Time-Planning Chart: MON Tues WED Thur FRI SAT SUN
Time-Planning Chart: MON Tues WED Thur FRI SAT SUN
Time-Planning Chart: MON Tues WED Thur FRI SAT SUN
Time-Planning Chart
8:00 Physical
English Biology Spanish & Spanish Breakfast Breakfast
9:00 Home (Study
Physical Physical Basketball
Math Religion Biology for Dual
Education Education diploma) game
10:00 Physical Home (Study
Technolog Study all
& Music Spanish Math for Dual
y diploma) topics
11:00 Home (Study
Geography Study all
Math French English English for Dual
& History diploma) topics
Break Break Break Break Break Brunch Brunch
1:00 Physical
Geography Geography Study all Study all
Biology & French
& History & History topics topics
2:00 Teachers Technolog Study all Study all
Spanish English Math
aid y topics topics
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Relax Relax
Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Relax Relax
6:00 Basketball
Relax Relax Relax Relax Relax Relax
7:00 Basketball Study all Basketball Study all Basketball
Relax Relax
practice topics practice topics practice
8:00 Basketball Study all Basketball Study all Basketball
Relax Relax
practice topics practice topics practice
9:00 Basketball Basketball
Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
practice practice
Dinner Relax Dinner Relax Relax Relax Relax
Name: Elena Collado Date: 22nd November 2020
Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed
1. Go to school.
2. Do my homework.
3. Online classes (to confront the spread of COVID-19).
4. Basketball practice.
5. Basketball game.
For School
1. Write a book summary.
2. Doing an experiment for Chemistry.
3. Practice algebraic problems.
For Home
1. Tidy up my closet.
2. Help in the garden.
3. Clean my mother´s car