Latency Imperatives and Implications

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White Paper

Latency Imperatives and

Capital Markets today face unprecedented challenges
around their scope and function. The purpose that
capital markets serve—part complementary and part
competitive to the banking industry— has come
under the increasing scrutiny of regulators across the
globe. While markets evolve, both in response to
regulations and the circumspect economic climate,
the key imperative in navigating through the present
scenario is to look at differentiators and competitive
advantages which will sustain the business, as it
stands today, and as it incrementally evolves.
The differentiators around various product offerings
are increasingly blurred while competitive advantage
around financial innovation is on a tight rein forcing
focus on inward looking innovations. These inward
looking innovations include exploiting efficiencies
and tapping resources in imaginative ways to create
operational differentiators. The key operational
differentiators in today’s environment are the
’speed edge’ provided by the low latency paradigm
and the ’lean and business focused operating
model’ provided by the cloud computing paradigm.
Radically reducing time scales - the low latency
The time gap between perceiving an opportunity and
exploiting it for business gain is at the heart of trading
effectiveness in capital markets. Data networks
interconnecting institutions and markets have evolved
radically to provide ’order of magnitude’ increases in
both speed and capacity. Computer processors and
information system architectures are also evolving in
step to correspondingly increase information
processing speeds. Increasing use of computerized
algorithms, enabled by both computing and
networking advancements, is shifting focus from
human reflex based trading advantages to
computerized trading battles in the microsecond realm.
This paper is an in-depth commentary on the context,
adoption and implications of the latency driven
operational differentiator. From an adoption
perspective, it covers approaches spanning (a)
stretching existing paradigms which are technology
stack innovation based, (b) paradigm shifts which are
the shifts seen from instruction to data centric
computing and the shift to imperative style
programming and (c) industry specific solutions
which cover proximity, co-location and lean,
proprietary messaging formats. From an implications
perspective, developments such as globalization and
diversification of trading, new technology focused
offerings and increased emphasis on smart order
routing are foreseen.

Through a holistic perspective of the trading value
chain, this paper strives to address the challenges and
priorities of trading business managers and
operations managers involved in trade processing as
well as IT managers supporting the dynamic trade
processing environments.

Part 1: Deals with the context of low latency in

financial markets, specifically focusing on the trading
Part 2: Deals with the sources of latency in the trading
chain, from the perspective of market participants
Part 3: Deals with the approaches for dealing with low
Part 4: Summarizes latency imperatives and discusses
possible evolutionary aspects

About the Author
Avinash Patil
Avinash Patil is a member of the Capital Markets Practice Group at
TCS. He has 16+ years of experience in the IT industry, most of
which is with global banking and financial services firms. His areas
of interest include low latency, cloud computing and innovation
challenges in Capital Markets. He holds a B.Tech(Hons) degree
from IIT Kharagpur.

Table of Contents
PART 1: Low Latency Context –
Trading Value Chain in Capital Markets 6
Context 6

PART 2: Low Latency Sources & Manifestations 10

Manifestation of Latency 10

PART 3: Addressing Latency Challenges - Approaches 12

Low Latency Approaches 12
“Stretching” Existing Paradigms 13
“Paradigm Shifts” 15
Industry specific approaches: 16

PART 4: Summary & Outlook 17

Summary 17
Outlook: 18
Globalization & Diversification 18
New Technology Focused Offerings 19
Increasing Emphasis of Smart Order Routing 19
Technology Services Offerings
Shift to Functional Paradigm 19

Reference Acknowledgements 20

PART 1: Low Latency Context – Trading Value Chain in Capital Markets
At the very core, Capital Markets are about capital transfer and risk sharing, driven by differing
perspectives of participants, who interact with each other in market places. It is this interaction in the
market place that drives the bulk of operational activities in capital markets, from portfolio analytics,
trade execution to fulfillment. Given the developments in the market place over the last few years, there
is a clear and significant shift in the proportion of transactions from investing to pure trading.
In the US, Morgan Stanley's findings1 highlight that trading by ’real’ investors accounts for the smallest
share of US stock market volumes (since Morgan Stanley started tracking 10 years ago). The findings
highlight how fast turnover of shares by independent firms and market making desks of brokerages is
increasingly fueling US trading activity. To put it into perspective, the proportion of US trading activity
represented by buy and sell orders from mutual funds, hedge funds, pensions and brokerages, referred to
as ’real money’ or institutional investors, accounted for just 16% of total market volume in the form of
buying, and 13% via selling, in the final quarter of last year .
The story is similar in the UK, Europe and to some extent in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) markets too. In the UK,
the TABB Group estimates pure trading in equity markets to be around 77% while AFM estimates peg it at
30-40% for European markets. The estimates for APAC and Australian markets2 range from 15 to 25%.
While this trend is most pronounced in the equity markets, the other instrument class where it is
observed is in the foreign exchange (forex) markets – it is estimated3 that computerized, high speed
trades drive about 40% of spot forex volumes.
Let us put the speeds into perspective – in the time it takes for a human eye to blink (~250 milliseconds),
a high speed trader can execute over 5000 transactions! An Aite Group estimate puts the value of a one
millisecond latency advantage for a brokerage firm at over $100 million annually. In forex markets, a high
speed trader can execute at less than a millisecond, whereas a comparative execution by a conventional,
non-high speed trader takes around 10-30 milliseconds.
While debate rages across the world on the pernicious effects of a form of high speed trading, called HFT ,
the use of computerized algorithms for trading is here to stay and grow. Increasingly lower latencies,
which are the new normal in the trading world today, are dictating the efficiency and outcome of a
trading strategy. An Oct 2011 survey by Interxion reveals that over 70% of market participants indicated
that their trading strategies are latency dependent.
A deeper look at the pure trading transaction volumes reveals that most of it comprises peaks of orders
as well as their related cancellations and resubmissions at milli-second intervals - indicating algorithm
driven computer traders talking to each other. In ’real money’ transactions too, an institutional trade is
’sliced’ and executed at ’second’ and ’sub-second’ intervals, driven by the need to minimize price impacts
and thus the total transaction cost.

Fig 1 shows statistics on the impact of latency on transaction volumes (Source: NYSE Arca – that can help in putting this into perspective:

Average latency is <0.5 ms, compared Peak 1ms rate is an order of magnitude higher These three figures indicate a regularity on the
to 10s of seconds in 2006! than 1s rate - indicating the extent of intra-second border of a second or within a second – which
bursts driven by automated strategies! indicates extent of automated strategy use by a
“real money” trading strategy
This implies that though the objectives of pure trades and real trades are different, the means are similar-
through high speed, low-latency technology infrastructure.
Low latency trading also has significant ramifications on other operations in capital markets. Market data
volumes are exploding exponentially and post trade processing, involving clearing, settlement and
portfolio accounting, is registering significantly higher volumes.
It is clear from the above that low latency capability is no longer a matter of isolated choice, it is real, it is
pervasive and it impacts almost everyone – it is the ’new normal’ today.
Let us examine how these imperatives play out in the markets:
At a simplistic level, the following considerations based on credit and market risk assessments as well as
risk appetite drive trading in capital markets:
1. Fast turnover with minimal to no over-night ’holdings’ or
2. Longer term ’value investing’ based on the belief that business fundamentals will drive asset value or
3. Hedging with counter-cyclical / loss mitigating instruments, across asset markets and geographies
In the current uncertain and unstable business environment with high information sensitivity, small
fluctuations predominantly drive volumes in (1) and large fluctuations predominantly drive volumes in
(3). However, in all these trading scenarios, the ’relative time advantage’ imperative clearly stands out:

For ’real money(I)’ traders, achieving desired price with minimal price distortions is key, (this typically plays
out in cases where agency traders execute large block orders on behalf of institutional investors).
Achieving desired price and controlling price distortions have counter-balancing influences – the
traditional way to counteract the influence of a trade on price distortion is to distribute executions over a

number of venues to ensure liquidity. However, in volatile business environments where liquidity
fluctuates, achieving a ’relative timing advantage’ on trade executions at the execution venues becomes
an imperative.

For ’pure trade(ii)’ players, capitalizing on pricing distortions is key. With increased access to information in
the market, the size of the distortion is becoming increasingly small. This is driving a race to capture the
window of opportunity (’relative timing advantage’) through better automation and faster execution.
Latency also correspondingly impacts other value chains involved in the trade life cycle depending on the
nature and extent of their interaction. Index service providers and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) vendors
whose ’product values’ depend on the prices of underlying primary stocks, have to churn out values
faster. Collateral management models used by stock lenders as well as clearing and settlement
organizations have to deal with volatility risk by computing exposures at increasingly frequent intervals,
almost down to real-time computations.
Another way of looking at how these imperatives are playing out in the market is to look at the causal
loops driving speeds in the trading lifecycle itself:

Context of Latency in Capital Markets – A Causal Loop based perspective

Investor / Market Structure “Speed Trader”

Speculator Loop Loop


Buy Sell Mkt

Incentive Incentive Making
Book Virtual Mkt
Liquidity Making
Value / Models
Value /
Price Price
Investment Execution Spread

Risk Free Instrument
Rate Prices Price

Clearing Settlement
Venue Agency
Collateral Models
Latency Focus

(i) ’Real Money Trading’ refers to trading strategies based on value investing, with a medium to long term view
(ii) ’Pure Trading’ refers to trading strategies which are extremely short term, typically to exploit arbitrage opportunities

Context of Latency in Capital Markets – A Causal Loop based perspective
Spatial, Geographically Diverse
Within US, UK, Europe, APAC
Investor / Market Structure “Speed Trader”
Speculator Loop Loop

Making Temporal
Book Virtual Mkt
Same Market, across time
Model Liquidity Making
Value / Value / Models
Price Price
Investment Execution Spread
Risk Free Instrument Spread
Rate Prices Price

Clearing Settlement
Venue Agency
Models Risk
Collateral Models
Latency Focus

Diverse Instruments
Equities, Derivatives, Forex

As seen in Figure 2, the key ’battlegrounds’ for latency and ’first order gains’ are at:
n Trading Venue Access, which determines how fast an order can reach a trading venue and gain a
timing advantage compared to other participants. Proximity to trading locations, co-location
strategies and faster networks are the foundations of such competitive advantages.
n Market Data Access, which determines how fast data on stock prices, executions, corporate actions,
economic indicators, can be accessed by businesses to ’identify trading opportunities’, compared to
other participants. Market data vendors such are Reuters, Bloomberg and SIX are increasingly
investing in high performance, low latency infrastructures, both from a data sourcing and data
distribution perspective.
While network speeds drive ’first order’ imperatives, a realization that network speed can provide
diminishing rate of return on investment is driving ‘second order’ imperatives. Such imperatives include
faster and differentiated information processing, which is at the core of the investment/trading models.
High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructures and systems architectures coupled with market
specific differentiated processing strategies are driving increasing efficiencies in the latency race, both for
participants (traders) as well as market venues (exchanges).
As a consequence of latency battles centered on network speeds and faster trading/investment models,
a ’third order’ imperative focused on regulatory compliance is emerging. Latency battles are creating
increasing imbalances from the perspectives of ’accessing liquidity and cornering the market’ as well as
the ’role and risk of market volatility’. European regulations aimed at restricting the ’ratio of orders to

trade’ and ’time gap between orders’ on a trade book are examples of these imperatives. Another
example is the focus on controls for the provision of ’direct market access’ by brokerages to their trading
clients. An interesting development, as a consequence of the search for liquidity, is ’Rebate Trading’ which
essentially exploits the incentivizing mechanism offered by exchanges for providing liquidity and
spreads, similar to ’Market Making’.
These latency imperatives are most visible in equity markets, specifically in the US, driven by enabling
market structures around connectivity and cost. With increased fragmentation of liquidity venues
geographically and diversification of investment strategies around instruments, these imperatives can be
seen at play across geographies and instrument markets.

PART 2: Low Latency Sources and Manifestations

Manifestation of Latency:
In this section, we look at the sources of latencies and how they manifest themselves. To put the sources
of latencies into perspective, let us look at a simplistic technology stack and examine the sources of
latency within them:

Buy Side Sell Side Market Infrastructure

Investor Broker Execution Venue

Data Application Presentation Session

TCP Windowing, Flow

Control, Packet Resend
Address Lookup, Packet
Packets Forwarding, Routing
Store Forward, Line
Frames Coding, Switching

Bits Framing FEC

Application Focus Data Segments Packets Frames Bits

Investment Decision to Execution Need
Execution Options to Execution Feedback

Execution Report Against Investment Decision X

Market Data Feeds for Investment Decision

Transmission Focus

The technology stack can be represented using a simplistic version of the OSI layers, moving from layer 1,
which focuses on bits, to layers 5,6 and7 which deal with data and associated application processing.
Communication between market participants (broadly categorized into Buy Side, Sell Side and Market
Infrastructure in Fig 3 for simplicity) has to typically traverse from layers 7 to 1 and all the way back to
layer 7 and so forth.
From a latency perspective, the layers themselves provide an intuitive assessment of the contribution to
latency. If we consider the activities that need to occur at each of the layers, the contribution to latency
steadily increases with the complexity of the activities themselves – higher layers contribute more to
latency than the lower layers.
These latencies impact business contexts and we can examine the four different segments of the trade
flow to identify and gain an understanding of the layer of the technology stack that plays an important role:
Investment Decision to Execution Need:
In this segment, the investment models, which generate decisions, are highly sensitive to latency. –
Prevailing market prices and other market data, which change more frequently today, impact pricing
models. The transaction cost analysis depends on the liquidity venues which vary dynamically owing to
fragmentation and fast turnovers. In short, the effectiveness of investment decisions is increasingly
dependent on faster executions. This is more so for asset classes such as equity and forex than for fixed
income instruments. Accordingly, algorithms driving investment decisions as well as communication of
execution need are under focus. Latencies further down in the technology stack are relatively
insignificant for this segment.
Execution Options to Execution Feedback:
In this segment, the processes of searching for liquidity venues and getting into the queue for execution
are most sensitive to latency. In the application part of the stack, the algorithms analyzing depth of the
markets for smart order routing, ranging from order slicing for a particular market to distribution across
several markets, is the key source of latency. Further down the technology stack, the need to get ’ahead
of the queue’ in a given liquidity venue depends on several factors. These include faster network access
to the execution venues; , proximity to and co-location at the execution venues; and low-bandwidth
message protocols. In addition, ’variability’ or ’volatility’ in the capacityand peak speed are of key
importance. Jitters or clogs in the networks could create uncertainties which can have significant adverse
impact on the execution quality.
Within the trading venues themselves, latency manifests at three levels-order receipt, matching and order
communication. At the order receipt and matching level, the key sources of latency are the order receipt
capacity and the matching algorithm. At the order communication level, the key source of latency is the

Execution Report to Investment Decision:
In this segment, the focus is back on the investment models on the buy side, wherein execution quality
drives a more frequent fine-tuning of investment strategy. However, the key source of latency is the
integration of the buy-side and sell-side order management systems (OMS ).
Market Data Feeds for Investment Decisions:
In this segment, the exclusive focus is on the message formats as well as the message distribution
mechanisms. For trading venues, the capacity issue, which is at the core of latency, is driving approaches
that look at the layers below the application layer. For market data vendors, collation, possible
enrichment and distribution is driving approaches focused both on the application level (for innovative
ways of parallel processing of market data) and the network level (for distribution of data customized to
their customers’ needs).

PART 3: Addressing Latency Challenges - Approaches

Low Latency Approaches:
Fig 4 depicts approaches addressing latency challenges. These approaches can be examined from three
different perspectives:

Freeing up CPU, Eliminating Use of FPGA and specialized

context switching based latencies ASIC

Freeing up CPU, Eliminating Kernel Bypass techniques–

context switching based latencies InfiniBand, RDMA, SDP
“Stretching existing Paradigms”
(Tech Stack Innovations)
Minimizing Storage induced I/O In-memory database
latencies technology– e.g., KdB

Optical Convergence & Microwave

communication Technology

Low Latency
Approaches “Instruction” centric to “Data” Stream Computing Model (CPU
centric computing Vs DPU), Use of GPU

“Paradigm Shifts”
Imperative, OO Style Programming
Use of Erlang, Ocaml
to Functional Programming

Close Proximity & “Co-Location”

Solutions for eliminating proximity
induced latency

Industry specific
Proprietary Messaging Formats
and Encoding for minimizing FIX, FAST, ITCH, OUCH, FIXML,
session level and decoding EMAPI

Stretching Existing Paradigms:
Approaches focused on stretching the existing computing and networking paradigms comprise
innovations to the technology stack:
n CPU processing limitations and memory switching induced latency and ’jitter’ are resolved through
increased use of other specialized computing units such as FPGAs and specialist circuits (ASICs ). These are
mostly used for faster processing of market data feeds, with some basic level of checking/filtering logic
n Memory context switching induced by the operating system kernels use ’kernel’ bypass techniques,
which make frame level data accessible directly to user level programs. This can be achieved through
the use of InfiniBand, RDMA and SDP in the data fabric for faster processing
n The latency induced by storage I/O in database processing has been addressed by increasing
innovations in ’in-memory’ database use. The particular success of products such as KdB illustrates this
n On the network layer, propagation latencies have been addressed by adopting approaches around
optical convergence and use of microwave for ultra-low latency transmissions
A few of these approaches are depicted below:
(a) Kernel Bypass Techniques (Source: Aviat Networks, Cisco)

MRI: Message Passing Interface

SRP: SCSI Remote Protocol
uDAPL: User-Level Direct Access Programming Language

(b) Use of specialized circuits for ’lean’” logic processing (Source:

Standard 10GE Low Latency 10GE

Network Card Network Card

20 micros + 5 micros +
Latency application application 3-5 micros Sub-micro
processing processing

Ease of Kernel driver Retraining of

Deployment Trival programmers Specialist

Man Years Effort

to Develop Week Weeks 2-3 man years 2-3 man years

Elapsed Time Week Weeks 6 months - year Year +

Costs $50 - $200 $500+ $100 - $20,000 $1million +

©Networking Propagation Technologies (Source:,

Paradigm Shifts
The two key developments responsible for paradigm shifts in addressing low latency challenges are:
n Computing paradigms are seeing a shift from instruction centric processing to a data centric
processing. In essence, this paradigm involves a shift from a computing engine focused on instruction
stream sequencing to data stream sequencing with an emphasis on ’parallel computing’. This shift is
exemplified by ’Stream Computing’, which in essence, turns conventional data processing on its head,
replacing the ’store-then-process’ approach with a ’process-on-the-go (data-in-motion)’ approach.
The IBM Infosphere streams product is a good example of the stream computing approach.
n Programming language adoption is seeing a shift from imperative and object oriented (OO) languages
to functional languages. The key drivers of this shift are the ’side effects’ and limited concurrency in the
imperative and OO models, which the functional languages handle better through their inherent
immutability. The use of Erlang and OCaml in the algorithmic programming domain exemplify this
shift of preference.
Fig depicts the stream computing paradigm shift(Source:,

Industry specific approaches:
Industry specific solutions in capital markets primarily focus on improving proximity through co-location
and inter-communication between participants through adoption of better messaging formats. Co-
location services offered by trading venues are eliminating proximity induced latencies. The proliferation
of proprietary formats and protocols is centered on the debate around speed vs. flexibility. While FIX
enjoys widespread adoption, many market infrastructures support it as a secondary connectivity option,
preferring proprietary messaging formats and encoding to enable faster interconnectivity with market
participants. The use of ITCH and OUCH by NASDAQ and UTP by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
exemplify this approach.


Encoder FIX ITCH Encoder

Interpreter UTP Interpreter
Decoder OUCH Decoder


PART 4: Summary and Outlook
This section summarizes the key imperatives and approaches discussed in the earlier sections.
The previous sections have progressively discussed low latency in Capital Markets starting with the
context of low latency, its manifestation (primarily in the trading chain) and finally the approaches for
dealing with the various challenges imposed by low-latency. Fig depicts a consolidated view of latency
challenges facing capital markets:

Latency Challenges - Market Participants in Trading Chain

ith Investment / Fund Managers
Hedge Funds

Data Aggregators

Proprietary Trading / HFT Desks

Data Volumes

Agency Brokers

Rac Trading Venues

e To

Fig depicts the approaches for dealing with latency challenges:

Latency Challenges – Approaches for Solutions

o mp
o rit Functional Programming
Alg Streams Programming

Co-Processer DSP Programming

Data Volumes

Kernel Bypass Techniques

Rac Optical Convergence

e To
o Microwave Communication
Close Proximity & Co-Location

The existing latency imperatives and the approaches for addressing the latency challenges would result
in the following developments:
Globalization and Diversification
The key impediments to globalization of computerized trading strategies are (a) lack of convenient
connectivity solutions with acceptable latency and (b) trading costs at execution venues. On both these
aspects, significant improvements are underway. On the connectivity front, Fig illustrates the latencies
between the top 10 financial centers and the improvements in connection speeds (source:

On the costs front, increasing competition by alternative liquidity venues- Chi-X-in Europe, Canada and
Australia have significantly lowered trading costs by up to 50%. With both these impediments melting, a
significant focus on globalization and diversification of computerized trading strategies can be expected
in the near future.
New Technology Focused Offerings
With increasing focus on latency, new technology offerings in the value chain can be expected–especially
in pre-trade analytics around ’intelligent’ processing of market signals and in renewed focus on latency
’measurement’ (extending the niche created by the likes of TS-Associates, Correlix and Corvil).
Increasing Emphasis of Smart Order Routing
With algorithmic trading dis-intermediating the traditional execution centric business model of the sell
side, smart order routing capabilities driven by fragmentation, globalization and diversification would
emerge as a focus area.
Technology Services Offerings Shift to Functional Paradigm
With increasing emphasis on low latency and parallelism, technology services are likely to be increasingly
based on functional programming models, moving away from object oriented and imperative styles.

Reference Acknowledgements
1. Washington Blog ( - April 2012
2. Sydney Morning Herald ( - October 2012
3. BIS Report - High Frequency Trading in Forex Markets - September 2011
4. Eric Schulte - Non-Von Neumann Computation - University of New Mexico - May 2010
5. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism ( - Infographic:
Trading at the speed of light - September 2012
6. IOSCO - Regulatory Issues Raised by the Impact of Technological Changes on Market Integrity and
Efficiency ( - October 2011
7. Altera Corporation - Accelerating High Performance Computing with FPGAs - October 2007
8. ADVA - Ultra Low Latency Financial Networking - May 2010
9. Latency Stats ( - Latency Transparency for Market Data - September 2012
10. Robert Litzenberger et al - The Impacts of Automation and
High Frequency Trading on Market Quality
11. Gideon Saar et al - Low Latency Trading
12. David H. Jones et al - GPU Versus FPGA for high productivity computing
13. Christian Leber et al - High Frequency Trading Acceleration using FPGAs
14. Srinivasan S. et al - Understanding Global FInancial Crisis Through Systems Dynamics

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