Ida Jean Orlando (Nursing Process Theory) Nursing

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Orlando's theory emphasizes the importance of the nurse-patient relationship and meeting the patient's immediate needs. It views nursing as its own profession separate from medicine.

Some major concepts are presenting behavior, immediate reaction, nurse reaction, nursing process discipline, and human being.

The 5 stages are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Ida Jean Orlando have on the patient was never mentioned in

Orlando’s theory.
(Nursing Process Theory)

“Nursing is a profession that seeks to find out and Orlando speaks of nursing as unique and
meet the patient’s immediate need for help” independent in its concerns for an individual’s need
for help in an immediate situation.
Orlando’s theory stresses that the reciprocal
relationship between the patients and nurse. It The effort to meet the individual’s need for health is
emphasizes the critical importance of the patient’s carried out in interactive situation and in a
participation in the nursing process. discipline manner that requires proper training.

She also considered nursing as a distinct profession

and separated it from medicine where nurses ask MAJOR CONCEPTS
determining nursing action rather than being
prompted by the physicians’ orders, organizational  Function Of Professional Nursing
needs and past personal experiences.  Presenting Behavior
 Immediate Reaction
She proposed that patients have their own meanings
 Nursing Process Discipline
and interpretations of situations and therefore nurses
 Improvement
must validate their interferences and analyzes with
patients before drawing conclusions.

METAPARADIGM Function of Professional Nursing

Human Being The function of professional nursing is the

organizing principle. This means finding out and
Orlando uses the concept of human as she meeting the patient’s immediate needs for help.
emphasizes individuality and the dynamic nature of
According to Orlando, nursing is responsive to
the nurse-patient relationship.
individuals who suffer or who anticipate the sense
Health of helplessness. It is focused on the process of care
in an immediate experience and is concerned with
In Orlando’s theory, health is replaced by a sense of providing direct assistance to a patient in whatever
helplessness as the initiator of a necessity for setting they are found in for the purpose of
nursing. She stated that nursing deals with the avoiding, relieving, diminishing or curing the sense
individuals who are in need of help. of helplessness in the patient.
Environment The Nursing Process Discipline Theory labels the
Orlando completely disregarded the environment in purpose of nursing to supply the help a patient
her theory only focusing on the immediate need of needs for his or her needs to be met. That is the
the patient. Chiefly the relationship and action patient as an immediate need for help and the nurse
between the nurse and the patient. Only an discovers and meet the need the purpose of nursing
individual in her theory, no families or groups were has been achieved.
mentioned. The effect of the environment could
Presenting Behavior Presenting behavior is the patient’s problematic
situation. Through the presenting behavior, the nurse
finds the patient’s immediate need for help. To do Automatic Nursing Actions are nursing actions
this, the nurse must first recognize the situation as decided upon for reasons rather than the patients’
problematic. immediate need.
Regardless of how the presenting behavior appears, Deliberative Nursing Actions are actions decided
it may represent a cry for help from the patient. The upon after inserting a need and then meeting these
presenting behavior of the patient which is needs. The following these intensifies the criteria
considered the stimulus causes an automatic internal for deliberative actions.
response in the nurse which in turn causes a
response in the patient. Nursing Process Discipline

Distress The nursing process discipline is the investigation

into the patient’s needs.
The patient’s behavior reflects distress when the
patient experiences a need that he cannot resolve, a Any observation shared and explored with the
sense of helplessness occurs. patient is immediately useful in ascertaining and
meeting his or her need or finding out he or she no
Immediate Reaction need at that time.
The immediate reaction is the internal response. The 5 Stages of the Nursing Process
patient perceives objects with his or her five senses.
These perceptions stimulate automatic thought, and Assessment
each thought stimulates an automatic feeling,
The nurse completes a holistic assessment of the
causing the patient to act.
patient’s needs. This is done without taking the
These three items are the patient’s immediate reason for the encounter into consideration. The
response. The immediate response reflects how the nurse uses a nursing framework to collect both
nurse experiences his or her participation in the subjective and objective data about the patient.
nurse patient relationship.

Nurse Reaction
The patient behavior stimulated a nurse reaction,
The diagnosis stage uses the nurse’s clinical
which marks the beginning of the nursing process
judgment about health problems. The diagnosis can
then be confirmed using links to defining
When the nurse acts as an action, processes characteristics, related factors, and risk factors
transpire. This action process by the nurse is in a found in the patient’s assessment.
nurse patient contact is called Nursing Process.

The nurse action may be automatic or

The planning stage addresses each of the problems
identified in the diagnosis.

In planning each problem is given a specific goal or

outcome and each goal or outcome is given nursing
interventions to help achieve the goal. By the end of
this stage, the nurse will have a nursing care plan.

The implementation stage, the nurse begins using

the nursing care plan.


Finally, the nurse looks at the progress of the patient

toward the goals set in the nursing care plan.
Changes can be made to the nursing care plan based
on how well (or poorly) the patient is progressing
toward the goals.

If any problems are identified in the evaluation

stage, they can be addressed and the process starts
over again for those specific problems.

Application of the Theory

Orlando’s Theory can increase the therapeutic

effectiveness of nurses by the expression of
empathy, warmth and genuineness especially in the
light of addressing the immediate need of the
patient for help.

Since the premises of our theory is the immediacy

of health needed by the patients these framework
will be important for nurses who are assigned in the
special clinical areas that requires quick decision
making and critical thinking skills such areas are the
operating room, emergency room and the critical
care unit. Nurses in these areas meet patients in
their most acute stage meaning patients have very
specific needs for instant help.

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