Sound Power Level
Sound Power Level
Sound Power Level
11.1 Fundamentals of Sound ............................................................................................................................................... 239
11.1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 239
11.1.2 Basics of Sound .................................................................................................................................................. 240 Sound Pressure Level and Frequency ............................................................................................. 240 Decibel ................................................................................................................................................. 241 Sound Power Level ............................................................................................................................ 242 Threshold of Hearing ........................................................................................................................ 243 Threshold of Pain ............................................................................................................................... 243 Correction Scales ................................................................................................................................ 243
11.1.3 Measurements ................................................................................................................................................... 244 Overall Sound Level and How to Add dB Values ......................................................................... 246 Atmospheric Attenuation ..... , ........................................................................................................... 248
11.2 Industrial Noise Pollution ........................................................................................................................................... 250
11.2.1 OSHA Requirements ............................................................................................. :.......................................... 251
11.2.2 International Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 251
11.2.3 Noise Sources and Environment Interaction ................................................................................................ 251
11.3 Mechanisms of Industrial Combustion Equipment Noise ..................................................................................... 252
11.3.1 Combustion Roar .............................................................................................................................................. 252
11.3.2 Fan Noise ............................................................................................................................................................ 252
11.3.3 Gas Jet Noise ...................................................................................................................................................... 253 Gas Jet Mixing Noise ......................................................................................................................... 253 Shock-Associated Noise .................................................................................................................... 253
11.3.4 Valve and Piping Noise .................................................................................................................................... 254
11.4 Noise and Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion .............................................................................................................. 255
11.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 255
11.4.2 Example: Noise Spectra from an Oxy-Fuel Burner ...................................................................................... 256
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................................... 257
References ................................................................................................................................................................................ 259
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ ;.......................................... 259
240 Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion
TABLE 11.1 less sensitive to sound at the extremes of low and high
Speed of Sound in Different Media and at Different frequencies and we will discuss this in more detail later
Temperatures in this chapter.
Temperature (OC) Speed of Sound (m/s) The wide range of frequencies in our hearing range
may be conveniently handled by breaking it up into
Air, dry -40 307 octave bands. Each octave band represents a doubling
20 320 in frequency. Table 11.2 shows the 10 octave bands that
0 332 cover the hearing range and the center frequencies
20 344 that can be used to represent each octave band. Each
40 356 octave band extends over seven fundamental musical
Hydrogen 20 1316 notes.
Methane 20 448
Ethylene 20 331
Water 0 1403 Decibel
40 1529
80 1555 The unit of sound level, the decibel, is difficult to visual-
100 1543 ize and warrants some explanation. While it is possible
Steel 20 5180 to quantify sound in units of either power or pressure,
Soft rubber 20 54 neither unit is convenient to use because in practice one
has to deal with sounds that extend over a very large
range of power or pressure values. For example, the
The speed at which a sound wave propagates depends sound power of a whisper is 10-9 W, while the sound
mainly on the type of fluid and the temperature power of a jet plane is 103 W. The range of these two
of the fluid. Table 11.1 gives some examples for the sound sources spans 1012 W. The decibel, a dimension-
speed of sound in different media and at different less unit, was invented in order to represent these large
temperatures. ranges conveniently.
The typical range of human hearing extends from In the 1960s, Bell Laboratories coined the term deci-
20 Hz to 20 kHz. Young children can hear frequencies bel. The "deci" stands for the base 10 log scale on which
slightly higher than 20 kHz but this ability dimin- the decibel is based and the libel" was meant to repre-
ishes with age. This trend of reduced high-frequency sent Bell Labs. See Figure 11.2 for how decibel relates to
sensitivity continues with advancing age. Loss of watts.
hearing in humans in the later stages of life typically In Figure 11.2, the y-axis corresponds to the sound
manifests itself as diminished sensitivity to frequen- power (in watts) and follows a base 10 scale. The x-axis
cies from 10 to 20 kHz. Mechanically, this is due to corresponds to the sound power level in dB (PWL). The
the deterioration of the fine hair cells in the basilar line provides the relationship between the sound power
membrane. and the sound power level; for example, 120 dB is equal
It is important to note that the ear is not equally sen- to a sound power of 1 W. As an illustration of the 10glO
sitive over the entire range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. This relationship, note that 110 dB is equal to one-tenth of
is vital to understanding how noise affects us and how a watt (0.1 W) and 100 dB is equal to a hundredth of a
noise control is implemented. The human ear is much watt (0.01 W).
TABLE 11.2
The 10 Octave Bands
Octave Band (Hz) Center Frequency (Hz)
22-44 31.5
44-88 63
88-177 125
177-355 250
355-710 500
710-1,420 1,000
1,420-2,840 2,000
Lp = sound pressure level (dB)
2,840-5,680 4,000
Lw = sound power level (dB)
5,680-11,360 8,000
P = sound pressure (N/m 2)
11 ,360-22,720 16,000
W = sound power (W)
242 Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion
1 x 10 1
1 x 10°
1 x 10- 1
-- - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- ---
1 x 10-2 V I
1 x 10-3 / I
~.... 1 x 10-4 / I
1 x 10-5 / I
0.. 1 x 10-6 / I
0 1 x 10-7 / I
1 x 10-8
1 x 10-9 / I
1x 10- 10 / I
1 x 1O- 11 / I
1 x 10- 12 / I
Relationship of decibel to watts.
~A ....
total energy-emitting ability of a sound source. In other
words, sound power is a characteristic of the sound
source itself. Sound pressure level, on the other hand, is
used to indicate the intensity of sound received at any \. Noise source with a
point of interest, from one or more sources. The illustra-
tion in Figure 11.3 shows the formula to calculate the
sound pressure level to be expected at a distance r from
r given sound power level
~ (Lwl mdiating outward.
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 11.4 reveals a map of the threshold of hearing
in humans. The y-axis represents the sound pressure
Threshold of hearing and threshold of pain in humans.
level (SPL) in dB and the x-axis represents frequency.
Any SPL that falls below the curve at any given fre-
quency will be inaudible to humans. For example, a representing the threshold of pain is relatively flat. In
sound pressure level of 30 dB at 63 Hz will be inaudi- general, a sound pressure level of over 120 dB at any
ble, whereas a sound pressure level of 70 dB at the same frequency will cause pain. An important observation
63 Hz frequency will be audible. Humans are most that can be derived from the two curves is that if a
sensitive to sounds in the so called "mid-frequencies" sound is audible at very low or very high frequencies,
from 1 to about 5 kHz. This is generally the range of persons subject to this sound are very close to experi-
frequencies of the human voice and many other impor- encing pain.
tant common sounds. Additionally, at a constant level,
sound with a low or very high frequency will not have Correction Scales
the same loudness sensation as that in the medium fre-
quency range. For example, a 100 Hz tone at a sound Sound meters are capable of measuring with equal sen-
pressure level 50 dB is perceived as the same loudness sitivity over the entire audible range. However, because
as a 1000 Hz tone at sound pressure level of 40 dB.3 humans do not hear with equal sensitivity at all fre-
quencies, the sound meter's measurement needs to be
modified to quantify what really affects humans. This Threshold of Pain can be done using a correction curve. The most common
Figure 11.5 shows the threshold of pain superimposed correction is the A-scale correction curve, which resem-
on the threshold of hearing. Fortunately, the curve bles an idealized inverse of the threshold of hearing
curve (refer to Figure 11.6). An A-weighted sound level
P3' 90 \\ I P3' 60~--------------------------------------1
70 \ I ~
~ 40+---~----------------------------------1
~ 50 ' " Human threshold of hearing I ~
~, I
~ 20+---------~~---+----------------------1
0... 30 / trJ
:::s 10
~~ ) ~
Vl o
-30 -40
o 0 0 0 000 o lI'l
lI'l 0 0 0 000 o r-I N lI'l 0 0 0 0 0
N lI'l 0 0 000 o Cf'l
r-I~ 01 '1'~ 00 v5 c5 ,.....i 01 ~ 00 v5
r-I N r-I
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz) ence of low-frequency sounds, one finds that the B- and
C-scales do not apply adequate correction in the lower
frequencies. Finally, the D-scale is different from the oth-
A-weighted burner noise curve.
ers in that it has a pronounced correction in the range of
2-5 kHz. The D-scale was devised for the aircraft indus-
try and is rarely used otherwise.
Block diagram of a sound level meter.
Noise 245
Noise meters range from the simplest-microphone intervals and make a measurement at each interval.
and needle gauge-to sophisticated digital signal Typically, instruments are capable of
processing (DSP)-equipped analyzers. The more sophis-
ticated analyzers are equipped with fast Fourier 1. Octave band measurements
transform (FFT) capabilities that aid in accurate nar- 2. One-third octave band measurements
rowband analysis. In general spectrum analyzers 3. Narrowband measurements
allow the user to map the sound pressure level at dif-
ferent frequencies, or in other words, generate a curve Table 11.3 shows the usual octave and one-third octave
of the sound over different frequencies. However, bands. As the name suggests, a one-third octave band
there is a significant difference between instru- instrument makes three measurements in each octave
ments that make one measurement per octave band as opposed to the single measurement of the octave
and those that slice the octave band up into several band instrument. A narrowband instrument, on the
TABLE 11.3
Octave and One-Third Octave Bands
Octave One-Third Octave
other hand, uses digital signal processing (DSP) to or one-third octave band filter sets are that less time is
implement fast Fourier transform analysis (FFT), and needed to obtain data and the instrumentation required
in the current state of the art, FFT analysis allows the to measure the data is less expensive.
analyzed frequency range to be sliced up into a large When making sound measurements, several factors
number of smaller intervals, limited in number only regarding the nature of the source should be consid-
by the measured time interval's length and the avail- ered. For example, whether the source is a true point
able computer power. source in space (sound radiating spherically), whether
Figure 11.10 provides a comparison of the same the source is located close to a flat surface (sound radiat-
sound spectrum as analyzed using three different fre- ing hemispherical) or between two flat surfaces (sound
quency band intervals: octave band, one-third octave radiating a quarter of a sphere) will make a difference in
band, and narrow band. This comparison shows that how the measurement needs to be performed. However,
the additional resolution provided by narrower band a detailed discussion of measurement issues is beyond
methods can be of vital importance. In this example, the scope of this chapter and the reader may use some of
the level at 1 kHz, as recorded by the octave band the more comprehensive works in the list of references
instrument, is 90 dB; on the one-third octave instru- at the end of this chapter.
ment it is 85 dB and on the narrowband instrument it
is 70 dB. The lower resolution measurements produce Overall Sound Level and How to Add dB Values
higher values due to the spillover influence of the
nearby peak at 1.8 kHz. In addition, in implementing As mentionedr most sounds are composites of several
noise control for this source, it is very valuable to know different levels at different frequencies. This is espe-
that it is the narrow peak at 1.8 kHz that is driving the cially true of industrial noise. Referring back to Figure
maximum noise. This knowledge helps to zero in on 11.7 (a typical burner noise curve), it can be seen there
the source. are significantly higher in two frequency zones, both of
However, as with many things, there is a cost asso- which will contribute to the apparent intensity experi-
ciated with high performance. For most applications, enced by a person working in the vicinity of the burner.
a one-third octave analysis is usually adequate. The It is difficult to describe this sound without using either
advantages of making broad band analyses using octave a diagram like the one shown or a table listing various
100r- 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
10 100 1k 10k
FIGURE 11.10
Same sound spectrum on three different intervals. (a) Octave-band spectruml (b) third-octave band spectruml and (c) narrow-band spectrum.
Noise 247
sound pressure levels occurring in the different octave To demonstrate how to use this equation, consider the
bands. The "overall sound level," a single number, has following example:
been devised to represent such composite sound curves
conveniently. If a single number is to be used to repre- Example
sent the whole curve, then it is not practical to use the
average of the various levels in the octave bands, since Add the following sound pressure levels together:
this number would be less than the levels at the peaks 88, 92, and 86 dB
and the peaks have the most influence on the listener.
Therefore, one must not confuse the average with the Ltotal( dB) = 10log lO (100.1X88 + 100.1X92 + 100.1X86) = 94.17 dB
overall sound level.
The overall sound level is calculated by adding the Some simple rules of thumb can be used to perform
individual levels in the various octave bands. In col- quick estimates. They are as follows:
umns 1 and 2 of Table 11.4, the burner sound curve
has been split up into its component levels in each 1. When adding dB values that are of equal mag-
octave band. In column 3, the A-weighted correction nitude or that differ by I, the sum is 3 dB added
has similarly been split up and listed. Column 4 gives to the greater number.
the A-corrected values for the sound curve by simply 2. When the two values are different by 2 or
subtracting column 3 from column 2. Now, the values 3 dB, then the sum is 2 dB added to the greater
in column 4 must be added to obtain the A-weighted number.
overall sound level.
3. When adding two values that differ by 4-9 dB,
Since the decibel is based on a loglo scale, simple addi-
then the sum is 1 dB added to the greater
tion cannot be used. For example, if two values of equal
magnitude are added, say 100 dB and 100 dB, the result
is 103 dB. The formula used to add sound pressure levels 4. For values that differ by 10 dB or more, the sum
is as follows: is just the larger number.
5. Always start with the smallest number in the
list and add it to the next larger number.
TABLE 11.5
Addition Rules
What Is the Overall dBA Level?
Frequency (Hz) SPLdB CFdB SPLdBA
31.5 72 -39 33
63 75 -26 49 ~49
125 79 -16 63 ~~ 63
250 79 -9 70 ~ ~ 71
500 72 -3 69
~ ~73
1,000 69 0 69 ~ ~75
2,000 68 1 69 ~ ~ 76
4,000 78 1 79 ~ ~ 80
8,000 83 -1 82
~ ~ 84
16,000 80 -7 73
~ ~ 85
in value and one or more that are 10 dB greater, such as two levels can be found in the upper part of the nomo-
in a list that contains six values of 90 dB and one value gram. For example, add the following pressure levels:
of 100 dB. If we begin to add from the 100 dB value we 90 + 90 dB. The difference between these two values is
will arrive at a wrong result. It should be noted that the zero. Locating zero on the lower scale of the nomogram,
rules provided are approximations. For exact calcula- one finds a value of 3 directly above it; therefore, 90 dB +
tions, the formulas should be used. 90 dB = 93 dB.
Table 11.5 shows the effect of applying the addi-
tion rules to the values generated by breaking up the
burner noise curve. At the end of the addition list, 1 dB Atmospheric Attenuation
has been added to compensate for any errors due to When a sound wave travels through still air, it is absorbed
approximation. or attenuated by the atmosphere. Over a couple of hun-
As an alternative to using the previous rules of thumb dred feet, the atmosphere does not significantly attenuate
for level addition, the nomogram in Figure 11.11 can be the sound, however; over a few thousand feet, the sound
used to determine the sum of the two levels Ll and L 2: level can be substantially reduced. The amount of sound
For a certain difference between the two levels Ll and that is attenuated in still air largely depends on the atmo-
L2 in the lower scale of the nomogram, the correspond- spheric temperature and relative humidity. Figure 11.12
ing level increase I1L to be added to the higher one of the depicts the atmospheric attenuation for aircraft-to-
ground propagation in sound pressure level per 1000 ft
f..L----+ (300 m) distance for center frequencies of 500, 1000,2000,
4000, and 8000 Hz. Notice that the atmospheric attenua-
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
tion is larger at higher frequencies than at lower frequen-
cies. For example, suppose that we are 1000 ft (300 m)
away from a noise source and that the atmospheric tem-
perature and relative humidity is 80°F (27°C) and 10%,
20 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o respectively. The plots in Figure 11.12 show that the atmo-
spheric attenuation for 500 Hz is approximately 2 dB
+ - - - - L1-L2
whereas for 8000 Hz the attenuation is 55 dB.
FIGURE 11.11 Atmospheric attenuation, outdoors, can also be
Nomogram for level addition. affected by turbulence, fog, rain, and snow. Typically, the
Noise 249
Temperature (0C)
-10 o 10 20 30 40
- 40
355/710 Hz, fourth octave band, GMF 500 Hz S
- 20 0
o ,.,.,~ ....
0 "d
<:t: Relative _
humidity, %
,..., 10
;:q 710/1400 Hz, fifth octave band, GMF 1000 Hz --,-- 10
-- '-.-----'*
,.-....................-I_'. . . 'M#'
. .....,.-...,
'"0 I 1"--,,- --20 20
ci ?~
o ..........
., ~~m 30 0
.~ ~ ". .;';. 0
c:: o ~
50 0 ;:q
-~~-**~ 70
.~ 20 90
..... 60
...c::: 1400/2800 Hz, sixth octave band, GMF 2000 Hz
---•. -.,,,---~,
S / - 40 S
~ 10 ·/7
7 ~ I"~"-' •..."
~ ~ r-....._,,-..- '--- "'.'''.." ,...,
~ ~
i' ..........
-----r- - ;:q
20 "d
: / ~ ~." ["
V I---
:~ _/--~-
o 0
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(a) Temperature (OF)
Temperature ("C)
-10 0 10 20 30 40
2800/5600 Hz
<:t: 30 seventh octave band 100
0 GMF 4000 Hz Relative
;:q humidity, (%) 80
ci 10
.g 20 --20 S
ro 0
::l 30 60 0
<l) --50 ,...,
~ 70 ;:q
.~ --90 40
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(b) Temperature (OF)
FIGURE 11.12
Atmospheric attenuation (a) 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz, (b) 4000 Hz. (From Beranek, L.L., Noise and Vibration Control, McGraw-Hill, Cambridge,
250 Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion
Temperature (0C)
-10 o 10 20 30 40
III I I I /"Nl.
~ 5,600/11,200 Hz
eighth octave band -t
I 1\\ _ 160
t----r-- GMF 8,000 Hz /" I'- / \ Relative- 140
g 40 L __ L/ 'A \ -
o 1.------+---r~I- humidity-
(%) _
o / / '\ '--20
'.::lg 100 S
ilK"\ i/l\ '"
i2~ ·'l\"'~~' ;~
s:: 0
r- " _ 0
80 '"0
~0.. 20
'"o 1/// ~~~~ ~ 60
more turbulence present in the air, the more the sound TABLE 11.6
is attenuated. There appears to be conflicting evidence Sound Levels of Various Sources
as to whether or not fog attenuates sound. It is recom-
Threshold of hearing 0 dBA
mended that no excess attenuation be assigned to fog or
Rustle of leaves 10 dBA
light precipitation.
Normal conversation (at 1 m) 30 dBA
Minimum level in Chicago at night 40dBA
City street, very busy traffic 70dBA
Noisiest spot at Niagara Falls 85dBA
Threshold of pain 120 dBA
11.2 Industrial Noise Pollution Jet engine (at a distance of 50 m) 130 dBA
Rocket (at a distance of 50 m) 200 dBA
Thus far, sound has been discussed. So what is noise? An all-
encompassing definition would be that noise is any unde-
sirable sound. By saying this, the concept is introduced that 87-88 dBA in the aromatic and paraffin facilities and
what is considered to be noise is somewhat relative, and 89 dBA in alkylation facilities. In comparison, work-
depends on several temporal and circUmstantial factors. ers in the warehouse, health clinics, laboratories, and
For example, it is not unusual for a person to encoun- offices were generally found to be exposed to much
ter sound pressure levels of 100-110 dB at a sporting lower levels.
event, in a stadium full of cheering fans, and yet not be Noise can damage hearing, and can cause physi-
perturbed by it. On the contrary, the barely 45 dB sound calor mental stress (increased pulse rate, high blood
of a dripping faucet may cause considerable annoyance pressure, nervousness, sleep disorders, lack of concen-
in the quiet of the night. Table 11.6 gives some examples tration, and irritability). Irreparable damage can be
of noise levels. caused by single transient sound events with peak lev-
Industrial noise pollution is a major concern for soci- els exceeding 140 dBA (e.g., shots or explosions). Long-
ety as a whole. In a recent survey, the effects of exposure duration exposure to noise exceeding 85 dBA can lead
to noise in refinery workers were studied extensively. to short-term reversible hearing impairment and long-
A cross section of workers in different divisions/units term exposure to levels higher than 85 dBA can cause
was chosen. It was found that noise levels averaged permanent hearing loss.
Noise 251
TABLE 11.7
OSHA Permissible Noise Exposure
Sound Pressure Level, dBA
Duration per Day (h) (Slow Response)
8.0 90
6.0 92
4.0 95
3.0 97
2.0 100
1.5 102
1.0 105
0.5 110
0.25 or less 115
FIGURE 11.13 Note: Exposure to impulsive or impact noise should
Typical ear plugs and muffs. not exceed 140 dBA.
Shock waves
Nozzle exit
FIGURE 11.17
Photograph showing shock waves downstream of an air jet. (Photograph by Wes Bussman.)
of the nozzle as shown in Figure 11.17. The critical 11.3.4 Valve and Piping Noise
pressure of a gas jet typically occurs at a pressure of
When a gas flowing steadily in a pipe encounters a
12-15 psig (0.8-1 barg), depending on the gas composi-
valve, a change in the flow pattern and pressure will
tion and temperature. These shock cells consist of com-
occur that can create turbulence and shock waves down-
pression and expansion waves that repeatedly compress
stream of the valve. Typically, when valves are partially
and expand the gas as it moves downstream. Using
closed, creating a reduction in flow area, the small flow
Schlieren photography, several investigators have seen
passage behaves much like an orifice and produces jet
as many as seven shock cells downstream of a nozzle.
noise. As discussed previously, turbulence and shock
These shock cells are responsible for creating two addi-
waves create mixing noise and shock-associated noise.
tional components of gas jet noise: screech tones and
This noise can radiate downstream through the pipe
broadband shock-associated noise.
and exhaust into the environment at an outlet and/or
Screech tones are distinct narrowband frequency
radiate through the pipe wall not only into the space
sound that can be described as a "whistle" or "screech."
near the valve itself but also at relatively large distances
The literature reports that these tones are emitted from
from the valve. Usually, butterfly valves and ball valves
the fourth and fifth shock cells downstream of the noz-
are noisier than globe valves. Butterfly valves and ball
zle exit as shown in Figure 11.18.6
valves typically have a smaller vena contracta than a
The sound waves from these shock cells propagate
globe valve operating at the same pressure drop, which
upstream, where they interact with the shear layer at
results in higher levels of mixing and shock-associated
the nozzle exit. This interaction then creates oscillat-
noise. As a general guideline when the pressure ratio
ing instability waves within the gas jet. When these
across a valve is less than approximately three, the mix-
instability waves propagate downstream they interfere
ing noise and shock-associated noise are within about
with the fourth and fifth shock cells, causing them to
the same order of magnitude. However, for pressure
emit the screech tones. Screech tone noise is not highly
ratios greater than three, shock noise usually dominates
directional (monopole noise source), unlike gas jet mix-
mixing noise?
ing noise.
Valve and piping noise abatements include sound-
Broadband shock-associated noise occurs when
absorptive wrapping of the pipes and valve cas-
the turbulent eddies within the gas jet pass through
ings, installation of silencers between the valves and
shock waves. The shock waves appear to suddenly
the connecting pipes, and the use of low-noise valve
distort the turbulent eddies, which create a noise
designs with multiple pressure stages. Acoustical pipe
that can range over several octave bands. The broad-
lagging is similar to thermal pipe insulation. However,
band, shock-associated peak frequency noise typically
whereas acoustical pipe lagging also provides excel-
occurs at a higher frequency than the screech tone
lent thermal insulation, many thermal insulations
peak frequency.
Noise 255
Nozzle exit
Shock associated
~ noise spectrum
Mixing noise
Noise frequency
FIGURE 11.18
Screech tone emissions.
provide only poor noise control. Rigid insulations for noisy (e.g., in steel mills) so that emissions from the
cold service (such as foam glass installed on smaller- burners are not among the primary contributions to
diameter pipes) can actually aggravate the noise situ- the overall noise level.
ation by conducting the noise to the outer surface. The noise emissions from GEe systems strongly
Although acoustical energy radiated per unit area of depend on the burner design in question and the
insulated and jacketed pipe is less than for the same combustion characteristics. As the range of possible
noninsulated pipe, the surface area of an insulated and operational modes of GEe burners is far wider than
jacketed pipe is greater. The product of these two fac- for normal fuel-air burners, so is the range of noise
tors can cause larger-diameter jacketed pipes to radiate emissions that can be observed with GEe burners. For
more noise than bare pipes. 8 example, a variation in the generated noise of more
than 60 dB has been observed for the same GEe burner,
depending on fired duty, fuel-oxygen ratio and mixing
rate. Some exemplary values for the A-weighted sound
power level radiated into the firebox from different
GEe burners are as follows:
11.4 Noise and Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion
• Burner design duty 6 MW: 63 dBA (fired duty
11.4.1 General 0.5 MW), >115dBA (fired duty 3.0 MW)
To date, the noise generation mechanisms specific to • Burner design duty 1.3 MW: 61 dBA (mini-
oxygen-enhanced combustion (GEe) are still not well mum load), 98-108 dBA (nominal load), 118 dBA
understood and there seems to be only little research (overfired)
dedicated to characterization and prediction of their • Burner design duty 3.5 MW: 110 MW (nominal
noise emissions. A possible reason is that GEe burner load), > 125dBA (maximum load)
systems are usually tightly enclosed, which provides
some reduction of the sound transmission from inside For the reasons outlined earlier, it is not possible to pre-
the burner/firebox to the outside. Another reason may dict the noise emissions of GEe burners by simple cor-
be that, in many practical applications, GEe burners relations. Following is a summary of the most important
are operated in environments that are generally very qualitative conclusions that can be drawn from reports
256 Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion
For an optimal combustion, various parameters of the at a constant heat release rate of 10 mmBtu/h (2930 kW)
burner need to be adapted and set correctly, which is with varying concentrations of oxygen.9- 12 The low-
not always possible for combustion with air and with frequency noise is attributed to combustion noise and
oxygen alike in the same burner. Therefore, the noise resides in the frequency range less than approximately
emissions of an GEe system burning the same rate of 1000 Hz. The high-frequency noise is attributed to the
fuel with air or with oxygen are not always comparable gas jet noise and resides in the frequency range greater
as the combustion characteristics may not be optimal in than approximately 1000 Hz. Although the burner heat
both modes of operation. release rate is constant for all cases, notice that as the
An advantage of GEe as compared to combustion in oxygen flow rate increases, the combustion noise also
air is that it is easier to obtain a stable flame in a wider increases; this increase is attributed to higher turbulent
range of operating conditions: This can lead to reduced intensity of the oxidant-fuel mixture. That is, more tur-
noise generation and provides more flexibility when bulence causes the oxidant-fuel mixture to burn more
the system parameters need to be varied in order to rapidly, resulting in more combustion noise. The data
avoid self-excited combustion oscillations, which usu- also show that increasing the flow rate of oxygen also
ally occur at very specific parameter settings only. Last increases the gas jet noise. Notice that as the flow rate
but not least, in terms of acoustics, care also needs to of oxygen increases, the peak value of the gas jet noise
be taken in the design of the fuel and oxygen supply shifts slightly to higher frequencies; this peak frequency
systems of GEe burners: High flow· speeds and control is primarily a function of the gas jet velocity and gas
valves with high-pressure drops may create consider- port diameter. An increase in the gas jet velocity or a
able noise outside of the actual burner and, thus, make decrease in the port diameter results in a shift to higher
a noticeable contribution to the sound pressure levels frequencies.
received in the vicinity. Figure 11.21 is a plot showing the noise spectra from
a diffusion style, oxy-fuel burner firing natural gas at
various heat releases with a constant flow rate of oxy-
11.4.2 Example: Noise Spectra from
gen (2 volumes of oxygen per volume of fuel). Again,
an Oxy-Fuel Burner
the low-frequency noise is attributed to combustion
The noise emitted from an oxy-fuel burner (Figure 11.19) noise and resides in the frequency range less than
is predominantly gas jet noise and combustion roar. For approximately 1000 Hz and the high-frequency noise
example, Figure 11.20 is a plot showing the noise spectra is attributed to the gas jet noise and resides in the fre-
from a diffusion style, oxy-fuel burner firing natural gas quency range greater than approximately 1000 Hz.
Noise 257
Region of Region of
combustion noise gas jet noise
~ __~A ~ ____~~~______~
r V ,
Volume O 2
a:l 2
Volume NG
80 Burner heat release = 10 mmBtu/h
O 2 =Oxygen
NG = Natural gas
FIGURE 11.20
Noise spectra from an oxy-fuel burner firing at a constant burner heat release. (Adapted from Song, X.-R., Experimental study of combustion
noise generated by oxygen-fuel burners, 12th National Conference on Noise Engineering, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 97-102, 1993.)
~ 15 mmBtu/h
<l.l \
......... "'"
Z 70 \
Volume02 = 2
1 mmBtu/h
Natural gas
10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Frequency (Hz)
FIGURE 11.21
Noise spectra from an oxy-fuel burner firing at various burner heat release. (Adapted from Song, x.-R., Experimental study of combustion
noise generated by oxygen-fuel burners, 12th National Conference on Noise Engineering, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 97-102, 1993.)
acoustical absorbent to a unit area of perfectly N ear field: That part of a sound field, usually within
absorptive material. about two wavelengths of a noise source, where
Acoustics: Science of the production, controt transmis- there is no simple relationship between sound
sion, reception, and effects of sound and of the level and distance.
phenomenon of hearing. Noise emission level: dBA level measured at a specified
Ambient noise: All-pervasive noise associated with a distance and direction from a noise source, in
given environment. an open environment, above a specified type of
Anechoic room: A room whose boundaries effectively surface; generally follows the recommendation
absorb all incident sound over the frequency of a national or industry standard.
range of interest, thereby creating essentially Noise reduction coefficient (NRC): Arithmetic average
free field conditions. of the sound absorption coefficients of a mate-
Audibility threshold: Sound pressure levet for a speci- rial at 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz.
fied frequency, at which humans with normal Phon: Loudness level of a sound, numerically equal
hearing begin to respond. to the sound pressure level of a 1 kHz free
Background noise: Ambient noise level above which progressive wave, which is judged by reliable
signals must be presented or noise sources listeners to be as loud as the unknown sound.
measured. Pink noise: Broadband noise whose energy content is
Decibel scale: Linear numbering scale used to define a inversely proportional to frequency (-3 dB per
logarithmic amplitude scale, thereby compress- octave or -10 dB per decade).
ing a wide range of amplitude values to a small Power spectrum level: Level of the power in a band 1 Hz
set of numbers. wide referred to a given reference power.
Diffraction: Scattering of radiation at an object smaller Reverberation: Persistence of sound in an enclosure after
than one wavelength and the subsequent inter- a sound source has been stopped. Reverberation
ference of the scattered wavefronts. time is the time (in seconds) required for sound
Diffuse field: Sound field in which the sound pressure pressure at a specific frequency to decay 60 dB
level is the same everywhere, and the flow of after a sound source is stopped.
energy is equally probable in all directions. Root mean square (RMS): The square root of the arith-
Diffuse sound: Sound that is completely random in metic average of a set of squared instantaneous
phase; sound that appears to have no single values.
source. Sabine: Measure of sound absorption of a surface. One
Directivity factor: Ratio of the mean-square pressure metric sabine is equivalent to 1 m 2 of perfectly
(or intensity) on the axis of a transducer at a absorptive surface.
certain distance to the mean-square pressure Sound: Energy transmitted by pressure waves in air
(or intensity) that a spherical source radiating or other materials, which is the objective cause
the same power would produce at that point. of the sensation of hearing: commonly called
Far field: Distribution of acoustic energy at a much greater noise if it is unwanted.
distance from a source than the linear dimensions Sound intensity: Rate of sound energy transmission
of the source itself. See also diffraction. per unit area in a specified direction.
Free field: An environment in which there are no reflec- Sound level: Level of sound measured with a sound level
tive surfaces within the frequency region of meter and one of its weighting networks. When
interest. A-weighting is used, the sound level is given in dBA.
Hearing loss: An increase in the threshold of audibil- Sound level meter: An electronic instrument for mea-
ity due to disease, injury, age, or exposure to suring the RMS of sound in accordance with an
intense noise. accepted national or international standard.
Hertz (Hz): Unit of frequency measurement, represent- Sound power: Total sound energy radiated by a source
ing cycles per second. per unit time.
Infrasound: Sound at frequencies below the audible Sound power level: Fundamental measure of sound
range, that is, below about 16 Hz. power, defined as:
Isolation: Resistance to the transmission of sound by P
materials and structures. Lw = 10log-dB
Loudness: Subjective impression of the intensity of a
sound. where
Masking: Process by which the threshold of audibil- P is the RMS value of sound power in units
ity of one sound is raised by the presence of of watts
another (masking) sound. Pais 1 pW
Noise 259
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Fairmont Press, Atlanta, GA, 1974.
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5. L.L. Beranek and LL. Ve'r, Noise and Vibration Control
Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 1992.
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Lp = 20log - dB
Po generation of axisymmetric mode jet screech tones, AIAA
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bution in space that is the result of interference Ferrous and Mining, Germany, 2011.
of progressive waves of the same frequency and 12. J. von Scheele, Private communication, BOC India
kind; characterized by the existence of maximum Limited-A Member of The Linde Group, India, 2011.
and minimum amplitudes that are fixed in space.
Thermoacoustic efficiency: A value used to character-
ize the amount of combustion noise emitted
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