Homeworld Quickstart v2
Homeworld Quickstart v2
Homeworld Quickstart v2
controlled by the players, also referred to as
PCs, and non-player characters controlled by Dice you must roll. If you do not have access
the gamemaster, referred to as NPCs. to these specially marked Challenge Dice, you
can use regular d6s and consult the table
below for the results.
Homeworld uses two types of dice. The first
is a twenty-sided die, called a d20, used to Scenes
decide the outcome of a character’s action. Just like the events of a TV show or movie,
In most circumstances, more than one d20 gameplay in Homeworld is structured in
will be rolled at once. This is known as the scenes. Each scene covers a period of time,
dice pool. during which you attempt to achieve a goal,
overcome a problem, or engage in some sig-
The d20s are used for resolving tests, often, nificant activities.
two or more will be required. This is noted as
Xd20, where X is the number of dice to be Some scenes contain more structure than oth-
rolled. So, 2d20 means that two twenty-sided ers: an example of this would be action scenes,
dice should be rolled. where the scene is split into rounds and
turns and you can perform a limited number
of actions in a set order.
D6 Result Challenge
Dice Result Scenes are the interesting parts of the story,
and tend to skip past the less interesting
1 1 parts. Different groups may feel differently
2 2 about what is or isn’t interesting, so it’s up to
you and your group to decide what to play out
3 0 and what to skip.
4 0 The gamemaster is the one responsible for
setting the scene and reacting to what the
5 1, plus effect
players choose to do within it. When the
6 1, plus effect scene has concluded, or nothing else can be
done in that place, the gamemaster moves
on to the next one.
Truths describe something significant about a
scene, person, place, environment, or object. When describing the scene, the
You don’t have to think of them in too much gamemaster tells the players they are
detail as a player, but it’s good to be aware of standing in a darkened corridor of a wrecked
how they affect the game. ship. There appears to be water leaking from
somewhere overhead and electrical cables
Truths don’t have any specific duration; they are sparking in the pools of water on the
remain in play until they are no longer true, floor. In this description, the darkness
either because the scene changes or you find and the electrical cables in the water are
a way to overcome them. Truths are important truths in the form of a complication and
because they help the gamemaster determine threatening circumstance. The darkness
what is and what isn’t possible. acts as a complication, increasing the
difficulty of the test to navigate the
Truths are described as: corridor by 2. The sparking electrical
An advantage. The truth is beneficial. Ad- cables in the water increase the danger
vantages can make an activity possible in the area for the players far outside the
that wasn’t possible before, reduce the normal hazards they might encounter on
difficulty of a test (see Tests p.4), or a wrecked ship, enough to add 2 points
cancel out a complication (p.6). of Threat to the pool and acting as a
A complication. The truth is problemat- threatening circumstance.
ic. Complications can make previously One of the players then decides to boost
possible tests impossible, increase the the brightness on their wrist computer to
difficulty of a test, or cancel out an ad- use as a makeshift flashlight. The small
vantage. amount of light is only enough to benefit
A Threatening circumstance. The truth them trying to navigate the area, but
adds Threat to the Threat pool to rep- this acts as an advantage for the player,
resent something or someone within a reducing the difficulty of their test to
scene that poses a risk beyond normal navigate the hallway by 1.
Attributes, Skills,
and Focuses
Attributes, skills and focuses are the main three aspects of a character that you will use to make
tests in Homeworld.
Attributes Skills
Your character has six attributes—Agility, Your character also has six skills—Combat,
Brawn, Coordination, Insight, Reason, and Command, Engineering, Exploration, Flight, and
Will—which encompass their innate capabili- Medical—which cover their training and expertise.
ties. These attributes have scores that range These skills have scores that range from 1 to 5.
from 7 to 12.
Combat is your character’s skill in hand-
Agility is your character’s speed, balance, to-hand combat and their ability to use
and movement. Agile characters are weapons, both melee and ranged. It also
quick and can move with precision. covers tactical knowledge and the prac-
Brawn is your character’s physical for- tice and understanding of ship combat.
titude and endurance, as well as their Command is your character’s skill in in-
ability to be forceful. It also encompasses terpersonal interactions including lead-
their health and physical conditioning. ership, negotiation, and motivating and
Brawny characters are strong and hardy. coordinating others. It also helps them to
Coordination is your character’s fine mo- resist coercion and can help others resist
tor skills, accuracy, and sense of time and fear or panic.
rhythm. Coordinated characters are good Engineering is your character’s skill in
shots and excel at sleight of hand and using, repairing, or building technology.
other delicate, precise tasks. This covers the understanding of
Insight is your character’s perception, systems and build of ships, weapons, and
instincts, and ability to comprehend the other small devices and non-electrical
world around them. Insightful characters mechanical items.
are observant and shrewd, and are often Exploration is your character’s skill in
said to be wise. scientific research and study as well as
Reason is your character’s ability to apply history, archaeology, and their ability as
logic, intellect, and learned facts to a an explorer.
situation. Reasoned characters tend to be Flight is your character’s skill at piloting
rational or contemplative, and are often and using the systems of a ship.
driven by a need to learn or understand. Medical is your character’s skill at
Will is your character’s sense of self, diagnosing and treating those who are
their mental strength, and their self-dis- ill or injured. It covers the knowledge of
cipline. Strong-willed characters tend to trauma and treatments both mental and
be single-minded, even stubborn, and physical.
have forceful personalities.
Focuses or fails at what they want to do, to avoid a hazard,
Your character also has a number of focuses. or just to see how well they do something. Each
These represent specialist training, practical test has a number of possible outcomes that can
experience, or knowledge of specific fields. affect the scene or the characters.
Focuses do not have a rating of their own,
but can be applied to relevant skill tests to Attempting a Test
improve the chances of success. A test involves your character’s attributes and
skills, and requires you to roll two or more d20s.
Talents How to attempt a test is described as follows:
Talents represent training or an enhanced
1. The gamemaster chooses which
skill in a particular area.
attribute and skill are appropriate for
Each talent has a circumstance, which the test being attempted. Add together
details when the talent can be applied, and your character’s attribute and skill. This
an effect, which is the benefit that the talent is the target number for the test. The
gives you. target number is the number you must
roll equal to or under with each d20.
have been purchased—if any—you roll your
dice pool. Example:
4. Each d20 that rolls equal to or less than Diana’s character Kaiia wants to try to fix
the target number scores 1 success. a broken keypad which opens the doors
a. If there is an applicable focus, each to a ship’s engine room. The gamemaster
die that rolls under the value of the skill decides that to do this Dianna will need to
scores 2 successes. make a difficulty 3 test using Coordination
+ Engineering. Kaiia’s Coordination has
b. Each die that rolls a 1 scores 2 successes. a score of 10, and her Engineering has
c. Each die that rolls a 20 causes a a score of 4, giving her a target number
complication — something in the of 14. Kaiia also has a focus called “Ship
situation that might make things harder Repairs” representing her expertise in the
for the character (see Complications, repair and upkeep of ships.
Dianna decides not to purchase any
5. If the number of successes is equal to or additional dice and then rolls 2d20. The
exceeds the difficulty of the test, then the first die scores an 8 and the second
test has been passed and the character scores a 3. The first die is under the target
has achieved what they wanted to do. number, so scores one success. The
a. They might be able to do even second die is under the target number, but
better. Any extra successes beyond it is also under the value of the skill Dianna
the difficulty threshold generate used on the test. As a focus that applies,
Momentum (see Momentum, p.8). this die scores 2 successes instead of 1.
6. The gamemaster describes the outcome With 3 successes, Dianna has met the
of the test, based on it being passed or difficulty of the test, which means she’s
failed, and players may use Momentum passed and Kaiia manages to repair the
spends if they wish. Complications from broken keypad.
rolling any 20s are then resolved.
Note that you may never roll more than The gamemaster will always tell you the diffi-
5d20 on any test, regardless of where culty of the tests you attempt—your character
the additional dice come from, such as is able to evaluate how difficult an activity is.
Momentum spends or talents. This allows you to determine what you need to
do to have the best chance of success.
The combination of attributes and skills used
for the test are normally decided by the gam-
emaster. Sometimes the rules will call for a Difficulty Zero Tests
specific pairing, and you can suggest combi- Certain circumstances can reduce the diffi-
nations, but the gamemaster has the final say. culty of a test to as low as 0. Sometimes a
test may be so simple that it does not require
dice to be rolled in order to succeed. These
Setting Test Difficulty are difficulty zero tests. If a test is difficulty
When the gamemaster asks for a test to be
0, it can be passed automatically. However,
made, they set a difficulty for the test. Most tests
because no roll is made, it generates no
will have a base difficulty of 1, though harder
Momentum—even bonus Momentum from
tests can go as high as 5 or more. On top of the
talents, particularly advantageous situations,
base difficulty, the gamemaster should take into
etc.—and the character cannot spend any
account any other factors such as truths which
Momentum on the test either.
may increase or decrease difficulty.
The gamemaster can ask you to roll for a If you don’t want your character to suffer a
difficulty zero test; this is only done when it complication, or the gamemaster doesn’t
is important how well your character does want to put one into play, it can be paid off by
something that they cannot fail at. When the adding 2 points of Threat to the Threat pool
gamemaster asks for a difficulty zero test in (see, Threat p.9).
this instance, the test automatically succeeds
and any dice which roll under the target num- Success at Cost
ber generate momentum. When doing this, Some tests can’t be failed outright but there
complications from rolling a 20 can still occur. is a chance that problems will occur. In a
situation like this, the gamemaster can allow
Example: you to succeed at cost, either telling you this
before you attempt the test or providing this
Ashad’s character Miir wants to try to option after a failed test. When you succeed
search through fleet intelligence files at cost, a failed test results in a successful
to look for information on a person he’s outcome but your character suffers an
investigating. The gamemaster decides immediate complication—this is in addition
that as Miir has access to these files, the
Improving the Example:
Odds The player characters, Feiiah, Taureaan,
and Riian, are trying to wire a piece
Homeworld provides several ways of advanced ancient technology into
for you to improve your chances their ship’s computer system. Riian, the
of success, by buying up to 3 extra engineer, is making the test to install
d20s to roll on a test. Extra dice allow the technology, making a Coordination +
you to score more successes to hit Engineering test at difficulty 4. Feiiah and
higher difficulties or to generate more Taureaan can assist on this test. Feiiah
Momentum. is the pilot and knows the ship’s systems
Momentum. Spending points allows well, so is assisting using Reason + Flight,
you to buy additional dice. and Taureaan is a researcher specializing
in ancient technology and so uses Reason
Threat. You can buy d20s by adding to
+ Exploration to assist. As long as Riian’s
the gamemaster’s Threat pool (p.9)
player rolls at least one success, any
instead of spending Momentum. The
successes that the assisting players roll
cost is the same as if you were spending
will be added to Riian’s. Riaan’s player
rolls 2d20 and gets 2 successes. Feiiah
Fortune. When acting in line with and Taureaan’s players each roll 1d20
your character’s truths, you can and both get 1 success. With 4 successes
spend Fortune to re-roll dice, in total, the crew manage to attach the
introduce a new element to the ancient technology to their ship.
scene, or buy a critical success.
Talents. Some talents grant bonus
d20s or other ways to improve your The leader makes the test as normal and each
chances in specific circumstances. assistant rolls 1d20 using their character’s
Dice gained this way count towards attribute + skill combination. As long as the
the number of bonus d20s that can be leader scores at least one success, the suc-
purchased, and count as the first d20 cesses of the assistants are added toward
bought when calculating cost. passing the test. Any complications rolled by
When buying bonus d20s for non- the assistants also come into play.
player characters, there are fewer When you assist you do not have to use the
options—the gamemaster may only same attribute and skill combination as the
spend points of Threat to buy d20s. leader, but you should describe what your
character is doing to help. You cannot roll
more than 1d20 or spend Momentum to
Assistance improve your roll when assisting. In combat,
assisting takes up your character’s turn.
Characters can work together when trying to
pass a skill test. Whoever is making the test
is the leader and the others involved are assis-
Opposed Tests
tants. The gamemaster has the final say on On occasion, your character is likely to find
how many, if any, players are allowed to assist themselves trying to beat an opponent or some
depending on the circumstances. other active resistance. These situations call for
an opposed test. In an opposed test, an active
character is attempting to do something, and a
reactive character is trying to resist or avoid the
active character’s attempts. Example:
Both characters attempt a test normally, with Niaah is in a struggle with a Turanic raider who
a base difficulty of 1, which may be adjusted has boarded her ship to try to steal a weapon
based on circumstance. This means she has been working on. The raider has
characters may have a different difficulty for grabbed the weapon but Niaah also grabbed
their respective tests. The outcome of the it and is attempting to pull it out of their hands.
opposed test depends on both characters’ Niaah is the active character here, and is
results. The character who is successful making a test with Brawn + Combat at
performs the action they were attempting. difficulty 1 to try to take back the weapon.
The Turanic raider is trying to resist Niaah
If both characters succeed. Compare by making an opposed Brawn + Combat
the amount of Momentum generated on test at difficulty 1. Niaah rolls 3 successes
each roll. The side with more Momen- and the Turanic raider rolls 2 successes.
tum passes the opposing test and gets Both characters pass their tests but
the result they wanted. The losing side Niaah has more success than the raider,
does not keep any Momentum they gen- meaning she wins the opposed test. As
erate. Niaah rolled more successes than she
If there is a tie. The active character needed, she generates 2 Momentum.
breaks the tie and passes the test.
If both characters fail. Neither side
achieves their goal.
Momentum, Threat
and Fortune
Momentum, Threat and Fortune are ways Some situations or talents grant bonus
to increase the odds of success, change the Momentum on specific tests or in certain
scene and use your character’s beliefs to circumstances. This is added to any
influence your roleplaying. Momentum generated on a successful
test. Sometimes it is specified that bonus
Momentum Momentum can only be spent in a specific
Momentum is generated any time you score way. Bonus Momentum cannot be saved—it
more successes than needed to pass a test. must be used or it is lost.
Each extra success generates 1 point of
Momentum. You never start an adventure Spending Momentum
with Momentum; it only comes from action, Momentum is spent to improve the outcome of
but it can be saved between scenes or ses- a successful test, or improve the odds of a test
sions. Momentum can be spent immedi- before you roll.
ately when you earn it, or saved for later in a
Most uses for Momentum can only be spent
Momentum pool.
once on any given test, or once in any given
round in combat, but some spends (such
as Ask A Question) can be used as often
as you like. Gamemasters should use their Keep the Initiative. In combat you can
discretion to decide what spends can be spend 2 Momentum after your turn ends
repeated on a test. Gamemasters should to pass the next turn on to a character
encourage players to be creative in how they you are allied with, instead of handing
spend Momentum, allowing them to develop play over to the enemy.
the narrative outcomes of successful skill
tests. The following options are always
available. Saving Momentum
You can save Momentum if you don’t want to
spend it immediately. This saved Momentum
Purchase d20s. Get up to 3 extra d20s
is called the Momentum pool. It can never
before rolling the dice pool. The first d20
contain more than 6 Momentum and can be
costs 1 Momentum, the second costs 2,
added to and spent by any player.
and the third costs 3.
You can use Momentum from the pool any
Create Truth. After a successful skill test,
time it is required. Momentum from the pool
you can spend 2 points of Momentum to
can be combined with Momentum from
introduce an advantage or complication
a successful test to pay for Momentum
to the scene. This must relate to the test
spends. Momentum does not have to be
you made and is subject to gamemaster
spent all at once. It can never be wasted, nor
approval. A truth created in this way can
can it be used on a failed test.
never increase or decrease the difficulty
of a skill test by more than 1. At the end of each scene, one point of
Momentum is lost from the pool; it cannot
Ask a Question. For 1 point of Momentum
be saved forever.
you can ask the gamemaster a question
related to the current scene or the test
you just made. The gamemaster must
answer truthfully, but can be as vague as The gamemaster makes use of Threat to present
they wish. challenges for you. This can be through effects
like changing something in a scene or spending
Inflict Extra Stress. Spend up to 3 it like Momentum for non-player characters. You
Momentum to inflict extra stress af- can, in some circumstances, give the gamemas-
ter a successful attack. Each point of ter Threat instead of spending Momentum.
Momentum spent inflicts one stress.
The gamemaster starts each session with 2
Additional Minor Actions. For 1 point of points of Threat per player. This collection of
Momentum your character can take an Threat is called the Threat pool, and the growing
additional minor action in combat. and diminishing of this pool mimics the rise and
Additional Skill Test. By spending 3 fall of tension. There is no cap to the Threat pool.
points of Momentum, you can immedi- Threat, like Momentum, can be spent and gained
ately attempt a second skill test, or take in a number of ways depending on what the
a second major action in your turn. The gamemaster deems appropriate. Anything you
difficulty of the test is increased by 1. can do with Momentum, a gamemaster can do
Talent. Some talents require you to pay with the equivalent amount of Threat. Game-
for their effects with Momentum. masters should be creative in how they spend
Threat, and in what they allow you to pay for with
Threat, but the following options for spending
and generating Threat are always available:
Momentum. Whenever you use a
Momentum spend, you can choose to
Why Should I Give
give the gamemaster Threat in place of the GM Threat?
spending Momentum, or a combination You might be wondering, why do I
of the two. For abstract uses not detailed want to give my gamemaster Threat?
in the rules, gamemasters must decide if Isn’t that something they use to help
Threat can be paid to accomplish what the bad guys or cause terrible things
you wish to do. to happen to my character? The short
Complications. When your character answer to this is kind of. Threat is a way
suffers a complication on a test, it can be for the gamemaster to create difficult
avoided by adding 2 Threat to the pool. A situations, introduce new perils, and
non-player character must spend 2 Threat sometimes help NPCs who aren’t
to avoid a complication. Gamemasters on your side. However, it is also the
can also spend 2 Threat to introduce a way that your gamemaster keeps the
complication. game interesting and exciting. Without
Threat, they can’t raise the tension in
Fortune Spending Fortune
Your character starts a session with 1 For- Fortune points can be spent whenever one of
tune point. You can never have more than 3 your character’s defining aspects might help
Fortune points at any time and you can only in a situation. You invoke the defining aspect,
spend 1 Fortune point per scene. explaining how it might help you, and then
you can choose one of the following Fortune
Fortune is used along side your character’s spends:
defining aspects. These are a few key state-
ments that define your characters personality, Buy a Critical Success. A Fortune point
physicality, thoughts, and feelings towards the may be spent during a test to set a single
world. d20 in a pool to a result of 1 (generating
Fortune can be gained in three ways: 2 successes). This option must be
selected before you roll any dice on that
Accepting a Complication. One of your skill test, but can be after the purchase
character’s defining aspects may have of d20s using Momentum.
the potential to cause a significant com-
plication in the scene for you or another Re-roll a Dice Pool. A Fortune point may
character. The gamemaster may offer be spent to re-roll any number of d20s in
you a point of Fortune in exchange for your character’s dice pool. This option
having your defining aspect cause this may be selected after the dice have been
complication. rolled.
Challenging a Defining Aspect. When Make It Happen. You immediately cre-
you challenge a defining aspect, you im- ate a truth that applies to the current
mediately gain a Fortune point but must scene or introduce a new story element.
cross off the defining aspect, making it It must relate to the test you have made,
unusable in the future. At the end of the or the defining aspect you invoke, though
session, you should create a new defining it may represent something happening
aspect, showing how your character’s in a flashback, or it may be assumed to
ideals or thoughts have changed. have always been true but only now be-
Good Roleplaying. The gamemaster come relevant. This may be used before
can choose to award Fortune to you for or after you make a test.
good roleplaying, a clever or inventive
idea, or as a reward for doing something
extraordinary in the game.
Eleanor’s character, Illia, has the defining aspect “I’ve already lost too many friends to this war.”
During a combat scene, a good friend of Illia’s is shot by a Taiidan officer while they are boarding
a Taiidan ship. Illia wants to attempt to stabilize her friend to prevent her from dying. Eleanor
decides to invoke her character’s defining aspect, saying that it represents her character’s
determination to save her friend after already losing so many others. The gamemaster agrees
that the defining aspect makes sense for the situation and allows Eleanor to spend a point of
Fortune. Eleanor decides to use the Buy a Critical Success Fortune spend, which buys her one
die that has already rolled a 1. With two successes already from her Fortune spend, Eleanor
makes the test to stabilize the dying character, generating another success. With 3 successes,
she has passed the test and Illia can keep her friend alive.
Definining Challenging a
Defining Aspect
Aspects When you have a defining aspect that might
cause you a complication or a negative
consequence, you can choose to challenge
Defining aspects are similar to truths, but
that value by acting against it if the situation
are described separately as they are usually
is appropriate. If you ever refuse Fortune
gained when your character experiences a
from the GM for acting in accordance with
life-changing or traumatic defining event, or
your defining aspect, you must challenge
when you roll a complication when trying to
that aspect. You immediately gain a Fortune
treat an injury.
point but must cross off the defining aspect,
making it unusable in the future. At the end of
Defining Aspects the session, you should create a new defining
and Fortune aspect, showing how your character’s ideals
Defining aspects are used to gain and spend or thoughts have changed.
This section focuses on how physical combat and social conflict is played out and resolved in
Homeworld: Revelations.
a regular scene for the same reasons. There’s ing the distance you are from your target. In
no need to state when a scene is an action combat, the placement of zones determines
scene or not—it is only used to determine this distance. To keep things simple, range is
when your character’s actions need to be measured in four categories and one state:
presented in a structured order with rounds
and turns. The state of Reach is when an object or
character is within arm’s length. When
Range & Distance you are in Reach you can attack in close
combat or perform actions where you
Zones need to touch a target or subject of your
In battle, knowing where you are is important. action. When in Close range you can
Rather than track everything in precise dis- freely move into and out of reach of a
tances, Homeworld resolves this using zones. character or object.
Zones are the way in which the location of Close range is defined as the zone a
a scene is divided, and they determine how subject is within at the time.
close or far away things or people are from the Medium range is defined as any zone
characters present in the scene. Zones have adjacent to the subject’s current zone.
no fixed size, and the gamemaster decides Medium range is a distance of 1 zone.
how many zones a location has. For example,
the length of a corridor might consist of two Long range is a distance of 2 zones.
zones, each of the small crew bunk rooms off Extreme range is a distance of 3 or more
it a zone each, while the atrium at the end of zones
the corridor is separated into three zones.
Gamemasters who desire concrete values Action Order
rather than abstract ranges can choose to
In action scenes the characters’ actions and
set specific sizes and shapes for individual
decisions are split into rounds and turns.
zones, essentially using them as a large grid.
During a round, each character in the scene
Individual zones can have truths defined takes a single turn. During a turn, a character
when the gamemaster first describes them. can take a minor action and a major action.
At the start of an action scene, the gamemaster
Sprint. You make an Agility + Combat
determines a single character to take the first
test with a difficulty of 2. If you succeed,
turn. This depends on which character is most
you move anywhere within Long range (2
likely to act first, though it is usually a player
zones). Sprint can be taken while within
character. In a situation where an NPC would
Reach of an enemy.
not normally act first, the gamemaster can
allow them to by spending 1 point of Threat. Stabilize. You attempt to stabilize an
injured character within Reach. This is a
After a character has completed their turn,
Reason + Medical test; success means
the player hands the action to the opposing
that the injured character is stabilized
side, who will choose a character to act next.
and will not die at the end of the scene,
No character may take more than one turn in
but they remain incapacitated (see
a round. This continues until everyone in the
Stress, Injury, and Recovery p.15).
scene has taken their turns, and then a new
round starts. Sometimes one side’s characters Skill Test. You attempt some other
will have all taken their turns while the other still action that requires a skill test, such as
has characters who are waiting to act. In this using equipment, attempting to create a
case, all remaining characters who have not yet truth, or moving through difficult terrain.
acted take their turn before the round ends.
require this minor action to be taken be-
fore the test can be attempted.
Movement & Terrain
If the area or zone that you are moving
through is free from obstructions
Making an Attack or hazards, then usually no test is
The process for making an attack is as follows: required to move.
1. Choose the weapon you want to attack Zones or areas that have hazards,
with, and a target within range. dangers, or difficult terrain may require
2. Make a skill test, determined by the type a test in order to pass through them. In
of attack: combat, this would use your major action
to attempt the test. Examples include:
a. Melee: Opposed Brawn + Combat corridors blocked with debris, narrow
test, with a difficulty of 1. ‘ pathways with a risk of falling, unstable
b. Ranged: Coordination + Combat surfaces, and moving in zero gravity.
test, difficulty 2. The difficulty
increases by +1 for each zone out- Sometimes, failure on a test to move
side of the weapon’s range, nearer through hazardous or difficult terrain
or farther. The complication range can inflict stress on your character.
of the attack increases by +1 for
each creature within Reach of your
target; a complication causes one Example:
of those other creatures to be hit Jasmin’s character, Kalana, is attempting
by the attack instead. to attack a Taiidan officer. She decides
3. If the attack is successful, then you inflict to use her blade, meeting him in melee
stress, rolling Challenge Dice equal to the combat. Jasmin must make a Brawn +
weapon’s stress rating plus your charac- Combat test with a difficulty of 1, opposed
ters Combat skill. by the Taiidan officer’s Brawn + Combat,
also with a difficulty of 1. Jasmin rolls a
4. A number of stress is subtracted equal to
success and the Taiidan officer fails his
your target’s armor rating, before stress
test, meaning Kalana passes the opposed
is applied to the target. If after subtract-
ing stress equal to your target’s armor
any of the following occur, the target
receives an injury: Stress,
a. 5 or more stress is inflicted in one Injury, & Recovery
attack. When successful in making an attack or
b. The attack inflicts enough when suffering the effects of a hazard,
stress to bring the target to their Challenge Dice are rolled equal to the weapon
maximum stress. or hazard’s stress rating. If a character is the
one inflicting stress, you also add additional
c. Your target is already at their
Challenge Dice equal their Combat skill. You
maximum stress and suffers
add up all the results of the Challenge Dice to
further stress.
determine how much stress is inflicted. If an
d. A combination of these conditions effect is rolled and the weapon has a combat
can occur from a single attack, effect listed in its description, that effect is
resulting in multiple injuries. triggered.
If you do not have access to specially marked
Challenge Dice, you can use regular d6s and Cover
consult the table below for the results. Ducking behind some form of cover can
make you harder to hit. It’s up to the
D6 Result Challenge gamemaster how much the difficulty of
Dice Result an attack increases from a piece of cover,
based on the material and how much of
1 1
it obscures you from an enemy’s line of
2 2 sight. Hiding behind a console gives you
a good amount of cover, but might still
3 0
leave you partially exposed, increasing
4 0 the difficulty to attack by 1.
5 1, plus effect In some cases, gamemasters may allow
cover to increase your armor. Carrying
6 1, plus effect a dislodged metal panel in front of you
like a shield for example, might increase
Armor Injuries
Some items and objects can give you resis- If your character suffers too much stress,
tance to stress. Items such as body armor do they receive an injury, as shown below. You
this by having an armor rating. Each point of can receive more than one injury at once if
armor rating reduces any stress inflicted by two or more of the conditions are met.
1. For example, if you are wearing body armor
The ways in which you can receive an injury
with a rating of 2, you reduce any stress you
are as follows:
take by 2.
If after subtracting stress equal to your
Example: target’s armor any of the following occur,
Kalana’s blade has a stress rating of 2 the target receives an injury.
and she has a Combat skill of 3, mean- 5 or more stress is inflicted in one attack.
ing she rolls a total of 5 . Rolling a total
The attack inflicts enough stress to
of 5 points of stress, and with the
bring the target to their maximum
Taiidan officer not wearing any armor,
Kalana inflicts all 5 points of stress, which
is enough to cause an injury. Your target is already at their maximum
stress and suffers further stress.
Injuries have the potential to take you out of Recovery
the action, putting your character in a critical Injuries are much harder to treat than stress.
condition. They don’t go away at the start of a new
scene; instead, they require a test to treat
If your character receives two injuries, and cannot be treated during combat. If you
they are incapacitated and can no lon- attempt to treat an injury you must make a
ger act in the scene but will recover at Reason + Medical test with a difficulty of 2. If
the end of it. the character being treated is in critical con-
If your character receives a third injury, dition add 1 to the difficulty. This difficulty
they are in a critical condition: if they are can be increased or decreased, depending
not stabilized they will die at the end of the on the situation your character is in or equip-
scene. They will also die if they receive any ment they have available to them.
further stress. If you roll a complication when trying to treat
an injury, the gamemaster might ask you to
Some environmental effects also come with create a defining aspect reflecting some last-
a risk of inflicting stress and injury, such as ing damage or effect the injury has. The gam-
falling from great heights, being set on fire, emaster will only call for this if the effects
exposure to hostile environments, engineer- of the injury or the circumstances around
ing accidents, and a range of other hazards. how it was received would be interesting or
important. See p.12 for more information
on defining aspects.
Momentum Spends
Alvin’s character, Maatia, is trying to treat Momentum can be especially key in conflicts
an injury he received when he fell from and combat. Listed below are some of the most
a height while exploring some ancient common spends used in action scenes. You are
Hiigaran ruins. He makes a Reason + encouraged as a player to be creative in how
Medical test, with a difficulty of 2. Alvin you spend Momentum, and the gamemaster
rolls 2 successes and a complication. He should feel empowered to allow Momentum to
manages to heal the injury, but because be spent in ways other than listed below if they
of the complication the gamemaster also feel it is reasonable.
asks Alvin to create a defining aspect
relating to the injury, thinking that as the Purchase d20s. Purchase up to 3 extra
group are still exploring the ruins this d20s before rolling the dice pool. The first
would be interesting. Alvin creates the d20 costs 1 Momentum, the second costs
defining aspect “I have a newfound fear 2, and the third costs 3.
of heights,” representing how the injury
Inflict Extra Stress. Spend up to 3
Social Deception
Effective deception requires skill, cunning, and
Conflict an understanding of who is being lied to. It
can be used by itself to make a request seem
more reasonable, or to attempt to lie about
Not all conflict is physical in nature. Some
someone or something to your benefit. Used
fights are fought and won with words alone.
in conjunction with other tools, it can create
At the heart of social conflict is a desire or an even more significant impact, such as
objective, which takes the form of a request: using it with evidence to present false proof of
one side wants something that the other side someone’s guilt, with intimidation to make a
can help them obtain. At its simplest, it comes threat and hide that you don’t have the means
down to one character asking another a ques- to back it up, or with bribes to turn a negotiation
tion, or a character presenting another with a to your benefit.
choice or consequence.
The tests made for social conflict are the When deceiving someone, you attempt
same as any other test: it has a difficulty, to convince them of some fact or facts
can be opposed, and can be affected by that are untrue. If you succeed in a test
circumstances and truths. If a test is failed to deceive someone, that person gains
your character does not get the outcome a truth representing the lie they now
they want, and they are prevented from trying believe to be true. Deception is always
again without some change of circumstances an opposed test, with your difficulty
or altering the request. If the test succeeds, based on how believable the lie is to the
then your character receives the outcome target, and the target’s difficulty being
they desire. Like all tests the attribute + determined by their suspicion of the lie
skill combination is driven by context. The or your character.
combination used and what is and is not
possible changes in each situation. It may be If the target discovers that they were deceived,
useful to break up a goal into smaller, more they will hesitate to trust your character in the
reasonable objectives, each with their own future, and may even seek recompense or retri-
distinct test, rather than making a single test bution. Complications suffered while lying may
to achieve your goal. reveal flaws in a deception, making the target
Social Tools Example Attribute + Skill Combinations:
Social tools are the methods by which
your character can alter the context and • Lying about your scientific knowledge: Will
circumstances of a social conflict. The main + Exploration
way of doing this is by using truths. • Pretending not to know about something:
Reason + Command
During a social conflict, each side may have • Discern if someone is lying about the con-
different goals, meaning that each side will dition of a ship: Reason + Flight
engage in their own tests to further those • Work out if someone is lying about their
goals. Even in something as seemingly combat capabilities: Insight + Combat
one-directional as an interrogation, the
interrogator will be trying to get information,
while the interrogated party may have a goal
all of their own, such as trying to prove their
Evidence can be used in conjunction with any
Example: of the other social tools; providing proof of
Dariuus is trying to convince a Turanic your ability to carry out a threat can be vital
raider captain that he has defected from when intimidating, giving evidence of your
the Kushan fleet. This a ruse in order to ability to pay during negotiations can smooth
infiltrate the raider’s ship, and so requires things along, and even deception can bene-
Dariuus to deceive the raider. Dariuus fit from the right forged documentation if it
makes a Will + Command test with a helps make the lie more believable.
difficulty of 4, opposed by the Turanic Examples of Evidence:
raider making an Insight + Command
• Witness testimony
test with a difficulty of 1. The raider’s
• Letter or log with incriminating or exoner-
test is easier, as they are suspicious of
ating information
the “defecting” Kushan character. Dariuus
• Forensic proof that someone was present
passes his test with 5 successes, and
in an area
the Turanic raider passes with only 1
• Forged documents and fake IDs
success. Using the rules for resolving
Social Conflict Intimidation
Intimidation is when you use threats to com-
in Combat pel action, often by convincing others that
Social conflict and combat are not their non-compliance will be met with severe
mutually exclusive: as long as you consequences.
can communicate, you can engage
in social conflict. The most natural Intimidating someone is an opposed
uses for social conflict in combat test, with the difficulty of each
are to convince the other side to stop side being based on the opponent’s
fighting or to surrender, or to try and perceived strength and ability to carry
influence the way the enemy will act. out the threat made. If successful,
intimidation imposes a truth on the
In these instances, it’s worth intimidated character representing
remembering that communication their fear of the threat. Failing to
doesn’t have to mean speech, text, intimidate someone makes further
or anything complex. Actions can attempts to intimidate them in that
convey ideas as effectively as words. scene more difficult, often requiring
A shot from a weapon can be a threat, even greater threats to compensate
while conveying a false appearance— for this.
such as a feigned retreat—can be an
effective deception. Using these non- The drawback of intimidation is that it is
verbal cues, as well as more precise inherently hostile, which can cause problems
forms of communication, can be an of its own. Employing it creates a tension
effective way of ending a fight. between the two sides, which can worsen
other forms of interactions, cause linger-
ing resentment, or even provoke a target to
Example Attribute + Skill Combinations:
• Trying to be physically threatening: Brawn
+ Combat
• Using intellect or knowledge to threaten
someone: Reason + Exploration
• Resisting threats of physical violence: Will
+ Combat
• Resisting intimidation by trying to work out
if a threat is credible: Reason + Command
Example: Negotiation
Negotiation involves the offering of compen-
Now aboard the Turanic raider ship and sation in exchange for granting a request.
having gained the trust of the captain, This compensation can take many forms,
Dariuus sets to work trying to access their with different people and different circum-
systems and gather information on them stances susceptible to different offers.
for Fleet Intelligence. Over a few days he
begins to get to know the crew and slowly Negotiation means creating a truth
gains enough trust to be allowed to use that is an advantage that represents a
their ship’s systems. During a data file favorable position created by the offer,
download, however, he gets caught by and a truth that is a complication that
one of the crew. Dariuus’ only option is to represents the cost of that offer. Each
try to intimidate the crew member into not new offer is considered a new change
revealing what he’s been doing. of circumstances for any tests that
Dariuus threatens the crew member, need to be made.
saying that he’s been able to gain the
trust of the captain to the point of being Negotiations may involve position shifting
allowed to be armed on the ship. If the from both sides, as they make and retract
crew member doesn’t agree to keep quiet offers, or discover that the other party
about what they’ve seen, he’ll attack them doesn’t have what they want.
and then claim to the captain that the The drawback to negotiation is that you can
crew member is really the one trying to end up offering more than you wanted to give
pass information on to the Kushan forces, up, or find out that what you obtained was
manipulating the ship’s logs to prove it. worth far less than the price you paid for it.
Dariuus must make a Reason + Flight Failing to provide what was offered can also
test to carry out his threat, as he’s using produce serious problems, especially if the
logic and his obvious knowledge of the negotiations were based on a lie.
ship’s systems to prove he can carry out
the threat. The crew member will oppose It’s worth remembering that few people will
him with Will + Command to avoid be amenable to trade or negotiate with those
being threatened into keeping quiet. The they’ve been threatened by, and such trades
gamemaster sets both tests at difficulty may have a steeper cost because of previous
3, as there is reasonable evidence to hostilities.
suggest Dariuus can carry out his threat, Examples of Negotiation:
but the crew member is also loyal to his
• You want aid from someone who is usu-
captain. Dariuus only rolls 2 successes,
ally your enemy. Advantage: Owing them
meaning he fails the test, while the crew
a favour. Complication: Favour to be called
member rolls 3 successes, meaning the
on at any time.
threat fails, and any attempt Dariuus
makes to continue to threaten them is • You want someone to share information
made more difficult. you desperately need. Advantage: Large
sum of resources in payment. Complica-
tion: Overpaid to get the information.
• You want to free a prisoner from an enemy • You want access to a place normally
vessel. Advantage: Something the enemy restricted. Advantage: Promise of access
wants. Complication: Freeing an enemy to an equally restricted place in exchange.
prisoner. Complication: Possibility of secrets being
With his threat failing to frighten the crew member, Dariuus is captured and placed in the ship’s
brig. The Turanic raider captain decides to try to ransom their new prisoner back to the Kushan
fleet. Ayana’s character is placed in charge of the hostage negotiations.
Ayana’s character Ashaara makes the first offer of the negotiation, creating the advantage
“Something the Turanic Raiders Need” by offering a large number of resources in exchange for
Dariuus’ return, which also introduces the complication “Loss of Resources for the Kushan.” An
opposed test is made for Ashaara to convince the captain, but it is unsuccessful.
Further offers are made, with the advantages and complications being changed each time
as each side makes and retracts offers. Some offers might lower or raise the difficulty of any
tests made, depending on how favorable they are. Some might make a test impossible if one
party outright declines the offer.
Eventually Ashaara offers a ship in exchange for Dariuus, deciding that the information he
might know is more critical to the fleet than a single ship. This creates the advantage “A
Very Generous Offer” as it gives the Turanic raiders access to Kushan technology, and the
complication “Loss of A Ship” representing the cost of the trade. Where the previous tests to
negotiate were at a high difficulty, this offer is favorable enough to the captain to lower the
difficulty significantly, giving Ashaara a good chance at succeeding in getting Dariuus back.
Whether or not either side keeps to their agreement, however, is another question.
Ship Ship Actions
When you are using the ship as a tool to
Statistics attempt a skill test, you resolve the test by
using the ship’s attribute + your skill for a
target number. So, instead of using your own
Just like characters, ships are represented
Agility + Flight scores when flying the ship in
using a series of statistics; however these
an attack formation, you would use the ship’s
work slightly differently than they do for
Engines + your own Flight to make the target
Ship Attributes When using non-player character ships,
rather than having six skills for the crew,
• Communications encompasses the
you assign them a static value to add to the
transmission, encryption, decryption, and
Hull Points is damaged. If a ship’s attribute suffers
Each ship has a hull points score, a maxi- breaches equal to the scale, that system is
mum amount of stress a vessel can suffer, destroyed.
equal to its structure + scale. This score
represents the integrity of the hull, and how
much damage it can take before things get Any ship of scale 1 or 2 has a fuel rating
critical. If an attack inflicts enough stress to which represents the fuel capacity of the
reach the ship’s hull point maximum, inflicts vessel. Sometimes fuel must be spent to sup-
5 stress in one attack, or inflicts any stress port actions taken with the ship, and fuel can
when a ship is at its hull point maximum, it be lost because of complications, hazards, or
causes a breach. breaches.
The basic operation of the ship—life sup-
Breach port, communications, computers, and basic
Breaches represent serious damage to the maneuvering—does not cost fuel points, but
ship or its systems. Each of the ship’s attri- some actions, like attack patterns or evasive
butes can endure a number of breaches maneuvers, require you to spend fuel points
equal to the ship’s scale before that system to perform the action.
Operating a Ship
Ship operations are a straightforward matter, on the ship, prepare actions, or interact with
in game terms. Characters will spend a lot of the environment. The GM has the final say on
time aboard ship, and they will want to take what you can accomplish with a minor action
full advantage of the systems, facilities, and during your turn.
personnel on board. Actions involving a ship
are split into two broad categories: actions Commanding
taken on board a ship, and actions taken with Officer Actions
the ship.
If you are in command of a larger vessel,
• Actions Aboard Ship: If the ship is a loca- such as a frigate or capital ship, you can
tion for an action, not the tool used to coordinate the actions of the crew.
complete the actions, then the skill test is
• Direct: Choose one other crewmember
resolved normally, using your attribute +
currently on the bridge; that officer takes
skill combination for a target number.
a single major action, determined by the
• Ship Actions: If the activity is making use commanding officer. You assist their skill
of the ship’s systems—like using its com- test, using the Command skill.
puters or flying it to a location—then you
• Rally: You attempt a Will + Command test
resolve the test by the ship’s attribute +
with a difficulty of 0; this test is used to
your skill for a target number.
generate Momentum, either to use straight
away or to save in the group pool.
Other Minor Actions
Characters can accomplish other minor Helm Actions
actions during combat, just like they can in
When you’re in the pilot seat, you can make
normal combat—move from a position in the
the following actions. During combat, these
cockpit or bridge of a ship to another point
are all major actions. Where the action
names a class of ship, the action can only be of 1). However, attacks made targeting the
done with those classes. A ship without an ship also decrease in difficulty by 1. This
Engines score cannot move. effect lasts until the pilot’s next turn and
• Maneuver: The pilot moves the ship to has a fuel requirement of 1.
anywhere within Medium range. • Ramming Speed: Choose a single enemy
• Full Throttle (Strike Craft): The pilot vessel within Long range and move
spends 1 fuel point to move to anywhere toward it at full throttle. Upon contact
within Long range. make an attack using Engines + Flight
with a difficulty of 2. If successful, the
• Evasive Action (Capital-Class and below): attack inflicts a number of of stress
The pilot moves swiftly and unpredictably, equal to 2 + the ramming ship’s scale,
attempting to foil enemy targeting. The with the Breaching and Vicious effects.
pilot attempts an Engines + Flight test The ramming ship also suffers a number
with a difficulty of 1. If successful, attacks of of stress equal to 2 + the target’s
against the ship by ships of equal or lower scale, with the Breaching and Vicious
scale increase in difficulty by 1. However, effects. If the ramming ship is scale 1 or 2,
attacks made by the ship also increase in this action costs 1 fuel.
difficulty by 1. This effect lasts until the
pilot’s next turn and has a fuel requirement Sensor Techician
of 1.
• Attack Pattern (Capital-Class and below):
• Chart Hazard: Using navigational sensors,
The pilot flies a steady course making it
you can mark hazards in the vicinity
easier to target the enemy, attempting a
of the vessel and its planned course
Weapons + Flight test with a difficulty of
and determine the safest route around,
1. If successful, attacks made by the ship
past, or through them. This is a Sensors
decrease in difficulty by 1 (to a minimum
+ Flight test with a difficulty of 2. If
successful, nominate a single hazard or Communications
other dangerous phenomenon nearby;
the difficulty of any test to avoid that
hazard is reduced by 2. You can nominate • Send/Receive Transmission: You
one additional hazard or dangerous attempt to establish a communications
phenomenon for every two Momentum link with another ship. This requires a
spent. Communications + Engineering test with
a difficulty of 0. The difficulty increases
• Scan: You use the ship’s sensors to locate based on interference and other factors
objects or phenomena in space. This is a that would impede communications
Sensors + Exploration test with a difficulty systems. Success means that a channel
of 0. Interference, ambient conditions, or has been opened and a message can be
particularly unusual or unfamiliar phenom- sent or received.
ena increase this difficulty. Momentum
spent on this action is normally to Ask a • Intercept: You try to pick up and
Question about the objects being scanned. decipher the transmissions of others.
Select a single ship within Long range to
• Scan for Weakness: You scan an enemy
intercept communications from. This is a
vessel, looking for vulnerabilities. Target- Communications + Engineering test with
ing an enemy ship, attempt a Sensors + the difficulty set by the gamemaster based
Combat test with a difficulty of 2. If suc- on the level of encryption.
cessful the next attack against the enemy
ship gains the Piercing 2 quality. • Signal Jamming: You transmit signals
to interfere with the target’s attempts
Tactical Actions to communicate. Choose a single ship
within Medium range to jam. This is a
• Fire Weapon: Nominate a single active
Communications + Combat test, with a
weapon system on board the ship, and a
difficulty of 1, 2, or 3, chosen by you before
viable target for that weapon, and make
you roll. Success means that the target
an attack. This is a Weapons + Combat
increases the difficulty of Send/Receive
test. The base difficulty of this attack
Transmission (above) by an amount equal
is 1, modified by scale, truths, or other
to the difficulty you chose.
circumstances (enemy actions, spatial
conditions, etc.).
Other Actions
• Override: You can attempt an action
normally performed at a different station
than the one you are at. The difficulty
of any test made using this action is
increased by 1.
NPC Ship Operations
Gamemasters don’t need to take into account the abilities of individual crew on the
ships they control. Instead, NPC ships have both attribute and skill values for their
target numbers.
Because individual NPC crew are not being tracked, each NPC ship takes a number
of turns in a round equal to its scale. If an NPC ship takes the same action more than
once in a turn, the difficulty increases by 1 each time.
Instead of using one of six skill values to add to a non-player character ship, you
instead decide the quality of the crew. The
crew quality provides a single skill score to
use in place of individual skill scores when Crew Quality Skill Score
making a test using the ship’s attributes. Basic 1
A basic crew quality might indicate a ship
that is undermanned, or a crew who are Proficient 2
Ship Weapons
Weapon Stress Range
Rating Each weapon has a range, which is the
Each weapon mounted on a ship has a stress maximum range it can be fired at.
rating, showing the number of challenge
dice ( ) that are rolled to inflict stress on Kinetic Weapons
a target (see Making an Attack, p.15).
Some weapons list scale as their stress Projectile Cannon
rating, which means you roll a number of Projectile cannons magnetically accelerate a
equal to the ship’s scale. For example, projectile to high velocities in order to punch
a corvette firing its small projectile cannon through the hulls of other ships. They’re
has a scale of 2, so you will roll 2 for that common on small assault craft.
attack’s stress. The rules for this Quickstart
adventure only focus on Small Projectile
Stress Rating
Weapon Category Range Effects
Small Projectile
Kinetic Close Scale Versatile 2
Ship Combat
Being familiar with how character combat Distances
works is useful for understanding how ship
Movement and ranged attacks are measured
combat is managed, as they use the same
in ranges. In combat, the relative placement
basic mechanics with a few changes.
of zones determines this distance.
Environment and • Contact is when an object or another ship
Zones is touching the vessel, like when a reckless
pilot makes a desperate ramming speed
The environment is divided into zones based
attack. Contact isn’t a specific range, but
on features of the area. Ship combat zones
rather is a state that a vessel can enter
are also defined in three dimensions, with
when it moves—at the moment a ship
zones “above” and “below” one another, and
moves into or within a zone, the pilot may
with empty zones to provide sizeable gaps
freely declare that the vessel is moving
between objects and phenomena.
into or out of Contact with an object or
Zones have no fixed size but GMs who desire another vessel.
concrete values rather than abstract ranges
• Close range is defined as the zone the ship
are encouraged to set specific sizes and
is within at the time; a distance of 0 zones.
shapes for individual zones, using them as
a grid. • Medium range is defined as any zone
adjacent to the vessel’s current zone; a
Individual zones may have effects attached
distance of 1 zone.
to them, providing some concealment or
interference, hindered movement, or hazards. • Long range is defined as two zones away
from a vessel’s current zone; a distance of
Zones help players visualize their vessel’s
2 zones.
place in an encounter, and its relative
distance to other objects or enemies. • Extreme range is beyond Long range; a
As zones are defined by the bodies and distance of three or more zones.
environemnt around them, tracking a vessel
can be a matter of simple description. This Distances and Sensors
has the advantage of relying on natural A ship can scan and detect objects, vessels,
language and intuitive concepts, rather than and phenomena over a certain distance
specific game terms, and avoids the tracking in every direction. A ship’s sensor range is
of specific distances which can become Medium unless it has a special function that
fiddly where there are many vessels present. alters that range.
If you want to have a more concrete Allied ships that have maintained a
understanding of the locations of ships, you connection to Fleet Command allow you to
can use maps with zones and features drawn see what they see on their sensors, allowing
on them, along with models or tokens to you to target ships within your weapon’s
represent moveable objects. range even if they are outside your own
sensor range.
Rounds and Turns Random System Hit Table
Ship combat is broken up into rounds and
turns, just like combat at the personal D20 Roll System Hit
scale. Players each take a turn, taking minor
1 Communications
and major actions, alternating with their
opponents until every PC crew member and 2 Computers
NPC ship has taken a turn. NPC ships take a
number of turns equal to their scale. 3-6 Engines
7-9 Sensors
Making an Attack
10-17 Structure
The process for making an attack with a ship
is as follows. 18-20 Weapons
1. Choose a target and a weapon: Pick a
target in range, and select which ship-
mounted weapon you want to attack with. Breaches
Breaches are a measure of the damage to a
be done (for example, if the engines are Ship Combat
destroyed, the ship cannot Maneuver, go Full
Throttle, take Evasive Maneuvers, or make an
Attack Pattern). Spends
Ship combat is affected by Momentum as
Destroying Whole Vessels much as any other part of the game, with
If the Structure system of a ship is destroyed, combat Momentum spends affecting ship-
the ship breaks up and is entirely destroyed— based attacks, and other spends affecting
all aboard are killed and it can no longer be other tests.
used. • Purchase d20s: Purchase up to 3 extra
d20s before rolling the dice pool. The first
Repairing Damage d20 costs 1 Momentum, the second costs
If a ship has been damaged, you can attempt 2, and the third costs 3 (for a maximum
makeshift repairs in order to mitigate the total of 6).
damage from breaches, but breaches can’t • Create Truth: After a successful skill test,
be removed by the crew. To remove the you can spend 2 points of Momentum to
breach’s effect you’ll need to be at the right introduce an advantage or complication
location on the ship to be able to repair the to the scene. This must relate to the test
damage, and attempt a Coordination + you made and is subject to gamemaster
Engineering test with a difficulty equal to the approval. A truth created in this way can
number of breaches the system has. If you never increase or decrease the difficulty of
succeed, you remove any negative effects of a skill test by more than 1.
the system’s damage, but do not remove any
breaches from the breach track. • Ask a Question: For 1 point of Momentum
you can ask the gamemaster a question
If that system suffers more breaches, it may related to the current scene or the test you
be damaged again or destroyed if it suffers just made. The gamemaster must answer
enough. truthfully, but can be as vague as they
During battle or other challenges, the ship wish.
may also suffer complications that relate to • Inflict Extra Stress: Spend up to 3 Momen-
the condition or function of the ship. These tum to inflict extra stress after a success-
can also be removed by Engineering tests, ful attack. Each point of Momentum spent
which represent making on-the-fly repairs to inflicts one stress.
hold things together until the ship can visit
a repair vessel or a mothership. The base • Additional Minor Actions: For 1 point of
difficulty of these repair tests is 2. Momentum your character can take an
additional minor action in combat.
Removing Breaches • Additional Skill Test: By spending 3
Breaches can only be removed and properly points of Momentum, you can immediately
repaired by docking with a vessel or station attempt a second skill test, or take a sec-
that has the Repair special function. The ond major action in your turn. The difficulty
docking bays on facilities like this have of the test is increased by 1.
teams of engineers and resources enough to • Keep the Initiative: In combat you can
patch up a ship to full working order. spend 2 Momentum after your turn ends
to pass the next turn on to a character you
are allied with, instead of handing play over
to the enemy.
This section provides the rules and descriptions of a range of weapons and equipment used in
this quickstart adventure. A full range of weapons, common items and equipment can be found
in the Homeworld: Revelations core rulebook.
Weapon Types
Weapons and Range
Homeworld has a number of weapons In Homeworld weapons are categorized as
available for use by both the player characters either melee or ranged. The difficulty of a test
and NPCs. Often, weapons aren’t just useful increases by 1 for each range category closer
for battles and fights, but can also show a lot or further away the target is from the range
damage. Add 2 to the weapons
stress rating, the weapon gains the Qualities
Debilitating quality and the Vicious 1 The following additional qualities alter the
effect. way a weapon functions, some in positive
ways, others by applying restrictions.
Effects • Debilitating. Medical tests to perform
Some weapons have effects which are trig- first aid on characters injured by this
gered when you roll Effects on a Challenge weapon, or to heal injuries caused by
Die. Sometimes only a single Effect needs this weapon, increase in difficulty by 1.
to be rolled for these to be triggered, other • Inaccurate. The difficulty of ranged
times the number of Effects you roll will attacks made with this weapon
improve the effects outcome. increase by 1 and characters gain
no bonus from using the Aim minor
Weapons of Homeworld
This section gives you information on weap- cultural stance of a faction. High tech weap-
ons found in Homeworld: Revelations quick- onry indicates a faction that is militaristic
start, but these are guidelines rather than or well-funded; weapons that are second
rules. hand, jury-rigged or made from scrap mate-
rial might suggest a culture which recycles
Weapons and heavily, or has limited resources, where as a
Cultures culture with advanced weapons in poor con-
dition might suggest a once militaristic way
Weapons are not only good for combat in
of life that is now struggling.
Homeworld but are also useful for indicating
the technological and sometimes political or
Range and
Weapon Stress Rating Effects Qualities
Combat Knife 2 Reach Vicious 1 Debilitating
Long blade 3 Reach Vicious 2
Stress Range
Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type
Automatic Pistol 4 Close Vicious 1 Inaccurate
Composite Pistol 3 Close
Composite Rifle 4 Medium
Equipment and Gear
Equipment and gear are used to refer to other Standard
important items a character might carry that
aren’t weapons. Equipment
The equipment here is considered standard
Anatomy of for Kushan crew members.
Equipment and Breach Patch. A small palm-sized stick
Gear containing a chemical compound used to
temporarily patch small-scale damage in a
Like weapons, equipment and gear have a
ships hull or substructure, or any solid object.
few key defining points:
The stick is snapped, activating a chemical
reaction between the two compounds and
• Use Limit. Some equipment will only it is then pushed into the hole. Providing the
function so many times before it is hole itself is no larger than the size of a fist,
unusable. Once a piece of equipment the compound will expand within moments
hits this limit, it ceases to function. to completely fill and seal the breach. This
• Purpose: This describes what the repair is only temporary however, and will
item does when used. Sometimes this become brittle over time.
is narrative; other times it will list rules Goggles. These are used to protect the eyes
which apply to the item. from dust, debris and high wind, with spe-
• Armor Rating: If an item would cialise versions also being used to protect
provide armor, this will list its armor against chemicals or welding sparks.
Use Armor
Equipment Purpose
Limit Rating
Patches small breaches in solid objects.
In ship combat, you can use a breach patch to
Breach Patch 1 N/A
ignore the effects of a breach, providing you can
get to the area safely to activate it.
In situations where environmental conditions
would effect vision, such as high winds or debris,
the difficulty of any tests relating to vision are
Goggles N/A N/A
decreased in difficulty by 1. If you would take
damage from such a condition, these goggles give
you a single point of armour.
Wrist Allows for communication and the download and
Computer transfer of files.
N/A Provides protection to the vital areas of the body 1
body armor
Hard plated
N/A Provides protection to the vital areas of the body 2
body armor
Lowers the difficulty of tests by 1 that would
Medics toolkit 3 N/A
benefit from the use of the toolkit
Researchers Lowers the difficulty of tests by 1 that would
3 N/A
kit benefit from the use of the toolkit
Weapon repair Reduces the difficulty of repairing a broken
1 N/A
kit weapon by 1
The scenario starts in the outer deserts,
called the Dreamlands. The characters will Many of the kiithid, recognizing that with the
need to make their way to the Khar-Toba and discovery, a turning point has been reached.
explore, attempting to find any artifacts of Many kiithid have put aside their politicking
importance. This leads to the discovery of and pledged to work together for the greater
the Guidestone, an object that will change good. The teams that have been dispatched
the way the whole population of Kharak will to look over what remains of the Khar-Toba
live, but only if your players can get it out of are made up of members of these united
the reach of the Gaalsien. kiithid, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not
looking for ways to increase the standing of
Background their own kiith if it doesn’t impede the mis-
The characters are an archaeological team sion.
under the command of Mevath Sagald, sent
to investigate the Khar-Toba; a great ship that Running this
crash landed on the planet of Kharak thou- Adventure
sands of years ago, believed to be the first As the gamemaster, it’s a good idea to have
city of the Kushan people. Their aim is to a read through and gain a basic understand-
recover historical records and artifacts now ing of all the rules and this adventure before
that the main hyperspace core and generator running it for your players. This will give you
that powered the ship have been removed. an understanding of the adventure and the
With these key technologies removed from options open to the players as they progress
the Khar-Toba, most of the major clans have making it easier to guide them, especially
shifted their focus to studying the artifacts. when they want to do something creative
They are not the only ones interested in the that isn’t detailed in this adventure.
wreckage, however. The Gaalsien–a kiith It will be down to you to keep the tension of
(Clan) who are opposed to the discovery of the enemy forces present whilst ensuring
new knowledge–are also interested in the that your players keep moving through
Khar-Toba. They have made it their religion the different parts of the ship. There is
to suppress any thoughts of discovery and advice in every scene with suggestions and
exploration, believing that the Kushan took information to help you. Scene objectives
let you know what main goals you should be use her to help them at key moments. It’s
guiding the characters to achieve. You can worth noting that she’s an archaeologist,
also use the presence of Mevath Sagald to not a soldier, and while her knowledge of the
advise your players if needed, especially in Khar-Toba is far greater than the characters,
the first scene. Try to avoid her telling the she’s not tactically wise.
players how to solve problems, but instead
Scene Objectives The Gaalsien in the area are working in teams
of three or four. They usually have two sol-
The objectives for this scene are:
Gamemaster Advice: Making the First Test
The result of the attribute and skill added together is the target number for the test.
The player then rolls 2d20. Each die equal to or lower than the target number is
a success. You only need to roll enough successes equal to the tests difficulty to
succeed, in this case that’s one success. If the player rolls more successes than they
needed, each extra success generates a point of Momentum (See p.8).
Remember, the Momentum pool can never have more than 6 points of Momentum at
a time.
If any 20s are rolled on the dice, a complication will be generated (see Complications
p.6). This represents a problem that the characters face, even if they succeed on
the test. In this circumstance, it might mean that they don’t spot a patrol, increasing
the difficulty of the next test to get to the ship unnoticed by 1. If you don’t want to
introduce a complication or can’t think of something at the time, then you can allow
the players to buy off the complication by adding 2 Threat to the Threat pool instead.
If successful, the characters can learn the
following: Gamemaster
• There are three groups patrolling the area, Advice: The Players
each one of them moving on intersecting
courses, but at different speeds. Get Spotted
• All the groups have at least two armed offi- Its worth noting that if the team are
cers. spotted in this scene the Gaalsien
• The best timing to make a run for the ship patrols are unlikely to start open
without being spotted. combat immediately. They will need
You should encourage the players to spend to investigate what they saw and are
any Momentum they gain on the Ask a Ques- likely to follow the team at a distance
tion Momentum spend for more detailed to confirm who they are and what they
information on the patrols. If they do so, they are doing. If the team get spotted at
can discover the following: this point in the adventure, give them
a chance to try and hide from the
The researchers appear to be unarmed, but
patrol that is alerted to their presence
the soldiers and scouts are carrying weapons
Gamemaster Advice: Keeping the Players Moving
Given the scale of the Khar-Toba and the numbers ranged against them, it’s easy for
the players to get caught up and then hesitate with the magnitude of the task ahead
of them. You should feel free to change the orbits of the patrols or spend Threat to
allow the scouts to sight the team and send guards to investigate if it helps to get the
players team into action by trying to get to the ship and avoiding the patrols. Mevath
Sagald can also urge them on, saying the longer that they wait, the higher the chance
they are spotted.
Scene Objectives Entering the
The objectives for this scene are: Khar-toba
• Gain access to the Khar-Toba. Once the team has managed to get to the
• Avoid detection by the Gaalsien Khar-Toba, they must find a way into it.
guards. The two main entryways used by the last
expedition are now surrounded by the camps
Once the players reach the main hull of the of the Gaalsien. There are three possible
Khar-toba, read or paraphrase the following: ways to enter the Khar-toba, each with its own
problems and benefits. Mevath can point out
The Khar-Toba is massive beyond recognition, what each of these are if the players spend
a ship larger than the some of those in Tiir, the Momentum, but will not tell the team which
capital city of Kharak. The vessel is broken to choose, though she dislikes the idea of
across the spine, presumably from its landing bluffing past the guards, even if it does have
so many years ago. The metres thick plating some advantages.
that gave protection to the original travellers
now protect the treasures within from the des- The guarded entrances are closest to where
ert and thieves who would steal them away. the characters are. Moving to the sealed and
From the deep shade on the far side of the abandoned door entrances means moving
ship, Mevath points up at a number of different past the Gaalsien camps. Players must make
places where previous teams made safe entry- an opposed test using Agility + Combat test
ways, now with groups camped outside that at difficulty 2, opposed by a Gaalsien soldiers
had the same idea. Further down the ship are Insight + Exploration also at difficulty 2 (see
holes torn in the side where the impact broke Opposed Tests p.7) to reach this entrance
the ships seals, these are unsecured and pos- without being noticed. The breaches in the
sibly dangerous, but using them won’t attract superstructure are easier to get to however,
attention from the Gaalsien. You are badly out- and are further away from the Gaalsien
numbered by the other forces in the area, and camps, meaning no test is required to reach
it would be best to find a way in that attracts them.
as little attention as possible.
Gamemaster Sealed and Abandoned
Advice: Undecided Door Entrances
• Advantages: Unguarded and away from
Players most of the camps, some equipment left in
If your players can’t make their mind the area that the characters can use to try
up as to which entrance to use, and open the door.
Mevath Sagald can be used to make • Disadvantages: Difficult to get into and has
suggestions on how they could enter, the chance to set off security measures.
whilst leaving the actual decision to The team could attempt to force an entry
the players. Encourage and remind through one of the sealed doors on the side
players that they can use the Ask a of the ship. In most cases, the doors will have
Question Momentum spend to find out been welded shut and sealed over to prevent
a details that will give them hints as people attempting the very thing that the
to where best to enter the Khar-Toba team are trying to do. In the area, there are
and where the previous teams didn’t some abandoned tools left by Kiith Naabal
Breaches in the Gamemaster
Superstructure Advice: Allowing Player
• Advantages: Unguarded and easy access
to the ship interior. Creativity
• Disadvantages: Requires climbing and To avoid this part of the adventure
comes with the risk of being discovered or becoming just a series of rolls,
suffering serious injury. encourage and allow the players to
The team could attempt to gain access get creative in how they enter the
through one of the holes torn in the Khar-toba.
superstructure of the ship when it crashed If they want to try and salvage
down thousands of years ago. The damage some of the old equipment from the
to these areas is quite severe and some previous expeditions to make a rig to
areas are incredibly unstable, but with the climb along the super structure, you
help of everyone, this could be achieved. can allow them a few appropriate rolls
to attempt this, reducing difficulty as
An Agility + Exploration test at difficulty
the rig introduces an advantage to
3 can be made to find a suitable entrance.
the scene. If the players want to help
Climbing up the super structure is usually a
pull each other up, using assistance
Brawn + Combat or and Agility + Exploration
on tests is a great option. Likewise,
test with a difficulty 3. Complications rolled
players who want to try and get
at this point can be used to have part of the
in through the guarded entrances
super structure begin to collapse, possibly
are likely to want to do more than
causing Gaalsien to investigate the area, or
just bluff the guards, perhaps also
to make the structure unstable, resulting in
causing a distraction. Some players
a character falling or hurting themselves as
might even advocate splitting the
they climb.
party and entering through more
Characters falling from the super structure than one entrance. Allow them to
suffer 3 of stress from the fall. attempt creative solutions, adjusting
difficulties where appropriate.
Guarded entrances
• Advantages: Ability to gather more infor-
mation about the Khar-Toba from the If the team have already encountered a
working computer systems. Gaalsien patrol on the way over to the ship,
they may try to enter dressed as guards,
• Disadvantages: Guarded and comes with
having taken the clothing and identification of
the risk of getting into armed conflict.
the patrol. A successful Insight + Command
There are over twenty people near each of or Reason + Command test at difficulty 2,
these entrances, though not all of them are opposed by the Gaalsien guard’s Insight +
on guard and not all of them are soldiers. Command with a plausible cover story will
Sneaking their way past the Gaalsien here allow them to pass through the camp into
is near impossible without first causing a the Khar-Toba.
distraction, being able to successfully do so
will allow the players to make an Agility +
Combat at difficulty 4 to try and sneak past.
Entering this way grants the team access by 1. If the players spend Momentum to
to some of the Gaalsien’s computer systems receive any other information, they discover
that are just within the Khar-Toba’s entrance the following:
ways. On them are mapping points that were A Gaalsien research team has requested
downloaded from the ships systems, as well heavier equipment for an area deep within
as which areas the Gaalsien have searched the Khar-toba. The log appears to suggest
and occupy. The players will need to crack that they are having difficulty opening a
into the system, using Reason + Exploration sealed door.
or Reason + Engineering with a difficulty of
3. If successful they can download the ship At the end of this scene, remember to
map. Introduce the advantage truth ‘Inside remove 1 point of Momentum from the
Knowledge’ for the rest of the adventure, pool.
which reduces the difficulty of tests to remain
undiscovered within the ship by the Gaalsien
The doors to the living quarters of the ship
Using a Power are large enough only to allow people through
Converter them. Though the doors are currently closed, it
seems that these have been opened recently,
A Coordination + Engineering test but the power converter attached to the door
at difficulty 1 will allow the team to systems appears to be burnt out.
take a functioning power convertor
and use it to power other devices. The players will need to use a power converter
Using the power converter to open a to open the door, either repairing the one still
door or power a system is a Brawn + attached with a Coordination + Reason test
Engineering test with a difficulty of 2 at difficulty 2, or by charging and using their
in order to wind the dynamos. own power converter.
Once they open the doors, read the following:
The space beyond the doors is vast in ways
From here, there are three main areas that
that you’ve never seen. Huge stone walkways
the players can explore: the Living Quarters,
wind up and around the central support
the Engines and the Temple Plaza. Ideally,
columns of the ship, clearly added after the
the players should explore the living quarters
ships landing as the city within it expanded.
first, but the engines and the temple plaza
Each of the entrances to the many pods has
can be explored in any order. It is worth noth-
no door, but instead a handmade sheet of
ing that the engines room is a key location for
heavy cloth with the history of the occupants
advancing the story.
woven in generations. In the larger living areas,
Living Quarters additional sheets cover the walls and floors to
ensure that nothing was lost over time. The
When the players reach this area, read the living quarters span over a quarter mile both
following: in length and depth and hold space enough for
tens of thousands in small family groups. The An Insight + Exploration test at difficulty
walkways between levels are more than four 2 reveals that all the tapestries include ref-
metres wide, giving space enough for hundreds erence to something called the Guidestone.
to move without any serious impediment, but This object is often pictured or described as
the entrances to the quarters are positioned in being held in a temple and seems to have an
such a way that only the noise directly outside almost religious significance, which means
the pod would be audible, thereby allowing this object could be an important relic to col-
thousands of people in close proximity to each lect for study. Each instance of the object’s
other to live for an extended period of time. location being mentioned comes with a
Investigating the quarters is not difficult; depiction of great network of paths in an area
the Gaalsien have placed less interest in the called the Temple Plaza and at their centre a
everyday comings and goings of the occu- circular platform called the Observatory Tem-
pants and more in the uncovering of proph- ple. From what the players can tell this place
ecy and legend, meaning that the living quar- is somewhere within the ship.
ters are reasonably untouched. If the players fail the test to analyze the
tapestries, the most they can understand is
Engines above and the sand trickles down in long fine
When the players enter the engine room, read streams like the tears of the desert to pool far
the following: below. At the centre of the paths is a massive
structure that could have held hundreds of
Larger than a land carrier, the immense blocks people at the same time. Long banners hang
of the engines took most of the damage when proclaiming stories and teachings of the
the ship came down, and the desert has ancient Kushan people, just as depicted in the
claimed much of it in the years that followed. tapestries. On the northside of the platform, a
The engines are now sealed under the weight large chamber appears to have been built into
of the sand, but you know from your briefing the structure but the entrance way cannot be
that several of the blocks were found to be seen from here.
still functional, until the Hyperspace core was
removed. The power held within the massive The Temple Plaza is the only place by
dynamo’s could still be used to power parts of which the Guidestone chamber, called the
the ship should the connections be restored. Observatory Temple can be accessed. This
is the area of most interest to the Gaalsien,
When the power core was removed from the as the records hanging above contain the
Khar-Toba, the engines and convertors were information they need to convince others
left with only the power that they had when that the travelers shared their truth. It is this
the core went off line. While insignificant area that the Gaalsien have been brining
compared to the power they had when the heavy equipment to in an attempt to open
core was present, the power could be used the Observatory Temple.
to open the immense doors found at various
point of the ship that the hand held power If the players did not discover all the informa-
convertors would not be enough to power. tion from the tapestries in the Living Quarters,
they can make an Insight + Exploration test
A Coordination + Engineering test at with a difficulty of 1. A success here reveals
difficulty 2 can be made to rework the that some of the banners refer to this place
connections and bring the power back as the Temple Plaza, and writing etched into
online. A further Insight + Flight test would the side of the large chamber proclaims it as
allow the team to make the connections to the Observatory Temple.
open any of the larger blast doors still closed
in the depths of the ship. Armed Guard
Repairing and being able to use this part of There are three Gaalisen patrols in this area,
the ship will be essential in scenes 4 and 5. each performing a different task.
Patrol 2: The If the players have arrived after restoring the
power to the engines (or when they return
Archeologists from doing this without having first dealt
The second group, consisting of two Gaalsien with the patrols), then this group are trying to
Scientists and a Gaalsien Soldier, are in the force the doors, which are slowly beginning
process of taking down some of the banners to open. Mevath will tell the players they need
and tapestries. Only one person in this group to act quickly, before they succeed and alert
is armed. the other Gaalsien.
Once the players can safely approach the
Gamemaster door to the Observatory Temple, describe the
Advice: What if the following:
The door is larger and more ornate than any
Gaalsien Get In? you have seen on the ship so far, the edge of
The full implications of the Gaalsien it encrusted with stones and crystals, each
getting into the temple are too broad one of them only a fingers width in size, all
to cover in complete detail in this carved in minute detail with the name of the
quickstart, but there at least one person who it represented. As you look up at
possibility that can play out without the door, you can see thousands, from the
too much change to the adventure as stones at the bottom that represent those who
written. started the journey, to those who were born
If the Gaalsien get into the Observatory on the way, and at the top, the first generation
temple, they trigger the security to be born on this world. The most curious
system within the temple. The players carving on the door is a series of embedded
must then attempt to get in, dispatch circles, representing celestial spheres. It takes
and deal with the guards within before a moment before you recognize the symbol,
recovering the Guidestone. The doors the kiith symbol of Kiith S’jet. For thousands
seal behind them when they enter even of years, the S’jet have claimed direct lineage
with the Gaalsien already inside, so from the first city of Khar-toba, and here in
the adventure can carry on as written front of you at the doors to the Observatory
from the description of the inside of Temple, is proof of their claim.
the temple, with the exception of the They must now try to succeed where the
Gaalsien presenting an immediate Gaalisen failed and open the door. Suggest-
threat. ing that the players work as a group using
the assistance rules (p.7) is key here.
The lead player will need to make a Brawn
The players may also choose to try and lure + Combat test at difficulty 4. The lead player
the group away from the doors. This can be can be assisted by others also helping force
easily done if the players create a distraction, the doors, but technically minded characters
either using one of the other groups, creating may choose to help boost the doors power or
a mechanical or power problem elsewhere find some other technological way to aid the
(such as by removing a power converter from lead player.
a key area) or thorough some other creative Once the players open the door, describe the
solution. following:
As the engine’s power is channelled through
to the doors and you force them open, the
seals crack–not opened since the ship was
abandoned–and a deep rumbling reverberates
through the ship as the scent of fresh water
and cool air washes over you from within.
Gamemaster Advice: Dealing with the Worst
Case Scenario
In this scene, the characters risk being discovered by the Gaalsien who out number
them considerably. If this happens, don’t be afraid to let them get into combat, but its
important that characters have the opportunity to escape and regroup to try another
approach. This might be them drawing the Gaalsien away from the area, and then
doubling back to open the doors once they’ve lost the patrols.
Scene Objectives dim light in the room. The back wall of the
temple is covered in etchings and carvings,
The objectives for this scene are: though you are too far away to read them.
• Recover the Guidestone
• Fight off the Gaalsien response Each condenser constantly seeps a small
team steady flow of water into channels in the floor
and they also feed the water into the channel
carved around the base of the pedestal. Mevath
As the players enter the Observatory Temple, steps into the Temple, seemingly transfixed on
read the following: the object within the glass. An alarm begins to
The temple is huge, large enough to hold at ring out from somewhere in the ship. Mevath
least a hundred people sitting and standing. turns to you. “Recover the object, I’m going to
Ahead of you, two deep channels in the floor head to the bridge to try and buy you some
that extend from further in the room meet at a time. With the power restored, I might be able
point filled with crystal clear water. Two large to slow the Gaalsien down with what’s left of
stepped stone platforms, presumably built as the ships systems.”
seats high enough for a person to sit upon Moments after Mevath leaves, the doors to
in the manner of the The Great Daiamid–the the room close and lock behind you, faint
ruling government on Kharak–stretch out mechanical sounds and the scraping of
ahead of you on either side of a raised dais stone echoes through the chamber as a huge
that holds a speaker’s lectern. At each corner hollow pillar of white stone quickly lowers over
of the room stands structures you recognize the Guidestone pedestal, obscuring it from
as a large moisture condensers, like those sight as the water begins to drain out of the
you have seen on land carrier vehicles. Past channels. A quiet whirring sound builds to a
the speaker’s lectern, you can see an object, crescendo as mechanisms that havent moved
encased in glass upon a stone pedestal. in thousands of years kick into life beneath the
Around the pedestal is a deep circular groove floor and the room begins to warm.
in the floor, filled with water that reflects the
If the players successfully analysed the As soon as the characters enter and the hol-
tapestries in the Living Quarters, then they low pillar drops over the guidestone pedestal,
know the object within the glass is the object the Observatory Temple’s security system
referred to as the Guidestone. begins to work (See the Security System side-
Security System
The Observatory Temple was built and designed by Kiith Sjet, a kiith who are first and
foremost scientists. The security they put in place here was not designed to harm
those who might attempt to enter with ulterior motives or protect the Guidestone
long term, but instead protect the artefact from short term damage or simple theft
while sealing intruders in until guards arrived. Even with the temple long abandoned
the system will still protect the Guidestone, but the only guards arriving will be the
Gaalsien now that they know the team are here.
How it works
The Guidestone is encased in glass atop a stone pillar. Above this, a mechanism is
built into the ceiling that when triggered quickly lowers a larger, hollow pillar made
of incredibly resistant rock over the Guidestone’s pillar to act as a protective casing.
Along the bottom edge of this pillar is a seal made of a putty-like chemical adhesive.
Once the mechanism is triggered, the doors to the room seal and the condensers cease
to produce water and instead begin to humidify the air. A system beneath the floor
begins to warm the room. The increasing heat is only added to by the players having
opened the doors, unbalancing the temperature the room has kept for thousands of
Due to the rise in humidity and heat, the putty-like adhesive on the bottom of the
protective pillar begins to rapidly harden, sealing the Guidestone away within it.
The protective pillar could eventually be smashed, or the seals dissolve, but the players
don’t have the luxury of a true archeological expedition that would grant them the time
to do this. Instead their best chance at recovering the Guidestone is to prevent the
seal from hardening before they can jury rig the mechanism to lift the protective outer
The team will not have long to examine the more than aesthetically pleasing, this area
chamber before the Guidestone is sealed has been designed by people who wanted
away completely. to emphasize the stone in the middle of
The construction of this chamber is different the room and keep it secure from anyone
to all the other areas that the team have entering unlawfully.
encountered. Where the other areas, made of
stone and steel laid together, are functional
Water Condensers
Seating Seating
Water Guidestone
Channel Pillar
Control Panel
Allow the players to explore the room for a
few moments, they don’t know yet that the Gamemaster
protective pillar has a sealing process but
should easily discover it after making some
Advice: Stopping the
tests to explore the points of interest in the Security System
room. Tests using Reason + Exploration, Upon seeing the pillar drop, the players
Reason + Engineering or even Insight + may attempt to intervene, preventing
Exploration are all appropriate here based the stone pillar from entirely encasing
on what the characters wish to look at. the Guidestone pillar.
For each of the following points of interest in
While this adventure is written to
the room, the players can discover the follow-
assume that they cannot prevent
ing using a combination of tests and the Ask
this–as it happens as soon as they
a Question Momentum spend.
enter the room–you may choose to
Condensers allow the players to intervene.
The Condensers were still managing to gen- There is nothing in the room that
erate water from the surrounding area some-
can be used to block the stone pillar
how, even though after this many years, the dropping, but the players may try
flow of water should have dried up. and use equipment the Gaalisen
A successful Reason + Engineering test at were using, or their own to do this.
difficulty 2, will reveal that the condensers The stone pillar is heavy and will
were so efficient because of the sealed eventually crush anything not made of
environment. They recycled all the water stone or dense metal within 2 rounds.
they produced through drainage in the floor Stopping the pillar from reaching
channels and by drawing in evaporated water the floor will prevent the seals from
in the air. The sealed environment prevented beginning to harden, but the process
the water vapour escaping, creating a sealed of raising it remains the same, as
system. it is part of a mechanical system.
Blocking the pillar from reaching the
The condensers release water in to the
floor means the players only need to
channels on the floor and each has a locked
succeed at two tests to lift it, rather
control panel.
than the usual three (See Lifting the
One the pillar was dropped over the Guide- Stone Pillar).
stone, they seemingly stopped working. On
closer inspection, its easy to tell that they are
now humidifying the air, rather than simply There is a puttly-like adhesive seal of some
drawing moisture from it kind along the base of the pillar that is
hardening and fusing to floor. A Reason
Protective Outer Stone + Engineering test at difficulty 1 allows a
player to work out that the seal is rapidly
Pillar hardening from the heat and the humidity in
The pillar is constructed of a dense white the air.
The pillar is connected to the mechanism
The pillar is warm to the touch at its base that lowers it by two lengths of heavy-duty
within the channel on the floor, as if its steel cable that feeds into a gantry in the roof
drawing heat from the slowly warming floor. of the temple.
After discovering the seals, the players can be reasonable, with a difficulty of 2. Success
work out that getting the water flowing back reveals some information about the security
into the channels might slow the process system. They discover that the protective pil-
enough for them to find a way to lift the pillar. lar has a seal, and water can slow down the
The control panel that controls the protec- rapid hardening of it. They also discover the
tive pillars mechanism is behind the plating location of hidden control panel for the pil-
on the wall at the back of the room. This lars mechanism and no longer need to make
can be found with an Insight + Exploration a test to find it (see Protective Outer Stone
test at difficulty 2, if the players fail to find Pillar).
it, directing them to the carvings on the back
wall give them a chance to discover it. If the Gamemaster
players try to work the mechanism, nothing
happens while the condensers are not pro-
Advice: Making Use of
ducing water. Threat and Momentum
Encourage the players to make use
Floor Channels of Momentum in this scene, both for
The channels in the floor would have been finding out what is going on within
used as a cleansing pool for any who the chamber and for figuring out what
wished to approach the seating areas or the they need to do with that information.
Guidestone. Each of the major kiithid symbols Try to avoid telling the players
are carved into the channels, indicating that outright the instructions when they
in this room all kiithid were considered equal. spend Momentum, but instead point
The water was drained from the channels them towards the areas where the
via small outlet pipes and is recycled back players can find the information for
through the condensers. themselves.
Likewise, you should remember to
Carvings on the Back Wall spend Threat in this scene. This scene
The carvings on the back wall are written has all the tension and the stakes
in a very old, traditional kiith dialect, often in this adventure, and the sense of
used by Kiith S’jet in scientific writings. urgency should always be present.
Translating the carvings requires a Reason Using Threat to bring in reinforcements
+ Exploration test with a difficulty of 2. If or introducing technical problems
the character has the truth ‘Kiith S’jet’ the in the system that the players must
difficulty of this test is decreased by 1. On a resolve especially once the team are
success it is revealed that the carvings are a close to succeeding in recovering the
mixture of astronomical calculations, as well Guidestone. You shouldn’t be making
as the names of philosophers, each bearing it impossible for them, but it should be
the S’jet name. challenging and allow them to come
If the players spend Momentum to Ask a up with inventive ways to overcome
Question–which should be encouraged any problems they face.
here–they can discover some other instruc-
tions that appear to be different to the astro-
nomical calculations. Players can make a
further test to translate these, using any
attribute and skill combination that would
Recovering the gap, into the temple. Once inside, they will
attempt to stop the players by any means
Guidestone necessary.
Once the players have had a moment to
explore the room and discover the sealing The area is divided into zones, which can be
process beginning on the protective pillar, seen on the room map on p.52.
it’s time to ramp up the tension! The players Recovery
will have 6 rounds to try and recover the
Guidestone before it is sealed away. This Players will have to work together to recover
is the perfect time to spend some Threat the Guidestone while also fighting off the
to bring in the Gaalsien reinforcements Gaalsien. In order to recover the Guidestone
and raise the stakes for the players. Each the players must complete three steps:
Gaalsien soldier costs 1 point of Threat, • Restore water flow to the channels in the
while a Gaalsien Captain costs 2 points of floor using the condensers to prevent the
Threat. Four Soldiers and a Captain should protective pillar’s seal from hardening.
be introduced with Threat in this scene.
• Find the control panel for the stone pillars
Once the players discover the seal and realize mechanism to lift it.
they have activated a security system, read
• Removing the Guidestone from its case.
the following:
With the Guidestone slowly being sealed Restoring Water Flow
away, you know you only have moments to act A Coordination + Engineering test with a
before any hope of recovery is lost. On top of difficulty of 2 will allow the players to get
this, the doors to the Observatory Temple have into the condensers control unit and set
also sealed behind you, while for now they pro- it to produce water. One condenser must
tect you from the Gaalsien presence making be turned on in order for the protective
its way here, its only a matter of time before pillar’s mechanism to work. Each additional
they get the doors open, leaving you trapped condenser that is turned on will reduce the
with no other exit. Your only hope is to recover difficulty of lifting the stone pillar by 1.
the artefact and make it out of here before the
Gaalsien forces are too large to fight against. Complications rolled while resetting the
condensers can cause them to short circuit,
The players take the first turn in this action inflicting 2 of stress to the character and
scene. Once one or two players have taken increasing the difficulty to reset it by 1.
an action, describe how they begin to hear
the Gaalsien on the other side of the doors,
attempting to force them open. The Gaalsien
Lifting the Stone Pillar
Lifting the Stone Pillar requires the players
will spend their turns attempting to open
to find the control panel behind the plating
the doors to the Temple or bringing in rein-
on the back wall. This can be found with an
forcements. After two successful Brawn +
Insight + Exploration test at difficulty 1 if
Combat tests with a difficulty of 3, they man-
the players did not find it when exploring the
age to get the doors open wide enough to
squeeze through, though they may attempt
to take shots at the team through this gap. Once one condenser has been reset to
Doing so increases the difficulty of the attack produce water, the players can attempt to
by 1. Any Gaalsien attempting to enter the start the mechanism on the control panel
room must make an Agility + Combat test to manually lift the pillar. This is a Brawn
with a difficulty of 2 to squeeze through the + Engineering or Brawn + Combat test at
difficulty 5. Each additional reset condenser reinforcements to put the pressure on the
will reduce this difficulty by 1. This test players as they try to break into the Guide-
must be succeeded at 3 times, the first two stone’s casing. Allow the players to be cre-
to loosen the seals and the final test lifting ative in how they do this, they may choose
the pillar from around the Guidestone. brute force, using the water on the seals
Complications rolled here might be used along the bottom of the glass, or some other
to increase the difficulty of this test, or to inventive methods. The ritual blades they
represent the Gaalsien’s interference in some found can also make light work of the seals
way. around the glass. If these are used, reduce
the difficulty of any test to cut the seals by
Removing the Guidestone 1. Allow them to make whichever tests would
When the players life the pillar enough to be most appropriate.
reveal the Guidestone, read the following: As soon as they have the Guidestone in their
The stone depicts what appears to be a star possession, read the following:
map of sorts, a simple diagram of the galaxy. Your radio crackles and you hear Mevath, the
A single gouged line leads from a point on the sound of gunshots echoing in the background,
outer rim to one deep in the galactic center. At clearly the Gaalsien have now assembled in
one end of the line, adjacent to the spot that force. “I’m on the bridge, I’ve managed to set
all of you easily recognize as Kharak’s position off some security measures which have kept
among the stars, is a single string of num- the main bulk of the Gaalsien forces con-
bers–a three dimensional vector. At the other tained for now, but it wont take them long
end of this gouge, a single word, ancient but to get through. Get to the top of the ships
common to all clan dialects: Hiigara…. Home. superstructure, where we saw that craft as we
Whilst the team are trying to release the approached, I think I have an escape route. Try
Guidestone, the Gaalsien will be closing in on to avoid as many of them as you can!” You
them. If all the Gaalisen have been defeated have to get out of the Khar-Toba, and you have
by this point, spend some Threat to bring in to get out now.
Gamemaster Advice: What if the Players Fail?
If the players are struggling to recover the Guidestone, you have a few options to help
them out if you wish.
• Complications that you roll give them an extra round to try and free the Guidestone
• Allow them to make a test to create a truth that can lower the difficulty of the test
• Remind them about using their defining aspects to spend their point of Fortune to
give them an advantage or bonus (see p.11)
If the players still fail to recover the Guidestone, you can have them skip to trying to
escape the Khar-Toba. They can either return at a later date to find the Gaalsien have
not been able to get the protective pillar open giving them a second chance to recover
the Guidestone, or you can simply narrate that Mevath goes back with another team
who manages to successfully recover the stone, but the players are still invited to
the speech, where you can read the text in the Epilogue, to the players. Which option
you choose depends on you and your group but we encourage you to come up with a
creative way for the players to attempt a second recovery.
Scene Objectives They will have to make their way back out of
the Temple Plaza, through the living quarters
The objectives for this scene are: and find their way to a lift to get to the upper
• Escape the Gaalsien levels of the Khar-Toba to meet with Mevath.
• Meet Mevath Sagald on the top of
the ships superstructure The characters can make their way through
• Escape the Khar-toba the following areas:
• The living quarters.
With the Guidestone removed, the team now • Engine room.
must meet Mevath on top of the ships super- • Connecting corridors. Some of these
structure and from there, escape beyond the might be completely empty, whereas oth-
reach of the Gaalsien forces. The most direct ers will have supplies or debris stacked
way for them to get out would be to return in them, making their way through these
the same way that they came in. However, sections requires tests involving agility or
the Gaalsien will be swarming in those areas, brawn to get through the debris. Failure
and the team will be carrying the Guidestone or complications may result in a Gaalsien
with them, making them an obvious target for patrol catching up to the group, or might
any groups that they encounter. be used to cause injury to characters as
debris falls or gives way.
Gaalsien Scouts and two Gaalsien Sol-
Gamemaster diers per group. The players may be able
Advice: Other Uses to sneak past them or divert them to avoid
direct conflict. Some of these patrols may
for Momentum set up ambushes. Players can make an
This scene is one of action, players opposed Insight + Combat test against
should use Momentum to open new the Gaalsien’s Insight + Combat. The diffi-
entrances and avoid the ambushes culty of this test is 3. If the players are suc-
that have been set for them on the cessful, they can spot the ambush. If not,
way out, the GM should use Threat the Gaalsien attack and go first in combat.
to keep the Gaalsien one step behind • Powered down doors: Mevath Sagald shut
the team at all times. The use of the down areas of the ship from the bridge in
power convertors to seal doors behind order to divert and slow down the Gaalsien.
them is recommended, as is using Some of these doors are still powered
Momentum to ask for advice from down and will require the players to use
Mevath, who will have far more details power converters to open them again.
Gaalsien Interceptor Gaalsien Assault Craft
Class: Strike Craft Class: Strike Craft
Cannons: Close range, Inflict +1 against Cannons: Close range, Spend 2 Momentum
1 (Versatile 2) strike-craft-class ships. 1 (Versatile 2) before making an
attack roll; if the attack
hits ignore 2 armor.
• Helm: Responsible for piloting the ship. • Contact coalition forces using a Commu-
• Tactical: Responsible for the weapons nications + Command test at difficulty 2
systems. to make them aware that they are return-
ing with the Guidestone. You can spend 2
• Communications: Responsible for points of Threat to increase this difficulty
contacting the Coalition forces. as enemy ships try to jam the signal.
• Sensors: Responsible for tracking other • Scan for enemy ships using Sensors +
ships and looking for dangers. Reason, or Sensors + Exploration with a
Ask each player to take a position. If you have difficulty of 2. Success on this roll reveals
less than 5 player characters, Mevath Sagald that the team are being followed by a sin-
can step in and fill one of the positions. gle interceptor ship.
To take off, the player at the helm will need As soon as the players spot the interceptor
to make an Engines + Flight test with a dif- ship, it will open fire on them. They will have
ficulty of 2. to take the ship out in order to escape the
Gaalsien (see Ship Combat p.29).
When you resolve a test using the ships
systems you use the ship’s attribute + your Once the attacking Gaalsien ship has been
skill for a target number. So, instead of using successfully destroyed, the players are able
your own Agility + Flight scores when flying to escape.
the ship, you would use the ship’s Engines With the assault ship spiraling down in flames
+ your own Flight skill to make the target behind you, you spot no others on the sensors
number. and you make your way out of the area as fast
Once in the air the players may wish to do the as the ship can carry you, alerting coalition
following: forces to your presence.
Epilogue: A New Beginning
In the aftermath of the escape, the Guide- “I must thank the team that risked their lives
stone will be handed over to Mevath Sagald, to bring this stone back to us, we have studied
the lead archaeologist on the project, she it at length and have realised that this stone is
in turn will confer with others over the sig- much more than just a map of a random star
nificance of the stone and the import of the system. There are markings of all the different
words found upon it. kiithid upon it, and it is clear from the other
After brining the Guidestone to some of information we have retrieved from the Khar-
the High Ministers and showing them the Toba that the single string of vectors upon it
discovery, Mevath Sagald has the artefact, the shows us where our ancestors came from,
Guidestone, examined by the greatest minds in our true home world, Hiigara. A word, a name,
the Daiamid who confirm both its validity and that is not just any word but one that remains
its implications. You are present at the speech universal to all our different dialects.
Armor Rating: 1 Armor Rating: 1
Weapons: Weapons:
Stress Range Stress Range
Weapon Effects Qualities Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type Rating and Type
Combat Vicious Combat Vicious
4 Reach Debilitating 4 Reach Debilitating
Knife 1 Knife 1
2 2
Unarmed = to Knock- Unarmed = to Knock-
Reach Reach
Strike Combat down Strike Combat down
skill skill
Automatic Vicious Composite
6 Close Inaccurate 6 Medium
Pistol 1 Rifle
1 Combat Vicious
7 Reach Debilitating
Unarmed =to Knock- Knife 1
Strike Combat down
skill 8 Close
Talents: None Knock-
Unarmed 5 Reach
Equipment: Researchers Kit down
Officers 2,
3 Reach
Blade Piercing
Mevath Sagald
Mevath Sagald’s stats are provided here for MEVATH SAGALD
reference. She is not intended to be a Player
Truths: Kiith Sagald
Character run by the GM, but if players get
stuck, Mevath can assist with tests or fill in
should the player group be less than 5 and Attributes Skills
struggling in the final ship fight. Mevath how- Agility 08 Combat 01
ever can still take stress during combat. Brawn 09 Engineering 01
Coordination 07 Flight 02
Insight 10 Command 03
Reason 11 Exploration 04
Will 08 Medical 01
Maximum Stress: 10
Armor Rating: 1
Stress Range
Weapon Effects Qualities
Rating and Type
Combat Vicious
3 Reach Debilitating
Knife 1
5 Close
Unarmed 1 Reach
Talents: None
Goggles: In situations where environmental
conditions would effect vision, such as high
winds or debris, the difficulty of any tests relating
to vision are decreased in difficulty by 1. If you
would take damage from such a condition, these
goggles give you a single point of armour.