Akvola Technologies Brochure MW - Web 1
Akvola Technologies Brochure MW - Web 1
Akvola Technologies Brochure MW - Web 1
Industry Capabilities
In our team each gender as well as
many age groups and ethnic & cultural
Flat sheet ceramic membranes backgrounds are represented. Our
talent pool is equally diverse in terms of
professional background, experiences,
insights, strengths and special skills.
Inclusion puts our diversity into action,
enabling a multifaceted mix of people
Package akvoFloat™ system akvola MicroBubble Generator™ to complement each other in cohesive,
high-performing teams.
Large-scale system
Metalworking Industry Capabilities
Problem with akvoFloat™
Lower throughput than the nominal capacity due to akvoFloat™ as pretreatment equalizes amount
influent fluctuations in oil concentration, e.g. from spent and concentration fluctuations and eliminates 99%
metwalworking fluids or washwaters of oil
Frequent unplanned downtimes for cleaning due to high Our combination of floatation and novel membrane
concentrations of oil and solids filtration provides a reliable separation of 99% of oils
and solids
Extremely high energy consumption (> 50 kWh/m³) due to Our low-pressure driven membrane process with flotation
the inherent inefficiency of this thermal process pretreatment translates into a very energy-efficient
separation (0,1 kWh/m³)
Problem with akvoFloat™
Pressure-driven membrane process leads to a high akvoFloat™’s low-pressure driven membrane process with
energy consumption (> 20 kWh/m³) flotation pretreatment translates into a very energy-efficient
and a low membrane lifespan separation (0,1 kWh/m³) and a longer membrane lifespan
(> 10 years)
Irreversible fouling of the membranes caused by akvoFloat™’s ceramic flat sheet membranes can always be
unforeseen concentration peaks of certain substances cleaned due to its novel open geometry
(e.g. silicates)
High external disposal costs due to high amounts of Clear separation in (free) oil and water phase enables reuse
emulsified reject effluent and the lack of a clean oil/water or recycle strategies and lowers external disposal costs
phase separation
Problem with akvoFloat™
Obsolete technology – high operating costs (personnel, akvoFloat™ represents the state-of-the-art and can improve
chemicals, etc.), unreliable removal efficiency, high footprint the reliability and cost-effectiveness of existing
physical-chemical plants
Problem with akvoFloat™
Extremely high external disposal costs of 80 – 120 €/m³ An average 80% reduction in external disposal costs through
a significant reduction of externally disposable wastewater
and clear separation in (free) oil and water phase
Metalworking Industry Capabilities
Technology Benchmarking
akvoFloat™ is a separation technology based on a Within the metalworking industry it is the most cost-effective
proprietary flotation-filtration process. It has been designed water treatment technology for the reuse and discharge of
for the treatment of industrial process water and wastewater metalworking fluids.
in the most challenging operating conditions.
40 - 100 kWh/m³ 15 - 30 kWh/m³ 0,1 kWh/m³
to influent high medium low
80 – 120 €/m³ 8 – 15 €/m³ 4 – 5 €/m³ 2 – 3 € /m³
Case Study
Evaporator Pretreatment and Treatment of spent MWF
Customer: SKODA
Location: Europe
Previous solution:
2x Evaporators (indirect discharge) for washwater
and spent cleaning solution
External disposal for spent metalworking fluids (MWF)
Wastewater conditions:
Parameter Value
Washwater and spent cleaning solution
Oil (as TPH*, mg/l) 450 - 8.300
COD (mg/l) 2.600 - 11.800
Spent MWF
Oil (as TPH, mg/l) 80.000 - 110.000
COD (mg/l) 20.000 - 130.000
* TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Case Study
Reduce Wastewater Disposal Costs
Customer: Siemens
Location: Europe
Previous solution: Wastewater disposal
by external company
Wastewater conditions:
Parameter Value
pH 8
COD (mg/l) 119.000
Oil (mg/l) 330
TOC (mg/l) 18.630
AOX (mg/l) 0,6
“The technology has shown promising positive results and is still being tested in our
operation to determine the optimum operating point and the cost of treatment. We
believe that with akvoFloat™ an operating cost reduction is possible because the water
can be discharged to the sewerage system.”
Business Case
External Disposal vs On-site Treatment
Project: A metalworking manufacturing site needs a solution to avoid havingto dispose of the wastewater
externally with high costs.
Capacity: 350 m3/year of wastewater stored in IBCs.
Operation Value
Wastewater volume 350 m3/y
Hours per year 1.800 h/year
Option 1: Option 2:
External Disposal On-site Treatment with akvoFloat™
35 K€ per year 4,1 K€ per year
31 K€/year
Payback Time:
less than 1 year