Exercise For Fitness: Learning Episode: Activity 1: Day To Day Activities!

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EDUCATION Exercise for Fitness:
AND HEALTH -Physical Activity
Learning Episode -FITT

Learning Activities
Activity 1: Day to day activities!
A. List any day to day activities that you perform every day.
B. Write as many as you can.
C. The leader will present their answer to the class afterwards.

Day to Day Activity Bucket List

Washing Dishes

Activity 2: On your own words!

Based on your answer in Day to day activity bucket list, what is “Physical Activity”?
My Learning Essentials
Physical Activity
Physical Activity is any movement made by the skeletal muscles that uses up energy. Physical
activity includes all the activity that you do every day such as running, swimming, dancing, washing
dishes etc. Exercise is considered physical activity but more structured and planned. Regular physical
activity is important for the brain and it has proven to improve memory, not only can improve memory,
it can also improves our health and helps lower risk of illness like cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, and diabetes. The body’s systems adapt to the increasing load, resulting in greater efficiency in
these systems and thereby resulting in an increased ability to perform work by regular physical activity.
In other words, the body is able work longer and harder than it was able to before. After a person has
achieved a new level of fitness, everyday tasks are no longer as difficult as they once were.

We do not have to spend hours in a gymnasium to gain the fitness benefits of physical activity.
Every time we throw a ball, swim a lap, or climb a flight of stairs, our five main body systems are
adapting. If these activities are consistent enough, our overall fitness will improve.

Figure 1.1 The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide.

The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide was developed by the Philippine Association for the study of
Obesity and Overweight (2000) to encourage Filipinos to become more active. The Bottom of both
pyramids is the day-to-day activities and should be done as often as possible. These are considered light
physical activities. Recreational and aerobic activities dominate the second level. The recommendation is
that one should do these activities three to five times a week. The third level is leisure activities and
exercises for strength and flexibility. These should be done two to three times a week. The top tier
should be done minimally at best. Energy expenditure through physical activity helps in controlling
weight together with a sound diet.

What is Exercise?
Exercises are repetitive movements that aim to improve one or more components of fitness.
Three Classification of Exercises:

1. Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic Exercise moves your large muscles, such as those in your arms and legs. Aerobic
activities make your heart best faster than usual. Regular aerobic activity strengthens your heart and
Examples: Swimming, biking, running, walking, dancing, sports such as basketball and soccer.

2. Muscle-Strengthening Exercise
Muscle-Strengthening Exercise improves strength, power and endurance of muscles.
Examples: doing push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups and lifting weights.

Muscle contraction occurs during a muscle strengthening exercise. The repetitive contractions
during exercise cause damage to muscle fibers. However, these muscle fibers are ready to be repaired
once they get damaged. The repair of muscle fibers happens after exercise while muscles are at rest.
There will be new muscle fibers produced to replace and repair those fibers that were damaged. The
muscles in the body then start to grow larger and stronger.

3. Bone-Strengthening Exercise
Bone-Strengthening Exercise helps your bones grow and keeps them strong. When your feet or
arms support your body’s weight, and your muscles push against your bones, these are bone-
strengthening activities.
Example: jumping, skipping and hopping

Each activity mentioned works differently from the other as each focuses on different target
areas in the body. But each contributes to the ultimate goal of being fit. Being fit is important and
requires a proper plan and much effort and discipline. If we want to live healthy, we need to optimize
our daily physical activities to achieve our desired level of fitness.


Frequency – How many often do you engage in such activity/ies?

The number of times you exercise per week. When doing cardio exercises,
especially to lose weight, frequency is an important factor to make it more effective. Start
cardio exercises for at least 3 days a week for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days’
rest between sessions. Afterwards, we can gradually increase the frequency of exercise to 5
days a week.

Intensity – How hard/intense do you exercise?

The degree of intensity is based on the amount of work you have to put in. It is also
refers to the difficulty level of the workout. When you’re doing cardio, such as jogging, it’s equal
to the speed and distance of your running. When you’re strength training, it’s the number of
weight lifting reps you end up completing.

Time – How long do you engage in the activity/ies?

More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories burned and an increase in
endurance. We can at least do 20 minutes per session at first, then gradually increase it to 60

Type – What physical activity/ies do you engage yourself in?

Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as basketball are
some activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to try different
exercises and activities to avoid boredom.
My Analysis
Activity 3: On your own words!
Questions: Answers:

1. Differentiate aerobic,
bone strengthening

2. What are the benefits

of FITT Principle in our
fitness condition?

3. Among the various

adaptation to aerobic,
bone strengthening
exercise, which one is the
most important
adaptation for you? Why?

Activity 4: Category Game!
In your activity 1 (Day to Day Activity Bucket List) categorize your answer into aerobic, muscle-strengthening and
bone strengthening exercise. Use the table below.

Muscle-Strengthening Bone-Strengthening
Aerobic Exercise
Exercise Exercise

My Reflection
Activity 5: Reflection!

A. Answer the following questions.

B. Answer the questions through a one-page essay.
C. Make your answers as complete and as concise as they can.

1. Differentiate aerobic activity from muscle and bone-strengthening activity in terms of its effect to your body.
2. How do these activities contribute to your overall health? Cite ate least 5 benefits?
3. Describe the benefits of aerobic, muscle and bone-strengthening activities to your body?
4. Explain the importance of aerobic, muscle and bone-strengthening activities to an individual?


My Portfolio
Activity 6: Personal Inventory of physical engagements!

A. Assess your physical engagement (moderate to vigorous physical activity) by answering the following questions:
1. Frequency: How often do you engage in such activity/ies?
2. Intensity: How hard/intense do you exercise?
3. Time: How long do you engage in the activity/ies?
4. Type: What physical activity/ies do you engage yourself in?
B. Use the FITT Principle table below to organize your answers.
Frequency (F) Intensity (I)
Time (T) Type (T)
Daily/How many times a Light, moderate,
minutes activity
week vigorous

My Learning Rubric
Physical Education and Health 1, Episode 1 - Exercise for Fitness: Physical Fitness

Name of Student: ________________________________________________ Date Submitted: _________________

Year and Section: ___________________________________ Course: _____________________________________
Learning Excellent Good Satisfactory
Episodes 4 3 2
All activities were
All or nearly all Nearly all activities Fewer than half of
Learning done with outstanding
activities were done were done with activities were
Activities quality; activity
with high quality. acceptable quality. done
exceeds expectations.
Analysis questions Analysis questions
All questions were
Analysis questions were not answered were not
answered completely;
were completely. completely. answered.
Analysis in deepness answers;
Grammar and spelling Grammar and Grammar and
are good. spelling are spelling are
grammar and spelling.
acceptable. unacceptable.
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements are
are depth and clear; are clear but not statements are unclear and
supported by clearly supported by shallow, supported shallow and are
experiences. experiences. by experiences. not supported by
Portfolio is complete,
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions
clear, well-organized;
clear, well-organized complete; were not
most supporting
and all supporting; supporting answered.
Portfolio documentations are
documentations are documentations are Grammar and
available and logical
located in sections organized but are spelling are
and clearly marked
clearly designated lacking. unacceptable.
Submission Submitted two
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day
of Learning days or more after
deadline deadline after the deadline
Episode the deadline
COMMENT/S: Over-all Score: Rating:


SCORE 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7 – below
GRADE 95 93 91 89 87 85 83 81 75 77 75 - below

Signature of Teacher Date

Above Printed Name

 Callo, Dajime. 2016. RBS Physical Education and Health Volume I. REX Printing Corporation, Inc.
 DEPED Learner’s Materials.

 http://www.Google.com.ph/physical+education+images

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