Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (Template) : I Am Working On: Time Management

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject:math

Trainee:Nada anwar Topic or Theme: number 4


Class: KG1 Date & Duration:

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: time management

Lesson Focus

The number 4

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

write the number 4/ know how to count 4 objects /know the shape of the number 4 and recognize it when
they see if in front of them

Links to Prior Learning

The end of the lesson the students will

21st Century Skills


Key vocabulary

(in Arabic)

Number/ count/ how many

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

The lesson will be online so there might be The teacher will ask each student a question so they
some technical difficulties would feel engaged in the lesson and will have an
The students would not be engaged in the exercise at the beginning and end of the lesson with
lesson as much because its online and not their cameras opened
in the classroom
Resources/equipment needed

Powerpoint/ teams app/ lesson plan/ will go on the “smart learning program” website/ the students
will need an electronic device with a camera and a microphone to interact with the teacher /
exercise video

Videos related to the lesson

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
-Name the rules in the -Take the students attendance
classroom -ask the students if they know the
-Recite a part of the holy rules
Quran -show the students the exercise
-exercise for 2 minutes video

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
 Try to count 4 things  Show the students 7 things to count
 Answer some of the qustions  guess what number we will learn
the teacher will give to them today
 Open and close their cameras  Play a basket ball online game with
when the teacher tell them the students to see if they learned
 Write the number 4  Show the students some videos
about the number 4

Differentiation activities (Support)

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Students will Teacher will

 Try to
remember Ask the students what we learned today
what we Ask some questions to revise the lesson
learned today
 Revise the

Make the number 4 using clay or any

Homework Write number 4 on your work book
Make a number 4 shape with anything in your house
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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