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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The detection of high consequence pathogens, such as Yersinia pestis, is well established in biodefense
Received 11 July 2013 laboratories for bioterror situations. Laboratory protocols are well established using specified culture
Received in revised form media and a growth temperature of 37 C for expression of specific antigens. Direct detection of Y. pestis
27 November 2013
protein markers, without prior culture, depends on their expression. Unfortunately protein expression
Accepted 2 December 2013
Available online 11 December 2013
can be impacted by the culture medium which cannot be predicted ahead of time. Furthermore, higher
biomass yields are obtained at the optimal growth temperature (i.e. 28 Ce30 C) and therefore are more
likely to be used for bulk production. Analysis of Y. pestis grown on several types of media at 30 C
Yersinia pestis
showed that several protein markers were found to be differentially detected in different media. Analysis
Culture environment of the identified proteins against a comprehensive database provided an additional level of organism
Protein expression identification. Peptides corresponding to variable regions of some proteins could separate large groups of
HPLC strains and aid in organism identification. This work illustrates the need to understand variability of
Tandem mass spectrometry protein expression for detection targets. The potential for relating expression changes of known proteins
to specific media factors, even in nutrient rich and chemically complex culture medium, may provide the
opportunity to draw forensic information from protein profiles.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction samples [5]. BHI is most useful for rapid growth of the organism
while cefsulodin-irgasan novobiocin (CIN) agar has been investi-
Confident identification of the potential bioterrorism agent gated as a semi-selective agar for Yersinia isolation [6]. While
Yersinia pestis is critical for a rapid response to an incident. temperature has been well described for its impact on growth rate
Guidelines for culture of suspected samples to yield colonies for and protein synthesis, the impact of different types of complex
microscopy and identification are provided to member labs of the growth medium and their formulations has not. These factors have
laboratory response network (LRN), to demonstrate morphology an important influence on the expression of diagnostic proteins and
and antigen expression characteristics [1]. In particular the rec- culture-based identification.
ommendations call for culture of any suspected isolate at both 28 C Beyond the diagnostic role of the plasmid-borne capsular F1
and 37 C where the former is in a more optimal growth temper- antigen (CaF1), it is important for virulence [7]. Additional viru-
ature range (between 28 C and 30 C) and the later is needed for lence related proteins have been well-studied for their expression
production of the diagnostic F1 capsule antigen. The F1 capsule has with both temperature and calcium concentration. Many of these
also been the focus of clinical diagnostic assays as well [2]. The proteins are plasmid-borne including the “low calcium respon-
recommendations for culture conditions build on previous data se”(lcr) proteins found on pCD1 that are necessary for virulence and
describing the impact of temperature on growth rate and protein are inhibited in their expression with 2.5 mM Ca and culture at
synthesis [4,3]. Complex growth media such as brain heart infusion 26 C [8]. The induction of these proteins was demonstrated at
(BHI), tryptic soy broth (TSB), nutrient broth (NB), sheep blood agar 37 C by Perry and Fetherston [9]. These proteins include the V
(SBA), and Maconkey agar are recommended for culture of clinical antigen and Yersinia outer membrane proteins (yops) including lcr
proteins D-H, R, V, Q and yops BeF, H, and J-M [9]. The optimal
growth temperature for expression of the V antigen (V) has been
* Corresponding author. described at 37 C [10]. Sub millimolar Ca concentrations and
E-mail address: David.Wunschel@pnnl.gov (D. Wunschel). growth at 37 C are thought to mimic the conditions within the
0890-8508/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
66 D. Wunschel et al. / Molecular and Cellular Probes 28 (2014) 65e72
mammalian host where these protein factors are needed for viru- incubated at 30 for 18 h. Broth cultures were started by inoculating
lence [11,12]. a single colony into 10 mL of appropriate media in a 50 mL glass
In addition to toxins, Fe acquisition and storage has been shown to flask. This starter culture was then sub-cultured 1:100 into 75 mL of
be critical for virulence [13]. Expression of hemin storage proteins the appropriate media in a 250 mL glass flask.
and the siderophore yersiniabactin for acquisition of hemin bound or Two medium recipes were used for organism culture, Brain
free Fe have been identified as specific factors necessary for virulence Heart Infusion (BHI) and Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB). BHI medium was
[9,13]. Loss of the 102 kB pigmentation (pgm) locus coding for these formulated with brain heart extract (17.5 g/L), peptone (10 g/L),
factors has been shown to severely attenuate the organism virulence dextrose (2 g/L), NaCl (5 g/L), and Na2PO4 (2.5 g/L). TSB medium was
[14]. Fe acquisition is an important aspect of bacterial survival in a formulated with tryptone casein digest (15 g/L), soytone protein
variety of environments and so Fe-responsive transcriptional regu- digest (3 g/L), NaCl (5 g/L), and K2HPO4 (2.5 g/L). The BHI and TSB
lators (termed ferric uptake regulators [Fur]) have been found that media were formulated using components purchased separately to
control different mechanisms of Fe acquisition in a variety of path- create “in-house” recipes of each. BHI 1 and BHI 2 were both
ogens [15]. Pieper et al. [16] performed a more extensive study on the formulated using the Heart & Brain Extract of Pork from the Solabia
impact of Fe and temperature on protein expression in Y. pestis. They Group (Pantin, Edex France). BHI1 contained a Bacto Brand Peptone
demonstrated that Fur and RhyB controlled the expression of inde- (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA USA) while BHI 2 was formulated with
pendent sets of proteins involved in Fe acquisition depending on proteose peptone #3 (Global Bioingredients, Tampa FL, USA). The
whether the organism was grown at 26 C or 37 C. No data was TSB 1 recipe was formulated with a tryptone, “pancreatic digest,
presented on protein expression at 28e30 C. peptone from casein” and a soytone, “peptone from soymeal
The pMT1 and pPCP1 plasmids are specific to Y. pestis among the papain-digested for microbiology” both from Merck KGaA,
Yersinia species and contain the CaF1 in addition to Yersinia murine (Darmstadt, Germany). TSB 2 was formulated with the tryptone,
toxin (ymt) and plasminogen activator protease (Pla) virulence “Bacto Tryptone” (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA USA) and soytone,
factors. The impact of metals, alone or in conjunction, with changing “SE 50 M enzymatic digest from soy flour” peptone (DMV Inter-
temperature on the expression of these proteins has not been well national bv. Veghel, Netherlands).
defined. Even for those proteins whose expression has been well Cultures of each media were grown in triplicate at 30 C and
studied under defined conditions, the temperatures used have been duplicate at 26 C or 37 C using a rotator incubator at 210 rpm. Late
intended to simulate the host environment [11]. Furthermore, the Fe log phase cultures were harvested at 11 h at OD600 0.8e1.0, sta-
or Ca concentrations studied have been intended to mimic host tionary phase were harvested at 32 h at OD600 1.4e1.8 and again at
conditions or have a definitive impact on protein expression. While 50 h. Cultures were pelleted by centrifugation at 6000 rcf for 10 min
these studies have been vital to our understanding of the interaction and washed in sterile water. The cell supernatant was collected for
between metals, temperature and protein expression, they do not protein precipitation. Final cell suspensions were enumerated on
reflect growth conditions that are optimal for organism production the appropriate solid media. One mL of the supernatant for each
in rich growth media and therefore are not directly relevant for medium was precipitated in a 1.5 mL tube by trichloroacetate (20%
microbial identification and forensics. final volume) and placing the sample at 20 C overnight. The
Y. pestis specific proteins exist for detection but their expression precipitate was pelleted by centrifugation at 16,000 rcf for 5 min
has not been studied in rich media at growth temperatures optimal and 4 C. The pellet was washed in 3 200 mL of ice-cold acetone
for that organism. Beyond species-level identification, differentia- then resuspended in 100 mL of phosphate buffered saline and 0.01%
tion among the Y. pestis isolates has been proposed through iden- SDS.
tification of outer membrane proteins using a proteomic analysis
[17]. However, strain identification and differentiation depends 2.3. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
on both the presence and sequence variability of the detected
proteins. The presence of essential proteins may be affected by Sterile media samples were prepared for inductively coupled
growth medium, so evaluating the impact of common media is plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A calibration curve for Be, Na,
essential. In addition to identification, the profile of identified Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn,
proteins may provide a means to determine attributes of the Sb, Ba, Tl, and Pb was used for elemental composition determina-
original culture medium as a forensic signature. tion. One half mL of each media sample was digested with 4.5 mL of
To that end, we have investigated two versions of two different two percent concentrated nitric acid prior to sample introduction
culture media recipes formulated with components from different into the ICP-MS Model 7500 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara CA).
sources for cultivation of a Y. pestis strain. The growth character- Each media sample was analyzed in triplicate with mean and
istics and secreted protein profiles were examined in relation to standard deviation reported for biologically relevant elements in
medium recipe. The ability to discern between Y. pestis sequence Fig. 3.
homologues in the database was also investigated.
2.4. Protein separation and digestion
2. Methods and materials
Samples were prepared for separation by 1-D polyacrylamide
2.1. Chemicals and reagents gel electrophoresis (PAGE) by adding 10 mL of precipitate to 1 mL of
NuPAGE reducing agent and 2.5 mL of NuPAGE loading buffer as
The HPLC grade water, urea, acetonitrile, acetone, ammonium recommended by the manufacturer (Invitrogen, Torrance, CA).
bicarbonate, trichloroacetic acid and formic acid were purchased 10 mL of Precision Plus ProteinÔ Standards (BioRad, Hercules, CA)
from Sigma chemical Co (St. Louis MO). Sequencing grade trypsin was loaded into an outside lane for size estimate. The proteins were
was purchased from Promega (Madison WI). separated on a NuPAGE Bis-Tris 4e12% pre-cast polyacrylamide gel.
The gels were run at 200 V for 35 min and stained with SimplyBlue
2.2. Bacterial strain and growth conditions SafeStain (Invitrogen) for 1 h and destained using deionized water
Y. pestis KIM D27 (pgm-) was maintained in glycerol at 80 C Gel bands were excised using an ethanol cleaned razor blade
prior to streaking onto brain heart infusion agar (BHI) plates and and placed into a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube. The gel slices were
D. Wunschel et al. / Molecular and Cellular Probes 28 (2014) 65e72 67
processed for in-gel digestion following Promega’s (Promega Cor- the X!Tandem [18] open source tool against a database comprised
poration, Madison, WI) trypsin protocol (Technical Bulletin for use of the non-redundant proteomes for 36 strains of Yersinia species
of Product V5280 pages 4e5). Proteins were digested in 100 mL of found at the UniProt consortium website (www.uniprot.org). Rep-
4 mg/mL Trypsin Gold in digestion buffer (40 mM NH2HCO3/10% resentatives of 8 Yersinia species were included as follows pestis
acetonitrile) overnight at 37 C. Gel slice extracts were purified (16), Yersinia enterocolitica (7), Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (3), Yer-
using PepCleanÔ C-18 Spin Columns (Thermo Fisher Scientific, sinia intermedia (2), Yersinia bercovieri (2), Yersinia mollaretii (2),
Rockford, IL). Eluted samples were gently dried in a vacuum Yersinia fredriksenii (2) and Yersinia ruckeri (2). Where possible,
evaporator, suspended in 0.1% formic acid, and placed in a vial for protein accession numbers are given for the source strain Y. pestis
liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). KIM D27.
Output from each X!Tandem search was processed directly into
a custom formatted text file compatible with the input re-
2.5. Peptide mass spectrometry and database searching
quirements of the mass spectrometry generating function (MSGF)
provided by Kim et al. [19] using a custom Python script that is
Peptide separation was performed using an Agilent 1200 HPLC
available upon request. Peptide spectrum matches with p-values
system with a 40 cm long 0.15 mm ID fused silica packed with
greater than 1 1010 were excluded from consideration in
Jupiter 5 mm C-18 resin (Phenomenex, Torrence CA). The peptides
accordance with the cutoff suggested by Kim et al. [19] to limit false
were eluted using a gradient separation from 0% to 59% B over
discovery rates to below 0.1%.
60 min where solvent “A” was 5% acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid
in water and “B” 95% acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid in water. The
HPLC flow rate of 2 mL per minute was transferred and ionized into 3. Results and discussion
an LTQ Orbitrap system (Thermo electron, Billercia MA) using a
75 mM ID fused silica electrospray emitter (etched to a narrow tip) The growth characteristics of Y. pestis were investigated in
held at þ2.0 kV. Precursor ions were measured in MS mode with a relation to common culture media BHI and TSB. The organism
mass resolution setting of 30,000 and product ions were measured growth in each of two versions of each medium recipe was
in MS/MS for the top five most intense precursor ions in a data- measured using both optical density and colony counts. The growth
dependent fashion using the LTQ analyzer. Dissociation was per- curves using each method are found in Fig. 1. The replicate cultures
formed using 35% normalized collision energy and the default for each version of each medium recipe showed relative similarity
number of microscans. based on plate counts. The growth curves based on plate counts
Each LC-MS dataset was converted into a mascot general format showed most of the cultures entering stationary phase at 12e15 h.
for greater compatibility with database search tools. This procedure The amount of cell mass was 5 108 cfu/mL for the BHI cultures
was used to minimize low intensity contributions while main- while the TSB cultures were closer to 1 108 cfu/mL. By contrast the
taining pertinent spectral features. Data sets were searched using growth curves generated using the optical density measurements
Fig. 1. The number of organisms per mL estimated from plate counts expressed in cfu/mL (A) and optical density expressed in relative absorbance units at 600 nm (B). Two of
versions each medium with two replicate cultures are represented in each plot.
68 D. Wunschel et al. / Molecular and Cellular Probes 28 (2014) 65e72
those related to pathogenesis, Fe acquisition and those present in medium and less distinct band present in the BHI2 sample at 37 C.
the outer membrane (Table 1). These bands were excised and analyzed by LC-MS-MS following
Four proteins suspected of being involved in Fe metabolism (bfn, trypsin digestion and confirmed to contain the F1 capsule antigen
nfuA, Fur, ftnA) were included. These proteins were represented by with 7e24 unique peptides (data not shown).
lower peptide coverage and did not appear dramatically different
between the media. The ferritin (ftn) appeared only in the BHI 3.1. Protein homology and species or strain differentiation
media, but was only represented by a couple peptides. Likewise a
number of outer membrane proteins were identified from the gel The detection of the Y. pestis especific proteins encoded on
bands (Omp C, A, X, yopN and yop E). In some cases no peptides plasmids, such as pMT1 and pPCP1, are important for detection and
were detected for the cells cultured in either one TSB medium type laboratory diagnostics. The detected proteins may also provide
or another. All appear to be present in the BHI media gel slices. The markers for differentiation among strains based on detectable
proteins thought to be vital for pathogenesis including the F1 amino acid variation. The mass spectrometry analysis allows for the
capsule antigen (CaF1), pH 6 antigen (Psa), attachment invasion identified peptides to be compared across multiple Yersinia pro-
locus (Ail), plasminogen activator/coagulase/fibrinolysin (Pla) and teomes in order to determine their taxonomic uniqueness. To that
pesticin protein (Pst) showed differential expression with medium end a previous report stated that peptides derived from the outer
type. In particular the CaF1 and Psa were represented by a large membrane protein fraction of Y. pestis were “strain-unique” and
number of unique peptides in the BHI media, while they were ab- allowed strain-level identification [17]. Our approach differs from
sent in either TSB medium. In general the TSB1 medium poorly the previous report because we have compared our results to a
produced any of the pathogenesis proteins. The two TSB media broader database of Yersinia species protein sequences and targeted
appeared different for some proteins where Ail and Pst were seen specific proteins as markers to distinguish between strains present
with significantly more peptides in the TSB2 medium but near in the database. In practice we make comparisons at the protein
absent in TSB1. level by searching for the database protein sequences containing
The proteins detected in the culture supernatants at 30 C were the largest number of peptides identified within an experimental
the focus of the media comparison, however the expression of dataset relative to the homologous sequences from other organ-
specific pathogenesis factors have previously been described to isms. These proteins, and therefore their source organisms, are
occur at 37 C and not at temperatures below 32 C. The organism more likely to be the true source of the peptides. In this way, the
was also grown on the same medium at the typically studied likely strain or species can be determined for an unknown sample
growth temperatures 26 C and 37 C to the 24 h and 43 h time using proteomic data and searching for the variable number of
points as the respective stationary phase for each culture medium. “matching” peptides between homologues.
The supernatants were harvested, precipitated and separated by 1- A subset of the proteins used by Jabbour et al. [17] were detected
D PAGE for the cultures. The TSB2 and BHI2 supernatants for the in the culture supernatants and included Omp C (Q0WHI4), CaF1
26 C and 37 C cultures are shown in Fig. 4. Very few of the same (D1U2C7), and Pla (D1U2P5). Additionally the proteins Omp A
bands are observed at 26 C for either medium relative to the 30 C (D1U1B0) and Ail (D1TU90) were proteins identified with high
cultures. A distinct band at 18 kDa was observed for the TSB2 confidence using multiple peptides in at least 3 of the media. These
Table 1
Selected proteins identified across time points in each type of medium at 30 C. The largest gel band the protein was detected in is provided along with the UniProt accession
number and maximum number of unique peptides identified for that protein in each medium recipe across the three time points. The protein groups involved in iron
metabolism, pathogenesis and present in the outer membrane are differentially shaded.
previously described as exclusively expressed at 37 C [23]. That different Yersinia species and to a limited extent different between
does not appear to be strictly true based on results presented here, groups of strains. However the data must be compared against a
although the expression of the proteins at 30 C does appear to be comprehensive sequence database to understand the taxonomic
dependent on the growth medium used. value of individual proteins. A subject of future study is a more
In order to better explore the breadth of protein expression, two comprehensive proteomic analysis of the cellular proteome to
common recipes were formulated with different sources of the examine a larger set of protein markers.
basic constituents. Significant differences appeared in the growth In addition to organism identification, evaluating protein
characteristics depending on both media recipe and formulation. expression based on specific media factors may be useful as a
These differences were reflected in the amount and type of protein forensic tool to aid in determining the type of media used to pro-
observed in the culture supernatant at various time points. A duce a sample. Genetic analysis has been used in the past for
number of gel bands were apparent and five sizes were selected for exquisitely accurate typing of Y. pestis isolates and provides a means
in-depth proteomic analysis. From 98 to 210 proteins, depending on to place isolates on a phylogeographic map [26]. While this type of
medium type, were identified by at least one peptide across the data is a critically important part of microbial forensics, it provides
three time points, temperatures and five gel slices. From these no information on the immediate culture history. Detection and
larger lists of proteins, seventeen proteins were used for compari- identification of peptides derived from the culture media has also
son among the four medium types based on their roles in Fe been demonstrated for Y. pestis cell mass and would be another
metabolism, pathogenesis or outer membrane location. Five of the valuable piece of information to determine the likely type of me-
pathogenesis-related proteins (described below) were found to dium used for culture [27]. However analysis of residual medium
differ in the number of unique peptides observed between medium peptides may not provide any information on additional culture
recipe samples. variables such as time or metal content.
The media was analyzed for differences in metal content in or- Differences in the expression of specific pathogenesis-related
der to investigate specific factors influencing growth and protein proteins was observed in relation to the medium used and illus-
expression. Previous studies had focused on Fe and Ca and so they trates the possible role of tying specific protein expression changes
were among the metals analyzed. The expression of specific pro- to culture variables. Even though the concentration of calcium has
teins, particularly F1 capsule antigen and pH 6 antigens were been well known to impact the expression of virulence related
preferentially expressed in the Fe rich BHI media recipes at 30 C. proteins at 37 C, the concentration of Fe appeared to impact
Some proteins related to Fe metabolism were also detected in BHI expression of CaF1 and Psa at 30 C. Further study is required to
media. The BHI recipes contained relatively higher amounts of Fe firmly establish specific and quantitative relationships between
than the TSB recipes, although the concentration of Fe in any of the expression of known proteins (and pathways) and variables in the
four media was well above the “Fe limited” conditions and below culturing process, such as medium composition. To further expand
the “Fe enriched” media investigated by Pieper et al. [16]. Other on this hypothesis, a quantitative analysis of the cellular proteome
“low Ca response” proteins were represented by peptides detected of Y. pestis KIM D27 cultured on the same medium samples is a
only in the TSB media. Several of the outer membrane proteins subject of future study to relate a larger set of protein markers to
were observed with similar peptide coverage in all four media. the time of culture and concentration of metals in these media
Observation of those proteins is consistent with previous reports recipes.
examining the impact of Ca on protein expression [11].
Three of these proteins, CaF1, Omp C and Pla were also described
previously to be “strain-unique” and therefore useful in specifically Acknowledgments
differentiating Y. pestis CO92 strain from other Y. pestis strains
within a database [17]. CaF1 and Pla provide species-level identi- Funding for this work was provided in part through contract
fication because their plasmid distribution is limited to Y. pestis HSHQPM-10-X-00077/4 to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
strains. Unfortunately, both proteins are highly conserved and a by the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology
BLAST analysis demonstrated that only a few single amino acid Directorate. Battelle Memorial Institute operates Pacific Northwest
substitutions are present in CaF1 that could possibly differentiate National Laboratory for the U.S. DOE under Contract DE-AC06-
between three large groups of strains that have protein homo- 76RLO.
logues present within the UniProt database. This finding corre-
sponds with a study on the DNA recovered from victims of the Black
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