Umberto Pignatelli: Beasts and Barbarians Freebie Pre Generated Characters

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Beasts and Barbarians Freebie

Pre Generated Characters
A Sword and Sorcery Savage Worlds setting

Editing: Mike Slabon and Piotr Koryś

Playtesters: Daniele Bonetto, Luca Coero Borga, Maner Samuel, Paolo Boiero,
Pierpaolo Ferrero.

Special Thanks to: Marta Castellano (my wife), queen of all the Amazons; Massimo
Campolucci (my uncle), for being the first, real Dhaar; Simone
Ronco and Yoshi Polliotti (my friends), for fighting alone against
the Valk demons.

Layout: winnicki art studio

Shangor the Barbarian

Shangor the Barbarian

Shangor is a barbarian warrior born in the bitter moun-
tains of Northeim. Bold and brave, he left his cold home
to seek fortune, fame and beautiful girls in hotter lands.
His first contact with civilization was rather unlucky. In the
Borderlands, a devious Tricarnian merchant offered him a
cup of wine poisoned with the Lotus of Dreams, and poor
Shangor woke up as a slave oarsman on a Tricarnian galley.
In the end he managed to escape, but since then the blond
barbarian has had a strong aversion to slavers of all races
and types. Shangor is strong, brave and his laughter is like
thunder. But him when he wields his axe, because he fights
with reckless abandon. He isn’t very bright, and sometimes
his tongue runs faster than his mind. But, except for these
minor faults, he is a great companion.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,

Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Climbing d6, Guts d6, Intimidation
d6, Notice d4, Riding d4, Stealth d4, Survival d6, Throwing
d4, Tracking d4.
Charisma: –1; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Brawny, Brute, Loincloth Hero, Sweep.
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Heroic, Loyal.
Gear: Bronze battle axe (Str+d8), fur loincloth, horse.
Savings: 75 Moons.

Dingus of Jalizar

Dingus of Jalizar
Dingus is black man in his twenties. The son of a slave
woman of the Black Tribes, he has never seen the Ivory
Savannah, because he has grown up in the dirty alleys of
Jalizar. Dingus is a thief at heart. He started his career as
a young beggar; then he became a proficient pickpocket.
But his specialty was burglary. He loved sneaking into other
people’s homes to steal valuables, but also just to feel the
thrill of excitement it brings.

But in the end his passion was his downfall. During one of
his daring break-ins, he witnessed the murder of an impor-
tant nobleman, no less than the Imperial Ambassador, by
the very hand of Prince Rulan, a powerful merchant prince
of Jalizar.

Dingus was spotted at the scene and, although he managed

to escape, he was forced to leave Jalizar forever. Now, he
lives the life of a fugitive and Prince Rulan is sending assas-
sins of all types after him. The merchant prince wants Din-
gus dead, so that his murderous secret will be safe forever
and Dingus still hasn’t found a place to take refuge.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6,

Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Climbing d6, Lockpicking d6, Notice
d6, Riding d4, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6, Taunt d4, Throw-
ing d6.
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6(1)
Edges: Distract, First Strike, Thief, Watch Your Back!
Hindrances: Curious, Enemy (Major), Greedy (minor).
Gear: Bronze short sword (Str+d6), leather armor (+1),
bronze dagger (Str+d4, range: 3/6/12), lock picks, tiger’s
Savings: 25 Moons.

Blackcrow the Witch

Blackcrow the Witch

Blackcrow is a Cairnlander woman of great beauty. The
last heir of a long dynasty of witches, she decided to leave
her family’s traditional occupation to marry Demetrius, a
young woodcutter.

This caused the rage of her coven, which included her

mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. These three
powerful witches cast a terrible curse on Demetrius, killing
him and forever trapping his soul in an ancient stone me-
dallion. Then, they burned the cottage of the young couple,
tossed the medallion at the feet of the weeping widow, and
turned back to the Cairnlands, sure that the harsh pun-
ishment would be enough to persuade Blackcrow to come
back among them. But the young witch had very different
plans: she picked up the medallion and went south.

She hopes to find a type of sorcery powerful enough to

free Demetrius’s soul from its eternal torment. She doesn’t
know how long it will take but, after succeeding in this act
of love, she plans to return to the Cairnlands and enact a
terrible vendetta against her own family. Only after all the
debts are settled, will she be free to rest in the otherworld
next to her beloved Demetrius.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4,

Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Healing d6, Knowledge (Ar-
cana) d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Sorcery d8.
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edges: Arcane Background (Sorcery), Attractive, Impres-
sive Aura, Strong Soul
Hindrances: Death Wish, Vengeful, Vow (Major)
Powers [15 PP]: Boost/lower Trait (eyes glow), fear (ter-
rible howl), summon ally (wolf, swarm of crows).
Gear: Sorcerer’s staff (Str+d4, +1 Parry, 2 hands, deliver
touch), clothes, Cairnlander stone amulet.
Savings: 0 Moons.

Gilan Gask the Priest Archer

Gilan Gask
the Priest Archer
Gilan Gask is a short, tanned man, with a pointed beard
and a ironic smile. The son of a farmer, he was born thirty
years ago in southern Kyros. As soon as he was old enough,
he left the land of the elephants to join a mercenary com-
pany of heavy archers. Gilan visited most of the western
kingdoms, and a good part of the eastern ones too, fighting
for whichever lord who had enough money to pay him. But,
in the end, he came back home to die.

Gilan and his comrades were paid by a Kyrosian nobleman

to fight against raiders of the Black Tribes. But the leading
officer, a greenhorn, was lured into an ambush and the com-
pany of archers fought to the death against the horde of
black warriors. They all died, including Gilan — he clearly
remembers a lance piercing his chest.

But the day after Gilan woke up, his wound tended by a
strange, black woman. “You live because the bull god, Uletu,
spared you.” She said. “You are alive because you have a des-
tiny to fulfill.” Gilan stayed with the tattooed woman for a
whole month, to regain his strength. When he left, he bore
a mark, a brown tattoo on his right eye, which identifies
him as priest of Uletu, the God of Strength of the Black
Tribes. He is no longer a mercenary and wanders around
the Dominions looking for the destiny Uletu has in store
for him.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,

Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d4, Healing d4, Knowledge (Bat-
tle) d4, Knowledge (Religion) d8, Notice d6, Shooting d10,
Stealth d6.
Charisma: –1; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (1)
Edges: Luck, Priest, Trained Thrower (bow)
Hindrances: Delusional (thinks he has come back from the
dead – minor), Quirk (speaks to the god Uletu as if he were
present – minor), Small.
Gear: Composite bow (Damage: 2d6, Range: 12/24/48,
AP 1), dagger (Str+d4), short sword (Str+d6), leather armor
(+1), quiver (20 arrows).
Savings: 75 Moons.

Zandorra The Amazon

Zandorra the Amazon

Zandorra is the typical Amazon: proud, competent and
bold. She was born in Ascaia, the daughter of a warship
captain, and she knew nothing about women’s live outside
the Holy Island. Zandorra loved both weapons and sails,
so she joined the crew of a hawk ship and started the life
of a sailor. She travelled to many lands and fought against
barbarians and pirates, always side by side with her trusted

One night, in the port of Faberterra, she met a handsome

black mariner from the remote south. Amazons aren’t par-
ticularly shy, and Zandorra spent the night with him. Nine
months later, in the House of Labor in Ascaia she gave
birth to a baby boy. Following the Ascaian law, the boy was
instantly taken away from his mother. Zandorra wept that
night, then she tried to forget the whole thing.

Four years later, Zandorra was back on her ship with her
sisters. One day, after conquering a slavers galley, the Ama-
zons discovered a group of half-starved slave boys and girls
below deck.

The sight of these children touched something deep in

Zandorra’s soul: she yearned to see her son again, to hold
him in her arms.

As soon as her ship returned to Ascaia, she went to the

House of Labor and asked the Midwife Sister to tell her
where her son was. The Midwife refused, Zandorra threat-
ened her and the situation got out of control. In the end,
Zandorra was forced to flee Ascaia as a fugitive.

She only knows that her son was given to a merchant of the
Independent Cities named Kolash. It isn’t a great lead, but
it’s all Shandorra has. She has thrown away her life for her
son, and now she’ll find him.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8,

Vigor d6
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d4, Fighting d8, Guts d6, In-
timidation d6, Notice d6, Riding d6, Stealth d4.
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Edges: Attractive, Amazon, Ambidexterity, Bikini Hero-
ine, Two Fisted
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Amazons), Deathe Wish
(find her son), Overconfident, .
Gear: Twin iron long swords (Str+d8), leather bikini.
Savings: 100 Moons.

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