Mini Murals Lesson Plan

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Amber English Date: 10/10/2020

School: PHS Grade Level: 11 & 12 Content Area: African

and Latin Humanities

Title: Lesson #:__ of __

Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance: I am going to teach on the history and importance of
What are you going to teach and why is this Mexican Murals specifically Diego Rivera’s as well as the
lesson important to these students? What significance and place for contemporary murals. I will
has already happened in this classroom also teach on Frida Kahlo’s work and use of symbolism
surrounding the subject you will be and surrealism in her self-portraits and combine these
teaching? What do students already know? two artist’s work styles to create our own.
Why are you going to teach this topic now
(how does it fit in the curricular sequence)? The students have already learned about the Aztecs,
What teaching methods/strategy will you Inca’s, and Maya’s, and have briefly spoken about the
be use and why? Mexican Revolution through studying a poem but don’t
know much about it or the context of Mexican Murals.

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend

The visual arts are a means for expression, communication and meaning making.

Understandings: (Big Ideas) Art is a tool for social revolution.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)

Why would an artist choose to make a mural rather than a different type of art?

How do artists come up with the content of their mural?

What themes are related to murals?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria)

I can: identify key components of Mexican Muralist Art and self-portraits by Frida Kahlo and use this
knowledge to create my own Mini Mural!

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This means: Students will be able to identify Mexican Mural Art, Diego Rivera, and Frida Kahlo’s work,
and describe the current importance and historical significance of murals.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative)

Pre- Assessment: Who is familiar with Diego Rivera or Frida Kahlo? (formative)

Post- Assessment: Students will fill out a quick google form: I used to think___ Now I think __about
Mexican Murals as an “exit ticket”.

Formative Assessment: understanding will be checked throughout the time through questioning during
the presentation and during work time.

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Mini Murals
Should be a creative title for you and the students to
associate with the activity. Think of the purpose as
the mini-rationale for what you are trying to
accomplish through this lesson.
Approx. Time and Materials
How long do you expect the activity to last and what 90 minutes total (60 min + 30 min work time)
materials will you need? Materials: google classroom, google slides, google arts and culture, youtube, laptop/PC,
paper and pencil
Optional: paint, colored pencils, markers, chalk, etc
Anticipatory Set -To start out, I would like to show you a quick video of this super cute love story!
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. These are 5 min: Love scene of Ellie and Carl from the movie Up:
actions and statements by the teacher to relate the 5 min-I am always fascinated by love stories, especially love stories between two artists.
experiences of the students to the objectives of the Obviously, Ellie and Carl’s love story was fictional, however I want to share with you
lesson, To put students into a receptive frame of today about two Mexican artists who are incredibly famous and had a crazy love story.
mind. -Does anyone have any ideas on who that might be? You may type in the chat or use
 To focus student attention on the lesson. your mic. (pre-assessment) allow for responses
 To create an organizing framework for the -Today I want to share with ya’ll about Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
ideas, principles, or information that is to
follow (advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a different
activity or new concept is to be introduced.
How do you intend to engage your students in
thinking during the Anticipatory Set? The strategy I intend to use is _to show love story of Ellie and Carl to get attention and
lead into the relationship of Frida and Diego____________________________
Why are you using it at this point in your lesson?
I am using this strategy here because: It quickly engages the students in the topic and
artists we are going to be covering.

Procedures About Me and Attendance: 9 min

(Include a play-by-play account of what students and 2 minutes- Introduction: My name, about my time in high-school, my content area

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teacher will do from the minute they arrive to the 7 minutes- attendance and what color represents you and why?
minute they leave your classroom. Indicate the Anticipatory Set: 10 minutes
length of each segment of the lesson. List actual -Today I am going to tell you about two artists who were in love but first I would like to
minutes.) show you a quick video of this super cute love story!
Indicate whether each is:
-teacher input 5 min: Love scene of Ellie and Carl from the movie Up:
-modeling 5 min-I am always fascinated by love stories, especially love stories between two artists.
-questioning strategies Obviously, Ellie and Carl’s love story was fictional, however I want to share with you
-guided/unguided: today about two Mexican artists who are incredibly famous and had a crazy love story.
-whole-class practice -Does anyone have any ideas on who that might be? You may type in the chat or use
-group practice your mic. (pre-assessment) allow for responses
-individual practice Introduction 10 minutes
-check for understanding  -Today I want to share with ya’ll about Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
-other  Do those names sound familiar to anyone? (pre-assessment) allow for responses
 Share Learning Target today: I can explain the importance of Mexican Murals and
the significance of Kahlo’s self-portraits and use this knowledge to create my
own mural that incorporates a topic of social justice, symbolism, and surrealism
 We are going to run through the key artworks of both Diego Rivera and Frida
Kahlo and discuss the importance of them. Using this info, you will be creating
your own Mini Mural!
Procedure: 50 min
 Frida Kahlo- show youtube video 5 min
 Discuss self portrait: Self-portrait with Cropped Hair 5 minutes
 Ask-what do you observe?

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 Frida expressed her inner world through her self-

 Mexican song that appear at top suggest the address of a lover: “Look, if I loved
you it was because of your hair. Now that you are without hair, I don’t love you
 Use of surrealism and symbolism- every object has personal meaning
 (5 min) Diego Rivera- After the Mexican Revolution Rivera began painting murals
as a means to unify the country. He also had the power through art to
subliminally say controversial and political ideas.
 - El mundo de hoy y de mañana, Palacio Nacional, Mexico City, 1929-1935

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 Show 3D image:
 Ask: what do you observe?

 5min Contemporary Murals artist Kristy Sandoval video

 Nearpod: 15 min

Discuss why an artist would create a mural rather than a regular painting -say something
political, controversial, social justice and get away with it, power of public art!
-3 main questions
 Introduce projects and show more contemporary works as inspiration, answer
questions (5 minutes)
 Show video tutorial on 2-point perspective
 Fill out exit ticket (5 min)
 Project work time: (30 min)

How do you intend to engage your students in

thinking during the PROCEDURE? The strategy I intend to use is _show video of contemporary artist and then discuss why
she would paint murals_________________________________
Why are you using it at this point in your lesson?
I am using this strategy here because: It is helping students think about murals in a

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modern day world and apply it to their own art, as well as connecting it to history.
It also helps them think about what social justice issue they want to focus on for their

Closure -Give slide with extra resources – virtual mural tours, social justice topics, 2-point
Those actions or statements by a teacher that are perspective
designed to bring a lesson presentation to an -What questions do you have?
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students bring
things together in their own minds, to make sense
out of what has just been taught. “Any Questions?
No. OK, let’s move on” is not closure. Closure is used:
 To cue students to the fact that they have
arrived at an important point in the lesson or
the end of a lesson.
 To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to consolidate.
How do you intend to engage your students in
thinking during CLOSURE? The strategy I intend to use is _students will explore virtual tours of contemporary
murals and I will answer any final
Why are you using it at this point in your lesson? questions______________________________________

I am using this strategy here because: giving them resources to begin their research will
help them begin to ideate.

-allow responses to be either in person or on the chat box

-allow projects to be any material and size of choice.
Differentiation should be embedded
throughout your whole lesson!!
This is to make sure you have met the
needs of your students on IEPS or 504
To modify: If the activity is too advanced for a child,
how will you modify it so that they can be

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To extend: If the activity is too easy for a child, how
will you extend it to develop their emerging skills?
Assessment Reflection: (data analysis)
How will you know if students met the learning Have students write out “I used to think, now I think” on Mexican Murals in their exit
targets? Write a description of what you were ticket:
looking for in each assessment. 5EFNUQej0q9hFhWIxQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

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Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement) According to their
exit ticket, many students seemed to understand more in depth the cultural and
community importance of Mexican Murals

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?
I would go over their social justice resources and their contemporary virtual tours in
person so that I know they feel set.
I would also make sure to define certain words like surrealism and symbolism.
I would ask more in depth questions while looking at the 2 paintings together.
Finally, I would remember to check for understanding throughout the lesson a little

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)
I would imagine for the next lesson, we would go over their Mini Murals and discuss
their process and then move on to art in a different area of Latin America.

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