Microbiological Analyses of Dry and Slurry Yeasts For Brewing
Microbiological Analyses of Dry and Slurry Yeasts For Brewing
Microbiological Analyses of Dry and Slurry Yeasts For Brewing
ABSTRACT 4.7. Only a few bacteria are able to grow under such in-
hospitable conditions and are able to spoil the beer 13. To
J. Inst. Brew. 111(2), 203–208, 2005
prevent microbial contamination during the production
Classical microbiological methods in association with molecular process, the microbiological purity of brewing yeast start-
methods (DNA amplification, Temperature Gradient Gel Electro- ers is a necessary condition to maintain high product qual-
phoresis (TGGE) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
ity. Many strains are available on the market and their
(DGGE) were used. These methods, developed to rapidly ana-
lyze microbial communities on the basis of sequence-specific characterization is necessary for quality control in dry
separation of DNA amplicons, allowed the detection of DNA yeast production 7. The contamination of production strains
differences in the amplicons tested and the identification of the with wild yeasts (non-Saccharomyces or Saccharomyces)
strains analyzed by the comparison of unknown sequences with and bacteria may contribute negatively or positively to
sequences of known species. TGGE allowed the comparison of beer properties and characteristics. Monitoring of micro-
the different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains used in brewing bial contaminants during the brewing process is important
while DGGE allowed the identification of lactic acid bacteria to obtain reproducible and high-quality beers 16. The plate
(LAB) in beer. These methods are a reliable tool for fast com- count method for enumerating microbiological contamina-
parison of strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae collected from tion has remained unchanged for over a century, but it
different craft breweries where they were used as starters to
requires several days before the microorganisms are iden-
check the presence of possible yeast contaminants in the brew-
ing process and for rapid LAB identification. tified after plating 17. Consequently, the products are often
already released for sale before the microbiological re-
Key words: Beer, lactic acid bacteria, PCR-DGGE, PCR-TGGE, sults become available. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
assays have emerged for the specific detection of micro-
bial contaminant in beer and primers for the most com-
INTRODUCTION mon spoilage organisms, especially for lactic acid bacteria
have been designed 6. The PCR technique is a fast and
At present beer is the most common beverage in the more specific method to detect bacteria in beer compared
world after tea, soft drinks and milk 1. Beer production has to classical microbiological methods which are less spe-
become more reproducible and product quality more con- cific and more time consuming. Also real time PCR was
sistent in the last years and the use of yeast starters has used to improve sensitivity in bacteria detection from beer
been essential in beer production since 1883 4. Saccharo- and to date this technique still needs to be applied in rou-
myces cerevisiae is the prevalent yeast species involved in tine brewery practice 15.
brewing and it influences the quality and the quantity of Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pat-
the secondary products formed during the alcoholic fer- terns of PCR-amplified DNA fragments and Temperature
mentation. Different yeast strains will produce different Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (TGGE) of PCR products
levels of esters and higher alcohols under similar condi- were successfully used for the identification of yeasts iso-
tions and these compounds will directly influence beer lated from wine 9 and PCR-DGGE was described as useful
flavour. Some yeasts appear to be more vigorous in com- in identifying bacteria during sausage fermentation 3. The
peting for nutrients than others and therefore leave less aim of this work was to identify and quantify the presence
highly assimilable nitrogen and fermentable residue in of wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria contamination in
beer. Such beer may be less susceptible to microbiological dry and slurry yeasts used in beer production, and to in-
contamination 11. Beer is a poor and rather hostile environ- vestigate intraspecific differentiation of Saccharomyces
ment for most microorganisms: its ethanol concentration cerevisiae strains by PCR-TGGE.
is usually around 4–5% v/v and its pH ranges from 3.8 to
Fig. 3. Standard LAB DGGE; primer P1/P2. Lane 1: Lb. plantarum DSM 20174; Lane 2: Lb. sakei DSM 6333; Lane 3:
Lb. curvatus DSM 20019; l Lane 4: Lb. brevis DSM 20054; Lane 5: Lb. casei DSM 20011; Lane 6: Lb. paracasei; Lane
7: Pediococcus parvulus DSM; Lane 8: Pediococcus pentosaceus DSM; Lane 9: Enterococcus hiirae; Lane 10: Oeno-
coccus oeni; Lane 11: Lb. hilgardii DSM 20176; Lane 12: Lc. lactis DSM 2345; Lanes 13–14: Kokuria kristinae DSM
20032; Lane 15: Kokuria varians DSM 20033; Lane 16: Leuconostoc cremoris DSM 4196; Lane 17: Weissella kimkii.