Thriving in ACrowded and Changing World
Thriving in ACrowded and Changing World
Thriving in ACrowded and Changing World
Additional Key Words and Phrases: C++, programming language design and evolution, standardization, generic 70
programming, resource management, concurrency and parallelism, simplification of language use
ACM Reference Format:
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2020. Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020. Proc. ACM Program.
Lang. 4, HOPL, Article 70 (June 2020), 167 pages.
Author’s address: Bjarne Stroustrup, Morgan Stanley and Columbia University, USA,
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Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:2 Bjarne Stroustrup
Abstract 1
Contents 2
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Chronology 6
1.2 Overview 7
2 Background: C++ 1979ś2006 7
2.1 The First Decade 7
2.2 The Second Decade 10
2.2.1 Language Features 10
2.2.2 Standard-Library Components 12
2.3 C++ in 2006 13
2.4 Other Languages 16
3 The C++ Standards Committee 17
3.1 The Standard 18
3.2 Organization 18
3.3 Impact on Design 21
3.4 Proposal Checklists 28
4 C++11: It Feels Like a New Language 29
4.1 C++11: Support for Concurrency 31
4.1.1 Memory Model 31
4.1.2 Threads and Locks 33
4.1.3 Futures 35
4.2 C++11: Simplifying Use 37
4.2.1 auto and decltype 38
4.2.2 Range-for 41
4.2.3 Move Semantics 42
4.2.4 Resource-Management Pointers 44
4.2.5 Uniform Initialization 45
4.2.6 nullptr 48
4.2.7 constexpr Functions 48
4.2.8 User-Defined Literals 50
4.2.9 Raw literals 51
4.2.10 Attributes 51
4.2.11 Garbage Collection 52
4.3 C++11: Improving Support for Generic Programming 52
4.3.1 Lambda 53
4.3.2 Variadic Templates 55
4.3.3 Aliases 56
4.3.4 tuples 58
4.4 C++11: Increase Static Type Safety 59
4.5 C++11: Support for Library Building 60
4.5.1 Implementation Techniques 60
4.5.2 Metaprogramming Support 61
4.5.3 noexcept Specifications 61
4.6 C++11: Standard-Library Components 62
5 C++14: Completing C++11 63
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Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:5
Originally, I designed C++ to answer to the question łHow do you directly manipulate hardware
and also support efficient high-level abstraction?ž Over the years, C++ has grown from a relatively
simple solution based on a combination of facilities from the C and Simula languages aimed
at systems programming on 1980s computers to a far more complex and effective tool for an
extraordinary range of applications. It retains its dual focus on:
• Direct mapping of language constructs to hardware facilities
• Zero-overhead abstraction
This combination is the defining characteristic that sets C++ apart from most languages.
łZero overheadž was explained like this [Stroustrup 1994]:
• What you don’t use, you don’t pay for (aka łno distributed fatž).
• What you do use, you couldn’t hand-code any better.
Abstractions are represented in code as functions, classes, templates, concepts, and aliases.
C++ is a living language, so it changes to meet new challenges and the styles of use evolve. These
challenges and changes in the 2006-to-2020 time-frame are the focus of this paper. Of course, a
language doesn’t change by itself; it is changed by people. So this is also the story of the people
involved in the evolution of C++, the way they perceived the challenges, interpreted the constraints
on solutions, organized their work, and resolved their inevitable differences. When presenting a
language or standard-library feature, I do so in the context of the general evolution of C++ and
the concerns of the individuals involved at the time. For many features accepted early in the time
period, we now have the benefit of hindsight from massive industrial use.
C++ is primarily an industrial language, a tool for building systems. For a user, łC++ž is not just
a language as defined by a specification; it is part of a tool set with many parts:
• The language
• The standard library
• Many other libraries
• Massive ś often old ś code bases
• Tools (including other languages)
• Teaching and training
• Community support
Where possible and relevant, I will consider the interactions among those łparts.ž
There is a myth, a very popular myth, that programmers want their languages to be simple.
That’s obviously the case when you have to learn a new language, have to design a programming
course or curriculum, or describe a language in an academic paper. For such uses, having a language
cleanly embody a few clear principles is an obvious advantage and the ideal. When the focus shifts
from learning to delivering and maintaining significant applications, the demands from developers
shift from simplicity to comprehensive support, stability (compatibility), and familiarity. People
invariably confuse familiarity with simplicity and prefer familiarity over simplicity if given a choice.
One way of looking at C++ is as the result of decades of three contradictory demands:
• Make the language simpler!
• Add these two essential features now!!
• Don’t break (any of) my code!!!
I added the exclamation marks because these points are often delivered with a fair bit of emotion.
I wanted to make simple things simple and to ensure that complex things are not impossible or
unnecessarily hard. The former is essential for developers who are not language lawyers; the later
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for implementers of foundational code. Stability is an essential property for all systems meant to
last for decades, yet a living language must adapt to a changing world.
There are overarching ideals for C++. I articulate some (e.g., The Design and Evolution of C++
[Stroustrup 1994] (ğ2), design principles (ğ9.1), and the C++ model (ğ11.1)) and try to make the
evolution of the language follow them. However, long lists of new features and very detailed
practical concerns are the main focus of C++’s development as controlled by its ISO standards
committee. That’s what the most vocal and influential people in the community insist on, and it
would be foolhardy to deem their concerns and opinions wrong solely based on philosophical or
theoretical views.
1.1 Chronology
To give a quick overview, here is a rough chronology. If you are not familiar with C++, many of the
terms, construct, and libraries will be obscure; most are explained in length in the previous HOPL
papers [Stroustrup 1993, 2007] or in this paper.
• 1979: Start of work on łC with Classesž that became C++; first non-research user;
ś Language: classes, constructors/destructors, public/private, simple inheritance, function
argument type checking
ś Library: tasks (coroutines and simulation support), vector parameterized with macros
• 1985: First commercial release of C++; TC++PL1 [Stroustrup 1985b]
ś Language: virtual functions, operator overloading, references, const
ś Library: complex arithmetic, stream I/O
• 1989-91: ANSI and ISO standardization start; TC++PL2 [Stroustrup 1991]
ś Language: abstract classes, multiple inheritance, exceptions, templates
ś Library: iostreams (but no tasks)
• 1998: C++98, the first ISO C++ standard [Koenig 1998], TC++PL3 [Stroustrup 1997]
ś Language: namespaces, named casts, bool, dynamic_cast
ś Library: the STL (containers and algorithms), string, bitset
• 2011: C++11 [Becker 2011], TC++PL4 [Stroustrup 2013]
ś Language: memory model, auto, range-for, constexpr, lambdas, user-defined literals, ...
ś Library: threads and locks, future, unique_ptr, shared_ptr, array, time and clocks,
random numbers, unordered containers (hash tables), ...
• 2014: C++14 [du Toit 2014]
ś Language: generic lambdas, local variables in constexpr functions, digit separators, ...
ś Library: user-defined literals, ...
• 2017: C++17 [Smith 2017]
ś Language: structured bindings, variable templates, template argument deduction from
constructors, ...
ś Library: file system, scoped_lock, shared_mutex (reader-writer locks), any, variant,
optional, string_view, parallel algorithms, ...
• 2020: C++20 [Smith 2020]
ś Language: concepts, modules, coroutines, three-way comparisons, improved support for
compile-time computation, ...
ś Library: concepts, ranges, dates and time zones, span, formats, improved concurrency and
parallelism support, ...
Note the poverty of libraries in the early years. There were, in fact, many libraries (including
GUI libraries), but few were widely used and many were proprietary. This was before open-
source development became widespread. This left the C++ community without a significant shared
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Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:7
foundation library. In the retrospective of my HOPL2 paper [Stroustrup 1993], I deemed that the
worst mistake of early C++.
The task library [Stroustrup 1985a,c] was a coroutine-based library with some support for event
driven simulations (e.g., random number generation) that was very efficient when compared to
alternatives, even on tiny computers. For example, I ran simulations with 700 tasks in a 256KB
memory. The task library was immensely important in C++’s early years as the base of many
important applications in Bell Labs and elsewhere. However, it was a bit ugly and couldn’t easily
be ported to Sun’s SPARC architecture so it wasn’t supported by most post-1989 implementations.
In 2020, coroutines are only just coming back (ğ9.3.2).
Basically, the feature set grows contiguously. The ISO committee deprecated a few features
in attempts to clean up the language but given the massive use of C++ (łmany billions of lines
of codež), nothing significant ever goes away. Stability is a key feature. One way of addressing
problems related to the growing size and complexity is through coding guidelines (ğ10.6).
1.2 Overview
The paper is organized in rough chronological order around the sequence of ISO standard releases.
• ğ1: Introduction
• ğ2: Background: C++ 1979-2006
• ğ3: The C++ standards committee
• ğ4: C++11: It feels like a new language
• ğ5: C++14: Completing C++11
• ğ6: Concepts
• ğ7: Error handling
• ğ8: C++17: Lost at sea
• ğ9: C++20: A struggle for direction
• ğ10: C++ in 2020
• ğ11: Retrospective
Where a topic, such as łconceptsž and the standards process, spans a longer period of time, I
cover it in one place, giving the contents priority over the chronological format.
This paper is extraordinarily long, a monograph really. However, from 2006 to 2020, C++ went
through two major revisions, C++11 and C++20, and early readers all requested more information;
that led to almost doubling the page count. Even at the current size, readers will find important
topics, such as concurrency and the standard library, underrepresented.
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70:8 Bjarne Stroustrup
I chose C as a base for my work because it was good enough and very well supported locally:
my office was just across the corridor from Dennis Ritchie’s and Brian Kernighan’s. However, C
wasn’t the only language I considered. I was very attracted by Algol68 and was at the time quite
expert at BCPL and a few other machine-level languages. The later success of C was at that time
nowhere near certain, but Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie’s superb introduction and manual
[Kernighan and Ritchie 1978] had just appeared and Unix was starting its victory run.
The initial implementation was a preprocessor that translated łC with Classesž into C more-
or-less line-for-line. In 1982, that approach proved unmanageable as the łC with Classesž user
population grew to several dozen people. So I wrote a conventional compiler, called Cfront, that
was first used by others in October 1983. Cfront was a traditional compiler in that it had a lexical
analyzer, a syntax analyzer that built an abstract syntax tree, a type checker that decorated that tree
with types, and a high-level optimizer that rearranged the AST to improve the run-time efficiency
of the generated code. There has been a lot of confusion about the nature of Cfront because it then
finally output C (optimized and not particularly human-readable C). I generated C so that I did not
have to directly deal with the myriad of (non-standardized) linkers and optimizers then in current
use. Cfront was nothing like a traditional preprocessor, though. You can find a Cfront source with
documentation in the Computer History Museum’s source code collection [McJones 2007ś2020].
Cfront was bootstrapped to C++ from C with Classes, so the first C++ compiler was written in
(simple) C++ for tiny computers (less than 1MB of memory and less than 1MHz of processor speed).
The first feature added to C for łC with Classesž was classes. I knew their power from earlier
use in Simula, where they were key to the strict static, but extensible type system. I immediately
added constructors and destructors. They were novel, but from my machine architecture and
operating systems background, I considered it obvious that I needed a mechanism to set up a
working environment (a constructor) and an inverse operation to release resources acquired while
running (a destructor). From my 1979 lab book:
The terms łnew functionž and łdelete functionž were the original terms for łconstructorž and
łdestructor.ž To this day, I consider constructor/destructor pairs the real heart of C++. See also
(ğ2.2.1) and (ğ10.6).
At the time, essentially every language except C had proper function-argument type checking.
I didn’t think I could do anything significant without that. So, with the encouragement of my
department head, Alexander Fraser, I immediately added (optional) function argument declarations
and argument checking. That’s what in C is now called function prototypes. In 1982, after seeing
the effects of leaving the function argument checking optional, I made it compulsory. That caused
a decade or two’s loud howls of complaints about incompatibility with C. People wanted their type
errors, or at least many loudly said they didn’t want checking and used that as an excuse for not
using C++. This factoid may give people an idea of the problems involved in evolving a language
in significant use.
Given the occasional nasty words exchanged between overly parochial C and C++ aficionados, it
may be worth pointing out that I was always friends with Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan,
eating lunch with them most days for 16 years. I learned a lot from them and still see Brian regularly.
I credit both with contributions to C++ [Stroustrup 1993] and I am a major contributor to C myself
(e.g., the function definition syntax, function prototypes, const, and //-comments).
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Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:9
To be able to think rationally about the growth of C++, I devised a set of design rules. These are
featured in [Stroustrup 1993, 1994], so here I will just mention a small sample:
• Don’t get involved in a sterile quest for perfection.
• Always provide a transition path.
• Say what you mean (i.e., enable direct expression of higher-level ideas) .
• No implicit violations of the static type system.
• Provide as good support for user-defined types as for built-in types.
• Preprocessor usage should be eliminated.
• Leave no room for a lower-level language below C++ (except assembler).
These were not unambitious goals. Some, I am still working on in 2020. In the early-to-mid-1980s,
I added more language facilities to C++:
• 1981: const ś to support immutability in interfaces and symbolic constants.
• 1982: virtual functions ś to offer run-time polymorphism.
• 1984: References ś to support operator overloading and simplify argument passing.
• 1984: Operator and function overloading ś including allowing the user to define = (assign-
ment), () (application; enabling łfunction objectsž (ğ4.3.1)), [] (subscripting), and -> (smart
pointers) in addition to the arithmetic and logical operators.
• 1987: Type-safe linkage ś to eliminate many errors coming from inconsistent declarations in
separate translation units.
• 1987: abstract classes - to offer pure interfaces.
In the late 1980s, as the power of computers increased dramatically, I got more interested in
larger-scale software and added
• Templates ś to better support generic programming after years of suffering with writing
generic programming using macros.
• Exceptions ś to try to bring some order to the chaos of error-handling; RAII (ğ2.2.1) was
articulated for that design.
These later facilities were not universally well received (e.g., see (ğ7)). Part of the reason was
that the community had grown large and unmanageable. The ANSI standardization had started so
I was no longer able to implement and experiment in private. People insisted on large elaborate
designs and on debating them extensively before serious implementation. I could no longer start
with a minimal proposal and grow it into a more complete facility while knowing that it isn’t
possible to please everybody. For example, people insisted on the łheavyž template syntax with the
template<class T> prefix everywhere.
In the late 1980s, the łobject-orientedž hype became deafening and stole the message of C++
from me. My opinion of what C++ was and was meant to become was widely ignored ś many
never heard it. All new languages were to be łpure object-oriented,ž for some definition of łobject
oriented.ž Not being łtruly OOž was deemed bad without the need for argument.
The fact that I never used the phrase łC++ is an object-oriented programming languagež was
not known or ignored as a bit embarrassing. At the time, my standard description was
C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias towards systems program-
ming that
• is a better C
• supports data abstraction
• supports object-oriented programming
• supports generic programming
This was (and is) accurate, but not as exciting as slogans such as łEverything is an object!ž
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70:10 Bjarne Stroustrup
The dynamic_cast is a run-time operation relying on data stored in the Shape’s virtual function
table. It is general, easy to use, and about as efficient as equivalent facilities in other languages.
However, dynamic_cast became quite unpopular because its implementations tended to be compli-
cated and special cases can be hand-code more efficiently (so that dynamic_cast arguably violated
the zero-overhead principle). The use of declarations in conditions was novel, though at the time, I
thought that I had just copied the idea from Algol68.
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Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:11
This simply asserts that r refers to a Circle and throws an exception if it does not. The idea was
to use pointers and tests if the łerrorž could reasonably be handled locally and to rely on references
and exceptions if not.
One of the most important techniques in C++98 was RAII (Resource Acquisition Is initialization).
That was my clumsy name for the idea that every resource should have an owner represented by
a scoped object: A constructor acquires the resource and a destructor implicitly releases it. This
idea was present in the earliest C with Classes (ğ2), but not named until a decade later. Here is an
example I often used to illustrate the idea that not every resource is memory:
void my_fct ( const char * name ) // C - style resource management
FILE * p = fopen ( name ," r "); // open File ' name ' for reading
// ... use p ...
fclose (p );
The problem here is that if (between the calls of fopen() and fclose()) we return from the
function, throw an exception, or use C’s longjmp, the file handle pointed to by p is leaked.
Leaking file handles exhausts an operating system even faster than memory leaks. That file handle
is an example of a non-memory resource.
The solution is to represent the file handle as a class with a constructor and a destructor:
class File_handle {
FILE * p;
public :
File_handle ( const char * name , const char * permissions ); // open file
~ File_handle (); // close file
// ...
With the introduction of exceptions, such resource handles became pervasive. In particular, the
standard-library file stream is such a resource handle, so using the C++98 standard library, this
example becomes:
void my_fct3 ( const string & name )
ifstream p( name ); // open File 'name ' for reading
// ... use p ...
} // p is implicitly closed
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70:12 Bjarne Stroustrup
Note that the RAII code differs from the traditional use of functions by allowing the łcleanupž
to be defined once-and-for-all in the library, rather than having to be remembered and explicitly
written by the programmer for each use of a resource. It is critical that the correct and robust code
is simpler, shorter, and at least as efficient as the conventional style. Over the next 20 years, RAII
permeated C++ libraries.
The implication of having non-memory resources is that garbage collection isn’t by itself sufficient
for resource management. In addition, RAII plus smart pointers (ğ4.2.4) eliminate much of the need
for Garbage collection. See also (ğ10.6).
2.2.2 Standard-Library Components. The C++98 standard-library provided:
• The STL ś the innovative, general, elegant, and efficient framework of containers, iterators,
and algorithms by Alexander Stepanov.
• Traits ś sets of compile time properties useful for programming with templates (ğ4.5.1).
• string ś a type for holding and manipulating a sequence of characters. The character type is
a template parameter defaulted to char.
• iostreams ś an elaboration by Jerry Schwartz and the standards committee of my simple 1984
streams library to handle a wide variety of character types, locales, and buffering strategies.
• bitset ś a type for holding and manipulating sets of bits.
• locales ś an elaborate framework of cultural conventions, mostly related to I/O.
• valarray ś a numeric array with optimizable vector operations that unfortunately didn’t see
much use.
• auto_ptr ś an early pointer representing exclusive ownership; in C++11, it was replaced by
shared_ptr (for shared ownership) and unique_ptr (for exclusive ownership) (ğ4.2.4).
The STL framework was by far the most important standard-library component. I think it fair
to say that it ś and the generic programming techniques it pioneered ś saved C++ as a living
modern language. Like all the C++98 facilities, the STL has been extensively described elsewhere
(e.g., [Stroustrup 1997, 2007]) so here I will present just a single, short example:
void test ( vector < string >& v , list < int >& lst )
vector < string >:: iterator p
= find_if (v. begin () , v. end () , Less_than < string >(" falcon "));
if (p != v. end ()) { // p points to ' falcon '
// ... use *p ...
else { // ' falcon ' not found
// ...
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Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:13
Note the absence of object-oriented techniques. This is generic programming relying on templates,
sometimes referred to as compile-time polymorphism.
The notation was still primitive, but from about 2017, I could use auto (ğ4.2.1), ranges (ğ9.3.5),
and lambdas (ğ4.3.1) to simplify that code:
void test2 ( vector < string >& v , list < int >& lst )
if ( auto p = find_if (v ,[]( const string & s) { return s <" falcon "; })) {
// ...
// ...
if ( auto q = find_if ( lst ,[]( int x) { return x >42; })) {
// ...
// ...
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70:14 Bjarne Stroustrup
many others in the C++ community prefer languages to be free of corporate control; this was one
reason I took part in the ISO standards effort.
In retrospect, 2006 might have been the nadir for C++, but important technological events
had just happened: For the first time in history, in about 2005, single-processor (single-core)
performance stopped improving and energy efficiency (łPerformance per watt’) became a key
measure (especially for server farms and hand-held devices). The economics of computing shifted
to favor better software. No longer could inefficiencies in languages or programming techniques
be completely hidden by hardware advances. Now, a highly skilled developer using a łsharp toolž
could (again, after a decade or so) gain an economic order-of-magnitude advantage over weaker
programmers or programmers hobbled by overheads in their tool chains. Even today, these facts
have not yet worked their way through all the educational and management systems, but there are
now many significant tasks for which spending time on carefully crafting performant code pays off
Another turning point came from vendors trying to impose their favorite language on all users by
defining standard interfaces to, say GUI, that could be met only by using their favored ś and often
proprietary ś languages. Examples were Google’s use of Java for Android, Apple’s Objective-C for
iOS, and Microsoft’s C# for Windows. Application vendors could try to dodge the lock-in by using
dialects, such as Objective C++ [Objective C++ Wikipedia 2020] or C++/CLI [ECMA International
2005], but the resulting code was still not portable. Many organizations, such as Adobe, Google,
and Microsoft, responded by writing the major parts of their demanding applications in C++ and
then using thin interface layers for the various platforms (e.g., Android, iOS, and Windows). In
2006, this trend was barely noticeable.
On portable devices (in particular, smartphones), the need for energy efficiency and platform
independence combined. One effect is that by my best estimates in 2018, the number of C++
programmers was up about 50% since 2006 to about 4.5 million developers [Kazakova 2015]. That’s
a 150,000 developers/year increase; about 4%/year for a decade.
In 2006, few people had spotted the significant hardware trends feeding into C++’s inherent
strengths. Instead, the community and the standards committee were focusing on novel language
features and libraries to increase C++’s usefulness and to raise some enthusiasm. Some committee
members, including me, felt an urgency and a dire need for significant improvements. Others
were more focused on stabilizing the language and improving its implementations. A standards
committee needs both groups, but the constant tug of war between innovation and retrenchment is
a source of tension. As in any large organization, there is an organizational advantage to people
defending status quo and serving current users. In The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition)
[Stroustrup 1997], I cited Niccolò Machiavelli on that topic:
łthere is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more
dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer makes
enemies of all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those
who would profit by the new order.ž
My opinion was that C++ needed significant improvement to serve its community well. C++
applications were massively deployed, but new projects often chose more fashionable languages
and some successful C++ projects were being rewritten into such languages. For example, much of
Google’s large-scale applications, such as search, was (and is) based on their map-reduce frame-
work [Dean and Ghemawat 2004, 2008]. That’s a C++ program. However, as it is proprietary for
commercial reasons, people replicated it, but ś sadly for the C++ community ś the open-source
map-reduce framework (Hadoop) was for a variety of reasons done in Java.
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Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:15
Another significant reason for development moving to other languages is that the flexibility
of interfaces offered by templates makes it extremely difficult to provide a stable ABI using all
C++ features: you can be flexible or you can offer stable binary interfaces, but it is beyond most
organizations to do both. I consider this a contributing reason that people require C, Java, C#, etc.,
interfaces to programs written in C++. ABI stability for C++ is a genuinely hard technical problem,
especially as the C++ standard has to be platform independent.
To add to the problems of the C++ community, by 2006, most professional software magazines
covering C++ had died as publishing on paper was declining and journalists followed fashion and
advertising revenues. Dr. Dobbs Journal lasted another few years (stopped in print in February 2009).
The C++ conferences were being absorbed into łObject-orientedž or general software development
conferences, depriving the C++ community of venues for exposure of new developments. Books
were still being written, but programmers were reading fewer books (or at least buying far fewer as
pirating was becoming easier and consequently statistics were becoming less reliable) and on-line
sources were becoming more popular.
An even more serious problem was that C++’s role in education was sharply decreasing. C++ was
no longer łnew and interestingž and Java was being marketed directly to universities as an easier
and more powerful language. The US high-school Computer Science test suddenly changed from
C++ to Java. The use of Java as the introductory language in universities increased dramatically. The
quality of C++ teaching was also decreasing with most courses choosing a C-first approach or taking
the view that Object-Oriented programming relying heavily on class hierarchies was the one true
way. Both approaches minimized C++ strengths and required heavy use of macros. The standard
library (relying on generic programming; (ğ2.2)) and RAII (relying on constructor/destructor pairs
(ğ2.2.1)) were often completely left out of foundational courses or delegated to an ładvanced
featuresž section that most students either never reached or considered scary. Textbooks often
bogged down in obscure details. There were exceptions, of course, but on average the C++ presented
to students was far inferior to the best industrial practices. In 2005, I accepted the challenge to
teach programming to first-year university students. I surveyed about twenty of the most popular
C++ programming textbooks and ended up loudly complaining:
After teaching a year using a well-reputed textbook, I changed to using just my own notes, and in
2008 published Programming: Principles and Practice using C++ [Stroustrup 2008a] but to this day,
much C++ teaching has a 1980s flavor.
Despite this, C++ usage was starting to increase again. I think the reason was the fundamental
technology trends again favored C++ and towards the end of the decade the beginnings of C++11
were helping.
The Boost libraries and the Boost organization were important [Boost 1998ś2020]. In 1998, Beman
Dawes, an experienced developer and influential member of WG21, had started a łC++ library
repository web sitež [Dawes 1998] with the explicit aim of developing C++ libraries to establish
existing practice that future standardization could build upon. Before that, C++ had never even
had a common repository for libraries. Boost slowly grew into an active organization with peer
review of new libraries and a yearly conference. The Boost libraries became very widely used and
the most popular were absorbed into the standard (e.g., regex (ğ4.6), thread (ğ4.1.2), shared_ptr
(ğ4.6), variant (ğ8.3), and file system (ğ8.6)). It was important for the C++ community that the
Boost libraries were available more than a decade earlier than their ISO standard versions but were
trusted as a kind of łjunior standard.ž Many committee members, notably, Dave Abrahams, Doug
Gregor, Jaakko Järvi, Andrew Sutton, and of course Beman Dawes, were involved with Boost.
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By 2006, C++ was no longer new and exciting in industry, but spread over many industries.
Usage was ś and still is ś strong in the telecommunications industry where C++ was born. From
there, it had spread into the games (e.g., Unreal, PlayStation, Xbox, and Douglas Adams’ łSpaceship
Titanicž), finance (e.g., Morgan Stanley and Renaissance Technologies), microelectronics (e.g., Intel
and Mentor Graphics), movies (e.g., Pixar and Maya), aerospace (e.g., Lockheed-Martin and NASA),
and many other industries.
Personally, I was particularly fond of C++’s widespread use in science and engineering, such as
High Energy Physics (e.g., CERN, SLAC, FermiLab), biology (e.g., the human genome project), space
exploration (e.g., Mars Rovers and the deep space communication network), medicine and biology
(e.g., tomography, general imaging, the human genome project, and monitoring equipment), and
much more.
• auto ś the ability to deduce a type from an initializer. This is popular in modern languages,
but old as the mountains. I don’t really know where it came from, but I implemented it in
1983 and didn’t consider it novel then (ğ4.2.1).
• tuple ś many languages, especially from the functional programming tradition have tuples,
usually as a built-in type. The C++ standard-library tuple and many of its uses are inspired
from those. The std::tuple was derived from the boost::tuple [Boost 1998ś2020] (ğ4.3.4).
• regex ś The standard library regex added in C++11 was copied (via Boost with proper
acknowledgements) from facilities in Unix and JavaScript (ğ4.6).
• Functional programming ś there are many obvious similarities between FP features and C++
constructs. Most are not simple language features, but programming techniques. The STL
was inspired by functional programming and first tried (unsuccessfully) in Scheme [Stepanov
1986] and Ada [Musser and Stepanov 1987].
• future and promise ś from Multilisp via other Lisp dialects (ğ4.1.3).
• Range-for ś it has equivalents in many languages, but one direct inspiration was STL
sequences (ğ4.2.2).
• variant, any, and optional ś clearly inspired by a variety of languages (ğ8.3).
• Lambdas ś clearly the use of lambda expressions in functional languages was part of the
inspiration. However, in C++, the roots of lambdas also include blocks of code used as
expressions going back to BCPL, local functions (which had been repeatedly rejected for C and
C++ because they were seen as error-prone and adding complexity), and (most importantly)
function objects (ğ4.3.1).
• final and override ś for more explicit management of class hierarchies and present in many
object-oriented languages. They had been considered ś and considered unnecessary ś from
the earliest days of C++.
• The three-way comparison operator, <=>, was inspired by C’s strcmp and operators in
various languages, including PERL, PHP, Python, and Ruby (ğ9.3.4).
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• await ś the original C++ coroutines (ğ1.1) were inspired by uses of Simula, but offered as
a library rather than as a language feature to leave room for several alternative ways of
expressing concurrency. The idea for the C++20 stackless coroutines came primarily from F#
Even when a feature is borrowed from another language in a pretty direct manner, it mutates.
Typically, the syntax changes quite a bit to fit into C++. When borrowing from a garbage-collected
language, lifetime issues must be dealt with, and often the C++ distinction between objects and
references to objects needs to be addressed in ways that differ from the original. Often novel uses
are discovered during the łtranslationž into C++. The story of the introduction of łlambdasž into
C++ offers examples of most of these phenomena (ğ4.3.1).
Many people imagine that I (and others involved with C++) sit around all day strategizing in a
complicated war for dominance among popular languages. In fact, I spend no time on such. Most
days, I don’t think about other languages except when I happen to study one out of general technical
interest or use one to get some work done. What I do is to talk with software developers, consider
problems that people encounter using C++, and consider the flood of suggested improvements in
the standards committee. Of course, I also write code to experience problems and test out ideas
for improvements. The problem is to find time to calmly consider what’s fundamental, what’s just
fashion, and what would do harm.
Similarly, C++’s contributions to other languages are hard to pinpoint. Often, similar features
are parallel evolution or have common roots. Consider:
• Generics in Java and C# ś they modeled their generics from other languages but took the C++
syntax and added generics only after C++ demonstrated the utility of generic programming
on a large scale.
• The dispose idiom in Java, Python, etc. ś that is about the best you can do to approximate
destructors in a garbage-collected language.
• Compile time evaluation in the D programming language ś I explained the early constexpr
design to Walter Bright.
• C++’s model of object lifetime based on constructors and destructors was part of the inspira-
tion for Rust. Amusingly, these days, C++ is often accused of having borrowed such ideas
from Rust.
• C adopted the C++11 memory model, the function declaration and definition syntax, declara-
tions as statements, const, //-comments, inline, and initializers in for-loops.
Many differences between C++ and other languages stem from C++’s use of destructors. That
makes it hard for garbage-collected languages to borrow directly from C++.
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accepting a new job. People have joined the committee to learn about C++ and łmember of the C++
committeež has been quoted as a qualification (not always truthfully).
Some participate only for a couple of meetings or infrequently. On the other hand, there are
people who have been at most meetings over decades. In the beginning and currently, there are three
meetings a year. During a few years after the 1998 standard, we met only twice a year. Currently,
the face-to-face meetings are supplemented with several teleconferences and many, many emails
every day.
Here, I describe
• The role of the standard (ğ3.1)
• The organization of the committee (ğ3.2)
• The impact of the committee structure on the design of C++ (ğ3.3)
3.2 Organization
For the work on C++17 and C++20, as many as 250 people turned up at each face-to-face WG21
meeting, out of a membership of about twice that. In addition, there are national standards commit-
tees and C++ standards interest groups supporting members in a dozen or more countries, including
Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, the UK, and the USA. The members represent
more than a hundred organizations. To give an idea, here is a selection: Apple, Bloomberg, CERN,
Codeplay, EDG (Edison Design Group), Facebook, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley,
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Nvidia, Qt, Qualcom, Red Hat, Ripple, Sandia National Labs, University of Applied Sciences HSR
Rapperswil, and University of Carlos III, Madrid. There is a solid representation from compiler
suppliers, hardware suppliers, finance, games, library providers, platform suppliers, national labs
(physics), and more. The telecom presence that was prominent in early C++ has decreased, whereas
university presence, which used to be minimal, seems to be on the increase.
Obviously, such a large group of organizations and individuals, representing widely varying
interest and technical backgrounds, need an organizational structure to function. The meetings are
organized around working groups (WGs) and study groups (SGs). In the summer of 2019, we had:
• Core WG (CWG) ś writes the final standards text for the language ś chair, Michael Miller
• Library WG (LWG) ś writes the final standards text for the standard library ś chair, Marshall
Clow (The C++ Alliance, formerly Qualcom).
• Evolution WG (EWG) ś processes language proposals ś chair, Ville Voutilainen (Qt, formerly
• Library Evolution WG (LEWG) ś processes standard-library proposals ś chair, Titus Winters
Study groups explore new areas and designs for possible standardization:
• SG1, Concurrency ś concurrency and parallelism topics ś chair, Olivier Giroux (Nvidia).
• SG5, Transactional Memory ś Exploring transactional memory constructs ś chair, Michael
Wong (Codeplay, formerly IBM).
• SG6, Numerics ś including but not limited to fixed point, decimal floating point, and fractions
ś chair, Lawrence Crowl ("self," formerly Google and Sun).
• SG7, Compile-time programming ś Initially focused on compile-time reflection, then expanded
to compile-time programming in general ś chair, Chandler Carruth (Google).
• SG12, Undefined behavior and Vulnerabilities ś a systematic review of vulnerabilities and
undefined/unspecified behavior ś chair, Gabriel Dos Reis (Microsoft, formerly Texas A&M
• SG13, Human/Machine Interface and I/O ś selected low-level output (e.g., graphics, audio) and
input (e.g., keyboard, pointing) I/O primitives ś chair, Roger Orr (British Standards (BSI)).
• SG14, Game Development and Low Latency ś topics of interest to game developers and others
with low-latency requirements ś chair, Michael Wong (Codeplay, formerly IBM).
• SG15, Tooling ś topics related to creation of developer tools for standard C++, including but
not limited to modules and package management ś chair, Titus Winters (Google).
• SG16, Unicode ś topics related to Unicode text processing in C++ ś chair, Tom Honermann
• SG19, Machine Learning ś chair, Michael Wong (CodePlay, formerly IBM)
• SG20, Education ś looking for ways to support learners and teachers approach C++ as it is
today ś chair, Jan Christiaan van Winkel (Google)
• SG21, Contracts ś trying to design a contact system after the failure to do so for C++20 (ğ9.6.1)
ś chair John Spicer (EDG).
In 2017, a small group was established to address problems to do with the lack of direction in
the design of the language and standard library [Dawes et al. 2018]. The members of this Direction
Group (DG) are appointed by the convener in consultation with the WG chairs. Its members are
long-term contributors to the committee, language, and standard library. The initial members were
Beman Dawes, Howard Hinnant, Bjarne Stroustrup, David Vandevoorde, and Michael Wong; later,
Beeman retired and Roger Orr joined). The DG chairmanship is rotating, starting with me. The DG
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is advisory and has the policy of only giving opinions when its members agree unanimously. It
maintains a document presenting its recommendations [Dawes et al. 2018; Hinnant et al. 2019]
The WGs persist over decades with slowly changing membership. The SGs come and go as interest
dictates and/or they complete their work and hand over proposals to WGs for final processing. For
example, four of the most significant SGs have declared victory and disbanded:
• SG2, Modules ś chair, Gabriel Dos Reis (Microsoft, formerly Texas A&M University).
• SG3, File system ś chair, Beman Dawes ("self").
• SG8, Concepts ś chair, Andrew Sutton (University of Akron, Ohio, formerly Texas A&M
• SG9, Ranges ś updating the STL to use concepts, simplify notation, and provide infinite
sequences and pipelining ś chair, Eric Niebler (FaceBook).
SG4, Networking is dormant as its results are waiting to be merged into the standard (ğ8.8.1).
Another SG, SG11, databases, disbanded for lack of consensus and lack of critical mass of volunteers
to get the work done.
Some SGs produce Technical Specifications (TSs) that can be significant documents in the style
of the standard itself. They have some official (ISO) standing but don’t offer the long-term stability
of an international standard (IS). The Concurrency SG (SG1) has been active since 2006, headed
by Hans-J Boehm (Google, formerly HP Labs, formerly SGI) for most of its existence, and has a
standing very similar to the WGs.
In addition to these groups, there is a semi-official C/C++ liaison group consisting of people who
are members of both the C++ committee and the C committee (ISO/SC22/WG14). This group tries
to minimize C/C++ incompatibilities and the C++ standard documents every incompatibility. C
and C++ are far more compatible than they would have been without the constant effort of the
liaison group, but even then, most of the many features imported into C from C++ were modified
so that they introduced some incompatibility.
There are just three official officers required by and recognized by the ISO:
• Convener ś chairs the WG, sets the WG meeting schedule (łconvenesž meetings), appoints
Study Groups, and is responsible to higher levels of ISO (SC22, JTC1, and ITTF) for the WG’s
work ś Herb Sutter (Microsoft) who has held that position since 2002 with a break from
2008-2009 when PJ. Plauger (Dinkumware) held it.
• Project Editor ś ultimately responsible for applying committee-approved changes to the
standard’s working draft ś Richard Smith (Google); for C++11, Pete Becker (Dinkumware);
for C++14, Stephanus Du Toit (Intel).
• Secretary ś responsible for taking and distributing minutes of WG21 meetings ś Nina Ranns
(Edison Design Group, formerly Symantec).
The National standards committees have their own officers and procedures.
Obviously, the positions are held by various people over the years, but it is rare for someone to
hold a position for less than 5 years, despite the typically heavy workload. I was chair of the EWG
for 24 years before handing over to Ville Voutilainen in 2014.
In general, smaller proposals go directly to EWG and/or LEWG and larger proposals start out in
a SG. Proposals need to come in writing and be presented by someone. Typically, processing of
a significant proposal takes several meetings (often years) and requires several papers, revisions
of papers, and repeated presentations. Finally, a proposal that has gained strong support will be
presented to the committee as a whole for a final vote. The convener looks at the vote and makes the
call whether there is consensus. Consensus is not just a majority. The committee prefers unanimity
after the WG processing and votes, and if that’s not the case, a 9:1 or 8:2 majority is usually required.
The convener may very well deem a 8:2 majority łnot consensus.ž This happens if heads of national
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standards bodies or several prominent members voice strong objections, so that there is a danger
that issues will linger or lead to patchy adoption.
A standards meeting is exhausting. Usually members talk shop from breakfast until midnight,
with formal sessions 8:30-12:30 and 14:00-17:30 plus evening sessions (19:00-22:00) most days.
Members who are preparing proposals work even longer hours. WG and SG chairs typically have
meetings over most mealtimes. Monday to Friday are full days, but if nothing surprising happens,
most members are done by about 15:00 on Saturday. Still, when meetings are in nice places, such as
Kona Hawaii, nobody outside the committee seems to be willing to believe that a meeting isn’t
some sort of vacation.
Voting in WGs and SGs is by one vote to everyone present. Formal voting in full committee is
one vote to every organization present (so that large organizations don’t get multiple votes) plus a
count of the national body positions. The łtechnical votež and the national body vote must agree
for a consensus to be established.
The history of the committee before 2006 is documented in [Stroustrup 1993, 1994, 2007]. The C++
Foundation (ğ10.2) keeps a reasonably up-to-date description of the organization, key individuals,
and processes of the committee on its website (
An almost complete collection of committee papers from 1989 onwards is available [WG21
1989ś2020]. Currently that collection increases by more than 500 papers a year. In addition, many
of the committee’s discussions are on archived mailing lists (called łreflectorsž). There can be more
than a hundred messages a day. It is very hard to keep up with all that goes on in the committee,
especially as much require specialized technical knowledge to follow. I keep the collection of my
WG21 papers on my home pages [Stroustrup 1990ś2020].
Traditionally, ISO standards were revised every ten years or so. For example, we have C89, C99,
and C11. The problem with such a long revision cycle is that if a new feature misses a feature freeze,
we must wait another 12 years or so for it to become standard. Naturally, people then argue for
slipping the next standard by a year or two: łThis feature is so important that it can’t wait, so we
must delay the standard!ž That was how C++0x became C++11, 13 years after C++98.
After C++11, several members wanted a shorter cycle and Herb Sutter, the convener, suggested
we adopt a łtrain model.ž That is, łthe train leaves at its scheduled time and anyone not on board
will have to wait for the next scheduled departure.ž People liked that and there was a long discussion
about what would be the right interval between standards revisions. I argued for a short interval,
3 years, because anything longer (e.g., 5 years) would be vulnerable to the łthis feature is too
important to waitž argument for delay. We agreed on a three-year łrelease cyclež and Herb Sutter
added that we should adopt the łIntel tick-tockž model of alternating major and minor releases.
That too was agreed, so three years after C++11 (ğ4) we delivered C++14 (ğ5) adopting delayed
features and remedying minor problems discovered in early use. C++17 was also delivered on time,
but sadly not as a major upgrade (ğ8). C++20 was voted feature complete in February 2019 and the
final technical vote was done in Prague in February 2020.
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In addition, the committee has only the weakest of management structures, lacking even the
most basic management tools:
• There are no qualifications (say, of education or of practical experience) required for member-
ship, speaking, or voting. Pay the ISO membership fee ($1280 for US members in 2018) and
attend two meetings and you are a full voting member. In SGs and WGs anyone can speak
and vote, even at their first meeting.
• There are no rewards beyond getting a proposal accepted and the satisfaction of seeing an
improved standard. That is a major motivator, though.
• There are no real ways to discourage disruptive behavior. All the unofficial committee
management can do is to politely encourage people not to do what others consider disruptive.
Members have different opinions about what is disruptive.
Before considering the problems of evolving a language in a large committee, please remember
that most of the time and work in the committee is done to resolve łminor problems;ž that is,
problems that don’t rise to the level of language design philosophy, academic publication, or
conference presentation. They are essential for keeping the language and its standard library from
fragmenting into dialects and for portability across compilers and platforms. These issues include
naming, name lookup, overload resolution, grammar details, exact meaning of constructs, lifetime
of temporaries, linkage, and much, much more. Many are tricky to resolve and poor resolutions can
have surprising and damaging consequences. Solutions tend to be crafted to minimize breakage
of existing code. The committee resolves hundreds of issues a year. I estimate that the fraction of
the committee members’ time and effort spent at this is at least a third and maybe as high as two
thirds. This work tends to be overlooked and underappreciated. If you have used a computer or a
computerized gadget (e.g., a phone or a car), you can thank the people in the CWG and LWG for it
When focusing on problems caused by a huge committee, please also remember that these
problems are caused by an embarrassment of riches: The C++ standards process is driven by
hundreds of enthusiastic people from a wide variety of backgrounds, with a wealth of diverse
experience, and a massive dose of idealism.
The committee is a filter supposedly preventing bad proposals from getting into the standard
while improving the quality of the proposals that make it through. The existence of the committee
encourages people to make proposals and come forward to help. However, there is no formal
request-for-proposal process.
There are no full-time C++ designers, though there are many full-time C++ compiler, library, and
tool implementers. Until recently, there were relatively few application builders on the committee.
This is a problem because it biases the committee towards language lawyering, advanced features,
and implementation issues, rather than directly addressing the needs of the mass of C++ developers,
which many committee members know only indirectly. This problem may be partly alleviated by
the recent sharp increase of new members.
There are relatively few educators on the committee. This can be a problem because the committee
(rightly) prioritizes łease of learningž highly but members have very different ideas (and often
strong opinions) of what that means. This often confounds discussions about łsimplicityž and łease
of use.ž
When considering the impact of organizational problems on the development of C++, please
remember that the ISO process was not designed for 200-people meetings ś the typical ISO pro-
gramming language committee is one or two dozen people. On average we manage, partly by
recognizing the problems and addressing them. Consider some observed problems:
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• Delays: The multi-stage process offers many opportunities for delays, blocking of proposals,
and for proposals to mutate. Dozens of members will insist that their needs be met, often
by elaboration, extension, and special cases. One person’s excessive delay is another’s due
Examples: Concepts (6 years for the current approach (ğ6)), contracts (6 years from start to
failure (ğ9.6.1)), networking (15 years and still in progress (ğ8.8.1)) and constexpr (5 years
(ğ4.2.7)). Even getting nullptr accepted took three years (ğ4.2.6).
• Isolated features: Most committee members like to see improvement; that is, to see features
added. On the other hand, they are ś quite reasonably ś terrified of breaking existing code.
This gives a systematic advantage to isolated features, small proposals that supposedly don’t
affect the rest of the language or the standard library. Such proposals rarely have major
impact on how the language is used but add to the complexity of learning and implementation.
Also, they often turn out to have surprising feature interactions after all.
Examples: mostly features that were not worth mentioning in this summary of language
evolution. Structured bindings (ğ8.2) and operator <=> (ğ8.8.4) both required many meetings
to complete.
• Late alternatives: When ś sometimes after years of work ś a proposal comes near a vote,
members who have so far not taken an interest enter the discussions and alternative proposals
are made. Such proposals can be dramatically different from the original proposal or just a
stream of requests for minor changes. This usually leads to delays, confusion, and sometimes
acrimony as issues considered settled are resurrected and close-to-equal weight is given
to untried (and usually unimplemented) new ideas and to proposals that are the result of
years of work. For an older proposal, imperfections will have been uncovered and technical
tradeoffs worked out. It is far too easy to imagine the benefits of something new and forgetting
the law of unintended consequences: there will be unintended consequences. The new and
relatively unexamined always looks better than the old. This makes the proponents of the
older proposals defensive and diverts from efforts to refine the łold proposal.ž Here łoldž could
mean just a couple of years, or ś as in the case of concepts (ğ6) a dozen years. Sometimes
untried late changes (łimprovementsž) are accepted to appease opposition; this often has
unintended consequences. People entering into a discussion late often don’t see łthe need
to rushž and naturally want to see their ideas seriously considered (often without seriously
considering the details and rationale of an older proposal). This can cause friction with people
who have already invested years of work on the older proposal.
Examples: Structured bindings (syntax change, added support for bitfields, clumsy get() (ğ8.2)),
concepts (ğ6). Digit separators (ğ5.1), operator dot (ğ8.8.2), modules (ğ9.3.1), coroutines (ğ9.3.2),
contracts (ğ9.6.1).
• Enthusiasm favors the new: It is easier to summon enthusiasm for something new than for
opposing it. Every proposal will solve something for someone and its proponents are willing
to spend massive amounts of time demonstrating its value. To oppose, someone has to say
things like
ś No, this problem isn’t all that important.
ś No, this solution has flaws.
ś No, you have not documented your solution sufficiently.
ś No, you have not examined the alternatives carefully.
However politely phrased, this can easily make an opponent appear to be a łthe bad guyž
blocking progress and denying the validity of the proponents’ needs. Worse, the proponents
invariably spend much more time preparing papers and presentations than opponents. Most
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people prefer to work constructively on something they believe in, rather than carefully de-
molishing other peoples’ work. So, the proponents are usually enthusiastic and well-prepared,
whereas the opponents can easily end up sounding vague and demonstrating ignorance of
details. Yet every new feature has a cost: e.g., design, specification, implementation, revision,
deployment, and teaching (ğ9.5). I fear Thursday afternoons in the evolution working group.
That’s when EWG members are tired after working hard on major proposals for days, many
of the regulars (such as me) have been dragged into other groups, and members are impatient
to see something done. This is where minor proposals slip by with relatively minor scrutiny.
Examples: explicit tests in conditions (ğ8.7), inline variables (ğ8), late changes to structured
bindings (ğ8.2).
• Overconfidence: Relative to the complexity of the complete language, the complete standard
library, and especially the complexity of the problems facing the users of C++ in diverse
application areas, an individual’s experience from everyday work is inadequate. Not all
committee members see that or adequately compensate by doubting the wider relevance
of their own experience. This can lead to proposals of limited generality being pushed too
hard. Worse, it can lead to proposals being vigorously opposed by members who can’t
see the need to solve the problems addressed. Language design requires some intellectual
humility [Stroustrup 2019b]. First solutions are rarely the best and off-the-cuff objections
and suggestions rarely lead to improvements without further serious thought.
Examples: No examples, to protect the guilty.
• Poor implementation timing: Implementing a proposal late in the standards process risks
a seriously flawed feature, potentially with unimplementable parts and lack of feedback
from use. Implementing a proposal early risks that the feature gets frozen in an incomplete,
suboptimal, and hard-to-use form. This is a hard, practical dilemma: many in the committee
will not vote for a proposal that has not been implemented or is implemented in a way they
do not trust. On the other hand, many implementers are unwilling to devote implementation
resources on a proposal that has not been approved by the committee. The committee often
hear the question łhas it been implemented?ž Frequently, łHas it been designed?ž and łHow
will this be used?ž are more important questions. People easily get lost in details. My suggested
way out of this dilemma is to agree on a direction, a general scope of a proposal, then start
with the detailed design and implementation of a relatively small subset guided by critical
use cases. That way, we can gain user experience relatively early and see how the feature
interacts with other features. This requires a long-term view of what that language should
be [Stroustrup 1993, 1994, 2007] (ğ1), (ğ11.2) or it deteriorates to mere opportunistic hacking.
When it works, the language benefits from feedback and organic growth.
Examples: modules (ğ9.3.1), C++0x concepts (ğ6), and <=> (ğ8.8.4).
• Feature interaction: One of the hardest issues to deal with is the use of features in combination.
This is partly a technical issue of specification and implementation. As such, it soaks up
much committee time. From a design perspective, the harder problem is to anticipate the
use of a new feature in the context of the whole language, including other new language
and library features under consideration. Every feature should be designed to be used in
combination with other features. I fear that point is underappreciated. Few proposal papers
offer detailed discussions and committee discussions about feature interactions tend to be
short or confused. One consequence of this is that individual features tend to bloat to be
usable in isolation from the rest of the language.
Examples: tuple (ğ4.3.4) and <=> (ğ9.3.4). The (failed) proposals for having specialized syntax
for actions in lambdas (ğ4.3.1).
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• Volume and distractions: So much is going on, often concurrently, that nobody can keep up
with all. Those of us who try, can easily get distracted from important issues by what turns out
to be unimportant. There are now more than 500 committee papers a year, some are dozens
or even hundreds of pages long. This represents about a doubling of the volume of documents
compared to the early 2010s. I noted that the fall-2018 pre-meeting mailing (collection of new
papers) had three times as many words as the complete works of Shakespeare.
The flood of email messages can be most distracting as many members like to conduct
technical discussions through bursts of short messages. If you fall behind in such a discussion,
you lose track of issues and an apparent consensus can emerge from a handful of people.
That kind of discussion does not lend itself to a calm and systematic weighing of alternatives.
Sometimes, it leads to unfortunate features slipping through. Sometimes, it leads to differ-
ent parts of the language and standard library reflecting different design philosophies and
compromising interoperability.
Examples: The differing interfaces to any, optional, and variant (ğ8.3). Concepts (ğ6).
• Precise specification: The standard is a specification, not an implementation. However, the
standard is written in English, so mathematical precision escapes us. Many members of the
committee are mathematically inclined, but more are not, so mathematical notation cannot be
used in the specification. The attempts to make the English text precise and comprehensive
make it stilted and damage comprehensibility. I often have a hard time understanding the
standard’s description of my own proposals.
Most members are programmers, more than designers, so the specification sometimes ends
up looking like a program ś a program written in a low-level language without a type system
or a compiler. There are elaborate if-then-else explanations and few statements of invariants.
Worse, much of the vocabulary is inherited from C and based on tokens in the program
source text so that higher-level concepts are stated only indirectly.
Curiously, the standard-library specification is noticeably more formal in structure than the
language specification.
• Scholasticism: A heavy emphasis on having the text of the standard correct and precise is of
course necessary. However, people sometimes forget that the standard might be wrong and
discuss correctness exclusively based on arguments from the text. Thus, arguments based on
the models and uses that the standard’s text supposedly reflects can be ignored.
• Direction: Which problems are real? Important? For whom? Which are urgent? Which
solutions will still be relevant in a decade’s time? That something can be a problem doesn’t
imply that it must have a direct solution in the language. In particular, it is hard for a
committee to remember that a language cannot be all things to all people. It is even harder
to accept that it cannot solve even the most urgent problems of every member [Stroustrup
Examples: C++17 (ğ8) and C++20 (ğ9).
• Exclusive focus: Some members focus exclusively on one or two issues, such as language
technicalities, ease of use, łteachability,ž efficiency, use in a single style of programming, use
in a single industry, use in a single firm, a single language feature, etc. This can be a very
effective technique for a member with an exclusive focus, but can make broad, balanced
progress difficult. Excessive trust in theory or in personal experience are other examples of
this. A good proposal offers progress in many areas but is typically not perfect along all of
these axes.
• Inappropriate application of principle: Applying general principles to a concrete example is
often difficult. Sometimes, a principle is applied rigidly without the necessary tradeoff with
other principles. The need for tradeoff is one reason D&E [Stroustrup 1994] refers to design
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principles as łrules of thumb.ž Sometimes, a principle seems to appear out of nowhere without
empirical basis. Sometimes, a principle is rigidly adhered to for one proposal, yet disregarded
for another. Principled design is difficult; it requires taste and experience as well as principles.
Practical language design is not just an exercise in deduction from first principles. Often,
principles have to be balanced against each other.
• Pro-expert bias: It is hard to imagine the problems of someone different from yourself. The
committee members are almost all experts in something or other. In their day jobs, they are
typically the persons who deal with the most subtle and intricate problems. Such problems
are often rare in the billions of lines of C++ code łout therež and not the problems that the
majority of C++ programmers struggle with. Yet, the expert-level problems are typically the
ones that are urgent to the committee and have the easiest passage through the process.
Examples: The ease with which support for the use of enable_if and type traits (ğ4.5.1)
permeated the standard library compared to the trouble getting concepts (ğ6) accepted.
• Cleverness: The average committee member is clever and many show a weakness for clever
solutions. Further, they have a hard time to decide that not every problem is worth solving
and that having a solution doesn’t imply that we have to put it into the standard. This leads
to overelaborate features and to features that most programmers could happily live without.
It is only fair to point out that many programmers are also clever and sometimes delight in
overly clever language and standard-library features.
Example: proposals that require serious template metaprogramming even for simple uses.
• Unwillingness to compromise: Most members have strong opinions but gaining consensus
in a large group requires compromise. It can be hard to distinguish between compromise
over something inessential and over fundamental principles. The latter could damage the
language and should be avoided. Unfortunately, members who are firmly convinced that
their concerns are fundamental and essential have a critical tactical advantage compared
to people with a more open mind. People who care more about the language as a whole
than about any individual issue tend to give in to people who don’t. Similarly, people who
never seriously question their own principles or needs can mount a ferocious attack against
technical compromises that others consider necessary. Making progress requires concern for
the community as a whole, self-awareness, and a dose of humility [Stroustrup 2019b].
• Lack of priority: From a technical point of view, all problems are equal: an imprecise specifi-
cation is an imprecise specification independently of what it fails to properly specify and any
error that might slip through a hole in the type system could in principle cause death and
destruction. However, the real-world implications can be dramatically different. In fact, most
obscure details have essentially no effect. That’s hard for some people to remember when
working on details of a design.
Example: More time was spent on digit separators (ğ5.1) than on range-for (ğ4.2.2).
• Perfectionism: A standard is expected to be used by millions and be stable for decades.
Naturally, people would like it to be perfect. This leads to feature bloat (too many features)
and in particular to the bloat of individual features. Programmers are excellent at imagining
problems and as a feature progresses through the committee, members insist that it solve
them all. This can lead to serious mission creep and to features only an expert could love. It
can also lead to a feature not making it into the standard.
Examples: Operator dot (ğ8.8.2), networking library (ğ8.8.1), and exception specifications
• Minority blocking: The consensus process protects against quite a few kinds of mistakes and
especially against the tyranny of the majority. However, it is vulnerable to individuals and
small groups blocking progress. That can be good (avoiding mistakes), but when it happens
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repeatedly at the various stages of the proposal pipeline or just in the last minute, it can be
Examples: constexpr (ğ4.2.7), Operator dot (ğ8.8.2), modules (ğ9.3.1), and coroutines (ğ9.3.2).
• Cohesive groups: Many WGs and SGs have a stable core set of people who over the years
develop a cohesive outlook, a shared vocabulary, and specific ways of operating. This can
make it difficult for łoutsidersž to communicate and contribute. It can also make it difficult to
design features that cross WG boundaries, such as facilities with both library and language
parts. Each group is likely to design something that fits into its own organizational domain,
thus adding confirmation to the old dictum that the structure of a system resembles the
structure of the organization that created it.
Examples: range-for (ğ4.2.2) and concurrency mechanisms that might require language
changes (ğ4.1.3). The differing interfaces to any, optional, and variant (ğ8.3).
On the positive side, actions based on personal animosity or tit-for-tat are rare. In that sense, the
committee is quite professional.
Fortunately, not every proposal suffers from the effects of all of these phenomena and most of
these problems are shared with many other large projects. However, C++, as represented by its
ISO standard, reflects these phenomena. They are not brand new, but have been increasing since
C++11. I suspect they are caused by a combination of
• the increased size of the committee
• the influx of new people
• the specialization (fragmentation) of the membership
• the decrease of knowledge of C++’s history among the members
One reason the standards process has repeatedly succeeded despite these serious problems is that
many people mount a constant effort to minimize the negative effects. The creation of the Direction
Group is part of the effort (ğ3.2) [Dawes et al. 2018; Stroustrup 2018d]. See also (ğ11.4). The constant
efforts of working group chairs, note takers, meeting organizers, and editing groups are invisible,
but essential. For example, Jens Maurer has for decades taken notes in the CWG, helped proposers
write standards text, arranged for web access, organized phone access to members unable to attend,
organized meeting rooms, informed members about local travel possibilities, and more.
What would be an alternative? In an ideal world, I would recommend restricting decision making
to a small group (on the order of 5 people) of full-time trusted experts but have the discussions,
the ability to propose, and most of the processing done by a large group (like the 350+ member
committee). No, I don’t see something like that happening for C++:
• Nobody likes to give up power (in this case voting power).
• Maintaining stable funding for a permanent staff of full-time experts requires non-trivial
skills (and such skills haven’t surfaced in the C++ community).
• Radical change doesn’t happen during times of success; only a marked drop in C++ use could
motivate the committee to dramatic organizational innovation (and then it would probably
be too late).
I don’t see corporate control as a viable alternative:
• Corporations expect return on investment.
• Corporate support often evaporates after a few years.
• Corporations tend to prefer differential advantages over progress that benefits all.
Nor do I consider fully open processing (by thousands of voters) viable:
• A cast of thousands does not have taste.
• The membership and opinions of a large group are not stable over decades.
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70:28 Bjarne Stroustrup
The hierarchical approval process that works for many large open-source projects might have
been at least part of an answer, but there was little experience with that when the standardization
of C and C++ started. When such a system works well, the higher you get in the approval hierarchy
the broader a base of knowledge of the approvers and the wider their area of concern. At the top,
we find one or more people with some knowledge of just about everything and concern for all
users. To contrast, the ISO process dilutes expertise and areas of concern as a proposal approaches
final approval: In plenary, many members vote on proposals that they have little interest in, have
limited experience with the problem area, and haven’t followed closely. People try hard to do
so responsibly, but that is hard and seeing each proposal as part of the bigger picture is almost
Looking at it this way, WG21 hasn’t done that badly. I do worry whether this model can keep C++
coherent and relevant for much longer. The 200+ people who turn up for a C++ standards meeting
is an order of magnitude larger than for other standards groups, for which the ISO process was
designed. Also, the membership is far more diverse than the groups of grizzled experts, corporate
representatives, and national body representatives of the past. Chaos could erupt.
I take some comfort from Winston Churchill’s dictum that łdemocracy is the worst form of
Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.ž
In particular, I don’t see the often suggested łBenevolent Dictator For Lifež model scaling, and
that model has never been relevant for C++ anyway.
An individual or a small coherent group of friends is my ideal model for starting a language
design project, but I don’t see that approach scaling. A mature language needs dozens or even
hundreds of people working on the huge variety of problems that must be faced. Even coordination
with relevant standards groups and industry groups would swamp the capacity of a tiny coherent
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• override and final ś explicit syntax for managing large class hierarchies
• static_assert ś compile-time assertions
• long long ś a longer integer type
• default member initializers ś give a data member a default value that can be superseded by
initialization in a constructor
• enum classes ś strongly typed enumerations with scoped enumerators
And here is a list of the major standard-library components (ğ4.6):
• unique_ptr and shared_ptr ś resource-management pointers (ğ4.2.4) relying on RAII
• memory model and atomic variables (ğ4.1.1)
• thread, mutex, condition_variable, etc. ś type-safe and portable support for basic system-
level concurrency (ğ4.1.2)
• future, promise, and packaged_task, etc. ś slightly higher-level concurrency (ğ4.1.3)
• tuple ś unnamed simple composite types (ğ4.3.4)
• type traits ś testable properties of types for use in metaprogramming (ğ4.5.1)
• regular expression matching (ğ4.6)
• random numbers ś with many generators (engines) and distributions (ğ4.6)
• Time ś time_point and duration (ğ4.6)
• unordered_map, etc. ś hash tables
• forward_list ś a singly-linked list
• array ś a fixed-constant-sized array that knows its size
• emplace operations ś construct objects right within a container to avoid copying
• exception_ptr ś enables transfer of exceptions between threads
There are more, but these are the most significant changes. All are described in [Stroustrup 2013]
and much information is available online (e.g., [Cppreference 2011ś2020]).
How could these apparently disconnected extensions make a coherent whole? How could this
actually change the way we write code for the better? C++11 did achieve that. In a relatively short
period of time (say, 5 years), huge amounts of C++ were upgraded to C++11 (and further to C++14
and C++17) and the presentation of C++ at conferences and blogs completely changed.
This dramatic change in the łfeelž of the language and the styles of its use is not the result of
a traditional careful design process guided by a master craftsman, but the result of a huge set of
suggestions filtered through layers of decisions by a large and changing set of individuals.
In my HOPL3 paper [Stroustrup 2007], I correctly described many of the C++11 language features.
The notable exception was łconceptsž which is addressed in (ğ6). Instead of going into details again,
I will describe a classification of facilities into łthemesž based on what programmer needs they
address. I think this way of looking at proposals is the root of C++11’s success:
• ğ4.1: Support concurrency
• ğ4.2: Simplify use
• ğ4.3: Improve support for generic programming
• ğ4.4: Increase static type safety
• ğ4.5: Support for library building
• ğ4.6: Standard library components
These łthemesž are not disjoint. In fact, my conjecture is that C++11 was a success because it
adds to up a fine mesh of interrelated facilities addressing genuine needs. My favorite features
belong in every theme. I suspect that my articulated aims for C++ in writing (e.g., [Stroustrup
1993, 1994, 2007]) and presentations helped the design remain reasonably focused. For me, a crucial
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measure of every new feature is whether it brings C++ closer to its ideals, e.g., by making the
support for built-in types and user-defined types more similar (ğ2.1).
Looking at C++11, we see suggested improvements from about 2002 and quite a few libraries
emerging early, often as part of Boost [Boost 1998ś2020]. However, complete C++11 implemen-
tations were not available until 2013. In 2020, some organizations still struggle with an upgrade
to C++11 because of huge code bases, programmers stuck in the past, outdated teaching, and
(especially in the embedded systems world) seriously outdated compilers. Adoption of C++17 is
noticeably faster than the adoption of C++98 and C++11, though, and as early as 2018 some major
C++20 features were already in production use.
As late as 2018, I have seen pre-C++98 compilers used in teaching. I consider that abuse of
students, depriving them of 20+ years of progress.
What is the distant past according to the standards committee, to the major compiler vendors,
and to most vocal C++ proponents is still the present ś or even the future ś for many. The result is
a continuing confusion about what C++ really is. This confusion will last as long as C++ continues
to evolve.
4.1.1 Memory Model. One of the most urgent issues was to precisely specify the rules for accessing
memory in a world of multi-cores, caches, speculative execution, instruction reordering, etc. Paul
Mckenney from IBM was very active on topics of memory guarantees. The research of Mark
Batty from Cambridge University [Batty et al. 2013, 2012, 2010, 2011] helped our formalizations as
described in [McKenney et al. 2010] by P. McKenney, M. Batty, C. Nelson, H. Boehm, A. Williams,
S. Owens, S. Sarkar, P. Sewell, T. Weber, M. Wong, L. Crowl, and B. Kosnik. It was a massive and
essential part of C++11.
In C11, C adopted the C++ memory model. However, in the very last minute before the C standard
was put out to vote and after the last opportunity to change the C++11 standard, the C committee
introduced notational incompatibilities that became a pain for C and C++ implementers and users.
Much of the memory model was motivated by the needs of the Linux and Windows kernels. It
is now used there and also far more widely. The memory model is widely underrated because it
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70:32 Bjarne Stroustrup
isn’t seen by most programmers. To a first order of approximation, it simply makes code work as
anyone would expect.
Initially, I think that most of the committee members underestimated the problem. We knew
that Java had a good memory model [Pugh 2004] and hoped to adopt that. I was highly amused to
find that representatives from Intel and IBM effectively vetoed that idea by pointing out that by
adopting the Java memory model for C++ we would slow down all JVMs by a factor of at least two.
Consequently, to preserve the performance of Java, we had to adopt a far more complex model for
C++. Ironically and predictably, C++ was then criticized for having a more complicated memory
model than Java.
Basically, the C++11 model is based on happens-before relations [Lamport 1978] and supports
relaxed memory models as well as sequentially consistent [Lamport 1979] ones. On top of that
and integrated with it, C++11 provides atomic types and support for lock-free programming. The
details are far beyond the scope of this paper (e.g., see [Williams 2018]).
Unsurprisingly, the memory model discussions in the concurrency group got a bit heated at times.
Significant interests of hardware manufacturers and compiler vendors were at stake. One of the
hardest decisions was to accept both Intel’s x86 primitives (a Total Store Order (TSO) model [TSO
Wikipedia 2020] plus a few atomic operations) and IBM’s PowerPC primitives (weak consistency
plus fences) for the lowest level synchronization. Logically, only one set of primitives were needed,
but Paul Mckenney convinced me that there was far too much code written using fences deep
in complex algorithms for IBM to adopt something like Intel’s model. One day, I literally did
shuttle diplomacy between two corners of a large room. Eventually, I suggested that both had to
be supported and that was what C++11 adopted. I ś and others ś were very pleased when later
people found that fences and atomics could be used together to create better solutions than either
in isolation.
A bit later, we added support for data-dependency-based consistency represented in source code
through attributes (ğ4.2.10), such as [[carries_dependency]].
C++11 introduced atomic types on which simple operations are atomic:
atomic < int > x;
void increment ()
x ++; // not x = x + 1
Obviously, these are widely useful. For example, using an atomic makes the notoriously tricky
double-checked locking optimization trivial:
mutex mutex_x ;
atomic < bool > init_x ; // initially false .
int x;
if (! init_x ) {
lock_guard < mutex > lck ( mutex_x );
if (! init_x ) x = 42;
init_x = true ;
} // implicitly release mutex_x here ( RAII )
The point of double-checked locking is to use the relatively cheap atomic to guard the use of
the much more expensive mutex.
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The lock_guard is a RAII type (ğ2.2.1) that guarantees the unlocking of the mutex it controls.
Hans-J Boehm has described the atomic types as łsurprisingly popular,ž but I can’t say I’m
surprised. Being less expert than Hans, I appreciate the simplification more. C++11 also introduced
the key operations for lock-free programming, such as compare and swap:
template < typename T >
class stack {
std :: atomic < node <T >* > head ;
public :
void push ( const T& data )
node <T >* new_node = new node <T >( data );
new_node -> next = head . load ( std :: memory_order_relaxed );
while (! head . compare_exchange_weak ( new_node -> next , new_node ,
std :: memory_order_release , std :: memory_order_relaxed )) ;
// ...
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70:34 Bjarne Stroustrup
void g( const vector < double >& v , double * res ); // put result into * res
int comp ( vector < double >& vec1 , vector < double >& vec2 , vector < double >& vec3 )
double res1 ;
double res2 ;
double res3 ;
// ...
thread t1 {F{ vec1 , res1 }}; // function object
thread t2 {[&](){ res2 =f( vec2 );} }; // lambda
thread t3 {g , vec3 ,& res3 }; // ordinary function
t1 . join ();
t2 . join ();
t3 . join ();
cout << res1 << ' ' << res2 << ' ' << res3 << '\n ';
The design of the type-safe library support relies critically on variadic templates (ğ4.3.2). For ex-
ample, the constructor for std::thread is a variadic template. It can distinguish different executable
first arguments and check that they are followed by a correct number of arguments of correct types.
Similarly, lambdas (ğ4.3.1) made many uses of the <thread> library much simpler. For example,
the argument for t2 is a piece of code (a lambda expression) that accesses the surrounding local
It was difficult to get novel features accepted and used in the standard library in the same release
of the standard. There were voices raised that doing this was too aggressive and that it could lead
to long-term problems. Introducing new language features and using them at the same time was
undoubtedly risky, but it added significantly to the quality of the standard by
• giving users a better standard library
• giving users examples of good use of the language features
• saving users from having to implement low-level facilities
• forcing designers of language features to cope with difficult real-world uses
The threads-and-locks model requires the use of some form of synchronization to avoid race
conditions. C++11 provides standard mutexes for that:
void access ()
unique_lock < mutex > lck {m }; // acquire mutex
sh += 7; // manipulate shared data
} // release mutex implicitly
The unique_lock is a RAII object ensuring that the user cannot forget to unlock() the mutex.
These lock objects also provided a way of protecting against the most common form of deadlock:
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void f ()
// ...
unique_lock < mutex > lck1 {m1 , defer_lock }; // don 't yet acquire m1
unique_lock < mutex > lck2 {m2 , defer_lock };
unique_lock < mutex > lck3 {m3 , defer_lock };
// ...
lock ( lck1 , lck2 , lck3 ); // acquire all three mutexes
// ... manipulate shared data ...
} // implicitly release all mutexes
Here, the lock() function acquires all mutexes łsimultaneouslyž and releases all implicitly (RAII
(ğ2.2.1). C++17 has an even more elegant solution (ğ8.4).
The threads library was first proposed for C++0x by Pete Becker (Dinkumware) [Becker 2004]
in 2004 based on a Dinkumware implementation of the interface offered by boost::thread [Boost
1998ś2020]. It is probably not a coincidence that this was presented at the same meeting (Redmond
WA, September 2004) as the first proposal for a memory model [Alexandrescu et al. 2004].
The biggest controversy was over cancellation, which is the ability to stop a thread from running
to completion. Essentially every C++ programmer on the committee wanted that in some form or
other. However, the C committee objected to thread cancellation in a formal note to WG21 [WG14
2007], the only formal note ever sent from WG14 (the ISO C standards committee) to WG21. I noted,
łbut C doesn’t have destructors and RAII for systematic resource management and clean-up.ž The
Austin Group who manages POSIX sent representatives who were 100% against any form of the
idea, insisting that cancellation was neither necessary nor possible to do safely. Observing that
Windows and other operating systems offer variants of the idea and that C++ isn’t C made no
difference to the POSIX people. I fear that they were defending their business and their C-language
world view, rather than trying to come up with the best solution for C++. The lack of standard
cancellation has repeatedly been a problem. For example, in a parallel search (ğ8.5), the thread that
first finds the answer would like to trigger cancellation (by any name) of the other such threads.
C++20 provides the stop-token mechanism to support this use case (ğ9.4).
4.1.3 Futures. A type-safe and standard POSIX/Windows-like thread library was a major im-
provement over the incompatible C-style libraries in use, but that was still 1980s style low-level
programming. Some members, notably me, argued that C++ badly needed something more modern
and higher level. For example, Matt Austern (Google, formerly SGI) and I argued for message queues
(łchannelsž) and a thread pool. That made little progress against objections that there wasn’t time
to do that right. I pleaded and pointed out that if the experts in the committee didn’t offer such
facilities, they would end up having to use facilities łcooked up in a hurry by my students!ž The
committee could certainly do a much better job than that. łIf you won’t do that, please give me one
way, just one way, to pass information between threads without explicit synchronization!ž
The committee were split between members who basically wanted POSIX with improved typing
(notably, PJ Plauger) and members pointing out that POSIX was basically a 1970s design and
łeverybodyž was using higher-level facilities already. At the 2007 Kona meeting we agreed on a
compromise: C++0x (still expected to become C++09) would offer promises and futures and a
launcher for asynchronous tasks, async(), that allows but does not require a thread pool. Like
most compromises, łthe Kona compromisež pleased nobody and led to some technical problems.
However, many users considered it a success ś most didn’t know it was a compromise ś and over
the years, improvements have emerged.
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70:36 Bjarne Stroustrup
return f0 . get ()+ f1 . get ()+ f2 . get ()+ f3 . get (); // collect the results
The async wraps the code in a packaged_task and manages the setup of a future and its
promise to transmit the result.
Either a value or an exception can be passed from one thread to another through a future/promise
pair. For example:
X f(Y ); // ordinary function
For simplicity, I have not used perfect forwarding of the argument (ğ4.2.3).
A get() on the corresponding future will now either get a value or throw an exception ś exactly
as for an equivalent synchronous call of f().
void user (Y arg )
auto pro = promise <X >{};
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The standard library packaged_task automates this way of wrapping an ordinary function in a
function object that handles the promise/future setup and deals with returns and exceptions.
I hoped that this would lead to a work-stealing implementation supported by a thread pool, but I
was disappointed.
See also (ğ8.4).
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70:38 Bjarne Stroustrup
• ğ4.2.9: Raw string literals ś literals where the escape character (’\’) is not used to escape,
mostly for regular expressions
• ğ4.2.10: Attributes ś associating essentially arbitrary information with a name
• ğ4.2.11: An interface to an optional garbage collector
• ğ4.3.1: Lambdas ś unnamed function objects
After C++11 was beginning to see serious use, I started taking small unscientific surveys as I
traveled widely to talk with C++ users: Which C++11 features do you most like? The top three
were invariably:
• ğ4.2.1: auto
• ğ4.2.2: Range-for
• ğ4.3.1: Lambdas
These three are among the simplest additions to C++11 and do not offer any new fundamental
functionality. What they do could be done in C++98, but not as elegantly.
I interpret this to imply that programmers of all abilities really appreciate concise notation for
simple common uses. They will happily abandon a more general notation for a simpler and more
specialized one for the cases where it applies. A common rallying cry is łThere should be only one
way of saying something!ž This łdesign principlež simply doesn’t reflect real-world user preferences.
I tend to rely on the onion principle instead [Stroustrup 1994]. You design so that doing simple tasks
is simple and when you need to do something less simple, you need to be more detailed, using a
more complicated technique or notation. That is, you peel one layer off the onion. The more layers
you peel off, the more you cry.
Please note that here simple does not mean low level. It is superficially simple to learn low-level
facilities such as void*, macros, C-style strings, and casts but it is hard to use them to produce
quality, maintainable software.
4.2.1 auto and decltype. The oldest new feature in C++11 was the ability to specify that an
object should have the type of its initializer. For example:
auto i = 7; // i is an int
auto d = 7.2; // d is a double
auto p = v. begin (); // p gets the type of v 's iterator
// ( begin () returns an iterator )
auto is a static facility allowing the deduction of the (static) type of an object from its initializer.
If you need a dynamically typed variable, use variant or any (ğ8.3).
I implemented auto in the winter of 1982/83 but was forced to remove it to preserve C compati-
In the context of C++11, people proposed a typeof operator to replace typeof macros and
compiler extensions that had become popular. Unfortunately, the different typeof macros were
incompatible in their treatment of references, so none of those could be adopted without major
code breakage. Introducing a new keyword is always hard because if it is short with a reasonably
obvious meaning, it will already have been used many thousands of times. If the suggested keyword
is ugly and long, people will dislike it.
Jaakko Järvi, one of the most prolific contributors of interesting libraries to Boost and at the
time my colleague at Texas A&M, led the discussion of typeof. We realized that the problem with
semantics could be summarized as łis typeof of a reference the reference itself or the referenced
type?ž Also, we felt that typeof was a bit verbose and error prone:
typeof (x+y) z = y+x;
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Here, I thought I was repeating x+y, but I wasn’t (with potentially bad effects) and anyway, why
should I have to repeat anything? At this point, I realized that I had solved this problem back in
1982; we could eliminate the repetition and łhighjackž the keyword auto:
auto z = y+x; // z gets the type of y+x
In C, and then in C++, auto meant łallocate in automatic storage (i.e., on the stack)ž and was
never used. Looking through many millions of lines of C and C++, we verified that auto was only
used in test suites and in error, so we could recycle it with my 1982 meaning łget the type of the
initializer expression.ž
That left the problem of what to do with the use cases where we would like to deduce the type
of a reference as a reference. This is not uncommon in template-based foundation libraries. We
proposed an operator decltype with the reference-preserving semantics:
template < typename T > void f(T& r)
auto v = r; // v is a T
decltype (r) r2 = r; // r2 is a T&
// ...
Why decltype? Unfortunately, I don’t remember who suggested that name, but I know why:
• We couldn’t use typeof because that would break a lot of code.
• We couldn’t find a nice, short, and unused name.
• decltype is sufficiently mnemonic to remember (łdeclared typež) and sufficiently odd not to
have been used in existing code.
• decltype is reasonably short.
The paper proposing this was from 2003 [Järvi et al. 2003b]. The paper accepted by vote was from
2006 [Järvi et al. 2007]. Jaakko Järvi did most of the detailed work getting decltype through the
committee. Doug Gregor, Gabriel Dos Reis, Jeremy Siek, and I also helped and appear as co-authors
on various papers. It turned out that specifying the exact semantics of decltype is far harder
than I have made it sound here. Spending years on the details of an apparently simple feature is
unfortunately not uncommon. Part of the reason is inherent complexity of features; part is the
number of people who have to agree that every detail is designed and specified to their satisfaction.
I consider auto to be a purely simplifying feature whereas the primary purpose of decltype is
to enable sophisticated metaprogramming in foundation libraries. They are however very closely
related when looked at from a language-technical point of use.
There were two obvious generalizations of auto that I had explored elsewhere [Stroustrup and
Dos Reis 2003b]: as return types and argument types. This is obvious because argument passing
and value return are defined as initialization in C++. In 2003, when I first presented those ideas
to the committee, the members of the evolution working group reacted with undisguised horror.
auto f( auto arg )
return arg ;
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Such examples were received more negatively than any other idea I have ever presented to the
committee. łIt was like the duchess who saw the mousež was my description: łEeeeek!ž However,
that was not the end of the story. C++17 offered auto for both arguments and return types for
lambdas (ğ4.3.1), but for functions C++17 offered auto only for return types. C++20 added auto
for function arguments as part of concepts (ğ6.4), thus finally completing support for my 2003
A weaker use of auto was added in C++11 to move the specification of the return type after the
arguments. For example, in C++98, we’d write
template < typename T >
vector <T >:: iterator vector <T >:: begin () { /* ... */ }
The repetition of vector<T>:: is annoying and there was no way a return type could depend on
an argument type (as is useful in some generic programming). C++11 remedied that and improves
template < typename T >
auto vector <T >:: begin () -> iterator { /* ... */ }
So, after years of work, we had auto. It immediately became very popular because it saved
programmers from spelling out long type names and from thinking about details of types in generic
code. For example:
for ( auto p = v. begin (); p != v. end (); ++ p) ... // traditional STL loop
There were even calls to use auto everywhere or almost everywhere [Sutter 2013b]. This is
classic: Every new useful feature is initially overused and misused. After a while, parts of the
community find a balance. Articulating such balanced use as a best practice is one of the reasons I
(and many others) work on programming guidelines (ğ10.6). For auto, I received many comments
about lack of readability when people used it with initializers that did not have obvious types.
Consequently, the C++ Core Guidelines [Stroustrup and Sutter 2014ś2020] (ğ10.6) has this rule:
ES.11: Use auto to avoid redundant repetition of type names
My books have advice along the same line [Stroustrup 2013, 2014d]. Consider:
auto n = 1; // OK n is an int
auto x = make_unique < Gadget >( arg ); // OK : x is a std :: unique_ptr < Gadget >
auto y = flopscomps (x ,3); // Bad : what might flopscomps () return ?
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It’s not 100% clear how to apply such a rule in every case, but it is far better than no rule and leads
to more readable code than the absolute rules łnever use auto!ž and łalways use auto!ž Real-world
programming tends to take more skill than simple examples illustrating language features.
If flopscomps() isn’t part of a generic computation, it would be better to explicitly state the
desired type. We had to wait for C++20 to use a concept to constrain the return type (ğ6.3.5):
So, was the work on auto worthwhile? It is a small facility that for the simple cases can be
implemented in a day, yet it took 4 years to get through the committee. It is not even novel: many
languages have had facilities like this for the last 40 years. Even C with Classes had it 35 years ago!
I often despair about the time it takes to get even the smallest feature through the C++ standards
committee, and the often-painful discussions it involves. On the other hand, once it is done well,
millions of programmers benefit. When something is done really well, the most common comment
is łObvious! What took you so long?ž
4.2.2 Range-for. A range-for is a statement that loops over all elements of a sequence from first
to last. For example:
void use ( vector < int >& v , list < string >& lst )
for ( int x : v) cout << x << '\n ';
int sum = 0;
for ( auto i : {1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,8}) sum += i; // an initializer list is a sequence
for ( string & s : lst ) s += ". cpp "; // use a reference allow modification
It was first proposed by Thorsten Ottosen (University of Aalborg, Denmark) because łJust about
any modern language has some form of ‘for each’ built into it.ž [Ottosen 2005]. I don’t usually
consider łeverybody else has onež as a good argument, but in this case the real point is that a simple
loop over a range simplifies one of the most common operations and offers some optimization
opportunities. Thus, range-for fits my overall aims for C++ perfectly. It directly expresses what
should be done, rather than spelling out in detail how it is done. It was also a nice clean syntax and
the semantics is obvious.
Being simpler and more specific, the range-for notation eliminates the possibility for making a
few łtrivialž but common errors:
void use ( vector < int >& v , list < string >& lst )
for ( int i =0; i < imax ; ++ i)
for ( int j =0; i < imax ; ++ j) ... // bad nested loop
for ( int i =0; i <= max ; ++ i) ... // off -by - one error ?
Still, over the years there were changes. Doug Gregor suggested a change to use C++0x concepts
which was nice and approved [Ottosen et al. 2007]. I remember him writing the proposal in my office
in Texas, but unfortunately, we had to back out that change when we removed C++0x concepts
(ğ6). In 2018, a small change was made to accommodate the infinite sequences supported by the
Ranges TS (ğ9.3.5).
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4.2.3 Move Semantics. Traditionally, in C and C++, to get a large amount of data out of a function as
a result, you allocate it on the free store (heap, dynamic memory) and pass a pointer to it. Examples
are factory functions and functions returning containers (e.g., vectors and maps. This seemed
natural to the community and is suitably efficient. Unfortunately, it is one of the major sources of
explicit use of pointers, leading to notational inconvenience, explicit memory management, and
hard-to-find errors.
For years many experts had used łtrickeryž to eliminate this problem by using classes that were
handles and were passed around as simple values (often called value types). For example:
Here, operator+ offers the conventional mathematical notation and is an example of a factory
function returning a large object.
Passing Matrixes into a function by const-reference was (and is) conventional and efficient. The
problem is to return a Matrix by value without copying all the elements. As early as 1982, I had
partly addressed this problem with an optimization that simply allocated the return value on the
caller’s stack frame. This worked very well, but it was only an optimization technique and didn’t
handle more complex return statements. What users needed to return "large objects" by value was
a guarantee that large amounts of data were never copied.
To do provide that, it was observed that a "large object" typically was a handle to data on the
free store. To avoid copying of large amounts of data we then simply had to ensure that that the
constructor used to implement the return must copy the handle, rather than all the elements. The
C++11 solution to this problem looks like this:
class Matrix {
double * elements ; // pointer to the elements
// ...
public :
Matrix ( Matrix && a) // a move constructor
elements = a. elements ; // copy the handle
a. elements = nullptr ; // now a 's destructor has nothing to do
// ...
A move is preferred over a copy when the source of an initialization or an assignment is about to
be destroyed anyway: a move operation simply łstealsž the representation. The && indicates that
the constructor is a move constructor and Matrix&& is called an rvalue reference. The && notation
for an rvalue reference, called a forwarding reference when used for a template parameter, was
suggested by John Spicer in a 2002 meeting with Dave Abrahams and Howard Hinnant.
The Matrix example is particularly interesting because if we return a pointer from a Matrix
addition, the conventional mathematical notation (a+b) cannot be used.
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The use of move semantics can have significant implications for efficiency: it eliminates expensive
temporary variables. For example:
Matrix mx = m1 + m2 + m3 ; // requires no temporary
string sx = s1 + s2 + s3 ; // requires no temporary
I added the string example because move semantics was immediately added to all standard-
library containers. This speeded up some C++98 programs without a source-code change.
Allowing the designer of a class to define move operations completes the control of object
lifetimes and resource management that started in 1979 with the introduction of constructors and
destructors. Move semantics is a cornerstone of C++’s model of resource management [Stroustrup
et al. 2015]. It’s the mechanism that enables simple and cheap movement of objects between scopes.
This important general point may have been obscured by an early emphasis on argument
passing, perfect forwarding, and smart pointers. Howard Hinnant, Dave Abrahams, and Peter
Dimov proposed the general version of move semantics in 2002 [Hinnant et al. 2004, 2002]:
łThe rvalue reference can be used to easily add move semantics to an existing class. By
this we mean that the copy constructor and assignment operator can be overloaded based
on whether the argument is an lvalue or an rvalue. When the argument is an rvalue, the
author of the class knows that he has a unique reference to the argument.ž
A prominent example was factory functions yielding łsmart pointersž:
template < class T , class A1 >
std :: shared_ptr <T > factory ( A1 && a1 )
return std :: shared_ptr <T >( new T ( std :: forward <A1 >( a1 )));
The (now) standard-library function forward tells the compiler to treat its argument as an rvalue
reference, so that a T’s move constructor is used to steal that argument (rather than T’s copy
constructor). It is basically a cast (explicit type conversion) to an rvalue reference.
In C++98, without rvalue references, such łsmart pointersž were very difficult to implement. In
C++11, the solution is simple [Hinnant et al. 2006]:
template < class T >
class clone_ptr
private :
T* ptr ;
public :
// ...
clone_ptr ( clone_ptr && p) // move constructor
: ptr (p. ptr ) // copy representation
p. ptr = 0; // " zero out " the source 's representation
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Soon the move semantics technique was applied to all the standard-library containers, such as
vector, string, and map. The shared_ptr and unique_ptr are smart, but still pointers. I prefer to
emphasize move constructors and move assignments that allow efficient movement of large objects
(represented as handles) from scope to scope.
The rvalue reference had a rough passage through the committee. Some people thought it likely
that the rvalue references and move semantics would not make it into C++11 because the notions
were novel and we didn’t have suitable terminology for them. Partly as a consequence of the
terminology problems [Miller 2010], the use of the term rvalue reference in the core language and in
the standard library diverged, thus making the draft standard inconsistent. At the Pittsburg meeting
in March 2010, I got involved in discussions about that in the Core Working Group (CWG). As the
CWG broke for lunch, it seemed to me that łwe were headed for an impasse or a mess or both.ž
Instead of going to lunch, I did an analysis of the problems and concluded that there were only two
fundamental concepts involved: has identity and can be moved from. From these two primitives, I
derived the conventional categories of lvalue and rvalue [Barron et al. 1963] as well as three new
ones needed to resolve our definitional problems. When the CWG returned, I presented my solution.
It was promptly accepted so that we could keep move semantics for C++11 [Stroustrup 2010a].
4.2.4 Resource-Management Pointers. C++11 offered łsmart pointersž (ğ4.2.4):
• shared_ptr ś representing shared ownership
• unique_ptr ś representing unique ownership (replacing the C++98 auto_ptr)
The addition of these resource-management łsmartž pointersž representing ownership had great
impact on programming style. For many, their use meant the end of resource leaks and a meaningful
decrease in dangling pointer problems. They were the most visible part of the effort to automate
resource management and minimize the use of raw pointers for that (ğ4.2.3).
shared_ptr is a conventional counted pointer: all shared pointers to an object share a counter.
When the last shared pointer to an object is destroyed, the object pointed to is destroyed. That’s a
simple, general, and effective form of garbage collection. It handles non-memory resources correctly
(ğ2.2.1). To deal with circular data structures, there is also a weak_ptr. It is often suboptimal, though.
People often used (and use) a shared_pointer simply to safely return data from a factory function:
shared_ptr < Blob > make_Blob ( Args a)
auto p = shared_ptr < Blob >( new Blob (a ));
// ... fill *p with lots of good stuff ...
return p;
When moving an object out of a function, the use count just goes from 1 to 2 and back to 1. In a
multi-threaded program, that typically is a slow operation involving synchronization. Also, when
naively used and/or implemented the use-count adds allocation and deallocation overhead.
As expected, shared_ptr quickly became very popular and seriously overused in places. Conse-
quently, unique_ptr that does not imply any overheads was provided. A unique_ptr has exclusive
ownership of the object it refers to and simply deletes that object when it itself is destroyed.
unique_ptr < Blob > make_Blob ( Args a)
auto p = unique_ptr < Blob >( new Blob (a ));
// ... fill *p with lots of good stuff ...
return p;
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The shared_ptr and weak_ptr were the work of Peter Dimov [Dimov et al. 2003]. Howard
Hinnant contributed unique_ptr as an improvement on the C++98 auto_ptr [Hinnant et al. 2002].
Given that unique_ptr is a drop-in replacement for auto_ptr, it offered a rare opportunity for
(eventually) removing a flawed facility from the standard. The resource management pointers are
closely related to the work on move semantics, perfect forwarding, and rvalue references (ğ4.2.3).
The resource management pointers were (and are) extensively used to hold onto objects so that
exceptions (and the like) don’t cause a leak (ğ2.2). For example:
void old_use ( Args a)
auto q = new Blob (a );
// ...
if ( foo ) throw Bad (); // can leak
if ( bar ) return ; // can leak
// ...
delete q; // easy to forget
That old style using explicit new and delete is error-prone and not recommended in modern
C++ (e.g., the C++ Core Guidelines (ğ10.6)). Instead, we can write:
void newer_use ( Args a)
auto p = unique_ptr < Blob >( new Blob (a ));
// ...
if ( foo ) throw Bad (); // doesn 't leak
if ( bar ) return ; // doesn 't leak
// ...
This is shorter, safer, and quickly became very popular. However, łsmart pointersž are still
overused: łthey are smart but they are still pointers.ž Unless we actually need a pointer, simply
using a local variable is better still:
void simplest_use ( Args a)
Blob b(a );
// ...
if ( foo ) throw Bad (); // doesn 't leak
if ( bar ) return ; // doesn 't leak
// ...
The primary use for smart pointers for representing ownership of resources is object-oriented
programming where a pointer (or reference) is used to access objects for which the exact type is
unknown at compile time.
4.2.5 Uniform Initialization. For historical reasons, C++ has a variety of notations for initialization
and their semantics vary in surprising ways.
From C, C++ inherited three forms of initialization and added a fourth:
int x; // default initialization ( for static variables only )
int x = 7; // value initialization
int a [] = {7 ,8}; // aggregate initialization
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The notion used for initialization can depend on both the type of the object being initialized and
the context of the initialization. This is a mess and was recognized as such. For example, why could
we initialize a built-in array with a list, but not a vector?
int a [] = {7 ,8}; // OK
vector < int > v = {7 ,8}; // should work ( obviously , but it did not )
The last example bothered me a lot because it violates the fundamental C++ design aim of
providing equally good support for built-in and user-defined types. In particular, by providing
better support for array initialization than for vector, it encourages the use of the error-prone
built-in arrays.
From 2002, when the work on C++0x started, there were many discussions and proposals to
address parts of the problem from Daniel Gutson, Francis Glassborow, Alisdair Meredith, Bjarne
Stroustrup, and Gabriel Dos Reis. In 2005, Gabriel Dos Reis and I proposed a uniform initialization
notation that could be used for every type and have the same meaning everywhere in a program
[Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2005b]. This notation held the promise of great simplification of user
code and the elimination of many subtle errors. The notation was (and still is) based on the list
notation using braces. For example:
int a = {5}; // built - in type
int a [] {7 ,8}; // array
vector < int > v = {7 ,8}; // user - defined type with constructor
Braces ({}) are optional for single values and = is optional before a brace initializer list. For
uniformity the brace-style initialization is accepted in many places where C++98 didn’t allow it or
= initialization:
int f( vector < int >);
int i = f ({1 ,2 ,3}); // function argument
struct X {
vector < int > v;
int a [];
X () : v {1 ,2} , a {3 ,4} {} // member initializers
X( int );
// ...
vector < int >* p = new vector < int >{1 ,2 ,3 ,4}; // new expression
X x {}; // default initialization
Many of these cases, such as an initializer list for an object created by new, simply couldn’t be
done using earlier notations.
Unfortunately, this ideal was only incompletely approximated, so we have a scheme that is only
almost uniform. Some people found the use of {...} łweirdž unless the ... was a homogeneous list,
others clung to the conventional C distinction between aggregates and non-aggregates, and many
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were worried that lists without an explicit type marker would lead to ambiguities and errors. For
example, this was considered dangerous, but eventually accepted:
struct S { string s; int i; };
S foo (S s)
// ...
return { string {" foo "} ,13};
In one case, the quest for uniform notation was defeated by a common practice. Consider:
vector < int > v1 (10); // 10 elements
vector < int > v2 {10}; // 10 elements or 1 element with the value 10?
vector < int > v3 {1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5}; // vector with 5 elements
There are many millions of lines of code using size initializers like vector<int> v1(10) and from
first principles vector<int> v2 {10} really is ambiguous. In a new language, I would not use a plain
integer to indicate a size, I’d introduce a specific type for that (e.g., Size or Extent); for example:
vector < int > v1 { Extent {10}}; // 10 elements with the default value 0
vector < int > v2 {10}; // 1 element with the value 10
However, C++ is not a new language, so we decided to give the initializer list interpretation
priority when choosing among constructors. That makes vector<int> v2 {10} a vector with one
element and the interpretation of {...} initializers consistent. However, that forces us to use the (...)
notation when we want to avoid the initializer-list constructor.
One problem with initialization is exactly that it is everywhere so that essentially all problems
with programs and the language rules manifest themselves in the context of initialization. Consider:
int x = 7.2; // traditional initialization
int y {7.2}; // brace initialization
From the introduction of floating-point numbers into C (about 1974), the value of x has been 7;
that is, 7.2 is implicitly truncated resulting in a loss of information. This is a source of errors. The
brace initialization does not allow narrowing conversions (here, the truncation). That’s good, but
makes it harder to upgrade old code:
double d = 7.2;
int x = d; // OK : truncates
int y {d }; // error
This is an example of a common problem. People want a simple upgrade path, but unless some
effort and change is needed, the result of a perfectly simple upgrade is that the old problems and
errors are preserved. Improving a language in wide use is harder than we tend to think.
After many heated debates and many modifications (not all of which I consider improvements),
uniform initialization was approved for C++0x in 2008 [Stroustrup 2008b].
As ever, notation was a contentious issue, but eventually we agreed to have a standard-library
type initializer_list to be used as the argument type of initializer-list constructors. For example:
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Sadly, uniform initialization ({}-initialization) isn’t as widely used as I had hoped for. People seem
to prefer the familiar notations and familiar bugs. I seem to have fallen prey to the N+1 problem: You
have N incompatible and incomplete solutions to a problem, so you add a new and better solution.
Unfortunately, the original N solutions don’t go away so now you have N+1 solutions. To be fair,
there were subtle problems beyond the scope of this paper that were only slowly being remedied
(in C++14, C++17, and C++20). My impression is that generic programming and a general push for
more concise notation is slowly increasing the appeal of uniform initialization. All standard-library
containers (e.g., vector) have initializer-list constructors.
4.2.6 nullptr. In C and C++, the literal 0 denotes the null pointer if assigned to a pointer or
compared to a pointer. More confusingly, any integer constant expression that evaluates to zero
denotes the null pointer if assigned to a pointer or compared to one. For example:
This has annoyed and confused many, so there is a standard-library macro NULL (adopted from
C), which in standard C++ is defined as 0. Some compilers warn against int* p = 0; but you still
can’t overload a function for a pointer and an integer without getting ambiguity for 0.
This could be easily fixed by giving a name to the null pointer, but somehow nobody had gotten
around to making a proposal that people could agree to. Sometime in 2003, I was attending a
meeting over the phone where people discussed how to name the null pointer. Suggestions, such
as NULL, null, nil, nullptr, and 0p, were among the alternatives. As usual, all short and łnicež
names had been used thousands of times and thus could not be used without breaking millions
of lines of code. Being a bit bored having heard variants of this discussion dozens of times, I was
listening with only half an ear. People were saying variations of null pointer, null ptr, nullputter. I
woke up and said: łYou are all saying nullptr; I don’t think I have seen that in code.ž
Herb Sutter and I wrote up that suggestion [Sutter and Stroustrup 2003] and it passed relatively
easily in 2007 (after only four minor revisions), so now we can say:
int p0 = nullptr ;
int * p1 = 99 -55 -44; // OK for compatibility
int * p2 = NULL ; // OK for compatibility
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4.2.7 constexpr Functions. In 2003, Gabriel Dos Reis and I proposed a radically different and
significant better mechanism for doing constant expression evaluation in C++ [Dos Reis 2003].
People were using (typeless) macros and the impoverished C definition of constant expressions.
Others were beginning to use template metaprogramming to compute values (ğ10.5.2). łThis is
tedious and error-pronež [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2010]. Our aim was to
• Make compile-time computation type safe
• Generally, improve efficiency by moving computation to compile-time
• Support embedded systems programming (especially ROMs)
• Directly support metaprogramming (as opposed to template metaprogramming (ğ10.5.2))
• Make compile-time programming very similar to łordinary programmingž
The idea was simple: allow functions prefixed with constexpr to be used in constant expressions
and also allow simple user-defined types, called literal types, to be used in constant expressions. A
literal type is basically a type for which all operations are constexpr.
Consider an application where we for efficiency, ROMability, or reliability wanted to use a unit
system [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2010]:
struct LengthInKM {
constexpr explicit LengthInKM ( double d) : val (d) { }
constexpr double getValue () { return val ; }
private :
double val ;
struct LengthInMile {
constexpr explicit LengthInMile ( double d) : val (d) { }
constexpr double getValue () { return val ; }
constexpr operator LengthInKM () { return LengthInKM (1.609344 * val ); }
private :
double val ;
Given that, we can make a table of constants without fear of unit errors or conversion errors:
LengthInKM marks [] = { LengthInMile (2.3) , LengthInMile (0.76) };
The traditional solution would either require more run time or have the programmer work out
the values on a doodle pad. My interest in unit systems was stimulated by the loss of the 1999 Mars
Climate Orbiter due to an undetected unit mismatch [Stephenson et al. 1999].
A constexpr function can be evaluated at compile time, so it cannot access non-local objects
(they don’t exist at compile-time) so C++ acquired a kind of pure functions.
Why did we require that programmers should use constexpr to mark functions that can be
executed at compile time? In principle, the compiler can figure out what can be computed at
compile time, but without an annotation, users would be at the mercy of variations in cleverness of
compilers and a compiler would need to keep bodies of all functions around łforeverž in case they
were needed for constant expression evaluation. We picked the word constexpr because it was
sufficiently mnemonic, yet łsufficiently oddž not to break existing code.
In a few places, C++ requires constant expressions (e.g., array bounds and case labels). In addition,
we can require a variable to be initialized at compile time by declaring it constexpr:
constexpr LengthInKM marks [] = { LengthInMile (2.3) , LengthInMile (0.76) };
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void f( int x)
int y1 = x;
constexpr int y2 = x; // error : x is not a constant
constexpr int y3 = 77; // OK
The early discussions focused on simple examples of performance and embedded systems. Only
much later (from about 2015) did constexpr functions become a mainstay of metaprogramming
(ğ10.5.2). C++14 allowed local variables, and therefore loops, to be used in constexpr functions;
before that they had to be purely functional. C++20 (finally, about 10 years after it was first proposed)
allows literal types as value template parameter types [Maurer 2012]. Thus, C++20 will be very
close to the original (1979) goal of being able to use user-defined types wherever built-in types can
be used (ğ2.1).
The constexpr functions quickly became wildly popular. They are all over the C++14, C++17,
and C++20 standard libraries and there is a constant stream of suggestions for allowing more
language constructs in constexpr functions, for applying constexpr to more functions in the
standard library, and for more support for compile-time computation (ğ9.3.3).
However, constexpr functions were not easy to get into the standard. They were repeatedly
deemed useless and unimplementable. Implementing constexpr functions obviously required work
on older compilers, but soon the writers of all major compiler proved the łunimplementablež claims
wrong. The discussions about constexpr were about the most heated and unpleasant ever. It took
four years to get the initial version through the standards process [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2007]
and twelve more to complete the process.
4.2.8 User-Defined Literals. łUser-defined literalsž is very a small feature. However, it fits into the
general thrust to make the support of user-defined types similar to what built-in types receive.
Built-in types have literals, for example, 10 is an integer and 10.9 is a floating-point number. I
tried to convince people that the equivalent for user-defined types was explicit use of constructors;
for example, complex<double>(1.2,3.4) is the complex equivalent to a literal. However, many
didn’t consider that good enough: the notation is not conventional and there was no guarantee
that the constructor would be evaluated at compile time (though it was from the earliest days). For
complex, people wanted 1.2+3.4i.
Compared to other problems, this didn’t seem important, so nothing happened for decades. One
day in 2006, David Vandevoorde (EDG), Mike Wong (IBM), and I were out for a good dinner in a
Chinese restaurant in Berlin. We were talking shop, and a design emerged on a paper napkin. The
discussion was prompted by the need for suffixes in an IBM proposal for decimal-floating-point that
eventually became its own international standard [(editor) 2007]. After significant mutation, that
design became user-defined literals (often referred to as UDLs) in 2008 [McIntosh et al. 2008]. The
significant development that made UDLs interesting just then was the progress of the constexpr
function proposal (ğ4.2.7). Given that, we could guarantee compile-time evaluation.
As is often the case, finding an acceptable notation was a problem. We decided that the cryptic
operator"" was acceptable as a notation for literal operator, after all "" is a literal. Then, ""x is
the notation for a literal followed by the suffix x. Given that and an Imaginary type for use with
complex numbers, we can define:
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The language technical details are quite quirky, but I consider that reasonable for a relatively
rarely-used feature. Even when UDLs are used heavily, there are few definitions of literal operators.
What matters most is the elegance and ease of use of the suffixes. For many types, it is important
that the conversion from the built-in types to user-defined types can be done at compile time.
Naturally, people used UDLs to define literals for many useful types, including several from the
standard library (e.g., s for seconds and s for std::string). There was discussion about support for
binary literals, and Peter Sommerlad (HSR) suggested what I consider a candidate for a łbest abuse
of the rulesž award: define operator""_01(long int) appropriately and 101010_01 is a binary
literal! When the astonishment and laughter had died down, the committee decided to define binary
literals in the language itself and use 0b as the prefix meaning łbinaryž (e.g., 0b101010) in analogy
to the use of 0x to mean łhexadecimalž (e.g., 0xDEADBEEF).
4.2.9 Raw literals. This is a rare simple feature with the single purpose of providing an alternative
to an error-prone notation. Like C, C++ uses the backslash as an escape character. This means that
to represent a backslash in a string literal, you need to use a double backslash (\\) and when you
want a double quote in a string, you need to use \". However, the usual regular expression patterns
use backslashes extensively and double quotes are common, so patterns quickly get messy and
error prone. Consider a simple example (a US postal code):
regex pattern1 {"\\ w {2}\\ s *\\ d {5}( -\\ d {4})?"}; // ordinary literal
The two patterns are identical. The raw literal R"( ... )" bracketing can be elaborated to hold
more complicated patterns, but when you use regular expressions (ğ4.6) the simplest version is
sufficient and a major convenience. Providing raw literals is a minor detail, of course, but (similar
to digit separators (ğ5.1) much loved by people who need many literals.
The raw literals were proposed by Beman Dawes in 2006 [Dawes 2006] based on experience
with boost::regex [Maddock 2002].
4.2.10 Attributes. Attributes provide a way of associating essentially arbitrary information with
an entity in a program. For example:
The [[noreturn]] informs a compiler or other tool that forever() is never supposed to return
so that it can suppress warnings against the lack of a return. An attribute is bracketed by [[ ... ]].
Attributes were first proposed in 2007 by Alisdair Meredith [Meredith 2007], the head of the
Library Working Group, to eliminate incompatibilities among vendor attribute notations (e.g.,
__declspecs and __attribute__s) that complicated library implementation. In response to that,
Jens Maurer and Michael Wong did an analysis of the problems and proposed the [[ ... ]] syntax
based on an implementation that Michael had done for IBM’s XL compiler [Maurer and Wong
2007]. In addition to standardizing a multitude of non-portable practices, this would also allow
language extension to be done with fewer keywords and new keywords are always controversial.
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The proposal mentioned possible uses: explicit syntax to override virtual functions, dynamic
libraries, user-controlled garbage collection, thread local storage, controlling alignment, identifying
classes that are łplain old data,ž defaulted and deleted functions, strong enums, strong typedefs,
pure side-effect free functions, final overrides, sealed classes, fine grained control over concurrency,
support for runtime reflection, and lightweight support for contract programming. Many more
were mentioned in early discussions.
łAttributesž is certainly a feature that makes certain things simpler, but I am not sure that it
encourages good design or that the łthingsž it makes simpler are always what yield the most
benefits. I had visions of attributes opening the floodgates for a mass of unrelated, half understood,
minor features. Instead of proposing a feature to WG21, anyone would be able to add a attribute
to a compiler and lobby for its adoption everywhere. Many programmers just love such minor
features. The elimination of the need to introduce keywords and to modify the grammar would
lower the barrier to entry. So would the inevitable insufficient attention to feature interactions and
overlapping, but incompatible, similar features in different compilers. This had already happened
with proprietary extensions, but I considered those inevitable, localized, and often transient.
To attempt to limit potential damage, we decided that an attribute should imply no change of a
program’s semantics. That is, a compiler that ignored an attribute would do no harm. Over the
years, this łrulež almost worked. Most standard attributes ś though not all ś have no semantic
effects even though they help with optimizations and error detection.
In the end, most of the initially suggested uses of attributes were addressed by ordinary syntax
and language rules.
C++11 added the standard attributes [[noreturn]] and [[carries_dependency]].
C++17 added [[fallthrough]], [[nodiscard]], and [[maybe_unused]].
C++20 added [[likely]], [[unlikely]], [[deprecated(message)]], [[no_unique_address]],
and [[using: ...]].
I still see attribute proliferation as a potential danger, but so far the floodgates haven’t opened.
The C++ standard-library uses attributes liberally; [[nodiscard]] is particularly popular, especially
to protect against potential leaks from unused return values that are resource handles.
The attribute syntax was adopted for the (failed) C++20 contract design (ğ9.6.1).
4.2.11 Garbage Collection. From the earliest days of C++, optional garbage collection was consid-
ered (for a variety of definitions of łoptionalž) [Stroustrup 1993, 2007]. After much debate, C++11
offered an interface to conservative garbage collectors designed by Mike Spertus and Hans-J Boehm
[Boehm and Spertus 2005; Boehm et al. 2008]. However, few people noticed that and fewer used
garbage collection (despite the availability of good collectors). The approach was to
support both garbage collected implementations and reachability-based leak detectors.
This is done by giving undefined behavior to programs that łhide a pointerž by, for example,
xor-ing it with another value, and then later turn it back into an ordinary pointer and
dereference it. [Boehm et al. 2008]
This work became a boon to the precise specification of the semantics of C++ and a few uses of
garbage collection in C++ exist (e.g., by Macaulay2 [Eisenbud et al. 2001; Macaulay2 2005ś2020]).
However, garbage collectors don’t address non-memory resources and the C++ community in
general chose to use combinations of resource-management pointers (ğ4.2.4) and RAII (ğ2.2.1).
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of generic programming and metaprogramming that so many sane programmers were willing to
suffer to gain the benefits. Those benefits were
• Flexibility beyond what could be obtained in C-style or object-oriented style
• Cleaner code
• Finer granularity of static type checking
• Efficiency (mostly from inlining, having the compiler see code from several sources at once,
and better type checking)
The main new features supporting generic programming in C++11 are:
• ğ4.3.1: Lambdas
• ğ4.3.2: Variadic templates
• ğ4.3.3: template aliases
• ğ4.3.4: tuples
• ğ4.2.5: uniform initialization
Concepts should have been the centerpiece of improved support for generic programming in
C++11, but that didn’t happen (ğ6.2.6). We had to wait until C++20 (ğ6.4).
4.3.1 Lambda. BCPL allowed blocks of code as expressions, but to save space in the compiler,
Dennis Ritchie didn’t adopt this feature into C. I followed C in this, but added inline functions
to (re)gain the ability to get code executed without the cost of a function call. However, this still
didn’t offer the ability to
• Write code exactly where it was needed (usually as a function argument).
• Access the context of the code from within the code.
During the work on C++98, there had been proposals for local functions to address that second
point, but they were voted down as a likely bug source.
Instead of allowing function definitions inside functions, C++ relied on functions defined inside
classes. That allowed the context of a function to be represented as class members and function
objects became very popular. A function object is simply a class with an application operator
(operator()()). It was a very efficient and effective technique and I (and others) expressed the
opinion that named objects resulted in clearer code than unnamed operations. However, that is
only the case when something can be given a reasonable name outside the context of its use and
especially if it is used more than once.
In 2002, Jaakko Järvi and Gary Powell wrote the Boost lambda library [Järvi and Powell 2002]
that allowed us to write something like this
find_if (v. begin () , v. end () , _1 <i ); // find element with a value less than i
Here, _1 is the name of a first argument to the code fragment _1<i and i is a variable in the
enclosing scope. The _1<i expands into a function object, where i is bound to a reference and _1
becomes the argument to an operator()():
struct Less_than {
int & i;
Less_than ( int & ii ) :i( ii ) {} // bind to i
bool operator ()( int x) { return x <i; } // compare to argument
The lambda library was a masterpiece of early template metaprogramming (ğ10.5.2) and very
convenient and popular. Unfortunately, it wasn’t particularly efficient. For years, I tracked its
performance relative to hand-coded equivalents and found a fairly consistent 2.5 times overhead. I
could not recommend something that was convenient, but slow. Doing so would damage C++’s
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reputation as a language for efficient code. Obviously, the slowdown was partly a result of poor
optimization, but for this and other reasons a group of us, led by Jaakko Järvi, decided to propose
lambda expressions as a language feature [Willcock et al. 2006]. For example:
template < typename Oper >
void g( Oper op )
int xx = op (7);
// ...
void f ()
int y = 3;
g ( < >( int x) -> int { return x + y ;}); // call g () with a lambda argument
The switch from <> to [] was suggested by Herb Sutter and implemented by Jonathan Caves.
The change was in parts motivated by the need for a simple way of designating which names from
the surrounding scopes could be used by the lambda. Herb Sutter recalls:
I was motivated by needing lambdas for my parallel algorithms project ... and seeing
that the lambdas EWG had adopted were just butt-ugly to use and poorly designed from
a syntax consistency/cleanness point of view (e.g., captures appeared in two separate
places, syntax elements were used inconsistently, the ordering was wrong because all
the łconstructorž elements should come first followed by the łoperatorž elements that get
invoked later, and various smaller issues).
By default, a lambda cannot refer to names in the local environment, so they are just ordinary
functions. However, we can specify that a lambda should łcapturež some or all of the variables from
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its environment. Callbacks are a common use case for lambdas because often the action is unique
and need to use some information from the context of the code installing the callback. Consider:
void test ()
string s;
// ... compute a suitable value for s ...
w. foo_callback ([& s ]( int i ){ do_foo (i ,s ); });
w. bar_callback ([= s ]( double d ){ return do_bar (d ,s ); });
The [&s] says that do_foo(i,s) can use s and that s is passed (łcapturedž) by reference. The [=s]
says that do_bar(d,s) can use s and that s is passed by value. If the callback is invoked on the same
thread as test, [&s] capture is potentially efficient because s is not copied. If the callback is invoked
on a different thread, [&s] capture could be a disaster because s could go out of scope before it
was used; in that case, we want a copy. A [=] capture list means łcopy all local variables into the
lambda.ž A [&] capture list means łthe lambda can refer to all local variables by referencež and
implies that the lambda can be implemented as simply a local function. The flexibility of the capture
mechanism has proven very valuable. The capture mechanism allows control of what names can
be referred to from a lambda, and how. This is an answer to the 1990s worries about local functions
being error prone.
The implementation of a lambda is basically that the compiler builds a suitable function object
and passes it. The captured local variables become members initialized by a constructor and the
lambda’s code becomes the function object’s application operator. For example, the bar_callback
struct __XYZ {
string s;
__XYZ ( const string & ss ) : s{ ss } {}
int operator ()( double d) { return do_bar (d ,s ); }
The return type of a lambda can be deduced from its return statement. If there is no return
statement, the lambda doesn’t return anything.
I classify lambdas as support for generic programming because one of the most common uses ś
and a major motivation ś was for the use as arguments to STL algorithms:
// sort in descending order :
sort (v. begin () , v. end () ,[]( int x , int y) { return x >y; });
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Doug Gregor in 2004, I changed my mind and backed the proposal to the hilt so that variadic
templates had a relatively smooth passage through the committee. Part of what convinced me was
measurements of compile times comparing variadic templates with (then) current workarounds.
Variadic templates was a major (sometimes 20 times) improvement over what was an increasingly
serious problem as template metaprogramming was beginning to see major use (ğ10.5.2). Unfortu-
nately, variadic templates became so popular and an essential part of the C++ standard library, so
the compile-time problem reappeared. However, that penalty for success was (then) still in the far
The basic idea is to build up a parameter pack recursively and then use it by another recursive
pass. The recursive technique was necessary because each element of a parameter pack has its own
type (and size).
Consider an implementation of printf that can handle every type that can be output using the
standard-library iostream output operator << [Gregor 2006]:
To build our type-safe printf(), we use the following strategy: write out the string
up until the first format specifier is reached, print its corresponding value, then call
printf() recursively to print the rest of the string and remaining values.
template < typename T , typename ... Args >
void printf ( const char * s , const T& value , const Args &... args )
while (* s) {
if (* s == '%' && *++ s != '% ') { // ignore the char that follows
// the '% ': we already know the type !
std :: cout << value ;
return printf (++ s , args ...);
std :: cout << *s ++;
throw std :: runtime error (" extra arguments provided to printf ");
The <typename T, typename... Args> specifies a traditional list with a head (T) and a tail
(Args). Each call handles the head and then calls itself with the tail. Ordinary characters are simply
printed and the format character % indicates that an argument is to be printed. The test case offered
by Doug (then a resident of Indiana) was:
const char * msg = " The value of %s is about %g ( unless you live in %s ).\ n ";
printf ( msg , std :: string (" pi ") , 3.14159 , " Indiana ");
That prints
One nice thing about this implementation is that, in contrast to the standard printf, user-defined
types are handled as well as built-in ones. By using << it also avoids errors from mismatch between
the type indicator and the argument type, e.g., printf("%g %c","Hello",7.2).
The technique illustrated by this printf is a basis for the C++20 format (ğ9.3.7).
The weakness of variadic templates is that they can easily lead to code bloat as N parameters
imply N instantiations of the template.
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4.3.3 Aliases. The C mechanism for defining an alias for a type is a typedef. For example:
typedef double (* pf )( int ); // pf is a pointer to a function
// taking an int and returning a double
This is a bit convoluted, but type aliases are very useful and ubiquitous in C and C++ code. From
the first days of C++ templates, people were considering whether we could have typedef templates
and if so, what they would be. In 2002, Herb Sutter proposed a solution [Sutter 2002]:
template < typename A , typename B > class X { /* ... */ };
template < typename T > typedef X <T , int > Xi ; // the alias
Xi < double > Ddi ; // equivalent to X < double , int >
Building on that and after lengthy email reflector (archived email group) discussions, Gabriel
Dos Reis (then at INRIA in France) and Matt Marcus (Adobe) resolved some nasty problems related
to specialization and introduced a simplified syntax for what David Vandevoorde named alias
templates [Dos Reis and Marcus 2003]. For example:
template < typename T , typename A > class MyVector { /* ... */};
template < typename T > using Vec = MyVector <T , MyAlloc <T > >;
The using syntax, where the name being introduce always comes first, was my suggestion.
Finally, together with Gabriel Dos Reis, I generalized this to an (almost) complete aliasing
mechanism, that was accepted [Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003c]. This gave people a choice of
notation even where templates are not involved:
typedef double (* analysis_fp )( const vector < Student_info >&);
Type and template aliases are key to some of the most effective techniques for zero-overhead
abstraction and modularization. An alias allows a user to refer to a set of standard names while
various implementations use their own (differing) implementation techniques and names. That
way we can have true zero-overhead abstractions while maintaining convenient user interfaces.
Consider a real-world example from a communications library (using the concepts TS [Sutton 2017]
and C++20 notational simplifications):
template < InputTransport Transport , MessageDecoder MessageAdapter >
class InputChannel {
public :
using InputMessage = MessageAdapter :: InputMessage < Transport :: InputBuffer >;
using MessageCallback = function < void ( InputMessage &&) >;
using ErrorCallback = function < void ( const error_code &) >;
// ...
We have found concepts and aliases invaluable for managing such composition at scale.
The user-interface for InputChannel primarily consists of the three aliases InputMessage,
MessageCallback, and ErrorCallback, that are initialized from its template arguments.
The InputChannel needs to initialize its transport layer, represented by a Transport object.
However, the InputChannel should not know about the details of the transport implementation,
so it cannot directly initialize its Transport member. Variadic templates (ğ4.3.2) come to the rescue:
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Without variadic templates, we would need to either define a common interface for initialization
of transports or expose the transport to users.
I consider this an excellent example of how the C++11 features (plus concepts) combine to
provide an elegant zero-overhead solution to a hard problem.
4.3.4 tuples. C++98 had a pair<T,U> template; it was mainly used for returning pairs of values,
such as two iterators or a pointer and a success indicator. In 2002, with reference to Haskell, ML,
Python, and Eiffel, Jaakko Järvi proposed to generalize this idea to a tuple [Järvi 2002]:
łTuples are fixed-size heterogeneous containers. They are a general-purpose utility, adding
to the expressiveness of the language. Some examples of common uses for tuple types are:
• Return types for functions that need to have more than one return type.
• Grouping related types or objects (such as entries in parameter lists) into single entities.
• Simultaneous assignment of multiple values.ž
For a specific purpose, a class with appropriate names for members and semantic relations
among members is usually best. Alisdair Meredith forcefully presented that view in the committee,
discouraging us from overusing unnamed types in interfaces. However, when writing generic
code, bundling values together in a tuple and manipulating that tuple as an entity often simplify
implementation. Tuples are most useful for intermediate groupings that are not worthy of a name
and not worth designing a class for.
For example, consider a matrix decomposition that simply returns three values:
auto SVD ( const Matrix & A) -> tuple < Matrix , Vector , Matrix >
Matrix U , V;
Vector S;
// ...
return make_tuple (U ,S ,V );
void use ()
Matrix A , U , V;
Vector S;
// ...
tie (U ,S ,V) = SVD (A ); // using the tuple form
Here, make_tuple() is a standard-library function that makes a tuple with element types
deduced from its function arguments and tie() is a standard-library function that assigns a tuple’s
members to named variables.
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void use ()
Matrix A;
// ...
auto [U ,S ,V] = SVD (A ); // using the tuple form and structured bindings
A further notational simplification was proposed for C++20 [Spertus 2018], but didn’t make it
on time:
tuple SVD ( const Matrix & A) // deduce the tuple template arguments
// from the return statement
Matrix U , V;
Vector S;
// ...
return {U ,S ,V };
Why is tuple not a language feature? I don’t remember that question being asked at the time,
though someone must have thought of it. It has long (since 1979) been the policy not to add a
feature to C++ if we could reasonably add it as a library; if not, improve the abstraction mechanisms
to make it possible. There are obvious advantages to this policy:
• It is usually far easier to experiment with a library than with a language feature, so we get
better feedback sooner.
• A library can see serious use long before all compilers can be upgraded to support the new
• Improvements to the abstraction mechanisms (classes, templates, etc.) help beyond the
immediate problem.
For tuple we had boost::tuple to build on and people were proud of the clever implementations.
There appears not to be run-time efficiency reasons to prefer a language implementation over a
library implementation in this case. That’s somewhat impressive.
Parameter packs is an example of tuples provided with a compiler-supported interface (ğ4.3.2).
Tuples are extensively used in libraries interfacing C++ with other languages (e.g., Python).
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The second point is a consequence of the first. Inspired by Simula, my aim for C++ was to
provide a flexible and extensible static type system for C++. The aim is not just type safety, but
the ability to directly express fine-grained distinctions, such as physical unit checking (ğ4.2.7). A
program written exclusively using built-in types, such as integers and floating-point types, can be
type-safe without delivering significant benefits. Such code doesn’t directly express the concepts of
the application. In particular, an int or a string can represent just about anything so that passing
one doesn’t give a clue about the semantics of the value passed.
The C++11 improvements relating directly to type safety are:
• Type-safe interface to threading and locking ś avoid POSIX and Windows reliance on void**
and macros in concurrent code (ğ4.1.2)
• Range-for ś avoid erroneous specification of ranges (ğ4.2.2)
• Move semantics ś addresses the problem of overuse of pointers (ğ4.2.3)
• Resource management pointers (unique_ptr and shared_ptr (ğ4.2.4))
• uniform initialization ś make initialization more general, more uniform, and safer (ğ4.2.5)
• constexpr ś eliminate many uses of (untyped and unscoped) macros (ğ4.2.7)
• User-defined literals ś make user-defined types more like built-in types (ğ4.2.8)
• enum classes ś eliminate some weakly-typed practices involving integer constants
• std::array ś avoid unsafe łdecayž of built-in arrays to pointers
It has repeatedly been suggested that the committee should improve type safety by banning
unsafe features (e.g., abandoning łC-isms,ž such as built-in arrays and casts). However, attempts to
remove features (to łdeprecatež them) have repeatedly failed as users ignored the warnings about
removal and insisted that their implementation providers continue to supply them. A more viable
approach seems to be to provide guidelines for use and the means to enforce them while leaving
the standard itself compatible with earlier standards (ğ10.6).
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// ...
enable_if < is_copy_assignable <T >:: value
&& is_copy_assignable <U >:: value , pair & >:: type
operator =( const pair &);
// ...
Now, pair has a copy assignment if and only if both of its members have one. This is extraordinar-
ily ugly, but ś in the absence of concepts ś also extraordinarily useful for defining and implementing
foundational libraries.
The idea is that enable_if<...,pair&>::type will become plain pair& if the members have copy
assignments and fail to instantiate otherwise (because enable_if didn’t provide a return type for
the assignment). This is where SFINAE comes in: failure to instantiate is not an error; the result of
failure is as if the whole declaration wasn’t there.
The is_copy_assignable is a type trait. C++11 provided dozens of such traits to allow pro-
grammer to inquire about the properties of types at compile time.
The enable_if metafunction was pioneered by Boost and is part of C++11. A plausible imple-
mentation is
template < bool B , typename T = void >
struct enable_if {}; // the false case : no mention of 'type '
The precise rules for SFINAE are very subtle and hard to craft, but under steady pressure from
users, they became simpler and more general during the development of C++11. As a side effect,
this significantly improved the internals of compilers as they had to be able to back out of failed
template instantiations without side effects. This seriously discouraged their use of non-local state.
4.5.2 Metaprogramming Support. The first decade of the 2000s were a bit like the Wild West for
metaprogramming in C++ with new techniques and applications being tried with essentially no
support beyond the basic template mechanisms. Those mechanisms were sorely stressed. Error
messages were atrocious, compile times often extraordinarily long, and it was easy to exhaust
the compiler’s resources (e.g., memory, recursion depth, and identifier length). Also, individuals
repeatedly re-discovered problems and re-invented basic techniques. Clearly, better support was
needed. Attempts to help took two complementary (at least in theory) tracks:
• Language: concepts (ğ6), compile-time functions (ğ4.2.7), lambdas (ğ4.3.1), template aliases
(ğ4.3.3), and more precise specification of template instantiation (ğ4.5.1).
• Standard library: tuples (ğ4.3.4), type traits (ğ4.5.1), and enable_if (ğ4.5.1).
Unfortunately, concepts failed for C++11 (ğ6.2) leaving the field open for (often horribly complex
and error-prone) workarounds, typically involving traits and enable_if (ğ4.5.1).
4.5.3 noexcept Specifications. The original exception design did not have any way to indicate that
an exception might be thrown from a function. I still consider that the correct design. To get excep-
tions accepted for C++98, we had to add exception specifications, a way of listing which exceptions
a function could throw [Stroustrup 1993]. Their use was optional and they were checked at run time.
As I feared, that led to maintenance problems, run-time overhead as an exception was repeatedly
checked along the unwinding path, and bloated source code. For C++11, exception specifications
were deprecated [Gregor 2010] and for C++17, we finally removed them (unanimously).
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There was always a group of people who wanted compile-time checks of which exceptions a
function could throw. That, of course, works well in type theory, with small programs, with fast
compilers, and with full control of the source code. The committee repeatedly rejected that idea on
the grounds that it doesn’t scale to million-line programs developed and maintained by dozens (or
more) organizations [Stroustrup 1994]. See also (ğ7.4).
Without exception specifications, library implementers faced a performance problem: In many
important cases, a library implementer needs to know if a copy operation can throw. If it can, taking
a copy is necessary to avoid leaving an invalid object behind (violating the exception guarantees
[Stroustrup 1993]). If not, we can write straight into a target. The performance difference can
be very significant and the simplest exception specification throw(), throw nothing, was helpful
here. So, as exception specifications were pushed into disuse and eventually removed from the
standard, we introduce the notion of noexcept based on proposals from David Abrahams and
Doug Gregor[Abrahams et al. 2010; Gregor 2010; Gregor and Abrahams 2009].
A noexcept function is still dynamically checked. For example:
void do_something ( int n) noexcept
vector < int > v(n );
// ...
If do_something() throws, the program is terminated. Doing so happens to have very close to
zero overhead because it simply short-circuits the usual exception propagation mechanism. See
also (ğ7.3).
There is also a conditional version of noexcept so that people can write templates where the
implementation depends on whether a parameter may throw. That’s the original use case that
motivated noexcept. For example, here is an implementation of a move constructor for pair that
is defined if and only if both elements of the pair have move constructors:
template < typename First , typename Second >
class pair {
// ...
template < typename First2 , typename Second2 >
pair ( pair < First2 , Second2 >&& rhs )
noexcept ( is_nothrow_constructible < First , First2 && >:: value
&& is_nothrow_constructible < Second , Second2 && >:: value )
: first ( move ( rhs . first )) ,
second ( move ( rhs . second ))
// ...
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The duration_cast converts the clock-dependent łticksž into the time unit of the programmer’s
Using such simple code, you can get even first-year students to appreciate the different costs of
different algorithms and data structures. chrono provides the notion of time in the thread library
For C++20, chrono was enhanced with facilities for dealing with dates and time zones (ğ9.3.6).
C++20 also allows us to simplify that example:
This will output the time elapsed between t0 and t1 with an appropriate unit.
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Unfortunately, people were using the underscore as part of user-defined literal suffixes:
auto a = 1 _234_567_s ; // 1234567 seconds
This could cause ambiguities. For example, is that last underscore a redundant separator or the
start of a suffix? To my surprise this potential ambiguity made the underscore unacceptable to
many. One reason was that to protect programmers from surprises, the library group had reserved
suffixes not starting with an underscore for the standard library. After many long discussions,
including debates in full committee (about 100 people), we agreed to use the single quote:
auto a = 1 '234 '567; // 1234567 ( an int )
auto b = 1 '234 '567 s; // 1234567 seconds
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Despite dire warnings against this use of single quotes would break uncountable numbers of
tools, this seems to work well. The single quote was suggested by David Vandevoorde [Crowl et al.
2013]. He pointed out that a single quote used as a separator in some countries, notably in Swiss
financial notation.
My other suggestion, whitespace, never gained traction:
Many people thought it was a joke relating to an old April fool’s article [Stroustrup 1998]. In
fact, it mirrors the old rule that adjacent string literals are concatenated, so that "abc" "def" means
// expression :
template < typename T >
concept SignedIntegral = Signed <T > && Integral <T >;
The C++20 standard-library offers a set of mathematical constants defined as variable templates
with the most common cases defined as a plain constexpr [Minkovsky and McFarlane 2019]. For
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This notational convenience can be significant for small functions in generic code. Users have to
be careful, though, because such a function does not provide a stable interface because its type
now depends on its implementation and that implementation must now be visible when a use of
the function is compiled.
This was strongly opposed by many in the committee (including me) who pointed out that
this syntax was unique and didn’t generalize to constrained generic lambdas, so the notation was
changed to use auto as a token indicating that a type was to be deduced:
auto get_size = []( auto & m ){ return m. size (); };
This brought generic lambdas into line with concepts proposals and suggestions for generic
functions stretching back as far as 2002 [Stroustrup 2003; Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003a,b].
This direction of integrating the lambda syntax with the syntax used for the rest of the language
was counter to the efforts of some who wanted a unique (ultra-terse) syntax for generic lambdas
similar to what was found in other languages [Vali et al. 2012]:
C# 3.0 (2007): x => x * x;
Java 1.8 (~2013): x -> x * x;
D 2.0 (~2009): (x) { return x * x; };
I think that the decision to use auto and in general not to introduce special notation for lambdas
that is not shared with functions was correct. Further, I think that it was a mistake to introduce
generic lambdas in C++14 without also introducing concepts so that the rules and notations for
constrained and unconstrained lambda arguments and function arguments were not considered
together. The language-technical irregularities stemming from this are (finally) remedied in C++20
(ğ6.4). However, we now have a generation of programmers accustomed to use unconstrained
generic lambdas and proud of that. It will take significant time to overcome that.
From the brief discussion here, it might look as if notation/syntax are given an outsized impor-
tance in the committee process. That may be so, but syntax is not unimportant. The syntax is the
programmer’s user interface and debates about syntax often reflect differences over semantics or
over the desired use of a feature. A notation should reflect the underlying semantics and a syntax
typically favors one kind of use over another. For example, a fully general and verbose notation
favors experts wanting to express subtle distinctions whereas a notation optimized for expressing
simple cases favors novices and casual users. I am typically on the side of the latter and often in
favor of supplying both (ğ4.2).
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After some discussions, Richard Smith (Google) proposed a relatively modest set of relaxations
[Smith 2013]. In particular, local variables and for-loops were allowed. For example:
Given a constant expression as argument, this min() can be evaluated at compile time. The local
variables (here, low and x) simply łlivež in the compiler. The evaluation cannot have side effects
on the environment of a caller. The original (academic) constexpr paper by Gabriel Dos Reis and
Bjarne Stroustrup pointed to this possibility [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2010].
This relaxation simplified many constexpr functions and pleased the many C++ programmers
who had not been happy to find that only purely functional expressions of algorithms could
be evaluated at compile time. In particular, they wanted loops to avoid recursion. In the longer
term, this unleashed demands for further relaxations in C++17 and C++20 (ğ9.3.3). To illustrate
the potential power of compile-time evaluation, I have pointed out that constexpr threads are
possible, though I am not in a hurry to propose that.
Generic programming and metaprogramming with templates have been runaway successes for
C++. However, the proper specification of interfaces to generic components was slow reaching a
satisfactory state. For example, in C++98, the standard-library algorithm was specified roughly like
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This is roughly what C++20 offers. Note the equality_comparable concept. It captures the
required relationship between the two template arguments. Such multi-argument concepts are
very common.
To express the third requirement (that [first:last) is a sequence) requires a library extension.
C++20 offers that in the Ranges standard-library component (ğ9.3.5):
template < range R , typename Value >
requires equality_comparable < Value , Range :: value_type >
forward_iterator find (R r , const Value & val )
auto first = begin (r );
auto last = end (r );
while ( first != last && * first == val )
++ first ;
return first
This section describes the attempts to provide good support for the specification of a template’s
requirements on its template arguments:
• ğ6.1: The prehistory of concepts
• ğ6.2: C++0x concepts
• ğ6.3: The concepts TS
• ğ6.4: C++20 concepts
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The lack of well-specified interfaces led to the spectacularly bad error messages we saw over the
years and still in C++17. The lack of well-specified interfaces bothered me and many others over
the years. It bothered me a lot because templates failed to meet the fundamental design criteria of
C++ [Stroustrup 1994]. We (obviously) needed a simple way of specifying the requirements of a
template on its template arguments that didn’t imply run-time overheads.
For years, several people (including me) believed that requirements for template arguments
could adequately be specified in the C++ itself. In 1994, I documented the basic idea in [Stroustrup
1994] and published examples on my website [Stroustrup 2004ś2020]. Since 2006, Boost provided a
variant of that idea, the Boost concept check library [Siek and Lumsdaine 2000ś2007], based on
the work of Jeremy Siek. Somehow, this never caught on as widely as I had hoped. I suspect the
reason is that it wasn’t sufficiently general, sufficiently elegant (Boost felt obliged to hide details in
macros), and not supported in the standard. Many saw it as a hack.
Concepts, as defined for C++, go back to Alex Stepanov’s work on generic programming starting
in the late 1970s and first documented under the name łAlgebraic structuresž [Kapur et al. 1981].
Note that’s almost a decade before the design of Haskell’s type classes [Wadler and Blott 1989] and
about 5 years before I tried to address the problem for C++. Alex Stepanov used the name łconceptž
for such requirements in lectures in the late 1990s and documented that in [Dehnert and Stepanov
2000]. I mention this because many have conjectured that concepts were derived from Haskell type
classes and misnamed. Alex used the name łconceptž because concepts were meant to represent
fundamental concepts from an application domain, such as algebra.
The current use of concepts as type predicates relying of use patterns to describe operations
has its origins in the work of Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis in the early 2000s and
documented in [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2005b, 2006; Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003b, 2005a]. The
approach is even mentioned in D&E from 1994 [Stroustrup 1994], but I don’t remember when I
first experimented with it. The reason for basing concepts on use patterns was primarily to handle
implicit conversions and overloading in a simple and general manner. We knew of Haskell type
classes, but they were not significant influences on the current C++ design because we considered
them too inflexible.
Precise specification of a template’s requirements on its arguments and the checking of those
were to have been the centerpiece of C++0x and the crucial support for generic programming. It
didn’t even make C++17.
The 2003 papers by Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis [Stroustrup 2003; Stroustrup and Dos
Reis 2003a,b] make it clear that concepts were part of an ambitious program to simplify generic
programming. For example, a concept can be defined as a set of constraints specified as use patterns;
that is, as language constructs that should be valid for a type [Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003b]:
concept Value_type {
constraints ( Value_type a)
Value_type b = a; // copy initialization
a = b; // copy assignment
Value_type v [] = {a }; // not a reference
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The syntax and semantics were still very immature, though. We were primarily trying to establish
design criteria [Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003a]. From a modern (2018) perspective, [Stroustrup
2003; Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003a,b] have many flaws. However, they offered design constraints
for concepts together with suggestions for
• Concepts ś compile-time predicates for specifying requirements on template arguments.
• Use patterns for specifying primitive constraints ś to handle overloading and implicit type
• Multi-argument concepts ś e.g., Mergeable<In1,In2,Out>.
• Both type and value concepts ś that is, concepts can take values as well as types as arguments,
e.g., Buffer<unsigned char,128>.
• A shorthand notation for łtype of typež uses of templates ś e.g., template<Iterator Iter> ....
• A łsimplified notation for template definitionsž ś e.g., void f(Comparable&); to bring
generic programming closer to łordinary programming.ž
• auto as the least constrained type in function arguments and return values.
• Uniform function call (ğ8.8.3) ś to alleviate problems with style differences between generic
programming and object-oriented programming (e.g., x.f(y), f(x,y), and x+y).
Curiously enough, we didn’t suggest general requires-clauses (ğ6.2.2). Those have been part of
all later variations of concepts.
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the latter approach a recipe for dialect creation because a losing side is unlikely to just go away
abandoning their implementation and users. Note that all the people mentioned above together
with Jeremy Siek (grad student in Indiana and my summer intern in AT&T Labs) and Jaakko Järvi
(postdoc in Indiana and later professor in Texas A&M) were co-authors of the OOPSLA paper
presenting the first version of the compromise design. The Indiana and Texas groups were never
completely disjoint and we tried hard for genuine consensus. In addition, I had known Andrew
Lumsdaine for years before this work. We really wanted the compromise design to work.
The Indiana design was far ahead of the Texas design in terms of implementation and had more
people involved, so we proceeded primarily based on that. The Indiana design was also more
conventional, based on function signatures and had obvious similarities to Haskell type classes.
Given the number of academics involved, it was important that the Indiana design was seen as
more conventional and academically respectable. It seemed that we łjustž had to
• make the compiler acceptably fast
• generate efficient code
• handle overloading and implicit conversions.
That decision cost us three years of hard work and much controversy.
The C++0x concept design is described in [Gregor et al. 2006; Stroustrup 2007]. The former paper
contains a standard academic łrelated workž section comparing the design to facilities offered by
Java, C#, Scala, Cecil, ML, Haskell, and G. Here I summarize, using examples from [Gregor et al.
6.2.1 Concept Definitions. A concept was defined as a set of operations and associated types:
concept EqualityComparable < typename T > {
bool operator ==( const T& x , const T& y );
bool operator !=( const T& x , const T& y) { return !( x == y ); }
The similarity between a concept and a class was by some (Indiana) considered an advantage.
Functions specified in concepts were not exactly like functions defined in classes, though. For
example, an operator declared within a concept doesn’t have the implicit argument (łthisž) that
an operator defined within a class has.
There was a serious problem lurking in the approach of defining a concept as a set of operations.
Consider the ways an argument can be passed in C++:
void f(X );
void f(X &);
void f( const X &);
void f(X &&);
Ignore for a moment volatile because that’s rarely seen for arguments in generic code, but we
still have four alternatives. In a concept, do we
• represent f as one function and have the users pick the right kind of argument for their calls?
• overload f with all alternatives?
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• represent f as one function and let the users define a concept_map (ğ6.2.3) to map to f’s
desired argument type?
• have the language implicitly map user’s argument types to the template’s parameter type?
For two arguments, we would have 16 alternatives. Three argument generic functions are rare,
but we would have 4*4*4 alternatives. What about variadic templates? (ğ4.3.2); for those, we could
have 4N alternatives.
The semantics of the different ways of passing an argument are not equivalent, so we naturally
drifted towards accepting the argument type as specified, pushing the burden of matching onto
designers of types and writers of concept_maps (ğ6.2.3).
Similarly, we have the problem whether to specify a concept for x.f(y) (object-oriented style) or
f(x,y) (functional style), or both. This problem occurs immediately when we try to specify a binary
operator, such as +.
In retrospect, we were far too optimistic about solving these problems within the framework of
concepts defined in terms of operations with specific types or specific łpseudo signatures,ž where a
łpseudo signaturež somehow represented a solution to the problems outlined here.
Relationships among concepts were defined by explicit refinement:
concept BidirectionalIterator < typename Iter > // A BidirectionalIterator is
: ForwardIterator < Iter > { // a kind of ForwardIterator
// ...
Refinement was almost, but not quite, like class derivation. The idea was for programmers to
explicitly build up hierarchies of concepts. Unfortunately, that introduces a serious inflexibility
into the system. Concepts (in the conventional English meaning) are often not strictly hierarchical.
6.2.2 Concept Use. A concept could be used either as a predicate in a where-clause or in a
shorthand notation:
template < typename T >
where LessThanComparable <T > // explicit predicate
const T& min ( const T& x , const T& y)
return x <y ? x : y;
For simple łtype of typež concepts, the shorthand notation (first suggested in [Stroustrup 2003])
quickly became very popular. However, we soon found that where was far too popular as an
identifier in existing code and renamed it to requires.
6.2.3 Concept Maps. Relationships between concepts and types were defined by specializations of
// student_record is EqualityComparable :
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For int, we can simply say that the type int has the properties required by EqualityComparable
(that is, it has == and !=). However, student_record doesn’t have a ==, but we can add one in the
concept_map. Thus, a concept_map is a very powerful mechanism for non-intrusively adding
properties to a type in specific circumstances.
Why do we have to tell the compiler that ints can be compared? The compiler already knows.
This was a constant point of contention. The łIndiana groupž generally felt that being explicit was
good (always) and the łTexas groupž tended to consider a concept map worse than useless unless it
added functionality. Would explicit statements save use from significant errors from łaccidentalž
syntactic matches that were semantically meaningless? Alternatively, would such errors be rare and
the explicit modeling statements be mostly an annoyance to write and opportunities for making
mistakes? The compromise solution was to allow the definer of a concept to declare the use of a
concept_map optional by adding auto:
auto concept EqualityComparable < typename T > {
bool operator ==( const T& x , const T& y );
bool operator !=( const T& x , const T& y) { return !( x == y ); }
Here, we use < to compare iterators, but EqualityComparable guarantees only == so this defi-
nition won’t compile. Catching such used of non-guaranteed operations was seen as an important
benefit, but is turned out to have serious negative implications: (ğ6.2.5) and (ğ6.3.1).
6.2.5 Lessons Learned. The years after the initial proposal and relatively fast approval was filled
with plugging holes in this initial design and addressing comments about generality, implementabil-
ity, quality of specification, and usability.
Doug Gregor, as the primary implementer, performed heroics to generate quality code, but at
the end, the concepts compiler was still more than 10 times slower than a compiler implementing
just unconstrained templates. I suspect that the implementation problems had their ultimate roots
in the adoption of a class-like structure for representing concepts in the compiler. This enabled
quick early results, but left the concepts represented in a way carefully crafted for classes, and
concepts are not classes. Having a concept represented as a set of functions (like virtual member
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functions), led to problems handling implicit conversions and mixed-type operations. The very
flexible combinations of code from different contexts that is the łsecretž of some of the powerful
generic programming and metaprogramming code-generation techniques became impracticable to
specify with C++0x concepts. It is essential for matching (unconstrained) template performance
that the functions used to specify a concept do not appear in the generated code as function calls
(or worse still, as indirect function calls).
I was unpleasantly reminded of the problems that many early C++ compiler writers had had from
adopting the structure and code base of a C compiler. The handling of C++ scopes and overloading
didn’t fit well into a C compiler framework. Based on the idea that design concepts should be
represented directly in code, Cfront (ğ2.1) used specific scope classes to avoid such problems.
However, most compiler writers with a C background thought they could take a shortcut using
familiar C techniques, but ended up having to rewrite their C++ front-end from scratch anyway.
Language design and implementation techniques can strongly influence each other.
It soon became obvious that we needed language support for the transition from unconstrained
templates to templates using concepts. In the C++0x design, they were very different:
• A constrained template cannot call an unconstrained one because it is not known what
operations an unconstrained template uses, so the definition check of the constrained template
cannot be done.
• An unconstrained template can call a constrained one, but checking must be postponed until
instantiation time because not until then do we know what types the unconstrained template
uses in its calls.
The solution to the first problem was to allow the programmer to say łdon’t check these calls
from a constrained templatež using a late_check block [Gregor et al. 2008]:
template < Semigroup T >
T add (T x , T y) {
T r = x + y; // uses Semigroup <T >:: operator +
late_check {
r = x + y; // uses operator + found at instantiation time
// ( not considering Semigroup <T >:: operator +)
return r;
This łsolutionž was at best a patch and had the extraordinary problem that a concept_map for
Semigroup wouldn’t be known in the unconstrained called template. This had the łinteresting
effectž that an object could be used in exactly the same way in two places in a program with
different semantics. Thus, the type system had been violated in a really hard-to-trace way.
As we used concepts more, the role of semantics in the design of concepts (and indeed of types and
libraries) became increasingly clear and many in the committee started pushing for a mechanism
for expressing semantics rules. This was not a surprise. Alex Stepanov was fond of saying łconcepts
are all about semantics.ž However, most people were approaching concepts like any other language
facility and were more concerned with syntax and name lookup rules.
In 2009, a notation, called axioms was proposed by Gabriel Dos Reis (strongly supported by me)
and approved [Dos Reis et al. 2009]:
concept TotalOrdering < typename Op , typename T > {
bool operator ()( Op , T , T );
axiom Antisymmetry ( Op op , T x , T y) {
if ( op (x , y) && op (y , x ))
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x <=> y;
axiom Transitivity ( Op op , T x , T y , T z) {
if ( op (x , y) && op (y , z ))
op (x , z );
axiom Totality ( Op op , T x , T y) {
op (x , y) || op (y , x );
Curiously enough, it was hard to get the notion of an axiom accepted. The main objection
seemed to be that the proposers explicitly rejected the idea of compilers testing axioms against
the types for which they were used łto catch errors.ž Apparently, the notion that axioms were
axioms in the mathematical sense (that is, assumptions that you are allowed to make because you
in general can’t check them) was alien to some committee members. Others weren’t convinced
that specifying axioms could help tools other than the compilers. However, axioms were adopted
as part of concept specifications.
There were obvious problems with our definition and implementation of concepts, but we had a
pretty complete facility and plowed along trying to solve the problems and to gain experience by
using concepts in the definition of the standard library [Gregor and Lumsdaine 2008] and other
6.2.6 What Went Wrong? In 2009, I had reluctantly come to the conclusion that the concepts effort
was in deep trouble. The problems that I had expected us to solve were still festering and new ones
had been discovered:
• We still didn’t have an agreement whether implicit or explicit modeling (implicit or explicit
use of concept_maps) was the right approach in most cases.
• We still didn’t have an agreement whether to rely on implicit or explicit statement of relations
among concepts (should we explicitly build hierarchies of łrefinementž relations in a way
very similar to object-oriented inheritance?).
• We were still seeing examples where code generated from concept-constrained code was
inferior to code generated from unconstrained templates. The late composition opportunities
from templates kept showing surprising strengths.
• It was still difficult to write concepts to capture all the conversions and overload cases that
we were used to from generic and non-generic C++.
• We were seeing increasing numbers of examples where the combination of non-trivial
concept_maps and late_checks led to inconsistent views of types (aka surprising and
almost invisible violations of the type system).
• The complexity of specification in the draft standard had ballooned beyond all expectation (91
pages, excluding any uses of concepts in the library) and some of us considered it essentially
• The set of concepts used to specify the standard library was getting large (about 125 concepts,
103 for the STL alone).
• The compiler was getting better at code generation (because of heroic efforts from Doug
Gregor) but not faster. Some major compiler vendors were telling me in private and confidence
that if a concept-enabled compiler was more than 20% slower than older compilers they’d
have to oppose concepts however nice they were. At the time, the concept-enabled compiler
was more than 10 times slower.
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In the spring of 2009, a wide-ranging discussion occurred on the standard reflectors (archived
email groups). It started when Howard Hinnant asked an eminently practical question about the
use of concepts: A utility that he was designing could be done in two ways: One would require
quite a lot of users ś not necessarily expert users ś to write concept maps. The other ś far less
elegant ś design would avoid concept maps (and concepts) so as not to require users to understand
anything significant about concepts. Should łaverage usersž understand concepts? Just enough to
use them? Enough to define them?
This became known as the łAre concepts required of Joe Coder?ž thread. Who is łJoe Coder?ž
asked Peter Gottschling. Great question, I answered:
łI think most C++ programmers are łJoe Coderž (I again register my opposition to that
term). I’m Joe Coder most of the time and with most libraries. I expect to remain so as
long as I keep learning new techniques and libraries. Yet, I want to use concepts (and,
when I must, concept maps). I want the łdoctrine of usež radically simpler than the subtle
expert-only use of facilities we have now.ž
In other words, should we design concepts as a delicate instrument for fine control by a small
group of language experts or as a robust tool for most programmers? This is a question that comes
up again and again in the design of language features and standard-library components. I heard it
for years about classes; for some, defining a class was obviously something that most programmers
should be discouraged from doing. The łaverage programmerž (sometimes derisively referred to
as łJoe Coderž) was to some obviously not smart enough or educated enough to use sophisticated
features and techniques. I was (and am) strongly of the opinion that most programmers can learn
to use features like classes and concepts well. Once they do, their programming become easier and
their code better. It may take years for the community at large to absorb a lesson, but if that can’t
be done, we ś as language and library designers ś have failed.
In response to that thread and reflecting my growing concern about the direction of the work on
C++0x concepts, I wrote a paper Simplifying the use of concepts [Stroustrup 2009c] outlining what I
saw as the minimum improvements necessary for concepts to be acceptable in C++0x:
• Make concept_maps rare.
• Make all concept_maps implicit/automatic.
• Make a concept that requires begin(x) accept x.begin() and vice versa (uniform function
call; (ğ6.1), (ğ8.8.3)
• Make all standard-library concepts implicit/automatic.
The paper is quite detailed with many examples and suggestions that had emerged over the
One reason that I insisted on making all concepts implicit/automatic was the observation that
given a choice, the least flexible and least trusting programmers could force everyone to live with
their choice of explicit concepts. Library writers were showing a strong tendency to push resolution
of even the most obvious choices onto their users by using explicit (non-automatic) concepts.
I observed that the then recent Elements of Programming Style [Stepanov and McJones 2009] by
Alex Stepanov, the father of C++ generic programming, didn’t use a single concept map to describe
a superset of the facilities from the STL and a superset of the then common generic programming
The committee responded with a discussion almost exclusively focused on whether a consensus
was likely for a timely standard and came to the obvious conclusions that it was not likely. We
could not agree to łfixž concepts to make them usable by most programmers and also ship the
standard (more or less) on time. Thus, łconceptsž ś the result of years of work by many competent
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people ś was removed from the draft standard. My summary of the łremove conceptsž decision
[Stroustrup 2009a,b] is more readable than the technical papers and discussions.
As the committee voted to remove concepts by a large majority (I too voted for removal), everyone
who spoke up reconfirmed that they wanted concepts. The vote just reflected that the concept
design wasn’t ready for standardization. I think that the problem was far worse: The committee
wanted concepts, but the members didn’t agree about what kind of concepts they wanted. The
committee did not have a shared set of design aims. This is still a problem, and not just for concepts.
There are deep łphilosophicalž differences among members. In particular:
• Explicit vs. implicit: Should programmers ś in the interest of safety and the avoidance of
surprises ś be explicit about how choices among potential alternatives are resolved? This
discussion turns up in discussion about overload resolution, scope resolution, matching of
types to concepts, relationships among concepts, and more.
• Experts vs. average: Should key language and standard-library facilities be designed for the use
of experts? If so, should łaverage programmersž be encouraged to exclusively use a limited
subset of the language and should separate libraries be designed for łaverage programmersž?
This discussion turns up in the contexts of the design and use of classes, class hierarchies,
exceptions, templates, and more.
In both cases, a łyesž will bias the design of facilities towards complicated features that require
great expertise and frequent use of notation to get right. I tend systematically to be on the other
side of such arguments, trusting łaverage programmersž more and relying on regular language
rules and checking by compilers and other tools to avoid nasty surprises. Programmers are at least
as likely to get explicit resolution of tricky issues wrong as are (implicit) language rules.
Different people have drawn different conclusions from the C++0x concepts failure. I drew three
main ones:
• We put too much weight on early implementation. We should have spent more effort on
working out the requirements, the constraints, the desired use patterns, and a relatively
simple implementation model. After that, we could have grown an implementation relying
on feedback from use.
• Some disagreements are fundamental (philosophical) and cannot be resolved through com-
promises. We must identify and articulate such issues early on.
• No set of facilities can serve all the diverse wishes from a large committee of experts without
becoming so large that the bloat becomes a problem for implementers and an impediment
to users. We must identify core needs and serve them well with a simple notation; more
complex uses and rarer use cases can be served with facilities and notation that puts greater
requirements on the expertise of their users (ğ4.2).
These conclusions do not have anything in particular to do with concepts. They are general
observations about design aims and decision making within a large group.
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We deemed most of the concepts included in the C++ standard library meaningless in isolation
[Sutton and Stroustrup 2011]. łThe STL does not have 103 concepts for any reasonable definition
of ‘concepts’!ž I cried during a discussion with Andrew Sutton, łeven basic algebra doesn’t have
more than about a dozen!ž Language design discussions can become quite animated.
In 2011, at the urging of Andrew Lumsdaine, Alex Stepanov called a week-long meeting in Palo
Alto. A largish group, including most of the people closely associated with the C++0x concepts
effort, Sean Parent, and Alex Stepanov, met to attack the problem from the user’s perspective: What
would a properly constrained set of STL algorithms ideally look like? Then, we went home to
document our user-oriented design and invent language mechanisms to approximate that ideal
design [Stroustrup and Sutton 2012]. This effort re-booted the standards effort based on a new,
fundamentally different and better, approach than the C++0x effort. The 2016 ISO TS (Technical
Specification) for concepts [Sutton 2017] and the C++20 concepts (ğ6.4) are direct results of that
meeting. Andrew Sutton’s implementation has been used for experimentation since 2012 and
shipping as part of GCC 6.0 and higher.
In the concepts TS [Sutton 2017]
• Concepts are based on compile-time predicates (including multi-argument predicates and
value arguments).
• Primitive requirements specified in terms of use patterns [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2006]
• A concept can be used in general requires-clauses, as an alternative to a typename in
template parameter definitions, and as an alternative to a type name in function parameter
• Matching of types to concepts is implicit (no concept_maps).
• Relations among concepts for overloading are implicit (computed; there are no explicit
refinement of concepts).
• There is no definition checking (for now at least, so no late_check).
• There are no axioms, but that is just because we didn’t want to complicate and delay the
design with a potentially controversial feature. The C++0x axioms would make a good start.
Compared to the C++0x concepts there is a strong emphasis on simplifying the use of concepts.
A major part of that has been to eliminate requirements for programmers to be explicit and rely on
the compiler resolving issues based on well-specified and simple algorithms.
People who favor explicit resolution by users tend to deem that an emphasis of semantics over
syntax and warn against łaccidental matchesž and łsurprises.ž The most common example is that
a Forward_iterator differs from an Input_iterator only in its semantics: a Forward_iterator
allows multiple passes over its sequence. Nobody disagrees that such examples exist, but endless
debates have raged (and still rage) over how important such examples are and how to resolve them.
I consider it a bad mistake to let a few rare complicated examples dominate a design.
The Concept TS design is based on the opinion (backed by much experience) that such examples
are very rare (especially in well-designed concepts [Stroustrup 2017a]), are usually well understood
by concept writers, and can often be resolved by adding an operation to the most constrained
concept to reflect the sematic difference. For example, a simple solution to the Forward_iterator/
Input_iterator problem is to require a Forward_iterator to offer a can_multipass() operation.
It doesn’t even have to do anything; it would just be there so that the concept resolution mechanism
can check for its existence. Thus, no new language features need to be added specifically to resolve
possible accidental ambiguities.
Because the point is often missed, I must emphasize that concepts are predicates. They are not
classes or class hierarchies. Fundamentally, we are just asking a type simple questions, such as "are
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you an Iterator?", and asking sets of types questions about their interoperation, such as "can you
compare against each other using ==?" (ğ6.3.2). Using concepts, we only ask questions that can be
answered at compile time; no run-time evaluation is involved. Potential ambiguities are detected
by comparing the predicates involved for a type (or set of types); not by having the programmer
write resolution rules (ğ6.3.2).
Sensitive to the problems with C++0x concepts (ğ6.2.6), we were careful to design concepts
so that their use would not imply significant compile-time overheads. Even early versions of
Andrew Sutton’s compiler was able to compile templates using concepts faster than programs
using workarounds (e.g., enable_if (ğ4.5.1)).
6.3.1 Definition Checking. Sometime during the months after that Palo Alto meeting, Andrew
Sutton, Gabriel Dos Reis and I decided to attack the design and implementation of the concept
language features in stages. That way, we could learn from the implementation experience and
gain early feedback from use before łfreezing the designž. In particular, we decided to postpone
the implementation of definition checking (ğ6.2.4); that is, the checking that a template doesn’t
use facilities not specified for its arguments. Consider a simplified version of std::advance() that
moves an iterator n positions forward in a sequence:
A Forward_iterator doesn’t offer +=, only ++, so definition checking will catch this as an
error. Without checking the body of advance() in isolation (before use) we will only get poor
instantiation-time error message from the (mis)use of +=. Note that the code generated from
template instantiation is always type checked, so not doing definition checking will not lead to
run-time errors.
We decided that on the order of 90% of the benefits from concepts would accrue from point-
of-use checking and that the relatively expert implementers of constrained templates could do
without definition checking for a while. This 90% was obviously an ad hoc estimate based on limited
information, but with the benefit of a decade’s work with concepts I consider it a good guess. It was
more important to us as designers of language features and libraries to gain experience with use,
starting with the STL algorithm examples from the Palo Alto Technical Memorandum [Stroustrup
and Sutton 2012]. We valued feedback over theoretical completeness. This was radical. Looking
back over the documents about concepts (in C++ and for other languages), definition checking
was always emphasized as a major reason for offering concepts as a language feature [Gregor et al.
2006; Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003b].
For a while, this new design was referred to as Concepts Lite and many deemed it incomplete,
or even useless. However, we quickly discovered that not doing definition checking offered real
benefits [Sutton and Stroustrup 2011].
• With definition checking we can’t use partial concept checking during development. It is
very common not to know the full set of requirements during the initial construction of
a larger program. Partial checking allows many errors to be caught early and encourages
gradual improvement of a design based on feedback from early use.
• Definition checking makes it hard to have stable interfaces. In particular, it is not possible
to add debug statements, statistics gathering, tracing, or łtelemetryž to a class or a function
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without changing its interface to include the facilities for that. Such facilities are rarely
fundamental to a class or a function and tend to change over time.
• When we don’t use definition checking, existing templates can be gradually converted
to use concepts. However, if we have definition checking, a constrained template cannot
use an unconstrained one because we cannot in general know which facilities the uncon-
strained template uses. Also, an unconstrained template using a constrained one implies late
(instantiation-time) checking in either case.
Ville Voutilainen, the chair of the EWG from 2014 onwards, said it stronger:
I cannot support any proposal for concepts that includes definition checking.
We might eventually get a form of definition checking, but only if we can design a mechanism for
escaping it to address transition and data gathering needs. That will have to be carefully thought
out and experimentation will be needed. The C++0x late_check is not sufficient.
The problems with definition checking are problems of use, not implementation. Gabriel Dos
Reis designed and implemented an experimental language, called Liz, testing out the facilities of
the Concepts TS design [Dos Reis 2012], including definition checking. If we find an acceptable
form of definition checking, we can implement it.
6.3.2 Concept Use. Simple examples look much like they did for C++0x and before:
template < Sequence Seq , Number Num >
Num sum ( Seq s , Num v)
for ( const auto & x : s)
v += x;
return v;
Here Sequence and Number are concepts. Using a concept instead of typename to introduce
the name of a type means that the type used must satisfy the requirements of the concept. Note
that because the concepts TS doesn’t offer definition checking, the use of += will not be checked
by the concepts, but only late, at instantiation time. This is likely during initial development. Later
we would most likely be more explicit:
template < typename T >
using Value_type = typename T :: value_type ; // simplified alias
That is, we must have arithmetic operations, including +=, for combinations of the Sequence’s
value type and the type we use as the accumulator. We no longer have to specify Num to be
a Number; Arithmetic checks that Num has the needed properties. Here, Arithmetic is used
explicitly as a predicate in a (C++0x-style) requires-clause.
Overloading is handled by picking the function that has the strictest requirements. Consider a
simple version of the classical advance example from the standard library:
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That is, we should use the second version for sequences that offer random access and the first
for sequences that offer only forward iteration:
void user ( vector < int >:: iterator vip , list < string >:: iterator lsp )
advance ( vip ,10); // use the fast advance ()
advance ( lsp ,10); // use the slow advance ()
The compiler breaks the concepts for the two functions into primitive (łatomicž) requirements
and since the requirements for forward iteration are a strict subset of those for random access
iteration, this example can be resolved.
Overlapping requirements that are not strict subsets of each other give ambiguities (compile-time
errors) when an argument type match both. For example:
template < typename T >
requires Copyable <T > && Integral <T >
T fct (T x );
The only control mechanism offered to programmers is the ability to add operations when
defining a concept. That seems to be sufficient for real-world examples, though. Of course, you can
define concepts that differ only semantically so that there would be no way of distinguishing them
based on our syntax-only concepts. However, it’s not difficult to avoid doing that.
6.3.3 Concept Definition. Primitive requirements are specified by use patterns in requires-expressions:
template < typename T , typename U =T >
concept Equality_comparable =
requires (T a , U b) {
{ a == b } -> bool ; // compare Ts and Us with == yielding a bool
{ a != b } -> bool ; // compare Ts and Us with != yielding a bool
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struct S { int a; };
static_assert ( Equality_comparable <S >); // fails because structs don 't
// automatically get == and !=
The associated type notion from C++0x (and earlier [Stroustrup 2003]) is also supported:
template < typename S >
concept Sequence = requires (S a) {
typename Value_type <S >; // S must have a value type .
typename Iterator_type <S >; // S must have an iterator type .
{ begin (a) } -> Iterator_type <S >; // begin (a) must return an iterator
{ end (a) } -> Iterator_type <S >; // end (a) must return an iterator
{ a. begin () } -> Iterator_type <S >; // a. begin () must return an iterator
{ a. end () } -> Iterator_type <S >; // a. end () must return an iterator
requires Same_type < Value_type <S >, Value_type < Iterator_type <S > > >;
requires Input_iterator < Iterator_type <S > >;
Note the repetition to be able to accept both a.begin() and begin(a). The lack of uniform function
call hurts (ğ6.1), (ğ8.8.3).
6.3.4 Concept Name Introducers. One thing we learned from use was that primitive uses of concepts
were repetitive. We used too many requires-expressions directly in requires-clauses and we used
too many łsmallž concepts. Our requirements looked a lot like code written by novice programmers:
too few functions, too little abstraction, and too few symbolic names.
Consider the standard merge family of functions. These functions all take three sequences and
need to specify the relationships among those sequences. That’s three requirements on the type of
sequences plus three requirements on the relationships among the elements of those sequences.
First try:
template < Input_iterator In1 , Input_iterator In2 , Output_iterator Out >
requires Comparable < Value_type < In1 >, Value_type < In2 >>
&& Assignable < Value_type < In1 >, Value_type < Out >
&& Assignable < Value_type < In2 >, Value_type < Out >
Out merge ( In1 , In1 , In2 , In2 , Out );
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That’s tedious and such patterns of type name introduction are very common; for example, there
are at least four merge functions in the STL. Tedious and repetitive code is error-prone and hard
to maintain. We soon learned to use more multi-argument concepts to define common patterns of
requirements among types:
template < Input_iterator In1 , Input_iterator In2 , Output_iterator Out >
requires Mergeable < In1 , In2 , Out >
Out merge ( In1 , In1 , In2 , In2 , Out );
This then became too messy for Andrew Sutton, who in 2012 probably had written more code
using concepts than anyone else. He suggested a mechanism for saying łintroduce a set of type
names for types that must satisfy a concept.ž That reduced the merge example to its logical
Mergeable { In1 , In2 , Out } // concept name introducer
Out merge ( In1 , In1 , In2 , In2 , Out );
It is amazing what you can learn just by trying! It is also amazing how much resistance novel
notations and solutions can encounter from people who have yet to experience the problem.
6.3.5 Concepts and Types. Many still saw (and see) concepts as a variant of the type-of-type idea.
Yes, a concept taking a single type argument can be seen as a type of a type, but only the simplest
uses fit that pattern.
Most generic functions (algorithms) take more than one template argument and for such a
function to make any sense, those argument types must somehow relate to each other. Then, we
must use multi-argument concepts. For example:
template < Forward_iterator Iter , typename Val )
requires Equality_comparable < Value_type < Iter >, Val >
Forward_iterator find ( Iter first , Iter last , Val v)
while ( first != last && * first != v)
++ first ;
return first ;
Crucially, the multi-argument concepts directly address the need to handle implicit conversions
and mixed-type operations. Together with Gabriel Dos Reis, I had considered the possibility of
specifying all constraints on each argument in isolation from other arguments as early as 2003
[Stroustrup 2003; Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003b]. This would involve
• parameterization (e.g., an Iterator parameterized with its value type)
• some form of inheritance (e.g., a Random_access_iterator is a Forward_iterator)
• the ability to apply more than one concept to a template argument type (e.g., the element of
a Container must be Value_type and a Comparable)
• combinations of those three techniques.
The result was very complex template argument type constraints. We deemed that complexity
unnecessarily and unmanageable. Consider x+y and y+x where x and y are of different template
argument types, X and Y. Dealing with each template argument on its own, we would have to
parameterize X with Y and Y with X. In a pure object-oriented language, that might seem natural;
after all, there would be two methods to cope with +, one in X’s hierarchy and one in Y’s hierarchy.
However, I rejected that solution for C++ back in 1982. To complete the picture, we must add
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implicit conversions (e.g., to handle x+2 and 2+x) . The multi-argument concepts exactly match
the way C++ resolves such examples and avoid most of the complexity.
This decision was revisited repeatedly over the years and confirmed. In the context of the C++0x
concepts effort, people tried applying the standard academic systems as found in Haskell typeclasses
and Java constraints. However, that failed to deliver the simplicity of implementation and use
needed for large scale use.
Where a generic use fits the type-of-type pattern, concepts supports it quite elegantly.
• A type specifies the set of operations that can be applied to an object (implicitly and explicitly),
relies on function declarations and language rules, and specifies how an object is laid out in
• A concept specifies the set of operations that can be applied to an object (implicitly and
explicitly), relies on use patterns reflecting function declarations and language rules, and
says nothing about the layout of the object. Thus, a concept is a kind of interface.
My ideal is to be able use concepts wherever we use a type and in the same way. Except for
defining layout, they are very similar. Concepts can even be used to constrain the type of variables
with their type determined by their initializer (constrained auto variables (ğ4.2.1)). For example:
template < typename T >
concept Integer = Same <T , short > || Same <T , int > || Same <T , long >;
Integer x1 = 7;
int x2 = 9;
Integer y1 = x1 + x2 ;
int y2 = x2 + x1 ;
void ff ()
f( x1 );
f( x2 );
C++20 comes close to fulfilling this ideal. To get that example to work in C++20, we have to add a
logically redundant auto after each use of the concept Integer (ğ6.4). On the other hand, in C++20,
we can use the standard-library concept integral instead of the obviously incomplete Integer.
6.3.6 Improvements. At the start of the Concepts TS effort, a concept was a constexpr function
(ğ4.2.7) returning a bool. That made sense since we saw concepts as compile-time predicates. Then
Gabriel Dos Reis got variable templates accepted into C++14 (ğ5.2). Now, we had a choice:
// function style :
template < typename T >
concept bool Sequence () { return Has_begin <T >() && Has_end <T >(); }
// expression style :
template < typename T >
concept bool Sequence = Has_begin <T > && Has_end <T >;
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We could live happily with either style, but having both, users of a concept would have to know
which style was used in its definition to use parentheses correctly. That quickly became impractical.
The functional style allows for overloading of concepts, but we had only few examples of concept
overloading and decided we could do without those, so we simplified to use variable templates
exclusively for concepts. Andrew Sutton pioneered the consistent use of the expression form of
We (Andrew Sutton, Gabriel Dos Reis, and I) always knew that explicitly mentioning that a
concept returned a bool was redundant. After all, a concept is by definition a predicate. However,
we decided not to mess with the grammar and concentrate on semantically significant topics. Later,
people were latching on to the redundant mention of bool as an argument against the concept
design. So we fixed it and no longer have to mention bool.
The removal of bool was part of a set of suggested improvements from Richard Smith that
included a more precise specification of what constituted an atomic predicate and simplifications
of the matching rules [Smith and Sutton 2017]. We now use the expression style:
// expression style :
template < typename T >
concept Sequence = Has_begin <T > && Has_end <T >;
6.3.7 Syntax Equivalences. The concepts TS supports three notations for using concepts in function
• explicit requires-clauses for full generality
• the shorthand notation for type-of-type uses
• the natural notation (also known as the terse notation, the conventional notation, and more)
The fundamental idea was to let the programmer use a notation that closely matched the needs
of a particular declaration without drowning that definition with notation needed by more complex
declarations. To allow the programmer a free choice and in particular to allow the notation to be
adjusted as functions change during initial development or maintenance, these notation styles were
defined as equivalent:
void sort ( Sortable &); // natural notation
is equivalent to
template < Sortable S > void sort (S &); // shorthand notation
is equivalent to
template < typename S > requires Sortable <S > void sort ( Sortable &);
Users were rather happy with this and tended to prefer the natural and shorthand notations for
most declarations. However, some committee members reacted in horror to the natural notation (łI
can’t see that it’s a template!ž) and rather liked the most explicit notation using requires because
it can express even the most complex examples (łwhy would you want anything more than that?ž).
My interpretation is that we have a clash of two views of what’s simple:
• I can write my code in the simplest and shortest way
• I need only to learn one notation
I am in favor of the former view, considering it a good example of the Onion Principle (ğ4.2).
The natural notation became a focus of strong opposition to concepts. I ś and others ś insisted
on the elegance of
void sort ( Sortable &); // natural notation
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We saw (and see) it being a useful and elegant step towards making generic programming
łjust ordinary programmingž rather than a dark art with different syntax, different source code
organization (łheader onlyž), and different coding styles (e.g., template metaprogramming (ğ10.5.2).
Modules addresses the source code organization issues (ğ9.3.1). In addition, that łnaturalž syntax
addresses frequent loud complaints about the template syntax being verbose and clumsy. I agree
with those complaints. The prefix template<...> syntax was not my first choice when I designed
templates. It was forced upon me by people worried that templates would be misused by less
competent programmers, leading to confusion and errors. The heavy syntax for exception handling,
try { ... } catch( ... ) { ... }, was a similar story [Stroustrup 2007]. It seems that for every new feature
many people demand a LOUD syntax to protect against real and imagined potential problems. After
a while, they then complain about verbosity.
However, a large minority of committee members insisted that the natural syntax would lead to
confusion and misuse because people, especially less experienced programmers, would not realize
that functions defined in this way were templates and therefore different from other functions.
Having used and taught concepts for years without observing these problems, I wasn’t particularly
concerned about such hypothetical problems, but the opposition turned out to be solid. People
simply knew that such code was dangerous. The prime example was
6.3.8 Why No Concepts in C++17? I had hoped and expected to see concepts in C++17. Of the
extensions that I considered feasible in the 2017 time frame (ğ9.2), I saw concepts as the one that
would yield the most significant improvement to C++ programmers’ basic vocabulary. It would
eliminate the need for much ugly and error-prone template metaprogramming (ğ10.5.2), would
simplify the precise specification of libraries, and would significantly improve the design of libraries.
I fear that was part of the problem: concepts would directly affect essentially all of the voting
members. Some were more comfortable with their old ways, many had no experience with concepts,
and some considered them an untried (łacademicž/łtheoreticalž) idea.
It was such worries ś fueled by the fiasco of C++0x concepts (ğ6.2) ś that led to us having a
TS [Sutton 2017] in the first place. We didn’t have experience with Technical Specifications for
language features, but it seemed worth trying and Andrew Sutton’s concepts implementation in
GCC was still new so caution seemed warranted. At the Bristol standards meeting (2013), Herb
Sutter strongly argued for the TS route whereas J-Daniel Garcia and I warned against likely delays.
I also pointed to dangers of considering concepts separately from generic lambdas (ğ4.3.1), but
łcautionž and łwe need more experiencež are strong arguments in a standards committee. In the
end, I voted in favor of concepts TS. I now consider that a mistake.
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In 2013, we had an implementation and a pretty good specification (primarily thanks to Andrew
Sutton), but completing the concepts TS still took three years. I am unable to discern a difference
in rigor in the treatment of the TS and inclusion into the ISO standard proper. However, at the 2016
Jacksonville meeting, when concepts as described in the TS came up for a vote for inclusion into
the standard, all the earlier arguments against were repeated. It seemed that the opponents had
just ignored concepts for three years. I even heard arguments against concepts that were valid for
C++0x concepts but had never been relevant to the concept TS design. People again argued for
łcautionž and łwe need more experience.ž As far as I could tell, there were more people present in
Jacksonville who had not tried concepts than there had been in Bristol ś partly an effect of the
increased size of the committee. In addition to all the objections I had heard over the previous
decade, novel objections were raised and untried designs were suggested in full committee, yet
taken seriously.
At the meeting in February 2016 Jacksonville, Ville Voutilainen (the EWG chair) proposed to
move the concepts as specified in the Concepts TS [Voutilainen 2016c]:
... łprogrammers are aching to get the language feature into their hands, and it’s high
time we ship it to them. Conceptifying the standard library will take its time, and we will
not find major design issues for Concepts while doing it. We shouldn’t keep programmers
waiting for the language feature out of concern for hypothetical design issues that we
have no proof of, have some amounts of counter-proof of, and very likely don’t exist.
For the benefit of C++ users everywhere, let’s ship Concepts the language feature in C++17.ž
He was strongly supported by many, notably Gabriel Dos Reis, Alasdair Meredith (formerly, the
LWG chair) and me, but (despite a positive EWG vote earlier in the week), the vote went against us:
25 in favor, 31 against, 8 abstained. My interpretation is that the users voted for and the language
technicians voted against, but that may be considered sour grapes.
At the same meeting, uniform call syntax (ğ8.8.3) was voted down and coroutines (ğ9.3.2) sent to
a TS, basically ensuring that C++17 would be a minor release of the standard (ğ8).
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and several uses in proposed standard-library components (e.g., iterator facade [Dawes et al. 2016],
tuple implementation [Voutilainen 2016b], ranges [Niebler et al. 2014]).
At the Jacksonville meeting (2018), Tom Honerman proposed to remove the natural syntax
and offered an alternative [Honermann 2017]. I defended my position and the concept TS design
[Stroustrup 2017a,b]. My basic defense was
• The natural syntax has not caused problems in real-world teaching and use for more than
five years.
• Users like it.
• There are no technical ambiguities.
• It simplifies common cases.
• It is part of the drive to make generic programming more like ordinary programming.
That failed to convince anyone who was opposed in the first place, so the natural syntax was
not moved to the working paper for C++20.
The last objection came from a new C++17 minor feature, auto for value arguments [Touton
and Spertus 2015], and became a focal point for objections:
template < auto N > void f ();
People wanted to syntactically distinguish value and type template arguments. Typically, that
would imply that the shorthand syntax that had been the stable of proposal and uses since 2002
would no longer be valid.
template < typename T > void f(T &); // proposed banned
The łnatural notationž was renamed the łabbreviated syntaxž even though it is not simply an
I supported the compromise even though I consider that use of auto redundant, distracting,
and compromising my aim of making generic programming łjust ordinary programming.ž Maybe
sometime in the future, people will (as Herb Sutter suggested at the time) agree and make auto after
a concept name redundant. I am not holding my breath, though; there is a large group of people
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who consider syntactic markers for implementation techniques important. Maybe auto-completion
features of IDEs will save users from writing the redundant autos.
Sadly, there was no consensus for re-introducing concept name introducers (ğ6.3.4). The lack of
a sufficiently conventional syntax was a major stumbling block. Also, quite a few people still seem
not to believe in their utility.
The years of delay introducing concepts caused long-lasting harm. Ad-hoc designs based on traits
and enable_if proliferated. A generation of programmers was brought up on low-level, typeless
Error handling is ś and I suspect will remain ś a hotly debated topic. Many people have strong
opinions ś some based on solid experience in a variety of application areas ś and many different
techniques have been developed over the last 50 years or so. This is an area where the demands of
performance, generality, and reliability easily get into conflict.
As is often the case with C++, the problem is not that we don’t have a solution, but that we
have many. It is fundamentally hard to address the diverse needs of the C++ community with a
single mechanism, but looking at a subset of the problem people often think they have the solution
[Stroustrup 2019a].
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7.1 Background
From C, C++ inherited a variety of techniques based on error return codes, errors represented as
special values, global state, local state, and callbacks. For example:
Early users of C++ (1980s) found those techniques confusing and insufficient. Returning a
(value,error-code) pair became popular, adding to the variety and confusion. For example:
That led to code becoming cluttered with tedious repeated error checks. When using error codes,
it can be hard to distinguish the main logic of a program from error handling. The main line of a
program (łthe business logicž) gets deeply intertwined with the handling of a multitude of rare and
obscure errors. This can be a serious problem in the not unusual systems where the error-handling
is the majority of code and the most complex part of the code.
The use of a class containing a (value,error-code) pair came with a significant cost. In addition to
the cost of the test of the error-code, many ABI’s did not pass even small structures in registers, so
not only was more information passed (often twice the amount), but it was passed in a way that
could be an order of magnitude slower. Sadly, this problem persists to this day (2020) in many ABIs,
especially ABIs for embedded systems (designed for C code).
Furthermore, there was no really good way of using error codes to handle failure in a constructor
(there is no return value in which to pass an error-code) and the then-fashionable large complicated
class hierarchies led to complex and error-prone handling of the variety of potential errors from
sub-object creation.
In addition, all traditional error handling techniques suffer from people forgetting to check for
errors. This was ś and still is in 2020 ś a major source of errors. Minimizing errors from incomplete
or complex error handling was a major goal for C++ exceptions.
Exceptions for C++ were designed in 1988-89 to address the mess of complicated and error-prone
error-handling techniques then prevalent. They were documented in the ARM [Ellis and Stroustrup
1990] and adopted into ANSI C++ as part of the base document for standardization [Stroustrup
Compared to some exception designs, the one for C++ was complicated by the need to use C++
code in combination with code in other languages, especially C. Consider a C++ function, f() calling
a C function g() that in turn calls a C++ function h(). Now h() throws an exception for f() to catch.
In general, a C++ function does not know the implementation language of a called function. This
scenario precludes adoption of implementation schemes that modify all function signatures to add
an łexception propagation argumentž or implicitly add a return code to the return type.
Exceptions together with RAII (ğ2.2) did solve many of the most vexing error-handling problems
(such as how to handle an error in a constructor and how to handle errors detected far from code
that could handle them) with a very minor run-time cost compared to use of other techniques
(usually less than 3% by the mid-1990s and sometimes even cheaper than alternatives). Exceptions
were never uncontroversial, though, and I underestimated their potential for controversy.
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• To get exceptions accepted, we had to add exception specifications [Stroustrup 2007]. They
never provided the improved maintainability that their proponents claimed, but they did
deliver the verbosity and overhead that their opponents (including me) insisted they would.
Once exception specifications were in the language, many people felt encouraged to use
them and blamed exceptions in general for the resulting problems. Ironically, the people
who insisted most loudly on getting exception specifications went on to help design Java.
Exception specifications were deprecated in 2010 and finally removed in 2017 (ğ4.5.3). Partly
as an alternative, C++11 introduced noexcept as a simpler and more efficient mechanism
for controlling exceptions (ğ4.5.3).
• Catching an exception is done by specifying the type of exception to be caught. As a result,
the implementations of throw and catch got entangled with the mechanism for runtime type
information (RTTI [Stroustrup 2007]). This caused inefficiencies and complexity. In particular,
it caused memory to be consumed (by the data needed for RTTI) even if an application never
relied on RTTI for distinguishing exceptions and precluded optimization for simple cases.
Furthermore, relying on RTTI made it hard to optimize the type matching where dynamic
linking was used. Basically, exception handling implementations were tuned for the rare most
complicated case. This was made worse when an exception class hierarchy was added to the
standard library and people were encouraged to use that for even the simplest cases. For class
hierarchies that can be statically analyzed (as in many embedded systems) fast constant-time
type matching is possible [Gibbs and Stroustrup 2006]. The fact that exceptions are part of
the platform ABIs makes it very hard to change early overdesigned implementations.
• Some people insist that only a single method of error handling be used and usually concludes
that since exceptions are not suitable for every case, that method must be error-codes. The
problems with error codes are then deemed łjust inconveniences.ž
• Some people believed the persistent rumors of inefficiencies based on worst-case scenarios
and/or unrealistic comparisons, such as leaving error-code handling in place after adding
exceptions, comparing incomplete error-handling to exception-based handling, or using
exceptions to handle ordinary choices rather than for just handling errors that cannot be
handled locally. There has been far too little serious investigation into the cost of exception
and its alternatives. I suspect that the myths about exceptions have had more influence than
any fact.
The net effect was a bifurcation of the C++ community into exception and non-exception camps.
De facto, łuse no exceptionsž is a dialect and dialects is one of the things standards are meant to
avoid (ğ3.1). A dialect can be an advantage for an individual organization or community, but harms
the C++ community as a whole by complicating sharing of code and competences.
It has been claimed that the problem with exceptions comes from it violating the zero-overhead
principle (e.g., [Sutter 2018b]). For an error-handling scheme that responds to every error by
terminating, any error-handling mechanism is obviously overhead, so the zero-overhead principle
is violated (unless you take into account the cost of handling termination, e.g., in another processor).
At the time of the design of exceptions, we considered that and thought it acceptable based on
the argument that such cases were rare, that there was no run-time cost unless an exception was
thrown, and that the tables used to implement exceptions could be kept in virtual memory [Koenig
and Stroustrup 1989]. Where virtual memory isn’t available and memory is scarce, the use of tables
to implement exceptions can be a serious problem. The main concern at the time was systems where
some form of error propagation and error handling were needed. In such cases, the zero-overhead
was interpreted łas no overhead for exceptions compared with the use of error codes for the same
degree of rigor of error handling.ž
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Today, the confusion about error handling is worse than ever and the number of alternative
techniques for handling errors is higher than ever, causing much confusion and harm. Given N
ways of handling errors, someone comes up with a solution just to find that the old solutions
don’t go away so now we have to cope with N+1 ways (łthe N+1 problemž). If an organization
has M separately developed programs using N libraries, we may even have an N*M problem. The
introduction of exceptions could be seen as having increased the number of popular ways of
handling errors from 7 to 8. In 2015, Lawrence Crowl wrote an analysis of the problems [Crowl
The problem of multiple error-reporting schemes is felt most acutely by writers of foundational
libraries. They cannot know what their users prefer and their users may very well have many
different preferences. The authors of the C++17 filesystem library (ğ8.6) chose to duplicate their
interfaces: for each operation, they offer two functions, one that throws in case of error and another
that sets a standard-library error_code passed to it as an argument:
bool create_directory ( const filesystem :: path & p ); // throws in case of error
bool create_directory ( const filesystem :: path & p , error_code & ec ) noexcept ;
This, of course, is a bit verbose and pleases only people who like either exceptions or error_codes.
Note how the bool return value is supplied so that people don’t have to use try or directly test
the error_code all the time. The fact that the file systems (quite properly, IMO) uses exception for
rare errors doesn’t please people who consider exceptions fundamentally flawed. In particular, it
requires that exception support be present.
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would require all functions calling the function to be recompiled. In a world where most major
programs are composed from many separately developed libraries, this would lead to disastrous
brittleness and unmanageable dependencies [Stroustrup 1994].
There are also obvious problems related to pointers to functions. There was ś and still is ś a lot
of C-style code in most major C++ programs. The main parameterization mechanism for C-style
generic code (e.g., qsort parameterized by its comparison criteria) and callbacks (e.g., in GUIs) is
pointers to functions.
If I need a pointer to function and exceptions are part of the type system, I either have to decide
to always require exceptions from the function pointed to, never accept exceptions, or somehow
handle both alternatives. Handling both is hard unless support for type inquiry or overloading
based on exceptions are added to the language. Having decided what kind of pointer-to-function
argument(s) to accept, I now have to adjust the error checking in the calling function to match.
Even if this could be handled in C++, interaction with C would be impeded: how would a pointer
to a C++ function be passed to C? For example, what would callbacks from C to a C++ program
relying on exceptions look like? Obviously, the original C++ exceptions would not go away, so we
would have four alternatives: error codes, compile-time checked exceptions (e.g., [Sutter 2018b]),
current exceptions, and noexcept. Only the current exceptions and non-local error-codes do not
affect the type system or the calling conventions (ABIs). Fortunately, few functions require two
pointers to functions or we would risk having to deal with 16 alternatives. If different exception
types were accepted (as for the current exceptions), the chaos would be complete.
In modern C++, this kind of problem would persist in different guises for other callback mecha-
nism, such as objects with member functions meant to be called, function objects, and lambdas.
My conclusion (as endorsed by WG21) was and is that adding exceptions to C++’s static type sys-
tem would lead to brittleness, significant increases in complexity of code, serious incompatibilities,
and problems with interaction with C code. This was appreciated in 1989.
This example is artificial, but stylistically not atypical. The user() function offers many oppor-
tunities for unlikely errors: memory exhaustion, read errors, construction failures (e.g., deep in
the hierarchy of Smiley_face). In addition, the use of a unique_ptr<Shape> protects against a
memory leak. If we used explicit error-codes instead of exceptions, we would need at least five
error-checks in this function, doubling the amount of source code, plus a few more checks inside
the various constructors. Without RAII (and its integration with exceptions) the code would bloat
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further still. On average, more code implies more errors. This is especially so when the added code
complicates control flows. This point is often underappreciated by people who argue from small
examples. For small examples, łjust one testž doesn’t matter much and is relatively hard to forget.
On the other hand, some errors should be expected and for those checks of some form of error
code is preferred:
ifstream f {" Myfile "};
if (! f) {
// ... deal with error ...
// ... use f ...
Here, the error-code is hidden inside the stream state for ease of use.
So, ideally, there would be just two ways of handling an error: However, I do not know how to
get to such an ideal state. There are on the order of a dozen variants of the (value,error-code) pair
idea in wide use (e.g., std::map::insert()) and several new ones were being discussed in WG21 in
2018 (e.g., [Botet and Bastien 2018; Sutter 2018b]). Even if the committee could agree on one, there
would still be at least a dozen widely used error-handling schemes łout therež each supported by
large groups of devoted followers, many with millions of lines of hard-to-change code.
There has been little serious research on the topics of performance of exceptions and reliability
of the resulting code in C++ ([Renwick et al. 2019] is an exception). There are, however, many
small unscientific studies and lots of loudly expressed opinions ś often claiming exceptions to be
inherently slower than various forms of checking of error-codes. That is not my experience. To
the best of my knowledge no half-way serious study has failed to observe that there are realistic
examples where error codes win big and realistic examples where exceptions win big. In this
context, łbigž means integer factors, rather than a few percent.
Run a simple performance test: go N levels deep into a call sequence and then report an error.
If the error is rare, say 1:1000 or 1:10000 and the call nesting is deep, say 100 or 1000, exception
handling is much faster than explicit tests. If the call depth is 1 and the error happens 50% of the
time, explicit tests win big. The call depth and error probability determine the difference between
the such examples. My naive, but potentially useful question is łhow rare must an error be to be
considered exceptional?ž Unfortunately, the answer is łthat depends.ž It depends on the complexity
of the code, the hardware, the optimizer, the implementation of exception handling, and more. C++
exceptions were designed assuming an answer at least in the 1:100 region. In other words, that
propagation of error indicators is far more common than explicit handling.
The space problem is likely to be harder to solve than the run-time problem. For systems
relying on immediate termination for all errors that cannot be handled locally, I could imagine an
implementation simply terminating on a throw but if errors are to be propagated and handled, the
tradeoff difficulties won’t go away.
Any solution of the error-handling mess is liable to hit the N+1 problem (ğ4.2.5) [Stroustrup
Curiously enough, one of the worries at the time where exceptions were included in C++ was
that they were not sufficiently general. A significant number of people considered resumption
semantics essential [Stroustrup 1993]. My guess at the time was that allowing resumption would
have slowed down exception handling by at least a factor of two.
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question about C++17 is łWhy did all of that hard work not lead to more significant improvements?ž
The processes that led to the C++11 and C++14 successes were in place, the standards community
was more experienced, larger, and more enthusiastic.
C++17 had about 21 new language features (depending how you count), including:
• Constructor template argument deduction ś simplify object definitions (ğ8.1)
• Deduction guides ś an explicit notation for resolving constructor template argument deduc-
tion ambiguities (ğ8.1)
• Structured bindings ś simplify notation and eliminate a source of uninitialized variables
• inline variables ś simplify the use of statically allocated variables in header-only libraries
[Finkel and Smith 2016]
• Fold expressions ś simplify some uses of variadic templates [Sutton and Smith 2014]
• Explicit test in conditions ś a bit like conditions in for-statements (ğ8.7)
• Guaranteed copy elision ś eliminate many redundant copy operations [Smith 2015]
• Stricter expression evaluation order ś prevents some subtle order-of-evaluation mistakes
[Dos Reis et al. 2016b]
• auto as a template argument type ś type deduction for value template arguments [Touton
and Spertus 2016]
• Standard attributes to catch common mistakes ś [[maybe_unused]], [[nodiscard]], and
[[fallthrough]] [Tomazos 2015]
• Hexadecimal floating-point literals [Köppe 2016a]
• Constant expression if ś simplify compile-time evaluated code [Voutilainen and Vandevoorde
Unfortunately, this is not quite the full list of extensions. Quite a few are so small that they are
not easy to briefly describe.
The C++17 standard-library added about 13 new features plus many minor modifications:
• optional, variant, and any ś standard-library types for expressing alternatives (ğ8.3)
• shared_mutex and shared_lock (reader-writer locks) and scoped_lock (ğ8.4)
• parallel STL ś multi-threaded and/or vectorized versions of standard-library algorithms (ğ8.5)
• file system ś the ability to portably manipulate file-system paths and directories (ğ8.6)
• string_view ś a non-owning reference to an immutable sequence of characters [Yasskin
• Mathematical special functions ś including Laguerre and Legendre polynomials, beta func-
tions, Riemann zeta function [Reverdy 2012]
I have not been able to identify any unifying themes for the C++17 features. These features
look to be merely a set of łbright ideasž thrown into the language and standard library as voting
majorities could be found. That bothers me a lot. It bothers me a lot even when I like an individual
feature. There was no overall plan. That boded ill for the future ś something had to be done
[Stroustrup 2018d]. The creation of the Direction Group was part of WG21’s response (ğ3.2) (ğ9.1).
C++17 undeniably offers something that can help most programmers in minor ways, but nothing
that I can deem major. In this context, I define łmajorž as łmakes a difference to the way we think
about programming and organize our code.ž Here, I describe the facilities that I suspect will have
the largest positive impact.
I also examine a few examples that, despite serious consideration, did not make it into C++17:
• ğ6.3.8: Concepts (C++20)
• ğ8.8.1: Networking library
• ğ8.8.2: Operator dot (operator.())
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Naturally, I had considered the possibility of deducing template arguments from constructor
arguments when I first designed templates, but I was deterred by fear of ambiguities. There were also
technical obstacles to a solution, but Michael Spertus and Richard Smith overcame them [Spertus
and Smith 2015] so in C++17 we can write that last example (p2) without an error, removing the
need for the make_pair() workaround.
This simplifies the use of types, such as pair and tuple, and also writing of concurrent programs
using locks and mutexes (ğ8.4).
shared_lock lck {m }; // no explicit lock type
This is a rare example of mutually supportive features in C++17 leading to significantly simpler
code. Unfortunately, these simplifications were accepted (or not) on a case by case basis, rather
than in general, so the efforts to łfill holesž in the type deduction rules continues [Spertus et al.
In addition to what is described here, the facility provides a notation for resolving ambiguities.
For an example, see (ğ8.3).
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The names x and y are bound to the first and second elements of the pair. That can be a
significant notational convenience.
C++14 had given us convenient ways of returning multiple values. For example:
I consider tuples somewhat overused in current C++ and prefer specifically defined classes
when the multiple values are not independent, but notationally that makes no difference. However,
C++14 did not offer a convenient way of unpacking such multiple return values to match the
convenient ways of creating them. This led to verbose workarounds, uninitialized variables, or
run-time overhead. For example:
Many experts preferred to use the standard-library function tie() for unpacking tuples:
T1 x;
T2 y;
T3 z;
// ...
tie (x ,y ,z) = f (); // nice call syntax , with existing variables
Assigning to a tie() assigns to the variables used as arguments to the tie(). However, to use
tie, you have to separately declare the variables and name their types to match those of the
members of the object returned by f() (here, T1, T2, and T3). Unfortunately, that leaves the local
variables open to use-before-set errors and initialization-followed-by-assignment overhead. Also,
most programmers don’t know that tie() exists or consider it too odd to use in real code.
Herb Sutter suggested a solution that basically mirrors the return syntax:
This would work for any struct holding three members, not just for tuples. The elimination of
the second-to-last source of uninitialized variables in the Core Guidelines (ğ10.6) was the major
motivation for me. Yes, I liked the notation, but the important issue was the improved approximation
to the ideals of C++.
Not everybody liked the idea and we almost didn’t get to discuss it in time for C++17. The paper
proposing structured bindings [Sutter et al. 2015] was late and Ville Voutilainen was about to close
the EWG at the end of the November 2015 meeting in Kona when I noticed that we had about
45 minutes left before lunch and I thought the group would like to see this proposal. Kona 2015
was when we froze the feature set to be worked on for C++17, so those 45 minutes were critical.
We didn’t even have time to fetch Herb from another group, so I presented. The EWG liked the
proposal; the minutes say Encouragement by acclamation; EWG wants something like this.
Now, the real work started.
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In this and later meetings, several people ś notably Chandler Carruth ś pointed out that to meet
the ideals for C++, we needed to extend the ability of break an object into N values to cope with
types that are not tuples or plain structs. For example:
The arguments for that, most eloquently expressed by Ville Voutilainen, was that without explicit
types, the notation decreased readability, could damage maintainability, and could lead to errors.
These are very similar to the arguments against auto in general and having explicit types brings
their own problems. What if the types don’t match what is being returned? Some said it should be an
error. Some said that conversions to the specified type would be very useful (e.g., char[20] returned
into a string). I pointed out that structured binding was supposed to introduce zero-overhead
aliases and any conversion that implied a change in representation would cause significant overhead.
Also, one purpose of structured binding was to improve notation and requiring explicit types would
lead to code that was more verbose than existing alternatives.
The original proposal used braces ({}) to group the names being introduced:
However, some members, notably Chandler Carruth and David Vandevoorde, feared syntactic
ambiguities and insisted that would be confusing łbecause {} means scopež. So we got the [] syntax:
This is a minor change, but I think a mistake. It was a last-minute change and led to minor
grammar complications with the attribute notation (e.g., [[fallthrough]] (ğ4.2.10). I don’t buy the
aesthetic or scope arguments, and in 2014 I had presented ideas of adding functional-programming-
style pattern matching to C++ using { ... } for patterns to break out values (ğ8.3). The structured
bindings had been designed to fit into that general scheme.
These were not the only proposals for late changes. Every proposal added or would have added
It is dangerous to consider one addition to a language at a time. Last-minute changes are
dangerous unless they fit into a larger scheme. They also easily lead to łbloatž through demands
for łcompleteness.ž In this case of structured bindings, I am not convinced that agreeing to allow
structured bindings to refer to bitfields offer sufficient utility to warrant the increased complexity.
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70:100 Bjarne Stroustrup
U u;
// ...
int x = u.i; // OK : iff u holds an integer
char * p = u.p; // OK : iff u holds a pointer
This has been used and misused since the earliest days of C as the fundamental way of different
types łtimesharingž a memory location. There are no compile-time or run-time checks to ensure
that a location is used only as the type it actually holds. Ensuring consistent use of union members
is the programmers’ job, and programmers get it wrong with sickening regularity.
Experienced programmers avoid the problem by encapsulating a union in a class that guarantees
proper use. In particular Boost offered three such types
• optional<T> ś holds a T or nothing
• variant<T,U> ś holds a T or a U
• any ś holds any type
The great utility of these types has been demonstrated in C++ and many other languages.
The committee decided to standardize those three types. Unfortunately, the design of those three
types was discussed separately as if their use cases were disjoint. The possibility of direct language,
as opposed to standard-library, support appears not to have been seriously considered. The result
was three standard-library types that were (like their Boost ancestors) dramatically different. So,
despite the undoubted utility of these types, they are a classic example of design by committee.
optional < int > var1 = 7;
variant < int , string > var2 = 7;
any var3 = 7;
To extract the value stored, I have to use one of three incompatible notations. That’s a burden
on programmers. Yes, experienced programmers will get used to it, but there shouldn’t be an
irregularity for people to get used to.
To simplify the use of variants, a visitor mechanism is provided. First we need a helper template
to define overloat an set:
// boilerplate for simple visitation :
template < class ... Ts > struct overloaded : Ts ... { using Ts :: operator ()...; };
template < class ... Ts > overloaded ( Ts ...) -> overloaded < Ts ... >;
That overloaded template really ought to be standard. It is simple only to people comfortable
with variadic templates (ğ4.3.2) and template argument deduction guides (ğ8.1). However, given
overloaded, I can construct a switch on the type of a variant:
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using var_t = std :: variant < int , long , double , std :: string >; // a variant type
void use ()
std :: vector < var_t > vec = {10 , 20 L , 30.40 , " hello "};
Indisputably, variant and friends address an important problem, but inelegantly. Maybe future
work can reduce the confusing variations in the interfaces to what genuinely needs to differ. In the
meantime, the problem is to get the wider C++ community to use these new types well so as to
eliminate most of the decades’ old problems with unions.
I see these three variants of the idea of a discriminated union as a stop-gap measure. Functional-
programming-style pattern matching is a far more elegant, general, and potentially more efficient
solution to the problems with unions. At the November 2014 meeting in the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champain, I gave a presentation on design issues related to pattern matching [Solodkyy
et al. 2014] partly based on research done with Yuriy Solodkyy and Gabriel Dos Reis in Texas A&M
University [Solodkyy et al. 2013]. We had a library implementation that performed comparably to
functional programming languages despite lack of integration into the compiler. That library could
cope with both closed sets of alternatives (algebraic types) and open sets (class hierarchies). One
aim was to eliminate use of the visitor pattern [Gamma et al. 1994]. However, we did not have an
acceptable syntax. My purpose for the presentation was to raise interest and set longer-term goals.
There was significant interest and after the completion of C++17 work started [Murzin et al. 2019,
2020]. Maybe pattern matching can make it into C++23 (ğ11.5).
8.4 Concurrency
In C++17, the use of locking became significantly easier by the addition of
• scoped_lock ś to acquire an arbitrary number of locks without the possibility of deadlock
• shared_mutex and shared_lock ś to implement reader-writer locks
For example, we can acquire multiple locks without fear of deadlock:
void f ()
scoped_lock lck { mutex1 , mutex2 , mutex3 }; // acquire all three locks
// ... manipulate shared data ...
} // implicitly release all mutexes
C++11 and C++14 failed to give us reader-writer locks. That was obviously a serious omission,
caused by the pressure of proposals and the length of time needed to process proposals. C++17
remedied that by adding shared_mutex:
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void reader ()
shared_lock lck { mx }; // willing to share access with other readers
// ... read ...
void writer ()
unique_lock lck { mx }; // a writer needs exclusive ( unique ) access
// ... write ...
Many readers can łsharež the lock (i.e., enter the critical section at the same time) whereas the
writer requires exclusive access.
I consider these good examples of the łmake simple things simplež philosophy. Sometimes, I
wonder ś with many C++ programmers ś łwhat took them so long?ž
Note how the notation was simplified using template argument deduction from constructor
arguments (ğ8.1).
This was done only for the STL algorithms, so the important find_any and find_all algorithms
are missing. In the future we will see algorithms specifically designed for parallel use. This is
already happening for C++20.
Another weakness is that there was still no standard way of cancelling a thread. For example,
having found an item in a search, a thread cannot stop other parallel searches. This is a result of the
POSIX intervention against all forms of cancellation (ğ4.1.2). C++20 offers cooperative cancellation
The parallel algorithms the C++17 support vectorization. This is important because improved
support for SIMD is one of the few areas where hardware still (post-2017) delivers dramatic growth
in single-thread performance.
In C++20, we can also use the ranges library (ğ6.3) to (finally) avoid the explicit mention of a
container’s sequence of elements and just write:
sort (v );
Unfortunately, the range versions of the parallel algorithms didn’t get finished in time for C++20,
so we’ll have to wait for C++23 before writing:
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else if ( is_directory (p )) {
cout << p << " directory , containing :\ n ";
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Catching the exception protects against rare errors, such as someone removing a file after the
exists(p) check and before the more detailed inquiries. The file system’s interfaces offer support
for handling both rare (exceptional) and common (expected) errors (ğ7.2).
The question is whether that generalization is sufficiently obvious and useful to be worthwhile.
My answer was łno.ž However, this is a (not all that uncommon) example of me being voted down.
My opinion is that the explicit test is best expressed within the if-statement. There, it is harder
to overlook and being conventional has its benefits, especially for people who don’t spend all of
their time writing C++. On the other hand, the explicit test seems to be popular with people who
design their code so that the result of every function needs to be tested for errors - a style I strongly
dislike (ğ7.5).
There are people who aggressively rewrite code to use novel features. I heard of several cases of
people who saw this:
if ( auto p = f(y )) {
if (p ->m >2) {
// ...
// ...
Claiming elegance and shorter code. Naturally, it crashed when p==nullptr, which the original
code didn’t. Thus, whatever benefits we might get, we introduced a new opportunity for errors and
For generality, the explicit test was also allowed in switch and while conditions. For C++20,
this facility was extended to include initializations in range-for statements [Köppe 2017c].
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private :
X* p;
The basic idea is that operations defined on łthe handlež (here Ref) are applied to the handle (e.g.,
the constructor, destructor, operator.(), and rebind()) whereas operations that are not defined on
łthe handlež are applied to łthe value,ž that is, to the result of operator.().
After much work [Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2016], that also failed. The reasons for the failure of
the 2014 proposal are interesting. There was of course the usual wording problems and obscure
łdark cornersž of the design, but I think the proposal would have succeeded had the committee not
become so excited by the idea of smart references that mission creep set in and alternative proposals
were made by Mathias Gaunard and Dietmar Kühl [Gaunard and Kühl 2015] and Hubert Tong
and Faisal Vali [Tong and Vali 2016], respectively. The former required a heavy dose of template
metaprogramming from all who wanted to define an operator.() while the latter was basically
object-oriented, introducing a new form of inheritance and implicit conversions.
Should the action of an operator.() depend on the member to be accessed or should operator.()
be a unary operator depending only on the object it was applied to (just like operator->())? The
former was central to Gaunard and Kühl’s proposal. Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis had
also considered making operator.() binary but concluded that it was far too complex and that
matching operator arrow (->) was important.
In the end, the initial proposal wasn’t really rejected (it was approved by EWG, but never brought
to a full committee vote), but further progress stalled for lack of new input to gain consensus among
the competing proposals. Also, the original proposers (Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis)
got distracted by even more important proposals, such as concepts (ğ6) and modules (ğ9.3.1), and
their łday jobs.ž I consider operator dot a prime example of the members of the committee lacking
a shared view of what C++ is and what it should become (ğ9.1). Thirty years, six proposals, many
discussions, much design and implementation work, and we have nothing.
8.8.3 Uniform Call Syntax. The very first discussion of concepts in 2003, mentioned the need for a
uniform syntax for function calls [Stroustrup and Dos Reis 2003b]. That is, x.f(y) and f(x,y) should
ideally mean the same. The point is that when writing a generic library, you have to decide whether
to call operations on arguments using the object-oriented or the functional notation (x.f(y) or
f(x,y)). As a user, you have to adjust to the choice made by the library designer. Different libraries
and different organizations differ on this. For operators, such as + and *, uniform resolution has
always been the rule; that is, a use (e.g., x+y) would find both member functions and free-standing
functions. In the standard library, we have a plague of pairs of functions to deal with this dilemma
(e.g., to make both begin(x) and x.begin() work).
I should have settled that issue in 1985 or so before the committee could tie itself into knots over
details and potential problems, but I failed to generalize from the operator case.
In 2014, Herb Sutter and I independently proposed a łuniform function call syntaxž [Stroustrup
2014a; Sutter 2014]. The proposals were incompatible, of course, but we immediately solved that by
merging them into a joint proposal [Stroustrup and Sutter 2015].
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Herb was partly motivated by a wish to support autocompletion in IDEs and was leaning
toward the łobject-orientedž notation (e.g., x.f(y)) whereas I was primarily motivated by generic
programming concerns and leaned toward the traditional mathematical notation (e.g., f(x,y)).
The first serious objection was, as ever, compatibility; that is, that we might break existing code.
The original proposal could indeed break some code by preferring a better match or making a call
ambiguous, but we argued that it would be worthwhile and often beneficial. We lost that argument
and a revised version worked by the principle that x.f(y) would look into the class of x first and
only if no f was found there would it consider f(x,y). Similarly, f(x,y) would look into the class of
x only if no free-standing function was called. That would not make f(x,y) and x.f(y) completely
equivalent but obviously it would break no existing code.
This looked most promising but was met with a howl of outrage: it would mean the end of
stable interfaces! The argument, primarily presented by people from Google, was that no interface
that depended on overload resolution could be stable because adding a function could change the
meaning of existing code. That is of course true. Consider:
My answer to that argument was that just about any program can have its meaning changed
by quite a few different kinds of added declarations. Also, a common use of overloading is to add
functions that provide semantically better resolutions (often, to fix bugs). We have always strongly
recommended against adding overloads that (like print(char) above) changes the semantics of
calls of an overload set in the middle of a program. In other words, this definition of łstablež is
unrealistic. I (and others) pointed out that the problem already existed for class members. The
answer was basically that the set of class members is closed so that version of the problem is
manageable. I observed that by using namespaces, the set of free-standing functions associated
with a class can be identified much as members are [Stroustrup 2015b].
By then, much controversy and confusion had erupted and novel proposals started to appear to
compete with the ones under discussion. The UK delegation suggested C# style extension methods
[Coe and Orr 2015] and several people, notably John Spicer insisted that if we needed a unified
function call notation, it should be a new notation separate from the two we already have. I still
fail to see how adding a third notation (e.g., .f(x,y) as suggested) would unify anything. It would
become yet another example of the N+1 problem (ğ4.2.5).
After the defeat of the proposal, I was asked to reexamine the issue once we had modules (ğ9.3.1).
Then, the reach of the name lookup for a free-standing function could be limited to the module of
the class of its first argument. That might resurrect the unified function call proposal, but I don’t
see how that would address the (IMO vastly overstated) concerns about stability of interfaces.
Again, the lack of a shared view of C++’s role and future blocked progress (ğ9.1).
In retrospect, I don’t think that the object-oriented notation (e.g., x.f(y)) should ever have
been introduced. The traditional mathematical notation f(x,y) is sufficient. As a side benefit, the
mathematical notation would naturally have given us multi-methods, thereby saving us from the
visitor pattern workaround [Solodkyy et al. 2012].
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8.8.4 Default Comparisons. Like C, C++ doesn’t offer default comparisons for data structures. For
struct S {
char a;
int b;
void text ()
S s3 = s1 ; // OK , initialization
s2 = s1 ; // OK , assignment
The reason is that, given the usual memory layout of S, there will be łunused bits,ž in the memory
holding an S so that a naive implementation of s1==s2 comparing the bits of the words holding s1
and s2 might yield false. Had it not been for those łunused bits,ž C would have had at least default
equality. I discussed this with Dennis Ritchie back in the early 1980s, but we were both too busy to
do anything about it at the time. This problem doesn’t occur for copying (e.g., s1=s2), where the
naive and traditional solution simply copies all the bits.
Allowing assignment but not comparison because of the efficiency of simple implementations
was appropriate for the 1970s, but odd for the 2010s. Our optimizers could easily handle that, and I ś
like many others ś were tired of explaining why such comparisons weren’t provided. In particular,
many STL algorithms require == or < and therefore don’t work for simple data structures without
the user explicitly defining operator==() and/or operator<() for them.
In 2014, Oleg Smolsky [Smolsky 2014] proposed a simpler way of defining comparison operators
struct Thing {
int a , b , c;
std :: string d;
This addresses the right problem, but it is verbose (six long lines to say łI want the default
operatorsž) and definitely second best to getting comparison operators by default. There were
other technical problems (e.g., łbut that solution is intrusive: if I can’t modify a class, I can’t add
comparisonsž) but the race was now on to better support operators for C++17.
I wrote a paper discussing the problem [Stroustrup 2014c] and proposed to supply the comparisons
by default for simple classes [Stroustrup 2014b]. It turned out that defining what it meant for a
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class to be simple in this context was hard and Jens Maurer discovered some nasty scope problems
with user-defined comparison operators in the presence of default operators (e.g., łwhat does it
mean if we use a default == and then later define an operator==() in a different scope?).
Many more papers were written by Oleg, me, and others but the proposals stalled. People
started to heap more requirements on the proposal. For example, the performance of default
comparisons should equal three-way comparisons for naive uses. Lawrence Crowl wrote an analysis
of comparisons in general [Crowl 2015b] touching upon issues such as handling total, weak, and
partial orders. The general opinion of the EWG was that Lawrence’s analysis was great, but he’d
need a time machine to get the mechanisms in place in C++.
Finally, in 2017, Herb Sutter made a proposal (partially based on Lawrence Crowl’s work) based
on a three-way comparison operator <=> (as found in a variety of languages) from which the usual
operators could be generated [Sutter 2017a]. It didn’t give us the default operators, but at least it
offered a one-line formula for defining it:
struct S {
char a;
int b;
friend std :: strong_order operator <= >(S ,S) = default ;
bool b0 = s1 == s2 ; // true
int b1 = s1 <= > s2 ; // 0
bool b2 = s1 < s2 ; // false
The solution above is recommended by Herb Sutter as causing the fewest problems (e.g., with
overloading and scope), but it is intrusive. I can’t use it for a class that I cannot modify. In that case,
a non-member <=> can be defined:
struct S {
char a;
int b;
The <=> proposal contained an option for implicitly defining <=> for simple classes, but unsur-
prisingly people who consider it safer to be explicit about everything voted that down.
So, instead of a facility that made trivial examples work as expected for novices, we got an
elaborate facility that allows experts to carefully craft subtle comparisons.
The <=> had an easier pass through the committee than any other recent proposal I can think of.
This was the case even though there were no usable implementations and the proposal had strong
implications for the standard library. Predictably, this led to many surprises (ğ9.3.4) including the
kind of lookup problems that had help scuttle the earlier proposals for ==. My guess is that the
comparison operator discussions had convinced many that something was worth doing and the
<=> proposal addressed a variety of issues and fitted with what was familiar from other languages.
Sometime in the future, I will most likely again propose that == and <=> be defined by default
for simple classes. The novice and casual users of C++ deserve that simplicity.
Being proposed in 2017, <=> missed C++17, but after much further work, it is in C++20 (ğ9.3.4).
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• Provide features that are coherent in style (syntax and semantics) and style of use.
This applies to libraries, to language features, and combinations of the two.ž
And of course, static types:
ł C++ relies critically on static type safety for expressiveness, performance, and safety. The
ideal is
• Complete type-safety and resource-safety (no memory corruption and no leaks)
This is achievable without added overhead, in particular without adding a garbage collector,
and without restricting expressibility. ž
Both the NB head request [van Winkel et al. 2017] and the DG document [Dawes et al. 2018]
emphasized the need for committee members to know the history of C++ to ensure a degree of
continuity. An ahistorical group cannot maintain a coherent view of what they are designing. Thus,
the HOPL papers [Stroustrup 1993, 2007] and The Design and Evolution of C++ [Stroustrup 1994]
play an essential role.
Traditionally, in line with the ISO charter for WG21, the work on the evolution of C++ has focused
exclusively on language and library issues. However, a developer is not concerned exclusively with
the language: a program is the product of a tool chain (ğ1). Astoundingly, C++ does not have a
standard for dynamically linked libraries or a standard build system. The tools study group SG15
was founded in 2018 to try to grapple with the diverse issues related to tooling (ğ3.2).
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Fortunately, most items on that list are in C++20. The exceptions are
• the networking library (ğ8.8.1) ś now a TS [Wakely 2018]
• contracts (ğ9.6.1) ś almost made C++20
• uniform function call (ğ8.8.3)
• the SIMD vector ś now in a TS [Hoberock 2019]
• the stack_array
This list led to scheduling debates. As the 2016 defeat of the concepts proposal (ğ6.3.8) seemed
inevitable, I was asked ś in full committee ś whether I would propose a one-or-two-year delay to
get concepts in, making the standard C++18 or C++19. I declined because I consider a predictable
release cycle more important to the community than any individual improvement. Also, there was
no guarantee that a consensus would emerge and one schedule slip would most likely cause further
slips. If one proposal is deemed worth delaying for, it will be argued that others are equally worth
waiting for. Such logic caused C++0x to become C++11, even as some had hoped for C++06.
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containing textual definitions of interfaces. A popular header can be #included hundreds of times
in various separately compiled sections of a large program. The fundamental problems are:
• Lack of code hygiene: the code in one header can affect the meaning of the code in another
#included in the same translation unit so that #includes are not order independent. Macros
are a major problem here, though not the only one.
• Separate-compilation inconsistencies: declarations of the same entity in two translation units
can be inconsistent, but not all such errors are caught by the compiler or linker.
• Excessive compile times: Compiling an interface from source text is relatively slow. Compiling
an interface from source text repeatedly is very slow.
This has been known from łthe dawn of timež (e.g., see The Design and Evolution of C++ [Strous-
trup 1994] Chapter 18), but the problems have been steadily growing over the years as more and
more information is put into header files (inline functions, constexpr functions, and especially
templates). In the early days of C++, typically 10% of the text came from headers, but currently it is
more like 90% or even 99%. Consider:
int main ()
std :: cout << " Hello , World \n ";
This canonical program is 70 characters, but after the #include it yields 419,909 characters for
the compiler to digest. Despite the impressive processing speeds of modern C++ compilers, the
modularity problem has become urgent.
Encouraged by the committee (and supported by me) David Vandevoorde produced a series of
module designs in the 2000s [Vandevoorde 2007, 2012], but progress was very slow. Finishing C++0x,
rather than making progress on modules, was the priority of the committee. David mostly struggled
on his own getting little more than moral support. In 2012, Doug Gregor presented a completely
different module system design from Apple [Gregor 2012]. That design had been done for C and
Objective C in the Clang compiler infrastructure [Team 2014] and relied on extra-linguistic file
mapping directives, rather than C++ language constructs. There was also an emphasis on keeping
header files unmodified.
In 2014 a group of people from Microsoft led by Gabriel Dos Reis presented a proposal based on
their work [Dos Reis et al. 2014]. It was closer in spirit to David Vandevoorde’s designs than the
Clang/Apple proposal and to a large degree based on work on an optimal graph representation
of C++ source code done by Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup at Texas A&M University
(published and made open-source in 2007 [Dos Reis 2009; Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2009, 2011]).
This set the scene for major progress with modules, but also for a series of clashes between the
Apple/Google/Clang approach (and implementation) and the Microsoft approach (and implementa-
A study group was created for modules and after 3 years, it produced a TS primarily based on
Gabriel Dos Reis’ design [Dos Reis 2018].
In 2017 and again in 2018, suggestions to move the Modules TS into the standard for C++20 was
blocked by proposals for different designs from Google [Smith 2018a,b]. A major bone of contention
was that in Gabriel Dos Reis’ design macros could not be exported. The Google people argued
that this was a fatal flaw, whereas Gabriel Dos Reis (and I) considered it essential for modularity
[Stroustrup 2018c]:
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This code fragment defines a module map_printer that offers the function print_map as its
user interface and implements it using facilities imported from modules iostream and containers.
To emphasize the difference from older C++ styles, I use concepts (ğ6) and structured bindings
Key ideas:
• An export directive makes an entity available for import into another module.
• An import directive makes exported entities from another module accessible for use.
• An imported entity is not implicitly exported.
• An import doesn’t add entities to a context; it only makes entities accessible (thus, an unused
import is essentially cost free).
The two last points differ from #includes and are essential for modularity and compile-time
That simple example is purely module based; this is the ideal. However, there may be half a trillion
lines of C++ deployed and header files and #includes will not go away any day soon, possibly not
for decades. Several individuals and organizations pointed to the need for mechanisms to allow for
transition, for coexistence of header files and modules in programs, and for libraries to offer both
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header file and module interfaces to users with code bases of different maturity. Remember that at
any given time, there are users relying on 10-year old compilers.
Consider implementing the map_printer under the constraint that you cannot modify the
iostream and container headers:
export module map_printer ; // we are defining a module
An import directive that names a header file works almost exactly as an #include would ś
macros, implementation details, and recursively #included headers. However, the compiler ensures
that imported łlegacy headersž do not have mutual dependencies. That is, imports of headers is
order independent, thus providing some, but not nearly all of the benefits of modularity. For example,
importing individual headers, such as import<iostream>, leaves the programmer with the task of
deciding which to import, slows down compilation by having unnecessarily many interactions with
the file system, and limits pre-compilation of standard-library components from different headers.
Personally, I’d like to see modules with a coarser granularity, e.g., a standard import std directive
for making the complete standard library available. However, a more ambitious refactoring of the
standard library [Clow et al. 2018] had to be postponed until C++23 (ğ11.5).
Facilities like import of headers were an essential part of the Google/Clang proposals. One
reason for that is that there are libraries for which the primary interface is a set of macros.
Late in the design/implementation/standardization effort objections focused on the modules
likely impact on build systems. Current build systems for C and C++ are heavily optimized for
handling header files. Decades of work has been expended on optimizing that and several people
associated with traditional build systems expressed doubts that modules could be fitted in without
(unaffordable) major redesigns and/or that builds using modules would not allow for parallel
compilation (because an importing module depends on the imported module being previously
compiled) [Bindels et al. 2018; Lopes et al. 2019; Rivera 2019a]. Fortunately, early impressions had
been overly pessimistic [Rivera 2019b], the build2 system had been modified to handle modules,
Microsoft and Google reported that their build systems showed good results with modules, and
finally Nathan Sidwell reported that he had modified GNU build to handle modules in only two
weeks of his spare time [Sidwell 2019]. A final presentation of these experiences and a joint paper
of the key module implementers (Gabriel Dos Reis, Nathan Sidwell, Richard Smith, and David
Vandevoorde) swayed almost all nay-sayers [Dos Reis et al. 2019].
In February 2019, modules were voted into C++20 by a 46-6 majority including all implementers
[Smith 2019]. By then, the major C++ implementations were already close approximations to the
C++20 standard. Modules promise to be the most important single improvement offered by C++20.
9.3.2 Coroutines. Coroutines offer a model of cooperative multi-tasking that can be far more
efficient than use of threads or processes. Coroutines were an essential part of early C++. Without
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the task library offering coroutines, C++ would have been stillborn, but for a variety of reasons
coroutines didn’t make it into C++98 (ğ1.1).
The history of what became C++20 coroutines starts with a proposal from Niklas Gustafsson
(Microsoft) for łresumable functionsž [Gustafsson 2012]. The primary aim was to support asynchro-
nous I/O; łserver applications that handle many thousands or millions of clientsž [Kohlhoff 2013].
It was equivalent to the async/await facility being introduced into C# at the time (in release 6.0 in
2015). Similar facilities have been introduced into Python, JavaScript, and other languages. Niklas’
proposal triggered a competing proposal based on Boost::coroutine from Oliver Kowalke and Nat
Goodspeed [Kowalke and Goodspeed 2013] and lots of interest. The await design was stackless,
asymmetric, and language-based whereas the Boost-derived one used stacks, had symmetric control
primitives, and was library-based. A stackless coroutine is one that can only be suspended in its
own body and not in a function called from it. That way, a suspension involves only saving a
single stackframe (łthe coroutine statež) and not a whole stack. For performance, this is a massive
The design space for coroutines is huge, so consensus was hard to achieve. Many in the committee
(including me) hoped for a synthesis that gave the best of both approaches, so a group of interested
members did an analysis of the alternatives [Goodspeed 2014]. The conclusion was that it might be
possible to get the best of both approaches, but that would require serious study. That study took
years, yielded no clear results, and in the meantime more proposals emerged.
As for the closely related topic of concurrency (ğ8.4), a complete explanation of the proposals
written, presented, and discussed is beyond the scope of this paper. Here, I present only an outline.
There are simply too many complex details for anything else; the papers alone run into many
hundreds of pages and many discussions hinge on the performance of (sometimes hypothetical)
highly-optimized implementations for advanced use cases. Discussions occurred in SG1 (concur-
rency), EWG (evolution), LEWG (library evolution), CWG (core language), LWG (library), and even
in evening sessions and plenary.
Three ideas emerged repeatedly in these discussions and proposals:
• Represent the state of a coroutine and its operations as a lambda, thus fitting coroutines
elegantly into the C++ type system and not requiring some of the łcompiler magicž employed
by the await-style coroutines [Kohlhoff 2013].
• Provide a common interface to both stackless and stackful coroutines ś and possibly also to
other kinds of concurrency mechanisms, such as threads and fibers. [Kowalke 2015; Riegel
• To gain optimal performance (runtime and space) for the simplest and most critical uses (gen-
erators and pipelines), stackless coroutines need compiler support and must have interfaces
that are not compromised by the need to support more advanced use cases [Nishanov 2018,
You can’t have all three. I’m a great fan of the idea of common interfaces because that minimizes
learning efforts and greatly eases experimentation. Similarly, using perfectly normal objects to
represent coroutines would open up the whole language to support coroutines. However, in the
end the performance argument won out.
In 2017, a proposal from Gor Nishanov based on the await stackless approach was accepted as a
TS [Nishanov 2017]. The reason this proposal (inevitably nicknamed łGor-routinesž) was approved
was that its implementation had demonstrated superior performance for its key use cases (pipelines
and generators) [Jonathan et al. 2018; Psaropoulos et al. 2017]. The reason that it was made a
TS, rather than put into the standard was that many liked the more general (but slower) stackful
coroutines and some still hoped for a zero-overhead synthesis of the two approaches. My opinion
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at the time (and still today) was that a synthesis was impossible on a reasonable timescale. Having
waited almost 30 year to get coroutines back into C++, I didn’t want to wait for a breakthrough
that might never come: łThe best is the enemy of the good.ž
As usual, naming was a contentious issue. In particular, the draft TS used the keyword yield,
which was quickly determined to be a popular identifier (e.g., in finance and agriculture). Also,
the result produced by a coroutine needs to be wrapped into a structure that a caller can wait on
(e.g., a future (ğ4.1.3)) so the semantics of a coroutine return-statement is not identical to that
of an ordinary return-statement. Consequently, some people objected to the łre-usež of return.
In response, the Evolution Working Group introduced the keywords co_return, co_yield, and
co_await for the three key operations in a coroutine. The underscores were introduced to stop
native English speakers from misreading coreturn, coyield, and coawait as core-turn, coy-ield,
and coa-wait. Making yield, and await context-sensitive keywords was explored, but that didn’t
gain consensus. These new keywords aren’t pretty and they quickly became a rallying point for
people who disliked the TS coroutines for any reason.
In 2018, the TS coroutines were proposed to be put into the standard for C++20, but in the
very last minute, Geoff Romer, James Dennett, and Chandler Carruth from Google proposed a
rather novice-unfriendly proposal [Romer et al. 2018]. Like Gor’s proposal, the Google proposal,
named łCore Coroutinesž, required library support to make the basic mechanisms friendly to
non-expert users. This library had yet to be designed. Core Coroutines were claimed to be more
efficient than the TS coroutines and addressed a use case that Google had for non-exception-based
error propagation. It was based on the idea of representing the state of a coroutine as a lambda.
To avoid the widely despised keywords co_return, co_yeld, and co_await, the Core Coroutines
offered the supposedly friendlier operators [->] and [<-]. Surprisingly for an operator, [->] was four
characters long and took four operands; the ł[ž and ł]ž were part of the token. Unfortunately, the
Core coroutines were not implemented so claims of usability and efficiency could not be verified.
This delayed further decisions about coroutines.
One significant and potentially fatal problem with the TS coroutines was that they relied on free
store (dynamic memory, heap) allocation. That’s a significant overhead in some applications. Worse,
for many critical real-time and embedded applications, free store use is simply not allowed because
of its potential for unpredictable response time and the possibility of memory fragmentation. The
Core coroutines didn’t have this problem. However, Gor Nishanov and Richard Smith demonstrated
that the TS coroutines could guarantee the absence of free store use for almost all uses (and detect
and prevent the rest) in one of several ways [Smith and Nishanov 2018]. In particular, it is possible
to optimize free store use into stack allocation (łHalo optimizationž) for almost all critical use cases.
The Core Coroutines evolved and improved over time [Romer et al. 2019a], but a complete
implementation never emerged. In 2018, the Bulgarian National Body objected to the TS coroutine
design [Mihaylov and Vassilev 2018] and proposed yet another design [Mihaylov and Vassilev
2019]. Again, elegance, generality, and performance were claimed, but again, no implementation
At this point, the head of the Evolution group, Ville Voutilainen, requested that the authors of
the three still-active proposals write two evaluation and comparison papers:
All three proposals (Gor, Google, and Bulgaria) were stackless and use cases requiring stacks
were left for future proposals. All had a bewildering number of customization points [Nishanov
2018], which were deemed essential by their implementers and expert users. It emerged that the
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expression of key use cases was not dramatically different in the different proposals. Consequently,
the differences could be dismissed as largely cosmetic. For example, is co_await uglier than [<-]?
This left performance. Gor’s proposal had the clear advantage of four years of production use and
being implemented in both the Microsoft and Clang compilers. Over the last few meetings before
the key votes for C++20, the committee heard experience reports from people from Sandia [Hollman
2019], Microsoft [Jonathan et al. 2018], and Facebook [Howes et al. 2018] and considered some
suggestions about improvements and simplifications based on such uses [Baker 2019]. However,
the point that (as far as I can judge) swayed the committee to a solid 48-4 vote in favor was that
a fundamental flaw was discovered in the strategy of using łordinary lambdasž to represent the
state of a coroutine. For a lambda representing a coroutine state to be just like other lambdas, its
size must be known in the first stage of compilation. Only then can we allocate coroutine states on
the stack, copy them, move them around, and use them in the various ways the language allows.
However, the size of a stack frame (and that’s what the state of a stackless coroutine fundamentally
is) isn’t known until the optimizer has run. There is no information path from the optimizer back
to the early stages of the compiler. An optimizer can decrease the size of a frame by eliminating
variables and increase it by adding useful temporaries. Thus, a lambda represented a coroutine
state from cannot be łordinary.ž
Finally, consider a trivial example of a C++20 coroutine:
generator < int > fibonacci () // generate 0 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,8 ,13 ...
int a = 0; // initial values
int b = 1;
while ( true ) {
int next = a+b;
co_yield a; // return next Fibonacci number
a = b; // update values
b = next ;
int main ()
for ( auto v: fibonacci ())
cout << v << '\n ';
The use of co_yield makes fibonnacci() a coroutine. The generator<int> return value will
hold the next int generated and the minimal state needed for fibonacci() to wait for the next call.
For asynchronous use, we’d use a future<int> instead of generator<int>. The standard library
support for coroutine return types is still incomplete, but mature libraries are in production use.
Could the committee have handled coroutines better? Probably; the C++20 coroutines are
remarkably similar to Niklas Gustafsson’s 2012 proposal. It was good that we explored alternatives,
but did we really need 7 years? Could the massive efforts by many competent people have been
more collaborative and less competitive? I feel that better scholarship would have helped in the
early stages. After all, coroutines have about 60 years of history, e.g., [Conway 1963]. People
knew modern approaches in C++ and related languages, but our understanding wasn’t shared or
systematic. Had we spent a few months or a year on a thorough review of fundamental design
choices, implementation techniques, key use cases, and the literature, I suspect we could have
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reached the conclusions we arrived at in February 2019 as early as 2014. The years afterwards
could then have been spent on incremental improvements and further functionality for our chosen
fundamental approaches.
Much of the credit for the progress made and the final success go to Gor Nishanov. Without his
tenacity and his solid implementation work (he did both the Microsoft and the Clang implemen-
tations), we would not have the C++20 coroutines. Perseverance is a key factor in success in the
9.3.3 Compile-Time Computation Support. The importance of compile-time evaluation has been
steadily increasing in C++ over the years. The STL relied critically on compile-time dispatch
[Stroustrup 2007] and template metaprogramming was mostly aimed at moving computation from
run time to compile time (ğ10.5.2). Even the reliance on overloading and the use of virtual function
tables in early C++ can be seen as gaining performance by moving computation from run time to
compile time. Thus, compile-time computation has always been a key part of C++.
From C, C++ inherited constant expressions that were restricted to integers and could not call
functions. Macros were needed for anything nontrivial. This did not scale well. Once templates
were introduced and template metaprogramming was discovered, template metaprogramming
became widely used to compute values and types at compile time (ğ10.5.2). In 2010, Gabriel Dos
Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup published a paper that pointed out that compile-time computation of
values could (and should) be expressed just like other computations, relying on the usual rules
for expressions and functions, including the use of user-defined types [Dos Reis and Stroustrup
2010]. This became constexpr functions in C++11 (ğ4.2.7) and the basis for modern compile-time
programming. C++14 generalized constexpr functions (ğ5.5) and C++20 added several related
• consteval ś a constexpr function guaranteed to be compile-time evaluated [Smith et al.
• constinit ś a declaration modifier to guarantee compile-time initialization [Fiselier 2019]
• the use of matching pairs of new and delete in constexpr functions [Dimov et al. 2019]
• constexpr string and constexpr vector [Dionne 2018]
• the use of virtual functions [Dimov and Vassilev 2018]
• the use of unions, exceptions, dynamic_cast, and typeid [Dionne and Vandevoorde 2018]
• user-defined types as value template arguments ś finally allowing user-defined types wher-
ever built-in types are [Maurer 2012]
• is_constant_evaluated() predicate ś to enable library implementers to optimize code with
far fewer platform dependent intrinsics [Smith et al. 2018b]
Along with this effort, the standard library is being made more friendly to compile-time evalua-
The ultimate aim for much of this effort is to support static reflection for C++23 or later (ğ9.6.2).
The use of user-defined types as template argument types and the use of strings as template
arguments were anticipated when I first designed templates, but then they were beyond my ability
to design and implement properly.
There are people who would like every C++ construct to be available at compile time. In particular,
they would like to be able to use the complete standard-library in constexpr functions. That may
be too much of a good thing. For example, do you really need threads at compile time? Yes, it is
feasible. Not making all functions usable at compile time, leaves us with the problem of deciding
which should be usable and which should not. So far, the answer is a bit ad hoc and not coherent.
Further refinement is needed.
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The original STL as adopted for C++98 [Stroustrup 1993] defined a sequence as a pair of iterators.
That left out two important ways of specifying a sequence. The range library provides the three
major alternatives (now called ranges):
• (first,one_beyond_last) for when we know where the beginning and the end of the sequence
are (e.g., łsort from the beginning to the end of a vectorž).
• (first,number_of_elements) for when we don’t actually need to have the end of a sequence
computed (e.g., łlook at the first 10 elements of a listž).
• (first,termination_criteria) for when we use a predicate (e.g., a sentinel) to define the end
of the sequence (e.g., łread until end of inputž).
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A range is a concept (ğ6). All C++20 standard-library algorithms are now precisely specified
using concepts. This is in itself a major improvement and it is what enables the generalization to
use ranges, rather than just iterators. That generalization allows for pipelining of algorithms:
vector < int > vec = {1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8, 9, 10 };
Like in Unix, the pipeline operator, |, delivers the output of its left-hand operand as the input
to its right-hand operand (e.g., A|B means B(A). This will get much more interesting once people
start using coroutines (ğ9.3.2) to write pipeline filters.
In 2017, the ranges library became a TS [Niebler and Carter 2017] and February 2019 it was voted
into C++20 [Niebler et al. 2018].
9.3.6 Dates and Time Zones. The date library is the work of Howard Hinnant (Ripple, formerly
Apple) providing standard calendar and time zone support for C++ [Hinnant and Kamiński 2018].
It is based on the chrono standard-library time support. Howard was also the main person behind
chrono (ğ4.6). The date library is the result of years of work and real-world use. In 2018, it was
voted into C++20 and placed in <chrono> together with the older time utilities.
Consider how to express a point in time (a time_point):
constexpr auto tp = 2016 y/ May /29 d + 7h + 30 min + 6s + 153 ms ;
cout << tp << '\n '; // 2016 -05 -29 07:30:06.153
The notation is conventional (using user-define literals (ğ4.2.8)) and a date is represented as a
year,month,day structure. However, when needed, a date maps to a point on the standard time
line (system_time) at compile time (using constexpr functions (ğ4.2.7)), so it is blindingly fast
and can be used in constant expressions. For example:
static_assert (2016 y/ May /29== Thursday ); // check at compile time
By default, the time zone is UTC (aka Unix time), but conversion to different time zones is easy:
zoned_time zt = {" Asia / Tokyo ", tp };
cout << zt << '\n '; // 2016 -05 -29 16:30:06.153 JST
The date library can also handle days of the week (e.g., Monday and Friday), multiple calendars
(e.g., Gregorian and Julian), and more esoteric (but necessary) notions, such as leap seconds.
In addition to being useful and fast, the date library is interesting because it offers very fine-
grained static type checking. Common mistakes are caught at compile time. For example:
auto d1 = 2019 y /5/4; // error : May 4 or April 12?
auto d2 = 2019 y/ May /4; // OK
auto d2 = May /4/2019; // OK ( the day follows the month )
auto d3 = d2 +10; // error : add 10 days , 10 months , or 10 years ?
The date library is a rare example of a standard-library component that directly addresses an
application domain, rather than łjustž offering a supporting łcomputer sciencež abstraction. I hope
to see more such in future standards.
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9.3.7 Format. The iostream library offers type-safe extensible I/O, but it’s formatting facilities are
weak. In addition, some people dislike the use of << to separate output values. The format library
provides a printf-like way of composing strings and formatting values that is typesafe, fast, and
works with iostreams. It is primarily the work of Victor Zverovich [Zverovich 2019].
Types that have a << operator can be output within a format string:
string s = " foo ";
cout << format (" The string '{} ' has {} characters ",s ,s. size ());
Like printf(), format() offers a whole little programming language for expressing formatting
details, such as field width, floating-point precision, integer number base, and alignment in a field.
Unlike printf(), format() is extensible and can handle user-defined types. Here is an example
printing a date from the <chrono> library (ğ9.3.6) [Zverovich et al. 2019]:
string s1 = format ("{}" , birthday );
string s2 = format ("{0: >15% Y -%m -% d }" , birthday );
The year-month-day format is the default. The >15 means use 15 characters and left-align the
text. The date library contains yet-another small formatting language for use with format(). It can
even handle time zones and locales:
std :: format ( std :: locale {" fi_FI "} , "{}" , zt );
This will give us the local time in Finland. By default, formatting is not locale dependent, but you
can opt in. This significantly improves performance compared to traditional iostream performance
when you don’t need locale information.
There is no equivalent to format for input (istream).
9.3.8 Span. Out-of-range access, sometimes referred to as buffer overflow, has been a serious
problem from the early days of C. Consider:
void f( int * p , int n) // what is n?
for ( int i =0; i <n; ++ i)
p[i] = 7; // OK ?
How would a tool, e.g., a compiler, know that n was meant to be the number of elements in the
array pointed to? How can a programmer get it consistently right in a large program?
int x = 100;
int a [100];
f(a ,x ); // OK
f(a ,x /2); // OK : first half of a
f(a ,x +1); // disaster !
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For decades, that łdisasterž comment has been accurate and range errors have been the root
of major security problems. Compilers do not catch range-errors and run-time checking of all
subscripting has generally been deemed too expensive for production code.
The obvious solution is to supply an abstraction that holds a pointer plus a size. For example, in
1990, Dennis Ritchie proposed that to the C standard committee: ł‘fat pointers’ whose representation
will include the space to store the adjustable bounds at run-timež [Ritchie 1990]. For various reasons,
the C committee didn’t approve. At the time, I heard the priceless comment: łDennis isn’t a C
expert; he never comes to the meetings.ž It is probably good that I don’t remember who said that.
In 2015, Neil MacIntosh (then at Microsoft), revived that idea for the C++ Core Guidelines (ğ10.6)
where we needed a mechanism to encourage and optionally enforce effective programming styles.
This span<T> class template was put into the Core Guidelines support library and promptly ported
to the Microsoft, Clang, and GCC C++ compilers. In 2018, it was voted into C++20.
Using span, that example can now be written:
void f( span < int > a) // span holds a pointer and a size
for ( int & x : a)
x = 7; // OK
The range-for extracts the range from the span and traverses exactly the right number of
elements (without costly range checking). This is an example of how an appropriate abstraction
can simultaneously simplify notation and improve performance. It is easier and cheaper for an
algorithm to explicitly use a range (here, span) than to check each individual element access.
If necessary, you can explicitly specify a size (e.g., to operate on a subrange), but then the risk is
yours and the notation stands out as a warning:
int x = 100;
int a [100];
f(a ); // template argument deduction : f( span < int >{a ,100})
f ({a ,x /2}); // OK : first half of a
f ({a ,x +1}); // disaster
Naturally, simple element access can also be done, e.g., a[7]=9, and can be checked at run time.
Range checking of span is the default in the C++ Core Guideline Support Library (GSL).
The most contentious part of getting span into C++20 turned out to be the type of subscripts
and sizes. The Core Guidelines span::size() was defined to return a signed int as opposed to the
unsigned used by the standard-library containers. Similarly, subscripts were ints like for arrays,
rather than unsigned as they are for standard-library containers. This led to a revival of an old
and contentious issue:
• Some consider it obvious that subscripts, being non-negative, should be represented as
• Some consider consistency with standard-library containers more important than any argu-
ments about past mistakes related to unsigned.
• Some consider the use of unsigned to represent non-negative numbers misguided (giving a
false sense of safety) and a significant source of errors.
Over the strenuous objections of the original designers (including me) and implementers of span,
the second group won the votes, enthusiastically supported by the first group, so std::span has
unsigned sizes and subscripts. I consider that a sad failure to take advantage of a rare opportunity
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to remedy a nasty old mistake [Stroustrup 2018e]. Somewhat predictably and not irrationally, the
committee chose bug compatibility over the work of removing a significant bug source.
But what could be wrong about representing subscripts as unsigned? This appears to be a rather
emotional topic. I received several hate mails about this. There are two fundamental problems:
• unsigned does not model natural numbers: it has modular arithmetic and subtraction. For
example, if ch is an unsigned char, ch+100 will never overflow.
• int and unsigned convert to each other at the slightest provocation, turning negative values
into huge signed values and vice versa. For example, -2<2u is false; 2u is unsigned, so -2 is
converted into a huge positive integer before the comparison.
Here is an infinite loop occasionally seen łin the wildž:
for ( size_t i = n -1; i >= 0; --i) { /* ... */ } // " reverse loop "
Unfortunately, the standard-library type size_t is unsigned and then obviously always >=0.
Basically, the rules for conversions among signed and unsigned types, as inherited by C++ from C,
have been a major source of hard-to-find errors for decades, but it is hard to convince a committee
to address old problems.
9.4 Concurrency
Despite valiant efforts and an emerging broad consensus, the hoped-for general concurrency
model (łexecutorsž) wasn’t ready for C++20 (ğ8.8.1). This was not for lack of effort, including a
special two-day September 2018 meeting in Bellevue WA attended by about 25 people including
representative from NVIDIA, Facebook, and the US National Labs. However, several less dramatic
useful improvements were completed in time, including
• jthread and stop tokens [Josuttis et al. 2019a]
• atomic<shared_ptr<T>> [Sutter 2017b]
• classic semaphores [Lelbach et al. 2019]
• barriers and latches [Lelbach et al. 2019]
• minor memory model repairs and improvements to [Meredith and Sutter 2017]
The jthread (short for łjoining threadž) is a thread that obeys RAII; that is, it’s destructor joins,
rather than terminates, if the jthread goes out of scope:
void some_fct ()
thread t1 ;
jthread t2 ;
// ...
At the end of scope, t1’s destructor terminates the program unless t1’s task has completed,
joined, or detached, whereas t2’s destructor will wait for its task to complete.
From the start (pre-C++11), many (incl. me) had wanted thread to have what is now jthread’s
behavior, but people grounded in traditional operating systems threads insisted that terminating
a program was far preferable to a deadlock. In 2012 and 2013, Herb Sutter proposed a joining
thread [Sutter 2012, 2013a]. This led to much discussion, but no decisions. In 2016, Ville Voutilainen
summarized the issues and conducted votes for including joining threads into C++17 [Voutilainen
2016a]. The votes were so massively in favor that I (only partly joking) suggested that we could
submit joining threads to C++14 as a bugfix, but somehow, the progress again stalled. In 2017, Nico
Josuttis, re-raised the issue and eventually ś after eight revisions and the addition of stop tokens ś
the proposal made it into C++20 [Josuttis et al. 2019a].
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łStop tokensž is a solution to the old problem of how to stop a thread when we are no longer
interested in its result. The basic idea is to make thread cancellation (ğ4.1.2) cooperative. If I want a
jthread to terminate, I set its stop token. It is the thread’s obligation to occasionally test whether
the stop token has been set and if so, clean up and exit. This technique is as old as the mountains
and works nicely and efficiently for just about every thread that has a main loop where the test of
the stop token can be placed.
As ever, naming became an issue: safe_thread, ithread (’i’ for interruptible), raii_thread,
joining_thread, and finally jthread. The Guideline Support Library calls it gsl::thread. Really,
the proper name is thread, but unfortunately, that name was already taken for a less useful kind
of thread.
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9.6.1 Contracts. Contracts are special in that not only did most people expect them to make it
into C++20, but contracts were voted into the working paper for C++20 just to be yanked out at
the very last moment. A new Study Group, SG-21 chaired by John Spicer, has been created to try to
get some form of contracts back for C++23 or C++26. The story of contracts for C++20 is sad but
possibly enlightening.
Contracts in various guises have a long history in C++ and other languages. I remember being
very attracted to Peter Naur’s invariants [Naur 1966] when I first encountered them in the early
1970s. A system of assertions, called A++, was considered for C++ in the early 1990s, but was
considered too extensive to be practical. In the late 1980s, Bertrand Meyer popularized the notion of
łcontractsž with Eiffel [Meyer 1994]. As part of the C++0x effort, a couple of proposals [Crowl and
Ottosen 2006] received serious attention in the committee but eventually failed, mostly because of
perceived excess complexity and inelegant notation.
For years, Bloomberg (the New York City financial information company) had used a system
of run-time assertions, called contracts, to catch problems in their code. In 2013, John Lakos from
Bloomberg proposed that system for standardization [Lakos and Zakharov 2013]. It was well
received, but it ran into two problems:
• It was based on macros
• It was strictly assertions in implementation code, rather than something that enhanced
Revisions followed, but no consensus emerged. To try to break the deadlock a group of people
from Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and University Carlos III in Madrid proposed a system of łsimple
contractsž that did not use macros and added support for pre-conditions and post-conditions (as
had the C++0x attempts) [García et al. 2015]. Like the proposal from Bloomberg, this proposal was
backed by many years of large-scale industrial use, but had an emphasis on the use of contracts in
static analysis. J-Daniel Garcia (University Carlos III) worked hard to produce a design that would
satisfy all, but that proposal also ran into opposition.
After many meetings, papers, and (occasionally heated) discussions, it became clear that a
compromise was elusive. The two groups then asked me to coordinate and to prove my conjecture
that the discussions were focused on łdetailsž and that there had to be a minimal proposal that
included the essentials of both groups stated needs and no controversial łdetails.ž After a fair bit of
work where I alternately met with representatives of the two groups, we finally produced a joint
proposal coauthored by łall partiesž [Dos Reis et al. 2016a]. I think that design was technically
sound rather than a political compromise. It aimed to serve three needs (in order of importance):
• Systematic and controlled run-time tests
• Information for static analyzers
• Information for optimizers
After further work led by J-Daniel Garcia, the proposal was adopted for C++20 in June 2018 [Dos
Reis et al. 2018].
To avoid introducing new keywords, we used the attribute syntax. For example, [[assert: x+y>0]].
A contract has no effect on a valid program, so this fits the original conception of attributes (ğ4.2.10).
There are three kinds of contracts:
• assert ś assertions in executable code
• expects ś pre-conditions on function declaration
• ensures ś post-conditions on function declarations
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[[ assert : p != nullptr ]]
p ->m = 7;
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individual contracts. In this, these new schemes differed radically from the agreed-upon design in
the working paper. Consider:
[[ assert assume : p != nullptr ]]
This would bring back the macro-based scheme that had been rejected in 2014 because the
obvious way of managing code changes would involve macros in the code. For example:
[[ assert MODE1 : p != nullptr ]]
Here, MODE1 could be #defined as one of the supported alternatives such as assume and
default. Alternatively and roughly equivalently, the meaning of qualifiers such as assume could
be defined by assignments on the command line (acting like command-line macros).
In essence, the combination of the possibility of continuation after a contract violation and
programmer control of the meaning of a contract, would turn the contract mechanism from a
system of assertions to a novel control-flow mechanism.
Some proposals even suggested to abolish support for static analysis. There were dozens of
variations of these proposals, all late and none capable of increasing consensus.
The flood of novel proposals (from the Bloomberg team and others, e.g., [Berne 2019; Berne
and Lakos 2019; Khlebnikov and Lakos 2019; Lakos 2019; Rosen et al. 2019]) and the hundreds of
email messages discussing them blocked the needed discussion of bug fixes to the status quo design
in the working paper. As I had repeatedly warned (e.g., in [Stroustrup 2019c]), the result of the
proposals for a redesign was that contracts were removed from C++20 after a proposal to do so by
Nico Josuttis [Josuttis et al. 2019b]. I consider the last year of discussions about contracts a classic
case of nobody getting anything because someone wanted it exactly their way. Time will tell if the
new study group, SG21, can deliver something more widely acceptable for C++23 or C++26.
9.6.2 Static Reflection. In 2013, a study group for łreflectionž (SG-7) was formed and a call for
ideas was issued [Snyder and Carruth 2013]. There was broad agreement that C++ needed a static
reflection mechanism. That is, we needed a way to write code that examined the program of which
it was part and to inject code based on that analysis into that program. That way, we could replace
tedious and tricky boilerplate, macros, and extra-linguistic generators with clean code. For example,
we could generate functions for stream I/O, logging, comparison, marshalling for storage and
networking, building and using object maps, łstringificationž of enumerators, test support, and
more [Chochlík et al. 2017; Stroustrup 2018g]. The aim of the reflection study group was to get
something ready for C++20 or C++23; it was understood that C++17 was not a realistic target.
It was agreed that reflection/introspection relying on run-time traversal of an ever-present data
structure was unsuitable for C++ because of the size of such data, the complexity of a complete
representation of the language constructs, and the run-time cost of traversal.
Several proposals promptly emerged [Chochlík 2014; Silva and Auresco 2014; Tomazos and
Spertus 2014] and over the following years the study group, chaired by Chandler Carruth, held
several meetings to try to decide on scope and direction. The approach chosen was based on types
organized in classical object-oriented class hierarchies supported by concepts (ğ6) where they
needed to be generic [Chochlík 2015; Chochlík and Naumann 2016; Chochlík et al. 2017]. This
approach was developed and implemented primarily by Matóš Chochlík, Axel Naumann, and David
Sankel. It resulted in a technical specification approved in 2019 [Sankel 2018].
During the (expected) long gestation period for static reflection, compile-time computation
based on constexpr functions (ğ9.3.3) developed steadily and eventually proposals to base static
reflection on functions rather than class hierarchies emerged. The main proponents were Andrew
Sutton, Daveed Vandevoorde, Herb Sutter, and Faisal Vali [Sutton and Sutter 2018; Sutton et al.
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2018]. The main arguments for the shift in focus was partly that analyzing and generating code are
inherently functional and that the compile-time computation based on constexpr functions had
developed to the point where metaprogramming and reflection merged. Another strong point (first
presented by Daveed Vandevoorde) of that approach was that a compiler’s internal data structures
for functions were inherently smaller and more transient than for type hierarchies so they used
significantly less memory and compilation was significantly faster.
At the February 2019 standards meeting in Cologne, David Sankel and Michael Park presented a
design that combined the strengths of the two approaches [Sankel and Vandevoorde 2019]. At the
most fundamental level only a single type exists. This maximizes flexibility and minimizes compiler
On top of that, a statically typed interface can be imposed by a form of safe-type conversion (from
the low-level monotype meta::info to more specific types such as meta::type_ and meta::class_).
Here is an example based on [Sankel and Vandevoorde 2019]. It achieves the conversion from
meta::info to more specific types through concept overloading (ğ6.3.2). Consider:
namespace meta {
consteval std :: span < type_ > get_member_types ( class_ c) const ;
struct baz {
enum E { /*...*/ };
class Buz { /*...*/ };
using Biz = int ;
void f ()
constexpr meta :: class_ metaBaz = reflexpr ( baz );
template for ( constexpr meta :: type member_ : get_member_types ( metaBaz ))
print ( meta :: most_derived ( member_ ));
The key new language features here is the reflexpr operator that returns a (meta) object
describing its argument and template for [Sutton et al. 2019] that iterates over the elements of a
heterogeneous structure by expanding each element according to its type.
In addition, there is a mechanism for injecting code into the program being compiled.
The likelihood is that something like this will become standard in C++23 or C++26.
As a side effect, the work on the ambitious reflection schemes spurred improvements to compile-
time evaluation facilities:
• The set of type traits in the standard (ğ4.5.1)
• The macros for source location (e.g., __FILE__ and __LINE__) were replaced by an intrinsic
mechanism [Douglas and Jabot 2019]
• The facilities for compile-time computation (e.g., consteval for guaranteed compile-time
• Expansion statements (template for ś for iterating over tuple elements [Sutton et al. 2019])
for C++23.
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10 C++ IN 2020
This section looks at how C++ was used in the second decade of 2000 and for what:
• ğ10.1: What is C++ used for?
• ğ10.2: The C++ community
• ğ10.3: Education and Research
• ğ10.4: Tools
• ğ10.5: Programming styles
• ğ10.6: Core Guidelines
Areas of use are much as in 2006 (ğ2.3). Some new areas been added, but mostly what we see is
a wider and deeper use in the same and similar areas. C++ hasn’t suddenly become a łweb-app
language,ž though there is some use even there [Obiltschnig et al. 2005]. For most programmers, C++
is still something in the background that offers stability, reliability, portability, and performance.
For end users, C++ is invisible.
The change in programming styles has been more dramatic. C++11 is a far better language than
C++98. It is easier to use well, more expressive, and deliver better performance. C++20, as deployed
in 2020, is a similar improvement over C++11.
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• Major Web applications: Alibaba, Amadeus (airline ticketing), Amazon, Apple, Facebook,
PayPal, Tencent (WeChat), Yandex.
• Engineering: Dassault (CAD/CAM), Lockheed Martin (airplanes).
• Automotive: Assisted driving [ADAS Wikipedia 2020; Mobileye 2020; NVIDIA 2020], software
architecture [Autosar 2020; Autosar Wikipedia 2020], machine vision [OpenCV 2020; OpenCV
Wikipedia 2020], BMW, GM, Mercedes, Tesla, Toyota, Volvo, Volkswagen, Waymo (Google
self-driving cars).
• Embedded systems: smart watches and health monitors (e.g., Garmin), cameras and video
equipment (e.g., Olympus and Canon), navigation aids (e.g., TomTom), coffee machines
(e.g., Nespresso), farm-animal monitoring (e.g., Big Dutchman), production-line temperature
control (e.g., Carlsberg).
• Security: Kaspersky, NSA, Symantec.
• Medicine and biology: Medical monitoring and imaging (e.g., Siemens, GE, Toshiba, and
Phillips), tomography (e.g., CAT scanners), genome analysis, bioinformatics, radiation oncol-
ogy (e.g., Elekta and Varian).
This only scratches the surface, but it demonstrates the breadth and depth of C++ use. Most
C++ uses are invisible to its (indirect) users. Some of these uses started pre-2006, but many were
initiated later. No major modern system is written exclusively in a single language, but C++ plays a
major role in what is mentioned here.
It is easy to forget that many uses are quite mundane, yet important in our lives. Yes, C++ helps
run NASA’s deep space network, but it also runs in familiar gadgets, such as coffee machines, stereo
speakers, and dishwashers. I was surprised to find it used in the advanced systems used to run
modern pig farms.
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• ACCU ś the grandfather of all surviving C++ organizations; it publishes two magazines and
holds annual conferences (primarily active in England). Founded as a C users’ group in 1984.
• ś the website of the C++ Foundation with C++-related news, information of the
standards process, and useful links.
• ś an excellent online reference; it even has a history section!
• Conferences ś CppCon, ACCU, Meeting++, C++ Now (formerly BoostCon), Qt, NDC, std::cpp,
plus several in Poland, Russia, China, Israel, and elsewhere. C++ tracks at general software
conferences are also on the rise.
• Blogs ś many, and podcasts.
• Videos ś Videos have become a major source of information about new developments in
C++. The major C++ conferences typically video the talks and post them for free access
(e.g., CppCon, C++ Now, and Meeting++). Video interviews have become popular. The most
popular hosting site is YouTube, which unfortunately is blocked in some countries with large
C++ developer communities (e.g., China).
• GitHub ś makes it easier to share code and to organize joint projects.
This is nowhere near a match for the centralized organizations of some languages and vendors,
but it is a lively and varied set of interrelated communities and far, far more active than what the
C++ community had in 2006. Also, several corporate user’s groups and conferences are still active.
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• A Tour of C++ [Stroustrup 2014d, 2018f] ś a short (200 pages) overview aimed at more
experienced programmers
• Discovering Modern C++ [Gottschling 2015] ś a book specifically for students with a strong
mathematical background
I wrote a couple of semi-academic papers (Software Development for Infrastructure [Stroustrup
2012] and What should we teach software developers? Why? [Stroustrup 2010b]) and devoted the
opening keynote of CppCon 2017 to education (Learning and Teaching Modern C++ [Stroustrup
The use of videos and online courses has dramatically increased since about 2014. This serves
C++ well because that doesn’t require a central organization or significant funding.
Here is a sampling of academic research related to the C++ language in the 2006-2020 timeframe:
• Concepts: generic programming [Dehnert and Stepanov 2000], C++0x Concepts [Gregor et al.
2006], use patterns [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2006], library design [Sutton and Stroustrup
• Theory and formalism: inheritance model [Wasserrab et al. 2006], templates and overloading
[Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2005a], template semantics [Siek and Taha 2006], object layout
[Ramananandro et al. 2011], construction and destruction [Ramananandro et al. 2012], a
representation for code manipulation [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2009, 2011], resource model
[Stroustrup et al. 2015].
• Dynamic lookup: fast dynamic cast [Gibbs and Stroustrup 2006], pattern matching [Solodkyy
et al. 2012], multimethods [Pirkelbauer et al. 2010].
• Static Analysis: sound representation [Yang et al. 2012], practical experience [Bessey et al.
• Performance: code bloat [Bourdev and Järvi 2006, 2011], exception implementation [Renwick
et al. 2019].
• Language comparisons: generic programming [Garcia et al. 2007].
• Concurrent and parallel programming: memory model [Batty et al. 2013, 2012, 2011], HPX (a
general-purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale
[Kaiser et al. 2009Sept.]), STAPL (An adaptive, generic parallel C++ library [Zandifar et al.
2014]), TBB (Intel’s task parallelism library [Reinders 2007]).
• Coroutines: Database optimization [Jonathan et al. 2018; Psaropoulos et al. 2017].
• Software engineering: Code organization and optimization [Garcia and Stroustrup 2015],
Constant expression evaluation [Dos Reis and Stroustrup 2010].
There seem to be opportunities for more academic research related to C++’s features and
techniques (e.g., exception handling, compile-time programming, and resource management) as
well as to the effectiveness of its use (e.g., static analysis or real-world code and empirical studies).
Few of the most active members of the C++ community would ever consider writing an academic
paper; writing books seems more popular (e.g., [Čukić 2018; Gottschling 2015; Meyers 2014; Stepanov
and McJones 2009; Vandevoorde et al. 2018; Williams 2018]).
10.4 Tools
In the early-to-mid 1990s, compared to other languages, C++ was doing reasonably well in the areas
of tools and programming environments for industrial use. For example, graphical user interfaces
and integrated software development environments were pioneered for C++. Later, the focus of
development and investment shifted to proprietary languages, such as Java (Sun), C# (Microsoft),
and Objective-C (Apple), and to simpler languages, such as C (GNU).
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• Funding: Organizations tend to prefer languages and tools that they can control and that give
then a differential advantage over competitors. From that perspective, the fact that C++ is
controlled by a formal standards committee emphasizing benefits for all is a disadvantage ś
a variant of the tragedy of the commons.
• Macros and textual definition: C++ did not have a simple, widely available internal representa-
tion to simplify tool building based on source code and the heavy use of macros ensured that
what a programmer saw wasn’t what the compiler analyzed. Like C, C++ is defined in terms
of sequences of characters, rather than constructs that directly represent abstractions and are
easier to manipulate. Together with Gabriel Dos Reis, I defined such a representation [Dos
Reis and Stroustrup 2009, 2011], but the character-oriented traditions in the C++ community
proved hard to overcome. It is hard to retrofit a regular structure on something not built with
that in mind.
Consequently, in the 2006-2020 time frame, C++ suffered badly in the area of support tools compared
to other languages. However, the situation also improved slightly by the emergence of
What is listed above are just examples. As usual, the problem for the C++ users is the number of
alternatives: [RC++ 2010ś2020] lists 26 systems for generating code at compile time and there are
dozens of package managers. What is needed is some form of standardization.
As of 2020, tools are still not a strength of C++, but progress is being made over a broad front.
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with better compilers, variadic templates (ğ4.3.2), and lambdas (ğ4.3.1) that gave TMP the boost
needed for mainstream use. The C++ standard library also added support, such as the compile-time
selection template, conditional, type traits allowing code to depend on properties of types, such
as łcan type X safely be bitwise copied?ž (ğ4.5.1), and enable_if (ğ4.5.1). For example:
conditional <( sizeof ( int ) <4) , double , int > x; // if ints are small use double
Computing types to precisely mirror requirements is arguably the essential part of TMP. We can
also calculate values:
template < unsigned n >
struct fac {
enum { val = n * fac <n -1 >:: val };
template <>
struct fac <0 > { // specialization for 0: fac <0 > is 1
enum { val = 1 };
Note the key role of template specialization; it is essential in most TMP. It has been used to
compute non-trivial values and to express control flows (e.g., to compute decisions tables at compile
time and unroll loops). Specialization is a largely underappreciated feature of C++98 [Stroustrup
In clever libraries and also in real-world code, primitives like enable_if have become the basis of
programs of many hundreds or even thousands of lines. Early examples of TMP included a complete
compile-time Lisp interpreter [Czarnecki and Eisenecker 2000]. Debugging is extremely hard,
maintenance of such code is horrendous, and I have seen a couple of hundred lines of (admittedly
clever) TMP lead to compile times in minutes and failure to compile by running out of memory
on a 30GB computer. The compiler error messages from even simple errors can run into many
thousands of lines. And yet TMP is widely used. Sane programmers have found TMP, warts and
all, preferable to alternatives. I have seen code generated from TMP that was better than I would
expect a competent human to write in assembler.
Thus, the problem becomes to better serve such needs. I worry when people start to consider
code like fac<> normal. That is not a good way to express an ordinary numerical algorithm.
Concepts (ğ6) and compile-time evaluated functions (constexpr (ğ4.2.7)) can dramatically simplify
metaprogramming. For example:
constexpr int fac ( int n)
int r = 1;
while (n >1) r *=n - -;
return r;
This example illustrates that when you want a value, a function is the best way to compute it,
even ś and especially ś at compile time. Traditional template metaprogramming is best reserved
for computing new types and control structures.
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Jaakko Järvi’s boost::lambda [Järvi and Powell 2002; Järvi et al. 2003a] was an early use of TMP
that helped convince people that lambdas were useful and also that they needed direct language
The Boost metaprogramming library, boost::MPL [Gurtovoy and Abrahams 2002ś2020], offered
the best and worst of traditional TMP. A more modern library, boost::Hana [Boost Hana 2015ś
2020], uses constexpr functions. WG21’s SG7 (ğ3.2) is trying to develop a better and standard
metaprogramming system that also includes compile-time reflection (ğ9.6.2).
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Many programmers have developed techniques to prevent pointers from dangling. However,
dangling pointers are still a major problem in most large code bases and security issues are much
more critical than in the past. Some dangling pointers can be exploited as a security hole.
10.6.1 General Approach. In 2004, I helped develop a set of coding guidelines for flight control
software [Lockheed Martin Corporation 2005] that approximated my ideals of safety, flexibility, and
performance. In 2014, I started writing a set of coding guidelines to address this for use in a broad
range of applications. This was in part a response to loud demands for practical guidelines for using
C++11 well and part in horror over seeing what some people considered good C++11. Talking to
people, I soon discovered the obvious: I wasn’t the only one thinking and working along these
lines. So, some experienced C++ programmers, tool builders, and library builders joined forces and
started the C++ Core Guidelines project [Stroustrup and Sutter 2014ś2020] with contributors from a
broad spectrum of the C++ community. The project is open-source (MIT license) and the list of
contributors can be found on GitHub. Early on, contributors from Morgan Stanley (notably me),
Microsoft (notably Herb Sutter, Gabriel Dos Reis, and Neil Macintosh), Red Hat (notably Jonathan
Wakely), CERN, Facebook, and Google were prominent.
The Core Guidelines are by no means the only C++ guidelines project, but they are the most
prominent and most ambitious. They have the explicit and articulated aim of dramatically improving
the quality of C++ code. For example, the ideals and basic model for complete type and resource
safety was articulated early on in a paper by Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, and Gabriel Dos Reis
[Stroustrup et al. 2015].
To reach the ambitions goals, we apply a łcocktailž of approaches applied in concert:
• Rules: A large set of rules, aimed at type-safe and resource-safe use of C++, recommending
known effective practices, and banning known sources of errors and inefficiencies.
• Foundation libraries: A set of library components to allow programmers to write efficient
low-level programs without using known error-prone features and in general to provide a
higher-level basis for programming. Most components are from the standard library and
some from a small Guidelines Support Library (GSL) written in ISO standard C++.
• Static analysis: Tools to detect violations and enforce key parts of the guidelines.
Each of these techniques has a long history and each cannot by itself handle the problems at
an industrial scale. For example, I am a great fan of static analysis, but the kinds of analysis I am
most interested in (e.g., the elimination of dangling pointers) cannot be solved if a programmer
can write arbitrarily complex code in a separately compiled program potentially using dynamic
linking. Here łcannotž means łtheoretically impossible in generalž as well as łtoo computationally
expensive for industrial-scale programs.ž
The basic approach is not simple restriction, but what I called the subset-of-superset approach
or SELL [Stroustrup 2005]:
• First, extend the language with library facilities to makes a solid base for use.
• Then, subset by removing unsafe, error-prone, and overly-costly facilities.
For libraries, we primarily rely on parts of the standard library, such as variant (ğ8.3) and vector.
The small Guidelines Support Library (GSL) offer support for type-safe access, such as span for
range checked access to a contiguous sequence of elements of a given type (ğ9.3.8). The idea is to
eventually eliminate the GSL by getting it absorbed into the ISO standard library. For example,
span was added to the C++20 standard library and the feeble contract support in the GSL should
be replaced by proper contracts if and when they become available (ğ9.6.1).
10.6.2 Static Analysis. To scale, the static analysis is completely local (one function or one class
at a time). The hardest problems relate to lifetime of objects. RAII is essential: manual resource
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management has repeatedly showed itself seriously error-prone in the many languages in which it
is used. Furthermore, there are plenty of programs łout therež that use pointers and iterators in
principled ways. Such uses must be accepted. To make a program safe is easy, you simply prohibit
everything. However, maintaining both the expressiveness of C++ and its performance are among
the aims of the Core Guidelines, so we can’t gain safety simply through restriction. The aim is a
better C++, not a slow or neutered subset.
These guidelines can help focus education on the more effective aspects of C++ by articulating
principles, making good practices explicit, and mechanizing checking for known problems. They
also help relieve pressures on the language to directly accommodate fashions.
For object lifetimes, there are two major needs:
• Never point to an object that has gone out of scope.
• Never access an invalidated object.
Consider an example from łthe basic modelž paper [Stroustrup et al. 2015]):
int glob = 666;
int * f( int * p)
int x = 4; // local variable
// ...
return &x; // No ! would point to destroyed stack frame
// ...
return & glob ; // OK : points to something that " lives forever "
// ...
return new int {7}; // OK ( sort of : doesn 't dangle ,
// but returns an owner as an int *)
// ...
return p; // OK : came from caller
We can return a pointer that points to something known to outlive the function (e.g., came to
the function as an argument) but not a pointer to a local. In a program following the guidelines, it
is guaranteed that a pointer passes as an argument points to something or be the nullptr).
To avoid leaks, łnaked newsž as in the example above are eliminated through the use of resource
handles (RAII) or ownership annotations.
A pointer can be invalidated if the object it points to is reallocated. For example:
vector < int > v = { 1 ,2 ,3 };
int * p = &v [2];
v. push_back (4); // v ' s elements may be relocated
*p = 5; // bad : p might have been invalidated
Checking for invalidation is even harder than checking for simple dangling pointers because it
is hard to be sure which functions move objects and whether that is to be considered invalidation
(the pointer p still points to something, but conceptually to a different element). It is not yet clear
if invalidation checking can be completely handled without annotation or non-local state in the
static analyzer. In initial implementations, every function manipulating an object as a non-const
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is assumed to invalidate, but that is too conservative, leading to too many false positives. The
initial detailed specification of lifetime checking was written by Herb Sutter [Sutter 2019] and
implemented by his colleagues at Microsoft.
Range checking and checking for nullptr is done with library support (GSL). Static analysis is
then used to ensure that the libraries are used consistently.
The initial implementation of the static analysis ideas was by Neil Macintosh and is currently
deployed as part of Microsoft Visual Studio. Some rules are checked as part of Clang and HSR’s
Cevelop (Eclipse plugins) [Cevelop 2014ś2020]. Some courses and books are incorporating rules
(e.g., [Stroustrup 2018f]).
The Core Guidelines are designed for gradual and selective adoption. As a result, we see wide-
spread adoption of some guidelines in industry and education, but little complete adoption. For
complete adoption good tool support is necessary.
The ultimate aim of a programming language design is to improve the way programmers think
and work when delivering useful applications. There are languages deemed łjust experimentalž
but as soon as a language is used for work that is not related to the language itself, the language
designers acquire a responsibility to their users. Correctness, appropriateness, stability, and adequate
performance become important issues. For C++, that happened in 1979 after only 6 months. C++
has thrived for 40 years. Why and how?
My previous HOPL papers [Stroustrup 1993, 2007] offer answers from the perspective of 1991
and 2006. Apart from the language features and library components, what has changed since then
is mostly the role and impact of the standards committee (ğ3).
Here, I consider
• ğ11.1: The C++ model
• ğ11.2: Technical successes
• ğ11.3: Areas that need work
• ğ11.4: Lessons learned
• ğ11.5: The future
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None of this would have mattered had C++ broken into incompatible dialects or become some-
thing you couldn’t rely on for the long term:
• Stability and compatibility are essential (ğ1.1) (ğ11.4)
The new features (from C++11 onwards) led to improvements in the standard library (e.g.,
unique_ptr, chrono, format, and scoped_lock) and in many other libraries.
The purpose of C++ is to be a tool for building applications, so the many great applications of
C++, such as those mentioned in (ğ2.3) and (ğ10.1), are the real successes of C++.
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(3) Compiler performance stability: Changes will not imply significant added compile-
time costs for existing code.
(4) Run-time Performance stability: Changes will not imply significant added run-time
costs to existing code.
(5) Progress: Every revision of the standard will offer improved support for some signifi-
cant programming activity or community.
(6) Simplicity: Every revision of the standard will offer simplification for some significant
programming activity.
(7) Timeliness: Every revision of the standard will be shipped on time according to a
published schedule.
The next decades will show how this works out.
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[Stroustrup 2018d] (ğ11.4). Often libraries, guidelines, and tools are superior alternatives to language
Hardware isn’t getting any faster for single threaded computation, so the premium on efficiency
will remain and the pressure to effectively support various forms of concurrency and parallelism
will increase (ğ2.3). Specialized hardware will proliferate (e.g., a variety of memory architectures
and special-purpose processors); that will benefit languages, such as C++, that can take advantage
of it. The only thing that increases faster than hardware performance is human expectation.
Systems are getting increasingly complex, so affordable abstraction mechanisms will also increase
in importance. For systems relying on real-time interaction, predictable performance is essential
(e.g., many real-time systems ban the use of free store (dynamic memory)).
Security concerns will only increase in importance as our dependence on computerized systems
increases and the number of sophisticated hackers grow. To defend, I’d bet on hardware protection
and on more structured systems supporting better static analysis, rather than endless ad-hoc
run-time checks and low-level code.
Interoperability among languages and systems will remain essential; few major systems will be
written in a single language.
As systems become more complex and the requirements for dependability increase, the need
for quality of design and coding grow dramatically. I think C++ is well prepared for this and the
plans for C++23 are to strengthen it further. However, language features alone are not sufficient to
satisfy future demands. We need guidelines supported by tools to ensure effective use (ğ10.6). In
particular, we need to ensure complete type safety and resource safety. This has to be reflected
in education. To thrive, C++ needs better educational materials for novices and some to help
experienced programmers master modern C++. Presentations of clever tricks and advanced uses
are not sufficient and can harm the language by reinforcing its reputation of complexity.
For many reasons, we need to simplify the majority of C++ use. C++ has evolved to make
that possible and I expect this trend will continue (ğ4.2). Improved optimizers ś capable of taking
advantage of the type system and abstractions used in the code ś make a difference. Over the last few
years, this has dramatically changed the way I approach optimizing code: I start by chucking away
the clever and complicated stuff. That’s where the bugs hide and if I have trouble understanding
what’s going on, so will the compiler and optimizer. I find that this approach usually gives me
modest to spectacular performance improvements, as well as simplifying future maintenance. Only
if this doesn’t give me the performance I want, do I resort to advanced (aka complicated) data
structures and algorithms. This is a triumph of the design of the C++ abstraction mechanisms.
I look forward to seeing many more exciting applications built with C++ and to seeing new
programming idioms and design techniques developed.
I hope other languages learn from C++’s successes. It would be sad if the lessons learned from
C++’s evolution were limited to the C++ community. I hope and expect to see key aspects of C++’s
model in other languages and systems; that would be a true measure of success. To a limited extent,
this has already happened (ğ2.4).
I am painfully aware that
• This paper is far too long.
• The description of most technical topics leaves out much that could be considered essential.
Often, the work of many people over many months spread over many years is reduced to a
single page or even a single sentence. In particular, I shortchanged the immensely important
topic of concurrency; it deserves a long, detailed paper of its own.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:146 Bjarne Stroustrup
Thanks to the millions of programmers who made C++ a success. Their applications are critical
parts of our world.
Thanks to reviewers of drafts of this paper, including Al Aho, A. Bratterud, Shigeru Chiba, J.
Daniel Garcia, Brent Hailpern, Howard Hinnant, Roger Orr, Aaron Satlow, Yannis Smaragdakis,
David Vandevoorde, J.C. Van Winkel, and Michael Wong. This paper relies strongly on reviewers
for completeness and accuracy. Errors are of course my own.
Thanks to Guy Steele who helped me navigate the mysteries of LaTex and BibTex to bring the
references into the form required by the ACM.
Thanks to all who worked so hard on the standards. The names of many more than I could
mention can be found as authors of WG21 papers and in the acknowledgement sections of those
papers. The many ‘P’ and ‘N’ numbered papers that I reference and quote can all be found at Without those papers, this paper would have had to
rely far too much on my memory.
David Abrahams, Rani Sharoni, and Doug Gregor. 2010. Allowing Move Constructors to Throw (Rev. 1). ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3050. 12 March 2010.
docs/papers/2010/n3050.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
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Andrei Alexandrescu, Hans Boehm, Kevlin Henney, Doug Lea, and Bill Pugh. 2004. Memory model for multithreaded C++.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1680. 10 Sept. 2004.
wg21/docs/papers/2004/n1680.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Matthew Austern. 2001. A Proposal to Add Hashtables to the Standard Library. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1326. 17 Oct. 2001. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Autosar 2020. AUTOSAR: The standardized software framework for intelligent mobility (website).
(also at Internet Archive 23 Aug. 2019 18:35:20).
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a worldwide development partnership of vehicle manufacturers,
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Autosar Wikipedia 2020. AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture).
(also at Internet Archive 7 Aug. 2019 19:39:43).
Lewis Baker. 2019. Coroutines TS Simplifications. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1477R1.
12 Feb. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
D. W. Barron, J. N. Buxton, D. F. Hartley, E. Nixon, and C. Strachey. 1963. The Main Features of CPL. The Computer Journal
6, 2 (Aug.), 134ś143. 0010-4620 Also at
JF Bastien. 2018. Signed Integers are Two’s Complement. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0907R0. 9 Feb. 2018. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Mark Batty, Mike Dodds, and Alexey Gotsman. 2013. Library Abstraction for C/C++ Concurrency. In Proceedings of the
40th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (Rome, Italy, Jan.) (POPL ’13).
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 235ś248. 978-1450318327
Mark Batty, Kayvan Memarian, Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar, and Peter Sewell. 2012. Clarifying and Compiling C/C++
Concurrency: From C++11 to POWER. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles
of Programming Languages (Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan.) (POPL ’12). Association for Computing Machinery, New York,
NY, USA, 509ś520. 978-1450310833
M. Batty, S. Owens, S. Sarkar, P. Sewell, and T. Weber. 2010. Mathematizing C++ Concurrency: The Post-Rapperswil Model.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3132. 23 Aug. 2010.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:147
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:148 Bjarne Stroustrup
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CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used
to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and
generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. The suite
of CMake tools were created by Kitware in response to the need for a powerful, cross-platform build environment
for open-source projects such as ITK and VTK. CMake is part of Kitware’s collection of commercially supported
open-source platforms for software development.
Jonathan Coe and Roger Orr. 2015. Extension methods for C++ (Uniform-function-calling syntax lite). ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0079R0.
2015/p0079r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Conan 2016ś2020. Conan, the C / C++ Package Manager for Developers (website). (also at Internet
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The open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager to create and share all your native binaries.
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Find and fix defects in your Java, C/C++, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, or Python open source project for free. Test every line
of code and potential execution path. The root cause of each defect is clearly explained, making it easy to fix bugs.
Integrated with GitHub. More than 6600 open source projects and 33000 developers use Coverity Scan.
Cppreference 2011ś2020. Cppreference: An online reference for the C++ language and standard library (website). https:
// (also at Internet Archive 31 March 2020 00:33:10).
Our goal is to provide programmers with a complete online reference for the C and C++ languages and standard
libraries, i.e., a more convenient version of the C and C++ standards.
Lawrence Crowl. 2009. Reaching Scope of Lambda Expressions. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N2957. 25 Sept. 2009. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lawrence Crowl. 2013. Digit Separators. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3661. 19 April 2013. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lawrence Crowl. 2015a. Comparison in C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4367. 8 Feb. 2015. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lawrence Crowl. 2015b. Handling Disappointment in C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0157R0. 7 Nov. 2015. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lawrence Crowl. 2018. Ambiguity and Insecurities with Three-Way Comparison. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P1380R0. 26 Nov. 2018. (also
at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lawrence Crowl and Thorsten Ottosen. 2006. Proposal to add Contract Programming to C++ (revision 4). ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1962. 25 Feb. 2006.
papers/2006/n1962.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lawrence Crowl, Richard Smith, Jeff Snyder, and Daveed Vandevoorde. 2013. Single-Quotation-Mark as a Digit Separator.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3781. 25 Sept. 2013.
wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3781.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Ivan Čukić. 2018. Functional Programming in C++: How to improve your C++ programs using functional techniques. Manning
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Beman Dawes. 2002ś2014. The Boost Filesystem Library Design (website).
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The key feature C++ lacked for script-like applications was the ability to perform portable filesystem operations on
directories and their contents. The Filesystem Library was developed to fill that void.
The intent is not to compete with traditional scripting languages, but to provide a solution for situations where C++
is already the language of choice.
Beman Dawes. 2006. Raw String Literals. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2053. 6 Sept. 2006. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:150 Bjarne Stroustrup
Beman Dawes (Ed.). 2014. Programming languages Ð C++ Ð File System Technical Specification. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper N4100. 4 July 2014.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Beman Dawes (Ed.). 2015. ISO/IEC TS 18822:2015: Programming languages Ð C++ Ð File System Technical Specification.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), Geneva, Switzerland (July). 63 book pages.
standard/63483.html Status: withdrawn.
Beman Dawes, Howard Hinnant, Bjarne Stroustrup, David Vandevoorde, and Michael Wong. 2018. Direction for ISO C++.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0939R0. 10 Feb. 2018.
wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0939r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Beman Dawes, Eric Niebler, and Casey Carter. 2016. Iterator Facade Library Proposal for Ranges. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P0186R0. 11 Feb. 2016.
p0186r0.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Beman G. Dawes. 1998. Proposal for a C++ Library Repository Web Site. 6 May 1998.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 16 Dec. 2019 15:10:40).
Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat. 2004. MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. In Proceedings of the 6th
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Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat. 2008. MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. Commun. ACM 51, 1
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James C. Dehnert and Alexander Stepanov. 2000. Fundamentals of Generic Programming. LNCS, Vol. 1766. Springer-Verlag,
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(also at Internet Archive 6 June 2019 02:08:06).
Peter Dimov, Beman Dawes, and Greg Colvin. 2003. A Proposal to Add General Purpose Smart Pointers to the Library
Technical Report. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1431. 28 Feb. 2003. (also at Internet Archive 24 Dec. 2016 19:20:32).
Peter Dimov, Louis Dionne, Nina Ranns, Richard Smith, and Daveed Vandevoorde. 2019. More constexpr containers. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0784R5. 21 Jan. 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p0784r5.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Peter Dimov and Vassil Vassilev. 2018. Allowing Virtual Function Calls in Constant Expressions. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P1064R0. 4 May 2018.
p1064r0.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Louis Dionne. 2016. Lambdas in unevaluated contexts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0315R0. (also at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 02:00:28).
Louis Dionne. 2017. Familiar template syntax for generic lambdas. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P0428R2. 13 July 2017. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Louis Dionne. 2018. Making std::vector constexpr. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1004R1.
7 Oct. 2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Louis Dionne and David Vandevoorde. 2018. Changing the active member of a union inside constexpr. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1330R0. 10 Nov. 2018.
docs/papers/2018/p1330r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis. 2003. Generalized Constant Expressions. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N1521. 21 Sept. 2003. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis. 2009. IPR: Compiler-neutral Internal Program Representation for C++ (code repository). http://github.
com/GabrielDosReis/ipr (also at Internet Archive 10 Jan. 2019 00:58:20).
Gabriel Dos Reis. 2012. A System for Axiomatic Programming. In Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 11th International
Conference (CICM 2012) (Bremen, Germany, July). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 295ś309. 978-3-642-31373-8 https:
// LNCS 7362.
Gabriel Dos Reis (Ed.). 2018. Working Draft, Extensions to C++ for Modules. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N4720. 29 Jan. 2018. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis, J-Daniel Garcia, John Lakos, Alisdair Meredith, Nathan Myers, and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2016a. A Contract
Design. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0380R0. 28 May 2016.
jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0380r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:151
Gabriel Dos Reis, J-Daniel Garcia, John Lakos, Alisdair Meredith, Nathan Myers, and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018. Support for
contract-based programming in C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0542R4. 2 April 2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis, Mark Hall, and Gor Nishanov. 2014. A Module System for C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N4047. 27 May 2014. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis and Mat Marcus. 2003. Proposal to add template aliases to C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1449. 7 April 2003. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis, Nathan Sidwell, Richard Smith, and David Vandevoorde. 2019. Modules are ready. 14 Feb. 2019. Note on
the WG21 mailing list.
Gabriel Dos Reis and Richard Smith. 2018a. Modules for Standard C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P1087R0. 7 May 2018. (also at Internet
Archive 21 April 2020 03:04:09).
Gabriel Dos Reis and Richard Smith. 2018b. Plan of Record for Making C++ Modules Available in C++ Standards. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0983R0. 1 April 2018.
docs/papers/2018/p0983r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 16:08:45).
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2005a. A Formalism for C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N1885. 20 Oct. 2005. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2005b. Specifying C++ concepts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1886. 20 Oct. 2005. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2006. Specifying C++ Concepts. In Conference Record of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-
SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (Charleston, South Carolina, USA, Jan.) (POPL ’06). Associa-
tion for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 295ś308. 1595930272
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2007. Constant Expressions in the Standard Library. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N2219. 11 March 2007.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2009. A Principled, Complete, and Efficient Representation of C++. In Proceedings of
the Joint Conference of the 9th Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics (ASCM 2009) and 3rd International Conference
on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences (MACIS 2009) (Fukuoka, Japan, 14 Dec.), Masakazu Suzuki,
Hoon Hong, Hirokazu Anai, Chee Yap, Yousuke Sato, and Hiroshi Yoshida (Eds.). Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan,
407ś421. (also at Internet Archive 13 April
2020 14:57:31). Also at MI Lecture Note Series
(formerly COE Lecture Note Series) Vol. 22.
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2010. General Constant Expressions for System Programming Languages. In
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (Sierre, Switzerland, March) (SAC ’10). Association for
Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2131ś2136. 978-1605586397
Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2011. A Principled, Complete, and Efficient Representation of C++. Mathematics in
Computer Science 5, 3 (Sept.), 335ś356. 1661-8270
Gabriel Dos Reis, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Alisdair Meredith. 2009. Axioms: Semantics Aspects of C++ Concepts. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2887. 21 June 2009.
papers/2009/n2887.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gabriel Dos Reis, Herb Sutter, and Jonathan Caves. 2016b. Refining Expression Evaluation Order for Idiomatic C++. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0145R2. 3 March 2016.
docs/papers/2016/p0145r2.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Robert Douglas and Corentin Jabot. 2019. Adopt source location from Library Fundamentals V3 for C++20. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1208R5. 17 June 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p1208r5.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Stefanus du Toit (Ed.). 2014. ISO/IEC 14882:2014: Information Technology Ð Programming languages Ð C++. ISO (International
Organization for Standardization), Geneva, Switzerland (Dec.). 1358 book pages.
Status: withdrawn.
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// (also at Internet Archive 13 April 2019
01:09:02). ECMA Standard ECMA-372.
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70:152 Bjarne Stroustrup
Robert Klarer (editor). 2007. Extension for the programming language C++ to support decimal floating-point arithmetic.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2198. 12 March 2007.
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David Eisenbud, Daniel R. Grayson, Michael Stillman, and Bernd Sturmfel (Eds.). 2001. Computations in Algebraic Geometry
with Macaulay 2. Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Vol. 8. Springer, Berlin, Germany (Oct.). 345 book pages.
Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup. 1990. The C++ Annotated Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
USA. 0-201-51459-1
Hal Finkel and Richard Smith. 2016. Inline Variables. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0386R0.
30 May 2016. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Eric Fiselier. 2019. Adding the ’constinit’ keyword. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1143R1.
21 Jan. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. 1994. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software. Addison-Wesley Professional, Reading, Massachussets, USA. 416 book pages. 978-0201633610
J. Daniel Garcia. 2018. Avoiding undefined behavior in contracts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P1290R0. 26 Nov. 2018. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
J. Daniel García, Francesco Logozzo, Gabriel Dos Reis, Manuel Fähndrich, and Shuvendu Lahiri. 2015. Simple Contracts for
C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4415. 12 April 2015.
sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4415.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
J. Daniel Garcia and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2015. Improving performance and maintainability through refactoring in C++11.
27 Aug. 2015. (also at Internet
Archive 19 Feb. 2019 20:02:29). Also at Research Gate:
Ronald Garcia, Jaakko Järvi, Andrew Lumsdaine, Jeremy Siek, and Jeremiah Willcock. 2007. An Extended Comparative
Study of Language Support for Generic Programming. Journal of Functional Programming 17, 2 (March), 145ś205.
Mathias Gaunard and Dietmar Kühl. 2015. Function Object-Based Overloading of Operator Dot. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P0060R0. 18 Sept. 2015.
p0060r0.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Michael Gibbs and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2006. Fast Dynamic Casting. Software: Practice and Experience 36, 2, 139ś156.
GNUmake 2006ś2020. GNUmake, a tool for generating executable code from multiple source files (website). http:
// (also at Internet Archive 8 April 2020 02:17:10).
GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the
program’s source files.
Matt Godbolt. 2016. Compiler Explorer, an online interactive environment for compiling C++ using a variety of compilers
and seeing the assembly code they generate (blog post). 4 Sept. 2016.
runs-on-amazon (also at Internet Archive 1 April 2020 22:07:49).
Nat Goodspeed. 2014. Stackful Coroutines and Stackless Resumable Functions. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N4232. 13 Oct. 2014. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Peter Gottschling. 2015. Discovering Modern C++. Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachussets, USA. 978-0-13-438358-3
Douglas Gregor. 2006. A Brief Introduction to Variadic Templates. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N2087. 10 Sept. 2006. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Doug Gregor. 2010. Deprecating Exception Specifications. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N3051. 12 March 2010. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Douglas Gregor. 2012. Modules (slides). Nov. 2012. (also at Internet
Archive 20 Dec. 2019 10:43:30). Video at Meeting proceedings at
2012-11/ Presentation at 2012 LLVM Developers’ Meeting, San Jose, California, USA.
Douglas Gregor and David Abrahams. 2009. Rvalue References and Exception Safety. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N2855. 23 March 2009.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:153
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:154 Bjarne Stroustrup
Howard Hinnant, Roger Orr, Bjarne Stroustrup, David Vandevoorde, and Michael Wong. 2019. Direction for ISO C++.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0939R2. 21 Jan. 2019.
wg21/docs/papers/2019/p0939r2.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Howard Hinnant, Roger Orr, Bjarne Stroustrup, David Vandevoorde, and Michael Wong. 2020. Direction for ISO C++.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P2000R0. 13 Jan. 2020.
wg21/docs/papers/2020/p2000r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Howard E. Hinnant, Dave Abrahams, and Peter Dimov. 2004. A Proposal to Add an Rvalue Reference to the C++ Language.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1690. 7 Sept. 2004.
wg21/docs/papers/2004/n1690.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Howard E. Hinnant, Walter E. Brown, Jeff Garland, and Marc Paterno. 2008. A Foundation to Sleep On: Clocks, Points
in Time, and Time Durations. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2615. 18 May 2008. http:
// (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Howard E. Hinnant, Peter Dimov, and Dave Abrahams. 2002. A Proposal to Add Move Semantics Support to the C++
Language. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1377. 10 Sept. 2002. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Howard E. Hinnant and Tomasz Kamiński. 2018. Extending <chrono> to Calendars and Time Zones. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P0355R7. 16 March 2018.
p0355r7.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Howard E. Hinnant, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Bronek Kozicki. 2006. A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2027. 12 June 2006.
papers/2006/n2027.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jared Hoberock (Ed.). 2019. Working Draft, C++ Extensions for Parallelism Version 2. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N4796. 21 Jan. 2019.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland, Chris Kohlhoff, Chris Mysen, Carter Edwards, Gordon Brown, David Hollman, and other
contributors: Hans Boehm, Thomas Heller, Lee Howes, Bryce Lelbach, Hartmut Kaiser, Bryce Lelbach, Gor Nishanov,
Thomas Rodgers, and Michael Wong. 2019. A Unified Executors Proposal for C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0443R10. 21 Jan. 2019.
html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jared Hoberock, Michael Garland, Chris Kohlhoff, Chris Mysen, Carter Edwards, Gordon Brown, and Michael Wong.
2018. Executors Design Document. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0761R2. 12 Feb. 2018. (also at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 17:01:39).
David S. Hollman. 2019. Experience Report: Implementing a Coroutines TS Frontend to an Existing Tasking Library
Draft Proposal. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1403R0. 16 Jan. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Tom Honermann. 2017. Remove abbreviated functions and template-introduction syntax from the Concepts TS. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0696R0. 19 June 2017.
docs/papers/2017/p0696r0.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lee Howes, Eric Niebler, and Lewis Baker. 2018. In support of merging coroutines into C++20. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P1241. 8 Oct. 2018.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jaakko Järvi. 2002. Proposal for adding tuple types into the standard library. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1382. 10 Sept. 2002. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jaakko Järvi and Gary Powell. 2002. Boost.Lambda: The Boost Lambda Library (website).
1_72_0/doc/html/lambda.html (also at Internet Archive 29 March 2020 02:26:54).
The Boost Lambda Library (BLL in the sequel) is a C++ template library, which implements a form of lambda
abstractions for C++. The term originates from functional programming and lambda calculus, where a lambda
abstraction defines an unnamed function. The primary motivation for the BLL is to provide flexible and convenient
means to define unnamed function objects for STL algorithms.
Chapter 20 of the Boost Library Documentation.
Jaakko Järvi, Gary Powell, and Andrew Lumsdaine. 2003a. The Lambda Library: Unnamed functions in C++. Software:
Practice and Experience 33, 3, 259ś291.
Jaakko Järvi, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2007. Decltype (revision 7): proposed wording. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2343. 18 July 2007.
docs/papers/2007/n2343.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:155
Jaakko Järvi, Bjarne Stroustrup, Doug Gregor, and Jeremy Siek. 2003b. Decltype and auto. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N1478. 28 April 2003.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
JetBrains. 2020. CLion: A cross-platform IDE for C and C++ (website). (also at Internet
Archive 10 April 2020 00:41:01).
Smart C and C++ editor: Thanks to native C and C++ support, including modern C++ standards, libc++ and Boost,
CLion knows your code through and through and takes care of the routine while you focus on the important things.
Christopher Jonathan, Umar Farooq Minhas, James Hunter, Justin Levandoski, and Gor Nishanov. 2018. Exploiting
Coroutines to Attack the łKiller Nanosecondsž. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 11, 11 (July), 1702ś1714. 2150-8097
Nicolai Josuttis, Lewis Baker, Billy O’Neal, Herb Sutter, and Anthony Williams. 2019a. Stop Token and Joining Thread,
Rev 9. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0660R9. 10 March 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Nicolai Josuttis, Ville Voutilainen, Roger Orr, Daveed Vandevoorde, John Spicer, and Christopher Di Bella. 2019b. Remove
Contracts from C++20. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1823R0. 18 July 2019. http:
// (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Hartmut Kaiser, Maciek Brodowicz, and Thomas Sterling. 2009Sept.. ParalleX: An Advanced Parallel Execution Model for
Scaling-Impaired Applications. In 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW 2009) (Vienna,
Austria). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, USA, 394ś401. 978-0-7695-3803-7
D. Kapur, D. R. Musser, and A. A. Stepanov. 1981. Operators and Algebraic Structures. In Proceedings of the 1981 Conference
on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA) (FPCA ’81).
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 59ś64. 0897910605
Anastasia Kazakova. 2015. Infographic: C/C++ Facts We Learned Before Going Ahead with CLion (blog post). 27 July
2015. (also at Internet Archive 28 Jan. 2020
Erich Keane, Adam David Alan Martin, and Allan Deutsch. 2017. A Case for Simplifying/Improving Natural Syntax
Concepts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0782R0. 25 Sept. 2017. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Brian Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. 1978. The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA.
Rostislav Khlebnikov and John Lakos. 2019. Contracts, Undefined Behavior, and Defensive Programming. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1743R0. 17 June 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p1743r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
The Khronos Group. 2014ś2020. C++ Single-source Heterogeneous Programming for OpenCL (website). https://www. Archived at*/
SYCL (pronounced ’sickle’) is a royalty-free, cross-platform abstraction layer that builds on the underlying concepts,
portability and efficiency of OpenCL that enables code for heterogeneous processors to be written in a "single-source"
style using completely standard C++. SYCL single-source programming enables the host and kernel code for an
application to be contained in the same source file, in a type-safe way and with the simplicity of a cross-platform
asynchronous task graph. SYCL includes templates and generic lambda functions to enable higher-level application
software to be cleanly coded with optimized acceleration of kernel code across the extensive range of shipping
OpenCL 1.2 implementations.
Andrew Koenig and Bjarne Stroustrup. 1989. Exception Handling for C++. In Proceedings of the USENIX łC++ at Workž
Conference (Nov.). USENIX Association, Berkeley, California, USA, 31 pages.
com/except89.pdf (also at Internet Archive 11 April 2020 01:00:36).
Andrew Koenig and Bjarne Stroustrup. 1991a. Analysis of Overloaded operator.(). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N0054. 21 Sept. 1991.
X3J16_91-0121%20WG21_N0054.pdf (also at Internet Archive 12 April 2016 17:17:26).
Andrew Koenig and Bjarne Stroustrup. 1991b. C++: As close to C as possible but no closer. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper N0089. May 1991.
201991/X3J16_91-0089%20WG21_N0007.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46). Also bears the document
number N0007 and the date 11 May 1989.
Andrew R. Koenig (Ed.). 1998. ISO/IEC 14882:1998: Programming languages Ð C++. ISO (International Organization
for Standardization), Geneva, Switzerland (Sept.). 732 book pages. Status:
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:156 Bjarne Stroustrup
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:157
LLVM began as a research project at the University of Illinois, with the goal of providing a modern, SSA-based
compilation strategy capable of supporting both static and dynamic compilation of arbitrary programming languages.
Since then, LLVM has grown to be an umbrella project consisting of a number of subprojects, many of which are
being used in production by a wide variety of commercial and open source projects as well as being widely used in
academic research.
Lockheed Martin Corporation. 2005. Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ Coding Standards for the System Development and
Demonstration Program. Lockheed Martin Corporation (Dec.). (also at Internet
Archive 8 Jan. 2020 08:09:03). Document Number 2RDU00001 Rev C.
Bruno Cardoso Lopes, Michael Spencer, and JF Bastien. 2019. Modules Feedback. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P1482R0. 8 Feb. 2019. (also
at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Macaulay2 2005ś2020. Macaulay2 (website). (also at Internet Archive 21 Sept.
2019 08:34:37).
Macaulay2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra,
whose creation has been funded by the National Science Foundation since 1992.
Macaulay2 includes core algorithms for computing Gröbner bases and graded or multi-graded free resolutions
of modules over quotient rings of graded or multi-graded polynomial rings with a monomial ordering. The core
algorithms are accessible through a versatile high level interpreted user language with a powerful debugger supporting
the creation of new classes of mathematical objects and the installation of methods for computing specifically with
them Macaulay2 can compute Betti numbers, Ext, cohomology of coherent sheaves on projective varieties, primary
decomposition of ideals, integral closure of rings, and more.
John Maddock. 2002. A Proposal to add Regular Expressions to the Standard Library. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N1386. 6 Sept. 2002.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jens Maurer. 2002. A Proposal to Add an Extensible Random Number Facility to the Standard Library. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1398. 10 Nov. 2002.
papers/2002/n1398.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jens Maurer. 2012. Allowing arbitrary literal types for non-type template parameters. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N3413. 19 Sept. 2012.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jens Maurer. 2019. Bit operations. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0553R4. 1 March 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jens Maurer and Michael Wong. 2007. Towards support for attributes in C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N2236. 4 May 2007. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Ian McIntosh, Michael Wong, Raymond Mak, Robert Klarer, Jens Maurer, Alisdair Meredith, Bjarne Stroustrup, and David
Vandevoorde. 2008. User-defined Literals (aka. Extensible Literals (revision 5)). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N2765. 18 Sept. 2008. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Paul McJones (Ed.). 2007ś2020. C++ Historical Sources Archive (website). Computer History Museum Software Preservation
Group. (also at Internet Archive 29 March 2020 16:45:18).
This is a collection of design documents, source code, and other materials concerning the birth, development,
standardization, and use of the C++ programming language.
C++ added January 2007.
Paul E. McKenney, Mark Batty, Clark Nelson, Hans Boehm, Anthony Williams, Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar, Peter Sewell,
Tjark Weber, Michael Wong, Lawrence Crowl, and Benjamin Kosnik. 2010. Omnibus Memory Model and Atomics Paper.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3196. 11 Nov. 2010.
wg21/docs/papers/2010/n3196.htm (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Alisdair Meredith. 2007. Seeking a Syntax for Attributes in C++09. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N2224. 12 March 2007. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Alisdair Meredith. 2012. Call for Library Proposals. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3370.
26 Feb. 2012. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Alisdair Meredith and Herb Sutter. 2017. Revising atomic_shared_ptr for C++20. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P0718R2. 10 Nov. 2017. (also
at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:158 Bjarne Stroustrup
Bertrand Meyer. 1994. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA. 534 book pages.
Scott Meyers. 2014. Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14. O’Reilly Media,
Sebastopol, California. 978-1491903995
Microsoft. 2020. Visual Studio: Best-in-class tools for any developer (website). (also at
Internet Archive 13 April 2020 16:16:48).
Visual Studio: Full-featured IDE to code, debug, test, and deploy to any platform
Visual Studio Code: Editing and debugging on any OS
Visual Studio for Mac: Develop apps and games for iOS, Android, and web using .NET
Mihail Mihaylov and Vassil Vassilev. 2018. On the Coroutines TS. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P1329R0. 2 Nov. 2018. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Mihail Mihaylov and Vassil Vassilev. 2019. First-class symmetric coroutines in C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P1430R0. 21 Jan. 2019. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
William M. Miller. 2010. Rvalue References as łFunnyž Lvalues. Edison Design Group. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N3030. 14 Feb. 2010.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Lev Minkovsky and John McFarlane. 2019. Math Constants. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0631R7. 24 May 2019. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Mobileye. 2020. ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) (website).
(also at Internet Archive 13 Jan. 2020 03:29:15). Mobileye is an Intel company.
Sergei Murzin, Michael Park, David Sankel, and Dan Sarginson. 2019. Pattern Matching. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P1371R0. 21 Jan. 2019.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Sergei Murzin, Michael Park, David Sankel, and Dan Sarginson. 2020. Pattern Matching. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P1371R2. 13 Jan. 2020.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
David R. Musser and Alexander A. Stepanov. 1987. A Library of Generic Algorithms in Ada. In Proceedings of the 1987
Annual ACM SIGAda International Conference on Ada (Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Dec.) (SIGAda ’87). Association
for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 216ś225. 0897912438 Also at
non-archival (retrieved 28 Feb. 2020)
Axel Naumann. 2012. Introducing cling, a C+++ Interpreter Based on clang/LLVM (video). 15 March 2012. https:
// Google Tech Talk (48 minutes).
Axel Naumann, Philippe Canal, Paul Russo, and Vassil Vassilev. 2010. Creating cling, an interactive interpreter interface for
clang (video). 4 Nov. 2010. (also at Internet Archive 2 April 2020 04:03:23). Video at Slides at Talk at 2010 LLVM
Developers’ Meeting (26 minutes).
Peter Naur. 1966. Proof of Algorithms by General Snapshots. BIT (Nordisk Tidskrift för Informationsbehandling) Numerical
Mathematics 6, 4, 310ś316.
Eric Niebler and Casey Carter. 2017. C++ Extensions for Ranges. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N4651. 15 March 2017. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Eric Niebler, Casey Carter, and Christopher Di Bella. 2018. The One Ranges Proposal (was Merging the Ranges TS). ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0896R2. 25 June 2018.
docs/papers/2018/p0896r2.pdf (also at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 20:59:57).
Eric Niebler, Sean Parent, and Andrew Sutton. 2014. Ranges for the Standard Library, Revision 1. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper N4128. 10 Oct. 2014.
html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Gor Nishanov. 2017. ISO/IEC TS 22277:2017: Technical Specification Ð C++ Extensions for Coroutines. ISO (International
Organization for Standardization), Geneva, Switzerland (Nov.). 18 book pages.
Gor Nishanov. 2018. Incremental Approach: Coroutine TS + Core Coroutines. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P1362R0. 15 Nov. 2018. (also
at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 21:01:42).
Gor Nishanov. 2019a. C++ Exception Optimizations. An experiment. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P1676R0. 4 June 2019. (also at Internet
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:159
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:160 Bjarne Stroustrup
Runtime-Compiled C++ (RCC++) enables you to reliably make major changes to your C++ code at runtime and see
the results immediately. The technique is aimed at games development but can also be useful in any industry where
turnaround times are a bottleneck.
We believe RCC++ is a good overall standard C++ approach to runtime editing of code which is easy to use, available
across a number of platforms and relatively easy to port. There are however a few alternative implementations for
compiling C++ at runtime.
James Reinders. 2007. Intel Threading Building Blocks: Outfitting C++ For Multi-Core Processor Parallelism. O’Reilly Media,
Sebastopol, California (July). 344 book pages. 978-0596514808 Code
repository at
James Renwick, Tom Spink, and Björn Franke. 2019. Low-Cost Deterministic C++ Exceptions for Embedded Systems.
In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Compiler Construction (Washington, DC, USA, Feb.) (CC 2019).
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 76ś86. 978-1450362771
Vincent Reverdy. 2012. A proposal to add special mathematical functions according to the ISO/IEC 80000-2:2009 standard.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3494. 19 Dec. 2012.
wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3494.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Barry Revzin. 2017. Allow pack expansion in lambda init-capture. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P0780R0. 8 Oct. 2017. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Barry Revzin. 2018. <=> != ==. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1185R0. 7 Oct. 2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Barry Revzin. 2019. Spaceship needs a tune-up: Addressing some discovered issues with P0515 and P1185. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1630R1. 17 July 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p1630r1.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Barry Revzin and Stephan T. Lavavej. 2018. explicit(bool). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0892R2. 8 June 2018. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jakob Riedle. 2017. Concepts are Adjectives, not Nouns. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0791R0.
10 Oct. 2017. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Torvald Riegel. 2015. On unifying the coroutines and resumable functions proposals. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0073R0. 25 Sept. 2015.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Dennis M. Ritchie. 1990. Variable-Size Arrays in C. Journal of C Language Translation 2, 2 (Sept.), 81ś86.
Jct22.pdf (also at Internet Archive 2 April 2016 11:29:25). See also
Rene Rivera. 2019a. Are modules fast? (revision 0). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1441R0.
21 Jan. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Rene Rivera. 2019b. Are modules fast? (revision 1). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1441R1.
6 March 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Geoff Romer, James Dennett, and Chandler Carruth. 2018. Core Coroutines: Making coroutines simpler, faster, and
more general. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1063R0. 6 May 2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Geoff Romer, James Dennett, and Chandler Carruth. 2019a. Core Coroutines: Making coroutines simpler, faster, and
more general. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1063R2. 16 Jan. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Geoffrey Romer, Gor Nishanov, Lewis Baker, and Mihail Mihailov. 2019b. Coroutines: Use-cases and Trade-offs. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1493R0. 19 Feb. 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p1493r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Hyman Rosen, John Lakos, and Alisdair Meredith. 2019. Adding a global contract assumption mode. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P1730R0. 14 June 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
David Sankel (Ed.). 2018. Working Draft, C++ Extensions for Reflection. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N4766. 11 Aug. 2018. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:161
David Sankel and Daveed Vandevoorde. 2019. User-friendly and Evolution-friendly Reflection: A Compromise Document.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1733R0. 15 June 2019.
wg21/docs/papers/2019/p1733r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Tim Shen, Richard Smith, Zhihao Yuan, and Chandler Carruth. 2016. Designated Initialization. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P0329R0. 9 May 2016.
p0329r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 21:37:11).
Nathan Sidwell. 2018. Module Preamble is Unnecessarily Fragile (re N4720 Merging Modules). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P1299R3. 13 Nov. 2018.
p1299r3.pdf (also at Internet Archive 21 April 2020 21:39:18).
Nathan Sidwell. 2019. Make Me A Module (re P1184 A Module Mapper). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P1602R0. 1 March 2019. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Nathan Sidwell and Davis Herring. 2019. Modules: ADL & Internal Linkage (re P1103R1 Merging Modules). ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1347R1. 17 Jan. 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p1347r1.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jeremy Siek and Andrew Lumsdaine. 2000ś2007. The Boost Concept Check Library (BCCL) (website). https://www.boost.
org/doc/libs/1_69_0/libs/concept_check/concept_check.htm (also at Internet Archive 16 Feb. 2019 12:45:11).
The Concept Check library allows one to add explicit statement and checking of concepts in the style of the proposed
C++ language extension.
The mechanisms use standard C++ and introduce no run-time overhead. The main cost of using the mechanism is in
Jeremy Siek and Walid Taha. 2006. A Semantic Analysis of C++ Templates. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference
on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) (Nantes, France). Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 304ś327.
3540357262 LNCS 4067.
Cleiton Santoia Silva and Daniel Auresco. 2014. C++ type reflection via variadic template expansion. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper N3951. 7 Feb. 2014.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith. 2013. Relaxing constraints on constexpr functions. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N3597. 15 March 2013. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith. 2015. Guaranteed copy elision through simplified value categories. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P0135R0. 27 Sept. 2015. (also
at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith (Ed.). 2017. ISO/IEC 14882:2017: Programming languages Ð C++. ISO (International Organization for
Standardization), Geneva, Switzerland (Dec.). 1605 book pages.
Richard Smith. 2018a. Another take on Modules. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0947R0.
12 Feb. 2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith. 2018b. Another take on Modules (Revision 1). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0947R1. 6 March 2018. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith. 2018c. Towards consistency between <=> and other comparison operators. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0946R0. 10 Feb. 2018.
html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith. 2019. Merging Modules. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1103R3. 22 Feb. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith (Ed.). 2020. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++. Number N4861. (April). 1834 book
pages. (also at Internet Archive 27 April 2020
Richard Smith and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2018. Merging Modules. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P1103R0. 22 June 2018. (also at Internet Archive
21 April 2020 22:21:27).
Richard Smith and Gor Nishanov. 2018. Halo: coroutine Heap Allocation eLision Optimization: The joint response. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0981R0. 18 March 2018.
docs/papers/2018/p0981r0.html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Richard Smith and Andrew Sutton. 2017. Semantic constraint matching for concepts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0717R0. 19 June 2017.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:162 Bjarne Stroustrup
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:163
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1985c. A Set of C++ Classes for Co-routine Style Programming. In C++ Translator Release Notes.
AT&T, New York, NY, USA (Nov.).
ClassesForCoroutines.pdf (also at Internet Archive 18 July 2019 02:33:30). First published internally in 1980.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1990ś2020. My C++ Standards committee papers (website with links to documents). http://www. (also at Internet Archive 20 Feb. 2020 04:39:09).
This is an incomplete list of papers that I (Bjarne Stroustrup) have written or co-authored for the C++ standards
committee. Please remember that these are incomplete proposals, discussions of alternatives, and exploration of the
design space. Note also that these papers were all written to a specific audience (the members of the C++ standards
committee), at a specific time (relative to the then current draft of the standard), and as part of a specific discussion.
They are typically not ideal introcutions for a general audience. Not all has led to or will lead to changes to C++, and
most of those will łmutatež significantly as they progress from idea/proposal to final language change.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1991. The C++ Programming Language (2th Edition). Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, USA.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1993. A History of C++. In The Second ACM SIGPLAN Conference on History of Programming Languages
(Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, March) (HOPL-II ). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 271ś297.
0897915704 Also published in History of Programming Languages (edited by T. J.
Bergin and R. G. Gibson), Addison-Wesley, ISBN 1-201-89502-1, 1996.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1994. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, USA. 0-201-54330-3
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1997. The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition). Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, USA.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 1998. Generalizing Overloading for C++2000. Overload Journal 25 (1 April), 20ś24. 1354-3172 https:
// (also at Internet Archive 13 May 2011 09:37:09).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2003. Concept checking Ð A more abstract complement to type checking. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N1510. 22 Oct. 2003.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2004ś2020. Why can’t I define constraints for my template parameters? (website). http://www.stroustrup.
com/bs_faq2.html#constraints (also at Internet Archive 10 April 2020 05:20:05).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2005. A rationale for semantically enhanced library languages. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Library-
Centric Software Design (LCSD’05), co-located with OOPSLA 2005 (San Diego, California, USA, 16 Oct.). Department
of Computer Science & Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA, 44. Archived at https:
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2007. Evolving a Language in and for the Real World: C++ 1991ś2006. In Proceedings of the Third ACM
SIGPLAN Conference on History of Programming Languages (San Diego, California, June) (HOPL III ). Association for
Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 4ś1ś4ś59. 978-1595937667
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2008a. Programming ś Principles and Practice Using C++. Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
978-0321543721 There is also a second edition, ISBN 978-0321992789, 2014.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2008b. Uniform initialization design choices (Revision 2). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N2532. 2 Feb. 2008. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2009a. The C++0x łRemove Conceptsž Decision. Dr. Dobb’s Journal (July).
cpp/the-c0x-remove-concepts-decision/218600111 (also at Internet Archive 9 Oct. 2012 01:02:52).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2009b. The C++0x łRemove Conceptsž Decision. Overload Journal 92 (Aug.).
journals/1576 (also at Internet Archive 4 March 2010 22:57:32). Reprinted with permission from Dr. Dobb’s Journal.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2009c. Simplifying the use of concepts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N2906. 21 June 2009. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2010a. łNewž Value Terminology. April 2010. (also at Internet
Archive 2 Oct. 2012 20:01:36).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2010b. What Should We Teach New Software Developers? Why? Communications of the ACM 53, 1
(Jan.), 40ś42. 0001-0782
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2012. Software Development for Infrastructure. Computer 45, 1 (Jan.), 47ś58. 0018-9162 https:
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2013. The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition). Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2014a. Call syntax: x.f(y) vs. f(x,y). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4174.
11 Oct. 2014. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:164 Bjarne Stroustrup
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2014b. Default comparisons. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4175. 11 Oct.
2014. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2014c. Thoughts about Comparisons. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4176.
11 Oct. 2014. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2014d. A Tour of C++. Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 978-0321958310
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2015a. Thoughts about C++17. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4492.
15 May 2015. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2015b. Unified call syntax concerns. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0131R0.
27 Sept. 2015. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2017a. Concepts: The Future of Generic Programming; or, How to Design Good Concepts and Use
Them Well. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0557R1. 31 Jan. 2017. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2017b. Function declarations using concepts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0694R0. 18 June 2017. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2017c. Learning and Teaching Modern C++ (video). 25 Sept. 2017.
Opening keynote for CppCon (the C++ Conference), Bellevue, Washington, USA (99 minutes).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018a. The Evils of Paradigms; or, Beware of one-solution-fits-all thinking. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21:
C++ Standards Committee paper P0976R0. 6 March 2018.
p0976r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018b. A minimal solution to the concepts syntax problems. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P1079. 6 May 2018. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018c. Modules and macros. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0955R0. 11 Feb.
2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018d. Remember the Vasa! ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0977R0. 6 March
2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018e. Subscripts and sizes should be signed. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P1428R0. 18 Jan. 2018. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018f. A Tour of C++ (Second Edition). Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 978-0134997834
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2018g. What do we want to do with reflection? ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P0954R0. 11 Feb. 2018. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2019a. C++ exceptions and alternatives. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P1947R0. 18 Nov. 2019. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2019b. How can you be so certain? ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1962R0.
18 Nov. 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup. 2019c. What to do about contracts? ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1711R0.
13 June 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept.
2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup et al. 1992. How to Write a C++ Language Extension Proposal for ANSI-X3J16/ISO-WG21. SIGPLAN
Notices 27, 6 (June), 64ś71. 0362-1340
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2003a. Concepts Ð Design choices for template argument checking. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1522. 22 Oct. 2003.
papers/2003/n1522.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2003b. Concepts ś Syntax and composition. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N1536. 22 Oct. 2003.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:165
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2003c. Templates aliases for C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1489. 16 Sept. 2003. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2005a. A concept design (Rev. 1). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1782. April 2005. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2005b. Initialization and initializers. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1890. 22 Sept. 2005. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2014. Operator Dot. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N4173. 11 Oct. 2014. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2016. Operator Dot (R3). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P0416R1. 16 Oct. 2016. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter (Eds.). 2014ś2020. C++ Core Guidelines (online document repository). http://github.
com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/blob/master/ (also at Internet Archive 24 Feb. 2020 12:59:15).
Continually updated.
Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter. 2015. Unified Call Syntax: x.f(y) and f(x,y). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N4474. 12 April 2015. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2015. A brief introduction to C++’s model for type- and resource-safety. Oct. 2015. (also at Internet Archive 10 April 2020 05:20:23).
Revised Dec. 2015.
Bjarne Stroustrup and Andrew Sutton (Eds.). 2012. A Concept Design for the STL. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N3351. 13 Jan. 2012. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter. 2002. Proposed Addition to C++: Typedef Templates. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N1406. 21 Oct. 2002. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter. 2012. async and ~future. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3451. 23 Sept. 2012. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter. 2013a. ~thread Should Join. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3636. 17 April 2013. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter. 2013b. AAA Style (Almost Always Auto) (blog post). 12 Aug. 2013.
solution-aaa-style-almost-always-auto/ (also at Internet Archive 3 Dec. 2019 14:58:42).
Herb Sutter. 2014. Unified Call Syntax. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N4165. 4 Oct. 2014. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter. 2017a. Consistent comparison. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0515R0. 5 Feb.
2017. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019
Herb Sutter. 2017b. Merge Concurrency TS atomic pointers into C++20 working draft. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0673R0. 16 June 2017.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 22 April 2020 02:23:22).
Herb Sutter. 2018a. Concepts in-place syntax. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0745R0. 11 Feb.
2018. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019
Herb Sutter. 2018b. Zero-overhead deterministic exceptions: Throwing values. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P0709R0. 2 May 2018. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter. 2019. Lifetime safety: Preventing common dangling Ð version 1.1. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P1179R1. 22 Nov. 2019. (also
at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter, Casey Carter, Gabriel Dos Reis, Eric Niebler, Bjarne Stroustrup, Andrew Sutton, and Ville Voutilainen. 2019.
Rename concepts to standard_case for C++20, while we still can. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P1754R0. 16 June 2019. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:166 Bjarne Stroustrup
Herb Sutter and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2003. A name for the null pointer: nullptr. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N1488. 10 Sept. 2003. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Herb Sutter, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Gabriel Dos Reis. 2015. Structured bindings. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper P0144R0. 14 Oct. 2015. (also
at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Andrew Sutton. 2017. Working Draft, C++ extensions for Concepts. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N4674. 19 June 2017. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Andrew Sutton, Sam Goodrick, and Daveed Vandevoorde. 2019. Expansion statements. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P1306R1. 21 Jan. 2019.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Andrew Sutton and Richard Smith. 2014. Folding expressions. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N4295. 7 Nov. 2014. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Andrew Sutton and Bjarne Stroustrup. 2011. Design of Concept Libraries for C++. In Software Language Engineering: 4th
International Conference (SLE 2011) (3 July 2011ś). Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 97ś118. 978-3-642-28829-6 LNCS 6940.
Andrew Sutton and Herb Sutter. 2018. Value-based Reflection. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
P0993R0. 2 April 2018. (also at Internet Archive
22 April 2020 02:28:24).
Andrew Sutton, Faisal Vali, and Daveed Vandevoorde. 2018. Scalable Reflection in C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P1240R0. 8 Oct. 2018.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Clang Team. 2014. Clang 3.5 Documentation: Modules. (also at Internet Archive
5 Dec. 2014 14:06:59).
Andrew Tomazos. 2015. Proposal of [[unused]], [[nodiscard]] and [[fallthrough]] attributes. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0068R0. 3 Sept. 2015.
pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Andrew Tomazos and Michael Spertus. 2014. Defaulted Comparison Using Reflection. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper N4239. 12 Oct. 2014.
(also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Hubert Tong and Faisal Vali. 2016. Smart References through Delegation: An Alternative to N4477’s Operator Dot. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0352R0. 30 May 2016.
docs/papers/2016/p0352r0.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
James Touton and Mike Spertus. 2015. Template Argument Type Deduction. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N4469. 10 April 2015. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
James Touton and Mike Spertus. 2016. Declaring non-type template arguments with auto. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++
Standards Committee paper P0127R1. 4 March 2016.
html (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Clay Trychta. 2016. Attributes for Likely and Unlikely Branches. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper P0479R0. 16 Oct. 2016. (also at Internet
Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
TSO Wikipedia 2020. Memory ordering. Archived at https://web.archive.
Faisal Vali, Herb Sutter, and Dave Abrahams. 2012. Proposal for Generic (Polymorphic) Lambda Expressions. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N3418. 21 Sept. 2012.
papers/2012/n3418.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Jan Christiaan van Winkel, Jose Daniel Garcia, Ville Voutilainen, Roger Orr, Michael Wong, and Sylvain Bonnal. 2017.
Operating principles for evolving C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0559R0. 31 Jan. 2017. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Daveed Vandevoorde. 2007. Modules in C++ (Revision 5). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper
N2316. 19 June 2007. (also at Internet Archive
4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Daveed Vandevoorde. 2009. New wording for C++0x Lambdas (rev. 2). ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee
paper N2927. 15 July 2009. (also at Internet
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
Thriving in a Crowded and Changing World: C++ 2006ś2020 70:167
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.
70:168 Bjarne Stroustrup
Daniel Wasserrab, Tobias Nipkow, Gregor Snelting, and Frank Tip. 2006. An Operational Semantics and Type Safety Proof for
Multiple Inheritance in C++. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Systems, Languages, and Applications (Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct.) (OOPSLA ’06). Association for Computing Machinery,
New York, NY, USA, 345ś362. 1595933484
WebAssembly 2017ś2020. WebAssembly (Wasm), a portable binary code format primarily for executing in browsers
(website). (also at Internet Archive 1 April 2020 05:02:38).
WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed
as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on the web for
client and server applications.
WG14. 2007. Thread Cancellation. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N2455. 11 Oct. 2007. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
WG21. 1989ś2020. C++ Standards Committee Papers (website). (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46). Links to all official papers for ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21.
Jeremiah Willcock, Jaakko Järvi, Doug Gregor, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Andrew Lumsdaine. 2006. Lambda expressions and
closures for C++. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper N1968. 26 Feb. 2006. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Anthony Williams. 2012. C++ Concurrency in Action ś Practical Multithreading. Manning Publishing, Shelter Island, NY,
USA. 978-1933988771
Anthony Williams. 2018. C++ Concurrency in Action ś Practical Multithreading (2nd edition). Manning Publishing, Shelter
Island, NY, USA. 978-1617294693
wxWidgets 1992ś2020. wxWidgets, an open-source, cross-platform GUI library (website).
(also at Internet Archive 9 April 2020 07:40:49).
wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, macOS, Linux and other platforms
with a single code base. It has popular language bindings for Python, Perl, Ruby and many other languages, and
unlike other cross-platform toolkits, wxWidgets gives applications a truly native look and feel because it uses the
platform’s native API rather than emulating the GUI. It’s also extensive, free, open-source and mature.
Jing Yang, Gogul Balakrishnan, Naoto Maeda, Franjo Ivančić, Aarti Gupta, Nishant Sinha, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, and
Naveen Sharma. 2012. Object Model Construction for Inheritance in C++ and Its Applications to Program Analysis.
In Compiler Construction: 21st International Conference (CC 2012) (Tallinn, Estonia), Michael O’Boyle (Ed.). Springer,
Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 144ś164. 978-3-642-28651-3 Also at (also at Internet Archive 29 July 2018 19:36:26).
LNCS 7210. Held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2012).
Jeffrey Yasskin. 2014. String_view: a non-owning reference to a string, revision 7. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards
Committee paper N3921. 14 Feb. 2014. (also at
Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Mani Zandifar, Nathan Thomas, Nancy M. Amato, and Lawrence Rauchwerger. 2014. The STAPL Skeleton Framework. In
The 27th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC 2014) (Hillsboro, Oregon,
USA, 17 Sept.), James Brodman and Peng Tu (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 176ś190.
978-3-319-17472-3 Also at
Zandifar/publication/279286000_The_stapl_Skeleton_Framework/links/56327c9208ae242468d9f8df.pdf LNCS 8967.
Victor Zverovich. 2019. Text Formatting. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P0645R9. 16 June 2019. (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Victor Zverovich, Daniela Engert, and Howard E. Hinnant. 2019. Integration of chrono with text formatting. ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC2/WG21: C++ Standards Committee paper P1361R1. 14 June 2019.
docs/papers/2019/p1361r1.pdf (also at Internet Archive 4 Sept. 2019 02:05:46).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 70. Publication date: June 2020.