Relection Journal No 3 - The Teaching Profession

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Melad, Rejesh D.


Books go with teaching and learning. Books go with teachers and students but why is it
unethical for teachers to supply books in schools.

Through making students buy your textbook, I think it's unethical to benefit because you're their
lecturer and they expect you to educate them and provide them with some valuable learning
tools. The students also usually get a bad feeling when you keep recommending your book
unless it was vote one of the best to use in tackling the given subject. I don't understand /
understand how you can provide your students with other books at no cost when supplying your
book at a cost. It looks fishy. If you find like you can't give a copy of the book to each student,
you can request that the university purchase the books in order to replenish the library, or you
can only offer your own copy or a single donated copy for class use.

It’s always difficult to teach using your book especially when you reach a point where there are
few discrepancies from other books. In the process of defending your ideas from the book, you
may end up being seen as superior, dictator, rigid etc.

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