
1.1 Application
Readout of computer, micro-computer, communication terminal and automatic instruments.
1.2 Construction
Single board display module consists of 40 character (2 x 20) VFD, refresh memory,
character generator, control circuit, DC/DC converter and all necessary control logics.
Interface level is TTL compatible and the module can be connected to the CPU bus of host
1.3 Drawing
See attached drawings.
3. Electrical Ratings
4. Electrical Characteristics
Measuring Conditions : TA (Ambient temperature)=25degrees, Vcc=5.0V
Note : Icc shows the current at all dots in the screen are lighted.
Slow start power supply may cause erroneous operation. The rise time of Vcc should
not exceed 100 ms.
Icc might be anticipated twice as usual at power on rush.
5. Optical Specifications
Number of characters : 40(2 lines x 20 chars)
Matrix format : 5 x 7 dot + Underline
Display area : 100.2 x 16.0mm (X x Y)
Character size : 3.3x 6.05 mm (X x Y, Including UL)
(3.3 x5.05 mm for 5x7dot)
Character pitch : 5.1 x 9.95 mm (X x Y)
Dot size : 0. 5 x 0.55 mm (X x Y)
Dot pitch : 0.7 x 0.75 mm (X x Y)
Luminance : 350 cd/m2 (102fL) Min.
Color of illumination : Green(Blue-green)
6. Environmental Specifications
Operating temperature : -40 to +85 degrees
Storage temperature : -40 to +85 degrees
Operating humidity : 20 to 80 % RH ( No Condensation )
Vibration(No operating) : 10 to 55 Hz, all amplitude 1mm, X,Y,Z 3direction
30 minutes
Shock(No operating) : 100G, 9ms, X Y Z 3direction
7. Functional Descriptions
This module provides the functions of 8 bit parallel and serial data write.
Each control data and character fonts are shown in Character Table 0 and Character Table 1.
All data write should be done during BUSY line is low.
Function Bus direction
0 Data write Module Host
1 X No operation Module X Host
:Rising edge of pulse X: Do not care
7.1 Character data write
Character font is displayed on the screen, and HT is executed. (see para. 7.2.2 HT)
At the bottom right end, the cursor motion depends upon DC1, DC2 and DC3 mode.
DC1 : The cursor moves to the top left end.
DC2 : All displayed characters are scrolled up one line.
The cursor moves to the bottom left end and all written characters in the top line is
disappeared. The bottom line is cleared.
DC3 : The cursor overflow. Furthermore, if HT is inputted continuously, all displayed
characters on the cursor line are scrolled to the left one character, and the blank is
appeared at the right end of cursor line.
The other displayed characters on the other line are not changed.
7.2.8 DC1 : Device Control 1 (11 Hex) … Character over write mode
DC2 : Device Control 2 (12 Hex) … Scroll up mode
DC3 : Device Control 3 (13 Hex) … Horizontal Scroll mode
Alternative LINE ENDING MODE is specified by DC1, DC2 and DC3 when character data or
BS or HT or LF is written. Just after power on or initialize, DC1 is selected (Default Mode).
Above two codes select Character Table. Just after power on, CT0 is selected(Default Mode ).
Any characters from those 2 tables can be displayed on the screen by the bank selection.
Users desired fonts can be defined by software. The fonts will be memorized in RAM of the
Syntax : ESC (1B Hex) + "C" (43 Hex) + CHR + PT1 + PT2 + PT3 + PT4 + PT5
Any 5x7 dot patterns consisted of data from PT1 thru PT5 can be stored in character code
location specified by CHR.
Maximum number of UDF are 16 characters at once. Storing more than 16 will kill the oldest
font. However, within the 16 character codes where already defined by UDF, the over-write-
latest font replaces the former font.
7(MSB) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0(LSB)
4th byte P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
5th byte P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 P9
6th byte P24 P23 P22 P21 P20 P19 P18 P17
7th byte P32 P31 P30 P29 P28 P27 P26 P25
8th byte * * * * UL P35 P34 P33
* : don't care UL: Under line
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
P11 P12 P13 P14 P15
P16 P17 P18 P19 P20
P21 P22 P23 P24 P25
P26 P27 P28 P29 P30
P31 P32 P33 P34 P35
After execution of above sequence, a defined font will be stored in the character code location
"CHR" (Hex)
2nd 14 15 16 ------------- 27
Syntax : ESC (1B Hex) + " L " (4C Hex) + 1 Byte data
Syntax : ESC (1B Hex) + "S" (53 Hex) … Flicker less Mode
Within Flicker less Mode, although BUSY might become longer, flicker less-high speed-
continuous-data write can be achieved since refreshing of the screen has priority over the
data acceptance.
Quick data write with minimum BUSY time will be given by Quick Write Mode since the
data acceptance has the priority over the refreshing of the screen.
Within this mode, continuous high speed data write may cause flicker display.
Note :
When serial data write with high speed baud rate at Flickerless Mode, it may have the
read error of the data. Busy check within Flickerless Mode or setting to the Quick Write
Mode is recommended for serial data write.
Just after power on or initialize, Quick Write Mode is selected until other mode is set. After
selected Flickerless Mode, Quick Write Mode can't be selected unless otherwise initialize.
(6) Initialize
All displayed characters and all setting factors are cleared by following ESC sequence.
0 0 0 1 1 D C1
0 0 1 0 2 D C2
0 0 1 1 3 D C3
0 1 0 0 4
D C4
0 1 0 1 5 D C5
0 1 1 0 6 D C6
0 1 1 1 7 D C7
1 0 0 0 8 B S CT0
1 0 0 1 9 H T CT1
1 0 1 0 A LF EUR
1 0 1 1 B ES C
1 1 0 0 C FF
1 1 0 1 D CR
1 1 1 0 E C LR
1 1 1 1 F CAN
Character Table 0
Note: When EUR(1AH) is selected, Euro Currency mark is stored instead of Blank in
character code location AD Hex of CT0. This is replaced to Blank if CT0 is selected again,
and it affect displayed character of AD Hex.
0 0 0 1 1 D C1
0 0 1 0 2 D C2
0 0 1 1 3 D C3
0 1 0 0 4 D C4
0 1 0 1 5 D C5
0 1 1 0 6 D C6
0 1 1 1 7 D C7
1 0 0 0 8 B S CT0
1 0 0 1 9 H T CT1
1 0 1 0 A LF EUR
1 0 1 1 B ES C
1 1 0 0 C FF
1 1 0 1 D CR
1 1 1 0 E C LR
1 1 1 1 F CAN
Character Table 1
8. Timing
8.1 Parallel interface Timing
Min 0nS Min 160nS Min 0nS
Min 10nS
Min 100nS
D0~D7 Valid
Min 2μs Max 200nS TW*
Besides, parity bit-even, odd and non parity can be selected by 2 jumper wires.
( see para 10. Jumper wires )
S IN S TR T D 0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D 7 STO P
non P arity
9. BUSY Time
Input data execution time ( TW* ) at Quick Write Mode are shown as follows.
Above execution time are only talking about Quick Write Mode as mentioned.
Within Flicker less Mode , Approximately 2 to 15 times of above table should be considered .
Operating with Flicker less Mode, therefore, always watching of BUSY line is recommended.
J4 J3 J2 J1 J0 JA
15 1
16 2
Connection Connection
No. Terminal No. Terminal
Parallel Serial Parallel Serial
1 D7 ○ NC 2 D6 ○ NC
3 D5 ○ NC 4 D4 ○ NC
5 D3 ○ NC 6 D2 ○ NC
7 D1 ○ NC 8 D0 ○ NC
9 WR ○ NC 10 CS ○ NC
11 SIN/T0 NC ○ 12 BUSY ○ ○
13 GND ○ ○ 14 GND ○ ○
15 VCC ○ ○ 16 VCC ○ ○
○ :Connection
NC : No Connection
No. Terminal
Parallel Serial
1 VCC ○ ○
2 SIN/T0 NC ○
3 GND ○ ○
○ :Connection
NC : No Connection
・We do not authorize the use of any patents that may be inherent in these specifications.
・Neither whole nor partial copying of these specifications are permitted without our approval.
If necessary , please ask for assistance from our sales consultant.
・This product is not designed for military, aerospace, medical or other life-critical applications. If you choose to use this product for
these applications, please ask us for prior consultation or we cannot take responsibility for problems that may occur.