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2-080-14 Agha PR publishedonECEEEwebsite
2-080-14 Agha PR publishedonECEEEwebsite
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Keywords Introduction
energy efficiency assessment, energy demand, textile manufac- Emerging climate change and sustainability compliance is
turing, peak and off-peak production increasing pressure on businesses to reduce their energy use.
Energy efficiency is one of the most promising ways. In the
case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the indus-
Abstract trial sector, there is a difficulty in studying a large number of
The textile industry has relatively high energy consumption industry-specific technologies of this diverse sector (Energy
compared to other small and medium industries. More energy Research Partnership 2011). Therefore, most of the energy ef-
performance studies are required to improve process energy ficiency practices carried out in the sector are based on com-
efficiency. For any energy efficiency study, measuring the en- monly shared technologies, e.g. air compressors, boilers, etc.;
ergy consumption quantitatively is the first step. This paper this can underestimate the real efficiency potential of a specific
utilises high-resolution empirical energy data of a vertical case industry. Representing a heterogeneous and fragmented indus-
study textile mill to estimate its overall energy use and to find try in the SME sector, textile is a less energy-intensive industry
out any underlying efficiency improvement opportunities. than, for example, cement, steel, chemical, etc. The industry has
Average seasonal load profiles have been calculated against specific characteristics mainly due to multiphase production
shift patterns and weekly and annual consumption trends are processes involving multiple units per phase and each having
investigated. Despite winters being at a time of off-peak pro- different production rates (Karacapilidis and Pappis 1997) and,
duction, heating related gas use was found to be significantly therefore, distinct energy requirements. This aspect of manu-
high during this period, with high specific energy consump- facturing can have a detrimental impact on the total process
tion (SEC) per unit of production. The study identified some energy consumption. However, textile energy studies make up
actionable energy saving opportunities that consisted of re- a relatively small share of all industrial energy studies (Hasan-
ducing the weekend baseline load for both electric and gas beigi and Hasanabadi 2012). More energy studies in this sec-
through behaviour change and simple management. Some tor will help to identify the energy efficiency potential for the
site-specific processes and technology-based energy savings industry itself as well as for the other similar industries.
were also identified. The paper reveals how a more detailed Energy efficiency in a manufacturing environment can be
energy analysis of a process-specific non-domestic building achieved through two aspects: 1) a system approach, which
(such as a textile manufacturer) can provide much richer and appreciates energy efficiency opportunities lying both in the
actionable information than more standard energy audits and supply chain side as well as on the demand side (mostly outside
surveys. The key methods and techniques used in this analysis the scope of this study), and 2) a component or technology
are outlined in the paper, such that they may be extrapolated approach which focuses on improving energy efficiency of
to other non-domestic buildings in similar industries. individual technologies. Energy management, for example,
may be carried out through equipment efficiency and controls can be from a change in technology, (such as replacement of
development, and through change in behaviour and energy an old iron melting furnace with a new electric arc technol-
culture. These types of energy efficiency improvements are ogy), to technology alteration (inverter drives for motors), or
normally made possible through “Surveys” or “Audits”, which reduction in energy waste (controls on air and steam leaks)
are carried out by consultants and may consist of a one-off or (Gordic et al. 2010). Optimisation studies about production
a continuous improvement plan. Short-term energy audits and systems and process control in SMEs have shown notable ef-
surveys do have limitations, such as only picking up a small ficiency improvement results (Mirade et al. 2012). Several en-
number of improvement opportunities based on a one-off visit, ergy studies in the textile industry have addressed different
but observations based on long-term energy studies can yield aspects, such as energy efficiency in a Toray textile mill case
better results. study (Best practice programme guide 148 n.a., Palainchamy
A different approach is that of Operation and Maintenance and Babu 2005), energy intensity comparisons (Hasanbeigi
(O&M), involving timely maintenance of technology which and Hasanabadi 2012, Ines and Martinez 2010), and energy
encourages consistent efficiency. This might include, for ex- consumed per unit of production of a spinning unit (Koc and
ample, changing the air filters on heating and air conditioning Kaplan 2007). To disseminate the scope of energy efficiency in
units, repairing air and steam leaks, oiling and greasing the this sector, several industry-focused organisations have pro-
moving parts of the machinery. Such a programme generally duced reports (Department of Environment 1997, Hasanbeigi
contains five distinctive components: Operations, Mainte- 2010, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
nance, Engineering, Training, and Administration, collec- 1992). However, the actual implementation of energy efficien-
tively called “OMETA”. Studies have shown these measures cy measures can lag behind the theoretical calculations due to
working effectively (Richard, n.a.). Implementation of an en- lack of implementation method, and lack of knowledge of the
ergy management system can involve building upon different measures themselves.
steps consisting of energy policy, planning, implementation In this study the total energy use, both for onsite produc-
and operation, checking and corrective actions, and a man- tion and operations, of a textile factory is estimated. Also, the
agement review. The formation of an energy management energy efficiency improvement possibilities have been assessed
standard ISO 50001 which provides a strong organisational therefore the main objectives are;
framework for energy management is another way of imple-
• To identify the major technology used and the potential for
menting it. However, for any energy efficiency study, meas-
energy saving.
uring the energy consumption quantitatively is the first step
(Wang 2012). • To assess the impact of departmental energy consumption
Numerous methods are used to measure and estimate this on the total energy use.
energy consumption. For example, detailed methods for end-
• To determine the effect of off- and on-season production on
use energy consumption estimations in non-domestic build-
specific energy consumption.
ings have been discussed elsewhere (Field at al. 1997, Bryant
and Carlson 2002). An energy audit might be based on year- In the following sections a review of industrial energy, par-
long monthly utility bills or, more reliably, daily demand meter ticularly within the UK textile industry, is taken. The meth-
readings. However, there may be chances of inaccurate estimate ods used for the data analysis will also be described and site-
billing and risk of gaps and human error is involved with man- specific energy efficiency opportunities are discussed. Also,
ual data. Inaccuracy related to estimate billing, for example, can total energy consumption, SEC, and energy trends/patterns
cause ambiguity in industrial energy studies. The use of high- are identified.
resolution automatic meter reading (e.g. every half-hourly for
electricity in the UK) has reduced such risks considerably and
provided an often under-utilised data source. Different visu- Industrial energy and textile case study site
alisation techniques for such short-term time-series data have Industrial energy accounts for one-third of global energy
been discussed in Motegi et al. (Ferreria 2009) and have vari- (Greening and Roop 2007). In the UK, 57 % of industrial en-
ous applications and limitations. For example, Wijk and Selow ergy is used by more energy intensive industries i.e. iron and
(1999) used calendar profiles (cluster and contour plots) to steel, cement, chemical, paper and pulp, etc. (Energy Research
identify consumption trends and patterns on multiple time Partnership 2011). The textile industry in the UK uses 0.4 %
scales (days, weeks, and seasons). Daily profiles (line plots) are of national energy and is responsible for 0.4 % of national
commonly used for time series data and can be used to verify greenhouse gas emissions (Allwood et al. 2006). 70 % of the
operation schedules, identify peak hours, and base load. The industry’s process energy requirement is met by low-grade, be-
technique can lead to better consumption pattern understand- low 200 ˚C, thermal energy which is provided mostly by gas in
ing if the periods to compare are correctly chosen (Stuart et the UK. However, some textile manufacturing processes, for
al. 2007). The analysis based on these plots helped to identify example for synthetic fibres, use more electricity as compared
building system failures and opportunities for energy saving to others processes.
(Ferreria 2009, Kilpatrick 2012). As communication to the The case-study mill is a vertical textile mill, which means
end-user is of paramount importance, reflecting the findings it carries out all the production processes from raw materi-
of such studies should increase the chances of theoretical sav- al finishing to fabric producing onsite. The factory has over
ings becoming reality. 45 buildings with 22,800 m2 treated area. All production de-
Studies focusing on technology aspects have shown effi- partments – Yarn production, Finishing (manufacturing “A”),
ciency improvements in all types of industrial activities. This Dye house, and Weaving (manufacturing “B”) as shown in
BUILDING SERVICES AND IT frame have revealed some potential for improved efficiency. As
Lighting, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC), discussed elsewhere (BREF 2000), optimising the exhaust air
small power and IT equipment, in both the production and moisture, cloth dwell time, and heat recovery from the exhaust
operations departments are significant. All the operations of- air could be explored further. Some manufacturers of these
fices are lit, mostly, with T8 fluorescent tube lights. The pro- exhaust heat recovery systems claim up to a 30 % increase in
duction sheds use T12 8 ft. fluorescent tube lights. Replace- efficiency. The machine also has a 55 kW burner and mechani-
ment of these phased-out fluorescent tube lights with efficient cal motors system and can offer efficiency savings through im-
lighting would be the most obvious recommendation. Most of proved motors and variable speed drives. In addition to the
the production sheds have north-facing roof lights and some technology side, some production process improvements are
buildings are only occasionally used, therefore these build- also achievable. These, according to (GPG 168), may consist
ings would benefit from lighting-level controls and occupancy of revising the dyeing and scouring programmes process times
sensors. The HVAC in most of the buildings is controlled by a and reducing water usage to save overall energy input. Use of
building management system (BMS). The running times and reactive dyes, needing lower temperatures (60 ˚C) for colour
temperature settings on the system have never been changed fixing, and the use of efficient mechanical drying, with suction
since the installation of the system. A critical time and tem- slots, manglers, etc., can greatly reduce the drying energy cost
perature review can help to reduce the HVAC’s running cost. on the stenters.
Also, a thorough review of the motors in the systems can
highlight saving opportunities through proper sizing and Other processes
other measures as discussed below. To reduce the weekend These processes refer to Yarn manufacturing, Weaving, and
baseline load an equipment checklist for each building has the Finishing departments. Technologies in these departments
been designed and is passed on to the designated members of mostly relate to rotation/vibration processes and conveyor
staff to ensure everything is shutdown at the weekends. These belts, and extensively depend upon motors. This is reflected
checklists also include the canteen areas and small power and in the average power factor of the factory at 44 % for March
IT equipment. Numerous guidelines for the IT and building through to July (2012), which is also subject to improvement.
services have been published by energy efficiency focussed These machines are automated and programmed through elec-
organisations e.g. The Carbon Trust, and US Department of tronic controls. Most of the technology in these departments/
Energy (DoE). sections is between 10–50 years old therefore some of these
machines are strong candidates for more efficient motors, for
PRODUCTION PROCESS example as advised by International Electrotechnical Commis-
sion. Motors in some newer machines have built-in variable
Wet processes frequency drives (VFD), and these drives could provide signifi-
These processes mainly involve dyeing in the Dye house and cant savings for some technologies where suitable. Considering
scouring (washing) in the Finishing area. These processes are the age of the technology in the factory, a review of the sizing of
mainly thermal and use steam. The technology used for these the motors is critical and should prove to be a helpful measure
processes is simple consisting of large containers/vessels with for energy saving. Studies on industrial motor energy efficiency
closed coils for the steam flow. Programmable electronic con- have shown considerable potential in this area (McKane and
trol systems are used for water, washing chemical/dyes, cloth Hasanbeigi 2011).
feeding in/out, process temperature and cloth/material dwell
time control. Motors and pumps are used for pumping and UTILITY PLANTS
agitation or some mechanical processes. The average daily de- Compressed air and boiler units are common technologies
mand of the water for the Dye house is 200 m3 and roughly across many different industries, with considerable guidance
30 % of this is used for dyeing process. The dyeing process in in published literature (such as Carbon Trust’s energy efficiency
the factory, starting with water at 50 ˚C, achieves a maximum guides). Air and steam leaks in the distribution systems are the
temperature of 98 ˚C and then the water is discharged with- very first step that could be addressed to improve efficiency,
out heat recovery. The daily water demand of scouring is also and in many cases simple measures like lowering the steam
200 m3 and roughly 40 % of that is used for hot water washing at and compressed air pressure can be quite beneficial. The com-
40 ˚C. This hot water is also directed towards the drain without pressed air units were manufactured in 2008 and can execute
heat recovery, however water at this temperature is generally many energy efficiency features, which have not been fully har-
not suitable for heat recovery. Heat recovery and recycling from nessed. A comprehensive review on achieving energy efficiency
these processes could save significant energy and an account of in compressed air systems is given in (Schmidt and Kelly 2005).
heat recovery methods in thermal processes is given by (Hasa- Boilers also operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week even
nuzzaman et al. 2012). Both processes use hydro-extractors when steam for production or heating is not required; this was
(spin dryers) equipped with heavy-duty motors, 25 kW each, specifically monitored through simple weekend boiler shut-
for centrifugal drying. The energy efficiency opportunities for downs by the author. Detailed studies about improving energy
these motors can be reviewed against the options discussed efficiency in boiler systems (GPG 369) are available for guid-
below. Some microwave and infrared ovens are used for dyed ance. Inbuilt timers on both the boilers and the compressed
raw material drying in the Dye house. Studies have shown this air systems can be utilised to control their weekend/off-peak
type of drying as reasonably efficient (Buyukakinci 2012), but loads to make some simple savings. Also, both the systems are
a thorough study of the operation of the machines could high- a good candidate for exhaust air heat recovery (Hasanuzzaman
light further avenues for savings. Investigations of the stenter et al. 2012).
i)Operations ↓(1)↓(2)↓(2)↓(4) ↑(1)↑(6) ↑(2)
(A) ↓ ↑
(B) → →
ii)Operations ↓(1)↓(2)↓(4)↓(2) ↑(2) ↑(1)↑(1)↑(4)↑(1)
(A) ↓ ↑
(B) ↑(DH) ↑(W)
(R)+OT ↓(OT) ↓(R.) ↑(OT) ↑(R.)
iv)Retail ↓ ↑ ↓(W+DH) →
i)Operations ↓(1)↓(2)↓(2)↓(4) ↑(1)↑(6) ↑(2)
(A) ↓ ↑
(B) → →
ii)Operations ↓(1)↓(2)↓(4)↓(2) ↑(2) ↑(1)↑(1)↑(4)↑(1)
(A) ↓ ↑
(B) ↑(DH) ↑(W)
(R)+OT ↓(OT) ↓(R.) ↑(OT) ↑(R.)
iv)Retail ↓ ↑ ↓(W+DH) →
→ ↓ ↑ i ii iii iv
Continued Starting Finishing Friday Saturday Sunday
Figure 3. Power demand. The numbers in the brackets represent the number of sections starting/finishing. Manufacturing (A) includes
Finishing and Yarn production, and the remaining sections of Operations finish an hour earlier before the midnight on Thursday.
Manufacturing (B) includes Dye house (DH) and Weaving (W). R and OT symbolise Retail and overtime respectively.
40 140,000
35 120,000
5 20,000
0 0
Jan feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
missing estimated bill in May. Such problems with estimated help to reduce and explain such patterns. The analysis based on
bills, though common, not only lead to unfair charges but higher resolution (daily meter readings) again offered a much
can seriously affect the SEC calculations as discussed above better understanding of energy consumption, and energy sav-
and shown in Figure 5 (where the total estimated energy con- ing opportunities, in the factory.
sumption for May only shows the electricity consumption).
However, when the total estimate/invoiced and actual annual
consumptions were calculated, negligible difference was no- Conclusion
ticed. The graph also showed increased demand in off-season This study demonstrates that the textile manufacturing pro-
which is due to increased heating demand in winter. This cess is complex with a number of quite specific processes con-
drives the need of investigating the efficiency of the heating tributing to overall energy patterns. By using real-time energy
system as well as improving the quality of building fabric in- data, the study attempted to estimate the energy consump-
sulation. This analysis also prompted an urgent need for ac- tion used in a case-study textile mill. The study revealed some
curate billing. technology and process efficiency improvements that might
The effect of season and rate of production activity in the be feasible. Average energy demand profiles when compared
factory on SEC is shown in Figure 5. The SEC is low during on- to working patterns showed clear occupant- and activity-sen-
season. It can be seen that higher monthly production rates im- sitive trends. Small differences in off- and on-season energy
prove the SEC, though increased heating demand in winter and demand were attributed to winter related consumption in off-
slow production rates notably increase the SEC. It also shows season. It was found that high monthly off- and on-season
that, other than the weather and season, there are more factors SEC variations were related to increased heating demand in
that could affect the SEC in such a complicated manufacturing winter.
process. Therefore, identifying these unknown factors (through Different areas of energy efficiency improvements in spe-
sensitivity analysis and observing correlation with other pa- cific technologies were also identified. Waste heat recovery,
rameters) and optimising their energy consumption through improved performance of motors, and energy efficient lighting
production management is another area that can potentially systems around the mill were found to be particularly promis-
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to the company (and their budgeting for energy), and this was Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
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