01-Kimberlychisom-Unit4-Eps Rubric

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Educational Philosophical Statement Rubric (EPS Rubric)

Criterion Undocum Minimal 1 Basic 2 Proficie Advance Com

ented 0 Unaccept Acceptab nt 3 d4 s
Unaccepta able le Accepta Accepta
ble ble

Idea The The Statemen Using Using 4

Development statement statement t logically generally sound
does not expresses develops sound assumpti
address the the assumpti ons and
the author’s author’s ons and argumen
author’s views views argumen ts, the
views about the about the ts, based statemen
about the purposes purposes on t logically
purposes of of practical develops
of education, education experien the
education, guiding , guiding ce, the author’s
guiding education education stateme views
educationa al al nt about the
l principles, principles, principles, logically purposes
understand understan understan develops of
ing of ding of ding of the educatio
learning, learning, learning, author’s n,
and/or the and/or the and/or the views guiding
most most most about educatio
appropriat appropriat appropriat the nal
e e e purpose principle
strategies strategies strategies s of s,
for for for educatio understa
teaching. teaching, teaching. n, nding of
The but is However, guiding learning,
statement ambiguou the educatio and/or
is s or not statement nal the most
incoherent connected is not principle appropri
or . always s, ate
extremely consistent understa strategie
brief or and/or nding of s for
contains convincin learning, teaching.
major g. and/or The
logical the most statemen
inconsisten appropri t
cies. ate includes
strategie sound
s for ethical or
teaching. psycholo
ts and
not just

Illustrative No Supportin Examples Supporti Specific 4

Examples illustrati g in support ng example
ve examples of points example s from
example are are s from the
s are inadequat relevant the writer’s
included e or of but writer’s personal
. unclear general or experien experien
relevance. not based ce are ce,
inexperie specific academi
nce. and c work,
pertinent or field
. experien
points in
a vivid or
ble way.

Quality of The The The The In 3

Writing statement statement, statement stateme addition
is very though is nt is to being
difficult to comprehe understan clear, clear,
read nsible, has dable well well
because obvious plus two organize organize
of its problems of the d, free d, free
style, in two of following: from from
usage, the 1) errors of errors of
mechanic following organ mechani mechani
s, or areas: ized, cs and cs and
organizati style, 2) free usage, usage,
on. usage, from and and
and errors written in written in
mechanics of an an
, or mech appropri appropri
organizati anics ate ate
on. and academi academi
usage c style. c style,
, the
3) in an statemen
appro t:
priate 1) has
acade a
mic singl
style. e,
2) is
e of

Additional You did an outstanding job on your document. Total:

Besides a few sentence mechanics it was a great 11/12

Reviewee: Date:
Terri Cunningham

Evaluator: Date:
Kimberly Chisom

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