Egu2015 1070 3
Egu2015 1070 3
Egu2015 1070 3
Being a natural body, formed by the influence of biota on the upper layers of the Earth’s crust, the soil is the
most striking example of biogenic-abiogenic interactions in the biosphere. Invertebrates (especially ants that build
soil nests) are important agents that change soil properties in well developed terrestrial ecosystems. Impact of soil
microorganisms on soil properties is particularly described in numerous literature and concerns mainly chemical
properties and general indicators of soil biological activity. Influence of ants (as representatives of the soil meso-
fauna) mostly appears as mechanical movement of soil particles and aggregates, and chemical effects caused by
concentration of organic matter within the ant’s nest. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of ants
on physical and chemical soil attributes such as particle size distribution and soil acidity. The samples were taken
from aerial parts of Lasius niger nests, selected on different elements of the relief (summit position, slope, terrace
and floodplain) in the Arkhangelsk region (north of the European part of Russia) and compared with the specimens
of the upper horizons of the reference soils. Particle size distribution was determined by laser diffraction method
using laser diffraction particle size analyzer «Analysette 22 comfort» (FRITSCH, Germany). The acidity (pH) was
determined by potentiometry in water suspension. Particle size distribution of the samples from the nests is more
variable as compared to the control samples. For example, the content of 5-10 µm fraction ranges from 9% to 12%
in reference soils, while in the anthill samples the variation is from 8% to 15%. Similarly, for 50-250 µm fraction
– it ranges from 15% to 18% in reference soils, whereas in anthills - from 6% to 29%. The results of particle size
analysis showed that the reference sample on the terrace has silty loam texture and nests soil L. niger are medium
loam. The reference soil on the slope is characterized as medium loam, and ant’s nest material has silty loam tex-
ture. The control samples of soil and ants nests on the summit position are similar and have medium loam texture.
Generally we outline that the particle size distribution of anthill samples shows more variability. We assume that
ants operate with small soil aggregates, in which fine fractions may link together coarser particles. pH measure-
ments show that the reference soils have a strongly acidic reaction on the summit position (pH 4.6), slightly acidic
on the slope (pH 5.5) and neutral on the terrace and on the floodplain (pH 7.2). While the material of the anthills
tends to be slightly alkalinized on the summit (pH 4.8) and alkalinized on the slope (pH 7.2), but acidified to neu-
tral on the floodplain and terrace (pH 6.4 and 5.7). Therefore, the ants form specific physico-chemical conditions
that are different from the surrounding (native) soil, significantly increasing the complexity of soil cover structure.
This is a clear example of ecosystem engineering functions of ants in nature. Increased complexity of soil pattern
is the result of variations in pH and particle size distribution. Both cause the preconditions for the formation of new
environmental niches and enhance biodiversity in natural ecosystems.