ID: H00328110
achieve my goals for this semesters PDP, I tried to achieve my goals during my teaching
practice and collected some evidence of my work to get to my goal for this year, and I wrote
this professional development plan because I want to gather information on ways that I can
improve myself during this semester and work with the teachers professionally and be able to
identify the mistakes I made in earlier semesters and work on them, because, if I want to be a
professional teacher and asses students learning, you need to develop yourself every time you
make a mistake teaching, teachers need a professional development plan or a “PDP” and all
teachers should be actively working on their plan, to assess where they are now and make
a lesson.
doing some activities, or when explaining a certain section or when they have a 5-minute
The second goal I wanted to achieve during my teaching practice was to (manage students)
which is a big goal for me, it was a bit difficult to achieve since the teaching was online this
time and I couldn’t communicate with the students, I tried to communicate with the student's
parents and get their number in and have a WhatsApp group talking to them which made it
easier for the parents to communicate with me and tell me what would their student want to
give each student an appropriate activity for them to do to improve on, the
students would try to be better when they are working with students who
are a higher level and would help each other during it, even though the
classes were online I talked to some of the parents to work with each group
of students in the same group and their parents so it can be easier for them
to work in groups.
To manage the students I also had an evaluation for the students each week
according to the group theyre in, so each group would be evaluated, each
week and they would answer some questions that would determine if they
Austin, V., Shah, S., & Muncer, S. (2005). Teacher stress and coping strategies used
to reduce stress. Occupational therapy international, 12(2), 63-80.
Claessens, B. J. C., Eerde, W. van, Rutte, C., & Roe, R. (2007, November 2). A
review of the time management literature. Retrieved January 28, 2020, from
Dixson, D. D., & Worrell, F. C. (2016). Formative and summative assessment in the
classroom. Theory into practice, 55(2), 153-159.
Retrieved January 28, 2020, from