The Problem and Its Scope Rationale

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Humans are not the only ones that exist in the planet. There are other creatures

other than humans that thrive in the planet, these include plants and animals. With this

idea in mind, the existence of humans is in connection with the existence of these other

creatures, in other words, they coexist. This thought brought forth the seeking of

humans of animal company. Even though some animals are not really under the

company of humans, humans are still reminded that all animals are to be protected from

any harm since they live with us under the same ecosystem. This attempt to protect

these animals gave rise to what we call animals rights.

Animal rights break the boundary created by the differences between humans

and animals. This means that humans are not that different in terms of value and

importance because animals, just like humans, also have innate moral rights. These

same rights protect them from any form of pain and suffering and unspeakable cruelty

(Swennen, 2017).

Animal rights are believed to be the freedom from human use and exploitation of

animals, but there is a lot of confusion about what that means (Doris Lin, 2018). The

purpose of animal rights is not to place animals above humans or give animals the

same rights as humans.

Even though these rights are innate towards all kinds of animals, because of the

presence of animal cruelty, it seems like humankind has been neglecting it (HSUS n.d.).

Negligence in the presence of issues like animal experimentations, the use of animals

as a form of entertainment, animal abuse, and wildlife trafficking or trade. Every day,

animals are battling for their existence in different countries. They are stolen from their

owners for the sake of tradition; they are exploited, beaten, and imprisoned in chains for

the sake of circus entertainment; they are roasted, slaughtered, and sliced up alive in

the name of “science”; they are impaled, hunted, and skinned alive so that people

wearing fur can walk around in luxury. These issues have affected the larger scale in

terms of extinction of many animals. Humans have hunted excessive amounts of these

animals causing a depletion of their population. The extinction of these animals has

greatly affected the quality of life that humans have since humans are in the same

ecosystem where animals belong to (Kazmeyer, 2018).

As time goes by, pet ownership has been increasing, with dogs leading the way

(American Veterinary Medical Association, 2018). Many people in the world own a pet

or two and many of these people take really good care of them. But on the other side of

the coin, there still are animals, all types of animals, that continue to suffer cruelty from

human hands (Sentient Media, 2018).

The main objective of this research is to be able to connect the views that were

accumulated from different pet owners to the issues presented above. The topic, Views

of Pet Owners Toward Animal Rights, affects the stated issues because it aims to

provide ways to protect the rights of all animals that will address the issues presented
above, with the hopes of achieving an in depth understanding of the importance of the

said rights.

In order for the researchers to attain their main objective, they plan to interview

and gather varying views and opinions about animal rights from different pet owners

present in their community. The researchers will then make use of these data to remind

pet owners that they can do something in terms of protecting the rights of the said


By conducting this research, the researchers hope to find a better understanding

of the importance of the views of pet owners in protecting the rights of their pets. The

researchers also hope that by knowing their views, pet owners will be able to find a way

to continue protecting not only the rights of their pets but of all animals in general.

Lastly, the researchers hope that by knowing their views, they will be able to inspire

others who do not own any pets to do the same. By protecting the rights of animals,

humans are not only protecting them but also, humans are benefitting from it since they

are interconnected.


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to acquire different views about animal rights from pet owners.

Furthermore, the study aims to know how different pet owners can uphold these rights

and the possible effects of these rights on the said animals.

This study ought to answer for these following questions:

1. How do pet owners protect the rights of their pet and other animals?

2. As pet owners, what are their opinions on animal rights?

2.1. Is it as important as human rights?

3. How can these pet owners protect the rights of other animals?

4. What can they do to make sure these rights are protected?

Note: The first sentence in the general problem statement has a misplaced modifier. It

was already instructed to have that part transferred to the right position. To know the

“possible effects of these rights on the said animals” is something that cannot be

relatively known by this study. The specific questions cannot address the effects that

the general problem statement wants to know.

Question no. 2 should be the first one in the list as it is directly reflective of the first

statement of the general problem. I am not sure if comparing human rights to animal

rights will yield valued data for interpretation in relation to the main intention of the


Scope and Limitations

In this research, the researchers will make use of the views (the word “views”

might have to be clearly defined even here so as not to develop a wrong impression of
your research) of pet owners, ages 17 to 50, about animal rights. It is also important to

state that the breed, the type of pet these owners have, and the sex of the pet are not

considered as a factor for the conduction (You have been told not to use that word.) of

the research. The researchers will also make use of pet owners whose pets are in a

healthy living condition(What is the gauge of a healthy living condition? You need not

necessarily enumerate all of them, but you should at least give an idea of what you

meant by that expression.). This is to make sure that the persons we(this point of view

is not to be used in a research) are going to interview are the ones who really are

upholding the rights of their pets.

For this research to conducted(this infinitive is wrongly constructed), the

researchers will make use of a semi-structured interview. The researchers will prepare

their main interview questions and during the interview, follow-up and supporting

questions will still be raised. The purpose for this is to get more useful and valued

responses from the interviewee.

Significance of the Study

Such researchers hope that the design of this study will significantly contribute to the


Pet Owners. In this study, pet owners will indeed be useful in learning about the

shortcomings of their treatment of their pets(this does not fit the category of a “Significance of
the Study”. Since pet owners care for their(this pronoun has no clear antecedent) welfare and

they ensure that they recognize the rights of their pets in order to protect their pets so that

they have the reason to react or comply with circumstances when anything happens to them.

(You did not present the benefit that pet owners can get from your research.)

Pets. This study is basically about them. They have to know what are their owners’

opinion on their rights. As well as for them to feel that someone is defending their interest and

honoring them. And for them to know who to ask for some assistance if anyone ever crosses

their boundaries while handling them.(I did not expect this. You are stating here that pets


BOUNDARIES. Take note that this section is for the pets and not for the pet owners. I really did

not expect this. Are you suggesting that pets file a report or a complaint should it reach a point

that their boundaries have been breached?)

Future Researchers. They can use this study as a future reference,, (What’s up with the

two commas?)should they decide to make a similar undertaking.

Score for the Problem: 25/30

Score for the Scope: 27/30

Score for the Significance: 15/30

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