SW3 - Final Exam

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Test I.

1. Human as Bio-psycho-social well-being refers to the physical, mental, social, interpersonal

and spiritual well-being of a person. It connotes the varied aspects of a person in assessing the
development of his social well-being.
2. Social Environment is the interaction of people and various institution. It involved varied
beliefs, political views and cultural diversities. In entails that the environment can affect and
influence the behavior of individuals in the society.
3. Social Functioning is the interaction between individuals’ coping capacities and the demands
of the situation or environment. It shows the correlation of the afore-mentioned concepts.
4. Person-in-situation/environment is the process of assessing a certain problem through the
presentation of an individual’s culture, belief and political belief and the surrounding
circumstances. You work your roles example in the family.
5. Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that forms an individual’s
distinctive character. It makes a person uniquely different from one another.
6. Filipino Psychology is defined as the psychology rooted on the experience, ideas and culture
orientation of the Filipinos. It is the basis in the study of distinct Filipino behaviors.
Test II.
1. Carl Rogers believed that every person has the tendency and capacity to strive for self-
* Being the proponent of the Humanistic Theory, he discussed the importance of self-
actualization in shaping the human personality. If the person is fully functioning, he/she is
capable to experience both positive and negative emotions, trust feelings and decision-making
2. Paslov classical conditioning emphasizes the importance of learning from the environment. It
means environment shapes one’s behavior.
* A person learns that behavior from personal factors to environmental factors affect the process
of learning especially the behavior of a person in relation to other people. It points out the
established concept that one’s behavioral characteristic or development is greatly influenced by
the varied environmental factors surrounding him/her.
3. The operant conditioning of BF Skinner states that change in behavior occurs as individual
responds to event in the environment and the behavior that is positively reinforced will most
likely to occur.
* Before we understand learning, we need to absorb the concepts of punishment and
reinforcement. This refers to the increase or decrease of the likelihood of behavior. Due to said
occurrence, the behavior of the person would most likely be positively strengthened.
4. Piaget agreed that intelligence is not a fixed trait, and regarded cognitive development as a
process which occurs due to the influence of the nature (genetic) and the nature (environment).
* This theorist believed that people actively construct their knowledge of the world based on the
interactions between their ideas and experiences. The development of said knowledge is greatly
anchored on how each and every individual assess and evaluate the learnings they had gained.
5. Albert Bandura theorized that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and
* A person learns additional kinds of behavior instead of mainly considering the genetic factors,
personal factors and environmental factors. He further learns that certain kinds of behavior are
learned through association with other people and observing their techniques, motivations and
6. According to Maslow, growth stems from a desire to grow as a person and not because of lack
of something (personal or environmental deficiency)
* Every person has the passion to achieve any aspect of his life. If one aims at something like an
ambition, he strives hard in order to attain said goal. The achievement of such personal goals
would most likely provide for his daily basic needs.
7. In his behaviorism theory, Watson put the emphasis on external behavior of people and their
reactions on given situation rather than internal, mental, state of those people.
* This theorist believed that the development of a person’s behavior is not just anchored on his
genetics. He strongly believed that if a child had a good environment and was surrounded by
good people, said circumstances would have a positive effect on the development of the child.
The presence of these external factors greatly affects the person’s behavior.
8. According to Erick Erickson, ego is largely shape by society. From adolescence, struggle
takes in the form of an identity crisis a turning point in one’s life that may either strengthen or
weaken personality.
* He believed that the development of a person presents a situation wherein a major decision-
making is required. This situation or the period of adolescence is the stage wherein one explores
his/her independence and develops a sense of himself/herself. It is also in this stage that a
conflict in one’s developing personality occurs. Successfully completing this stage leads to a
strong sense of self that will remain throughout one’s life.
9. Just like Freud, Jung believed that a person’s childhood experience determined future
behavior, added to he also believes that human is shaped his/her future (aspirations in life) too.
* This theorist believes that the nature of one’s experience would be a great factor determining
one’s current situation as well as the upcoming future. The existence of positive memories which
would encourage a person to strive harder has an equal counter-part, the occurrence of traumatic
experiences. He further believes that a childhood experience which is better, good and accurate
would produce a better person with strong relationship to the people in the society.
Test III.
1. In the Philippines, husband is expected to provide the needs of the family and the wife to take
care of the children. How do you think this culture affects Filipino personality/behavior?
* Due to this behavior, the patriarchal society in the Philippines was observed for the past years.
This produced the scenario wherein there is an issue as to the equality of the capacity and ability
of the husband and the wife in determining who possesses the right to work for the family in
order to provide their basic needs. Consequently, this degraded the abilities or potential of a
woman to do things in comparison to what men can do.
2. Philippines had been enslaved by Western and other Asian countries many years ago.
Enumerate and discuss their contribution that are still visible nowadays and its influence on
Social Worker practice in various fields.
* Controlled Emotional Involvement - A social worker must learn to control his/her emotions
in order to come up with a much better assessment and evaluation.
* Self-Determination - The process by which a person controls his/her own life.
* Individualization - To adopt the needs or special circumstances of an individual in achieving
his/her goal.
* Cooperation – The act of supporting a certain concept which would result to a better outcome.
* Obedience – The ability of considering the things that need to be followed in order to avoid
chaos and attain harmony.
3. As you observed, how Filipino personality connected to their social functioning? Explain its
positive/negative effect in the coping ability of the people.
* The Filipino personality is connected to their social functioning through the method on how his
neighbors are being treated and accepted especially in the manifestation of the hospitable nature
of the Filipinos. The positive effect would be shown in scenarios wherein there is a consensual
effort to resolve certain problem. On the contrary, a negative effect is manifested when
boundaries are not anymore meet and the detrimental effect of abuse sinks in.
4. Three levels of moral reasoning by Kohlberg.
* Pre-Conventional - Morality is not yet adopted since the children obey their parents and
accept the punishment being imposed.
* Conventional – Involves children ages 10-13 years old. This stage explains the development
of social norms and adult roles in the maintenance of social order and personal relationship.
* Post-Conventional – The period of adolescence to adulthood wherein a person develops his
own interests and principles.
5. Eight stages of development by Erick Erickson.
* Stage I “Trust vs. Mistrust” - In this stage, the care of infant requires to be consistent and
reliable in order to develop a sense of trust. Any form of mistrust learning to protect ourselves
has been inconsistent and unreliable.
* Stage II Early Childhood “Anatomy vs. Shame and Doubt” - In this stage, the children are
encouraged and supported by their parents and as a result, they become more confident and
* Stage III Play Age “Initiative vs. Guilt” - Children begin to explore their environment and
exert more control over their choices in order to develop a sense of purpose.
* Stage IV School Age “Industry vs. Inferiority” – The stage wherein there is a need to teach a
healthy competition especially in learning how to work and play as an entrance to life.
* Stage V Adolescence Stage “Identity vs. Role Confusion” – The stage which if not
completed would left the person so confused in determining his role in society as well as his
place in life.
* Stage VI Young Adulthood “Intimacy vs. Isolation” - The stage that focuses on forming
intimate and loving relationship with other people.
* Stage VII Adulthood “Generativity vs. Stagnation” – In this stage, people experience a need
to create or nurture things that will outlast them.
* Stage VIII Old Age “Ego Integrity vs. Despair” – In this stage, people become senior
citizens. Success in this stage will lead to closure and completeness. Furthermore, people also
accept death without fear.
6. Defense Mechanism by Sigmund/Ana Freud.
* Repression – A mental process to avoid conscious conflict wherein one hides his/her
* Displacement - One redirects his/her feelings to produce a lesser effect.
* Rationalization – One makes reasons to justify unreasonable reasons.
* Denial - One denies accepting the reality of a situation.
* Regression - One tends to revert back to a previous activity.
* Reaction Formation – One shows an action which is opposite to his/her real feelings.
* Projection – One usually states that the other person is stupid.

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