Material Safety Data Sheet: Product Name: RFB Line - RFB-EC RFB-SE RFB-SA1 RFB-SA

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CSI-MSDS-RFB Line-2018 Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Product
Product Name: RFB Line - RFB-EC; RFB-SE; RFB-SA1 ; RFB-SA
Chemical Name: Wood Carbon-based adsorbent, proprietary activation
Synonyms: Powder Activated Carbon

2. Company Identification
Administration and Head Office: 9635 Cresta Drive, Los Angeles California 90035, USA.

3. Composition/Information on Ingredients


Activated carbon 7440-44-0 10 mg/m3 TD 5 mg/m3 RD
Water 7732-18-5 None None

CGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

TLV Threshold Limit Value

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit, RD=Respirable dust
TWA Time Weighted Average (8 hour), TD=total dust

4. Hazards Identification
Emergency Overview:
These products are black to grey powders with a slight odour. Activated carbon can adsorb oxygen from the
air, allowing for the possibility of asphyxiation. Never enter a confined space containing activated carbon.
Flammable only in open flame, burns slowly.

Eyes Non corrosive, but like most particulate materials, may cause mild
physical irritation.
Skin Not corrosive, and not primary skin irritant. Mild irritation is possible
due to abrasive action of dust.
Ingestion Not Known deleterious effects.

Possible mild irritation of respiratory tract due to drying and abrasive

Inhalation action of dust. / Version 2018

CSI-MSDS-RFB Line-2018 Material Safety Data Sheet

5. First Aid Measures

Skin Contact: Wash material off the skin with soap and water. Seek medical attention if irritation occurs.
Eyes Contact: Flush with copious amounts of water. Seek medical attention if irritation occurs.
Ingestion: Give one or two glasses of water to drink. Seek medical attention if gastrointestinal
symptoms develop.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if cough and respiratory symptoms develop.

6. Fire-Fighting Measures
Material will burn in a fir, releasing combustion products of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water.
Other material adsorbed on to the media may also be released in combustion.

Extinguishing Media: Water fog, fire fighting foam, or carbon dioxide.

Fire and Explosion Hazards: Flashpoint: N/A

ASTM Ignition Tem., D4366: Approx. 420-450 Centigrade

NFAP Hazard Classification: Health: 0 Flammable: 1 Reactivity: 0

HMIS Hazard Classification: Health: 1 Flammable: 1 Reactivity: 0

7. Physical and chemical properties

Odour and appearance Black to grey powder, slight odour
Specific Gravity 0.40 – 0.60
Moisture 30 – 42%
Vapor Pressure (mmHg) N/A
Solubility in water Insoluble
Volatiles (%) Negligible
Boiling Point N/A
Freezing Point N/A

8. Accidental release measures

Contain spillage and sweep or vacuum spilled material into an appropriate container. Care should be taken
to avoid generation of dust. Personal protection equipment discussed in Section 10 should be utilized to
protect from inhalation and skin contact.

9. Storage and handling

Store in a cool, dry location. Keep containers tightly closed to avoid contact with air and humidity.
Use in areas of adequate ventilation and avoid breathing dust and contact with eyes / skin.
Ingredients in this product are considered nuisance particulates not otherwise classified; OSHA and ACGIH
guidelines should be followed in controlling exposure limits to any dust generated from these products.

Waste Disposal:
This product is not a hazardous waste under U.S. RCRA, 40CFR261. Comply with all Federal, State and Local
regulations regarding disposal. Individual customers must evaluate used product for content of toxic / Version 2018

CSI-MSDS-RFB Line-2018 Material Safety Data Sheet
materials adsorbed onto the media in their process, which warrant special waste disposal considerations. It
is the responsibility of the end user to comply with such considerations and regulations.

10. Exposure Control/Personal Protection

Engineering measures to reduce exposure: Ensure adequate ventilation. Use local exhaust if misting occurs.
Natural ventilation is adequate in absence of mists.

Personal protection equipment:

Respiratory protection: Use a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator where dust occurs. Provide adequate local
exhaust ventilation in areas of frequent handling / dust generation. Any dusting is classified as a nuisance
dust and appropriate measures to comply with OSHA and ACGIH limits in Section 3 of this MSDS should be
Eye protection: Use safety glasses or goggles as necessary to prevent eye contact.
Skin protection: Use safety gloves and coveralls as necessary to prevent repeated or prolonged skin

11. Stability and reactivity

Stability: Stable.
Conditions to avoid: Strong oxidizing agents such as nitric or perchloric acid. Other materials
adsorbed onto this product represent health hazards, reactivity hazards,
and /or the generation of hazardous decomposition products. The user
must take consideration of these concentrations of chemicals having high
heats of adsorption and concentrated acids.
Hazardous Polymerization Will not occur.

12. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Oral LD50 > 5 g/kg (rat)
Dermal N/A
Inhalation N/A

13. Ecological Information

Acute aquatic toxicity: None known
Biochemical Oxygen Demand: None.
Ecological Concentration Potential: None expected.

14. Transportation
U.S. Department of Transportation Shipping Name: Not regulated.
International: UN Number: 3802.1000
International Maritime Organization (IMO): Not regulated. / Version 2018

CSI-MSDS-RFB Line-2018 Material Safety Data Sheet

15. Regulatory Information

United States Federal Regulations
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): All the ingredients of this mixture are registered in compliance with
TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory. All ingredients comply with Food Chemical Codex or US Code of
Federal Regulations where applicable.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA): This product does not contain toxic chemicals
subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of SARA of 1986 Section 313 and CFR Part

16. Other information

The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet should be provided to all who will use, handle, store,
transport, or otherwise be exposed to this product. The information provided in this MSDS is based on information
considered reliable and up to date as of the date of this publication. Since the use of our products by others is beyond
our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made and no responsibility assumed for the use of this material or
the results obtained therefrom. Information on this form is furnished for the purpose of compliance with Government
Health and Safety Regulations and shall not be used for any other purposes. Additionally, statements to the use of our
products are not to be construed as recommendations for the infringements of any patents, nor should they be
confused with state, municipal or insurance requirements, or with national safety codes. / Version 2018


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