IOT UNIT 1 Part 1

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Introduction to IoT

• IoT definition
• Characteristics of IoT
• Physical Design of IoT
• Logical Design of IoT
• IoT Enabling Technologies
• IoT Levels & Deployment Templates
Unit I: Introduction to Internet of Things

• Introduction - Definition and Characteristics of IoT.

• Physical Design of IoT – IoT Protocols.
• Logical Design of IoT -IoT Communication Models,
• IoT Communication APIs.
• IoT Enabling Technologies –
• Wireless Sensor Networks,
• Cloud Computing,
• Big data analytics,
• Communication protocols,
• Embedded Systems.
• IoT Levels and Deployment Templates.
Starting from the Internet

• Internet appears everywhere in the world

• but it is still a connection between people and people

What is IoT?
 The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—
devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with
electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity—that enables
these objects to collect and exchange data.
Internet of Things


Internet Things
Definition of IoT
•A dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities
based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where
physical and virtual "things" have identities, physical attributes, and virtual
personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated
into the information network, often communicate data associated with
users and their environments.

•The goal of IoT is to extend to internet connectivity from standard devices

like computer, mobile, tablet to relatively dumb devices like a toaster.
Characteristics of IoT

• Dynamic & Self-Adapting

• Self-Configuring
• Interoperable Communication Protocols
• Unique Identity
• Integrated into Information Network
Characteristics of IoT

•Dynamic Global network & Self-Adapting : Adapt the changes w.r.t

changing contexts
•Self Configuring : Eg. Fetching latest s/w updates without manual
•Interoperable Communication Protocols : Communicate through
various protocols
•Unique Identity : Such as Unique IP Address or a URI
•Integrated into Information Network : This allows to communicate
and exchange data with other devices to perform certain analysis.

History of IoT

• The concept of the Internet of Things first became popular in 1999,

through the Auto-ID Center at MIT and related market-analysis
• R Radio-frequency identification (RFID) was seen as a prerequisite for
the IoT at that point. If all objects and people in daily life were equipped
with identifiers, computers could manage and inventory them.
• Besides using RFID, the tagging of things may be achieved through such
technologies as near field communication, barcodes, QR codes,
bluetooth, and digital watermarking.
History of IoT

1970- The actual idea of connected devices was proposed

1990- John Romkey created a toaster which could be turned on/off over the Internet
1995- Siemens introduced the first cellular module built for M2M
1999- The term "Internet of Things" was used by Kevin Ashton during his work at
P&G which became widely accepted
2004 - The term was mentioned in famous publications like the Guardian, Boston
Globe, and Scientific American
2005-UN's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) published its first report
on this topic.
2008- The Internet of Things was born
2011- Gartner, the market research company, include "The Internet of Things"
technology in their research
Physical Design of IoT

The physical design of an IoT system is referred to

the Things/Devices and protocols that used to build an IoT system.

•Things in IoT

•IoT Protocols

Physical Design of IoT:Things in IoT

• The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique
identities and can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring
• IoT devices can:
• Exchange data with other connected devices and applications (directly or
indirectly), or
• Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
• Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application back-ends for
processing the data, or
• Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT infrastructure,
based on temporal and space constraints
Generic block diagram of an IoT Device

• Things/Devices are used to build a

connection, process data, provide
interfaces, provide storage, and
provide graphics interfaces in an IoT
• all these generate data in a form
that can be analyzed by an analytical
system and program to perform
operations and used to improve the
Devices like USB host and ETHERNET are used for connectivity between the devices and
A processor like a CPU and other units are used to process the data. these data are further
used to improve the decision quality of an IoT system.
Audio/Video Interfaces
An interface like HDMI and RCA devices is used to record audio and videos in a system.
Input/Output interface
To giving input and output signals to sensors, and actuators we use things like UART, SPI,
CAN, etc.
Storage Interfaces
Things like SD, MMC, SDIO are used to store the data generated from an IoT device.
IoT Protocols

• These protocols are used to establish communication between a

node device and server over the internet.
• it helps to send commands to an IoT device and receive data from
an IoT device over the internet.
• we use different types of protocols that present on both the server
and client-side and these protocols are managed by network layers
• Application, Transport, Network, and Link layer.

Application Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer

Link Layer
IoT Protocols
Link Layer Protocols

In this protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the
networks physical layer or medium.
Ex: Copper Wire, Coaxial Cable, radio wire
Scope of link layer is the local n/w connection to which host is attached.
Hosts on the same link can exchange data packets over the link layer
using link layer protocols
Link layer determines how the packets are coded and signalled by the
H/w device over the medium to which host is attached.

Link Layer Protocols

802.3 – Ethernet
802.11 – WiFi
802.16 – WiMax
802.15.4 - LR WPAN
2G/3G/4G – Mobile Communication


• Low-rate wireless personal area networks

• Basis for high level communication protocols such as Zigbee
• Data Rates from 40Kb/s to 250Kb/s
• Provide low-cost and low-speed communication for power
constrained devices

2G/3G/4G –Mobile Communication

• These are different generations of mobile communication

• Data Rates from 9.6Kb/s (for 2G) to up to 100Mb/s (for 4G)
• IoT devices based on these stds. Communicate over cellular n/ws.
• Are available on 3GPP website

IoT Protocols…Network/Internet Layer

• Responsible for sending of IP datagrams from source to destination

• Performs the host addressing and packet routing
• Host identification is done using hierarchical IP addressing schemes such
as IPV4 or IPV6

• Used to identify the devices on a network using hierarchical addressing scheme
• Uses 32-bit address scheme that allows 232 or 4,294,967,296 addresses
• In 2011 these addresses got exhausted as more and more devices connected to the
• IPv4 has been succeeded by IPv6


• It is the newest version of IP and successor of IPv4

• Uses 128-bit address scheme that is 2128 addresses
• Formally described on RFC 2460

• (IPV6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Network)
• Used for devices with limited processing capacity
• Operates in 2.4 Ghz
• Data Rates of 250Kb/s
• Works with 802.15.4 Link layer protocol

IoT Protocols…Transport Layer

• Provide end-to-end message transfer capability independent of the

underlying network
• Message transfer capability can be set up on connections
• Connection may be either using handshakes(as in TCP) or without
handshakes/acknowledgements(As in UDP)
• It provides functions such as error control, flow-control and
congestion control 26
IoT Protocols…TCP

• Transmission Control Protocol

• Connection Oriented
• Ensures Reliable transmission
• Error Detection Capability , no duplicate packets and retransmit lost packets
• Flow Control capability to ensure the sending data rate is not too high for the receiver
• Congestion control capability helps in avoiding congestion which leads to degradation
of n/w performance

IoT Protocols…UDP

• User Datagram Protocol

• Connectionless
• Does not ensures Reliable transmission
• Does not do connection before transmitting
• Does not provide proper ordering of messages
• Transaction oriented and stateless

Application Layer Protocols

• Application Layer
• HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol)
• WebSocket
• CoAP(Constrained Application Protocol)
• DDS (Data Distribution Service)
• AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) 
• XMPP(Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol )
• MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)
Logical Design of IoT

The logical design of internet of things includes:

IoT Functional Blocks

IoT Communication Models and
IoT Communication APIs
IoT Functional Blocks
•An IoT system consist number of functional blocks that provide the
system the capabilities for identification, sensing, actuation,
communication and management.

•Functional blocks are Devices, services, communication,

security,application and management.
IoT Functional Blocks
IoT Functional Blocks

The device block contains sensing, actuation, monitoring and control functions for controlling
the devices. The device block interacts with the communication block..

•Communication: The communication block contains different protocols (wired or wireless)

through which the data moves from devices to Internet and from Internet to devices.

•Services: The services block acts as a middleware which can provide services like device
identification, device discovery, or data processing and analysis
It is an interface that provides a control system that use by users to view the status and analyze
of system.
IoT Functional Blocks

The management block allows us to manage the other blocks like
device, services, communication, application, and security. 

The security block provides different security services like
confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication.
IoT Functional Blocks

Application block:
The users of an IoT application interacts with the application block. It
provides user interface with which the user can access the data sent by
the sensors, perform operations on that like aggregation, simplification,
etc. and visualize that data.

The application interface can also provide control functions for

controlling the sensors, actuators or functionality of the application
IoT Communication Models

Internet of things supports different communication models between the entities

in an IoT system. These communication models are:

Request-Response Model
Publish-Subscribe Model
Push-Pull Model
Exclusive Pair Model

Request-Response communication model
Request-Response communication model

The two main entities in request-response model are client and server
• Client (web application, mobile application, browser requesting web
pages or accessing an email)

• The server accepts the requests from the clients, processes them
and sends back responses to the clients

• The request-response model is stateless (Each request is treated as a

new one and is completely unrelated to the previous requests)
Request-Response communication model

When we search a query on a browser then the browser submits an
HTTP request to the server and then the server returns a response to
the browser(client).
Publish-Subscribe communication model
Publish-Subscribe communication model

The three main entities in publish-subscribe model are publisher,

consumer and broker
• The publisher always publishes messages at a pre-defined interval. The sensors
in IoT can be thought of as publishers. The publishers publish data as topics.

• The broker is an entity that maintains different topics to which consumers

subscribe. The broker is generally a server.

• A consumer is generally the IoT application through which the users interact. A
consumer can subscribe to one or more topics maintained by a broker.
Publish-Subscribe communication model

On the website many times we subscribed to their newsletters using
our email address. these email addresses managed by some third-party
services and when a new article published on the website it directly
sends to the broker and then the broker send these new data or post to
all the subscribers.
Push-Pull communication model
Push-Pull communication model
The main entities in a push-pull model are publisher, consumer, and queues.
• The publisher pushes messages to the queues. The sensors in IoT can be
thought of as publishers of data.

• One or more queues store that data pushed by the publishers.

• The consumers pull the messages from the queues and consume the messages.
A consumer is generally the IoT application through which the users interact.
Push-Pull communication model

When we visit a website we saw a number of posts that published in a
queue and according to our requirements, we click on a post and start
reading it.
Exclusive Pair communication model
Exclusive Pair communication model
The main entities in an exclusive pair model are client and server. The client and
server establish a full duplex connection for sending and receiving data

• The data requests can be one or more. The server receives these requests
through the same connection and sends back responses.

• After the data transfer is complete, the connection between the client and
server is terminated.

• exclusive pair model is stateful. So, the server can automatically identify that the
request is coming from a previous client or not.
IoT Communication APIs
•API stands for Application Programming Interface.

•It’s a set of lines of codes and specifications that allow two devices to
communicate with one another.

•The whole concept of IoT falls down without APIs.

•APIs act as a point of interaction between the IoT devices and other elements
within the network.
IoT Communication APIs

1. REST-Based Communication API

2. WebSocket-Based Communication API

REST-Based Communication API

•REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer

•It’s an architectural style for developing web services

REST-Based Communication API
• REST APIs follow request-response model.

• REST architectural constraints apply to components, connectors,

and data elements within a system.
How REST APIs Work

A REST API has an architecture made up of clients and servers. If a

RESTful client web application needs a particular piece of information
from another application, it can make an API call in any language.
REST dictates that the response must come in the same language as
the request, whether that be JSON, XML, plain text, or Python, as just a
few examples. JSON is the most commonly used. 
REST-based Communication APIs
Consider the example of as shown below. Users can see the
weather at a given location though accuweather’s weather application in their
mobiles. This application uses a REST API provided by accuweather to access the
weather details. When a user selects a location in the mobile app, the application
sends a HTTP or HTTPS request as shown in the figure below. Accuweather’s server
responds back with the weather details.
REST-based Communication APIs
REST-based Communication APIs
In a REST-based communication, the client sends HTTP or HTTPS
requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc., to the server where the
REST-based API will accept these requests, process them and send back
The responses sent back to the clients will be in Extensible Markup
Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format as shown
REST-based Communication APIs
How REST APIs Work

The request format will include a header that contains a unique

identifier and metadata.
This data tells the responding web service exactly what information is
needed and allows to track the status of the request.
The response will also include a header that explains how to read and
process the information contained in that.
REST-based Communication APIs

REST architectural constraints are:

Client – Server
Layered System
Code on demand

REST architectural constraints are:

Client-Server: As REST is based on request-response model, the

communication involves two entities namely, client and server. A client
sends requests and the server process the requests and sends back
Stateless: As REST follows request-response model, it is stateless. The
server will not be able to associate a set of requests to a client. It will
treat each request as a new request.
Cacheable: The response sent by the server might be cached at the
client side. This will allow the client to load the response faster next
time when it is needed.
Layered System: The REST architecture is layered where there is a clear
separation in the functionality carried by different entities.
Code on Demand: REST enables to access the code based on a specific
request. Based on the request, the code that is going to be executed
might be changed.
REST-based Communication APIs
WebSocket-based Communication APIs
API allows bi-directional full-duplex communication between server and client using
the exclusive pair communication model. so it does not require a new connection
setup every time when it requests new data.

WebSocket API begins with a connection setup between the server and client and if
the WebSocket is supported by the server then it responds back to the client with
the successful response after the setup of a connection server and the client can
send data to each other in full-duplex mode.
WebSocket-based Communication APIs
Difference Between Physical and Logical Design of IoT

Physical Design Logical Design

Logical design is a high-level design and

Physical design is highly detailed. doesn’t provide any detail.

Physical design is more graphical than textual;

however, it can comprise both. Logical design can be textual, graphic, or both.

A physical design focuses on specific solutions A logical design focuses on satisfying the
explaining how they are assembled or design factors, including risks, requirements,
configured. constraints, and assumptions.

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