Support Arrangement Natural Frequency
Support Arrangement Natural Frequency
Support Arrangement Natural Frequency
Below evaluation follows the "EI Guideleines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue Failure in Process Pipework", 2nd edition
According to table T2-1, Guideline for Support arrangement given with repsect to Natural frequncy of system as below:
Stiff 14 to 16 Hz
Medium Stiff 7Hz
Medium 4Hz
Flexible 1Hz
Flow Induced Vibration Factor (Fv): (Reference Section T., Table T2-2)
Stiffness:= Flexible
α = 66144.75
β = -0.9
Fv NA if stiffness = stiff
Fv = 5607.37
LOF = 1.26
Small Bore Connection on Main line should be assesed as per Section T3.
A Visual survey shuold be undertaken to check poor construction and/or Gerometry and/or support for main line and/or potential vibration
transmission from other sources. (As per Section T-5)