Assignment (50 Marks) : Explain What Each Line of Code Does (10 PT)

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Assignment (50 Marks)

1, What is a function?(4pt)

2, Explain some arcpy function with Examples (clip, Buffer, Intersect)?

3, what is a script? (4pt)

4, Disscuss the difference between a script and software program? (4pt)

5, Explain the purpose of a python List with Examples? (4pt)

6,How to create datadriven pages and Mapbook with ARCPY(refer

ARCGIS Desktop help)? (10pt)

7,Explain the importance of Get parameter as text function with


8, Explain what each line of code does (10 Pt)

import arcpy

from arcpy import env

env. Workspace = "C:/python_exercise"

fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()

for fc in fclist:

fcdescribe = arcpy.Describe(fc)

print "Name: " +

print "Data type: " + fcdescribe.dataType

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