Daniel Observations - Visit 1
Daniel Observations - Visit 1
Daniel Observations - Visit 1
Refer back to your learning intentions at the end of the lesson. This will help guide where students
understanding is at.
Try to use questions to gain evidence of students thinking, understanding and knowledge – questions
could include technical (about how to perform a specific skill), tactical (how, when and why, strategies)
and personal and social skills (TPSR, how they work with others or set themselves a goal, being
persistent etc).
Use the success criteria on the whiteboard – how will students know if they are being successful? This
will also include cues that students can refer to throughout the lesson.
Use the whiteboard to explain important key points visually for students to gain a clear understanding
Have some visual cues for students to refer to
Step by step – checklist (very basic) for students to refer to ie eyes on the ball, swing leg back, kick ball
with foot (specify which part of the foot).
Students enter the gym and have some exploring time with the balls (you will need to train the kids up
to do this and focus on safety ie only kick towards a wall, work individually or with a partner). This will
allow you a little bit of time to get set up and organised if needed.
Afternoon Meeting
Questions – don’t give the kids all the information. Use questions to allow students to share and
demonstrate their understanding and knowledge.
We looked at the progressions of net and wall games and when concepts are introduced. (Complexity
table provided)
Assessment – you use rubrics on Idoceo for assessment.
Considerations for next meeting – How do you track students from year to year? How do you know
what growth has been achieved? Could students already perform certain skills at the start of the unit
of work? What new learning have they demonstrated?
It was lovely to work with you Daniel. I look forward to working with you again at my next visit (Monday 16 th
Prospect Primary
Monday 16th November
Observation of PE lessons and meeting with Kylie and Daniel during the afternoon
Learning intentions and success criteria for every lesson
Can there be a display in the gym that students can refer to? ie rules of the game would be good to
have displayed for students to check on throughout the lesson. These could also be laminated and the
umpires could go through these rules when the other teams are warming up to ensure all umpires
have a good understanding as this can be a very hard task.
Could you include TPSR in your Sport Education Program? Fair play points maybe?
Could students (may be umpires and scorers) add to this list also?
When discussing your observations with students could you start with…why do you think I added this
point to discuss? Did any team overcome this? How? What changes did you make too your team’s
game? Etc
If you include a TPSR component into your questioning and or learning intentions, you may wish to
consider how games are concluded – shake hands, high five or elbow tap the opposing team and
acknowledge the umpires and scorers.
Make sure each lesson has a clear focus (expressed through learning intentions) and success criteria.
Afternoon Discussion
Structuring a lesson – can we get students moving right from the start, then focus on learning
intentions and success criteria for the lesson. Remember to come back to learning intentions at te
conclusion of the lesson as this will help gu
Fundamental Movement Skills – resources shared
Discussion of how you can track students year to year
We looked at the new scope and sequence for HPE produced by the Department for Education
Discussed and shared examples of how you can incorporate Personal and Social skills (fair play) into
the scoring system during the Sport Education program.
Discussed how you can gather evidence of learning (before, during and towards the end of the unit of
work). This will help establish growth that students make throughout each unit of work.
Kylie suggested that you choose a couple of areas to focus on, include these in your Performance
Development Plan for 2021.
It has been lovely to work with you Daniel. I have enjoyed learning with you and from you when I have visited
Prospect Primary School.
I hope 2020 finishes well for you and I wish you all the best for 2021.
Kylie Newbold