Understanding Boat Design 78 PDF
Understanding Boat Design 78 PDF
Understanding Boat Design 78 PDF
speed. Still, a flat-sided hull forward is not the best outboard rudders, and other designs. The same
shape for rough water as itmay prove wet and miser- advantages and disadvantages that apply to the long
able in choppy seas. Some bow overhang is desirable spoon bow also apply to the overhanging counter
to give reasonable flam. stern. In addition, the reserve buoyancy of the long
stem can help prevent pooping when miming before
the seas and is helpful in obtaining straighter buttock
Stem shapes can vary as widely as bows (Figure 7- The reverse transom seen on so many modem
6). Today we see transom stems, counter stems. sailing yachts has the advantage of reducing weight
The end! A few of many.
SAIL. 4 D\iPL. POvlEE.