Coast Artillery Journal - Oct 1947

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By Colonel William C. Braly, (CAC)

\X/hat happens when an officer of the United States Army, a man

who has spent his life in the service and is known and respected
from Corregidor to Fort \X/illiams, Maine, is told he -is lower than
the lowest Japanese private? How can he keep his self-respect in a
Jap prison camp? How can he keep his sense of humor when he is
shivering in rags, underfed, overworked?

Colonel Braly answers these questions. Decorated for his service in

the defense of Corregidor, he was one of the Americans taken pris-
oner by the Japs in the early days of the war. In THE HARD WAY
HOME, he tells his own story and the story of his Allied and Ameri-
can fellows, as prisoners of war of the Japanese.

His book is an astounding record of humor, decency, courage among

men who lived for years under a regime of brutality and open

THE IIAR.D WAY HOME is a Coast Artillery

Association Book

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The Coast Artillery Journal

631 Pennsylvania Avenue. N.W. WASHINGTON 4. D. C.



COVER: 90mm Gun Position on Bougainville

(See Page 54). Signal Corps Photo.
By Colonel Charles A. French 2
RADIO RELAY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS. By Lieutmant Colonel W'illiam S. Marks, Jr 11
THE RADAR STORY. By Norma11 Abbott ',' 17
BATTALION. By Lieutenant Colmlel J. M. Culverwell 19
THE G.I. LETTER. By Lieutenant Lawrence Sanders 20
NAVIGATION BY ELECTRONICS. By Lieutenant Colonel Leonard M. Orman 25
By General Jacob L. De/lers 31
INTO THE IONOSPHERE. By Harold Berman 32
THE FORT BLISS R.O.T.C. SUMMER CAMP. By Colonel E. W. Timberlake 34
MEET THE NAVY. By Leonard J. Grassman 35
ARTIFICIAL METEORS. By Dr. F. Zwicky : :. 39
AREA. By Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Cult'erwell 41
THE ARMY IN THE DESERT. By Major Hal D. Steward 43
NE\'V'S Al\TD COMl\lENT 54

PUBLICA TION DATE: 1 October 1947

Published bimonthly by the United States Coast Artillery Associatio n. Editorial and executive offices, 631 Pennsylvania Avenue, X.W.,
Washington 4, D. C. Terms: $3.00 per year. Foreign subscriptions, $4.00 per year. Single copies, 75c. Entered as second.class matter
at Washington, D. C.; additional entry at Richmond, Va., under the Act of ~arch 3, 1879. Copyright, 1947, by the United States
Coast Artillery Association.
American forces landed on Guadalcanal and the nearby The South Pacific Commander requested authority for the
Florida Islands on 7 August 1942 and after some seven organization of an antiaircraft brigade and the 68th AAA
months of gruelling fighting, these islands and Savo Island Brigade was assigned (on paper) to his command.
were completely in our possession while the Russell Islands o.RGANIZATION AND INJTIAL ASSIGNMENT OF UNITS
to the northwest had been invaded. However the Japanese
air force, from bases in the central and northern Solomons The 68th AAA Brigade was organized on 10 August
and from Rabaul, continued to attack the shore and water 1943 at Noumea, New Caledonia, the headquarters of the
South Pacific Area. At that time the South Pacific Area
installations of those islands until late in 1943.
(SPA) was commanded bv Admiral "Bull" Halsev. Lieu-
Late in 1942, the 214th CA (AA) was moved to Guadal-
tenant General Millard l-I~rmon commanded U. S. Arm\'
canal from Hawaii relieving the 4th Marine Defense Bat-
forces in the area (USAFISPA). ,
talion that had, until then, furnished the entire antiaircraft
The 68th was one of the few antiaircraft artillery brigades
defense. In the Spring of 1943, the 70th CA (AA) regi-
organized overseas, personnel being drawn entirely from
ment that left the States in January 1942, and had accom-
panied initial landing forces into Noumea, New Caledonia, units in the South Pacific Area.
After some six weeks devoted to organization, and com-
was brought to Guadalcanal to reinforce the 214th. During
mand and staff training, brigade headquarters was moved
the year, two regiments, four groups, five gun battalions,
by LST to Guadalcanal, arriving on 10 October 1943,
five A\V battalions and three searchlight battalions were
where it received its baptism of fire in the form of a number
of Japanese air raids. These were among the last of the many
vVith the invasion of the New Georgia Islands and Vella
enemy air attacks on the island. During one of these final
La Vella in the central Solomons, and the shifting and in-
raids, three Jap planes were shot down by successful search-
creasing requirements for antiaircraft defense, the need for
light-fighter tactics. During another attack, a Jap plane came
further antiaircraft control and planning became evident.
in close to water level, under cover of shipping in the harbor,
and successfully bombed a ship at anchor causing heavy
damage and loss of life. To prevent further attacks of this
nature, pontO<?n rafts on which automatic weapons and
A 90mm gun of the 746th AAA Gun Battalion fires on a Jap quarters for gun crews were installed, were anchored well
pillbox and gun installations located on ridge in the back-
ground. Cannon Hill, Bougainville. beyond the outer line of ships to cover all seaward ap-
proaches to the .harbor. U,'ing aboard these ~fts was un- By 1 JanuaIY 1944. the strengt~ of the brigade, including
comfortable dunng rough weather but the Roatmg defenses attached ~larme umts was 22,/36, officers and enlisted
stopped further attacks. men.
On 2 October 1943 all Army antiaircraft and seacoast T ,
units in the forward area (which included all of the Solo- NORSOLSCAl\IPAIGN
mon Islands and islands of the Bismarck Archipelago to the The battle for Guadalcanal and the nearby islands was
N\V) were assigned to the 68th Brigade and later three fought on land and sea in the air against great odds and
l\larine Defense Battalions, the 4th, 9th and lIth, were our losses were heavy. Espiritu Santo Island, the largest and
placed under its operational control. Some of the assigned most northerly of the New Hebrides group, was used as an
and attached units were then completing campaigns in air and naval base for the Solomon operations. In addition,
New Georgia and on Vella La Vella. damaged Navy vessels were returned to Santo where Roat-
\\'hile brigade headquarters was at Guadalcanal, a num- ing drydocks had been installed for their emergency repair. I

ber of changes took place. Colonel Holst was assigned as Japanese Air Forces from bases in the central and nonh
Commanding Officer of the 117th AAA Group at Guadal- Solomons and from Rabaul were heavily attacking Our
canal and he was replaced as Briuade o Executive by.-Colonel land and sea installations at Guadalcanal.
Donald B. Herron, former Antiaircraft Officer for the XIV By late spring 1943, the way was clear for the invasion
Corps. Colonel Herron later was placed in command of the of the New Georgia Islands in the central Solomons. The
198th AA1\ Group at Treasury Island and was replaced as SPA Commander planned initially, to capture the New
Brigade Executive by Colonel Preston Steele, fonner Com- Georgias and then attack Kolumbangara to the north. It was
manding Officer of the 497th AAA Gun Bn. later decided to by-pass Kolumbangara leaving it to "ripenl
The 70th and 214th CA (AA) Reuimentso
were reoruan-
on the vine," capture Vella La Vella to the northwest and
ized to form the following units: 70th AAA Group, 70th then invade Bougainville by way of the small islands off its
A1\A Gun Battalion, 967th AAA Gun Battalion, 925th south shore. Due to poor landing beaches and strong Jap de-
AAA A \\1 Battalion, 2 14th 1\AA Group, 528th AAA Gun fenses found there, this plan was again modified and the
Battalion, 950th 1\AA A \V Battalion, 250th AAA Search. plan finally adopted was to follow the fall of Vella La Vella
light Battalion. with the capture of Tre~sury and Sterling Islands some 50
As of 3 I December 1943 the 68th Brigade consisted of: miles to the north as a stepping stone for a landing on the
northwest coast of Bougainville, north of Empress Auouusta
U",'t Commander" Location
Hq & Hq Btry 68th
Brig. Gen. C. A. French GuadalcanaI NE\V GEORGIA-VELLA LA VELLA PHASE-Late
AAA Brigade
13th AAA Group Co!. Bird S. DuBois Russell Ids. in June 1943 General Griswold's XIV Corps together with
14th AAA Group Co!. John H. Pitzer Florida Ids. the 1st Marine Raider Regiment and the 9th Marine De-
70th AAA Group Lt. Co!. C. W. Hill New Georgia fense Battalion invaded the New Georgia Islands. In Au-
77th AAA Group Co!. Wm. A. Weddell New Georgia I f h 70 I CA (A \) R h
1I 7th AAA Group Co!. John J. Holst Guadalcanal gust, e ements 0 t e t1 f egiment went as ore
198th CA(AA) Regt. Co!. George J. Schulz Treasury Id. and established defenses at the Segi Airstrip and on Ren-
251st CA(AA) Regt. Col. James B. Carroll Bougainville dova while the II th Marine Defense Battalion defended
70th AAA Gun Bn. Lt. Co!. Futral New Georgia the air field at Ondonga. The 9th Marine Defense Battalion
Vella La Vella had already established antiaircraft defenses at the Munda
Bougainville A ir F ie Id ,w hIE ngineers I1adIdgreat y improve. By
77th AAA Gun Bn.
164th AAA Gun Bn.
Lt. Co!. Welty
Lt. Co!. i\lcCarthv
New Georgia
Russell Id. September,
ic 1 our
after more than two months of hard jungle1
199th AAA AW Bn. Lt. Co!. Paulis' Guadalcanal fighting against a stubborn enemy, the islands were ours.
268th CA Bn (HD) J\laj. Robert C. Guhl Guadalcanal This victory against a strongly fortified base and against su-
276th CA Bn (HD) Lt. Col. McClean ~1~:~~~c~~~1 perior numbers had been costly but it was a serious blow to
356th AAA SIL Bn. Lt. Col. G. H. Mundt Guadalcanal the Japanese. The Munda field was the nearest air base to I
362d AAA SIL Bn.
374th AAA SIL Bn.
471st AAA AW Bn.
D. D. Dohn
New Georgia
Florida Ids.
Guadalcanal and one of the best fields in the Solomons. It \
had been used extensively in air attacks against our forces
at Guadalcanal and in air attacks against Espiritu Santo in
47,th AAA AW Bn.
497th AAA Gun Bn.
737th AAA Gun Bn.
t~:g;:: ~r~~~~nSteele g~:~::~:~::
Lt. Col. Roy K. Kauffman Florida Ids.
late 1942 and early 1943, though it had been subjected to
very destructive air attacks by our air forces prior to the in-
92,th AAA AW Bn. Lt. Col. Fergusson New Georgia vasion. Its loss pushed the available Japanese air bases back
933rd AAA AW Bn. Lt. Col. Grow Russell Ids. to southern Bougainville.
938th AAA AWEn. Lt. Co!. Stokes New Georgia Btrv B, 70th 1\1\1\ Gun Battalion landed at Vella La
967th AAA Gun Bn. Lt. Col. Gere N. Moore Guadalcanal Vella 'with the 4th Marine Defense Battalion and the 3d I
Btry A, 259th CA Bn
Btry C, 250th AAA

Capt. Laird
Savo Id.

New Georgia
New Zealand Division in September where it took part in
action against heavy Japanese Air attacks. Official figures of
SIL Bn. enemy losses are not available but Marine antiaircraft rec-

725th AAA SIL Battery Capt. Schwenk Russell Ids. ords show that more than 50 Japanese planes were destroyed.
826th CA Btry (HD) Capt. Cyr Guadalcanal in the first two weeks of fighting.
After Kolumbangara had been by-passed and Vella La
* It is regrettable that due to lack of records, the name of one command- Vella successfully invaded, the enemy started withdrawing
ing officer and the first names of others must be omitted. My apologies
to those line officers so neglected-AuTHOR. from the former island. Some enemy vessels supplying

A view of Section 13, Battery C, 373d AAA Searchlight Battalion at Bougainville.

troops or engaged in ,their evacuation, were destroyed but enemy aircraft destroyed and 5 probables. A coral surfaced
unfortunately many Japanese soldiers escaped to Bougain- air strip nearly 8000 feet long was constructed on Sterling
ville. A few weeks after the landing Vella La Vella was in Island by our Engineers. This played a very important part
our hands and a coral surfaced air strip was in operation on during the balance of the campaign, in support of the Bou-
its southeast coast. gain ville and Green Island operations.
During the period December 1943 to i\hrch 1944, the
BOUGAINVILLE PHASE:-Battery D, 70th Antiair-
nth AAA Group, Colonel \iVm. A. vVeddell, Command-
craft Artillery Gun Battalion attached to the 3d Marine
ing, with Gun, A\V and Searchlight units of the old 76th
Defense Battalion went ashore on Bougainville with the
I and 77th CA (AA) Regiments (that had defended Espiritu First Marine Amphibious Corps about I November 1943.
Santo and Efate Islands in the New Hebrides) and the
\Vhile troops and equipment were being landed and for a
276th CA (HD) Battalion attached, relieved the 4th, 9th
few days thereafter, the Japanese made many air attacks
and II th Marine Defense Battalions and assumed antiair-
against shipping and supplies along the shore line, one gun
craft and seacoast defenses of the New Georgia and Vella
I La Vella Islands. Air action was light, the last enemy at-
position of the 3d Marine Defense Battalion suffering a
direct hit during one of these attacks. A considerable num-
I tack coming on 13 February when one enemy plane was de-
ber of enemy planes were shot down, many of which were
I stroyed. credited to the Navv which did some excellent antiaircraft
TREASURY ISLANDS PHASE:-On 26 October shooting. The 251s; CA (AA) Regiment was moved from
1943, the 198th CA(AA) Regiment, Colonel George J. Fiji and landed on Bougainville on 4 and 5 December 1943
Schulz, Commanding, landed on Treasury Islands with and on 16 January 1944, the 199th AAA AvV Battalion
elements of the 3d New Zealand Division to provide the came ashore from Guadalcanal. This Battalion shot down
antiaircraft defense of an air strip to be constructed on Sterl- one Jap plane on 6 February. Although air activity had prac-
ing Island. Sterling is a long narrow coral island near the tically ceased, the enemy started heavy shelling of the air
l south shore of T reasurv Island. Between these two islands fields and increased infantry action in March. To reinforce
lies excellent anchorag~ for seaplanes and small naval ves- our field artillery, the 1st (Gun) Battalion, 251st CA (AA)
~sels. Five antiaircraft enlisted men of the landing force were Regiment (later reorganized as the 746th AAA Gun Bat-
, killed by enemy artillery fire from hostile guns emplaced talion) moved guns to high ground on the perimeter de-
high up on the hillside. During the period 31 December fense line where they were used effectively in direct fire
1943 to 31 March 1944, enemy air attacks were frequent against enemy gun positions, caves, pillboxes and other de-
and fairly effective, the regiment being credited with 13 fensive installations. Elements of the 373rd AAA Search-
6 THE ~ . ST ARTILLERY ~JlJENAL September-October
light Battalion provided battlefield illumim .. un from regu- other defensive works, and \\"Ould launch individual at.
lar tactical positions. This was the first use of searchlights racks in the early morning hours. ~lany enemy soldiers
in the South Pacific to furnish "Artificial Moonlight." It was walked through land mines and \\'ere killed. Fighting wa~
highly successful, giving the effect of bright moonlight over for the most part at clo~ quarters, many hand-to-hand fights
the areas through which the enemy was likely to approach. being participated in by antiaircraft troops. Guns of the
while leaving our own troops in darkness. This method of 70th and 746th AAA Gun Battalions and automatic \Veap-
battlefield illumination \Vas frequently used in later opera- ons of the 199th and 951st A\V Battalions played an im-
tions in the Philippines. An antiaircraft provisional infantry portant part in breaking up the attack and \Von high praise
battalion was formed by the 251st AAA Group CReorgan- from General Griswold. Colonel Frederick, commanding
ized from the 251 st CA Regiment) which prepared and oc- the 129th Regimental Combat Team, told of being at an
cupied positions on the regimental reserve line of the 129th antiaircraft 40mm gun position one morning when it \Vas
Regimental Combat Team in anticipation of an attack by attacked by about 40 Japanese soldiers at close range. He
the enemy upon the perimeter defenses. The XIV Corps, gave the single gun credit for stopping the attack and de- ,
which had replaced the 1st ~ larine Amphibious Corps in stroying most of the attackers. He stated that when the
December 1943, was occupying a perimeter some 12 miles gun opened fire he could see nothing but Japanese SOldiersl
long, which enabled the enemy to muster sufficient strength and small trees Bying through the air. '

at several points to break through the outer defenses. The Very few Japanese prisoners were captured but often
perimeter defense line was a rough semicircle with the t\Vo those captured, after learning that they would not be killed
ends resting on the shore line. The beach was well defended
by antiaircraft and field artillery guns and a considerable
or tortured as they expected to be, were quite willing to
give iofonnation concerning their own forces. In one case, •
number of 40mm antiaircraft guns with overhead protec- a 90rnm gun battery commander was having difficulty
tion had been emplaced for perimeter defense. The Japanese spotting a troublesome Japanese position on the opposite
attack, although ,well planned was not well coordinated. ridge some 2000 yards distant. He "borrowed" a Japanese
Companies and smaller units would infiltrate through our prisoner, took him to his gun position on the perimeter
ollter defenses at night, in some cases capture pillboxes or and asked him through a Nisei'interpreter, if he knew the
A 40mm gun of the 199th AAA AW' Battalion used as an antipersonnel weapon at Bougainvple.

. , y.,.. .... -;.

.. .., - '$

Command Post and computer of Battery B, 70th AAA Gun Battalion on San Carlos, Luzon.

location of the enemy position. The prisoner, without hesi- island. Although this was the most advanced position in
tation, adjusted the height finder (with which he appeared t,he South Pacific it was not attacked by the Japanese,
perfectly familiar) to his eyes and turned it until it was on further evidence of their diminishing air power.
the Jap gun position. He then volunteered to stay and
help locate other positions.
In the later phase of the operation, the 3d Marine De- During the early spring of 1944, the brigade received
fense Battalion was relieved bv the 2d Battalion, 54th CA SCR 584 radars and M-9 dire'ctors for all gun battalions
(HD) Regiment (later reorga~ized as the 49th CA Battal- and was charged with the organization of an Antiaircraft
ion). This battalion carried on effective counterbatterv and Artillery Combat Training Center at Guadalcanal. The
interdiction fire for the balance of the campaign, und~r the first course commenced on 6 March. The 70th AAA Group
control of the Corps F.A. Headquarters supplemented by personnel of other units
GREEN ISLAND PHASE: The 967th Antiaircraft formed the first training cadre and corps of instructors,
Artillerv Gun Battalion landed on Green Island on IS Feb- Lieutenant Colonel Charles \\T. Hill, Group Commander,
ruary 1944 with elements of the 3d New Zealand Division. being the first commandant. After his departure for the
This was a small atoll north of Bougainville with excellent States he was succeeded bv Lieutenant Colonel (later
( anchoreoe and suitable for the construction of a bomber air- Colonel) Robert M. Hardy, ~ne of the five officers received
o ,
held, which was completed during the next few weeks. A from the U. S. as instructors for the Training Center. Anti-

I small Japanese force offered resistance but was extermi-

nated and the island was occupied by our troops. This
island formed the stepping stone for the attack on Emirau
aircraft equipment of all types was installed at the Training
Center including two radio-controlled target plane detach-
ments that were secured from the States, Traininoo in new
. Island and for action against Japanese-held bas~s to the equipment and firing with all types of armament was con-
! north, especially the great naval base of Truk. On 25 ducted, students consisting of selected personnel from all
I ;\Iay 1944, the 13th AA1\ Group with the 925th AAA A\V units in the South Pacific. Colonel I-Iarry S, Tubbs, anti-

I Battalion arrived and assumed control of all antiaircraft and

coast artillerv (HD) units.
aircraft officer for General Harmon, did an outstanding job
in assisting with the organizing and equipping of the T rain-
ing Center and in fact in the procurement of the latest ma-
.! with the 471st AAA A\V Battalion, 737th AAA Gun Bat- teriel for all units in the area .
talion and 725th 1\AA Searchlight Battery (Separate) On 15 June 1944, the 159 East Longitude was made

landed on Emirau Island on 25 i\ larch 1944 and set up the boundarv between USAFFE on the \Vest and USA-
antiaircraft defenses of a coral surfaced air strip that was FISPA on t1;e East. At this time, the 68th Brigade Head-
constructed by our Engineers across the center of that small (Continued on page 45)
Electronics For Guided Missile
By Dr. C. K. Stedman
INTRODUCTION while these developments were going on, plans were bein
Guided missiles can be divided into four broad classes on made to incorporate vacuum tubes even into the ammuni
the basis of the locations of their launching points and des- tion itself, and with the advent of the proximity fuze, elec-
tinations. These are: air-ta-ground missiles, ground-ta-air tronic ammunition became a reality. Furthermore, the
missiles , air-to-air missiles and ~round-to-ground
0 missiles. fuzes are probably subject to radio countermeasures which
The first class, those launched from aircraft against ground will explode the shells some distance in front of their
or ship targets, obviously represent an effort to improve the target, so we are finally brought to what might be called
performance of bombs. The other three classes arc to a electronic armorplate.
larae extent an elaboration of the science of gunnery re- ELECTRONICS IN MISSILES
sul~ing from the need for more accuracy and range than
In general, the applications of electronics for missile
can be obtained with unaided shells and bullets. Thus
o include the same functions for which electronics
air-to-air missiles will supplement, or possibly replace, guns
is used in connection with unguided projectiles. That is to
on aircraft. Ground-ta-air missiles will immensely increase.
say radio communication is extensively used for liaison and
the effective altitude and range of antiaircraft fire. Ground-
coordination of fire. Targets may be located and tracked
ta-ground missiles will extend the useful range of artillery
bv, radar. Taroet0 position information may be utilized in
to intercontinental distances and also increase the accuracy
electronic computers to d:termi~e ~he time and direction of ~
of fire against closer targets. In all c~ses, the line of devel- launching, also elecJromc proXImIty fuzes may be used.
opment is the addition of self-propulsIOn for the purpose of
In addition t.o t~ese fU.f1~tion,;which are common to mi~'J
increasinoo ranoe without the use of excessive speeds, plus
0 siles and proJectIles, mIssIles may use vacuum tube amph.
the addition of guidance to increase the accuracy at long
fiers in the servo mechanisms which operate the control
range or permit corrections for motion of the target occur-
surfaces. Radio communication is likely to be used for
ring during Hight of the projectile.
transmitting control signals to the missile, and may be re-
Our purpose in thus dwelling upon the ancestry of
quired to transmit information from the missile back to the
ouided missiles, is to demonstrate that they have evolved
control point. If the missile is equipped to home on the1
from oounfire because of the increased demands of modern
target, electronic techniques are probably, though not
warfare, and that they are not, as might be supposed, a necessarily involved.
result of the inroads of electronic techniques upon the
It is interesting to survey the principal German guided
ancient science of gunnery .. Actually there are some types
missiles from the standpoint of their utilization of electronic
of guided missiles that make no use whatever of vacuum
techniques. V-I did not depend fundamentally upon vac'
tubes. At the same time, many tubes are now used in con-
uum tubes. The control surfaces were pneumatically actu. ~ l
nection with gunnery. Consequently the subject of elec-
ated and the gyro and compass pickoffs were pneumatic. l
tronics for guided missiles can best be seen in its proper
However, in order to improve accuracy, some bombs were
perspective by considering at the same time the way in
equipped with a radio transmitter which enabled them to
which vacuum tubes have been put to work in connection
be tracked by radio direction finders so that the course of
with conventional guns.
successive bombs could be corrected. V-2, on the other I
ELECTRONICS IN GUNl\"ERY hand , used a considerable number of vacuum tubes even ,
though it Hew on a preset course for most of its trajectory. I
The first application of electronics to gunnery was prob-
Some tubes were used as amplifiers in the gyro stabilizing I
ably the use of radio communication during \Vorld \Var I
system, some in a radio command system ~or correcting the
to assist in directing artillery fire by reporting hits and
initial line of flight with respect to gUIde beams trans.
misses. In \Vorld \Var II, radar was developed and was
mitted from the ground, and others in a radio receiver used
immediately applied to gunnery because of its ability to
to cut off the fuel in case the missile was obviously mal- I
locate targets at times of low or zero visibility, and track
functioning at the time of takeoff. X-4 was an air-launched
them continuously with high accuracy. It also provided
missile for use against aerial targets, which was controlled
more accurate determination of range than was possible
with optical range finders. Electrical gun directors were
by very fine wires drawn out from spools in the mother air- l
plane and in the missile. It is believed that this was done
also developed, which made possible completely electronic
principally to reduce the vulnerability of the mi~sil~ to
fire control systems. Many such systems were built for
countermeasures; however it also had the effect of elImmat-
na\'al oouns ' shore defense, antiaircraft artillerv,
, and aerial ing the need for vacuum tubes.
guns. In the B-29, electronic gun directors were used with
optical sighting. Up to this point, vacuum tube devices CAPABILmES OF VACUUM TUBES
were used as accessories to the guns themselves. However. \Ve have seen that vacuum tubes have invaded the da-
main of gunnery and are required for the operation of most maneU\'ers and end up by landing on the crew that
tYpesof guided missiles. And it is safe to say that this has launched it. Thus a high premium is placed upon reliabil-
~ot occurred merely because it has become fashionable to ity in missile equipment. Another feature of the require-
do things electronically. It is true that electronic engineers ments that has not existed before is the need for extremely
will sometimes use one or more vacuum tubes to do a job long shelf life. This results from the fact that in a futur~
that can be done better by simple mechanical or optical war an enemy might bring to bear an extremely heavy con-
Imeans. However, in the maj.ority of. cases, tubes perform centration of air power with the least possible warning.
functions that cannot be performed m any other way. It There would be no time for the defenders to set up produc-
Imaybe of interest, therefore, to review these functions for tion lines and manufacture guided missiles with which to
Ithe benefit of those not familiar with the details of elec- defend themselves. They would have to place their reliance
tronic techniques. Actually there are only five principal instead upon missiles which had been stockpiled, probably
Itypesof operations that vacuum tubes perform. And elec- for many years. The design must therefore be such that
tronic circuits for the most diverse purposes are composed only relatively simple procedures are required to make them
'Oftubes which perform one of these five operations, just as operable and above all the number of failures due to de-
innumerable different machines have been designed by terioration in storage must be made extremely small. For
rarious combinations of a few basic elements such as gears, these reasons, it is important to consider what the prospects
pulleys, cranks and levers. These operations are: ( 1) are for achieving sufficiently reliable performance of elec-
amplification, which means the conversion of an electrical tronic equipment.
signal into one which is essentially of the same form but Consider first the vacuum tubes themselves. Failures
with higher voltage, current or power; (2) oscillation, in the course of nomlal operation will usually occur during
which means the conversion of electrical energy from a the first few hours so that if the equipment survives a proof
direct current source, into alternating current. Depending test of suitable duration the likelihood of failure during the
upon the application, the alternating current generated may next few hundred hours is extremelv small. ~I'!ost of us
hare a frequency anywhere from one or two cycles per sec- have had the experience of replacing one or two vacuum
ond up to 10,000 megacycles per second or more; (3) trig- tubes in a new radio set shoI;.tlyafter it was purchased and
ger action, in which no response occurs until the applied then having the set operate without further failure for
signal exceeds a certain threshold value. \\Then the thres- many years. This is a situation which lends itself very well
hold is exceeded an output current or voltage of a given to statistical quality control, so that on the basis of properly
\'alue,usually considerably larger than the input signal, is planned life tests on large number of units, operating con-
itiated. The action of a tube used in this way resembles ditions can be specified such that the probability of failure
hat of a relay. The effect can be accomplished either with witl be less than any stated limit during a given period of
oaseous tubes such as thyratrons, or with vacuum tubes operation. It will be particularly easy to ensure a high
arranged in a suitable circuit; (4) rectification, which probability of proper operation in missile equipment be-
means the conversion of alternating current into direct cause good vacuum tubes do not deteriorate except when
current; (5) mixing, which is the process used in super- in use. And the total use, including periodic testing, will
heterodyne receivers for converting high-frequency signals probably not exceed twenty-five hours. In addition to ran-
into low-frequency signals which can be amplified more dom failures due to uncontrolled defects in manufacture,
readily. a tube may fail if subjected to extreme conditions exceeding
In addition to vacuum tubes for these purposes, there are those for which it was designed. Of these, the one most
gas filled tubes such as thyratrons and voltage regulators, likely to cause trouble is high temperature, since control
~tc.,a number of special purpose tubes such as photocells equipment generates heat and is sure to be mounted in a
)r iconoscopes for converting light into electrical signals, confined space. However the provision of cooling means
md cathode ray tubes for converting electrical signals into is a straightforward engineering problem, and at the most
i'isibleform. can only cost some added weight and complexity in the mis-
sile. Humidity causes no trouble since, by their nature,
tubes are hermeticallv sealed (the external connections are
Even though vacuum tubes were so extensively used considered part of the wiring). High acceleration or vi-
n World \\Tar II, complete reliance was not placed on them bration may cause mechanical failure or short circuits be-
ince, in most cases, soldiers could continue to fight if their tween elements and it cannot be said that there is now
:Iectronic equipment failed. However if guided missiles available a complete assortment of tube types which are sat-
Wr become the principal weapons in a future war, the isfactory in this respect. Tubes can be designed to with-
esult will be almost complete dependence on vacuum stand extremely high shock as witnessed by the proximity
ubes. If a radio receiver fails in an airplane, the ship may fuze tubes which were fired in high-velocity shells, but of
Ie crippled only to a very limited extent; repairs may be these there is only a limited variety of types. Many of the
~ade in Bight, or a stand-by receiver may be put into serv- common types of radio tubes will withstand 200g which is
:e. The same applies to the navigational and bombing ample for most missile applications, but they are physically
adar, and other electronic equipment. A missile, however, too large. Further development will therefore be required
i a total loss if it malfunctions after firing. Furthermore it to produce a complete variety of miniature and subminia-
lay only require one bad electrical connection to turn a ture tubes which will meet the shock and vibration require-
lissile that would otherwise By straight as an arrow to its ment of missile applications. However, suitable substitutes
trget, into one that would perform the most remarkable are available for interim use in experimental missiles.
RELL\BILITY OF ELECTRO:\'IC CIRCUITS antiaircraft missiles. the de\'e1opment is forced upon us h.
Vacuum tubes alone are of no \'alue unless the electric the fact that a high-altitude airplane has time to chan~
~\'iring and the other components of the circuit perfonn as course radicaIly during the time of Right of an antiaircra"h
Intended. A \'ery large amount of experience was accumu- shell, so that means for guiding the missile become essen-
lated during the war on failures of electronic equipment tial. The long-range ground-to-ground missiles, on the other
and some of this is applicable to equipment for use in hand, mayor may not represent a case of military neces,
missiles, J n particular, the importance of protection aO'ainst sity depending on the effectiveness of the ene~1ies' air
m?isture became \'ery weIl recognized. In humid tr~pical defenses. HO\\'e\'er, the development of all types of O'uideu
climates, moisture destroys the insulating properties of missiles can be justified as an effort to exploit the :ilitarv
many materials and permits electrical breakdown to occur. possibilities of new developments in jet propulsion and
It also promotes corrosion at points where dissimilar metals supersonic aerodynamics.
are in contact and so causes open circuits. These effects \Ve have see~ also that while certain types of missiles
can be retarded by sprayino all wirino with moisture and may be guided without recourse to electronic means, in the
, ~ 0 0
fungus-resistant coatings, but the treatment must be re- majority of cases very heavy reliance will be placed upon
newed at approximately two-year intervals. Very satisfac- v~cuum tubes and the associated circuit. The importance
tory techniques have recently been developed for her- of electronics for missiles can be partly accounted for bv
metically sealing components into airtight cans. This th~ ~Ise of radar for tracking targets ~r for tracking th~
completely eliminates the possibility of failure due to mois- mIssIles themselves. However radio communication is
ture or fungus as long as the can lasts, although of course al~o very i~1P?rtan.t. . Th.e .third m.ajor field of application I
the inter unit wiring is still exposed. The amount of such 01 electromcs In missIles IS In amplifiers for the stabilization
wiring can be greatly reduced by hermeticalh- sealinO' en- and control system.
tire assemblies.' , - 0 The' vario~s possible electronic O'uidance svstems for mis-
Thus the experience gained during \\Torld \Var II with ~i1es have been surveyed quite th~roughly in recent years
the performance of large quantities of electronic equipment and an excellent summary of these was published recenth.
under combat conditions has at least drawn attention to the in this ]OUHNAL. '" It is bclie\'ed that they include suitabl~
kind of problems that must be solved to achieve reliable per- means for guiding missil,es or all of the t)~es contemplatec~
formance. Some of the techniques are directly applicable although a great deal of development work remains to beJ
to missiles, but because of the extremelv 10nO'shelf life and done before systems of each type will be fuIly perfected.
short service life required, combined with th~ need for very Also it cannot be said with complete certainty at presen
high probability of proper functioning when fired, ,the that radically new inventions or scientific discoveries mav
techniclues will have to be carried very much further and a not be required before certain types of missiles can W
great deal of experimentation and development will have guided with sufficient accuracy to make them militarilv
to be done in order to meet the requirements. It will not be ~ffectivc ...
~asy cyen to design equipment which can safely be stored In addition to thc deyelopment program for perfecting
lor years under controlled conditions in specially designed the various guidance systems, it will be necessary to put a
warehouses. The difficulties will be even O'reater if it is great deal of effort into improving the reliabilitv of clec-
judged necessary to have large numbers of missiles installed tronic equipment. Present design is inadequate in this reo
in a permanent state of readiness for an instant alert. spect, but there is no reason to suppose that techniques
cannot be devised for building electronic equipment th
CONCLUSION will last almost indefinitely.
\Ve have seen that guided missiles can be regarded as a
*"Guidance for Missiles," Gifford E. White, COAST ARTILLERY JouP.,
product of the evolution of bombs and shells. In the case of :-IAL, November-December 1946, p. 18.
Radio Relay Communications Systems
By Lieutenant Colonel William S. Marks, Jr., Signal Corps, Res.

Introduction (Iud History The circuit spanned a maximum of -+ 18 miles, stretching

Of the several thousand signal devices of the recent war from Algiers to Hill 609, thence to Bizerte and Sidi-Bou-
Said, near Tunis. Installed on accessible mountain peaks,
-many of them radically new-Major General Rumbough
singled out radio relay and labelled it "the communications four relay stations covered this distance. The longest span
sensation of \Vorld vVar II." was 120 miles between Djbel Toukra, 4,900 feet high, and
Djbel Ouasch with a 4,200-foot elevation.
There were good tactical reasons for this choice, of
course. But the technical advances and resultant per- From the outset, radio relay made an impressive show-

I formance of radio relay were of such importance that this ing, and as a direct result became an integral part of signal
revolutionary development in communications systems is operations during the subsequent Sicilian and Italian Cam-
noW the cause of intensive development by commercial paigns.
companies, who have ambitious plans for the installation In Italy, personnel and equipment were greatly aug-
I of operating systems. Their experience to date appears to be mented, and completed a variety of key missions. It pro-
vided important links between Allied headquarters in
fully on a par with the military success of radio relay. All
this foreshadows a rapidly increasing supplement to the Caserta and the U.S. Fifth Army and the British Eighth
wire line facilities of telephone and telegraph companies, Army Headquarters. Radio Relay was also the main reliance
and in many instances virtual replacement by radio relay between Anzio beachhead and Headquarters Fifth Army.
circuits. This circuit was one of the best illustrations of the im-
Prior to the development of radio relay and its extensive portance of radio relay to military communications and the
wartime operational use, civilian and military radio com- extreme flexibility possible in routing this type of circuit.
munications maintained essentially the same status estab- The enemy held all intenrening ground between the Fifth
lished by Marconi in 190 I when he successfully applied Army and Anzio, including a high range of mountains in
wireless to practical communications. True, more devices the direct route, making them unavailable to radio relay
"ere added and the process expanded. But up to the evolu- sites. As a consequence, the radio relay station was placed
tion of a radio relay system, communication radio was used on a mountain 35 miles to the rear, near Naples, thence
principally as a medium for sending telegraph messages beamed along the coast line to Anzio 92 miles away. The
from point to point by techniques which required highly circuit handled a peak traffic load of some 20,000 word
skilled operators at both ends of the circuit. All in all, little groups per day for Sixth Corps.
real progress had been made toward the use of radio for the
telephone service similar to that provided by wires and
cables. Concurrently with the early use of improvised equip-
Radio relay has now cleared this long-standing hurdle, ment in North Africa, the Signal Corps was hard at work
permitting radio to compete with wire for the same class developing several types of radio relay equipments tailored
of service and, equally important, bringing about a true to fit the needs of the Army at all echelons. The specific
integration of radio and wire facilities to such an extent that target was highly flexible and fast-operating systems for the
the telephone user is wholly unaware whether he is talking impending operations in France and the Pacific.
over a wire or radio circuit. And both telephone and tele- The first of the resulting sets to be standardized, Radio
type traffic can be routed indiscriminately either over wire, Set ANjTRC-l using frequency modulation, was rushed
( radio, or any combination of both. through development and placed in large scale production.
The initial circuit using this equipment in ETO went into
RADIORELAYIN THE NORTHAFRICANA.l."'D operation on D + 2 to establish cross-channel communi-
MEDITERRANEANTHEATERS cations between First Army units on Omaha Beach and
The Army's first radio relay system was inaugurated in the ~inth Tactical Air Force at Middle vVallop, with con-
\r North Africa. nections into the wire circuits to 21st Army Group and
At first it was an improvised system, used principally for London. From the very first, operational use of the equip-
single channel simplex traffic between Allied Force Head- ment was beyond expectations and brought about sharply

I quarters jn Algiers and Second Corps Headquarters, thence

to forward mobile units. Due to the rapid movement of
Second Corps Headquarters and the great distances cov-
increasing demands from the Theaters for its use. In fact,
Tables of Allowances never did catch up with requirements,
and issue of the equipment remained under control of the
ered, it was impractical for wire construction to keep pace Theater Signal Officer to the end of hostilities.
with the advance. The result was the increasing and vital From the initial use of this new radio relay equipment
performance of the radio relay circuit; it carried the bulk by the First Army and Ninth Tactical Air Force in estab-
of operational and administrative traffic for the Second lishing cross-channel communication in the early stages
Corps, reaching upward to 16,000 word groups per day. of the Normandy invasion, it was issued as rapidly as possi-
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Perspective view of First Army multi-channel V.H.F. Radio Relay Communications System across English Channel-June 1944«
ble to other units as they became operational. General Pat- operations. Here the value of radio relay to military opera-j
ton found it most valuable in all of his campaigns and par- tions was much more readily apparent and its possibilities~
ticularly in his first, the rapid advance across France. In were more fully exploited.
writing of this operation, General Patton said its success In the combat areas of the Pacific, there was very little'
many times hung on a shoestring and the shoestring was commercial wire and cable circuits to be rehabilitated an~
radio relay. Hadio relay equipment installed in a truck was the terrain and weather conditions made wire line constru~J
the last vehicle to enter the town of Bastogne before the Ger-tion most difficult if not impossible. Also amphibious land-
mans completed their encirclement. It furnished telephone ing and island hopping were commonplace; so as soon as the
and teletype communication between Corps and General possibilities of radio relay became known, more and more
McAuliffe throughout the entire siege until relieved. As reliance was placed on it in all signal plans from Hollandia
the war progressed in the ETO a very extensive network of to Okinawa.
radio relay systems was built up, and maintained in the The TRC-l radio relay equipments and teams. were sen~
rear of the Armies who were now using it in a manner simi- to the Pacific sometime prior to its inaugural use in the
lar to wire networks. There were circuits from Paris to ETO at Normandy in June 1944. I

Cherbourg, to Deauville, to London, to Namur, to Vittel The first relay circuits were tried out in static installa-
and later to Frankfurt. The Paris terminal was early placed tions. However, during the Hollandia Campaign beginning
atop of Eiffel Tower and as more circuits were required in April 1944, the full tactical possibilities of this equip-
from and through Paris, additional equipments were in- ment were foreseen as a means of establishing and main-
stalled on the topmost landing of this famous structure. taining communication with constantly moving tactical
Visitors to Paris fortunate enough to get to the top of the units.
tower received their passes from the Theater Signal Officer In this particular operation, a radio relay team moved
who had requisitioned it. ~ into the Humboldt Bav Area at D + 5 and established a
The Air Forces also had a very extensive radio relay net- VHF system between -'corps and division CPs. Available
work from their Headquarters ~t Chantilly, near P;ris to wire communications were being constantly interrupted bf"
their advanced headquarters, to their Tactical Head- cause of the rugged terrain and enemy infiltration. As a re
quarters, to Bombardment and to Fighter \Ving. They had sult of this, the advantages of radio relay soon became ap
perhaps the longest radio relay circuit in the ETO extend- parent. Based on this experience, use of radio relay circui~
ing from Chantilly to Bad Kissingen, Germany, 410 miles. was greatly augmented all over the South Pacific Area. h
Eight relay stations or nine "hops" were used on this cir- was reported that in the Hollandia Area alone, of some 300
cuit. square miles, 14 terminals were in use supplying 60 telety~
and 26 voice trunk circuits for both Armv and Navv.
OPERATIONS IN THE PACIFIC Revised signal plans for the invasion ~f Leyte as~ign.J
Radio relay proved to be most vital to the later Pacific important missions to VHF (very high frequency) ra

relay equipment. The most important was the new mission The VH F Radio Relay through the CP Boat Echelon
of pro\'iding the vital ship-to-shore communication link. provided within a few hours, communications which nor-
Earlier experimentation had shown the VHF radio relay mally required 10 days or more after establishing a beach-
p3rticularly effecti\'e in providing this type of service as head. In addition, it had proven its value as a trunk line
large numbers of circuits could be provided with a mini- facility from GHQ to the major combat headquarters.
mum of equipment. i\lore reliably to effect this communi- The Leyte operation set the pattern for Signal Communi-
cation a non-directional antenna was used for the ship- cations for the Luzon operation. Additional ships were
I board terminal in place of the directional antenna normally added to the CP Boat Echelon and the VHF Radio Relav
provided. Thus movements of the ships as they swung at Equipment now was to form a vital system of communi-
I anchor did not affect directivity of the ship-to-shore circuits. cation from the CP Boat Echelon to the forward-most com-
The Signal Communications plan called for the installa- bat areas as the infantry units moved down the Luzon
tion aboard ships of sufficient high powered radio equip- Plain. As advances were made from Lingayen Gulf to i\ la-
ment to establish and maintain communication with all im- nila each advance mobile terminal became in turn a relav
I portant bases and tactical units, with various elements of station. Shortly after the 1st Cavalry Division entered th~
the Navy, the press, and Army administrative circuits to city of i\hnila, a VHF radio relay truck was operating a
the U. S. plus equipment to handle all intercept and intel- circuit back to Lingayen Gulf, 130 miles away. These cir-
• 0
work. Four ships, known as the General Head- cuits were also used to handle the verv laroe I0
volume of
quarters Command Post Boat Echelon, arrived at Hollandia Broadcast and press messages sent to the press ship Apache.
on 2 October 1944 completely equipped to handle all the
I communication problems normally required in any estab- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIO RELAY

lished base, and were additionally equipped with VHF Radio relay provides a (multiple) number of communi-
Radio Belay prior to departing for the invasion of Leyte. cation channels over one radio channeL Thus it is not the
At H plus 5 hours, General i\llacArthur came ashore on old single channel push-to-talk radio. All the voice channels
Red Beach, Leyte and made his famous "I have returned" provide duplex telephone operation just the same as the
broadcast. This broadcast was sent from shore over the telephone service over wire lines. Interconnection with
VHF radio relav to the Cruiser Nashville and rebroadcast switchboards is possible so that complete integration with
to the people of the Philippines. It was also picked up by the wire network is possible.
the Signal Corps ship Apache and rebroadcast to the U. S. Radio relay circuits operate in the very high frequency
By A + 2, all circuits were installed and in operation and or microwave part of the radio frequency spectrum. These
it was possible to communicate by teletype and voice from frequencies are propagat~d essentially over "line-of-sight"
the beachhead to virtually any base required. paths and are relatively free from static and other atmos-

Radio relay terminal station showing telephone and telegraph carrier equipment at left and radio transmitter and receiver at

\ I
qllire bllt 88 man-days. Breaking these figllres down, wire
'\ (-~

--:100-.( __r reqllires 1,820 men 10 days; radio relay 44 men 2 days or
less. Radio relay thlls saves tlze llsing force some 18,112
IIUllz-days for each 100 miles of circllit. This is great econo-
. ----"-- . my in personnel and trallSportati01I. •
. -------

There ar~ also other advantages: In the case of wire.line'TJ

every foot IS vulnerable to bombmg, sabotage demOhtion.(
accidents from vehicles and other causes. This requires
.:.----- constant patrolling and hours of service outages while 10 I
) cating and repairing faults, whereas radio relay is SUbjec~
J~- to trouble only at the terminals and the intermediate rela
stations. Aler~ attendants are stationed at these centr;l
points to prevent or correct any faults either by repairs or
by fast substitution of a spare unit. Thus interruptions to
service are kept at a minimum.
Both in the ETO and in the Pacific it was COmmonprac-
tice, particularly forward of Army, to install a complet£
terminal set in a 2~-ton 6x6 truck and trailer, and a relay se
in a I ~-ton 6x6 truck for quick moves and fast installations.
These units were ready to go anywhere at a moment's

The Signal Corps, in conjunction with the electrical in-

dustry during the war, developed radio relay sets which /
employ the fundamental principles and techniques which I
Sketch illustrating vertical space diversity reception used In
are now the foundation of postwar developments in thiSJ
microwave radio relay systems. field. These sets operated in the very high frequency and
microwave parts of the frequency spectrum. The principal
pheric noises. Thus high quality circuits can be established virtues of these frequencies which make them particularly~
which are free from excessive signal variations and noise. suitable for radio relay use are: They are relatively free I
Precisely as in long line telephone cable circuits, radio from static and other types of noise interference, they
relay requires repeaters placed at intervals along the circuit are free from distant station interference, and their shan
to extend its length. In the case of cable circuits these re- wave length makes beam transmission readily possible with
peaters are placed at regular intervals determined by the practicable antenna structures. The radio waves do not
attenuation characteristics of the cable. In the case of radio follow the curvature of the earth but are transmitted in a
relay these repeaters, or relays, are located at varying dis- straight line.
tances determined principally by the relative elevation of Because of this last mentioned characteristic radio relay'
the stations. These distances usually vary from 25 miles in stations are located on the highest ground available. A map
Rat or gently rolling country to 100 miles when mountain reconnaissance is usually sufficient in planning a circuitj
peaks are available for sites. using these sets, although an actual visit to the proposed I
sites and a test is best to insure a good circui~. I
TACTICAL AND LOGISTIC CHARACTERISTICS The outstanding characteristic of radio relay is its ability
It is certain that radio relay will find increased use and to provide a multiple number of telephone and teletype
importance in the Army of the future because of its singular circuits over a single radio frequency. This is usually called
tactical and logistical advantages in providing necessary multi-channel operation and the technique is referred to
communication channels. The five characteristic high points as multiplexing. Two principal techniques of multiplexing
which make radio relay stand out above other communica- are presently being used. These are by what is known as I
tion methods are speed of installation, Rexibility, high traf- frequency division and time division.
fic-handling capacity, and great economy in personnel and In the first named system the individual telephone chan.
transportation. The importance of these characteristics to nels modulate frequencies which are then combined intO
present-day Military Communications Systems was at once the transmitted frequency. At the receiving end a reverse
evident during the operations of \Vorld \Var 11 previously process is utilized to regain the transmitted intelligence. In
described, but the advantage of radio relay over equivalent the time division system, each telephone channel is placed
wire circuits is perhaps best shown by figures: "on the air" in succession for only a small fraction of a
Material for a 100-mile wire line using four-wire, Spiral- second at a time, but so many times a second that the eall
4, cable weigl1s 94 sI1ip-tolls. Radio Relay equipment for does not detect the hoax. Consequently each message goes
the same distance weighs only 25 ship-tons, allowing for a through as though constantly being transmitted althougl
relay point every 25 miles. The construction of the wire actually sharing time with other messages. The genera
lP01tld take f01lr battalions 18,200 man-days; the equivalent method used for time division systems is referred to as puis
radio relay installations, set lip and placed in operation, re- modulation. Three common methods of pulse moc\ulatio
utilize yariation of the pulse amplitude, position, or width. which are a direct result of this fading phenomena.
By using this equipment the radio becomes truly inte-
grated with the wire system and can be used to replace the
cable and repeaters between two terminals in whole or in \ Vith increasing emphasis on national economy in the
;part, without the subscriber knowing the difference. future, the military development agencies will call to a con-
siderable extent on the commercial operating companies to
( PROPAGATION EXPERIENCES assist in advancing the art of radio relay communications
The Signal Corps early realized that before a microwave to insure this country's leadership in this field just as it has
~radio relay system could be put to extensive tactical use, been maintained in the field of wire communications. The
experience was necessary in order to be able to predict with future seems secure in this respect, for a number of the
Jny degree of assurance the reliability of these signals major companies have announced exte~sive programs and
over various paths. Information on the subject was very have already made substantial progress in placing in opera-
eager. Radar reports had been received from the Pacific tion part of their projected plans. The \Vestern Union T ele-
~reas about frequent radar detections at ranges far in ex- graph Company is now operating multi-channel telegraph
cess of usual distances. This phenomenon was termed (teletype) circuits over radio relay between New York and
anomalous propagation and was due to temperature inver- Philadelphia. They have announced plans to cover all the
~ions in the atmosphere. The result was that the microwaves major cities in the U. S. by this means.
reached far beyond the optical horizon. To determine some The Bell T elpehone System have announced plans for a
of these effects under actual operating conditions extensive radio svstem between New York and Boston and New
tests were carried out in California between June 1945 and York a~d Chicago. The system will be on a broad band
Februarv 1946. Badio relav circuits were established be- basis capable of relaying television programs or transmitting
tween tl1e Presidio, San F;ancisco and Catalina Island, a the multi-channel voice circuits which now are transmitted
distance of 439 miles, with 4 relav sites. over coaxial cable circuits. Here again the multiplexing is
At first during these tests it lo~ked as if microwaves for done in a manner to permit integration with the wire equip-
radio relay service were not feasible because the circuits ment.
1 were disrupted by frequent deep fades, with the higher It appears that future developments of microwave radio
\ frequencies giving the most trouble .. relay will emphasize the use of broad band methods to ef-
~ Over-water paths and partial-water-and-land paths were fect complete integration with wire line facilities.
I particularly troublesome. Over some paths the fades were 1\ luch progress needs to be made in providing unattended
, frequent, short and deep, others occurred at intervals and relay stations in much the same manner as present repeater
were so deep as to leave no trace of a signal, over still other stations in long line cable circuits. This will result in great
paths steady signals were maintained for several hours. economy in personnel, always of major importance in mili-
Investigation indicated that these fades were due princi- tary applications.
pally to the interference between those waves which Although the major peacetime effort in development and
travelled directly to the receiving antenna and those which operation of radio relay may be carried on by commercial
reached it by another path in which the waves were re- organizations, military agencies will remain active in this
Oected from the surface of the ground or water. The best field through training in schools and maneuvers in the use

1 solution was found to be the use of two receiving antennas

• separated vertically. It was observed that signal strength
of present standard equipment. The Army Communication
Service has operated an experimental radio relay circuit
variation requiring the use of such "diversity reception" between the Pentagon Building, \Vashington and Head-
\ was always associated with the presence of temperature quarters, Army Ground Forces at Fort Monroe, Virginia
1 inversion. This temperature inversion was generally char- to assist in determining future requirement of the military
I acterized by a visible, flat top separation between the lower services.
smoke haze layer and the clear upper air and occurred be- The Alaskan Communication Service which is a re-
tween 500 feet and 2000 feet or higher. sponsibility of the Chief Signal Officer also plans to im-
Subsequent tests by commercial companies have given prove communications in Alaska by the installation of mul-
similar experiences. It. may be expected that "diversity re- ti-channel radio relav circuits. In addition the militarv de-
i ception" of the type referred to or other yet to be developed velopment laboratories all have developments of ne\; and
means will be standard practice on microwave radio relay improved multi-channel radio relay sets on their programs
,I circuits of the future in order to O\'ercome signal variations to meet future tactical requirements.
The National Security Act's Effect On AAA-
\ Vith the swearing in of James Forrestal as the Nation's Should the trend of battle change, however, and the AGF
first Secretary of Defense, the Armed Forces of the United commander feel that his need for the loaned units is greateJ
States were 'formallv unified with the Armv, Nan', and than that of the AAF, he can recall his units by giving the
Air Force as co-equ'al members of the National 1\iilitary AAF commander appropriate notice.
Establishment. The agreement is so drawn that it permits decisions as to
As a result. provisions of the National Security Act of the utilization of the antiaircraft units to be determined b\
1947 became effecti,'e at midnight on 17 September, at the local AAF and AGF commanders, since the utilizatio~
which time the National Military Establishment came into would not be the same throughout the country. ~
being with three Departments and five separate agencies, Both the AAF and AGF have divided the country into
all under coordinated and unified direction. six corresponding defense sectors. Each of the six a~eas is
The following provisions of the National Security Act of defended by a numbered air force and a numbered Armv:
1947 pertaining to the CAC became effective immediately: the New York, New Jersey, New England Area, cO\'er~d
by the First Air Force and the First Army; the Middle East-
6. Responsibility for Antiaircraft Artillery; No Change ern Area by the Eleventh Air Force and the Second Arm)~
in Present Agreements \Vhich Are:-a. The U. S. Army is the Southeastern Area by the Fourteenth Air Force and
responsible for the activation, training and control of all the Third Army; the Southwestern Area, consisting of
antiaircraft artillery units and indi,'iduals assigned thereto, Texas and its bordering states, by the Tenth Air Force and
except as provided in paragraphs band c below. the Fourth Army; the Midwestern Area, by the Second Air
b. The U. S. Air Force will train and control all anti- Force and the Fifth Army; and the Far "'estern Area bv
aircraft artillery units and individuals assigned or attached the Fourth Air Force and the Sixth Armv, The air forc~s
for air defense purposes. are under the AAF's Air Defense Comm~nd.
c. The U. S. Army will provide sufficient antiaircraft The joint AAF-AGF agreement will be in effect until the
artillery units and personnel to accomplish the antiaircraft Secretary of Defense appoints an over-all defense com-
artillery requirements of air defense to the U. S. Air Force; mander for the continental United States.
and further, provide sufficient antiaircraft units and per- Text of the joint agreement follows:
sonnel for integrated air defense training.
7. Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery in the Zone of 1. This agreement pertains to the employment of Army
Interior-It is agreed that this joint agreement signed by Ground Forces and antiaircraft units in the defense of the
General Spaatz and General Devers should continue for Zone of the Interior, prior to the designation of an over-all
the present. defense commander for the continental United States.
An explanation of that agreement and its text follows: 2. The following will govern when antiaircraft artillery
units assigned to elements of the Army Ground Forces are
The joint agreement was drawn up to provide a clear utilized in the air defense of the Zone of the Interior.
definition of authority and to eliminate indecision in the a. The Air Defense Command will normally establish
utilization of antiaircraft. Certain antiaircraft units are as- communications to Armv Ground Forces MOR's (antiair-
signed to the AAF for aerial defense, while others are as- craft operations rooms).'
signed to the AGF for field use. The agreement will prevent b. Army Ground Forces units participating in the air de-
anv confusion between AAF and AGF commanders on the fense of the Zone of the Interior will be subject to standing
us~ of antiaircraft units in an emergency, and provide a operating instructions prescribed by the Air Defense Com-:
standard basis for their use throughout the country's six mand for assignment of targets, opening and ceasing fire,
defense areas. conditions of alert and minimum manning requirement.
The new agreement provides for the use of antiaircraft c. Army commanders will be responsible for Army
units where they are most needed. Should an AAF com- Ground Forces antiaircraft units under their command
mander decide that his AAF-assigned antiaircraft units are being familiar with standing operating instructions of the
insufficient to ward off an air attack on his sector, he would Air Defense Command to the extent that such units will be I
call upon the AGF commander in that sector to "lend" prepared to participate at any time in the air defense of the
enough units to carry out the air defense mission. These Zone of the Interior. . I
borrowed units, though AGF units, would then be under d. The extent of participation and the areas to be de-!
direct control of the AAF commander. The fire of the units fended by Army Ground Forces antiaircraft units will
would be directed from an AAF control center, in coordina- normally be determined by joint agreement between Army (
tion with fighter plane control, although the actual directing commanders and corresponding Air Defense commanders,/
officer would be a Ground Force officer familiar with the e. Army Ground Forces antiaircraft units participating
operation of an antiaircraft unit. It would be the responsi- in the air defense of the Zone of the Interior will remain I
bility of the AAF to establish communications with its under the command of appropriate Army Ground Force
borrowed units. commanders except as specified under b above.
By Norman A. Abbott

Everyone is generally familiar with one or more of those hum of the generators and an occasional brief order from
l:onstantly recurring stories which pop up from time to the crew chief. The silence is broken bv the hoarse bello\\'-
rime in a continually changing guise and which purport to ing- from a loudspeaker. Then a rising murmur-Failure.
be fact but which upon further im'estigation are usually an The spectators include representatives of the Coast Artil-
odd mixture of fact and fancy. One such canard is that of lery Board, the Signal Corps, and a special group of about
the girl whose husband havi~g just passed away arranges 15 Army Air Forces officers. The loudspeaker has just an-
for his cremation by a funeral director. After the ceremony nounced that the pilot of the aircraft which was to have
~he receives an urn purporting to contain the ashes of the been detected announces that he is directly over the radar
~deardeparted. \\Talking along a street a few days later she position. The nightmare of every equipment demonstrator
observes a suit in a secondhand clothing store window has come true-what a time for failure!
which appears to be very similar to the one worn by her The invited guests begin to show some signs of im-
husband upon his death. Feminine curiosity being what it patience. After all hadn't they known all along that such
is. she enters the store, inspects the suit and finds a stain of things weren't practicable? But where is the sound of the
the same type and in exactly the same spot as her husband's airplane's engines? Just then one of the operators steps up
suit had. Further inspection convinces her it is the same to the officer-in-charge and reports "Sir, our indicators have
suit that was supposedly burned at the time of cremation. picked up an airplane, but he's 20 miles out to sea." A few
Being very disturbed, naturally, she reports the matter to hurried radio calls are put in, and a red faced pilot confirms
the police who investigate and learn that the funeral di- that he has been misled by clouds and mist and a strong
\rector has been conducting a side li~e business of supply- seaward wind and now finds himself actually over the
ing cadavers to a nearby institution lor use by medical stu- ocean-and will someone please tell him which way to go
dents. And here the story usually ends. Sometimes the to get home! \\lith instructions received from the operators
young wife is a daughter or mother, the country may of the radar set, the pilot is brought back to his course-and
change to France or Hungary, the medical institution to a the day is saved.
quack doctor or skeleton merchant, but basically the story Not only has radar been proved practicable, but certain
remains the same. officers with somewhat more vision than others initiate ac-
Radar is now old enough so that it too has its tale; one tion, and another set of military characteristics for a long
which recurs with new equipment in the hero's role, in range radar for use by the Army Air Corps is processed
a new location, and with a new set of circumstances, but through the Signal Corps Technical Committee.
when the stories are inspected they bear a peculiar resem- The Tale is Confirmed by the SCR-27/
blance to each other. It is not the writer's intention to claim
that these stories are anything but "gospel truth," and they Our next encounter with the Radar Story takes place in
undoubtedly do contain much of the truth. However, they Panama, where both the weather and the tale get hotter.
are presented here for such educational benefits as they This time the hero of our story is the Radar Set SCR-271.
may be worth. The first installation of this long'range early warning radar
set, a Signal Corps laboratories built job, has been com-
He Originator of the Story-The SCR-268 pleted and is intended to provide protective cover for the
The service test model of the Radar Set SCR-268-Tl, approaches to the Panama Canal. But of course it's only a
the Army's first trial of the miracle of radar, was operating at newfangled gadget; just one of those things the long
the Coast Artillery Board. Some promising results were be- haired boys think up to put more wrinkles and gray hairs
ing obtained with the newest product of scientific ingenuity, on commanding officers. The opinion of the local bigwigs
and in the spirit of friendly esprit de corps which pervades on this toy isn't much higher than can be expected under
such agencies, the Army Air Corps group at nearby Langley the circumstances. After all, even the name radar has not
Field has been invited to witness the new device in opera- yet been adopted-and, besides, what's in a name?
tion. But in 1938 it is well known that such equipment is So just to prove the thing isn't worth the money and
not practicable for military purposes. For the laboratory or personnel being expended to keep this boondoggle in opera-
a school, maybe yes, but for the requirements of the field, of tion, the C. O. decides to pull a surprise raid, in his own
Course not. However, sometimes movies get dull and a private airplane, following his own personally selected
"night out" won't do any harm, so the invitation is accepted. route. And to be sure that no one has an opportunity to
0Jow darkness has fallen on a somewhat cloudv winter "squeal" he takes no one into his confidence, and even the
day in 1938 and the operation has begun. The' hushed pilot doesn't know where they are going until they've left
group is gathered about the mysterious collection of appa- the field, and he is then given directions piecemeal.
ratus in the foreground. Nothing can be heard but the However, even though the United States is not at war,
l~ 'lH£ C'OAS-l'MrI1LLERY JOURi~AL Septemher-Ocwher
the Panama Canal Zone is such a vital area that instructions out success. Will the MEW please try and see if they have
covering protection against unknown or suspicious targets any luck? The crew sets to work with a will, for not onlv
have been issued. The radar men are operating their equip- are they anxious to help find a lost plane, but this may e\'e~
ment in a manner that has now become almost routine, be the golden opportunity to prove the worth ef the new
checking off all targets against advance information sup: gear. The suspected areas are swept, but no target appears.
plied through channels. But suddenly a pip appears on the Then, the chief directs a full search and almost instanth"
scope 'where no target is supposed to be. What is this, has from a region far beyond where the plane should logicali)
something gone wrong with the apparatus? But, no, a few be, an echo appears. Data on this plot is immediately con-
hurried checks and the radar is determined to be in good veyed to the control central and airdrome. A check show~
operating condition. The course of the unknown target is that this target can only be the lost plane! Instructions arE
plotted and is seen to be approaching the canal area in a radioed to the pilot who takes the action directed. Ached
suspicious manner. The control center is advised and given on the indicators confirms the fact that this is indeed thE
full data on the mysterious approaching aircraft. lost plane.
In the Commanding Officers plane all is quiet. The The rest is, of course, well known. The pilot reaches the
Commanding Officer is snickering to himself, thinking up airport safely and the reputation of the MEW is assured. It
the scorching phrases with which he'll comment on the is cut into the regular information center where it outplots
futility of this new foolishness with which the big brass has the older sets by a wide margin, and then goes on to fight,
directed him to work. But suddenly the pilot calls out-"Sir, in both the European and Pacific theaters under the name
unless you know where we are we're lost. This fog has got AN jCPS-l.
me bamed." The Commanding Officer awakens from his T T I I h
reverie and looks out the window to see nothing but fog. he ale is Ful y Estab is ed by the AN jCPS-l
There's only one thing left to do and the Commanding Of- Our by now slightly familiar pattern this time changes
hcer does it. A radio request for aid is sent to the base. Thisits locale, although the equipment is familiar. The ME\V,
call is associated with the unknown target reported by the now renamed Radar Set AN jCPS-I, has been shipped to
SCR-271 and directions are issued to the pilot to change England in anticipation of use in connection with the forth-
course in a prescribed manner. This change is checked with coming invasion of the_Continent. The time is the spring of
the radar set and the plane identified. Then instructions 1944. The location is the Coast of England.
enabling the plane's return to base are issued. The ANjCPS-I has been given authorization to go on
A less skeptical officerreturns to his officewith a new ap- the air but it has not yet been tied in to the information
preciation of the "newfangled gadget." From then on, life centers. After all it's just some more of that silly stuff the
for the radar men is more pleasant and their task consider- Americans are always trying to grandstand with. And
ably simplified. haven't the British sets been doing good enough for the past
5 years-who won the Battle of Britain anyhow?
The Story grows with the MEW However, there carne the fateful day-as it must to all the
The scene shifts to Florida where the new Radiation sets cited in these stories-and Radar Set AN jCPS-I, the
Laboratories built MEW (microwave early warning) radar newcomer on the English landscape, is performing under
set has been installed for initial tests by the Army Ground its routine of operation. A target is picked up near Angers,
Forces Board. Again we have a new equipment, this time France, and a track is made. There seems to be a number of
it is the hrst 10 cm. radar set intended for long range search planes in this group. It heads into the Bay of Biscay. Hmm
and early warning against aircraft and has been prepared as -must be an enemy raid planning on a wide end run up
a replacement for the SCR-270j271 series. A previous 10 from the South.
em. set sent to this area for tests has performed unsatisfac- About this time the air-sea rescue channel becomes ac-
torily. The longer wave SCR-270j271 and SCR-588 have tive. A distress call is being received. Some planes returning
been performing satisfactorily-so why does Headquarters from a raid and bearing battle damage are in trouble. Di-
insist on wasting time with stuff .we know won't do the rection finder bearings are passed to the ANjCPS-l with a
job? Look at that antenna-why at 10 cm. the beam will request for assistance. The crew chief, only too happy to
only be about 1 wide and how can you possibly detect an find his set being put to operational use at last, confirms the

airplane at any decent range with only a 1 beam? And be- flight, checks, and identifies it as friendly. This information

sides, everyone knows that such short ,vave lengths are re- from the AN /CPS-I is passed on to the Sector Controller
fleeted by clouds and rain and nothing will be detected in who sends two aircraft out to meet the squadron of B-ITs
this Florida summer weather. But orders is orders, so the and guide them safely to airdromes in England.
set is installed and testing begins. Surprisingly enough, not And of course we are now familiar with the superb per-
only does the set detect aircraft, but it even detects them formance of the ANjCPS-l in combat thereafter.
when fog and rain are present. Characteristically, the Radar Story does not appear to be
Then comes the test that hnallv convinces the "Oh veah" limited to land based radar sets. For example there was the
boys. One day a call is received ~t the MEW station' from time that a group of aircraft \vith the new centimeter air-
the airport. An expected plane has radioed in that it has borne radar surface search sets were being flown to Eng-
been caught in one of the sudden storms that take place land. The previous type equipments used for this purpose
along the Florida coast in the summer and is now lost above had been the more cumbersome, less accurate long-wave
the ocean, and urgently requesting help. The "standard" radar. On this flight, certainly of a routine nature since its
equipments have been trying to locate the plane but with- purpose was simply to deliver equipment, the events trans.

pired again. A downed airplane was spotted by the radar under conditions of "trial and tribulation" have an uncanny
operator, and after a confirmatory check a friendly destroyer knack of causing aircraft to get lost, or perhaps it should be
was guided to the spot-and another rescue chalked up to a said of finding strayed aircraft which normally don't do
new radar. such things-or perhaps it's just the Gremlins at work again.
As stated earlier in this article, the writer does not vouch If any readers of this tale have run across some other ver-
for the amount of fact or fancy involved in the cited versions sions of The Radar Story, the writer would appreciate re-
of the Radar Story. It is known that some parts are true, and ceiving a note of their experience, through the editor of
others are, let us say, not verified. Undoubtedly some of the this Journal. If practicable, it is requested that an estimate
events have become slightly distorted in the telling. The of the percentages of truth and "assumption" be furnished
moral of the story seems to be that new radar sets operating with the story.

A Simplified System For Field Artillery

Employment Of A 90mm AAA
Gun Battalion
By lieutenant Colonel J. M. Culverwell, CA-Reserve

In the employment of 90mm AA gun batteries as field by using the standard grid target location system, and when
artillery, the first determinations required by necessity all are on, the reference battery will then announce num-
and standard practice are orientation and position. Field bered times at which all batteries will make simultaneous
artillery units to which the 90mm guns are generally at- recordings of its azimuth from them, its angular height, and
tached for field artillery firing require, as with their own its altitude.
units, that this be done by standard survey. However, a The survey party will by this time have run in the refer-
method whereby this survey may be accomplished in a ence battery, and will furnish it the coordinates of its
shorter time and with the same degree of accuracy obtained radar, and if it has not been able to determine its exact grid
by the survey party, using the radar, is outlined herein. azimuth, then furnish that also. If necessary, the reference
It is presumed first that maps are available, and that azimuth will then be altered, and the battery then re-
each unit position may be estimated to within a 1,000 oriented upon this, and the change noted. The reference
meter square, although with good maps, this initial estimate battery will then compute the correct balloon coordinates
may in fact be much doser than this. Each battery is also at the various times when simultaneous readings were
oriented as soon as possible after setting-down, in the taken. It is now ready to: 1) orient the other batteries by
usual manner, either by celestial observation if possible, or simultaneous observations of a heavenly body, and 2) fur-
by map, or by compass, or in whatever manner is standard nish them the balloon coordinates at the various numbered
in substitute for a celestial observation. Each battery now times. All this can be done by radio, even in the clear if
has a reference zero azimuth, and it should not be changed necessary, as no position data is being disclosed. The other
again except to bring it to correct grid azimuth by the vari- batteries, after correcting their azimuths if necessary, will
ous methods possible. then correct their azimuth readings on the balloon, and cal-
During this period of initial set-up, the survey party will culate their position from it; then combine this distance
start to run in the battery nearest to a field artillery refer- with the balloon coordinates as furnished, and have their
ence point in the manner of a standard survey in order to own coordinates. As all computations should agree, three
determine the coordinates of, and a grid azimuth for the or four should suffice to give a check on the calculations.
radar of this reference battery. The latter meanwhile will This system has several advantages: 1) The survey party
have oriented itself as accu'rately as possible under the need run-in only one battery; 2) The time saved in this
circumstances, just as the other batteries, and will, as soon shorter survey; 3) All batteries are quickly oriented upon
as this is done, and the.other batteries are similarly oriented, a common, correct azimuth; 4) Positions are quickly and
and in radio contact, make a meteorological balloon ascen- accurately determined a few hours after occupation of po-
sion. \Vhen the balloon is at a reasonable height, it will sitions, and 5) All this can be accomplished simultaneously
assist the other batteries to get their radars on the balloon with the first met message determination.
By lieutenant lawrence Sanders

There is a mail call, the last one, just before the final demolitions. Hazily he sees the Intelligence man point out
briefing. Hanscom receives three letters: two from his features on a scale model of the island.
mother, one from Veda. But his mind is 6,000 miles away, just floating. His mind
He si'ts dovl'll on deck in the shadow of a hatch cover. is on Veda, his love of Veda, his dreams of Veda. Then his
He takes off his sun glasses, lights a cigarette, opens Veda's dreams, his hopes, his love; all are gone. There is nothing
letter. left. There is a blank.
"An y questIOns,gent
. Iemenr"'"
"Dear Bob, Captain Harvey asks about Nip boat guns again. The
"This is the hardest letter I've ever had to write, but I Colonel explains. Lieutenant Everett asks about water
do want to be honest with you. I've met .... " again. The men sitting around the wardroom laugh, but
again the Colonel explains about \vater, food, and ciga-
That's all he reads. He refolds the letter carefully, puts rettes.
it inside his shirt. He stares out at the Pacific sunset. "That all?" the Colonel asks. "\Vell then, good luck
The purple sun is dipping into the sea. It inks the sea in to all of you. See you on the beach."
glowing colors. The sea shines, sparkles, in the glow of the Hanscom moves without thought, without motive. Hans-
setting sun. com is a wooden man, a mechanical man. Someone has
"H ey, Bo.b" wound him up, set him going. He moves through his
He looks up. Everett is smiling down at him. duties, not thinking, not feeling.
ets go, verett says. "w'ere Iate now. Hear f rom He inspects his platoon again. He oils his carbine
home?" again. He leaves a letter to his mother with the transport
"Yes,"H anscom n od s. "I got tree
hI" etters. chaplain.
"I got five," Everett says. "All from the wife. Look He can't think of the island, the boats, the waiting beach.
here." He shows Hanscom a snapshot as they go below. There is this misery, this blank, this nothingness.
"The girl's three, and the boy's one," Everett says. "I
Until finally, awake and sweating in his bunk, waiting
haven't seen the boy yet. Big, isn't he? Don't you think
for the long night hours to melt a\vay, waiting for the black
he's big for his age?"
night hours to fade away, all he thinks is this: might as well
"Sure is."
die. Sure. Why not? Might as well. Sure. What the hell.
"How are things with you?"
"F'me, " Hanscom says. "Everyth"mg s fine. " The first two waves get off on time. Hanscom stands at
"How's the gal? What's her name-Veda? Still love his station, checks off the personnel in his boat. He doesn't
feel the blast of Navy guns. He dOesn't hear the planes nor
, "Guess so." see the hurtling bombs.
"vVaiting for those 'wedding bells, huh? Well, there's No,\, his world is his boat, his little map, his section of
nothing like it. I really go for married life. I'd like to go sand and coral.
for some right now. Bob, you marry that girl as soon as you Captain Harvey comes down the boat deck, pulls him
can. You write-" aside.
"Will you shut up?" Hanscom cries. "Please. Shut up, "Bob, something's gone wrong," Captain Harvey says
will vou?" "The boats can't get all the \,\'ayin. VVe'llhave to wade in
E;erett blushes. "I'm sorry, Bob. Did I say something from the reef."
wrong.Y' "What? What?"
"Oh hell, Eddie, it's not vour fault. I got one of those "Yes, from the reef. The boats can't get over. They'I
G.I. letters. You knm,\'-'This is the hardest letter I've dump us on the reef. VVemust wade in. We think it's n01
ever had to write.' " over five feet deep."
"Oh mv God. Bob, I'm sorrv." "All right."
"What'the hell. It's not i~portant. I got other things "Sorry, Bo.b"
to wom' about." "\iVade in from the reef." NO\\, Hanscom is frightened
But ~ll through the briefing he thinks about the letter; The words strike into his heart like a twisted knife. "\iVadf
he thinks about Veda. in from the reef." The double-e sound of "reef" pierces hi!
Dimly he hears the Colonel talk of the latest aerial recon. heart, a dagger of fear.
Vaguely he hears the Navy man explain about underwater "Reef" sounds like grief, beach, steel, meat, heat: al
1947 THE G.!. LETTER 21
ugly words to him. frightening \yords. They race through Hanscom looks to his left. He sees Eddie Everett come
his mind, jumbled, echoing. in with his demolition team. They set up their pennants.
"All right," he says to his men. "\\le must wade in from Hanscom catches his breath, turns to his own men.
the reef." "Am'one
• see Bartolo?" he shouts above the firino.n
The\' look at. him. "Dead."
"Snookered," DuBois says. "DeVrees?"
"Veda, Veda, Veda," the big shells murmur, whirring "Drowned."
o\'erhead. "Veda, Veda, Veda," the whirring boat engine "1\lcSwalev?"
murmurs. "Veda, Veda, Veda," the Nip slugs murmur, "Out on the reef. His eves. I think the. coxswain took
whirrinon across the waves. him back."
Hanscom's boat circles, jockeys into the wave, gets the "All right. Okay." Hanscom takes another look around
from the Control Boat, heads for the reef. Hanscom the crowded beach. An outfit on his right has a radio set
waits for someone to sa\', "This is it." up and working. Hanscom peeks cautiously around the
"This is it," Ryan says. "This sure i~ it." wrecked barge.
"Drake, you lead off," Hanscom shouts. He looks over at Everett aoain.n Eddie is h'.ino
_ t> on the
Drake looks back at him, nods. sand, his arms crossed over his helmet. Hanscom grips his
t "Say one for me," Petersen yells at Vanelli. Vanelli is carbine.
Yfingering his St. Christopher l\'ledal. The Lester boys "Fiftv yards to the sea wall," he shouts. "One at a time."
shake hands. Han~c~m darts out, hearing the whir of bullets, "Veda,
The morning sky is blooming with white shell bursts. Veda, Veda." I-Ie runs, trips over a body, falls, rolls, re-
The blue morning sky is torn with steel. The clear mom- gains his feet, zigzags. He hurls himself behind the sea
ling sky is shredded by the singing steel. wall, a mound of sand between palm log barricades.
~ "Get set," Hanscom screams. He lies on his side, signals back toward his men.
, The boat grounds on the reef. A corporal lies fifty feet away, wrapping a shirt around
"This is as far as we can go," the apple-cheeked coxswain a mangled ann. 'Tell them to walk their barrage in," he
I shouts. "1'm sorry. " screams at Hanscom. "They!re killing us."
I He's sorry, Hanscom thinks. He's sorry, the Captain's 1 could send a telegram, Hanscom thinks wildly. I
~sorr\',everyone's so damned nice and sorry about it. could write a letter. "This is the hardest .. ."
Holding his M lover his head, Drake' wade.s toward the Drake comes darting up. One by one, the men dash up
beach. The other men follow him out quickly.
Hanscom takes one last look around. He sees the Cap-
to the sea wall. Hanscom checks them off as the" come.
He holds his breath. 1\llakeit, he wills. All of you, ~ake it.
tain's boat receive a direct hit. The limp bodies go pin- Petersen, the last man, starts his run. Hanscom re-
wheeling up, black against the sky. laxes. They're safe; they all made it. Then Petersen
Then Hanscom is in the water, wading toward the smoky slumps to his knees in a splatter of red.
i beach. He holds his carbine over his head with one hand. ''I'm dead," he cries out to them. And he falls forward.
: He reaches for Hamilton, floating face down. I-Ie tries to And he is.
tug Hamilton along, drops him when he sees Hamilton has Beyond the sea wall is a stretch of open sand raked by
I no face. pillboxes to the left and right. The first two waves, a few
He looks down at the reddened sea. The surface is of them, have crossed this open ground and lived. They
I puckered with the singing steel. Might as well, he thinks. are up to the antitank ditch at the edge of the airfield.
I Sure. \Vhy not. Might as well die. Everett's demo team engages the left pillbOx._ Far down
~ Equipment floats by: an empty ammo case, a bundle of on the right, at a break in the reef, a tank waddles off an
I rations, a demo kit, a few soaked letters. alligator, comes clanking down toward the right pillbox, its
He wonders if the letters begin, "This is the hardest letter SHen screammg.
I've ever .. ." Hanscom waits till both pillboxes are engaged. He sees
Suddenly this thought: hundreds of letters, big, little, one of Everett's flamethrowers get the range. Burning
pink, hlue, typed, scented, all the letters in the Pacific Nips spill out a back entrance, cartridges popping in their
I starting the same way: this thought makes him howl with belts.
laughter. He roars with laughter, chokes, gurgles, as the "Up and over," someone screams down to their left. The
I sea slaps up into his face. cry repeats on down the sea wall in wild echos. "Up and
I Ryan looks back, puzzled. "You all right?" over. Up and over."
I Hanscom nods, plunges ahead. "All right," Hanscom yells. "A hundred yards to the
I Drake hits the beach. He darts up behind a wrecked airfield."
Nip landing barge. He crouches, waves the others in. He staggers over the sea wall, the sun blinding in his
The Lester boys make it. Vanelli makes it. Cheever is face. Something plucks at his shoulder. Something twangs
down, his agonized hands clutching the wet sand. off his helmet. He drives on, crouching. His men follow
Kelley makes it. Armstrong is down, legless. Ryan him up and over.
makes it. Petersen makes it. Shirmer is down, bobbing He crawls, creeps, dashes, flops on his face. He fires two
on the gentle swell. Brown makes it. DuBois makes it. shots, his first, at figures scrambling from the right pillbox.
Finallv, Hanscom makes it, huddles next to Drake, sobs for Then he's up, running, ducking. He throws himself
breath. into the antitank ditch at the airfield's edge. His men pile
in after him. He spreads them out; they bunch up again. "Able Company? \\'hat about E,'erett? \\'hat about d
They stick together. Andrews?"
A man is lying near the top of the bank. a riHe poked "Andrews is dead. Eyerett is-well, the Colonel wants 1
over the crest. Drake and Hanscom crawl up alongside of ,'ou to take it." :
him .. "Listen, l\lajor," Hanscom says. "You know I don't no,
"Is this the perimeter?" Hanscom shouts. "\ Vhat outnt ure to last out the nioht.
o And if I 0oet throuoh
tonight )01
are you? \Vho's ahead? Is this the perimeter?" He reaches sure won't last tomorrow."
out to grasp the man's leg, pulls back when he sees the neat "You take it anyway. There's no one else."
holes drilled through the helmet. "Are they all up?" Hanscom asks him.
There are letters scattered about. More letters. The l\lajor waves vaguely toward the right and left.
'This is as far as we 00," Hanscom says to Drake. "\Ve'll 'They're all on line," he says. "\\1hat's left. You'll oe~
hold it here till more ta~ks get in. Spre~d them out. Send more'Brownings by dawn." . 0 r
someone back. Someone's 20t to make the beach and find "All right," Hanscom says. "How \\'e doino on the
~ b I"''' 0
the Captain. No, the Captain's dead. Find the CPo Find eac lr .
Everett. Find someone and tell them where we are. \Ve're "\'Ve're doing okay," the Major says. "vVe've committedl
up to the airfield. Tell them, for God's sake. walk their our reserves. I think we'll stick. \"hen you get those,
barrage up; their shorts are killing us. Someone's got to Brownings, put one back on the sea wall in that mess of~
go back." palm logs."
"I'll go back," Drake says. "Don't tell me where to place mv ouns," Hanscom savs'l'
Hanscom touches his shoulder. "Drake," he says. "Lis- "I know what to do with them." • 0 ,

ten ... ," The Major is silent a moment. TIley both duck when a I
Drake smiles at him, crawls away. flare splits the night with a blue-white glare. Then the \
They stay in their ditch for th; rest of the afternoon. Major reaches out, grips Hanscom's arm .• '
It is bad, as bad as it can be. They hurl back three Banzai "All right," he says gently. "They're your guns. This is (
charoes. Brown is killed. Kellev is killed. Both Lester your company. Do what you think best."
boys~1re wounded, but not seriously. The Major spits' out his-cigar, crawls away into the I
The Navy shells whir over them, "Veda, Veda, Veda," darkness. Hanscom goes down the ditch to his left Hank. I
hammering ~t the hangars on the other side of the field. He finds Everett's sergeant. The sergeant doesn't know ~
Planes snap at each other ov.erhead, A Hellcat smacks where Everett is. The sergeant doesn't care ... ,
into the field directly in front of them, spraying their ditch Hanscom crawls back to the sea wall, Hopping when Hares
with burning gasoline. The pilot sways downward slowly, crack the night with light.
strapped dead in his parachute. He finds Everett. Everett is crouching in a crater, his
teeth chattering. Everett is fixin2 short bits of fuse to TNT
At 1300 Sergeant Nuska brings up the rest 0 f the pla- blocks. ~
toon. Sergeant Nuska, holding his broken right arm in" b
Listen, Bo , this is bad," Everett chatters. "Oh, God,
his left hand, brings up the rest of the men, sets them along h b
the ditch. t is is ad. I'm not going to make this one, Bob." ,
All afternoon, Nuska and Hanscom play their men like h
"You'll make it," Hanscom sa)'s. "You're all right. Eddie, I
chesspieces, shifting them along the trench, bunching them were are your boys?"
"lVlynumber's up," Everett says. "I won't leave this island I
up, spreading them out, putting them back, bringing t h em alive. I know it. I'm finished."
\iVhen the black tropical night comes down, sudden as a "Eddie, shouldn't you be up with your boys?"
"I want to live," Everett says. He starts weeping, the ~
ld I
curtain, they still ho the ittere d d h
itc. S I d d
tep lans is ea . Id
h tears s i ing off his dirty face, plopping onto the blocks of
Cucco is dead. Albans is d ea.d F ive woun d eave d strag- TNT. "I really do want to live. I don't want to die."
gled back to the beach. "I've got all ~A' Company now," Hanscom tells him.
Hanscom sends Nuska back. He sends back two men to BEd
ut verett oesn ' tear
h h im. He is wrapped in his own
bring up grenades. Then Hanscom takes off his helmet, grief. All he hears is the wind of fear rushing in from the
wipes his face, eats a sweat-soaked liverwurst sandwich and black sea. All he sees is the glare of fear when Hares shatter'
a chocolate bar melted to the wrapper. the black night.
A corporal finds him in the darkness, reports with two Hanscom crawls back to his men. He reallv does want to
light Brownings. Moving between Hares, Hanscom sets live, Hanscom thinks, waiting for dawn. Hi~ and his five
them out on his Hanks. letters. He wants to live.
Just before midnight, the Major slides down into the The sky lightens. The ships take up their fire again.
ditch, muttering the countersign over and over. An unlit The first dawn patrols wing over. The first Zero crashes
cigar is clenched between his teeth. He huddles close to into the lagoon in crimson Hames. The day is born. The
Hanscom. new day starts.
Hanscom points out his positions in the darkness. He Two' Hamethrowing tanks come up shortly before noon.
whispers his strength, his plans. The l\lajor grunts agree- They clank cautioush' in and out of the ditch. Thev clank
ment. slow!y across the airfield toward the crumbled hangars.
'The Colonel wants you to take over Able Company," Hanscom's men follow them out, hiding in their shad-
the l\lajor says. O\\'S. A Nip pops up, pulls back his arm to throw, goes
19-11 THE G.!. LETTER

down before the hail of lead from a dozen weapons. the beach. Hanscom talks to the l\lajor. The l\lajor tells
At the hangars, at the long connecting pillbox, the him to stay where he is; Dog Company of the 2d Battalion
tanks poke their snouts through casements, pour Hame and is moving up through him.
steel inside. Everett pokes a face twisted in despair around the cor-
Hanscom pulls a pin, holds the grenade longer than he ner of the tunnel, calls, "Hanscom, Hanscom. Please."
should, throws, goes in fast on top of the blast. He stands Everett is leaning against a wall, holding a big chunk of
braced, firing at dusty figures stumbling about in the concrete in his arms. It has bent steel reinforcino rods stick-
wreckage. ing out of it. Everett can hardly hold it. 0

Then Rvan is at his elbow, sweeping his Thompson back Everett's eves are blank. Saliva dribbles down his dirty
i and fortb .. The ejected shells twang off Hanscom's helmet. chin. He h;s lost his helmet. His hair is bloodv and
"On the rioht,"
he shrieks at Rvan, •
but one of the matted ..
wounded Lester boys comes hurtling through a breach in "Listen, Bob," he says hoarsely. "Smash this on my foot.
I the wall, clubs down a saber-swinging Jap officer with a They're Hying the wounded out of here this afternoon. Do
~pistol butt. this for me. I'm serious about this. I really mean this."
! Hanscom's men pour in through windows, shattered Hanscom takes him by the shoulders, sl1akes him back
i doorways. There are moments of pure chaos, noise, blast- and forth.
~ing, Hame, whining of bullets pinging off wreckage. "Eddie, Eddie," he savs. "Are yOUcrazy? Think a min-
Tank gunners stand up in their turrets, firing hand ute. Think what you're'doing." • ,
. weapons. A machine-gun crew comes up at a run, goes ."Drop it on my foot,", Everett mutters. "They'll fly me
into action, the gun firing before it's fixed on the tripod. off. Bob, please, I haven t seen my boy. I haven't seen him
"A field day," Ryan shouts exultantly, reloading his yet. Please, Bob. I've got to get off this island. 1\1" num-
I weapon, moving after the scurrying enemy. ber's up. Bob, please. I've got to get off."..
~ The Nips scatter toward the jungle. Hanscom's men Everett starts crying again. Hanscom stands watching
! clear the hangars, shooting, blasting, clubbing, making sure .him helplessly. Then he is angered. He looks down at the
of the dead, making certain of their victory. bodies of Stough, of Shirek, of Betuel, of one of the tank
Everett's platoon sets up to cover the paths leading to men, blood bubbling from his leather helmet. Then he
the jungle, Men die badly. i\'len die well. 1\len die scream- is angered.
, ing, praying, weeping, coughing their lives up. "Do it yourself," Hanscom cries. "I don't care what you
'I It's a red haze for Hanscom. The haze chokes the air. do. I'm not going to do it for you. Get someone else to do
It's a bloody misery. The blood soaks the dust. it. I won't do it for you. I don't care how much you want
The hanoarsb
are taken, a life for each worthless room. to live. Get out of here. I don't care. Get back to the
The shattered rooms are taken. The bodies fall, freeze into beach. I don't care."
the shocking, awkward postures of the violently dead. Hanscom goes back to his CPo He starts writing a
They set out their defense. They put out their automatic report, drawing a crude little map of his position. Drake
weapons. They reload. They search their dead for water, comes in with some K ration. Hanscom eats a bar of
for ammunition, for food. something, a bar of some fudgy, dry, tasteless stuff.
They look at each other with bleak and frightened eyes. After a while Ryan comes in, slumps wearily against a
"Still alive?" Venelli speaks for all of them. "We're pile of masonry, lights his first cigarette in 48 hours. He
still alive?" sucks the smoke into his lungs.
Hanscom kneels a moment, rests his weight on his "Mr. Everett is hurt," Ryan says to Hanscom.
carbine. He coughs, coughs, coughs, in the grating dust. "\'7h
'\ at 's wrong Wit
. h h'Imr-'''
He swallows the last warm, bitter mouthful of water in his "Smashed foot."
canteen. Beneath the heel of his boot is a Japanese letter. "How did it happen?"
He unfolds it curiously, looks at the strange characters. "I don't know," Ryan says, looking at him. "I don't know
'This is the hardest letter ... " Is that what Japanese women anything about it."
"'rite? "All right," Hanscom says. "Get him on the first plane."
\Vithin fifteen minutes a Navv Corsair lands warily on "I took his pistol," Ryan says. "That all right?"
the pocked field. A bearded pilo~ steps out, grins at (hem "V I anscom n od S. "V
1 es, "LI k h'ISPIStO.
I ou ta'e . I"
as they come running up. He shakes hands all around, The plane comes in at 1600. Hanscom watches them
passes down a bottle of rum, a box of cigars. carry four wounded out across the field on pieces of plank-
"Some clam bake," he grins. "Got any message for the ing. Hanscom walks out to the plane. He looks down at
folks back home?" Everett. Everett looks at him. Everett turns his head
Hanscom gives the pilot a report of his situation, his awav.
need for water, ammunition, food, plasma. The pilot tells I-Ie watches Everett lifted into the plane. He watches
him Hiohts
will start in an hour to take off the serioush'• the plane taxi slowly down the field, avoiding the craters.
wounded. He watches the plane turn, come rushing down the field,
The plane guns off the field. Hanscom goes back to the lift into the air, climb, soar.
hangars, sets up his CP in a ruined corner of the connect- He looks up, sees the plane still climbing. He sees the
ing tunnel. plane heading out over the lagoon.
A man comes up with a walkie-talkie, gets through tG He sees the Zeros come down out of the sun. Black as

coffins, fast as death, the Zeros swoop down upon the plane . "I know about what •you mean," Steiner lauohs.
<:>. "Listen
He sees the far-off puffs of smoke. He hears the far-off Bob, I've been hearing stories about you. E\'eryone is talk.
chatter of the Zeros' guns. ing about you. Nice going."
The plane of wounded hesitates, falters, dives downward. "Sure."
Fast it plunges, faster, into the churning sea. It sinks im- 'The Colonel is tickled pink, I know," Steiner nods
mediately into the churning sea. "The whole beach is ringing with your exploits, as the"'
Hanscom stands watching, his mouth opened a little, a papers say."
hand half-raised in protest. "No doubt about it," Hanscom says. ''I'm a hero all
At 1700 Dog Company of the 2d Battalion begins mov- right." .
ing up through them into the bush. Lt. Steiner pauses a "\Vell, you'll get a medal out of it," Steiner tells him. e
momen: to give Hanscom a S\l'allow of fresh water from "I heard the l\lajor. You'll get one of the big medals. See~
his canteen. what you get for staying alive?' You try your damnest to I'\~
"How is it ahead?" he nods toward the jungle. keep alive, and that's what you get. They gi\'e you a medal II
"A picnic," Hanscom says. "It's all done up in a ribbon for wanting to live so much."
for you. You'll have a field day." "That 's ng
. ht, " H anscom says. Ie

Officers Pose Questions

The Future Of The CAC
\Ve are publishing here, our answers to a variety of
questions asked by Coast Artillerymen. \Ve feel that the
Yes. It is now provided for in the Infantry, Airborne and
Armored Divisions.
4. \Vhat will be the effect in the future of the merger of
questions are representative and hope that our answers
may help to allay the apprehension felt by so many of our the CAC and FA? Will an officer in the CAC have the same)
officers regarding their future in the Corps. opportunity for advancement and command as the FA
I. Am I likely to be assigned to the Seacoast Artillery for officer? I

mv entire career? Opportunities for advancement will be equal for all mem-l
'No. Upon the merger of the two artilleries all artillery of- bers of the Artillery.
ficers will be subject to assignment with any type of artil- 5. \Vill the future AAA be purely a defensive arm? Or I
lery materiel. Newly commissioned officers will be required will it be equipped with dual purpose weapons so that they I
to serve with different types of artillery. Many present com- can be used offensively when we have gained air superi-
pany grade officers will receive this diversified training and ority?
some officers of field grade. The future of the AAA will be both defensive and
2. \Vill the employment of the guided missile be defi- offensive. AAA units were extensively used on ground mis-
nitely assigned as a mission of the AAA?
The term "Artillery" should have been used in lieu of
"AAA." The responsibility for the operation of guided mis-
sions during this war and undoubtedly will be utilized i
more so in the future since they are now an organic part of
all types of divisions. Artillery officers assigned to AAA
siles has not been delegated to any particular service. The duties in the Zone of Interior may be shifted to ground sup- I

Ground Forces will undoubtedly employ surface to air and port artillery duties at any time.
surface to surface guided missiles. The Navy, in all proba- 6. \Vhat is the future of the AAA in reference to I
bility, will operate air to air and air to ground guided mis- rockets, guided missiles and radar? '
siles in addition to the two types employed by the Ground Here again, the term "Artillery" should have been used I
Forces. Likewise, the Air Forces will operate various types in lieu of "AAA". The primary weapons in the Artillery
of missiles not uncommon to those employed by the Navy will include guided missiles, which will embrace long I
and the Ground Forces. If the term "Artillerv" had been range and AA rockets, operated in conjunction with radar.j
used in the question, the answer probably is "yes." As in the past, all officers will be required to be familiar with
3. \Vill the Automatic \Veapons Battalion be organi- all primary weapons.
cally a part of the division? THE EDITOR.
Navigation By Electronics - Loran
By Lieutenant Colonel leonard M. Orman, CAC

LORAN, short for Long Range NaYigation, is a wartime Pacific, and the need for greater coverage increased, chains
electronic development which promises to be one of the were installed in Hawaii, the Phoenix. Caroline, 1\\arshall
most useful in peacetime. The system has marked advan- and Admiralty Islands and Australia. A chain was installed
)tagesover both radio direction finding equipment and celes- by the Air Fo"rcesfor the over-the-Hump route. The Bay of
tial navigation. Bengal was later coyered. By the end of the war approxi-
Shore-based stations send out pulses which when inter- mately one-quarter of the earth's surface had been included
cepted by Loran receivers enable an operator to determine in the coverage.
within two minutes his craft's geographical position on
l.oran charts. Unlike celestial navigation, no calculations Principle of Operation
~arenecessary. Fog and weather do not hamper Loran. The figure on this page illustrates electronic navigation
Extracts from actual operational reports testify in its of the Loran type. A receiver on the aircraft intercepts sig-
behalf: nals transmitted at precise intervals from a pair of fixed
"Loran positions obtained by airships were very accu- ground stations and accurately measures the difference in
rate. " the time of arrival of their signals. This measurement, in
I "During voyage Dutch Harbor to Attu, unit became whole numbers, is referred to a Loran chart showing
separated from convoy. No sights possible. Loran used and numbered lines of position. The numbered line corre-
later found correct." sponding to the measurement is the line of position the air-
"Loran is considered by this unit to be the outstanding craft is on at the instant the measurement was taken. Bv
single piece of equipment yet installed." obtaining time measurements from more than one pair df
"In attempting to hit small islands in the Pacific Loran ground stations two or more lines of position can be ob-
loroved invaluable."
tained. Their point of intersection de.termines the position
of the aircraft.
History Let's analyze the simplest possible case. Suppose we
Loran was developed by the Hadiation Laboratory at have two land based transmitting stations, A and B, lo-
~\assachusetts Institute of Technology. The first tests were cated several hundred miles apart and suppose these stations
sopromising that the Navy Department immediately made send out pulses simultaneously. If a ship or plane receives
arrangements to introduce the system into war service, and these two pulses simultaneously, it would be somewhere
to install the first stations as quickly as possible on the noith- on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining these two
! west Atlantic coast. A similar system was independently stations. Now suppose that the craft receives the pulses at
developed for shorter range work in England and called different instants but can measure the time difference. This
j'Gee." time difference can be translated into distance difference
It was needed most in 1942 to get convoys from the since the speed of propagation of radio waves is known.
U. S. to Russia and Britain. The route was beset by two By geometrical definition, the locus of points whose differ-
:evils-bad weather and subs. Loran helped defeat both. ence of distances from two fixed points is a constant is
Civilian engineers from Hadiation Laboratory made the
nrst installations with the assistance of the U. S. Coast LOR A N LONG RANGE NAVIGATION SYSTEM

Guard and the Canadian Navy, in Greenland, Labrador

and Newfoundland. Coverage over the North Atlantic was
completed by the British Admiralty with a chain from the
Fames to Iceland and the Hebrides.
Just as fast as the chains became operative, they were
used by Naval vessels taking convoys of freighters across
the Atlantic. \Vorking in the most adverse weather, the
system brought through more than one big convov that
might have run into difficulty without it. .
Loran went airborne in 1943 with the installation of
sets in coastal patrol planes assigned to search North At-
lantic sea lanes for U-boats. After the liberation of France,
,German Naval activity shifted to Norwegian waters and it
became necessary to extend Loran coverage by installing a
transmitter on the Shetland Islands.
Earliest Loran installations in the Pacific were made to
give navigation aid through the bad weather areas sur-
rounding the Aleutians. As the war pushed farther into the

known as a hyperbola. A series of hyperb~las may be drawn adjusted to any desired station rate. The pulses from that
for a pair of stations each representing a constant time dif- pair of stations will be stationary on the scope, while the
ference. \ Vhile this line is theoretically a hyperbola, the others continue to drift and are disregarded.
tem1 does not strictly apply when plotted on the surface
of the earth and the term used is "Loran line." The time Sec01/Mr)' Uses
difference would be zero on the center line and a maximum Two features of Loran make it possible to do more than
on the base line extension beyond either station. supply a knowledge of position. New navigational pro-
A difficulty would arise \\:ith both stations transmitting cedures which are not possible by previous navigational
simultaneously, if there was no way of distinguishing be- methods, and which are highly advantageous in certain
tween signals from stations A and B. The time difference situations may be used. ~
could be measured but it would be impossible to tell which These features are: (l) an accurate knowledge of po- r!
signal arrived first and the craft might be on either one of sition is available continuously, and (2) position knowledge 1
two lines of position. is delivered in the form of lines of position which have den- 1
A system of spacing pulses in a special way provides a nite and unchanging location on the earth's surface. Previ-'!
method of distinguishing the pulses from the two stations. ous systems of navigation have determined position peri-l
Station A, the l\ laster Station, sends out a pulse. The sec- odically every few hours and used dead reckoning in be~
ond station, B, the slave station receives the pulse from the tween. Feature number two allows the setting of the re-l
master station, waits an interval greater than one-half the ceiver on a particular line. Subsequent visual inspection
time interval between A's pulses and then transmits its will show instantly whether the ship is on the line or to the
pulse. Because the slave station always waits at least half of right or left of it. Therefore the ship may be steered along
the recurrence interval before transmitting its pulse, the a Loran line by watching the receiver. l
interval from receipt of a master station pulse to receipt of Useful applications of these features might be searching')
the next slave station pulse is always greater than from a an area for a sub or a life-raft and making landfall in fog. I
slave station pulse to the next master station pulse. This
gives a positive method of distinguishing pulses from the Loran. vs Other Systems
two sta tions. Loran has several advantages over radio direction finders.l
After a time-difference is obtained, it is necessary only It does not require a directional antenna. Loran is more
to consult a Loran chart to find the location of the Line-of- accurate since it measures time difference and this can ber
positioIl' in regard to the earth's surface. done to the order of 1 microsecond while radio direction'
In order to obtain a fix, the ship must obtain lines of po- systems measure angles. As compared with celestial naviga. (
sition from two pairs of Loran stations in the vicinity. Loran tion its principal advantage is that it is independent 01
stations are always arranged so that two or more pairs will weather. Lightning in the near vicinity is about the only
cover strategic areas. Two operating pairs are usually type of weather disturbance which will prevent intelligible
formed from three stations, by arranging one master station reception. In addition, it is easier to take Loran readings and
to operate in both pairs, sending out two different sets of easier to interpret them than celestial readings. A weu-)
pulses to two different slave stations. By establishing two trained operator can carry out the complete process in three
lines of position, the navigator can determine where these minutes and the expert can do it in about one. The train-
lines intersect and find his position. If a third pair of sta-
tions is present, it is wise to check the fix by obtaining a
third reading and resultant third line of position. Two
ing period is short for an operator-about
about as accurate as celestial navigation.
ten hours. It is \

Like any other radio receiver, Loran is susceptible to in-

curved loci will generally intersect in more than one point. terference. This may be due to transmitters. However, the~
However, these points will be located a considerable dis- interference proble~ is not serious, except in the case of I
tance apart. A third fix will eliminate even this ambiguity. transmitters on board the same ship or aircraft.
Loran charts, prepared by the Naval Hydrographic Of- Unlike radar devices, Loran maintains radio silence since
fice, are marked for longitude and for latitude and show the craft carries only a receiver and does not transmit.
the position of important land and water areas. Lines of po- Recently released information on two British systems,
sition with the time difference readings are drawn in dif-
ferent colors for each pair of stations in the area. Loran
tables may be used instead of charts, and the position must
"Gee" and "Decca" permits a comparison with Loran. The
systems are alike in that they are all hyperbolic, electronic
systems. \Vith Gee and Decca, only one observation is
then be plotted on the regular navigation plotting board. n'ecessary because each master tran~mitter operates t\VOI
In order to obtain lines of position from a Loran chart, slaves; the signals from both slaves can be compared to the
it is necessary to identify the pair of stations from which master signal simultaneously, and the measurements made
pulses have been received and measured. This is done by entirely automatic. This advantage is offset somewhat since!
providing each pair with a different pulse recurrence' fre"' the Loran operator may choose his pairs of stations to obtain {
quency. optimum geometrical accuracy. Because of the difference in I
A number of pairs of stations in the same vicinity may time measurements used with Decca, one cannot use it uo-j
operate on the same radio frequency, but each of these pairs less his approximate position is known. The maximum
operates on a different pulse recurrence rate. These dif- range of Loran is approximately 1,400 miles while that of
ferent rates are identified bv the number 0 to 7 inclusive. Gee is 350 and Decca's is 300. The low-frequency Loran
All of the stations on one' frequency will appear on the now in the experimental stages has both long range (1500
----- 1... ;11 ,.1_;C .. ",...
,-"C"r +-ho C",...riPon I1,P TPrpj"pr m~:nl. hp milpc:) :mrl :lrrllr:lr\~comn:Jr;lhlf' to trioonom' ,.")
~~RocketsAnd Space Travel".
By Willy Ley

Suppose \\'e wanted to send a rocket to an altitude of \'ery quickly, it also prevents the bomb from attaining a
'se\'eral times the height of the atmosphere, say to an alti- high velocity.
tude of some 800 miles or about 1300 kilometers. How But this does not make the law itself invalid; air resist-
would we go about designing such a rocket, on paper first, ance is merely a complication which calls for a correction.
so that it can be built afterwards? Unfortunately the correction is rather difficult to make, so
Obviously such a rocket would have to have a certain for a purely theoretical investigation air resistance might be
~$izeand wC:uldhave to be capable of accommodating a cer- neglected at first. Our conscience can bear this neglect all
tain fuel load. It is also obvious that the rocket itself should the more easily since air resistance corrections are required
: be as light as possible and that it should be capable of carry- mainly for the densest strata of the atmosphere, say for the
ing as much fuel as possible. The rocket will display a first 15 miles. \Ve can accept the following by simply
certain ratio between empty weight and fueled weight. As imagining that we are speaking about an actual altitude of
we'll see soon in the course of the investigation that ratio about 15 miles when we say "ground."
will turn out to be the most important single concept in Now it is possible to draw up a simple table, listing the
I rocket science. It has received a specific name: mass-ratio. impact velocities from different altitudes. This table looks
So far this name has not been used, but we are already as follows:
familiar with its meaning. In the meteorological rocket the Altitude Velocity of impact

l mass-ratio was 2: 1, the weight of the rocket at the instant

of ignition was twice as great as the weight of the empty
,'rocket plus instruments, parachute, etc. This weight,
(Kilometers per second)
I which includes the "pay load," is referred to as final weight.
In the V-2 the mass-ratio was about 3: 1. 813 4
It hardly needs to be explained that it is the mass-ratio 1274 5
which, other things being equal, determines the altitude
to which a rocket will ascend. If you had two rockets of Beyond an impact velocity of about 3 miles per second
equal take-off weight and alike in every respect except for (about 4.8 km/sec.) the formula used becomes so un-
the fact that one rocket is in itself lighter than the other and reliable that figures do not hold true even approximately.
~,therefore holds more fuel the rocket with more fuel will The reason is that gravity decreases with altitude.
have a longer burning time and consequently rise for a \Ve notice, in passing, the interesting facts that a fall
longer time under power and go higher. From twice a given altitude does not produce twice the
'l The first requirement, no doubt, is a high mass-ratio. former impact velocity and that a fall from infinity does
That statement can be countered with the question: how not produce an infinite impact velocity. The figure which
f.:high? interests .us at the moment is the fifth in the column. A
That depends on the fuel you have at your disposal in a fall from 1274 kilometers would result in an impact veloc-
( somewhat roundabout manner. The type of fuel deter- ity of 5 kilometers per second, about 3 miles per second.
mines the mass-ratio required for reaching a certain velocity That is the velocity our rocket would have to attain in order
and the velocity determines the height to which the rocket to climb to that altitude.
will rise. Therefore, if we want to send a rocket to 1300 The next step would be to find out what mass-ratio is
\ kilometers we first have to find out what velocity the rocket needed for that velocity, and here we run into the first
I requires for that altitude. minor complication. There is not just one answer to that
I Here a rather simple natural law comes to our aid. It question, there are many answers to it. Theoretically any
I states that the velocity of impact from a given altitude and figure at all can represent the mass-ratio required for a
the velocity of departure for that altitude are equal. If there rocket velocity of 3 miles per second. The reason is that the
( were no air resistance that law would mean that a bomb answer depends on the velocity of the rocket exhaust.
" dropped from 30,000 feet on an antiaircraft battery would Change the figure for the exhaust velocity and you get a
~ strike the ground with the same velocity with which a different figure for the mass-ratio. Our dilemma now is
( projectile fired against that bomber and capable of climb- this: unless we agree upon an exhaust velocity first we
ing to 30,000 feet leaves the muzzle of the gun. Because of cannot get an answer. But if we do agree on any specific
air resistance the law does not appear to hold true, in fact value for the exhaust velocity we get an answer for that

l air resistance not only slows down the antiaircraft shell

*Extracted with permission of The Vlkmg Press from Mr. Ley's Book
of the same title "Rockets and Space Travel:'
specific exhaust velOCityonly. \\That we want is a general
The way out of this dilemma is simplicity itself. It con-

sists in using the exhaust velocity, whatever it may be, as a when the velocity of the rocket is high. that number is
yardstick. To be able to do that we need to know just one high too. Assuming that the rocket ascends with 3 g ef.
thing and that is the mass-ratio required to give to a rocket fective acceleration, and taking the diminishing gravita-
a velocity equal to its own exhaust velocity. That ratio is tional force of the earth into account, the table looks as
clearly always the same. If you have a higher exhaust follows: f

velocity, )'ou'll 0oet a higher

rocket velocit\'. If vou don't
l\hx. vel. of rocket, Altitude attained including alti-
have a high exhaust velocity you'll get a low rocket veloc- tude reached under acceleration of
ity. But whatever the \'elocities are, the mass-ratio of a 3 g until max. vel. is reached.
rocket which is to attain its own exhaust velocity must be
a standard value. (km) (km)
It is customary to call the rocket velocitv by the letter
"v" while the exhaust velocity is usually de;ignated by the
letter "c." Now we can phrase our problem more con- 3 640 I
veniently bv asking: "\\That is the mass-ratio for v = c?" 4 1310 I
The ~ns;ver is 2.72 to 1. A rocket weighing 272 units 1970
(pounds, or ounces, or kilograms) at take-off and 100 units
when empty will attain a velocity equal to its own exhaust For the following discussion the values of this more cor-
velocity. This figure is familiar to any student of mathe- rect table are used.
matics and mathematicians call it "e:" Its correct value is The exhaust velocity of the V-2 was a little over 2 kilo-
2.71828183 ... ; it is easier to call it 2.72. meters per second. Therefore we have a case of asking for
Fine. So "v" equals "c" if the mass-ratio is "e," no matter a velocity equal to twice the exhaust velocity and our mass.
what the value of c is. Now we have a general answer to ratio, consequently, must be the square of e or about 7.4.,
our problem. But what if c, the exhaust velocity, is not A rocket with an exhaust velocity of 2 kilometers per I
high enough? \Ve need 3 miles or 5 kilometers per second second and a mass-ratio of 7.4 to 1 would ascend to 1310
for our example. \Vhat if there is no fuel that will produce kilometers or about 820 miles. It would ascend to 820
such an exhaust velocity? miles, that is, if you could -cast a spell which creates an I
It does not matter much, at least on paper, because a airless shaft a quarter of a mile in diameter in which your
rocket can move faster than its own exhaust velocity, pro- rocket can climb against the pull of earth's gravity without,
vided that it still has some fuel left when it gets to that the unfair interference of air resistance. Or else, if you are I
point. Provided, in other words, that it has a mass-ratio not good at casting such spells, you may find a non.
higher than 2.72. \Vc may conclude that there must be a miraculous method of transporting your rocket to a height I
standard mass-ratio for a rocket which will move twice as of some 20 miles first. In that case the figures would hold
fast as its own exhaust velocity; a mass-ratio for v = 2c. true without the aid of additional miracles.
There is, it is the square of "e," in figures approximately Before we try to improve upon our theoretical methods
7.4. The cube of "e" is 20.1 and a rocket with that mass- we'll pause and consider the question of whether such a I

ratio can and will attain thrice its own exhaust velocitv. mass-ratio of 7.4 to 1 can actuallv be built and how it could~
Theoretically you can go on in that manner: "e'" w~uld be done. And it is at this point that we realize why those
give you four times the exhaust velocity, "e5" five times the fuel pumps of the V-2 rocket were so important.
exhaust velocity, and so on. It is as simple as that on The meteorological rocket had two fuel tanks made of
paper; the trouble is that engineering practice will probably aluminum or magnesium tubing, and we forced the fuels
have to stop at "e3," if it can go that far at all. \Vhether a from the tanks into the rocket motor by the simple device of)
rocket with a mass-ratio of 20: 1 can still be actually built using the pressure of a compressed gas, like nitrogen. That
is a problem for prolonged discussion. It might be possible, was simple and easy, but it did have a drawback: the whole
or it might not. But anything higher than 20: 1 is clearly tank had to be sturdy enough to withstand an internal
out. It can't be done. pressure of some 300 pounds per square inch. Naturally
For a rocket like the one we set out to investigate, that such a tank has to be heavier than a tank which just holds
does not trouble us. \\Te want to go to about 1300 kilo- the fuel in the manner in which the tank of an automobile
meters, a little over three times the height of the atmos- holds the gasoline. However, since the mass-ratio of a
phere, and for that we need a velocity of 4 kilometers per meteorological rocket only needs to be of the order of about
second. 2: I, that method, even with this drawback, is usable.
This sudden switch to 4 kilometers per second, although It might still be made to result in a rocket of a mass-ratio
the table seems to indicate a value closer to 5 km/sec. for of about 3: 1, the same as V-2, provided the whole rocket
that altitude, has a good reason. As has been stated earlier, is small. But to go beyond that you need light tanks which
that table is not quite accurate for high altitudes because it will not be able to stand much internal pressure. Hence it
neglects the fact that the value of g decreases with increas- is necessary to provide a method of forcing the fuel into the
ing distance from the surface. But with regard to rockets rocket motor without pressurizing the tanks too much.
it is inaccurate to an even larger extent for the simple That method is the fuel pump.
reason that a rocket does not attain its maximum velocity at Goddard realized the need for fuel pumps in one of his
once. During the time needed to attain maximum velocity early patents. Oberth kept harping on the theme of fuel
it has risen for a certain number of kilometers or miles and pumps from the very outset. But it seemed almost imposT
sible to build such a fuel pump. It had to fulfill a whole But hydrogen is not as ideal a rocket fuel as this figure
set of rather exacting demands. It should be able to pump may lead one to believe. It has quite a number of unp!eas-
(he fuels (one of them a liquid gas) with a delivery pres- ant characteristics which are, to sa,'_ the least, anno,'ino.
, 0

,ure in the neighborhood ol 300 pounds per square inch. One of these characteristics is that even the temperature of
I It should pump very large amounts, 50 gallons and more liquid oxygen is still some 70 degrees Centigrade too warm
per second. It had to be simple enough in construction to for liquid hydrogen, which is to say that hydrogen is still
eliminate malfunctioning if at all possible. And it had to colder than oxygen when liquefied and proportionately
be light, very light, since the pumps for both liquids and more difficult to handle and to control. Anything of even
whatever mechanism drove them had to weigh much less approximately normal temperature will set it boiling furi-
(han the saving~ in tank weioht.
One redeemino0 factor was ously.
thilt the pumps had to operate for only short intervals of Another drawback is that hvdrooen,
, 0
even when liquid '
time, a few minutes at the most. is very light and consequently bulky. This means larger
The pumps are not the last word by any means; the tanks which, of course, means greater weight. A rocket
main "childhood disease" that comes to mind is the fact that will have a nice mass-ratio for heavier fuels will not
that the turbine needs special auxiliary fuels which, in have that same nice mass-ratio for lwdrooen.
_ 0 And to make
• turn, need tanks to carry them in, instead of being capable that factor even worse, hydrogen does not behave quite
Ir of operating on the alcohol and oxygen which powers the "properly" in the combustion chamber. It will be necessary
rocket itself. to have a considerable hydrogen surplus so that the exhaust
But these pumps show the way and it is safe to prophesy consists of water vapor (burned hydrogen) and unburned
that it will be possible to build a mass-ratio of 7.4 to 1 hydrogen. This, of course, means still bigger and conse-
with improved pumps. And it is likely that even a mass- quently still heavier tanks. As a matter of fact, Oberth
ratio of 10: 1 might eventually be accomplished. The decided that hydrogen would not do for rockets at all as
I mass-ratio of 10: 1 would result in a rocket velocity of 2.3c long as the rockets were still in the atmosphere. Hydrogen,
and the altitude would be, if c is 2 kilometers per second in short, cannot be counted upon as a rocket fuel right now.
and v consequently 4.6 kilometers per second, about 1600 For the more distant future one may speculate on
kilometers or almost precisely 1000 miles. monatomic hydrogen as a rocket fuel. Monatomic hydro-
As far as the mass-ratio for a single rocket goes we may gen is hydrogen in which each atom is independent instead
\ confidently expect to be able to send a rocket to an altitude of being tied to another hydrogen atom to form a normal
I of 1000 miles in the foreseeable future.
If we want to go higher (and we'll want to) we'll have to
hydrogen molecule (H2). Purely on paper monatomic hy-
drogen will yield a theoretical exhaust velocity of 21,000
( concentrate our attention upon another point. \Ve already meters per second; actually a little more than half of that
j know bv implication that mass-ratio and exhaust velocitv might be attainable. So far, however, this is pure specula-
can be ~xchanged to a large extent. If for a given case yo~ tion; it is not even certain whether monatomic hydrogen
would need twice as high a mass-ratio as you can actually could be manufactured and stored in appreciable quantities.
build, you can still solve the problem if you succeed in Just to forestall possible false hopes, I wish to point out
'/.doubling your exhaust velocity. It is the problem of the that high explosives like nitroglycerin, guncotton, or TNT
exhaust velocity at which we have to look next. are far weaker than gasoline or alcohol. They are destruc-

) The exhaust velocity of a given fuel is limited by the

amount of energy imprisoned in that fuel. Alcohol and
tive by virtue of the rapidity of their combustion; if they
could be slowed down to useful speeds they would be

l oxygen in proper proportion cannot produce a higher ex-

~ haust velocity than' 4180 meters per second. Gasoline and
oxygen can produce 4450 meters per second. But these
inferior fuels. The theoretical exhaust velocity of nitro-
glycerin is 3880 meters per second, that of dynamite 3300
meters per second, that of picric acid 2600 meters per sec-
figures are theoretical figures, they cannot be expected to ond. Compare this with the values for alcohol (4180 meters
r materialize in actual practice. So far the actually obtained per second) and for gasoline (4450 meters per second).
exhaust velocities are precisely half of these theoretical To repeat, high explosives are weaker than ordinary fuels

I figures. \Vith improved rocket motor designs one may hope

for exhaust velocities of about 2500 meters (2.5 kilometers)
I per second from these fuels. Three thousand meters per
second might be just barely possible; if that value is ever
and would, therefore, be inferior even if they could be
used. The only exception from this rule is the' atomic ex-
plosive Plutonium (Pu-239) which, in the course of time,
slowly changes into the rare uranium isotope U-235. Both
I) obtained it will represent the limit for these common fuels. these substances hold endless promise for almost everything,
I Still, for an assumed mass-ratio of e2 that would mean a and rocket propulsion is no exception. But the utilization
\ rocket velocity of 6 kilometers per second instead of 4 and of atomic energy for rocket propulsion will probably take
,/ a theoretical altitude of 3820 kilometers instead of "only" some time. Besides, the whys and wherefores of an atomic-
~ 1310 kilometers. powered rocket could hardly be' understood without knowl-
( A more powerful fuel is known. It is hydrogen with a edge of the whys and wherefores of chemical-fuel rockets.
• theoretical exhaust velocity of 5170 meters per second. For this reason I'll go on with the discussion for some time
Only one isolated experiment with hydrogen has been as if ato~ic energy did not exist.
made so far (by Oberth), and it seemed to indicate that an For the present and for the near future the most likely
exhaust velocity of four thousand meters per second may rocket fuels are the very ordinary liquids alcohol and gaso-
actually be obtained. line. But there is, there conceivably is, something better
than liquid oxygen. Theoretically, at any event, there is substances, and chlorine." It is a thoroughly untrustworthy
something better: liquid ozone. substance.
Ozone, discovered bv the same chemist Schonbein, who However, the case is not yet hopeless.
had that adventure with guncotton, is a modification of The transformation of ozone into oxygen apparently is
oxygen. Ordinary oxygen has two oxygen atoms per mole- not only brought about by catalysts, of which there are
cule and is called O2 for that reason. Ozone has three many in this particular case, but also seems to take place
oxygen atoms per molecule, hence is called 03• It is, to all occasionally without a catalyst around.
intents and purposes, a kind of concentrated oxygen. It The point I am trying to make is that the latter is not
has a higher specific gravity-a tank which can hold 6 absolutely certain. For the simple reason that many dif-
pounds of liquid oxygen can hold almost 10 pounds of ferent substances can sen"e as catalysts for this particular
liquid ozone. This alone, as can easily be seen, will increase reaction, it is extremely likely that there was a catalyst'
the mass-ratio, since the tank itself weighs the same, no around every time the reaction took place. It is quite pos-
matter what it contains. sible-though of course not certain-that liquid ozone which
Connected with the higher specific gravity is the fact is free of all impurities (at least of those that can act as
that liquid ozone does not have to be quite as cold as liquid catalysts) will be stable and reliable. Not enough research
oxygen to stay a liquid. Liquid oxygen boils at minus 183 has been done on that question yet to permit judgment.
degrees Centigrade; liquid ozone boils at minus 119 But if it should be found that the number of possible
degrees Centigrade. catalysts is so large and so widespread that contamination is
As far as tank capacity goes, liquid ozone simply means impossible to avoid, there is still another hope left. There
more oxygen in a given space. As far as the combustion are not only catalysts, there are also anticatalysts, substances
chamber is concerned, liquid ozone means even more. It that prevent the catalysts from making their presence felt.
means more energy and a higher exhaust velocity. Liquid 1£ a reliable anticatalyst for the ozone reaction could be
ozone can be formed only if it can absorb energy (719 found, the problem would be solved. Until then ozone in
calories per gram) which may be supplied by ultraviolet lieu of liquid oxygen is a beautiful but unreliable hope.
radiation, electric discharges, or heat. But when the ozone Let's see now how far we have progressed.
enters the combustion chamber it reverts to ordinary O2 Fuels: still alcohol or gasoline, with a top exhaust veloc-
releasing the energy it absorbed before. Alcohol vvithozone, ity of 3000 meters per second and 500 meters more if
for this reason, develops a theoretical exhaust velocity of ozone can be tamed.
4630 meters per second (4180 with oxygen), and hydrogen Mass-ratio: about 10: I as likely top limit, resulting in
5670 meters per second instead of 5170. Burned with ozone rocket velocities of 6900 meters per second or (with ozone
alcohol may deliver 3500 meters per second instead of 3000 instead of oxygen) 8000 meters per second. Which would
meters per second which appeared to be the possible maxi- produce altitudes of 6000 kilometers and 12,000 kilo-
mum. meters, respectively. These figures are already such that
But ozone, a dark blue liquid, is unstable. If it gets a bit they are hardly "altitudes" any more but begin to be "dis-
too warm it may revert to ordinary oxygen with explosive tances" in the sense in which we speak of the distance at
suddenness. This, as the handbook on chemistry puts it, which a comet passes the earth. They are still short dis-
"will be accelerated catalytically by the presence of water, tances as far as astronomical distances go, but by the same
alkalies, metal oxides, metals of the platinum group, organic token they are astronomical distances, even if short ones.

After Burner Adds More Thrust To Jet Engine

Emergency spurts of speeds of jet-propelled combat Ryan officialsclaim that this is the first device of the sort
planes will result from a development of the Ryan Aero- specifically designed for regular use in flight. It can also be
nautical Company which the makers call an "after burner." used in take-off. The added thrust, with jet planes already
It is a type of a ram-jet engine attached, as an integral Hying at more than 600 miles an hour, may assist a plane
part, to the after end of the jet engine. It will be used in breaking through the so-called air compressibility barrier
when needed by the flip of a switch. encountered as planes approach the speed of sound. The
The combination might be described as a ram-jet at- device adds more than one-third to the power plant's normal
tached to a turbo-jet power plant. The turbo-jet develops propulsion thrust.
the high-pressure gases that give thrust to the plane and The development and testing of the device has noW
also operates the compressor that gathers in the air whose about reached the end of ground-test stages. The tests were
oxygen is needed for combustion. made in fixed engine stands on the earth. In them the
The ram-jet effect is obtained by spraying fuel into the stainless steel combustion chamber of the after burner be-
special tailpipe where its burning adds mass and velocity comes a roaring blast furnace shooting out a colorless, sear-
to the speeding gases of the jet stream. It burns because ing jet stream, revealed only by heat waves, at over 1,000
there is a plentiful supply of unburned oxygen in the jet miles an hour_
stream from the turbo-jet. (Reprinted courtesy Science News Letter.)
It has been brought to my attention that many Force officers, second artillery officers. Newly com-
officers of the Coast Artillery and Field Artillery are missioned officers of the Regular Army assigned to
not familiar with steps being taken to form a single either artillery branch receive the same basic course.
artillery arm. I am taking this opportunity to outline They will serve in antiaircraft, field, or seacoast artil-
the current situation relative to the integration of the lery units and will attend the same advanced course.
two artillery branches. It is considered impractical within the time available
As early as a year ago it became generally known to them for officers of the civilian components to re-
throughout the Army that the War Department fav- ceive basic training in all artillery weapons. However,
ored combining the Coast Artillery and the Field the associate advanced course is designed to give field
Artillery into a single arm. Plans for proposed legis- officersa well rounded knowledge of field, antiaircraft
lation to effect integration were prepared by the War and seacoast artillery employment. It will provide a
Department but were not presented during the last valuable foundation for officersin command and staff
session because other items had higher priority. It is positions requiring a knowledge of the employment
anticipated that legislation to accomplish the inte- and capabilities of the various artillery weapons.
gration of the Coast Artillery and Field Artillery will Regular officerswho through age or length of serv-
be sought as early as it is practicable to do so. ice would not normally take the regular advanced
In the meantime, I have taken certain preliminary course present a different problem. The associate ad-
steps in anticipation of legislative approval of integra- vanced course is open for such officers and they are
tion of the artilleries. These included the redesigna- urged to apply for it. In addition, consideration is
tion of the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill as the being given to the establishment of short indoctrina-
Artillery School with an Antiaircraft and Guided Mis- tion courses which will give the Field Artillery officer
sile Branch at Fort Bliss, Texas, and a Seacoast Branch a working knowledge of antiaircraft, seacoast artillery
at Fort Scott, California. Instruction at the Artillery and guided missiles and the Coast Artillery officer a
School in both the basic and advanced courses has corresponding knowledge of field artillery.
been altered to include all types of artillery weapons. It is my intention that first, the future artillery of-
Similarly, the ROTC Program has been revised and a ficer have a general knowledge of all artillery weapons
common artillery course will be taught beginning in and a specialized knowledge of some; second, the inte-
the fall of 1947. grated artillery be a closely knit component of the
During 1946 the \Var Department Seacoast Arma- Army Ground Force team; third, neither of the pres-
ment Board made a survey of harbor defenses and in- ent branches be absorbed by the other; and last, every
stallations. As a result some harbor defenses were artillery officer, regardless of present or future assign-
entirely eliminated and obsolete weapons in others ment have an opportunity for advancement equal to
were declared surplus. Only certain types of modern that of any other artillery officer.
fixed guns and submarine mines were recommended
for retention. Units of the civilian components as-
signed to armament declared surplus were recom-
mended for reassignment to mobile artillery designed
to fire at moving or fixed targets. JACOB L. DEVERS,
Officers assigned to the Coast Artillery Corps or to General, USA
the Field Artillerv are considered first to be Ground Commanding
Rocket exploration of the stra-
tosphere at White Sands is
opening a new superterrestrial
chapter to science

By Harold Berman

Can a rocket or a space ship be shot to the moon? Can without which long-distance transmission and reception at
we neutralize the gravitational force of the earth with self- high frequencies would be quite impossible. A series of
propelled missiles? these electrified layers envelop the earth at heights vary-
Perhaps; but before interstellar space can be reached the ing from about 25 to 250 miles. To better understand this
ionosphere must first be traversed. Experiments at the envelope it should be remembered that great variations may I
\Vhite Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico have dem- occur within it.
onstrated that penetration of these regions is now feasible. The layers change from daylight to darkness; they vary at
The tests in the desert have also made it clear that human different seasons of the year; and they are not identical in
cargo will have to be protected against physical conditions all sections of the earth. During daylight the ionosphere I
pertaining in the ionosphere and beyond. begins at the "C" region, at a height of about 25 miles. Just
The rocket and guided missile program, under the direc- above is the "D" layer, beginning at 35 miles and rising to I
tion of the AAF, has many interesting tangents leading 50 miles. Separated by a 10-mile interval, the HE" layer
into pure research concerning the ionosphere. extends to some 90 miles above the earth. At IOOmiles are I
found the last two known layers, the HF' regions: the "F-I"
and the "F-2," at 250 or more miles above the earth.
Also known as the Kennelv-Heaviside laver, the iono- But after sunset, conditions change. The D and E
sphere is a region of ionized and other radio r~Aecting strata regions disappear and the two F layers merge at the height
of the F-2. Each of these strata, night and da\'. has s cihC
electrical characteristics and density and will affect electro- considered. According to Dr. ;\lichael Ference, head of the
magnetic propagation in a manner' peculiar to itself. That :\leteorological Branch of the Signal Corps Engineering
is one reason why different frequencies are chosen for par- Laboratories, "one of the most important problems that has
ticular types of communication. plagued meteorologists for years has been the nature of the
Radio waves at high frequencies trawl in straight lines atmosphere at the wry high altitudes of approximately 100
like light beams. If they were not reflected by the iono- miles or higher. Scientists ha,'e long been trying to deter-
sphere they would not follow the earth's curvature as they mine the den~ity and pressure of the air at these elevations
do, but would shoot off the horizon into space. Radio fre- and from such measurements make deductions as to the tem-
quencies are chosen to best reflect from a most suitable peratures that may exist. Rather indirect e1.-ide1zce has in-
ionospheric layer back to the earth's surface, where they re- dicated that temperatures may reach values as high as lOOO
bound to the reflecting layer, completing the cycle continu- degrees absolute."
ously en route to the receiving station. This skipping "sky The meteorological sounding rocket such as the Signal
wave" is sometimes named according to the number of Corps expects to use at \\'hite Sands becomes important in
hops and the layer used for reflection: "two hop £'s," or a upper atmospheric studies because the data it secures is a
"four hop F." Since transmitting antennas radiate at all check on theory. For example, beyond the C region, 25
angles, an infinite number of sky waves are constantly in miles above the earth, only 1/64th of the total weight of
motion, reaching the destination ,,,ith a varying number the atmosphere remains. The entire atmosphere, all 300
of hops, dependent upon the angle of radiation. Although or so miles of it, presses down upon the earth's surface and
only microseconds are involved, there is enough time for the atoms and molecules composing it are all packed tightly
phase shifts and under certain conditions the staggered together at ground level, while similar particles in the far
waves will cancel out at the receiver. This phenomenon is upper levels are widely scattered. i\lolecules and atoms of
the "selective fading" common in short-wave reception. oxygen, nitrogen, helium and the many other gases which
make up the atmosphere in varying proportions, are packed
tightly together by the weight above them; the most dense
Manv factors affect the character and reliabilitv of radio portion being at ground level.
recepti~n. The useful science of meteorology strives to de- The densitv is a measure of the distance each atom or
fine these changing conditions in order to furnish one of molecule mu~t travel befo;e colliding with its neighbor
the most important links in the maintenance of radio com- within a gas. With temperature and pressure known,
munications. To this end, the modern meteorologist seeks physicists can calculate the average distance such particles
to detect in the air and in layers surrounding our planet will travel, and this "mean free path" is a factor in under-
new effects or variables heretofore unknown that ,'viII go standing the structure of the atmosphere. When meteorolo-
far beyond the past knowledge of these regions. gists know the exact significant ..-alues of the atmosphere's
At White Sands meteorology will be served by instru- characteristics at all levels, and rockets help to reveal just
ment-carrying rockets like the "WAC Corporal," which is how filtering of solar radiation occurs, long-distance forecast-
shot into the lower ionosphere and will transmit informa- ing and weather control will be much nearer to realization.
tion about the temperature, pressure, composition of the It should be obyious, therefore, that the rocket experi-
air, and the electrical characteristics of the C and D lavers. ments at \iVhite Sands far transcend their military sig-
But the ionosphere is important not only for the e'ffect nificance. Signal Corps equipment carried by rockets will
on radio transmissions and possible passenger-carrying help in an understanding of solar, lunar and stellar radia-
space ships, but because of its vital influence on human tions. Sounding rockets will carry instruments capable of
existence. The ionosphere protects the earth and its inhabi- precise and rapid measurements and which wiU)>e ejected
tants. It is an insulating medium; ,".'ithout its filtering ac- at the top of the trajectory and probably suspended from
tion the sun ,'vould probably instantly roast us. Solar radia- fireproof parachutes made of asbestos and spun glass. These
tions, which are the basis of all organic life, contain certain precautions are necessary because a free fall from such alti-
ultraviolet rays capable of burning us to a crisp ,\'ithout the tudes would destrov an ordinary' chute because of the fric-
dampening effect of the ionosphere and the lower atmos- tion encountered i~ the dense l;wer levels.
phere. Upper atmosphere studies, as highlighted by the experi-
mental rocket firings at \Vhite Sands, are part of the scien-
tific era-the first feeble gropings into the Atomic Age.
If the time ever comes when a rocket is built to leave the They are but the beginning. Soon the V-2, the \iV AC Cor-
earth for the moon or one of the planets, problems arising poral and other rockets will seem as primitive as Stephen-
from penetration of these peripheral layers will have to be son's locomotiye or Langley's flying machine are today.
The Fort Bliss ROTC Summer Camp
By Colonel E. W. Timberlake, CAC

1he post\yar ROTC program \\"ith its attendant high authorized from the training program was utilized in six-
academic and practical standards as well as its contemplated teen hours of instruction in guided missiles and recoilless
increased integration of ROTC graduates into the Regular weapons, four hours of electronics and four hours of use of
Army has given impetus to ROTC training throughout antiaircraft weapons in the ground role, i.e., field artillery.
the Armv. There \\'ere no major deviations from the apprm'ed training
Upon'receipt of the notification letters that the ROTC schedule of the camp.
camp was to be held at Fort Bliss, detailed plans were initi-
ated to include every phase of camp preparation, reception,
processing and training of students. A compact self-contain- a. All cadets qualified in marksmanship with an unusual
ing barracks area (old \NAC) providing administration percentage of experts and sharpshooters.
headquarters, supply, housing and mess facilities in the b. All targets presented at the 90mm MA practices in
geographical center of Fort Bliss' training, administrative the field artillery role, and in the antiaircraft role,
and recreational activities, was chosen and rehabilitated. were destroyed. 'These included moving ground tar-
The arrangements were completed two weeks prior to the gets, towed sleeves and P.Q. radio-controlled planes.
opening of camp and the Executive of Training and his Targets were similarly destroyed in the automatic
Chief of Staff, who had reported on 1 June 1947, together weapons practice in ground and air roles.
with a trained post administrative overhead were mO\'ed c. There was a net increase of ten pounds in weight per
into the area on 10 June 1947, prepared to start instruction cadet.
smoothh' and efficiently. Recreational and athletic activi- d. Cadets upon arrival were given officer status with
ties, to include three d;nces at the Officers' Club, trips to attendant privileges and responsibilities. This was
Chihuahua City, Carlsbad Caverns, \'-7hite Sands Proving most favorably received and acted upon by the cadets.
Grounds, and bull fights in Juarez City, were planned and The camp under these conditions proved an ideal
executed. Softball, bowling, volleyball, baseball, tennis, testing ground in the determination of social and
golf and swimming competitions were staged during the other necessarv character traits essential to commis-
course of the camp. Suitable individual and team trophies sioned officers.'
were awarded. e. Cadets were thoroughly indoctrinated through pre-
A total of ninety-three advanced course AM ROTC cept and example with postwar army standards of
cadets (96% combat veterans) reported to this camp on leadership, living conditions, responsibilities and
21 June 1947 and cleared camp'on 2 August 1947. T~i\'enty- privileges.
seven cadets from Utah State Agricultural College, twenty-
f. Cadets were given the highlights of postwar army
six cadets from Universitv of San Francisco, twenty-one
progress in research and development with a view to
cadets from University of 'California, fourteen cadets' from
further disseminating this information in their re-
Agricultural and I\le~hanical College of Texas and five
spective communities.
cadets from University of California at Los Angeles com-
prised the group. g. An excellent course in guided missiles preliminary to
The training of cadets \vas intensive in character and .was the regular course to be given by the AAA & GI\l
conducted in clearly defined stages according to a progress Branch of the T AS at Fort Bliss next fall was given
scheme of instruction which supplemented and followed in to the cadets with instructors from the Artillen'
progression the first year of the advanced course at their School, AGF Board No.4, and from White Sands
institutions. Applicatory methods were used and subjects Proving Grounds collaborating. A zest was added to
were presented by demonstrations, application by indi- this course by the observation of two V':2 firings at
\'idual, team performance, exam,ination by performance, \Vhite Sands Proving Grounds and by an informal
tests and problems,. follO\yed by a critique with student conference with Dr. Von Braun, the designer and
participation to develop initiative and leadership. All stu- builder of the original V-2 (A-4-5-6-7-8-9), and other
dents were rotated under careful supervision in positions leading German physicists. In addition to the regu-
of responsibility and command. larly assigned ROTC instructors, some thirty officers
The technique of firing individual and/or cre\\'-sen'ed from the AAA & Gl\ 1 Center were utilized in training
weapons was stressed by demonstration troops of the 267ih of ROTC cadets.
AAA Group. Advantage was taken of the superior training h., That the season was a success is officiallvborne out by
facilities existent at this center as well as expert instructors the commendations of all inspectors a~d there is n~
from the Artillery SchooL \\'hite Sands Proving Grounds, question that the first postwar ROTC camp at Bliss
and AGF Board ~o. 4, who supplemented the regularly reinstigated summer training of cadets in a most aus-
assigned ROTC instructors. The ten per cent deviation picious and progressive manner.
By leonard J. Grassman

Despite a history• almost as lono0 as our Nation's the comIJrehensi\'e coveraoe

in a maoazine 01' the JOURNAL'S
United States Navv.• its customs and its traditions are 0 oreat constituency would be impossible. IF it seiTes as an intro-
mysteries to non-8ayy people. ,\nd despite the Navy's duction and a stimulant it will hm'e perFormed its mission.
" great wartime establishment. and still extensive peacetime
I ,u ucture, the average Army man's knowledge 01' the Na\'y THE NAVY IN THE FUTURE
is either an impression or a series of impressions gained Headlines of postwar 1946 presented one 01' the most ro-
, through casual acquaintance with mantic but confusing panoramas
:\a\'y personnel, brief conversa- e\'er known to man. They por-
tions with sailors, or gained while trayed fantasy as military logic,
I experiencing transportation aboard imaginatiye dreams as military
I a 8a\')' vessel. Those Few Arm)' planning, and, all in all, it was a
people who know the Navy well year which saw the impossible
are those who have had the oppor- possible and the imaginatiye
tunity of serving on some joint promised as our National De-
Arnw-Navv activit\,. fense. Although they made nice
Tile L1.' S. Nav)' Department, reading, these headlines jumbled
in organization, personnel, and the issues at hand, and, in many
activities, are all patterned after wa\'s, cost much in time and ef-
similar elements aboard ship, and for; t;ward gaining the appropria.
designed for but several specific tions and legislation necessary in
~ purposes-to keep the ship operat- maintaining a sound military pol.
I ing, to guide it on its missions, to icy and the maximum in national
provide For it and to nurse its protection.
\rounds. The year 1947 saw the demise
One could go into a ten-thou- of the foolhardy notions and the
sand-page analysis of the Navy, tracing each and every spe- air cleared for more sensible planning, a~d much progress
cific characteristic of the Navy or a component of it, and has been made. However, many scars remain from the
come up with the same result. The Ship is the Foundation fantastic portrayals 01' yesteryear, ;ne of them being the role
I of the Navy. However, it is not necessary to go into such of the II nited States in the future,
an analysis. lIpon realization of that simple fact, anyone There are still a great number of people who, convinced
has achieved the key to the understanding of the Navy and that "push-button" warfare is just around the corner, ques-
its personnel, and their customs, language and tradition. tion the wisdom of maintaining a strong Navy, which, ac-
The dav of unification of our Armed Services has arrived. cordin$(~ to the "Buck Rooers"
enthusiasts, is obsolete. Thev •
I True, the' unification is a high-echelon affair, but as the wonder if we maintain our huge Navy to preserve a worthy
mutual dependence, interdependability of the Armed Serv- tradition, loath to cast aside a militarv Force which has saved
ices among themselves and the Armed Services and the our Nation so much in the past. .
civilian populace grows-as it is doing and must in these Gallant as the Navy tradition is, its liFe is not dependent
times and in the future-the spirit 01' unification will grow, on its fine history; it is retained in our military organization
and understanding among individuals of the various serv- because now, more than ever before in our history, we need
ices will oorow, too. The key. provides an excellent aid in it. Contran' to those who claim Naval warfare is obsolete,
understandino our Navv ~emains our first line 01' deFense, and, if war
" the it Navy.
is not too far off 'when our "pride of should c~me, with the science of warFare at its present stage
service" will be submerged by "pride 01' result" from unified of progress or within the next apparent stage of the science
and co-ordinated effort; when one will stop saying: "\Ve've of warFare, the Navv will bear more of the brunt of war as
got the best damned Army (or Navy, or Air Force) in the the first line 01' defe'nse than ever before in its history.
world," but " ... the fittenist, fightinist outfit ya e\'er Before proceeding with the portrayal of the pr~bable
saw, . ,!" And it will be a team-one which we need badlv. role the Navy will play in a future war, it is only fair to
"Iuch of the teamwork in the future will depend on th'is grant at least passing consideration to the arguments put
understanding. Resultingly, it behooves every soldier to Forward by the push-button enthusiasts. It is certain that
understand the seagoing members of the team. It is there- these men, most of whom must be recognized for their bril-
Fore hoped that this article will serve as an aid toward a liance in the past, did not become enthusiastic without rea-
better understandino o of the Navy.•• Onlv the surface of the son, and reasons there were aplenty. Our science of warfare.
subject is scratched in this article since an attempt at a and our weapons of war had made such remarkable ad-
\ ancements during the war, it seemed likely that the whole weapons we used in \:Vorld \Var II. Should it be delayed
picture of war would change drastically in the near future. for a period of 20 years, it might well be fought with the
That is possible but it is definite that such advancements so-called 'push-button' weapons. But at the time of the at-
<lrenot generally achie\'ed during peacetime. The stimula- tack it will not be our choosing and we must therefore be
tion of war and the tests \yar ofl-ersfor weapons of war all prepared to defend ourselves at whatever time it comes.,
tend to speed up the progress in warfare, cause new weap- "... I wish again to emphasize that as of today, and for
ons to be inwnted; old ones to be improved. However, in the immediatelv foreseeable future, the best defense this
peacetime, when genius is directed into other fields of en- country has ar~ those weapons with which we fought the
deavor, \yhen moneys are appropriated for more humane closing battles of the last war. There is no scientific basis
benefits, such progress is retarded immeasurably. Conse- for the scrapping of these weapons. But we are desperately
quently, it is safe to assume the advancement toward the in need of new scientific knowledge in order to develop the
rocket days will not be as rapid as we believed it might new weapons which may some day make obsolete the ones
during the war. Equally true, peacetime productive facili- we now possess, and it is imperative that we bend every ef-
ties are not hinged to the production of the weapons of war fort toward the creation of this knowledge and these new
and consequently limit advancement in that field. weapons..,
In the future we will have faster planes with greater range Recognizing these facts the Navy has entered into an
and greater load capacity. Peacetime living demands that extensive program in basic research. As early as March of
progress. Communications will progress equally, and our this year. the Office of Naval Research had over 400 proj-
military research and development programs will reap ects under way in 90 universities, nonprofit institutions and
newer, better, and more devastating 'weapons, but none of industrial laboratories. All fields of physical science are
this will make what we have obsolete overnight. The proc- being explored as well as many in the medical sciences.
ess of obsolescence will be gradual-at a rate relative to the Over 70 per cent of the projects are in universities and all
rate of progress in the perfection of new weapons. Conse- are in the hands of thoroughly qualified scientists.
quently, as a nation, we must improve on our present weap- Consequently, one of the roles the Navy is playing now
ons, and the Navy may develop into an arm of our services and will play in the future will be in the peacetime devel-
greatly changed from what it is. However, until our 'whole opment, insofar as permitted by funds voted by the citizens
civilization is changed drastically-until most of our trans- of the U. S., of methods and elements of warfare. It doesn't
portation is through the air, we will need our Navy in the discredit the idea of a remarkably different type of warfare
defense of our Nation. -in the future-one which might make the Navy obsolete
The true picture was amply presented earlier this year and, it will develop our Navy to the utmost to keep it su-
bv Rear Admiral Paul F. Lee, Chief of Naval Research, perior and capable of combating weapons of the future.
\{,hen he stated: "The day of the 'push-button' war is not Since the war, the Navy has advanced rapidly in some
just around the comer .... The only component of the fields of armaments development. It has perfected a gaso-
'push-button' war which has been fully developed is the line tank, self-sealing when hit by .50 caliber and 20mm
push button itself. All of the other components required projectiles. Also are the ne\\' three-inch automatic antiair-
for this type of warfare are still many years ahead of us. craft machine guns, designed to throw a heavier, faster,
The fact of the matter is that today we do not possess the proximity-fuzed stream of fire into fast-flying aircraft and
scientific knm,vledge which is absolutely essential for the missiles.
development of the weapons which are to be controlled by Another advancement in "future" weapons is the Nm'y's
the 'push buttons.' fullv automatic rocket launcher, which can maintain a con-
"In considering the many problems associated with naval timious stream of accuratelv aimed five-inch rockets at a
policy, one of the most difficult to solve is that of the em- rate of about 40 per minut~. The new automatic six-inch
phasis which should be placed on the development of new double-purpose mounts and eight-inch turrets for cruisers
naval weapons as compared to the maintenance of a fleet- will make that craft more formidable than ever. The six-
in-being. But this is not a new problem. It has been pres- inch mount is the first rapid-fire antiaircraft gun of such
ent since the earliest davs of our Government. However, large caliber. The eight-inch rapid fire triple turret, which
it is more acute today, d~e to the increased tempo at which is completely automatic from ammunition handling room to
the world is moving and the tremendous importance which gun chambers greatly increases the fire power of hea"y
science nov': has on our security. This problem could be cruisers. It is capable of loading fuzed projectiles at all
easily solved were we able to judge accurately, \vhen, if angles of elevation.
ever, we would again be involved in war. But this \\'e are Naval aviation researchers, along with constant work in
not able to do. Twice in the 20th Century this country has the perfection of aircraft, have been busy perfecting combat
been drawn into war bv acts of other n~tions. Twic'e we techniques, and have been successful in producing a new
have been forced to fight not at a time of our own choosing, toss-bombing method, safer and more effective than diw
but at a time our enemies have considered most advanta- bombing, rocket firing and strafing by aircraft. ~ew high-
geous to them. velocity aircraft rockets give fast-flying planes the fire power
"Should war corne again it will come at the moment our of a destrover.
enemies are prepared to make war and it will descend upon Navy Bureau of Ships has been active in research and
us without warning. This places a non aggressive nation development, too. In May, it set up three organizations
such as ours at a distinct disadvantage. Should war come for the handling of nuclear matters, the Radiological Safety
in the near future it would be fought substantially with the Section, Atomic \Varfare Defense Section and the Nuclear
19-17 l\lEET THE NAVY 37
power Section, all of which will work toward defeating the Highly indicative of the role of the .l'\avy in the future
effects of atomic bomb attack and the protection of ships was Secretary of Defense, James V. Forrestal's testimonv, as
and personnel from such attack. Secretary oF'the .:"Ja\T,before the Senate Committe~ on
Naval researchers in the atomic field operate on the :'\aval Affairs last ve~r. Secretan' Forrestal stated: "The
proven premise that to every weapon a countem'eapon is Navy is a major c~mponent of the military strength with
developed. \Nhether this \vill prove true with the atom which this Nation must defend itself and to discharge its re-
bomb is conjecture at this point, but Navy planners also can sponsibility in the international maintenance of peace. In
depend on the one weakness in the atomic bomb-its deliv- each of the past two \\'orld wars our enemies failed to control
ery. Despite fearful destructive effectiveness, the atomic the seas. They were defeated. Their defeat, I believe, was
bomb has the same limitations of our standard bombs-it made inevitable by their failure to control the sea lanes. In
must depend on some other element for delivery, an ele- the future as in the past the key to victory and to the free-
ment not too hard to combat with a similarly effective ele- dom of this, a maritime nation. wiIllie in the mastery of the
ment, i.e., plane against plane; guided missile against a seas and of the skies above them. Attacks upon us ~r by us
guided missile with an atomic warhead. must cross on, over, or under the sea. No enemy can reach
Relative to combating weapons of the future, the possible us without crossing ocean areas, nor can we reach the
and probable guided missiles, the Navy has gone all out in enemy; neither can we join with our friends in the inter-
the perfection of Radar. Recently, they have contracted national enforcement of peace unless we can move across
for 100 new airborne radar sets for airplanes. The airborne the sea. Therefore, whether peace comes to depend pri-
radar set, which will provide pilots with positive safety and marily on international cooperation or whether we must
navigational checks when Hying blind over hazardous ter- rely principally on our own strength-in either event, we
rain. gives indication of being developable for detection and shall need a Navy to discharge its traditional mission: con-
interception purposes in combating guided missiles and trol of the seas and the skies above them.
enemv aircraft, ''The time may come when war will be waged without
Ad~ancing to meet the future, the Navy has ordered the the transportation of men or materials or when such trans-
45,OOO-tonbattleship USS Kentucky and the 27,OOO-ton portation can be achieved solely by air. We are not pres-
battle cruiser USS Hawaii converted into the Navy's first ently at that juncture in our plans or our reasonable ex-
guided missile warships. This conversion is progressing pectations.
right now. "So far as air attack is concerned, there is a fundamental
"The Navy's experiments \vith guided missiles have al- principle which I believe every responsible official of the
ways contemplated eventual shipboard installation, al- Government should accept. Security against air attack can
though design studies vI/ere handicapped until the Navy only be achieved by denying to our potential enemies the
had made more progress in the development of guided mis- base areas from which air attacks can be launched against
siles," Vice Admiral E. L. Cochrane, Chief of the Bureau us. This implies the maintenance of an over-all military
of Ships, has explained. "The problem parallels our studies establishment capable of protecting our military power
of aircraft which necessarily had to precede the design of overseas, quickly and decisively, To this end, powerful
an aircraft carrier." Naval forces are essentiaL"
"Our recent progress in the field of guided missiles has "Atomic power and guided missiles in no way weaken
been relatively rapid, and the Army, science and industry but rather strengthen this fundamental principle. The in-
hm'e made important contributions to the Navy's fund of crease in range and deadliness of new weapons merely ac-
knowledge. The design studies now being made for the centuates the necessity of plans for immediate advancement
Kentucky and the Hawaii together with the development of our forward lines of resistance and offense."
of missiles guided by carrier-based aircraft, will lead to revo- In the hundreds of volumes written to declare the NaVY
lution in the striking power of naval warships. It is still too obsolete, it is remarkable to note that all those who desired
early to make any forecast of the ultimate design character- to scrap our Navy and prepare for the "Atomic Age," gave
i~ticsof these ships except that they will be guided missile the Navy little credit for defense. It \vas apparent, in the
. "
warshIpS. considerations, that the 0Javy should sit in its oversized
Nearly 2'5 years ago, work was suspended on two battle puddles and wait to be hit 'by atom bombs and guided
cruisers pending design changes which led to their com- missiles. Little consideration was given to the fact that the
pletion as the aircraft carriers USS Lexington and USS Navy could be improved to conform with the needs made
Saratoga, ships which gave invaluable service in \Vorld mandatory in advanced scientific warfare.
War II. That is, all but the Navv ....
\Vhile major conversions of ships started in another role Navy planners, as soon 'as possible .with the end of hos-
are expensive, these t\\'O big carriers proved the advantage tilities, set about learning everything there was to be known
of such a step in making new types ready for service test as about the bomb and guided missiles. Their experiments
soon as possible. Similarly, the first aircraft carrier in the have advanced both fields perceptibly, and they have
.'\'avy, the USS Langley, \-vasconverted from the outmoded learned much from which the type of Navy necessary to
collier, J1!'piter, thereby permitting our Naval aviators to combat these new weapons caT"\. be developed. Progress is
gain experience in carrier flight operations much sooner being made all the way down the line.
than \vould have been possible if the study of aircraft carrier In one field, submarine warfare, the Navy is making tre-
tactics had had to wait upon the authorization, design and mendous advances. In experimenting with "outsized" subs,
construction of a ne,\' ship. the Navy is developing a system of transportation of troops,
which will enable us to send surprise forces to distant purposes. It will be one of our arms of intelligence, gather-
shores, quickly and safely-protected by the great mantle of ing massive information usable in peace and war. The
many fathoms of water. :\'m'y will exhibit the power of the United States abroad,
l~ that same field, the ?\avy is perfecting an exceptionally indicating the :\'ation a good. po\wrful friend and ally to
fine "forward thrust" for our guided missiles of the future some; to others illustrating it unwise to attack the U. S. or4
and their possible atomic warheads. The newer subs give attempt to murder the peace of the world. It will, as it has.
every indication of being good launching sites for such stand by as a moderator, frustrating unfair pressure on
missiles. weak nations by foreign powers.
One Navv man, Fleet Admiral \Villiam F. Halsev, re- Through its research efforts, it will progress with the
tired, has goi1e on record as believing that such submarines, times, and, in the event of war, it will protect our coasts
armed with guided missiles, may succeed the battleships against attack. It will enable us, again, to seize advanced
and carriers as the backbone of the fleet. bases, if such are necessary. At sea it ,viII detect and inter-
In the years since the war, the Navy has shown in its cept air, sea, and submari~e attack, and will assist in carry-
planning and operations it is awake to the fact that one day ing our offensive across those seas to the enemy shores. If
it may be true that the Navy as we now know it may be "polar" conceptioneers are right in their conjectures, our
obsolete, and rates a vote of confidence for the energy with Navy 'will not be too occupied, but it will be a comforting
which it has tackled the problem, giving every indication thought to know our coasts are not unprotected.
that if the fleet-in-being is going to become obsolete, the Beyond the "foreseeable" future, it is anyone's guess. If
Navy, not the atomic bomb, will make it so-simply by the predicted gadgets become reality, it is certain, the
producing a Naval force capable of combating the weapons Navy will have developed a few of its ovm.
of the future by superseding its present weapons with more If the science of warfare advances to that point where
adequate weapons. operations at sea are unfeasible-where air transportation is
It has ascertained many of the effects of the atomic bomb capable of assuming the full load-then we may see our
on ships and is now well on the way to devising methods Navy diminish in importance. But. that possibility is in the
of minimizing such damage or frustrating such attack. It'is realm of conjecture and imagination-hardly a sound foun-
developing tactics and strategies which will make the ship dation for a national establishment.
a worthy opponent of the weapons to come. The dreams of war by remote control, delivering mass
vVith such progressive thinking in evidence, the U. S. destruction from a switch panel in South Jersey may be-
if it backs such thinking, can be assured of a naval force come realities one day. However, until such realities be-
superior to any which might ever appear on the seas. Our come apparent on the horizon of time, it is well that the
Nation will have a sea force quite capable of performing
United States follo,v the advice of one of the Navy's saints,
whatever missions charged to it in peacetime, and an in-
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry: "DON'T GIVE UP
estimable bulwark in time of war.
In the foreseeable future, the Navy's job will be some- THE SHIP!"
\vhat traditional. It will train the nucleus force and main-
EDITOR'S NOTE: In the next issue we shall publish a similar article on
tain its reduced force against emergency and for operations the Air Forces entitled, "Meet the Air Force."


Retail Price Price to You

"Rockets and Space Travel" $3.75 $3.19

By Willy Ley

"The Coming Age of Rocket Power" . 3.50 2.97

By G. E. Pendray

"Rockets and Jets" 3.00 2.55

By Herbert S. Zim
Rockets Will Provide Tools for Interstellar Experiments

By Dr. F. Zwicky
Rockets will carry shaped charges to extreme heights 2. Secondarv rockets are to be built and launched from
from where they can be ejected at high speeds to large primary ;ockets. If this is done at the proper heights
escape from the earth's gravitational :field. \vhere the velocities of the individual rockets are effective,
The possibility of using rockets as carriers of scientific it is hoped to reach heights of from 500 to 1,000 kilometers
instruments has long excited the imagination of astrono- \\ithom too great difficulty. Telescopes, spectrographs, and
mers, phvsicists, and engineers. \Vith the advent of jet electronic instruments from such heights will record the
propulsio~ and the construction of powerful rockets, this primary electromagnetic and corpuscular radiations which
possibility has now become a reality and a tremendous de- are present in interplanetary space but l\'hich, because of
velopment now in progress promises results of a nature interference of the atmosphere, cannot reach the earth's
hitherto unattainable. surface.
Today \\'e stand at the beginning of an era of an entirely For instance, at the greatest height of about 200 kilo-
new type of scientific experimentation. During the past, meters attained by the V-2 rockets, enough air (nitrogen
experiments were essentially confined to the surface of the and oxygen) is still left to absorb most of the light in the far
~arth. Of the happenings in the uniyerse at large, we ultraviolet. If radiations from the sun and from the stars in
gained some very partial knowledge through the medium the wave-length region from 1,000 Angstroms to one
of visual light \vhich acted as a messenger bet\veen the Angstrom or less are to be recorded, it is necessary to reach
celestial bodies and the earth. Two very important things, heights in excess of 200 kilometers.
however, were denied us. Very novel results may be expected at such heights. By
In the first place, we could not observe the ultraviolet inference, we know that there exist manv verv hot stars
light, the X-rays, and the radiations of still shorter wave with surface temperatures in excess of 100,000 degrees
lengths which we know by inference to exist abundantly in Kelvin. These stars, which emit relatively little visual light,
the vast interstellar and intergalactic spaces. Neither could may actually be the brightest objects in the sky. Observers
we directly record the corpuscular rays consisting of atoms, tied to the earth, figuratively speaking, are doomed to the
ions, electrons, protons, and so on, which we also kno\v role of blind men since the interfering atmosphere prevents
to be present in great intensity in the spaces between the them from seeing most celestial objects in their true nature.
stars and the galaxies. Rocket-borne telescopes, therefore, are destined to rele-
Secondly, we had no means whatsoever to experiment gate earth-tied telescopes, no matter how big and powerful,
with the various celestial bodies such as the moon, the sun, to a secondary role. To open up undreamed-of vistas, the
the planets, the stars, and other extraterrestrial objects. construction of very high-flying rockets is imperative and
Rockets no\v promise to provide us with the tool to achieve should be undertaken without delay.
the two goals which thus far we have not been able to reach. 3. The next step involves the' launching of missiles
Plans are therefore being laid for research \vith rockets. \vhich are capable of escaping from the earth's gravitational
These plans include the following items: field and flying off into interplanetary space, never to
1. Large primary rockets such as the V-2, as well as return. Three possibilities suggest themselves. These are:
sounding rockets built in this country, are to be used to (a) the use of nuclear (atomic) energy, (b) the construc-
carry scientific instruments to great heights. vVith some of tion of suitable multiple rockets activated through the en-
these instruments, the physical and chemical characteristics ergy liberated in powerful chemical reactions, and (c) the
of the upper atmosphere can be explored. Other devices, ejection of fast, small particles from shaped charges.
such as small telescopes and spectrographs, Geiger counters, The first two schemes, ea) and (b), have been much
and so forth, are to rec;ordthe electromagnetic and corpuscu- discussed in recent vears. The third scheme, (c), which
lar radiations from the sun, from the stars, and from other has long been overl~ked, actually is the simplest and now
celestial bodies. seems destined to provide the first practical realization of
:\lore details on this type of research are to be found in the ancient dream of sending missiles away from the earth.
"Upper Atmosphere Research," Report No.1, issued by These missiles, at the beginning, will be small, but
the Naval Research Laboratory. Important results have much information can be gained from them.
been achieved using German V-2 rockets at the \\'hite \Vhile the fastest Ordnance missiles have maximum
Sands Proving Ground in 1\'ew Mexico. velocities of from one to two kilometers a second, consider-
*Extracted by permission from Ordnance. ably greater speed is needed in order to reach interplanetary
space. The escape velocity from the earth is 11.2 kilometers the V-2 rocket, the task of making ready and installing the
a second. \Ve therefore need particles possessing kinetic shaped charges with metal cone inserts in the instrument
energies per gram of about fifty to a hundred times those head of the \1-2 was taken over by the Applied Physics
inherent in the fastest Ordnance missiles. Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins Unh'ersity, with Dr. J. A-
The explosion of properly shaped charges is capable of Van Allen in charge.
generating energies of this order of magnitude and to pro- The Ordnance Department furnished the shaped charges
duce fast-flying particles which may be designated as arti- (rifle grenades) which were ~ctually used in the experi-
ficial meteors. It was therefore thought advisable to experi- ments at \Vhite Sands after modification by personnel of
ment with the,ejection of fast particles from shaped charges the New Mexico School of Mines. The author organized
carried aloft by high-flying rockets. Information may thus the observational program and obtained the cooperation of
be obtained in the following fields: the observatories at Tucson, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, and
1. Supersonic and hypersonic aerodynamics. Since the Palomar Mountain.
particles ejected from the shaped charges have velocities up The first night firing of a V-2 rocket in the United States
to fifty times the velocity of sound in the atmosphere, re- took place at the White Sands Proving Ground on the
sistance characteristics of particles in the supersonic region night of December 17, 1946. Unfortunately, the shaped
(Mach numbers M = I to 6) and in the hypersonic region charges did not ignite as intended, due to some unidentified
(M > 6 and up to 50) may be investigated. (Mach No. I failure of the firing circuit. However, the experiment will
is speed of sound.) No corresponding observations can be be repeated.
made in any of the existing high-speed wind tunnels which Much valuable information was nevertheless gained by
all operate below 1\1 = 5. the astronomers who observed 'the Hight of the V-2 on the
2. Physical anCl chemical characteristics of the atmos- night of December 17th.
phere. Optical observations, both telescopic and spectro- These results were principally as follows:
scopic, of the trajectories of the artificial meteors promise to (1) Observation of fast particles ejected by the explo-
furnish information about the air at all heights. sion, on the ground, of shaped charges fitted with metal
3. The artificial meteors are fast enough to circle the cone inserts; (2) Direct telescopic recording of the jet of
earth as "near-by" satellites. Some may even escape per- the V-2 rocket motor and spectroscopic observations of this
manently from the earth's gravitational field and thus can jet; (3) Photographs of the trajectory of the V-2 after pro-
be used to explore the interplanetary spaces. If the particles pellant cut-off by the light of the hot graphite steering
can be made large enough, their collisions, that is, the re- vanes and the spectroscopic analysis of the light of these
sulting flashes of their landings on the moon, on Jupiter, graphite rudders at great heights.
and other planetary bodies, are conceivably observable with \\lith suitable alteration of the shape and of the chemical
present-day telescopic equipment. composition of the charges and the inserts, we hope to
Since we intend to operate in the "vacuum" beyond the achieve velocities of the fastest fragments of the order of 10
earth's atmosphere, a swarm or jet of approximately parallel to IS kilometers a second (50,000 feet a second). These
flying particles acts much as a unit body or meteor. This velocities \vill be sufficient to produce artificial meteor5
opens up the possibility of direct spectroscopic prospecting which will go into satellite orbits of the earth or which, if
of the surfaces of the planetary bodies. properly directed, will escape from the earth, never to
4. Since many of the artificial meteors may be expected return.
to be electrically charged, they can serve as test particles to Such missiles may then be used to bombard the moon
explore the electromagnetic field at great heights where and to observe the resulting flashes on impact. Spectro-
combined gravitational and electromagnetic fields, in the scopic analysis of these Hashes will provide a method of ex-
absence of aerodynamic forces, determine their trajectories. plaring the moon's surface for its elementary chemical con-
Subsequent to these preliminaries, a cooperati\'e DfO- stituents. \Vith large enough particles, the same analysis
gram was organized. \Vhile the representatives of the Ord- may be extended to the other members of the planetary
nance Department agreed to the necessary night firings of system.
Assignment Of Radar Search Sectors To 90mm
Gun Batteries In A Defended Area

By Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Culoerwell, CA-Reserve

During the early stages of \\70rld War II, stress was laid would be covered regardless of where the hostile target
in antiaircraft defense on the principle of all-around cover- might be; restated, the solution sought for was one enabling
age, with some concentration on the "most likely avenue of the quickest possible pickup by a gun-laying, accurately
approach." It was quickly found in the combat areas that plotting radar.
the most likely avenue of approach, as far as enemy aircraft Consider first the space searched out by a radar such as
were concerned, was often the back door, or the way at the SCR-584. It is a space in three dimensions between
first thought most. unlikely, and so all-around defens~ as- two concentric, inverted cones whose apexes are at the
sumed its rightful importance. To assure this coverage in radar. \iVhen set for low-angle search (0-360 mils), the
the days of manually operated radars (SCR-268 is a case radar reaches out to its maximum range; consequently,
in point), search sectors were assigned by the headquarters long-range search is best accomplished in this zone, and
directing the gun operations room, as arcs of so many mils, duty radars generally use it, properly so. But note further
determined by the number of radars and their respective that there is a large cone-shaped volume centering directly
positions around the defended area. oyer the radar which is not searched at all. At an altitude
Later, with the field use of radars having an automatic of 10,000 feet this blind spot is about 10 miles across; at
search or scan cycle such as the SCR-584, the assignment 20,000 feet it is over 20 miles broad; and at 30,000 feet it
of arbitrary sectors as so many mils of azimuth ,vas im- is over 30 miles across. No,,,,,even with the radars and gun
practical, as this particular radar searched automatically in batteries placed on the perimeter of the defended area,
a complete circle in azimuth, and covered in its cycle a such extensive blind areas might extend well over a de-
certain limited arc in elevation (360 mils in the case of the fended area of average size. And a greater number of'
SCR-584). Consequently, search sectors were not gener- radars in the area, similarly located and following the same
ally assigned as a standard practice, except that area defense search tactics, won't remedy the situation at all. If for any
headquarters might direct that gun batteries "concentrate reason the general warning'is slow or incorrect, or the targe-t
their attention" in those arcs which might have been as- does in fact get by the duty set undetected, then it may be
signed under the old arc system. As a matter of actual ex- O\'erthe defenses while they are hopefully, but a little late,
perience, this meant very little; it was a good general policy watching for it coming in, and the radars not searching in
to set down which ,,'ould be useful in a saturation raid. his yicinity at all.
But it meant verv little to batterv commanders for most Now in'the solution which the author proposes, the anti-
aerial raids. Lacking any prepared' over-all search directive, aircraft defenses v\!illnot be utterly dependent upon long-
they only naturally searched with their radars at low level 'range warning. But let us assume here that such warning
in the h~pe of getting an early pickup, well out of range, is available, and has been given. Then of all such data as
coming in. As a consequence of this (and this happened that warning may furnish, the least precise is the target's
on numerous occasions to the various defenses of which position, generally because of the time lag in receiving it.
this officer was a part), hostile aircraft made an entry into And the most dependable, because it is less likely to
the GDA without pickup until they v",ereon the outgoing change (an old, and still fairly reliable AA assumption), is
leg, sometimes well out of gun range. That this might have the target's altitude, even if designated only as low, medium,
been caused indirectly by delayed long-range warning, or high, or very high. Then we really have something to
high-speed aircraft, or simply by dead time in the announce- work on, a zone in the sky which for practical purposes we
ment of the long-range plot, seemed hardly to excuse the may call the altitude of the plane, a fIat, plane area. And
local defenses for failure to make a pickup simply because it is the complete search of this plane which this report sets
the target '\'as already in the immediate area when the forth can be done by a sort of radar porcupine, called into
alert got fully under way. And so there resulted a recon- effect bv the area defense commander at the outset of a
sideration of the search capabilities of the radars, and of the raid to get the quickest pickup and most accurate plot.
problem of how they could best be employed together for \Yhat these porcupine radar zones shall be are controlled
search, with the assurance that the greatest possible area by two factors: 1) the number and location of the nrious
radars about the defended area. and 2) the altitude plane search. nevertheless none of these sample zone" ahwe are
to be searched. Consider nO\\' the area searched out bv any so high when compared to the capabilities of the set. or so
onc radar at a particular altitude. It is the intcrsecti~n o"fhigh as unduly to limit the search area swept bv any par-
the search \'olume previously spoken of. \\"ith the plane of ticular set. and vet the area is ven' well covered. ='Jaturalh"
the target's altitude. or a fIat area bet\\'cen the t\\'O con-as the target ~ltitude becomes 'higher. these zones mu'st
centric circles. The pre-raid determination then is how best become higher also, but with careful selection of the over-
to assign rertical search zones \"ith the automatic SCR-58-fs lap, none of the sets need be set at the ultimate limit of
so that as much as possible (and reasonable) of this blind over 1,000 mils angular height.
zone over each radar can best be covered by overlapping. It should be stated again that these zones are only initial
As a starter, the first principle should be that those radars search zones. In determining them, and in prescribing
closest to the center of the defended area should be assigned them for coordinated search. the area defense commander
the lowest zones (0 to 360 mils, or thereabouts), and those is not usurping the duties or responsibilities of the battery
farthest from the center, the highest zones (not necessarily commanders. They are determined for his use when there
to the highest limit of the set; more about this in a moment).is reason to believ~ that the target is close in, or even oyer
At first glance this may seem unsound, as some pickup the defended area (as often did happen on hostile high-
range would seem to be lost if the battery closer in picked speed reconnaissance), and there has been no radar pick-
up an in-coming target first; but remember that if the up by the duty set. The area defense commander cannot.
closer batteries are assigned the higher zones, the area they and should not be responsible for the indiyidual search and
will search out may be so small that a high-speed target firing of the several batteries, but it is believed that it most
could pass through it before a search cycle had been com- certainly is his responsibility to assure that any and all
pleted. A second general principle to follow in assigning hostile targets are picked up and engaged as quickly as
these elevated search zones is that all radars should be keptpossible. Before this can be done, the target must have
in as Iowa range as possible, and yet as much of the over- been tracked by an accurate, gun-laying type radar. And
head blind area covered as is possible without unduly con- so this porcupine system for all the radars of the command
fining one or more sets. The best determination of these will enable him to direct a coordinated search for that pick-
zones can be made with the use of paper disks cut to scale up, and to search more'- completely than has heretofore
to represent the area searched at say 5,000 ft increments of generally been done. It is helpful that the determination
altitudes at various elevation zones, in 100 mil increments of the proper zones for any defense area is a simple one to
for example, such as 0 to 360 mils, 100 to 460 mils, 200 to make and put into effect.
560 mils, etc. They should be placed over each radar posi- After the best zones have been determined for each of
tion on the gridded control board until the most reasonably the 5,000-foot increments of altitude, then the 5-3 staff
complete coverage is obtained, much as one's effort at a should further study the coverage obtained by these settings
carnival to cover a painted circle on the counter with three at other altitudes. For example, how well do the zones
small disks. If there is to be any heavy overlapping, then prescribed for 5,000 feet cover the area at 10,000 feet, or
reason 'will dictate that this be done farther out from the how wen do those prescribed for 20,000 feet hold for
defended area, for reasons of target engagement. 10,000 feet, etc. A pre-raid study of this "will avoid un-
necessary changes in the porcupine during a raid.
After trial and error, the 8-3 staff of the area defense com-
mander may determine that the following vertical search Another important determination to be made is the use
bands coyer all of the outlying area at an altitude of 15,000 of the headquarters batteries' radar. Since these are al\'\'ays
feet (as an example), and also cover over 90% of the area available for directed search (they need never track a target
over the defended area and over the otherwise blind spots continuously except to assist a gun-laying radar to get on
of the radars themselves; further, they mav determine that target), then how can these sets, when most or even all of
the simplest alert command to effect this coordinated the gun radars are busy tracking targets, best be employed
search is: "All sites, Pickle, 15,000 feet," at which com- for maintaining a fairly satisfactory umbrella over the area,
mand, all radars are set to search these prescribed zones, acting as a guard while the gun radars are engaged? This
and in effect the defenses as a "whole are set to a search is really quite an important determination. They ,-".'ill, as
pattern which really covers the sky: others, generally track too low unless directed.
It is interesting to note that the navy apparently had
Hq Btry. 111th Bn: 0-360 mils (this set is close in)
some difficulty with this same problem in the Pacific. Ad-
A Btrv: 0-360 mils (this unit is close in)
miral Halse\' tells, in his recent series of articles in the Sat-
B Btrv: 100-460 mils
urda,' Et'e;ing Post entitled: "Admiral Halsev Tells His
C Btr)': 200-560 mils (this unit has a limiting
Star)!' how th~ Japanese managed at times to' get by the
na\~Vradars. He tells how "... thev were making a long.
D Btr\': 200-560 mils
fast' glide from high altitudes, thr~ugh the nulls-bli~d
Hq Btry, 222d B~: 0-360 mils (this set is close in)
spots-on the radars; ... \\'e countered this by sending the
A Btrv: 300-660 mils (this unit is farthest out)
combat air patrols higher and farther. ... " Note that there
BBt~,: 200-560 mils
is no indication that they changed their radar tactics to
C Btr~': 100-460 mils
meet the threat, but then perhaps this was due to some
D Btr~': 200-560 mils
limiting characteristic of the navy radars. Ho\".'ever that
;'\ote that although we have talked of higher elevation may be, there is nothing wrong with our SCR-584 which
zones than those at which most batteries would normally the application of a little solid geometry will not correct.
By Major Hal D. Steward, Cavalry
In the sun-baked desert of Southwestern Arizona, Armv sen'iceabilitv, comfort, and ability of arinored yehicle crews
Ground Force members of Task Force Furnace completed to operate i~ extreme hot weathe~.
their job in September. Since l\1ay they had been testing AGF Board No.3 test section under the supen'ision of
both men and equipment against the extreme hot weather Lieutenant Colonel Clifford L. \iVoodliff'was primarily in-
and desert terrain. terested in testing individual equipment and infantry weap-
A follow-up of Task Force Frigid, which tested men and ons under the extreme heat. This Board tested about 50
equipment in the extreme Arctic cold at Fairbanks, Alaska, items which included: food containers, mess trays, new
and Task Force Williwaw, which tested against cold wet type of Lister bag, rations, T-shirts, new combat boot, new
weather on Adak Island in the Aleutian chain, the Army type tropical helmet, new fatigue clothing, bath unit,
designed Furnace to test the third type of climate tbit mobile laundry, ice cream plant, kitchen tentage and truck,
would present major problems to military forces-hot and modified M-I rifle, 60rnm mortar with trigger, new 81mm
dry. mortar (with sectional tube and two section loose base
'Located at Laguna Air Strip, which is 30 miles Northeast plate), new heavy machine-gun tripod with recoil mecha-
of Yuma, Arizona, and near the Colorado River, the task nism, and many others.
force had a strength of 300 men and officers. The soldier'; uniform at Task Force Furnace consisted
Selected because of its hot and dry climate, Laguna Air of a T-shirt, nylon or herringbone twill trousers, and a me-
Strip was considered by Army Ground Force experts to be chanic's cap. This uniform,has proven so far to be the most
the most suitable site in the United States for these par- satisfactory for the terrific heat and sand of the desert.
ticular tests. As part of the soldier's "desert 'uniform" of the future, a
Results of preliminary tests that have not yet been new three-ounce nylon fatigue uniform and tropical cleated
evaluated in their final form, have proven satisfactory in boots with canvas "breather" tops were tested. Some of the
the most part, according to Lieutenant Colonel v.,7 alter B. Furnace soldiers also tested an "airflow" tropical helmet.
Richardson, Furnace commander. Shaped like a Chinese coolie's headgear, it is made of canvas
"Most equipment tested here in the desert of Arizona has and protects the back of the neck.
stood up remarkably well," says Colonel Richardson. "The Oddest test items observed at Furnace were t\'\'OCana-
tests have been well worth the Army's investment." dian Snowmobiles that were sent by the Canadian Army
Charged with testing the equipment at Furnace were for tests in desert sand and heat. Si~ilar in purpose only to
test sections from three of the Army Ground Forces four the U.S. Army v.,7easel (the reconnaissance tracked vehicle
boards. AGF Boards No. 1,2, and 3\vere represented ",.'ith that performed so well in the Arctic), these Snowmobiles
full-time staffs. are being tested as the possible solution for an all-purpose,
AGF Board No. I test section, headed by Maior Thomas all-weather Armv vehicle.
J. Bishop, tested signal equipment commo~ to ;rtillery and Contrary to what many persons would think, cases of
airborne equipment. One item of note checked at Furnace sunstroke or heat exhaustion at Furnace were nonexistent.
by this Board was a new and lighter type radio for forward The general health of the task force was excellent, with
artillery observers. This radio has an average range of about only ?bout 10 per cent of the command reporting on sick
six miles, however, it actually has reached a range of II call for minor illnesses and iniuries. No cases of snakebite
miles on cloudy days and nine miles at night. This Board were reported in the rattlesn;ke and gila monster infested
~ection also tested an infrared airborne beacon, which is desert.
\'isible up to about two and one-half miles. Scientific studies were made to determine ho\\' the hot
Another Board No. I item tested \\'as the Helicopter dry climate in Arizona compared with the information al-
XL-13 (Bell). It underwent motor heat and weather tests ready known on the effects of hot weather upon men. Doc-
to see how it is affected by high temperature and sand. So tor Robert v.,r. Clarke, a civilian physiologist, who is as-
far, after tests, it operates about the same in the extreme signed to AGF Board No.2 at Fort Knox, Kentucky, con-
hot weather area as it does in a temperate zone. However, ducted the tests.
because of the dust, it needs a little more maintenance than "Temperatures \\'Quld have to go much higher in the
normal. The Helicopter was also tested for possible use as Arizona desert climate before large-scale human physical
an artillery observation plane. failures would amount to anything," said Doctor Clarke.
Directed by Major Richard J. Grondona, the test section It is also the opinion of Doctor Clarke, that marching
of AGF Board No.2, the Armored Board, had 29 projects soldiers cannot hike in the hot desert without water for more
that it tested at Task Force Furnace. Tests conducted under than four continuous hours. Mter that they would begin
this board's supen'ision were concerned with the general to stagger and faIl because body fluids exhaust rapidly and
*Reprinted, courtesy, Armored Cat'alry Journal. dehydration proyes fatal un)ess quickly corrected. It has
been estimated by Furnace experts that the average soldier one-half miles from the main camp. During the day the
assigned to the task force drank about eight to nine quarts water became so hot that it was impossible to use it for
of Ruid a day. About 90 per cent of this Ruid escaped the bathing. At times it reached a temperature of 130 degrees
body through normal perspiration. in the pipes. Since 95 degrees is about the normal tem-
Doctor Clarke also stated that, with the proper amount perature for bathing the soldiers had to ,,'ait until the water
of fluid, tank crewmen in their vehicles could go all day in the pipes cooled in the evening before taking a bath.
under the burning sun at temperatures averaging around The highest air temperature recorded at Task Force
115 degrees above zero without losing any great degree of Furnace during its operations was 121 degrees above zero.
efficiency. \iVater of a temperature about 60 degrees is con- However, the sand temperature at times reached near 150
sidered best for drinking by persons operating in the ex- degrees.
treme heat. As a rule, the drinking of ice water in the ex- A somewhat lighter-than-standard diet has been found
treme heat is considered injurious, however, it didn't seem advisable in the heat. Experts estimate that a diet of about
to have anv ill effect on the Furnace soldiers. No one be- 2,400 calories a day per man would just about fill the bill.
came ill ~nough from the drinking of ice water to be And this diet should consist of lots of fruits, fluids, vege-
hospitalized. tables, etc.
The M-44 armored personnel carrier with a full load of Experiences of Task Force Furnace soldiers will result in
men (27) might generate in two or three hours enough better ventilation for manv vehicles, cooler tents, cooler
humiditv inside the carrier from body moisture to be dan- drinking water from Liste; bags made of porous material
gerous i~ extreme hot temperatures. This, however, is still that lowers temperature by increasing evaporation, and
just a theory. many other improvements that will make the operations of
Water for Task Force Furnace was carried in pipes above militarv units more efficient in the desert wastelands that
the ground from the Gila Canal, located about four and generate terrific heat.

A war-developed plan for landing planes on carriers in eyes that can see the ultraviolet rays used although they
pitch-black darkness by the use of ultraviolet "invisible" are invisible to most eyes. An enemy pilot might happen
light was never put into actual use because it was discovered to have this unusual ability. In that case he could see the
that a few eyes can see this so-calledinvisible light. beams sent out by the plane and locate the plane. How-
The plan, perfect in theory but impractical in war, was ever, he could not see the outline of the carrier unless he
revealed by Dr. E. D. Tillyer of the American Optical were directly within the path of the returning fluorescent
Company. In the plan, airplanes were to be equipped with beams.
searchlights sending out only ultraviolet rays. vVhen re- Although the Schmidt-type correcting lens developed for
turning to their mother-ship these rays would be used in use in the ultraviolet reflector could not, from a wartime
locating the carrier. standpoint, be used for that purpose, it is used in another
The carriers 'were to be equipped with special reflectors instrument still held a secret by the Navy. A similar lens
each with a fluorescent button \'\.'hich the ultraviolet ravs has been developed by Americ;n Optica!' scientists for use
would cause to glo,v brilliantly. The diffused Ruoresce~t in television reception.
light from each button would be collected by the complex Ultraviolet waves are similar to ordinary light waves but
curves of the mirror and concentrated through a special are of a different length. They are beyond one end of the
lens that \vould send a very narrow beam back to the plane . so-called visible spectrum, with its seven primary colors.
This returning visible beam is so narrow that an enemy .Invisible infrared rays are lust bevond the other end. These
pilot, flying 'wing t<?wing beside the landing plane, could are often called heat waveS,and they were used for "seeing"
not see the fluorescent light outlining the carrier. Its spread in the dark in the Army's sniperscope. By electronic means
after traveling more than a mile was only a few feet. an observer was able to see an object otherwise invisible to
Tests made bv University of Rochester scientists, ,,:ho the eve. -
developed the r~flectors, re,;ealed that a few persons have (Reprinted courtesy Science News Letter.)
68th AM Brigade entered. Automatic weapons had been emplaced on the
(ContimwJ from page 7) decks of all ships to supplement the ships' antiaircraft and
quarters \yas mo.... ed from Guadalcanal to Bougaim-ille, and several Jap airplanes were shot down en route, three of
all units assigned to the brigade were relieved from assign- which were officially credited to the 951st and 469th A\V
ment. Units west of the boundary referred to were assigned Battalions. Seyeral 'bombs were dropped near ships of the
[0 USAFFE (U. S. Armv Forces in the Far East) and in com'oy, one hitting an aircraft carrier that ,,"as seriously
turn to ;\la50r General \". F. ;\larquat's 14th AA Com- damaged with the loss of some members of the crew.
mand. These units were then attached to the XIV Corps
and further attached to the 68th Brigade. The brigade lost INITIALSTAGESOF TIlE OPERATION
the 117th Group and all units remaining at Guadalcanal In the Sixth ArmY' attack plan, I Corps with the 6th
and Russell Ids. and 43d Infantry Divisions attached, and XIV Corps with
In August 1944, the brigade \vas alerted for the Leyte the 37th and 40th Infantrv Divisions attached were em-
Campaign. However due to the fact that General Mac- ployed as assault troops. In'resen'e were the 25~h Infantry
;\rthur eliminated three steps from his plans for the inva- Division and the 158th Regimental Combat team. The
sion of the Philippines, the 32d AAA Brigade that had been mission of'the assault forces was to secure beachheads in
alerted for operations in Mindanao was finally selected. the Lingayen-San Fabian-Rabon areas and then launch
In September 1944, the 68th Brigade received informa- an attack to secure the Central Plain and the Manila area.
tion from the 14th AA Command that it would be attached The Corps were to land abreast, XIV Corps on the right
to General Walter Krueger's Sixth Army as the senior and as rapidly as possible to consolidate and form one
antiaircraft command headquarters for the Luzon Cam- beachhead. The antiaircraft troops were assigned the mis-
paign, antiaircraft units for the operation to come from sion of reinforcing ships' antiaircraft aRoat and upon land-
~oumea, New Guinea, the Solomons and Emirau Island. ing to furnish antiaircraft defense for landing beaches, air
More than 3000 miles of travel was required to make strips, bridges, supply installations, troop concentrations,
one visit to each unit, consequently brigade headquarters and other vital objectives.
could do little to prepare units for the operation except for All antiaircraft units for the operation were 14th AA
those at Bougainville and Emirau. However, conferences command troops. On 20 November 1944 thev were at-
were held at ~Headquarters, 14th AA Command, at Head- tached to Sixth Army and further attached to 'Corps and
quarters Sixth Army and at XIV and I Corps and several Divisions for the water movement and initial landing.
yisits were made to each unit to determine their ,hortages
in equipment. saP's were revised to conform to Sixth S-DAYLANDING(9 JANUARY1945)
Army policies and plans were prepared for antiaircraft sup- The landing on S-Day was practically unopposed by
port of the operation. enemy ground forces though artillery fire \vas received by
In anticipation of a wet landing on the Lingayen Coast units landing on the I Corps beaches. The greatest difficul-
all motor vehicles that ,vere to travel on LST's were com- ties encountered in landing resulted from the heavy surf
pletely waterproofed. SCR 584's were completely water- and unsuitable beaches. Most landing craft beached a hun-
proofed and sealed but due to a critical shortage in water- dred to a hundred and fifty feet from the shoreline and
proofing materials, other equipment was splashproofed debarking troops and equipment went ashore through water
only. Ninety millimeter guns "..ere moistureproofed by a up to five feet in depth. The waterproofing of vehicles
team composed of Ordnance personnel from Frankfort sayed most of the antiaircraft vehicles loaded on LSTs as
Arsenal who were on duty with the brigade. they rolled ashore under their own power:. Unloading from
As a rapidly moving situation was contemplated, K-60 LST's was complicated by the heavy surf and swift current.
Vans were furnished to brigade and group headquarters Pontoon barges used as unloading causeways were swept
for use as radio vans and mobile MaR's. Tv\'o SCR 543's, sideways, in many cases causing innumerable delays in
one SCR 188, one SCR 177, one SCR 245 and a switch- getting rolling stock ashore. These difficulties prevailed
board ,tere installed in the brigade radio van. The 144th throughout the first few days of unloading on the western
Operations Detachment \\'as furnished a trailer type K-32 beaches and delayed the landing of much antiaircraft
yan for a mobile AAOR, in \vhich were installed two SCR equipment. An advance echelon of Brigade Headquarters
188 radios, an operations board, AWS board, status board and of the 144th AAA Operations Detachment landed on
and a raised platform for the AAOO. This equipment S-Day and began to set up communications for the AAOR.
proved invaluable in the rapid move of the XIV Corps from INITIAL DEFENSE OF BEACHHEADS.T wen tv-four ma-
Lingayen Gulf to Manila. Certain other additional equip- chine gunners with eight water-cooled .50 cat machine
ment such as extra motor vehicles, bulldozers and communi- guns from the 470th AAA A\\7 Battalion landed on the
cation equipment, was authorized by the t\'I.'Ocorps and 1 Corps beach with the first wave of assault troops and
bv the 14th AA Command. established an initial antiaircraft defense of that beach.
o The XIV Corps convoy moved from Bougainville on The I Corps beachhead had one 90mm gun battery, three
16 December to the vicinitv of Lae, New Guinea, \"here searchlights and the equivalent of six automatic weapons
it picked up the 40th Division and the 209th AAA Bat- batteries in position and ready for action by the night of
talion (Self-propelled) and then joined the balance of the S-Day. The 198th AA~ A\V Battalion killed four Japa-
Sixth Division Convov at Manus Island. nese snipers during the landing, these being the first
There \\"as little e~emy air activity over the convoy en enemy casualties from ground action by landing forces. By
route to the objective area until Philippine waters were the night of S-Day, four searchlight and 2t2 Automatic
46 THE COAST ARTILLERY JOUR.l\'AL September-October

\\'eapons batteries \\"t'reemplaced on the XI\' Corps beach- (landing) Day, and by S+3, telephone lines and radio
head. communications \\"ere in to Sixth Army, XI\' Corps and to
AIR \\'AR:'\ING SERVICE. \\'arning service initially all antiaircraft units (except the 197th Group \\'hich had
was furnished by the ="av~.,plots being broadcast in polar radio communication onh" due to the fact it was some 25
coordinates from a predetermined point. Additional air miles distant) ..
w'arning service was furnished in the XIV Corps zone of The 35th Fighter Control Squadron landed on S+2 and
action by an early warning party of 251st MA Group established a fighter control center (FCC. This abbrevia-
troops which went ashore \\'ith the first assault wave and tion \\'as used throughout the campaign to designate the
established an air warning center with four OP's. SCR Active Air Defense Control Center) at Caloocan, and the
300's furnished by the Signal Corps. provided communica- Brigade AA operations room was established in the same
rion for this air warning net. The Navy prescribed alerts building. However the Army did not take over control of
and controlled fire until 1800, 17 Januarv 1945 when the the Active Air Defense until S+8. On S+2 the brigade
Air Corps controller took O\"er. Navy terdtinology for alerts assumed responsibility for the antiaircraft defense of the
and status of fire control, was used throughout. the opera- entire beachhead area and for alerting all ground units of
tion. the Army \\'hen air attacks were expected.
Enemy air opposition on S-Day was directed against the Because of the important part it played in the operation,
shipping in Lingayen Gulf and consisted of several one and mention should be made at this time of the technical as-
two plane raids, one plane being destroyed by 40rnm fire sistance Furnished the brigade. Early in 1944, Frankfort
from a section of Btrv C, 198th AAA AW Battalion em- Arsenal sent a team of five officers and enlisted men to
placed on the deck or"a LST. Guadalcanal to studv ordnance conditions in the field. This
personnel was with" the brigade for about six months and
was then replaced by another similar team which included
The Lingayen area, assigned to the XIV Corps, was a specialists on all types of AA Ordnance equipment. This
vast expanse of fish ponds and rice paddies cut through team, after spending about six months inspecting and re-
with numerous rivers, creeks and irrigation ditches, the pairing equipment and instructing key personnel, at their
height of land above water level being insignificant in most own request accompanied the brigade to the Luzon opera-
cases. In the I Corps zone of action, while there were tions. They rendered outstanding service in keeping bri-
fewer of the objectionable fish ponds and rice paddies, gade equipment functioning.
most ground was very low and swampy. Such terrain \\'as During the first week of the operation, the 14th AA
unfavorable for proper tactical disposition of the antiaircraft Command furnished radar maintenance, mobile searchlight,
artillery units. Fortifications were affected by the high IFF and Gun and A\tV instruction teams and sent Mr.
water table, built up revetments being necessary in almost Henry Abajian, radar expert from the l\lIT Electronics
every case. In few instances could any digging be done Laboratory, to accompany the brigade into action. Mr.
deeper than two feet without striking water. Abajian was no stranger, having spent considerable time
During the early stages of the operation, the entire with us in the South Pacific instructing radar personnel and
beachhead area was congested with personnel, equipment, working on our equipment.
supplies and Filipinos and with convoys moving to the On 20 January 1945 all antiaircraft artillery units on
interior. This congestion was immeasurably increased by Luzon were detached from Corps and attached to the 68th
the great number of bridges destroyed, many of which had AAA Brigade which was charged with all antiaircraft de-
been demolished in the American retreat in 1941-42. Pon- fense for the Luzon Operation. As the campaign progressed
toon bridges were constructed as rapidly as possible by the ~outhward, the mission of the Antiaircraft \\'as expanded to
Engineers and ferries were operated on some crossings; include the Clark Field and Manila areas and the long
however travel from one point to another always involved supply routes from the Lingayen Gulf to Manila.
excessive time. The wide dispersal of antiaircraft artillery The 251st AAA Group with the 70th AM Gun Bat-
units called for continual reconnaissance and inspection talion, 469th AM AW Battalion and 373d AAA'Search-
which was rendered difficult and arduous by the existing light Battalion attached, was originally assigned the de-
road conditions. fense of the Lingayen Airstrip and bridges and other in-
Because of the character of the landing beaches, the stallations in the Lingayen-Bimmaley area.
large amount of shipping involved and changes in priority The 197th AAA Group with the 161st AAA Gun Bat-
due to limited enemy air opposition, the originally planned talion, 198th AAA AW Battalion, 707th and 708th AAA
schedules for debarking antiaircraft artillery units collapsed lUG Batteries (Sep), and the 222d AAA Searchlight Bat-
completely early on S-Day, many S-Day units and equip- talion (-A & B) attached provided defense for the l\1angal-
ment not being unloaded for several days. Later echelons dan Airstrip, bridges, unloading beaches, supply dumps
were even longer delayed. and other important installations in the Dagupan-l\langal-
Radio communications \\'ere extremelv difficult to main- dan-San Fabian area. The 470th AAA A\V Battalion
tain during the early stages of the oper~tion. 1\105tof the \"ith Batten' B, 209th AAA AV/ Battalion (SP) attached
Army and .l\'a\"y units in the area were using high fre- \"as directed to provide antiaircraft defense for I Corps
quency channels and assigned frequencies did not have during its ad\"ance and the 209th AAA A\\' Battalion
sufficient spread to eliminate interference. \iVire communi- (SP) (-B & D), to furnish antiaircraft defense for the
cations were difficult to install and more difficult to main- 13th Armored Group in its zone of action.
tain. However wire ,vas laid to the 251st Group on S The initial Lingayen Gulf antiaircraft defenses extended
defense of hioh\\'a\'
u, and raihra\' . bridoes
v and supph- dumps .I

along the route. \ \ ith the capture of the ~ovaliches water-

shed pumping station and pipe lines that furnished water
to i\ lanila, a self-propelled A \\' batten' of the 209th Bat-
talion was committed to its defense. l~ a two-hour action
on the second da\' it was credited with killino 24 enemv
soldiers in a succ~ssful defense of the \\'aterw;rks. In th~
1\ lanila area the bridoes over the Pasio River were oiven
high priority in antiai~craft defense as ~hev were subi~cted
to illanv enenw artillerv and local attacks'durino
." .I ..
the Bat-

tie ot j\ lanila. Protection was also furnished to the Queson

Air Strip . .:\'ichols Airfield and at New Bilibid Prison
where Americans released lrom the Japanese prison at Los
Banos. were quartered.
In the rapid mm'e of the XIV Corps to 1\lanila. the oreat
superiority of self-propelled antiaircraft for such operations,
was plainly demonstrated. The 951 st Semi-mobile A \ V
Battali?n had to do .much back tracking to keep all equip-
Men of the 161st AAA Gun Battalion load a 90mm gun for
ment II1 proper defense positions, This im'olved oreater
shelling Jap positions in Baletc Pass, Luzon.
llse of highways and of fuel and caused greater fatigue of
more than 40 miles along the beach and included two air- personnel involwd. On the other hand, the 209th Self-
fields: a considerable number of highway and railroad Propelled Battalion could keep up with other convoys,
hridges in the vicinity of Lingayen, Dagupan and San Fab- fight on the march and operate with little or no back-
ian and many unloading points and dumps. t\t no time tracking.
was there sufficient equipment on hand to give proper The XIV Corps, after its initial sweep through the
protection. However, due to the thorough job done by Central Luzon Plain, encountered determined enemv re-
General Kenney's Far Eastern Air Forces and by planes of sistance from well dug in fortifications and from elab~rate
Admiral Halsey's Third Fleet in destroying Japanese air caves that honeycombed the hillsides in the hillv countrv
installations, and the fact that Japan was conserving her east of 1\'1anila and in the hills west of Fort St~tsenberg.
air strength for defense against the expected invasion of To augment the Corps Artillery, the 51 8th AA/\ Gun Bat-
Japan, air attacks in the Philippines were light and in- talion,. then attached to the 14th 1\1\/\ Group, was sent to
frequent. lvlanila on 16 February on a terrestrial fire mission. One
battery of this battalion furnished support for the 40th
TIlE ADVANCE To i\IANILA Division at Fon Stotsenbero, where it was emnloved to
'" r .
A Brigade Forward Echelon was formed at this time to CIestroy enemy troop concentrations, fortifications :lIlcl
provide liaison with the advancing Corps, to furnish air caves in close proximity to our own troops most of this

I warning and to coordinate antiaircraft activities in the for- fire being conducted at ranges of from 2500 to 10,000
ward zones of action. The 209th AAA A \V Battalion yards. Air bursts, using time fuzes, were found to be ex-
(SP) and 951st AAA A \\1 Battalion were detached from 'tremely effective against enemy troops on mountain roads

and trails. B" 7 March, the infantr" had broken throuoh
their respective groups and placed under direct control of , ,
stubborn enen1\' defenses and this battalion was returned to
the Brigade Forward Echelon. The mobile operations van
of the 144th AAA Operations Detachment which was the 14th Group at Clark Field.
also included, operated in conjunction with a mobile FCC On 22 February, the 14th AAA Group, Colonel J. }-I.
of the 35th Fighter Control Squadron that accompanied Pitzer, Commanding, was assigned the mission of the de-
f the Forward Echelon. The mobile FCC consisted of an fense of four of the Clark Field runways and of establishino
. '"

I operations and radio van, two transmitter vans, mobile sig- a Group AAOR at the 51st Sector FCC at Angeles. The
nal air warning radars and one SCR 584. It maintained defense included initially only the 471 st AAA AvV Battal-
communication bv radio with the FCC at Caloocan. ion but was later reinforced bv the 51 8th A1\/\ Gun Bat-
I The Brigade Forward Echelon, under the command of talion and elements of the 373d 1\A1\ SjL Battalion.
I Colonel Preston Steele the Brigade Executive Officer, de- As air action was limited, offensive action on the part of
) parted from the Brigade CP at Caloocan on 22 January antiaircraft troops consisted principally of repelling small
l945 (5+13). The initial CP was established near the enemy raiding panics from the hills to the west.

l XIV Corps CP at Tarlac, one of the towns that had been

burned to the ground by the retreating Japanese.
( 1 Corps advance was very limited because of determined
As the
The Fifth Air Force became increasingly concemed over
the necessitv for antiaircraft defense of the Nichols Air-
field at i\ la~ila which was in constant use bv combat and
enemy opposition in the hills north of the Central Luzon cargo planes. Accordingly the 251st Group', commanded
Plain, the Forward Echelon moved forward with the XIV bv Colonel 1. B. Carroll. with the 951 st A \\1 Battalion and
Corps which advanced swiftly south through the Central elements o( the 373d SjL Battalion, were sent to ~lanila
Plain to i\ lanila, arriving on 8 February. on 6 i\ larch to initiate the defense. No o ouns were a\'ail-
The initial missions of the antiaircraft units in support able for this defense nor for the defense of docks in the
of the XIV Corps included antiaircraft and local (ground) '" lanila area until some time later However troops in their
48 THE CO:\ST ARTILLERY JOllR~AL September-Octobe;:-'l
A \ \. defense positions around the airfield pro\'ed \'aluable
in combating numerous raids by small groups of enemy
troops that occasionally infiltrated through our lines from
the near-by hills to the east.

With the departure of the 14th Group for Clark Field
and of the 251st Group for 1\lanila. the 197th AAA Group
commanded bv Colonel Carter took over defense of the
entire Lingaye~ Gulf area. Enemy air attacks consisted for
the most part of harassino C> raids at niohtC>
durino 0 periods of
moonlight. ~
Air strikes were directed mainlv.
Lingayen and 1\langaldan airfields and the supply dumps
in the San Fabian area. Onlv. sinole 0
plane raids were
made in all cases except one. the exception being a four-
plane low-level attack on the 1\langaldan field on 2 1\larch
which damaged se\'eral of our planes, killed t\\'O men and
wounded some 40 others. The 198th shot down one plane Moving forward into Cordon. Luzon, half.tracks of the 209th '
and the 161 st destroyed one and damaoed another. AAA A wr Battalion (SP) return severe Jap fire .
. 0
\ \lith the exception of antiaircraft troops. there were
strips and automatic weapons defense for bridoes in the
practicall~' no combat troops in the Lingayen area nor in
I Corps ~one of action. The 1\langaldan airstrip °was ne\'er
the Central Plain, antiaircraft and service troops beino en-
hard sur/aced and operations had to be discontinued when
tirely dependent upon themselves for local prote~tion
t~le first heavy rains fell in the middle of April. At this
against enemv infiltration attacks, and enemv soldiers bv-
time. General Innes P. Swift. Commanding I Corps, re-
passed by ou; infantry in its rapid advance s~uthward an'd
quested antiaircraft units for ground support missions. so
eastward. Durino c> the 11eriod of 20 Januarv .' to 15 1\larch
the lettered batteries of the 161 st AAA Gun Battalion and
antiaircraft troops had thirty-eight ground contacts with
the 198th AAA A \V Battalion were gradualh' relllo\'cd
enemy troops, most of which were close-range fire fights
frol~l the 1\1angaldan area and used to fill I CorPs needs.
against attacks on our gun positions. The number of enemy
troops varied from one to as many as thirty in each attack 1he last enemy.0. air raid in the Linoaven Gulf area oc-
the 'usual number being seven ~r less. As of 15 March: curred on 22 March 1945 when three enemy planes entered
68th Brigade troops in local ground actions had killed 121 the GDA and were engaged by antiaircraft. Three bombs
enemy soldiers, wounded one and captured six. were dropped on an ammunition dump near Rabon de-
stroying five ammunition bays containing some 7000 tons
OPERATIOKS 15 ;'vIARcH TO 24 1\,IAY1945 of mUC!l needed held artillerv . ammunition. Durino 0 the
During the first half of March the 102d AAA Brigade raic I one plane was destroyed and one was damaoed bv
and other AAA units landed in Manila or were in the antiaircraft fire. The onh'• r~mainino 0 aerial attacks ~currc~1 '
harbor waiting to unload. On 15 1\larch 1945, Sixth Annv during the second week in April when, on several occasions,
issued orders dividino o the defense of Luzon between th~ enemy fighters bombed and strafed our ground forces in the
68th and 102d AAA Brigades. The latter at this time Balcte Pass area.
assumed the command of the antiaircraft defenses of the During the last half of 1\larch, the Air Corps beoan
Clark Field, 1\lanila, Subic Bav, Mariveles Bav and Cor- using Laoag Airfield as an emergency landing strip ~nd
regidor areas. All 68th AAA Brigade units in 'those areas established a FCC there under the control of Detachment
with the exception of the 209th AAA A \V Battalion (SP) G, 86th Fighter Wing. This airfield was approximatelv
were relieved from attachment to the 68th AAA Brigade 115 miles north of U. S. forces at San Fernando (L~
and attached to the 102d AAA Brigade. Of the newly de- Union) but was in guerrilla-controlled territol\' and had a
barked units, the 35th and I I 9th AAA Groups, 163d AAA perimeter defended by Colonel Volkman's g~errillas. In
Gun Battalion, 382d AAA A \V Battalion and 277th AAA April, fighter planes were based at the strip. Initial defense
S /L Battalion (-13 & C) were attached bv Sixth Armv to of the airfield was established dmino o the first week in
the 68th AAA Brigade. The Brigade was ;ssigned the ;nti- April by Btry A, 102d AAA A W Battalion. This batten'
aircraft defenses of airstrips, dumps and bridges in the had originally landed with the II th Airborne Division ;t
Lingayen Gulf area and in the Zones of action of I Corps, Nasugbu on 31 January 1945, but at the request of the
XI Corps and XIV Corps. t~ir Corps w~s detached from the division, transported by
On 15 1\larch 1945 the 35th AAA Group, Colonel au to Laoag airfield and attached to 68th AAA Brigade. On
Hardv,• commanding, was assioned the mission of furnish- 23 April two searchlight sections of Btn' A, 227th AAA
ing automatic weapons defense for the Lingayen and S/L Battalion were Hown to the strip t~ serve as beacon I
1\langaldan airstrips, unloading and supply points in the lights. and as spread beam lights for the A \V defense. The
Dagupan-San Fabian area, and vital bridges in the Lin- only addition to the defense for the strip was furnished the
gayen Gulf area. The group had only A \\1 units attached. first week in May when the 708th AAA MG Battery (Sep)
The 197th l\AA Group continued to furnish gun and made an overland trip from San Fabian to Laoao0' a road
searchlight defense for the Linoaven
o. and 1\lanoaldan
air- distance of about 160 miles, some of which was in close
proximity to Japanese forces and unprotected hy our troops. Philippines. Elements of the 163d and 161st AAA Gun Bat-
By the end of I\1arch 1945, guerrilla forces had secured talions and the 209th, 469th and 198th AAA A\V Battalions
San Fernando (La Union) and Base 1\1 was making prepa- supported these attacks. Battery A, 209th had been con-
rations to moye from San Fahian to San Fernando, which verted to 40mm guns by the 14th AA Command but the
\\"as later the major port and supply point on the north- other three hatteries had multiple .50 cal. only. Shortage
western coast of Luzon. On 23 March the 119th AM of trucks and lack of road space hindered the movement
Group, Colonel T ouart Commanding, was assigned to fur- of the semi-mobile units. To improye the situation, pro-
nish gun, searchlight and automatic weapons defense for visional platoons composed of half self-propelled and half
the San Fernando area. Attached to the group for this de- semi-mobile 40mm guns were organized. By this arrange-
fense were the 163d AAA Gun Battalion, 227th AAA S/L ment both 40mm and .50 cal. fire could be delivered by
Battalion (-B & C) and the 209th AM AW Battalion all platoons and in emergencies, the self-propelled could act
(SP). The 163d AAA Gun and 227th AAA S/L Battalions as prime movers thus increasing the platoon's mobility.
at this time were aboard LST's en route to San Fahian, and On 29 April, Battery A, 163d emplaced an SCR 584
the 209th was moving overland from the Manila area. By along the Villa Verde Trail for the purpose of locating
25 March, the 209th had hatteries A and B in the San defiladed enemy artillery positions and succeeded in pin-
Fernando area, Btry D furnishing defense for the hridges pointing one position. Accessory equipment for this pur-
near Aringay and Bauang, and Btry C en route from Ma- pose had been improvised and developed in the battalion.
nila to San Fernando. The 163d and 227th had deharked Similar work along this line was carried on with some suc-
on 23 March and moved into bivouac in the Mangaldan cess, under Captain Brown, assistant brigade radar officer at
area. By the end of March these two battalions had moved Balete Pass, using personnel and equipment of Captain
to San Fernando and a complete antiaircraft defense for Sherman's Battery A, 161st. The successful movement of
the San Fernando area had been established. these heavy unwieldy ten-ton radars and guns along Villa
On the 15th of March 1945, the 382d AAA AW Bat- Verde Trail and to positions on the high ground southwest
talion was assigned the mission of furnishing antiaircraft of Balete Pass, is a great tribute to the ingenuity and re-
protection for the XIV Corps. Initially the battalion pro- sourcefulness of battery and battalion personnel. The
vided protection for the docks, bridges and supply dumps Villa Verde Trail is a narrow winding one-way dirt road
on Batangas Bay and at Lemery on Balayan Bay. During cut from the sides of the mountain. It is full of hairpin
April and May, the battalion was used primarily to furnish turns and steep grades and became impassable even to a
ground defense around towns open to enemy infiltration jeep during rains. The routes to position in the Balete Pass
attacks. From 15 March 1945 until its relief from the area were even WOi:'se.Most of them were hastily con-
mission with the XIV Corps on 25 May 1945, the battalion structed for the purpose and in some cases were so steep
had 60 ground contacts with enemy troops, during which that they could not be climbed even by jeeps. Equipment
it killed seventy-eight e~emy soldiers, wounded six and took was moved to positions by tractors equipped with grousers.
seven prisoners of war. The battalion casualties as a result Prior to 16 April, the ground support requirements of
of these actions were one man killed and two wounded. XI Corps were furnished by the 102d AAA Brigade, how-
The majority of ground contacts between 68th AAA ever, on that date the 68th AAA Brigade was ordered by
Brigade troops and enemy troops during this period oc- Sixth Army to relieve the gun battalion of the 102d AAA
curred in the XIV Corps zone of action, however, a total Brigade that was with XI Corps. Initially, Btries Band C,
of nine contacts were made in the San Fernando (La 161st AAA were moved to the Laguna de Bay area for a mis-
Union) area and the Lingayen Gulf area. As of 24 May sion of firing on enemy barges loaded with troops attempting
1945, 68th AM Brigade troops in ground action on Luzon to penetrate our lines. Btr)' D, 161st was used in support
had killed a total of 207 enemy soldiers, wounded eight of the 6th Infantry Division which was pushing into enemy
and captured twenty-three. Brigade casualties as of 24 positions in the hills northeast of Manila. During the first
May 1945 were six killed and fifty wounded. week in May, the XIV Corps made a major shift of their
With the lack of enemy air opposition to operations on ground forces in preparation for a drive to break enemy re-
Luzon, antiaircraft units were available for ground support sistance in the hills east of Manila. The 43d Infantry Di-
missions. The need for them continued to increase in the vision, with Btries Band C, 161st attached, was placed on
I Corps sector when determined enemy resistance from the left flank in the vicinity of Santa Maria (Bulacan),
well dug in fortifications was met in the hills north of the the 38th Infantry Division with Btry D, 161st attached,
Central Luzon Plain. The end of March found the 25th was placed in the center and the 112th Regimental Combat
Infantry Division attempting to penetrate strong enemy de- Team was placed on the right flank in the vicinity of Anti-
fenses guarding the approaches to Balete Pass while on polo (Rizal).
their left, the 32d Infantry Division was driving forward The effectiveness of the antiaircraft gun support is indi-
along the narrow, winding steep Villa Verde Trail in an cated in a letter from the Commanding General, 43d Divi-
attempt to outflank Balete Pass. The 33d and 37th Infantry sion Artillery to the Commanding General, 68th Brigade,
Divisions, with the 37th on the left, were pushing toward concerning the 161st which is quoted in part as.follow~:
Baguio from Route No.3, between Damortis and San Fer-
nando (La Union) to capture that strongly held Japanese
key position. The attack was supported by air bombard- "Their capabilities in delivering fire on terrestrial tar-
ment which, combined with our artillery fire, almost totally gets -have been of inestimable value in enhancing the
destroyed Baguio, the beautiful summer capital of the operation of this division. Not only have they been used
for indirect fire missions but one piece under the com- OPERATIONS 24 j\IAY 1945 TO 30 JUNE 1945
mand of Captain Chester F. Purcell was emplaced on The Commanding General, Sixth Army, effective 000L
the front lines of our infantry and was most effective 24 May, passed to the Commanding General, Allied Air
in direct fire against pillboxes: caves, and other enemy Forces, the responsibility for the antiaircraft defense of
fortifications." the Laoag Airstrip, and the antiaircraft defenses in the San
:(. :(. :(. :(. :(. :(. :(. * Fernando (La Union), Central Luzon Plain, Manila, and
Subic Bay areas. All of the brigade units, except the 144th
On 14 May, Time Magazine wrote: "On Luzon they AM Operations Detachment; 35th and 119th AM
had discovered that the 90mm antiaircraft gun, with its Groups; 161st and 163d AM Gun Battalions; 198th, 209th
high muzzle velocity and flat trajectory, makes an excellent and 382d AM AW Battalions; and the 227th AAA SJL
cave-closing weapon. When the gun is brought into posi- Battalion (less Btry B), were relieved of attachment to
tion, its accurate sights permit gunners to draw a sniper's Sixth Army and the 68th AAA Brigade, and passed to the
bead on cave mouths thousands of yards away. In twelve control of the Commanding General, Allied Air Forces.
days two guns closed over 100 caves on Balete Pass; one Brigade troops furnishing antiaircraft defense in the Da-
cave later yielded 23 Japs, dead of suffocation." mortis-Aringay-Bauang-San Fernando area were relieved
The 163d AAA Gun Battalion received similar letters of that mission by I June. For the balance of the operation,
from the divisions it supported. This battalion did outstand- brigade units were employed solely in ground support
ing work in ground support of the 33d Division in its drive missions.
on Baguio. On 14 April, one gun section of Battery A In late April 1945 the 68th Brigade was notified that it
moved forward to provide close in support. The division would support Sixth Army operations in the contemplated
had encountered damaging fire from enemy mortars en- invasion of Japan tentatively scheduled for I November
trenched on the forward slopes of hills in the foreground 1945. Consequently a rehabilitation and training center
and had been unable to reach them with the division artil- was established at Luna (La Union) on the west coast of
lery. It was decided to try the flat trajectory 90mm AA Luzon. With the exception of a few units still furnishing
weapons at short ranges (3700 to 11,000 yards). These ground support of Sixth (and later Eighth) Army opera-
guns proved their worth on the first night that they ranged tions, all brigade units were moved to the Luna Camp.
the mountainside with harassing fire and for the first time Refresher school courses were run for all officers and en-
the enemy mortars were silent all night. On ensuing days, listed men. An airplane tow target squadron and a radio-
the guns closed cave after cave, destroyed enemy guns and controlled airplane target detachment were attached to the
reduced Jap resistance generally in the path of the infantry brigade. Firings and exercises of all types to include anti-
advance and so pleased infantry commanders that on the aircraft and field artillery firings and minor infantry tac-
final day of the attack, 30 April, it was asked to provide tics, were conducted. Training also included locating of
direct support for the attack on Bilbil Mountain, a strong enemy gun positions by radar, embarking and debarking
point that had previously been by-passed. L~eutenant H. J? from LST's, waterproofing of equipment and many other
Highfill, Commanding the 90mm gun sectIOn,went up III phases of preparation for amphibious operations.
a plane and spent several hours studying the terrain, circling
The story of the 68th AM Brigade in Luzon is largely
back and forth until he had a clear picture of contours, cuts,
one of front-line ground support of infantry assault divi-
ravines and bare spots. He then registered his guns on six
sions. For the first time in the Pacific war, extensive use
suspected enemy strong points. When the attack got un-
was made of the high velocity, flat trajectory antiaircraft
der way he was able to place fire from 100 to 200 yards in
weapons as field artillery weapons and as infantry support
front of our infantry forward elements which were marked weapons in close support of front-line infantry. Their
colored smoke. Nearing the top, the infantry ran into accuracy, flexibility and mobility made them ideal weapons
Jap mortar fire from a position which they had encircled. for ground support not only in attacks against caves and
Our troops were within 50 yards of the mortar on either other fortified positions but for counterbattery, for sweep-
side, however they expressed confidence in the accuracy of ing grassed areas where the enemy was concealed, for de-
the 90mm gun and called for fire. The first round silenced fending columns on the march and for spearheading in-
the mortar and our infantry went in to finish the attack and fantry attacks. Nor should the value of searchlights in
the capture of Baguio. support of front-line infantry be overlooked. Combat team
Pursuant to the Corps' request an automatic weapons bat- commanders were loud in their praise of the effectiveness
tery from the 198th AAA Battalion was attached to the of searchlights in illuminating areas occupied by enemy
troops while leaving our own troops in darkness.
38th Infantrv Division and one to the 43d Infantry Divi-
VVith the cessation of hostilities in August certain
sion. Battlefield illumination furnished by searchlights of
changes were again made in the brigade staff and attached
the 227th proved highly successful in this operation and
units. A considerable number of officers and enlisted men
was enthusiastically greeted by front-line troops. The ef- \vith long service overseas were transferred from the bri-
fectiveness of antiaircraft guns, automatic weapons and gade for return to the United States.
searchlights in support of field artillery and of front-line On 15 August 1945, the brigade was alerted for the
infantry, was commented upon most favorably in G-3 re- occupation of Japan. Advanced elements which included
ports of Corps and division and in separate letters by the brigade headquarters, the 35th Group, 161st Gun Battalion,
Commanding Generals of such units. 579th AW Battalion (SP), the 382d AW Battalion and the
144th Operations Detachment moved with the first con- activity was almost non-existent. Only 31 Japanese planes
,"oy to Japan and commenced going ashore at Yokohama came near AA defended areas and some of these were be-
_on 3 September 1945 with the initial troop landings. The yond the range of our \veapons. Six of these were destroyed
brigade Supply Officer, Captain Henry H. Hege was kept (this is in addition to 3 destroyed en route) and 4 damaged.
busy for a few hectic days, turning in antiaircraft equip- It is not possible to determine the number of enemy
ment that was no longer in demand, and re-equipping killed in long-range ground support action though the num-
units for the occupation. Units took with them only a part ber was undoubtedly large. In local defense of antiaircraft
of their antiaircraft equipment as their principal occupa- positions and in automatic weapons defense of bridges and
tion duties consisted of security guard, military police and in other close-range action, 268 enemy soldiers were killed
the operation of prisons (including Sugamo Prison for and 101 captured, by 68th Brigade units on Luzon. In ad-
Japanese war criminals). dition the following destruction of enemy equipment was
The brigade was inactivated on 28 February 1946 at credited to the brigade:
Yokohama having spent its entire career in the combat zone
3 barges carrying enemy troops
which took it from Noumea, New Caledonia, to Tokyo,
II motor vehicles
Japan. Space does not permit enumerating the many cases
2 tanks
of superior leadership, competence, ingenuity, and courage 50 pillboxes
in action, displayed by officers and enlisted men. These 208 caves containing soldiers and equipment
were the factors that made the brigade an effective fighting 4 O.P.'s
combat unit. 32 houses containing soldiers
2 bridges
I road block
The small number of enemy planes destroyed in the 78 guns
Luzon operations was due principally to the fact that air 5 ammunition dumps.


Colonel Charles A. French activated the 68th Brigade and a half. He is an instructor in the Department of Elec-
overseas and commanded it as a Brigadier General through tronics and Electricity at the United States Military Acad-
its campaigns. (Page 2.) emy. (Page 25.)
Dr. C. K. Stedman, after being associated with Purdue Willy Ley is one of the outstanding authorities on rock-
and Harvard Universities, joined the Boeing Aircraft Com- ets. He came to this country from Germany in 1935 where
pany in 1943 and is now Chief of Physical Research for he had been vice-president of the German Rocket Society
that Company. (Page 8.) before it was dissolved in 1933 as a result of Hitler's rise to
Lieutenant Colonel William S. Marks, Jr. joined the power. For several years he was science editor of the New
staff of the Signal Corps Laboratories as a radio engineer York daily, PAl, but is now a research engineer with the
in 1930. He was commissioned in the Signal Corps during Washington Institute of Technology. (Pages 27 and 53.)
the war and rose to his present rank. He is now Chief En- Harold Berman, after being affiliated with Esquire,
gineer of the Coles Signal Laboratory which is the com- joined the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories and
munications laboratory of the Signal Corps Engineering served with the laboratory during the war. At present he is
Laboratories. (Page II.) Technical Editor of that installation. (Page 32.)
Norman Abbott has been associated with the research Colonel E. W. Timberlake is P.M.S.&T. at Utah State
and development of Army radar equipment since 1940 as Agricultural College and was Executive of Training for
Chief Engineer on ground radar in the Engineering and the R.O.T.C. at Fort Bliss during the past summer. (Page
Technical Division, Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 34.)
(Page 17.) Leonard J. Grassman is well known to our readers. He
Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Culverwell served overseas is Chief of Public Information, Army and Navy Munitions
with the 62d AAA Gun Battalion as battery commander, Board. (Page 35.)
S-3, battalion executive and finally as commanding officer. Dr. F. Zwicky is Professor of Astrophysics at the Cali-
During that period he participated in seven campaigns. fornia Institute of Technology and Director of Research
(Pages 19 and 41.) at the Aerojet Engineering Corporation in Azusa, Cali-
Lieutenant Lawrence Sanders favors us with another ex- fornia. (Page 39.)
cellent fiction story. During the war he served both as an en- Major Hal D. Steward is Associate Editor of the Armored
listed man and an officer in the Marine Corps. (Page 20.) Cavalry J ouma! and made a special trip to the Desert to
Lieutenant Colonel Leonard M. Orman returns to our gather the material he has written about Task Force Fur-
pages after missing his first issue as a contributor in a year nace. (Page 43.)

ltems pertaillillg to Antiaircraft Artillery should be sent to the Antiaircraft Test Section, Army Grouud Forces BO:Jrd ,
No.4, Fort Bliss, TeXlls.

Any recommelldatiolls made or views expressed herein are those of Army Gr01l1ld Forces Board No.1 alld are 1Wt to
be cOllstrlled as representing the opinioll of all 'Var Department or Army Groulld Forces Agencies.




\ \1anted: ldeas Lieutenant Colonel C. E. Spann, Developments Di-

vision, Headquarters Army Ground Forces ..
The following is quoted from \Var Department Circular
Doctor A. V. Focke of the U. S. Navy Electronics Lab-
126, 17 May 1947:
oratories. He discussed effects and measurements of under-
"b. A statement of proposed military characteristics for water explosions.
a required item of material may be initiated by any unit A conference was held with 25 members of the HOTC
or individual in the Army. All commands will encourage class at which the history, mission and present duties of the
submission of such statements and of constructive criticisms Section were discussed. These students represented Ford-
of materiel and techniques, even if fragmentary in nature, ham University and University of \i\Tashington.
for consideration by appropriate \Var Department agencies."
As in the past, this Section is always seeking means of
accomplishing the Seacoast Defense mission more efficient- Mr. George Grieshaber, Mechanical Engineer, of this
ly. Readers are urged to submit ideas and suggestions to this section prepared and delivered two-hour lectures on guided
Section. All ideas will be given careful consideration and, missiles to each of the three Reserve Officer Indoctrination
if appropriate, authority for a project wiII be requested for courses at the Seacoast Branch of the Artillerv School. 1\'1r.
further test or study with the ultimate aim of standardiza- Grieshaber holds a commission in the Ordn~nce Reserve,
tion. and his active service has included duties as a test officer as-
sociated with the V-2 Rocket Test Program.
Mille Halldling Equipmellt-Present mine handling
During the past two months the Section had several
equipment, and practice, is inadequate because the weight
visitors, all of whom were extremely interested in the
of the materiel handled far exceeds the rated capacity of
projects under test and new development trends. These visi-
the handling equipment. Too, there is a wide dissimilarity
tors were:
in the equipment now being utilized by mine commands.
Lieutenant General LeR. Lutes, President, Coast Artil- This is due primarily to the inherent problems encountered
lerv Association. bv the various commands. Climate, terrain features, instaIIa-
Colonel \\T. L. IvlcNamee, Headquarters Army Ground ti~n dispersal, .permanent facilities, maintenance facilities.
Forces. and size of the activity govern the equipment used.
In normal mine handling operations, materiel is lifted, this Section, and tests are underwav, to determine the suit-
transported, and transferred by several different types of ability of the following equipment 'for mine handling:
equipment. No one piece of equipment having the required (I) Ten-ton motor crane.
desirable military characteristics to perform all of the neces- (2) Seven and one-half-ton, one hundred twenty inch
sary operations has been utilized to date. Fork Lift Truck. .
Mine handling equipment should have at least ten tons (3) Fordson-baggage tractor and seven-ton trailers.
lifting capacity, a high degree of mobility, and a boom (4) Pallets and Pallet truck.
reach sufficient to load the mine planter. (5) Two and one-half-ton, six by six Cargo truck.
It is doubtful that one vehicle can meet the requirements.
However, it is certain that the number and types of vehicles This equipment is expected to use improved and unim-
used can be reduced to a minimum. This will result in proved roads, and maneuver into and out of buildings while
greater economy, and efficiency. A project has been assigned under load.

German Test Firing Of The V-2*

The rocket which was designed and tested first at Peene- During 1943 Count von Braun went to see Hitler at his
munde had the code number A-3-Aggregate No.3. There headquarters at the eastern front. With him he had rolls of
had been A-l's and A-2's, of course, at Kummersdorf and film, documenting the research work done. Apparently
at Borkum. The A-I, designed in 1933, soon after von both von Braun (who happens to look like the picture of
Braun and Dornberger had joined hands, weighed about the "perfect Aryan Nordic" invented by the Nazis) and his
330 pounds (I50 kilograms) and was comparatively small, films impressed Hitler sufficiently to make hill). change his
a foot in diameter and 4 feet 7 inches long. One year later, mind. He ordered mass production of Fernrakete A-4
in 1934, it was redesigned as A-2, only slightly larger in which then changed its name to V-2.
size, but differing in many essentials. It had a 30o-kilogram It is said that this order was almost rescinded once more
(660 pounds) rocket motor, and the fuel supply lasted by Himmler when a demonstration of V-2 was staged for
for 16 seconds. \Vhen fired, at Borkum, it reached an alti- the edification of high army officersand leading party mem-
tude of 6500 feet. bers with Himmler presiding. The 46-foot V-2 staggered
A-3 was a long step forward as far as size went, 25 f~et slowly into the air for hardly ten times its own length, then
long and 2~ feet in diameter. It weighed, ready for take- suddenly tipped over and crashed. But since the one-ton
off, 1650 pounds, and the rocket motor developed a thrust warhead had been replaced by a one-ton block of concrete,
of 3300 pounds for 45 seconds. It was controlled by vanes not much damage was done.
operating in the exhaust jet, and, when kept on a vertical Not all these tests took place at Peenemunde. A large
course, reached an altitude of 40,000 feet (in 1938). When number were performed in Poland where the little town of
fired at an angle a range of about II miles was attained. Blizna was evacuated by the SS in order to make room for
That was still far below artillery performance, but justi- the rocket experiments. That had been done in March
fied trying for a still larger rocket the design of which had 1943, a few months before the big raid on Peenemunde.
slm,vlygrown through the year 1939. In 1940 it was actu- During the six weeks from May 15 to the end of June
ally built; the name was A-4, or, more precisely, Fernrakete 1944 over a hundred V-2's \vere fired from Blizna, fully
A-4. Peenemunde called it by that name and so did official armed with warheads. The target was the town of SamakL
correspondence. But the Propaganda Ministry changed the 150 miles due north of Blizna, with about 1000 inhahitants.
designation into Vergeltungswaffe Zwei, V-2. The SS forced the Poles living in Sarnaki to stay in their
The experimenters did not have much pleasure with A-4, town and to lead as much as possible a normal life. The
or V-2, at first. The first was fired on July 6, 1942 and rose purpose of these test firings \vas to see what damage a V-2
precisely 3 feet off the ground. Then it exploded with would cause to an inhabited town and how manv casualties
enormous violence, destroying the testing station. The sec- ,,'ould be caused by a direct hit ..
ond A-4 rocket exploded too, but at a height of 16,000 feet. The result must'have been disappointing. The hundred
010. 3 behaved like No.2. But number 4 was a success; in rockets did destrov a number of houses, but onlv one man
October 1942 it covered a distance of 170 miles. Number was killed and on~ woman seriously injured. Th~ town was
5, fired a short time later, also functioned quite well, cover- never hit directly; the closest a V-2 came to making a direct
ing almost full range. However, it could not be found. hit \vas 300 yards from the point aimed at. The town was
There followed a series of thirteen disappointments. The too small for long-distance rockets.
reasons varied: some failed to take off at all, a few exploded, While one section of the V-2 group dedicated itself to
some took off and broke in two before the eyes of the ex- target practice in Poland the other continued research and
perimenters. If No. 19 had not performed as predicted the improvement work in Peenemunde. One rocket, fired in
development might have been stopped. But No. 19 did and June 1944, e},.'plodedhigh in the air over Swedish territory,
so did most of the others to follow. In the series from No. showering the countryside with two tons of metal frag-
20 to No. 120 only twenty rockets misperformed. ments. They were eagerly collected and turned over to the
British who succeeded in reconstructing all the important
*Extracted from "Rockets and Space Travel" by Willy Ley, permission
of The Viking Press. features of V-2 from these fragments.
k ~ x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Coast Artillery Journal *
Fifty-fifth Ye<1l'of PllblkatiOR


?2ews and Comment
LT. COL. DONALD MAC GRAIN. Associate Editor
M/Sgt. Fred P. Presnell, Business Manager
T/3 Beauford Z. Jones. Cir. Mgr.
* This Issue's Cover
S/Sgt. Bernice F. Carr. Bookkeeper
* The cover shows a position of Battery "A," 746th AAA ,
Sgt. Robert W. Shields, Order Dept. Clerk
* Gun Battalion which was one of the 68th AAA Brigade's
* units on Bougainville.
* l' l' l'
Election of New Members to Executive Council
* The ballot for the election of a new Vice President and
* three members of the Executive Council appears on the
The JOURNAL prints artieles on subjeets of profes- *" opposite page.
sional and general interest to personnel of all the *" The members whose terms of office expire 31 December
eomponents of the Coast Artillery Corps in order to
stimulate thought and provoke discussion. However. * 1947 are:
opinions expressed and eonelusions drawn in artieles
are in no sense offieial. They do not reflect the opin-
*" Brigadier General Aaron Bradshaw, Jr. (Vice Presi-
ions or eonelusions of any official or branch of the *" dent)
War Department.
*" Colonel Hobart Hewett
The JOURNAL does not earry paid advertising. The *"
Colonel Andrew P. Sullivan
JOURNAL pays for original articles upon publica-
tion. Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor. *" Colonel W. 1. Brady
The JOURNAL is not responsible for manuscripts
unaeeompanied by return postage.
*" Colonel E. Graham Martin.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" All members of the Coast Artillery Association are urged
* to cooperate by forwarding their votes or proxies to the
The United States Coast *" JOURNALoffice. Complete instructions are contained in
Artillery Association * the ballot.
*" l' of of
OFFICERS *" Survey to Guide Army On Use of Scientists
LIEUTENANT GENERAL LEROY LUTES *" The War Department has announced results of the first
* of a series of nation-wide surveys designed to insure more
*,.. economical use of scientific talent in event of another war.
BRIG. GEN. AARON BRADSHAW, JR. The survey, conducted by the American Chemical So-
ciety in conjunction with the War Department's Research
COLONEL W. 1. BRADY and Development Division, indicated that the armed
*" services in the last war did not make full use of the nation's
* scientifically trained manpower. As a result of this survey
ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL *" and others to follow, the Army expects to revise its classi-
*" fication systems so as to place trained scientists in positions
COLONEL JOHN C. HENAGAN *" suitable to their educational and practical backgrounds.
COLONEL CHARLES M. BOYER *" The poll of 31,000 recognized American chemists will

be followed by similar surveys now being conducted or
COLONEL ANDREW P. SULLIVAN *" being planned by the Institute of Physics, the Union of
*" Biological Societies, the Geological Society of America, the

X .(\
. '61

The purpose of the Association shaH be to promote

the efficiency of the Coast Artillery Corps by main-
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Associa-
tion of Professional Geographers, the American Mathe-
matical Society, the Engineers Joint Council and the
American Psychological Association.
In addition to being polled on their educational qualifica-
taining its standards and traditions, by disseminating *" tions and fields of endeavor, the chemists were quizzed on
professional knowledge, by inspiring greater effort *" their war work, with emphasis on the question of effective-
towards the improvement of materiel and methods
ness of their chemical work in World War II. The survey
of training and by fostering mutual understanding, *" showed that of the younger chemists in the military service
respect and coOperation among all arms, branches *"
during the war, about 47 per cent considered their scientific
and components of the Regular Army, National *"
know-how to have been used only a small part of the time
Guard, Organized Reserves, and Reserve Officers' *" or not at all. Older scientists who served in uniform, how-
Training Corps. *" ever, found their talents to have been used adequately in
*" war work in 75 per cent of the cases.
Streets To Be Named After Deceased CAC Personnel * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A board of officers has been appointed by the Command- i<
ing General, Seacoast Branch, The Arti11ery School, for UNITED STATES COAST *
the purpose of selecting names for the streets and roads of
Fort Baker, Fort Barry and Fort Cronkhite, California in
honor of deceased pe;sonnel of the Coast Artillery Corps. i< INFORMATION *
Suggestions are solicited and should be addressed to Lieu- i< The Vice President and three members of the *
tenant Colonel E. Carl Engelhart, Fort Baker, California. i<
Executive Council are to be elected on this ballot, *
When forwarding names, it is requested that the follow- i<
to replace officers whose terms of office expire
December 31, 1947. Please show your interest in *
ing information be included: full name, rank, serial num- i<
the Association by voting. *
ber and organization; place, date, and manner of death. Any i<
Please record your vote by making an "X" in
the appropriate sqnare or indicate your choice by
writing in the name of your candidate. Ballots *
other pertinent remarks which are considered appropriate i<
received with signatures, but with no individual
votes recorded, will be considered proxies for the
should likewise be included. i<

President of the Association. *
The cooperation of all readers and members of the Coast
Each candidate was considered in connection
with the geographic location of his residence. It
Artillery Corps in this worthwhile cause is strongly re-
i< is considered advisable to have at least five mem- *
quested. bers of the Council residing in or near Washing- *
ton in order to facilitate the transaction of busi-
ness *
Navy and Marine Officers Attend Course at Bliss i<
Ballots received after December 31,1947, cannot *
be counted.
Ballots may be collected by Post, Battalion, or *
Thirty Navy officers and three Marine Corps officers are
other unit commanders and forwarded under one *
among the students in the current Guided Missile Course cover.
Locally prepared ballots, cast by those who do
at Fort Bliss. This is the first time that naval and marine not wish to mutilate their Journals, will be ac- *
officers have attended a guided missile course there. cepted if they are signed. *
Included in the group are six commanders, 13 lieutenant FOR VICE PRESIDENT *
commanders, and 11 lieutenants. In addition, four Navy o Major General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, *
instructors in guided missiles have been assigned to the Deputy Commandant, National War Col- *
Antiaircraft and Guided Missile Branch of The Artillery lege, Washington, D. C. *
School for duty here. 0---------------- *
The course will be of 37 weeks' duration, closing 3
June 1948. Besides the Navy and Marine Corps personnel,
COUNCIL (Vote for Three)
about 40 Army officers from all branches of the service are *
enrolled in the class.
o Colonel Paul H. French, *
The course includes the study of higher mathematics,
Chief of Organization Branch, Organiza- *
electronics, jet propulsion, aerodynamics, and the tactics
tion and Training Group, National Guard,
Washington, D. C.
and techniques of guided missiles. Field trips will be made o *
to White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico, to various
Colonel Alexander H. Campbell,
Member of the Security Section, Joint Se-
universities and colleges where guided missiles research is curity Control, Office of the Joint Chiefs
being carried on, and to Navy and Air Force guided missile of Staff, Washington, D. C.
experimental stations. o Colonel Leonard L. Davis, *
Commander Keith E. Taylor, senior naval instructor, is Assistant Chief, Service Group, Services, *
Supply and Procurement Division, WDGS, *
in administrative charge of the Navy group.
Washington, D. C. *
Instruction in the guided missile course is under direc-
o Colonel John H. Madison, *
tion of Lieutenant Colonel L. W. Bvers of the Guided Director of Instruction, AA and Guided *
;\Iissile Department, AA&GM Branch: TAS. Missile Branch, Fort Bliss, Texas. *
o Colonel Legare K. Tarrant, *
Strategic Plans Branch, Plans and Policy *
Movies of Antwerp X Group,P&O, WDGS, Washington, D. C. *
A 25-minute" sound film covering the antiaircraft defenses o Colonel Robert J. Wood, *
Student, National War College, Washing-
of Antwerp against the V-I will be distributed within the
ton, D. C. *
next few months to all film libraries.
This Signal Corps production is entitled "Defense of
o Lieutenant Colonel Sam C. Russell *
Antwerp Against the V-I" and it is a very fitting tribute to
Development Group, Research a~d Devel- *
opment Div., WDGS, Washington, D. C. *
the Antiaircraft Artillery.
0------------ *"
Announcement of the distribution of the film will be *"
made to the various armv installations. At that time indi-
Signature *"
viduals are invited to atte-nd showings. *
Croups of individuals or units may procure the film, Rank and Organization *
when it is available, by contacting the officer in charge of *
the film library in the Headquarters of the Army area in Address *"
which they reside. *"
56 T HE COAST ARTILLERY JOURi'\AL Septelll ber-Octobe~
ORC Guided Missile Battalion Aaivated in

\Vith the information, material and help oiven bv the

JOUR..'>AL and Association, we are organizing, along the
lines of the suggested T /0 & E you furnished us, a Pro-
visional Guided Missile Battalion, which will be located
here in Philadelphia and which will be known as: 64th
EP Guided Missile Battalion (Provisional), commanded bv
Lieutenant Colonel Richard D. Gerges, CA-Reserve ..
\Ve are fortunate to have in our group several officers
who have completed the Anti-Aircraft Guided i\lissile Basic
Course at Fort Bliss. The knowled£e ~
the""t> oained while at-
tending this course has proven very helpful to us in our en-
deavor to get this unit a going outfit.
As 1 said before, we certainly appreciate all the help you
have given us in our activities.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Daniel L. Sullivan, J r.
Captain, CAC
Unit Instructor
~ ~ f

New Club To Be Built at Bliss

The Fort Bliss Oflicers! Club, w~ich was destroyed by
fire in June, 1946, will be reconstructed on its original site,
with the work of rebuilding scheduled to start soon.
The \Var Department has appropriated $73,787 for the
new' building from the Army Club and Mess Fund. This
fund is composed entirely of surplus monies accruing from
the activities of officers' clubs throughout the Army. No ap-
propriated public funds will be used.
Gene,ral Lawton Assumes Command of Seacoast Branch
The new building, similar in architecture to the old
Upon the assignment of Major General Robert T. Fred- clubhouse, will be of stucco masonry in Spanish style, with
erick to the Air University, Maxwell Field, Alabama, as a tile roof. It will include a large ballroom, dining room,
Chief, Ground Section, Brigadier General \~7illiam S. Law- kitchen, lounge rooms and office and will be adjacent to
ton assumed command of the Seacoast Branch of the and connected with the present guest rooms which were
Artillerv School. not affected by the fire.
Gen~ral Lawton attended the United States Ivlilitarv l'vlodern fireproofing and fire prevention measures will be
Academy at \Vest Point from 4 November 1918 until 13 included in the construction.
June 1922 and was graduateq/hs a second lieutenant in the Final construction plans are now in the hands of the U.
Air Service as the present Air Force was then called. In S. District Engineer at Albuquerque, N. M., who will have
September 1923 he transferred to the Coast Artillery Corps charge of issuing specifications and of the actual construc-
and has continued his service in that branch. tion. As soon as plans are given the final approval by the
In September of 1939 he was assigned to Fort Ruger, engineers and by the commanding general of Fort Bliss,
T.I-I., and at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack was As- bids for construction will be solicited.
sistant to G-3 for the Hawaiian Department. He remained Built in 1919 of brick, concrete and adobe, the old club
in the Hawaiian Islands serving as Assistant G-3 and Assist- had been enlarged several times before its destruction.
ant Deputy Chief of Staff of the Hawaiian Department Greatest single loss was the nine by 16-foot painting of
from 1941 to 1943. In 1943 he became Deputy Chief of "Custer's Last Stand," painted on a canvas wagon cover by
Staff of Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Middle Cassilly Adams and originally valued at $35,000. Murals in
Pacific, and in this assignment was promoted to Brigadier the dining room, painted by Mrs. Camille Kibler Craig and
General in 1944. In this same year, General Lawton was in depicting early Fort Bliss history, were destroyed in the fire
command of the 70th AAA Brigade for a brief period. and caricatures of early Cavalry life, painted by Herc
General Lawton remained in the Middle Pacific until Ficklin, were damaged severely.
January 1947 and was then ordered to Chicago as a mem- The old Club had been the scene of many brilliant social
ber of the General Staff of Headquarters, Fifth Army. He events and high-ranking military officials a~d other famous
served in this capacity until 19 August 1947 when as As- guests had been entertained there.
sistant Commandant of the Artillerv School, he assumed Fort Bliss officers at present are using a former service
command of the Seacoast Branch at Fort \Vinfield Scott. club on the Post as an officers' clubhouse.
19-/7 0'E\VS AA'D CO.\I.\IENT
Additional ORC Units ORC and ROTC Training at Bliss
The following ORC units have been acti,'ated since the Summer training of Army C;:ivilian Components at the
hst issue of the JOURXAL: Antiaircraft Artillery and Guided i\lissile Center, Fort
Illinois: Bliss, Texas, this \'~r included three ORC classes of two
"F," 84th Abn .~1\A Battalion, Chicaoo.
weeks duration ea'ch and one six-week ROTC class.
Louisiana: Courses were conducted under the supervision of i\la jor
412th CA Gun Batten- (HD) (6"), New Orleans. General J. L. Homer, Commanding General of the AAA
4 13th CA Gun Batter~- (I-ID) (6"), New Orleans. and Gi\I Center, with Colonel J. H. i\Iadison, Director of
414th C1\ Gun Batten' (l55mm Gun), New Orleans. Instruction at the Antiaircraft and Guided i\Iissile Branch
i\laryland: ' of The Artillery School, in direct charge. Instruction was
363d C1\ Gun Battery (Hb), Baltimore. presented by officers of both the Center and School staffs.
New Hampshire: . i\lore than two hundred seventy-five ORC officers, repre-
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 398th AAA senting virtually every bra~ch of the Army and every state
A\,V Battalion (SP), Manchester. in the country, graduated from the three classes, which ex-
Batten' "A," 398th AA1\ A\\1 Battalion (SP), i\ Ian- tended consecutively throughout the summer. Included in
che~ter. the classes were 60 colonels, 100 lieutenant colonels, 116
Battery "B," 398th A1\1\ A\\1 Battalion (SP), Nashua. majors and three captains.
Batte~' "C," 398th 1\AA A\V Battalion (SP), Con- The two-week ORC classes were designed as refresher
cord. courses to bring the Reservists up-to-date on current \Var
Batten' "D," 398th A1\1\ A\'" Battalion (SP), Dover- Department developments and plans. In addition, officers
Portsmouth. in the three classes received instructions in electronics,
(NOTE: This battalion was activated 21 February guided missiles, communications, tactics and other related
1947 but has been omitted from previous lists in antiaircraft artillery subjects. All three classes visited the
the JOURNAL.) \Vhite Sands Proving Grounds and two of the classes wit-
New Jersey: nessed a V-2 rocket shoot. (?ee page 34 for ROTC story.)
339th CA Searchlight Battery (1-10), East Orange.
344th CA Mine Planter Battery, East Orange.
349th CA Mine Planter Battery, East Orange.
\Vashin gton :
415th CA Gun Battery (HD) (6"), Seattle.
f f f
ORC & NG Refresher Courses to Continue
Due to the excellent reception which they ha,-e received,
the various refresher courses of instruction for Reserve and
, National Guard officers will probably be reinstigated in
January 1948. The current series of courses expired in
Under present plans it is contemplated that one course a
month will be conducted when the program is revived.
f f f
National Guard and Reserve Personnel to Participate
In Operation "Seminole"
Officers and enlisted men of the National Guard and
the Organized Reserve Corps will participate with Regular
Army personnel in the joint AGF-Navy-Air Force amphibi-
ous exercise "Seminole" scheduled for this Fall in the Gulf
of Mexico, Texas and Florida coasts, it has been announced
by General Jacob L Devers.
In addition to 26 officers of the National Guard and
Reserve who are scheduled to serve with Headquarters,
Fourth Army, approximately 66 officers and 171 enlisted
men will be given the opportunity, on a voluntary basis, to
take part with the 2nd Armored Division, a Regular Army
unit, during the exercise. ORC officers, attending two-week summer course at Fort Bliss,
National Guard units and individuals taking part in the Texas, visit the launching site of the W'AC Corporal, U.S.
made guided missile, at W'hite Sands Proving Ground.
exercise must be ordered to active duty by the Governors of
f f f
their respective states with the concurrence of the National
Guard Bureau, for periods not to exceed 40 days for units Unit Histories Received
and 90 days for individuals. Active duty orders for Reserve The history of the 74th AAA Brigade has been received
Personnel will be issued throuoh " normal Armv, channels. since the last issue of the JOURXAL.
Additional National Guard Units Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 726th AAA
The follO\\'ing National Guard Coast Artillery Corps SjL Battalion, Albuquerque.
units haye been Federally recognized since the last issue of Battery "B," 726th AM SjL Battalion, Las Vegas.
the JOURNAL: Batterv "B," 804th AAA A\V Battalion (SM), Raton.
Batterv "B," 271st AAA AW Battalion, San Francisco. Hq & Hq Battery, 102d AAA Brigade, Bronx.
Batte~ "A," 68Ist AM AW Battalion, San Mateo. 102d AAA Operations Detachment, Bronx.
:\ledic'al Detachment, 682dAAA AW Battalion (SM), Hq & Hq Battery, I05th AM Brigade, Buffalo.
San Pedro. I05th AAA Operations Detachment, Buffalo.
North Carolina:
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 682d AAA
Battalion, San Pedro. Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 677th AM
Battery "A," 720th AM Gun Battalion (SM), Long AW Battalion (SM), Red Springs.
Beach. Pennsylvania:
Medical Detachment, 730th AAA SjL Battalion, El Battery "A," 707th AAA Gun Battalion (SM), Phila-
ajon. Rhode Island:
Battery "A," 730th AAA SjL Battalion, El Cajon.
Battery "C," 95Ist AAA AW Battalion (SM), ValleJ'o. Battery "D," 243d AAA AW Battalion (SM), Woon-
Battery "D," 951st AAA A\V Battalion (SM), Vallejo. Battery "D," 705th AAA Gun Battalion (SM), West-
Battery "A," 945th AAA AW Battalion (SM), Laure1. Sout~r3~rolina:
Battery "C," 945th AAA AW Battalion (SM), Mil- Medical Detachment, 107th AAA AW Battalion
District of Columbia: (SP), Newberry.
Battery "A," 260th AAA Gun Battalion (SM). Battery "C," 678th AAA AW Battalion (SM), Green-
Battery "A," 380th AAA AW Battalion (SM).
Florida: Virginia:
Medical Detachment, 692d AAA AW Battalion (SP), Battery "A," 69Ist AAA AW Battalion (SP), Suf-
Battery "A," 7I2th AAA Gun Battalion (SM), Key W~:~;~;yt~~,,, 700th AAA AW Battalion (SP), Olym-
West ..
Georgia: pia. 1 )
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 214th AAA Battery "D," 700th AAA AW Batta ion (SP , Or-
Group, Washington.
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 101st AAA Battery "C," 770th AAA AW Gun Battalion (SM),
Gun Battalion (SM), Statesboro. Medical Detachment, 770th AAA Gun Battalion
Battery "A," 10Ist AAA Gun Battalion (SM), States- (SM), Seattle.
of f of
Battery "B," lOIst AAA Gun Battalion (SM), Hines-
ville. Underground Factories Require Underground
Headquarters Battery, 250th AAA SjL Battalion, Supporting Facilities
Augusta. On the basis of an investigation made by the Air 1\la-
Battery "A," 250th AAA SjL Battalion, Augusta. terie1 Command analysts at Wright Field, Ohio, the Anny
Batterv "A," 950th AAA AW Battalion (SP), El- Air Forces has learned that one of the paramount require-
berton. ments of an underground factory is to have a broad seg-
Battery liD," 950th AAA AW Battalion (SP), Gaines- ment of supporting and related activities within the under-
ville. ground site.
~ew Mexico: Experience of the Germans proved that if surface trans-
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, III th AA Bri- portation were weakened and the deliveries of war materials
gade, Albuquerque. to factories were prevented, the condition of the factories
18Ist AAA Operations Detachment, Albuquerque. would make little difference. Similarly, bombing of electric
Separate Detachment, 515th AAA Group, Santa Fe. power systems could render production facilities useless.
Separate Detachment, 697th AAA AW Battalion, The Germans did not have the opportunity to place un-
Carlsbad. derground the full range of supporting activities such as
Batterv "D," 697th AAA AW Battalion (SP), Hobbs. po'wer plants, transportation systems, forges, and others.
Batte~ "B," 716th AAA Gun Battalion (8M), Silver Electric power was generally furnished by existing local
CitY. facilities, and transformed to the desired voltage by under-
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 7I7th AAA ground transformer stations. Three underground generat-
Gun Battalion (SM), Albuquerque. ing stations were reported in the Clausthal grid, near
Battery "D," 717th AAA Gun Battalion (8M), Gal- Clausthal, Germany, which supplied power to mines and
lup. towns in the area.
1947 NEWS Al'\1DCOi\lMENT 59
National Guard to Participate in Selective Service National Guard Convention
Training The National Guard Association of the United States
The National Guard will take a leading part in the held its 69th Annual Conference at Columbus, Ohio, 17
training of key personnel to staff any future selective service to 20 September. Agenda of the conference included 43
system needed to mobilize the manpower of the Nation in subjects, among which were system of promotion, age-in-
an emergency, Major General Butler B. Miltonberger, grade policy, pay of Air Corps National Guard personnel
Chief of National Guard Bureau announced recently. injured or disabled, pay of general officers and the status
Tables of Organization of National Guard state staffs of the National Guard Bureau under unification.
have been expanded to include selective service sections, Among the principal speakers were many National Guard
General Miltonberger said. general officersand War Department and Army command-
In most instances, trained former selective service per- ers, including General Jacob L. Devers, Commanding Gen-
sonnel will form the nuclei of the new sections. eral of the AGF; Lieutenant General J. Lawton Collins,
Adjutants General of the various states, as representa- Deputy Chief of Staff; Major General Manton S. Eddy,
tives of the Governors, will be responsible for the prepara- Chief of Information, \Var Department; Major General
tion of state selective service plans and for training in emer- E. E. Partridge, Assistant Chief of Air Staff-3; Lieutenant
gency mobilization activities. General Raymond S. McLain, War Department Special
They will have at their disposal the full assistance of the Staff; Major General Robert S. Beightler, Secretary of
Office of Selective Service Records, successor to the selec- War's Personnel Board; Lieutenant General LeRoy Lutes,
tive service systems which mobilized American manpower Director of Service, Supply and Procurement, War De-
during the war. partment General Staff; Major General Kenneth F. Cra-
Purpose of the program is to utilize knowledge gained in mer, Chief, National Guard Bureau; Brigadier General
operating past selective service systems to conduct a progres- John E. Dahlquist, Deputy Director, Personnel and Ad-
sive training program that will assure a civilian mobilization ministration Division, War Department General Staff;
organization prepared to go into immediate operation when Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker, Commanding
needed. General of the Fifth Army..
This is in line with the basic purpose of the National General Devers, addressing the Association 19 Septem-
Guard which is an M-Day force trained and equipped for ber, said:
immediate call to service in national emergency. "The first element of the National Guard's development
Office of Selective Service Records national headquarters, in point of time and importance is recruitment. Your two-
through their field staffs, will cooperate and coordinate with 'month program of intensified recruiting now under way,
the National Guard in training of selective service person- known as the National Guard Assembly, is well planned
nel, by providing training material and assistance during and should accomplish its objective if all of you support
field and armory training periods. this program to the best of your ability. Voluntary enlist-
ment in the National Guard, as well as in the Regular
Army, brings men to the service of their country who will-
Young National Guard Officers May Try For ingly submit their time and effort to the task of national
Regular Army Commissions preparedness. The morale and interest of these men are
correspondingly high and they will serve their country well.
Commissioned officers of the National Guard may com-
. "But the thought occurs to me, 'Will a voluntary enlist-
pete for commissioning in the Regular Army under the new
ment program be enough?' Your expressed goal in the
competitive program recently announced by the War De-
National Guard is to have a force of 682,000 men by 1951.
partment, Major General Butler B. Miltonberger, Chief
Now, at the risk of sounding pessimistic, but with the
of the National Guard Bureau announced recently.
avowed purpose of being a hard and fast realist, I take the
'This is an excellent opportunity for qualified young
position that Universal Military Training is the ultimate
National Guard officers to win Regular Army Commis-
answer to the recruiting problem."
sions," General .Miltonberger said.
General Collins emphasized that the civilian components
Appointments would be made under a new program for
must be strong. The actual size of the Army-less Air Force
bringing large numbers of young officers into the Regular
-he said, is 670,000
Army. It is estimated that during the next several years
Resolutions passed by the conference are divided into
approximately 2,000 appointments will be made yearly
three classes, namely, Policy, Pay and Funds, and Admin-
from all civilian components.
istration and Supply. These resolutions are too many to
National Guard officers applying for the competitive enumerate here, but will be covered comprehensively in
tour of duty must have successfully completed two years the next issue of the National Guardsman.
Dfcollege and be between the ages of 21 and 25 years and
six months at the time application is filed through State ~ ~ ~
Adjutants General. 2,000 National Guardsmen Will Attend AGF
Competitive tours will be for a period of one year with Schools During 1947-48
applicants agreeing to remain on active duty for a minimum Approximately 2,000 National Guardsmen assigned to
period of two years. Applications must be filed 60 days ground force units are expected to attend Army Ground
prior to January 1, 1948 and July 1, 1948, which will be Forces training schools during the academic year 1947 to
the starting dates of competitive tours. 1948, according to General Jacob L. Devers.
National Guard Day Inaugurated Recruiting Reserve Officers' Committee Studies ORC Problems
Campaign A group of fourteen Reserve Officers from all the Army
The first National Guard Day, proclaimed by the Presi- Areas attended a conference at Headquarters Army Ground
dent to honor those who served and are serving their coun- Forces, 7-21 September to study the various problems con-
try as citizen soldiers, was observed throughout the nation sistent v<.riththe administration and training of the Reserves.
16 September by parades, celebrations, armory open-houses A welcome address was given by General Devers.
and speeches. During the two weeks' session, the delegates listened to
National Guard Day also marked the opening of a two- addresses by various officerson Personnel Problems, Supply
month recruiting campaign directed by the President be- and Facilities, Proposed Promotion Plan, AGF Responsi-
cause of the importance of the National Guard to the na- bility for the ORC Program, ORC in General and Exten-
tional defense. Objective of the campaign, known as "0p- sion Courses.
eration 88,888," is to recruit an additional 88,888 men, or At the conclusion of these indoctrination talks, a com-
approximately a man a minute. mittee of delegates was formed to work on the problems
The strength of the National Guard as of September 1 presented, and the remainder of the session was devoted to
was 117,123 men. It has been assigned the mission of an this activity.
M-Day (Mobilization Day) Force of 682,000, more Studies were conducted in the following subjects:
than three times its prewar strength, whose units will be at The requirements of eligibility to remain in the Active
or near full strength, equipped with the most modern weap- Reserve.
ons, trained to the highest efficiency and capable of immedi- An analysis of War Department Circular 81, 1947,
ate mobilization in the event of an enemy aggression. with a view to improving the ORC supply system.
Civic, patriotic and veterans groups are cooperating on Ways and means of safeguarding and maintaining
a national and local basis in the opening ceremonies and ORC equipment.
in support of the recruiting drive. The Veterans of For- Review of existing training policies and programs \vith
eign Wars and the American Legion are taking an active a view to revising these policies and programs, tying
part in the campaign. The United States Army and Air in training requirements for inactive duty pay, and
Force Recruiting Service is making its facilities available the possible use of extension courses in training.
to the National Guard. Standards of eligibility for inactive duty pay based on
The champion enlisted recruiter from each State, the the inactive duty pay bill before Congress.
Territory of Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the District of Co- The means to provide instructor personnel for the
lumbia, will come to \Vashington as the guest of the Secre- ORC under the present shortage of instructor per-
tary of War. During the four-day visit, the group will tour sonnel.
the nation's capital, meet President Truman, Secretary Home training facilities.
Royall and General of the Army Eisenhower and, on No- Promotion policy.
vember 29 will attend the Army-Navy football game at The schools program for the ORC.
Philadelphia as the guests of the Superintendent of the Assignment of ORC personnel.
United States Military Academy .. Any other problems or studies desired by the commit-
Many of the States have set their goals higher than those tee.
assigned them and are offering additional prizes as an in- The completed work of the committee was presented to
centive to meet and beat their quotas. Army Ground Forces before the delegates returned to their
home stations ..
It is hoped that this active participation by Reserve Offi-
Advance AGF Units Move to Pine Camp cers in the formation of plans affecting the Reserves will
Advance units of AGF troops scheduled to participate in prove very valuable in making the ORC prograr,n a success.
oversnow exercises this winter began arriving at Pine Camp, l' l' l'
New York, on August 15 to start preparations for the cold V-2 Fired From USS Midway
weather operations, it "vas announced by General Jacob L. The Navy fired a captured German V-2 rocket from the
Devers, Commanding General, Army Ground Forces. flight deck of the 45,OOO-tonaircraft carrier USS Mid:u?aY
Approximately 150 officers and men are included in the on 6 September. This marked the first time that such a
initial complements being sent from Camp Campbell, Ken- large bombardment rocket had been launched from ships or
tuckv, and Fort Meade, Marvland. Bv the time the exer- from a moving platform.
cises' get under way on Nov~mber 1,' about 2800 soldiers "The primary purpose of the experiment," the Navy an-
will be quartered at the upper New York camp site. nounced later, "was to ascertain if large bombardment
The winter maneuvers, \'\chich will be directed bv Gen- rockets could be fired from modern aircraft carriers without
eral Courtney H. Hodges, Commander of the First' Army, requiring modifications that "'I,'Quldaffect flight operations."
with headquarters in -;\fewYork, have been labeled Opera- Immediately after the firing, the Midway conducted
tion "Snowdrop." They will comprise a complete airhead flight operations.
operation. The launching, held at sea several hundred miles off the
Climaxing the operation will be the building of an air- East Coast of the United States, was observed by leading
strip in virgin country covered with deep snow. Following military and civilian personnel in the field of guided mis-
this, troops l'l'ill be brought into the airhead by plane. sHes.
To the Editor:
I believe that the Army and Navy Journal should be con-
gratulated for its fine editorial remarks concerning the Recapitulation of Articles on Guided Mis-
Coast Artillery Corps appearing in the June 14th issue. siles Which Have Already Appeared in
It is indeed unfortunate that many individuals in high the Coast Artillery Journal
places, as ,veIl as others throughout the services, are prone
to think of the Coast Artillery Corps in terms of the seem- 1. Launching.
ingly outmoded functions of fixed seacoast artillery. By the (The Launching of Guided Missiles by Dr. Gib-
same token, many weapons of other arms have also passed son and Dr. Kossiakoff, March-April 47.)
into limbo.
2. Propulsion.
However, these critics apparently forget the pioneering
(Jet Propulsion Devices by Captain Drewry and
of the Coast Artillery Corps in the development of modern,
Dr. St. John, November-December 46.)
accurate fire-control methods, high-velocity artillery, radar, (Jet Propulsion-Past, Present and Future by
and guided missiles. They forget the Coast Artillery Corps' Captain Tosti and Mr. Tuzen, May-June 47
valiant contribution to the defense of the Philippines. They and July-August 47.)
forget the conversion of the Coast Artillery Corps to an A. Rockets.
antiaircraft role and the splendid record of these units and (1) Solid Propellant.
their equipment during \!\Todd War II. They forget the (2) Liquid Propellant.
fine performance of antiaircraft units and equipment in (Rocket Propulsion by Dr. Porter, Sep-
ground artillery, infantry and other roles. tember-October 46.)
It is to be hoped that these same critics of the Coast Artil- (Rocket Propulsion by Dr. Dunn, July-
lery Corps may some day realize the value of? corps that has August 47.)
so successfully adapted its weapons and tactics to the re- B. Jets.
quirements of modern warfare, has served so effectively in (l) Mechanical.
a variety of roles during World War II, and has given so (Jet Propulsion-Past, Present and Fu-
much impetus and talent to the program for development ture by Captain Tosti and Mr.
Tuzen, May-June 47.)
of the guided missile-a weapon that may well render
obsolete the other weapons of war. (2) Thermal.
a. Intermittent.
Very truly yours,
(Jet Propulsion Devices by Captain
BRILSFORD P. FLINT, JR., Drewry and Dr. St. John, No-
Major, CAe. vember-December 46.)
-( -( -( (Jet Propulsion-Past, Present and
Journal Complimented On Guided Missile Articles Future by Captain Tosti and Mr.
Tuzen, May-June 47.)
The following extract from a letter written by Lieutenant 1. Ramjet.
Colonel Lawrence W. Byers, Director of the Guided Mis- (The Flying Stovepipe-How It
sile Department of AA & GM Branch at Bliss, is reproduced Works by Major D'Arezzo and
herewith as an indication of the esteem in which JOURNAL Major Sigley, January-February
authors are held: 47.)
"We find the articles dealing with the subject of guided c. Turbo-jet.
missiles, published in the COASTARTILLERYJOURNALdur- (The Turbo-jet by Mr. E. S. Thomp-
ing the past twelve months to be excellent reading material son, July-August 47.)
for the students taking this course. The articles in the 3. Guidance and Control.
JOURNALare extremely well written and we believe tech- (Stabilization and Control of Rockets by Dr.
nically correct." White, July-August 46.)
(Guidance for Missiles by Dr. White, Novem-
ber-December 46.)
4. Explosives.
(Warheads for German AA Guided Missiles by
Mr. Wallace, March-April 47.)
If you fail to take advantage of JOUR- (Colonel H. S. Morton (Retired), Applied Phys-
ics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, has
N AL discounts and service on books, promised us an article for a future issue.)

magazines and engraving, you are passing 5. Aerodynamics.

(ArticleS by Dr. von Karman, California Insti-
up a wonderful opportunity. tute of Technology, and Colonel Paul Dane,
Aircraft Laboratory, Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio, will appear in future issues.)
Coast ~rtillery Newsletters I



During the week of 14-19 July 47 a conference of repre- Lieutenant Colonel H. E. i\llichelet, GSC, G-3 Sec'
sentatives of the major commands in the Far East was held XXIV Corps
in Tokyo for the purpose of drafting a standard SOP for
antiaircraft artillery units. The following officers attended The need for a standardized SOP for antiaircraft artillery
the conference: . units has long been recognized. It should be possible to
transfer any antiaircraft artillery unit from one command
General Headqllarters, Far East Command to another within the Far East Command without causing
Brigadier General \",l. F. Marquat, AA Officer
the personnel to learn new and conflicting terms in carrying l
Lieutenant Colonel R. e. Leslie, CAC, Executive AA
out the unit's air defense role.
Lieutenant Colonel R. T. Cassidy, CAC, Equip & Tng The recommendation to the \-Var Department to publish
Officer, AA Section a Training Circular covering the use of the present per-
Chief \;\,Tarrant R. P. Gilmore, USA, Adm & sonnel and equipment of an antiaircraft artillery operations
Pers Officer, AA Section detachment to perform the functions of a range and records
detachment was not favorably considered. The \-Var De-'
Far East Air Forces
partment said that there is no objection to using operations
Lieutenant Colonel G. \",l. Croker, CAC, Air Defense
Section, A-3 Division. detachments in a secondary role of training for duties as
record sections when no interference with primary duty
Eighth Army training occurs.
Lieutenant Colonel A. L. Fuller, Jr., CAC, e.O. 138
The first contingent of the \Var Department Antiair-.
AAA Group
craft Artillery Technical Instruction Teams has arrived in
Major G. \",l. Best, CAC, S-3 138 AAA Group.
the theater and courses of instruction have been set up by
Philippines-RYllkYlls Command the Antiaircraft Artillery Groups in the major commands
Colonel Volney V.,r. \",lortman, CAC, C.O. 87 AAA for the use of the teams. The \Var Department approved
Group (PS) the recommendation to train and ship instruction teams
Lieutenant Colonel L. H. Brownlee, GSC, G-3 Sec automatically at six months' intervals subsequent to May
Marianas-Bonins Command The Antiaircraft Section, GHQ, FEC, lost two of its
Lieutenant Colonel L. J. Staub, CAC, 69 AAA Group key officers on 27 July 1947 when Lieuten~nt Colonel R.
Major R. S. Ballagh, FA, 69 AAA Group e. Leslie, (Executive), and Lieutenant Colonel R. T. Cas-
XXIV Corps idy, (Equipment & Training Officer), returned to the
Lieutenant Colonel E. E. Lockhart, CAC, C.O. 865 U. S. after completing their 30 months on foreign service.
AAA A\",l Battalion Replacements have not yet been receivecl.
J\ lobilization Training Program Training of Battery "A,"
541st AAA Searchlight Battalion (PS), had to be sus-
pended about 14 July 1947 to enable this organization to
maintain and supen'ise the dependents' housing area in the
old Na\'al Operating Base area, guard the 1\larine Barracks
area and inventory and maintain the equipment released
bv the 1\larines in the 1\larine Barracks area .
. Batten' "A," 511 th AM A\V Battalion (PS) was like-
wise req'uired to suspend its Mobilization Training Pro-
gram Training to enable it to maintain, supen'ise and guard
the Okinawan Educational Center and moved to the uni-
versitv area to assume its new duties.
M~reover, a small amount of personnel from Battery
"A," 511 th and three ooun sections from Batten', "C," 532d
were obliged to suspend their Mobilization Training Pro-
gram Training to enable them to typhoonproof buildings in
the RYKOM Headquarters and affiliated areas and to en-
gage in construction of projects in connection with the
HYK01\I] Women's Compound.
COLO:'\EL VOLNEY \V. \VORTl\IAN, Commandi1lg Automatic \Veapons Instruction Team No.2, com-
manded bv 1\1]aiorCharles R. Elam, Jr., arrived from the
During Ihe period of this report, Antiaircraft Artillery ZIon 31 July] 947 and was assigned to the 5] ]tho Fornlal
Training continued to receive top priority. All organiza- instruction bcoan in the 51Ith on 7 Auoust 1947, with all
o ~
tions available for training have made marked progress. available personnel attending. A model automatic "'eapons
The 532d A1\1\ Gun Battalion (PS) moved to the Gun school set-up was arranoed 'bv, Colonel V. \\1. \Vortman.
Firing Range at Bolo Point on 14 July and established a Four quonset huts sen'e as c1~ssrooms, each classroom hav-
I field bivouac which has lasted for eight weeks. Unfavorable ino an office for the instructor with an additional office in
Ireather conditions and difficulties in maintaining targets on~ of the 'buildinos for the team commander. Facilities for
have extended the battalion's stay at the firing point. The the instruction also include folding tables, folding chairs,
battalion, under the command of l'v1ajor J. R. M. Covert, instruction platforms, newly constructed blackboards, PA
has established an enviable record in its firing. This is the svstems and concrete walks.
first time that the 120mm guns have been fired in the , The I] th Army Band (PS) has now developed into a
Pacific Theater by Philippine Scout Troops. Battery "A," very excellent organization under the leadership of Staff
commanded by Captain \V. E. Smith, knocked the target Sergeant Dominador Bautista and gives a good account of
out of the sk)' at a ranoe of ]9000 yards and at an altitude itself at all ceremonies on the Parade Grounds.
( of 4000 yards on the second round fired. Battery "B," com- Enlisted men's dances are held once each week and care-
manded by Captain John D. Skipper, scored direct hits fully chaperoned Okinawan girls are utilized as dance part-
on six out of eight courses flown to date. Towing missions ners. These dances have attracted considerable favorable
and "mother ships" for PQ-14 planes have been furnished attention and are a source of livelv recreation for the men.
by the 30]st Fighter \Ving. One B-25 and two A-26s have Other forms of wholesome rec~eation for enlisted men
been flying the target and tracking missions and a CA5 is are provided, encouraged and enthusiastically engaged in.
r used as "mother ship" for the PQ-]4's. Mr. \V. J. Eichorn, These forms of relaxation are the following: swimming
from the Ordnance Oflice, PHILRYCOM, arrived in Au- on the beautiful beaches, baseball (soft and hard), basket-
gust to work on Gun Fire Control equipment for a period ball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, library facilities.
of thirty days. It is anticipated that another specialist will
, be detailed with the Group upon the departure of Mr. ARRIVALS
Eichorn, as the Gun Battalion has no Hadar Officer and is Majors Charles H. Elam, Jr., Edward H. Holdsworth,
lackino in trained Fire Control Electricians. Roland E. Denby; Captains James F. 1\lcGovern, Hugh C.
I Th~ 5] I th AAA A\V Battalion (PS) engaged in a five-
day four-night field exercise in accordance with its Mobi~-
Baker, Edward J. Sterken, Jr., Herbert J. Childress, Jr.,
Jesse C. Howard; First Lieutenants August M. Fons, Jr.,
zation Training Program training from 21 to 25 July 194/, George Pettigrew, \Varren C. Mahr, Edmund Scheibe;
inclusive. The state of training attained during this exer- l\ Irs. \Villiam Chas. Barlow.
, cise in reconnaissance, selection and occupation of posi-
l tions, field fortifications, communication, camouflage, se-
r curity, gas and convoy discipline was highly satisfactory. Lieutenant Colonel and 1\]rs. Frederick T. Berg, Lieuten-
Frequent air attacks were made on the positions of this ant Colonels Cecil U. Bradlev, 1. A Peterson; Major and
battalion at the request of this Headquarters. The battalion Mrs. H. J. Turner, Jr., Majo; and Mrs. R. H. Fitzgerald,
played the problem well, became combat conscious, showed Majors W. \V. Mize, J. G. Healy; Captains G. Fitzpatrick,
unusual interest and made outstanding progress in spite of Hugh E. Jordan, Emory L. Goggans, J. L. Smith, Jr.,
a marked shortage of officers available for duty. George H. Fame; First Lieutenants Alfonso Lea, Michael
Unfortunately, due to the great overhead demands, the Sorbello, Truman L. Bennett.
64 THE COAST ARTILLERY JOUR.'\t\L Se pte /II ber-Octob;;;1
nations will beoin at the Eiohth Arm,- Replacement T rain-
" <:> -
ino Center Ranoe, ATSUGI, on 4 August 1947. A con-
"" ~
siderable number of entries have been received and indica-
tions point to a highly successful tournament.
A unit from i\ larch of Time, Inc., filmed, in the vicinity
of OPPAi\IA, a road march, emplacement and simulated
firinob of a composite batter\'• from the 753rd AAA Gun Bat-
talion. Due credit is given to the enlisted personnel of the
battalion who participared and to the personnel from the
933rd AAA A\V Battalion (S.M) and the 76th AAA AW
Battalion (SP) who accepted additional security guard
138TH ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY GROUP duties in order to insure the filming of this action. The work
was under the supervision of Captains E. R. Stark, Group
APO 503
Headquarters, and R. K. Routh and P. P. Genero, 753rd
LIEUTENA~'TCOLONELARTHURL. FULLER, AAA Gun Battalion. The sequence in the completed pic-
Commanding ture, which will deal with the occupation of Japan, has a
running time of three minutes.
Having completed thirty-six months of overseas service in Colonel 1'1. A. I-latch, Chief, AA Section, Eighth Army.
the Pacific Theater, Colonel Donald C. T redennick, Group departed for stateside duty late in June. Upon the departure
Commander, departed these shores on the USAT General of Colonel Hatch, the AA Section, Eighth Army was dis-
Collins for stateside duty, 12 July 1947. Lieutenant Colonel continued. Lieutenant Colonel K. C. Smith and .Major
Arthur L. Fuller, Jr., formerly Commanding Officer, 76th Carl O. Loos, formerly of the AA section have been trans-
AAA Automatic \Veapons Battalion (SP), assumed com- ferred to Fort Leavenworth and G-l Section, Eighth Army,
mand. Prior to coming to Japan, Colonel Fuller was Chief, respectively. Lieutenant Colonel R. M. Nelson has been
Organization Branch, \Var Department General Staff. transferred from group to the newly formed Artillery Sec-
The group is suffering from a severe shortage of enlisted tion, G-3, Eighth Army. _
personnel and since the primary mission continues to be The 933rd AAA A\\1 Battalion (SM), Lieutenant Colo-
security guard, only essential training requirements are be- nel R. L. Ivlorgan, Commanding, having been organized
ing met. It is hoped that before long the situation will one year, celebrated "Organization Day" on 30 June 1947.
clarify and antiaircraft training will be resumed on a mini- Inclement weather prevailed hence the scheduled review
mum basis of one battery per battalion. and parade was called off. Later in the evening a movie and
The last session of the Troop Officers' School required by dance were held in the battalion theater for the enlisted
WDTC No.9, 1946, will terminate 6 August 1947. At this personnel.
time all courses will have been completed with the excep- The 76th AAA Automatic vVcapons Battalion (SP),
tion of Course "M", Troop Movement. This course will be formerly the 209th AAA Automatic \Veapons Battalion I

conducted by Headquarters Eighth Army, beginning 29 (SP), is still in the advanced cadre stage and is ready for
September 1947. Group officers will attend this final course immediate expansion upon the arrival of replacements. The
in September when it is presented by Eighth Army Head- majority of training given in the battalion has been devoted
quarters to its assigned officers. to intensive on-the-job training. This program was inaugu-
At long last, the arrival of twenty-four officers from the rated to train personnel for key positions and to allocate
Class of 1946 of the United States Military Academy be- time for the maintenance of equipment. The battalion IS I

came a fact. They were welcomed by the Commanding Of- now commanded by 1'iJajorDavid B. McFadden.
ficer and after being briefed by the Group Executive were The 162nd AAA Operations Detachment received a visit
assigned to battery duties throughout the group. from the Inspector General in June and emerged with a
Early in June, Group Headquarters moved about eight rating of "Excellent." The Johnson Field units are exempt
miles from central Yokohama. Specifically, it is now located from security guard requirements hence they have been in
in the Nippei Sangyo Industrial Area, Katabuki, Tomioka- the process of training personnel in the use of searchlights,
machi, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Honshu, and radar. Mr. Kane and 1\1r. Mastich, civilian radar tech-
Japan (Yatsuzaka Railroad Station). This area was once a nicians from Headquarters Fifth Air Force, are conducting
center for the machining of tools and dies for use in the a radar school which is progressing favorably. Before going
manufacture of airplane parts and ammunition. Approxi- to Johnson Field they spent a month with the 753rd AAA
mately five thousand people once toiled here, and to judge Gun Battalion instructing and assisting with radar mainte-
from the spacious buildings and cave-type air raid shelters nance problems.
spread among the surrounding hills and valleys, the area During the months of June and July, 20 additional fami-
played an important part in Japan's war economy. lies of officers and enlisted men in the group arrived in
An elimination firing will be conducted by the 138th Japan, swelling the aggregate to 66 families. The effect
AAA Group to determine the team which will represent upon the morale is wonderful.
Eighth Army non-divisional troops in the 1947 Far East The following officers have arrived in Japan since the
Command Small Arms Tournament. First Lieutenant submission of the last newsletter and were assigned as fol-
Gordon A. Robbins, 76th AAA A\V Battalion (SP), has lows:
been detailed as Officer-in-Charge. The first phase of elimi- 933rd AAA Auto/llatic ',Veapons Battalion (5tH): Cap-
~~~ ...............
tain Shadie Simon, Captain Robert E. Kahn, First Lieuten- Stark, Jr., Second Lieutenant Philip A. Farris, Second Lieu-
ant Athelson A. Bellamy, Second Lieutenant Stanley J. tenant Meredith \\T. Ghrist, Second Lieutenant Harold
Love, Second Lieutenant Eugene V. Pfauth, Second Lieu- \\T. Home and WOJG George ~lcDonald.
'tenant Horace F. Derrick, Second Lieutenant John \\T. 538th AAA Searchlight Battery: Second Lieutenant
Dwyer III, and Second Lieutenant Elmo E. Cunningham. Alvin Ash and Second Lieutenant Shirley S. Ashton, Jr.
753rd AAA Gun Battalion; Captain John F. Fulton, The following Officers have left the group: Colonel
First Lieutenant lvlartin V. Anderson, Second Lieutenant Donald C. Tredennick, Lieutenant Colonel Russel ~l.
Ernest A. Pepin, Second Lieutenant Prentice E. \iVhitlock, Nelson, ~lajor \Villiam J. \Villiams, Major Robert A.
Second Lieutenant Thomas V. Hirschberg, Second Lieu- Moore, Captain George E. Koury, Captain William Z.
tenant Henry L. Ingham II, and Second Lieutenant Robert Finley, Captain Hart S. Odom, Captain Leroy \\T. Hutch-
V. Kane. ins, Captain Vhlliam V. Smith, First Lieutenant Ray
76th AAA AlItollllltic H1eapolls Battalioll (SP); Captain Glenn, First Lieutenant Roy G. Pagnello, First Lieutenant
Fred C. Evans, Second Lieutenant Alexander J. Papa tones, Harley \\T. Brown, First Lieutenant Charles F. Tuttle, Jr.,
Second Lieutenant Howard E. Pleuss, Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Sigmund R. Herschback, CWO Vernon
Thomas G. Provenzano, Second Lieutenant Dudley S. K. Carle and C\VO Clarence L. Larkin.

Captain John P. Spickelmier Trfd to O/S Repl Depot

Captain Lucius Hill T rfd to O/S Repl Depot
Captain John F. Redfield Trfd to O/S Repl Depot
First Lieutenant John Zito Trfd to O/S Repl Depot
C\\TO Paul E. Genson Trfd to O/S Repl Depot
WOJG Robert J. Dunn Trfd to O/S Repl Depot

The following changes occurred during the month of

August 1947;
Name Department
Brigadier General William S. School Commandant, Hq & Hq
Lawton Detach.
Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Instr Tactics, Hg & Hg Detach.
The Seacoast Branch, The L. Yarnall
i\lajor Marshall H. Armor Student, Hq & I-Iq Detach.
Artillery School Major John W. Thames
Captain Tom \V. Barnett
Instr Tactics, Hq & Hg Detach.
Student, Hg & Hq Detach.
Captain John J. DeRosa Jr. Instr Radar, I-lq & l-lq Detach.
Captain Bernard C. Elders Instr Sub-Mine, Hg & I-Iq
Officer ill Charge
The following changes occurred during the month of

ARiUVALS Name Destinatioll

Name Department Major General Robert T. Trfd to 41st AAF Base Unit,
~lajor Earle 1'lountain Instructor, Gunnery, Dept. of Frederick Air University, Maxwell Fld,
Gunnery & Tactics Ala.
l\lajor Stockton D. Bruns Instructor, Gunnery, Dept. of 1'lajor Edward Robinson T rfd to AC 4117th MF Base
Gunnery & Tactics Unit, Robins Fld, Georgia
Captain Clifton Chamberlain Instructor, Gunnery, Dept. of Captain Daniel Jopling Trfd to Headquarters, Sixth
Gunnery & Tactics Army, Presidio of San Fran-
Captain Maynard P. \Vood \Vriter, Dept. of Engineering cisco, California
Captain Karl Harris Tech Tactical BD Member, Sc Captain William G. Mathews Trfd to Stu Det AA and
Sv Test Section Guided Missile Br Arty Sch,
Ft. Bliss, Texas
Captain John P. Spickelmier Trfd to Stu Det CMB Wash.,
Name Destination D.C., with Station at Ply-
i\lajor Charles Brown T rfd to Fourth Armv 400 1st mouth, England
ASU, Ft. Bliss, Te;as Captain Elmer Twining T rfd to Stu Det Comd Staff
Captain Russel Hutchison T rfd Stu Det The Engr Sch College, Ft. Leavenworth,
The Engr Ctr, Ft. Belvoir, Kansas
Virginia. Captain William A. T rfd to Stu Det AA and
Captain Blaine E. Young T rfd Stu Det, Abn Sec Inf Sch, Youngberg Guided Missile Br Arty Sch,
Ft. Benning, Georgia Ft. Bliss, Texas
Captain Daniel W. Jopling Trfd to Hgs, Sixth Army, Pre- First Lieutenant John Zito Trfd to Cp Kilmer, New Jersey
sidio of San Francisco, Cali- WOJG Harold Cramer T rfd to Cp Stoneman, Pitts-
fornia burg, California
First Lieutenant Paul J.
Kohanik NOPE, New Orleans, La.
WOJC Frank Dudowicz 87th Rkt FA Bn., Ft. Bliss, Tex.
The following changes occurred during the month of I
August 1947:

Name Departmellt
Lieutenant Colonel Dorsev E. Tactics
i\ IcCrorv '
Lieuten;nt Colonel Elmer B. Guided Missiles
The Antiaircraft Artillery Kennedy
Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln Not yet joined
and Guided Missiles Branch, H. Simon
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Guided i\lissiles

The Artillery School G. Thomas

Lieutenant Colonel i\ lartin L. Not yet joined
i\ lajor John T. Elliott Not yet joined
l\IA]OR GENEHAL JOliN L. HOl\IER, Ofl1cer 111 Charge i\lajor Gerald A. Lake Not yet joined
i\ lajor Franklyn J. i\ lichaelson Research & Analysis
The following changes occurred during the month of Captain Lawrence \\T. Cyr Not yet joined
July 1947: Captain Robert E. Shipp SID AGF Bd. No.4, Ft.
ARRIVALS Bliss, Texas
Name Departmellt Captain Charles i\1. Young Guided i\lissiles
First Lieutenant Robert P. Guided i\lissiles
Brigadier General Charles E. Director (Not joined)
i\ lerchant
Colonel Ernest B. Thompson Tactics DEPARTURES

Lieutenant Colonel Philip V. Not joined i\! ame Destillatioll

DoYle Lieutenant Colonel John C. Separated from Service
Lieut~nant Colonel Joseph C. Not joined Buerkle
Moore Lieutenant Colonel Pat M. Command & Staff College, Ft.
Lieutenant Colonel Lamar C. Not joined Ste\'ens, III Leavenworth, Kans.
Ratcliffe Major Paul A. Anson Command & Staff College, Ft.
1\ lajor Willard W. i\ lize Not joined Leavenworth, Kans.
Major Frank G. i\loffett, Jr. No duty assigned Major John T. Browne Student Oct., Ft. Sill, Okla.
Captain Theodore J. Dc No duty assigned i\lajor Bertram J. Ellis Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla.
Franco i\lajor Simon L. Grimes Separated from service
Captain \Voodrow I-I. Jones Not joined i\lajor Bob B, A. Haenel Student Det., Ci\IB, Washing-
Captain Jerald J. i\loody No duty, assioned
b ton, D. C.
Captain Gerald E. Renegar Gunnery i\'iajor Patrick J. Healy Command & Staff College
First Lieutenant Ernest J. Electronics Ft. Leavenworth, Kans,
Arnold i\lajor Charles C. Jefferies Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla.
"VOJG Bertie L. Stringfellow Not joined i\lajor Julius A. Marwitz Separated from service
Major Willard W. i\lize Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla.
Captain \Vheeler B. Bowen 1209th ASU, Pine Camp, New
Name Destination York
Brigadier General Robert i\1. Armed Forces Special \Veapons Captain Albert V. Cito Student Det., Ci\IB, Washing-
Montague Project, Albuquerque, N. M. ton, D. C.
Lieutenant Colonel Irving D. Student Detachment, Head- Captain James L. Gordon Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla
Roth quarters, 1st Army, Governors Captain Robert B. Jaffa Student Oct., 1\A & GM Br
Island, N. Y. T AS, Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Major Elbert i\1. Kidd Antilles Department Captain Rollin A. Lanpher, J r. Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla
Captain Daniel L. Blue WBGH, El Paso, Tex. Captain Frederick A. Lingner Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla
Captain James F. Keenan Airborne Section, TIS, Ft. Ben- Captain i\lax R. McCarthy Student Oct., CMB, Washing-
ning, Ga. ton, D. C.
Captain Henry A. Lowe AGFPAC, Ft. Shafter, T. H. Captain Joseph P. i\lcElligott Student Det., Ft. Sill, Okla.
Captain Donald A. Monroe NOPE, New Orleans, La. Captain Robert G. Pickens Student Det., 1\A & Gi\ I Br
First Lieutenant Joseph J. TAS, Ft. Bliss, Tex.
i\lacko NOPE, New Orleans, La. First Lieutenant John D. Student Det., AA & Gi\l Br
First Lieutenant Eugene C. Healy, Jr. T AS, Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Cox NOPE, New Orleans, La. CWO Louis J. Arnau Separated from service.

South Sector Command

Colonel Clarence H. Schabacker arrived early in July Several members of the reserve components of the Army,
tobecome Chief of Staff of this command. He relieves both officers and enlisted men, have reported for duty with
Colonel Earl J. Murphy who has been assigned to Gov- the South Sector Command during this period for tours of
emor's Island, New York. 15 to 60 days.

35TH COAST ARTILLERY MAINTENANCE DETACHMENT On 8 July 1947, Lieutenant Colonel Frank D. Grebe,
FORT RUGER,HAWAII,APO 956 newly assigned Executive Officer, assumed command of the
35th CA Maintenance Detachment during the temporary
absence of Colonel Donald C. Hawley, who was taken ill.
During the period covered by this newsletter, the per- Among the new arrivals are First Lieutenant Ira S.
sonnel in the command has been gradually decreased due Eintracht, until recently stationed at Fort Mason, California
mainly to the constant movement of personnel to the ZI for and First Lieutenant Weldon A. Rogers who was stationed
discharge and rotation. Due to the lack of personnel, only at Sand Island, APO 455. Lieutenant Eintracht is the new
two roving maintenance teams located at the Batteries S-4 and Lieutenant Rogers has been assigned as Assistant
Hatch and DeMerritt are performing maintenance. Artillery Engineer.

98TH ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY GROUP Completing the three-up-and-three-down roster are:

HAWAII,APO 956 First Sergeants John Jackson, John Cybulski, William Las-
siter, Michael Maletzki, William R. Strappel, Edward Har-
ris, Joseph Vahey and Lewis Bloom.
Training-with the accent on classroom and blackboard Technical Sergeants completing the school are: Albert
-progresses apace. Officers now attending the Oahu Troop J. Kisho, Robert H. Unruh, Louis J. Jurasits, Mitchel J.
and Staff School out windy Schofield-way, include: Cap- Polovich, Frank T. Evartowski, Dewey Cooper, Max C.
tain Arthur D. Douglas and Captain Edgar A. Kneese; and Wood, Mack S. Price and William J. Munyer.
. First Lieutenants James O. Cary, Vincent D. Earl, Weldon Staff Sergeants Joseph M. Schloss, Benjamin A. Clark,
. G. Lawrence, Franklin H. Tuscany and John M. Whit- Clyde E. Jones, John J. King, Eugene Glenn, King J.
bank; all of the 98th Group staff. Rutherford, Joseph A. M. Young, Otto Gross, Bennie
From the 97th AM Gun Battalion, O.T.&S. students Gunter, Ernest H. Bowers, Mack A. Thompson, Richard
are: Major Frank 1. Coleman, Captains James F. Beers, S. Moy, Sam C. Smith, George 1. McAdams, Bill Ellis,
Delbert O. Carpenter, Norman E. Fine, Benson Grant and Earl 1. Phillips, Michael Dzurikanin, Emmet M. Ivy and
Karl W. Lehman; and First Lieutenants Archie D. Brown, Kenneth E. Elstad; and T /3s Lloyd Sitch and Theodore
William M. Dicke, Jr., Harry J. Kammel and Raymond P. Borden, also attended the school.
Ruppel. At an earlier ceremony this month, First Sergeant Rex
The 867th AW Battalion contingent includes: Major Roberts, "B" Battery, 97th, was awarded the Croix de
Joseph C. Cox, Captains Thomas E. Campbell, W. Allen Guerre by the French government for personal heroism
Chavet, Bob G. Olsen, and William S. Wall; and First during the battle of France.
Lieutenants Alex E. Berger, George J. Coleman, Louis P. Newly arrived from the mainland is Captain John F.
Kershinar, James O. Langstaff, Jr., Anthony S. Serpe and Redfield, former instructor with the Diesel Engineering
William Wempren; with headquarters at Ft. Ruger. School at Ft. Winfield, California. Captain Redfield has
Other Group officers attending the school are: First Lieu- been assigned to the 88th Searchlight Battery at Schofield
tenants Kenneth R. Balsley, Paul F. Marcyes and Ralph B. Barracks. Another recent arrival is CWO Leland F. Ben-
Raperto; all of the 88th Searchlight Battery; Captain Leo ham, at present on the AGFPAC orientation tour of the
P. Ticheli, AGFPAC RCTU I; and First Lieutenant Cyril islands. Mr. Benham was formerlv Personnel Officer of the
C. Disney of the 31st Operations Detachment at Ft. Kam. 213th AW Battalion at Orlando Army Air Base.
First Three-Graders who completed a two-week course at Among officers recently reassigned are: Major Harold E.
the Troop and Staff School are: Master and First Sergeants Deems, former CO of the 31st Operations Detachment at
Amil Del Biaggio, Homer E. Spivey, Frank Vickers, Wil- Ft. Kam. Major Deems, who has been with AM on Oahu
liam C. Caldwell, Francis P. Dockery, Richard R. StockIer, since May 1946, has been reassigned as CAC instructor
Frank C. Carpino, Antone Martines, William M. Heffner, with the New York Organized Reserve, Brooklyn, N. Y. He
John W. Mielke, Alvin D. Sutton, Walter Murrel, Jesse leaves shortly with his wife, Patricia Mae, and daughter,
\V. Wood, Rex 1. Roberts and Allen J. Dirret. Mary, for his new duties.
\VD and AGF Special Orders covering the period 23 June 1947
through 23 August 1947. Promotions and Demotions are not included.

COLO~ElS Gile, David A., to Stu Det Arty Sch, Ft Sill, Bourdon, Adrian A., to Panama Canal Dept.
Allen, Ralph C, to European Comd, Bremer. Okla. Brown, Cha.rl~s M., to Stu Det MI Sv Languagel
haven, Germany. Gillette, Chauncey A., to Retired. Sch. PreSIdIO de Montere}', Calif.
Anderson, Robert Loomis, to Trfd to AGD. Gurley, Franklin, to Retired. Bull, Harcourt G., to Fifth Army 5257 ASU Mo
Barker, \X'ayne 1., to Dept oi State, Washington, Guthrie, Robert E., to Retired. Mil Dist, St. Louis, Mo.
D.C Hale, Harry R., to European Comd, Bremer- Burrell, Walter E., to Btry A 87th Rocket FA
Blackwell, Herbert H., to Sixth Army 6606 haven, German}'. Bn Ft. Sill, Okla.
ASU, Ft. Lewis, Wash. Hayne, Dallas F., to First Army, Governors Butler, James 1., to European Comd, Bremer.
Bullene, Lathrop R., to First Army 1202d ASU Island, N. Y. w/sta Yale Univ. New Haven, haven, Germany.
Rctg Det No.2, 39 Whitehall St., New York, Conn. Byrd, Cohen .13'-' to Third Army, Atlant.!, Ga.1
N. Y. Hoffman, Theodore F., to Det "R" ID Wd w/sta GeorgIa Inst of Technology, Atlanta,
Cameron, Henry M., to Retired. Washington, D. C. wlsta at Oberammergau: Ga. ~
Conway, Eugene T, to Retired. German}'. Chapman, Daniel J., to Stu Det Arty Sch, Ft.
Dalao, Esteban B., to Retired. Jordan, Ralph E., to Stu Det Arty Sch, Ft Sill, SIll, Okla. \
Feat~erst,?n, John H., to 2304th ASU Virginia Okla. Cummins, William Kneedler, to trfd to AC
MIl Dlst. 331 Parcel Post Bldg, Richmond, Kallis, Stephen, to 6707th ASU ORC Instr Gp Curtis, Elmer P., to Stu Det Hq First Arm}',
Va. 755 Central Bldg, 810 3rd Ave, Seattl~ Governors Island, N. Y.
French, Charles A., to Fifth Army 5107th AUS Wash. Detailed as asst to Sr Inste. ' Davis, Gerald W., to detailed as member of
Mo. Mil Dist, St. Louis, Mo. Kenerick, Kenneth R., to AGF Pacific, Ft GSC & asgd to GS w /trps.
Gibson, Manly B., to Retired. Shafter, TH. Deems, Harold E., to 1242d ASU office Sr State (
Gleim, Robert F., to Detailed in TC Kessler, Robert H., to Second Army Ft Geo G. OR Instr for New York, New York City w /sta
Hause, Francis A., to AGO Casuals, Washing. Meade, Md. w /sta Univ of Pa., Philadelphi.!, Brooklyn, N. Y. Detailed as CAC Instr OR'
ton, D. C ior dy w /WD Pers Records Bd. Pa. State of New York.
Haw, Joseph C, to European Comd, Bremer- Kiel, Arthur G., to Stu Det AA & GM Br the Dentor, Earl 1., to 5261st ASU Office State Sr
haven, Germany. Art}' Sch, Ft Bliss, Texas. Instr OR Milwaukee, Wis. w /sta Wausau
Ha}'den, James 1., to Retired. King, Edward A., to Alaskan Dept. Wis. Detailed as CAC Inste. '
Heathcote, Earl W., Hq Fiith Arm}', Chicago, McCoid, Chester B., to Detailed in Sp S. Devane)', Carl N., to Detailed in Cav.
Molloy, Robert W., to The Ground Gen Sch English, _Traer 1., to European Comd, Bremer-
Holder, William G., to 1153d ASU Office Sr Ctr, Ft Riley, Kans.
McDuff, Alvie 1., to 1242d ASU Office Sr State
haven, Germany.
Epley, Albert D., to Stu Det AA & Gm Arty
NG Instr ior New Hampshire, Concord,
N. H. Detailed as CA Instr. Instr ORC Instr for NY. Sch, Ft. Bliss, Tex ..•
Jones, Allison W., to Retired. Moore, Joseph c., to AA & GM Br the Arty Farrar, William 1., to OC of S Washington, D.
Lazar, Aaron M., to OC oi S, Washington, D. C Sch, Ft Bliss, Texas. C. for dy in Office Dir of Intelligence.
McCarthy, William J., to AGO Casuals, Wash. Pohl, Marion G., to Stu Det Armed Forces Staff Farwick, Harry, to Detailed as member of GSC
ington, D. C. ior dy w /WD Pers Records Bd. College, Norfolk, Va. & asgd to WDGS.
1fyrah, Halvor H., to European Comd, Bremer. Rackes, Adams E., to Stu Det Second Army, Ft Goettl, John P., to Stu Det Comd & Gen Staff
haven, Germany. Mailing Address New Ar- Geo G. Meade, Md. College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans.
rivals Sec 25th BPO APO 743, c/o PM, New Rauch, Alfred R., to Sixth Army 6901 ASU Sv Gregory, Clyde, to Detailed in AGD.
York, N. Y. Det SFPE, Ft Mason, Calif. w /sta Oakland Guth, Henry T, to Hq Antilles Dept, San Juan,
Nelson, Paul B., to Panama Canal Dept. Mailing Army Base, Oakland, Calif. PR w /sta Rio Piedras, PRo
Address Reception & Separation Center, APO Richards, Harris T., to Retired. Hagemeier, Paul E., to 5254th ASU Office Kans..l
837, c/o PM, New Orleans, La. Ritterbush, Milton Frederick, to Trfd to AC State Sr Instr OR Topeka, Kans wlsta at
Ostenberg, Frank T., to AGO Casuals, Washing. Roth, Irving D., to Stu Det Hq First Army, Dodge City, Kans. Detailed as CAC Inste. I
ton, D. C. for dy w /Secretary oi War's Dis. Governors Island, NY w /sta Naval W3r Haviland, Morris E., to Detailed in Sp S.
charge Review Bd. College, Newoort, R. I. Holmes, William E., to Stu Det AA & GM Br
Perkins, Robert, to Retired. Schmidt, Victor G., to European Comd, Bremer. Arty Sch, Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Sevilia, Pacifico c., to Retired. haven, German}'. Hunegs, Harry, to 2457th ASU ROTC Purdue
Smith, Donald H., to Hq Third Army, Atlant3, Shumate, Bruce E., to Detailed in Sp S. asgnJ to Univ., Lafayette, Ind.
Ga. Sp S Sch, Ft Monmouth, N. J. Kirby, Lee M., to 3222d ASU N. C. NG Instr,
Simmons, Joe F., to Retired. Smith, Robert G. Jr., to 5418th ASU ROTC Raleigh, N. C. wlsta Wilmington, N. C. De.
Snell, Verne C, to Retired. Northwestern Military & Naval Academy, tailed as CAC Instr. (
Stubbs, Guy H., to Stu Det AA & GM Br Arty Lake Geneva, Wis. Ledford, Lee B., to Detailed in JAGD.
Sch, Ft Bliss, Texas. Stone, John E., 1242d ASU Office Sr State ORC Long, Glendron R., to Detailed AGD.
Swett, Francis S., to Retired. Instr for N. Y. 90 Church St., New York, N. Long, Heywood )., to 2554th ASU Virginia
Todd, Harold Elworthy, to Trid to AC. Y. Detailed as CAC Inste. ORC Instr Gp Richmond, Va. Detailed as
Villaret, Eugene, to AGO Casuals, Washington, Thompson, Maxwell H., to OC of S, Washing. CA Instr.
D. C. to atchd to MDW ior dy wi ARB. ton, D. C. for dy in Office Dir of Pers & Adm. McCalliser, J. 1., to Alaskan Dept.
Underwood, George V., to Detailed as member McGrane, Edward J., to Stu Det AA & GM Br
LIEUTENANT COLONElS of GSC and asgd to WDGS. Arty Sch, Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Wald, John J., to Second Army, Ft Geo G. Mancuso, Salvatore J., to OC of S, Washington,'
Bane, John c., to Second Army, Ft Geo G Meade, Md. w /sta Univ of Pa. Philadelphia, D.C.
Meade, Md, w /sta Univ of Pennsylvania, Pa. Mayers, Thomas H., to Stu Det Arty Sch, Ft. Sill,
Philadelphia, Pa. Ward, Edgar R. c., to Panama Canal Dept. Okla.
Bellonby, Emery E., to European Comd, Bremer. Woodbury, Kenneth )., to Stu Det Armeo Meadows, Charlie E., to European Comd, Bremer-
haven, Germany. Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. haven, Germany.
Bond, Thomas M., to Detailed in Sp S. Mize, Willard W., to AA & GM Be the Arty
Bowers,. Alvin T, to AA & GM Br Arty Sch, Sch, Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Ft Bhss, Texas. Baker, Marshall W., to Second Army 2124th Moore, Robert F., to Detailed at 3201st ASU
Cassidy, Richard T., to 3355th ASU Florida NG ASU Ft. Monroe, w /sta Oceana, Va. ROTC Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, '
Instrs St Augustine, Fla. w /sta Pensacola, Fla. Banks, John M., to Antilles Dept, Detailed at Ala.
Detailed as CAC Inste. ROTC Univ of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras PR Morton, James F., to RTC Ft. Ord, Calif.
Davis. Paul c., to First Army Governors Island, Temp mailing address. Casual Pers Center, O'Brien, John A., to Stu Det Arty Sch, Ft. Sill,
N. Y. w /sta Yale Univ. New Haven, Conn. APO 846 c/o PM Miami, Fla. Okla.
Defrees, Lindsay J., to Fourth Army, Ft Sam Bayer, Kenneth H., to Second Army Ft. Geo. G. Odenweller, Charles J., to First Army 1108 ASC I
Houston, Texas, w /sta Rice Institute, Houston, Meade, Md. w /sta Univ of Pa. Phila., Pa. Hq & Hq Det HD of Narragansett Bay &
Texas. Be}'er, Robert W., to Stu Det Army Fin Sch New Bedford, Ft. Adams, R. I.
DuVal, Cammille H., to Hq Fifth Army, Chicago, Army Fin Cen OCF Bldg 223-.13 St. Louis, Overton, Robert H., to European Comd, Bremer.
III. Mo. haven, Germany.
Furbish, Chester A., to Relieved fr active outy. Bird, Stewart, to European Comd, Bremerhaven, Paciorek, Stanley J., to 5309th ASU Wisconsin
Gamble, Andrew S., to European Comd, Bremer- Germany. Mail addr to. New Arrivals Sec. Rctg Dist, 707 Federal B1dg, Milwaukee. Wis.
haven, Germany. 25BPO APO 743 c/o PM New York, N. Y. Panneck, Theodore W., to Detailed in IGD.
Parsons, Marcus L., to Stu Det AA & GM Br Joppling, Daniel W., to Hq. Sixth &my Pre-
Arty Sch, Ft. Bliss, Tex. FIRsT LIEUTENANTS
sidio of San Francisco, Calif. '
polifka, Frank J. F., to Stu Det Hq Second Kates, Robert c., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br TAS Anderson, Richard c., to 384th AAA Gun Bn
Army, Ft. Geo. G. Meade, Md. w Ista Univ of Ft. Bliss, Texa~. ' , Ft. Bliss, Texas .. ,
Penna, Phila., Penna. Ka,t$~aficas,Nichol/ci G., to 267th AAA Gp, Ft. AquilIina, Raymond F., to Stu Det AA & GM
Robinson, Edward H., to Detailed in AC 4117th mISS, Texas. Br, TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. '
AAF Base Unit Robins Fld, Ga. - K~an, James F., to the Abn See, TIS, Ft. Ben- Arnold, Ernest J., to AA & GM Br TAS Ft
Roedy, William H., to First Army Governors I:llng, Ga. ,- Bliss, Texas. ' ,.
Island, N. Y. wIsta Harvard Univ Grad Sch Krahn, Roy c., to European,Comd, Bremerhaven, Baco~, Averill W., to 83rd AAA S/L Btry., Ft.
of Public Adm, Cambridge, Mass. Germany. _ Bhss, Texas.
Roosa, James A., to Detailed in AC 733d AAF Knhar~c,)ohn J., to Stu Det, MI Language Sch, Bjugstad, Wilmer G., to European Comd
Base Unit Wright Fld, Ohio. PresIdIO of Monterey, Calif. - Bremerhaven, Germany. '
Sullivan, James A., to Detailed at 129st ROTC List, Herbert c., to relieved from active duty. Blackwood, Joe R., to detailed in QMC.
St Bonaventure College, St. Bonaventure, N. Lacouture, Arthur J., Jr., to. Stti .~et, the Sig Bussey, Robert 0., to AGO, Washington D. C.
Y. Sch, Ft. -Monmouth, N. J. for dy wi Administrative Services.' ,
Salmon, Eugene H., to European Cmd, Bremer- Lash, Eugene L., to Stu Det, Arty Sch Ft. Sill Casey, Lloyd B., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br TAS
haven, Germany. Okla. ' , Ft. Bliss, Texas. ' ,
Spengler, John T. H., to Panama Canal Dept. Lazzara, Angelo, to European Comd, Bremer- Collis, Everett F., to 3rd Armd Div., Ft. Knox,
Sigley, Woodrow B., to Second Army Ft. Geo. haven, Germany. Ky.
G. Meade, Md. wIsta Univ of Penna, PhiIa, Lopez, Raymond A., to CIC Center, Cp Holabird Clark, Julia? D., to Panama Canal Department.
Penna. Md. ' Co~m, ArchIe E., Jr., to detailed in Special Sery-
Smith, Calvin 0., to Arty Sch, Ft. Sill, Okla for McKinnon, Edward F., to AA & GM Br TAS Kes.
dy w IStaff & Faculty. Ft. Bliss, Texas. ' , Dall"acqua, Mario R., to Panama Canal Depart-
Smith, Bailey B., to OFLC, Washington, D. C. MarcheselIi, Vincent F., t? First Army, Hq & ment.
w Ista Basra Raq. Hq Det, HD /Del, Ft. Mdes, Del. Dunlap, Brady, to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft. Bliss,
Sullivan, Martin F., to Stu Det Arty Sch, Ft. Sill, Mathews, William G., to Stu Det, AA & GM Texas.
Okla. Br, TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Dunning, Henry Nicholas, to relieved from active
Turner, Hugh J. Jr.! to Hq AGF Ft. Monroe, Miller, Robert S., to European Comd, Bremer- dy.
Va. w/sta Evans Slg Lab, Ft. Monmouth, N.]. haven, Germany. Gale, Don S., to Stu Det, Hq First Army, Gov-
Ward, William D., to 1291st ASU ROTC, St. MopIer, William A., to European Comd, Brem- ernors Island, N. Y. w Ista Naval War Col-
Bonaventure College, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. erhaven, Germany. lege, Newport, R.I.
Wingate, James W., to AAF Project PAC Mumford, Howard F., to Third Army, 3431st Hogan, James H., to Stu Det, TAS, Ft. Sill,
20295 AAFORD Hamilton Fld, Calif. ASU, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Okla.
Zimmerman, Robert H., to 1272d ASU Offices Neill, Harold A., to Stu Det, Sig Sch, Ft. Mon- Hohmann, Benjamin W., to the Abn See, TIS
SR NG Instr for N. Y., New York, N. Y. mouth, N. ]. Ft. Benning, Ga. '
w/sta Buffalo, N. Y. Detailed as CA Instr. Nowack, John J., to Third Army Rctg Dist Hoseman, Joseph F., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br
w Ista Rock Hill, S. C. ' TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. '
Ostlund, William c., to Far East Comd, Korea. Jager, Roland V., to Hq. Camp Stoneman Pitts-
Arnold, William B., to detailed in AC, Eglin Pavy, Laurent D., to European Comd, Bremer- burg, Calif. '
Fld, Florida. haven, Germany. Johnson, Robert S., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft.
Barr, James G., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br, TAS, Pensen, David, to 384th AAA Gun Bn, Ft. Bliss, Bliss, Texas.
Ft. Bliss, Texas. Texas. Kline, Martin 1.., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft.
Betts, George, to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft. Bliss, Peyer, Gustave A., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br Bliss, Texas.
Texas. TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. ' Kressin, Harold R., to Stu Det AA & GM Br
Bianchi, Joseph ]., to Stu Det, MI Language Pickens, Robert G., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas.' ,
Sch., Presidio of Monterey, Calif. TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. ' Kubachko, Andrew, Jr., to European Comd,
Biery, James H., to First Army Rctg, Dist No.1, Ramsey, Kenneth W., to ROTC, Glendale High Bremerhaven, Germany.
wIsta Troy, N. Y. Sch, Glendale, Calif. Lake, Earl W., to Btry A, 87th Rocket FA Bn
Boller, Quellen D., to detailed in CMP. Reese, William G., to RTC, Ft. Ord, Calif. Ft. Sill, Okla. '
Brinkwart, Hugo, Jr., to reld fr detail in MI. Renegar, Gerald E., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft. Lines, Clarence P. to European Comd, Bremer-
Brock, George c., to Fifth Army Rctg Dist, Rm Bliss, Texas. haven, Germany.
712 Fed Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Roton, William F., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br McFeters, Glen A., to Stu Det AA & GM Br
Chapman, George A., to RTC, Ft. Ord, Calif. TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. ' TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas.' ,
Coiner, David T., to OC of S, Washington, D. Routh, Robert K., to AA & GM, Br, TAS, Ft. Morrisroe, William J., to Hq. Ft. Monmouth,
C. for dy w lCivil Affairs. Bliss, Texas. New Jersey.
DeFranco, Theodore ]., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Schimmel, Bernard H., to detailed in Ord. Dept. Morrison, Robert W., to relieved from active
Ft. Bliss, Texas. Shortall, John L., Jr., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft. duty.
Dunning, Henry N. to European Comd, Frank- Bliss, Texas. O'Day, Thomas H., to Second Army Reetg Dist,
furt, Germany. SibiIsky, Edward L., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br, w Ista Cincinnati, Ohio.
Davis, James W., to European Comd, Bremer- TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Ost, Lincoln E., to Panama Canal Department.
haven, Germany. Smith, Frank, to detailed in SpcI Services. Padgett, Raymond B., to 4th lnf. Div., Ft. Ord,
Eisenhauer, Adam ]., to OC of S, Washington, Smith, James L., to RTC, Ft. Ord, Calif. Calif.
D. C. for dy w /Dir of Intell. Smoleroff, Eugene ]., to Stu Det, AA & GM Perry, Donald E., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft.
Enfinger, Allen V., to European Comd, Bremer- Br, TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Bliss, Texas.
haven, Germany. Soltow, Edward A., to Arty Sch, Ft. Sill, Okla. Pont, Walter F., to Panama Canal Department.
Fitzpatrick, Grey, to Stu Det, The Sig Sch, Ft. Spencer, Thomas K., to 4th Inf. Div., Ft. Ord, Radford, Duane E., to Panama Canal Depart-
Monmouth, N. J. Calif. ment.
Flaughter, Thomas E., to detailed in TC. Stalin, Gustaf S., to Fifth Army, 5025 ASU, Ft. Reid, Raymond T., to Panama Canal Departmen~.
Fleisher, Charles c., to European Comd, Bremer- Leavenworth, Kans. Schmidt, Max W., to 5th Army Rctg Dist w Ista
haven, Germany. Stovall, Jim- P., to Fourth Army, 4203d Rctg Detroit, Mich. '
Gray, Harry A., to Fourth Army Rctg Dist., Dist, Okla. City, Okla. Shay, Frank, J., Jr., to 3rd Armd Div., Ft. Knox,
w Ista Little Rock, Ark. Suydam, John H., to asgd to CDC Shipment (60 Ky.
Haslip, John L., to AA & GM Br, TAS, Ft. days delay enroute). Short, Norman V., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br,
Bliss, Texas. Touart, Anthony]., Jr., to Stu Det, AA & GM TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas.
Hawthorne, Frank, Jr., to NC ORC, 0 of Instr, Br, TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Smith, Harry F., to AA & GM Br, TAS, R
Raleigh Bldg, Raleigh, N. C. Bliss, Texas.
Van Auken, Wendell G., to ROTC, Ohio State
Healey, John D., Jr., to Stu Det AA & GM, Br, Univ., Columbus, Ohio. Terry, Milton 0., to Stu Det, Hq. Fifth Army,
Tas, Ft. Bliss, Texas. ROTC, Ft. Ord, Calif.
Walker, Robert M., to N. Mex. NG Instr Gp, Wasson, Earl D., to 5th Army Rctg Dist, w fsta
raffa, Robert B., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br, w Ista Deming, N. Mex.
TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Detroit, Mich.
rennings, Howard M., to First Army Rctg Dist Wheatley, William M., to The Ground Gen. Sch. Walston, Dayton F., to Panama Canal Depart-
No. I, w Ista Schenectady, N. Y. Cen., Ft. Riley, Kans. ment.
rohnson, Charlie W., to Hq. Ft. Monmouth, White, Grady O. to Stu Det, AA & GM Br, Weatherford, Gerald F., to Panama Canal De-
N. J. TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. partment.
[ohnson, John F., to Second Army, w Ista Univ Williams, Norman 0., to Fifth Army Rctg Dist, Willson, Clayton R., to AA & GM Br, TAS, F~.
of Penna, Phila., Penna. w Ista Milwaukee, Wis. Bliss, Texas.
fones, Harry B., Jr., to detailed in Sp S, Ft. Woodward, Joseph G., to Far East Command,
rones, Lee G., to Second Army, w Ista Univ of Young, William A., to Stu Det, AA & GM Br, Hogan, Robert L, to The Ground Gen. Sch.
Penna, Phil a., Penna. TAS, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Center, Ft. Riley, Kansas.
Where the Trouble Lies the course of U. S. foreign policy in this policy, do not hesitate to give the Balkan
critical area which will affect the fortunes leftists credit when credit is due. The book
of people in, let us say, Kansas more de- is not just an anti-Soviet tract; it is an even-
WORLDS. By William B. King and
cisively than U. S. foreign policy towards, handed account of Soviet methods-and of
Frank O'Brien. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.,
let us say, Latin America or China. The Anglo-American blunders and feeble com-
New York. 282 Pages; Index; $3.50.
authors have succeeded admirably in sum- promises without which those methods
Not so many years ago, west-Europeans, marizing the strategic geography of the could not have succeeded as spectacularly
secure in the politically and economically region and of the individual states, Yugo- as they have succeeded at the c..xpense of
stable order of their respective country, slavia, Rumania, Albania, Bulgaria, Tur- the United States, Great Britain and the
could look upon Balkan politics as the key and Greece. They have pieced to- one hundred million people inhabiting the
strange and somewhat improbable antics of gether, from their rich personal experience, debated ground between East and West.
semi-civilized, childishly querulous peo- the picture-in each instance a complicated It is a political book and touches onlv
ples. Today, the process of Balkanization, and colorful one-{)f the politics of each briefly upon the cultural life and spiritu~1
i.e., the progressive anarchy once believed country, an animated and acid \Vho-is-\Vho aspirations of the Balkan peoples. But it is
to be a condition peculiar to the "back- of incredible careers surpassing the imagi- permeated by a genuine sympathy for the
ward" nations of southeastern Europe, nation of our most lurid writers of fiction- common people, the docile peasant masses,
operates in virtually all of Europe. The alized biographies. Thus, for example, the who are made to bear the burden of power
analogy is a simple one: The disintegra- essence of the tragicomedy which is Ru- politics. The Balkans is essential reading
tion of the Ottoman Empire created a mania, is contained in the word portraits for the student of international politics; it
power vacuum which the Balkan states of the indomitable Maniu, the peasant is also an expertly made and highly enter-
were not strong enough to fill. The leader who defied the Soviet, the evasive taitling product of topnotch journalism.-
Balkan Peninsula was the scene upon King Mihai and the venal Tatarescu, ex- ROBERT STRAUsz-HuPE.
which the Great Powers of Europe ma- fascist and ex-collaborationist who made the
neuvered for position, and the Balkan peo- grade as foreign minister of the communist The Best of Its Kind
ples were the pawns in a game which they Grosza Government; the stark tragedy that
did not control. AMERICAN CO.MMUNISM. A CRITI-
is Yugoslavia is conveyed to the reader by
The factionalism, deviousness and petti- inclusive character studies of the enigmatic,
ness of Balkan politics were the logical con: Goeringesque Tito and the ambiguous, OPMENT AND v .Ian"

sequences of persistent foreign interference,. feckless Mikhailovich. Oneal and G. A. Werner, Ph.D. E. P.
manipulation and exploitation, not of the Dutton & Co., Inc. 416 Pages; Appen-
The dominant theme of the book is the
racial or historical characteristics of the dices; Index; $5.00.
• story of the systematic, carefully rehearsed
Balkan peoples. Similarly, it is the power procedure by which numerically negligible Although this is unquestionably the best
vacuum of present-day Europe which is groups of Soviet agents perverted historical available book on American Communism,
giving rise to the same pathological traits, political parties, terrorized and divided their it is better suited to the scholar or specialist
collective schizophrenia, which, a gener- opponents, rigged elections, usurped power than to the general reader. The. authors
ation ago, were thought to be typical of and sabotaged the solemn pledges given by are a veteran Socialist editor (of a conserva-
the writhing Balkans. The Balkans can Russia at Yalta. While the presence or tive bent of mind) and a college professor.
thus be viewed, from the historian's point proximity of Soviet military power un- Their personalities make it possible for the
of view, as a laboratory experiment yield- doubtedly eased the ascent to power of book to be exhaustive and informed: but
ing many important and tragic lessons for these small, perfectly trained and superbly also cause the introduction of details in
the entire Continent. led shock troops of the Comintern (which which the ordinary reader would not be
Messrs. King and O'Brien, two old Bal- appears remarkably alive despite its offi- interested. The historical parts are better
kan hands versed in the most recent intri- cially announced demise), the methods than the contemporary; comprising the
cacies of local politics, are well aware of the they applied to the business of capturing greater part of the book, these trace the
implications of their subject, which trans- the governments and nations of the Bal- background of ultra-radical socialism,
cend the locale and assume crucial, world kans are of unh'ersal significance. They \Vorld War I developments, the various
political importance. are, except for small deviations, identical Communist sects of the 1920s, the Com-
The United States, no less than Great with those employed by communist groups munist "third party" movements (which
Britain and Russia, is deeply involved in in western Europe and Asia. may reappear in 1948), the financing of
Balkan politics, and it will probably be The authors, strongly critical of Russian Communism, Trotskyism, youth groups.
the Comintern, Russian allegiance of the According to the author, Alexander's
American Communists, \Vorld \Var II de- greatest victory was the Hellenization of

The Most News \'elopments, and the front technique.

last chapters summarize the Communist
organization and present a somewhat un-
The the East whereby many different races were
united by means of the Greek language,
Greek customs and Greek law. His purpose
necessary defense of democracy agaimt was one world. "Ale.xander's idea of c0-
about what's going on in all the Communism-unnecessary in the light the operation between peoples included all
book as a whole throws upon the Reds. races and was not limited to l\lacedonians
services and among the veterans! Appendices include some of the basic and Iranians, the conquerors and the con-
Communist documents as well as an in- quered." He sought to establish a world
structive table of Communist-Nazi paral- government and the fusion of races.
Here's what ARMED FORCE leIs. Since the authors write from a pro- Professor Robinson's new characteriza-
labor, pro-Socialist point of \"iew, they tion of A]exander is based on careful re-
offers yO/l EVERY\\?EEK- attack the Communists on grounds which search and argument. It is noteworthy for
are morallv sound and intellectuallv re- its skilfull use of the sources available and
spectab]e, 'but nevertheless unfamili~r to for the lucid charm of its style.-BRIGADIER
What's happening in Washington.
Crisply wriften, authoritative, up-to.the. the American public as a whole. There is, GENERAL DONALD ARMSTRONG.
minute reporting-much of it before it in this volume, no summary of the Com-
appears elsewhere. munist penetration of the American Left,
Excellent Study of Shintoism
Articles on tact;cs, weapons, strategy, ]ittle appraisal of the debacle of American MODERN JAPAN AND SHINTO NA-
science and industry-by Hanson Boldwin "liberalism," and only rare references to the TIONALISM. By D. C. Ho]tom. The
and other famous writers. Editorials, let- role of pro-Communist sympathizers out- University of Chicago Press. 226 Pages;
ters, latest photos. '
side the obvious transmission-belts of the Index; $2.75.
Reserve and National Guard-the one fronts. It is to be hoped that the authors This is more than a book-it is the fruit
reol clearinghouse of information Irom
or publisher digest their own book into a of a life's work. Professor Holtom has
ell branches of non-regular activities.
simpler, less scholarly presentation. Until a studied Shinto for more than thirty yea'rs.
"What's in the Air"-Words and pic- better book appears, this volume should be He taught religious history in Japan while
tures for a;rminded peop/e-<l;rborne and
read and understood by every person con- studying the Japanese themselves assidu-
cha;rborne--combat and civilian.
cerned with security, political intelligence, ous]y and sympathetically. Over twenty
A special section on legislation af/ect- counter-intelligence and counter-subversiv:: years ago, he began publishing the schol-
ing the men in uniform and the men who
activities. Americall Commullism portrays arly materials of which this volume is the
were in and may be in ogain.
the only fifth column which is already final rendition. Throughout these years,
Veterans Department-o really intelli- here; with this book, we are warned.-PAuL he has maintained the calm, friendly fair-
gent treatment of veterans doings, their
l\1. A. LINEBARGER. ness which characterized the very best in
organizations and their problems.
Christian scholarship. In the years before
The light louch loo-cortoons and quick.
reading news briefs of 'round.the-world
One World-2300 Years Ago the war, Dr. Holtom risked severe Japa-
service life. nese censure by his courage in describing
Shinto as an inflated, abused, nationalist
\VORLD GOVEIlNl\lENT AND BnOTIiEIl- cult; now, in the postwar period, he risks
Don't take our abuse from self-stvled liberals because he
word for it - see HOOD. By Charles A. Robinson, Jr. E. P.
reaffirms the ba~ic spiritual values of
for yourself this Dutton & Co., Inc. 252 Pages; Index;
Shinto. He agrees with our wartime jin-
complete, authori- $3.75.
tative, up-to-the- goes who shouted that Shinto-the special
minute news cov- Twenty-three hundred years ago, the Japanese religion-was the key to Japanese
erage. world's military power was concentrated in character, but he pulls the carpet out from
the hands of two nations. l\lacedonia with under these latter-day iconoclasts by point-
Send for a
its Greek satellites in Europe faced Persia ing out that Shinto, as a private religion,
across the Bosphorus. Once again, for it
FREE had happened already a number of times,
is a moral, religious and esthetic heritage
of which we have no right to deprive the
copy of East and \V cst were destined to meet on Japanese. His additional, new chapters on
the battlefield. In military and economic postwar Shinto are thus an authoritative
potentia] the Asiatic power was immensely vindication of the American policy, wisely
1------------ superior. Nevertheless, under A]exander
the Great, the far smaller Greek army com-
made in Washington and admirably ad-
ministered by General MacArthur, of re-
I ARMED FORCE p]etely destroyed that of the Persians. ducing Shinto from war cult to peacetime
I (Formerly Army and Navy Bulletin) Conquest was by no means the most en- faith.
I 16qO Twentieth St., N.\X'.
during or significant result of A]exander's Perhaps never before in the world's his-
I im'asion. Professor Robinson has no diffi- tory has a religious disestablishment pro-
Washington 9, D. C.
culty pointing out the l\lacedonian's better ceeded so smoothly for all concerned. Japan
I Please send a FREE SAMPLE strategy, tactics, technology and logistics today is still "Shinto" just as the U.S. is
that achieved the victory. His succinct but "Christian" -though the Federal govern-
I COpy to: most significant biography of A]exander is ment is neither ]'vlethodist nor Catholic, it
I not primarily concerned with military af- closes its offices on the "religious" holiday
I (N~~e) . fairs, although the comments on the vari- of Christmas; similarly the postwar Japa-
ous battles and on the course of the cam- nese government can honor and respect
I .................................. paigns are sound and illuminating. Pro- Shinto without making it an obligatory
! (Address)
fessor Robinson's rare scholarship and facile state faith. This book, in its earlier forms,
I . pen, however, find a more congenial field is already known to all Far Eastern experts.
I (City) (Zone) State) of studv in A]exander the statesman than The present, perhaps final edition is worth
1 _ in the ~]dier. It is the aftermath of battle careful, sympathetic reading by anyone
that fills these fascinating pages rather concerned with Japan.-PAuL M. A. LINE-
than the battles themselves. BARGER.
Fruit of an AGO Form Allen \Vhite's letters, has written a defini-
ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER DOL- tive account of the Emporia editor's life
LAR. By John T. Winterich. J. B. lip- and times. It's neither a biography of
pincott Company. 204 Pages; Illus- White nor a history of the U.S. from 1890
A STUDY trated; $2.50. to 1944 but it's certainly a splendid ac-
count of the effect \Vhite had on America
OF HISTORY The questions the Adjutant General's and the effect America had on \Vhite. As
Office dreams up for its innumerable blank such it is more rewarding than either biog-
forms never produced a more surprising or raphy or history.- T EB FOUR.
An abridgmmt pleasing answer than this book of essays on
By D. C. SOMERVELL one person's eJl:periencesas a child laborer. Clear, Authoritative Discussion
As an enlisted man in \Vorld \Var I, THE UNITED STATES IN WORLD I
This one-volume condensation of Colonel \Vinterich was one of the editors AFFAIRS 1945-1947. John C. Camp-
Toynbee's mammoth six-volume study of the original Stars atul Stripes, and prob- bell with an introduction by John Foster
of history has been uniformly acclaimed
a classic-a beautifully edited vol-
ume which makes available for the: first
ably decided then that if another war came
he would join the ranks of those "who
never had it so good" and get a commis-
Dulles. Harper & Brothers. 585 Pages;
Index; $5.00.
Dr. Campbell has had the assistance of
sion. That's how when World War II
time the thought of a historian who will came he got enmeshed in \VD AGO Form the research staff of the Council on For-
rank with the: greatest of all time. 0857, which among other things told him eign Relations, publishers of the authorita- I
to list the complete record of his civilian tive quarterly Foreign Affairs, in the prepa- I

'5.00 employment. It's difficult. to believe any ration of this inclusive survey of a difficult
ex-Stars and Stripes man could be so atten- subject. Long without being lengthy, the
tive to detail but Mr. Winterich faithfully, volume summarizes American political and
so he tells us, listed for the AGO all the military problems for the critical end-of-war I
jobs he had held in manhood, youth and and postwar years. Separate chapters take,
boyhood. up such problems as the United Nations,
Latin America, Central Europe, the Far
Coast Artillery Journal He must have done it in good order too
East, UNRRA, and disarmament. The
because he got his commission and went
.Manual Binder on duty in the Pentagon Building. Those
author has been unusually successful in
digesting an immense range of informa-
Keep your field manuals available were hectic, crucial days and, despite the
tion in 11 readable, graceful style. It is as
and ready for easy reference. Use jokes, people in the Pentagon worked
though the New York Times editorial page
hard. But Colonel \Vinterich couldn't get
the special field manual binder avail- were expanded to almost six hundred pages
Form 0857 out of his mind and so for
able at the Coast Artillery Journal while maintaining its clarity, authority,
relaxation he began to write an autobio-
for the extremely reasonable price of and straightfonvardness of discussion. This
graphical account of his boyhood experi- book should be in even the smallest Ii-
ences as a wage earner in his home town, braries.-PAuL 1'v1.A. LINBBARGER.
'1.00 Providence, Rhode Island. The result is
a good-humored autobiography (without BREAD AND RICE. By Doris Rubens.
vital statistics) that's sharpened with an Thurston Macauley Associates. 234
unpredictable sense of the incongruous. Pages; $3.00.
One thing must be added: The book By accident, certainly not by design,
contains a most splendid tribute to West this account by a young psychologist-jour-
AMERICAN MILITARY Point and its products.- TEE FOUR. nalist of the year and a half she and her
GOVERNMENT husband spent in the hills of Luzon as
fugitives and of their later confinement in
By Brigadier General Harry D. Cham-
lIs Orgal1izaliol1 & Policies Japanese prisons may describe certain as-
berlin. Washington: The Armored Cav-
pects of the Japanese occupation of Luzon
By DR. HAJO HOLBORN alry Journal Press. 200 Pages; Illus-
more accurately than many better books.
trated; $4.00.
A critical and comprehensive review of Its style generally inclines to the horror-
American Military Government during Lovers of horseflesh-and their name is story hysterical ("tore my eyes away," "my
and since World War II. Dr. Holbom, still legion-will welcome this limited re- eyes were glued," "Jap-talk," "slanting
• qualified historian and a close ob- issue of General Chamberlin's famous hand- eyes," "cruel, sinister Jap eyes," "I cried
server of AMG in both its planning llnd bookfor horsemen. It contains the principles out hysterically"), which doubtless cor-
operative stages, thoroughly appraises of equitation and tells the reader how to be- rectly reflects the mental condition of many
the accomplishments of our Military come a better horseman and horsemaster. Americans in the Philippines. It reveals
Government, and analyzes carefully the General Chamberlin's vast experience as an amazing helplessness in these two heirs
political motives and objectives which a horseman and as an instructor in horse- of the American pioneer spirit, who appar-
lie behind it. mastership, plus his successful participa- ently could not even try to build huts,
tion in many of the Olympic Equestrian store firewood, secure food, and who were
f3.50 Games made him a nacural candidate for completely dependent on brave, tireless
the authorship of this book. All horsemen Filipinos such as Fabian. The book was in-
-military and civilian-will be glad that teresting to me because of its naively candid
Order from the Armored Cavalry Journal Press has revelation of the character of a kind of
seen fit to reissue it.- TEE FOUR. contemporary romantic, agnostic, mission-
ary. It is even more of a tribute to the
Coast Artillery Journal Emporia Editor Filipino people than the author set out to
631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE'S Al\lER- write.-LT. CoL. WALTERL. WOODFILL.
Washington 4, D. C. ICA. By \Valter Johnson. Henry Holt
and Company. 621 Pages; Illustrated;
Scott Latourette. The Macmillan Com-
Index; $5.00.
pany. 290 Pages; Index; Illustrated;
Mr. Johnson, the editor of \Villiam $4.00.
9-l7 BOOK REVIE\ VS 73
History, being such an explosive sub- J\IARRIAGE IS ON TRIAL. By Judge
. jeet, is open to much whim and opinion; John A. Sbarbaro. The ~lacmillan Com-
. however, The History of Japan by Latou- pany. 128 Pages; $2.00.
~ tette is admirably organized and written
THE QUARREL. By Paul Strahl. Duell,
(with a style that makes reading easy. In
Sloan & Pearce, Inc. 248 Pages; $2.75.
this book the author has condensed the his-
lOrYof a nation that stretches from before
Fiction-Kentucky afer the Civil \Var. A PROGRAM FOR
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work is a summary and the many whys and Harcourt, Brace and Company. 172 Pages;
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rories are not interrupted often nor at any -its ideals, beliefs, and practices-written
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Iwhat has happened in Japan and not with Report of tbe President's Advisor)'
why it happened, nor of the many ways Flynn. The Viking Press. 244 Pages;
e\-ents might have gone if certain variables
Committee on Universal Training
Index; $3.00. A political boss writes his
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REILLY OF THE \VHITE HOUSE. The Report of the President's Ad-
author and of more recent research.-
G. T. T. By J\lichael F. Reilly as told to William J. visory Commission is a document of
I Slocum. Simon and Schuster. 248 Pages;
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If you were lucky enough to get a copy By Ellis T roughton. Charles Scribner's terested in our continuing national se-
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RICHARDGORDONMCCLOSKEY. drivers in Syria. They develop the idea of univer-
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Venturi. Charles Scribner's Sons. 326 631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Pages; Index; Il1ustrated: $5.00. Washington 4, D. C.
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Guide to Naval Strategy (Brodie) 2.75 (Tonk) M5 and M6 10
Impact of War (Herring) 2.50 2-30: Recon. Squadron. Mechanized ..........• 20
Landing Operations (Vagts) 5.00
Infantry lB-20: Tacl. Employment of T.D. Pial. Self-Prop .• 15
The Living Thoughts of Clausewitz 18-5: Tact. Employ. Tonk Destroyer Unit ......• 25
Combat Problems for Small Units 1.00
Fighting Forces edition ..................• 25 18.24: TD Pioneer Platoon 15
Essentials of Infantry Training
Jomini's Art of War 2.50 18.22: TD Recon. Platoon 151
Cloth edition 2.50. Paper edition 1.50
Makers of Modern Strategy (Earle) 3.75 Tonk Fighter Team (Gerard) 25
7-25: Hq. Co., Intel., & Sig. Comm 15
Maneuver in War (Willoughby) 3.00 Tanks (leks) 4:75
Heavy Weapons Manual 2.50
Military Stoff: Its History and Development
Infantry Attacks (Rommel) 3.00
(Hittle) 2.50 Engineers
Infantry in Bottle 3.00
Napoleon and Modern War (Lanzo) 1.50
72-20: Jungle Warfare ......................• 25
Notional Security and the General Stoff (Nelson) 5.00 5-10: Engr. FM Construction and Routes of
Nature of Modern Warfare (Falls) 1.25
Military Ski Manual (Harper) 2.00
Communication ....•........•.........•.. .75 1
3-375: Portable Flame Throwers M 1 and MIA 1 .20
On War (C1ausewitz) 1.95 5-25: Engr. FM Explosives and Demolitions . .30
Scouting and Patrolling ......................• 25
Principles of War (Clausewitz) 1.50 5-15: Engr. FM Field Fortifications . . 35
21-75: Scouting, Patrolling and Sniping 30
Reveries on the Art of War (De Saxe) 1.50 5-6: Engr. FM Oper. of Engr. Field Units . . 20
9-1535: Sights, M4 and M3 (For 60mm. and 81mm .
Roots of Strategy (Phillips) 3.00 5-35: Engr. FM Reference Dato . .35
Mortar Materiels) Sights M2A3, M2Al, M2
Studies on War (Infantry Journal) ...........• 25 5-5: Engr. FM Troops and Operations . .45
181mm. Mortar) 10
Surprise in War (Erfurth) 1.50 21-105: Engr. Soldiers Handbook . .20
11.431: Target Range Communication Systems .10
There Will Be No Time (Borden) 2.50 Engineer Training Notebook (Official) . •50
Use of Air Power (Blunt) 2.00 5.315: Fire Protection by Troop Org. in T/0 .. •301
War and Notional Policy IA Syllabus) 1.00 Air Forces 5-296: Ground Water Supply for Mil. Oper . .15
5.271: Light Stream.C;ossing Equipage . •20,
Roger Wileo: ABC of Radio for Flyers 2.50 8.220: Medical Dept. Soldiers Handbook . .75
5-240: Aerial Photography ...................• 30 5.475: Military Diving . .15'
Aircraft Mathematics (Walling and Hill) 1.75 5.350: Military Pipeline System . .40
Aircraft Navigation (Sewart, Nichols, Walling, 5.310: Miiitary Protective Constr. Against Air
Hill) 2.00 Attock . .20
General 5-275: Pneumatic Pontoon Bridge M3 . .15
5-274: Portable Steel Highway Bridges H.IO
21-26: Advanced Map and Aerial Photo Reading .25 and H-20 ~ . . 15
21-510: Army Arithmetic 20 5-272: Steel Treadway Bridge Equipage M2 . .15
Army Officer's Notebook (Morgan) ..........• 50 5.236: Surveying Tables . .40
Cadence System of Close Order Drill (Lentz) ... 75
DEAR FATHERLAND 5-230: Topographic Drafting . 1.0()(
27-250: Cases on Military Government .......• 20 REST QUIETlY 8-285: Treatment of Casualties from Chemical
Combat Communications (Allen) ..............• 35 Agents . .15
Combat First Aid ......................•....• 25 By Margaret Bourke-White 5.273: 25.ton Pontoon Bridge Model 1940 . .30
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Combined FSR and SOFM (from 100-5, 100-10, A study of Germany in photos and text by 5.297: Well Drilling . .35
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Control of Venereal Disease (Vonderlehr and
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21-30: Conventional Signs, Symbols, and Educational Psychology (Pintner, Ryan, West,
Abbreviations (Military) 25 Crow, Smith) . .75
21-40: Defense Against Chemical Attock ......• 35 Air Navigation (Zim) 3.00 Fear in Bottle (Dollard) . .25
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Drill and Evolutions of the Band (Reynolds) 1.50 Aviation Annual of 1947 5.00 Management and Morale (Raethlisberger) . 2.50
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21-11: First Aid for Soldiers 15 Cel~stial Navigation (A.W.T.I.) 1.00 Psychology for the Armed Services (Edited by
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21-15: Individual
New I. D. R., 1946
Clothing and Equipment 20 Flight Principles
Hydraulic Principles
Weapons and Weapon Training l
Cloth edition 1.25. Paper edition 1.00 Instructor's Manual (Morgan) 25 Ammunition (Johnson & Hoven) .
Insignia of the Services (Brown) 1.50 Jordanoff's Illustrated Aviation Dictionary 3.50 9-1900: Ammunition, General . 5'0~
. 4.00

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Mop and Aerial Photo Reading Complete 1.50 Mechanical Principles (Crites) 60 Automatic Weapons of the World .
Mop Reading for the Soldier (Goodfriend) _ 1.00 Mechanics Handbook (A.W.T.I.) 60 23-25: Bayonet •............................. .IC
Medical Soldier's Handbook 1.00 Navigation Principles (Blackburn) 1.75 Block Powder Snapshots . 5.00
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Military and Naval Recognition Book (Bunkley) 3.00 Pilot's T.M. (Speas) 1.50 Watercooled and mounts . .15
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About) (Pratt) 2.50 Problem of Reducing Vulnerability to A-Bamb
9-5: Ordnance Field Manual 15
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I M 1928A 1 .: _ I5
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123.5: Recoille~s Rifle Cal. 30 MI 55 Native Peoples of the Pacific World (Keesing)
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Modern library books are $2.50 a copy.
100-10: Administration . .20 Cloth edition l.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
Administration of the Army (Official) . . lO 3.95
Treasury of Science (Edited by H. Shapley) ....
12-220: Administration: The Division and
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larger Installations . .20 Scientists)
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'awful Action of State Mil. Forces IHolland)
I Cloth edition 3.00. Paper edition . 1.50
Americans vs. Germans (By American Soldiers)
Fighting Tonks 1916-32 (Jones,' Rarey, leks) ....
Invilation to French (Madgrigal
Invitation to Spanish (Madrigal
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& Madrigal) ..
. 1.75
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12-236: Preparation of Separation Forms . . 15 Modern Mililary Oiclionary (Barber & Bond) _. 2.50
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Charles B. lvlacDonald came to the 2d Infantry Division as a replacement

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perience of your own. But MacDonald can tell about his own story. In his
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able characters; Gis, Johnny Doughboys, dog faces, footsloggers, poor bloody infantry,
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"The characters in my story are not fictional, and any similarity between them and
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Companies I and G are called rifle companies ... and when you call a
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631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. WASHINGTON 4, D. C.

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