Karcher G 2400 HH

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Model G 2400 HH Part No. 1.194-301

Model K 2400 HH Part No. 1.194-302

Model K 2400 HB Part No. 1.194-303

Model HD 2500 HK Part No. 1.194-115

High Pressure V\fosher Operator Manual

Overview _ v. 1
Precautions 1-2
Assembly Instructions 3
Operating Instructions 4
Using the Accessories 5
Working with Detergents 6
Shut Down and Clean-Up 7
Ta k i n g a Break 7
Winterizing and Long-Term Storage ... .7
Cleaning Tips 8-9
- ■' Optional Cleaning Accessories 9
Troubleshooting 1 0 - 11

Model K 2400 HH/G 2400 HH
Operating pressure 2400 PSI
Water volume 2.5 GPM
Engine 5.0 HP Honda GC 160
Model K 2400 HB
Operating pressure 2400 PSI
Water volume 2.5 GPM
Engine 5.5 HP Briggs & Stratton
Model K 2500 HK
Operating pressure 2500 PSI ■**'
Water volume 2.5 GPM
Engine 6.0 HP Kohler Command

In USA Call: ■
1-800-537-4129 §L^
or visit our website:
www.karcher-usa.com $
Manual Part No. 9.139-106
NOTE: Engines controls shown may appear different.

Step 1 Check oil level. Oil

level should be level with the
b o t t o m o f t h e o i l fi l l e r n e c k . B e \ l
sure the machine is level when <;
checking the oil level. (Refer to s J,
the engine's operating manual
for seasonal grades.) We
recommend that the oil be
c h a n g e d a f t e r t h e fi r s t 5 h o u r s L
of use, then once every 50 \
hours. x Step 2 Fill gas tank
with unleaded gasoline.
Note: Improper oil levels will cause low oil sensor to shut off engine. Do not use leaded gasoline.

Step 3 Connect Step 4 Trigger the gun Step 5 (Honda) Slide

garden hose to the cold to eliminate trapped air, wait the choke lever out to the
water source and turn water for a steady flow of water to closed position (on a warm
on completely.
completely. Never
use emerge from the spray nozzle. engine, leave the choke lever
hot water. in the open position).SIide the
throttle lever up about 1/3 of
the way toward the fast

Step 5 (Briggs & Stratton) Step 5 (Kohler) Turn fuel

Turn fuel valve to "ON". Slide valve to "ON". Slide the
the throttle control to the throttle control to the fast
fast position. Move the position. Move the choke
choke lever to the "CHOKE" lever to the "CHOKE"
Step 6 Pull the starter
position (only if the engine position (only if the engine handle. If the engine fails to
is cool). After starting, move is cool). After starting, move start after 3 pulls, squeeze
the choke to "RUN". the choke to "RUN". the trigger gun to release
pressure, and repeat step.
Important! After the engine warms up
Do not run the engine with a high or low oil level as this can
cause engine damage. enough to run smoothly,
move choke to open position
If you have further questions regarding the engine, please refer to
and throttle to fast position.
the engine's operating manual included with the unit.

Stepl Remove de- Step 2 Press Step 3 Turn Step 4 Press

tergent suction tube from the throttle down to off water supply. trigger to release
container and insert into stop the engine. If water pressure,
one gallon of fresh water, the engine has a
Siphon water at low fuel valve or swich
pressure for one minute, turn off

Step 5 Disconnect the Step 6 Disconnect the Step 7 Engage the

garden hose from the water high pressure hose from the gun safety lock,
inlet on the unit. high pressure outlet.

TAKING A BREAK... five minutes or more

Step 1 Slide the throttle Step 2 Press trigger to Step 3 Engage gun
down to stop the engine. If the release water pressure. safety lock,
engine has a fuel valve or
switch turn off


1. Disconnect all water connections. 5. Store the machine and accessories in
2. Turn on the machine for a few seconds, a room which does not reach freezing
until the remaining water exits. temperatures.
Turn off immediately. Caution: Failure to follow the above
3. Drain the gas and oil from the engine. directions will result in damage to the
4. Do not allow high pressure hose pump assembly and accessories.
to become kinked.

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