First Quarterly Examination - TLE 10
First Quarterly Examination - TLE 10
First Quarterly Examination - TLE 10
S.Y. 2020-2021
Noted by:
Assistant Principal
Approved by:
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Each item in this test consists of a question with four options
lettered A, B, C, and D. Choose the letter which
corresponds to the best answer. Write it on the
blanks provided before each number. Use capital letter
______ 1. In this stage, the information that can be possibly gathered here are product
A. Identify Costumers Needs C. Establish Target Specifications
B. Refine Product Specifications D. Analyze Competitive Products
______2. It is based on customers' needs and reviews of competitive products, you may now
establish target specifications of the prospective new product and/or services.
A. Identify Costumers Needs C. Establish Target Specifications
B. Refine Product Specifications D. Analyze Competitive Products
______ 3. It is imperative to analyze existing competitive products to provide important
information in establishing product/services specifications.
A. Identify Costumers Needs C. Establish Target Specifications
B. Refine Product Specifications D. Analyze Competitive Products
______ 4. It is the number of product concepts to illustrate what types of product/service are
both technically feasible and will best meet the requirements of the target
A. Generate Product Concepts C. Refine Product Specifications
B. Select a Product Concept D. Perform Economic Analysis
______ 5. It is the process of product development, it is very important to always review and
estimate the economic implications regarding development expenses,
manufacturing costs, and selling price of the product/services to be offered/provided.
A. Generate Product Concepts C. Refine Product Specifications
B. Select a Product Concept D. Perform Economic Analysis
_______ 6. In this stage, product/service specifications are refined on the basis of input from
the foregoing activities.
A. Generate Product Concepts C. Refine Product Specifications
B. Select a Product Concept D. Perform Economic Analysis
_______ 7. It is the process of evaluation between attributes, a final concept is selected.
A. Generate Product Concepts C. Refine Product Specifications
B. Select a Product Concept D. Perform Economic Analysis
B. Directions: Identify the company/brand of the logo shown below. Write your answer on
the space provided below.
Directions: Classify the following item if it is TANGIBLE or INTANGIBLE products. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number.
____________ 1. Gadgets
____________ 2. Software
____________ 3. Communication
____________ 4. Computers
____________ 5. Culture
____________ 6. Building
____________ 7. Digital Experiences
____________ 8. Food items
____________ 9. Cars
____________ 10. Advice
________________1. Successful entrepreneurs can think slowly and make wise decision
towards pre-determined set objectives.
________________2. An entrepreneur put himself in a position where he/she is irresponsible
for the failure or success of his/her business.
________________3. Hardworking means habitually working diligently for a long period of
________________4. Creativity is a strategic thinking a setting of goals to achieve objectives
by carefully maximizing all the available resources.
________________5. Entrepreneurs are guest of economic change; they organize, manage,
and assume risks of a business.
________________6. Nothing is permanent in this world but business.
________________7. An entrepreneur enters the world of business to generate loss.
________________8. Entrepreneurs are those with the skills and capabilities to see and
evaluate business opportunities.
________________9. The entrepreneurial questionnaire is designed to assess the personality
traits associated with entrepreneurial ability, to provide insight
into the current qualities possessed by the candidate.
________________10. There are 4 personality traits identified by the entrepreneurial
questionnaire which are compatible with a prosperous
entrepreneurial career.