Eps Peer Review P

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Criterion Undocument Minimal 1 Basic 2 Proficient  Advanced  Comments

ed 0 Unacceptabl Acceptable 3 4

Unacceptable e Acceptable Acceptable
Idea Development The The Statement Using Using 3
statement statement logically generally sound Although
does not expresses develops sound assumption you
address the author’s the author’s assumptio s and
the author’s views about views about ns and arguments,
views about the purposes the arguments, the d your
the purposes of purposes of based on statement ideas
of education, education, education, practical logically with
guiding guiding guiding experience develops many
educational educational educational , the the quotes
principles, principles, principles, statement author’s some
understandin understandi understandi logically views
parts of
g of learning, ng of ng of develops about the
and/or the learning, learning, the purposes of
the paper
most and/or the and/or the author’s education, were
appropriate most most views guiding either
strategies for appropriate appropriate about the educational repetitive
teaching. The strategies strategies purposes principles, or
statement is for teaching, for of understand worded
incoherent or but is teaching. education, ing of in a way
extremely ambiguous However, guiding learning,
brief or or not the educationa and/or the
contains connected. statement is l most made it
major logical not always principles, appropriat hard to
inconsistenci consistent understan e strategies understan
es. and/or ding of for d what
convincing. learning, teaching. the point
and/or the The of the
most statement sentence
appropriat includes
e sound
strategies ethical or
for psychologic
teaching. al
and not
Illustrative Exa No Supporting Examples in Supporting Specific 4
mples illustrative examples support of examples examples Very
examples are points are from the from the nice
are inadequate relevant but writer’s writer’s
included. or of unclear general or experience personal
relevance. not based are specific experience, especiall
inexperienc and academic y when
e. pertinent. work, or you
field spoke
experience about
illustrate your time
points in a in a
vivid or classroo
Quality of The The The The In addition 3
Writing statement is statement, statement is statement to being Again
very difficult though understand is clear, clear, well some
to read comprehensi able plus well organized,
because of ble, has two of the organized, free from
areas of
its style, obvious following: free from errors of the paper
usage, problems in 1) organized errors of mechanics were
mechanics, two of the , mechanics and usage, hard to
or following 2) free from and usage, and written understan
organization areas: style, errors of and in an d,
. usage, and mechanic written in appropriat however
mechanics, s and an e academic
I liked
or usage, appropriat style, the
organization. 3) in an e academic statement:
appropria style. 1) has a points
te single, that were
academic unifying clearly
style. theme stated
2) is
e of the

Total: 10

Reviewee: Phillip Zaki Date:

Evaluator: Madison Wells Date: 12-3

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