MADRID Syllabus Social Science LT 5 English
MADRID Syllabus Social Science LT 5 English
MADRID Syllabus Social Science LT 5 English
Social Science 5
Syllabus Social Science
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
INDEX 1 Page
1. Introduction 3
2. Methodology 5
3. Contribution to the development of key competences 7
4. General Objectives of the stage 8
5. Course contents and Learning outcomes 9
6. Values and Attitudes 13
7. Mixed-ability activities 15
8. Fostering reading 16
9. Language Structures 17
10. Cooperative Learning 22
11. Project Based Learning 29
12. Assessment Rubrics 45
13. Assessment in our Educational Project 48
14. Assessment of the Teaching-Learning process 50
15. Specific methodology in ByME Social Science 5 CAM 58
16. Materials of ByME Social Science 5 CAM 68
17. Measures for pupils with special needs 69
18. Use of information and communication technology 71
19. Teaching and organisational resources 75
20. Supplementary activities 76
21. Didactic Units
Delete non-applicable items.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
ByME Social Science was developed according to the guidelines stated in the following documents:
Decreto 89/2014, de 24 de julio, por el que se establece para la Comunidad de Madrid el Currículo de la Educación Primaria
The aim of the Primary Education is to help students learn the principles of oral expression and comprehension, reading, writing, calculation, the acquisition of
basic notions of culture, and the habit of coexistence as well as the study and work habits, the artistic sense, creativity and affectivity, in order to ensure an integral
formation that contributes to the full development of the students' personality, and to prepare them effectively for Compulsory Secondary Education.
The educational action in this stage will try to integrate the different learning experiences of the students and it will also be adapted to the students' different
working paces.
Primary Education is divided into six academic years, which will ordinarily be taught between six and twelve years old, and it is organized in areas, which will
have a holistic and integrative approach.
According to the LOMCE, the curriculum is integrated by the objectives of each educational stage; the competences, or skills needed to activate and put into
practise the relevant contents of the stage in an integrated way, so as to achieve the realisation of the activities and the effective resolution of complex problems;
the contents, or a set of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes which contribute to the achievement of the objectives for each educational stage and the
acquisition of the relevant competences; the teaching methodology, ranging from the description of the teaching practices to the organisation of teacher's work;
measurable learning outcomes; and the evaluation criteria to assess the level of acquisition of the competences and the achievement of the objectives of each
educational stage.
a) Curriculum: regulation of the elements determining the teaching and learning process for each educational stage.
b) Objectives: references to the achievements that the student must attain at the end of the educational process, as a result of the teaching and learning
experiences intentionally planned for this purpose.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
c) Competences: abilities to apply the relevant contents of each educational stage in an integrated way, in order to achieve the correct realisation of the
activities and the effective resolution of complex problems.
d) Contents: set of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes which contribute to the achievement of the objectives for each educational stage and the
acquisition of the relevant competences. The contents are organised into subjects, which are classified into areas, fields and modules, depending on the
educational stage, or the programmes students take part in.
e) Measurable Learning outcomes: specifications of the evaluation criteria which allow to define the learning results, and specify what the student must
know, understand and know how to do, in each area; these standards must be observable, measurable, and assessable and must allow the graduation of the
students' achievements. The standards must be designed in order to contribute and facilitate the use of standardized and comparable tests.
f) Evaluation criteria: specific references used to assess the students' learning process. They describe whatever it is that must be valued and that students
must achieve, both in terms of knowledge and in competences; they respond to what is aimed to achieve in each area.
g) Teaching methodology: set of strategies, procedures and actions planned and organized by the teachers, consciously and reflexively, in order to
promote the students' learning process and their achievements.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Social Science includes different disciplines which cover diverse aspects of human behaviour in relation to society. Among these, Geography and History
occupy a privileged place on the curriculum of Primary Education.
The area of Social Science belongs to the block of core subjects, therefore the contents, evaluation criteria and evaluable learning standards for the whole stage
have been proposed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in the Royal Decree 126/2014 of 28 February, by which is established the basic curriculum for
Primary Education. The Community of Madrid has complemented and given further definition to the contents, distributing them, together with their corresponding
standards of evaluable learning, on a course-by-course basis.
The contents are distributed in a common block which deals with strategies for work and study which apply to all the courses in the cycle, and in three other
blocks, which are repeated in each one of the courses.
In two of these blocks, “Geography. The world in which we live” and “History. The track of time”, the contents of Geography and of History which the students
must study in each course of the cycle are collected together. These contents refer, principally, to the Geography and History of Spain.
In Primary Education the objective is not that the students should be capable of analyzing and assessing historic events or human behaviours. The objective is
fundamentally that, through the knowledge of the most relevant events in the History of Spain, the students should be capable of acquiring a spatial and temporal
reference system in which to situate what they are to learn in future studies.
In order to introduce the Primary students to the study of History it is essential to have some basic and general knowledge of Geography. Thus, the contents of this
discipline are included in the first years and only from the third year onward are the references to the study of history introduced.
The contents related to History must allow the students to identify and characterize the great historic periods. Within these, the most relevant events are established
and ordered in chronological sequence. The objective is not to lay out the themes in an exhaustive manner, but rather to ensure that the students know the most
representative characters and events in each of the periods. The events the dates of which are indicated, constitute indispensable references which the teacher may
fill out in accordance with his/her pedagogical criteria.
The reading of stories, biographies or accounts of characters and historic events as well as the learning of some ballads, may prove useful for the enrichment of the
The block named “Living in society” focuses on bringing the student close to the study of social organizations, the economic life of citizens, the distribution of the
population, the forms of working and other questions related with the political, social and territorial organization of Spain. Through the family and school the child
is introduced into society. Hence the relations of the child with the family and educational environment are the starting point for the initiation of the student in the
study of the contents of this block. With regard to the rest of the contents they are left, in their majority, for the final two years.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
«In line with recommendation 2006/962/EC, of the European Parliament and the Council, 18th December 2006, about Key competences for permanent learning,
this royal decree is based in the strengthening of learning by competences, integrated in curricular elements to provide a renovation in teaching practice and
teaching and learning process. New focuses are suggested in learning and evaluating, which will suppose an important change in tasks that pupils have to solve
and innovative methodological approach. The competence supposes a combination of practical skills, knowledge, motivation, ethical values, attitudes, feelings,
and other social and behaviour components that mobilise together to reach an effective action.»
«The competences, therefore, conceptualize as a «know how to act» applied to a diversity of academic, social and professional contexts. To make possible the
transference to different contexts, understanding of given knowledge in competences is essential, and its connection with practical skills that integrate them.»
«Denomination of key competences defined by the European Union is taken. It is considered that «key competences are those necessary to fulfil persons, for an
active citizenship, social inclusion and employment». The teacher’s role is fundamental, being able to design learning tasks or situations to enable the resolution
of problems, the application of learned knowledge and the promotion of students’ activities».
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Primary education will contribute to the children’s development of the skills that will enable them to:
a) Understand and appreciate the values and standards of living, learn to act in accordance with them, prepare for active citizenship and respect for human rights
and pluralism inherent in a democratic society.
b) Develop individual and team work, effort and responsibility in the study as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity,
creativity and interest in learning, and entrepreneurship.
c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, enabling them to function independently in the family and household, as well as in social
groups with which they are associated.
d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination of
people with disabilities.
e) Know and use appropriately the Spanish language and develop reading habits.
f) Acquire, in at least one foreign language, skills to enable them to express and understand simple messages and function in everyday situations.
g) Develop basic Maths skills and initiative in solving problems that require elementary operations of calculation, geometry and estimates, as well as being able
to apply to situations in everyday life.
h) Know the main features of Natural Science, Social Science, Geography, History and Culture.
i) Start using, for learning, the information technology and communication to develop a critical mind to the messages they receive and produce.
j) Use representation and artistic expression and start to build visual and audio-visual proposals.
k) Rate hygiene and health, accept their own body and that of others, respecting differences and using physical education and sport to encourage both personal
and social development.
l) Know and appreciate those animals closest to us and adopt forms of behaviour that contribute to their preservation and care.
m) Develop emotional skills in all areas of personality and in their relationships with others and an attitude opposed to violence, prejudice of any kind and sexist
n) Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes that affect the prevention of accidents.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The beginning of the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula. Visigoth Spain.
2. Identifies the arrival of the Visigoths in the fifth century with the beginning of the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula.
3. Situates the Visigoth Kingdom of Toledo chronologically.
4. Knows some fundamental development from the Visigoth period, such as the conversion of Reccared to Catholicism in the year 589.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Spain in the Modern Age. XVI and XVII Centuries. The reign of the House of Austria.
22. Knows some important events from the reigns of Charles I, Philip II and Philip IV.
23. Knows the names of some writers of the Spanish Golden Age such as Garcilaso de la Vega, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Saint John of the Cross, Fray Luis de Leon,
Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Luis de Gongora, Tirso de Molina or Pedro Calderon de la Barca and artists such as El Greco or Diego Velazquez.
Spain in the Modern Age. The XVIII Century. The Bourbons in Spain.
24. Identifies Philip V as the first Bourbon king of Spain.
25. Identifies the fundamental aspects of the reign of the Bourbons.
26. Is familiar with the scientific expeditions of Jorge Juan.
27. Identifies the reign of Charles III with the modernization and beautification of Madrid. (Royal Palace, Puerta de Alcalá, Botanic Garden, etc).
Living in society
The population. The population of Spain and Europe: distribution and evolution. Migratory movements.
28. Is familiar with the terms: demography, absolute population and density of population.
29. Interprets a population pyramid and other graphs used in the study of population.
30. Situates on a map the major nuclei of population in Spain and Europe, the most densely populated zones and the principal migratory movements.
Productive activities. Sectors of production. Economic activities and sectors of production of Spain and Europe. Publicity.
31. Distinguishes between raw materials and finished product, associating them with the activities in which they are obtained.
32. Describes in an ordered sequence the process of elaboration of a product through its sale and identifies the sectors to which it belongs.
33. Explains the relevant activities of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in Spain and Europe.
34. Understands the function of publicity and recognizes and explains the most usual techniques of publicity, analyzing concrete examples.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Initiation to scientific knowledge and its application in Social science. Searching for and selecting information.
1. Obtains concrete and relevant information on events or phenomena which have been previously delimited, using different sources.
2. Analyzes the information obtained to select that which is most relevant.
3. Develops strategies to organize, memorize and recuperate information obtained through different methods and sources.
4. Manages images, tables, graphs, diagrams and synopses in order to summarize the information obtained.
Development of personal abilities. Responsibility, capacity for effort and constancy in study. Entrepreneurial initiative.
9. Shows autonomy in the planning and execution of actions and tasks and has initiative in the taking of decisions.
10. Demonstrates attitudes of self-confidence, critical thinking, personal initiative, curiosity, interest, creativity and enterprising spirit in the face of the circumstances which
surround him/her.
11. Assumes responsibilities for what is done, said or the decisions which are made.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The education in values is an answer to the society in which we live. Therefore, it is not considered one more area to work with, but as a core idea going
over all curricular areas being present in the whole educational process.
In this stage, the school education has as an objective to develop in pupils the abilities considered necessary to manage as citizens within full rights and duties in the
society where they live. This aim does not finish in intellectual knowledge integrated in diverse fields, but pretends comprehensive development of the person, that
is, tries to deal with their affective, motor, interpersonal, insertion and social action capacities.
This cross cutting brings pupils closer to values that today worry the world inviting to get in touch with them, becoming sensitive making them part of matters as
important as the defence of nature, world peace, equal opportunities without discrimination because of sex, or race causes, etc.
The inclusion of work in values in different units of the syllabus responds to that intention. Its treatment requires, depending on the unit, a special focus, if we
consider types of contents and activities suggested. On the other hand, in all areas we work through different elements.
The final objective of working in values in school curriculum, and, therefore, in our syllabus, is to form pupils in an integral way, that includes from their cognitive
development to their integration in the moving culture of society, going through their training in solidarity, cooperation and participation values. Keeping this in
mind, the methodology for learning these matters can not leave from something external from pupils, but will be based in:
Also, in the area of Social Sciences, we have dedicated a specific space for the work in values:
In ByME Social Science 5 there is a strong focus on ethics and values, encouraging children to engage with the world around them, appreciate its
complexities and problems, and develop social responsibility.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Our world: Pupils are introduced to values and ethics in relation to the scientific project. They are presented with situations designed to encourage reasoning and
an engagement with their immediate surroundings, in order for them to internalise feelings of social responsibility. This way scientific knowledge is
contextualised and made meaningful for young learners.
1. The educational intervention at this stage must facilitate learning in pupils requiring a different educative attention odd to the ordinary because of special needs
for disability, because of specific difficulties in learning (among them the dyslexia), if presenting Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), because of high
intellectual abilities, late inclusion in the educational system, or personal conditions and school history. The regional government ministry is responsible of
educational competences and to adopt the necessary measures to identify pupils with specific learning difficulties and to evaluate in an early way their needs.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
2. The regional government office with competences in educational matters will regulate the aspects named in section 1 of this article y and will establish the
opportune measures for all pupils to reach an adequate level in the curricular competences, as in the established objectives with general role for Primary Education.
Specific activities of reinforcement and extension in ByME Social Science 5 syllabus (CAM).
ByME Social Science 5 (CAM) syllabus suggests different ways of encouraging reading habits and to develop the understanding in reading, by texts and
reading activities from Pupils Book, as with the help of support material.
Reading is a complex cognitive linguistic process that not only involves the skill of decoding phonemes-spellings, but also the abilities for understanding the text
and to interpret from the reader. In addition, to this we must add a great number of communicative contexts and the intentions of the texts.
In Primary, reading is a fundamental pillar from where all learning raise. Its optimal acquisition contributes pupils development with success in school and daily
range and in its personality develop.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
At the beginning of the stage, students are in their full reading skills progress. The management and control of these reading skills so divers by the pupil Hill take to
the ultimate objective of teaching reading: to read in an efficient way.
More than teaching the functional use of reading in early ages (to teach the ability of decoding and other understanding strategies) and to increase the skills over
Primary Stage, it is fundamental to awake pupils interest in reading and to encourage habit and pleasure of reading.
Regarding to the Resources, next we detail the suggestions of the syllabus to work reading and comprehension in Social Sciences area:
Pupil's Book and Activity Book: Reading text throughout all the unit
Introduction to the use of the school library
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
listening for specific information
reading for comprehension and for specific
classifying and ordering
collaborative language
reading for information
exchange of information
descriptive language
speaking skills
writing skills
reading skills
unit vocabulary
6 giving opinions vocabulary
comparatives and superlatives comparing advantages and disadvantages
talking about companies
listening for specific information
reading skills
assimilating information
business terminology
mathematical operations
speaking skills: collaborating in a group
making suggestions
making decisions and reaching consensus
unit vocabulary
mathematical functions
comparing things
speaking skills
reading skills
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Cooperative Learning (CL) is an educational situation in which students are required to work together in small groups or teams to support each other in order to
improve their own learning and that of others.
CL goes beyond merely seating students together; simply telling them they are a group does not mean they will cooperate effectively. For students to behave
cooperatively, and to reach their full potential within a group or team, they will need some essential elements.
1. Positive interdependence
Students perceive that they need each other in order to complete the group’s task. Every pupil in a small group must contribute to the learning of the group, and each
member needs the others to complete the task. We can enhance positive interdependence by establishing mutual goals which “will help each student to learn and
make sure all other team members learn”.
2. Individual accountability
“Each student’s performance is assessed and the results are given to that student and the rest of the members of the group”. Therefore each member of the group is
responsible for completing their part of the work and must develop a sense of personal responsibility towards him or herself and the rest of the group, because
individual performance will affect not only one’s own result, but also the rest of the members’ results.
3. Promotive interaction
“Students promote each other’s learning by helping, sharing, and encouraging efforts to learn”. CL implies face-to-face interaction. Students need not only to
discuss and agree but also to produce a piece of work through combined effort, because Cooperative Learning is not about working individually and make a ‘cut-
and-paste’ final product.
4. Social abilities
Students need interpersonal skills in order to be successful.
Some of them are:
- Effective leadership
- Decision-making
- Trust-building
- Communication
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
- Conflict resolution
- Helping and asking for help
- Organisation
- Self-esteem and self-confidence
Our students aren’t born knowing how to behave in a group. We have to teach them, giving them models, and opportunities to practise these skills.
5. Group processing
Developing CL methodology is not easy at first, nor are the effects immediate. Difficulties within the groups, resources and management may arise. That is why
formative assessment is needed. This assessment involves both teachers and students.
One way of structuring group assessment is by:
- Listing at least three member actions that helped the group be successful (students).
- Listing at least one action that could make the group even more successful (students).
- Monitoring the groups and giving feedback on how well the groups are working together and the class as a whole (teacher)
We need to know the strong and weak points in order to make the right decisions and develop the methodology in the right direction.
The benefits of using CL are supported by theory and are well-established by classroom research.
There are several reasons why CL works as well as it does:
- Students learn more by doing something active than by simply watching and listening, and CL is by nature an active method.
- Cooperation enhances learning. Less confident students working individually tend to give up when they get stuck, but when working as a part of a team they
keep going.
- When strong students help and work together with less confident students, they often find gaps in their own understanding and fill them in.
- Students working alone may tend to delay or skip their assignments, but when they work as a part of a team and realise that others are counting on them,
they will often feel more motivated and do the work in a timely manner.
Nevertheless, we should never forget that the benefits of CL are not automatic, and it takes time to work in a cooperative way.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The Work together section of the ByME Social Science 5 Learn Together is designed to develop pupils’ cooperative learning skills through the use of two
different types of techniques, Teammates consult and Think-Pair-Share.
These techniques are presented to the pupils at the beginning of the book with a brief explanation. Here’s all you need to know about them!
Teammates consult
In groups of four, each member of the team will get a question to answer.
Pupils put their pencils in the middle of the desks and start discussing the questions.
They take turns reading the questions to the rest of the group, expressing their opinions or doubts and decide on an answer as a group.
Each pupil takes back its pencil and writes down the answer.
They repeat the process with the rest of the questions.
Pupils are presented with a problem.
- First they work on their own and reflect on the problem that has been posed. Make sure that they all try to establish their own ideas on the matter.
- Secondly, pupils get together with a partner and work in pairs. Pupils are required to reach agreements with their partners after discussing their opinions.
Finally, the two pairs get together and work as a group and discuss their ideas together and agree on an answer.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The Buck Institute for Education (BIE) defines Project Based Learning as “an extended process of enquiry” where “students work on a project over an extended
period of time that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well
as critical thinking, creativity and communication skills in the context of doing an authentic, meaningful project.”
ByME Social Science projects are clearly organised to help pupils make a successful start in Project Based Learning. Each project relates to what the students have
learned in the preceding units and the theme running through all the projects is to make the world a better place.
Every project begins with a challenging problem or driving question. The problem or question sparks the students’ interest and motivates them to want to find the
solution. In some cases students are asked to choose from a range of possible options to carry out the project, such as choosing a song that will be used to create a
dance routine or a dish to create a healthy menu.
Team organisation
Cooperative work and each participant’s role are key to their achieving the project. Before proceeding with the rest of the enquiry, pupils decide how they are
going to organise themselves as a team. PBL applies cooperative learning techniques, therefore the team organisation is based on roles. The proposed roles are
coordinator, secretary, materials manager and spokesperson, but you may decide to introduce other roles.
Project organisation
At this stage, pupils decide the format of their project. They are given different options to choose from and some of the materials required on each format, but they
are also free to decide on a different format.
Once pupils have decided how they are going to present their project, they engage in a research process where they will need to answer to a set of questions that
will help them in their research process. In doing so, they will need to use various sources such as the student book itself, the internet, books in the school library,
magazines, visiting museums, or by asking the teacher or their parents.
At this stage the team members will create their project or product. They have all the necessary information, they’ve discussed all their findings and they’ve agreed
what they want it to be like, so no time to waste!
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Project evaluation
The pupils evaluate the development of the project, their own performance, as well as the performance of their teammates from a cooperative learning perspective.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
12. Knows the origin and the Makes efforts to know the Knows the origin and the Knows the origin and the Knows the origin and the
historical and cultural value of origin and the historical and historical and cultural value historical and cultural value historical and cultural value
the Way of St. James. cultural value of the Way of of the Way of St. James, of the Way of St. James, of the Way of St. James,
St. James, although he/she although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
experiences many experiences some
difficulties difficulties
13. Identifies on historic maps Makes efforts to identify on Identifies on historic maps Identifies on historic maps Identifies on historic maps
the principal Christian historic maps the principal the principal Christian the principal Christian the principal Christian
kingdoms during the Christian kingdoms during kingdoms during the kingdoms during the kingdoms during the
Reconquest. the Reconquest, although Reconquest, although Reconquest, without too Reconquest, without any
he/she experiences many he/she experiences some much difficulty difficulty
difficulties difficulties
14. Knows some figures and Makes efforts to know some Knows some figures and Knows some figures and Knows some figures and
historic events from the figures and historic events historic events from the historic events from the historic events from the
Reconquest: Don Pelayo and from the Reconquest: Don Reconquest: Don Pelayo and Reconquest: Don Pelayo and Reconquest: Don Pelayo and
the Battle of Covadonga, and Pelayo and the Battle of the Battle of Covadonga, and the Battle of Covadonga, and the Battle of Covadonga, and
El Cid Campeador. Covadonga, and El Cid El Cid Campeador, although El Cid Campeador, without El Cid Campeador, without
Campeador, although he/she experiences some too much difficulty any difficulty
he/she experiences many difficulties
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
16. Identifies the Battle of Makes efforts to identify the Identifies the Battle of Navas Identifies the Battle of Navas Identifies the Battle of Navas
Navas de Tolosa in 1212. Battle of Navas de Tolosa in de Tolosa in 1212, although de Tolosa in 1212, without de Tolosa in 1212, without
1212, although he/she he/she experiences some too much difficulty any difficulty
experiences many difficulties
17. Identifies Isabel of Castile Makes efforts to identify Identifies Isabel of Castile Identifies Isabel of Castile Identifies Isabel of Castile
and Ferdinand of Aragon as Isabel of Castile and and Ferdinand of Aragon as and Ferdinand of Aragon as and Ferdinand of Aragon as
the Catholic Monarchs. Ferdinand of Aragon as the the Catholic Monarchs, the Catholic Monarchs, the Catholic Monarchs,
Catholic Monarchs, although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
although he/she experiences some
experiences many difficulties
18. Recognizes the marriage of Makes efforts to recognize Recognizes the marriage of Recognizes the marriage of Recognizes the marriage of
the Catholic Monarchs as the the marriage of the Catholic the Catholic Monarchs as the the Catholic Monarchs as the the Catholic Monarchs as the
dynastic union which marks Monarchs as the dynastic dynastic union which marks dynastic union which marks dynastic union which marks
the origins of the Kingdom of union which marks the the origins of the Kingdom the origins of the Kingdom the origins of the Kingdom
Spain. origins of the Kingdom of of Spain, although he/she of Spain, without too much of Spain, without any
Spain, although he/she experiences some difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
19. Identifies some Makes efforts to identify Identifies some conquerors, Identifies some conquerors, Identifies some conquerors,
conquerors, navigators and some conquerors, navigators navigators and explorers navigators and explorers navigators and explorers
explorers such as Hernan and explorers such as such as Hernan Cortes, such as Hernan Cortes, such as Hernan Cortes,
Cortes, Pizarro, Magellan or Hernan Cortes, Pizarro, Pizarro, Magellan or Elcano, Pizarro, Magellan or Elcano, Pizarro, Magellan or Elcano,
Elcano. Magellan or Elcano, although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
although he/she experiences some
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
20. Identifies the conquest of Makes efforts to identify the Identifies the conquest of Identifies the conquest of Identifies the conquest of
Granada (1492) as the end of conquest of Granada (1492) Granada (1492) as the end of Granada (1492) as the end of Granada (1492) as the end of
the Reconquest. as the end of the Reconquest, the Reconquest, although the Reconquest, without too the Reconquest, without any
although he/she he/she experiences some much difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
21. Explains the discovery of Makes efforts to explain the Explains the discovery of Explains the discovery of Explains the discovery of
America (1492) and the discovery of America (1492) America (1492) and the America (1492) and the America (1492) and the
voyages of Christopher and the voyages of voyages of Christopher voyages of Christopher voyages of Christopher
Columbus. Christopher Columbus, Columbus, although he/she Columbus, without too Columbus, without any
although he/she experiences some much difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
22. Knows some important Makes efforts to know some Knows some important Knows some important Knows some important
events from the reigns of important events from the events from the reigns of events from the reigns of events from the reigns of
Charles I, Philip II and Philip reigns of Charles I, Philip II Charles I, Philip II and Charles I, Philip II and Charles I, Philip II and
IV. and Philip IV, although Philip IV, although he/she Philip IV, without too much Philip IV, without any
he/she experiences many experiences some difficulty difficulty
difficulties difficulties
23. Knows the names of some Makes efforts to know the Knows the names of some Knows the names of some Knows the names of some
writers of the Spanish Golden names of some writers of the writers of the Spanish writers of the Spanish writers of the Spanish
Age such as Garcilaso de la Spanish Golden Age such as Golden Age such as Golden Age such as Golden Age such as
Vega, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Garcilaso de la Vega, Saint Garcilaso de la Vega, Saint Garcilaso de la Vega, Saint Garcilaso de la Vega, Saint
Saint John of the Cross, Fray Teresa of Jesus, Saint John Teresa of Jesus, Saint John Teresa of Jesus, Saint John Teresa of Jesus, Saint John
Luis de Leon, Miguel de of the Cross, Fray Luis de of the Cross, Fray Luis de of the Cross, Fray Luis de of the Cross, Fray Luis de
Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Luis Leon, Miguel de Cervantes, Leon, Miguel de Cervantes, Leon, Miguel de Cervantes, Leon, Miguel de Cervantes,
de Gongora, Tirso de Molina Lope de Vega, Luis de Lope de Vega, Luis de Lope de Vega, Luis de Lope de Vega, Luis de
or Pedro Calderon de la Barca Gongora, Tirso de Molina or Gongora, Tirso de Molina or Gongora, Tirso de Molina or Gongora, Tirso de Molina or
and artists such as El Greco or Pedro Calderon de la Barca Pedro Calderon de la Barca Pedro Calderon de la Barca Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Diego Velazquez. and artists such as El Greco and artists such as El Greco and artists such as El Greco and artists such as El Greco
or Diego Velazquez, or Diego Velazquez, or Diego Velazquez, or Diego Velazquez,
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
28. Is familiar with the terms: Makes efforts to be familiar Is familiar with the terms: Is familiar with the terms: Is familiar with the terms:
demography, absolute with the terms: demography, demography, absolute demography, absolute demography, absolute
population and density of absolute population and population and density of population and density of population and density of
population. density of population, population, although he/she population, without too population, without any
although he/she experiences some much difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
32. Describes in an ordered Makes efforts to describe in Describes in an ordered Describes in an ordered Describes in an ordered
sequence the process of an ordered sequence the sequence the process of sequence the process of sequence the process of
elaboration of a product process of elaboration of a elaboration of a product elaboration of a product elaboration of a product
through its sale and identifies product through its sale and through its sale and through its sale and through its sale and
the sectors to which it belongs. identifies the sectors to identifies the sectors to identifies the sectors to identifies the sectors to
which it belongs, although which it belongs, although which it belongs, without which it belongs, without
he/she experiences many he/she experiences some too much difficulty any difficulty
difficulties difficulties
33. Explains the relevant Makes efforts to explain the Explains the relevant Explains the relevant Explains the relevant
activities of the primary, relevant activities of the activities of the primary, activities of the primary, activities of the primary,
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
35. Differentiates between Makes efforts to Differentiates between Differentiates between Differentiates between
different types of spending. differentiate between different types of spending. different types of spending. different types of spending.
Prepares a small personal different types of spending. Prepares a small personal Prepares a small personal Prepares a small personal
budget. Prepares a small personal budget, although he/she budget, without too much budget, without any
budget, although he/she experiences some difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
36. Investigates different Makes efforts to investigate Investigates different Investigates different Investigates different
purchasing strategies, different purchasing purchasing strategies, purchasing strategies, purchasing strategies,
comparing prices and strategies, comparing prices comparing prices and comparing prices and comparing prices and
gathering information. and gathering information, gathering information, gathering information, gathering information,
although he/she although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
experiences many experiences some
difficulties difficulties
37. Identifies different types of Makes efforts to identify Identifies different types of Identifies different types of Identifies different types of
company according to their different types of company company according to their company according to their company according to their
size and the economic sector to according to their size and size and the economic sector size and the economic sector size and the economic sector
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
4. Manages images, tables, Makes efforts to manage Manages images, tables, Manages images, tables, Manages images, tables,
graphs, diagrams and synopses images, tables, graphs, graphs, diagrams and graphs, diagrams and graphs, diagrams and
in order to summarize the diagrams and synopses in synopses in order to synopses in order to synopses in order to
information obtained. order to summarize the summarize the information summarize the information summarize the information
information obtained, obtained, although he/she obtained, without too much obtained, without any
although he/she experiences some difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
Other assessment scales: D-C-B-A; Fail, Good, Very Good, Excellent; numerical, etc.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
8. Is capable of summarizing, Makes efforts to be capable Is capable of summarizing, Is capable of summarizing, Is capable of summarizing,
orally or in written format, the of summarizing, orally or in orally or in written format, orally or in written format, orally or in written format,
information obtained and the written format, the the information obtained and the information obtained and the information obtained and
work performed. information obtained and the the work performed, the work performed, without the work performed, without
work performed, although although he/she too much difficulty any difficulty
he/she experiences many experiences some
difficulties difficulties
9. Shows autonomy in the Makes efforts to show Shows autonomy in the Shows autonomy in the Shows autonomy in the
planning and execution of autonomy in the planning planning and execution of planning and execution of planning and execution of
actions and tasks and has and execution of actions and actions and tasks and has actions and tasks and has actions and tasks and has
initiative in the taking of tasks and has initiative in the initiative in the taking of initiative in the taking of initiative in the taking of
decisions. taking of decisions, decisions, although he/she decisions, without too much decisions, without any
although he/she experiences some difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
11. Assumes responsibilities Makes efforts to assume Assumes responsibilities for Assumes responsibilities for Assumes responsibilities for
for what is done, said or the responsibilities for what is what is done, said or the what is done, said or the what is done, said or the
decisions which are made. done, said or the decisions decisions which are made, decisions which are made, decisions which are made,
which are made, although although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
he/she experiences many experiences some
difficulties difficulties
12. Participates in group Makes efforts to participate Participates in group Participates in group Participates in group
activities and in social life in group activities and in activities and in social life activities and in social life activities and in social life
adopting responsible, social life adopting adopting responsible, adopting responsible, adopting responsible,
constructive, collaborative and responsible, constructive, constructive, collaborative constructive, collaborative constructive, collaborative
respectful behaviour with the collaborative and respectful and respectful behaviour and respectful behaviour and respectful behaviour
ideas and opinions of others. behaviour with the ideas and with the ideas and opinions with the ideas and opinions with the ideas and opinions
opinions of others, although of others, although he/she of others, without too much of others, without any
he/she experiences many experiences some difficulty difficulty
difficulties difficulties
13. Values the importance of a Makes efforts to value the Values the importance of a Values the importance of a Values the importance of a
peaceful and tolerant importance of a peaceful and peaceful and tolerant peaceful and tolerant peaceful and tolerant
coexistence between the tolerant coexistence between coexistence between the coexistence between the coexistence between the
different human groups on the the different human groups different human groups on different human groups on different human groups on
basis of universally shared on the basis of universally the basis of universally the basis of universally the basis of universally
democratic values and human shared democratic values shared democratic values shared democratic values shared democratic values
rights. and human rights, although and human rights, although and human rights, without and human rights, without
he/she experiences many he/she experiences some too much difficulty any difficulty
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
14. Uses cooperation and Makes efforts to use Uses cooperation and Uses cooperation and Uses cooperation and
dialogue as a way to avoid and cooperation and dialogue as dialogue as a way to avoid dialogue as a way to avoid dialogue as a way to avoid
resolve conflicts. a way to avoid and resolve and resolve conflicts, and resolve conflicts, and resolve conflicts,
conflicts, although he/she although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
experiences many experiences some
difficulties difficulties
15. Identifies situations of risk Makes efforts to identify Identifies situations of risk Identifies situations of risk Identifies situations of risk
for the life or safety of people. situations of risk for the life for the life or safety of for the life or safety of for the life or safety of
or safety of people, although people, although he/she people, without too much people, without any
he/she experiences many experiences some difficulty difficulty
difficulties difficulties
16. Knows how to act after an Makes efforts to know how Knows how to act after an Knows how to act after an Knows how to act after an
accident and in different to act after an accident and accident and in different accident and in different accident and in different
emergency situations. in different emergency emergency situations, emergency situations, emergency situations,
situations, although he/she although he/she without too much difficulty without any difficulty
experiences many experiences some
difficulties difficulties
17. Applies techniques of Makes efforts to apply Applies techniques of Applies techniques of Applies techniques of
assistance, performing first aid techniques of assistance, assistance, performing first assistance, performing first assistance, performing first
and knows when, under no performing first aid and aid and knows when, under aid and knows when, under aid and knows when, under
circumstances, he/she must knows when, under no no circumstances, must no circumstances, must no circumstances, must
act. circumstances, must he/she he/she act, although he/she he/she act, without too he/she act, without any
act, although he/she experiences some much difficulty difficulty
experiences many difficulties
18. Knows how to alert the Makes efforts to know how Knows how to alert the Knows how to alert the Knows how to alert the
rescue services. Knows the to alert the rescue services. rescue services. Knows the rescue services. Knows the rescue services. Knows the
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
ByME Social Science Learn together helps teachers personalise their teaching and target their pupils’ real needs.
The material is supported by a 360º evaluation carried out by the teacher, the pupil and his or her peers.
The 360º evaluation wraps up with two term evaluations, the end-of-term test (teacher) and the project evaluation (peer).
All the marks can then be recorded in the unit or term log book made available to the teacher in the digital resources.
Teacher evaluation
The evaluation tests carried out by the teacher include:
● Diagnostic test: teachers determine what pupils already know about the unit.
● End-of-unit test: pupils carry out a final unit test to check what they have learnt.
● Unit evaluation grid: teachers evaluate if the pupils have accomplished the learning standards of the unit.
● End-of-term test: The pupils take an end-of-term test which serves as an additional evaluation tool for the teacher.
● Pupil’s self-evaluation: pupils test their prior knowledge of the unit through a self-assessment grid.
Peer evaluation
● Cooperative Learning evaluation: pupils complete a self-evaluation grid of the cooperative tasks, evaluating its development, their own performance, as
well as the performance of their teammates.
● Project evaluation: pupils evaluate the development of the project, their own performance, as well as the performance of their teammates, again from a
Cooperative Learning perspective.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
According to Royal Decree 126/2014 of 28 February, the students will pass to the following course or stage as far as it is considered that they have achieved the
objectives of the course or stage, and that they have reached the level of acquisition of the corresponding competences. Otherwise, they will be allowed to repeat a
school year only once throughout the stage, with a specific reinforcement plan.
For that purpose, teachers will bear in mind the following Promotion Criteria:
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Mark as proceed.
Obtained of the arithmetic mean from rates of sessions done, dividing the number of participant teachers in each session by total members of teaching team.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
1 2 3 4
a) Spaces
b) Times
d) Grouping
e) Other (specify)
Being 4 the superior value and 1 the inferior.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
ByME Social Science is a six-level course for pupils studying the subject of Social Science in a bilingual context.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Classroom management
As with all ages, the establishment of clear rules for behavior is key to successful classroom management.
As the pupils are now older and more mature, encourage them to participate in the process of establishing these rules. You may want to explain to pupils that, as in
society, they have rights and responsibilities in their Science class.
Elicit ideas from the pupils about the rights they feel they should have and the responsibilities they need to accept so that everyone can share those same rights.
Possible rights and responsibilities include:
1. I have the right to share my ideas. I have the responsibility to listen to the ideas of others.
2. I have the right to feel safe sharing my work. I have the responsibility to contribute constructive criticism.
3. I have the right to use a variety of resources in my work. I have the responsibility to take care of those resources and to use them safely.
Classroom organization
The physical arrangement of the classroom varies greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. Often, many different specialist teachers share one
classroom and need to be sensitive to the needs of their fellow teachers. Depending on the extent of Cooperative Learning it can be important that pupils are seated
in groups of four to six in order to share ideas and complete projects in pairs or small groups. If the classroom is set up in rows, pupils can be taught to move their
desks quickly and quietly into groups at the beginning of class. It is a routine that needs to be practiced but one that can easily be mastered. Some activities can be
completed whilst seated in rows.
Time management
Many pupils have limited time for their Science class each week. This means that the teacher needs to have all the materials prepared before class and establish
procedures and routines in order to use the time effectively. Opening and closing activities can be shortened and lengthened depending on the time allotted for
Science class. Holidays, excursions and absent pupils can interfere with the rhythm of the class.
If needed, some activities from Analyze and organize, Fragile world or Revise can be sent home as homework.
Procedures and routines are essential in class. These should be introduced gradually throughout the first term and practiced on a regular basis. Positive
reinforcement can help the acquisition of these procedures and routines.
Helpful procedures and routines for Science class include:
- Listening routine
Use a quick and simple chant to get pupils’ attention.
Teacher: 1, 2, 3. Look at me.
Pupil: 1, 2. I’m looking at you.
- Attention routine
Sometimes during class, the teacher may need to stop the pupils in order to give them further instructions.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Many pupils find it difficult to stop working and choose to keep reading, writing, discussing, etc. Using a bell, xylophone or other musical instruments can be
useful in getting pupils’ attention, or the teacher can use a quick chant:
I’ve got something important to say. Put your hands on your (head) and look my way.
Pupils are to leave their work and put their hands on their head. The teacher can change the word head for other parts of the body (e.g. knees, shoulders, etc.).
- Cleaning up procedure
Design a cleaning up procedure for different types of science projects. Helpers can be useful in this procedure. There are many cleaning up songs on YouTube. You
can choose one and play it while pupils clean up.
The following tips are arranged as an activity bank and will help you to get the most out of the ByME educational materials, add diversity to your classes, and
maintain your pupils engaged and motivated.
Before reading
Skimming and scanning: The teacher asks pupils to look at the pictures on the page and scan the text for key words. Then the pupils make predictions about what
they will be reading about.
Word meanings: Pupils look through the text to find unfamiliar words. These words can be defined by other pupils, the teacher or with the use of a dictionary.
During reading
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Cause and effect: Pupils look for examples of cause and effect in the text. The cause explains why something happened. The effect is the description of what
Cloze reading: The teacher reads the text and pauses at key words to have the pupils read the word that follows.
Jigsaw comprehensions: Prepare two versions of a text taken or adapted from the Pupil’s Book. Pupil A has information about a topic but questions about a
different topic. Pupil B has the complimentary text and questions for Pupil A’s text. The pupils read their own text and then their questions about the other text.
Their partners then correct their work together.
Small group reading: Pupils are divided into small groups. The groups can be heterogeneous to allow stronger readers to support other pupils. Or the groups can
be homogeneous and the teacher can work with the group of readers that need more support.
Listening: The teacher reads the text with clear intonation and pronunciation while the pupils follow along in their books.
Main idea: Pupils look for the sentence that describes the main idea of the paragraph.
Order reading: The teacher instructs pupils of the order in which they will read the text. One pupil reads one sentence. The next pupil reads the following and so
Pair work gap fills: Prepare two versions of a text taken or adapted from the Pupil’s Book. Remove key vocabulary from the text making sure the missing words
are different in the two versions. Ask the pupils to work with a partner to find the missing words by asking each other question. Pupil A: What is a disadvantage of
biomass? Pupil B: It causes air pollution. Pupil B: What is the advantage of using biomass? Pupil A: It will never run out.
Partner reading: Pupils read with a partner. Each pupil takes turn reading and listening.
Re-reading: reading texts multiple times is an important activity that can promote better understanding of the main concepts, increase fluency and ensure
participation from all pupils.
Silent reading: Pupils are provided with time to read the text silently on their own.
Word meanings in context: The teacher encourages pupils to define new words and important vocabulary by using the text in the sentence around it.
After reading
Asking questions: Pupils use the information from the text to ask new questions that require further information.
Collaborative reading: The pupils work in groups each with a different text box. They read their text together, choosing the important information. The groups are
remade with one pupil from each original group. Each one explains what they have learnt from their reading.
They then return to their original group and share the new information. This is especially effective when reading text boxes.
Compare and contrast: Pupils take two main concepts and discuss how they are different and how they are similar.
Drawing conclusions: Pupils use the information they already know and the information from the text to draw conclusions.
Making connections: Pupils focus on new vocabulary or a new concept and make a connection to their own life and experiences.
Paraphrasing: Pupils use their own words to retell what they have just read.
Sequence: Pupils discuss or write the sequence of a process or event.
Summarising: Pupils use key words to describe the main idea of the text.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Posters, flashcards and word cards can be used in endless ways, from presenting or consolidating concepts or vocabulary to providing revision before the end-of-
unit tests or at the beginning of a lesson. Here are a number of ideas to help get the most out of these useful resources:
Classroom resource: Use the poster as a resource in the classroom, serving as a reminder of the topic, even once it has been completed.
Definitions: Choose an item on the poster and ask the pupils to give a definition of it. The core … (The core is the hottest part of the Earth).
Fast finishers: Pupils who have finished their activities can play with the poster in pairs or in a small group.
One can name an item and the other has to find it on the poster. Pupils could also label the poster or choose an item from it while their partner has to discover
which item they have chosen.
Focus pupils’ attention: Leave the poster on display throughout the duration of the topic. Use it to focus the pupils’ attention whenever necessary.
Guess what I am thinking of: Choose an item on the poster and encourage the pupils to guess what you are thinking about. Insist that they use full sentences: Is it
used to measure temperature? No, it isn’t.
Introducing a topic: The posters can be used to introduce a topic. They also serve as a starting point for discussion. They can be used for checking any concepts
and vocabulary the pupils may already know. Show the pupil the poster and ask: What can you see?
I-spy: Use the poster at the beginning of lessons to review vocabulary and warm up the whole class by choosing an item from the poster.
Labelling with word cards: Show the pupils the poster and give them the word cards. Have them match them to the items on the poster and then read them.
Memory: Give the pupils one minute to look at the poster and remember as many details as they can. Hide the poster with a piece of card. Ask the pupils to name
things they recall from the poster.
Poster Pictionary: Invite a pupil to choose an item from the poster and begin to draw it. The rest of the pupils have to guess what they are drawing.
Visual aid: Use the poster as visual support for games such as Odd one out played with word cards or orally.
Learning to learn game: On completion of a unit, or in order to review past concepts, write headings and boxes on the board and with the pupils, build up a
concept map.
Memory game: I went to the shop and I bought…: This traditional memory game can be adapted to practise key vocabulary. The game involves the pupils
remembering the words said before their turn and adding one more
item to the list. In my house we have a toaster. In my house we have a toaster and a TV.
Quick flash: Quickly display then hide a group of flashcards. The pupils say the word they saw.
Spelling duel: Invite two pupils to come to the board. Explain that you want them to take part in a spelling dual. Ask the pupils to write the word
you say on the board. Warn them to keep their word protected so that their opponent can’t see it.
Ask them to write the word clearly. (It’s best to use capital letters to avoid arguments.) When both pupils have written the word the class says: Let’s see the
flashcard! The winner is the pupil who has written the word correctly.
Word cards
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Definitions: Hand out the word cards to the pupils and ask a pupil to make a definition for the word on the card. These maps show countries, their borders and
capital cities (political maps). This can be played as a class activity or as a team game.
Disappearing: Display the word cards randomly on the board, and name each one. Tell the pupils to cover their eyes and remove one or two cards from the board.
Ask the pupils to look again at the board and say which cards have been removed. This activity can be extended by asking the pupils to spell the word. Show the
word to check the spelling.
Fast finders: Place the word cards randomly on the board and invite two pupils to come to the front of the class. Either point to an item on the poster, in which
case the pupils have to select the correct word card.
Guessing game: Put the word cards in a pile one by one, naming them as you do so. Shuffle the pack and turn it to face you. Give the pupils three clues about the
object and encourage them to guess which word you are looking at.
Memory: Stick 6 to 8 word cards on the board in two rows of three or four. Tell the pupils to look carefully at each word card. Then turn the word cards over (in
the same order). Ask: Where is the (name one of the objects)? Invite a pupil to the board to choose a card.
Have the pupil show the class the card. If the pupil chose the correct card, turn it over in its place. If the pupil chose the incorrect card, put it face down again in its
place. Repeat for the rest of the cards.
Slow reveal: Cover the word card with a sheet of paper (or similar). Take hold of the word card and slowly reveal it over the top of the paper. Encourage pupils to
guess the word.
Tap it: Divide the class into two teams. Stick 4 to 6 word cards up on the board in reach of the pupils. Call a pupil from each team to stand in front of the cards.
Say the definition or give a clue about one of the words.
The first pupil to tap the correct card gets a point. Mix the cards up and invite two other pupils to play.
What’s missing? Stick 6 to 8 word cards on the board one by one, naming them as you do so. Then take all the word cards down and mix them up. Ask a
volunteer to come out to the front and choose one (without showing it to anyone). Place the remaining word cards on the board again, encouraging the pupils to
name them as you do so. Ask the pupils: What is missing? Encourage them to name the word card the pupil has in their hand.
What’s the word? 1: Take the word cards for the unit and give a definition for the word on the card. The pupils have to identify the word you have defined. Show
them the card when a pupil gives the correct answer.
Award the class a point for each correct answer and a point for yourself if they can’t identify the word.
What’s the word? 2: Invite three pupils to come to the board. Two pupils stand with their backs to the board while the third pupil places a word card on the board.
The pupils take turns to ask questions about the word on the card. Does it help move something heavy? No, it doesn’t. The pupil who identifies the word then
chooses the next word to be placed on the board.
More activities
Dictations 1 (Relay dictations): Prepare copies of the text from the unit so that each group has their own copy. Place the copies around the classroom so that the
groups don’t get in each other’s way. Explain that they must take turns to go to their copy of the text in the classroom to memorise a sentence or part of a sentence
in order to dictate it to their group. The pupil who writes the dictated sentence then goes to memorise the next part. When a group finishes, check the dictation. If
there is a mistake in the writing they must continue until
it is correct.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Dictations 2 (Pair work dictations): Ask the pupils to choose three sentences from a text and to copy them on to a piece of paper. Ask pupil A to dictate their
sentences to pupil B who writes the sentences on a piece of paper. Pupil B then dictates their sentences to Pupil A. The work is corrected by the pupils. It isn’t
important if the sentences are duplicated but you may like to assign different texts to pupils A and pupils B.
Odd one out: Choose three words from one group and one distracter: barometer, thermometer, temperature and rain gauge. Write them on the board in a random
order and ask: Which is the odd one out? The temperature is one of the elements of climate and the others are instruments. Encourage pupils to name the card that
is different and to tell you why.
Spelling practice: In Level 5, it is very important to encourage the pupils to be independent learners: ask them to choose words they have learnt in the unit and
then put them in pairs. Tell them to take turns to dictate their words to their partner. They then correct their work together.
Vocabulary review: Get into the routine of revising key vocabulary the pupils have covered in the previous lesson at the start of the following class. You can use
the vocabulary bag or play games such as Hangman, Spelling bee or Hot seat. Encourage the pupils to become independent learners: ask them to choose any word
they have learnt, and then put them in pairs to ask and answer what the words mean.
Noughts and crosses: Draw a noughts and crosses grid on the board and divide the class into two teams.
Give a definition of a word and ask the pupils if it is true or false. If their answer is correct, invite them to choose a square on the grid to write their nought or cross.
This game can also be played by giving a definition and the teams giving the word.
Quiz makers: At the end of a unit ask the pupils to work with a partner or divide the class into groups and invite them to make questions for a quiz about the
topic. Tell them that they can use the Pupil’s Book to help them. Remind them that they must also supply the answers to their questions. Take in their papers and
use the questions to give the class a quiz. Read the questions to the class and ask them to write their answers on a paper. Paraphrase the questions so that the pupils
can answer in a few words. They then exchange papers and the quiz is corrected collectively.
True or false: Prepare a series of statements about the content studied in the unit. These should be a variety of true and false statements. When the pupils hear the
statement they indicate if they believe it to be true or false. There are many ways to do this. Pupils can raise their hands, stand up, clap or jump to left and right of
an imaginary line in the classroom. If the sentence is false ask volunteers to correct the statement.
Vocabulary storms: As an introductory activity to a new topic, divide the class into groups and ask them to write down as many words as they can that are related
to the topic that is going to be studied. At the end of the group activity, invite pupils to share their work with the rest of the class. Encourage the pupils to come to
the board and use mind maps to organise the words from their lists.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Activity Book
The optional Activity Book is comprised of six full-colour pages per unit. It offers:
● a range of engaging exercises to consolidate and extend the topics covered in the Pupil’s Book
● additional reading and writing practice of the science content
● a mini-project designed to encourage pupils to explore scientific concepts and methods at home or in the classroom
● a bilingual glossary to support language learning.
Teacher’s materials
Teacher’s Book
The full-colour Teacher’s Book includes easy-to follow, flexible lesson plans and practical support specially designed for English teachers teaching Science. A
clear, simple design helps ease-of reference even in the most challenging teaching situations. The Teacher’s Book fully addresses the LOMCE curriculum through:
- Careful attention to content, evaluation criteria and learning standards
- Treatment of the key competences in correlation with the larning standars, clearly identified key content and extra sections.
- Enabling teachers to focus on minimum content or extend lessons according to their timetables.
- Providing full answers keys to all the questions and the activities in the Pupil’s Book.
Class audio CD
Included with the Teacher’s Book, the Class audio CD offers the key recordings for each Pupil’s Book in a traditional, easily accessible format. It can be played on
dedicated audio players or on the computer. It includes:
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Posters, flashcards
Large-scale printed posters are available for added visual support in the classroom. There is one poster per unit, with each one providing additional
opportunities for vocabulary practice and revision.
In Levels 1 and 2, flashcards are available in printed format, or in digital format from Level 3 upwards.
Ideas for using these classroom materials are provided in the Teacher’s Book.
Printable resources
Extra printable resources are provided online through the digital resources. These include:
- Diagnostic tests
- Unit tests
- End-of-term and end-of-year tests
- Self-evaluation activities for pupils
- Evaluation of the Work together section
- Evaluation of the term projects
- Evaluation grids
- Letters to family to help involve parents and carers in their children’s learning.
Opening Pages
Each unit opens with a vibrant double-page spread. These introductory pages maximise motivation by showing that pupils’ prior knowledge of key topics is often
already considerable. Key content and vocabulary is introduced through attractive large-scale illustrations, songs and engaging activities.
The illustration always features the Level 1 Social Science course characters Sam and Amy on a school field trip..
A motivational song with a related activity introduces pupils to the main topic of the unit.
A reference to the diagnostic evaluation and self-evaluation tools which help assess pupils’ prior knowledge.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The language support section helps the pupils answer complete activities confidently by providing them with useful language structures and prompts.
- The Reflect page provides a smooth transition from the discovery of a new topic and its extension. At this level the interpretation of information in textual,
graphic or visual form takes on greater importance.
Work together
The Work together section provides pupils with the opportunity to carry out fun projects and simple experiments using cooperative learning techniques. Projects
are carefully designed to be accessible and appropriate for the youngest children and always use everyday materials.
o Each unit suggests a cooperative learning technique that will provide the optimal learning experience for the pupil and guarantee the implication of
all team members.
o A visual reminder of the materials necessary to complete the project.
o A reference to the self-evaluation grid where pupils can evaluate their cooperative task.
Content Pages
The content pages where pupils build on their prior knowledge through highly visual content and a wide variety of activities presenting different levels of cognitive
- Content pages are richly illustrated with a careful balance of photography and age-appropriate illustration, in order to facilitate comprehension in all learner types
and maximise engagement with the content.
- Higher order thinking skills are introduced through the use of graded activities. They include revision questions directly related to the content and activities that
provide greater challenge, encouraging pupils to think, investigate and make connections
- The project tips give pupils clues that will help them complete the term project successfully.
- Diagrams, keys and graphs increase pupils’ visual literacy and capacity for interpretation of diverse types of information
Our World: In this section pupils are presented with situations designed to encourage reasoning and an engagement with their immediate surroundings, in order to
develop their independence and the beginnings of social and personal responsibility. This section will help reinforce students’ cooperative and communicative
skills. Students first do individual activities focusing on the topic and then share their ideas while doing other related activities with a partner.
Study Skills: A Study skills helps pupils become more autonomous in their learning. It emphasises alternative forms of presenting information and gives pupils the
tools they need to improve their own learning process.
Unit revision pages ensure that pupils’ progression is regularly checked and reviewed. The activities are designed not only to review content, but also to practise
language skills. A reference to the self-evaluation grid where pupils can check their progress.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Term pages
Four end-of-term pages provide additional progress-checking opportunities as well as the opportunity to practise different communicative skills.
Term review
Term revision pages ensure that pupils’ progression is regularly checked and reviewed through a broad range of enjoyable activity types. A reference to the end-
of-term test where pupils can check their progress. Science quiz follows a traditional question and answer format as well as offering theopportunity for practising
listening skills. Team test allows pupils to compete against their classmates while revising content and practising speaking and listening skills.
In the Project section pupils practise problem-solving skills through a Project Based Learning approach. They use special clues included in the units and apply
cooperative learning techniques to find the solution to a problem.
- All projects are based on interesting, age-appropriate challenges. At the end of the project, students practise their oral skills to present their work to the
- A reference to the project evaluation grid where pupils can evaluate their cooperative skills.
End pages
Our World Texts: The Our world texts at the back of the book serve a dual function. On the one hand they provide pupils with fascination snippets of information,
encouraging them to appreciate the importance of reading and investigating beyond the text. On the other hand they offer pupils comparative reading practice,
extracting similar information from a different text.
Timeline: The book ends with a timeline that helps pupils revise the main historical events they have learnt about.
The Teacher’s Book is specially designed to help Science teachers and provide English language support. It includes easy-to-follow lesson plans and practical
support through each activity, highlighting teaching suggestions and tips.
Content maps
Each unit begins with a content map, fully compatible with the LOMCE curriculum, to help the teacher see at a glance the contents, evaluation criteria, learning
standards and key competences ahead.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Contents, evaluation and learning standards: All key elements of the LOMCE curriculum are clearly mapped out for each unit. It provides a quick
overview of the different sections within the unit.
Unit summary: It provides an overview of what the pupils will learn in the unit.
Language focus & Key structures: It presents a summary of the key language and structures covered in the unit.
Digital resources: An index of the materials and activities available for each unit through the digital resources.
Track list: An index of the audio tracks of the Teacher’s CD
Cooperative Learning
An article on Cooperative Learning (CL) offers an introduction to this innovative method of teaching. This section complements the end-of-term Work together
sections, explaining in simple language how to set up each CL structure referenced there.
- Introduction to Cooperative Learning: a general theoretical background on CL, defining its main principles and benefits.
- Cooperative Learning structures: specific information on the different group dynamics referenced in the lesson plans. Here you’ll find easy-to-follow
instructions on how each CL structure is set up.
- Further reading: a brief bibliography for those who would like to deepen their knowledge on CL.
Lesson plans
There are step-by-step lesson plans for all units and term sections.
- Lesson information at a glance: Lesson summary, language focus and materials to help prepare lessons ahead of time.
- Getting started and wrapping activities: Each lesson begins and ends with activities that aim to preview and review important vocabulary and
- Step-by-step Lesson Plans: Teacher tips on presenting textual and graphic content, and instructions for guiding pupils through the activities.
- Targeted Questions: Questions which vary in level of difficulty to get pupils thinking more critically.
- 360º Evaluation: Helps teachers personalise their teaching and target their pupils’ needs through a series of evaluation tests: teacher, self and peer
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
- All teachers using ByME Social Science have free access to the ByME digital resources. Users of the Pupil’s Book or Activity Book have access to the complete
digital books. Module users have individual access to the specific units they are using of both the Pupil’s Book and Activity Book.
- The digital resources are available both on-line and off-line. Both versions are accessed with a specific code that all users will receive.
- The digital component also provides easy navigation between the Pupil’s Book and the Activity Book and direct access to extensive digital resources.
- The user has access to projectable, fully-navigable versions of the Pupil’s Book
and the Activity Book.
- Through an innovative, easy-to-use spot zoom facility, there is ready access to the complete audio.
- Digital activities to practise key vocabulary vary for each level but include:
• Labelling activities
• Memory games
• Read and reveal activities
• Wordsearches
• Classification and definition activities
• Spelling
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Measures will be applied, as indicated in chapter II of title I of the Law 2/2006, of the 3 rd of May, in articles 71 to 79 bis, to those students who require a different
educational attention. Teachers will apply the most appropriate measures so that the assessment conditions are adapted to those students with special educational
support needs.
(The teacher/department will detail here the criteria and specific procedures used to cater for this type of students.)
Criteria Procedure
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The widespread inclusion of Information and Communication technologies (ICT) in the Education System, will bear in mind the principles of universal
accessibility and a customized design, which will enable a personalised education adapted to each student's needs and pace.
Information and Communication technologies will become a key element in order to produce the methodological changes that will help us achieve the goal of
improving the educational quality. In spite of that, pupils must always show a responsible attitude and do a controlled use of these new technologies throughout the
whole educational system.
The pupils are people of the 21st century and they cannot stay away from communication technology; thus, they must also learn to use, in a responsible way, the
possibilities offered by Information and Communication Technologies in order to acquire the skills for the subject of Social Science.
Pupil’s Book
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
All unit sections and associated resources are easy to access. The Pupil’s Book includes:
● Audios
● Interactive activities
● Tools (draw, underline, erase, test notes, highlight, hide and save)
● Page view options
● Zoomed in images
Learning Kit
The Learning Kit allows both the pupil and the teacher to access all the resources that will help the learning process.
● Interactive activities: they can be accessed both from the Pupil’s Book and the Learning Kit. Keep track of your pupils’ records!
● Flashcards: create sets from existing flashcards or create new ones.
● Presentations: review the unit's key content with integrated audio.
● Songs: sing along with the songs and print out the lyrics.
● Multimedia: access videos and web links to make key topics meaningful in a real context.
Teacher’s Kit
The Teacher’s Kit is only accessible for the teacher. It includes:
Family Corner
The Family Corner is a space for parents to find out more about what their kids are learning. It includes the presentations in Spanish, wordlists, and the family
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The ByME website is home to a wealth of articles, videos, activities and useful links, updated on a regular basis. It includes all the relevant documentation related
to ByME courses.
It also provides support for parents, providing tips and ideas on how to help their children’s learning.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Year Number of students Number of groups
Primary 5th year
Group A
Group B
Group C
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Group B
Group C
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Resources available in the school (delete as appropriate)
Video and TV
CD/ Cassette player
Video camera
IW (Interactive Whiteboards)
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
(The teacher/department will detail here the supplementary activities organized by the department)
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Together Again! 77
TERM 1 Project 90
UNIT 4. Population 98
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Together Again!
Get introduced to the major themes of the course book (the makings of Modern Spain, population, economy and businesses), and the basic principles of Social Science.
Activate the previous knowledge and stimulate their curiosity.
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Helpful tips section with advice to diversify the Teacher's Book activities.
Cooperative Projects, which can be adapted to each pupil's needs.
Further reading sections in the Teacher's Book, a brief bibliography for those who would like to deepen their knowledge on CL.
Activity Book activities.
Digital Resources activities.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Review and extend their knowledge of the history of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages.
Learn about the rise and fall of the civilisations and religions that existed at that time.
Place the Middle Ages in historical context and identify the defining characteristics of the preceding periods.
Study the origins and development of the Visigoth, Muslim and Christian civilisations, their social and economic organisation and political development.
Learn about the most important participants and decisive moments in their existence, as well as their cultural legacy.
Learn about the coexistence and collaboration of Muslims, Jews and Christians in Al-Andalus and the important role these played in Spain’s development (for example,
The Toledo School of Translators).
Explore the cultural influence of the Reconquista (for example, El Cid) and the origins and importance of the Camino of Santiago.
Learn about cities in Al-Andalus and the Christian Kingdoms, how they were designed and what people did there.
Enjoy imagining what it would be like to live in a medieval city.
Enjoy learning about the four architectural styles of the Middle Ages.
Use ICT to research how this rich mixture of styles can still be seen in a modern Spanish city (Toledo).
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Christian Kingdoms and the Reconquista. Understand the main events and the Identifies the basic structure of society under SOC, CUL 13–15
importance and influence of the Christian feudalism.
Kingdoms and the Reconquista. Knows the origins and the historical and SOC, CUL 20
cultural importance of the Camino de Santiago.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Identifies, on maps, the principal Christian SOC, CUL, MST 12
Kingdoms during the Reconquista.
Knows certain people and events related to the SOC, CUL 12–13
Reconquista: Don Pelayo and the battle
of Covadonga, the Cid Campeador.
Identifies some of the kings of the Christian SOC, CUL 12–13
Kingdoms and their legacies: Alfonso VI,
Fernando III, Alfonso X and Jaime I.
Identifies the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in SOC, CUL, MST 12
Initiation to Scientific knowledge and its Search for, select and analyse information. Obtains concrete and relevant information LTL 8–9,
application to Social Science: search, about specific facts using different sources. 18–20
selection and analysis of information. Analyses the information to select the most LTL 8–9,
relevant. 18–20
Develops strategies to organise, memorise, and LTL 8–9,
recall the information. 18–20
Uses images, graphs, tables, summaries, etc. to LTL, AUT, MST 8–9,
display the information. 18–20
Presentation of work. Present work carried out clearly using Carries out work and presentations using LTL, AUT, DIG 18–19
different media. different media.
Expresses orally, clearly and in order, contents LTL, AUT, LIN 18–19
related to the area of study.
Uses the correct vocabulary with precision and LTL, AUT, LIN 6–21
Is capable of summarising, orally or in writing, LTL, AUT, LIN 8–9,
the information obtained and the work carried 18–21
Personal skills. Develop social skills: responsibility, effort Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying LTL, AUT 18–21
and concentration while studying. out of actions and tasks and takes the initiative
in decision making.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 18–19
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and LTL, AUT, SOC 18–19
the decisions they take.
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Our World
Students will recognise the enriching cultural and socio-economic effects of tolerant coexistence between people of different faiths.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
- Unit summary
- Science project
- Memory game
- Labelling
- Spelling
- Read and reveal
- Classification
- Wordsearch
- Definitions
Formal Assessment:
Diagnostic test: provides an overview of the unit and allow you to assess the students’ prior knowledge.
End-of-unit test: in addition to the Review section at the end of each unit, this summative test can be used to evaluate students’ progress after studying the unit
End-of-Term test: makes it possible to assess the pupil's progress throughout the term.
Informal Assessment: Review section at the end of the unit.
Self-assessment: Self-evaluation section at the end of the unit.
Rubrics: ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
narrative tenses
question forms
relative pronouns: where, who, that, which
prepositions of place
narrative descriptions
time expressions and chronological sequencing
giving directions
making suggestions
expressing opinions
comparing and evaluating
listening for specific information
describing roles and places
describing architectural characteristics
contrasting ideas
describing buildings
speaking skills
writing skills
reading skills
unit vocabulary
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
The Catholic Monarchs. Understand the main events and the Identifies Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de SOC, CUL 26
importance and influence of the reign Aragón as the Catholic Monarchs.
of the Catholic Monarchs.
Recognises the marriage of the Catholic SOC, CUL 26–27
Monarchs as the event which marks the origins
of the Kingdom of Spain.
Identifies certain conquerors, sailors and SOC, CUL 22–31
explorers such as Hernán Cortés, Pizarro,
Magallanes and Elcano.
Identifies the conquest of Granada (1492) as the SOC, CUL 27
end of the Reconquista.
The discovery of America. Explain the discovery of America Explains the discovery of America (1492) and SOC, CUL 28–29
(1492) and the voyages of Christopher the voyages of Christopher Columbus.
Early Modern Spain: 16th and 17th centuries. Know some of the important events of Knows some of the important events of the SOC,CUL 30–31
the reigns of Carlos I and Felipe II. reigns of Carlos I and Felipe II.
Writers and painters. Know the names of some important Knows the names of some important writers and SOC, CUL, LIN 33
writers and painters of the Spanish painters of the Spanish Golden Age:
Golden Age. El Greco, Garcilaso de la Vega, Fray Luis de
León, Teresa de Ávila and San Juan
de la Cruz.
Initiation to Scientific knowledge and its Search for, select and analyse Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 24–25,
application to Social Science: search, selection information. specific facts using different sources. 32–35
and analysis of information. Analyses the information to select the most LTL 24–25,
relevant. 32–35
Develops strategies to organise, memorise, and LTL 24–25,
recall the information. 32–35
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Uses images, graphs, tables, summaries, etc. to LTL, AUT, MST 24–25,
display the information. 34–34
Presentation of work. Present work carried out clearly using Carries out work and presentations using LTL, AUT, DIG 32–33
different media. different media.
Expresses orally, clearly and in order, contents LTL, AUT, LIN 32–33
related to the area of study.
Uses the correct vocabulary with precision and LTL, AUT, LIN 22–35
Is capable of summarising, orally or in writing, LTL, AUT, LIN 24–25,
the information obtained and the work carried 32–35
Personal skills. Develop social skills: responsibility, Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying LTL, AUT 32–35
effort and concentration while studying. out of actions and tasks and takes the initiative in
decision making.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 32–33
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and LTL, AUT, SOC 32–33
the decisions they take.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Our World
Students will recognise the importance of the Renaissance and its influence on European art.
- Unit summary
- Science project
- Memory game
- Labelling
- Spelling
- Read and reveal
- Classification
- Wordsearch
- Definitions
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Digital flashcards and word cards
Videos & web links
Formal Assessment:
Diagnostic test: provides an overview of the unit and allow you to assess the students’ prior knowledge.
End-of-unit test: in addition to the Review section at the end of each unit, this summative test can be used to evaluate students’ progress after studying the unit
End-of-Term test: makes it possible to assess the pupil's progress throughout the term.
Informal Assessment: Review section at the end of the unit.
Self-assessment: Self-evaluation section at the end of the unit.
Rubrics: ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
narrative tenses
modals of speculation
relative pronouns: who, which, when, where
past tenses
time expressions
relative pronouns: who, which, where
comparatives and superlatives
reading skills: true/false sentences
listening for specific information
countries and nationalities
descriptive academic language
speaking skills
writing skills
reading skills
unit vocabulary
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
TERM 1. Project
Revise the main periods of Spain’s history, from the Middle Ages until the 16th century., centered in the gastronomic culture of Al-Andalus
Reflect on the social and political characteristics of these periods and the kings who ruled then.
Follow different Cooperative Learning structures doing the four different stages in the Cooperative Learning Session: activation, introduction, development and feedback.
Review key concepts and vocabulary from the term, and assess and reflect on progress.
Do activities giving the opportunity for individual and group work, allowing for self and peer assessment, designed to motivate as well as test.
Learn habits keeping a record of scores in the notebooks.
Identify strengths and weaknesses and enable setting own learning objectives.
Record team scores as part of an ongoing competition throughout the year.
Uses cooperation and dialogue as a way to avoid and SOC, LTL 36–37
resolve conflicts.
Search for, select and analyse Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 36–37
information. specific facts using different sources.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Personal skills. Develop social skills: Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying out of LTL, AUT 36–37
responsibility, effort and actions and tasks and takes the initiative in decision
concentration while studying. making.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 36–37
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity.
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and the LTL, AUT, SOC 36–37
decisions they take.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Helpful tips section with advice to diversify the Teacher's Book activities.
Cooperative Projects, which can be adapted to each pupil's needs.
Further reading sections in the Teacher's Book, a brief bibliography for those who would like to deepen their knowledge on CL.
Activity Book activities.
Digital Resources activities.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
describing historical events
giving short answers
expressing opinions
question forms
relative pronouns: who, which, when, where
key vocabulary from units 1–2
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Presentation of work. Present work carried out clearly Carries out work and presentations using different media. LTL, AUT, DIG 50–51
using different media.
Expresses orally, clearly and in order, contents related to the LTL, AUT, LIN 50–51
area of study.
Uses the correct vocabulary with precision and care. LTL, AUT, LIN 40–53
Personal skills. Develop social skills: Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying out of actions LTL, AUT 50–53
responsibility, effort and and tasks and takes the initiative in decision making.
concentration while studying.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, personal LTL, AUT 50–51
initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity.
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and the decisions LTL, AUT, SOC 50–51
they take.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Our world
Students will explore the social inequality of the Early Modern Age in Spain through the works of Murillo and Velázquez. They will think critically about what it
means to be privileged and unprivileged.
Opinions will be expected of the students regarding social justice. Also, they will be required to determine historical periods of greater or lesser equality, arguing their
- Unit summary
- Science project
- Memory game
- Labelling
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
- Spelling
- Read and reveal
- Classification
- Wordsearch
- Definitions
Digital flashcards and word cards
Videos & web links
Formal Assessment:
Diagnostic test: provides an overview of the unit and allow you to assess the students’ prior knowledge.
End-of-unit test: in addition to the Review section at the end of each unit, this summative test can be used to evaluate students’ progress after studying the unit
End-of-Term test: makes it possible to assess the pupil's progress throughout the term.
Informal Assessment:
Review section at the end of the unit.
Self-evaluation section at the end of the unit.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
narrative tenses
question forms
comparatives and superlatives
modals for speculation (might, could) and
obligation (have to)
relative pronouns: who, which, where, when
present simple
present continuous
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
descriptive vocabulary: Renaissance and Baroque characteristics
expressing opinion, speculating
describing paintings: background, foreground, layered composition, etc.
speaking skills
writing skills
reading skills
unit vocabulary
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
UNIT 4. Population
Demography, absolute population and Know the terms demography, Knows the terms demography, absolute population SOC, MST 58–59
population density. absolute population and population and population density.
Understands the concepts of natural increase and SOC, MST 58–59
actual increase.
Spanish population. Understand the main characteristics Understands the evolution and distribution of the SOC, MST 60–63
of Spanish population. Spanish population.
Places on a map the main nuclei of Spanish SOC, MST, LTL 61
population and the most densely populated areas.
Places on a map the main migratory movements of the SOC, MST, LTL 62–63
Spanish population: internal migration and
international emigration and immigration.
European population. Understand the main characteristics Understands the evolution and distribution of the SOC, MST 64-65
of European population. European population.
Places on a map the main nuclei of European SOC, MST, LTL 64
population and the most densely populated areas.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Places on a map the main migratory movements of the SOC, MST, LTL 62, 65
European population: internal migration and
international emigration and immigration.
Graphs and pyramids. Interpret a population pyramid and Interprets a population pyramid and other graphs used SOC, CUL, LIN 60–66
other graphs used in the study of in the study of population.
Initiation to Scientific knowledge and its Search for, select and analyse Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 56–57,
application to Social Science: search, information. specific facts using different sources. 66–69
selection and analysis of information. Analyses the information to select the most relevant. LTL 56–57,
Develops strategies to organise, memorise, and recall LTL 56–57,
the information. 66–69
Uses images, graphs, tables, summaries, etc. to LTL, AUT, MST 56–57,
display the information. 66–68
Presentation of work. Present work carried out clearly Carries out work and presentations using different LTL, AUT, DIG 66–67
using different media. media.
Expresses orally, clearly and in order, contents related LTL, AUT, LIN 66–67
to the area of study.
Uses the correct vocabulary with precision and care. LTL, AUT, LIN 54–69
Personal skills. Develop social skills: responsibility, Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying out of LTL, AUT 66–69
effort and concentration while actions and tasks and takes the initiative in decision
studying. making.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 66–67
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity.
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and the LTL, AUT, SOC 66–67
decisions they take.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit the students will apply the knowledge they learn in a practical way and will learn to view migration patterns as a historical process.
The students will learn about migration and integration.
They will also study the effects of migration and the benefits it brings.
Our world
This area highlights the reasons for migratory movements and the benefits this can bring to society.
- Unit summary
- Science project
- Memory game
- Labelling
- Spelling
- Read and reveal
- Classification
- Wordsearch
- Definitions
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Formal Assessment:
Diagnostic test: provides an overview of the unit and allow you to assess the students’ prior knowledge.
End-of-unit test: in addition to the Review section at the end of each unit, this summative test can be used to evaluate students’ progress after studying the unit
End-of-Term test: makes it possible to assess the pupil's progress throughout the term.
Informal Assessment:
Review section at the end of the unit.
Self-evaluation section at the end of the unit.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
TERM 2. Project
Revise the different tips throughout the different units to solve the set question.
Reflect on different terms about Art, particularly focused on Diego Velazquez’s work
Follow different Cooperative Learning structures to perceive that they need each other in order to complete the group’s task.
Review key concepts and vocabulary from the term, and assess and reflect on progress.
Do activities giving the opportunity for individual and group work, allowing for self and peer assessment, designed to motivate as well as test.
Learn habits keeping a record of scores in the notebooks.
Identify strengths and weaknesses and enable setting own learning objectives.
Record team scores as part of an ongoing competition throughout the year
Uses cooperation and dialogue as a way to avoid and SOC, LTL 70–71
resolve conflicts.
Initiation to Scientific knowledge and its Search for, select and analyse Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 70–71
application to Social Science: search, selection information. specific facts using different sources.
and analysis of information.
Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 70–71
specific facts using different sources.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Personal skills. Develop social skills: Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying out of LTL, AUT 70–71
responsibility, effort and actions and tasks and takes the initiative in decision
concentration while studying. making.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 70–71
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity.
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and the LTL, AUT, SOC 70–71
decisions they take.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Helpful tips section with advice to diversify the Teacher's Book activities.
Cooperative Projects, which can be adapted to each pupil's needs.
Further reading sections in the Teacher's Book, a brief bibliography for those who would like to deepen their knowledge on CL.
Activity Book activities.
Digital Resources activities.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
describing different terms related to population: life expectancy, ageing population, etc.
giving short answers
expressing opinions
question forms
relative pronouns: who, which, when, where
key vocabulary from units 3–4
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
UNIT 5. Economy
Learn about the economy both at local, national and European level, which will help them understand the community where they live in greater depth.
Investigate the primary section, including different types of land management and the extraction of raw materials; the secondary sector and the manufacture of products;
and the tertiary sector, services, tourism and trade.
Know the importance of each sector to the Spanish economy.
Focus on the European economy, and the value of the different sectors within Europe.
Study the importance of advertising and selling techniques, allowing them to make informed decisions in their own lives.
The three sectors. Explain the main activities of the three Explains the main activities of the primary SOC, CUL 78–79,
sectors in Spain and Europe. sector in Spain and Europe. 84–85
Explains the main activities of the tertiary sector SOC, CUL 82–83,
in Spain and Europe. 85
Prime materials and manufactured Distinguish between prime materials and Distinguishes between prime materials and SOC, MST 77–81
products. manufactured products. manufactured products and associates them with
the process by which they are obtained.
The life of a product. Describe in order the process of obtaining a Describes in order the process of obtaining a SOC, CUL, MST 77
product up to its sale. product up to its sale.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Advertising. Understand the function of advertising. Understands the function of advertising. SOC, CUL, LIN 86–87
Recognise and explain the most common Recognises and explains the most common
techniques analysing concrete examples. techniques analysing concrete examples.
Initiation to Scientific knowledge and its Search for, select and analyse information. Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 76–77,
application to Social Science: search, specific facts using different sources. 86–89
selection and analysis of information. Analyses the information to select the most LTL 76–77,
relevant. 86–89
Develops strategies to organise, memorise, and LTL 76–77,
recall the information. 86–89
Uses images, graphs, tables, summaries, etc. to LTL, AUT, MST 76–77,
display the information. 86–88
Presentation of work. Present work carried out clearly using Carries out work and presentations using LTL, AUT, DIG 86–87
different media. different media.
Expresses orally, clearly and in order, contents LTL, AUT, LIN 86–87
related to the area of study.
Uses the correct vocabulary with precision and LTL, AUT, LIN 74–89
Is capable of summarising, orally or in writing, LTL, AUT, LIN 76–77,
the information obtained and the work carried 86–89
Personal skills. Develop social skills: responsibility, effort Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying LTL, AUT 86–89
and concentration while studying. out of actions and tasks and takes the initiative
in decision making.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 86–87
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and LTL, AUT, SOC 86–87
the decisions they take.
In this unit, the students will learn about the world of work which, one day, they will be part of. They will be able to relate the information they are exposed to, in the
unit, to their own lives and to the development of their country. They will analyse the world of work and share their conclusions with their classmates. They will also
learn about making informed decisions based on what they experience; particularly in relation to advertising and selling techniques. The students will be encouraged to
explain their ideas, defend their arguments, as well as listening and accommodating other points of view.
Our world
The students live in a world where they constantly encounter selling techniques and advertising. This section will analyse these techniques and encourage students to be
responsible consumers, buying to their needs, not the needs of the seller. The students should be aware that advertising informs but, also exploits people’s needs, and
they will learn to identify the real message behind the slogan.
- Unit summary
- Science project
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
- Memory game
- Labelling
- Spelling
- Read and reveal
- Classification
- Wordsearch
- Definitions
Digital flashcards and word cards
Videos & web links
Formal Assessment:
Diagnostic test: provides an overview of the unit and allow you to assess the students’ prior knowledge.
End-of-unit test: in addition to the Review section at the end of each unit, this summative test can be used to evaluate students’ progress after studying the unit
End-of-Term test: makes it possible to assess the pupil's progress throughout the term.
Informal Assessment:
Review section at the end of the unit.
Self-evaluation section at the end of the unit.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
listening for specific information
reading for comprehension and for specific
classifying and ordering
collaborative language
reading for information
exchange of information
descriptive language
speaking skills
writing skills
reading skills
unit vocabulary
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Know some basics of business, personal finance and the challenges of running a company.
Find out how companies are structured and what entrepreneurs need to think about when starting a new company.
Learn in more detail about the different kinds of fixed and variable costs involved in running a business.
Learn about ways to save money and how to plan a budget in daily life to help manage own money.
Investigate what they would need to consider if they were starting their own business and present their ideas to the class.
Learn about socially responsible companies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
Companies. Identify different types of company. Distinguishes between small, medium and SOC, CUL 92
large companies.
Advertising. Understand the function of advertising. Understands the function of advertising. SOC, CUL, LIN 98
Recognise and explain the most common Recognises and explains the most common
techniques analysing concrete examples. techniques analysing concrete examples.
Costs. Differentiate between different types of costs Differentiates between different types of costs. SOC, MST 94–97
and elaborate a small personal budget. Elaborates a small personal budget. SOC, MST, LTL, AUT 96–97
Personal initiative and entrepreneurial Show personal initiative and entrepreneurial Shows personal initiative and entrepreneurial SOC, MST, LTL, AUT 92–100
spirit. spirit. spirit.
Search for, select and analyse information. Obtains concrete and relevant information LTL 92–93,
about specific facts using different sources. 98–101
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Initiation to Scientific knowledge and its Analyses the information to select the most LTL 92–93,
application to Social Science: search, relevant. 98–101
selection and analysis of information. Develops strategies to organise, memorise, LTL 92–93,
and recall the information. 98–101
Uses images, graphs, tables, summaries, etc. LTL, AUT, MST 92–93,
to display the information. 98–100
Presentation of work. Present work carried out clearly using Carries out work and presentations using LTL, AUT, DIG 98–99
different media. different media.
Expresses orally, clearly and in order, contents LTL, AUT, LIN 98–99
related to the area of study.
Uses the correct vocabulary with precision and LTL, AUT, LIN 90–101
Is capable of summarising, orally or in LTL, AUT, LIN 91–92,
writing, the information obtained and the work 98–101
carried out.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit, the students will learn about personal finance and running businesses.
Students will work both individually and in groups and should be encouraged to take both individual and collaborative responsibility.
They will learn about costs, profits and losses in a business setting but also about the value of money in regular life.
They will be asked to brainstorm ideas in a group and to reach a consensus about which idea to develop. They will need to be creative and to not get too attached to one
idea in case it is rejected later in the planning stage.
Our world
Students will read about an alternative type of company that doesn’t operate for profit – NGOs. They will learn what socially responsible activities some well-known
for-profit companies carry out and think about how they themselves could help collect money for charity.
Fast Finishers: for those pupils who finish earlier.
Helpful tips section with advice to diversify the Teacher's Book activities.
Cooperative Projects, which can be adapted to each pupil's needs.
Further reading sections in the Teacher's Book, a brief bibliography for those who would like to deepen their knowledge on CL.
Activity Book activities.
Digital Resources activities.
- Unit summary
- Science project
- Memory game
- Labelling
- Spelling
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Formal Assessment:
Diagnostic test: provides an overview of the unit and allow you to assess the students’ prior knowledge.
End-of-unit test: in addition to the Review section at the end of each unit, this summative test can be used to evaluate students’ progress after studying the unit
End-of-Term test: makes it possible to assess the pupil's progress throughout the term.
Informal Assessment:
Review section at the end of the unit.
Self-evaluation section at the end of the unit.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
giving opinions
comparatives and superlatives
comparing advantages and disadvantages
talking about companies
listening for specific information
reading skills
assimilating information
business terminology
mathematical operations
speaking skills: collaborating in a group
making suggestions
making decisions and reaching consensus
unit vocabulary
mathematical functions
comparing things
speaking skills
reading skills
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
TERM 3. Project
Revise the economic sectors and the things they must bear in mind when running a business.
Follow different Cooperative Learning structures that will provide the optimal learning experience for the students and will guarantee the implication of all the members of
the team.
Review key concepts and vocabulary from the term, and assess and reflect on progress.
Do activities giving the opportunity for individual and group work, allowing for self and peer assessment, designed to motivate as well as test.
Learn habits keeping a record of scores in the notebooks.
Identify strengths and weaknesses and enable setting own learning objectives.
Record team scores as part of an ongoing competition throughout the year.
Uses cooperation and dialogue as a way to avoid and SOC, LTL 102–103
resolve conflicts.
Search for, select and analyse Obtains concrete and relevant information about LTL 102–103
information. specific facts using different sources.
Key Competences: LIN: Competence in linguistic communication. MST: Competence in mathematics, science and technology; DIG: Digital competence; LTL: Learning to learn; SOC: Social and civic competences; AUT:
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; CUL: Cultural awareness and expression
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
Personal skills. Develop social skills: Shows autonomy in the planning and carrying out of LTL, AUT 102–103
responsibility, effort and actions and tasks and takes the initiative in decision
concentration while studying. making.
Shows confidence in themselves, critical sense, LTL, AUT 102–103
personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity.
Takes responsibility for what they do, say and the LTL, AUT, SOC 102–103
decisions they take.
Syllabus ByME Social Science 5 CAM
In this unit the students will cooperate with each other to create presentations, assigning and taking responsibility for different tasks.
Students will use ICT to search for specific information. They will analyse and interpret their findings to fulfil a given set of criteria.
The importance of critical thinking skills will be highlighted and students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning.
Helpful tips section with advice to diversify the Teacher's Book activities.
Cooperative Projects, which can be adapted to each pupil's needs.
Further reading sections in the Teacher's Book, a brief bibliography for those who would like to deepen their knowledge on CL.
Activity Book activities.
Digital Resources activities.
ByME Social Science 5 Rubrics
describing the three economic sector activities and different types of costs
giving short answers
expressing opinions
question forms
relative pronouns: who, which, when, where
key vocabulary from units 5–6