SOLARGE Best Practice Catalogue en
SOLARGE Best Practice Catalogue en
SOLARGE Best Practice Catalogue en
Large Buildings
This publication was compiled
as part of the EU SOLARGE project
Planning Procedure Y 20
The great majority of solar thermal systems Solar thermal: market development
now in use belongs to detached or semi- The use of solar thermal heating has spread
detached houses. rapidly in recent years. Solar systems with a
But solar thermal systems are increasingly total collector area of some 19 million square
being used in larger buildings: apartment metres are now installed across Europe. This
blocks, hotels and catering establishments, impressive figure shows the technology has
and public buildings. long matured and is established in the market.
Many large systems are already installed in The European Solar Thermal Industry Federation
Europe. The experience gained with these (ESTIF) forecasts that total installed collector
systems is so positive that many operators area will increase by 30 % a year over the long
are planning more systems. term. However, market penetration varies
One important lesson learnt is that the design greatly between different EU states.
of large solar systems cannot be standardised.
Each system must be individually designed,
taking into account the circumstances and
user needs. A task and a challenge for all
architects and engineers involved.
Flat plate collectors
Photo: Conergy
Technical Basics
Fields of Application
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bed occupancy
Solar power
Collectors and Storage tanks
A roof-mounted solar collector captures
sunlight and converts it into heat. The unit’s
absorber has what is called a selective surface
coating, allowing it to convert even diffuse or
winter day solar radiation into heat energy
with high efficiency. The collector is protected
by tempered glass which can withstand even
Collectors can be mounted on a flat or pitched
roof, integrated into the roof cladding or
installed as part of the building’s facade.
Solar thermal storage tanks 100 % solar-heated apartment building (under construct-
ion), by Jenni Energietechnik – completed in August 2007
Photo: Jenni Energietechnik AG, Switzerland
Additional elements
System Approaches
Overheating protection during the summer and frostproofing in winter is essential for safe and steady operation.
Reliable and approved features from experienced planners and system providers ensure a well-protected CSTS for
both extremes.
Solar systems in new buildings Refurbishment
In a new building, solar thermal technology Exact design and dimensioning is also impor-
can be planned as an integral part of the heat- tant for solar thermal systems fitted during
ing system to optimise overall energy supply. building modernisation. It is helpful to collect
Planners have a free hand in deciding how col- data on hot water consumption beforehand.
lectors are integrated into the building (for Installing solar thermal systems during refur-
example by making them part of the roof clad- bishment usually means integrating them into
ding or the building’s facade) and the spatial existing heating and hot water systems. It
arrangement of heat storage and control often makes sense to replace any auxiliary
units. Boiler, solar thermal and heat storage heating at the same time, and to dimension
capacity can also be matched to actual needs. both the boiler and the storage to match the
Centralised supply systems are usually chosen system as a whole.
for new buildings as the capital cost per unit is
lower than decentralised systems.
Backup for conventional heating
However, hot water consumption – a key
system design parameter – is relatively hard to Boilers or heat pumps are available to meet
estimate for a new building. Standardised con- any supply demand when collector output is
sumption figures usually overestimate actual too low. Solar thermal systems can be com-
consumption. Exact knowledge of future heat bined with generally available conventional
loads is essential. heating systems.
Many manufacturers of conventional heating
systems offer complete control units to run
their systems in combination with solar ther-
mal technology.
Storage for solar heat can be centralised or
decentralised according to the heating and
hot water system. When retrofitting, existing
storage tanks can be kept and supplemented
with the solar heat storage unit.
Heating Circuits
Boiler room with solar heat storage tanks and control Fresh water unit in a building's two-pipe heating net-
unit work. Apartment building in Salzburg.
Photo: Sonnenkraft, Munich, Germany Photo: gswb Salzburg
Backup heated
buffer storage
also as
Serial backup
Backup heated *
tap-water storage
Storage tank
Dimensioning solar thermal systems
Hot water only
Meeting 50 % of the annual energy needs for
hot water requires a collector area of 1–1.5 m2
per apartment and about 50–60 l of solar heat
storage per m2 of collector surface.
Systems combining hot water supply with
supplementary heating require roughly 3–4 m2
of flat plate collectors per apartment. The heat-
ing will then be about 15–20 % solar-assisted.
Planning Procedure
Solar thermal systems for large buildings are Preliminary planning checklist
always tailor-made. This means they need
1. Does installation of the solar thermal
careful, individual planning.
system fit in with the timing of planned
Architects and system designers have to work
modernisation work? The time of the next
closely together from the outset. This ensures
roof/facade renewal should match the life-
that the finished system will work optimally.
time of the collectors. The same applies for
Contractually guaranteed savings make
renewal of the heating system.
systems an even safer investment for owners.
2. Location: Can the collectors be oriented
between SE and SW? Are there any shading
3. Collector mounting: Can collectors be
fitted to the roof or integrated into the
roof/facade? Is it possible to install entire
collector fields?
4. Is there enough space for the solar heat
storage tank and is it accessible for instal-
lation? What structural changes are needed
for the storage tank to be installed?
5. Have all structural and energy system
Horizontally mounted vacuum tube 40° installation on flat roof Facade integration
collectors on flat roof Photo:
Photo: Die Fabrik, Berlin (Germany)
Installation planning checklist Acceptance checklist
1. Can architect and solar system designer Following installation, it is essential to fine-
work together from the outset to develop tune the solar thermal system in operation.
an integrated system? This optimisation should take place over a pre-
2. Does the quoted price cover both designing set timeframe (e. g. three months). The system
the solar thermal system and matching it is tested at the same time to see if the guar-
to the heating and/or hot water system? anteed energy savings are achieved. The instal-
Do the solar system installers have ex- lers may be required to make adjustments.
perience with large systems? Are the
expected energy savings subject to g Initial acceptance
uarantee? 1. Are all system components properly fitted
3. Does the installation planning take into and connected? Have all circuits been
account that new trades will have to be tested under pressure?
brought into the building work and the 2. Are all valves and pipes fully labelled?
heating system must first be optimised 3. Is the system fully insulated, without gaps
from an energy standpoint? Is it ensured in the insulation where pipework passes
that only suitable components and insu- through walls and ceilings?
lation materials for standing temperatures 4. Are all parameter settings documented?
up to 200 °C will be used for the solar ther-
mal system ? Final acceptance
4. Can the system be optimised when opera- (after stipulated period in operation)
ting, i. e. when the building is occupied? 5. Are all guaranteed parameters (energy
When is the timeframe for fine-tuning the savings) achieved?
system? 6. Are all system components matched (suit-
ably dimensioned heat exchanger, heat
meter, temperature sensor, expansion ves-
sel) and properly positioned?
7. Are all parameter settings and modifica-
tions to the system documented?
Solar air conditioning systems are offered by Absorption chillers with a liquid absorbent
several firms in Europe for offices and public cover the 15 kw to 5 MW range. Input tempera-
buildings. Solar thermal energy is very well tures on these systems range from 80–110 °C.
suited for running air conditioning systems, as COPthermal: 0.6–0.8 for a single-stage chiller
cooling demand tends to correlate very well and up to 1.2 for a two-stage system.
with the amount of sunshine.
Absorption chillers need about 3–3.5 m2 of
Cooling demand heavily depends on building collector surface per kW of cooling capacity.
use, building type, the condition of the buil-
ding (thermal insulation) and the interior heat Another system type, known as a sorption-
load. In Central Europe, residential buildings assisted air conditioning system, uses desic-
are expected to need air conditioning for 50 to cant and evaporative cooling (DEC). After cool-
200 hours a year. This increases to 1,000 hours ing, the refrigerant (water) is expelled from
for office and industrial buildings. The figure in the system. Desiccant and evaporative cooling
Southern Europe is far higher, especially for systems achieve a cooling capacity in the 20-
hotels and office buildings. 350 kW range. Such systems can be expanded
on a modular basis. The operating temperature
The output of solar-powered chillers ranges is only around 45–95 °C. This means the heat
from 10 kW to 5 MW. Such units are used to can be provided by simple flat plate collectors
provide cold water and for air conditioning and in some cases even by air collectors
systems. (COPthermal: 0.5–1.0). Systems using a liquid
absorbent are currently being developed.
The 50–400 kW range is generally served by
adsorption chillers operating with a solid As a rule of thumb for open systems, about 8–
adsorbent. The input temperature of about 10 m2 of collector area can be assumed neces-
60–90 °C is provided by flat plate or vacuum sary per 1,000 m3/hr installed capacity.
tube collectors (coefficient of performance
COPthermal: 0.5–0.7).
Typical performance figures (COPthermal)
for thermally driven chillers range from
0.5–1.2 depending on the system. However,
the COPthermal performance figure differs
from the figure used for electrically driven
chillers. The coefficient for a thermally
driven chiller is defined as the ratio of the
heat given off by the cold water circuit
and the heat needed to drive the process
(COPthermal = Qcold/Qhot). On electrically
driven chillers, COPconv is the ratio of the heat Factory building with solar cooling, Audi, Ingolstadt,
given off by the cold water circuit and the Germany
Photo: Solahart/ESTIF
electrical energy used (COPconv = Qcold/Eelec).
G Other applications
Additional note: All systems depend on the situation of the building and local and national laws. In some cases,
for example boilers, solar storage tanks etc. are located directly under the roof. The schemes shown provide only
a simplified representation of the options for integrating a solar thermal system into a building.
How to use the Best Practice Catalogue As mentioned elsewhere, the size of a planned
The examples presented in the pages that fol- solar thermal system always depends on the
low provide an overview of the different types individual situation (consumption profiles,
of system. This allows comparison with readers’ available installation options, integration into
own plans. The examples are also a source of an overall system concept) and cannot be
ideas for improvements to such plans. directly inferred from apparently similar
The examples show where solar thermal
systems can be usefully integrated into It is therefore always important to obtain ad-
heating systems. A wide range of system vice from professionals with experience in
approaches is covered so that a suitable planning large solar thermal systems.
system type for every application can be
Scheme 4: Direct piping Scheme 5: Two-pipe installation Scheme 6: Two and four-pipe
for space heating and hot tap for space heating and hot tap installation for space heating and
water with decentralised solar water with centralised solar storage hot tap water with centralised
storage and backup heaters and decentralised backup heaters backup heater and solar buffer
(common in Spain) (common in D, A, I, DK, NL)
Best Practice No. 1
Multi-Family House
The main reason to install the CSTS was the
San Cugat des Vallès Solar Ordinance. This
municipal ordinance mandates the installation
of solar thermal systems for hot water genera-
tion in new buildings with a minimum solar
proportion of 60 %. This building was the first
Vèrtix building where a solar thermal system
was installed for hot water generation.
Facts in brief
Profile Year of construction of CSTS 2004/2005
Aperture area of collectors 60 m2
Real estate company Thermal output 42 kWth
New multi-family house, Collector yield 796 kWh/(m2 ·a)
39 dwellings
Total costs of solar
61 m2 flat-plate collector hot water system* 89,133 €
(gross area), on flat roof
Subsidies 0%
60 % reduction of final
energy consumption for CO2-emissions avoided 14.13 t CO2 per year
hot water generation Reduction of final energy 59,765 kWh/a
(calculated) Replaced energy source Natural gas
Collector area
per apartment: 1.5 m2
Investment costs per
26 apartment:* 2,285 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 60 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Vèrtix ** measured
Can Ràbia, 11, Local
E-Barcelona, Spain
h Rafael López,
Antoni Esqué
1 +34 93 2063476
I +34 93 2051586
Decentralised heat-
ing system. Solar
heat storages and
backup heaters
are located in each
apartment. The
building is compos-
ed of 39 apartments
on 5 floors.
Best Practice No. 2
The project took place as part of an overall
renovation of the hot water installation. Small
individual gas-fired kitchen tap water heaters
that emitted exhaust gases into the dwellings
have been replaced by a central solar hot
water system. There are several benefits for
the tenants:
■ hot water facility has been improved;
■ indoor air quality has been improved (no
more exhaust gases, less humidity);
■ problems with mould on the kitchen walls
have been solved due to lower humidity in
the flats.
collector area
per apartment: 1.1 m2
investment costs per
28 apartment:* 628 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Tablis Wonen
P.O. Box 145
3360 AC Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
1 +31 184 444 844
I +31 184 444 866
Flatplate collectors
and solar heat
storage of the
Sperwer building
Best Practice No. 3
Multi-Family House
ATC Torino, a social housing public agency in
the province of Turin, has dealt with environ-
mental and energetic matters since 1996.
Whenever possible, new technologies (especi-
ally renewable energy sources) have been inte-
grated into ATC's buildings in order to reduce
their environmental impact.
collector area
per apartment: 2.1 m2
investment costs per
30 apartment:* 1,816 €
Solar fraction of hot
water demand:** 46 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u ATC Torino ** heat demand for hot tap water
Corso Dante, 14 generation (value: estimated)
I-10134 Torino, Italy
Ing. Paolo Cinus
1 +39 11 3130532
I +39 11 3130461
The province of Turin subsidised a part of the
total investment costs through a demonstra-
tion programme (publications and presenta-
tions from various newspapers, newsletters
and exhibitions on the Province's web site).
Within the scope of the refurbishment of the
building, a complete modernisation of the
heating system including central hot water
generation was necessary. For that reason,
among others, the possibilities for solar energy
integration were analysed. Although hot water
provision with a solar thermal system seemed
to be a favourable option, the implementation
proved to be a great task for the planners and
manufacturers involved as well as for us as the
building owner. It should be mentioned then
that, as of the time of the planning in 1998,
collector area
per apartment: 0.9 m2
investment costs per
32 apartment:* 775 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Wohnungsgenossenschaft
„Karl Marx“ Potsdam e.G.
Jagdhausstr. 27
D-14480 Potsdam, Germany
h Klaus Bergemann
WG Karl-Marx e.G.
- collector field
Best Practice No. 5
Municipality of Giurgiu –
Policlinica Area Giurgiu
Multi-Family House
During the summer, the combined heat and
power (CHP) plant in Giurgiu does not produce
electricity and therefore the hot water supply
is turned off completely between April and
November. The installation of 300 m2 of solar
panels on two housing blocks was necessary
to supply hot water for 80 flats during the
summer months.
collector area
per apartment: 3.8 m2
investment costs per
34 apartment:* 1,171 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 100 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Municipality of Giurgiu ** this solar thermal system supplies 100%
49-51 Bucharest Street of the hot water demand of this both
buildings during the summer periode
8375 Giurgiu, Romania
h Lucian Iliescu,
Constantin Ionescu
1 +40 246 213588
I +40 246 213747
The solar project was part of Romania's
District Heating Rehabilitation Project for
Giurgiu which was financed by the Danish
Environmental Agency (DEPA) through the
Danish Cooperation for Environment in
Eastern Europe programme (DANCEE). The
Romanian counterpart contributed using its
own financing measures.
Sundparken –
Multi-Family House
The Chairman of the housing society motiva-
ted the tenants to support the installation of
the system despite the rent increase that
would be incurred over a limited period of
time. Rent rates would then return to lower
collector area
per apartment: 0.8 m2
investment costs per
36 apartment:* 565 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 3.1 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Helsingør Boligselskab ** measured
Kongedammen 34
3000 Helsingøre, Denmark
Poul Hansen (chairman)
1 +45 49 2128-61
I +45 49 2128-91
The project was financed mainly through
reserves from the housing association's own
revolving funds as well as a small loan, natio-
nal subsidies and a tax break.
12 Multi-Family Houses
„We would carry on with the approach follo-
wed by the city of La Rochelle since 1970. With
the district heat development, the restoration
of the former solar installation of the Salines
would prove to be a necessary thing to do.“
collector area
per apartment: 1.2 m2
investment costs per
38 apartment:* 1,537 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a*
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Mairie de La Rochelle
Hôtel de Ville - BP 1541
17086 La Rochelle Cedex 2,
h Mr Giret
1 +33 5 46515010
Fortuna Hotel
During a regular pub meeting in the year
2000, hotel owner Manfred Meder and Otto
Wehrle, collective solar thermal systems instal-
ler and producer of solar storage tanks, discus-
sed the apparent high consumption of hot
water in the FORTUNA Hotel. A special topic
was the high consumption of oil for the hea-
ting of hot water during the warm months.
Since the consumption of hot water is a given
in hotels, operating costs were able to be redu-
ced through the installation of a well-planned
solar thermal system.
collector area
per room: 1.3 m2
investment costs per
40 apartment:* 1,571 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 7.7 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Hotel Fortuna ** estimated
Hauptstraße 7
79199 Kirchzarten, Germany
h Manfred Meder
Roof integrated
flatplate collectors
of Hotel Fortuna
and piping located
in the gable
Best Practice No. 9
collector area
per room: 1.2 m2
investment costs per
42 apartment:* 871 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Hotel Novotel Sophia Antipolis
290 rue dostoïevski
06410 Valbonne, France
1 +33 4 92387238
I +22 4 93958012
Flatplate collectors
of the Hotel in
Best Practice No. 10
Woonveste –
House for elderly persons
The installation of this system was in accor-
dance with the association's environmental
mission. As part of their environmental poli-
cies Woonveste actively aims to reduce energy
and water consumption and promotes the use
of renewable energy systems in its building
collector area
per apartment: 0.9 m2
investment costs per
44 apartment:* 456 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Woonveste Housing
Afrikalaan 92
P.O. Box 127
The Netherlands
The system, as well as the building, was finan-
ced by the Ministry of Labour, Family and
Social Affairs and community of the town of
Maribor. The complete building was taken over
by the current users. The supplier of the solar
system manages and maintains the system
free of charge.
collector area
per apartment: 1.0 m2
investment costs per
46 apartment:* 505 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 2.3 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Dom starejših obcanov TEZNO ** estimated
1 +386 2 4602602
Flatplate collectors
and hydraulics
Best Practice No. 12
Educational Centre
„The educational centre, Consorzio Pracatinat,
specialises in environmental education activi-
ties, sustainable tourism and accompanying
local sustainable development projects.
Therefore, it has a natural affinity towards
renewable technologies. This is clearly testified
by the decision to install a solar thermal pilot
plant, which contributes to create an environ-
mentalist image for the centre. Furthermore, a
display is mounted in the hall of the building
to show the performance of the solar system.“
collector area
per apartment: 0.7 m2
investment costs per
48 room:* 450 €
Solar fraction of hot
water demand:** 55 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Consorzio Pracatinat ** heat demand for hot tap water
località Prà Catinat generation (value: estimated)
Fenestrelle (TO), Italy
Claudio Richiardone
1 +39 121 884807
I +39 121 83711
Flatplate collectors
and panel display in
Best Practice No. 13
Multi-Family House
The project was carried out in the context
of the solar reorganisation strategy of the
Due to positive experiences in co-operation
with the project partners and the total energy
savings, every renovation or remodelling plan
takes the use of solar thermal into considera-
tion from the very beginning. The project must
be profitable for the property company.
collector area
per apartment: 1.0 m2
investment costs per
50 apartment:* 1,320 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 2.9 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u DEGEWO gAG ** measured (this plant concept focuses on
Potsdamer Str. 60 the boiler optimisation whereby fossil
energy savings are considerably higher
10785 Berlin, Germany
than shown by the solar fraction here)
1 +49 30 26485-0
I +49 30 26485-120
Schalkwijk –
Multi-Family House
The housing corporation originally planned to
install individual combined gas-fired boilers
for space heating and hot water. This would,
however, have consumed scarce living space. A
sustainable, central heating system therefore
appeared to be a good alternative. Both the
housing corporation and the local government
supported this solution and initiated a co-ope-
rative venture with the utility company.
collector area
per apartment: 7.5 m2
investment costs per
52 apartment:* 4,777 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 67 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Eneco Energie ** estimated (due to the seasonal aquifer
Diakenhuisweg 39-43 storage this solar plant supply that high
solar fraction)
Haarlem, Netherlands
Heat pump
Installation of pre-
assembled flatplate
collector structures
for 382 dwellings in
Best Practice No. 15
The hotel, ”Die Fabrik”, is located in a former
industrial building, where telephones were
once produced. In 1994, when the building
was remodelled as a hotel, rooms, bathrooms,
a large lobby and a restaurant were created.
The 50-year-old, out-of-date steam heating
system was not sufficient to maintain an
acceptable level of comfort for the guests.
Therefore, in 1999, the whole building was
energetically modernised, including the boilers
(switched to natural gas) and the heating
system (pipes, radiators). The installation of a
collector area
per bed: 0.2 m2
investment costs
54 per bed:* 333 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 7.1 %
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Die Fabrik ** calculated
Schlesische Str. 18
10997 Berlin, Germany
Georg Krug
1 +49 30 6118254
I +49 30 6189974
Vacuum-tube col-
lectors and display
panel of the hotel
“Die Fabrik”
Best Practice No. 16
The health resort is designed for the physically
handicapped and offers them an option for
healthy and relaxing vacations. Disabled sport-
smen can use the resort for preparing for sports
competitions. This health resort is meant to
become an incubator of ideas for all areas of
life of a physically disabled person. The solar
system was completed in 2007. One of the first
results of the SOLARGE project was the fact
that we have installed calorimeters in the solar
system pipeline and connected to the BMS
(Building Management System).
collector area
per user: 0.6 m2
investment costs
56 per user:* 286 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * i without consideration of subsidies
u Dom paraplegikov d.o.o.
Štihova 14
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mr Janez Trdina
1 +386 1 4327138
I +386 1 4327252
Flatplate collectors
on roof and Solar
heat tanks
Best Practice No. 17
The hotel owner made the choice to respond
to the environmental concerns of his hotel
clientele, especially those from Northern-
Europe. Tour operators are becoming more
and more sensitive to these concerns as well.
This hotel has had a CSTS since its opening
in 1981.
In a sustainable development approach, the
owner decided to totally restore the CSTS for
tap water and swimming pool heating. The
restoration enabled the total collector surface
area to be reduced due to the significant deve-
collector area
per room: 2.3 m2
investment costs
58 per room:* 2,525 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
u Hôtel du Golf de Valescure
Avenue Paul l'Hermite
83700 Saint Raphaël, France
M. de Gaudemont
1 +33 494 528500
I +33 494 824188
The CSTS cost totalled EUR 101,000 including
VAT with EUR 40,000 for the collector system,
38,000 EUR for solar installation and EUR
8,400 for planning and development. The
project was subsidised at 48 % with EUR 48,174
provided by the ADEME and the regional coun-
cil of PACA.
Retirement home
This specialised retirement centre in Saignon,
intended for physically handicapped persons,
is an example of a high-quality, environmen-
tally oriented design process. This building was
designed according to bioclimatic structure,
with special regard to solar design, and has a
one-floor construction to accommodate the
needs of handicapped persons.
collector area
per room: 5 m2
investment costs
60 per room:* 5,750 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand: n/a
Contact * without consideration of subsidies
Quai les Gondonnets
84400 Saignon, France
Mr Bouillet
1 +33 4 90740-043
I +34 93 2051586
! +33 4 90740-919
Retirement home
The building's managers started the project
and were encouraged by a promotion program
from the province of Turin which provided
expert technical assistance and economic sub-
"Our local promotion programs for renewable
energy sources are based on a complete sup-
port structure for the investors. It is essential
to create subsidy schemes and inform the par-
ties involved of their existence. Furthermore,
technicians must be trained and supported,
collector area
per apartment: 0.7 m2
investment costs
62 per apartment:* 743 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 10.8 %
* without consideration of subsidies
u Asilo dei Vecchi ** calculated
via Carlo Alberto Tron, 27
San Germano Chisone, Italy
h Giorgio Baret
The solar thermal system in San Germano is
one of three systems financed by the province
of Turin as part of a demonstration program.
The province of Turin subsidised 40 % of the
system costs.
Vacuum-tube col-
lectors on the roof
of the retirement
home in San
Germano Chisone
Best Practice No. 20
District Heating
The plant is part of the national strategy to
develop large-scale solar heating systems for
district heating and for seasonal heat storage.
collector area
per apartment: 26.4 m2
64 investment costs
per apartment:* 10,476 €
Solar fraction of global
heat demand:** 46.4 %
u Marstal District Heating * without consideration of subsidies
** monitored
Jagtvej 2
5960 Marstal, Denmark
Leo Holm Petersen
1 +45 62 53 15 64
I +45 62 53 15 64
Aerial photo of
Marstal and a part
of the collector
Best Practice No. 21
Car Centre
„Špan Company has been constantly growing
for 25 years now, and has always been con-
cerned about protecting the environment.
Our experiences have been so positive that we
suggest everyone, especially large consumers
of hot tap water and service water, to install a
solar system. Unfortunately, in 2005, there were
no governmental subsidies available, as had
been the case before, so we had to build the
system exclusively with our own financing.“
Vacuum-tube col-
lectors and solar
storage tank of
the car centre
The best practice examples from the SOLARGE People will expect higher standards of well-
project provide a compelling demonstration of being in both residential buildings and work-
the advanced state of technology in large solar place environments, increasing the need for air
thermal systems. conditioning and hence cooling, especially in
Southern Europe. Solar thermal energy will be
Research and development continue, however, increasingly important here, too, not least
as do market trends, and will further accelera- because collectors provide shade for the buil-
te the adoption of solar thermal energy in ding’s envelope and so reduce the need for
Europe. cooling.
For example, industry and researchers are Besides their use in residential buildings,
working on the development of storage units hotels and public facilities, solar thermal
with greater storage densities and more com- systems will become increasingly widespread
pact dimensions. By 2030, buildings supplied in industrial applications. In the none-too-
100% by solar energy could be standard in distant future, solar collectors will be able to
Europe. supply process heat at temperatures of more
than 250 °C. Laundries, electroplating opera-
Architecturally attractive integration of collec- tions and drying plants (for example in the
tors into the building envelope will also be- coatings industry) will increasingly be oper-
come increasingly widespread. No longer just ated with the aid of solar thermal energy.
heat generators, collectors will become part of
the roof cladding and a functional design ele-
ment in facades.