IOT UNIT 1 Part 1
IOT UNIT 1 Part 1
IOT UNIT 1 Part 1
Introduction to IoT
• IoT definition
• Characteristics of IoT
• Physical Design of IoT
• Logical Design of IoT
• IoT Enabling Technologies
• IoT Levels & Deployment Templates
Unit I: Introduction to Internet of Things
Internet Things
Definition of IoT
•A dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities
based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where
physical and virtual "things" have identities, physical attributes, and virtual
personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated
into the information network, often communicate data associated with
users and their environments.
History of IoT
•Things in IoT
•IoT Protocols
Physical Design of IoT:Things in IoT
• The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique
identities and can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring
• IoT devices can:
• Exchange data with other connected devices and applications (directly or
indirectly), or
• Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
• Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application back-ends for
processing the data, or
• Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT infrastructure,
based on temporal and space constraints
Generic block diagram of an IoT Device
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Link Layer
IoT Protocols
Link Layer Protocols
In this protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the
networks physical layer or medium.
Ex: Copper Wire, Coaxial Cable, radio wire
Scope of link layer is the local n/w connection to which host is attached.
Hosts on the same link can exchange data packets over the link layer
using link layer protocols
Link layer determines how the packets are coded and signalled by the
H/w device over the medium to which host is attached.
Link Layer Protocols
802.3 – Ethernet
802.11 – WiFi
802.16 – WiMax
802.15.4 - LR WPAN
2G/3G/4G – Mobile Communication
2G/3G/4G –Mobile Communication
IoT Protocols…Network/Internet Layer
• Used to identify the devices on a network using hierarchical addressing scheme
• Uses 32-bit address scheme that allows 232 or 4,294,967,296 addresses
• In 2011 these addresses got exhausted as more and more devices connected to the
• IPv4 has been succeeded by IPv6
• (IPV6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Network)
• Used for devices with limited processing capacity
• Operates in 2.4 Ghz
• Data Rates of 250Kb/s
• Works with 802.15.4 Link layer protocol
IoT Protocols…Transport Layer
IoT Protocols…UDP
Application Layer Protocols
• Application Layer
• HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol)
• WebSocket
• CoAP(Constrained Application Protocol)
• DDS (Data Distribution Service)
• AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)
• XMPP(Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol )
• MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)
Logical Design of IoT
The device block contains sensing, actuation, monitoring and control functions for controlling
the devices. The device block interacts with the communication block..
•Services: The services block acts as a middleware which can provide services like device
identification, device discovery, or data processing and analysis
It is an interface that provides a control system that use by users to view the status and analyze
of system.
IoT Functional Blocks
The management block allows us to manage the other blocks like
device, services, communication, application, and security.
The security block provides different security services like
confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication.
IoT Functional Blocks
Application block:
The users of an IoT application interacts with the application block. It
provides user interface with which the user can access the data sent by
the sensors, perform operations on that like aggregation, simplification,
etc. and visualize that data.
Request-Response Model
Publish-Subscribe Model
Push-Pull Model
Exclusive Pair Model
Request-Response communication model
Request-Response communication model
The two main entities in request-response model are client and server
• Client (web application, mobile application, browser requesting web
pages or accessing an email)
• The server accepts the requests from the clients, processes them
and sends back responses to the clients
When we search a query on a browser then the browser submits an
HTTP request to the server and then the server returns a response to
the browser(client).
Publish-Subscribe communication model
Publish-Subscribe communication model
• A consumer is generally the IoT application through which the users interact. A
consumer can subscribe to one or more topics maintained by a broker.
Publish-Subscribe communication model
On the website many times we subscribed to their newsletters using
our email address. these email addresses managed by some third-party
services and when a new article published on the website it directly
sends to the broker and then the broker send these new data or post to
all the subscribers.
Push-Pull communication model
Push-Pull communication model
The main entities in a push-pull model are publisher, consumer, and queues.
• The publisher pushes messages to the queues. The sensors in IoT can be
thought of as publishers of data.
• The consumers pull the messages from the queues and consume the messages.
A consumer is generally the IoT application through which the users interact.
Push-Pull communication model
When we visit a website we saw a number of posts that published in a
queue and according to our requirements, we click on a post and start
reading it.
Exclusive Pair communication model
Exclusive Pair communication model
The main entities in an exclusive pair model are client and server. The client and
server establish a full duplex connection for sending and receiving data
• The data requests can be one or more. The server receives these requests
through the same connection and sends back responses.
• After the data transfer is complete, the connection between the client and
server is terminated.
• exclusive pair model is stateful. So, the server can automatically identify that the
request is coming from a previous client or not.
IoT Communication APIs
•API stands for Application Programming Interface.
•It’s a set of lines of codes and specifications that allow two devices to
communicate with one another.
•APIs act as a point of interaction between the IoT devices and other elements
within the network.
IoT Communication APIs
REST-Based Communication API
REST architectural constraints are:
WebSocket API begins with a connection setup between the server and client and if
the WebSocket is supported by the server then it responds back to the client with
the successful response after the setup of a connection server and the client can
send data to each other in full-duplex mode.
WebSocket-based Communication APIs
Difference Between Physical and Logical Design of IoT
A physical design focuses on specific solutions A logical design focuses on satisfying the
explaining how they are assembled or design factors, including risks, requirements,
configured. constraints, and assumptions.