Vino Grignolino

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International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

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Yeast distribution in Grignolino grapes growing in a new vineyard in T

Piedmont and the technological characterization of indigenous
Saccharomyces spp. strains

Enrico Vaudanoa, , Giorgia Quinternoa, Antonella Costantinia, Laura Pulcinia, Enrica Pessioneb,
Emilia Garcia-Morunoa
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria – Centro di Ricerca Viticoltura ed Enologia, Via Pietro Micca 35, 14100 Asti, Italy
Università di Torino – Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, Via Accademia Albertina 13, 10123 Torino, Italy


Keywords: The aim of this study was to characterize the yeast consortium isolated from Grignolino grapes in a newly
Yeast planted vineyard in Piedmont (Italy) via analysis of the intra-vineyard yeast distribution of grape samples from
Grape single rows. A two-phase approach allowed the identification of culturable yeasts present on grape skins and,
Non-Saccharomyces through an enriching procedure via grape fermentation, the isolation of low frequency non-Saccharomyces and
Saccharomyces spp. fermentative species, including S. paradoxus, which is highly unusual during grape fer-
Indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains
mentation, along with the intra-specific characterization of S. cerevisiae isolates. Culture-based molecular
techniques revealed a grape yeast microbiota formed by (in order of abundance) Hanseniaspora uvarum, the
yeast-like fungus Aerobasidium pullulans, Candida zemplinina, Pichia kluyveri, Candida californica, Curvibasidium
cygneicollum, Meyerozima caribbica, Rhodotorula babjevae, Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Cryptococcus flavescens.
Technological properties of isolated Saccharomyces spp. strains were analysed, identifying strains, including S.
paradoxus, potentially suitable as an ecotypical starter for territorial wines.

1. Introduction area where the natural environment, the physical and chemical features
of the soil, and climate conditions allow the achievement of specific
Wine production is one of the most ancient biotechnological pro- grape characteristics, so that, the obtained wine can be identified by
cesses. The transformation of grape juice into wine is due to micro- means of the unique traits of its territoriality. In this sense, different
organism-mediated alcoholic fermentation carried out by yeast, al- studies have highlighted the important role of the microbiota associated
though other microorganisms also contribute to the final organoleptic with the “terroir” from which the grapes are grown. Actually, the ter-
properties of the wine. Oenological microorganisms, such as fungi, roir-associated microbiota is able to impart a unique quality to the wine
yeasts and bacteria, have been widely studied, particularly yeast species (Csoma et al., 2010), although the influence of the grape microbiota on
involved in alcoholic fermentation, among the most important of which the overall regional characteristics of wines is yet to be elucidated
are species belonging to the Saccharomyces genus, in particular, (Bokulich et al., 2014).
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Pretorius, 2000). Focusing on yeasts, after véraison (the onset of ripening) the mi-
Even though most studies have focused on searching for new S. crobiota of healthy and intact berries is dominated by basidiomycetous
cerevisiae strains with improved performance in wine fermentation, yeasts (e.g., Cryptococcus spp., Rhodotorula spp., Sporobolomyces spp.)
more recently, the contribution of numerous non-Saccharomyces yeasts and the yeast-like fungus Aureobasidium pullulans (see the review of
to wine quality has also been explored (Ciani et al., 2010; Jolly et al., Barata et al., 2012). Approaching harvest time there is an increase of
2014). oxidative or weakly fermentative ascomycetous populations (e.g.,
Moreover, in recent years, the relationship between the wine mi- Candida spp., Hanseniaspora spp., Metschnikowia spp. and Pichia spp). In
crobial community and “terroir” has been highlighted (Capozzi et al., fact, the health of the grapes affects the accessibility of microorganisms
2015; Combina et al., 2005; Di Maio et al., 2012; Di Maro et al., 2007; to the nutrients of the juice, thus determining the yeast cell number on
Tristezza et al., 2013). The term “terroir” describes a clearly delimited the surface. Other factors also influence the development of yeasts on

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Vaudano).
Received 8 May 2018; Received in revised form 14 September 2018; Accepted 17 September 2018
Available online 18 September 2018
0168-1605/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Vaudano et al. International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

the grape surface, with climatic conditions such as rainfall (and con- To isolate yeasts from grape skins, 50 grape berries for each row
sequently dew and moisture), solar irradiation and temperature among (95.2 ± 4.8 g of berries, average ± standard deviation), randomly
the most influential (Barata et al., 2012; Pretorius et al., 1999; Renouf sampled, using a sterilized scissors and withdrawing the berries with
et al., 2005). However, data often differ probably due to the spatial the pedicel avoiding must release. Berries were put into a sterile flask
fluctuation of yeast populations (Fonseca and Inácio, 2006; Setati et al., with 200 ml of autoclaved physiologic solution and incubated at 25 °C
2012), which makes is difficult to achieve a reliable sampling proce- overnight with agitation in a shaker at 75 rpm. These washing solutions
dure. were pelleted at 5000 rpm for 15 min, and then pellets were re-sus-
The microbial population (fungi, yeasts and bacteria) of grapes pended in 5 ml of new physiologic solution and were immediately used
contributes to the final characteristics of wine (Fleet, 2003). Since fungi for yeast isolation and count.
are unable to grow in wine, their effect on wine quality is due to grape In order to isolate Saccharomyces spp., samples of around 400 ber-
damage and the production of specific metabolites; contrarily, yeasts ries from each row (310 g on average) were crushed, and the musts
and bacteria are able to survive and grow in wine. However, it is well were placed in sterilized flasks for spontaneous fermentation. Flasks
known that Saccharomyces spp. yeasts are present at very low abun- were maintained at 22 °C during the fermentation process, which was
dance on healthy berries (Mortimer and Polsinelli, 1999) and thus, they monitored by daily weight loss measurement. When fermentation
can only be detected during fermentation, when they prevail over other stopped (weight remained unchanged), lees were separated by cen-
yeasts due to their better resistance to wine harsh conditions, in par- trifugation at 2000 g for 5 min and immediately used for isolation.
ticular, the ethanol content.
The selection and use of “autochthonous yeasts” (i.e., yeasts present 2.2. Yeast count and isolation in pure culture
in a certain territory, appellation or vineyard) belonging to the S. cer-
evisiae species has been a reality for many years and this approach is To isolate and enumerate grape yeast populations, WLD
rapidly spreading (Capece et al., 2010; Grieco et al., 2011; Ilieva et al., (Wallerstein Laboratory Differential) agar was used (MERCK,
2017; Tofalo et al., 2013; Vigentini et al., 2017). The use of auto- Darmstadt, Germany). Ampicillin sodium salt, 100 mg/l, and biphenyl,
chthonous yeasts is in response to the ever-increasing need for wine 400 mg/l, (Sigma-Aldrich), previously dissolved in water and ethanol,
personalization, and it represents a compromise between spontaneous respectively, were added to the medium to prevent mould and bacterial
fermentation, unacceptable by modern oenology, and practical pro- growth. Washing suspensions were diluted (10−1 to 10−4) and 100 μl
blems arising from a sensory standardization resulting from the use of of each dilution were spread in duplicate onto WLD and plates were
selected industrial starter cultures (Ciani et al., 2010). These ap- incubated at 25 °C for eight days to allow adequate growth. Then, single
proaches, based on the accurate selection of territorial strains, could colonies from plates with 100–200 colonies, and showing different
represent the final step in achieving wines belonging entirely to their morphologies, were sampled and grown in WL agar for eight days at
own “terroir” (Lopes et al., 2007; Šuranská et al., 2016; Tristezza et al., 25 °C. To reduce the risk of bias (different species with the same mor-
2014). phology), at least five random selected colonies belonging to the single
All these data prompted us to comprehensively characterize the morphologies were isolated. In addition, unique and rare morphologies
yeast microbial consortium on Grignolino wine grapes in an experi- present on plates were also isolated for a total of 81 different colonies.
mental newly planted vineyard in Piedmont (Italy). Grignolino is an After growth, morphology characteristics were recorded, including di-
ancient red Italian wine grape variety with increasing economic re- mension, colour and appearance. For long-term conservation, isolates
levance, commonly cultivated in south Piedmont. The aim was to de- were inoculated in YEPG (Yeast Extract, Peptone, Glucose) medium for
termine the distribution of the different yeasts within a single vineyard eight days at 25 °C, and the suspension was diluted in 50% v/v glycerol
using culture-dependent methodologies by isolating the yeasts directly and stored at −80 °C.
from grape skins. On the other hand, the presence and distribution of For the isolation of yeasts present at the end of fermentation,
fermentative species, which are present in a low number on the grapes, samples were diluted and spread on WL agar. After growth, 15 colonies
were determined after the spontaneous alcoholic fermentation of grape from each plate were randomly collected from plates containing
must. Moreover, the main technological features of isolated 200–300 colonies and conserved at −80 °C as described above.
Saccharomyces spp. strains were assessed in order to identify possible
candidates as an indigenous starter for Grignolino grape fermentation. 2.3. DNA extraction from liquid cultures

2. Materials and methods DNA was extracted from cultures obtained after inoculation in YEPG
of the frozen glycerol stocks and incubated overnight, as described
2.1. Sample collection and recovery previously (Querol et al., 1992) with some modifications (Vaudano
et al., 2016). DNA was dissolved in 50 μl of ultrapure sterile water and
The study was conducted in an experimental vineyard located in stored at −20 °C.
Portacomaro (Asti, Italy, Latitude 44°57′23.6″ N, Longitude 8° 15′ 09.6″
E, altitude: from 195 to 205 m.a.s.l. (metres above sea level), exposi- 2.4. Identification
tion: south-east). The vineyard is composed of 15 rows with a total of
1600 Grignolino vines, which was planted in 2013. Grignolino grape Yeast identification was achieved using a “clustering and sequen-
samples were collected at maturity in September 2016 (the first year of cing” approach. For this, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis
industrial production) from the odd rows (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15) (ARDRA) of the 5.8S-ITS region was applied on DNA extracted from
starting from the bottom of the vineyard, row 1 being the lower one and yeast colonies using primers ITS1 and ITS4 as previously reported
row 15 the upper one in terms of altitude. The vineyard is characterized (Esteve-Zarzoso et al., 1999), and CfoI, HaeIII and HinfI were used as
by a different level of solar radiation, decreasing from the upper to the restriction enzymes. Data obtained were analysed using Bionumerics
lower rows due to the presence of tall trees close to the vines in the software (Applied Maths, Keistraat, Belgium). Clustering was per-
south border. formed using the option “average of experiments”, including ITS am-
Two types of samples were analysed: one from grape skins, to plicons and restriction fragment patterns. Dendrograms were built with
monitor the culturable yeast population on the berry surface; and one the UPGMA method considering 90% similarity as grouping cut-off.
from the end of grape fermentation, used as an enriching medium to Cophenetic correlation was applied to determine reliable and unreliable
identify low frequency fermenting yeasts and, in particular, to isolate clusters, as described by Rossetti and Giraffa (2005).
Saccharomyces spp. strains. After grouping, for unequivocal yeast species identification, the 26S

E. Vaudano et al. International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

region of rDNA from 1 to 3 samples/group (depending to group di- Phenomenex, Torrance, USA). Conditions were as follows: eluent:
mension) was sequenced using the D1–D2 domain as target, and am- water; column temperature: 85 °C; flow: 0.35 ml/min; injection volume:
plified with primers NL1–NL4 (Kurtzman and Robnett, 1998). PCR 20 μl.
products were visualized by electrophoresis at 80 V for 60 min on a
1.2% (w/v) agarose gel. Amplicons were purified using an Illustra CFX 2.6.2. SO2 inhibition, H2S production and Killer character
kit (GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, United Kingdom) and bidir- To evaluate the inhibition of Saccharomyces spp. strains by SO2
ectionally sequenced with primers NL1-NL4 (Kurtzman and Robnett, during fermentation, 200 ml flasks were prepared for each strain with
1998) using The BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied 100 ml of sterile must (Zambonelli, 1988). SO2 (100 mg/l) in the form
Biosystems, Monza, Italy) according to the manufacturer's instructions of a 30% (w/w) potassium metabisulfite solution (K2S2O5, Merck) was
and the ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystem). added. Pre-inocula were prepared as described above. The fermentation
Sequences were deposited in NCBI Genbank with accession number process was monitored by weight loss, comparing the duration of the
reported in Tables S1 and S2 and compared using Blast (https://blast. lag phase with that of fermentation without SO2. An arbitrary scale was and confirmed by alignment with D1-D2 used from 0 to 8 on the basis of lag phase duration.
type strain sequences from the CBS database (http://www. Semi-quantitative evaluation of H2S production was carried out on Biggy Agar (Candida elective agar, Merck) medium (Nickerson, 1953).
%202011) or, when possible, with the D1–D2 sequence of the type Using a sterile loop, a dense (108 cells/ml) liquid culture was streaked
strains collected in CREA-VE (CREA-Centro di Ricerca Viticoltura ed onto the agar surface. After incubation at 25 °C for eight days, the
Enologia). All identified microorganisms were stored in triplicate at presence of brown to black pigmented colonies, a result of sulphide
−80 °C in 50% (v/v) glycerol. combining with bismuth, was recorded. The arbitrary scale used was: 0,
white (no H2S production); 1, light brown; 2, brown; 3, dark brown. A
2.5. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain genetic characterization non-producing S. cerevisiae strain ISE36 (CREA-VE yeast collection) was
used as a negative control.
Microsatellite multiplex PCR (MM-PCR) was applied to distinguish The identification of a killer character was performed using Malt
S. cerevisiae strains by using three highly polymorphic microsatellite Agar buffered at pH 4.6, onto which was poured 1 ml of physiologic
loci (SC8132×, YOR267C and SCPTSY7) (Vaudano and Garcia- solution containing a known sensible S. cerevisiae strain (ISE 1, CREA-
Moruno, 2008). Minor modifications of the method consist of the use of VE yeast collection). Yeast strains to be tested for their killer activity
the QIAGEN® Multiplex PCR Master Mix (2×) and 0.5 μM individual were streaked on the agar surface and the plates incubated at 20 °C for
primer concentrations. PCR conditions were also slightly modified as eight days. The presence of an inhibition zone due to the death of
follows: initial denaturation at 95 °C for 15 min; 28 cycles of denaturing sensible cells was evaluated. A positive control (S. cerevisiae strain ISE
at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 57 °C for 1 min and 30 s, and extension at 987, CREA-VE yeast collection), known to be a toxin producer and
72 °C for 1 min; and a final extension step at 60 °C for 30 min. Ampli- belonging to the CREA-VE yeast culture collection, was tested in each
fications were performed in a BioRad T100™ Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad Petri dish.
Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, USA).
PCR products were separated on 2.5% (w/v) agarose (Bio-Rad) gels 2.7. Statistical analysis
with 1× TBE buffer using 80 ml gel at 100 V for 75 min. A 100 bp low
ladder (Sigma) was used to estimate band sizes. MM-PCR data were The Shannon diversity index (Shannon, 1948) and Margalef Rich-
processed using Bionumerics software. Strain differentiation was per- ness index (Margalef, 1958) were used to determine grape yeast bio-
formed via clustering using binary Dice as the similarity coefficient and diversity. For this the relative abundance of a single species, with re-
the UPGMA dendrogram construction method, considering 80% simi- spect to the total isolates in the samples, expressed in CFU/g of grape,
larity as the cut-off for determination of strain identity. Cophenetic was considered.
correlation was evaluated as described above. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) (XLStat, Addinsoft SARL, Paris,
France) was performed to evaluate the significance of the variation of
2.6. Technological properties of isolated Saccharomyces spp. strains fermentation parameters and metabolites produced at the end of fer-
mentation. The Tukey test, to evaluate group (strain) differences in
2.6.1. Fermentation tests metabolite synthesis, was carried out and the significance level was set
To evaluate fermentative power, vigour and purity (the ratio be- at p ≤ 0.05.
tween volatile acidity g/l and ethanol % v/v), monoculture fermenta- The Pearson correlation (R) (XLStat) was used to observe the re-
tion trials using the isolated S. cerevisiae strains were carried out as lationship among data obtained from fermentation tests.
reported by Zambonelli (1988). In addition, an isolated S. paradoxus
strain was included with the aim of testing its potential oenological 3. Results and discussion
interest. To achieve this, must with excess sugar (300 g/l) was prepared
from sterilized grape juice with the addition of 0.4 g/l of ammonium 3.1. Identification and quantification of yeasts from grape skins
salts (50/50 w/w ammonium sulphate, di-ammonium hydrogen phos-
phate, Merck). Musts (200 ml) were distributed in pre-sterilized conical The vineyard studied was planted in 2013 with a Grignolino variety
flasks capped with a rubber cap with a Müller valve. Pre-inocula were of Vitis vinifera thanks to a project for territory recovery. Being sepa-
prepared in sterile 100 ml conical flasks with 50 ml of liquid YEPG rated from other cultivated areas, data obtained will not be conditioned
medium and solid samples from slant tubes. After one day of incubation by the microbiota of neighbouring vineyards.
at 25 °C under stirring conditions, the inoculum was done at a con- Sampling was conducted in September 2016, during the grape
centration of 106 cells/ml. Each strain was tested in triplicate. The harvest, and it was preceded by an unusual rainy August (https://
fermentation process was monitored by recording CO2 loss via weight dati/annal-
change. When weight loss stopped, fermentation was considered to be i_meteoidrologici/annali-meteo-idro/banca-dati-meteor-
finished and the evaluation of alcohol content, volatile acidity and total ologica.html). These climatic conditions are known to affect the
acidity was performed using official methodologies (EUR-Lex, 1990). microbiota, since rainfall near or during harvesting increases the
Residual sugar concentrations and glycerol were quantified using an yeast concentration on the grapes, and its negative effects on grape
HPLC equipped with a refractometric detector using a Rezex RCM- integrity lead to a major availability of nutrients on the berry surface
Monosaccharide column (dimension: 300 × 7.8 mm; particle size 8 μm; (Renouf et al., 2005). On the contrary, a lower precipitation degree is

E. Vaudano et al. International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

Table 1 rows 3 and 9. The rest of the identified microorganisms exhibited lower
Yeasts count in each row of Grignolino grape vineyard at harvest. frequencies: Curvibasidium cygneicollum, Cryptococcus flavescens and
Row Log CFU/g of berriesa Percent respect to whole vineyardb Meyerozima caribbica were isolated only in row 1, Rhodotorula babjevae
only in row 7, and Candida californica in rows 5 and 9 (Table 3). Intra-
1 6.2 28 vineyard differences have been attributed to the myriad of micro-
3 6.4 48
climates created within the vineyard (Setati et al., 2012), which, as
5 6.0 19
7 5.2 3
shown in this study, are probably influenced by the different growth
9 5.0 2 conditions, the environment, and in particular, humidity which differs
11 4.0 <1 among rows and decreases with altitude.
13 3.3 <1 Three yeast species, Hanseniaspora uvarum, Aureobasidium pullulans
15 2.8 <1
and Candida zemplinina dominate the culturable microbiota, re-
Mean of two replicas that differ by no more than 15%. presenting 93% of the yeast population (Fig. 1). This scenario is con-
Values were calculated considering grapes harvested for each row. sistent with a heterogeneous sanitary status of grapes at maturity,
where healthy and micro-damaged berries were present at the same
correlated with a lower yeast density on grape berries, hence mi- time, promoting the growth of weakly fermentative species such as H.
crobial populations decrease in number following a dry period uvarum and C. zemplinina, together with ubiquitous, oligotrophic A.
(Combina et al., 2005). pullulans (Barata et al., 2012; Fonseca and Inácio, 2006).
The yeast population ranged between 6.4 and 2.8 log CFU/g of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was not isolated directly from grape skin,
berries with an evident tendency to decrease from row 1 to 15 as their number is too low when compared with other microorganisms
(Table 1). The three lower sampled rows (1, 3, 5) comprise 95% of the (Capozzi et al., 2015; Guimarães et al., 2006; Mortimer and Polsinelli,
yeast population of the whole vineyard, showing around 6.0 log CFU/g 1999). Conversely, S. cerevisiae can be easily detected during fermen-
cell, which is greater with respect to data reported for undamaged tation, when it prevails over other yeasts due to its better fermentative
grapes, comprising between approximately 2 and 4 log cells/g (Barata performance and ethanol tolerance (Fleet and Heard, 1993; Martini,
et al., 2012; Prakitchaiwattana et al., 2004). The three upper rows re- 1993).
present 0.23% of the population (Table 1) with a yeast abundance
comprised between 2.8 and 4.0 log CFU/g, which is more consistent 3.2. Isolation and characterization of yeasts at the end of alcoholic
with previous cited reports. The data shown reflect the influence of the fermentation
row position on yeast abundance considering that at a lower altitude,
due to the presence of tall trees in the south border of the vineyard, To isolate yeasts belonging to the Saccharomyces genus, the identi-
solar irradiation was probably lower and humidity was higher during fication of yeasts present at the end of fermentation of Grignolino wine
the period of grape maturation. In agreement with these data, it has grapes was carried out from fermentations performed using grapes
previously been reported that relative humidity influences yeast po- harvested in each single row.
pulations (Brilli et al., 2014). Moreover, wet conditions favour mould ARDRA analysis and D1/D2 26S sequencing showed that almost all
growth that can cause non-visible microcracks in the berry surface isolated microorganisms at the end of fermentation belong to a species
(Becker and Knoche, 2015). This damage increases juice nutrient of S. cerevisiae, except in the row 7 grape must fermentation, where
availability for yeast proliferation (Barata et al., 2008, 2012; Zygosaccharomyces bailii and S. paradoxus represent 30% and 50% of the
Prakitchaiwattana et al., 2004). isolates, respectively, and in row 13 where Candida zemplinina stands
Eighty-one colonies of yeast were identified based on ARDRA ana- for 30% (data not shown). The presence of S. paradoxus and S. cerevi-
lysis and clustering with BioNumerics™ (Fig. S1). For each evidenced siae, with equal ARDRA profiles, were differentiated by MM-PCR and
group (identity percentage ˃ 90%), a representative sample was se- subsequently confirmed by sequencing (Table S2).
quenced and identified using the Blast and CBS database (Table S1). As mentioned earlier, S. cerevisiae is generally absent on grape skin
The identified colonies belong to 10 species: Cryptococcus flavescens, isolations, but it is always the predominant yeast at the end of fer-
Candida californica, Candida zemplinina, Curvibasidium cygneicollum, mentation. The presence of weakly fermentative Candida zemplinina and
Hanseniaspora uvarum, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Meyerozima caribbica, Zygosaccharomyces spp. is not a surprise because they are able to survive
Pichia kluyveri, Rhodotorula babjevae and the yeast-like fungus, at a medium-high ethanol concentration. However, it is important to
Aerobasidium pullulans. note that the fermentations with grape from rows 7 and 13 were no able
Yeast species present on grapes differed among different rows, to reach the complete consumption of sugars and had less ethanol
evidencing the heterogeneity in terms of species diversity in the vine- content (10.30 and 8.75% v/v respectively) respect to the other fer-
yard (Table 2). The Shannon diversity index, calculated for each row, mentations (average 12.45% v/v, data not shown); this ethanol content
showed a variation among rows ranging from 0.16 to 1.10, evidencing is compatible with the presence of non-Saccharomyces species. A re-
how yeast diversity drastically changes in the same vineyard within a markable event was the detection of S. paradoxus. This yeast is fre-
few metres. Data also highlighted a tendency of reduced richness, ex- quently found in association with oak trees, but rarely isolated from
pressed as the Margalef index, consistent with the reduction of grape fruits or fermentations (Johnson et al., 2004; Sniegowski et al., 2002),
microbial load. In fact, as shown in Table 3, the number of yeast species and has only sporadically been associated with wine production
decreased from rows 1 and 3 (5 species) to row 15 (only one species). (Redzepović et al., 2002).
Single species distribution was also variable: Aureobasidium pullulans is Regarding S. cerevisiae species, 10 different strains were dis-
present in all rows, except 9, Hanseniaspora uvarum in six rows out of criminated by MM-PCR analysis (Fig. 2), with 1 out of 10 colonies
the eight, Pichia kluyveri in rows 1, 3, 5 and 9, and Candida zemplinina in analysed showing a different MM-PCR profile. This ratio is similar to

Table 2
Yeast Ecological indices in single rows and the whole Grignolino vineyard.
Ecological indices Row 1 Row 3 Row 5 Row 7 Row 9 Row 11 Row 13 Row 15 Whole vineyard

Shannon index (H′) 0.44 0.70 0.80 0.99 0.16 1.10 0.66 – 1.33
Margalef's richness index 0.28 0.27 0.22 0.17 0.26 0.22 0.13 – 0.67

E. Vaudano et al. International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

Table 3
Percentage distribution of yeasts associated with grapes of single rows in Grignolino vineyard.
Specie name Row 1 Row3 Row 5 Row 7 Row 9 Row 11 Row 13 Row 15

Aureobasidium pullulans 89% < 1% 8% 51% – 33% 62% 100%

Candida californica – 8% < 1% – –
Candida zemplinina – 39% – – 97% – – –
Cryptococcus flavescens < 1% – – – – – – –
Curvibasidium cygneicollum 5% – – – – – –
Hanseniaspora uvarum – 60% 76% 34% 2% 33% 38% –
Metschnikowia pulcherrima – < 1% – – 34% – –
Meyerozyma caribbica 5% – – – – –
Pichia kluyveri 1% < 1% 8% – 1% – – –
Rhodotorula babjevae – – – 15% – – – –

Fig. 1. Yeast species abundancy in the whole Grignolino vineyard. Values were calculated considering grape harvested for each row.

rows, even at the S. cerevisiae strain level (Fig. 3). At the end of fer-
mentation, a great variability was found, with rows with only one strain
compared with rows with four different strains. However, this varia-
bility was not directly linked to row altitude, being more probably
randomly determined by vectors, such as birds, wasps and fruit flies,
which feed on the juice of damaged berries (Francesca et al., 2012; Lam
and Howell, 2015; Stefanini et al., 2012).

3.3. Main technological features of isolated Saccharomyces spp. strains

In order to obtain information regarding the main technological

features of isolated S. cerevisiae strains for the possible use in actual
wine production, an initial evaluation of their oenological traits was
undertaken. In addition, we include S. paradoxus strain for the pre-
viously reported potential oenological interest of this yeast species
(Orlic et al., 2007; Orlić et al., 2010). For this purpose, some char-
acteristics are essential, such as the ability to ferment up to 14.5–15.0%
(v/v) of ethanol, fermentative vigour, allowing the strain to compete
Fig. 2. MM-PCR electrophoresis patterns and cluster analysis of different with natural microflora, and the low production of volatile acidity.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated in Grignolino vineyard with similarity Other features can be defined as ancillary characters, but they can
above 80%, obtained with 2.5% agarose gel using Dice similarity coefficient.
significantly affect the quality of the produced wine. Table 4 shows
Dendrogram was built with UPGMA method.
technological and metabolic characteristics of the isolated Sacchar-
omyces spp. strains. The production of ethanol in conditions of sugar
that reported in Northeast Italy (Viel et al., 2017), but lower than re- excess (fermentative power) ranged from 10.9% v/v to 16.5% but does
ported in Portugal and Spain (Schuller et al., 2005, 2012; Valero et al., not show statistically significant differences among the S. cerevisiae
2007). However, biodiversity data can be underestimated, as the strains, while the S. paradoxus strain M differs showing low fermenta-
methodology applied favours the growth of the best fermentation per- tive power. No statistically significant differences in glycerol produc-
former strains. Moreover, as the vineyard studied was newly planted, tion (ranging from 7.3 to 8.7 g/l) at the end of fermentation were ob-
the observed biodiversity degree has not been influenced by age-af- served. Significant differences among the strains were found in terms of
fecting aspects, such as colonization of the vineyard's yeast via the soil, volatile acidity (p < 0.01), total acidity (p < 0.01), fermentative
insects or residue of unharvested grapes after successive vintages vigour (p < 0.05) and fermentative purity (p < 0.01). In particular,
(Sipiczki, 2016; Stefanini et al., 2012) that could increase biodiversity. strong differences in volatile acidity were found among the isolated
Single fermentations from grapes harvested in each single row fur- strains. S. cerevisiae strains H and E were found to be low volatile acidity
ther confirmed that yeast distribution in the vineyard differs among producers (with concentrations of 0.29 g/l and 0.36 g/l) compared with

E. Vaudano et al. International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

Fig. 3. Frequency of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated in fermentation of single rows Grignolino grapes.

high producer strains, C and I, generating 0.80 and 0.83 g/l at the end (23.5°Brix), i.e., closer to the levels of sugar normally found in grapes.
of fermentation, respectively. Under these conditions, S. paradoxus strain M is able to complete fer-
It is important to highlight that the production of acetic acid, which mentation (Fig. 4) confirming the oenological interest of this species
is the predominant portion of volatile acid production during wine (Orlic et al., 2007; Orlić et al., 2010).
fermentation, is related to the synthesis of glycerol, the main cellular Semi-quantitative analysis confirms the high intra-specific genetic
osmolite in S. cerevisiae (Hohmann, 2002). In fact, at the beginning of variability of S. cerevisiae, reflecting metabolic differences in the pro-
fermentation, glycerol is produced in response to the high sugar con- duction, assimilation and transformation of certain metabolites
centration of the must, while acetate production is needed to recover (Mortimer, 2000), and detoxification ability toward added pre-
the redox balance by reducing NAD+ produced during the synthesis of servatives. Data (Table 4) showed differences in H2S production among
glycerol (Hohmann, 2002; Pigeau and Inglis, 2007). Even if the glycerol strains as previously reported (Kumar et al., 2010): strain A was the
content did not show significant differences among strains, there is a only one to not display H2S synthesis, while strains B and D exhibited
positive relationship between glycerol and acetate (R = 0.420, the greatest H2S production among the 10 strains. Only two strains, E
p < 0.05); therefore, in our tests, the large differences among the and H, showed the ability to produce killer toxins. A large variability
isolated yeasts in terms of acetate production were related to the di- was also observed with respect to SO2 sensitivity. Almost all strains of S.
verse sensibility and response to the hyperosmotic environment (Noti cerevisiae are able to complete fermentation (data not shown), with the
et al., 2018). exception of strain B which was completely inhibited by sulfite. The
S. paradoxus strain M was not comparable with S. cerevisiae strains fermentation lag phase with added SO2 varies from 0 (strains A and L
in terms of fermentative power under conditions of excess of sugars which do not demonstrate inhibition) to eight days in the S. paradoxus
probably due to osmotic sensibility, while the other characteristics are strain M fermentation.
similar and the strain proved to not be a high volatile acidity producer Finally, S. cerevisiae strains E and H appeared to be the most suitable
(Table 4). To test how the sugar content could affect strain M perfor- for wine production as they possess the overall characteristics of fer-
mance, fermentation was carried out under less restrictive conditions mentative vigour, good fermentative purity, low acetic acid production

Table 4
Main technological and metabolic features of the isolated S. cerevisiae strains (A–L) and S. paradoxus (strain M).
Strain Ethanol (% Residual sugar Volatile Total acidity Glycerol (g/ Fermentation Fermentative vigour H2S⁎⁎ SO2⁎⁎ Killer
v/v) (g/L) acidity (g/L) (g/L) L) purity (g/L CO2)⁎ production inhibition activity

A 15.32a 42.6a 0.79ab 7.30a 7.9 0.05a 37.7b 0 0 −

B 14.73a 59.2a 0.44cd 6.90d 7.6 0.03ab 51.5ab 3 5 −
C 15.70a 43.5a 0.80ab 7.40a 8.8 0.05a 56.6ab 2 1 −
D 15.13a 51.3a 0.41cd 6.96cd 6.7 0.03b 56.3ab 3 1 −
E 15.27a 48.8a 0.36cd 7.00bcd 7.9 0.02b 63.4a 2 3 +
F 15.89a 41.8a 0.43cd 7.00bcd 7.8 0.03b 60.9ab 1 3 −
G 14.70a 58.6a 0.56bc 7.20abcd 7.6 0.04ab 50.1ab 1 1 +
H 15.10a 50.8a 0.29d 7.12abcd 6.9 0.02b 58.8ab 2 1 −
I 16.49a 29.5a 0.83a 7.25ab 8.7 0.05a 55.7ab 1 1 −
L 15.05a 49.8a 0.58abc 7.23abc 7.9 0.04ab 45.5ab 1 0 −
M 10.92b 108.9b 0.41cd 6.50d 7.3 0.04ab 36.4b 1 8 −

Data are the average of three replicas.

When reported, superscript letters indicate statistically significant differences among strains.

After three days of fermentation.
H2S and SO2 inhibition arbitrary scales are described in Materials and methods section.

E. Vaudano et al. International Journal of Food Microbiology 289 (2019) 154–161

Fig. 4. Fermentation performances of S. paradoxus strain M in grape must at 23.5° Brix (gray line) and at 27.0° Brix (black line). Ethanol (% v/v) was indirectly
calculated via CO2 production monitored by weight loss.

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