Pub - Educating Young Children With Special Needs PDF
Pub - Educating Young Children With Special Needs PDF
Pub - Educating Young Children With Special Needs PDF
Louise Porter
PhD, MA(Hons), MGE, DipEd
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page iv
Includes index.
ISBN 1 86508 779 3.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page v
Figures and tables viii
About the contributors ix
Lindsay Burnip, MEd, DipTch (Primary), DipTch (Ed of the Deaf), DipAud, is
the author of chapter 8. He is an audiologist, having originally qualified and
worked as a primary school teacher and subsequently as a teacher of the deaf. He
is a senior lecturer in the School of Education at Flinders University in South
Australia, formerly coordinating and teaching topics on hearing impairment and
currently specialising in the area of information technology, particularly as
applied to the delivery of distance education topics.
& Unwin, Sydney; also Open University Press, Buckingham, UK); Young
children’s behaviour: Practical approaches for caregivers and teachers (1999,
MacLennan & Petty, Sydney); and, co-authored with Susan McKenzie, the text
Professional collaboration with parents of children with disabilities (Whurr,
London; also MacLennan & Petty, Sydney).
The authors would like to acknowledge with gratitude the comprehensive and
insightful review of the draft of this text provided by Dr Linda Newman of the
University of Western Sydney.
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In the first four chapters of this text, the principles and inherent values of early
years education are discussed and applied to young children with additional
educational needs. As described in chapter 1, this label refers to children
with learning difficulties, those with recognised disabilities and those who are
learning at an advanced level—that is, those whom we call ‘gifted’. All these
children are included under this umbrella term, as they might not automatically
be having their needs met in regular educational programs and so are likely to
need adjustments to facilitate their productive engagement.
As well as focusing on the needs of individual children, this text examines
how practitioners can collaborate with the children’s parents or other caregivers,
engaging in a two-way sharing of information and thus enriching and expanding
the knowledge of both parents and professionals. Given that their families are an
integral part of children’s lives, we cannot consider children’s needs apart from
their family context and cannot expect to advance children’s interests unless we
equally support their families.
Even though children who are developing atypically will have some needs
in addition to the usual, not all aspects of their program will have to be modified.
They have many characteristics in common with typically developing children
and so will require many similar educational provisions; even so, aspects of their
program will need to be individualised to take account of their additional needs.
Any such curricular adjustments must be framed on the basis of detailed knowl-
edge of the children’s particular strengths and needs. This can be attained only
through assessment, which is a comprehensive and systematic process of gather-
ing educationally relevant information from a variety of sources.
The main criterion for adjusting programs for children with atypical
development is that the regular program must not be disrupted in the process.
This is most likely to be achieved when regular programs have processes in place
to plan for and meet a diversity of needs in attending children and can equip
practitioners with the knowledge, skills and support for extending their programs
to children whose needs are atypical.
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• Education in the early years has been shown to benefit children with
developmental disabilities, those experiencing educationally disadvantag-
ing circumstances, and those with typical development.
• Across the spectrum of development, children have many needs in common,
but children with atypical development have additional needs. Society has
the obligation to cater for a range of typical and atypical requirements.
• Although the ideal components of early education programs for children
with atypical needs have been difficult to identify through research, some
core values of early education imply a range of recommended practices.
In the United States, the types of educational services provided to young children
with disabilities are specified by legislation (e.g. see Cook et al. 2000); in the
United Kingdom (see Long 1996; Roffey 1999) and Australia (see Williams
1996) the legislation is less prescriptive for this population, although a general
educational framework governs some practices. Elsewhere, services for these
children are dictated only by local policy or are not yet established practice. As
for children with advanced development, where services exist at all, these are
typically recommended at policy level only, with no legislative backing. Regard-
less of the presence of a local legal imperative, however, the authors of this book
concur with the special education rationale that society has a responsibility to
provide all children with an education that meets their needs—however these are
manifested—and to support their families through relevant service provision
(Guralnick 1997).
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severe and more domain-specific than intellectual disability and so, to avoid con-
fusion, the UK terms will not be employed in this text.
In the USA, the term mental retardation is used synonymously with the two
terms favoured in Australia. However, as well as the stigma which the US label
attracts, it leaves the door open for two misunderstandings, particularly in the lay
community. The first misconception arises from the fact that its root word ‘tardy’
implies that ‘retarded’ children are able to achieve normal development—merely
later than usual. For children with severe disabilities this is not going to be the
case: intellectually, some may never progress beyond dealing with concrete
materials, having very limited capacity to reason in the abstract.
The second misconception leads to the opposite misinformation—namely,
that children who are ‘retarded’ are unable to learn anything at all. This is clearly
not the case.
Having assessed a six year-old’s developmental skills, I subsequently explained at
length to her mother that her daughter had an intellectual disability. As I was prepar-
ing to leave, the mother declared that she was extremely relieved and, on enquiry,
expressed the belief that ‘retarded’ children cannot learn anything and so she had
been hoping that her daughter would not be retarded.
people who also have some atypical requirements. Second, we use the term
additional needs to signal the inclusion of gifted children as well as children with
developmental difficulties. Historically, children with disabilities have been
referred to as having special needs. Finally, we use the term ‘educators’ to refer
both to early childhood teachers and to professional caregivers in child care
settings, in the belief that it is not possible to care for children without giving
them an education, and equally impossible to educate children in the early years
without caring for them.
High-quality centre-based care has been found to benefit children’s cognitive and
language development and their confidence and positiveness in interacting with
peers, while producing no deterioration in attachment to their parents (Burchinal
et al. 1996; Field 1991; Field et al. 1988; Ochiltree 1994; Phillips & Howes
1987; Rubenstein et al. 1981). As well as such immediate benefits, Andersson
(1989, 1992) demonstrated that these gains were still present at the ages of 8 and
13 years in children who had attended child care as infants.
As for children with disabilities, such clear findings about the benefits of
early intervention are difficult to obtain. This is because programs differ in their
content and method of delivery; it can be difficult to determine whether develop-
mental gains were due to maturation or resulted from the program; success could
be manifested as the prevention of developmental regression or the avoidance of
secondary disabilities—both of which are difficult to measure; and gains could
be attained in skills that were not specifically targeted or measured, such as
social or emotional qualities or parents’ confidence (Bailey & Wolery 1992;
Casto & Mastropieri 1986; Guralnick 1991; Kemp & Carter 1993; Simeonsson
et al. 1982). Moreover, the findings on the efficacy of intervention programs with
one type of disabling condition might not necessarily hold for other disabilities
(Bailey & Wolery 1992).
Timing of intervention is also a factor in outcomes: it has been assumed
that children benefit most from early intervention when it is begun as soon as a
developmental anomaly is detected. This, however, seems to be true only for
educationally disadvantaged children, those with milder disabilities and children
with autism; for those with other severe disabilities, earlier is not necessarily
better (Casto & Mastropieri 1986; Guralnick 1991)—perhaps because very
young children with significant developmental delays might not yet be ready to
take advantage of formal instruction.
The general conclusion, despite the research difficulties and issues of timing,
is that early intervention is both beneficial and a natural right of children and
families (Kemp & Carter 1993). Although research cannot yet identify the
specific program components that are most essential, the philosophical foun-
dation of early childhood education has generated some core values and these, in
turn, have spawned some recommended practices.
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Early childhood education and special education both endorse the premise that
early learning is important and cannot be left to chance: young children’s
programs must be tailored to meet their individual needs, however these are
manifested. Underpinning this process are the following core values.
emergence of new skills while recognising that, even so, children’s develop-
mental sequence cannot be altered substantially.
A fourth, postmodern or ecological, view refutes the concept shared by the
previous three perspectives that, compared to adults, children are weak, helpless,
passive, incapable, deficient, dependent and isolated, but are instead integral
parts of their various social environments, actively constructing their own experi-
ences (Dahlberg et al. 1999). They are thus rich, inventive and competent
individuals who can communicate with others from birth and, in so doing, can
construct their own identities and understandings (Dahlberg et al. 1999; Fraser
& Gestwicki 2002). This shifts the educational emphasis away from telling
children what they should know so that in future they acquire valued skills,
towards listening and responding to the richness of their present lives.
In contrast with a developmental perspective, an ecological view sees
children’s development as holistic, dynamic, transactional and singular (Dahlberg
et al. 1999; Ludlow & Berkeley 1994). Taking each of these aspects in turn,
holism tells us that all domains of development (cognitive, language, physical,
social and emotional) are interrelated (Bowman & Stott 1994). This implies that
we cannot assess and program for skills in a single developmental domain,
without regard for their impact on children’s overall functioning and wellbeing.
Second is the appreciation that development is dynamic—which is to say
that individuals’ needs change throughout their lifetime and so the environmen-
tal features that are ideal at one age might not be the same ones that are required
at another. This perspective is expressed as the principle of ‘goodness of fit’
which states that in order to remain facilitating, the environment needs to alter in
response to individuals’ changing needs (Horowitz 1987).
Third, development is transactional, which means that individuals change
their environments just as their environments change them (Sameroff 1990).
Rather than biological and environmental factors being additive in some static
linear equation, instead the two aspects work hand-in-hand to shape children’s
lives. The result is that children will acquire various skills and behaviours at dif-
ferent times, as dictated by the experiences offered by their immediate social
environment and wider culture (Bowman & Stott 1994). Individual children’s
skills must therefore be compared not to the milestones achieved within the
dominant culture but in light of whether their behaviours are functional in, and
valued by, their home setting (Bowman & Stott 1994).
Finally, rather than regarding knowledge or development as universal, the
postmodern view sees it as singular, which is to say that individuals construct
their own unique perspectives. This could be seen as a threat to conformity but
is instead valued as recognising complexity, diversity and difference. This, then,
leads naturally to explication of the concept of pluralism.
A ‘melting pot’ perspective includes children with additional needs in early edu-
cation, but requires the children to conform to the setting; in contrast, pluralism
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accepts and honours differences and adjusts the setting to fit the children’s (and
adults’) various needs (Lieber et al. 1998). This pluralistic perspective pertains
to the full range of cultural, family and developmental differences. It requires
that programs are not only developmentally and individually appropriate but
also culturally and humanly appropriate (Stonehouse 1994). To achieve this, edu-
cators cannot apply a formula or packaged curriculum but must respond to the
diversity of children and families in their setting (New & Mallory 1994).
The concept of normalisation is inherent in pluralism. It states that all
children and their families deserve access to all the usual aspects of community
life (Bailey & McWilliam 1990; Guralnick 2000). Over the past 30 years, this
concept has led to a push for mainstreamed education, whereby children with
atypical needs are educated in regular schools, and for integration, which refers
to a continuum from segregated to inclusive placements, depending on which
settings are deemed best to meet individual children’s needs (Cook et al. 2000;
Gow 1990; Guralnick et al. 1995; Wolery et al. 1994b). Still more recently, the
term inclusion has gained increasing favour. This concept goes a step further
than integration in connoting that children with additional needs are fully part of,
rather than being additional to, natural settings (Roffey 1999). Inclusion assumes
that most children are best served in regular settings (including schools, homes
and community services), as this is where they will need to exercise their daily
living skills (Guralnick et al. 1995). It refers to a pluralistic system where there
is not a focus on accommodating children with atypical needs within programs
but on designing programs that can support all children, whatever their needs
(New & Mallory 1994; Salisbury 1991).
program components (Kemp & Carter 1993)—not least because what could suit
one child might not be beneficial for another, as reflected in the ‘goodness-of-fit’
principle. Nevertheless, research and the above core values do suggest some
ideal practices to which I shall now turn and which are summarised in Box 1.1.
Simply locating children in regular settings does not on its own ensure that edu-
cational practices are normalised (Bailey & McWilliam 1990). Instead, a fully
inclusive program requires three elements (Winter et al. 1994):
• access—children’s ability physically to enter a setting with safety;
• engagement—their ability, once present, to take an active part in the activ-
ities on offer and to engage socially with surrounding children and adults;
• options—the provision of various activities from which children can select
those that suit them.
When children with highly atypical needs are educated alongside typically
developing children, practitioners often express doubts about whether those with
additional needs truly fit in. This question has three dimensions: first, the effects
on non-disabled children; second, the developmental effects on children with
atypical development; and third, the social outcomes for children with atypical
needs who are in a group of children dissimilar to themselves.
Taking each question in turn, it is clear that inclusion must not lead to a
diminution of the care and education received by the children without disabilities
(Gow 1990). Evidence on this issue indicates that inclusion helps children with
typical development (and educators) learn about, understand and accept diversity
among individuals (Diamond et al. 1994, 1997; Favazza & Odom 1997; Gural-
nick 1994; Janney et al. 1995; Peck et al. 1992). However, mere contact alone is
not enough to ensure this: the contact between children with and without disabil-
ities must be positive, and staff must have the expertise to respond appropriately
to the additional needs of children—particularly those with severe intellectual dis-
abilities and behavioural disturbances (Green & Stoneman 1989; Guralnick 1994;
Stoneman 1993). Another documented outcome is that inclusion gives typical
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Emphasis on play
These disadvantages of high levels of adult-directed instruction lead to the con-
clusion that play is the best vehicle for advancing young children’s learning
(Hanline & Fox 1993), as knowledge discovered is more meaningful than knowl-
edge that is transmitted.
In the Piagetian perspective, play is understood to reflect children’s present
level of development. In contrast, others believe that children’s play does not
reflect their development so much as drive their attainment of the next develop-
mental skill (Dockett & Fleer 1999)—principally metacognitive skills such as
generating their own structure, solving problems, adjusting their perspective to
accommodate playmates, and so on. These metacognitive skills are crucial for
children’s intellectual development (see chapter 10). According to this view, play
persists in children’s lives as the main vehicle for development until other activ-
ities take its place in driving their development (Dockett & Fleer 1999).
This perspective disputes the notions that children play merely because they
have nothing better to do or that play is only fun and therefore not a significant
activity (Dockett & Fleer 1999). It also counteracts assumptions that play is
immature and that we should rush children through the playing phase so that they
can get on with the more important business of growing up. Instead, the benefits
of play, as listed in Box 1.2, imply that we cannot ‘allow’ children to play only
after they have completed ‘work’—that is, activities that adults have structured
for them—as they will learn more in play than in other forms of activity.
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findings of others to yield a unified assessment and program plan but never-
theless deliver these components independently.
• Transdisciplinary assessment and programming occurs when team
members and parents cross disciplinary boundaries to conduct assessment
jointly, perhaps with just one member charged with the tasks of assessment
and subsequent program delivery.
The last format sounds less overwhelming for parents and children, respects
children’s development as integrated, and offers valuable opportunities for indi-
vidual professionals to learn about other disciplines (Bondurant-Utz 1994),
However, in my experience it is difficult to implement unless specialists are co-
located, and is highly inefficient as it takes enormous amounts of time for the
various professionals to pass on their detailed skill and knowledge to a novice in
their specialist field. It is perhaps unrealistic to expect the uninitiated to learn
what a specialist has attained in up to five years of training and perhaps the
equivalent again in professional experience. The result can be that the primary
service provider acquires information but cannot know how to adjust the
program if it is not proceeding as planned.
Thus, transdisciplinary work can mean that children and their families
receive a less skilled service—which is particularly untenable when the stakes
are high, as is the case when children’s development is significantly delayed—
and that fewer families can receive a service as team members’ time is absorbed
by lengthy and multiple training sessions. As with other aspects of services, then,
the constraints within each setting will dictate which style of program delivery is
most effective in individual circumstances.
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functioning and maintaining the parents’ confidence in their ability to care for all
their children. In turn, their empowerment will improve outcomes for their son
or daughter with additional needs.
The active inclusion of parents in their child’s early care and education is predi-
cated on the dual notions of parents’ rights to be involved and of the benefits for
children that arise from continuity between their home and care or educational
environments (Powell 1994). These benefits are assumed to arise for the follow-
ing reasons (Dale 1996; Sebastian 1989).
• Parents have the most important and enduring relationship with their
• Children learn more from their home environment than from any other
• Parents have a strong commitment to their children and families and to
voicing their needs.
• Parents have more detailed knowledge than professionals about their child
across time and in a variety of settings; moreover, this knowledge is more
personal and in-depth than that of professionals.
• In the case of children with recognised disabilities, many parents will know
more about their child’s particular disability and about the service system
than many professionals.
• Parents know their aspirations for their child and family and what is best for
their family.
• Parents’ involvement in their child’s education contributes to children’s
positive attitudes to learning and to themselves as learners (Jones & Jones
• Parental involvement in their child’s education promotes mutual respect and
understanding between the home and centre or school.
• Accountability is more open when parents are involved in their child’s
• Some parents need extra support and guidance to understand and cater for
their child’s atypical needs.
Through participation in their child’s program, parents can gain skills and confi-
dence in their ability to meet their child’s atypical needs. Meanwhile, educators
can work more effectively when they have information from parents about
previous interventions and about what works for them at home.
Parents and professionals share a common desire to pursue what is best for
the child. By working together, you can fashion a program that maximises the
chances of achieving an optimal outcome for the child, family and yourself
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Although working with parents has been an aim of professional services for much
of their history, over time our views of disability, of parents, of professionals and
of their relationship have changed. Half a century ago, parents tended to see
professionals as having high status by virtue of their specialised knowledge, and
so deferred to professionals’ opinions. Subsequently, as notions of dominance
receded, professionals would communicate more routinely with parents but still
held the decisive role as experts who ‘knew what was best’ for children. Next,
parents became involved in their child’s education, but mainly in peripheral ways
(e.g. organising an excursion or helping to raise funds). In this way, parents and
professionals worked in parallel with each other.
The next major trend was towards coordination between parents and profes-
sionals, which comprised some joint planning and sharing of information. Still the
focus was mainly on teaching parents skills so that they could work with their
children under the direction of the professionals. However, some parents perceived
this educational approach as patronising; much parent training was redundant, as
parents already had excellent skills and did extensive informal teaching of their
children (Foster et al. 1981); while some found that a formal teaching role violated
the uniquely personal aspect of their relationship with their children (Seligman &
Darling 1997).
Finally, the most recent emphasis has been on collaboration, with parents
and professionals determining priorities and planning strategies jointly (Daka-
Mulwanda et al. 1995; Turnbull & Turnbull 1997). Although many parents want
to take an active part in decision making, some are content to leave the decisions
to professionals. For some parents, the process of formulating an individualised
education plan is disempowering rather than empowering, as they find themselves
facing a barrage of professionals and advice in the expectation that they will make
a prudent decision based on incomplete understanding of the information they are
being given. Also, the formality of the meeting and the need to cover so much at
once can leave parents feeling discouraged.
Underpinning a collaborative approach was professionals’ recognition of
parents’ strengths and skills for meeting their child’s needs. This was an
advance on the earlier focus on assessing what resources and skills they lacked
(Powell et al. 1997), but still placed professionals in charge of determining
service priorities, which is inconsistent with a collaborative philosophy (Sokoly
& Dokecki 1995).
A more recent view is that parents’ equal status does not necessarily mean
day-to-day participation in their child’s program (Arthur et al. 1996)—as many
parents have other commitments both within and outside the family. It is also
acknowledged that, like parents of typically developing children, parents whose
child has additional needs have a right not to participate in their child’s education.
This trend towards shared power is dynamic and ongoing, and in my view
has one further step to achieve, as a collaborative stance gives too much power
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to the professionals (Porter & McKenzie 2000). Parents consult us for our
knowledge and experience of young children and employ us to support them in
advancing their child’s educational or other needs. Thus, more than being mere
consumers or even equal participants in a partnership with you, parents are
actually your employers. They pay considerable taxes for public services and
high fees for private services; thus, as with all employers, you are directly
accountable to them for your practices.
Under this ‘parents-as-employers’ model, parents are in charge of steering
the services that their child requires. In arguing against such a demand-based
model, it could be asserted that some parents do not know what they need (Dale
1996). Nevertheless, they do know what they wish their children to achieve, and
in response to this message we can apprise them of the services we can offer. Our
main role, then, is listening, rather than talking or telling (Dunst et al. 1988,
1994; Sokoly & Dokecki 1995). At the same time we must recognise that the
most educated and well-resourced parents (in terms of available time, income
and personal support networks) are likely to be those who are most able to articu-
late their goals and thus to receive a wide range of services (Mahoney & Filer
1996). Less-well-resourced parents might be aware of a difficulty but do not ask
for help, as they cannot foresee being able to use it because of the constraints
imposed on them by their circumstances (Dunst et al. 1988). These families will
require additional information about the menu of services available plus support
to overcome any barriers to their access to these (Dunst et al. 1988).
A family-centred style of service delivery upholds that the interests of a child who
has additional needs are best met by taking every family member’s needs into
account, by promoting the whole family’s healthy functioning and maintaining
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the parents’ confidence in their ability to care for all their children, rather than by
focusing solely on the child with additional needs. It is underpinned by recogni-
tion that there are many family types and structures that can raise healthy children
but that this outcome is more likely when families receive a range of informal and
formal social supports.
The family-centred model comprises three key ingredients, the first of which
is building rapport with parents. This is achieved by working on their desired
outcomes for their children, which requires you to have knowledge and skills about
children, typical and atypical development, and the particular needs of each indi-
vidual child in your care. When services for their child meet parents’ expressed
needs, child-focused intervention is compatible with a family-centred approach
(McWilliam et al. 1995, 1998). The second aspect of family-centredness—and the
ingredient that most empowers parents and gives them confidence—is parents’
participation in decision making (Dunst 2000). These first two aspects relate to
what services families receive; the third aspect refers to how you relate to families.
Crucial relational skills comprise positiveness, sensitivity, responsiveness and
friendliness (McWilliam et al. 1998).
Positiveness involves thinking the best about children’s and families’ strengths,
your own skills and the possibility for advancement of children’s development.
This must be balanced with realism, however: it is no kindness to parents to
withhold information about their child’s atypical development out of a misguided
wish to shield them or to protect yourself from confronting them with unpleasant
information. (I give a suggestion for balancing positiveness with realism in the
section on presenting child-focused information.)
When working with families, it is important to be sensitive to their circum-
stances, as these will affect what they are able to contribute to their child’s
education. If the parents are in the process of separating or of establishing a step-
family, or if one adult is parenting alone, there may be little surplus energy left
to devote to a child’s remedial program, even though in other circumstances the
parents would be willing to participate.
Such demands can fluctuate from time to time, whereas families who are
living in poverty must often endure its many disadvantages in the long term.
When, added to this, the parents themselves have a disability, come from a non-
majority culture or otherwise lack support from the wider community, their
participation can be severely compromised as they focus instead on personal and
family survival.
Meanwhile, all families must fulfil many functions in addition to caring for
and overseeing the education of their children. These include: ensuring the family’s
financial viability, engaging in recreation, socialising outside of the family, and
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• feel the need to support siblings who might have average learning abilities,
so that all family members can accept differences without allowing these to
define any one member as deficient or more special than others (Cornell &
Grossberg 1986).
Unlike parents whose children have a disability, however, parents whose children
are advanced often experience little support and sometimes outright hostility from
educators and other parents (McBride 1992), which means that they lack the
personal support and educational adjustments which they and their child require.
A third aspect of sensitivity is listening to parents’ aspirations for their son
or daughter. Professionals must listen to parents’ priorities rather than imposing
their own goals on parents, as this will facilitate parents’ support for the result-
ing program (Ketelaar et al. 1998).
On the other hand, although sensitivity and empathy towards families are
clearly beneficial, you must avoid feeling sympathy for their predicament and
allowing demands on you to escalate unreasonably. Pity does not give families
confidence in their own ability to overcome adversity, and can overwhelm pro-
fessionals with ‘compassion fatigue’ and result in burnout.
Responsiveness involves providing, arranging for, or recommending services
that the family asks for. However, if requested services contradict your profes-
sional judgment about best practice, you may not feel it possible to supply these
(Powell 1994). Explaining the rationale of programs to parents is one option, but
in so doing we cannot attempt to change parents’ values (Powell 1994). Persis-
tent disagreement is not easily resolved because a fundamental principle of a
pluralistic service is to respect parents’ views. On the other hand, professional
knowledge must also be respected, and so educators cannot be expected to sacri-
fice their beliefs in the interests of working collaboratively. Perhaps parents can
select another service that more closely reflects their values, but in reality few
options can be available when children have additional needs.
Responsiveness can also mean not imposing services that parents do not
want. Although services could potentially benefit a child, this gain can be out-
weighed by the additional stresses placed on the family (Winton 1993). Thus,
some parents might choose not to participate in services, in which case their
wishes must be accepted.
Although responding to families’ requests is important, as with the other
aspects of family-centred services this too can be overdone. Too much helpful-
ness can unwittingly undermine parents, creating dependence on outsiders and
reducing their confidence in their ability to solve their own problems.
In order to receive emotional support, parents mainly want an emotionally
rich relationship with their professional advisers, rather than formal and distant
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Parents require a range of services in their efforts to assist their child with addi-
tional needs. It will be within your role to deliver some of these, whereas others
will be supplied by outside agencies. Even when you do not deliver a particular
service yourself, you have an important role in helping parents to locate appro-
priate services.
Child-focused information
Parents’ first need is for information—on a range of topics as listed in Box 2.2,
which will change through the years. The information that we impart must be
accurate and up to date so that parents can make informed decisions about their
options. This information must be of high quality and easily accessible. To that
end, you might need to help parents to identify, understand and synthesise various
sources of information, including interpreting other professionals’ reports. This
will involve knowledge of disciplines other than your own and a close working
relationship with other members of a multidisciplinary team so that they can teach
you some of the terms in their specialty fields.
Imparting information about disability at times involves using labels to
describe children’s learning difficulties (see chapter 3). In so doing, it is impor-
tant to be sensitive to parents’ understandings of these terms, as in the example
in chapter 1, where I inadvertently talked at cross-purposes with a parent about
intellectual disability. Although their estimates of their children’s abilities and
needs generally tally with that of professionals, parents might resist a particular
label because they regard their child as a whole person who is more complex
than a single label implies (Harry 1992). Their resistance to a particular label,
however, need not stand in the way of participation in their child’s program.
Once their child’s program is under way, parents most often want infor-
mation about how their child is progressing (Westling 1996). This can be a
delicate issue, as you must convey that the child is continuing to learn while not
implying that the child’s skills are approaching the normal range if they are not.
You might find it useful to say something such as, ‘James is communicating
more clearly now, and uses a number of words. This is a big advance on earlier
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in the year, when he was not speaking at all. His skills then were below the
1-year level. Now they are closer to 2 years’ (say, when James is aged 4).
Participation in planning
Most parents, particularly those with high levels of education, want to exercise
choice about their children’s programs (Freeman et al. 1999; Westling 1996;
Westling & Plaute 1999). To that end, it will help to prepare them in advance
for meetings and listen to them so that their agenda drives the meeting, rather
than topics for discussion being determined by the professionals. While con-
ducting the meetings efficiently, you will need to allow enough time—and
double the usual period when interpreters are being employed (Lynch & Hanson
1996)—so that there is enough time to discuss your thoughts, listen to the
parents and answer their questions (Abbott & Gold 1991). Listening to their
responses will help you to choose terms that they use themselves, which will
ensure that they understand what you are telling them. Where you can, you
will need to avoid jargon and define those terms that you cannot avoid (Turnbull
& Turnbull 1997).
One successful strategy to avoid overwhelming parents with new assessment
information and service options is to tape the meeting, so that they can review it
later or so that an absent parent can still hear the conversation. Alternatively,
minutes of the meeting can be forwarded to parents for them to review what was
discussed. It will help if you can invite parents to meet you briefly again to discuss
issues and questions thus generated.
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Parents usually want educators to be receptive to the information they impart on
their child’s history and present needs, without becoming defensive (Ryndak et
al. 1996). Above all, they want their child’s curriculum to be individualised and
challenging, with specialist services provided (Hodapp et al. 1998; Ryndak et al.
1996). They want their teachers to know about disability in general, and about
their child’s specific disabilities and their impact on his or her development
(Hodapp et al. 1998).
In terms of placement, some parents of children with disabilities prefer inclu-
sive settings for reasons of convenience, the availability of positive role models in
general settings, socialisation benefits and, in the case of less severely disabled
children, for the extra educational challenge (Bennett et al. 1997; Freeman et al.
1999; Guralnick et al. 1995; Hodapp et al. 1998; Ryndak et al. 1996). Even so,
they tend to realise that co-location alone is insufficient for friendships to develop,
and so want teachers to take active steps to facilitate friendships between children
(Palmer et al. 1998a; Ryndak et al. 1996).
Other parents feel that their children’s educational needs are best met in seg-
regated settings (Palmer et al. 1998a, 1998b; Ryndak et al. 1996). Some prefer
these because they are concerned for their child’s physical and emotional safety
in inclusive settings (Bentley-Williams & Butterfield 1996; Westling 1996); they
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 29
believe that inclusive settings cannot provide the resources and individualised
programming that their child requires (Hanline & Halvorsen 1989; McWilliam
et al. 1995); and some want their son or daughter to be educated alongside
children who have additional needs on the grounds that these children might be
more ‘forgiving and accepting’ (Hodapp et al. 1998).
Thus, although local preferred practice may be to encourage inclusive place-
ments for children with disabilities, some parents will need to explore both
regular and special placement options and make their selection on the basis of
their own and their child’s particular requirements.
Social support
Parents who have a high level of contact with friends and relatives tend to have
higher morale than those with few such supports (Greenberg et al. 1997).
However, parents whose children have additional needs tend to be isolated
from the other preschool or child care parents unless educators enact specific
measures to foster interactions between them (Hanson et al. 1998; Winton 1993).
Ongoing contact avoids the parents’ social isolation, while the children also
benefit from after-hours contact with peers while their parents socialise with
each other.
Although parents can normally be their own advocates, this can sometimes
antagonise service providers, in which case you might have to deflect any criti-
cism that arises within your own service when parents are active in advocating
for their children’s needs (Bennett et al. 1997). On other occasions you might
have to advocate on their behalf for particular services within or beyond your
agency. One commonplace occasion for this role is during meetings between
parents and members of a multidisciplinary team, in which it is easy for parents
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 30
Transition planning
The time when parents and their children are most likely to be stressed is when
they are moving from one service to another, such as from preschool to primary
school (Wolery 1989). Like all parents, those whose child has a disability are
excited at the prospect that their child will start school, but it is also a stressful
time (Bentley-Williams & Butterfield 1996). They have to leave familiar pro-
grams and staff, and accept that at school there is generally less opportunity for
their involvement (Bentley-Williams & Butterfield 1996; Fowler et al. 1991;
Hadden & Fowler 1997).
Transition times can reaffirm to parents their child’s different needs (Hanline
1993). Parents must face the reality that the early intervention program did not
and could not have ‘cured’ their child’s disability. If the parents have been
actively involved in the delivery of remedial programs, they can feel cheated and
disillusioned that they gave up so much to achieve so little of what they had
The choice of school is a great concern. Like all parents, those whose children
have atypical needs have to adjust to the notion that no school is going to provide
all that their child requires. However, there is likely to be an even greater than
usual disparity between the atypical needs of their child and the schooling options
that are available. Furthermore, sometimes even this choice of school is out of
parents’ control: their child might not be considered eligible for the school of their
choice (Fowler et al. 1991). This adds another layer of complexity and stress to
the family’s planning for transitions.
In order to help plan for their child’s next placement, you will need a long-
term perspective on the family’s concerns, aspirations and involvement to date.
Parents will need information well in advance about the transition process and
their child’s future schooling options (Fowler et al. 1991; Hanline 1993). It is
important to listen to what the family wants of the next service which they and
their son or daughter are entering, so to that end you could ask the following
questions (Hutchins & Renzaglia 1998):
• What do you want your child to achieve in the new setting?
• What experiences has the child already had that could prepare him or her for,
or could be useful in, the new setting?
• What does your child most enjoy doing?
• What sort of assistance and support will your child need in the new setting?
• How does he or she communicate with others?
• In what ways do you (the parents) want to become involved in the new
• What sort of feedback do you need (a) in the initial days and (b) subsequently,
about how your child is settling in and performing in the new setting?
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Respite care
Respite care is one of the most requested services for families, especially when
their children have behavioural difficulties (Hayes 1998; Rimmerman et al.
1989). The use of respite care increases mothers’ feelings of wellbeing, and as a
result has positive effects for the functioning of families as a whole (Botuck &
Winsberg 1991). Child care can function as a natural source of respite but can be
inaccessible to many parents because of its cost, limited hours, distance from
home or work, and inability to accommodate children’s additional needs
(Warfield & Hauser-Cram 1996), in which case parents might need information
about alternative respite care options.
We must not assume that parents with a child with a disability will need coun-
selling—any more than would other families (Seligman & Darling 1997). They
might require different information about their child’s atypical needs compared
with other parents, but this does not necessarily mean that they will need more
emotional support in the form of counselling.
The counsellor who is supporting parents of a child with disabilities may
need to adopt a variety of roles with respect to the services already described:
helping parents to gather information; assisting their access to services; inter-
preting assessment reports; acting as a sounding board, ally or advocate; and
supporting their decisions. In performing these roles, your task is to help parents
to use their present skills to make effective choices in their lives and to act on
these (Nelson-Jones 1988). Thus, counselling does not involve convincing others
of what they should do, but allowing them to discover for themselves which solu-
tions fit for them (Geldard 1998).
Coordination of services
A crucial aspect of service provision is service coordination (McWilliam et al.
1995). Privatisation, outsourcing and increasingly restrictive eligibility criteria for
publicly funded services can make it difficult for parents to locate appropriate
services for their children (McWilliam et al. 1995). Faced with such difficulties,
many parents find a case manager to be an asset in helping them to negotiate a
complex service system, especially when their child has multiple needs
(Dinnebeil et al. 1999; Westling 1996; Westling & Plaute 1999). Others want to
assume this role for themselves to retain control of their own circumstances
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(Dunst et al. 1988). The implication, clearly, is that professionals need to ask
parents about their preferences.
and their lack of facility with language denies you information about their child
that would assist you in programming for him or her. Obviously, it also affects
how much information they can receive from you as, even when they can use
everyday language, they might have difficulty comprehending technical terms and
jargon (Rosin 1996; Salend & Taylor 1993).
For parents who speak but are not confident about reading English, informal
contacts will be more important than written exchanges. Rather than waiting for
difficulties to occur and meetings to become formal, it will help if you can locate
a culturally sensitive translator or invite a community volunteer to accompany
non-English-speaking parents on a regular basis at drop-off or collection times so
that you can pass on day-to-day information about their child’s experiences. It is
wise to avoid using their son or daughter as a translator, as that burdens a child
with inappropriate responsibility, while translators who are children or family
friends can be exposed to information that parents regard as personal and so can
make parents feel uncomfortable both at the time and in their subsequent rela-
tionship with their interpreter (Lynch & Hanson 1996; Salend & Taylor 1993).
Third, culture affects the esteem in which professionals are held. Some
parents will regard professionals as experts whose opinions cannot be questioned
and with whom they must relate formally, while others who value interdepend-
ence between individuals will seek a collaborative style of interaction with you
(Lynch & Hanson 1996; Salend & Taylor 1993).
Fourth, their cultural beliefs can dictate how parents understand the cause of
their child’s disability: some are reluctant to expose their child and themselves to
outside scrutiny, as they believe that the disability reflects negatively on them
(Salend & Taylor 1993), or they might passively accept it as ‘God’s will’ or as a
justified punishment for their own former misdemeanours—and so resist inter-
vention measures (Lynch & Hanson 1996).
Fifth, parents’ cultural background can cause parents to emphasise priorities
for their children in domains other than academic achievement, which is the trad-
itional focus in Western cultures (Lopez 1996). Many value social cooperation
above competition and social and emotional development over academic
success. Therefore, you will need to clarify parents’ priorities for their child’s
Sixth, their culture affects family membership. In some families, grandparents
or other extended family members have a crucial role either as an elder or as a
major care provider for a child. It will be important, therefore, to negotiate which
family members should be included in any meetings (Salend & Taylor 1993).
Finally, culture affects communication styles—differences in personal
space, use of eye contact, wait time, voice intonation, which words are permis-
sible, facial expressions, emotional expression, and the use of touch (Rosin 1996;
Salend & Taylor 1993). There is no guaranteed way to avoid the miscommuni-
cation that can arise when others misinterpret your body language, but problems
can be minimised when you are aware of the potential for crossed wires.
Cultural competence can be attained by becoming aware of the assumptions
and values implicit in your own culture, being sensitive to the fact that these will
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 35
not be universally shared, and attaining and applying information about other
cultures through reading and personal and professional contacts with individuals
who bridge cultures (Lynch & Hanson 1996). When you are ignorant of parents’
cultures, it can be a simple matter just to ask them about the practices in
their country. Generally, they do not expect others to know the practices of every
country in the world and are glad to explain some of the values they hold dear.
Asking them about their beliefs also avoids assumptions that they will conform
to cultural stereotypes.
For more detail on collaborating with parents of children with disabilities and an
extensive reading list for further reference, see Porter, L. and McKenzie, S. 2000
Professional collaboration with parents of children with disabilities Whurr,
London (also MacLennan & Petty, Sydney)
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achieve the various skills in each developmental domain (see Appendix II).
Having recognised the ways in which particular children’s development is
departing from the usual, you can make necessary adjustments to your program
and, when the departure from the norms seems extreme, can advocate that
parents seek more detailed specialist assessment.
The principle of advocacy contends that assessment should uphold the interests
of all children and aim to improve services for individuals (NAEYC 1988).
Methods should be selected on the basis of whether they meet children’s needs,
rather than being administratively convenient, for instance. They must also avoid
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 39
the negative effects on children that arise through misuse of the findings or from
labelling children.
This criterion refers to how we assess individual children (Miller 1978, in
McCormick & Schiefelbusch 1984). Methods used should be based on the best
available research and knowledge. Any tests that are part of the assessment
process must be used only for the purpose for which they were designed and
must be valid and reliable—that is, technically sound in their construction
and suitable for the ages and ability levels of the children being tested (Hooper
& Edmondson 1998; NAEYC 1988). Second, not only must the tests have
acknowledged strengths, they must also have few limitations, particularly for the
purpose for which they are being used (Hansen & Linden 1990).
Although based on knowledge of the typical sequence of development, assess-
ment must also take into account those cultural experiences which will alter
children’s developmental milestones (Meisels & Atkins-Burnett 2000). Assess-
ment methods must be culturally fair—which is to say that they should not
disadvantage any groups within the community (Hooper & Edmondson 1998).
This is a particular issue for children whose primary language is not English or
who are bilingual, and for those whose mode of communication is not spoken
language. It is imperative that children’s lack of facility with English is not
mistaken for a developmental delay or disability (Gonzalez 1974; Marion 1980).
To minimise error with these children, examiners could provide the test in the
children’s first language (McLoughlin & Lewis 2001). However, this is not a
complete solution, as items have differing levels of difficulty across languages,
and so the norms might not apply when a test is delivered in a language other
than the one intended (Figueroa 1989). Also, children from various cultures will
interpret the demands of the testing session differently and, given that examiners
are not allowed to clarify what is being asked of the children, this can penalise
those whose experience to date has not prepared them for the formality of such
an endeavour (Lynch & Hanson 1996; Miller-Jones 1989).
A second element of equity is that examiners must satisfy themselves that
the child being assessed has been exposed to opportunities to learn the skills
being measured. For example, young blind children have not yet had the time to
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compensate for their lack of vision and learn concepts that can come more natur-
ally to sighted children (Brambring & Tröster 1994).
Mainstream tests are often accused of bias for producing differential results
across cultures. However, the same groups that routinely perform less well on the
tests also perform less well in educational settings (Pyryt 1996). That is to say, the
test results are accurate in that they equate to real-life performances. The issue
instead is that society is biased in disadvantaging particular groups within it.
Assessment procedures must minimise what is termed false negatives—that is,
when children with additional needs are overlooked. To avoid false negatives,
assessment must sample a wide range of behaviours across various developmen-
tal domains, in a range of settings, gathering information from many sources
(Hansen & Linden 1990). Particularly when children have additional needs in
many domains, it is important that many professionals are involved in assess-
ment and can collaborate to build a comprehensive picture of the children’s skills
and needs. This comprehensiveness is particularly important when classification
or placement decisions rest on the findings (NAEYC 1988).
Skilled administration
Personnel who are skilled at and familiar with assessing young children should
be the ones to administer tests to this age group (NAEYC 1988). On the other
hand, assessment should not rely on tests that can be administered only by
specialists if (as is usually the case) there are too few of these to administer the
tests. Such scarce resources can be saved by identifying most children by other
means and reserving tests for the remaining minority of children whose skill
levels are difficult to assess in more naturalistic ways (see Figure 3.1).
Second, testers must know how to communicate their findings appropriately
to both lay and professional readers of their assessment reports (Hansen &
Linden 1990). To aid communication, it is useful if parents and others working
with individual children are told something about the content of the test, what
information it can provide and its limitations.
Assessment should be efficient in terms of the administration time and cost and
should not unduly burden children with prolonged testing (Fallen 1985). On the
other hand, comprehensiveness requires that when children’s developmental dif-
ficulties are already suspected, for instance, screening devices not be used as
they sample too few skills and may result in false negatives.
When assessing to identify individuals’ atypical needs, the stakes are high (Hart
1994, in Taylor 2000). The conclusions drawn will affect which services the
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children are eligible to receive, the type of program designed for them, and
perhaps their placement. Therefore, the instruments used for assessment must be
more than impressionistic and must have the power accurately to identify addi-
tional educational needs. Thus, performance-based assessments such as
portfolios are not described here, as their purpose is generally to document
children’s products for purposes other than monitoring children’s development
(see Helm et al. 1998). Nevertheless, the measures described in this section rep-
resent a combination of subjective and objective measures, whose aim is to give
a comprehensive picture of individual children’s particular needs.
Parental reports
Assessment must begin with establishing effective communication with the
people who know children best—which is usually their parents or other primary
caregivers (Meisels & Atkins-Burnett 2000). You can gain parents’ knowledge of
their child’s development by asking them about his or her milestones, needs and
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Given that you are in many cases the first education professional with whom
children will have contact, your role in recognising children’s additional needs is
a crucial one. Observation involves describing in specific terms what individual
children do, either in spontaneous situations or in activities you have contrived
in order to observe specific skills. Structured observation can enhance the picture
of children’s skills and can help identify those whose abilities are mixed—who,
perhaps, have adequate knowledge but are unable to demonstrate it because of
how they approach tasks.
A successful approach to observing children’s development is to nominate a
small group of children to observe for a week, rotating your focus children week
by week until you have detailed observations of all the children in your group.
In this way you can collect dynamic data about all the children, allowing you not
only to assess their needs but also to gauge the adequacy of your program in
meeting those needs.
As well as focusing on individual children, you can observe the educational
program in order to assess its appeal and effectiveness in general, for particular
children, or for fostering particular behaviours such as cooperative play (Taylor
2000). You might park yourself near to, say, the puzzle table for some minutes
on consecutive days and observe whether the supplied activities are actually
proving too difficult for the majority of children to access, are too easy for the
children, or are unattractive in some way. Recognising this will allow you to
substitute more suitable activities.
Compared with more formal assessment means, observation has the advan-
tage that tasks can be varied to suit individual children, giving them the best
opportunity to display their skills (Fallen 1985). However, without reference to
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Developmental checklists
Without consuming considerable amounts of staff time, at enrolment you can
record on a checklist individual children’s current development and update
the record each time they achieve what is for them the next developmental mile-
stone. This process can sensitise parents and educators to atypical development
and avoid some local bias. Some centres, for instance, serve advantaged families
that support advanced development in their children, whose sophisticated develop-
ment might be overlooked because staff come to see it as ‘normal’. Similarly,
when children from educationally disadvantaging backgrounds cluster in the one
location, all might seem to possess average skills when instead a significant
number could have learning difficulties.
On the other hand, checklists can have their problems. The main one of these
is that they can detail when children attain particular skills but are less useful
guides to how the children should be approaching tasks. This can be overcome
partly by what Neisworth and Bagnato (1988) describe as judgment-based
assessment, in which children’s attention skills, comprehension, memory and
concept development can be observed and an intuitive judgment formed about
their present skills and needs. Second, checklists can indicate that children’s
skills are delayed or advanced, but not by how much. Without understanding the
extent, some children will be burdened unnecessarily with special programs,
while others will wallow without receiving needed assistance. This introduces
the need for normed tests.
Normed tests
Ultimate confirmation of children’s developmental status can be achieved only by
comparing their attainments to typical or ‘normal’ development. Tests that can do
this are termed ‘norm-referenced’ or normed tests. They can cover a range of devel-
opmental domains, such as the psychologist’s IQ test; or one single domain, such
as an assessment by a speech pathologist or occupational therapist. Resulting
scores are usually expressed in terms of ‘mental age’, ‘reading age’, ‘developmen-
tal levels’, ‘intelligence quotients’ (IQs) or other comparative measures.
The purpose of comparing children’s results with each other’s is to deter-
mine whether individual children are progressing at the expected or normal
developmental rate. This type of comparative information can be useful when
previous assessment measures have not been able to clarify the nature of
children’s needs or when educators need to compare how efficiently children can
perform certain tasks compared with typically developing children, perhaps to
assess the likely success of a transition to a regular setting.
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This definition implies that assessors must not only establish children’s inherent
skills but also assess children’s functional adaptation to their particular environ-
ment. By supplementing test findings with other assessment procedures and
information across developmental domains, most of the above disadvantages of
IQ tests can be overcome.
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Normed tests have limitations that apply variously to individuals across all ages
and ability levels. However, young children and especially those with disabilities
pose some unique assessment challenges, particularly related to the principles of
defensibility, equity and skilled administration described earlier in this chapter.
These challenges relate to the unique characteristics of the child being tested,
the impact of these on the relationship between the child and tester, and the
soundness of the test itself when applied to young children with atypical
developmental patterns (Taylor 2000). A further issue for this population is the
IIb Teacher/caregiver
observations of the
IIa Parent reports
child’s social, emotional
and observations
cognitive and physical
responses to the
If atypical
is suspected
VII Program evaluation
IV Standardised testing
• general development skills
• in specific domain/s in which
atypical development is suspected
V Determination of priorities
VI Program modification
• environment
• process
• content
• product
that they find difficult, their anxiety interferes with their performance; whereas
anxiety is less likely to be provoked in children who find the items easier. This
implies that prior acquaintance between the tester and children is likely to
improve the accuracy of results.
A further issue affecting the relationship between children and testers is
where the testing is carried out. Although there are advantages in testing children
at home where they and their parents are less anxious and more comfortable
(Lynch & Hanson 1996), natural domestic interruptions can disrupt the testing
session. Of even more significance is that the children are seldom accustomed to
such a formal situation at home and might refuse to participate, whereas in
another familiar location—such as a preschool or care centre—the children are
more apt to follow adults’ directives. Thus, decisions about location need to be
made in consultation with parents informed by knowledge of the children’s
temperament and emotional needs.
All of these issues affect children across the ages and ability ranges but are
of more significance to those with disabilities as, in many cases, so much rests
on the findings—including the children’s placement, diagnosis and eligibility for
services. Because the stakes are so high, then, errors in testing are of increased
importance for this group of children.
T1 T2
T1 T2
Figure 3.3 Timing of two testings measuring two growth spurts but
only one plateau
These discussions can enable parents to clarify the meanings of terms that
will appear in the assessment report and to understand its conclusions. Finally,
their participation thus far empowers them to contribute to recommendations,
which cannot be framed without information from parents and any other profes-
sionals who have ongoing contact with the child.
A skilled and experienced tester is able to choose a test that can provide the
information being sought, as long as those who know the child give information
about the questions they need answered. If the subsequent information gained
from a test does not tally with the referring person’s knowledge of the child, it is
possible that the test results are flawed, given the many aspects that can contamin-
ate test findings.
If you encounter an apparent contradiction, you can ask the tester for an
explanation of discrepancies. It may be that the child was ill or otherwise un-
comfortable during the assessment; that a test of, say, memory might tap only
short-term recall, whereas in natural settings you tend to see the products of
long-term memory and so the test is measuring skills that are slightly different
from those suggested by its title; or there may be a more suitable instrument for
obtaining the information being sought.
Sometimes an assessment is flawed simply because it is not comprehensive
enough (Wolery 1996a); in other cases, the data are adequate but there is a dif-
ference in judgment about their implication for programs. A second opinion or
further assessment procedures could assist with such differences in judgment.
This must be balanced, however, with requirements that assessment be efficient
and the realisation that sometimes, even if we assessed children in great depth,
we might arrive at a diagnosis but be no closer to knowing how to respond to the
child’s day-to-day behaviour and needs.
When children have been referred for testing, specialists’ reports will contain
some numbers which are important to understand so that the information
conveyed is meaningful and can be used to help plan individual programs for
children. This section describes some key statistics used in specialist assess-
ments, which are also summarised in Figure 3.4.
The first statistic to know is the average score on the particular test used in
an individual child’s case. Many normed tests have borrowed the formula origi-
nally devised for IQ tests of reporting the average (or mean) score as 100 points;
if not, practitioners might add a note explaining what the average score is on a
particular test.
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 52
Number of cases
2.14% 2.14%
0.13% 0.13%
Standard 13.59% 34.13% 34.13% 13.59%
deviations Mean +1
–4 –3 –2 –1 +2 +3 +4
test score
ranks 1 5 10 20 30 50 70 80 90 95 99
Weschler IQs
(SD = 15) 55 70 85 100 115 130 145
Stanford-Binet IQs
(SD = 16) 52 68 84 100 116 132 148
Source: adapted from Sattler (1992:17). Reproduced with the permission of Jerome M.
Sattler Publishing Co.
second, they imply that these differences are clinically significant, when in many
cases they are not—all the children between PRs of 16 and 84 are within normal
limits, and yet their numbers seem very disparate.
The above statistics allow us to prioritise goals for children’s programs by per-
mitting us to compare their scores across tests. If, for instance, a child is
achieving on a developmental test at 84 and a language comprehension test at 34,
how can we compare these two numbers? The answer is to convert both raw
scores to standard deviations (which testers do by using tables supplied in the
test manual). As an example, let’s say that we found that the child’s achievement
on the developmental test was at –1 standard deviations (that is, at the lower end
of normal limits), but on the language comprehension test her score fell at –2.5.
This tells us that she has a specific language difficulty—within the disabled
range, and considerably below her other intellectual skills. Accordingly, we can
now design a language program for her.
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In the assessment process there is a trend away from diagnosing children’s deficits
because of the stigma that labels can attract. The focus has shifted to analysis of
children’s specific instructional needs and determination of the services they
require as a result (Cook et al. 2000). However, notwithstanding the sometimes
negative effects of labels on the individuals who receive them, diagnostic labels
that arise from assessment can be useful to families, by describing, explaining
and, at times, predicting the developmental progress of their child.
• Description. A label can cluster together an otherwise confusing array of
symptoms into a single known entity. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), for instance, groups together a cluster of inattentive, impulsive and
overactive behaviours which otherwise might seem incomprehensible. The
danger, however, with descriptive labels such as ADHD is that they can be
misinterpreted as explanations.
• Explanation. A label can explain why a child has particular impairments.
For instance, it is known that children with Down syndrome often have some
cardiac problems, in which case a diagnosis of that syndrome will alert
medical practitioners to screen for heart problems as well as developmental
effects. The danger with explanatory labels, however, is that they are some-
times used to excuse underachievement, in the belief that one impairment
causes or ‘explains’ others, when the two might not inevitably coexist. For
instance, sometimes gifted children’s emotional outbursts are blamed on
their giftedness, or behavioural difficulties are attributed to children’s intel-
lectual disabilities, when the two could be unrelated.
• Prognosis. A label can give parents some idea of the expected progress of a
child’s condition throughout life. The obvious danger here is that most prog-
nostic information is based on groups of children rather than individuals
which, given our incomplete theoretical knowledge and brief acquaintance
with young children, means that we must be cautious in predicting their
developmental trajectories.
Thus, when labelling any children—particularly those who are young and so
have a short developmental history on which to base conclusions—we must keep
in mind the explanatory limits of a particular diagnosis. Also we must be aware
that children who share a diagnosis nevertheless can manifest it in differing
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 55
ways. This implies that educational interventions must focus more on the indi-
vidual than on the label.
Rowe (1990: 544) asserts that some professionals rely on tests ‘like a drunk
might depend on a lamp-post—for support rather than illumination’. Instead, our
best assessment instrument is human (Borland & Wright 1994), and requires us
to know individual children well (Shaklee 1992). Tests do not allow us to see
everything, so comprehensive assessment requires that educators use a range of
informative measures to gain the fullest possible understanding of children’s
abilities and educational needs.
Naturally, assessment is not an end in itself but a means to achieving an
end—namely, translating the information gained into a relevant program for
individual children (Wolery 1996a). Thus, selected assessment measures must be
viewed as tools only, which in themselves accomplish little: what counts is how
these tools are used (Rowe 1990). Properly used, great benefits can accrue from
identifying the needs of individual children and devising programs to meet those.
This leads into the subject of program planning, which is the topic of Chapter 4.
Anastasi, A. and Urbina. S. 1997 Psychological testing 7th edn, Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ
Beaty, J.J. 2002 Observing development of the young child 5th edn, Merrill
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
McLean, M., Bailey, D.B. Jr and Wolery, M. eds 1996 Assessing infants and
preschoolers with special needs 2nd edn, Merrill, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
McLoughlin, J.A. and Lewis, R.B. 2001 Assessing students with special needs
4th edn, Merrill, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Taylor, R.L. 2000 Assessment of exceptional students: educational and psycho-
logical procedures 5th edn, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA
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Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 57
children and their contexts. This chapter therefore confines itself to the descrip-
tion of some principles for guiding your decisions about curricula planning and
about which adjustments might be appropriate in your environment and for indi-
vidual children with additional needs.
There are two broad approaches to curriculum programming. The first is a top-
down approach in which adults determine which skills and information are of
value to children and then set about teaching these. The top-down approach is
largely adult-driven, with educators framing programs:
• in accord with their philosophy of education;
• guided by their understanding of childhood;
• on the basis of their theory of learning;
• drawing on their own training and experience;
• in light of guidelines and policy directions provided by their governing
• according to parental values and preferences;
• in response to awareness of each child’s interests, experience and abilities in
a range of domains; of how each child learns; and knowledge of with whom
each child plays (Theilheimer 1993);
• taking into account their resources and constraints.
This top-down process of generating a program is not necessarily unrespon-
sive to children’s needs, but is nevertheless largely originated by the educator.
It is also at the heart of the push to impose on young children a more academic
curriculum (see Rodger 1999), which is often advocated in the interests of
developing an increasingly skilled future work force.
In contrast with imposing a curriculum on children, a bottom-up approach
sees children as already enriched and vibrant human beings (Dahlberg et al.
1999) whose need to generate identities and understandings of the world are the
starting point for, rather than an afterthought in, curriculum planning. Advocates
of this model say that the fact that many young children can learn an academic
curriculum does not mean that they should (Katz 1988). They argue that
children’s dispositions and indepth understanding can be harmed by confronting
them too early with tasks whose content and processes are too demanding, that
when children are deprived of physical play in favour of academic work, neural
pathways in the brain that are essential for academic success cannot be strength-
ened, and that young children’s eyesight (being long-sighted and not yet able to
track) can be compromised by prolonged close work.
Rather than attempting to instil a predetermined curriculum, the bottom-up
approach respects and responds reflectively to the skills and interests of children
and their parents. However it does not simply indulge these or rely on impro-
visation or chance: it utilises educators’ expertise and active teaching while also
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The broad aim of education is for children to acquire knowledge and skills in a
variety of areas and to develop the dispositions and ability to use their infor-
mation and skills to solve problems and generate understandings of themselves
and their world (Dahlberg et al. 1999; Johnson & Johnson 1992). Beyond this
general goal, the following specific aims of early childhood programs have been
nominated by various authors (Bailey & Wolery 1992; Katz & Chard 1989;
NAEYC & NAECS/SDE 1991; Smidt 1998; Wright & Coulianos 1991).
Facilitate competence
This involves skill acquisition, fluency of use, skill maintenance (the ability to
use skills after instruction has ceased) (Wolery & Fleming 1993), and the ability
to detect when to employ a particular skill so that competence can be transferred
(generalised) across situations (Perkins et al. 1993). It also encompasses being
able independently to use functional skills in natural settings (this aim tending to
be highlighted mainly for children with disabilities).
Naturally, the aim to foster competence spans all developmental domains,
• using language to communicate and to facilitate thinking and learning;
• understanding the relationships among objects, people and events;
• developing conceptual knowledge of the world;
• practising higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills;
• becoming literate;
• developing numeracy skills;
• becoming competent in management of one’s body;
• acquiring basic physical skills and maintaining a desirable level of health
and fitness.
A supportive community
The aim to support social networks encompasses the following aspects:
• collaboration with the children’s parents (or other primary caregivers) in
achieving their goals for their child;
• connecting with the cultures of the families participating in early childhood
programs and the broader community;
• imparting understanding of and respect for social and cultural diversity;
• supporting educators, both personally and professionally.
Clearly, these aims are not value-neutral. This is inevitable, as a key function
of education is to socialise children; it becomes problematic only if we forget to
question the legitimacy of our aims for children in general, for our particular
context, or for individual children.
should build on what the children already can do, rather than on what they
cannot do (Smidt 1998).
Individualisation of the curriculum necessitates greater flexibility in your
role, organisation of the setting and structure of the program. While keeping
in mind long-term goals, your moment-to-moment decision making needs to
remain fluid and opportunistic, taking advantage of spontaneous opportunities
to capitalise on the children’s ideas and interests (Kostelnick 1992).
It might go without saying, but adjustments to programs for children with
additional needs should be based on need. This has two implications: first, that
it is important to identify those needs accurately; second, that just as need is the
criterion for adjusting programs for children with disabilities, so too must it be
the criterion when children’s development is advanced. Program adjustments for
gifted children are instead often provided on the basis of whether the children are
‘deserving’—that is, displaying exemplary behaviour (Borland 1989). However,
the fact that these children are able to function within expectations indicates that
the present program is already meeting their needs; the children who actually
require adjustments to their program are those whose behaviour attests to some
When planning for the individual needs of children with disabilities or gifts,
local policy might dictate that an individualised curriculum plan be negotiated.
Around the world, these go by many titles, including negotiated curriculum plan
(NCP), individualised education plan (IEP) or an Individualised Family Service
Plan (IFSP) (Cook et al. 2000). Whatever its title, the plan will contain a
summary of the assessment information, a statement about the family’s aspir-
ations for their son or daughter and resulting program priorities, and a description
of the services to be provided and their setting (Cook et al. 2000). Less formal
plans are likely to be used for children with lesser developmental difficulties and
those with advanced development, although all efforts at individualisation will
encompass adjustments to the learning environment, teaching processes,
program content, and the products through which children demonstrate their
learning (see Table 4.1).
Common elements
• structured yet flexible • facilitative relationships • programs based on children’s • demonstration of key
• organisation •between educators and •interests •knowledge and skills
• supportive climate •children • an integrated curriculum • a range of mediums
• encouragement of exploration
• high but realistic
• expectations
• high-quality teaching
Differentiation methods
• adult-child ratios • naturalistic instruction • tailored activities: • tiered products
• group size • adult-directed teaching – simple vs complex • teach expressive skills
• flexible time allotment • mediation of social interaction – concrete vs abstract
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should help children to feel safe, allow them to exercise choice, invite inves-
tigation, permit them to use ideas and materials creatively, and give them
independent access to materials and play, thus giving them confidence that they
can have control of themselves during their play (Fraser & Gestwicki 2002;
Robson 1996; Smidt 1998). Fourth, the physical layout allows the program to
flow smoothly, for example by keeping traffic areas free of congestion.
Various elements of the physical and social environment can be adapted to
enable children with atypical development to engage in purposeful and meaning-
ful activity (Kostelnick 1992). Environmental adjustment will not only promote
children’s development but has the advantage of being naturalistic and relatively
unobtrusive (Sandall 1993).
they can safely access the setting independently. For instance, blind children
need their environment to be laid out logically so that it is predictable; there
needs to be sufficient room for specialised equipment and the negotiation of
obstacles; children with sensory impairments might require adjustments to the
acoustics or lighting in the room; those with physical or vision disabilities will
require even walking surfaces, ramps for wheelchairs, and toys and equipment
that are safe and adapted for successful use. On the other hand, educators must
avoid environmental adaptations being so extensive that it becomes difficult for
children to adjust to natural settings where few such adaptations exist (Lewis &
Taylor 1997).
adult is prepared to run wherever necessary to retrieve the ball when it is thrown
back to him or her. Thus, conversations with children have to follow their lead,
with adults responding to children’s ideas and questions and elaborating on their
experience so that they can make sense of what they encounter (Smidt 1998).
Having touched on the intellectual aspect of dialogues, it must be empha-
sised that conversations must also be emotionally engaging: the intellect cannot
work without affective involvement (Maxwell 1996), while intimacy with adults
will go a long way towards meeting children’s emotional needs. Therefore, your
interactions with children must be warm and fun and offer opportunities for
personal two-way discussions in which you listen to what is engaging them,
rather than asking questions whose answers you already know (such as, ‘What
colour are you using now?’), offering corrections or giving directives (Maxwell
1996; NCAC 1993). Further, your feedback needs to focus on the learning
processes and dispositions that the children are exercising—such as the under-
lying ideas, problem solving efforts, planning, persistence, and so on—rather
than commenting only on end products.
• Meaning. You can convey your intellectual interest in and emotional excite-
ment about an activity. Children will then internalise (learn) to find such
activities interesting and develop the commitment that is necessary for sus-
tained effort and success.
• Expansion. You can expand children’s cognitive awareness beyond their
immediate activity by making spontaneous comparisons between the present
task and others they have achieved, pointing out strategies for memory
storage and recall, and so on.
• Simplification. You can remove elements of the task that are too difficult for
a child, or complete those aspects yourself so that the child is able to
complete the remaining aspects independently. For example, when complet-
ing a difficult puzzle, you might remove only a few pieces from the
completed puzzle and allow the children to replace just those missing pieces
so that they experience success.
• Feedback. You can express excitement and satisfaction with children’s
achievements by, for example, making explicit positive statements about
their efforts (e.g. ‘You took care balancing that block and now it’s staying
put!’). This teaches children how to monitor and judge outcomes for them-
selves and will enhance effort and reflection (Moss 1992).
This mediating process will be reciprocal, wherein you respond to the children’s
actions as well as requiring them to respond to you (Lambert & Clyde 2000). In
this way, the children can control the pace of their learning and, ultimately, are
empowered to practise new skills independently.
to interact with typical peers and, once engaged, to maintain their interactions
with others (Cavallaro et al. 1993). In supporting the children, you might choose
one of the following strategies (Ward 1996).
• Play in parallel with children so that they will begin to copy you. This adds
to or extends their own play ideas.
• Become an active co-player. At the invitation of children, you can become
a co-player, joining in their existing play and responding to their comments
or actions, thus complementing and extending their ideas.
• Direct the play. Sometimes you might take more control of the direction of
children’s play, either by making suggestions from the side or by participat-
ing in the play. This is useful when children do not seem able to engage in
more advanced play without adult prompts. As soon as they can assume
control of its direction themselves, you can ease out of the play (Ward 1996).
At all of these levels you can pose questions, make suggestions, and expand
on the children’s thinking and cooperative skills to enable them to elaborate on
their ideas and exercise increasingly sophisticated thinking processes.
childlike and irrelevant to children and their families, and educators’ low expec-
tations can render children unnecessarily incompetent.
Those who favour the alternative, ecological, model of program planning
instead recommend that educators teach skills that are useful in children’s
environments—particularly their present settings but also having regard for the
skills that children will need in their next placement, such as school. This model
recognises that there are many pathways to achievement other than the purely
sequential route through developmental milestones (Sandall 1993). Develop-
mentalists, however, claim that this approach can result in teaching skills that are
too sophisticated for the children’s abilities (Mirenda & Donnellan 1987),
forcing them to learn by rote rather than fully comprehending what they are
encountering (Katz 1988). The result can be that the children are less likely to
maintain their skills over time or apply their skills in other settings (that is,
generalise what they have learned).
A blend of the two models is possible: educators could decide to teach the
next skill in the typical developmental sequence in each domain, but prioritise
these according to whether the skills are likely to be useful to the children; or, in
reverse, they could establish priorities on the basis of which skills will be func-
tional for children but adjust teaching in light of awareness of the children’s
current developmental status which will imply how difficult the task might be for
them to achieve (Mirenda & Donnellan 1987).
However, you might have recognised that this is a ‘top-down’ debate that fails
to question the implied role of adults as originators of children’s learning and
whose intrapersonal focus does not take sufficient account of children’s social
and cultural environments. The debate reported earlier concluded that rather than
imposing a set curriculum on children, educators need to follow children’s lead,
responding to their engagement in a way that allows them to construct their indi-
vidual understandings of themselves and their world (Dahlberg et al. 1999).
This model has two caveats: first, educators cannot simply wait around for
children to become involved but must actively initiate ideas and provoke children’s
questioning by the content of the program. Second, when children are not
managing naturally to learn skills or acquire dispositions that will be useful to them
in the long term, you must be willing to assist them to do so. This, after all, is the
basis of early intervention.
Despite these debates about how to select priorities for individual children’s
learning, a core principle of the bottom-up approach to programming is that, in
order to foster positive dispositions towards learning, program content should be
drawn from the children’s interests and educational needs rather than from a
predetermined sequence of instruction (Dunn & Kontos 1997; NAEYC &
NAECS/SDE 1991). Children’s interests are significant because they help them
resolve inner conflicts, so it is important that adults help children to explore their
own topics rather than redirecting them to more traditional tasks (Cohen 1998).
Focusing on these interests avoids their erosion and children’s consequent under-
achievement and deflects from a deficit model of education, in which the focus
is on what children cannot do (Cohen 1998).
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While children’s interests change over time, the underlying themes of their
play are remarkably similar throughout childhood (Cohen 1989, 1998). Some
children are interested in being in control of themselves and their world; some
are fascinated by the natural world; some centre their play on exploring social
relationships; some seek to express themselves artistically and emotionally; and
others are interested in learning about symbols such as words and numbers
(Cohen 1998). These interests can be encouraged by helping the children to
gather resources, asking them questions and, when the time is right, extending an
interest into a new curricular area (Cohen 1998).
A second principle is that all young children share a fundamental need for
opportunities to make sense of their world through an integrated program. Inte-
gration encompasses a range of aspects: first, it implies that traditional content
areas are incorporated naturally into all activities (Barbour 1992; Nidiffer &
Moon 1994). Second, it recognises that all learning is interrelated and so the
whole child is the focus, rather than dividing children’s skills into the various
developmental domains (Sandall 1993). Third, integration also implies an inte-
gration of the children’s worlds—home, the school or preschool, culture and
community (Holden 1996).
Because all children have these core requirements in common, many early
childhood experiences are equally valuable for all. At other times children with
additional needs will require adjustments to the content of their programs in
response to their disparate needs. This individualisation of program content can
entail the following measures.
Product differentiation
Products allow children to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions
that they have exercised during their participation in the program. They make
children’s learning visible, communicate to the children that their efforts are
valued, communicate to parents about their children’s learning, and invite the
children’s reflection on what they have achieved (Fraser & Gestwicki 2002;
Helm et al. 1998). They are ‘a visible trace of the process that children and
teachers engage in during their investigations together’ (Fraser & Gestwicki
2002: 129).
Products can reflect individual or cooperative effort and can span samples of
the children’s writing and art; lists recorded by the educator but generated by the
children, as in brainstorming discussions; extracts from children’s journals or
educators’ logs; displays of children’s constructions; photographs of impermanent
constructions such as sand creations; or audio or video tapes of children’s music
or language experiences (Helm et al. 1998). These can be assembled in individ-
ual children’s portfolios, displayed within the centre or sent home.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (1986)
cautions that such outputs should not be inhibited by adult-imposed standards
of completion, achievement or failure. Instead, to help parents appraise
their children’s products, they need an accompanying explanation of what their
children have been doing and how it is significant, both in its breadth and depth
(Fraser & Gestwicki 2002).
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A curriculum that is negotiated between the children and educators will nec-
essarily result in products that are different for different children. Thus, the final
aspect of the individualisation of programs—the differentiation of products—
will occur naturally. Nevertheless, the following measures could be additional
means of ensuring product differentiation.
The goals for transitions include (Hanson et al. 2000; Wolery 1989):
• ensuring that services which individual children continue to need are un-
interrupted, while implementing new services that respond to the children’s
changing needs;
• avoiding a duplication of assessment and planning procedures in the former
and future settings;
• minimising disruption and stress for the children and their families so that
the children are well prepared to function successfully in the new setting and
the parents can become independent of personnel in the former program
while still receiving adequate support.
Chapter 2 provides a discussion of how to involve parents in planning the tran-
sition of their child to the next setting, such as primary school. This is also a
curricular issue of preparing children to function successfully in the next
setting—teaching both some essential content and necessary learning processes
or behaviours, such as being able to wait for teacher attention, observing
routines, following directions, working independently, participating in groups
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and socialising with peers (Hanline 1993; Rule et al. 1990; Salisbury & Vincent
1990). However, these skills must be taught only when the children are develop-
mentally able to succeed at them: for example, requiring 3-year-olds to attend a
group story time on the grounds that they will need to know how to do it when
they are 5 is developmentally unsound. Furthermore, if schools cannot accom-
modate children with atypical development, perhaps we need to consider
restructuring classrooms rather than demanding developmentally inappropriate
splinter skills of young children.
Thus, at the same time as providing activities that will prepare children for
their next environment, it is important that you accept where the children are
now, not just have an eye on where you want them to be (Stonehouse 1988). It is
important not to rush children into learning the next developmental skill as if
their present developmental state is deficient in some way, but to give them time
to consolidate what they already know so that they will be able to generalise it
to new settings (Kostelnick 1992). Katz (1988, in Richarz 1993) calls this ‘hori-
zontal’ relevance, whereby the experiences that children are offered in early
childhood are relevant to their lives at the time, in contrast with ‘vertical’ rele-
vance in which their curriculum is aimed at preparing them for the next
environmental setting.
In terms of the actual transition, it is common practice to integrate children
who have been attending a segregated facility into regular schools gradually, some-
times on a part-time basis for one or two terms. My practical observations have
been that this can lead to a prolonged period in which the children feel out of place
in both settings and are regarded by peers (and teachers) as not truly part of either
group. For this reason, all things being equal, when entry to a new setting is occur-
ring, it might be best for preparatory visits to span no more than a few weeks.
Once modifications have been enacted, programs must be monitored to check that
they are catering appropriately for individual children (Wolery 1996). To facilitate
program evaluation, the original intervention plan needs to describe who will
collect what kinds of monitoring information and how they will do so and in what
settings; and it should give responsibility to particular team members to review
the updated information and plan any necessary program revisions (Wolery
1996). The decisions involved in this last aspect are illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Monitoring can detect whether goals need modification because they have
been attained or are proving unrealistic. It can also detect those times when
children are not progressing because, although the original plan is still relevant,
it is not being enacted as intended (Wolery 1996). This can come about because
unanticipated or changed circumstances have made it impractical to implement
the original measures, in which case these need to be redrafted, or because team
members have unwittingly lost sight of the goals and need only a reminder to
enact the planned measures.
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 76
No Yes
Is the program
being implemented
as devised? Yes
children, and balancing what you can offer one child while still meeting the
needs of the group.
For children with disabilities, the most significant challenge is designing
instruction so that they are, first, motivated and, second, able (as a result of true
mastery and skill consolidation) to apply their new skills in natural settings. Only
then can true learning be said to have occurred. Although this goal is universal,
we must recognise that all learning occurs within local and wider social contexts
and thus that no one approach will suit every child: it is important to be flexible
about meeting individual children’s needs and to be responsive to their social
context as well as their personal characteristics.
The following text describes teaching techniques for young children, with exten-
sive reference to children with disabilities:
MacNaughton, G. and Williams, G. 1998 Techniques for teaching young children:
choices in theory and practice Longman, Sydney
Having detailed in Part I the principles that underpin early years education,
authors of the chapters in Part II will describe some common instances of
atypical development in each of the developmental domains in turn, and will
detail how practitioners can adjust early education programs to accommodate
young children’s additional needs.
It must be borne in mind, however, that although it is necessary to discuss
each developmental domain separately, children can have difficulties in more
than one skill area, and so the recommendations about fostering development in
one domain need to be set alongside and balanced with the recommendations
for advancing children’s learning in another. For example, although it might be
beneficial to give children additional experience in physical skills which they are
not acquiring as expected, their current emotional status might instead mean that
they would become overwhelmed if put under pressure to learn new skills at this
time. Thus, as mentioned in Part I, children’s development must be viewed as a
whole, such that their needs in one domain must temper decisions about inter-
vening in another.
All the authors in Part II have framed their recommendations with this in
mind, and emphasise that activities provided for young children need to be
playful and enjoyable for them. Their social needs must also be considered by
not singling out individual children for specific intervention—instead offering
groups of children modified activities that might specifically benefit a given
child but which all can equally enjoy.
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• Vision teaches infants about the world beyond their immediate grasp.
Moreover, it allows them to interpret auditory input and information about
the position of their body, and so also assists language development and
motor skill learning.
• During the early childhood years many children are naturally long-
sighted, but this is resolved if their visual system is functioning normally
and they are exposed to rich visual experiences.
• Caregivers and educators can observe for signs of vision impairment in
children, but routine specialist assessment is recommended for all children
prior to school entry.
• Children with significant vision impairment often have associated disabil-
ities, necessitating a coordinated program based on specialist advice about
their individual needs.
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Like the auditory system, vision provides information from beyond arm’s reach.
The visual system is used during early development to direct infants’ hands to an
object that interests them so that it can then be manipulated and inspected to gain
understanding and concept knowledge. As children acquire 80% of their infor-
mation about the world through vision, concept development can be fragmented
and delayed if their vision is impaired (Pagliano 1998).
Combining visual and auditory information allows children to interpret
spatial distances and positions (Getman 1993). If their visual system is faulty
in some way, children might not be able to integrate anything more than
whatever they can reach or place in their mouths. As a result, their development
of discrimination skills will take far longer.
Children also use vision to make sense of their own movement and changes
in posture. The world looks and feels different when infants are lying horizon-
tally from when they are sitting upright. However, when infants’ vision is
distorted, they can become confused and later have difficulty when moving
around in space independently (Lowe 1990; White & Telec 1998). If children
have poor vision on one side of their body or have difficulty using their eyes
together, their visual image may not match how their bodies feel when they
move. In children who have physical disabilities a similar process occurs, where
it is difficult for them to integrate their visual and physical feedback. These
children can learn to adapt, but more usually they compromise—either by not
looking or by avoiding particular movements that confuse them.
Children who have vision difficulties may have associated problems with
hand–eye coordination. They might not be able to locate a toy with their
hand—that is, direct their hand to where they think the object is. When they miss
the object with their hand, children with normal vision will look again, redirect
their hand, look again, and so on, until they successfully grasp the object.
However, children with vision difficulties will tend to look once, feel for the
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 83
object, and if they continue to miss it will search for it tactually rather than by
looking again. This can set up a developmental difficulty, in that the children will
not use their visual system as a directing system but only as a rough guide. Later
development of difficulties with eye–hand coordination can have this as its basis.
There is also a relationship between vision problems and hearing difficul-
ties. One of the advantages of a long-distance receptor such as vision is that it
enables individuals to interpret or localise the origin of particular sounds. If there
is a clear visual image of the sound source, babies can understand noises and
what causes them. When infants cannot generate a visual image to match a
sound, they can become frightened or alarmed by noises. This can occur even
when their sense of hearing is intact.
As might be expected, language and social skills are also affected by
significantly impaired vision. Eye contact sets the stage for social interaction
while eye gaze establishes and maintains topics of conversation, without which
children with severe vision impairments can be deprived of the necessary
practice at language and with observing the subtleties of social interaction
(Howard et al. 2001; Kingsley 1997). Furthermore, infants need vision to imitate
mouth movements, so the speech of blind children can be delayed.
Finally, while low vision can restrict visual and motoric inspection of the
environment, motivation to explore can be reduced, as children with severely
impaired vision can experience the world as chaotic and unpredictable and so
withdraw (White & Telec 1998). Also, fearful of their safety, parents and other
caregivers can unintentionally limit these children’s investigation of their
environment (Hallahan & Kauffman 2000).
When light enters the eye, it is bent (refracted) at the cornea and focused by
adjustments to the shape of the lens—see Figure 5.1. The light then passes on to
the retina at the back of the eye, whereupon a message is sent through the optic
nerve to the occipital (pronounced ok-sip-it-al) lobe of the brain, which is
responsible for interpreting visual input.
The eye
Impaired vision can result from irregularities in the eye. During the earliest days
of life, babies’ vision is quite blurred beyond 1 metre (Leat et al. 1999). But as
the eye grows during childhood it changes its shape and thus its focus. After
babies’ initial few weeks, during which time their refractive status is unstable,
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 84
Lens Vitreous
Optic nerve
the eyes gradually settle to become moderately long-sighted (or hyperopic). Over
the proceeding months and years until adolescence, the vision system sets up a
process of reducing that hyperopia. In adults the ideal outcome is emmetropia
(see Figure 5.2a), which is where the vision components are in balance. Distance
vision is clear and no effort is required to maintain clarity of vision. The process
of achieving emmetropia is termed emmetropisation.
Chronological age gives children time, but might not give them the experi-
ence necessary to initiate appropriate emmetropisation. For example, infants
with physical or other developmental disabilities might not experience the same
rich environment as non-disabled babies. This can delay the development of their
visual skills and the emmetropisation process.
Eye use
In some cases the visual system is healthy and the child able to see clearly but
the control of the eyes may be immature. From being a purely reflexive system
during the earliest days of life, the visual system subsequently develops
dramatically. The nerves in the critical area at the back of the eye, which is called
the macula, become increasingly sensitive and fine detail can be detected, as long
as infants receive appropriate stimulation in the form of light and patterns of light
(Kavner 1985), without which there can be a lifelong negative effect on individ-
uals’ vision.
The next stage is that babies start to move their eyes, which allows a wider
view and the inclusion of more objects. Eye movement fosters the early develop-
ment of visual skills for discriminating between objects with various colours,
movements or sounds associated with them, allowing babies to look selectively
at objects to discern their relative value or interest. In order for all this to happen
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there needs to be integration between the clear vision of the central field and
peripheral vision.
To be truly efficient, children’s eye movements need to be accurate. Ordin-
arily, the first eye movement for babies is a very basic horizontal saccadic
movement—that is, a movement from left to right. This can be a reflexive
response to sound, light or movement and becomes more deliberate when
inspecting or satisfying their interest in a stimulus, such as a mobile above
the crib.
To increase peripheral vision it may be more efficient to move the head,
which in turn requires some motor control. In other circumstances it can be more
efficient to move only the eyes. Therefore, it is important that children develop
the skill to move their eyes independently of their head, which is dependent on
their integration of early reflexes.
Strabismus is also termed ‘cross-eyed’, as it basically describes how the eyes
look. The turning in form of strabismus is known as esotropia and is by far the
commonest variant found in younger children, with between 2% and 4% of the
paediatric population affected. Most children with significant esotropia present
from birth are identified readily. However, variable esotropia can go unnoticed
for some years. This is when the angle of the eye-turn varies during the day,
according to the child’s wellbeing or health, or depending on the task being per-
formed. Variable esotropia can appear for the first time when children begin to
do work at close range for continuous periods. Prior to this, toddlers may only
ever have scribbled, and in many cases scribbling can be done without any atten-
tion from the vision.
The reason that esotropia is such a significant problem is that the eye which
has turned in does not receive adequate information or visual stimulation to
develop fully. It is crucial that the eye develop an appropriate connection
between the nerves and the part of the brain that interprets visual information.
If the eye is turned in, it will not develop its true visual potential. This is one of
the leading causes of amblyopia, or ‘lazy eye’. When this condition develops
children can experience significant problems with binocular vision—that is,
using both eyes together. In some cases of alternating strabismus (where one eye
will go in and the other remains straight, then the eyes later change to give the
opposite effect), neither eye might develop weakness but the eyes learn to work
independently rather than together.
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Amblyopia refers to reduced visual acuity, usually in one rather than both eyes,
which cannot be corrected by lenses (Caloroso & Rouse 1993). It affects 2% of
the population and arises when the individual’s two eyes see with differing
acuity, and so the brain ignores the picture from one eye (Menacker & Batshaw
1997). Strabismic amblyopia is due to one eye being turned in; refractive ambly-
opia is due to an imbalance in the power of the eyes. When treated early, lenses
might be all that is required to allow the development of normal vision. However,
in some cases additional specific treatment will be necessary.
Nystagmus is characterised by a rhythmical oscillation of the eyes (Leat et al.
1999). Individuals with nystagmus typically have a relatively normal variation of
refractive error—that is, they can be long- or short-sighted. I believe it is as if
the eyes, unable to see clearly at the macula, then start performing a searching
motion to gain information as best they can. The visual system of individuals with
nystagmus is like a camera taking many very quick photos, trying to work out
exactly what it is they are looking at.
Near vision is often very difficult for children with nystagmus, and they
often require additional help through magnification or enlargement of text. In the
short term or as young children, their coordination will develop reasonably well,
but they will have underdeveloped eye–hand coordination skills.
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Screening kits and checklists are available to aid identification, but there are also
specific behaviours that practitioners can look out for to identify children who
are experiencing vision difficulties that require specialist assessment. These
signs are listed in Box 5.1.
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Professional assessment
Children who have been identified to have potential problems with their vision
should be assessed by an appropriate clinician. The relevant vision professionals
include the following:
• Optometrists are practitioners who have a university degree and who look
at how the eyes work. A doctor’s referral is not necessary for an appoint-
ment. Optometrists are able to recognise diseases of the eye, but will refer
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All children and particularly those with recognised disabilities require careful
observation of their ability to use their eyes efficiently.
outcome is that around 70% of congenitally blind children also have other dis-
abilities: 25% have an intellectual disability, 10% also have hearing losses, 8%
have epilepsy, 6% have cerebral palsy, and 6% have congenital heart defects
(Lowe 1990). These children need an individualised program devised in consul-
tation with a range of specialists to assist them in domains where they experience
an impairment and to capitalise on their residual sensory perception and develop-
mental strengths.
efficiently and so that they do not become overly reliant on their other senses,
such as touch.
Depending on his or her particular vision difficulties and residual vision, each
child will function differently in the environment. The aim for children with
significant vision impairment is to give them knowledge of the realities around
them and the confidence to cope with these (Lowe 1990).
Environmental adjustments
Children with significant vision impairment need their environment to be
arranged logically and consistently, with floor surfaces plain and matt to avoid
glare, fittings painted in contrasting colours to highlight their location, and
changes in floor levels signalled well in advance by texture or colour changes
(Lewis & Taylor 1998; Pagliano 1998). Doors should be left open or closed, but
not ajar (Pagliano 1998).
These children tend to require double the usual illumination levels but
with glare-reduced lighting so that shadows do not create visual confusion
(Lewis & Taylor 1998). Enhanced illumination is likely to be particularly nec-
essary for children with macular disease or retinitis pigmentosa (which is a
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Within Australia, to obtain the names of local behavioural optometrists, you can
refer to the website of the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists
(ACBO) ( or contact the ACBO National Secretariat on
(+61 3) 9729-5822.
Currently available screening tests by health professionals have generally
focused on detecting vision anomalies rather than vision skills. Therefore there is
a need for a new ‘family’ of screening tests. These are slowly becoming available
in the marketplace. You can contact for
preschool and primary school vision screening kits. The observations checklist is
available from OEP USA (at This looks at the development of
vision from 6 months and earlier and gives general guidelines for what is to be
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When we are assisting young children to move about the nursery or playground,
we are attempting to promote their motor learning. Children’s motor learning
depends on the growth and maturation of their anatomy and physiology, in
particular the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, plus extensive practice of
goal-directed, active movement—and a dynamic interaction between all these
elements (Shumway-Cook & Woollacott 2001). An example of this interplay is
that toddlers have better head control than babies. This comes about because
toddlers’ nervous system is more mature, their ratio of head to trunk size is
smaller than for infants (see Figure 6.1) and so their neck muscles do not have to
work so hard to hold their head steady (a musculoskeletal factor), and because
toddlers have had more practice at a variety of movements requiring different
types of head control (i.e. task-specific practice).
Motor learning also depends on children’s knowledge of the results of
movements that they have attempted—that is, sensory feedback (Gentile 1987).
This feedback allows children to fine-tune motor control as the movement
continues or is repeated; sensory feedforward mechanisms then help children to
anticipate or prepare for future movement (Shumway-Cook & Woollacott 2001).
Motor learning and performance are also subject to individual differences and
prevailing environmental conditions. For example, although all human beings
learn to walk using roughly similar patterns of movement, the gait pattern
they choose to use at any given time will be shaped by their biomechanical
characteristics (height, weight, leg length and bony alignment; see Figure 6.2);
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Some children consistently appear ‘clumsy’ or awkward in their gross and fine
motor play. Others avoid physical activity. These difficulties can be due to a
range of conditions such as vision impairments (see Chapter 5) and physical or
other disabilities, some of which I shall now discuss.
Cerebral palsy
One group of children with coordination difficulties are those who have cerebral
palsy. Cerebral palsy refers to persistent disorders of movement, postural control
and muscle tone resulting from non-progressive damage to the developing brain
(Stanley 1994) (see Appendix I). Brain injury occurring later in childhood is
called traumatic or acquired. Although with cerebral palsy the damage to the
central nervous system is not itself progressive, when young infants with
cerebral palsy begin to move their ability to control their movement may appear
to worsen. For example, children may have normal muscle tone when they are
lying and resting, but when they pull to standing at furniture their calf muscles
may become very tight, preventing heel contact with the floor. (For further infor-
mation on these children, see Additional resources.)
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• compensate very well with their sound side and resist your efforts to have
them use the affected limbs.
The second group of children whose mild cerebral palsy sometimes goes
unrecognised are those with mild spastic diplegia. These children:
• do most of the effort of creeping and crawling with their upper body—for
example, by drawing their knees together and using short strides of the knee
or bunny-hopping (leaning on their hands and dragging their knees behind);
• commonly sit between their heels;
• persistently pull to stand at furniture with their knees drawn together, over-
using their arms and upper trunk, then standing up on their toes;
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Spina bifida
Another group of children with difficulties in movement control are those who
have spina bifida (described in Appendix I). Children with its most severe form,
myelomeningocoele (pronounced mi-lo-men-in-jo-seal), will have partial or
complete paralysis of the muscles supplied by nerves below the level of their
spinal lesion. They usually also have reduced sensation and bladder or bowel
control. Reduced tactile awareness of their lower limbs can result in the children
not noticing friction burns caused by creeping and dragging their bare legs and
feet across rough carpet. Therefore, you will need to be vigilant of their skin con-
dition and teach the children to use their vision to check their limb placement.
They may also have osteoporotic or fragile leg bones resulting from reduced
weight-bearing and walking. You may need to take special care that classmates
do not trip over their legs when preschoolers are asked to sit together on a mat.
Many children with spina bifida will use standing frames, various assistive
walking devices and wheelchairs (often beginning with castor carts low to the
floor) from early in their preschool years. They will usually be in the care of a
physiotherapist and other medical and allied health professionals who can advise
you on their mobility training, manual handling, continence care and related
needs. Detailed information can also be found in such texts as Burns and Mac-
Donald (1996).
global developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder or mild cerebral palsy, all
of which share some of the sensorimotor and behavioural features of DCD.
Your programming adjustments will depend on children’s specific combi-
nation of sensorimotor difficulties, but are likely to span sensory preparation
activities (see chapter 7) and activities to promote well-timed and coordinated
movement, motor planning, balanced muscle length, functional strength, fitness
and confidence.
Intellectual disabilities
As is the case in all other developmental domains, children with intellectual
disability acquire motor skills more slowly than average and take longer to
generalise motor skills learned in one context to another slightly different situ-
ation. When intellectual disability is the sole cause of their motor developmental
delay, the children commonly have low muscle tone and poorly developed
postural adjustments and balance reactions. This leads to difficulty with control
of movement against gravity, distrust of situations that challenge their balance,
and assumption of a wide-based stance. Low tone in facial muscles can lead to
eating, drinking and speech difficulties.
Children with intellectual disability often have trouble initiating functional
movement, but can complete a familiar movement sequence if it is begun for
them. Motor planning, especially in novel situations, is weak. Arousal levels (see
chapter 7) and motivation strongly affect their rate of learning. Behavioural tech-
niques can assist (see chapter 12).
One category of children with an intellectual disability are those who have
Down syndrome (see Appendix I). In terms of the effect of this syndrome on
motor learning, these children’s low muscle tone, lax ligaments and sensory
difficulties affect their control of posture and movement. Infants with Down
syndrome are often tactile-sensitive on the soles of their feet and dislike weight-
bearing in standing. (See chapter 7 for sensory preparation techniques.)
Of those individuals with Down syndrome, 14–20% have atlantoaxial insta-
bility. This is excessive movement between the top two vertebrae of the neck,
associated with lax ligaments. This may cause no symptoms and go undetected,
but children with identified instability should avoid contact sports, diving, or any
activity likely to put strain on the neck such as somersaults or strenuous tram-
polining. In extreme cases surgery can be necessary to relieve pressure on the
spinal cord. If in doubt, refer the children’s parents to their paediatrician or local
Down Syndrome Society.
When typically developing infants first learn to walk or when toddlers are
carrying an object, they can walk on their toes for a time (Van Sant & Goldberg
1999). When it is the only unusual feature in a child’s movement, it can resolve
itself in time. However, all persistent toe-walking warrants careful assessment,
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Although children will limp briefly when they have hurt their leg or foot, per-
sistent limps can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscular imbalance
or coordination problems, as in cerebral palsy or developmental coordination
disorder; leg length discrepancies; disease or malalignment of any lower limb
joint; trauma; hairline fractures; soft tissue damage; low back injury; and even
bone cancer (although this is rare). Any painful limp that persists for more than
two days and cannot be explained by a minor local injury should be investigated,
initially by the family’s general practitioner.
Children with advanced learning capabilities often acquire motor skills early—
particularly skills that require cognitive control such as balance, compared with
skills that rely only on strength or endurance (Roedell et al. 1980). They can
generally learn new physical movements with ease (Moltzen 1996), can locate
themselves readily in the environment, and have superior coordination, environ-
mental perception and planning skills (Porter 1999).
On the other hand, some gifted children take little interest in physical activity.
Instead some prefer literacy-based activities; some consider the unsophisticated
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active play of their age mates trivial or dislike its boisterous or competitive
element; some shun physical activity because, compared with their extremely
advanced intellectual skills, they feel relatively incapable in the physical arena
(Porter, pers. comm.). These children can be at risk of reduced physical fitness,
while a lack of practice of motor skills can lead to declining proficiency over time.
In my clinical experience, a very small subgroup of gifted children can also have
developmental coordination disorder. Even as preschoolers these children are
acutely aware of their lack of physical prowess and are adroit at avoiding physical
To overcome these children’s avoidance of physical activity, you can encour-
age them into activities that have a high intellectual component, such as active
dramatic play where they can develop their own rules. (This is less likely to be
successful, however, if they have no playmates at their own intellectual level with
whom to share such play.) Parents can also be alerted to extracurricular activities
such as gymnastics, while in the school years sports such as orienteering, archery
and horse riding can appeal to these children’s intellect at the same time as
offering physical exercise. Teaching children responsibility for their own health
and fitness, perhaps using children’s health websites to set up their own fitness
program, can empower and motivate these children to be more physically active.
Muscle length
Because of restricted space for movement in the last two months prior to birth,
full-term infants are born with shorter flexor muscles (those mainly in the front
of the neck, trunk and limbs which bend the body part forwards) and longer
extensors (muscles mainly on the back of the body which straighten the trunk or
limb). One of the byproducts of early motor learning is to balance muscle length
around joints to permit efficient control of movement.
of support (Horak 1987). For balance, we need sensory input signalling a threat
to our equilibrium, and motor output to respond to that threat. Sensory input for
balance (some operating in both feedback and feedforward modes) comprises:
• vision—both structural aspects of the visual system and efficiency of eye
movements. This sense is the most dominant, especially in infants and
• proprioception (or somatosensation in US terms), which contributes infor-
mation about joint position and muscle tension and becomes useful from
around 3 years of age (Foudriat et al. 1993);
• the vestibular sense in the inner ear, which matures later and, from around
7 years of age, can assist individuals to resolve situations of sensory confu-
sion about balance (Shumway-Cook & Woollacott 1985).
Motor output for balance involves activating teams of muscles in the right order
and at the right force to adjust our posture effectively. Children with difficulties
sequencing and scaling muscle activity will lack precision in the postural adjust-
ments required for balance (Shumway-Cook & Woollacott 2001). There is a
large learning component to this process, beginning in infancy, superimposed on
developmental and maturational changes to the nervous and musculoskeletal
As well as maturation and experience of locomotion and physical activity,
for efficient postural control we need reasonably normal muscle tone and
strength and adequate range of joint movement. Children with stiff ankles (e.g.
as caused by juvenile chronic arthritis or mild cerebral palsy) may maintain
standing balance by making compensatory movements around hip level. If that
fails, they may take a step to reposition their base of support, rather than relying
on their limited ankle movement. Considering all these sensory input and motor
output factors, it becomes evident that there are many potential ways to assist the
balance difficulties of preschoolers.
To assist children’s motor learning, the aim is to enable them to perform goal-
directed movement (e.g. when infants reach for and grasp a toy or when toddlers
climb onto their parent’s lap for a hug). If children are not achieving this or if
their movement is inefficient, practitioners will analyse the component skills
(sensory and motor) that are weak or missing in the children’s performance and
train these aspects specifically in programming. In so doing, it is crucial that the
activities given to assist children’s motor learning are purposeful and appealing.
Sensory preparation may sometimes have to begin a movement lesson.
Once children have partial mastery of the component skills and the goal-
directed movement, the next step is to help them generalise skills to
similar-but-slightly-different contexts, with less and less direct assistance from
adults. In this way, children can develop an expanding repertoire of sensorimotor
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skills, which they can adapt and modify to solve new movement challenges. By
this process they learn confidence and enjoyment of physical activity.
Suggestions for promoting motor development in infants or toddlers who are
not yet walking are readily available elsewhere but it is important to highlight five
issues here. First, children need to experience the world from different heights and
angles so those with physical disabilities will need opportunities to play at floor
level as well as from their wheelchair or standing frame, so that they can see the
world from different perspectives (Nixon & Gould 1999). There are also musculo-
skeletal, physiological and social reasons for these children to experience a
variety of play positions, including assisted standing, each day. A second issue is
that when young children require you to help them move about in their castor cart
or wheelchair, it must be borne in mind that infants and toddlers typically pause
to inspect what they discover in transit. Therefore, your speed of pushing will
sometimes need to mirror this slow pace so that children with physical disabilities
have similar opportunities for exploration. Third, children who cannot move about
independently will need systematic assistance to move from one activity to
another so that they are not stranded at an activity that they have completed.
Fourth, children who cannot move independently will need active assistance to
become involved in physical play. Finally, in all instances when you are lifting or
moving children, you will need to avoid injury to yourself and them by practising
safe handling techniques. For detailed guidance about these issues for individual
infants and children, you will need to consult with their visiting allied health pro-
fessional. (See also Additional resources.)
The remainder of this chapter concentrates on strategies to promote fitness
and gross motor skill development for preschoolers who are walking independ-
ently but experiencing some difficulties of motor learning or performance. As
no two children have the same mix of abilities and disabilities, the following
programming suggestions cannot be applied in a recipe-like fashion but call for
improvisation and adjustment, according to how the children respond.
If you have any worries about children’s safety while engaging in physical
activity—such as when children have asthma or other cardiorespiratory
problems, or the neck instability sometimes associated with Down syndrome—
you should consult their parents and, with permission, their medical practitioner
or allied health professional for advice. (See also Additional resources.)
The instruction during a stretching activity such as the one illustrated here could
be: ‘Keep your feet pointing forward. Lean forward and keep your heels on the
ground. Can you feel that “comfy stretch” and count to twenty? No bouncing!’
Climbing games
Climbing gives children improved access to their environment and has an impor-
tant role in their musculoskeletal development: it can improve their strength,
motor planning, aerobic fitness, and control of movement involving rotation of
one body segment on another. As well, it teaches them to shift their weight in
various directions without falling and enables them to learn visuospatial rela-
tionships—that is, how much space their body requires to negotiate obstacles.
Thus, teaching horizontal or vertical climbing can be particularly beneficial
for children with weak muscles (e.g. those with cerebral palsy) and for those
with shortened muscle groups or immature lower limb bony alignment (e.g.
children who are ‘pigeon-toed’ beyond the age of 4 years). Whenever climbing
raises one knee past waist level, it causes rotation outwards of the raised leg. The
muscles that cause this outward rotation exert a cranking-out effect on the lower
limb bones and so with repetition may help to realign the limbs (Cusick 1990).
This is possible in young children as their bones are softer than those of adults.
While playing games such as follow-the-leader, animal walks or completing
an obstacle course, you can encourage horizontal climbing by having the child-
ren crawl over floor cushions, through tunnels or portholes, under or over rungs
of a climbing frame or in and out of supermarket cartons (turning hands and
body for descent; see next section). If necessary, offer extra help in the form of
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manual or verbal prompts to duck their head, shift their weight, lean on their
palms not the backs of hands, and so on.
Vertical climbing can be up and down stairs or the ladder to a play fort or a
toddler’s slide, or on and off a rocking horse. From 4 years of age, you can help
children to descend a platform above waist height (e.g. trampoline, play fort)
using the following sequence: sit on edge, turn onto stomach, push back with
arms, feel with feet for rungs or the ground.
From 4 years of age, children can climb over a climbing trestle, turning to
face the equipment to descend. For children with motor planning or proprio-
ceptive problems, it helps to teach each stage of the trestle sequence separately.
For example, a simple rhythm of ‘hand, hand, foot, foot’ with verbal and manual
prompts can assist practice of limb placement for the ascent, reversing this order
for descent. Once this is established, show children how to swing one leg over
the top bar and turn to descend. Children with poor coordination or safety sense
may need to ‘sit on the bar, stop and think’. They should then ‘turn and swap’
their hands, thus initiating upper body rotation towards the trestle, then ‘keep
holding on, and stand up’. Help them to swing the trailing leg over the top bar,
then use that foot to ‘find the bar’ below to begin the descent.
For a strong handgrip, encourage preschoolers to wrap their thumbs around
each rung, to meet their fingertips ‘like a bird on a perch’. For children who are
afraid of heights, let them practise the ‘turn to descend’ while one foot remains
on the ground, perhaps climbing into a large supermarket carton, or over a low
Balance games
As discussed earlier, balance or postural adjustments accompany and under-
pin all movement. Young children can have poor balance or postural control for
one or a combination of reasons, and you may need to consult a paediatric
physiotherapist to work out where individual children’s main problem lies.
Nevertheless, there are many preschool games that you can use to help develop
postural control on a broad front, particularly the ability to shift weight for
single-leg stance activities, and the ability to make rapid postural adjustments
‘on the run’. Because balance accompanies all movement, children need to
practise their balance skills in a wide variety of task settings and under various
sensory conditions—for example with shoes on and off, indoors and outdoors,
and on the various types of terrain they are likely to meet in their everyday life.
To promote weight shift and single-leg stance, the following activities can be
• Kicking a ball softly.
• Marching to music, emphasising lifting knees.
• Simon says: ‘Stand on one leg and count to three.’
• Taking giant steps from island to island (hoops or paper circles).
• Stepping over shin-high bars without hand support in an obstacle course.
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• ‘Stomping’ toys and games (e.g. a foot catapult which throws beanbags for
the children to catch, or stomping on bubble wrap).
• Swaying activities in sitting, quadruped or standing on a trampoline (one
child at a time). You can stimulate the sway by gently applying pressure to
the trampoline mat, in various directions. The children can then sway them-
selves from foot to foot, being an elephant swinging its trunk.
• Side-stepping along a line, or between the rungs of a ladder laid flat on the
• Using low cup-type stilts.
To promote rapid postural adjustments ‘on the run’, you could encourage
the following activities either in the playground or during indoor music and
movement times:
• Walking, running or completing rapid turns on slopes and uneven terrain.
• Playing a ‘traffic game’, in which the children are cars that have to stop and
start rapidly on your traffic officer’s signal. Begin on level ground, then
progress to a gentle slope. A variation is ‘freeze’ on a verbal or musical
• Retrieving and returning a rolling ball without falling.
• Walking along a line, beam, or the brick edge of a garden bed. From 4 years
of age, try heel-to-toe walking (Burns 1992).
• Ball catching and throwing (seated or standing).
• Moving to music, later simple folk dance.
off a low step (at ankle then knee height), with help from you if necessary by
drawing their hands forward. Walking on tiptoes and running improve the
propulsive strength needed to jump. Preschoolers benefit from opportunities to
run free on open ground with safe boundaries. From 3 or 4 years, children can
attempt hopping, although many 4-year-olds cannot hop (Shumway-Cook &
Woollacott 2001). Pushing down with their hands on a waist-high bench while
hopping may assist.
From 5 years of age, children can be challenged to jump zig-zag along a line,
sideways, or backwards. Many children of this age can be taught to use the balls
of their feet to help them in landing, although for some, this may require specific
training from a paediatric physiotherapist.
A useful strategy is to involve the children in jumping, hopping or tiptoe
relays (preferably not a race) in which three children move as a team together.
This avoids spotlighting individual children with difficulties.
Ball games
Basic proficiency with kicking, throwing and catching a ball is a great advantage
to children beginning school, as much of the socialisation that occurs in school
playgrounds involves ball games. Ball games advance children’s:
• eye–hand coordination;
• visual attention and pursuit;
• coordinated use of both sides of their bodies;
• ability to cross their body midline;
• strength, endurance and cardiovascular fitness;
• ability to stop and start quickly;
• rapid postural adjustments while manipulating or chasing the ball;
• rhythm and timing;
• group interaction.
This list implies that there are many possible reasons why young children might
be weak at ball skills. If children over 4 years of age have persistent problems
with ball-catch despite interest in and experience with the game, arrange for their
vision to be checked and look at these other potential sources of their difficulties,
including some of the physical disabilities already discussed.
Great variation exists in the sequence of ball skill development. For instance,
preschoolers with coordination difficulties may be at a 4-year level with kick, but
at a 2-year level with catch. Start at the children’s current functional level and
move them on in the general sequence that follows.
• Roll and stop. Start with a 20–24 cm ball. From the age of 2 years, sit on
the ground with your legs in a ‘V’, facing the child, and roll the ball back
and forwards between you. From 3 years, emphasise pushing through open
palms, with wrists cocked up. (This relates to pre-writing skills.)
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Infants enjoy crawling or running after a rolling ball and running into it in an
attempt to kick. Use a soft beach ball initially or have them chase balloons. Teach
youngsters who have poor balance or are impulsive to ‘kick softly’. If 4-year-
olds display excessive ‘pigeon-toeing’, show them how to contact the ball
with the inside edge of their foot, as in a ‘soccer pass’. From 4 years, teach leg
In this chapter, the focus has been on the more subtle problems in movement
control or avoidance of physical activity seen in preschoolers who are walking.
Because some sensory and movement difficulties are common across a range of
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To perform the tasks that are typical of their age, young children need to be able
to organise the information that they are receiving through their senses, use their
hands to carry out activities, and begin to take care of their physical needs. These
three areas are the typical domain of an occupational therapist and are the subject
of this chapter. Naturally, success in each of these areas rests on the successful
functioning of numerous other systems such as the visual and auditory senses
and motor skills (see chapters 5, 6 and 8). Furthermore, each is complex and can
be described only in overview in a text such as this; consultation with an occu-
pational therapist might be useful if a child in your care is experiencing
difficulties beyond those covered here.
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Young children learn about themselves through their senses. We are all familiar
with the five basic senses of touch, taste, smell, vision and hearing. Of these,
problems with seeing and hearing are the best recognised and understood (see
chapters 5 and 8). Less well understood is how children process and interpret
information from the other senses—known as ‘near-body’ senses because they
give us direct information about our bodies and what is happening to them.
These lesser-known senses comprise the three systems of touch, the vestibu-
lar (or movement) sense, and the proprioceptive or body position sense. These
last two are sometimes referred to as the combined vestibular-proprioceptive
sense because they work so closely together.
• Tactile (touch) receptors are located in the skin. The touch system is the first
part of the nervous system to begin functioning in utero and is the most
mature of the sensory systems at birth. Of any organ of the body, the skin
sends the most sensory information to the brain. It comprises two subsystems:
the protective system that warns of danger (the ‘flight’ or ‘fight’ response);
and the discriminative system that gives information about the properties of
objects so that children can recognise objects by feel. The discriminative
system develops more slowly and can override the protective system.
• Vestibular (or movement) receptors are located in our inner ear. From
these we receive information about how we are moving, the effect of gravity
on our bodies, and the position of our head in relation to the horizon.
Vestibular information helps us to regulate muscle tone so that we can
maintain posture, and coordinates with our visual system to allow us to
control eye and head movement.
• Proprioceptive receptors are located in our muscles and joints. These
receptors allow children to know where their body is in space and to perform
tasks automatically without looking. This takes some years to develop: most
under-4-year-olds, for instance, find it difficult to maintain standing balance
with their eyes closed, indicating that they are still relying on vision to
regulate their body position.
For infants and children to function effectively, information from the three near-
body senses must be integrated well together and with visual and auditory input.
Information from all these sources must be registered, sorted, combined and
related to past experiences. Doing so keeps children alert, safe and responding
correctly to their environment (Steer 1999). With successful sensory integration,
infants can develop eye movement (tracking), posture, balance, muscle tone,
gravitational security (so that they are comfortable with movement), sucking,
eating, and a sense of tactile comfort which can promote parent–child bonding
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and attachment (Ayres 1981). These are all necessary foundation skills to
promote learning.
As illustrated in Figure 7.1, to achieve successful integration of sensory
input, children need to be able to moderate two processes: their level of arousal
or alertness, and their information processing. Although in reality these two
aspects occur almost simultaneously, to assist with conceptualising them they are
illustrated separately in Figure 7.1 and discussed individually here.
Most children in a group can be calm when required, such as when listening to
a story or settling to their afternoon nap. Others seem to function in ‘overdrive’
and have great difficulty settling. These children are often in constant motion, yet
their activity levels seem to lack purpose, they might jiggle or rock constantly
during quiet activities such as group story time, flit from activity to activity so
often that it interferes with their play (Dunn & Westman 1997), need extensive
help to get to sleep, or seem to become anxious or stressed with little reason.
These problems can be exacerbated in summer, when the children are sleeping
under light covers, thus depriving them of the deep pressure of heavier bedding
that can help to settle them as they sleep.
Conversely, some children seem too calm or appear tired or disengaged even
when they have sufficient sleep. These youngsters might spend long periods in
sedentary activities, appear not to be tuned in to what is going on around them,
or are distracted by extraneous sights or sounds even during activities that you
would expect to hold their interest.
Children’s level of alertness is dynamic and so will vary throughout the day;
difficulties arise only when their alertness levels are not suitable for the activity at
hand. When these overactive or underactive behaviours occur often, they will inter-
fere with the children’s ability to engage in developmentally appropriate activities.
Although it can appear that these children are being disruptive, disengaged or have
behavioural difficulties, these patterns may be due to poor regulation of their state
of alertness. This means that the children themselves are not able to organise auto-
matically the sensory information that they are receiving. Because of this, they
require adults to structure their sensory experiences for them so that it is easier to
organise their bodies and achieve a state of calm alertness.
Those who are underaroused can require alerting activities that offer a high
level of stimulation, while those who are overwhelmed or overaroused can benefit
from activities that help them to calm. Both measures can help children achieve
optimal attention and alertness, thus assisting them to learn (Levine 1998)—see
Box 7.1.
An important sensory integration principle is that activities work best if they
are directed by the children themselves. When children enjoy the experiences and
are active in directing these, there is more potential to improve their brain organ-
isation and so to make them more successful in their interactions with their world.
A second key principle is that trial and careful observation are required to ensure
Age-appropriate attention Appropriate response to demands
and concentration span Organisation Successful
Flexibity to adjust Self-control
arousal to suit the Accurate perception
type of activity Planned, controlled movement
Emotional state
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that the activities are enjoyable and of benefit to the children. The amount of extra
stimulation needed, its frequency, intensity and duration, will vary from child to
child and for the same child over time. As the children’s level of alertness
improves and they are better able to participate in activities, their intrinsic moti-
vation for the task will help reduce their need for additional sensory stimulation.
Sensory integration
Normally we receive so much sensory information all at once that we are unable
to pay attention to it all effectively. Consequently, we are forced to select out
some of it and focus only on what is important for us to function well. This selec-
tion process is called sensory modulation (Spitzer et al. 1996). When children’s
sensory systems appear not to be able to recognise and effectively screen
incoming sensory input, it can lead to what might simply be viewed as under- or
overreactions to sensory input (the latter being termed ‘sensory defensiveness’)
(Wilbarger & Wilbarger 1991).
These over- and underreactions can occur in any sensory modality and are
manifested by various unusual behaviours (see Figure 7.1) which, we can assume,
are an attempt by the children to organise and control the currently confusing
sensory input they are receiving. Although the resulting behaviours can seem
unusual, these have a physical basis and an adaptive function that reflect the
children’s efforts to meet their atypical sensory needs, or are simply an emotional
outburst in reaction to the distress caused by their unreliable nervous system.
predictable, and use equipment they can control. Keep close to the children to
give them security.
Rather than overreacting to movement, some children underreact. They
might seek out all sorts of movement to the point that their movement levels
interfere with daily routines; rock or spin constantly; spin objects; walk on their
toes; or take movement or climbing risks that compromise their safety (Dunn
& Westman 1997). Some ways to help these children integrate their sensory
reactions to movement are given in Box 7.3.
such as maintaining cross-legged sitting; lock their elbow or knee joints to achieve
stability; tire easily; or might use other people, furniture or objects as a physical
prop for support (Dunn & Westman 1997). Box 7.4 lists some suggestions for
assisting these children.
Hand function is vital for many daily living skills throughout life. In terms of
adults’ focus on children’s development, with the understandable emphasis on
walking and talking in toddlers, hand function often takes a back seat until later
activities such as writing and using scissors are introduced. Yet for skilled ‘tool’
use such as using a writing implement, a toothbrush, scissors or a knife and fork,
much behind-the-scenes work needs to occur to ready the hand. Much prepar-
ation for manipulation occurs in babies’ early years as part of their gross motor
development—for example, while weight bearing on their hands during crawl-
ing. These large motor skills and ongoing refinement of grasps set the scene for
controlled hand use. Thereafter, to develop precision, toddlers and preschoolers
need to practise manipulative activities during quiet indoor time rather than
replacing these entirely with watching television or using a computer.
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Grasp development
Hand skill development follows reasonably predictable trends, driven by nervous
system maturation and influenced by children’s experiences. Sequences for the
development of grasp and hand skills are outlined in Appendix II, with mature
grips illustrated in Figure 7.2. Behaviour that you might observe that suggests
difficulties with grasp development includes the following.
• You will observe grasp patterns that are immature for age, such as when
2-year-olds hold beads using the whole hand rather than fingertips when
attempting to put beads on a stick. A fisted grasp like this means that the
children cannot see the bead to line the hole up with the stick, which will
lead to failure at the task.
• You might also observe that individual children can use a mature grasp when
their hand is still, but not once they start to move their hand to manipulate
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manipulates—for instance, having children decorate with stickers a cup that has
a handle. Once children are comfortable using one hand to hold and the other to
manipulate, move on to activities that require both hands to manipulate, such as
easy threading tasks.
Grasp strength
Weakness in the hands, for whatever reason, interferes with children’s ability to
sustain good-quality grasp and to perform self-care tasks and engage in age-
appropriate play. Children with weak hands will have difficulty pulling up their
pants, fastenings snaps or pulling on their shoes (Case-Smith 1996); carrying
heavy objects; hanging from monkey bars or the ‘flying fox’; and opening lids.
Any activity that involves pushing and pulling with the arms and hands will
strengthen muscles. Examples include playdough, snaplock beads, and pulling a
partly loaded trolley or pushing a wheelbarrow.
Manipulation skills
Very young children use simple open-and-close patterns with their fingers.
However, as they get older, they need to be able to manipulate objects between and
within their hands. The latter is known as in-hand manipulation and comprises:
• translation of multiple or individual small objects from the fingertips to the
palm and retrieval of the objects back to the fingertips. When some objects
are retained within the hand during this manoeuvre, that is termed trans-
lation with stabilisation;
• simple rotation which involves rolling a small object between the pads of
the thumb and fingers;
• complex rotation, which involves using the thumb and fingers to turn an
object end over end (as when children pick up a pencil upside down and have
to rotate it so that the tip points down);
• shift, which comprises moving linearly on an object, as when children creep
their fingers down a pencil to be nearer its tip.
These skills are necessary for many daily tasks such as opening jars, replacing
lids on textas (felt pens), doing up buttons, and adjusting the position of a pencil
in the hand to permit comfortable use.
Checklists of fine motor development often overlook manipulation within
the hand (Case-Smith 1996; Pehoski et al. 1997). As a result of a lack of norms,
some children with significant manipulation difficulties are overlooked. These
children might avoid challenging hand skills or might drop objects while turning,
storing or positioning them in their hands.
To help develop in-hand manipulation skills (remembering to practise using
only one hand at a time), try handing children individual shiny stones or toy
coins with their fingertips to ‘store’ in their palm. They then can retrieve these
using the thumb of the same hand and insert the coin into a ‘treasure chest’. Start
with one coin at a time and gradually build up the number. (More than one is not
common prior to 3 years of age.)
Another idea to encourage object rotation: when replacing texta (felt pen)
lids have the children practise orienting the lid in their fingertips, again without
the assistance of the other hand. Place pencils or crayons in their hand so that
their fingers are well away from the tip; they then have to crawl their fingers
down to the tip. You will know that these activities have helped if the children’s
manipulative movements in daily activities become faster and more efficient.
Pencil grip
There are many reasons why children might use an awkward or inefficient pencil
grip. Before much time is spent with paper and pencils, it is important that the
muscles of the hand be ready. This is because prevention of awkward grips is better
than cure: it is hard to change a dysfunctional grip that is ‘locked in’. If the hand
is well prepared, many later difficulties experienced by learner writers—such as
poor grip and fatigue—could be prevented. When the muscles are overstressed,
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children compensate for the discomfort and lack of stability by developing what is
in the long term an inefficient pencil grip.
Signs that children’s grip development is not progressing well include:
• deviation from the normal developmental progression of grips (see Fig-
ure 7.4 and Appendix II);
• an overly tight grasp, which often indicates the need for additional position
sense feedback (Schneck & Henderson 1990) but leads to fatigue and add-
itional strain on joints;
• poor position during pre-writing and drawing activities;
• excessive arm tension;
simple drawn designs such as a circle or cross using pipe cleaners, laces or even
bodies. (Other resources with more detail on prewriting activities are listed at the
end of this chapter.)
Children with advanced intellectual development can lack motivation for or
experience frustration with their fine hand skills, as these tend to be less
advanced than their intellectual abilities (Tannenbaum 1983). Their hands cannot
move as quickly as their ideas and so they experience frustration, particularly
with tasks involving writing. By school age, they might not be as interested as
others in getting the mechanics of hand writing and spelling correct, taking
greater interest instead in their ideas and concepts. If the discrepancy between
their fine motor and intellectual development bothers them, these children need
to know that this is just because their hands grow up at ‘body speed’ whereas
their brains are growing up faster (Porter, pers. comm.). Similarly, teachers need
to attend to the quality of these children’s ideas, rather than insisting on perfect
writing output.
Use of scissors
As well as offering an enjoyable constructive activity, scissor activities exercise
the same small muscles of the hand as are needed to manipulate pencils, and are
therefore useful for building muscle strength and control. The developmental
progression for the attainment of scissors skills is given in Appendix II.
Children who are experiencing difficulties with scissor control may ask for
adults to hold and direct the paper during cutting, might complain of fatigue,
and be unable to stabilise and control their wrist during cutting because of
muscle weakness.
Activities to prepare for scissor use include water pistols, squeeze toys, use
of a hole punch and play with tongs and tweezers. When introducing scissors,
ensure that you offer good-quality, clean-cutting scissors that fit the children’s
hand, with the lower loop being larger than the upper. Adapted scissors such as
Hand preference
Hand preference is a complex area. Handedness is biologically determined, and
means that the arms and hands are asymmetrical in use and function so that indi-
viduals reliably favour one hand or the other for a range of tasks (Murray 1995).
Handedness refers not only to which hand is preferred but to the degree of
preference shown. Some research has indicated that hand preference is observed
from as early as 2–3 months of age, as displayed in infants’ favoured head orien-
tation. By the age of two-and-a-half to 3 years, handedness is well established
for the majority of children and remains consistent thereafter (Murray 1995).
Subsequently, the degree of handedness and proportion of activities performed
with the preferred hand increases over time.
If children are aged 3 years or older and have not yet established firm hand
preference, you might see that they use the hand closest to their activity; both
hands might look awkward during skilled activities such as writing, cutting or
drawing; or the children might swap hands during writing or drawing, often
accompanied by frustration or avoidance of skilled hand activities.
If children aged four years and over do not have a clearcut left-handed
preference, it is probably better to guide them gently towards right-handedness
(Chapparo 1998; Murray 1992). Alternatively, if the left hand is clearly the more
accurate during particular tasks such as drawing, then support the dominance of
that side. Keep in mind that some left-handers being taught activities by adult
right-handers can feel confused as they attempt to imitate the adults. If individ-
ual children use the left hand for drawing and other pre-writing activities but
choose the right hand for cutting, do not interfere unless their accuracy is clearly
better with the left (Levine 1998). It is beneficial if the same hand is consistently
used for the same tasks, but using different hands for different tasks is acceptable
(Chapparo 1998).
Activities that develop hand dominance include finger painting or reaching
tasks where the children are encouraged to cross the midline of their body, and
activities that encourage the hands to work together so that the children get into
the habit of using the same hand to manipulate and perform the most skilled
movements with the other hand holding and stabilising.
Left-handers make up 10% of the population, although this proportion is
slightly higher among people with learning or motor disabilities. This is thought
to be because of some interference with brain development on the left side
(remembering that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body).
This causes a naturally right-handed child who has some brain impairment to
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favour the left, in a pattern which has been termed ‘pathological left-handedness’
(Murray 1995). These children have to contend with living in a right-handers’
world as well as with their learning or motor difficulties.
Some left-handers develop an awkward grip to allow them to view their work
(Levine 1998). A common example is the hook grasp, where the wrist is bent
around and above the writing. To prevent maladaptive patterns becoming estab-
lished, ensure that children’s tables are not too high so that they can rest their
forearms on the table, position their hand to the left or below the writing line,
encourage tripod grasp of the pencil but with the thumb slightly further away from
the tip than is the case for right-handed children, and position paper to the left
of the children’s midline with the paper slanted left-side high at 45 degrees.
Because right-handed scissors, when used in the left, do not allow a view of
the line being cut, provide left-handed or either hand scissors.
When teaching dressing, begin with undressing, as this precedes dressing as a
developmental skill. Meanwhile, remember that children learn one-handed skills
before two-handed and so teach such tasks as doing up buttons at a later age.
Another suggestion is to use the children’s favourite clothes, those with an
obvious front and back (e.g. those with designs or pictures on the front), and
clothing and footwear large enough for easy donning. Hand garments to the
children in such a way that they are already oriented to them, and allow children
with poor balance to sit down when pulling on pants.
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This is another important independence skill. Children with sensory processing
difficulties are unable to perceive correctly information from their touch and
pressure receptors, and so have reduced awareness of their need to empty their
bladder or bowel. Similarly, children with language difficulties often have dif-
ficulty gaining independence in toileting as some do not talk to themselves about
the sensations that signal the need to use the toilet.
For children with mild developmental difficulties, the general guidelines
suggested by and available from your local community health organisation for
introducing toileting are likely to be useful. These will comprise advice such as
ensuring that the children have ready access to a toilet and can remove their own
clothing quickly and easily; that their feet are able to reach the floor while sitting
on the toilet to maximise the use of muscles that assist with elimination; ensuring
that they can reach and use taps; and helping position their hand for wiping their
bottom. If children have suspected constipation, they will need to be assessed by
a paediatrician or a general practitioner interested in family health. If failure to
learn toileting has no physical or other developmental cause, psychologists or
occupational therapists can assist with toilet learning, such as with the ‘sneaky
poo’ program (White 1984).
Self-feeding is a crucial self-care or independence skill. It requires the motor
skills of trunk stability, head and mouth control as well as eye–hand–mouth co-
ordination. Sensory information needs to be interpreted accurately to facilitate
an efficient eating process. Children with significant eating difficulties are likely
to be managed by a paediatrician aided by a ‘feeding team’—that is, a multi-
disciplinary team with expertise in feeding issues.
When children have feeding difficulties (see Box 7.7) you might observe the
following signs, with those with mild difficulties in this area exhibiting more
subtle expressions.
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• The children might drool excessively, and this is not better explained by
teething or a blocked nose. This can indicate poor sensory awareness around
the mouth so that the children are unaware that they do not have adequate lip
seal. Another explanation would be that the children have low muscle tone
in the facial muscles and so have trouble lifting their jaw against gravity.
• They might be very messy when eating, with food left around outside the
mouth. This can indicate poor sensory awareness of the face, poor handling
of utensils, poor hand-to-mouth control or a combination of all three.
• They could have excessive tongue movements, again suggesting poor sensory
feedback and awareness of the tongue, and poor planning and control of
tongue movement.
• Some children are hypersensitive to textures of food within their mouth and
manifest this by eating only a limited range of foods, being reluctant to try
new textures and gagging on food. Hypersensitivity to food textures is often
associated with hypersensitivity to taste and even temperature of food and,
predictably, to mealtime anxiety.
This chapter has explored children’s sensory needs and their development of
hand function and self-help skills and how these areas affect children’s daily
lives. The aim of programming for children in these domains is to assist them to
gain independence and thereby contribute to their sense of mastery and self-
worth. The suggestions offered provide starting points for helping children meet
their own needs and develop their skills and can all be integrated into ongoing
programming for routine activities in early childhood settings. By necessity, the
information offered is simplified: some children will present with more complex
difficulties about which it will be necessary to consult an occupational therapist
or other relevant health professional.
Occupational therapy is a profession that has a significant contribution to
make to children with atypical development. Nevertheless, not all gains must be
made in direct therapy sessions: many can be attained through collaboration
between therapists, educators and parents, whereby beneficial activities can be
incorporated naturally into children’s everyday activities in natural settings
(Washington et al. 1994). Ongoing links between therapy settings and the
children’s homes and education venues will enhance the benefits of each to
the children and their carers.
Henderson, A. and Pehoski, C. (eds) 1995 Hand function in the child: foun-
dations for remediation Mosby Year-Book, St Louis, MO
Klein, M.D. 1983 Pre-dressing skills rev. edn, Therapy Skill Builders, Tucson, AZ
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 139
The following internet site has a good home page with information about paedi-
atric occupational therapy:
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Hearing loss in childhood takes many forms, from the slight reduction in hearing
sensitivity that can occur during a heavy head cold through to the total inability
to hear spoken language experienced by a small number of children. On the
surface, it seems reasonable to assume that hearing ability forms a continuum,
with normal hearing at one end and total deafness at the other. However, this con-
tinuum view can be misleading when we consider the effects of hearing loss on
developing children. As McAnally and colleagues (1987:198) state:
somewhere along the . . . continuum . . . hearing ceases to be the major communi-
cation channel and is replaced by vision; the child becomes linked to the world of
communication by eye rather than by ear. This is the point at which a child can be
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considered to be deaf rather than hard of hearing. The impairment shifts from being
a difference in degree to being a difference in kind.
Those of us with normal hearing can hear for some time before we are born, and
come into the world already familiar with the sounds of daily life and with the
sound of voices, particularly that of our own mother. These familiar sounds
remain the background music to our lives. Our ears are our connection to our
world and, unlike the sense of vision, our hearing sense is switched on at all times:
when we go to sleep, we close our eyes but not our ears. The unfamiliar creak of
a floor board or the all-too-familiar cry of a child can bring us instantly awake.
Even in deep sleep, some level of our consciousness is listening to the world.
As children, we hear the speech of those around us and, long before we can
understand the meanings of words, we learn to identify and draw meaning from
the patterns of speech. The many adaptations that adults make to their speech
when addressing babies and young children are well recorded and readily observ-
able. A major figure in the area of language development, Roger Brown (1973),
coined the rather delightful term ‘Baby talk’ to describe these adaptations which
include exaggerated pitch changes, frequent repetitions, short utterances, and con-
versational role-play in which the adults provide both their own and the children’s
conversational turns. Babies and infants are very attracted to these speech styles,
which most caregivers use instinctively and unselfconsciously. Researchers
believe that these early baby talk interactions provide the ‘scaffolding’ or support
structures within which young children learn how to produce the language of their
community and how to use that language in conversation. Almost all of this
learning—social, communicative and linguistic—occurs through hearing.
It is easy to appreciate the difficulties that a significant hearing loss might
cause when learning a spoken language, but some other effects on communi-
cative interactions are less straightforward. For example, when parents interact
with their normally hearing children they observe the child’s actions, predict the
likely object of their attention and offer appropriate commentary on that object,
while the child is engaged with it. That is, parents guess what their child is
thinking, then talk about it. This match between child attention and parental
language is referred to as ‘contingency’ (Bamford & Saunders 1991).
In contrast, for children with limited hearing it may not be possible for parent
and child to establish ‘mutual gaze’ and talk at the same time as they look. In such
cases the adult must attract the child’s attention, then communicate. When the
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The mechanisms of the hearing apparatus are illustrated in Figure 8.1. In order
to hear a speaker or other sound source, the sound must:
• pass down the ear canal of the listener;
• vibrate the ear drum;
• pass through the middle ear;
• create a pressure wave inside the cochlea, causing a group of hair cells to ‘fire’.
The nerve impulse created by the hair cell firing must pass out of the cochlea and
through the various processing stages en route to the brain.
This can be thought of as the ‘hearing chain’, and hearing impairment occurs
when the transmission of sound is reduced or blocked at any point in this chain.
Three important parameters of hearing loss are its degree, type and age at onset.
Ear canal
Ear drum
The hearing mechanisms contain the smallest bones in the body and some of the
most fragile structures. Permanent sensorineural hearing loss can result when
these vulnerable mechanisms fail to form correctly as a result of genetic or
developmental mishaps or are damaged by viral or bacterial infections (e.g.
rubella, CMV, syphilis, measles, mumps and meningitis), by ototoxic drugs
(e.g. some members of the group of antibiotics whose names end in ‘mycin’),
and by trauma (e.g. arising from car accidents). A strong risk factor for hearing
impairment in children is low birth weight (van Naarden & Decouflé 1999), and
admission to a neonatal intensive care unit for 48 hours or longer (Kennedy
2000). This latter risk factor has increased greatly in recent years (Bamiou et al.
1999), presumably as a result of improved medical technologies and procedures
helping very low weight and/or premature babies survive in greater numbers.
Very occasionally, children are born with one or both ear canals absent, often
with a malformed or absent outer ear. This is called congenital atresia, and gives
rise to a conductive hearing impairment that will remain until an artificial ear
canal is created surgically.
The commonest form of hearing loss—otitis media, which is of the conduc-
tive type of loss—is related in part to lifestyle; as such, its prevalence and
severity are considerably higher among some groups than among others. In Aus-
tralia, Aboriginal children are especially at risk (McPherson 1990), as are similar
indigenous groups elsewhere (e.g. McShane & Mitchell 1979). Children who
attend child care centres also appear to have higher rates of otitis media (Amarjit
& Scott 1999), and there is a suggestion that this might also be the case among
children who use pacifiers (CNN 2000) and those who are subjected to passive
smoking (Clark & Jaindl 1996). Nevertheless, although some of the risk factors
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for otitis media appear to be related to lifestyle, the condition is not wholly
preventable (Medley et al. 1995).
This is partly explained by considering the structure of the middle ear. It
consists of an eardrum over a cavity which contains a string of tiny bones (the
ossicles) joining the rear of the eardrum to the inner ear (see Figure 8.1). To
function properly, the air pressure inside the middle ear cavity must be the same
as the pressure outside. If it is not, the ear drum will not be free to move as it
should in response to incoming sound waves, thus reducing the ability to hear.
The tasks of equalising air pressure on each side of the eardrum and of
draining any middle ear secretions are performed by the eustachian tube. This
joins the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat and is normally closed, but
opens when we swallow or yawn, allowing air to flow in or out. In young children
the tube lies at a much flatter angle than in adults and as a result functions much
less efficiently (see Figure 8.2). Children typically acquire a more adult-like angle
of the eustachian tube at around the age of 7, but prior to that are very suscepti-
ble to blockage of the tube and thus to a build-up of pressure and fluid in the
middle ear. This may remain for a long time and become infected or glue-like,
resulting in various forms of otitis media with consequent effects on hearing.
Early childhood practitioners can help children with hearing impairment in the
following ways:
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difficulties. This is a classic comment made about children with fluctuating, con-
ductive hearing impairment. In reality, these children can hear on some occasions
and under some conditions but not others.
When a child appears to require a hearing test, staff can assist by encourag-
ing parents to make a referral and by helping them determine the best place to
go. In recommending to parents that their child have a hearing assessment, the
following information might be useful:
• In Australia, children are not charged for hearing tests.
• These tests are non-invasive and children usually find them fun.
• Parents may wish to involve their child’s general practitioner but a medical
referral is not required for a hearing test.
• Do not try to test a child’s hearing yourself: it is too easy to get it wrong.
• It is not appropriate for young children to have hearing tests at the commer-
cial vision and hearing agencies commonly found in shopping centres, as
the staff in these facilities will rarely have received specialised paediatric
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• State health authorities are responsible for hearing testing of children and
should be approached first. The contact number for the relevant state health
agency will be in your local telephone directory, probably under ‘Health’ or
in the state government section.
the ear mould which, in turn, can irritate the wearer’s ear. A device with a closed
loop of wire is preferable.
Flat batteries are a major cause of hearing aid malfunction and one that is
readily avoidable. Batteries should be checked regularly using a reliable battery
tester. To check that you know how to operate the tester correctly, test a battery
when it is new to ascertain exactly what the reading should be.
Hearing aids are sophisticated devices but can malfunction, especially if
subjected to rough handling. A regular listening test is highly recommended,
which is best done using a stethoclip, available from medical supply stores,
hearing aid dealers or through the child’s audiologist, who can also show you
how to carry out a listening test effectively and safely.
Conventional hearing aids amplify all sounds that reach the microphone and
work best when a speaker is nearby. However, real-world communication often
involves listening to speakers and other sound sources that are not close by.
Sounds drop in intensity as they travel through the air and may also get ‘mixed
up’ with other, unwanted sounds. This can be a major difficulty for children who
have hearing impairments and has led to the development of various types of FM
hearing aid systems. These typically use a microphone and transmitter worn by
an adult and a receiver unit linked to the child’s hearing aids. FM systems are
highly recommended as an addition to conventional hearing aids for young
children (ASHA 1991), and as stand-alone systems (i.e. without a conventional
hearing aid) for some children with mild hearing impairment (Edwards 1996).
The cochlear implant—sometimes called a bionic ear—is now used with
most children in the developed world who are born with a profound hearing
impairment or acquire such a loss during childhood. This device consists of a
thin wire implanted inside the cochlea (inner ear) and a speech processor worn
by the child. When used in conjunction with a high-quality and ongoing inter-
vention program, the cochlear implant can enable children to use auditory
means to learn and communicate, rather than relying on their vision as they
would if profoundly deaf. This is a rather technical and controversial field, but
Tye-Murray (1992) provides a good starting point to understand some of the
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have communication disorders with and without other disabilities (Heward 2000;
Shames et al. 1998; Vaughn et al. 2000).
Typically developing children have established a strong foundation in lang-
uage skills by the time they start school. Thus, the critical period for language
acquisition is considered to be before the age of 5 (Chomsky 1957); therefore,
if problems with the development of communication skills exist, it is vitally
important to identify and intervene with these during the preschool years.
Children who have difficulty making themselves understood or who cannot
understand what others say to them are likely to be disadvantaged academically,
socially and personally. Academically, language and/or communication dis-
orders are strongly linked to learning difficulties, particularly in the area of
reading and writing (Aram & Nation 1980). When children have a problem in the
development of language, school readiness will be delayed. Socially, children
with delayed language development have been found to be delayed in their
pretend play (Rescorla & Goossens 1992). Personally, their inability to commu-
nicate effectively may result in their developing alternative and disruptive
behaviours—such as pushing, hitting or yelling—to try to get their meaning
across. In fact, 50% of preschool children with language difficulties have been
observed to have behavioural difficulties (Cantwell & Baker 1987). Alterna-
tively, children with impaired language might seem shy and passive and make
little attempt to initiate conversation. Early identification and intervention are
crucial to preventing these associated difficulties.
Non-verbal communication
Non-linguistic aspects that contribute to the effect of the spoken message include
facial expression, eye contact, gestures, body posture, head and body movement,
distance from the listener, manual sign, writing, drawing, or representational
symbols (Banbury & Hebert 1992). In face-to-face communication, it is estimated
that up to 60% of the information may be relayed in these non-linguistic ways
(Owens 2001). Given that there are cultural differences in the use of non-linguistic
features, when a signal from one culture is used within another language and
culture the intended meaning of a message may be altered (Cartwright et al. 1995).
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Non-linguistic Language
(non-verbal) (verbal)
• facial expression • content (semantics)
• gestures • form (structure)
• body movement etc. • use (pragmatics)
The second broad category of communication is verbal or language skills (see
Figure 9.1). Although these skills are only part of the larger process of communi-
cation, they are the most important and efficient means for communication by
human beings.
Language has been defined as ‘a code whereby ideas about the world are
represented through a conventional system of arbitrary signals for communi-
cation’ (Bloom & Lahey 1978). In order to understand atypical communication
skills, it will be useful to explain the complex rule systems of language in terms
of its components: content (meaning or semantics), form (syntax, morphology
and phonology), and use (pragmatics) (Bloom & Lahey 1978).
The content of language is its meaning—what an utterance is referring to or is
about. This is called semantics. Words do not refer directly to an event, object or
relationship, but to a concept which is built up as individuals’ experiences and
perceptions are categorised, organised and related to one another. These concepts
are then stored in semantic memory, which contains word and symbol definitions
and is primarily verbal.
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Language form
This refers to the order and form of words. It comprises syntax, morphology and
phonological structure. Taking each of these aspects in turn, syntax is the system
of rules that guides the way sentences are produced and understood. It specifies the
way words are organised or combined within different sentence types, which will
provide more information than the individual symbols themselves. For example,
the words ‘Dog the brown is’ make little sense compared with ‘The dog is brown’,
and their meaning is different again from ‘Is the dog brown?’. The rules for the
combination of words give language an order and allow creative use. An infinite
number of sentences can be created from the limited number of symbols and rules
for combining those symbols (Owens 2001): every day we create sentences that
have never before been produced in exactly the same way by anyone else.
Morphology is concerned with the internal organisation of words. A
morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning in language; it cannot be divided any
further and still remain a meaningful unit. Some morphemes are the content
words of a language (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) and some serve
grammatical functions in linking the content words (e.g. articles, prepositions
and conjunctions). Some morphemes are grammatical markers, such as ‘ed’ or
‘ing’, and cannot stand alone as words. As children learn morphological and syn-
tactical rules they often make errors in applying these, as in saying ‘I eated my
tea’. The fact that children make such errors suggests that they do not learn the
rules merely by imitating what they hear.
Phonology is the sound system of spoken language. Unlike morphemes,
phonemes do not carry meaning by themselves but are combined in specific
ways to form words. The English language has approximately 45 phonemes,
which are reduced to 26 written letters. For instance, the letter ‘a’ sounds differ-
ent in the words ‘car’, ‘cat’ and ‘caught’. As children acquire the individual
sounds (or phonemes), they must also learn the phonological rules that govern
the sequencing and distribution of phonemes within their language. In terms of
sequencing, they must be able to say ‘animal’ rather than ‘aminal’, for example.
In terms of distribution, English words do not start with /sd/ whereas /st/ is
common. These rules vary between languages, and it is only through experience
with a first language that a child learns which sounds may go with others.
seen in the prelinguistic acts of pointing combined with vocalisation and eye gaze
in attempts to communicate with adults. Children such as those with Asperger
syndrome (see Appendix I) who have not developed these pragmatic skills may
seem very different from other children in their preschool group (Rinaldi 2000).
In summary, these three aspects can be illustrated in a child’s request: ‘Can
we go to the park?’. The content of this utterance refers to a specific place for
recreational activity which, in this case, is likely to have children’s play equip-
ment; its form is a six-word interrogative sentence; and the use or purpose of the
utterance is to go to the park.
Linguistic competence refers to individuals’ underlying knowledge about
this complex system of rules. This knowledge is often intuitive in that users and
listeners might not be able to state the rules but can use them effectively. In
normal conversation this inability is not a problem, as the purpose of language is
to share the information. However, when the speaker is a child who consistently
produces utterances that do not fit the agreed rules, it becomes necessary for
adult listeners to identify the problem, which requires more than an intuitive
knowledge of the rules of language.
structure of the human vocal tract allows the production of a variety and
complexity of sounds that cannot be matched by any other species (Owens
2001). Box 9.1 details the typical sequence of the production of consonants.
• Voice quality (comprising resonance and breathiness).
• Prosody (comprising rate, intonation and volume).
The last two aspects are the ‘paralinguistic’ aspects of communication, and
enhance the meaning of a message by signalling the speaker’s attitude. For
example, a fast rate of production often indicates excitement, whereas slow,
hesitating speech may accompany a difficult or upsetting topic of conversation.
Children have a need to communicate long before they have the ability to use lan-
guage. They begin to communicate so that they can achieve something. This may
be to meet a need, such as to assuage hunger, reduce discomfort or gain attention.
Most importantly, language provides children with a means of controlling their
Although parents usually consider the appearance of their child’s first word
as the beginning of language, there has actually been much meaningful
communication between parent and child prior to that event. Children’s under-
standing or receptive language skills thus exceed their production or expressive
language skills.
For infants to develop typical language skills, they require a reasonably
stimulating environment, with reasonably verbal caregivers who provide a reason-
ably warm and caring atmosphere and who communicate reasonably often with
the infants. This will result in an internalised language system which will provide
the foundation of the children’s receptive and expressive language in early child-
hood as well as the base for subsequent literacy skills and academic achievement
(Quigley & Kretschmer 1982). Note that the word ‘reasonably’ is used to empha-
sise that, for typically developing children, some disruptions in the process can
take place without resulting in serious language delay.
In many cultures, including English-speaking ones, there is an expectation
that babies will communicate from the earliest age. In fact, many parents talk to
the fetus in-utero, as if their baby can understand. But such passive exposure
to communication is not sufficient for the development of language: meaningful
communicative interaction with a mature language user is essential.
Initially, the prosodic elements of language are more important than the
words as in the early stages words do not have meaning for infants. Rather it is
the aspects of speech such as pitch, intonation patterns and variation in intensity
that engage infants in a meaningful way.
Adult input is extremely important to children’s understanding of the
meaning of words—that is, their semantic development. An understanding of
words gradually develops as infants become able to attach meaning to often-
repeated phrases that occur in routine happenings. They learn the meanings of
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Finally, children need feedback about the effectiveness of their language use.
As infants begin to use gesture or voice in an intentional way, appropriate adult
response is vital. Children use language for a purpose, and therefore adults must
respond positively to children’s early attempts at communication so that they
continue to use and develop language.
Hearing impairment
Hearing is of greatest importance to the development of spoken language, and
therefore any degree of hearing loss in the early years can be detrimental to
language development (see chapter 8). In turn, as language development is so
intricately linked to academic achievement, critical thinking, and social and
emotional development, hearing impairment can detrimentally affect all these
other aspects of life (Greenberg & Kusche 1993).
Vision impairment
Although vision is not as important to language development as hearing, signifi-
cant vision impairment in early childhood can affect four key aspects of language
development. First, infants who cannot see cannot follow others’ gaze, and do not
appreciate that their parents can see, and so do not use gestures to draw adults’
attention to, and subsequently converse about, an object that interests either
partner. This lack of ‘joint referencing’ by parents and infants delays the children’s
ability to build vocabulary and to categorise and organise their concepts.
Second, children may repeat words or phrases in an ‘echolalic’ way because
they do not understand their meaning or because they are using language to
maintain a degree of social contact that, for normally sighted children, is
achieved by non-verbal means. Similarly, children with vision impairment can
make much use of questioning in an attempt to understand their environment as
well as to maintain social contact. However, their questions are not always
relevant to what is actually taking place (Palmer 1998; White & Telec 1998).
Third, vision impairment can restrict infants’ ability to imitate mouth move-
ments, resulting in some delays in their speech. Finally, vision impairment can
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affect the development of pragmatic skills because the children cannot see the
non-verbal aspects of language use. Inappropriate use or lack of gesture by
children can make their communicative attempts harder to understand, which in
turn will affect the quality of their interactions with others. (For more detail on
vision impairment, see chapter 5.)
Intellectual skills
Children with intellectual delays usually develop language at a slower rate and
with less complexity than their peers. Impaired intellectual development is likely
to be associated with impaired memory, which in turn has a significant role in
language acquisition. Children with mild and moderate intellectual delays
require language stimulation based on their developmental level rather than their
chronological age so that they can develop language in the normal way, albeit at
a slower rate. Children with severe cognitive delays may require augmentative
communication systems, such as manual sign or visual symbols, to enable them
to develop functional language. Nevertheless, the decision to use signed com-
munication must be made on an individual basis as, for some children, having to
learn verbal communication and a signing system results in their learning neither
one; for others, having access to some signs takes the pressure off their produc-
tion of speech, allowing language to develop.
In contrast, intellectually gifted children may begin to say their first words at
an earlier age than usual. They are likely to develop a larger and more complex
vocabulary and use more complex sentence structures than their peers (Lewis &
Louis 1991; Perleth et al. 1993). Gifted children’s precocious comprehension of
language allows them to follow more complex instructions, modify their language
use to suit the listener, and use language to exchange and manipulate ideas and
information at a younger age than is typical (Porter 1999). They are able to use
language in a more abstract way, rather than being restricted to the ‘here and
now’. These advanced communication skills allow them to express their needs,
ask questions and understand adult explanations from an earlier age than usual.
Oral-motor skills
Children with feeding difficulties—perhaps associated with cerebral palsy,
Prader-Willi syndrome or other disabilities affecting their swallowing reflex or
tone and control of their oral muscles—can later have particular difficulties with
articulation skills, rendering their speech unclear to listeners. (This issue is
discussed in chapter 7.)
in both the pattern and rate of development. Children do not always conform to
developmental norms, with some being advanced, some delayed, and some devel-
oping language in an unusual sequence (Heward 2000). However, when the
deviation from the norm is too extreme, children will experience difficulty under-
standing language, making themselves understood, or both, with resulting social
and educational problems.
A difference in communication is considered to be a communication
disorder when the ability to receive, send or process information is impaired
and/or when the ability to comprehend concepts or verbal, non-verbal or graphic
systems is impaired (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1982).
Communication disorder is categorised further into speech disorders and
language disorders.
Speech is considered to be disordered when it is so unusual that it draws
attention to itself, interferes with communication, or causes discomfort for the
listener. Speech disorders can occur in articulation, voice quality and prosody
(fluency, intonation and volume) (see Figure 9.1), with articulation problems
being the most prevalent type in preschool children (Heward 2000). The
common articulation errors include:
• substitution of one sound for another (e.g. ‘dat’ for ‘that’);
• distortion of certain speech sounds (e.g ‘shame’ for ‘same’, or a lisp);
• omission of certain sounds (e.g. ‘kool’ for ‘school’);
• addition of sounds (e.g. ‘hamber’ for ‘hammer’).
It is quite normal for preschool children to exhibit these types of speech errors,
and in most cases they disappear as the children get older. However, if articu-
lation problems do not improve or are causing difficulties in interactions with
others, the children should be referred to a speech-language pathologist.
Voice disorders may take the form of a breathy, hoarse, husky or strained
voice. There may also be a problem with resonance, where sounds either come out
through the nose (hypernasality) or not enough sound comes through the nose, as
if the speaker has a cold (hyponasality). Voice disorders are much more common
in adults than children, although they can result in children from organic con-
ditions—such as hearing impairment, cleft palate or swollen nasal tissues.
Fluency disorders occur when the normal rhythm and timing of speech are
disrupted. Stuttering is an example of a fluency problem and occurs when sounds
are repeated over and over again, usually at the beginning of words. In the course
of developing normal speech patterns, most young children stutter at some stage
and in certain situations. When adults accept these dysfluencies (repetitions and
interruptions) in a patient manner and focus on the content of the children’s
message rather than the delivery, the children are unlikely to develop a fluency
problem. However, as with any speech disorder, if their ability to communicate
with others is impaired, early referral to a speech-language pathologist is crucial.
Language is considered to be disordered when children have difficulty in
comprehending and/or using spoken, written and/or other symbol systems. The
disorder can involve the content, form or use of language (ASHA 1982). Where
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All development progresses in uneven steps, which is one of the reasons that
assessment of language problems in the preschool years is so challenging.
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• apparently forget what they were there for. This can appear to be a lack of
cooperation and so is seen to be a behavioural issue, but results instead
from their inability to remember the instructions. (This indicates a problem
with syntax and semantics.)
• Some children have difficulty finding the words to express their ideas when
age mates are doing so more automatically. (This relates to difficulties with
• In comparison to their age mates, some children might have difficulty
forming grammatical sentences, such as being unable to form questions
or use pronouns accurately, as when continuing the use of ‘Me do it’ past
toddlerhood. (This indicates a problem with syntax.)
• Some children can use language to communicate about the ‘here and now’
but cannot use it for a variety of purposes—such as to tell about an event,
to gain attention or to make a request. (This relates to difficulties of both
semantics and pragmatics.)
• Some children continue to use immature word endings: as in, ‘He wented
out’ or ‘I breaked it’. (This indicates a problem with morphology.)
• Some children have difficulty producing speech sounds well beyond the
age at which they are normally produced. This can result in ‘babyish’-
sounding speech, for example ‘I fought we were doing out’ instead of
‘I thought we were going out’. (This indicates a problem with phonology.)
• Some children have difficulties acquiring independence skills, such as toilet-
ing, because they do not have the language to talk to themselves about the
need to go to the toilet; they can have difficulty putting away toys as they
cannot categorise them and plan where they belong; they can be impulsive,
as their lack of self-talk means that they do not guide (think about) their
actions in advance. All of these can surface as behavioural difficulties but
can have a general expressive language problem as their basis.
in the ways suggested in chapter 4, keeping in mind that high levels of adult direc-
tiveness can reduce the complexity of children’s pretend play (Fiese 1990).
whereas those who are poor readers are likely to fall even further behind
(Stanovich 1986).
A language-rich environment promotes children’s phonological awareness
and thus their reading skills through, among other things, their participation in
nursery rhymes, finger plays and stories that are read aloud, developing picture
charts and books that describe children’s first-hand experiences, and encourag-
ing story telling. Such activities can include identifying rhyme patterns and
alliteration (as in ‘There’s a mouse in my house’ or ‘Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers’), recognising isolated sounds (as in the ‘ssss’ for a snake
sound), and counting or clapping syllables (e.g. Pe - ter) or sounds in words (e.g.
d-o-g ). (See the Additional resources section.)
This naturalistic teaching might seem insufficiently formalised, but literacy
learning can be likened to an iceberg: most of the learning occurs in hidden or
natural ways, with formalised learning, although more observable, being respon-
sible for the smallest proportion of children’s literacy skills (Miller 2000). Even
those verbally gifted children who are interested early in literacy—and only a
minority of these children are (Perleth et al. 1993)—require early reading and
writing to be introduced in naturalistic rather than formalised ways so that their
disposition to keep learning is not impaired by finding literacy activities mean-
ingless, too abstract, or too challenging.
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Language does not develop in a linear way: children progress unevenly within
and across developmental domains—and at times seem to plateau. Intervention
must take this variability into account and be sensitive to children’s individual-
ity. At the same time, we cannot fail to provide support when children clearly are
not acquiring the language skills that they need to function in everyday life.
Caregivers must be aware of the vital role that they have in facilitating the
language development of all young children and referring these children for spe-
cialist help if naturalistic methods are not progressing their skills as expected.
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Acquiring the following cognitive skills is important during the first five years
(Chen & Siegler 2000; Cook et al. 2000). Achievement of these relies on
accurate perception—that is, the ability to assign meaning to sensations—plus
intact sensory and motor systems and language skills (Umansky 1998).
Around the age of 8–10 months, infants are able to do things intentionally rather
than by chance. Infants learn that they can act voluntarily, and that their actions
will have an effect. This is a prerequisite for almost every other skill (Cook et al.
2000). Babies who have an intention—for example, to reach for an object—but
cannot achieve this will find it difficult to learn intentionality. This could explain
the passive learning style of some children born with physical disabilities. These
children might learn that there is little point being curious when they cannot
move themselves to explore the item that has engaged their interest.
This potential for acquiring a passive learning style makes it doubly impor-
tant to facilitate children’s development of intentionality. Some means of doing
so are suggested by Cook et al. (2000):
• Increase motivation by making objects and activities interesting to the
• Create a need to act: by placing an object within sight but where the infant
must reach for it; by stopping an enjoyable activity and waiting for the child
to indicate a wish for it to start again; by interpreting even accidental move-
ments as signals of intent; and by ensuring that children can activate
favourite toys.
• Allow ample time for children to act and let them do things for themselves
when they are able.
Systematic exploration
Young infants’ exploration is based on trial and error, but once they are able to
manipulate objects and their own actions systematically they become capable of
self-directed learning and of discovering new ideas for themselves (Cook et al.
2000). To assist in this process, you can guide them to explore solutions and
persist at activities until they are successful.
Cause–effect understanding
The ability to explain why an event has happened or will happen is crucial to the
subsequent development of problem-solving skills and intentionality. To learn
this, children must be allowed to experiment safely so that their explorations
teach them the effect of their actions. As well as offering opportunities for them
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to discover information for themselves, some ways to enhance this learning are
to copy their actions in the typical mimicking game which involves your turn, my
turn, and by responding to their social cues. This may be difficult when their cues
are atypical, such as a blind child’s not looking in your direction to gain social
Object permanence
Learning about object permanence is crucial to the development of memory and
to being able to predict not only the presence of objects and people but also their
behaviour (Wolery & Wolery 1992). This in turn promotes exploration. Games
that demonstrate that an object is present even if unseen can teach this concept.
Deferred imitation
While young children may be able to imitate an activity simultaneously or
immediately after it has been carried out, their later ability to defer imitation is
necessary for pretend play and language development.
Means–end analysis
Means–end analysis involves being able to assess the present situation, envisage
a goal, and plan an appropriate strategy to move from the first to the second
(Chen & Siegler 2000). This ability is present by the end of the first year of life
and is crucial to the subsequent development of more sophisticated problem-
solving skills.
Symbolic representation
Symbolic play reflects children’s understanding of the world and (as discussed
in chapter 1) is important for social and emotional development. The first stage
of symbolic play is where the children are the actors in very familiar activities,
such as shopping or going to bed. Children with disabilities may need to be
assisted to engage in these activities, although this will help their development
of symbolic play only if the chosen activities are very familiar to them.
The above represent the earliest intellectual attainments of infants. Sub-
sequently, children develop logical thought, which entails the abilities to use
previous experience to make decisions and solve problems, and to transfer solu-
tions from one problem to another (Chen & Siegler 2000; Umansky 1998). To
achieve this, children need sophisticated skills for acquiring and retaining new
knowledge and to control their thinking processes (termed metacognitive skills),
and a set of dispositions or style of learning that will enable them to learn. The
remainder of this chapter describes these three processes, which dictate how
children learn.
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Attention skills
One of the necessary skills for acquiring knowledge is the ability to pay atten-
tion to relevant input. Attention follows a developmental trend (see Appendix II),
and comprises five quite separate processes (Zentall 1989).
1. Maintaining a level of arousal necessary to attend. As described by Soden
(chapter 7), some children with disabilities have difficulty moderating their
levels of alertness to suit the task at hand, while gifted children are
commonly highly alert and demand constantly changing stimulation
(Morelock & Morrison 1996).
2. Focus is the second aspect of attention. It requires, first, awareness or detec-
tion of an event (Umansky 1998) and, second, ability and interest in
attending to it.
3. Maintaining attention over time is termed the attention span, sustained atten-
tion, or concentration. Having been made aware of a stimulus, the individual
must compare it with others that have been experienced previously (Umansky
1998). Children with intellectual disabilities show impairment of both aware-
ness and comparison; gifted children are alert and make ready comparisons
with prior experience, and so can quickly lose interest in (habituate to)
repeated stimuli (Perleth et al. 2000). For opposite reasons, then, both groups
can experience difficulties sustaining their attention.
4. Scanning the field of possible stimuli allows children to select those aspects
relevant to the task at hand and ignore those that are not relevant. It requires
focus and inhibition of distracting or incidental stimuli. It also involves being
able to shift attention rapidly to deal with changes in stimuli or in response to
directives from an adult. This form of attention is called selective attention,
and is impaired in children with intellectual disabilities in that they are less
able to screen out distractions in their environment, resulting, for example, in
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Memory function
A second knowledge acquisition skill is use of memory. It can be distinguished by
three features: first is the amount of stored knowledge; second is how is it organ-
ised; and third is how accessible the information is (Rabinowitz & Glaser 1985).
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This must be specific and precise, but also genuine, so that children learn to
discriminate success from failure.
Furthermore, rather than commenting on the content of the activities
or what the children produce, informative feedback should focus on the
processes that the children are using to achieve success—such as paying
attention, planning what to do, checking whether it is working, and applying
what they have learned elsewhere to this present task.
Encourage risk taking
To encourage children to learn new skills, you must avoid implying that they
should not make mistakes. Mistakes merely signal that it is time to try another
approach. You can guide the children to turn failure into success by changing
their strategy, or you can adapt the processes or materials to enable success.
Give repeated practice
One study showed that children with intellectual disabilities required 40
training sessions to teach problem-solving skills (Ross & Ross 1978, in
Whitman et al. 1991). It is clear, therefore, that children will need extensive
opportunities to practise new skills.
Taking each aspect in turn, there is some evidence that children with an intellec-
tual disability have limited knowledge, presumably because they have difficulties
both storing information in and subsequently retrieving information from memory
(Umansky 1998). Meanwhile, gifted children acquire more knowledge because
they are faster (more efficient) at storing information in their memory and sub-
sequently at retrieving it (Borkowski & Peck 1986; Haensly & Reynolds 1989;
Rabinowitz & Glaser 1985). This probably arises because their brain cells transmit
information with few errors (Eysenck 1986), allowing them to master a new skill
with unusual speed and accumulate deeper knowledge than other children of the
same age.
To explain organisation in the memory store, it might help to think of
memory as being like an office filing cabinet. If over time you toss documents
into a filing cabinet until they fill the drawer, you are going to have difficulty
locating the document you want when you need it. If, instead, you put each
document in a hanging file devoted to that topic, retrieving it is simply a matter
of locating the topic and finding the document that relates to it. So it is with
memory: when we rehearse information or elaborate on it, we are ensuring that
we ‘park’ that memory near other related information, which makes it easier to
locate when we need to retrieve it later.
The third feature of memory is accessibility. Here, the analogy of dropping a
stone into a pond might be useful. When a stone is thrown with force into the water,
it disturbs or sends out ripples to nearby parts of the pond in ever-increasing
circles; when the stone lands gently in the water, the ripples are smaller and they
spread less far. In the same way, one memory can trigger or activate another,
related concept. A person with a superior memory will have strong links between
concepts and will activate a large number of related ideas (the ‘ripples’ will go out
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strongly from the original idea to a wide range of related memories). If the associ-
ative links in memory are weak, then the activation (ripples) does not spread far
enough or with enough strength to call up related ideas. In short, related memories
are not activated automatically. Thus, individuals with learning difficulties can
retrieve information that has been stored in their memory, but only with effort; in
contrast, the ability of advanced learners to access a wide range of relevant infor-
mation easily and quickly permits complex problem solving (Rabinowitz & Glaser
1985; Perleth et al. 2000).
In summary, as individuals become more competent in a given domain, their
knowledge of that domain grows, they organise their knowledge in memory in
more sophisticated ways, and much of it can be accessed automatically (Perleth
et al. 2000; Rabinowitz & Glaser 1985; Shore & Kanevsky 1993). This leaves pro-
cessing capacity available for carrying out higher-order tasks (Perleth et al. 2000).
Children with intellectual disabilities appear to have both memory storage
and memory retrieval difficulties compared with children both of the same age
and younger children with the same developmental level (McDade & Adler
1980). This is likely to be due to their language difficulties, which limit their
ability to rehearse information (Ellis 1970) and to store information according
to its category membership. Both these aspects will mean that information is
stored randomly rather than near related concepts, making it more difficult
to retrieve. In turn, memory deficiencies limit problem-solving capacity as
the children cannot recall information that is relevant to solving the problem
(Ellis 1970).
To enhance children’s recall, the most crucial dual strategies are to engage
them actively in learning (rather than passively receiving information) and to
ensure that the information is meaningful and relevant to them. For instance,
children may be least motivated to learn by rote the names of colours or to learn
letters of the alphabet if they have not yet developed an interest in the written
word. General teaching strategies are listed in Box 10.1; some other specific
strategies for memory enhancement include:
• asking conversational questions about topics of interest to the children, such
as ‘What is your new baby sister’s name?’, ‘Where does your puppy sleep?’
and, in a story, ‘What was Spot looking for?’;
• playing games at group time in which the children are asked to recall each
other’s names;
• having the children report what objects have been removed from an array of
three toys;
• asking children where an item they are seeking is stored;
• checking that the children have understood an instruction that has just been
given, for example, ‘Put your plate on the side table . . . Where do you have
to put your plate?’ (Allen & Schwartz 2001).
Not carrying out directives can have many causes, one of which is children’s
inability to remember what they were asked to do. If individuals frequently
carry out only part of a task, it can help to simplify what you say and to reduce
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 182
instructions to fewer parts—perhaps instructing just one step at a time (Allen &
Schwartz 2001).
The second cluster of intellectual skills which children need for learning are the
metacognitive abilities. Metacognition refers to our knowledge about our cog-
nitive processes. It involves monitoring and regulation of our thinking processes
and has three aspects (Schraw & Graham 1997):
• Self-awareness. This comprises individuals’ knowledge about how their mind
works, which is crucial for selecting suitable strategies to assist their learning
(Borkowski & Peck 1986).
• Metacognitive knowledge is information about how to use learning strate-
gies, and when and why to use them.
• Metacognitive control comprises planning, monitoring and evaluation to
regulate our thinking.
The main task of the year immediately prior to school entry is the acquisition of
metacognitive thinking. As can be expected, children with intellectual disabil-
ities are typically less proficient at all three aspects: first, they are less aware of
how their mind works; second, they have less knowledge about learning strate-
gies; third, although they can be taught strategies, they are less able efficiently
and independently to initiate, regulate and monitor (i.e. control) their use of these
(Cole & Chan 1990; Whitman et al. 1991).
In contrast, gifted children demonstrate more knowledge about how their
mind works (Borkowski & Peck 1986; Carr et al. 1996) and how to use strategies,
and they show early use of metacognitive control (Horowitz 1992; Schwanen-
flugel et al. 1997). In turn, their early acquisition of these skills might be due
to the structure of their brains which permits, among other skills, advanced
language abilities and early understanding of cause-and-effect relationships
(Borkowski & Peck 1986; Moss 1990, 1992).
To be successful, individuals have to keep track of or monitor what they are
doing so that, if necessary, they can adjust their approach to tasks (Bandura 1986;
Lutz & Sternberg 1999). However, few young children are aware of the strate-
gies they can use to acquire new information (e.g. rehearsal to promote recall)
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and, if aware, do not always employ these when needed (Lutz & Sternberg
1999). This means that all children—even those with advanced development—
will need feedback about how they are approaching tasks (see Box 10.1) and,
ultimately, instruction in how to monitor their task approach independently.
This is the use of ‘personal verbal prompts’ (Zirpoli & Melloy 1997: 187) to guide
our actions. When a task is new or challenging to us, we talk about it out loud
to ourselves; then our self-talk becomes covert; finally, we no longer need to self-
instruct as the task has become automatic for us. When teaching children to
self-instruct, you can use the following steps:
• As you complete an activity, talk out loud about what you are doing and how
successful you are being.
• Next, have target children perform the same activity alongside you, while
you comment on your own and their performances as you go.
• Next, if necessary, children can complete the task while giving themselves
out loud the same instructions that you were using, until eventually they can
self-instruct quietly in their heads (Meichenbaum 1977).
Throughout, you will need to teach strategies for dealing with failures and ensure
that once the children have become competent at a task, they have enough time
to practise and consolidate their new skills.
Self-evaluation (self-assessment)
In this phase of self-regulation, children need to assess whether their perform-
ance has been successful or not. Only when they can recognise their
accomplishments will this information add to their pool of knowledge that can
be drawn on during future tasks (Whitman et al. 1991). Setting appropriate
performance standards may be the most crucial phase of the self-management
process (Whitman et al. 1991). Some children might set themselves very lenient
standards, while others are too demanding of themselves (Alberto & Troutman
1999; Kaplan & Carter 1995). To assist them in judging their own efforts, you
will need to give clear and specific feedback (see Box 10.1).
Problem solving
Problem solving is a key metacognitive skill. It requires developing a plan to bring
about a desired result (Ashman & Conway 1993). In order to achieve this,
children need to realise that a problem exists, examine what has to be done, scan
a range of options, and select one that they think will be most successful (Ashman
& Conway 1989; Kaplan & Carter 1995; Zirpoli & Melloy 1997). This decision
will be based on their judgment about whether the chosen strategy is feasible and
will meet their goal without generating new problems for them. Next, they need
to devise a plan for implementing their chosen solution. This step requires conse-
quential thinking, which is the ability to consider the potential outcomes or
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1. Pause.
2. Ask: ‘What is the problem?’
3. Ask: ‘What do I want?’
4. Ask: ‘Is what I’m doing working?’
5. If not, plan solutions: ‘What else could I do?’
6. Choose what to do and do it.
7. Evaluate the results. (Go back to step 4).
8. Self-reinforce.
Older children or those with advanced development ultimately can learn and
direct the steps independently, but very young children or those with learning
difficulties are likely to need you to prompt them at each stage. To be successful,
children need to be capable of paying attention, pacing themselves, persisting,
and noting feedback, some or all of which might need specific training as well.
Generalisation skills
As has already been mentioned, children with intellectual disabilities can be
taught learning strategies, but have difficulty applying these in new situations
and with knowing when and how to change strategies (Whitman et al. 1991).
The ability to transfer skills from one task or setting to similar ones is termed
generalisation. It requires the ability to scan memory efficiently, knowledge
of strategies and, above all, metacognitive control (Borkowski & Peck 1986;
Carr et al. 1996; Risemberg & Zimmerman 1992).
The single most effective way to promote maintenance and generalisation of
new skills is to teach children self-management skills, rather than having
programs under adult direction (Martin et al. 1988, in Whitman et al. 1991). Skill
transfer can be programmed for using the same general teaching strategies as the
other cognitive skills and which are outlined in Box 10.1. In addition, you can
encourage generalisation by specifically teaching for it. This can involve the
following measures:
• Make sure that tasks are not too difficult and that they are similar to real-life
activities—both to make them more meaningful and to reduce the discrep-
ancy between the skill as it is taught and as it is enacted in real life.
• Highlight similarities between tasks by asking ‘How is this similar to what
you’ve done before?’ and then teach children to analyse what they already
know about solving the problem at hand (Whitman et al. 1991).
• Where their verbal skills permit, teach children strategies such as rehearsal,
repetition, labelling, classification, association and imagery. Also teach how
the strategy can be used so that ultimately the children can work independ-
ently. This is the essence of generalisation.
• Give children numerous opportunities to practise using the strategies in the
one context before requiring them to transfer these to other situations
(Zirpoli & Melloy 1997).
• Offer a series of similar (not exactly the same) tasks working up to the
generalisation task.
Engagement refers to the amount of time children spend intellectually or
emotionally involved with materials, peers or adults in developmentally and con-
textually appropriate ways (McWilliam 1991). It also relates to how they use
their time (i.e. to the quality of their involvement rather than its duration) and can
span five levels (McWilliam & Bailey 1992):
• non-engagement, where children are not involved in their surroundings;
• transient engagement, in which they pay attention for short durations but do
not become involved in any particular activity;
• undifferentiated engagement, in which they play in one given way with
objects or people;
• elaborative engagement, when the children use a range of different behav-
iours in their interactions with materials and other people;
• sustained engagement, when they display persistent, goal-directed
High levels of engagement are necessary—but not sufficient—for learning to
take place, and are assumed to result in fewer behavioural disruptions; further-
more, engagement is important simply because children have a right to
involvement in an attractive and interesting program (McWilliam 1991).
The level of children’s engagement reflects the quality of the environment,
the level of educators’ support for children to engage and maintain their partici-
pation, and children’s personal characteristics such as developmental level. Young
children with developmental delays (aged 2 years) have been found to be less
engaged with toys and in overall learning than their age mates, but this difference
disappears by age 4 (McWilliam & Bailey 1995).
In terms of program planning and delivery, the following measures could
prove useful for engaging children in learning (McCormick et al. 1998; McGee
et al. 1991; McWilliam & Bailey 1992; Whaley & Bennett 1991).
that they can observe and alter those activities that are not inviting the children’s
participation and can assist children to manipulate the activities on offer.
Modify processes
Choice over their activities will engage children, as will using naturalistic
instruction that provides activities which closely match the children’s under-
standing and interests, is non-directive and facilitates children’s achievements
rather than providing direct assistance. Small-group rather than large-group
activities promote engagement also (Burstein 1986).
However, there will also be a need on occasion to intervene actively when
your observations reveal that individuals are disengaged. To assist them to par-
ticipate, you will need to mediate these children’s learning or social play (see
chapters 4 and 11). On the other hand, allow children some passive time in which
to recharge their batteries and select their next activity (Linn et al. 2000). This
breathing space could be particularly useful for those children with delays who
focus exclusively on the activity to hand and so do not use surrounding events as
a clue about a next possible activity. Within reason, giving them time to plan will
allow them to exercise some initiative rather than being under adult control (Linn
et al. 2000).
Another process issue is the management of transitions between activities
to minimise waiting time so that children do not become disengaged. Yet another
is observing routines, as these signal to children to change their style of engage-
ment; on the other hand, you will need to be responsive so that, where appropriate,
routines can follow rather than direct children’s engagement.
Motivation refers to children’s willingness to invest time, effort and skills in the
tasks that we set for them (Ben Ari & Rich 1992; Cole & Chan 1994). Glasser
(1998) believes that all individuals are motivated to meet their emotional needs
(see chapter 11) and their need to survive. Therefore, Glasser contends, when we
say that children are not motivated, what we are actually saying is that they are
not motivated to do the particular task they are being given. In turn, this will be
because it is not meeting their needs. Motivation, or a lack of it, then, is not an
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The general measures for enhancing children’s motivation are given in Box 10.1.
These can distil down to a three-pronged approach suggested by the above
formula: make realistic demands which the children are confident of meeting,
ensure that tasks are relevant for the children, and develop a supportive relation-
ship with the children so that they are emboldened to face challenges.
Locus of control
An important belief that children gain through experience is whether they them-
selves can control outcomes (which is termed having an internal locus of control,
or self-efficacy), or whether luck, fate or other people control what happens to
them. Individuals are said to have an external locus of control or, in its extreme
form, to display ‘learned helplessness’ (Seligman 1975) when they believe that
events outside their control are responsible for what happens to them.
When children believe that they can control the outcomes of their actions—
that is, when they locate their control internally—they are more motivated to
invest effort in learning, are more likely to learn from their mistakes, are more
persistent and are more reflective learners (Knight 1995). In contrast, children
with intellectual disabilities can be unmotivated because they are not aware that
the way they go about tasks will affect the outcome. Because of a history of
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failure, these children might not apply themselves to a task because they do not
expect to succeed. They are more likely to attribute success or failure to uncon-
trollable outside events such as luck, help from the teacher, or the difficulty or
ease of the task (Cole & Chan 1990).
Meanwhile, the picture of the locus of control of gifted children is mixed.
Although they tend to achieve an internal locus of control earlier than usual
(Brody & Benbow 1986), some take too much responsibility for their mistakes,
which can lead to perfectionism, while attributing their successes to the ease of
the task (Bogie & Buckhalt 1987); although this pattern is by no mean universal.
Self-efficacy is vulnerable to repeated failures and to criticism (Bandura
1986). Unfortunately, it is not responsive to positive persuasion. Thus, in
addition to the general measures given in Box 10.1, the following strategies will
be necessary to teach children that they can be successful:
• Children will need to experience success, rather than simply be told that they
are successful. Therefore, feedback needs to be specific and genuine. That
is, you should not tell children that they have been successful when they
have not, and should give feedback that is specific enough for them to be
able to act on the information and correct their errors.
• Give children experience of both success and failure, so that they can form a
link between their actions and the outcome (Seligman 1975). If they are
always successful, no matter what they do, they will feel just as helpless as if
they always fail, no matter what they do. In either case, they will show low
tolerance of frustration, poor persistence at tasks, and avoidance of challenge.
• To encourage them to persist in the face of setbacks, you will need to teach
children to attribute their achievements to their own effort, rather than to
uncontrollable factors such as inability or luck. This is called attribution
training. You will need to guide them to: define the failure as temporary
rather than permanent; see failure as specific to the event rather than a sign
of a general or all-pervasive failing on their part; and explain the failure in
terms of their behaviour, not personality—they need to take personal
responsibility without taking blame (Seligman 1995). Without confronting
them with their mistakes, you should not allow them to make excuses or
teach them to do so, for example by blaming a ‘naughty’ step for tripping
them over, but instead comment that they forgot to watch out for the step.
Children who have intellectual disabilities can be reliant on adults to present
information to them and to help them to make sense of it. They might not spon-
taneously generate their own play ideas. In contrast, although they can generate
their own play ideas, gifted children might learn to rely on adults to give them the
stimulation which they seek, partly because adults’ ideas are more sophisticated
and fascinating than their own or those of age mates. Others prefer to work inde-
pendently—perhaps because of the discrepancies between their skill levels and
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those of their age mates. Still others might fiercely insist on doing things
independently (e.g. getting dressed) but, once they have mastered the task
intellectually and it holds no further interest for them, might then refuse to do it
at all. They can be impatient with repetition of activities that they already under-
stand (Clark 1997; Kitano 1990).
Various cultures place differing values on and expectations of independence
in children: some encourage early autonomy while others value interdependence
of individuals. Furthermore, it is appropriate that children learn to perform both
independently and in cooperation with others. Therefore, although it can be
valuable to encourage children to attempt age-appropriate tasks independently, it
can also be important to allow them to give and receive help.
Even though you might be seeking to foster independent learning skills in
individual children, at times they will need adult guidance to learn, particularly
when they are acquiring new skills or extending or challenging themselves. This
can involve scaffolding or mediation of their learning, as described in chapter 4.
When assisting children to ‘learn how to learn’, the strategies you teach must
match their abilities (Cole & Chan 1990). For example, children who have
impaired language skills will find it difficult to use self-instruction to guide their
completion of tasks, in which case their receptive and expressive skills would be
a more fruitful focus of teaching (Whitman et al. 1991). It is also important that
you correctly identify whether they most need knowledge acquisition skills
(attention or memory training), metacognitive knowledge and control, or adjust-
ments to their learning style. Otherwise, a mistargeted program could frustrate
both you and the children.
Some of the measures for teaching thinking processes will involve a behav-
ioural element as well as cognitive training. I refer you to chapter 12 for a review
of behavioural approaches.
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defines as the ‘intangible joy’ that arises from satisfaction of the above needs.
The second was posited by Maslow: namely, the need for self-actualisation,
which refers to the drive to develop our abilities fully (Peterson 1996). Both of
these are probably outcomes of meeting the above needs, so only that list is
focused on here.
Adults can choose to take part in activities and to associate with people who
bolster our self-esteem, but children are at the mercy of the contexts in which we
place them (Katz 1995). This means that they rely on you to create an accepting
environment in which they can feel emotionally safe and confident about their
ability to meet the demands being placed on them.
The result of such behaviours is that the children tend to be ignored in care
and preschool settings—unless behaving disruptively, when their interactions
with caregivers often comprise disciplinary measures (Hoffman-Plotkin &
Twentyman 1984). This emotional neglect compounds the problems these
children experience at home and leads to worsening social difficulties through-
out childhood (Cole-Detke & Kobak 1998; George & Main 1979; Trickett 1998).
Emotionally, depression and anxiety are common outcomes (Trickett 1998).
In terms of children’s self-esteem, child abuse causes children to see themselves
in negative terms and to try to be perfect in an attempt to halt the abuse (Harter
1998). Thus, in the terms discussed below, the children develop a devalued self-
concept and unattainably high ideals for themselves. Their development is
impaired by not believing themselves capable of solving problems.
The signs that abuse is occurring include the above social and emotional
behaviours, plus physical signs such as burns or bruises; sudden changes in the
children’s behaviour (coinciding with the onset of abuse); refusal to accompany
a particular adult; declining development or regression to less mature behav-
iours; and, for sexually abused children, frequent discussion about secrets or
about sexual practices, knowledge of which is in advance of the children’s years
or developmental level.
The above litany of serious effects of abuse make it essential to report any
signs that children might be being abused. You cannot wait until you have
gathered all necessary evidence. Instead it will be the welfare agency’s job to
investigate your suspicions, which they will aim to do without further victimis-
ing the child or those wrongly suspected of being perpetrators.
If the welfare agency decides on the basis of your information to investigate
the family, you will need its advice on whether you should tell the parents that
you have reported your concerns and about how to support the family during
the investigation process so that the child is not subjected to further violence or
emotional abuse as a result of the disclosure.
Meanwhile, you will need to support the children by respecting their feelings
but also requiring them to use prosocial means for dealing with their anger and
regaining some power (Gootman 1993). They need empathic responses from
educators so that they learn to recognise their own and others’ pain; they need
attention; and they need to know that they will be safe if they make a mistake
(Gootman 1993). Predictable reactions and a safe emotional climate will help
children who are hypervigilant to signs of danger to know what is required of
them and to realise that they will be safe.
Personal safety programs are often recommended for preventing children
from becoming victims of abuse, although there is little research evidence of
their effectiveness at empowering children to enact the protective skills imparted
in the programs (Bevill & Gast 1998; Ko & Cosden 2001), little advice about
necessary modifications to ensure age-appropriateness, and few guidelines to
avoid side-effects such as increased fears in children (Bonner et al. 1992; Jordan
1993). Nevertheless, incidental or more formal instruction involving modelling,
role-play and feedback can teach children to be assertive and seek help in unsafe
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situations (Bevill & Gast 1998). Meanwhile, raising the topic of abuse with your
parent group can highlight how they can keep their children safe, recognise the
signs of abuse, and acquaint them with reporting procedures, while using behav-
iour management strategies that permit children to exercise self-control and do
not demand obedience to adults (see chapter 12) will empower children and thus
make them less vulnerable to abuse.
The second fundamental emotional need is for a healthy self-esteem. In their first
two years or so, when young children are learning to trust their caregivers, their
self-esteem relies almost entirely on whether they feel loved and accepted. After
that age, their self-esteem begins to be fed by how much control they can
exercise over their lives. Subsequently, adults’ reactions to their choices allow
them to feel proud of or guilty about wanting to act independently, and they
begin to define themselves as competent or as failures (Curry & Johnson 1990).
So, from the earliest years of their lives, children gain impressions about
the type of people they are and how others want them to be. By comparing
themselves to their ideals, they learn to feel pleased or disappointed in them-
selves. In short, then, self-esteem has the following three parts (Burns 1982;
Pope et al. 1988):
1. The self-concept. This is our picture or description of ourselves. Young
children’s self-concept is fairly basic and becomes more comprehensive as
they get older and learn more about themselves. At young ages, they tend to
describe themselves according to how they look, what they wear, their state
of health and their possessions. As they get older, they begin to define them-
selves on aspects comprising their relationships within and outside the
family (which includes ancestors as well as living people), abilities and
talents at sport and academic work, temperament, religious ideas, and ability
to manage their own lives.
2. The ideal self. This is our beliefs about how we should be. This set of beliefs
comes about from actual or implied critical judgments by significant people
in our lives or by a process called social comparison, in which we compare
ourselves to other people and set our ideals accordingly (Adler et al. 2001).
3. Our self-esteem. This is how much we value our characteristics. It is a
judgment about whether our abilities and qualities meet or fall short of the
standards we believe are ideal. In other words, self-esteem is a comparison
between the self-concept and ideal self (Burns 1982), as shown in Figure 11.1.
No-one’s self-concept and self-esteem ever overlap completely: most emotion-
ally healthy individuals believe that they have around three-quarters of the
characteristics they would like to have. If the two overlapped entirely, individuals
would have no ambitions or goals to strive for.
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Sources: Adler et al. (2001); Curry & Johnson (1990); Pope et al. (1988).
Self-esteem is not a trivial pursuit that can be built by pepping children up with empty
praise, extra pats, and cheers of support. Such efforts are temporary at best, and decep-
tive at worst. Our children need coaches, not cheerleaders (emphasis mine).
In line with this assertion, coaching children to learn skills that they value could
entail the following measures:
• Break tasks down into achievable steps and then teach each step until the
children can successfully complete the task independently. It might help to
keep a record of the children’s improvement, using audiotapes, videotapes,
photographs or other natural means so that in the course of learning a skill
the children can appreciate their progress.
• Give positive instructions. We might accidentally set children up to fail by
telling them what not to do (‘Don’t run’) instead of what they could do:
‘Take small steps on the wet floor.’
• Encourage children to be independent about performing age-appropriate
skills, to give them something to feel proud of.
• Teach self-instruction skills. Success at tasks involves not only being able
to perform the skill but also being able to organise oneself to do it profi-
ciently. Therefore, teach children how to concentrate, plan each step of a
task, check that their approach is working, persist, change approaches if
necessary, and so on (see chapter 10).
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you need to give children permission to be adventurous and risk getting things
wrong. If they are not making mistakes, that means they already knew how to
do a task—and that is not called learning: it is practising.
• Teach children to evaluate negative feedback. When children are dis-
appointed in themselves, your first response must be to listen and accept
what they feel. They will think that you do not understand them if you insist
on reassuring them that things aren’t that bad, or if you tell them to cheer up.
Moreover, their disappointment might be a realistic reaction to a failure and
might spur them on to becoming more skilled.
• But if they are expecting too much of themselves, you might gently
question whether they are being realistic, without giving advice or telling
them off for feeling what they feel. You could, for example, ask gently, ‘You
seem disappointed that you didn’t finish that. But do you think that 4-year-
olds can normally do it all by themselves or do they need help? Perhaps
you’re expecting too much of yourself to be able to do it alone.’
Minimise stress
Stress is a physical reaction to feeling out of control, particularly of negative
events in life. Children whose families are stressed can become overwrought
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children are at a similar developmental level and behave predictably so that others
feel safe in their company.
Peers can make unique contributions to children’s development in many
domains (see Hartup 1989; Hartup & Moore 1990). This tells us that when
children’s peer relationships are disrupted, their development as well as their
emotional wellbeing can suffer.
Three groups of children are more likely than most to be socially isolated in
early childhood centres. First are children with significant intellectual delays:
around 30% are actively rejected, which is often related to their behavioural dif-
ficulties, while a greater number still are ignored (or neglected) by peers, which
is often related to their social reticence (Odom et al. 1999). This social isolation
comes about because, even compared with younger children of an equivalent
developmental level, those with intellectual disabilities lack the cognitive and
metacognitive skills necessary to read social cues and to instigate and maintain
peer relationships. As a result, they (Brown et al. 1999; Guralnick & Groom
1987; Hanline 1993; Odom et al. 1999):
• interact less often and so spend proportionately more time either unoccupied
or engaged in solitary play;
• initiate fewer interactions with peers (Reynolds & Holdgrafer 1998);
• are less successful in their social initiations—and this can deteriorate over
• respond less to approaches from others;
• take the lead less often in social play.
The same is not necessarily true of all disability categories, however. For
example, children with physical disabilities appear to be well understood,
accepted and included (at least at the level of parallel play) in the play of typi-
cally developing children (Okagaki et al. 1998).
A second group of potentially isolated children are those with advanced
development. Gifted youngsters are often popular with others but do not experi-
ence these relationships as deeply companionable: in short, many are not as
attached to peers as their peers are to them. They might develop deep attach-
ments to a best friend at a similar developmental level to themselves or to their
parents, but lack a breadth of attachments, making them vulnerable to separation
problems and loneliness within groups of age mates. Thus, despite the fact that
their advanced problem-solving skills contribute to social finesse, it can seem at
times that they lack the ability to form friendships. The main intervention for
these children is to give them access to others at their developmental level, as
usually their social success improves and they feel less lonely when they have
playmates who can share their sophisticated interests.
A third group of children commonly experiencing social isolation are
those who often behave aggressively. Although these children initially
approach others often, their overtures are commonly rejected because their
approaches are boisterous or aggressive, they disrupt others’ play and are less
cooperative—with the result that over time they initiate less often and become
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 202
Promote acceptance
When children have a history of being in the same group and have observed
adults interacting positively with isolated peers, they are similarly likely to
accept and involve these children in their play (Hughes et al. 2001; Okagaki et
al. 1998). Your acceptance can also be communicated by talking openly with the
children about the many differences and similarities between people (Crary
1992). This can allow you to dispel some of their myths about disabilities, such
as that a peer’s disability in one domain affects all his or her developmental skills
simultaneously, or that it is contagious.
Consider placement
Because children choose playmates who are at their own developmental level, it
behoves us to provide individual children with potential matches by, where
possible, placing children with disabilities with at least one other child with a
similar disability (Freeman & Kasari 1998)—and gifted children with older play-
mates—so that the children have access to peers at similar developmental levels
to themselves (see also chapter 4).
Finally, children need to be aware of how their behaviour will influence how
other people respond to them.
Conflict management skills
To resolve conflict peaceably with playmates, such as when their requests to
enter a group are being rebuffed, children need to:
• be persuasive and assertive rather than bossy;
• negotiate play activities;
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 206
Rubin 1980; Trawick-Smith 1988). Similarly, they need the requisite motor skills
to participate in peers’ physical play and to move about the centre, seeking activ-
ities and peers to engage them. Therefore, if children speak a language other than
English or have delayed skills in any developmental domain, secure them pro-
fessional assistance to enhance their skills and thus their social inclusion.
If the children reject these suggestions, you could limit the duration of the
exclusion. You could begin by explaining to the excluded child, ‘Well, it looks
like there isn’t room for you in this game just now, Matthew. Children, how long
do you think you’ll be playing this game before you can let Matthew join in?
How long will Matthew have to wait?’ This gives a certain end to their exclusion
of Matthew and lets him know that his exclusion has to do with the demands of
the game, rather than himself.
Child protection
Briggs, F. and McVeity, M. 2000 Teaching children to protect themselves Allen
& Unwin, Sydney
Curry, N.E. and Johnson, C.N. 1990 Beyond self-esteem: developing a genuine
sense of human value National Association for the Education of Young
Children, Washington, DC
Seligman, M.E.P. 1995 The optimistic child Random House, Sydney
Social skills
Cartledge, G. and Milburn, J.F. (eds) 1995 Teaching social skills to children:
innovative approaches 3rd edn, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA
Katz, L.G. and McClellan, D.E. 1997 Fostering children’s social competence:
the teacher’s role National Association for the Education of Young Children,
Washington, DC
Kostelnick, M.J., Stein, L.C., Whiren, A.P. and Soderman, A.K. 1998 Guiding
children’s social development 3rd edn, Delmar, Albany, NY
McGrath, H. 1997 Dirty tricks: classroom games for teaching social skills
Longman, Melbourne
McGrath, H. and Francey, S. 1991 Friendly kids; friendly classrooms Longman
Cheshire, Melbourne
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 209
Odom, S.L., McConnell, S.R. and McEvoy, M.A. (eds) 1992 Social competence
of young children with disabilities: issues and strategies for intervention
Paul H. Brookes, Baltimore, MD
Sapon-Shevin, M. 1999 Because we can change the world: a practical guide to
building cooperative, inclusive classroom communities Allyn & Bacon,
Boston, MA
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 210
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 211
• behaviours that are suitable in one time and place (e.g. moving about) but
which disrupt the present context, such as group story time (Apter 1982, in
Conway 1998).
These scenarios have been termed primary behaviours (Rogers 1998), and are
generally thought to be a problem because they violate the rights of the children
performing them or interfere with the rights or needs of surrounding children or
adults. Secondary behaviours, however, are probably more common and there-
fore of greater importance: these are said to occur in reaction to adults’ corrective
responses to the primary behaviours (Rogers 1998). In my research I found that
the disciplinary methods described in this chapter avoided provoking such
reactions, thus reducing considerably the number of disruptions (Porter 1999b).
Locus of control
Some theories—most notably applied behaviour analysis (ABA), which was
earlier termed ‘behaviour modification’—believe that individuals’ behaviour can
be manipulated by changing the rewards and punishments that follow it. Guided
by this belief, adults give children rewards for ‘good’ behaviour and punish
undesirable actions.
Taking rewards first, these can be social (e.g. praise, hugs or a smile); the
opportunity to do a favourite activity (e.g. being allowed to play outside for extra
time); a sticker or some other tangible reward that the children value for itself;
or food rewards (although these are not recommended; see Birch et al. 1995).
Meanwhile, punishment is of two types: withdrawing a positive consequence
that children want (e.g. withdrawing access to a privilege, or withdrawing atten-
tion through the use of time out), and administering negative consequences such
as verbal reprimands and physical aversives such as spanking. In some countries,
physical aversives, particularly in professional settings, are illegal; even where
this is not the case, experts agree that they should never be used for ethical
reasons and because of their ineffectiveness.
A contrasting view of where control is located comes from a group of theor-
ists known as humanists. These writers believe that external events only ever
give us information about what might happen to us if we engage in a particular
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 212
behaviour, but that we decide for ourselves whether we will abide by or defy a
system of rewards and punishments (Glasser 1998). This decision is based on
whether a behaviour we are contemplating is likely to meet our needs (as listed
in chapter 11). In short, humanists say that all individuals are controlled inter-
nally, not externally.
The debate is difficult to settle through research, but cognitive theory (see
chapter 10) highlights the need to promote an internal locus of control for all
children and particularly for those who have disabilities—and disciplinary
methods are no exception to this edict. Furthermore, even if individuals can be
manipulated externally, the humanists contend that it is risky to do so. They cite
many disadvantages of rewards and punishments, respectively listed in Boxes
12.1 and 12.2. Many (but not all) of these have been verified by research: for
instance, studies have shown that when mothers exercise restrictive control over
their children, the children become defiant, uncooperative, withdrawn, anxious,
unhappy, hostile when frustrated, and unwilling to persist at tasks (Baumrind
1967, 1971; Crockenberg & Litman 1990).
In contrast, Gordon (1991) believes that adults must achieve authority by
virtue of their expertise, rather than through their power to make children
uncomfortable for non-compliance. Glasser (1998) describes the first style as
leadership and the second as bossing. This authoritative discipline style tends to
produce children who are more cooperative, self-controlled, self-confident,
independent and social. This is probably because children are more likely to
cooperate with adults who have previously cooperated with them (Atwater &
Morris 1988; Parpal & Maccoby 1985; Porter 1999b).
In light of such studies with parents and educators, the humanist writers
conclude that there are alternative disciplinary measures that are as effective as
rewards and punishments, but which do not incur their risks.
View of children
The humanist writers accuse the authoritarian theories of having a sour view of
children, namely that they will not behave thoughtfully unless they are manipu-
lated into doing so (Kohn 1996). Humanism believes instead that when adults do
not threaten children with punishment or bribe them with incentives for behav-
iour of which we approve, young people are motivated, will make constructive
choices, and are likely to behave thoughtfully (Kohn 1996; Rogers 1951; Rogers
& Freiberg 1994).
Goals of discipline
Some theories aim to teach children to comply with adult directives, and indeed
use terms such as ‘non-compliance’ or ‘naughty’ to describe behavioural dif-
ficulties. Most claim that their intent is to use this external control to teach
children self-discipline. However, ‘self-discipline’ means different things to the
various authors: in some cases, it simply means getting children to comply
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 214
whether or not they are being supervised. But this might come about simply
because the children are not sure when the adult will return and detect any
misdeeds. This, then, is simply internalised compliance. Instead, humanism aims
to teach thoughtful behaviour, which comprises:
• developing in children a sense of right and wrong so that they act consider-
ately, not because they might be punished for doing otherwise but because it
is the right thing to do;
• teaching children to manage their emotions so that their outbursts do not
disturb those around them, but more importantly so that they themselves
learn to cope with setbacks in life;
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• teaching children to cooperate so that all can have their needs met;
• giving children a sense of potency—that is, a sense that they can make a
difference to themselves and their world and can act on their values
(Porter 2001).
In the vein of Calvin Coolidge’s declaration that ‘There is no right way to do the
wrong thing’ (Sapon-Shevin 1996: 196), the humanists reject the authoritarian
goal of teaching obedience, as it runs counter to the educational goals of teaching
democratic values, problem-solving skills and critical thinking (McCaslin &
Good 1992). As McCaslin and Good (1992: 13) observe, ‘We cannot expect that
[children] will profit from the incongruous messages we send when we manage
for obedience and teach for exploration and risk taking.’
Furthermore, training children to be obedient is dangerous in three respects.
First, it endangers individual children because they might not resist abuse—and
here I’m thinking mainly of sexual abuse—because they have been taught to do
what adults say (Briggs & McVeity 2000). Second, it is dangerous for surround-
ing children, as those who have been trained to follow others might collude with
schoolyard bullying when directed to do so by a powerful peer. Finally, whole
societies would be safer if people did not follow the commands of a sociopathic
leader who told them to harm members of a surrounding community whose race
or religion differed from their own.
Definition of disruptiveness
The pluralistic perspective introduced in chapter 1 flows into acceptance of
diverse behaviours of children as well as other differences among them. Lieber
et al. (1998) observed that teachers who seek conformity accept only a narrow
range of behaviours in their young charges. This provokes the recognition that
‘misbehaviours’ or ‘inappropriate behaviours’ are mostly defined by adults and
are in the eye of the beholder (Kohn 1996). Instead, you need to keep in mind
your goals of discipline and define only those behaviours that violate these or
interfere with someone’s rights as being in need of intervention.
Externally oriented theories such as ABA believe that children’s disruptive
behaviour is caused when it is inadvertently rewarded or not punished. The
humanist view, in contrast, is that disruptions occur:
• as a natural result of children’s inability always to anticipate the effects of
their actions;
• when children explore their social environment and, not having the skills to
predict the outcome in advance, at times do not realise that their actions
could negatively affect someone else (Gartrell 1987, 1998);
• when children lose control of themselves because they are temporarily over-
whelmed emotionally;
• in reaction to the methods adults commonly use to control children’s behaviour
(Gordon 1974; Porter 1999b).
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All of these reasons, then, are natural childhood events—in which case we
should not punish children for such mistakes, because to do so would be to
punish them for being children. Instead, we should teach them how to act
thoughtfully, just as we teach any other functional skills.
approaches both were more effective at ending disruptions and avoided the
negative emotional side-effects of the rewards and punishments used by
the authoritarian approaches (as summarised in Boxes 12.1 and 12.2). This
suggests that educators should guide—rather than control—children.
Based on the research and ethical issues just described, the following methods
adhere to a humanist approach to discipline, in which adults guide children and
coach considerate behaviour rather than controlling children through the use of
rewards and punishments.
matter how skilfully employed—can compensate for a program that does not
meet children’s academic, social and emotional needs.
for being quiet while I explained what we all have to do’, or ‘I appreciate that
you all helped pack away: it meant we could all go outside a little earlier.’
3. Acknowledgment is a private event that, unlike praise, does not show
children up in public or try to manipulate others into copying someone who
is behaving to expectations.
We do not reward our adult friends or tell them that they are ‘good people’ when
they help us out: all we do is thank them. So we can do the same for children: it
is not up to us to judge or label them, but we can say when we appreciate their
considerate behaviour. This is a natural outcome (consequence) of their actions,
not an attempt to bribe them into repeating the behaviour again.
Nevertheless, on rare occasions I have had to contrive some feedback so that
children who find learning very difficult have some physical evidence that they
are achieving the many small steps towards success. This is particularly so when
using cognitive training approaches (see chapter 10). In these cases I have used
stars, placing them inside an outline of a child’s favourite cartoon character—not
as a reward for listening, attending or whatever, but as a form of evidence of that
achievement. Placing the sticker on the drawing ‘punctuates’ the training session,
as it were, allowing us to pause and highlight the children’s efforts. At the end of
the session, when the character is filled with stickers, the children have some
physical evidence to remind themselves of their achievements. Meanwhile, the
feedback is still informative, not judgmental. It comprises such comments as,
‘Congratulations! You did it!’ or ‘Wow. Did you know you could listen so care-
fully?’ or ‘How did you do that?’ or ‘I think you can be proud of that. Here’s
another star to remind you that you did it.’ This practice might seem similar to
delivering rewards but the intent is to help the children recognise their own
achievements by giving them visual information when verbal feedback is not
meaningful enough to them.
people forget to think before acting, that it was probably an accident, or that now
that the children know what can happen when they act in that way they will
probably decide not to do it again. Because children cannot always anticipate the
effects of what they do, the result can startle them enough to teach them not to
do it again, and you will only humiliate them if you preach about something they
have already realised.
Similarly, do not force children to apologise when they have hurt another
child and do not deliver a lecture about what they have done. They will already
know that their actions were hurtful but, in the heat of the moment, could not
overcome their emotions and act on this knowledge. Therefore, there is no point
explaining this to them again: the issue is not a lack of information but a lack of
So take the perpetrator and victim aside and soothe the child who has been
hurt, responding to his or her feelings, as well as the physical pain. With the
perpetrator listening, reflect the victim’s feelings: ‘That hurt you, didn’t it? Yes,
Shelley forgot to use her words … She might be feeling frustrated or angry, do
you think?’You could add, ‘I think that she is sorry that she hurt you. She might
be able to say so later.’ If you let perpetrators save face in this way, they are likely
to choose to say sorry; if they are not ready to, forcing them will not help.
inside, so I need you to be a little quieter or move away from the babies’ window.
What would you like to do?’
Teach self-control
Mostly, we assume that when children are not able to behave in a certain way,
this is because they do not know the correct form of behaviour. Instead, in my
observations, most children know how they should be acting but are temporarily
overwhelmed by their feelings and cannot act on that information.
A brief adult example might help to explain this: let’s say that at a social
gathering you are offered some potato crisps. Despite not feeling hungry, you
reach out your hand to take some. At that point, do you need someone to tell you
about the nutritional value of potato crisps—or do you already know that and
instead need more self-control? The answer is clear: it is not a lack of information
that causes us to behave in ways we would prefer not to, but a lack of self-control.
In my experience, children show that they have lost self-control in one of the
following four ways (Porter 2001).
1. Protesting tantrums occur when children are angry about not getting what
they want. This type of tantrum involves crying, screaming, hitting or
kicking, and is very active. (This is different from preverbal children’s
attempt to communicate that they are disappointed. That is not a tantrum: it
is legitimate communication. A tantrum is where children who can usually
say what they need, instead get so worked up that they cannot use words.)
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Explain growing up
Growing up is a process of learning how to be boss of our feelings. Adults
(mostly) have learned that we cannot act on every impulse. In contrast, infants
believe that if they feel something, it is okay to act on it. This is part of normal
development. However, as they are approaching school age, they need to be
beginning the lifelong process of learning how to be in charge of what they do.
So I tell children that while their body—their outside—is getting taller,
bigger, stronger and so on, their insides may have forgotten to grow up. Their
feelings boss them around and get them into trouble or get them upset (as the
case may be). As they are growing up to be a kindy or school person shortly—
or will be this old at their next birthday—now is the right time to start thinking
about growing up on the inside as well.
You cannot talk children into growing up, or they would not want to do it.
Also, you cannot give them suggestions of how they can achieve it. But it can
help to warn them that it will take them a long time to think about, but you are
sure that part of them knows how to do it. After all, they have grown up on the
outside so successfully that this shows they know how!
While they are thinking about how to teach their feelings to grow up, you
will help them at the times when they get out of control.
are feeling stressed and out of control. There is no point punishing them for
feeling like this, but they do need help to learn how to manage their feelings so
that, with repeated practice, these do not need to get out of control in future.
Meanwhile, on the grounds that you cannot reason with people while they
are being unreasonable, say very little: do not try to hurry them into feeling better
or explain yourself or the problem. That can come later, if at all. All you need to
repeat is something like, ‘I understand that you’re upset and I’ll sit with you until
you feel happier/better.’ In this process, children usually go through a range of
feelings from anger, sadness, to bargaining, before becoming calm and back in
Staying with children in this way tells them that you are willing to help them
and teaches them the very skill that you are wanting them to learn—namely, how
to get back in control of their emotions. Cuddling them does not do that task for
them, but it does give them the support they need to achieve it.
Being with them will work best if you can begin before they get really upset
and if you can comfort children often so that they get repeated practice. The early
signs that they are losing control could comprise one of the passive tantrums
(whingeing or uncooperativeness), which will be easier to manage than the sub-
sequent active versions (protesting or social tantrums).
Sometimes, however, children are too out of control to accept your company
or a warm cuddle as they calm down. When there is a risk of injury or the
children’s distress escalates, you might instead need to use time away.
inviting upset children to go off by themselves to a quiet and pleasant corner, until
they feel better. This is not a punishment: they should find their solitude enjoyable
and refreshing. If you use it as a punishment, like time out, it will not work.
Try a reversal
If all else has failed, try doing the opposite of what you have been doing so far
(Amatea 1989), even if you do not understand in advance how that could help.
If you have been:
• ignoring the behaviour, give it your attention;
• sending children away to sort themselves out, bring them in close to you and
give them your support to get back in control of themselves;
• trying to talk them out of a behaviour, give them permission to continue with
it—perhaps using pattern interruption to ensure that it does not bother
• thinking that they cannot help themselves, notice the times when the behav-
iour does not occur, and expect them to do more of what causes those
• getting earnest about the problem, have some fun—for example, by pre-
tending to throw a tantrum yourself whenever the child does;
• working on a difficult behaviour, choose an easier one so that you can have
some success on which to build.
This suggestion to do something different is based on the advice: ‘Always
change a losing game’ (Fisch et al. 1982:88). Or, put another way: ‘If something
isn’t working, don’t do it again’ (de Shazer et al. 1986:212).
Support parents
It is inefficient (and inhumane) to undermine the skills and confidence of parents,
particularly those whose children often behave inconsiderately. Just as consis-
tency within your setting is unnecessary, so too are common approaches between
home and educational settings not a prerequisite to teaching children how to
manage their feelings—although it is clearly preferable if children can get
practice in both locations. Nevertheless, you would create resistance in parents if
you tried to convince them of your approach. Instead, allow your success to be
persuasion enough.
Discipline will only ever safeguard individual children from abuse and protect
society from the behavioural excesses of its members when individuals accept
responsibility for themselves and can seek to satisfy their own needs without vio-
lating the needs of other people. In the preschool years, the goal of discipline,
then, is to give children the confidence to take increasing responsibility for their
own actions and for their effect on other people. In this chapter, I have argued
that the most effective means to this end is a guidance rather than a controlling
approach to discipline.
The guiding skills described here can be very similar to their controlling
counterparts. For example, a natural positive consequence can involve virtually
the same action as a reward, but the intent is just to acknowledge children, not
manipulate them into repeating a desirable behaviour. The difference has to do
with flavour or style, with how you communicate your respect for children. In
their turn, children can detect the difference and will respond distinctly to the
two methods. Nevertheless, because the methods are similar, you do not have to
learn a completely new set of skills but can apply the skills you already have,
with just a change of purpose and flavour.
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 227
If you would like to read more about the ideas introduced in this chapter,
I suggest the following titles:
Fields, M.V. and Boesser, C. 2002 Constructive guidance and discipline:
preschool and primary education 3rd edn, Merrill Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ
Gordon, T. 1991 Teaching children self-discipline at home and at school
Random House, Sydney
Kohn, A. 1996 Beyond discipline: from compliance to community Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA
——1999 Punished by rewards: the trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s,
praise, and other bribes 2nd edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA
Porter, L. 1999 Young children’s behaviour: practical approaches for caregivers
and teachers MacLennan & Petty, Sydney
——2000a Student behaviour: theory and practice for teachers 2nd edn, Allen
& Unwin, Sydney
——2000b Behaviour in schools: theory and practice for teachers Open
University Press, Buckingham, UK
——2001 Children are people too: a parent’s guide to young children’s behav-
iour 3rd edn, Small Poppies SA, Adelaide
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 228
Appendix I
Fetal alcohol syndrome is now the single biggest cause of intellectual disability
in the world, accounting for 10–20% of all instances (Batshaw & Conlon 1997;
Howard et al. 2001). Developmentally, delays are mainly in speech, language,
cognitive and motor skills, with some behavioural difficulties also being associ-
ated with the condition (Batshaw & Conlon 1997). The physical signs of fetal
alcohol syndrome are listed in Table AI.1. The degree of intellectual disability
and the extent of facial abnormalities are both related to the amount of the
mother’s alcohol intake during the first trimester of pregnancy in particular, but
also subsequently through the pregnancy and during breastfeeding (Batshaw &
Conlon 1997). The mean IQ of affected children falls around 70 IQ points,
although variation is considerable (Shonkoff & Marshall 2000). Lesser effects on
development and physical appearance are experienced at lower doses, when the
child’s difficulties are usually referred to as ‘fetal alcohol effects’.
Other drugs
Exposure to tobacco, marijuana, cocaine and other illicit drugs in utero results in
decreased blood and oxygen reaching the fetus, causing stunted growth and
increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth and sudden infant death
(Batshaw & Conlon 1997; Howard et al. 2001). In the long term, babies whose
mothers smoked during pregnancy or subsequently, achieve at below-average
levels in cognitive and language skills, and may be more prone to the attention
deficit disorders and learning disabilities (Howard et al. 2001).
Most chromosomal anomalies are incompatible with life: the fetus does not
survive; a few key anomalies, however, are sustainable while resulting in dis-
abilities in children.
Fragile X syndrome
This condition is now considered to be the leading hereditary cause of intellec-
tual disability, being transmitted from generation to generation in a complex
fashion (Batshaw 1997; Howard et al. 2001). It occurs when a long arm of the
X-chromosome becomes detached or connected to the rest of the chromosome
by only a thin strand.
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 230
Boys are more seriously affected by this condition, with 80% of boys and
30% of girls having intellectual disabilities (Howard et al. 2001). Physical signs
of the condition (as listed in Table AI.1) are too variable in girls to be of any use
in diagnosis; in boys, most signs show up only in adolescence. However,
developmental delays are apparent from infancy, showing first as late walking
and talking (Batshaw 1997). The main signs of the condition are autistic-like
social behaviours, impaired (or disordered) speech and language, hyperactivity,
attention deficits and emotional difficulties. The behavioural difficulties appear
to relate to sensory processing impairments (Hatton et al. 2000), while the infor-
mation processing deficits might account for the deterioration in the children’s
intellectual functioning as they age, which in turn partly accounts for the later
identification of this syndrome.
Down syndrome
This is the second-largest genetic (but not inherited) cause of intellectual dis-
ability (Howard et al. 2001; Mazzocco & O’Connor 1993). Since the 1970s its
incidence has declined from 1.33 per 1000 to 0.92 per 1000, partly as a result of
prenatal screening of older mothers, some of whom subsequently choose to abort
(Roizen 1997).
It is caused mainly by the existence of a third 21st chromosome (termed
trisomy-21) or, in 5–10% of cases, by translocation of extra chromosomal
material to another chromosome (Howard et al. 2001). Less obvious is mosaic
Down syndrome, in which only 10–12% of the individual’s cells have the extra
genetic material. Children with this condition will share only some of the charac-
teristics of those with the full syndrome, and as a result might not be recognised
unless genetic screening is instigated.
The majority of children with this syndrome have an intellectual disability,
ranging in degree from mild to severe (Howard et al. 2001), with the milder
degrees of disability usually typical of mosacism (Fishler & Koch 1991). Low
muscle tone leads to delayed motor skills, and significant speech and language
delays are the norm. Down syndrome is also associated with many medical dif-
ficulties, as listed in Table AI.1. After the first year, the children are commonly
overweight and, combined with orthopaedic problems associated with ligament
abnormalities, are less likely to exercise. Nevertheless, with adequate exercise
and diets and treatment of the associated medical problems, life expectancy can
be near the norm (Howard et al. 2001).
As to their temperament, some studies find that children with Down
syndrome are more positive in their interaction with peers than children with
similar levels of intellectual disability (Hauser-Cram et al. 1993), while others
have shown them to have similar personalities to non-disabled children (Roizen
1997). Furthermore, these children experience resistance to rules, ADHD,
aggressive or uncooperative behaviour, eating disorders and other psychiatric
complaints at slightly elevated rates compared to the general population (Hauser-
Cram et al. 1993; Roizen 1997).
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 231
Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the commonest disabilities, and the commonest
cause of physical disability in children, with a rate of 1.5–2.7 per 1000 live births
in the developed world and higher rates in developing countries (Howard et al.
2001). CP causes disturbances of muscle tone, movement, reflex integration and
posture. Prematurity combined with low birth weight (below 2500 grams) is a
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 232
leading cause, accounting for 36% of cases, as is damage to the brain occurring
during gestation (in approximately 30–50% of all cases) or resulting from birth
complications (predominantly asphyxia, in 14% of cases) (Howard et al. 2001;
Pellegrino 1997). However, many children with these risk factors do not have
cerebral palsy and many children without those events do. Therefore, many ad-
ditional causes are implicated, including infections before or soon after birth and
exposure to toxins. Furthermore, the figures just cited may be speculative, and in
many instances no cause can be found.
With the hypotonic and ataxic forms of cerebral palsy, babies will have
reduced reflexes whereby, for instance, their gag reflex is weak, thus making
feeding risky (Sullivan, pers. comm.) Another diagnostic sign is the persistence
beyond 12 months of age of babies’ early reflexes, whose continued presence
affects muscle tone and movement (Pellegrino 1997). One of these reflexes is the
asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR), which is seen when the head is turned
to one side. It causes the arm and leg on the chin side to extend, with the other
arm and leg becoming more flexed (bent), with related alterations in the trunk
muscle tone (Pellegrino 1997). In normally developing children, independent
movement of head, trunk and limbs is progressively possible by 3 months of age,
but children with CP often cannot achieve this integration.
Another sign is delayed walking, although this is characteristic of many con-
ditions. Treatment involves active movement training and strengthening where
possible, positioning to minimise abnormalities in tone and maximise
movement, prevention of contractures of muscles through the use of braces and
splints, and correction of contractures where necessary through surgery. (For
more details, see chapter 6.)
A second neurological condition which can result from and cause disabilities is
recurrent seizures—that is, epilepsy. When epilepsy is combined with neuro-
logical damage, intellectual disabilities and young onset, the prognosis is less
favourable than when it occurs alone (Howard et al. 2001). Most children with
epilepsy have diminished concentration and information processing skills,
with a higher than usual rate of behavioural difficulties (Howard et al. 2001).
Some of these difficulties can also be the result of medications needed to control
the seizures (Tyler & Colson 1994).
stamina, seizures and sensory impairments (Tyler & Colson 1994). The progno-
sis for children who are injured non-accidentally is less positive than for those
who experience single traumas, as child abuse can lead to repeated and multiple
injuries, and where a parent or parents were the perpetrators of the abuse subse-
quent treatment must also involve rehabilitating both the injured child and the
dysfunctioning family.
Neural tube defects result from malformation during the third to fifth week of ges-
tation of the neural groove which houses the spinal cord. Spina bifida is the most
common of these and only one form of that, myelomeningocoele, causes physical
disability. It is the second most prevalent cause of motor disabilities in childhood,
after cerebral palsy (Shepherd 1995). In this condition, both the spinal cord and
its covering, the meninges, push through the defective vertebrae to the skin
surface, most commonly in the lumbar region of the spine. This causes flaccid
paralysis and reduced sensation below the lesion, whose extent and associated
difficulties depend on the location of the lesion along the spine (Liptak 1997).
In the USA the present rate of myelomeningocoele is around 0.3–0.9 live births
per 1000 births, with a three to four times higher rate in Wales and Ireland and a
much lower rate in Africa (Garber 1991). The prevalence is decreasing in developed
countries, partly as a result of prenatal screening (following which 40% of mothers
elect to abort), partly because folic acid intake by women prior to and in the first
trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of spina bifida, and partly through a natural
decrease in prevalence which might be due to improved nutrition (Liptak 1997).
Three-quarters of children with myelomeningocoele have measured intelli-
gence within the low–normal range, but still experience some learning
difficulties as a result of mild impairments of perception, organisation, attention,
memory, speed of motor response and hand use; the remaining quarter have an
intellectual disability (Liptak 1997).
Of those infants with myelomeningocoele, 80% have associated hydro-
cephalus, which is a build-up inside the head of cerebrospinal fluid caused by
obstruction of its drainage system (Shepherd 1995). Untreated, this causes the
head to grow in size, placing pressure on the brain and leading to brain damage.
When treated soon after birth with the surgical closure of the vertebral defect and
insertion of a shunt to drain off excess cerebrospinal fluid, subsequent impair-
ment to intellectual functioning is minimised.
It is crucial to be aware that sometimes the shunt diverting the fluid from the
brain becomes blocked, resulting in lethargy, headache, vomiting and irritability
as pressure builds up inside the child’s skull, while an infected shunt will cause
similar signs plus fever and an elevated white blood cell count (Liptak 1997).
A blocked or infected shunt can be life-threatening or lead to intellectual dis-
ability (Shepherd 1995). It is important to look out for these signs in children
with this condition, therefore, so that an early shunt repair can be performed.
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As they have reduced sensation of pain, care must be taken that children with
spina bifida do not sustain injuries, particularly to their feet and buttocks (e.g.
from walking on hot outdoor surfaces).
Illnesses of the mother or baby during pregnancy and exposure to toxins can also
lead to disabilities in the baby. Still more numerous (accounting for 50% of all
disabilities) is extreme prematurity (those babies born at less than 32 weeks’
gestation). Nevertheless, birth weight combined with gestational age is more pre-
dictive of outcome than degree of prematurity alone, with around 20% of those
born at less than 2500 grams being later diagnosed with disabilities, and babies
of even lower birth weights being at still higher risk (Bernbaum & Batshaw
1997; Howard et al. 2001).
Despite advances in genetic and medical understanding, the exact cause of some
syndromes is still unknown, although many run in families and thus appear to
have a genetic and biological basis.
of the condition between 3 and 4 years of age, and to be diagnosed must have evi-
denced the condition prior to the age of 7 years (Anastopoulos & Barkley 1992).
In the early childhood years in particular, it is difficult to distinguish normal
childhood exuberance from ADD and ADHD, making accurate diagnosis dif-
ficult. Diagnosis is also complicated by the fact that the children’s behaviour
varies according to the circumstances and that their attention skills can be
deficient in different ways (see chapter 10).
Some writers believe that impulsivity is at the heart of the attention deficit
disorders. Although not yet certain, a possible neurological explanation for the
behaviours is that arousal pathways in the brain fail to activate brain regions
involved in decision making, while inhibitory pathways fail to suppress impul-
sivity and distractability—and that these mechanisms are differently affected in
different children (Riccio et al. 1993).
As well as the cluster of primary symptoms, children with ADD or ADHD
often show other, secondary symptoms that can complicate management. These
include behavioural problems, emotional outbursts, relationship difficulties,
learning disabilities (despite having average intellectual abilities overall), and
a higher than normal rate of health problems such as incoordination, sleep
disturbances, middle ear and upper respiratory infections, asthma and allergies
(Anastopoulos & Barkley 1992).
Whereas negative parental discipline was earlier accused of causing ADHD,
most practitioners now believe that such parenting styles are instead the result of
having a child with ADHD in the family. This view is supported by research
showing that parents’ style becomes more positive when the children’s behaviour
improves—say, in response to medication (Anastopoulos & Barkley 1992;
Wodrich 1994). It also stands to reason that the parents are not the cause in
families where one child has the condition and the siblings do not.
Many children outgrow the condition within a year of its diagnosis. For
those who do not, the longer-term outcome is still mostly unknown, although the
severity of childhood symptoms is probably unrelated to adult outcome (Hart
et al. 1995). Throughout childhood and adolescence, the inattentive symptoms
remain relatively stable but then improve substantially during early adulthood,
while the hyperactive-impulsive behaviour progressively improves throughout
childhood (Barkley 1988; Hart et al. 1995).
With the exception of certain metabolic disorders and AIDS which can cause
sensory impairment, changes in muscle tone and central nervous system distur-
bances (Bruder 1995), most chronic childhood illnesses do not have a direct
effect on the brain’s capacity to learn. Nevertheless, some medical treatments
such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy can themselves cause disabilities in
children such as growth retardation, neurocognitive deficits and immune system
suppression (Tyler & Colson 1994).
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 237
(Eysenck 1986; Jausovec 1997). Others speculate that, in addition, gifted children
have more efficient links between the limbic system (the seat of emotions in the
brain) and the prefrontal lobes, which are responsible for overseeing learning
(Geake 1997). The first of these explanations accounts for an increase in the
quantity of knowledge gifted children can acquire; the second relates to a quali-
tatively different learning style whereby, compared with average learners, gifted
children are said to be more sensitive, intense and responsive emotionally, and
more invested in learning (Miller et al. 1994). Thus, some regard gifted children’s
learning as quantitatively different from average learners’, some see it as quali-
tatively different and others believe it to be both (see Porter 1999).
Although still debated, it seems evident that giftedness runs in families,
although the exact genetic mechanism is not yet determined. Meanwhile, an optimal
environment—and one that responds to children’s changing needs throughout
childhood—is required for this potential to be translated into sophisticated (i.e.
talented) performances (Horowitz 1987). This does not mean that children require
a perfect environment, however, as action is stimulated by some experience with
overcoming challenges and some awareness of a wrong to be righted.
This brief discussion of giftedness cannot overlook the fact that children
might have advanced abilities in one domain and at the same time experience a
disability in another. Clearly, children can have physical or sensory impairments
and still possess extraordinary information processing skills; less intuitively
obvious, perhaps, are those gifted children who also have learning disabilities
such as dyslexia. The disability will result in restricted input in the affected mode,
but when information is given in a different channel, children who are also gifted
can manipulate it in sophisticated ways. Similarly, children from educationally
disadvantaging backgrounds might not display talents compared to advantaged
children but are nevertheless learning more efficiently than those who are simi-
larly disadvantaged. These children with dual exceptionalities are a challenge to
identify and generally require a two-pronged program: one that offers remediation
of their disability, alongside the equally important promotion of their gifted skills
(Porter 1999).
Appendix II
Children’s skills are generally acquired in a predictable order. To follow are some
commonly cited milestones for development during the early years. It is impor-
tant to keep in mind, however, that children naturally differ in the rate at which
they acquire the skills listed, with their pattern of skills reflecting the values of
their culture and their opportunities to gain particular experiences and skills.
Furthermore, although the skills listed below are separated into the various
developmental domains, it is essential to realise that all are actually interwoven
and that apparent delays in one developmental domain do not necessarily signal
a difficulty in that skill area but can be a secondary outcome of impairments in
another—for example, when children’s vision or physical disabilities affect their
environmental exploration and thus their development of cognitive concepts.
Birth to 3 months
Gross motor
The neonate has little control against Holds head up momentarily while in prone
gravity. position.
Movements and postures appear Lifts head when supported at adult’s
lopsided or asymmetrical. shoulder.
Reflexes (which are innate responses Kicks reciprocally.
to stimulation) become integrated in these Rolls or falls from side to supine position.
early months, permitting subsequent Repeats satisfying actions.
development of purposeful movement.
Fine motor
Grasp and release are dominated by Grasps with hand tightly fisted.
reflexes. Release starts as an avoiding reaction
Arm movements are random. in response to touch on the back of the
By 3 months, arms move to midline
spontaneously and simultaneously.
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Exploration of the environment is Inspects surroundings.
unplanned. Inspects own hands.
Feeding skills are initially reflexive but Opens mouth in response to food.
come under voluntary control Coordinates sucking, swallowing and
throughout this stage. breathing.
Clutches and pulls clothing.
Object permanence has not yet developed Regards caregivers’ face.
and so infants are equally contented with Enjoys physical contact, snuggles in.
various caregivers. Conversational Makes eye contact.
turn-taking builds attachment. Communicates distress.
Experiences joy (from 6 weeks) and At 4–10 weeks, begins social smiling—that
distress. is, smiles spontaneously to caregiver’s
Will cry contagiously when peers are upset. face, voice or smile.
4–6 months
Gross motor
Control against gravity of head and upper Head, eyes, hands and feet can be
trunk and some limb movement is aligned with body midline in lying and
emerging in lying. while sitting with support.
Control of side-to-side and supported Able to still self in lying and sitting.
rotational movement is beginning. Bears weight on hands in prone position.
At 4 months, rolls from supine to side and
prone to side.
Bears some weight in supported standing.
Fine motor
Increasing voluntary control of grasp. Scratches surfaces.
Grasp becomes more functional and can Clutches at bedclothes and caregivers’
accommodate different sized objects. clothing.
Release is still accidental. Reaches towards objects with both hands.
There is more control over arm movements Rakes objects towards self.
and posture. Grasps feet.
Forearm has voluntary supination (the Holds out objects but does not release.
thumb side of the forearm faces up), Transfers object from hand to hand.
allowing objects to be viewed more easily. Uses ulnar grasp (fingers closed against
At this age, infants use vision to guide palm).
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Language (comprehension)
Comprehension is developing at a Responds to own name.
faster rate than speech.
Object permanence will develop during Explores objects through mouthing.
this stage. Looks for partially hidden objects.
Attachment to others is facilitated by Anticipates trajectory of an object.
memory advances. Shows anticipatory excitement.
Infants’ ability to point, grasp, explore and Begins rattle play.
exchange socially with carers promotes Repeats a familiar activity.
cognitive mastery of the environment. Shakes or bangs toys to make different
They learn that actions and sounds.
manipulations affect objects.
Feeding is no longer driven by reflexes. Feeds self a biscuit.
Infants can now inhibit the rooting reflex. Swallows pureed foods.
Early reaching signals the beginning of Uses tongue to move food.
eye–hand coordination. Drinks from an adapted cup.
Passive during dressing. Reaches for an object that attracts interest.
By 6 months, pulls off hat.
Infants are learning to trust their primary Shows a preference for familiar others.
caregiver and to feel safe that their needs Smiles at people, objects and own
will be responded to sensitively and in a actions.
timely fashion. Cries, smiles, kicks, coos and laughs to
Experiences anger (at 4 months) and attract attention.
sadness (at around 5–7 months). Is soothed by being picked up.
Responds gaily to social play.
Lifts arms to primary caregiver.
Cries if another child cries.
6–9 months
Gross motor
Control of rotational body movements is Rolls over and over.
strengthening (that is, movements around Sits solo.
the body’s long axis), allowing one body Moves in and out of sitting.
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Fine motor
Reach is more accurate, aided by Uses a radial palmar grasp: an object is
increasing forearm supination. held in the palm with the thumb and
Development of hand control is facilitated radial fingers pressing the object into
by gains in postural control, particularly the palm.
being able to sit. Release begins during mouthing or
Mouthing reduces and tactile exploration bimanual play when one hand pulls an
through fingering increases. object from the other hand.
By the end of this stage release is Release can occur against a surface.
voluntary. Extends arms protectively.
Language (comprehension)
By this age, infants listen to the Looks at pictures briefly.
vocalisations of others. They recognise Recognises names of family members
some words and different tones of voice. or pets.
Already they respond to a few words. Understands some words such as
‘bye-bye’, ‘no’ or own name.
Responds to simple requests with gesture.
Intentionality is being developed in Finds object after watching it being
response to infants’ ability to explore hidden.
physically and visually. Works to reach objects.
Curiosity develops. Plays for 2–3 minutes with a single toy.
Attention is drawn to a dominant stimulus Repeats actions in order to repeat a
and infants are easily distracted by another. consequence.
Infants are developing increasing Holds and drinks from bottles or spout
awareness of their clothing as separate cups with lids.
from themselves. Mouths and gums solid food.
Bites voluntarily.
Feeds self finger foods with whole hand
Pulls off booties.
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9–12 months
Gross motor
When first walking solo, toddlers have a Climbs horizontally over low obstacles
wide base, short stride and no arm swing. in crawling.
Cruises furniture.
Stands solo briefly at 10–11 months.
Walks solo briefly at 11–14 months.
Arms held in ‘high guard’ for trunk control.
At 11–14 months, stoops and recovers.
Fine motor
Movement about on all fours supplies Can pick up increasingly small objects.
sensory input to the hands and arms. At 9 months, uses an inferior pincer grasp.
Arm strength is enhanced. By 12 months, uses a superior grasp.
Infants can grasp using fingertips and Uses both hands freely.
distal (end) portions of fingers. Tries to imitate scribble.
The thumb side of the hand is developing Puts objects into and out of containers.
as the skill side.
Cognitive development and improved
accuracy of reach encourage
experimentation with new objects.
Vision is less necessary to guide
reaching and grasping.
Language (comprehension)
Recognises words as symbols for objects. Understands ‘no’.
Understands simple directives or Listens selectively to familiar words.
commands. Enjoys looking at books.
Responds to simple verbal requests.
Intentionality is now established. Begins to see the connection between
Cause-and-effect understanding is actions and consequences (e.g. putting
developing. lids on).
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Infants understand the Insists on doing things independently.
functional use of objects. Finger feeds a variety of foods using a
They increasingly cooperate with dressing. pincer grasp.
Grasps spoon in fist.
Chews by munching.
Holds arm out to assist with dressing
upper body.
Pulls off socks.
Children are beginning to be able to use Enjoys turn-taking games.
imitation in play. Shows preferences for people, objects
They like to be in constant sight and and situations.
hearing of an adult. Demonstrates affection to adults.
They are learning to cooperate and will Shows but does not yield toys to others.
show guilt at misdeeds. Displays separation anxiety.
They recognise that they are separate Will attempt to change adults’ intent using
individuals from parent. persuasion or protest.
They are developing a sense of humour.
Emotional repertoire now includes anxiety,
fear, affection, protest, elation, surprise,
frustration, shame, wariness and negativism.
12–18 months
Gross motor
Walking continues with ‘bow legs’. Pulls toy while walking.
Will throw large balls underarm (with a At 15 months, crawls up stairs.
two-handed toss) unless taught otherwise. Crawls down stairs or goes down on
Vertical climbing is beginning, first onto bottom.
parents’ lap and, later still, up playground At 15–18 months, trots (walks quickly with
equipment. no airborne phase).
At 13–16 months, throws a ball
underarm in sitting position (with no aim).
At 15–18 months, throws a ball
forward while standing (with no aim).
Walks into a large ball while trying to kick it.
Picks up toy from floor without falling.
Carries large toy while walking.
Moves to music.
Fine motor
Precision grips on small objects is Holds two objects in the hand at once.
established. Builds a three-block tower.
The toddler refines learned manipulation Holds a crayon and scribbles.
patterns to combine them into more Rotates and examines three-
complex and longer play sequences. dimensional objects.
There is further differentiation of the two Turns pages two or three at a time.
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Language (comprehension)
Multiword comprehension is beginning, Can respond to simple and often-repeated
whereby children can understand three commands such as ‘Give me your bottle’.
or more words out of context. Understands 50 words (nouns, verbs and
They can point to some objects when adjectives).
named. Understands ‘where’ questions when
these are accompanied by gesture.
Enjoys looking at a book.
Identifies at least one body part.
Cause-and-effect and object permanence Toys with hinges, switches, push buttons
are now well established. and pop-ups are increasingly enjoyed.
Learns primarily through exploration. Matches similar objects.
Trial-and-error learning is beginning to Simple pretend play directed towards self
be informed by insight. (e.g. eating, sleeping).
Shows some understanding of categories. Immediate imitation of a model.
Shows pleasure at achievement of Uses a ‘tool’ to obtain a desired object.
self-selected goal. Can place round, and later, square
Can concentrate for some time on a task pieces in formboard puzzles.
of their choosing but attention span is May become angry if interrupted.
limited on adult-directed activities.
Focus is rigid as competing stimuli must
be ignored, resulting in apparently
obstinate behaviour.
At this age, children can anticipate Finger feeds part of a meal.
self-help activities. Can use a spoon to self-feed, with some
Their developing trunk stability allows for spilling.
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The use of routines supplies toddlers Pulls adult to show or help.
with some predictability. Hugs and kisses adults.
They use their primary caregiver for Can play in parallel with two other
‘emotional refuelling’ while moving away children.
briefly but repeatedly. Plays simple object-centred games.
Begin to prefer interactions with peers. Recognises difference between ‘you’
They display extremes of emotions. and ‘me’.
Play is becoming more experimental Laughs at incongruous events.
but still ritualised.
18–24 months
Gross motor
Legs are now straight in walking (i.e. Climbs onto an adult chair, holds on for
no longer bow legged). support, turns and sits.
Rotational changes in alignment of lower Walks up then down stairs with hand held,
limb bones continue. two feet per step.
The development of ball skills depends Brief airborne phase begins in running.
heavily on exposure to ball play. Rises on tip-toes with hand support.
Moves on ride-on toys without pedals.
Fine motor
Significant changes in hand skills occur Can use isolated finger movements.
during this period. Builds a six-block tower.
Cognitive gains allow more complex Uses a fingertip grasp for precision tasks.
movement patterns to be used. Uses a palmar grasp for power tasks.
Pencil grasp becomes more controlled. Can hold objects with appropriate
Eye–hand coordination is beginning in pressure (e.g. so that a biscuit is not
ball play. crushed).
Development of perceptual-motor ability Can place and release accurately.
allows for refinements of earlier hand skills. Imitates vertical and circular strokes.
Manipulates objects into small openings.
Language (comprehension)
Receptive vocabulary growth continues By 2 years, understands more than
to be much more rapid than expressive 1000 words.
vocabulary. Begins to understand temporal words
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Cause-and-effect understanding is Completes simple puzzles.
developing. Varies creatively own imitation of a
Attention span is lengthening but is not model.
discretionary: children cannot give equally Finds object not observed being hidden.
long concentration to adult-selected Sorts and matches objects.
activities. Recalls recent events.
Deferred imitation is now made possible Remembers where things belong.
by memory storage and representational Constructive play emerges.
thought. Play becomes symbolic, first directed at
Children can now use some foresight the self and then at objects (e.g. putting
before acting. a doll to bed).
Increased use of non-realistic objects in
pretend play.
Activates mechanical toys.
Can integrate sensory experiences and Unwraps food.
make accurate motor responses to allow Rotary chews solid foods.
for tasks such as dressing and threading. Scoops food, feeds self with spoon.
Has distinct food preferences. Indicates wet pants.
Lifts foot for shoes or pants when dressing.
Removes loose shoes, pushes down
shorts, removes socks on request.
Opens mouth for teeth to be brushed.
Holds toothbrush and approximates
Allows wiping of nose.
Washes and dries hands partially.
Tries to wash body.
Helps with simple household tasks.
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Fine motor
Ability to make manipulative movements Strings four large beads.
within the hand improves. Turns book pages singly.
For the majority of children, handedness Imitates a drawing of a face.
is present. Imitates directional movements for
writing tasks: vertical, horizontal and
circular strokes.
Uses scissors to snip paper.
Manipulates play dough.
Turns knobs.
Language (comprehension)
Has a 2500-word receptive vocabulary Understands two or three prepositions
comprising nouns, verbs, prepositions (e.g. under, in, on).
and adjectives. Responds correctly to common multiword
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One-to-one number Can plan actions mentally without acting
correspondence is developing. them out.
Children are now able to amuse Can relate an experience to another using
themselves for extended periods. ‘if . . . then’ logic.
Can transfer their attention when bid, Matches and uses associated objects
unless engrossed already. (e.g. sock and shoe).
Learning is through exploration and Can sort objects by size.
adult mediation. Can count by rote from 1 to 5.
Can self-correct to meet adult standards. Can count two or three objects.
Can follow adults’ directives to attend to Can complete three to four piece puzzles.
particular stimuli. Identifies body parts with function.
Knows two to three primary colours.
Children of this age take particular Holds cup or glass with one hand, with
pride in their own achievements, the other poised to help.
particularly in the self-help domain, Pours liquids.
and they resist assistance. Uses spoon well with minimal spilling.
They understand and stay away from Spears food with fork.
common dangers. Opens jars.
Unzips clothes.
Pulls pants down.
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Children at this stage are distinguishing Plays near other children.
themselves as separate individuals. Joins in briefly with other children’s play.
Frustration tantrums peak. Defends possessions, using ‘mine’.
Sometimes shy with strangers. Begins to play house.
Make constant demands for parents’ Participates in simple group activities
attention. (e.g. sings, claps, dances).
Cooperation is facilitated by language Knows own gender.
development which assists reasoning skills. Acts to help others in distress.
By the end of the third year, some children
make a special friend.
They are easily roused to anger when
Numbers of emotions and finer
discriminations between them continue
to increase with age but at this age
children experience emotions one at
a time and completely (for the moment).
Language (comprehension)
At this age, children display a relatively Understands children’s stories.
large growth in vocabulary. Understands concepts such as smaller,
more, less, same.
Can state some opposites (e.g. ‘Hot
and. . .?’).
Can carry out a series of two to four
related directives.
Understands when told ‘Let’s pretend’.
Concentration span is now longer on Plans out pretend play in advance.
self-selected activities but it cannot Acts out sequences with toys.
alternate its focus. Can put graduated sizes in order.
Learns through observing and imitation Recognises and matches six colours.
by testing predictions and via adult Names basic shapes and colours.
explanations. Counts up to five objects, touching each
Has increased understanding of concepts, one (rational counting).
functions and grouping of objects. Completes simple picture puzzles.
Knows the sequence of routine events.
3–4 year olds are now able to perform Can hold a cup by its handle.
many self-care tasks with diminishing Drinks securely, with one hand holding
supervision. vessel.
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Children are beginning to show clear Joins in play with other children in an
preferences for particular playmates. associative fashion, commenting on each
Many children of this age enjoy imaginary other’s actions and exchanging toys.
companions. Takes turns with assistance.
They are interested in others’ emotions. Shares with assistance.
They begin to express their own emotions Begins acting out whole scenes in
verbally. dramatic play.
They are eager to please, although often Has one or two preferred friends.
self-willed and uncooperative.
They can accept the absence of their
primary caregiver if in a supportive
Beginning to tolerate frustration as
emotions begin to come under
self-control, albeit inconsistently.
Fine motor
Two sides of the hand—the skill (thumb) Draws stick figure.
side and stability (little finger) side—are Copies square (4 years).
well established. Prints a few capital letters.
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Language (comprehension)
At this stage, children can listen for Can follow three unrelated commands
extended periods to stories although in correct sequence.
they might misinterpret the events. Understands comparatives (e.g. big,
Their vocabulary and concept knowledge bigger, biggest).
continue to grow. Understands concept of zero.
They can now use these skills to express Can put three pictures in a sequence to
ideas, solve problems and plan ahead. tell a story.
Understands first, middle, last.
Understands sequences of events when
these are explained to them.
Can now integrate spatial, cause-and-effect Counts objects in sequence with
and representational thinking into one-to-one correspondence.
problem solving. Matches pictures of familiar object pairs.
Close to their fifth birthday, can divide Can describe what will happen next.
attention and pay selective attention Understands sophisticated time concepts
reasonably automatically. such as yesterday and last week.
Increased understanding of concepts.
Children of this age are able to perform Cuts easy foods with a knife.
many self-care tasks independently with Uses spoon and fork competently.
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Children are now able to negotiate Plays cooperatively: children engage
during social play and conform to together to achieve a common goal.
group decisions. Dramatic play more closely mirrors
Family membership is a strong source reality, with attention to detail.
of self-esteem. Shows interest in exploring gender
They can share and take turns more reliably differences.
(although this occurs sooner in children Shows concerns and sympathy for
with early experience of group care settings). others.
Fine motor
Hand movements continue to improve Can hold several small objects in the hand
in efficiency and control. while picking up or releasing one in thumb
and fingertips.
Draws triangle, diamond.
Adds trunk and arms to drawing of a
Draws identifiable objects without a model.
Copies own name in large, irregular letters.
Copies numbers unevenly.
Cuts around objects.
Language (comprehension)
Language continues to develop after the Demonstrates preacademic skills:
age of five, although at a slower rate letter word, and number recognition.
than previously. Laughs at multiple meanings of words.
They now have a receptive vocabulary
of at least 20 000 words.
Attention span has increased; children Can retell a story from a book with
can direct their attention at adult command; reasonable accuracy.
they can select what to pay attention to, Names some letters and numerals.
and divide their attention between tasks. Is beginning to use time concepts
accurately (e.g. tomorrow).
Efficiency of performance improves. Spreads soft sandwich toppings with a
Dawdling over self-care tasks lessens with knife.
the children’s increased awareness of time Dresses self completely (except for shoe
and the consequences of being late. laces).
Level of supervision needed for self-care Brushes teeth unassisted.
tasks continues to decrease. Carries liquid in open container without
Washes hands at appropriate times
(e.g. before meals).
Independent grooming.
Children are able to delay Chooses own friends.
gratification—that is, sacrifice an Plays simple competitive games that
immediate outcome for a longer term are not too highly organised.
outcome—and so can withdraw from Can negotiate and direct roles, rules and
disputes. tasks during social play.
They can now accurately interpret the Comforts playmates in distress.
source of a friend’s distress. Protects other children and animals.
They generally have one or two close Offers help to others voluntarily.
friends of the same sex. Judges behaviour as right or wrong.
Quarrels are frequent but of short duration
and soon forgotten.
They can feel more than one emotion at
a time, as long as it is of the same category.
Their ability to understand others’ emotions
has a direct effect on their social
Fine motor
As dynamic eye skills (e.g. tracking) Uses a dynamic tripod pencil grip, with
have developed, children’s eye–hand pencil moved by moving fingertips.
coordination continues to improve. Copies rectangle.
The majority have a well established Writes letters and numbers with some
dynamic tripod pencil grip. accuracy, but still has errors.
They have proficient in-hand manipulation Letter size decreases, with letter formation
skills and use gravity to assist. more consistent.
Language (comprehension)
Vocabulary continues to grow. Understands jokes, word puns and
figurative language.
Can understand more complex stories.
Children now have the ability to focus on Accepts that matter is conserved, even
several attributes of an object though the container shape alters.
simultaneously (termed decentration). Loves exploration.
They begin to use logic to solve
problems, reverse steps in a
problem-solving sequence. They are able
to discern differences between
appearance and reality.
They are lively intellectually.
Children are able independently to Cuts and spreads with knife.
perform most necessary self-care tasks Grooming independent.
although will continue at times to seek Selects appropriate clothing.
adult support. Turns clothing right side out.
Buttons back buttons.
Ties shoe laces.
Blows and wipes nose independently.
Play continues to be the main vehicle Plays games with rules increasingly.
driving development in all domains. Sensitive to criticism.
Around the age of seven years, sex Wants to be best and first at everything.
discrimination emerges.
Sources: Allen and Schwartz 2001; Burns 1992; Case-Smith 1995; Cook et al. 2000;
Furuno et al. 1985; Henderson 1995; Howard et al. 2001; Jones 1992; Kostelnik et al. 1998;
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 259
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Owens 2001; Raver 1999; Sheridan et al. 1999; Tachdjian 1997; Talay-Ongan 2000.
Berk, L. 2000 Child development 5th edn, Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA
Nixon, D. and Aldwinckle, M. 1997 Exploring: child development from three to
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Vialle, W., Lysaught, P. and Verenikina, I. 2000 Handbook on child development
Social Science Press, Katoomba, NSW
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 260
Appendix III
• have quick and accurate recall (although this is necessary, having a good
memory is not sufficient on its own to indicate giftedness);
• can recall skills and information introduced some time ago;
• possess deeper knowledge than other children (have information on more
topics, and know more about those topics);
• have an ability to teach other children (although they might become irritated
if others appear not to be learning, and may have difficulty describing the
steps of tasks as they themselves did not need to learn them in a stepwise
fashion but were competent almost immediately);
• understand abstract concepts (e.g. death or time) early;
• are imaginative or creative (not just with artistic pursuits but in their problem
solving as well);
• have an advanced sense of humour (because they understand incongruity,
which is the basis of humour).
Learning style
As well as what they are able to achieve, young children who are learning at a
faster pace than usual typically go about tasks in sophisticated ways—that is,
how they achieve is exceptional. They:
• are motivated, curious and seek to understand;
• will focus intensely on an area of interest, as long as there is sufficient
• have wide-ranging interests;
• are alert (sometimes resulting in poor sleeping patterns and sometimes in
sound sleep as a result of expending their energy all day);
• respond to novel stimuli and get used quickly to repetitive activities;
• have a longer than usual concentration span on challenging topics of interest
(but may ‘flit’ from one activity to another if activities are not challenging
• use metacognitive skills early to manage their own thinking processes;
• have a clear understanding of cause and effect;
• possess good planning skills;
• have an internal locus of control;
• are less impulsive than usual for their age (and so have fewer injuries than
• can be independent when working at challenging, non-routine tasks but
highly dependent when bored;
• can think logically.
Motor abilities
Children with advanced physical skills may display the following characteristics.
• have early motor development, particularly in skills that are under cognitive
control (e.g. balance), in contrast with those (e.g. stamina) which are purely
• can locate themselves within the environment;
• have an early awareness of left and right (without necessarily being able to
name these accurately);
• may have average fine motor skills, which means that these lag behind their
other developmental skills, leading to some children’s reluctance to draw or
write and later to untidy handwriting through lack of practice and reduced
• can put together new or difficult puzzles (particularly if visually advanced,
in contrast with children who prefer to learn auditorally);
• can take apart and reassemble objects with unusual skill;
• can make interesting shapes or patterns with objects;
• have high levels of physical energy (sometimes leading to queries about
motoric or vocal ADHD).
Social skills
Some gifted children are particularly adept at relationships and are tuned in to
other people and their feelings. These children often:
• have highly developed empathy for others;
• are less egocentric than usual—that is, can interpret accurately what is both-
ering others;
• have advanced play interests;
• can play games with rules earlier than usual;
• may form close, reciprocal friendships from a young age (as long as intel-
lectual peers are available);
• seek out older children or adults for companionship if intellectual peers are
not available;
• might withdraw to solitary play if intellectual peers are not available;
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 263
• are often sought out by other children—that is, others feel drawn to them
although the gifted children themselves might not feel so warmly disposed
to others who are not ‘soulmates’;
• can display leadership skills, although in their early years they might not
have the maturity to exercise tact with those whom they are leading;
• develop moral reasoning and judgment early (although might not act accord-
ingly unless circumstances facilitate this);
• take an early interest in social issues involving injustices (sometimes leading
to the need for media blackouts in times of wars and other world crises).
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Aboriginal children 145 articulation 158–9, 164, 165, 167
absences 74, 202, 237 Asperger syndrome 158, 235
abstract learning 5, 71, 164, 172, 177 aspirations, of parents 20, 25
abuse of children 8, 14, 163, 193–5, 214, 215, assertiveness 32, 192, 207, 220–1
226, 232–3 assessment 1, 28, 36–55
academics 57, 64, 163 of hearing impairment 147–9
acceleration 64 of language skills 166–7
acceptance 16, 191, 195, 198, 200, 202 principles of 38–40
access 11, 13, 22, 31, 97, 206 purposes of 37–8
accessibility of information 26 asthma 108, 236
accountability 20, 22, 38 astigmatism 87, 92
acknowledgment 198, 218–9 at risk 41, 52
acquisition of skills 58 ataxia 92, 100, 232
see also knowledge acquisition athetoid 100
activity-based instruction 67 atlantoaxial instability 103
see also naturalistic instruction see also neck instability
ADD/ADHD 54, 101, 229, 230, 235–6 attachment 119, 192, 200, 201, 207
adult-directed teaching 8, 13, 68 see also bonding
see also direct instruction attention deficit disorders 54, 101, 229, 230,
adults-in-waiting 8 235–6
advocacy 7, 24, 29–30, 31, 38–9 attention seeking 224
aggression 102, 148, 150, 168, 193, 201–2, attentiveness 47, 54, 68, 102, 121, 148, 174,
207–8, 220, 230 177–8, 184
AIDS 236–7 see also concentration span
aids, hearing 151–2 attitude 16, 20
aims of programs 58–9 attribution training 189, 199
alcohol 228 audiogram 142–3
see also fetal alcohol effects/syndrome audiologist 143, 151, 152
alerting activities 122 auditory sense 102, 117, 125
alertness 98, 118, 119–21, 124, 126 see also hearing
see also arousal augmentive communication systems 69, 164
alignment of joints/bones 99, 104 see also sign languages
altruism 12 autism spectrum disorders 103, 104, 167,
amblyopia 85, 86 234–5, 239
Angelman syndrome 231 see also Asperger syndrome
anxiety 48, 119, 123, 194, 213, 235 autonomy 15, 191, 199–200, 207
Apgar scale 41 average 51–2
apologies 220
applied behaviour analysis (ABA) 211, 215 baby talk 141
apprenticeship 15 see also motherese, parentese
Achilles tendon 104, 110 background movement 104, 106, 109
arousal 47, 103, 106, 119, 177 balance 99, 102, 103, 104, 106–7, 109, 110,
arthritis 107, 126 112–3, 115, 118, 135, 136
Educating Children - TEXT copy 6/12/02 12:41 PM Page 297
ball skills 86, 109, 110, 114–5 cerebral palsy 92, 97–101, 103,
see also milestones 104, 107, 109, 110, 164, 231–2, 239
bathing 99, 136 classification of 100
behavioural chain
difficulties 13, 31, 47, 90, 102, 119, 145, of events 224–5
155, 169, 186, 194, 200, 201, 210–27, 232, of hearing 142
235 checklists 43
causes of 215–6 chemotherapy 236
behavioural optometrists 91, 94, 95 cheerleaders 197
behaviourist methods 8, 211 child abuse see abuse
see also applied behaviour analysis child-oriented approach 13
belonging 191 choice 7, 8, 27, 31, 62, 123, 179, 199, 217
bias of assessment 40, 43, 45 of school 30
bilateral hand skills 127, 129 classification 38, 40
bilingualism 39, 145, 166 cleft palate 148, 165
binocular vision 85, 89, 91, 92 climate 60, 188, 194
bionic ear 152 climbing 99, 108, 109, 110, 111–2, 123, 124,
birth weight, low 145, 163, 228, 231–2, 234, 128
239 see also milestones
biting 210, 235 clothing 161
bladder control 101, 136 see also dressing, milestones
see also toileting clowning 102
blindness 63, 83, 91–2 clumsiness 89, 98
definition 81 coaches 197
body language 34 cochlea 142, 152
see also nonverbal communication see also ear, inner
body speed 93, 133 cochlear implant 152
boisterous 105, 196, 201 cognitive skills 15, 174–90, 218
bonding 113–9 see also milestones
see also attachment collaboration 59
bottom–up model 57, 70–1 with parents see parents
bottom shuffle 99 collaborative problem solving 32, 33, 192,
bowel control 101, 136 221
see also toileting colour
Braille 94 naming 44–5
brain injury 83, 98, 232–3, 239 perception 85, 88
breathiness 156, 159 communication 32–5, 74, 142, 154–73
bright children 52 components of 155–9
see also gifted disorders 164–6
brushes 128 see also language
bullying 196, 215 community 59
see also exclusion compassion fatigue 25
bunny hopping 100 competitiveness 105, 203
burnout 25 comprehension 47
see also language
calm, state of 119, 124, 125 comprehensive assessment 40, 51
calming activities 122 computers 69, 125
cancer 104 concentration span 49, 62, 92, 122, 148, 177,
cardiac 54, 92, 108, 114 232
case manager 31–2 see also attentiveness
casting 110 concept development 82
castor carts 101, 108 concrete learning 5, 71
cause-effect understanding 175–6, 182 conductive hearing loss 143–4, 148
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cones 88 developmental
confidence 15, 59, 62, 63, 96, 103, 108, 123, coordination disorder (DCD) 101–3, 104,
179, 188, 192, 196, 200, 213, 217 105, 109, 110
of parents 23, 24, 33 emergency 82
confidentiality 8 model 8–9, 69–70
conformity 9 developmentally appropriate practice 13–14
consent 7–8 diagnosis 37, 48, 51, 54, 228
consequences 218 see also labels
see also rewards, punishment dietitian 137
consequential thinking 183 differentiation of programs 59–74
consistency 218, 225–6 diplegia 99–101, 109, 110
consonants 159, 160 direct instruction 14, 171
see also milestones see also adult-directed teaching
constipation 136 directives 66
consumers 22, 56 disability, defined 5
content discipline 211
differentiation 69–73 discrimination 7, 33, 192
of language 156, 158, 165, 168 skills 82, 84, 94, 167
of programs 13, 59, 60, 73, 171, 174 disease
continence 101 of joints 104
of ear 144
see also toileting
of eye 87, 90–1, 93
contingency 141, 142
disengagement 119
see also joint referencing
of parents 33–4
cooperation 34, 59, 197, 201, 213, 215
see also engagement
cooperative efforts/play 42, 73, 203
dispositions 10, 15, 57, 58–9, 65, 66, 70, 73,
172, 176, 185–90
motor 102
distance, from speaker 148
of services 13, 31–2
distractability 90, 178
cortical vision impairment 83
see also attentiveness
counselling 31, 150
diversity 9, 11, 59, 65
courtesy 33
doctor see medical practitioner
crawling 100, 125 double vision 86
creativity 15, 59, 62 Down syndrome 54, 92–3, 103, 108, 230, 231,
creeping 100 238–9
critical period 155 drawing 90
cross-eyed 85 dressing 90, 99, 135, 190
culture 9, 10, 13, 33–5, 39, 45, 59, 98, 126, see also milestones
135, 155, 159, 190, 197 drinking 97, 103, 105
see also feeding
daily living skills 117–39 drugs
deafness 140–1, 143, 152 illicit 163, 193, 228, 229
decision making (by parents) 21 treatment see medication
defensibility 39, 45 dual exceptionalities 240
defensiveness 121 Duchenne muscular dystrophy 104, 231, 239
demand-based model 22 dummy see pacifier
dependence 25 dyslexia 4, 240
see also independence dyspraxia 102
depression 194
depth perception 89, 90, 92 ear
dermatitis 126 drum 146
developmental delay 4, 103, 167 canal 151
see also intellectual disability inner 107, 118, 143, 152
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mistakes 180, 188, 189, 192–3, 194, 197, non-verbal communication 150, 155, 156, 157,
198–9, 216, 219–20 158, 163, 164, 204, 235
mobility training 94, 101 see also body language
mode of learning 179 normalisation 10, 11
monitoring 38, 52, 75–6 normed tests 38, 43–6
morphemes 157, 171 numeracy 58
morphology 156, 157, 169 nystagmus 85, 86, 92
motherese 162
see also baby talk, parentese obedience 195, 215
motivation 77, 83, 103, 106, 135, 175, 187–8 obesity 231
motor see also weight
control 85 object permanence 176
development 126 observation 41–2, 88
learning 97–8, 107–16 occipital lobe 83
planning 102, 103, 112, 126 occupational therapy 29, 43, 117, 136, 137
skills 89, 96–116 one size fits all 13
mouth–opening 104 optic nerve 83
see also jaw opening optometrists 90–1, 92, 94, 95
mouthing objects 63, 121, 123 opthalmologists 91, 92
movement options 11, 30
dysfunctional reactions to 123–4 opposite response 225
sequencing 106 oral-motor skills 164
speed 99 orientation 105
strength 99 training 94
see also motor orthoptists 91
multidisciplinary team 16, 29–30, 136 orthotics 104, 110
see also interdisciplinary team oscillation of eyes 86
muscle osteoporotic bones 101
length/balance 97, 103, 106, 110 otitis media 144, 146, 147
strength 97, 103, 104, 107, 110, 124 outsourcing 31
tone 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 107, 118, 128, overtesting 49
137, 138, 164, 231
muscular dystrophy 104, 231, 239 pace 59, 68, 124, 178, 184
musculoskeletal 97, 107, 108, 111 pacifier 122, 145
mutual gaze 141–2 pain, awareness of 121, 234
myelomeningocoele 101, 233–4, 239 parent-professional relationship 21–2
myopia 87, 89, 92, 94 parentese 162, 170
see also baby talk
nasality 156, 165 parents 13, 226
natural consequences 67, 219, 226 as teachers 19, 21, 24
naturalistic learning/teaching 14, 29, 66–8, collaboration with 1, 16, 19–35, 41–2
170–1, 187 involvement in assessment 50–1
near body senses 118 with a disability 23
neck instability 108 parents’ reactions to
see also atlantoaxial instability disability 24, 150
needs of families 26–32 giftedness 24–5
neglect 163, 193–5, 201, 206 partner, communication 149–50, 170
negotiated curriculum plan (NCP) 60 passivity 13–14, 66, 155, 175
nervous system 83, 97, 107, 118, 121, 236 patching of eyes 86
neural pathways 57 pattern interruption 224
neural tube defects 233–4 percentile rank 52–3
see also spina bifida perception 175, 235
noise 145, 148 perfectionism 189, 194, 198
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