Confirmation of Property Insurance: Insured(s) Address

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Confirmation of Property Insurance

Important: This document is not the insurance policy. It is for information purposes only and is subject to all terms, conditions,
definitions and exclusions of the policy, including a "Standard Mortgage Clause" as per the attached. Insurance coverage is
bound as of the effective date indicated herein. The full coverage details are contained in the insurance policy, which is being
processed and will be mailed to you shortly.

Policy number: H4965781 (Holding coverage 2020-12-03 at 11:06hrs)

Effective from: 2020-12-05 to 2021-12-05

Insured(s) Address
L5M 7X4

Location Information
Product: Home Vista - Homeowners
Risk Address: 3300, RESPOND RD
L5M 7X4
Description: House occupied as a principal residence and occupied by Insured
1 dwelling(s)
Year of building construction: 2004

Deductible: $1,000
Amount of
Coverages insurance ($)
Blanket Amount for A, B, C and D $812,000
A-Dwelling ($406000)
B-Detached Private Structures
C-Personal Property (Contents)
D-Additional living expense/Fair rental value

2020-12-03 Heather Tawse 1-888-277-6481

Date Insurance Agent Telephone number
P.O. Box 7065, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 4K7
940 007 (2015-07)
Guaranteed Repair or Replacement Cost for Dwelling Building (Endorsement 17)
E-Legal Liability $1,000,000
F-Voluntary Medical Payments $5,000
G-Voluntary Payment for Damage to Property $1,000
Policy number

Standard Mortgage Clause

It is hereby provided and agreed that: mortgage or on the security thereof, and shall SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF THIS
thereupon receive a full assignment and MORTGAGE CLAUSE (and these shall
1 Breach of Conditions by transfer of the mortgage together with all supersede any policy provisions in conflict
Mortgagor, Owner or Occupant securities held as collateral to the mortgage therewith BUT ONLY AS TO THE INTEREST
This insurance and every documented debt. OF THE MORTGAGEE), loss under this policy
renewal thereof - AS TO THE INTEREST OF is made payable to the Mortgagee.
THE MORTGAGEE ONLY THEREIN - is and 3 Other Insurance
shall be in force notwithstanding any act, Release of Interest
neglect, omission or misrepresentation attrib- If there be other valid and collectable insur- I, the undersigned, hereby certify having no
utable to the Mortgagor, owner or occupant of ance upon the property with loss payable to further interest in the building insured under
the property insured, including transfer of the Mortgagee – at law or in equity – then any location number of this policy.
interest, any vacancy or non-occupancy, or amount payable thereunder shall be taken
the occupation of the property for purposes into account in determining the amount
Effective date:
more hazardous than specified in the payable to the Mortgagee.
description of the risk; – –
PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Mortgagee 4 Who May Give Proof of Loss Year Month Day
shall notify forthwith the Insurer (if known) of
any vacancy or non-occupancy extending In the absence of the Insured, or the inability,
beyond thirty (30) consecutive days, or of refusal or neglect of the Insured to give Name of Mortgagee
any transfer of interest or increased hazard notice of loss or deliver the required Proof
THAT SHALL COME TO HIS KNOWLEDGE; of Loss under the policy, then the Mortgagee
and that every increase of hazard (not may give the notice upon becoming aware Authorized signature
permitted by this policy) shall be paid for by of the loss and deliver as soon as practicable
the Mortgagee – on reasonable demand the Proof of Loss.
– from the date such hazard existed, This policy has been approved in
according to the established scale of rates 5 Termination accordance with Company rules.
for the acceptance of such increased hazard, The term of this mortgage clause coincides
during the continuance of this insurance. with the term of the policy; PROVIDED
2 Right of Subrogation ALWAYS that the Insurer reserves the right
to terminate the policy as provided by
Whenever the Insurer pays the Mortgagee Statutory provision but agrees that the Insurer
any loss award under this policy and claims will neither terminate nor alter the policy to
that – as to the Mortgagor or owner – no the prejudice of the Mortgagee without the
liability therefor existed, it shall be legally notice stipulated in such Statutory provision.
subrogated to all rights of the Mortgagee
against the Insured; but any subrogation 6 Foreclosure
shall be limited to the amount of such loss
Should title or ownership to said property
payment and shall be subordinate and
become vested in the Mortgagee and/or as-
subject to the basic right of the Mortgagee signs as owner or purchaser under fore-
to recover the full amount of its mortgage closure or otherwise, this insurance shall
equity in priority to the Insurer; or the Insurer continue until expiry or termination for
may at its option, pay the Mortgagee all the benefit of the said Mortgagee and/or
amounts due or to become due under the assigns.

943 077 (2016-11)

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