Hulu Content Protection Technologies and Processes

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Hulu employs robust content security technologies and processes to securely deliver and protect streaming video content.

Hulu's core principles for content protection include secure video delivery, protection of video on clients, protection against hacking, maintaining content integrity, geofiltering, network service protection, and ongoing maintenance.

Hulu securely delivers video content using cryptographic protocols during transport, encryption, unique transfer protocols like RTMP, referrer URL checks, and encrypted streams.



I. Core Content Protection Guiding Principles

Hulu employs robust, industry-accepted content security and protection technologies for streaming online
video, governed by the following principles:

1. Secure video delivery

2. Secure video on clients
3. Protection against hacking
4. Maintenance of content integrity
5. Geofiltering
6. Network service protection
7. Ongoing maintenance

Hulu at all times ensures a primary technical contact is available for questions and comments. The
primary technical contact is currently: Richard Tom,, (310) 571-4802.

II. Secure Video Delivery

A. General

1. Video content is securely delivered from Hulu servers (or the servers of Hulu partners such as
Content Delivery Networks) to clients, including via:
a. cryptographic algorithms during transport for encryption, decryption, signatures, hashing,
random number generation and key generation utilizing cryptographic protocols and
b. use of AES 128-bit (or comparable) protocol
c. encrypted transmission of critical security parameters (“CSPs”) such as keys, tokens,
passwords and other information critical to cryptographic strength
d. expiring CSPs so they cannot be cached
e. no exposed media on the server, i.e. streaming source URLs are not exposed to end users
and expire shortly after being accessed
2. Video content and CSPs are never transmitted to unauthenticated clients
3. Streaming source URLs are short-lived and individualized

B. Flash Streaming

Video content is streamed to PCs using Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5, which offers the following
content protection features:

1. Unique transfer protocol: video content is wrapped inside an unpublished, proprietary Adobe
protocol called RTMP (or Real Time Messaging Protocol), minimizing the ability of
unauthorized programs to capture video content
2. No exposed media on server: content delivered by Flash Media Server is not exposed to HTTP,
FTP, or other transfer mechanisms, so media cannot be copied directly from server

3. Referrer URL checks: the video player requesting the content must reside on or an
approved domain
4. Encrypted streams: streaming via a 128-bit encrypted version of RTMP called RTMPE

C. HTTP Live Streaming

The following content protection features are offered when streaming video content using HTTP Live

1. Video content streaming is encrypted using AES 128 encryption, i.e. the METHOD for EXT-X-
KEY is ‘AES-128’
2. The m3u8 manifest file is only delivered to requesting, authenticated clients
3. The content encryption key is delivered via SSL, i.e. the URI for EXT-X-KEY is a https URL
4. The content encryption key is stored securely within the application using obfuscation
5. The URL from which the m3u8 manifest file is requested is short-lived and unique to each
requesting client

D. Streaming over SSL

The following content protection features are offered when streaming video content over SSL:

1. Video content streaming is encrypted using AES 128 encryption or SSL cipher of similar strength
and industry acceptance
2. The content encryption key is delivered encrypted
3. The content encryption key is stored securely within the application using obfuscation

III. Secure Video on Clients

A. General

1. Video content
a. Video content cannot be recorded, copied, stored, re-broadcast or retransmitted by clients
b. Video content is never stored permanently at a client in its entirety
c. Video content is decrypted into buffer memory temporarily and only in limited portions
for the purpose of decoding and rendering uninterrupted playback of content
d. Buffered memory is maintained in secure system memory
e. Recording of video content onto recordable or removable media is prohibited
2. CSPs
a. Server-side CSPs are always encrypted, stored in secure locations and rotated so they
cannot be cached
3. Client authentication
a. Unique CSPs are associated with each client, preventing unauthenticated clients from
requesting video files
b. Valid device identifiers are required, allowing audits on the number of video file requests
made from a specific device

c. Ability to revoke client and device access to video content, including via class-level
device parameters providing server-side ability to revoke access from entire classes of

B. PC Video Protection

Video content is protected on PCs using Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5, which offers the following
content protection features:

1. No client cache: video content delivered through Flash Media Server is not stored locally on
client computers in their web browser cache
2. SWF Verification: verifies the client Flash file (i.e. SWF File) before allowing this file to connect
to the Flash server and receive streaming content

C. Connected Device, Mobile and Tablet Video Protection

1. Secure video output protection

a. Video output is protected using content protection mechanisms on devices to disable
copying and unauthorized retransmission
b. Analog output is protected by CGMS-A content protection (set to “Copy Never”) or
comparable protection
c. Digital output is protected by HDCP or comparable protection (e.g. Digital Transmission
Copy Protection)
2. Secure application runtime environment
a. All applications, including video playback components, are securely distributed to
devices using AES 128-bit (or comparable) encryption and stored in secure, protected
memory on devices
b. Encryption and security prevents applications from being decompiled, reverse
engineered, run in emulation or used in any unauthorized manner
3. Local encryption CSPs
a. In addition to server-side rotating CSPs, a secondary local encryption key is stored in
device applications that can be invalidated on the server to force end users to upgrade
their application and obtain a new, valid local encryption key
4. Resident device operating systems
a. Content is displayed on clients using APIs provided by resident device operating systems
to the greatest possible extent
b. Applications follow all relevant resident device operating system best practices,
specifications and guidelines to ensure security and robustness to the greatest possible

IV. Protection Against Hacking

1. Content protection technologies employ industry-standard tamper-resistant technology such as:


a. Code and data obfuscation: the executable binary dynamically encrypts and decrypts
itself in memory so that the algorithm is not unnecessarily exposed to disassembly or
reverse engineering
b. Anti-debugging detection: applications are actively monitored for external debugging
tools attempting to access application memory
c. Red herring code: the security modules use extra software routines that mimic security
modules but do not have access to CSPs
2. Security-critical data is cryptographically protected against tampering, forging and spoofing
3. Secure internal data channels are used to prevent interception of data transmitted between system

V. Maintenance of Content Integrity

1. Content protection technology maintains the integrity of all video content and detects
modification and tampering of content from its originally encrypted form
2. Embedded information
a. Content protection technology does not remove or interfere with embedded watermarks
in video content
b. Video content delivery systems pass through embedded copy control information without
intentional alteration, modification or degradation (other than in the ordinary course of

VI. Geofiltering

1. Only clients with IPs originating from authorized geographic territories may access video content
2. Video content stored on content delivery networks (e.g. Akamai, Level, Limelight) is filtered
based on IP address and secure CSPs using industry-standard geofiltering technology, including:
a. look-up tables
b. screening for web proxy and anonymizing services
c. roaming prevention (in the case of mobile delivery)

VII. Network Service Protection

1. All licensed content is protected at operations sites and facilities, including operational controls
and procedures for the reception, preparation, management, storage and return of video content
2. Access to content in unprotected formats is limited to authorized personnel, and auditable records
of actual access is maintained
3. All facilities that process and store content are reasonably available for audits

VIII. Ongoing Maintenance

1. Content protection technology is promptly and securely updated in the event of a security breach
2. Content protection technology is renewable and securely and remotely updateable

3. Hulu uses commercially reasonable efforts to keep its content security and protection technology
systems up to date to reflect security enhancements available in the marketplace and accepted as
industry practice

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