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The Future for Construction

Product Manufacturing
Digitalisation, Industry 4.0 and the Circular Economy

October 2016
Forewords 4

“The UK’s construction products Executive Summary 6

manufacturing sector is
1.0 Introduction 17
well-placed to support Britain’s
2.0 The construction product
future, but we are at a critical point
manufacturing sector context 18
when industry and government must
work even closer together if we are 2.1 Manufacturing capabilities and the
value chain 19
to further the modernisation of the
wider construction sector here whilst 2.2 Smart factories - automation,
advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 20
increasing our global competitive
edge. This partnership can ensure 2.3 Automation 21
that we seize the opportunities that 2.4 Servitisation 21
Digital Built Britain presents and
3.0 The opportunities: growth, innovation,
deliver its benefits across our entire collaboration and integration 22
3.1 Global trends and the construction
product sector 22
John Sinfield
3.2 Merging Industry 4.0, Intelligent Assets
Chairman and the Circular Economy 26
Construction Products Association
3.3 People 32

3.4 Smart 34

3.5 Sustainable 43

3.6 Growth 45

3.7 Leadership 47

4.0 The skills challenge 49

5.0 BIM Level 2 and Catapults - setting

the direction 54

5.1 Catapults 57

6.0 Stronger together - industry and

Government working in partnership 58

Appendix A - Skills analysis methodology 59

Further reading 60



Foreword by Jesse Norman MP,

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Industry and Energy.
The Government is developing an Industrial designed specifically for the modern digital
Strategy designed to boost productivity, create construction environment. As a result the UK
good jobs and ensure sustainable economic is among the world leaders in utilising digital
growth.  The key to that lies in building on technology in construction, and BIM is believed to
our existing industrial, scientific, creative and have contributed significantly to savings of over
commercial strengths - and doing so in a £3bn made on central government procurements
way which does not defend incumbency but since 2011. The increased adoption of BIM
encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. throughout the entire construction supply chain is
a central to the Government’s ambition to save a
Many industries are already benefiting from the
further £1.7bn through productivity gains by the
widespread use of digital technologies, and to its
end of this Parliament.
credit the construction sector is now accelerating
its own adoption of these technologies and This report clearly identifies the critical part
embracing the new opportunities which they that digital technology can play in linking the
enable and the benefits they provide. production line to the construction process. In
principle this can enable the creation of seamless
The Government’s Construction Strategy of 2011
supply chains, leading to improved productivity,
led this revolution by mandating the adoption
reduced waste and a faster rate of innovation.
of BIM (Building Information Modelling) on its
central capital projects from April 2016, providing The Government has given significant support to
a powerful incentive to firms to invest in BIM the digitalisation of our construction industry, and
capability so as to remain eligible to compete for I would congratulate the Construction Products
future government contracts. The Government Association for the leadership it is giving to these
has also supported the construction supply processes. Digital technologies have the potential
chain in developing the necessary initial common to transform the construction sector, and in
standards and protocols, and in making them so doing to create new opportunities in both
available in accessible formats, without cost, to domestic and international markets.
encourage as wide a take-up as possible, especially
among SMEs.

For their part supply chain companies have come

together to develop a suite of new standards Jesse Norman October 2016

Foreword by Dr Diana Montgomery,
Chief Exec of the Construction Products Association.
Many industries have long understood the benefits of Linking the inherent intelligence through the data
a fully engaged digital approach to everyday business. to the design and construction, as well as ‘in use’
The advantages have been clearly established in phases of built assets, is already underway and
immensely greater productivity, efficiency, accuracy accepted as a necessary objective. Embracing
and delivered customer satisfaction. this across all areas and all projects will take some
time, but the trend is clearly established.
The construction industry in contrast has been
stubbornly resistant to structural change despite CPA members are universally supportive and keen
many efforts to embed approaches which other to see the whole industry communicating and
industries have considered the norm for many years. undertaking business using digital methodologies.
Our work developing a common approach
This has now started to change. The momentum
to product data and digital identification takes
created by government showing initiative and
our approach from the theoretical to robustly
thought leadership has created a fundamental
practical. We seek to develop and engage with
move to embrace digitalisation.
further programmes which will strengthen
A vast, complex industry that contributes more and align manufacturing’s contribution to the
than £100 billion to the economy and employs digitalisation of construction.
around three million people will always take time
This report seeks to identify the progress made in
to change; however, the acknowledgement of the
the construction manufacturing sector in support
benefits can now be clearly seen across the whole
of Building Information Modelling and digitalisation.
construction industry.
Many see the development and deployment of
Particularly over the last three years, the use of other technologies supporting the success to
digital techniques in design and construction has date as pushing us towards the 4th Industrial
started to mature and even become the norm for Revolution. We hope this report provides clear
many companies. Clients are clear that the future evidence that manufacturing is doing more than its
must be mapped out in the digital arena. bit, generating and championing the use of those
digital methodologies and helping to put the UK in
The Construction Products Association the lead on the world stage.
represents 87% of the UK’s construction products
manufacturers – a £50 billion per annum sector in
its own right. Many have a well-established practice
of digital processing in product manufacturing. Dr Diana Montgomery October 2016

Construction Manufacturing 2025

The Vision:
A Sustainable, World-leading and High-value
Digital Construction Product Sector

With current forecast growth in UK construction output, the construction

product sector is likely to reach a capacity pinch-point as soon as 2019. At
the same time, the trade gap for products and materials is increasing, with
£7.9 billion more imports than exports in 2015.

Through a combination of digitalisation, automation and optimised

manufacturing-led supply chains, the sector can grow over £30 billion
by 2025, assets can be delivered over 30% cheaper and 40% quicker,
and the trade gap can be reduced to 50% by 2025 whilst supporting
employment growth in the sector and wider economy.

This report illustrates how the vision can be delivered by linking BIM (Building
Information Modelling), Industry 4.0 (smart factories) and intelligent assets
through optimised supply chains and a circular UK construction economy.

• World leading BIM (Building Information Modelling) Level 2 and

Digital Built Britain programmes - driving digitalisation of construction
and connected, intelligent assets

• Product data - LEXiCON, a world first in defining digital product

information for data exchange

• Growth - potential additional £30+ billion by 2025

• Skills - growth in highly skilled and exportable roles, supported by

automation and virtual supply chains

• Building performance - eliminating the performance gap between

as-designed and as-built performance of buildings, providing more energy-
efficient assets

• Manufacturing-led supply chains - already demonstrating potential

savings of 30% whilst spending 40% less time on site for the same form of
construction. Led by individual or consortia of manufacturers that deliver
either full or parts of an asset, they involve coordinated production,
interfaces, logistics and installation. Optimisation is achieved through
understanding the relationships between elements and is enabled through
BIM - constructing an asset in the virtual world before repeating in the
physical world

Current supply chain confusion and on-costs
Traditional construction supply chain, multiple transactions and multiple on-costs
New public housing

Construction of
domestic buildings New private housing

Traditional Construction of
product supply commercial buildings New infrastructure

Construction of Other new public work
infrastructure New private industrial
Masonry, ceramic & glass
Cement, concrete & stone
New private
Metal Electrical installation commercial

Electrical Plumbing, heating & Public housing R&M

air conditioning
Joinery Private housing R&M
Specialist construction
Infrastructure R&M
Other trades Other public R&M
Other private R&M

Construction Construction Construction

product sales* activity** output**
Potentially 10-100 Potentially 40-70
subcontracts on projects worth £1-25m*** subcontracts on projects worth £1-25m***

Figure 1(a) Proportional UK construction product sales, construction activity and construction output by value

Manufacturer-led supply chain

New public housing

Construction of BIM Level 2

domestic buildings processes New private housing

40% quicker New infrastructure

on site,
digital supply chain Other new public work

Wood 30% cheaper, New private industrial

Plastic improved access to

Masonry, ceramic & glass maintenance information
Electrical & services**** New private commercial
Cement, concrete & stone installation

Metal Plumbing, Public housing R&M

Electrical Private housing R&M
Specialist construction
Infrastructure R&M

Other trades Other public R&M

Other private R&M

Construction Construction Construction

product sales activity output
Figure 1(b) Potential for optimised, manufacturing-led supply chain and implementation
of BIM processes to deliver significant cost, time and resource efficiencies

*Source: UK Manufacturers’ Sales by Product Survey (PRODCOM) Provisional Estimates 2015.

**Source: Construction Statistics Annual Tables 2015, Table 2.8: Private contractors: Value of work done, by trade of firm and type of work
***Source: BIS(2013), Supply Chain Analysis into the Construction Industry
****Source: Wienerberger, comparison of pre-construction estimates and as-built results using the e4 brick house concept
The construction product sector
Percentage of businesses by size Why it matters today
The UK construction product sector is worth over
Large (250+)
£50 billion annually, which is over a third of UK
Business size construction output.
SME (10-249) It directly employs over 313,000 across every
constituency in the UK, and includes over 21,000
businesses ranging from very small (65% with less
Micro (1-9) than 10 employees) to large multi-nationals.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Whilst the proportion of small to large businesses
Number of businesses by size Construction Product Manufacturing is in line with the rest of UK manufacturing, there
Number of businesses by size Construction
Number of businesses by size UK Manufacturing
are proportionally more large players in the
Number of businesses by size UK Economy construction product sector than in construction
and the UK economy as a whole, both in terms of
number of employees and turnover.
Percentage of businesses by turnover band
35 The construction product sector is forecast to
30 grow quicker than UK manufacturing as a whole
25 over the next 10 years, rising along with overall
% 20 construction output. However, without further
15 investment to keep up with the increasing demand,
the sector is expected to reach a capacity pinch-
point between 2019 and 2023.
£0-49 £50-99 £100-249 £250-499 £500-999 £1,000-4,999 £5,000+
Along with HM Government’s policy commitment
Turnover (000s)
to reduce the trade gap between construction
Number of businesses by turnover band Construction Product Manufacturers product and material imports and exports by
Number of businesses by turnover band UK Economy 50% by 2025, there needs to be a step-change in
Number of businesses by turnover band Construction
construction product output. Over recent years the
trade gap has increased steadily (from £4.8 billion
Construction material and product imports and exports in 2006 to £7.9 billion in 2015), so to achieve the
16,000 sector’s goals and support the built environment
14,000 sector as a whole there needs to be a structural
12,000 shift in the sector; more integrated supply chains


10,000 through the lifecycle of assets, supported by an


Value (£m)




efficient, adaptable product sector.


4,000 This report identifies the opportunities to achieve
2,000 sustainable growth by combining the disruptive
0 technologies and processes of Industry 4.0 (the 4th



















Industrial Revolution), BIM (Building Information

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Modelling), intelligent assets and a circular
Raw materials Semi-manufactures Products & components Trade gap construction economy.

Construction Output Forecast 95% Interval
Quarterly Output (£ Million) 2011 Prices


37,000 Potential capacity pinch-point at (£35.7 billion)



Upper Central Lower
Scenario Scenario Scenario
29,000 2019 Q4 2021 Q4 2023 Q4


1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025

The built environment in 2025
Merging Industry 4.0, intelligent assets and the circular economy

BIM (Building Information Modelling) has led the • Industry 4.0 and servitisation is driven by the
way in digitalisation of the construction industry customer, and intelligent assets provide data
over recent years, which will continue with the on the requirements for customisation and
Digital Built Britain initiative. performance in-use data that supports new
product development
The Construction Product 2025 Roadmap
illustrated on the next page highlights a number of • Intelligent assets require the integration of
trends, influences and outcomes expected over the sensors and product data through Industry 4.0
coming years, which will impact the construction
sector as a whole. The envisaged combination of • A circular economy benefits from the
virtual and physical worlds has the potential to knowledge of products and materials forming
deliver a step-change in efficiency and cost savings intelligent assets and their properties, location
across the built environment, but needs to be and condition, and the logistical and optimising
considered holistically. In particular, BIM, Industry production capability of Industry 4.0
4.0, intelligent assets and the circular economy are
intrinsically linked; to maximise their potential value
and achieve the growth forecast over the next 10
years they need be explored together.
performance feedback & analytics
Each requires change and growth within
the construction product sector, and is optimised configuration rules strategic decision
enabled by digital technologies that for on the need for a
mass new (or changed)
the first time have caught customisation asset
up with the vision of a Design &
smarter, more efficient Manufacturing development
and responsive built Industry 4.0,
environment; supply chain Intelligent
Assembly maintenance,
BIM & Industry 4.0 upgrade &
re-cycle replacement

re-manufacture re-distribute re-use

Circular economy telemetry and analytics

The following provides a brief overview of how Industry 4.0, intelligent assets and the circular economy relate
to the construction product sector, and identifies opportunities that emerge from pulling them together.

Industry 4.0
• The 4th Industrial Revolution – linking real • Organisation and control over the entire product
objects with information and processes via lifecycle and value chain, focussed on improving
networks (e.g. the internet) customisation to meet the needs of end users

• Vertical integration of smart business systems • Servitisation - a shift from services that support
and processes the product, to services that support the
customer and their businesses, from reactive
• Horizontal integration through Global services such as warranties to proactive services
Value Chains such as leasing products or systems, or selling
• Supply chain optimisation outcomes, not products.

2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25
CAPEX Capacity
Less constrained
Circular Construction
Economy (3)
TOTEX Reduction in capacity
product sector

OPEX trade gap

sector leased

Economy (1)
Economy (2) assets growth
Agile construction
product sector
Exportable services
and technologies Manufacturing sector
leased products
Fragmented & systems Performance gap
Virtual supply Adaptable
chains to zero
Optimised built
In-use environment
supply chains adaptability

Artificial with variable

use cycles

Servitsation intelligence
Extended Performance-in-

Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains manufacturing use certification

UK leading digitalisation Socio-economic

Automation Intelligent assets outcomes and
Security of construction
Non- responsive
standard DFMAO Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
products technologies
Refurb processes
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Multiple General UK leading
template Integrated IM election
Te standards digitalisation New occupations
c approaches of construction
hni IOT(2)
ca Industry 4.0
l DFMA Changing skills profiles
Cloud Mobile UK leading Focus on
LEXiCON digitalisation of customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
n IOT(1) Virtual
Figure 12: Construction product sector roadmap - nec Vote for
tiv workforce Mass
influence, opportunity, outcome and risk ity Europe customisation

Level2 UK leading
Key: Mandate digitalisation of
Outcome construction
Changing skills
Influence / trend Polit profiles
ic al
Technology / capability
Intelligent assets: the Internet of Things Circular economy
• Buildings, roads, bridges, products and systems • “A circular economy is one that is restorative and
knowing where they are and how they are regenerative by design, and which aims to keep
performing products, components and materials at their highest
utility and value at all times, distinguishing between
• Enables reduction in the as-designed, as-built technical and biological cycles.”
performance gap, supporting more energy-
efficient assets - Ellen MacArthur Foundation

• Connected Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) • Digitally-enabled return supply chains to enable

enabling communication between products products and systems to be:
and systems, asset owners, operators and • Re-used
occupants and suppliers • Re-distributed
• Re-manufactured
• Feedback on actual performance, the need for • Re-cycled
maintenance and automation of re-ordering,
potential for product development and added • Reducing the need for raw material and product
service imports

• Increasing the flexibility of an asset to extend its

use cycle

nd analytics driving R
back a &
Feed and new business models D
Kn I


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A potential growth of £32 billion in the UK construction product sector by 2025 through
automation, digital processes and manufacturer-led supply chains

Growth in the UK construction product sector Reducing the trade gap

is no longer just a ‘nice-to-have’. It is essential if
the UK is to remain competitive internationally In the Government’s Construction 2025 strategy,
in terms of smart assets and cities, and to reduce a key commitment is to reduce the trade gap
the trade gap between imports and exports of between imported and exported construction
construction products. Through a combination of products and materials by 50% by 2025. Achieving
automation, implementation of BIM Level 2 and this commitment means an additional growth of
Digital Built Britain, and manufacturing-led supply £5.04 billion by 2025.
chains the sector is forecast to grow by 63% to
Manufacturer-led supply chains
£82.4 billion by 2025.
By delivering only 10% of UK construction output
Automation by manufacturing-led, digitally enabled supply
If the UK construction product sector invest a chains in 2025 an additional growth of £12.72
similar percentage of turnover in Industry 4.0 as billion is forecast plus over £800 million savings
German manufacturers, and achieve the same in construction spend. If 20% of the sector is
returns, manufacturers can expect an annual delivered in this way the product sector can grow
increase in revenues of £7.1 billion. In addition, to £95.1 billion by 2025.
this level of investment in Industry 4.0 within the
International growth
construction sector is expected to provide over
10,200 jobs in the sector, and over 3,100 in other The ability for manufacturer consortia to deliver and
parts of the economy. export combined offers is significantly enhanced
through the application of BIM and Industry 4.0. The
Growth in construction output UK is recognised as a world leader in BIM, and with
The UK construction sector is expected to grow to a global construction sector forecast to grow to
£158 billion by 2025. If the construction product sector £10.3 trillion by 2030, there are real opportunities
grows at the same rate to keep up with the increase in for the UK construction product.
demand, an additional £6.93 billion is forecast.
Potential growth in the UK construction product sector through Billion
2025 Uk
10% of construction output delivered by

automation, digital processes and manufacturer-led supply chains construction


manufacturer-led supply chain

Additional growth in construction

Reduction in trade gap by 50%

2014 Uk
Growth through automation

output 2014-2025

£12.72 Billion

+25% +63%
£5.04 Billion
£6.93 Billion +10%
£7.1 Billion +14%
£82.4 Billion

£50.6 Billion +14%

£50.6 Billion

Construction Construction
product output product output

Transitioning to a digital built environment; global skills markets, changing skills requirements,
new roles and cross-sector capabilities

The shift from an analogue to digital construction The virtual workforce

industry, and from a product to a service-based
construction manufacturing sector, will no doubt From an individual’s perspective, imagine making
bring significant change in the skills that are required your skills and availability discoverable with a
to meet capacity and enable growth. Do digitalisation manufacturer, a number of organisations or a
and automation mean fewer employees? Do they service akin to the Uber of construction; providing
mean there is likely to be more off-shoring of skills? employers with the ability to automatically prebook
These are risks, but previous evidence of significant or appoint you to carry out pre-defined activities
technological change such as the steam engine, based on your location and their needs. This
production line and electricity suggest otherwise. approach already exists in some sectors, and can
However, the labour market will be disrupted and provide both parties with access to opportunities
occupations and tasks will undoubtedly change. By and skills that may otherwise not be apparent.
one popular estimate, over 65% of children entering
primary school today will ultimately end up working Average % likelihood of automation
in jobs that do not currently exist.

Based on current numbers employed across

39 different roles analysed in this report across 75% 79% 57% 5%
construction and product manufacturing, over
880,000 individual roles are likely to be impacted Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
by automation, either fully automated or
significantly affected as the tasks that they perform
will change as a result of automation. Number of jobs likely to be
automated by skill level
Whilst automation is likely to particularly impact
routine tasks, highly skilled roles will also be impacted. Level 4 Level 1

50,162 87,936
Digital Built Britain, and the general trends to
improved information management and increased
awareness of the operational phases of assets is
having a significant impact on more highly skilled
roles within the built environment.
Level 3 Level 2
Through effective processes and the availability of
372,776 371,765
structured data, decision making is becoming more
evidence-based, and whilst more highly skilled roles
are less likely to be fully automated, they are likely Impacted skills and abilities
to become more focussed on the less repetitive, Across manufacturing Key SKILLS
more cognitive tasks and abilities. Key ABILITIES • Monitoring self and others
• Manual dexterity and precision • Critical thinking
However, the likelihood of automation does not • Problem sensitivity • Active listening
• Logical reasoning • Equipment operation and control
mean that the focus for future skills development • Reading compensation
should only be for highly skilled roles; the + assemble Key SKILLS
potential for automation through Industry 4.0 Key ABILITIES • Coordinating with others
within the manufacturing sector provides a • Physical strength • Quality control
significant opportunity for UK industry to optimise • Visualisation • Oral expression
• Judgement and decision making
production processes, and enable production to • Cognitive flexibility
• Time management
remain in the UK, whilst providing the ability to
+ assemble + design Key SKILLS
take advantage of supply chain integration and
Key ABILITIES • Complex problem solving
export. Therefore a focus on highly skilled roles • Mathematical reasoning • Active learning
alone is likely to have a detrimental impact on both • People management
• Written expression
the UK labour market and economy. • ICT literacy

ABILITIES and SKILLS listed in white text are not within the top 5 SKILLS or top 3 ABILITIES for roles at a high risk of automation.
All listed SKILLS and ABILITIES are cumulative, so those identified in + assemble are in addition to those already identified in Across Manufacturing.

Building performance
Reducing the performance gap and increasing performance certainty through digitalisation
and analytics

It has been clear for many years that there is a • Workmanship quality and certainty
significant difference between how building designs • The Innovate UK programme indicates that
are assessed to demonstrate compliance in the where performance in-use is tested, such as
virtual world, and how buildings perform in the airtightness, then the performance improves
physical world, known as the ‘performance gap’. significantly as more care is taken. In addition,
knowledge of what is important to achieve
A recent detailed study by Innovate UK of 50
performance also improves. Integrated sensors
non-residential projects and 76 homes illustrated
can be used to track quality of workmanship
the gap; for non-residential buildings the carbon
emissions were on average 3.8 times higher than • Imagine a red LED notifying you that a system
designed, and up to 4.6 times as high. has not been installed correctly, or a message
on your smartphone informing you that a
hidden element has been moved.
Actual versus Designed CO2 Emissions
5.0 • Certifying performance in-use
Average actual emissions 3.8 Products and system performance is typically
4.5 times higher than designed certified under strict laboratory conditions,
Ratio of actual CO2 emissions/m2/yr against designed estimate

4.0 which are different to performance in-use. Data

collection and analytics could be used in the
future to certify performance in-use, providing
certainty on how a product will actually perform.
• Awareness of implications of ad-hoc decisions
2.0 Using BIM, telemetry and analytics to increase
1.5 Level where actual = as-designed performance awareness of the impact of other products or
elements already installed by previous trades, or
the knock-on impact of varying from designed
0.5 proposals on follow-on trades and building
0.0 performance.
Culture Education Healthcare Hotel/other Industrial Office Public services
• Addressing non-regulated energy use
Not all energy use is regulated, so whilst the
average in-use emissions for regulated energy was
There are a number of reasons for the gap. The still 2.37 times the designed performance, non-
key factors and potential solutions through smart, regulated energy has a significant impact.
digital manufacturing and construction sectors are: By tracking actual energy use and disaggregating
it by where it is being used and when, it is much
• The assumptions made and accuracy of easier to reduce non-regulated energy.
calculation software through the integration
of real-life performance data, and the use of • Predictive maintenance
generative tools in the future, the accuracy of Using telemetry and analytics to optimise
design software can be improved. maintenance and performance through a product
and asset’s lifecycle, and minimising the need
• Feedback from completed assets back to for disruptive surveys which may affect the
the design and delivery teams of future performance of other building elements.
assets, or a longer term relationship between
capital delivery and operation teams - by sharing
real-time analytics on performance in use, and
by extending the manufacturer’s role into the
operational phase of an asset, performance and
best practice can be linked through the supply

Stronger together
Industry and Government working in partnership

BIM Level 2 - setting the direction and a number of world firsts

HMG’s BIM Level 2 programme has enabled The tool is freely available through the
manufacturers to share product information Construction Products Association’s website and
in more accessible forms than has previously is governed by recognised industry bodies known
been achievable. The awareness of data and the as Relevant Authorities, to ensure the language
possibilities that effective use can bring have been being used is correct and consistent. Whilst data
widespread. As a result many manufacturers are dictionaries and product templates exist elsewhere,
using data and information modelling to change never before has there been such broad industry
the way they operate internally, as well as sharing engagement and governance, with over 70 percent
information with others in the construction supply of UK trade associations signing up to become
chain. However, there are a number of formats Relevant Authorities and manage how their
in which product information can be provided, in products are defined.
many different templates, which can cause confusion
for all concerned. To achieve consistency, a new LEXiCON has received international recognition,
initiative called LEXiCON has been developed by and is now being considered as part of a cross-
the construction product sector with HMG BIM nation proposal as the basis for a new European
Task Group, and is now being led by the CPA. standard.
HMG’s BIM Task Group developed a Product Data
Definition specification to enable consistency and
interoperability of product information through the
BIM process, and LEXiCON is the implementation
of this specification by industry.

LEXiCON is a world first, and enables

manufacturers and other users to define
information requirements easily, for free.
Product trade
institutes &
associations & Product Service
other industry

LEXiCON Relevant
Authorities - cross-industry
engagement to define Newly formed authorities to define
product data requirements specific requirements

The Government’s Catapult Programme provides With the structural change in the construction
excellent opportunities to develop and prepare industry over the next ten years, and the
for commercialisation of innovative technologies construction product sector’s importance to the
in areas of potential growth. The existing Catapults UK economy in particular to reduce the trade gap
only touch the edges of the construction product and support smart cities and assets, we believe
sector, the most relevant being: the construction sector should be recognised as
High Value Manufacturing. We aim to encourage
• High Value Manufacturing Catapult investment within the sector and provide the
• Digital Catapult necessary support to provide the solid platform
• Future Cities Catapult required for future growth.

Key recommendations for Government and industry to deliver sustainable growth in the UK
construction product sector

Recommendations Description
The UK construction product sector The construction product sector provides over a third of construction
should be recognised as High Value turnover in the UK, and is a crucial enabler for the application of disruptive
Manufacturing technologies and growth in the wider built environment. Industry 4.0, the
circular economy, intelligent assets, smart cities and BIM (Building Information
Modelling) rely heavily on the growth and digitalisation of the sector.

Investment in automation and Investment from both HM Government and Industry in automation and
Industry 4.0 initiatives in the Industry 4.0 initiatives relating to construction products is essential to
construction product sector enable the necessary growth in the sector and attract global manufacturers
to the UK for both production and high value servitisation activities.
Without investment in automation there is an increased risk of falling
behind internationally.

Manufacturers to sponsor schools The “Adopt a School” scheme assists organisations to provide genuine
through Class Of Your Own support for secondary school teachers and their students, focussing on
initiative developing key digital skills a firm understanding of modern technical and
professional processes in the built environment.

Investment in cross-sector skills, The skills landscape is significantly changing and will continue to do so with
research and development focussing the disruptive technologies that are already beginning to be implemented
on the impacts of digitalisation, across the built environment and wider economy. Research and strategies for
automation and servitisation and future skills requirements are urgently needed, and go beyond traditional skills
future skills requirements and roles within the built environment.

Government and industry to explore Construction products are typically certified based on laboratory testing
certification of construction products and performance, which is very different to performance in-use. The use of
and systems based on performance sensors, real-time feedback and data analytics can increase understanding of
in use, enabled by integration of actual performance, and reduce the as-designed, as-built performance gap to
telemetry and analytics provide more energy-efficient assets.

World BIM leadership Ensure that the UK’s position as a leader in digitalisation of construction is
supported on the world stage; critically, continuing involvement in the
development of European and world standards and methodology. The
international adoption of methodologies aligned to those developed in the
UK is immensely valuable for UK business.

HM Government promotion of the Promotion of the UK construction product sector to the wider economy and
UK construction product sector population at large. Giving support on the national stage to the construction
industry and its digitalisation provides momentum and leverage with other
parts of the economy and its customers.

Government thought leadership Continue to provide the thought leadership and consistent national voice for
digital support. This has been extremely successful in the organisation and
promotion of BIM to date. Continued non-financial support is critical.

Promote leading edge technologies Development of leading edge initiatives is critical and many projects are being
developed through Innovate UK. To ensure the UK keeps its prime position,
further technical developments are required. Materials and products can then
identify maintenance or replacement requirements.

1.0 Introduction
The global economy, driven by the combination of a number of megatrends including rapid
urbanisation, increasing resource scarcity and an exponential growth in the availability of smart
technologies and connectivity is entering a transformative phase.

In the built environment this step-change can for predictive maintenance and self-repair or
be seen through the rapid digitalisation of the replacement. Through the pervasive integration of
construction sector and development of the technology they will enable links between virtual
Internet of Things, the move towards a resource- and physical environments, and be more integrated
efficient circular economy, and the drive for more with changing consumer and societial needs than
efficient, agile and customisable manufacturing ever before.
through Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial
revolution. This report begins by putting the UK’s construction
product sector into context, looking at how the
The construction product sector (which accounts sector has changed and adapted over recent years
for 37% of construction output) needs to position in response to economic, political and technological
itself as a key enabler in realising the full potential shifts and the Government’s Level 2 and 3
of these changes, through the development of BIM programmes. It then moves on to outline
smarter, more connected and efficient products, opportunities for growth within the product sector,
systems, processes and commercial models. and explains how these can provide growth within
the sector, and support growth within the built
In the future products will know what and where environment and wider UK economy over the
they are, be capable of identifying the need next 10 years.

Industry 4.0
Smart, connected
Vertical integration of business processes products and systems
More efficient, less Horizontal integration of value chains
resource-intensive Mass customisation

economy Intelligent
Regeneration of
built assets
natural resources The Internet of
Increased utilisation Things. Knowledge of
of assets location, condition
and availability
Looping of assets
of assets
Extending life cycle
of assets

Figure 1: Construction products at the centre of major Evidence-based optimisation

industry shifts and advancement

2.0 The construction product
manufacturing sector context
The UK construction product sector is worth over £50 billion annually, which is over a third of
UK construction output.
It directly employs over 313,000 across every Whilst the proportion of small to large businesses
constituency in the UK, and includes over 21,000 is in line with the rest of UK manufacturing, there
businesses ranging from very small (65% with less are proportionally more large players in the
than 10 employees) to large multi-nationals. construction product sector than in construction
and the UK economy as a whole, both in terms of
number of employees and turnover.
Percentage of businesses by size
Percentage of businesses by turnover band
Large (250+)
Business size
SME (10-249)
% 20

Micro (1-9)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Number of businesses by size Construction Product Manufacturing
£0.49 £50-99 £100-249 £250-499 £500-999 £1,000-4,999 £5,00
Number of businesses by size Construction
Turnover (000s)
Number of businesses by size UK Manufacturing
Number of businesses by turnover band Construction Product Manufacturers
Number of businesses by size UK Economy
Number of businesses by turnover band UK Economy
Figure 2: Percentage of UK construction product businesses by size Number of businesses by turnover band Construction
and number of employees. Source: CPA Figure 3: Percentage of UK construction product businesses by
turnover. Source: CPA

Slow growth is forecast for the UK manufacturing further investment and assuming that imports
sector as a whole over the coming years, however remain at a similar level to recent averages
the construction product sector is forecast to rise (between 7.9 and 10.9% of construction output)
along with construction output. The key industry the UK construction product sector is expected to
sectors are expected to be housing, infrastructure reach a capacity pinch-point between 2019
and commercial. At current forecast levels, without and 2023.

Construction Output Forecast 95% Interval

Quarterly Output (£ Million) 2011 Prices

Potential capacity pinch-point at (£35.7 billion)


Upper Central Lower
Scenario Scenario Scenario
2019 Q4 2021 Q4 2023 Q4


1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025

Figure 4: Forecast construction output and construction product sector capacity constraints Source: ONS, Construction Products Association

2.1 Manufacturing capabilities and the
Construction material and product imports and exports
value chain 16,000
In 2014 the World Economic Forum (WEF)




described three stages of national manufacturing


Value (£m)


sector development that commonly occur in line 8,000

with economic growth1. These were: 6,000


1. Comparative advantages - based on factors 2,000

such as resource availability and labour costs



















compared with other nations
2006 2207 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

2. Competitiveness - efficiency-driven, focused Figure 5: Imports and exports of construction materials and products. Semi-
manufactures are products that provide input into the production of other
on improving comparative advantages for manufactured products. Source: ONS
example through investment, policy and
infrastructure in focus towards value-adding capabilities within
manufacturing and the construction product
3. Capabilities - focused on value-adding
value chain. This shift has already begun, and will
capabilities to increase competitiveness in
increase rapidly over the next five years through
the face of global competition, including
automation and servitisation.
through innovation and value-adding services

By focusing on value-adding capabilities the UK Box 1: Upgrading a product value chain

construction product sector can become more Source: WEF 2014
competitive on the global stage, but this needs to value-add 1 - Fabrication
be in combination with, not instead of competitive, Focus on fabrication; suppliers assemble inputs,
following buyers’ spec. Product focus may be
flexible production to maximise value. relatively narrow.

In progressing from the competitiveness to 1


capabilities stages the WEF identifies a series of

potential upgrades to capability including Product 2 - Supply chain
Broader range of manufacturing-related functions,
(designing, fabricating and distributing higher incl. sourcing inputs and inbound logistics as well
value products), Functional (additional services
procurement distribution
as fabrication. Potentially outbound distribution
and activities along the value chain), and Process 2

(improving fabrication and distribution).

3 - Product design
In addition to these upgrades, there are Supplier carries out part of pre- production pro-
design cesses, e.g. design or product development. Design
opportunities within the construction product may be in collaboration with the buyer.
sector to develop further value-adding capability in 3
2 2
the remaining product value chain, including after- 1

sales service, assembly or installation, maintenance

4 - Product brand
and re-manufacture. Supplier acquires post-production capabilities and
marketing is able to fully develop products under its own
These and other opportunities are discussed 3 4
brand names. Can be in collaboration with the
buyer or by new market channel.
further later in the report. 2

At the same time there is a global trend of

manufacturers increasing their provision of value- R&D services
Product upgrading
Increase unit value by producing more complex
adding services to their products (known as products, enabled by increased capabilities.
Businesses move from low-cost to higher value
servitisation) and growth is forecast in advanced 3 4 products, labour costs increase.
manufacturing. 2

To enable future construction product demand Process upgrading

to be met by UK businesses, and to reduce the R&D services Improving productivity through new capital
growing trade gap between imports and exports investments. Improving IT and logistics. Reducing
4 lead time and increasing flexibility of supply chain
(Government policy commitment to reduce trade 3
2 2
gap by 50% by 2025, was £4.8 billion in 2006 to 1

£7.8 billion in 2015), there needs to be a shift

1. The Future of Global Manufacturing: Driving Capabilities, Enabling Investments, WEF 2014

2.2 Smart factories - automation, advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0
Global Value Chains (GVCs) can be viewed five years represent a significant technological
on two axes, the first (vertical) by functions and cultural shift for manufacturing in general,
such as design, procurement, production & the impact on the construction product sector
distribution. The second (horizontal) is by added is likely to be even greater as a result of a move
value through integration of the value chain with towards a circular economy, implementation of
a focus on the end customer; both axes are BIM Level 2, and Digital Built Britain driving the
significantly impacted by the exponential growth digitalisation of construction and Industry 4.0, the
in technologies, not least digital technologies, 4th industrial revolution.
automation and connectivity. Whilst the next

Planning Manufacturer

Finance & Legal

Interface with construction supply
IT & Shared Services chain through BIM Levels 2 and 3

Mass Customisation
Product Development Vertical integration
Supply Partners Sales After Sales of smart production
Supplier Service
Management Assembly

Procurement Key:
Mainly internally focused
Potential additional
or upstream functions
Mainly externally focused
or downstream activities

Manufacturing supply chain Manufacturing business Customers

According to a recent survey by The 60% intend to invest over the next 12 months, and
Manufacturer spanning a number of sectors, over 85% by the end of 2017, so manufacturers are
manufacturers envisaged Industry 4.0 having an already preparing for the future.
impact across most areas of their business. Over
80% of respondents agreed that it will have a This trend can also be seen in the construction
medium to very high impact on their ability to product sector, where manufacturers are
mass customise, to develop new business models planning to invest in R&D over the next year, in
including servitisation, to improve customer addition to product improvement, e-commerce
service, to engineer throughout the entire value and developing export markets. In terms of
chain and to increase the value of automisation building information modelling (BIM), product
and robotics. manufacturers are increasingly sharing data on
their products with customers, and the next stage
The same survey suggests that over 70% plan to will be to fully integrate the sharing and use of
invest in production capability, 44% in R&D and data across the whole value chain, including within
42% in IT. What is most impressive is that over manufacturing businesses and supply chains.

We believe that with an increased focus on
automation, servitisation, digitalisation and the Box 2: Industry 4.0
increasing demand for mass customisation the
construction product sector will develop into the Source: Platform Industry 4.0 (translated from German).
realm of advanced manufacturing2 within the next
“The term Industry 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial
five years, and it will become commonplace within
revolution. Best understood as a new level of organisation and
the next ten years. The integration of sensors
control over the entire value chain of the life cycle of products,
into products and materials, the ability to geo-
it is geared towards increasingly individualised customer
locate and to know how they are performing will
requirements. This cycle begins at the product idea, covers
become the norm within developed economies,
the order placement and extends through to development
and provides an opportunity for the UK to lead in
and manufacturing, all the way to the product delivery for the
these areas. The UK is recognised as the second
end customer, and concludes with recycling, encompassing all
most innovative country in the world3, the eighth
resultant services.
most competitive for manufacturers4 and as world
leaders in BIM. The basis for the fourth industrial revolution is the availability
of all relevant information in real time by connecting all
2.3 Automation instances involved in the value chain. The ability to derive the
optimal value-added flow at any time from the data is also vital.
As indicated in Box 1 (page 19) it is difficult for The connection of people, things and systems creates dynamic,
the UK construction product sector to compete self-organising, real time optimised value-added connections
with other countries for basic low-skill activities within and across companies. These can be optimised
that can be carried out by a low-skilled workforce. according to different criteria such as costs, availability and
To address this, automation is key if those activities consumption of resources.”
are to remain in the UK, to support the drive to
reduce the trade gap for construction products
and materials, and to enable focus on higher
2.4 Servitisation
value products, systems and services. It is at the
higher value end that the greatest percentage of The majority of manufacturers across all sectors
construction product imports lie. provide services as part of their business, but the
difference with servitisation is a shift from services
As a result, the UK manufacturing sector is
that support the product, to services that support
gradually increasing its level of automation,
the customer and their businesses, from reactive
with 83% of those surveyed in 2015 having
services such as warranties to proactive services
implemented some form of automation in the last
such as leasing products or systems, or selling
five years (the construction product sector has
outcomes, in addition to products.
one of the highest levels of automation according
to a recent survey, with 75% of respondents saying “Servitization is the concept of manufacturers offering
they have already invested in automation to some services tightly coupled to their products. It’s about
degree5), with 77% expecting to either invest moving from a transactional (just sell a product) to
the same or more in 2016. The main drivers for a relationship based business model (delivering a
increasing automation were identified as improving capability) featuring long-term, incentivised, ‘pay-as-
business efficiency, reducing production cycle time you-go’ contracts.” - Aston Business School
and improving quality, with a typical return on
investment of 2-3 years. It suggests that automation Servitisation can achieve sustained growth of
is not just being seen as an opportunity to increase 5-10% for manufacturers, and savings of up to 30%
productivity, but also to support wider growth for their customers6. An example from another
through linking to other business functions and sector is Michelin tyres, who are shifting from
customers. selling tyres to selling performance (supported by
a money-back guarantee). The approach, which
can save over 2% of the cost of ownership for
truck fleet operators, incorporates telemetry, eco-
driving training and an optimised tyre management

2. ‘Advanced manufacturing is defined as the technological, organizational, social and environmental strategies that improve manufacturing so that it can meet the goals of
enterprises, society and governments, and adapt to change. This definition reflects the growing level of integration across the value chains of the functions of production,
distribution and consumption’ - The Future of Global Manufacturing: Driving Capabilities, Enabling Investments, WEF 2014 3. Global Innovation Index 2015 4. Deloitte 2016
Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index 5 Future-proofing UK manufacturing, Barclays 6. Aston Business School, 2014 7 WEF, 2016

3.0 The opportunities: growth, innovation,
collaboration and integration
3.1 Global trends and the construction product sector

Disruptive technologies enabled by an analogue to digital shift

There is no doubt that the exponential increase Whilst the manufacturing sector is often seen as
in computing power and digital technologies over one of the most innovative areas of industry3, the
recent decades has had a revolutionary impact on construction sector is typically perceived to be at
society and the global economy. Figure 7 highlights the opposite end of the scale; only over the last
twelve technologies identified by McKinsey1 as five years is the application of digital technologies
being disruptive and having the potential for showing signs of becoming ubiquitous, driven
significant economic and societal impact over the largely through initiatives such as the UK
next decade; the five technologies forecast to Government’s BIM (Building Information
have the most significant economic impact are all Modelling) strategy. The UK’s mandate for
enabled by digital technologies, and nine of the Government departments to implement BIM
twelve (indicated in orange) will have an impact on Level 2 on projects from 2016 has led to a
the built environment and construction product step-change 4 in the digitalisation of a fragmented
sectors. Through digitalisation, global non-residential construction sector due largely to the increased
construction is forecast to have the capability of focus on data, which will continue to adapt and
producing annual cost savings of $0.7-1.2 trillion consolidate through Digital Built Britain and the
(13-21%) during design and construction and $0.3- Construction 2025 strategy.
0.5 trillion (10-17%) in an asset’s operations phase
through digitalisation2.

• Mobile internet – Increasingly inexpensive and

Potential economic impact* ($ billion across sized applications, log scale) capable mobile computing and connectivity

• Automation of knowledge work – intelligent

software systems that can perform tasks involving
10,000 unstructured commands and subtle judgments
Mobile Internet
• The Internet of Things – networks of low-
Automation of
knowledge work cost sensors and actuators for data collection,
Cloud monitoring, decision-making and process
The Internet technology
driven by digital optimisation
of Things
Advanced robotics processes • Cloud technology – use of computer hardware
and software resources delivered over a network
or the internet, often as a service
1,000 Autonomous and near-
autonomous vehicles • Energy storage – devices or systems that store
energy for later use

• 3D printing – additive manufacturing techniques to

Energy storage
create objects by printing layers of material based
3D printing
on digital models
Advanced oil and gas
explosion and recovery • Advanced materials – materials designed to have
materials superior characteristics (e.g. strength, weight,
Renewable energy conductivity) or functionality

100 • Renewable energy – generation of electricity from

100 1,000 10,000 100,000 renewable sources with reduced harmful climate
Hype (no. of articles over 1 year, log scale)
• Advanced robotics – increasingly capable robots
with enhanced senses, dexterity, and intelligence
Figure 7: Disruptive technologies and potential economic value. Source: McKinsey 2013 used to automate tasks or augment humans

1. Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey 2013 2. Digital in Engineering & Construction: The Transformative
Power of Building Information Modelling, BCG 2016 3. UK Innovation Survey 2015, BIS 4. Many nations are now developing or implementing digital strategies for construction,
and the UK is seen as a global leader. ISO and CEN standards are in development. Global BIM market was worth US$2.76 bn in 2014 and is expected to reach US$11.54
bn by 2022, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 19.1%. Source: Building Information Modelling (BIM) Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth,
Trends and Forecast, 2015 - 2022

In addition to the shift from analogue to digital, In addition to housing, these occupants also
another megatrend that is already having a need schools, transportation, infrastructure,
significant impact on the built environment sector employment and shops; as a result the logistical
is urbanisation. Between 2015 and 2050 the challenge for the construction industry is
world’s urban population is forecast to increase immense. In addition, there is the growing need
by over 60%, an increase of 2.5 billion. To put this to improve resource efficiency and achieve
into context, more than 1,900 apartment buildings, significantly more with significantly less as part
each housing 100 occupants needs to be built of a circular economy. To meet the challenge we
every single day between now and 2050, and with need to enable effective two-way communication
the shift from rural to urban areas, the majority of between the virtual and physical worlds, enabled
this housing will need to be affordable. through smart assets and effective information
management through BIM Level 2 and Level 3.

Smart, intelligent assets



Developed Preparation
Mass Design & Brief
After Sales Strategic
Design Project Lifecycle Definition

Physical Construction In Use


Smart, intelligent assets Handover &

Close Out
• Buildings, roads, bridges, products, systems knowing where they are
and how they are performing
• Connected Cyper-Physical Systems (CPS) enabling communication Value drivers: Key:
between products & systems, asset owners, operators and Manufacturer
occupants and suppliers •Knowledge of the LOCATION of an asset
•Knowledge of the CONDITION of an asset Construction project cycle
• Feedback on actual performance, need for maintenance and
automation of re-ordering, potential for product development or •Knowledge of the AVAILABILITY of an asset Feedback / information flow
added service

Figure 8: Smart, intelligent assets providing analytics, feedback and geo-location of assets

Smart, Intelligent Assets: the Internet for smart assets are:

of Things
Knowledge of the LOCATION of an asset
Value is typically created from information in
several stages; data is first created, then it’s Knowledge of the CONDITION of an asset
communicated, aggregated, analysed and then knowledge of the AVAILABILITY of an asset
acted upon. In the first instance we need to create
data, and in the built environment the ability to There are two key areas of data that can be
create and communicate this data is achieved obtained from smart assets; the first being live
through smart assets. data on the location, condition, characteristics and
performance of an asset (such as a product). The
Smart assets are where physical objects and second is data relating to the context of the asset,
systems can communicate with each other, with for example what is adjacent to the asset, the
computer systems and with humans through temperature around a sensor, or movement and
cyber-physical networks. Enabled by the Internet of changes in light around sensors.
Things (connected devices), the key value drivers

The former has significant value all the way also consider how to most efficiently provide
through the product and built asset’s life cycle, mass customisation, the ability to customise
including the manufacturing, logistics and without significantly reducing the efficiency of a
construction phases to enable geo-location, manufacturing process.
optimise construction delivery and maintenance.
RFID (radio frequency identification) tags that can The four key value drivers of a circular economy
be used to geo-locate assets can now be produced are identified by the World Economic Forum
as small as 0.15mm by 0.15mm, meaning they can (WEF) as:
already be embedded in materials and products. • Increasing UTILISATION of an asset or
Sensors can also provide data on the performance resource
of a product or system in use.
• LOOPING / CASCADING an asset through
Data relating to the context of an asset, such additional use cycles (using more than once)
as measuring the environmental performance
or use of a space, can provide significant added • EXTENDING the use cycle length of an asset
value particularly in the asset’s use phase, enabling
tracking of whether the environment within a • REGENERATION of natural capital
space is fit for purpose and within the boundaries
of acceptability, whether contractually or in terms
of user comfort.
UK Construction and demolition waste6

A circular economy
Discarded 86%
The basic premise of a circular economy is to
decouple economic development from the
consumption of finite resources. Replacing
the linear ‘take, make, dispose’5 model we can
significantly reduce waste, and minimise supply Re-used or

and price risk by re-using, re-distributing, re-

Construction and
manufacturing or re-cycling assets. With a global demolition waste
increase in population, the shift to a more
consumer-oriented society and the increasing
demand for tailored products and assets, we must

5. Source - Ellen MacArthur Foundation 6. UK Statistics on Waste, DEFRA

Each of these provide opportunities for the world, without the virtual world to support it
construction product sector to add value by with rich information and feedback loops, the
developing new business models and opportunities, circular economy would be unlikely to achieve its
and are discussed later in this section. true potential. This is where BIM Levels 2 and 3
are predicted to have a significant impact on the
The circular economy predominantly relates to the delivery of a circular economy.
efficient use and distribution of physical resources,
and whilst this relates very much to the physical

Circular economy
• “A circular economy is one that is restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims Value drivers:
to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all times,
• REGENERATION of natural capital
distinguishing between technical and biological cycles”
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation7 • Increasing UTILISATION of an asset or resource
• LOOPING/CASCADING an asset through additional use cycles
Manufacturer • EXTENDING the use cycle length of an asset


Developed Preparation
Design & Brief

Design Project Lifecycle Definition

Physical Construction In Use

World Maintenance

Handover &
Re-Manufacture Close Out
Potential additional services
Construction project cycle

Physical product / material flow

Figure 10: A circular economy optimising resource efficiency by considering the value of materials, product and systems throughout their full life cycle,
including how they can be re-used, re-distributed, re-manufactured or re-cycled at maximum value

Box 3: Circular economy Most UK construction sites now having closed

loop recycling where waste from manufacturing
Within the UK, there are a variety of initiatives is recycled back into production of product, with
taking forward the ideas of circular economy in many companies having waste targets usually as
construction. These include the joint industry part of company or sector sustainability strategies,
government Green Construction Board’s Circular and a number of having commercially viable
Economy Working Group which seeks to embed take-back schemes.
the ideas of circular economy across the sector.

7. Intelligent Assets: unlocking the circular economy potential, Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2016

3.2 Merging Industry 4.0, Intelligent Figure 11 highlights a number of potential
Assets and the Circular Economy opportunities that are enabled by combining value
drivers from the three initiatives, and Figure 12,
expands on the potential influences, technologies,
Industry 4.0, intelligent assets and the circular
opportunities and outcomes that can be achieved
economy are intrinsically linked; to maximise their
between now and 2025.
potential value and to efficiently deliver them they
need be explored together. Each requires change The roadmap shown in Figure 13 takes account
and growth within the construction product of HMG’s Construction 2025 strategy, and the
sector, and is enabled by digital technologies that opportunities for growth and advancement in the
for the first time have caught up with the vision following sections are organised into the key areas
of a smarter, more efficient and responsive built of that strategy;
• PEOPLE: an industry that is known for its
• Industry 4.0 and servitisation is driven by the talented and diverse workforce
customer, and intelligent assets provide data
on the requirements for customisation and • SMART: an industry that is efficient and
performance in-use data that supports new technologically advanced
product development
• SUSTAINABLE: an industry that leads the
• Intelligent assets require the integration of world in low-carbon and green construction
sensors and product data through Industry 4.0 exports

• A circular economy benefits from the • GROWTH: an industry that drives growth
knowledge of products and materials forming across the entire economy
intelligent assets and their properties, location
and condition, and the logistical and optimising • LEADERSHIP: an industry with clear leadership
production capability of Industry 4.0

nd analytics driving R
back a &
Feed and new business models D
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use cycles Ge
circular economy to create
value and opportunities for
EXTEN growth in the construction product
use c D I N G t he
y cl e l e ng t
h of an asset sector. Intelligent assets and circular economy
value drivers taken from Ellen McArthur
U L A R E CO N O M Y Foundation 2015

2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25

CAPEX Capacity
constraints Circular Construction
Less constrained
Economy (3)
TOTEX Reduction in capacity
trade gap
product sector
OPEX Manufacturing

Circular sector leased
Circular Economy (2) assets

Economy (1)
Agile construction
product sector
Exportable services
and technologies Manufacturing sector
leased products
Fragmented & systems Performance gap
Virtual supply Adaptable
chains to zero
Optimised built
In-use environment
supply chains adaptability

Artificial with variable

Servitsation intelligence use cycles

Extended Performance-in-
Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains manufacturing use certification

UK leading digitalisation Socio-economic
Automation Intelligent assets outcomes and
Security of construction
Non- responsive
standard DFMAO Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
products technologies
Refurb processes
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Multiple General UK leading
template Integrated IM election
Te standards digitalisation New occupations
ch approaches IOT(2) of construction
ca Industry 4.0
l DFMA Changing skills profiles

Cloud Mobile UK leading Focus on

LEXiCON digitalisation of customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
IOT(1) Virtual
Figure 12: Construction product sector roadmap -
Vote for workforce Mass
influence, opportunity, outcome and risk
ity Europe customisation

Level2 UK leading
Key: Mandate digitalisation of
Outcome construction
Changing skills
Influence / trend Polit
ical profiles
Technology / capability

2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25

CAPEX Capacity
Less constrained
Circular Construction
Economy (3)
TOTEX Reduction in capacity
product sector

OPEX trade gap

sector leased

Economy (1)
Economy (2) assets growth
Agile construction
product sector
Exportable services
and technologies Manufacturing sector
Fragmented -&Capital
systems expenditure, cost
CAPEXleased products
to deliver
Performance gap an asset or project
Virtual supply Adaptable
chains to zero
supply chains
- Operational expenditure,
In-use cost to operate & maintain an asset built

Artificial with variable

TOTEX - Total expenditure, a combination of intelligence
CAPEX and OPEX use cycles


Extended Performance-in-
Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains use certification

Reduction in trade gap - through circular economy lessUKreliance
manufacturing on imports of

leading digitisation Socio-economic


Automation Intelligent assets

Non- products andSecurity
materials, through development of new technologies increase outcomes
of construction inresponsive
DFMAO Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
Refurb processes potential products technologies
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Circular Economy
Multiple - an economy that is restorative
Integrated IM
Generaland regenerative
UK leading by design,
Te template election
keeping products, components and
approaches materials at their highest
IOT(2) utility andNew
digitisation of
construction value at all

times, distinguishing between
Industry 4.0
technical and biological cycles Changing skills profiles

- forecast limitations on capacity of UK construction product
UK leading
sector and ability to meet demand without further investment
digitisation of
Focus on
customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
nec capacity - through
Vote for
servitisation and circularworkforce
tiv Mass
ity Europe customisation
Key: Level2 UK leading
Outcome Mandate digitisation of
Influence / trend construction
Changing skills
Technology / capability 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 Polit 2024-25 profiles

CAPEX Capacity
Less constrained
Circular Construction
Economy (3)
TOTEX Reduction in capacity
product sector

OPEX trade gap

sector leased

Economy (1)
Economy (2) assets growth
Agile construction
product sector
Exportable services
and technologies Manufacturing sector
leased products
Fragmented & systems Performance gap
Virtual supply Adaptable
chains to zero
Optimised built
In-use environment
supply chains adaptability

Artificial with variable

use cycles

Servitsation intelligence
Extended Performance-in-

Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains manufacturing use certification

UK leading digitisation Socio-economic

Automation Intelligent assets
Non- Commercial Security
Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
of construction outcomes and
standard DFMAO technologies
Refurb processes products
Common - current fragmented nature of
Fragmented construction sector and supply chains
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Multiple General UK leading
Te standards Extended
Integrated IM
supply chains - extending supply chains beyond
election current
digitisation of manufacturer’s
New occupations
chn construction
ica Industry 4.0
l DFMA Changing skills profiles
Virtual supply chains - network of local supply chain partners that can be called
upon for their
services, potentially shared between
Mobile UK manufacturers
digitisation of
Focus on
customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
IOT(1) and technologies - differentiated products and services
nne services Virtual
exported c tiv to regions without the
ity capability,
Vote for
Europe licensing of technology
workforce Mass
Key: UK leading
Outcome Optimised supply chains - supply chains
to ofthe specific requirement,
Influence / trend enabling efficient mass customisation and tailored service
Changing skills
Technology / capability Polit profiles
al ic
Servitisation - shift from services to support products to services that support
client’s businesses So cial
Agile construction product sector - ability to respond to changing demand without
significant investment
Leasing products & systems - part of servitisation, selling performance of an asset
as a service instead of selling products
Manufacturers leasing assets - step on from leasing products & systems, potential to
deliver and lease entire assets with guaranteed performance

2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25

CAPEX Capacity
Less constrained
Circular Construction
Economy (3)
Technical Reduction in capacity
product sector

OPEX trade gap

Multiple Circular
data template approaches - current confusion over which sector leased

data templates
Economy (1)
Economy (2)
manufacturers should Agile
complete non-standard
assets growth
processes - numerous supply chain design and
product delivery
Exportable services
processes and modelsand technologies Manufacturing sector
leased products
Fragmented & systems Performance gap
Virtual supply Adaptable
chains to zero
Optimised built
In-use environment
supply chains adaptability

Artificial with variable

use cycles

Servitsation intelligence

Extended Performance-in-
Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains manufacturing use certification


UK leading digitisation Socio-economic


Automation Intelligent assets outcomes and

Security of construction
Non- responsive
standard DFMAO Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
products technologies
Refurb processes
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Multiple General UK leading
template Integrated IM election
Te standards digitisation of New occupations
c approaches construction
hn IOT(2)
ica Industry 4.0
l DFMA Changing skills profiles

Cloud Mobile UK leading Focus on

digitisation of customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
nne IOT(1) Virtual
Multiple standards - multiple, often overlapping
ity performance standards
Vote for
Europe for products workforce Mass
Key: and assets Level2 UK leading
Outcome Mandate digitisation of
DFMA - Design for Manufacture and Assembly
Influence / trend construction
Changing skills
Technology / capability Polit profiles
al ic
Refurb DFMA - Using accurate 3D scans to understand actual on-site dimensional
requirements and enable application of DFMA to provide accurate, appropriate Social
DFMAO - DFMA with additional focus on designing and constructing to optimise
technical solution across the life cycle of an asset
Advanced manufacturing - integration across the value chains of the functions of
production, distribution and consumption
Common standards - multiple linked performance standards for products and assets
Security awareness - management of secure asset information, and ability for
products and systems to raise awareness of any breach or theft, and to be geo-located
Automation - use of automatic equipment and processes within manufacturing
and assembly
Performance in use certification - products, systems or assets certified in-use
through onsite measurement enabled by telemetry instead of certification under
laboratory conditions
Performance gap to zero - eliminating the difference between as-design and as-built
performance of an asset

2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25

CAPEX Capacity
Less constrained
Circular Construction
TOTEX Reduction in capacity
Economy (3)
product sector

OPEX trade gap

Cloud - cloud-based services
Circular including telemetry
sector leased

Mobile increase
Economy (2)
in remote access to live data on mobile devices, and ability to
assets growth
Agile construction
locate and record assets product sector
Exportable services
Manufacturing sector
CDE - common data environment
and technologies
leased products
& systems Performance gap
Virtual supply Adaptable
chains to zero
Optimised built
In-use environment
supply chains adaptability

Artificial with variable

use cycles

Servitsation intelligence

Extended Performance-in-
Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains manufacturing use certification


UK leading digitisation Socio-economic


Automation Intelligent assets outcomes and

Security of construction
Non- responsive
standard DFMAO Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
products technologies
Refurb processes
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Multiple General UK leading
template Integrated IM election
Te standards digitisation of New occupations
c approaches construction
hn IOT(2)
ica Industry 4.0
l DFMA Changing skills profiles

Cloud Mobile UK leading Focus on

digitisation of customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
nne IOT(1) Virtual
ctiv Vote for workforce Mass
ity Europe customisation
Key: Level2 UK leading
Outcome Mandate digitisation of
Influence / trend construction
Changing skills
olitic P
LEXiCON - decoding the built environment™ - free-to-use plain language
Technology / capability
aldictionary profiles

of information requirements and data templates for products, systems, processes

and assets, accessible through the CPA’s (Construction Product Association) website, Social

managed by the CPA and UK BIM Alliance (UKBA) with support from professional
institutes and trade associations. Developed through HMG BIM Task Group
Integrated IM - Integrated information management - management of information
through a business, life cycle or supply chain to ensure a single source of truth and
being able to provide the right information to the right place at the right time
Industry 4.0 - the fourth industrial revolution, combines automation and data
exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems (CPS),
the Internet of Things and cloud computing to create smart factories that enable
mass customisation and maximise production efficiency

2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25

CAPEX Capacity
Less constrained
Circular Construction
TOTEX Reduction in capacity
Economy (3)
product sector

OPEX trade gap

Vote for Europe - the UK’s EU Referendum
sector leased

BIM Level
Economy (2)
2 mandate - HMG mandate for centrally-funded projects to achieve BIM
assets growth
Agile construction
Level 2 maturity (federated models) from April
product sector2016
Exportable services
Manufacturing sector
election - the next General Election
and technologies
in 2020
leased products
& systems Performance gap
Virtual supply Adaptable
BIM Level 3 mandatechains- HMG Optimised
mandate for centrally funded
projects totozero
achieve BIM built
Level 3 maturity (fully open process and data integration),
supply chains
dates to be confirmed Artificial

with variable
use cycles

Servitsation intelligence
Advanced- BIM Level 2 has been a game-changer

Extended Performance-in-
UK leading digitalisation of construction Level 3 Mandate

supply chains use certification

internationally, and with advancement in Industry
4.0, circular economy and

UK leading digitisation Socio-economic


Automation Intelligent assets

intelligent assets the UK can
Non- stay ahead of the curve
Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
of construction outcomes and
standard DFMAO technologies
Refurb processes products
DFMA standards Smart cities
Multiple Multiple General UK leading
template Integrated IM election
Te standards digitisation of New occupations
c approaches construction
hn IOT(2)
ica Industry 4.0
l DFMA Changing skills profiles

Cloud Mobile UK leading Focus on

digitisation of customer Geodemographic-
construction driven solutions
nne IOT(1) Virtual
ctiv Vote for workforce Mass
ity Europe customisation
Key: Level2 UK leading
Outcome Mandate digitisation of
Influence / trend construction
Changing skills
Technology / capability Polit profiles
ic al


2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25

CAPEX Capacity
Social constraints
Less constrained
Circular Construction
Economy (3)
Reduction in capacity
trade gapdriven solutions - products, systems, assets and environments
product sector

suitable or customisedCircular for identified local demographic requirements and preferences
sector leased

Circular Economy (2) assets growth

Mass customisation - ability to customise
Economy (1)
products or systems to individual
Agile construction
requirements at an industrial scale
Exportable services
product sector

and technologies Manufacturing sector

Fragmentedworkforce - network of local skilled workers who can be Performance
leased products
& systems called upon
gap to
Virtual supply
work on discrete activities, chainspotentially shared between organisations to zero
In-use environment
supply chains adaptability
- delivering social Artificial

Socio-economic outcomes and responsive technologies with variable

use cycles

Servitsation intelligence
outcomes through
Extended technology, for example providing Performance-in- healthcare in the home through

Advanced Level 3 Mandate

supply chains use certification
telemetry to track patient health and inform healthcare professionals or change

UK leading digitisation Socio-economic

environmental conditionsNon-
automatically Security
Intelligent assets
of construction outcomes and
standard DFMAO Awareness Voice-activated IOT(3)
New occupations - new roles developing
Refurb processes
as a result in exponential growth of
standards Smart cities
technologies and merging of existing
Multiple Multipleroles
Integrated IM
General UK leading
Te standards template election digitisation of New occupations
c approaches
Changing skills profiles
ica - change in skills required within
4.0 roles
IOT(2) to support construction

new business models l and technologies

DFMA Changing skills profiles

Adaptable built environment - optimised

Cloud for individual users with variable use
Mobile UK leading Focus on
digitisation of
cycles of assets and in-use reconfiguration CDE construction
customer Geodemographic-
driven solutions
Co IOT(1)
nne Virtual
ctiv Vote for workforce Mass
ity Europe customisation
Key: Level2 UK leading
Outcome Mandate digitisation of
Influence / trend construction
Changing skills
Technology / capability Polit profiles
ic al


3.3 People users of a development based on the location and
user preferences, and feed these into the design
“An environment…is an environment only by and delivery of more flexible assets. To achieve
virtue of the life that it surrounds…we do not talk this, there needs to be a shift from product-
about surroundings without reference to the people driven to customer-driven solutions, from DFMA
surrounded, nor should we talk about housing as (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) to
a thing of intrinsic value separate from the people DFMAO (Design for Manufacture, Assembly and
housed.” Operation), from capital delivery to through-life
- John Turner (1974) value.

It can easily be forgotten, but the built The ManuBuild programme explored the potential
environment has been created to support for open building DFMAO systems that enabled
us in our daily lives, surrounding us through this level of adaptability and demonstrated the
life, work and play. A combination of physical potential social value, energy savings and re-use of
objects (products, systems, buildings, bridges, components over the life cycle of an apartment.
infrastructure) and spaces, it should be a willing This approach is not to standardise spaces, but
receptacle for the life it supports. However, to concentrate on creating the place for activities
even if the same occupants remain in an asset and facilitating these through DFMAO, instead of
for its entire life cycle, their needs are likely to concentrating on the development of product
change significantly over time as circumstances alone.
or preferences change, and new technologies
become available. 69m2

In-use adaptability - meeting changing

requirements and potential for products and

Looking at homes as an example, we need to Young couple

consider housing as a long-term resource that
can grow and adapt as part of a circular economy.
Through careful consideration during the design
and production of homes based on the needs of
• Infill floor void with
the occupants at both individual and community floor components
levels we can, to a large extent, future-proof our • Push wall into new
homes; allowing them to adapt to their changing position
• New demountable wall
requirements over time and cope with external as to lobby
well as internal contextual differences.

We can enable efficient future upgrades or

replacements whilst also providing flexibility to
develop an unlimited range of typologies to suit • Demountable wall to
different requirements using the same or similar new bedroom

components and methodologies. We can do this • Office change to family

by combining effective information management • Shower room change to
and data exchange with flexible product store room
manufacturing and supply chains; the concept
of adaptable homes has been around for over a
century, but digital and production technologies 77m2
have now caught up with the vision, and it
presents a real opportunity for the construction
product sector. It doesn’t mean that we need to
design in the flexibility to support every possible
household type, more that we need to design
out the inflexibility that may otherwise lead to Family with two
compromise by future likely occupants. By using children

geo-demographic information and consumer

marketing it is possible to understand the likely Figure 13: Re-configurable apartment study, ManuBuild WP 2.5

Using this flexible approach provides construction The virtual workforce
product manufacturers the opportunity for new
business models, including the sale of performance The shift from an analogue to digital construction
and value achieved instead of product alone. industry, and from a product to a service-
Manufacturers are beginning to explore the based construction manufacturing sector, will
potential for leasing their products or systems no doubt bring significant change in the skills
over a longer period of time instead of selling that are required to meet capacity and enable
outright; plasterboard and insulation manufacturers growth9. We are already experiencing this within
amongst others are already exploring the potential existing sector roles, but there are also new roles
to integrate RFID tags and sensors within their developing that cross traditional boundaries, such
products or materials to enable them to be as information managers or multi-trade onsite
identified and located, and for their performance capability to connect disparate manufactured
in-use to be tracked. building systems onsite. The construction sector is
already competing with others for high value skills
In England alone, there are currently over 600,000 such as information technology professionals, and
empty homes8, and analysis suggests that the the demand for such skills will only grow over the
proportion of empty homes increases quite next decade.
significantly in areas of low house prices. There
are a number of reasons why homes may be left In addition to changing skills there will be a
empty, and these include: significant cultural change as digital technologies
and more collaborative working methods become
• A landlord needing to carry out significant the norm; the need for flexibility and acceptance
improvement works that are unaffordable or of new skills and roles within the sector. These
will not make a return in areas of low house changes do provide a risk in the short term
prices and rental values with the rush to employ individuals with digital
capabilities for example, also regional trade skills
• Owners have bought a property to do up, but shortages. However, there is also an opportunity
cannot afford the work to complete to develop a more flexible, highly skilled workforce
• Owners are holding a property empty by disaggregating the skills required and using
anticipating a rise in its value before selling technologies already in existence in other walks of
The statistics suggest that while there is typically
demand for affordable housing in areas that have a From an individual’s perspective, imagine making
relatively high proportion of empty homes, it is the your skills and availability discoverable with a
affordability and quality of the assets that can cause manufacturer, a number of organisations or a
the mis-match. service akin to the Uber of construction; providing
employers with the ability to automatically pre-
Offering finance on products such as external wall book or appoint you to carry out pre-defined
insulation that can be paid back gradually as the activities based on your location and their
building is in use and making a return can provide needs. It can provide both parties with access to
manufacturers with more stable revenue streams. opportunities and skills that may otherwise not
It can also enable buildings to return to use, and be apparent and provide greater flexibility to
potentially lead to further product and service cope with ever-changing demand whilst using local
sales as a result. skills and resources where possible. Similar virtual
workforce services exist in the freelance sector;
Upwork is the largest online talent site, with over
nine million freelancers predominantly in the
information technology, web and design fields. Their
research suggests that whilst in the virtual world it
takes an average of three days to fill a vacancy, in
the physical world the average is as high as forty-

8. Empty Homes in England, Empty Homes, 2015 9. Technology and skills in the construction industry, UKCES 2013
10. Digital Transformation of Industries, WEF 2016

3.4 Smart

The ability to integrate sensors and create smart themes through an asset’s life cycle in more detail.
assets has been discussed earlier; incorporating These themes are:
sensors into products and systems to enable
them to be geo-located, performance in-use to be • Managing complexity
measured and tracked and for the collection of • Generative design
data to feed back into product development and
support the circular economy. • Production and supply chain optimisation

Box 4 highlights key capabilities and principles that • Operation and feedback
can support business growth through digitalisation;
certainly not all opportunities rely on the • Occupant and manufacturer interaction
incorporation of sensors, and here we look at key

Site constraints
House prices and rental values
Occupant types and preferences
Production and supply Operation Density
chain optimisation and feedback Architectural style
Labour availability
Material and product availability
Core house types
Supply chain optimisation and mobilisation Building performance

Logistics and reverse logistics Construction type

Commercial models
Materials & product procurement and mobilisation

Labour procurement, mobilisation

and skills optimisation
Full production models Figure 14: Combining circular
design economy, intelligent assets, industry
4.0 and generative design

Box 4: ‘No regret’ digital capabilities consider different types of data. Find new ways to
monetise data. Create an analytics team.
Source: Digital Transformation of Industries, WEF
2016 4. Build and maintain a high-quotient digital
team. Be honest about how digitally savvy you
The following are a set of no regret capabilities and your workforce are. Create digital boot
that apply across industries, which are camps to re-skill employees.
fundamental to the creation of digital operating
models or operational efficiencies: 5. Partner and invest for all non-core
activities. One of the characteristics of effective
1. Sense and interpret disruption. Look digital leaders is their intuitive understanding that
beyond your own industry. Be prepared to blur the journey is not one to be undertaken alone.
the lines between the physical and digital worlds.
6. Organise for speed. Ensure CEO support
2. Experiment to develop and launch ideas and the presence of a dedicated central team to
faster. Stop innovating and look to solve drive the new digital growth is supported by a
customer problems instead. Develop platforms team of digitally savvy executers.
for fast and cheap experiments. Find or fund one
venture that could most disrupt you. 7. Design a delightful user experience. User
experience drives IT architectures, and not vice
3. Understand and leverage data. Organise versa.
data hackathons. Think beyond big data to

Managing complexity construction technologies at an individual task
level, the tool can then produce tailored delivery
With the complex range of drivers, benefits, value, programmes and (when linked to further data
risks and factors involved when considering a sets) accurate cost estimates that can be optimised
potential development, and the fragmented nature by adapting resource availability and display project
of a project-based construction industry, it can cashflows based on different commercial models.
be difficult to understand the full implications of Such tools enable product manufacturers to
early decisions or to share learning from previous understand and demonstrate the potential value
experiences. However, with the plethora of open of their technologies, but also to test different
data sources from the likes of the Land Registry, commercial models with clients and supply chain
the ONS (Office of National Statistics) and other partners.
organisations, there is the potential to aggregate
and analyse data to provide insights before Generative design
significant expense is expelled.
Generative design methods, where the output
A leading digital construction strategy consultancy is generated by algorithms (a set of rules), can
is developing a data tool that supports decision significantly improve the ability to act upon the
making on the viability and optioneering for data that can be aggregated and analysed from a
residential developments, initially in the UK. For number of sources, and to use it to deliver mass
any location in the UK, the tool enables users to customised products, systems and assets.
immediately ascertain local house prices, rental
values, occupant types and their housing, tenure Much of the industry’s current design software
and layout preferences, trade skills availability has developed over a number of years, but still
and typical densities and sales rates. In addition constrains the ability for input data to be acted
information is available on local housing demand, upon to provide output that can be shared
regional developers and their business models and throughout the full design, delivery and operation
land values to understand the potential viability of phases of an asset. Even progressing from initial
a scheme. design concept through to detailed design and
fabrication usually requires a number of software
Using either existing or bespoke data on the packages, models and data translations to occur,
time and resource requirements for different leading to potential errors.

House prices, rental values and completions Housetype 1
2,000 300,000 • Dimensions
• GIFA 87.422
• Volume
1,200 • Gross internal width
No. of Units
1,000 150,000
House Price • Gross internal depth
800 (£)
• Storeys
• Bedrooms - 3
200 • Bathrooms - 2
0 0 • Person - 5
• Tenure - private for sale
• Phase - 2
• Construction type - panel
• Plot area
Programme Demographics
• Secure families
• Blue-collar roots
• Struggling families
• Affluent greys
• Settled suburbia
Housetype preferences
• 3 bed 5 person semi,
private for sale
• 3 bed 5 person det, private for sale
• 4 bed 6 person det,
private for sale
• 3 bed 5 person semi,
shared ownership
• 2 bed 4 person semi,
private for sale
Development cash flow
Skills availability
• Bricklayers

• Civil engineering
Figure 15: Residential viability tool proof of concept incorporating location-specific housing market data, • Construction managers
geo-demographics and preferences, resource availability, programme and development cashflow, courtesy of PCSG. • Electrical trades
• Floorers
• Labourers
• Painters and decorators
In addition, interfaces between products and
systems can be difficult or even impossible to
model, meaning only part of a final solution can be
accurately assessed prior to transitioning from the
virtual to physical worlds.

Generative design systems are being developed

that remove current modelling constraints,
and can accurately and simultaneously model
products, interfaces, processes and supply chain
relationships through the design and development
process. A leading example is RST (Ravnikar Soper
Technology), a generative modelling software
technology that uses algorithms, data storage
techniques and an underlying logical structure to
produce fully resolved models.

Starting with a logical structure based on key

functional requirements (such as how many floors
a building may have), RST then defines concepts
locally, known as the locality principle.

Figure 17: Example RST logical structure

Figure 16: RST logical structure concept Figure 18: Concepts defined locally

This enables products, processes, spaces and

supply chain relationships all to be assigned locally,
relative to the logical structure and applied globally,
where they automatically adapt to local situations;
accurately holding as much product, material and
process performance data as needed to support
downstream activities. Completely reliable data-
driven models can be produced down to the
detail level of production, fabrication, assembly
and logistics without loss of model performance;
in combination with tools such as the viability
tool described, RST can potentially provide
fully resolved and customised solutions almost
instantaneously, based on the interpretation of
requirements and rules created at the outset. Figure 19: Details applied globally

Production and supply chain optimisation A good example of the opportunities for a direct
link between product and customer need is the
By linking customers with products and services, Factory in a Box for GSK.
focusing on their needs and potential direct
interactions through the circular economy, The challenge set by GSK was for a ‘zero incident,
construction product manufacturers can play a zero defect, zero waste’ approach to the delivery
key role in optimising the delivery and operation of a factory solution to enable GSK product to
of assets by selecting supply channels based on reach 80% of the African population by 2020.
the value that they add. Whether traditional or In addition to the challenging construction
manufactured building products and systems are programme in difficult, varied and often
used, supply chains can be optimised by reducing underdeveloped markets, GSK required best
the number of non-value adding processes or practice, a minimal cost footprint and delivery in
transactions. By considering the supply chain from an unprecedented time frame. The construction
end clients through to key manufacturers, it can be system developed by Bryden Wood is designed
easier to understand the optimal delivery channels around the principles of rapid, safe construction
for any given project. Clearly this requires either by a low skilled team delivered through composite
clients with multiple assets, or consortia that focus DfMA components that can be shipped out of
on delivery of similar solutions for a number of Europe or procured locally as required; a virtual,
clients. Either way, the benefits come through flexible supply chain that is tailored to specific
leadership and engagement througn the project requirements.
supply chain.

Figure 20: GSK Factory in a Box by Bryden Wood

Mass customisation and in-use adaptability are optioneering with early cost control and allows
incorporated and tuned to GSK’s specific business all components to be tracked through design,
requirements. Best practice operation and manufacture, logistics, construction, operation and
maintenance is provided via standardised materials, maintenance via an integrated QR code asset
operation and infrastructure. Finally, the design management system.
extends into a tailored BIM solution enabling rapid

Returning to the new-build residential sector, a development cash flow is improved, meaning
focus on added value by linking manufacturers with cash is coming into the development before all
the delivery and use of assets can also provide the of the costs are incurred. Overall development
opportunity for increased margins on the products cost is reduced as a result of lower construction
and services they provide. Consider the typical costs and developer profit.
residual value calculation for developments:
• Alternative model 4 - product/system
• Residual land value = GDV - construction costs - manufacturers provide more integrated
fees - developer profit solutions and/or manage the supply chain,
and lease instead of sell their technologies,
Where GDV (gross development value) is the sum significantly reducing construction costs. Overall
of all property sales on the development (assuming development cash flow is significantly improved,
no affordable housing or further contributions), a meaning cash is coming into the development
typical developer profit for a top 25 housebuilder before all of the costs are incurred. Overall
is in the region of 20%. development cost is significantly reduced as a
The value of land and the ability to achieve the result of lower construction costs and developer
desired profit is used to determine the viability of a profit. Manufacturers retain a longer-term
development for a given developer, and the GDV is investment in the built assets and a more
clearly affected by what houses are expected to be secure longer-term income.
sold for, which is typically assessed by comparing to • Alternative model 5 - product/system
local house prices. At a very basic level, it is easy to manufacturers deliver the full construction of
see that housing development is less attractive to a the houses, and retain full ownership of the
private developer in areas where house prices are physical asset. They lease building performance,
low, or sales rates are low which will impact on a not product, so guarantee the energy efficiency
development cash flow. and performance of the asset in use. Overall
In this model, the landowner makes a profit when development costs are reduced significantly,
selling the land, the developer makes the profit with only the cost of land and remediation paid
when they sell the houses, the construction team upfront, housing occupants have the comfort
in building the homes and product manufacturers of knowing that their homes will be maintained
through selling product. Now consider the and performance guaranteed for as long as the
following alternative models: contract. Manufacturers retain a longer-term
investment in the built assets and secure a
• Alternative model 1 - product/system longer-term income, have the ability to monitor
manufacturers provide more integrated performance in use and feed that data back into
solutions and/or manage the supply chain product development, and are encouraged to
reduce the need for contractor/developer innovate and upgrade properties to become
integration, risk and hence margin. In such a more energy efficient and increase their profits
model the construction cost is reduced, and accordingly.
the product manufacturer achieves higher
margins on the products they sell. Overall These alternative models, in particular models
development cost is reduced as a result of 3, 4 and 5 have the potential to turn otherwise
lower construction costs. non-viable residential developments into viable
developments, by shifting the role of integration
• Alternative model 2 - product/system and risk towards the manufacturer, integrating
manufacturers provide more integrated solutions the supply chain and moving expenditure from
and/or manage the supply chain and take on a the capital to operational phases. It is important
proportion of the development risk in exchange however to ensure that in increasing the use
for higher product margins. Overall development of manufactured buildings, such systems do
cost is reduced as a result of lower construction not dictate the aesthetics or style of housing
costs and developer profit. unnecessarily due to their clumsy integration;
through mass customisation and the careful
• Alternative model 3 - product/system integration of technologies housing can come in
solutions and/or manage the supply chain, and almost any style and configuration.
reduce upfront costs by retaining a share in the
development once completed and taking on
a proportion of the development risk. Overall

In addition to the benefits of construction flexibility in achieving unrestricted
architectural styles, it also enables buildings to be constructed in a range of
different ways dependant on project drivers, constraints and preferences; a
system can be regionally refined to suit the needs of a specific project, so
for example constructed as a 3D volumetric system where speed on site
is a concern, in 2D panels where space is more constrained, and as stick
components where speed is less of a concern and access is heavily restricted.
Figure 21 illustrates this concept from the ManuBuild programme, where the
systems developed could be constructed in 1D, 2D or 3D using the same
components and opening up new market opportunities for manufactured

Operation and feedback

Continuing the theme of manufacturers extending

their involvement into the delivery and operation
of assets, there is significant potential for providing
additional services, leasing systems and even
whole manufactured buildings. Through the
development of a circular economy opportunities
also exist to directly link built assets back to the
manufacturing process; the potential to re-use, re-
distribute, re-manufacture or re-cycle.

The ability to re-use products and systems does

not necessarily lead to the prolonging of asset
use cycles; instead we should be looking to
optimise use cycles, so that when a building use Figure 21: Construction
or user preferences change, the asset can either flexibility enabling
be re-configured or even replaced to create a configuration variations
dependent on project
suitable environment. Imagine the scenario of constraints and preferences.
leasing the use of a building from a manufacturer Source: ManuBuild
(including a home); as requirements change,
you can either order a re-configured building, a Shared space
performance upgrade, or even a new replacement Private space
building on the same site, all taken care of by
3D horizontal service
the manufacturer, and paid for over an agreed
period. Imagine taking delivery of a new home 3D vertical serviced
on the same site as your previous home, as you 2D unserviced
would take delivery of a new car, and the ability to
remain in the same community instead of needing
to re-locate purely because of changing space

This is achievable today through the combination

of digital and manufacturing systems, but there is
certainly a cultural change required before this
approach becomes widespread. Such an approach
can enable the manufacturer to receive live
performance feedback on their products in-use,
and also potentially enable the need for predictive
maintenance to be flagged and even procured
automatically. From a legislative perspective such
data would also enable products and assets to be
certified based on performance in use instead of
under laboratory conditions that are unlikely to
ever be replicated within a built asset.

Aggregate and store data

Ventilation Boiler • Ventalation flow
• Analyse
• Boiler vibration, unusual
switching • Predict
• Alert
• Water pressure and temp
(Legionella) • Optimise
• CO, CO2, other gases
Water Air Heat
System Quality Pump • Heat pump flow, power

operative and

Figure 22: e4 predictive maintenance

In considering the life cycle of an asset, and 3. Skin - exterior envelope, less permanent than
the potential to develop a circular economy structure with a lifespan between 30 and 60
through the re-use of construction products, it is years
crucial that interfaces and future accessibility for
maintenance and replacement has been taken into 4. Services - likely to have a shorter lifespan, and
account. certainly need to be separated from the
structure to avoid unnecessary disruption
Stewart Brand10 identifies the following six simple
layers based on their potential life cycle: 5. Space-plan - internal partitions, ceilings and
floors with shorter lifespans, anywhere
1. Site - geographical setting, the permanent, but between three years for rapidly changing
changing context commercial environments to over 30 years in
homes that may not traditionally change
2. Structure - the most durable built elements
likely to traditionally last over 100 years 6. Stuff - furniture and all things that may change
and move many times a day

My E4 House

Current Current
Electricity £0.36/hr Gas £0.22/hr

22o 21o

24o 23o

Figure 23: e4 control app for occupants

10. How buildings learn: What happens after they’re built, Stewart Brand, 1994

Resident receives Engineer arrives, uses model to find boiler, call up Resident views
notification alert maintenance history and download user manual. updated status
Carries out work and writes work performed and
commissioning back to model

E4 Alerts E4 Building Status


! Heat Pump

Vaillant Ventilation
Water Storage

Error C2983 – switch failure Lighting

Solar Panel

Under Warranty

Book engineer now

Figure 24: e4 boiler maintenance

End user and manufacturer interaction

Weinerberger, a manufacturer of bricks, blocks and

roof tiles amongst other products, has developed a
housing concept called the e4 house, focusing on:

• energy • economy

• environment • emotion

Weinerberger has set up a consortium to deliver

products and systems that they do not produce to
deliver a whole house solution, and has supported
this with full digital capability to support delivery
and operation of the home. Occupants are
provided with a full digital model of their home
and apps that enable the user to track building
performance, and organise predictive maintenance.
Figure 25: e4 concept is applied to a range of home types

3.5 Sustainable

Closing the performance gap

It has been clear for many years that there is a • Lack of awareness of the implications of moving
significant difference between how building designs or re-arranging products and systems (for
are assessed to demonstrate compliance in the example moving insulation to insert building
virtual world, and how buildings perform in the services, and not replacing) - as with Robust
physical world, known as the performance gap. Standard Details and airtightness testing, by
A recent detailed study by Innovate UK11 of 50 certifying performance in-use industry will
non-residential projects and 76 homes illustrates quickly learn how designed performance can be
the gap; for non-residential buildings the carbon achieved in reality.
emissions were on average 3.8 times higher than
designed, and up to 4.6 times as high. There are • Not all energy use is regulated, so whilst the
a number of reasons for the gap; the key factors average in-use emissions for regulated energy
and potential solutions through smart, digital was still 2.37 times the designed performance,
manufacturing and construction sectors are: non-regulated energy has a significant impact.
By tracking actual energy use and disaggregating
• The assumptions made and accuracy of it by where it is being used and when, it is much
calculation software - through the integration easier to reduce non-regulated energy.
of real-life performance data, and the use of
generative tools in the future, the accuracy of
design software can be improved. Actual versus Designed CO2 Emissions
• Lack of feedback from completed assets back to Average actual emissions 3.8
4.5 times higher than designed
the design and delivery teams of future assets,
Ratio of actual CO2 emissions/m2/yr against designed estimate

or a longer-term relationship between capital 4.0

delivery and operation teams - by sharing 3.5

real-time analytics on performance in-use, and 3.0
by extending the manufacturer’s role into the
operation phase of an asset, performance and 2.5

best practice can be linked through the supply 2.0

chain. 1.5 Level where actual = as-designed performance

• Poor quality workmanship, not constructing 1.0

assets as they were designed - the Innovate UK 0.5

programme indicates that where performance
in-use is tested, such as airtightness, then the Culture Education Healthcare Hotel/other Industrial Office Public services
performance improves significantly as more Sector
care is taken. In addition, knowledge of what is
important to achieve the necessary performance Figure 26: Comparison between as-designed and as-built carbon emissions
improves, as is the case in the development measured over 50 projects. Source: Building Performance Evaluation Programme,
Innovate UK 2016
of Robust Standard Details for acoustic
performance. Integrated sensors can be used
to track quality of workmanship - imagine a
red LED notifying you that a system has not
been installed correctly, or a message on your
smartphone informing you that a hidden
element has been moved.

• Products and system performance is certified

under strict laboratory conditions, which are
different to performance in-use - the collection
and analytics could be used in the future to
certify performance in-use, providing certainty
on how a product will actually perform.

11. Innovate UK funded an £8million Building Performance Evaluation Programme to provide evidence on the performance gap and understand how it can be reduced.

The first steps towards a circular economy Inter-seasonal energy storage

Many manufacturers already have schemes to take The Innovate UK project INTRESTS (Inter-
back material at the end of life, to minimise waste seasonal Thermochemical Renewable Energy
taken to landfill. British Gypsum and Siniat both Storage System) led by Tata Steel, incorporates
have dedicated plasterboard recycling schemes the largest technical demonstration of the
for example, and Armstrong Ceilings has a similar potential to upscale absorption storage for
scheme for acoustic ceiling tiles. To support this thermal energy suitable for capture and storage
trend and provide consistency FIS (the Finishes of low temperature heat from cost-effective
and Interiors Sector trade association) has worked solar collectors. Low grade heat generated
with others to develop an initiative to signal that by transpired solar collectors in the building’s
materials will be re-used or recycled at the end of envelope can be stored during summer and
their use within a built asset. Pre-cycle agreements subsequently released, on demand, when
will be issued by manufacturers at the point-of-sale required during the winter. The heat is stored
and confirms that there is a take-back scheme for using chemical salts synthesised onto a host
the product or material at the end-of-a-use case; matrix, which under testing has shown energy
the agreement also confirms that none of the densities above 500 kWh/m3 and heat release
material returned will be sent to landfill. greater than 60oC.

This simple initiative is designed to encourage Health & Safety

manufacturers to develop products that are
designed for deconstruction, using materials that The implementation of BIM Level 2, and the
can be viewed as a resource and not waste. ability to accurately model construction and
operational scenarios before work even begins
on site, has significant potential to reduce health
& safety risk in construction and asset operation.
From a product supplier’s perspective, accurate
and maintained asset information can be
accessed by facilities management teams on any
product that requires maintenance, including any
potential hazardous materials, maintenance and
replacement information.

The BIM4Regs special interest group, set up as

part of the BIM Level 2 programme, is exploring
methods of using BIM to demonstrate and check
Buildings as material banks compliance with building regulations. The ability
to check accurate models at an early stage can
BAMB (Buildings As Materials Bank) is a four year further reduce any risk of non-compliance.
long project funded by the European Commission
(under the H2020 call) which started at the end of
2015. 16 partners from eight European countries
are working together to enable a systemic shift in
the building sector by creating circular solutions.
Whether an industry goes circular or not depends
on the value of the materials within it, and so
BAMB is looking to create ways to increase this
value. The project is developing and integrating
tools that will enable the shift; Materials Passports
and Reversible Building Design – supported by
new business models, policy propositions and
management and decision-making models. During
the course of the project these new approaches
will be demonstrated and refined with input from
six pilot projects.

3.6 Growth

Digital technologies are already widespread BIM into the Government’s Construction Strategy,
throughout the UK economy, but there is much in 2012. The sector has grown 18.0% since then
to benefit from companies across all sectors of and is currently worth over £50.0 billion from a
the economy making the best use of digitalisation. total UK construction sector that is worth £128
In 2016, the CBI highlighted that 92% of member billion.
firms surveyed stated that there were clear
economic benefits to be gained from greater use Since 2012 we have seen the majority of product
of digitalisation and 73% of firms stated that there suppliers invest in BIM (58% according to the
were clear job creation benefits. 2015 BIM4M2 survey), and the BIM4M2 (BIM
for Manufacturers and Manufacturing) special
In the broader European market, the benefits of interest group becoming replicated internationally.
increased digitalisation are significant. McKinsey According to a recent report by Barclays on
estimates that a digital single market could add automation, 75% of respondents from the
between €145 billion and €375 billion to annual construction product sector have already invested
GDP by 2022 due to sectors that extensively in automation, the third highest sector behind
utilise digitalisation. Furthermore, it estimates that if heavy industry and medical devices. So the
sectors that do not extensively utilise digitalisation, construction product sector is investing in the
such as manufacturing and construction, were to future, but more investment and longer-term
double their digital intensity then the digitalisation certainty is needed from Government and industry
of companies in Europe could add €2.5 trillion to alike.
European GDP by 2025.
Through a combination of initiatives and targets,
Growth in the UK construction product sector the UK construction product sector has the
is no longer just a nice-to-have. It is essential if potential to grow by 63% to £82.4 billion by 2025,
the UK is to remain competitive internationally from 37% to 52% of construction output.
in terms of smart assets and cities, and to reduce
the trade gap between imports and exports of
construction products.

The UK construction products sector was worth

£42.9 billion in 2011, prior to the introduction of

Potential growth in the UK construction product sector through £158

automation, digital processes and manufacturer-led supply chains Billion
2025 Uk
10% of construction output delivered by


manufacturer-led supply chain

Additional growth in construction

Reduction in trade gap by 50%

2014 Uk
Growth through automation

output 2014-2025

£12.72 Billion

+25% +63%
£5.04 Billion
£6.93 Billion +10%
£7.1 Billion +14%
£82.4 Billion

£50.6 Billion +14%

£50.6 Billion

Construction Construction
product output product output

Figure 27

Automation In 2015, 79% of the trade gap by value was for
finished products, with only the remaining 21%
A recent Price Waterhouse Cooper’s report being for raw materials or semi-finished products. If
(PWC2014) suggests that German manufacturers the UK construction product sector is to grow to
invest on average 3.3 percent of their turnover in meet demand, there needs to be investment in the
Industry 4.0, and expect to get a return of 12.5% whole manufacturing chain to enable an increase
of turnover as a result over the next decade. If the in exports of the high value finished product. As
UK construction product sector were to invest the already discussed, automation is likely to form
same percentage and achieve similar returns, this a key part of the success in this area, but also
will lead to a £7.1 billion growth of the sector. increasing the re-use of products and materials by
A survey by Barclays (Barclays 2015), suggests that implementing a circular construction economy is
larger manufacturers are more likely to invest in likely to add significant value.
automation than smaller organisation (only 21% of Manufacturer-led supply chains
manufacturers with turnover less than £1m have
already invested, whereas 71% with turnovers The typical investment cycle for a manufacturing
in excess of £10 million have already invested). business is likely to be between 10 and 30 years
However, due to the nature of the construction for new facilities, so much longer than a typical
industry where many suppliers are used on construction firm or parliamentary cycle. Bearing
any given project and integrated into systems, in mind that a significant proportion of UK product
investment in automation and digitalisation does supply is delivered by multi-national companies
not only benefit larger manufacturers who are who can choose where to build their new
more likely to invest, but also their wider supply factories, it is important for UK growth that the
chain partners. environment is encouraging for investment in UK
In addition to the potential for economic growth,
the investment in automation is predicted to Due to the fragmented nature of the construction
increase manufacturing jobs within construction industry, it can often be difficult for manufacturers
by 4,627 by 2020, and 10,263 by 2025, with a to ascertain the future size of market for their
further 3,163 additional jobs in other parts of the products. However, driven largely through
economy. digitalisation of the construction industry led by the
Government’s BIM strategies, there is the potential
Additional growth in construction output to change and provide much greater certainty. In
The UK construction sector is expected to a traditional construction market, manufacturers
grow to £158 billion by 2025. If the construction are often concerned that their products will be
product sector were to grow at the same rate to substituted for alternatives that may, or may not be
keep up with demand, this would mean an increase of the same value for an asset, but may be cheaper
of £14 billion, but as £7.1 billion can already be at face value. Through BIM Levels 2 and 3, and
delivered through the efficiencies of automation, increasing awareness of the value of products in
the sector needs to grow by a further £6.93 use, it is easier to make informed decisions on the
billion just to meet demand. If this isn’t achieved, right product for the client. In addition, there is the
the trade gap (difference between import and potential for manufacturers to lead the delivery of
exports of construction products and materials) is large proportions of an asset, or in some cases the
likely to increase by 88% from £7.8 billion in 2015 full delivery. As with the Wienerberger example in
to £14.73 billion in 2025. Section 3.4, a large manufacturer has assembled a
consortium of manufacturers to deliver a whole
Reducing the trade gap house solution, delivered in line with BIM Level
2, and in doing so guarantee their product sales
In the Government’s Construction 2025 strategy, for any asset delivered using that model. This
one of the key commitments is to reduce the approach not only has the potential to increase
trade gap for construction products and materials volumes of product sales, but also the margins that
by 50% by 2025. With the forecast growth in can be achieved. As the margins and volume are
construction output this means that to achieve both increased, it is possible to reduce, or in some
the reduction, the UK construction product sector instances eliminate the need to charge margins for
needs to grow by an additional £5.04 billion the assembly or integration of an asset. Based on
by 2020. The challenge is not simply the scale of average on-costs for construction of 5% for main
growth required, but also the structural change. contractors, 6% for integrators

(Tier 2s) and 12% for specialist contractors, if 10% 3.7 Leadership
of the UK’s construction output were delivered
this way it can provide a £12.72 billion growth to The construction product sector has a significant
the UK construction product sector. This does not role to play in the potential for a circular
include any additional volume of products, only the construction economy, through providing
increased margins from optimising the supply chain. smarter assets, more efficient production and
At the same time, it leads to over £800 million of servitisation, and through reverse logistics to keep
savings on construction spend by reducing waste the value of materials at their highest at all times.
and unnecessary on-costs through the supply chain. The sector needs consistency in its approach
A further benefit of this approach is the reduced if it is to fully achieve its potential through
risk associated with availability of labour. A recent digitalisation, however assets are delivered very
Build UK State of Trade Survey reports that 18% differently in different parts of the industry
of contractor respondents say labour shortages dependent on the organisations involved. Here
have resulted in late completion of work, and 16% we describe three categories and potential
say labour shortages have prevented them from approaches to providing consistent approaches
bidding for work. towards digitalisation:

International growth 1. Client-led - where capital delivery is driven

by a repeat client, with a consistent and clear
The ability for manufacturer consortia to deliver approach that supply chains are familiar with.
combined offers and to export these is significantly Such an approach can be linked directly to
enhanced through the application of BIM and business requirements, and enable shared best
Industry 4.0, as the value can be demonstrated practice and measurement across a portfolio.
before construction begins. HMG and the BIM Level 2 mandate is a good
example of this in action. For the construction
Indirectly, there are further benefits to the UK
product sector, the information requirements
construction products sector and UK economy
should be clearly defined, however they may be
through the UK becoming a world leader in BIM
different for a number of individual clients.
within the construction products sector. Exports of
construction products only account for 15% of UK 2. Consortium-led - where an intelligent,
construction products manufacturing and the UK integrated supply chain is in place that works
currently operates a trade deficit on construction together to deliver projects to numerous clients,
products. However, if the UK can continue its and employ consistent approaches in doing so.
progress to become a world leader in its use The e4 house consortium is a good example,
of BIM then it creates a first-mover advantage and in that case it is led by a manufacturer,
through technological leadership and effectively Weinerberger. As with the client-led option,
creates a new market through which construction there should be clearly defined information
product manufacturers can export their requirements for product manufacturers to
knowledge and processes throughout the world. respond to, although in this model the approach
As a consequence of this, the UK’s construction is driven by the value information management
supply chain will then be in a prime position to adds to the supply chain and the client.
take advantage of its knowledge and experience in
BIM in an increasingly digitalised global construction 3. Common - mass adoption of a common
sector. The global construction sector was worth approach, likely to be as a result of either
an estimated £5.7 trillion in 2015 and is expected legislation or recommendations by industry
to grow to £6.7 trillion in 2020 before rising to bodies such as trade associations or professional
£10.3 trillion in 2030. institutes. This market segment can provide the
greatest challenge to product manufacturers
and supply chains, as it can be very inconsistent
and require a number of different responses to
approaches developed in silos.

4.0 The skills challenge
New roles, skills and processes in a more open, collaborative environment. Engaging a new
generation and cross-sector expertise
In addition to the technological changes envisaged Getting future generations excited about
over the coming decades, there are also significant construction: Class Of Your Own
socio-economic and demographic shifts occuring;
the United Nations, for example, predicts an The ‘Adopt a School’ scheme was established
increase in urban population of 2.45 billion by by Class Of Your Own, the social business
2050, which alone has a real impact on the led by Alison Watson, creator of the Design
availability of labour. Whilst this report focusses on Engineer Construct! (DEC!) learning
the UK construction product sector, it is important programme. The national scheme assists
to be aware of the impact of global value chains organisations to provide genuine support for
and global manufacturing businesses who can secondary school teachers and their students
choose to locate their resources (physical and as they progress through DEC!, complementing
human) in any number of territories (it’s common structured teacher training and workshops
for these businesses to have centres of excellence that focus on developing key digital skills and
for different job functions to take advantage of a firm understanding of modern technical and
capability and availability of resources). With the professional processes in the built environment.
rapid development of digitalisation through BIM
Design Engineer Construct!
Levels 2, 3 and 4, global access to construction
http://designengineerconstruct. com/
products is set to increase significantly. Therefore,
in considering the skills shift required over the next
decade and beyond, we also need to consider
which future roles and skills will best support through retirement or any other means is unlikely
future growth of UK industry. Do digitalisation to be the answer for the future of the industry. By
and automation mean fewer employees? Do they one estimate, 65% of children entering primary
mean there is likely to be more off-shoring of skills? school today will ultimately end up working in
These are risks, but previous evidence of significant completely new jobs that don’t currently exist.
technological change such as the steam engine,
production line and electricity suggest otherwise. To enable construction product manufacturers
However, the labour market will be disrupted to take advantage of the opportunities discussed
and occupations and tasks will undoubtedly in Section 3, including supply chain optimisation,
change. Recent figures produced by the OECD automation, product installation and new
(2016) suggest that across all sectors, 10% of all commercial models, there needs to be an
UK jobs are at a high risk of automation (over equivalent shift in the mix and availability of skills
70% risk). That compares to an average across and roles. With the rapid digitalisation of the
all OECD countries of 8.9%, and a maximum of construction sector and increase in automation, we
12% (Austria). However, in addition a further 25% need to look beyond the traditional boundaries of
of UK jobs are forecast to have a 50-70% risk construction; with increased focus on the whole
of a significant change in the tasks that they will life of an asset identified in Construction 2025
perform. and being delivered through Level 2 BIM and
Digital Built Britain, a product supplier’s significance
The UK construction industry has lost 343,000 through the lifecycle is increased, as is the need for
jobs since the financial crisis and will lose another new skills to support this shift. However, many of
400,000 to retirement in the coming decade. the skills required in a more digitalised world are
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) common across a number of industries, and will
estimates that we will need approximately become increasingly so.
224,000 construction workers over the next five
years. However, in looking to attract current and To assess the potential impact of digitalisation
future generations into the built environment, and automation on construction product
it is important to appreciate that like-for-like manufacturers, we have used an approach similar
replacement of those skills likely to be lost to the World Economic Forum, OECD and

Frey & Osborne. The detailed methodology they do represent a clear trend. In terms of
is described in Appendix A, but is based on numbers of roles potentially impacted, based on
analysing the skills and abilities required for a current numbers employed in each role in the
range of occupations described in the O*Net UK over 880,000 (41%) of individual roles are at
Content Model, and applying the potential risk of risk of automation. However, recent analysis by
automation to these occupations to identify the OECD (2016) that focusses on the automation
potential shift in skills to support those roles that of tasks instead of occupations, suggests that the
are less likely to be automated. estimates are high. If the cross-sector percentages
for automation are applied, it would reduce the
Figure 30 (pages 52-53) presents the detailed number of individual roles impacted across the
analysis of the identified occupations, skills 39 occupations to 217,000 (10%), with a further
and abilities along with their potential risk of 540,000 (25%) having a significant impact on the
automation, and Figure 29 provides a key to the tasks that they perform.
Figure 28 highlights the key skills and abilities that
The analysis suggests that across the 39 different are required across the 39 occupations studied,
occupations assessed the range in risk of and for three different scenarios:
automation is extreme, from 0.3% chance of
automation to 98% chance. There are however 1. Existing product manufacturing model,
clear trends, which as we would expect, more supply only
routine, lower skilled jobs are significantly more
likely to be automated. Roles at skill Level 1 2. As above, plus assembly of products or systems
(defined in SOC 2010 as roles requiring general 3. As above, plus design services beyond the
education) are at a 75% risk of automation, scope of a manufactucturer’s product, for
whereas those at skill Level 4 (defined as example the complete design of an asset
professional or high level managerial roles) are only
at a 5% risk of automation. Whilst these figures It also indicates those skills and abilities that are
need to be used with caution, as likelihood of required in roles at a low risk of automation.
automation is impacted by a number of factors,

Skills and abilities impacted by digitalisation Figure 28

Across manufacturing Key SKILLS

• Monitoring self and others
Key ABILITIES • Critical thinking
• Manual dexterity and precision • Active listening
• Problem sensitivity • Equipment operation and control
• Logical reasoning • Reading comprehension

+ assemble Key SKILLS

• Coordinating with others
Key ABILITIES • Quality control
• Physical strength • Oral expression
• Visualisation • Judgement and decision making
• Cognitive flexibility • Time management

+ assemble + design Key SKILLS

• Complex problem solving
Key ABILITIES • Active learning
• Mathematical reasoning • People management
• Written expression
• ICT literacy

ABILITIES and SKILLS listed in white text are not within the top 5 SKILLS or top 3 ABILITIES for roles at a high risk
of automation. All listed SKILLS and ABILITIES are cumulative, so those identified in + assemble are in addition to
those already identified in Across Manufacturing

Key to Figure 30
Level 1

Percentage likelihood of automation 72% 97% 98% 82% 65% 91% Skills Level 2 82% 97% 88% 93% 83% 37% 18% 95% 0% 82% 77% 72% 17% 68% Skills Level 3
81% 15% 24% 75% 49% 67% 36% 84% 39% 94% 4% 10% Skills Level 4
1% 3% 3% 13% 2% 2%

Total currently employed 122,134 43,156 43,759 45,829 4,736 12,467 31,974 22.002 32,109 20,714 15,677 6,802 23,863 119,592 11,985 27,428 68,596 101,497 55,645 26,368 21,683 187,702 67,084 8,745 33,146 4,556 24,069 14,807 8,162 68,183 23,821 35,093 153,683 263,052 62,691 257,224 39,526 27,013

Number likely to be automated 87,936 41,861 42,884 37,580 9,578 11,345 26,219 21,342 28,256 19,264 13,012 2,517 4,295 113,612 36 22,491 52,819 73,078 9,460 17,930 17,568 28,155 16,100 6,559 16,242 3,053 8,665 12,438 3,183 64,092 834 3,509 1,998 7,892 1,818 33,439 672 0

Cognitive flexibility Key

High relevance
Creativity .

Logical reasoning

Cognitive &
Problem sensitivity .
Low relevance
Mathematical reasoning Not relevant

Manual dexterity and precision

Physical strength

Active learning

Oral expression
Reading comprehension
Written expression

ICT literacy complex,

Active listening

Critical thinking
Monitoring self and others

Complex social,
problem solving

technical and
People management

Time management
system skills
Coordinating with others

Emotional intelligence


Judgement and decision making

Equipment maintenance and repair

Equipment operation and control


Quality control


Core manufacturing
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 role
Mobile machine drivers and

Programmers and software

Research and development

Moulders, core makers and
Rubber process operatives

development professionals
Assemblers (electrical and

directors in manufacturing
Actuaries, economists and
Construction and building
Metal making and treating

Production managers and

Paper and wood machine

Plastic process operatives

Assemblers (vehicles and

Buyers and procurement

Elementary construction

Electrical and electronics

Electrical and electronics

Stock control clerks and

List of individual roles, colour-coded as:

Process operatives n.e.c

refridgeration engineers
Assemblers and routine

Tool makers, tool fitters

Production and process

subcontract role
Bricklayers and masons

Carpenters and joiners

Scaffolders, stagers and

Engineering technicians

Floorers and wall tilers

production technicians
Planning, process and
with potential for
electronic products)

Air-conditioning and

Marketing and sales

Roles Roles

Electrical engineers
process operatives

trades supervisors
Plant and machine


and markers-out
operatives n.e.c

operatives n.e.c

operatives n.e.c

Core manufacturing role Assembly / subcontract role Specification / selection role

Welding trades
Crane drivers
metal goods)

IT engineers



die casters



selection role with

potential for loT


100,000 or greater

Number currently employed Volume of

in a role in the UK
employed in a
Number potentially role in the UK

impacted by automation Volume of

thise employed
Potential volume of that are
likely to be
Automation automated

0 49

Figure 29

It is clear that automation is likely to have the most whilst more highly skilled roles are less likely to be
significant impact on the labour market in more fully automated, they are likely to become more
routine occupations at skill Levels 1 and 2, and also focussed on the less repetitive, more cognitive
that the key skills and abilities that will be impacted tasks and abilities.
by automation from those studied apply to current
manufacturing roles. In terms of developing future As described in Section 3.3 (page 33), whilst the
skills therefore, there needs to be a focus on those focus for future skills development is likely to be
required for more highly skilled roles, and those for highly skilled roles, the potential for automation
that are likely to apply to a number of current through Industry 4.0 within the manufacturing
and future occupations. By focussing on skills sector provides a significant opportunity for UK
and abilities, comparisons can also be made with industry to optimise production processes, and
current occupations and training in other industries enable production to remain in the UK, whilst
that require similar capabilities, to understand providing the ability to take advantage of supply
where there may be cross-over. Digital Built Britain, chain integration and export. A focus on highly
and the general trends to improved information skilled roles alone is likely to have a detrimental
management and increased awareness of the impact on both the UK labour market and
operational phases of assets is having a significant economy.
impact on more highly skilled roles within the
built environment. Through effective processes
and the availability of structured data, decision-
making is becoming more evidence-based, and

Percentage likelihood of automation 72% 97% 98% 82% 65% 91% 82% 97% 88% 93% 83% 37% 18% 95% 0% 82% 77%

Total currently employed 122,134 43,156 43,759 45,829 4,736 12,467 31,974 22.002 32,109 20,714 15,677 6,802 23,863 119,592 11,985 27,428 68,596

Number likely to be automated 87,936 41,861 42,884 37,580 9,578 11,345 26,219 21,342 28,256 19,264 13,012 2,517 4,295 113,612 36 22,491 52,819

Cognitive flexibility


Logical reasoning

Problem sensitivity

Mathematical reasoning


Manual dexterity and precision

Physical strength

Active learning

Oral expression

Reading comprehension

Written expression

ICT literacy

Active listening

Critical thinking

Monitoring self and others

Complex problem solving

People management

Time management

Coordinating with others

Emotional intelligence


Judgement and decision making

Equipment maintenance and repair

Equipment operation and control


Quality control


Level 1 Level 2
Mobile machine drivers and

Rubber process operatives

Assemblers (electrical and

Metal making and treating

Paper and wood machine

Plastic process operatives

Assemblers (vehicles and

Buyers and procurement

Elementary construction

Stock control clerks and

Process operatives n.e.c

refridgeration engineers
Assemblers and routine

Bricklayers and masons

Scaffolders, stagers and
electronic products)

Air-conditioning and

process operatives

Plant and machine

operatives n.e.c

operatives n.e.c

operatives n.e.c
Crane drivers
metal goods)




100,000 or greater

Potential volume of

Figure 30
72% 17% 68% 81% 15% 24% 75% 49% 67% 36% 84% 39% 94% 4% 10% 1% 3% 3% 13% 2% 2%

101,497 55,645 26,368 21,683 187,702 67,084 8,745 33,146 4,556 24,069 14,807 8,162 68,183 23,821 35,093 153,683263,052 62,691 257,224 39,526 27,013

73,078 9,460 17,930 17,568 28,155 16,100 6,559 16,242 3,053 8,665 12,438 3,183 64,092 834 3,509 1,998 7,892 1,818 33,439 672 0
High relevance
Low relevance
Not relevant

Core manufacturing
Level 3 Level 4 role
Programmers and software

Research and development

Moulders, core makers and

development professionals

directors in manufacturing
Actuaries, economists and
Construction and building

Production managers and

Electrical and electronics

Electrical and electronics

Tool makers, tool fitters

Production and process

subcontract role
Carpenters and joiners

Engineering technicians

Floorers and wall tilers

production technicians
Planning, process and

with potential for

Marketing and sales
Electrical engineers
trades supervisors


and markers-out

Welding trades
IT engineers


die casters



selection role with

potential for loT

Volume of
individuals currently
employed in a role
in the UK

Volume of thise
employed that
are likely to be
5.0 BIM Level 2 and Catapults - Setting
the direction Box 4: Steps in the right direction

“The first question we looked to answer was,

HMG’s BIM Level 2 programme has enabled ‘How can BIM improve OUR business process?’
manufacturers to share product information After a period of initial research, we saw an
in more accessible forms than has previously opportunity to take aspects of BIM and use
been achievable. The awareness of data and the these to strengthen Cubicle Centre’s position
possibilities effective use can bring have been in the market.
widespread. As a result many manufacturers are
Most washroom projects demand a fast
using data and information modelling to change
turnaround. Cubicle Centre already had
the way they operate internally, as well as sharing
some of the shortest lead times in the
information with others in the construction supply
cubicle industry. By digitalising the design-to-
chain. However, there are a number of formats
manufacture process we have been able to
in which product information can be provided,
further reduce lead times.
in many different templates, which can cause
confusion for all concerned. To achieve consistency, Moving from hand-drawn manufacturer
a new initiative called LEXiCON has been drawings and typing cutting lists into
developed by the construction product sector spreadsheets, Cubicle Centre now models
with HMG BIM Task Group, and is now being led washrooms with manufacturer-level BIM
by the CPA. HMG’s BIM Task Group developed a objects. Cutting lists are automatically
Product Data Definition specification to enable generated from the data within these intelligent
consistency and interoperability of product components.
information through the BIM process. LEXiCON is
the implementation of this specification by industry. Evolving from hand-drawing to modelling
has the potential to save the business five
working weeks per year in office hours.
Customers receive clearer information (2D and
Figure 31: The Product DNA Concept, forming the basis for 3D), improving communication earlier on in
LEXiCON and enabling translation of information requirements our process. We are also seeing the benefit
between request for information and information response of using 100% accurate data - reducing
errors and costs.

The last five years have been the start of our

journey towards a digital process. The next step
is to explore how we make this process even
Obtainable - ‘a product’ more efficient, extracting data from the model
to drive machinery.”

- Craig Sewell, Marketing Director,

Production Cubicle Centre
- making and

Installed - an
installed product
- how a product can be used in
a specific application or project

© Thompson 2016

LEXiCON - decoding the built environment LEXiCON then enables translation between
the request and response by mapping to core
The concept of LEXiCON is to provide a plain properties, but all of this is done under the hood;
language approach to defining information most of the industry don’t need to know or see
requirements, based on information that is how this is done, or learn a new language to enable
needed for a purpose. The aim is to enable the exchange of information, as this leads to errors and
efficient flow of quality information on products poor quality data.
and systems through the life cycle of an asset. In
the current marketplace there are a number of Both the request and response should use real-
methods for defining information requirements world definitions, and where possible come from
for products, however from a manufacturer’s existing recognised sources, such as British or
perspective it is difficult to provide information International standards, specification or costing
in the number of different formats to meet systems or as defined by a specific industry body.
everyone’s needs, and to keep the information up LEXiCON provides a plain language dictionary
to date, leading to the potential for inaccurate or which enables translation between the two, and
incomplete information. LEXiCON focusses on the the necessary exchange of information, occurs
language that should be used, and providing the within the virtual world of open information
tools to enable users to select which information exchange, which the majority of actors within
they need, and in which format.The language the product and asset life cycles do not need
used needs to be accessible to everyone that is to concern themselves with. The approach is
requesting or providing information; if you need intended to increase the accessibility of product
information, you should be able to ask for it in a information for both those requesting and those
language that you are familiar with, for example providing information. The concept also enables
‘I want this amount and type of space’, ‘I want to information to be defined for any point in the life
achieve this performance’. If you are providing cycle, meaning that information sets can be created
information you should be able to provide it in between the key information exchanges within a
a language and form you are familiar with, for project and used to track changes in specifications
example ‘my product spans 8m’, ‘this detail achieves and responsibilities. For example, the tools
an improvement of 5dB over building regulations’, identify which role (for example manufacturer,
‘here’s my Declaration of Performance’. installer) should provide information in response
to a question, and also identify who has actually
completed the information, so every response has
an identified owner.

Product trade
associations & Professional institutes &
merchants other industry bodies

Product Service

Figure 32: Relevant Authorities

(recognised industry bodies with relevant
expertise) provide the governance
to produce a common language for
Newly formed authorities to define product data, and approve templates to
specific requirements provide product data

In addition to products, systems and elements, including professional institutes and bodies, with
the approach can be applied to interfaces such the role of implementing BIM Level 2 across the
as the junctions between walls and floors, or UK built environment sector between now and
walls and roofs. By linking existing common 2020.
terminology to open exchange standards such
as IFC 4 (Industry Foundation Classes), the To enable information requirements from a
information from different asset life cycle stages range of sources and disciplines to be considered,
and granularity can be mapped to relevant and to enable the flow of information between
information requirements at a product level. For different actors and life cycle stages, sources of
example, the need at an early stage for a large information requirements are categorised by
clear span space can be mapped to structural their type as described in Figure 33. This enables
systems that are capable of achieving the information requirements to be selected quickly,
requirements later in the specification / delivery and data templates to be created and tailored to
phase. different needs at any stage in the life cycle of an
LEXiCON is a world first, and provides
manufacturers and other users with the ability By focusing on providing a common language,
to define information requirements easily, and the tools and templates created in LEXiCON
for free. The tool is freely available through the can be used across different software platforms
Construction Products Association’s website and and information can be requested to the level
is governed by recognised industry bodies known of detail or quantity that suits the purpose; if
as Relevant Authorities, to ensure the language only one line of data is required to answer a
being used is correct and consistent. Whilst question, one line of data can be requested, and
data dictionaries and product templates exist the response can be tracked to include who has
elsewhere, never before has there been such provided the response.
broad industry engagement and governance, with By using GUIDS (globally unique identifiers) for
over 70 percent of UK trade associations signing each property, information can be shared between
up to become Relevant Authorities and managing different parties and software packages, and enable
how their products are defined. From a process data to be either included in, linked or separated
side, the Lead Relevant Authority is the UK BIM from the geometrical model.
Alliance, representing a cross-industry group

1 hEN Essential
Essential requirements for Construction Product Regulations

2 Standard Requirements Other requirements from ISO, EN or national standards

Industry-recognised requirements, e.g. NRM,

3 Industry Standards

3A Mandated

3B Non-mandated

Industry-agreed, approved by Relevant Authority 4 Industry-agreed

Client-specific requirements 5 Client-specific

User-defined, not approved by Relevant Authority 6 User-defined

Figure 33: Different information source types, enabling information from a number of sources to be filtered to specify exactly what is required using a
common language.

5.1 Catapults
What is a Catapult?
The Government’s Catapult Programme
provides excellent opportunities to develop The Catapult Programme was announced by the UK
and prepare for commercialisation of innovative Government in October 2010, to close the gap between
technologies in areas of potential growth. The innovation and commercialisation. The Catapult Programme
existing Catapults only touch the edges of the is key to the UK’s aim to rebalance the economy by
construction product sector, the most relevant spreading economic success across sectors and supporting
being: our world class industries, as set out in the Government’s
Plan for Growth, the Science and Innovation Strategy and
• High Value Manufacturing Catapult
the Industrial Strategies. The Catapult themes were selected
• Digital Catapult for their competitive strength and their potential for
generating significant growth to the UK economy.
• Future Cities Catapult
“High value manufacturing is the application of leading-
With the structural change in the construction edge technical knowledge and expertise to the creation
industry over the next ten years, and the of products, production processes, and associate services
construction product sector’s importance to the which have strong potential to bring sustainable growth and
UK economy in particular to reduce the trade gap high economic value to the UK.”
and support smart cities and assets, we believe
the construction sector should be recognised as High Value Manufacturing Strategy 2012-15 – Innovate UK
High Value Manufacturing. We aim to encourage
investment within the sector and provide the
necessary support to provide the solid platform
required for future growth.

6.0 Stronger together - industry and
government working in partnership
Key recommendations for Government and industry to deliver sustainable growth in the UK
construction product sector

Recommendations Description
The UK construction product sector The construction product sector provides over a third of construction
should be recognised as High Value turnover in the UK, and is a crucial enabler for the application of disruptive
Manufacturing technologies and growth in the wider built environment. Industry 4.0, the
circular economy, intelligent assets, smart cities and BIM (Building Information
Modelling) rely heavily on the growth and digitalisation of the sector.

Investment in automation and Investment from both HM Government and Industry in automation and
Industry 4.0 initiatives in the Industry 4.0 initiatives relating to construction products is essential to
construction product sector enable the necessary growth in the sector and attract global manufacturers
to the UK for both production and high value servitisation activities.
Without investment in automation there is an increased risk of falling
behind internationally.

Manufacturers to sponsor schools The “Adopt a School” scheme assists organisations to provide genuine
through Class Of Your Own support for secondary school teachers and their students, focussing on
initiative developing key digital skills a firm understanding of modern technical and
professional processes in the built environment.

Investment in cross-sector skills, The skills landscape is significantly changing and will continue to do so with
research and development focussing the disruptive technologies that are already beginning to be implemented
on the impacts of digitalisation, across the built environment and wider economy. Research and strategies for
automation and servitisation and future skills requirements are urgently needed, and go beyond traditional skills
future skills requirements and roles within the built environment.

Government and industry to explore Construction products are typically certified based on laboratory testing
certification of construction products and performance, which is very different to performance in-use. The use of
and systems based on performance sensors, real-time feedback and data analytics can increase understanding of
in use, enabled by integration of actual performance, and reduce the as-designed, as-built performance gap to
telemetry and analytics provide more energy-efficient assets.

World BIM leadership Ensure that the UK’s position as a leader in digitalisation of construction is
supported on the world stage; critically, continuing involvement in the
development of European and world standards and methodology. The
international adoption of methodologies aligned to those developed in the
UK is immensely valuable for UK business.

HM Government promotion of the Promotion of the UK construction product sector to the wider economy and
UK construction product sector population at large. Giving support on the national stage to the construction
industry and its digitalisation provides momentum and leverage with other
parts of the economy and its customers.

Government thought leadership Continue to provide the thought leadership and consistent national voice for
digital support. This has been extremely successful in the organisation and
promotion of BIM to date. Continued non-financial support is critical.

Promote leading edge technologies Development of leading edge initiatives is critical and many projects are being
developed through Innovate UK. To ensure the UK keeps its prime position,
further technical developments are required. Materials and products can then
identify maintenance or replacement requirements.

Appendix A - Skills Analysis Methodology
The UK’s Standard Occupational Classification The most common and most important skills and
(SOC) 2010 classification has been used to identify abilities are then identified for each of the three
occupations that are relevant to construction main scenarios to ascertain what additional skills
product manufacturing. In addition, roles were and abilities construction product manufacturers
identified that may form part of a product are likely to need in the future. The three scenarios
manufacturer’s scope in the next 10 years as a are:
result of digitalisation and other trends identified in
this report. • existing product manufacturing model, supply
Each occupation described in SOC 2010 is
identified as requiring a skill Level from 1 to 4, • as above, plus assembly of products or systems
with 1 being general education and 4 being more • as above, plus design services beyond the scope
complex, technical or managerial occupations. of a manufacturer’s product, for example the
Along with each identified relevant occupation, the complete design of an asset
number of employees currently employed in a role
in the UK is recorded from the ONS Table EMP04: Skills and abilities most relevant to occupations
Employment by occupation April-June 2015.
For the purposes of analysis of the skills and
Cognitive abilities Physical abilities
abilities required for a given occupation, the O*Net
Content Model is used, which also identifies • Cognitive flexibility • Manual dexterity and
relevant tasks and qualifications. The O*Net • Creativity precision
classification does not map directly to the UK • Logical reasoning • Physical strength
SOC 2010. Instead, the SOC 2010 occupations • Problem sensitivity
are mapped to the International Standard
• Mathematical reasoning
Occupational Classification (ISOC 2008), and then
from ISOC to O*Net. This process leaves the 39 • Visualisation
occupations included in the final analysis.

To summarise the skills and abilities that are most Skills

relevant to each occupation, the skills and abilities Content skills Technical skills
have been grouped into the categories shown in • Active learning • Equipment maintenance
Figure 34 and repair
• Oral expression
The top five skills and abilities for each occupation • Reading comprehension • Equipment operation and
are colour-coded on the chart, with all relevant control
• Written expression
other identified skills and abilities identified as a • Programming
• ICT literacy
single colour. • Quality control
The likelihood of automation is assessed by using • Troubleshooting
Process skills
the possibility ratio for each role as identified in the • Active listening
Frey & Osborne study, ‘The Future of Employment: Complex problem
• Critical thinking
How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?’ solving skills
The ratio is then applied to the number currently • Monitoring self and others
• Complex problem solving
employed to identify the potential impact of • People management
automation on each occupation. Social skills
• Time management
• Coordinating with others
• Emotional intelligence
Systems skills
• Persuasion
• Judgement and decision

Figure 34

Further reading
Foresight (2013) Department for Business, Innovation and
The Future of Manufacturing: A New Era Skills (2013)
of Opportunity And Challenge For The UK, Industrial Strategy: Government and industry in
Government Office for Science partnership, Construction 2025

ONS (2016), Construction Products Association (2015)

Monthly Bulletin of Building Materials and Product Manufacturing Capacity Utilisation Update
Components - May 2016
Construction Products Association (2015)
UKCES (2015) Skills Report 2015
Sector insights: skills and performance challenges
in the advanced manufacturing sector, Evidence World Economic Forum (2016)
Report 93 World Economic Forum White Paper, Digital
Transformation of Industries
The Manufacturer (2016)
Annual Manufacturing Report 2016 Ellen Macarthur Foundation (2016)
Intelligent Assets: Unlocking The Circular Economy
All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Potential
Group (2014)
Remanufacturing: Towards a Resource Efficient UKCES (2014)
Economy The Future of Work: Jobs and skills in 2030

BIM4M2 INSEAD, Johnson and WIPO (2015)The

http://www.bim4m2.co.uk/curve/compass.html Global Innovation Indes 2015 - Effective Innovation
(accessed May 2016), BIM4M2 Compass Policies for Development

Department for Business Innovation and Skills Deloitte (2016)

(2015) Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index 2016
Industrial Strategy: Strengthening UK manufacturing Infrastructure and Projects Authority (2016)
supply chains, an action plan for government and Government Construction Strategy 2016-2020
McKinsey Global Institute (2013)
Department for Business Disruptive Technologies: Advance that will
Innovation and Skills (2015) transform life, business and the global economy
Digital Built Britain - Level 3 Building Information
Modelling - Strategic Plan PWC (2014)
Industry 4.0 - Opportunities and Challenges of the
Department for Business, Innovation and Industrial Internet
Skills (2015)
Digital Built Britain - Level 3 Building Information Brand (1994)
Modelling - Strategic Plan How Buildings Learn - What Happens After
They’re Built
Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills (2011) Department for Business, Innovation and
A report for the Government Construction Client Skills (2013)
Group - Building Information Modelling (BIM) Supply Chain Analysis into the Construction
Working Party Strategy Paper Industry

Department for Business, Innovation and UKCES (2013)

Skills (2015) Technology and skills in the Construction Industry,
Business Populations for the UK and Regions 2015 Evidence Report 74

The Manufacturer (2016) Frey and Osborne (2013)
The Manufacturer Industry 4.0 UK Readiness The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are
Report Jobs to Computerisation?

World Economic Forum (2012) World Economic Forum (2016)

The Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities to The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and
drive economic growth Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial
World Economic Forum (2016)
Shaping the Future of Construction: A Design Engineer Construct!
Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology http://designengineerconstruct.com/who-benefits/
Department for Business, Innovation and
Skills (2013) O*Net Online
Information Economy Strategy http://www.onetonline.org/


Automation and Independent Work in a Digital http://www.gambica.org.uk
HMG BIM Task Group (2016)
Barclays (2015) Product Data Definition: A technical specification
Futureproofing UK Manufacturing: Current for defining and sharing structured digital
investment trends and future opportunities in construction product information
robotic automation
World Economic Forum (2014)
Construction Skills Network (2016) The Future of Manufacturing: Driving Capabilities,
Industry Insights: Forecasts 2016-2020 Enhancing Investments

World Economic Forum (2016) Aston Business School (2014)

Manufacturing Our Future: Cases on the Future of Servitisation impact study: How UK based
Manufacturing manufacturing organisations are transforming
themselves to compete through advanced services
BuildUK (2016)
Build UK State of Trade Survey, Q2 2016 Empty Homes (2015)
Empty Homes England
Office for National Statistics (2010)
Standard Occupational Classification 2010: Volume
1 - Structure and descriptions of unit groups

Steve Thompson,
BIM for Manufacturers and Manufacturing (BIM4M2)
Paul Surin,
Head of Built Environment, Wienerberger Ltd

© 2016 Construction Products Association. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-909415-21-8

Construction Products Association

26 Store Street
Tel: 0207 323 3770

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