GURPS - Hacker Deluxe PDF
GURPS - Hacker Deluxe PDF
GURPS - Hacker Deluxe PDF
CONTENT§ Hacker Logo by .John Di!imuke!i
Card 6raphic!i by HeaUJer Oliver
The Chips 2 COlISfnlctil'e Criticism: Loyd Bfcmkenship
Introduction . 1 /Iwidious del'elopmnrm/ srtggesfions: /)(II'jtf Sellrle (lnd Kerf)' Hams
Components . 1 Pluyte.fters: Doug Bames. Ore'" Bil/ner. Jim Bot.>duker. Chn:ftopher BI/rke. Jumes Cokelet, Jill
The Cards............ . 2 Cumring/ram, Kerf)' Hums, JI/lime Henel, Mike Hurst, Jeff Koke, John KOIro. Dol'id Mil): Chris McCubbin.
Special Cards 2 Lynette McCubbin, Tim McGaughy, The"' Moore, Pm Pesek. A. H. Peterson. /..aim Popkin. Marshall Rodrigue:.
ArlhurSamuels, Rylllllli B. SlIIlIlers, f)(wid Searle. Jolm SimfJ,~OIr, Spike, MOIrica StepirelU. Re)' Titus. Frwlf:hesca
TheChips ..2 Vecchio. C/rris Ventreers. Clrris,;wr "hg/ler. Todd l\bods, Ouslin WrighT, S,ew" Zit"ger.
Player Markers ........ . .3 Additi(JIrl/1 lin b)' J(1$O/r Culon,
Consoles and System Upgrades . .3 nlOnks 10 l!l'ef)'OIle II'ho SJlggestel! n'i/ al/dlor hill/n'(ms idells lifter the origilw/ game Clime mit, Concepfs in
The Expansion Chassis 3 lite supplemelrla/)' rules cameJrom BughU/lIl'r. 8mrsai (lOIS!). 1IIumi,ralDr (lUIS!). !kalr Barrel/, Spike. Tomb, ,hi'
Military Upgrades. . . . . 3 Tml'pllpr in Rlark. F/m", O'Rriml. mId Slefan Jones.
Starting The Game . 3 S/lt'cil/I flllmks 10 fi,e Joll Company for lel/ing us depici their excefJellt rmx/uci on our cuw"r. JoIl is a
regisrered lrodemark oJThe Joll COlIJpuny, ItIC.
Tum Phases 4
Ve/)' $pel.:iallhmrks /Q William Gibsonfor $hol'o'illg liS how to look allhe Nel.
I. Roll for Crashed Systems 4
Copyrighl C 1992. /993, 2001 by Sln'e JaooOfr Games 1"cotpOrotell. All rig/rl$ rt!$en·ed. Some an copyrighl
2. Housecleaning 4 K'"'.~ant(J(lay.,"Om.
Triggering Housecleaning 4 lIacker is a regiSlered lrodemllrk of S'fi'e Jodwm GUT/res ItlcotpOrtlfed for;u CQII/(Hl/er crime card gOlIIt!'.
Results of Housecleaning .5 Thi$ gmllt' is intemled (l$ a work oj .rotire IJIrd wdlll commem. An)' rt!$emblal/ce to aetUliI persons or
3. Draw A Card 5 orgUT/iWliO/u i$ IlflimentiQtUII or. if imentiQtUlI. is dO/le with swiric ifUt'nt. FlIQrd,
Free SYillcm Upgrade 5
4. Hacking .5
How To Hack . 5
Avoiding The ICE 5 In 1990, Steve Jackson Games was raided by the U.S. Secret Service during a "hacker
Hacking Non-Indials 6 hunt" that went disastrously out of control. We lost several computers. mooems and other
Bonuses To Hack 6 equipment. Worse. we lost the manuscripts to several uncompleted games. most notably
Promotion: Improving GURPS Cyberpunk. which a Secret Service agent the next day called "a handbcxlk for com-
Your Access. . . 7 puter crime." The company had to layoff half its staff, and narrowly avoided bankruptcy.
Hacking To Houseclean .. " 7 And starting the day after the raid, garners asked us "When are )'011 going to make a
5. Phreaking .. . ,, 7 game about it?"
6, Narking . . . . . , , ..7 So we did. And it won an Origins Award, and the supplement (included in this set) won
Trading Favors ,,, , .7 another. Not too shabby.
Crashing. , , , ,, ,8 Eventually. we got most of our property back. though some of it was damaged or
Raids ,,,. . .. , , •.......8 destroyed. The Secret Service admitted Ihat we'd never even been a targel of their
Busted! " " , 9 investigation. With Ihe help of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (, we sued
Winning The Game ", , 9 them in Federal court and won, Even though the government attorneys complained that
Strategy ", ,." ..9 we had profited from the raid by releasing Hacker! (For the whole Story. visit
Hacker We: The Shon Game .,." ..9
Optional Rules ." , ",.10
Black ICE , , , .. 10
OUtdials .. " .. , ...•.. , .. ", .10
Viruses , .....•••....... 11 The Hacker box contains this rulebcxlk, a ziplock bag, and:
TIle \VOIlTl , •.•..... , .12 51 Regular System Cards, Light blue, with cable icons at edges. Six of these are hubs.
Multiple AccounlS ., ,12 with a dark blue spiral-star pattern overlaid on the card.
Vinual Bridges ...••........ 13 10 Indial System Cards, Dark blue, with cable icons at edges and a round white phone
Improved Security , .. , 14 symbol in the center,
A Hacker Glossary , .. "." . .14 4 Outdial System Cards. Light blue. with cable icons al edges and a square black phone
Chans and Tables . , , , .. , .16 symbol in the center.
Frequently Asked Questions . , ... , .. 16 95 Special Cards. White. with black and blue text.
5 Blanks, of various types.
Net Ninja Marker. This large square marker with a throwing
slar symbol goes in from of the player who has the most systems
~-=-t@±fit w w ii!L.S®! I
ExpBn.lon ! 1
handcuff markers in front of him. Too many busts, and yoo·re out Figure 2: £rpansio'l chas~is locatio".
of the game.
CDI\I5DLE5 A.I\ID There are three black-bordered ··Military Upgrades:' You can-
not get a military upgrade with a regular upgrade card - you need
!iY5TEM UPIiRA.DE5 a special card that specifies a Military Upgrade. T1lcy are:
BANSHEE modem (yellow) - +3 to all hacks.
Each player gets one of the consoles - the folded card repre· TEMPEST computer (blue) - 5 hacks per tum.
seming a computer system. Each console has three slots which can MILITARY ICEBREAKER (red) - you ignore all ICE totally.
hold ~)'Slem I/pgrades (the small keystone-shaped markers):
Modem - the yellow slot. Each player starts with a regular These represent government equipment. purchased on the black
modem. printed on his console, which gives no s~ial abilities. market. If you're raided while you have a military upgrade in your
Upgrades can give the player better modems, which give bonuses console. you will be busted unless you play a Dummy
to every attempt to hack. Equipment. Self-Destruct or Whoops card.
System unit - the blue siaL Each player stans with a Plain No mule-in i5 required for a military upgrade. If you already
Clone. primed 00 his console. which allows two hacks per tum. have an upgrade in the appropriate slot. you must discard it to
Upgrades can give the player belter system units. which allow make room: if you have any modem al all. you must discard it to
more hacks per tum. install the Banshee. But if you have no modem at all. you can stiU
Expansion slot - the red sIoL This slot Starts out empty. T1lcre get a Banshee! T1lc same is true for the 0lheT two upgrades.
are several different kinds of expansion. Some give more hacks,
some give hacking bonuses. and some give other abiLilies.
Each slot may hold only one upgrade al a time. Each slot may
For New Players: If you've never played before, we suggest
hold only an upgrade of its own color. Some upgrades require the
you start with the SllOn Game rules (p. 9).
player to tum in a previous. lesser upgrade - for instance, you can-
not get an Amoeba 3000 system unit unless you already have a You'll need a large lable to play Hacker. Separate the Indilll
Hackintosh, and you must return the Hackintosh to the pile of cllrds (dark blue face) and the regular system cards and Outdials
available upgrades when you take the Amoeba (Light blue face) from the rest of the deck. Now take some of these.
A player may not keep or save any system upgrades except in randomly. ae; follows:
his console. and must always let other players see whaCs in his 2-player game: 5 regular systems, 3 indials
console. Upgrades may not be tmek."'rl between players. 3-player game: 6 regular systems. 3 indials
1bere are a limited number of upgrades. If the one you want 4-player game: 9 regular syslems. 3 indials
isn'l available. you·1I have to wait unlil one becomes available- 5-player game: II regular systems, 4 indials
either when someone trades it in. or when someone gets raided and 6-player game: 14 regular systems. 4 indials
loses his equipment.
If you are using the Owdial rules (p. 10), replace one regular
system with an outdial. or two if you have 4 or more players.
THE EXPAN!iIDN I:HA!i!iI!i Deal these system cards evenly among the players.
A nonnal system has only three slole;: modem. system. and
expansion. An "expansion chassis," which COSIS one upgrade, adds Now. starting with the player to the dealer's left. each player in
a second expansion slot, which will lei you have two red upgrades tum places a card in the center of the [able. until all have been
at the same time. Actually buying something to fill this slot would placed. This fonns the "net:' Each card must link to another card
cost another upgrade. But then you could have - for instance - already placed, forming a single nel. unless this is absolutely
both a RAM card and a Sequencer. impossible. In that case. set the new card to the side. where it forms
You may not buy an expansion chassis unlil all three of your the core of a second net! If a second net is started. players can
original slotS are full. The tab on the expansion chassis fits into place new cards into either net. as they wish.
TIle cables on the edges of the cards are the "links." For two
systems to link. they must be adjacent (see diagram) and links on
each cam must tOl/ch. If a card has no link on a side or end. no sys-
tem may be adjacent to it on that side or end! System cards may Each player's tum has the following phases:
1101 touch unless they are actually linked. See the diagram below.
I and 2. RoD ror crashed systems and houseclearting. (Early
II doesn't mailer whether cards are right-side-up, upside-down, in the game. no systems have been crashed. and no syStems will be
or sideways, as long as adjacent cards always link. so infested with hackers that they trigger housecleaning.)
It is illegal to place a card improperly. If this happens during the 3, Draw a card. After drawing a card (and playing it into the
initial phase of building the net. just move the offending card. If it et, if it's a system card), you may take a free system upgrade and
happens later, during play, the player who misplaced the card must skip the rest of your tum (no hacking, phreaking or narking). Or
move it to a legal position. and lose the rest of his tum. 1lle card you may continue ...
isn't placed until the playertakes his hand ofT it. When he takes his 4, Hack - try to get access to systems,
hand ofT, it stays there, s. Phreak - give your friends a chance to get access to systems
When the initial cards have been placed, shuffle all remaining where you've already got an account. You can skip this if you don't
cards back into the deck. Now regular play can begin - again, wilh want to help anybody.
the player to the dealer's left. 6, Nark - try to get your rivals thrown off of systems! You can
skip this if you don't want to antagonize anybody.
It is now the next player's tum,
• The following sections will describe each tum phase in more
• • 1.ROLL FOR
, +o~ fo : • fo 0 . :..0. CRA!iHEO §Y!iTEM!i
• ,
, A player's first action each tum is to roll one die for each s)'s-
tern thai is currently crashed. On a I. it becomes un<rashed
fo4;l. fo : • 1 ,
(remove the crash marker). When it comes up. it automatically
undergoes housecleaning. See Crashing, p. 8, to find out how the
, I • • •
: . <-
1 I,
, ,
system got crashed in the first place. .
, o· realizes that he has hackers 011 his system. He'll try to shut them
out. He mayor may not succeed.
A player's second action each tum is to see whether any system
administrators try to "clean house." Hou5e(:leaning can also be
triggered by other events.
Figure 3: A card laJolIf willi insrructi,'e errors.
All connections shown are legal except for the following:. TRIGGERING HOUSECLEANING
Card 1 is illegally placed because it has no link touching the Housecleaning can happen automatically whenever there are
card below it. Tum it around and it will be legal. too many hackers on a system at the beginning of a tum. Roll one
Card 2 is illegal because the card below it has no link touching die for each such system:
it. No card can be placed where Card 2 is - put it somewhere else, If there are 4 hackers on the system (or 3, in a 3-player
(Note that Card 2 is 1101 connected to Card 8. even though the sysadmin cleans house on a roll of I.
they're close. TIley're not touching,) If there are 5 hackers on a system, it cleans house on a I or 2.
Cards 3 and 4 have no links touching .. , somebody was asleep If there are 6 hackers on a system. it cleans house on a 1,2 or 3!
when Card 4 was placed. No card can be placed where Card 4 is.
Move it! Housecleaning happens automatically if someone hits ICE on a
Card 5 has two problems. In the first place, it has no link to system. 1be hacker who hits the ICE is off automatically. If some-
connect it to the card directly above it. In the second place. it is one phreaked him 01110 the system, they're ofT. too. Other playCTS
touching Card 6 - just barely, but it's touching. A plaamellllike must survive a normal housecleaning effort,
Ihis is nn'er legal, because cards do not have links on their comers.
(Okay ... a Vinual Bridge. p. 13, could make it all right.) Card 5 Nark, Nark - Who's There?
would be legal if turned at right angles, so the link which is now A hacker can deliberately cause a housecleaning by nar\:ing on
on its right side touches the card above it. TIle card below it would a system during the Nark phase of his tum. But it doesn't always
have to move down. too. work, and it has risks. See Nllrkillg. p. 7.
Card 7 is overlapping another card. Not legal, ever, Move it.
Housecleaning by a Hacker You are not required to use all your hacks, or to hack at all. but
you'll almost always want to. You may not give your hacks to
A hacker can spend one of his hacks to "clean house" himself on another player.
a system where he has root access, to throw his rivals off. See p. 7. If something happens during your tum to increase the number
of hacks you gel. you get the new. higher number on that tum. If
RE!iULT!i OF HOU!iECLEANING something happens during your tum to decrease the number of
When a system administrator cleans house. each hacker on the hacks you get. you get the new. lower number - but if you had
system must roll one die ifhe had regular access, two dice ifhe had already hacked more times than that. you just stop hacking imme·
root. On a result of 4 or less. !.hat hacker loses access. dimely with no fUJ1her penalty.
Thus, regular access is very vulnemble. rool access much less
vulnerable. But even rool access can be lost to bad luck. Reaching a System
To hack a system, you must be able to trace a path to it from
your home computer and modem. If your target is an india!. you
can reach it automatically. Otherwise, you must be able to trace a
Take one card from the pile. If it is a system card, you must play path of accounts from an indial to your target.
it into the Net immediately. following the placement rules above. A dark blue system card is a "indial:' Anyone can call in and lI)'
(If you lry to hack into that system on this same tum. you'll gel a to hack it. No other system may be hacked until you have an
+1 bonus.) It's legal to consult with the other players before plac- account on an india!.
ing lhe new system. and even to make deals about it. However, all systems have secret indial numbers. If you learn
If you draw a special card. follow the directions on the card. one of these numbers. place one of your Indial Chips on the system.
Some can be played immediately, and some can'l. You never IWI'e You can then treat thm system as an india!. You can also lell the
to use a special card. If you can't play it now (or don', wanl to), number to others. Ir e'I'el)'0n€ learns the number. place a Known
keep it upside down in front of you. Indial chip on the system. It's now the same as any other indial
1f you draw a special card that applies only to an optional rule
that's not in play, you may discard it and draw a replacement, or Repeated Hacks
trade it for a ViJ1ual Bridge (p. 13). If a hack attempt fails. you may lIy the same system again on the
If you draw the last carel. reshuffie the discard deck. same tum at no penalty - provided that you have hacks remaining.
I, may reestablish palhs to systems so that two or more hackers Raids: In the Shan Game. a hack-
match 12 at once. er does not lose his System Upgrades when he's raided. If it was
The fewer times you have been busted, lhe better the win is. his tum, he loses the rest of his tum. If he had just hacked 3 sys·
Winning with no busts qualifies you for a Silicon Valley startup. tem, he loses his account on that system. He must roll to see if he's
busted. That's aiL
Busts: In the Short Ganle. you lose onl)' your m()(lem when
§TRATEIiY you're busted. (Not realistic ... ). If you have any special cards,
Building the Nd: The initial net layout can have a big effect on you lose one - your choice - either face up or face down.
the game. In general, don't put the indials too close together. When The winner is the first player to get 8 accounts.
possible. begin by placing a few low-security systems next to In the Shon Game, it's best to concentrate on building up your
indials. Otherwise, you' II have a hard time getting started. Own position quickly. because there's not nearly as much you can
do to tear your rivals down.
Exllmple: Suppose a system has Black ICE and security of9. Its
first trace is automatic, but its second one requires a roll of 9 or
These optional mles add complexity and realism (well, pseudo-- less. If this succeeds. the hacker loses his account on that system.
realism. anyway). They definitely make the game longer. Use any and the system automatically housecleans after the trace is over
or all of them. (see below). From there, the Black ICE tries again - this time
Black Ice makes hacking more dangerous, and requires rolling at a -I, so it needs an 8 or less.
players to work through twisted paths. like fictional hackers (and And so on. at a further -I each time, until the ICE misses a roll
some real ones). (and the hacker escapes) or tracks him to the indial he used (and he
Viruses can infect your system and make it harder to hack. gets raided). If he gets raided. the effects are exactly the same as if
They also allow for more diplomacy and backstabbing, since you he had hit ICE while hacking directly into an indial - see p. 6.
can trick your rivals into getting infected. The best way to protect against Black ICE is to route your call
The Worm provides players with an artificially intelligent through mallY other systems - and. if possible, 10 use an outdial. as
competitor on the Net! described below.
Virtual Bridges give you more control over the configum-
tion of the Net. Black ICE Housecleaning
Improving Security lets hackers make things harder (and After a Black ICE incident is resolved. every system through
therefore slower) for their rivals. which the Black ICE pursued its target will automatically house-
Multiple Accounts is a I'ery optional mle. It is realistic - in clean. The housecleanings occur in the same order that the systems
the real world you can have lots of accoums on the same system - wcre entered. However, if the ICE trail crosses any system more
and adds more possibilities for strategy, but it lengthens the game. than once. that system will only houseclean once.
you can telI your fellow hackers what you saw. You can lie. too. 0 ~
The other way to learn about the ICE is to hit it. If someone hits --11 9
ICE on a system with an unrevealed chip, tum it over immediate· Y Y
Iy. If it's regular ICE. remove it. But if it's Black ICE, leave the
chip. Everyone now knows that it's black ... and the hacker who
hit it must suffer the consequences.
Hitting Black ICE
When a hacker hits Black ICE, his hacking allempt automati-
cally fails. He loses his account on that system (if he had one). And Figllre 4; Tracing a patll through WI owdial.
he loses his account on the attacking system. So far. this is like reg-
ular ICE. But it gets worse. When Black ICE tries to trace a call. it rolls at a -3 to trace a
The player to the hacker's right takes the part of the Black ICE. path to an outdial.
rolling the dice for its trace attempts. From the system which In the illustration above. suppose our hacker hits Black ICE in
launched the failed hack. it now tries to trace the next system back. system A. It automatically tracks the hacker 10 B. With security of
This requires a die roll equal to the Black ICE system's Security, 9. it needs a 9 or less to get to C, and makes it. Now, C is an
or less. If the chip has a + I or +2. that number is added to the sys- india!, but it's not thefirSl indial the hacker used. He called it from
tem's Security, for all purposes, for the rest of the game.
an outdial. D. So instead of an 8 to trace the call to system D. the
Black Ice needs a 5.
Using t:he Virus Flags
But suppose it makes that roll. It still has a -I to trace every fur- There are six flags for each of the two kinds of virus. To use the
ther link. To get from System D to System E. where the hacker first flags, cut them out and fold them in half on the dotted line.
entered the Net. the Black ICE needs a 4 or less! Our hacker may When a system is infected. slide the virus flag through one of
lose a lot of accounts. but he probably won't get a knock on his the slots on top of your console, so the indicator can be seen from
door ... this time. both sides. That warns everyone thaI you are virus-infected.
This makes it necessary for a hacker to describe the exact path
that he is using to reach his chosen target. If a hacker forgets to !ipreading A Virus
define his path. and hits ICE, he is assumed to have called by the Once a virus is in play, it can be spread to other players in two
shoneSI possible patll between the target and some indial where he ways. The infected player has no choice whether to spread the
has an account. So watch it! virus or not. The creator. unless he happens to have a Disinfeclant
Generally, when calling Black ICE. you want 10 card. is as vulnerable as anybody else. though if he catches it he
define the longesl possible path you can manage will have an easier timc curing himself ... see below.
from your target to an india!. A path can go First, at the end of the infected player's !Urn. roll once for each
through each system only once IInless you hOl'e player who shares any system with them. The virus spreads to the
mulliple aCCOll1/lS Ihere (see p. 12). If you have new victim on a roll of I or 2. (Some viruses rolled up from the
two accounts on Ed's Budget Outdial, for instance, random table are especially bad. and spread on a I. 2 or 3.) Roll
you could route an attack path through there twice. only once for each player. no matter how many systems they may
share with the infected hacker. Yes, it is {egalto gi\'e /lP (III accounl
rather Ihall risk tile \·;,."s roll!
VIRUSES Second. the virus can spread to anyone who accepts a favor (see
A virus is a program which ""infects" olher programs. When you p. 7) from an infected player. Each time someone accepts his help.
have a virus in your system. your efficiency will go down until you no mailer how much or how little. roll a die as above.
gel rid of it. There are two different viruses in this game: Everyone who is infected must put the appropriate flag on his
Beelzebub and Mona Lisa. console.
When a virus enters play. determine its effects by rolling on the
Virus Results Table. You will have to make a nOle of these effects.
When the virus is finally wiped OUI. put the Virus card in Ihc dis-
card pile. If it comes back up, it will have mutated. and you can
detennine new effects for it.
A • ~
~ t"I;~
, lW.-· a !i
world. This is 1lte Net, as opposed to "a net:'
P-,Ith: A chain of systems from an indial when yoo ha\'e an
3Ccoontto the target system. Unless a system is an india!. )'00 must
ri a .,~I., explain manY be able to trace a path to a system in order to hack it. Even if you
mcial slstem ~~ ood Some system have an account on a system. you must still be able to trace a path
posstb\e secu
rity holes. ThiS \S g, is' bad, They
ignore them,
___~~:::::-~~~~=====' =:'=I~lo~s~e~)~'o~tI:r:e~q~tI~iP~,~I~e:":'~~1<~ell
t tems. "Pardon me. sir. I'm from Vennin. checking out your server.
TIlls Cll
loSf atlY lime )01 hackers to help
me your yoo.
password. please." Also. the process of getting other
with the letter D. Ifanybody protests
that this makes 110 sense, shake your
head pityingly and call him a poser.
ICE 4 !iecuri1:y 11 ICE 5 !iecuri1:yB
1tI!ndo Mill\Il!1: Moon
]1\ .. ""
... "
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: Our thanks to the :
• •
HOU!!iECLEAI\III\IG •• Elertronil: Frontier ••
When does a system clean house? Roll I die: : Foundation fur their :
3 hackers present (3-player game only) - on a roll of I. • •
4 hackers present - on a roll of I. • help in the !iecret
5 hackers present - on a roll of I or 2.
6 hackers present - on a roll of I. 2 or 3.
!iervice case. If' not
When a system cleans house. each hacker with an account there fur the EFF, the
mUSl roll to see if he loses his account Roll I die if you have
regular access. 2 dice if you have root. The account is lost on a roll Feds would have
of 4 or less for a regular housecleaning, 5 or less if a hacker is
cleaning house.
gotten away with
everything they did.
HACKII\IG RE!!iULT!!i • Instead, they were
All these results are based on the hacker's modified die roll,
except where noted. reprimanded and had
ICE number or less: Hit ICE! See p. 5. (A oalural 2 always
hits ICE. regardless of the hacker's bonuses, unless he has an to pay damages • • •
Security number or greater: Achieved regular access. we got our
Security nwnber +4 or greater: Achieved root access!
Natural (not modified) 12: It was easy, dude! The hacker got
equipment back • • •
in on his first try. It doesn't count against his total number of hack and a precedent was
attempts for the rum!
set that still •
BOI\IU!!iE!!i TO HACK •• proterts others.
All bonuses are cumulative. System upgrades and special cards
can also add bonuses.
If you just added the system to the net: +1
Nel Ninja: +I "PROTEcnNfi R'filfT§ AND
Same System Type (root access only): + I, once per hack PROMOTlNfi FREEDOM ON
Same Net Type (root access only): +1, once per hack
Adjacent Root Access: +1 for each adjacent root
Promoting Regular Access 10 Root: +1
Same Root Access: +2, once per hack (this cannot be added to www.eff.arg
bonuses for system type, net type or promotion). •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
IlI .. ClCl
" Cl Cl. Cl.
~ =51-
j -5=11I
C Cl
~ 'C 'C Cl '"
,,-::!,+,c ---
IlI .. Cl Cl
" Cl Cl. Cl.
:l:'1lI III III
~ =51-
. E-
E ih -I
IllIllCl~ ~l
l.I::! +
Ii-" ::1\1
Cl ;
tl " g Cl. III
'EIII e ••
'1:1'1:1 j ;~ "=<
C Cl
~~ •
z :!:~ "=<"
~~ :i
i;;J -"
If you hlne mQr on this
system. ~-ou 8ft one extra
hack per tum.
i• ~
Caught: Online
Back Door
You were caught in the act ... you
There's a legend that programmers always
were hacking when they carne in the leave themselves a secret ""ay into the systems Will ..... ne &&6
door. You're busted automatically, they write. Sometimes it's true.
with no hope of escape. This card may be used on one hack. It gets
you automatic, pennalUmt rool on one system.
Play this card on a rival who has jusl UnJess the sysl:em is totalJy removed from the
been raided. if you dOll 'I \Valli 10 bust net, you cannot lose your account. no matter
anybody, yOll can turn in this card and whal happens. Pul your Back Ooor chip on !iBcurtty 10 lIE 5
demand aJavor instead. the system along with your root access chip.
Back Door
Caffeine and Pizza There's a legend that prognlmmers always Allies
leave themselves a secret way into the systems There are no laws against hacking
Perfect for that manic burst of they ",rite. Sometimes it's true.
energy. This card may be used on one hack. It gets
in Holland, and you've contacted a
you aulomatic,penna"ellt root on one systCRL perfectly legal group of Dutch
You gel one exIra hack (olle lum ani)'). t:nless the system is totally remo\'ed from the hobbyists who share your interests ...
Sove this c{lId untilileeded. net, you cannot lose your account, no matter
what happens. Put your Back Ooor chip on 1 exIra /tack per 111m.
the system along with your root access chip.
!iurge Protector
!ig!it:em Upgrade !ig!it:em Upgrade Fail!i!
This card may be exchanged at any This card may be exchanged at any A lightning strike came down the
time for an upgrade - your choice- time for an upgrade - your choice - wires and fried your system. Lose any
from those still available. Some from those still available. Some one system upgrade - your choice -
upgrades require trade·ins. upgrades require trade-ins. from your console.
Play this card 011 a rival ar any time.
!iurge Protector
!ig!it:E!m Upgrade !iy!it:em Upgrade Fail!i!
This card may be exchanged at any This card may be exchanged at any A lightning strike came down the
time for an upgrade - your choice - time for an upgrade - your choice - wires and fried your system. Lose any
from those still available. Some from those still available. Some one system upgrade - your choice-
upgrades require trade·ins. upgrades require trade-ins. from your console.
Play (his card on a rival at Glly lime.
Beelzebub Virus Congressional Inquiry
Traffic Analysis File You have created a virus, which you C'dO It turns out tbat the raiders didn't
You can clean bouse, with automatic pass to someone elsc. From then on. anybody have a valid search warrant. You get
success, on anyone system where you can catch it, including you, if they accept a all your equipment back, and you
have root. This must be done on your favor from someone who is infected. To find out won't be busted.
turn but does not count as a hack. You "hat Beelzebub does to irs unlucky victims, see
the ~lrus Table in the rulebnok.
can remove anyone or everyone from Use this card IVhen you're raided. Tltis
the system. Usable only once. Play (his carrl 011 a rival whe" )'01/ do them a canl nullifies any "raid" card and any
ftlv01;forced Qrorhemise. The) get Ihe virus. card Ihat makes a raid worse.
Anarcho-Tech Disinfectant
Allies Marauder You know all those guys who say they
eXPfriment with viruses ''for study purposes only"?
You meet a rew new friends on the You cracked the local ATM codc.<;. Nobody, not One of them was telling the lruth,
net. They're otakll. - Japanese even you, is l'razy enough to do this mort than oncc.
Place (!lis ClIrd ill firmt of)'01/ al UIIY lime 10 be
But once is good for three system upgrades.
information rreaks. It's amazing what Qlle \.'irus (declared lthellihe cord is
1IIl111UlU' 10
these guys can find out, in exchange !fYOIl hOlle mot 011 two Bi:JVel .\yslems, yOIl ma)' pltlced). Altemmely, place lhis card ilf from of yoII
e.xdul/1gt' thi" card lit any lime for any three upgradel, whe1l /llIlIded lhe \';111.\' carr/. YOII keep tile Virus mrd
for what you can find out •.. {rom those stm (II'lIilable, or for Olll! miliwry upgrade, al/d "'fly I/~e if Iliter. (lfld you bet'ome illl/mllle 10 Ilral
YOIl mayjlll/1p directly 10 an upgrade wi/flollt the I'irus. Allemu/ely, play Ihis carrl (J/ (my time, liS long as
Gives one exira htlCk per tum. req/lired I/"{JiJ~-in, emlll/illS Ihal (u tll'O or Ihree il hosll't ytl beell lJ..'itd agaimt t,jru,'i€,'i, 10 totully
llPWCldcs as appropriate, tlimitwlt' lilt W()nlljwm Ihe network.
IilXley Int:erl'ill[:e Hidden Indial
DMne Meditation
You dropped the pizza on your You fmd a system's secret incoming
Your computer rails you. It becomes phone line. Place your Indial Chip on
keyboard. The pepperoni wasn't so
one with the universe. You become one the system or your choice. You may
bad, but the cheese seems to have
with tbe repair manual. Your turn now treat tbat system as an india!.
ends immediately. slowed down your typing speed. You
get only one hack this turn. (This does not count as a hack.)
Play this cOlrl Of! a rivaL 01 Gil)' lime
You may tell others the number if
during his fLl/l1. Play 011 a rival allhe beginlling of his you like. Ir you do, they place their
tll I'll. Indial Chip(s) tbere too.
You know uU those guys who say they
Hack t:he Hacker
c.xpe.riment with ,'iruses "for stud) purpoSt.'S only"?
liet: A Clue The easiest target on that new system was
One of thrm Will> Iclling the truth. You dialed a local BBS by accident, ... your rival's clandestine account. So you
Place this card in front ojJOlt ilf allY lime to he and spent hours trying to hack it. Lose hacked Ihal, and found out all kinds of lhings
i/llmune /0 one virlls (dedared when the carrl is he probably wouldn'l have Ioid ynu.
all but one hack tbis turn.
p/(l('{'d). Alu'/7U1/t'Iy, II/ace this ClIrd illl/Vllt nfyoll
,·..hen hOluJed Ilk Virus cam. rou keep the Wrus Clift.! Play at allY time during your tum to demand
(Iud may use iI lain: and )'011 become immUl/e 10 fhal Play on a rival ollhe beginning ofhis a )avo,: However, because yOll actually deduced
rims. Alternately. play this card at (/1/Y time, (IS IOllg as turn. t!li~' illformation rather rhall being sell! if 011
;tlJas,,', yel bee/il/ud agaillSll'iruses, 10 IOli/lly [JllrpOlie, yo/( ca,,'1 caleh a \,ims from Illis/avor.
elimi1ll1/t! Ihe Wonlljrom lire lIe!wurk.
You kno1" all those guy!! who say the)' Fuschia Box Hack t:he Hacker
eXper1rncnt with "irlL~ "'for study purposes only"? The easiest target on tha1 new system was
One or them was telling thf lrulh. You built an unofficial pbone-system . .. your rival's clandestine account. So you
peripheral from a set or instructions hacked tlrat, and round out all kinds or things
Place lhi,f card in from of yOI/ {It (lily time to be
immllllf' 10 one virus (decfar('(J IV/Jell Ihe clIIr! is you found in the back of PIJiend he probably wouldo't have told you.
placed). :\Iremalely, place Ihis card i" [IV'" of rOil Magazine. You have no idea what it
Idle/! handed the Virus carrJ. YOII kup Ilif Virus mrd Play at any rime dl/rillg your iUrn 10 demand
does, but it seems to do it very well. a favO!: Howel'er. because yO/l aCflfally deduced
lUll] lIIay lise iI/mer. and yOlI become iII/millie to Ihat
rims. Allernarel), play Ihis cllnl aI any rime. as 10llg CM I"is informaliOlI rather t!lall being selll if on
it ham'r ret been used agaimf I'irtlse\', ((} tota/l)' Gil'es + J 10 all hacks. purpose, you call 'I catch a virusfrom fhis fal'm:
elilllillOte Ihe lVonnjrolllllJe " ..Mork
Idiot: Sysadmin
The administrator of this system
Mona Lisa Virus
doesn't believe in hackers. He never MaU\le Box You have created a virus, which yOIl can
pass 10 someone else. From then on, anybod)'
cleans house. Never. Multiplexes your outgoing calls to can catch it, including you, if they accept a
give you an extra (free) virtual phone favor from someone who is infected. To find out
Place the "Never CleallS HOllse" chip line. Reach out and hack someone ... what Mona Lisa does to its unlucky victims, see
all this system. It is ollly losl if the system the Virus Table in !he ndebaok.
crashes. (If Ihat happells, the idiOf is alit Gives 1 exIra hack per /Urn. Play this card OIl a rh'll! when )'Oll do him a
of work alld will be replaced by someOlle favor. forced or otlll:tlvise. They gel the rims.
lI'ilh a clue.)
System Upgrade System Upgrade Somehow your whole system
This card may be exchanged at any This card may be exchanged at any accidentally melted down. No
time for an upgrade - your choice - time for an upgrade - your choice- evidence, no bust. (No good if you
from those still available. Some from those still available. Some were caught online, though.)
upgrades require trade-ins. upgrades require trade-ins. Play this card lVhell you ore raided.
You still lose yaur system.
The Wonn
You have loosed tile Worm 011 the Net
Automatically infects target system, which
in~1antly tries to infect each adja(:enl system. As
the creator of the Worm. )'OU gel a + I to hack any
wormy system, for as long as tbe Wonn lasts and
you keep this card in front of you. But until ,.00
gel rid of this card, you are at -110 avoid any bust.
pray rhi.\' cam during your Ilml, on any system
where .1'011 have current {lcee",'s or allY adjacell1
sy.vem. COUlltS M a hack.
Federal Bureau of
If )OU have rool on ,h;s ~'Slfm at
the beginning ofyour 11Im. )'014
may look al all the special cards
held hy an)' one oj)our rim/....
!ieaRtty 13