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Experimentation & Instrumentation MECH 212: Experiment 5: Universal Coupling

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University of Balamand

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Experimentation & Instrumentation

MECH 212

Experiment 5: Universal Coupling

Table of contents

Table of figures................................................................................................................3
Procedure 1:...................................................................................................................7
Procedure 2:...................................................................................................................7
Procedure 1 results........................................................................................................9
Procedure 2 results......................................................................................................11
Table of figures
Figure 1: exploded view of a universal joint
Figure 2: Assembled view of universal joint
Figure 3: Experiment 1 setup
Figure 4: Experiment 2 setup
Figure 5: Results of straight shaft with mirror joints
Figure 6: Results of straight shaft with 90 degrees joints
Figure 7: Results of 40 degrees shaft with mirror joints
Figure 8: Results of 40 degrees shaft with 90 degrees joints

The object of this experiment is to confirm the universal coupling theory and understand
the disadvantages of this type of coupling and why engineers sometimes choose
different kind of coupling. A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at
their end for the purpose of transmitting power. The primary purpose of coupling is to
join two pieces of rotating equipment while permitting some degree of misalingnment or
end movement or both. The right dial (power output) was measured in two different
experiment. In a first experiment, the shafts were straight and the joints were set so that
thay mirror each other. The same procedure with the joints at 90 degrees. In a second
experiment the same procedure was repeated but with the shafts bending through an
angle of aproximately 40 degrees. The results showed a linear relationship between the
input and the output angles, confirming the coupling theory.

Universal joints are common mechanical devices which are used for transmitting rotary
motion between misaligned intersecting shafts. That is, a universal joint is a joint or
coupling that is capable of transmitting rotary motion from one shaft to another which
are not in line with each other. Classical analysis of the universal joint involves the
determination of angular displacements, velocities, accelerations and torque ratios of
the shafts[ CITATION Çağ14 \l 1033 ].
The ancient Greeks invented the concept around 300 BC, and 16th century Italian
physicist Geronimo Cardano invented the modern form to hold a compass horizontal in
ships. The name "Cardan joint" stuck, and the joint was so called when Robert Hooke
(of Hooke's law fame) improved the fundamental design in the 17th century, although
Hooke tried to change the name to "Hooke's joint". It was not called a "universal joint"
until Henry Ford started using the pieces in automobiles, and in some modern
applications, especially in Europe, the pieces are still called Cardan joints[ CITATION
tim \l 1033 ].
The parts of a universal coupling can be clearly identified by looking at the exploded
view shown below[ CITATION mec \l 1033 ].

Figure 1: exploded view of a universal joint

The two fork ends are assembled co-axially with respect to the centre block. The pins
are assembled into the holes provided in the fork end. They are held in position by
means of a collar and a collar pin. The assembled view of a universal joint is shown
below[ CITATION mec \l 1033 ].
Figure 2: Assembled view of universal joint

Typical applications of universal joints include aurcrafts, appliances, control

mechanisms, electronics, instrumentation, medical and optical devices, radio, sewing
machines, textile machinery and tool drives.
Universal joints are available in steel or in thermoplastic body members. Universal joints
made of steel have maximum load-carrying capacity fr a given size. Universal joints with
thermoplastic body members are used in light industrial applications in which their self-
lubricating features, light weight, negligeable backlash, corrosion resistance and
capability for high-speed operation are significant advantages.
Universal joints of special contruction, such as ball-jointed universals are also available.
These arenused for high-speed operation and for carrying large torques. They are
available both in miniature and standard size[ CITATION uni \l 1033 ].

Procedure 1:

The two joints are set so that they mirror each other as shown in the guidance notes.
The universal coupling is set to the work panel as shown in the figure below. The left
dial (input power) is rotated to different angles and at each angle, the angle shown in
the right dial (output power) is noted. The results are plotted then the same experiment
was repeated with the joints at 90 degrees to each others.

Figure 3: Experiment 1 setup

Procedure 2:

The same experiment was repeated but the shaft bends through an angle of
approximately 40 degrees at each end. The exact angle is not critical, as long as the
both joints bends through the same amount. Again, the angle shown on the right dial is
noted for different angles when the joints are mirrored and at 90 degrees.
Figure 4: Experiment 2 setup

The results both experiments shown in the tables below are plotted into graphs.

Procedure 1 results

Straight Shaft (Mirror Joints)

Left Dial Input (degrees) Right Dial Output (degrees)
0 0
360 360
720 720
1080 1080
1440 1440

Straight Shaft (Mirror Joints)

Right dial output (degrees)



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Left dial inout (degrees)

Figure 5: Results of straight shaft with mirror joints

Straight Shaft (90 degrees Joints)
Left Dial Input (degrees) Right Dial Output (degrees)
0 0
360 360
720 720
1080 1080
1440 1440

Straight Shaft (90 degrees Joints)

Right dial output (degrees)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Left dial input (degrees)

Figure 6: Results of straight shaft with 90 degrees joints

Procedure 2 results

40 degrees Shaft (Mirror Joints)

Left Dial Input (degrees) Right Dial Output (degrees)
0 0
360 345
720 690
1080 1035
1440 1380
1800 1725

40 degrees Shaft (Mirror Joints)

Right dial output (degrees)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Left dial input (degrees)

Figure 7: Results of 40 degrees shaft with mirror joints

40 degrees Shaft (90 degrees Joints)
Left Dial Input (degrees) Right Dial Output (degrees)
0 0
360 340
720 678
1080 1013
1440 1334
1800 1658

40 degrees Shaft (90 degrees Joints)

Right dial output (degrees)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Left dial input (degrees)

Figure 8: Results of 40 degrees shaft with 90 degrees joints


The results showed a linear relation between the right dial and the left dial when the
shaft was straight and at 40 degrees angle; when the left dial increses the right dial will
increase too. Thus confirming the universal coupling theory.
It is important to note that the output angle for the straight shaft was equal to the input
angle irrespective of the position of the joints. That was not the case when the shaft was
at 40 degrees angle. The results showed a variation between the input and the output
angle. This variation was greater when the joints were at 90 degrees than when they
were mirrored.
One of the universal coupling application in mechanical engineering is the drive shaft on
the car. It is one of the key components of the vehicles that transfer torque from the
transmission to the differential, which then transmits this torque to the wheels to push
the car. Univesal joints allow drive shafts to travel up and down with the suspension for
the drive shaft as the shaft moves so tha power can be transmitted when the drive shaft
is not in a straight line between the drive wheels and the transmission. Rear-wheel-drive
vehicles have common joints at both ends of the drive shaft. The steering connection
actually interacts with the wheels, which are held in position by a spindle that passes
through the wheel and is connected to one or two control arms, or steering arms that
allow the wheels to turn in either direction. The ball joints are placed at points where
movement takes place to keep items going freely.
Driveshafts are a very precisely balanced and weighted component because they rotate
at very high speeds and torque values in order to turn the wheels. When the driveshaft
has any sort of issue, it can affect the drivability of the vehicle and lead to intense
driveshaft vibration. Problems with turning the vehicle is another likely sign of a bad
driveshaft. A broken driveshaft can prevent wheels from turning properly, giving you
trouble when trying to make turns. This issue limits your overall control of the car. This
is due to thet fact that the angles at each joints may not be equal
Another application is automative steering connection which transfers the movement of
the steering gear output shaft to the steering arms which turn the wheels to maneuver
and control the direction of the vehicle.

When selecting a coupling, the engineer has two basic questions in mind; what are the
coupling’s functions? Which system requirements does it have to satisfy? Economic
requirements also have to be taken into account, for instance, time and work effort for
the installation, maintenance intensity and cost for replacement. Rigid couplings, for
example disc couplings, do not compensate for misalignments and they transmit
torsional vibrations undamped. They are best suited for precisely positioned shafts.
Rigid couplings are often found where shaft sections are connected to long shaft lines,
such as in transmission drives. In order to compensate for unavoidable shaft
misalignments, universal joints are used. They are capable of compensating axial,
parallel and angular misalignments. However, they are torsionally stiff and transmit
torque shock loads in an undamped manner.

Universal coupling or universal joints play a crucial role in modern society as they are
used in most machines. Uses of these universal couplings are needed in many parts of
mehanical components. The primary purpose of coupling is to join two pieces of rotating
equipment while permitting some degree of misalignment or end movement or both. By
careful selection, installation and maintenance of couplings, substantial savings can be
made in reduced maintenance costs and downtime.

mechanics of machines lab. (n.d.). Retrieved from virtual labs : http://mm-

Tanik, Ç. M. (2014). theoretical and experimental analyses of compliant universal joints.
timeteam universal. (n.d.). Retrieved from princeton:
universal joints. (n.d.). Retrieved from SDP/SI: https://www.sdp-si.com/catalogs/D757-

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