Material Safety Data Sheet: Product Name: RFB Line - RFB-EC RFB-SE RFB-SA1 RFB-SA
Material Safety Data Sheet: Product Name: RFB Line - RFB-EC RFB-SE RFB-SA1 RFB-SA
Material Safety Data Sheet: Product Name: RFB Line - RFB-EC RFB-SE RFB-SA1 RFB-SA
1. Product
Product Name: RFB Line - RFB-EC; RFB-SE; RFB-SA1 ; RFB-SA
Chemical Name: Wood Carbon-based adsorbent, proprietary activation
Synonyms: Powder Activated Carbon
2. Company Identification
Administration and Head Office: 9635 Cresta Drive, Los Angeles California 90035, USA.
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
4. Hazards Identification
Emergency Overview:
These products are black to grey powders with a slight odour. Activated carbon can adsorb oxygen from the
air, allowing for the possibility of asphyxiation. Never enter a confined space containing activated carbon.
Flammable only in open flame, burns slowly.
Eyes Non corrosive, but like most particulate materials, may cause mild
physical irritation.
Skin Not corrosive, and not primary skin irritant. Mild irritation is possible
due to abrasive action of dust.
Ingestion Not Known deleterious effects.
6. Fire-Fighting Measures
Material will burn in a fir, releasing combustion products of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water.
Other material adsorbed on to the media may also be released in combustion.
Waste Disposal:
This product is not a hazardous waste under U.S. RCRA, 40CFR261. Comply with all Federal, State and Local
regulations regarding disposal. Individual customers must evaluate used product for content of toxic
14. Transportation
U.S. Department of Transportation Shipping Name: Not regulated.
International: UN Number: 3802.1000
International Maritime Organization (IMO): Not regulated.