Lab 5 Flow Meter
Lab 5 Flow Meter
Lab 5 Flow Meter
Group 1
Adrian Francisco
Dylan McCullough
Elizabeth Matthews
Erin Fangman
Olatunbosun Fakiye
Wyatt Kitzmiller
1. Table of Contents 1
2. List of Figures 2
3. Introduction 3
a. Materials Used 4
b. Equations Used 5
4. Experiment Setup 6
6. Reference 10
List of Figures
Figure 1 4
Figure 2 7
Figure 3 7
Figure 4 7
Figure 5 8
Figure 6 8
Figure 7 8
Figure 8 8
Having accurate measurements are very important for the engineers to use in design, data
collection, and for many applications. If measurements of flows are inaccurate, dangers can arise
in many different types of designs ranging from faulty ventilators to even congested flow in
pipes in a sewage system. In order to minimize error measurement devices were created using
For this lab we are going to demonstrate the accuracy of these measurement devices by
collecting data and determining volumetric flowrates and comparing errors from the orifice and
rotameters provided. With the errors presented we can verify the accuracy of the calibrations of
the orifice against a positive displacement meter and the calibration of the two rotameters.
Materials Used
Pressure Regulator
- Used to adjust the pressure of the air flow entering the system
- A variable-area flowmeter that is used to measure the volumetric flow rate by
allowing air to raise a float that can be used to read the measurement
Orifice Flowmeter
- Contains a plate that restricts the air flow going through the orifice. The pressure
going through is dropped and can be measured using the meter attached
o Outside Diameter: 0.541 inches
o Inside Diameter: 1.065 inches
Equations Used
1 1
Bernoulli Equation: p1 + ρV 21=p 2+ ρV 22
2 2
2 ( p1− p 2)
Ideal Volumetric Flowrate
:[ ] V̇ = A 2 V 2= A 2
√ [ ( )] A
ρ 1− 2
2 ( p1− p 2)
Actual Volumetric Flowrate
:[ ] V̇ =C D A 2 V 2=C D A 2
d orifice
√ [ ( )] A
ρ 1− 2
Beta: β=
d pipe
ρV 1 d pipe
Reynold’s Number: ℜ=
pA T B
Corrected Rotameter Flow: V̇ B =V̇ A
√ pB T A
V̇ - Volumetric Flowrate
ρ - Density
d- Diameter
A- Area
p- Pressure
T- Temperature
C D - Discharge Coefficient
V - Volume
μ- Dynamic Viscosity
Experiment Setup
4. Open up Rotameter 2
6. Record data from both Rotameters and the pressure drop across orifice
PDM Flow Rate
Rotame te r 1 p1 T1 Orifice ∆p Rotame te r 2 p2 p2 T2 Re volutions
CFM psi deg C in. water CFM in. water psi deg C rpm
9 1.0 24.3 3.5 9.8 3.5 1.0 23.5 162.0 8.1
10 1.3 24.1 4.5 10.5 4.0 1.3 23.3 184.0 9.2
11 1.5 24.1 5.5 11.4 5.2 1.5 23.2 204.0 10.2
13 2.8 24.1 9.5 15.0 9.5 2.8 23.0 262.0 13.1
15 3.6 24.0 12.5 17.0 13.0 3.6 22.8 294.0 14.7
17 5.3 24.0 18.0 21.0 above 15 5.3 22.4 390.0 19.5
Absolute PDM
Rotame te r 1 T1 Orifice ∆p Rotame te r 2 T2
p1 Re volutions
density Ideal Flow Actual Flow Actual
Velocity (m/s) (kg/m^3) (m^3/s) (m^3/s) Flow scfm
6.65 1.239859 1.22E+04 0.005742 0.00355991 7.543026
7.55 1.26502 1.41E+04 0.006446 0.00399622 8.467503
8.37 1.281668 1.59E+04 0.007079 0.0043892 9.30018
10.75 1.388043 2.21E+04 0.00894 0.00554309 11.74514
12.07 1.453954 2.59E+04 0.01002 0.00621257 13.16369
16.01 1.594176 3.77E+04 0.011483 0.00711966 15.08572
Figure 4. Orifice Meter Data
The above data shows the values for the proper calibration of the rotameter errors
(Figure 6). We can observe that as the volumetric flowrate increases the error percentage for
the readings for both rotameters increase as well. This could be very dangerous as providing
false data for higher rates of flow which can result in bursting of pipes. This is also shown in the
pressure drop measurements located in Figure 2 and Figure 4. The readings show an increased
scfm whereas the actual scfm values we slightly lower. This shows the need for calibration for
the devices.
Error in Rotameters
Error in Pressure Drop
15.02 25.00 22.64
Error (%)
Error (%)
2.00 1.29
2.89 5.00
0.00 1.44
9.8 10.5 11.4 15.0 17.0 Reference
Rotameter Measurement (scfm)
8.1 9.2 10.2 13.1 14.7 19.5
Padmavathy Thiruvengadam,
Error in Rotameter 1
Error in Rotameter 2 PDM Flow
Arvind. "Lab 5 Flowmeter Calibration" . LabRatehandbook.