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Effect of iron status on

verticillium wilt disease
and on in vitro production
of siderophores by
verticillium dahliae
a b a b
I. Barash , R. Zion , J. Krikun & A.
Department of Botany , Tel Aviv University ,
Tel Aviv, Israel
Department of Plant Pathology, ARO , The
Volcani Center , Bet Dagan, Israel
Published online: 21 Nov 2008.

To cite this article: I. Barash , R. Zion , J. Krikun & A. Nachmias (1988)

Effect of iron status on verticillium wilt disease and on in vitro production
of siderophores by verticillium dahliae , Journal of Plant Nutrition, 11:6-11,
893-905, DOI: 10.1080/01904168809363854

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JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRIITON, 11(6-11), 893-905 (1988)



KEY WORDS: Verticillium dahliae, i r o n deficiency,

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peanut, eggplant, Biderophores.

I. Barash 1 , 2 , R. Zion 1 , J. Krikun 2 and A. Nachmias2
Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, I s r a e l
Department of Plant Pathology, ARO, The Volcani Center
Bet Dagan, I s r a e l

In peanuts c u l t i v a t e d i n p l o t s t h a t were e i t h e r
a r t i f i c i a l l y i n f e s t e d with Verticillium dahliae or non-
i n f e s t e d , s o i l a p p l i c a t i o n of FeEDDHA or f o l i a r
a p p l i c a t i o n of Ryplex (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) s i g n i f i c a n t l y
increased y i e l d only i n p l o t s where t h e fungus was
present. Addition of FeEDDHA t o eggplants i n f e c t e d
with V. dahliae s i g n i f i c a n t l y reduced disease s e v e r i t y
i n calcareous s o i l .
Coprogen B was t h e predominant siderophore
produced by seven d i f f e r e n t s t r a i n s of V. dahliae
during a growth period of up t o 18 days. Low amounts
of dimerum acid and an additional u n i d e n t i f i e d
siderophore were also detected. However, a decrease i n
coprogen B with a concomitant increase i n dimerum acid
and pH were measured i n c u l t u r e f i l t r a t e s during a
longer incubation period. A c o r r e l a t i o n was
e s t a b l i s h e d between t h e pH value of t h e medium and t h e
r e l a t i v e concentrations of t h e two siderophores. The
magnitude of siderophore repression by i r o n varied
among d i f f e r e n t i s o l a t e s .


Copyright © 1988 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.



Verticillium dahliae Kleb, i s a destructive and

widespread soilborne pathogen which infects numerous
crop plants (Pegg, 1974). The disease i s expressed by
stunting, wilting and premature senescence. The fungus
survives in the soil as microsclerotia which are
associated with infected plant debris. As the crop
residues decompose, the fungal propagules are released
into the soil (Pegg, 1974).
Verticillium dahliae retards the development of
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peanut plants and causes irregular chlorosis and wilt.

Krikun and Frank (1975) have reported that some
cultivars and experimental breeder lines of peanut
which has previously been found to be highly tolerant
to the disease in sandy soils, succumbed to V. dahliae
in calcareous loess, except when Sequestrene Fe 138
(FeEDDHA) was added into the soil close to the plants
at the age of approximately 7 weeks. These results
indicated that iron deficiency may increase the
sensitivity of peanuts to Verticillium wilt.
Sesquestration of iron via siderophores has been
established as an important determinant of virulence in
bacterial and mycotic diseases of animals (Weinberg,
1984). A similar function could be assumed for
siderophores in plant diseases (Neilands and Leong,
1986). A recent study with Erwina chrysantheml
supports the l a t t e r hypothesis (Expert and Toussaint,
1985). Dimerum acid has been reported to be the sole
siderophore produced by V. dahliae (Harrington and
Neilands, 1982). The present study was undertaken to
examine the capability of V. dahliae to sequester iron
under natural conditions and further characterize the
production of siderophores by this pathogen.
Plant Materials
Peanut p l a n t s (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Shulamit)
were cultivated in infested and non-infested plots in
which potatoes had been grown previously. In the
infested plots, the potatoes were infected by V.
dahliae. Test plots were 5 m long and consisted of
three beds (3 rows/bed). The experiment was arranged
in a randomized complete block design with five
replications per treatment. The soil was sandy loam.
The treatment with Sequistrene Fe 138 (FeEDDHA, Ciba
Geigy) was applied one month after the sowing date (May
15). Foliar application of Ryplex were sprayed 2, 2.5
and 3 months after sowing. Ryplex concentrations were

0. 5% for the Fe and 0. 2% for Mn, Zn and Cu. Ryplex i s

a lignoBUlfonate natural chelate containing
approximately 6%* w/w of either Fe, Zn, Cu or Mn. I t
i s sprayed with urea (l%w/v) t o f a c i l i t a t e penetration.
Three meters of the center bed were hand dug a t
maturity for yield determination.
Eggplant seeds (Solanum melongena L. cv. Black
Beauty) were planted i n pots containing washed sand and
i r r i g a t e d with half Hoagland solution without iron.
Roots of seedlings approximately 3 cm high were
immersed i n a mycelial and spore suspension for 1 h and
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transferred t o pots (15 x 12 cm) containing mountain

rendzina l i g h t clay soils with a 63% CaCC-3 content.
FeEDDHA was added a t the rate of 50 mg Fe/pot with the
i r r i g a t i o n water on the 7th and 14th days a f t e r
seeding. The experiment was terminated a f t e r 35 days.
Shoots were oven dried a t 70" C for 48 h and weighed.
Chlorophyll content of leaf samples was analyzed and
calculated by the method of Mackinney (1941) as
described by Barak and Chen (1982). There were three
replications of 7 plants for each treatment (Table 2).
Isolates and culture media
The following i s o l a t e s of V. dahliae were
obtained from infected potatoes of different countries:
dv-1 ( I s r a e l ) , pi, pb, sb (Canada), pk (England) and C-
3,C-6 (USA). The fungi were maintained on potato
dextrose agar or grown i n liquid medium as described
previously (Manulis e t a l . , 1984). The iron limited
medium for siderophores production contained the
following compounds; glucose, 20g; asparagine, 2 g;
KHsPCU, 1. 5 g; MgSO*.7H=O, 100 mg; ZnSCU, 7HaO, 20 mg;
MnSO-», 20 mg; pyridoxin, 5 mg; thiamine Hcl, 10 mg and
double glass d i s t i l l e d water (pH 4.8).
I s o l a t i o n and i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of siderophores
At the end of the growth period the siderophores
were extracted from the culture f i l t r a t e s by benzyl
alcohol and purified t o homogeneity as described
previously (Manulis e t a l . , 1987). The amount of
t o t a l siderophores was measured according t o
Subramanian e t al. (1965). To f a c i l i t a t e structure
determination, the siderophores were deferrated with 8-
hydroxyquinoline (Weibe and Winkelmann, 1975). ^HNMR
spectra were recorded i n DaO on a Brucker AM360WB
spectrometer and IR spectra were obtained as described
previously (Manulis e t a l . , 1984). Authentic sample of
dimerum acid was obtained from D. J. B. Neilands and
coprogen B was isolated from Stemphylium botryosum
(Manulis e t a l . , 1987). Results presented are averages
of a t l e a s t three different experiments.

Effect of Soil Application of FeEDDHA and Foliar
Applications of Minor Elements on Yield of Peanuts
Growing i n Verticillium dahliae-Infested and Non-
infested Soil.
Treatment Yield per plant (g)
Infested Soil Non-infested s o i l
Ryplex* (1 spray) 76.0to** 106.8-
Ryplex (2 sprays) 88. 2"to 107.2"
Ryplex (3 sprays) 1 79. 6to 91.8-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

FeEDDHA (10 kg ha" ) 104.8« 109.2"

Control 50. 6° 96. 0"
*Ryplex contained Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu
**Means within columns followed by the same l e t t e r are
not s i g n i f i c a n t l y d i f f e r e n t (LSD=0. 05)

Effect of iron on tolerance t o V. dahliae
The presence of V. dahliae i n the s o i l caused a
reduction of approximately 50% i n the yield of peanut
plants (Table 1). Soil application of FeEDDHA i n
infested s o i l one month a f t e r sowing s i g n i f i c a n t l y
increased the yield, which reached a level close t o
t h a t i n the non-infested soil. A s i g n i f i c a n t but
smaller increase i n yield was obtained by one t o three
f o l i a r applications of Ryplex which were applied 2
months a f t e r seeding. No s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t of any of
these treatments on yield was recorded i n non-infested
soil. No v i s i b l e disease symptoms could be detected i n
the plants during the experimental period.
The e f f e c t of iron on the severity of
Verticillium wilt i n eggplants grown under iron limited
conditions i s shown i n Table 2. Addition of FeEDDHA
s i g n i f i c a n t l y increased the height and dry weight of
shoots i n infected plants, as well as the chlorophyll
content. Addition of iron to healthy eggplants did not
induce a s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t on the height or dry weight
of shoots, but increased s i g n i f i c a n t l y the chlorophyll
content. The dry weight of shoots from infected plants
to which iron was added was s i g n i f i c a n t l y higher than
t h a t of healthy plants which did not receive additional

Effect of FeEDDHA on Disease Severity Caused by
Verticillium dahliae i n Eggplant Growing i n Calcareous
Treatment Shoot height Shoot weight Chlorophyll
(cm) (mg dry wt) content(mg/1)
Healthy plants 6. 7-* 150 bc> 76*
Healthy plants 6. 6- 180" 13 102«
Infected plants 5. 3 to 120° 54°
Infected plants 7. 2 - 220« 81*
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*Within columns, means followed by a common l e t t e r are
not significantly different (LSD=0. 05).

Identification and production pattern of siderophores

Siderophores were extracted from f i l t r a t e s of
18-day-old cultures and i n i t i a l l y purified by gel
f i l t r a t i o n through a column of Bio-Gel P-2 (2.5 x 115
cm). Three major components which eluted with double
d i s t i l l e d water from the column were designated as A, B
and C according to their migration rate towards the
cathode i n paper electrophoresis. Siderophore C was a
highly cationic compound, whereas B and A were only
slightly cationic i n pyridine-acetate buffer, pH 5. 2.
Further purification was achieved by chromatography on
Cellex CM column which exhibited differential
adsorption towards the three siderophores. Each
siderophore was brought to homogeniety by employing
preparative paper electrophoresis and Sephadex LH-20
column, as described by Manulis e t al. (1987). I n i t i a l
identification of siderophore B as dimerum acid and C
as coprogen B was demonstrated by obtaining identical
Rfs following co-chromatography with authentic samples
in different solvents (Manulis e t al., 1987). Identical
migration rates of the two siderophores with authentic
samples were also obtained with high voltage
electrophoresis (2000 V) in pyridine-acetate buffer pH
5. 2. Comparative XHNMR and IR spectra of the deferrated
siderophores with deferrated authentic samples
supported the identity of siderophore B and siderophore
C as dimerum acid and coprogen B, respectively. 1NMR
Growth, pH changes and production of
siderophores as a function of incubation period are
shown in Fig. 2. Maximum total siderophore production
was observed on the 24th day after the organism reached

N CH 2 CH 2 H CH 3
O^/ \ / \ / \ ><
0 H
CH3 C-N CH 2N ^ \ /^o ° CH2
^C = C^ CH 2 H OH
CH 2 H

Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

B ~CH2^

CH ^ ' C ^CH3

/C° ^N^ O X C H2
O ^O- _(/ \ CH 2


^CH 2 ) 2
/ CH
(CH2)2 „ No A y > *
CH r^V

Fig. 1. Dimerum acid (A) Coprogen B

spectra of these siderophores were identical with
previously reported spectra (Zahner e t a l . , 1963;
Diekmann, 1970; Harrington and Nielands, 1982; and
Manulis e t al. , 1987).

the stationary phase. The concentration of t o t a l

siderophores in the medium decreased sharply as the
culture aged. I n i t i a l growth was followed by a
decrease in pH from 4. 8 to approximately 3. 8 a f t e r 11
days, with a subsequent increase to 6. 9 a t the end of
the growth period. Coprogen B was the predominant
siderophore (>60%) produced by different strains of V.
dahliae during a growth period of 18 days, whereas the
amount of dimerum acid or siderophore A was minor
(<20%) (Fig. 3).
Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

FIG, 2. Production of siderophores as function of

growth and pH siâerophores ( O ) ; pH ( O ) and
growth ( • ).

, r
2 80 _ r

5» i r
g 40 —

- •
i i ft

dv-l pi pk pb sb c-3 C-6


FIG. 3. Production of siderophores by different

isolates after 18-day-growth period. Dimerum
acid ( H ); siderophore A ( • ) and coprogen
B ( n ).
Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

14 17 24 27 30 34
FIG. 4. Production of individual siderophores as a
function of time. Siderophore A (A); dimerum
acid (B) and coprogen B (C).

ReBultB in Pig. 4 i l l u s t r a t e that the amount of

coprogen B i s significantly reduced after 14 days with
a corresponding increase in dimerum acid. After 30
days, dimerum acid became the major siderophore
produced by V. dahliae. Because a significant
elevation in pH was recorded after 14 days (Fig. 2), i t
was assumed that the changes i n the relative amounts of
the two siderophores after this period might be
influenced by pH. A sequential decrease in coprogen B
and an increase in dimerum acid were correlated with a
r i s e of the pH (Fig. 5a). A correlation was also
established between an increase in total siderophores
production and elevation in pH t o 6. 5 (Fig. 5b). The
response of different isolates t o repression of
siderophore production by iron varied among different
isolates (Fig. 6). The concentration of iron required
for t o t a l repression of siderophores was in the range
of 0.2 to 3 mg/1.

The development of non-infected peanut plants in
plots heavily infested with V. dahliae (Table 1)
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FIG. 5. Production of total and individual siderophores

as a function of pH. Siderophores were determined
a f t e r 20 days growth. Top: Production of individual
siderophores: Coprogen B (C); dimerum acid (B) and
siderophore A (A). Bottom: Production of total
siderophores in various buffers at (0. 1 M); c i t r a t e
( X ); phosphate ( O ); citrate-phosphate ( A ).

permitted study of the capability of the pathogen to

deprive the plant of iron even when the former was
present ex planta. Peanuts are highly sensitive to
iron deficiency and have been used for evaluation of
iron status in the soil (Barak and Chen, 1982). The
dramatic increase in yield following FeEDDHA
application to infested, but not to non-infested soil
(Table 1) indicates that this fungus can efficiently
sequester iron from the environment and compete for
iron with plants and presumably with common
microorganisms as well. Although peanut may serve as a
host to V. dahliae (Krikun and Frank, 1975), the
absence of Verticillium wilt in spite of the presence
of the pathogen in the soil could result from
differential host specificity. As indicated earlier,
Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

0.002 0.02 Q1 0.5 1 2 3

Fe2tor Fe3+(mg/l)

FIG. 6 Effect of iron concentration on siderophore

production by various isolates, dv-1 ( O ); pi ( A );
sb ( • ).

the pathogenic isolate originated from infected

potatoes and was presumably avirulent to peanut.
Nevertheless, the possibility that the root system of
the peanut plants was infected cannot be entirely
Iron deficiency caused by calcareous soil
significantly increased disease severity in eggplants
as expressed by growth retardation and chlorophyll
content (Table 2). Addition of FeEDDHA completely
restored normal growth and partially restored
chlorophyll content. Aggravation of disease symptoms
due to iron limitation was also demonstrated during the
infection of bean by Fusarium solani (Guerra and
Anderson, 1985). Botrytis cinérea, for example,
produced lesions on leaves of broad bean more rapidly
and many more spreading lesions developed under
conditions of iron deficiency (Brown and Swinburne,
1982). In the l a t t e r case the withdrawal of iron by
chelates was responsible for a decrease in phytoalexins
production and consequently impaired the defense
response. Reduction in lignin formation in beans

infected with F_. solani under iron limiting conditions

(Guerra and Anderson, 1985) could f a c i l i t a t e
penetration and colonization by the pathogen. The
mechanism for increases susceptibility of eggplants to
V. dahliae due to iron deficiency i s not yet clear.
Dimerum acid has been previously reported as the
sole siderophore produced by V. dahliae (Harrington and
Nielands, 1982). In the present work, coprogen B
seemed the major siderophore produced by seven
different isolates of this pathogen, whereas dimerum
acid and an additional unidentified hydroxamate
siderophore were present in minor quantities (Fig. 3).
Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

The discrepancy between the two studies i s most likely

due to variations in cultural conditions. The i n i t i a l
pH of the culture medium used by Harrington and
Neilands (1982) for example, was 6.3 as opposed t o 4.8
in the present work. As i l l u s t r a t e d in Fig. 5a, the
increase in production of dimerum acid with a
corresponding decrease in coprogen B was correlated
with elevation of the pH to 6. 3. The pattern of
siderophore production as a function of growth (Fig. 2)
strongly resembles the kinetics of siderophore
secretion in Fusarium dimerum which also forms dimerum
acid and coprogen B (Diekmann, 1977). The inverse
correlation in the production of the two siderophores
(Figs. 4, 5) could imply that dimerum acid i s formed as
a breakdown product of coprogen B. The l a t t e r
phenomenon could occur by enzymatic cleavage of the
ester bond which links a fusarinine unit and dimerum
acid to form coprogen B (Fig. 1).
The ability of microbial pathogens t o compete
successfully for a vital nutrient such as iron i s
considered a prerequisite for infection (Neilands,
1981). In animal systems, there i s a substantial body
of evidence correlating siderophore production with
virulence (Weinberg, 1984). The role of siderophores
in the pathogenicity of V. dahliae i s s t i l l unclear.
The capability of the pathogen to withdraw iron from
the rhizosphere and induce iron deficiency (Table 1)
may occur via siderophores.
Hydroxamate siderophores have been isolated from
soil (Powell et al. , 1980) and i t i s quite reasonable
to assume that they are being secreted by V. dahliae
for i t s survival ex planta. Whether conditions exist
for the production of siderophores in planta i s s t i l l
an unresolved question. Harrington and Neilands (1982)
failed to detect siderophores in cotton plants infected
with V. dahliae. Moreover, iron depletion of the host
plant during infection (Table 2) may be caused by

mechanisms other than siderophores. Thus, citrate,

endogenous phenolic compounds, heme or iron proteins,
rather than siderophores, may be the major iron source
for V. dahliae within the host plant.

Contribution from the Agricultural Research

Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, I s r a e l ,
No. 2043-E, 1987 s e r i e s . The work was supported by a
grant from Binational Agricultural Research and
Development Funds IS-0878-85. The authors wish t o
thank Dr. J. B. Neilands for providing a sample of
Downloaded by [New York University] at 10:04 17 February 2015

authentic dimerum acid.

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