Phase Conjugate Waves
Phase Conjugate Waves
Phase Conjugate Waves
This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Rick Andersen.
The following description is borrowed in part from Radio Shack's
LASER book, and in part gleaned from various science encyclopedias,
with comments regarding Bearden's works on the subject.
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If the incoming light all came from a small laser spot, the phase-
conjugate wave will return to that same spot.
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Tom Bearden maintains that this Time Reversed wave carries with it
all the magical properties one would expect of energy that is flow-
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While our scientists have been exploring the phenomena and tech-
niques for producing phase conjugated waves in the OPTICAL freq-
uencies, Tom Bearden asserts that the Soviets (and perhaps the
Germans before them, during WW2) have developed the technology at
MICROWAVE and RADAR frequencies. Here the effect is probably
generated by means of certain solid (not gaseous) materials
and/or crystalline substances (Bearden refers to them as RAM--
Radar Absorbent Materials.) Think on this a while and you'll see
the tremendous potential for Star-Wars-type directed energy beam
Bearden also points out that the equations imply that Phase Conj-
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