Ch-03 Sunlight PDF
Ch-03 Sunlight PDF
Ch-03 Sunlight PDF
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
where σ = 5.67 x 10-8 Wm-2K-4 is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and α is called the emissivity.
The emissivity is a dimensionless "fudge factor" which ranges from 0 to 1. It accounts for any
tendency that the body's surface has to preferentially transmit some wavelengths and not others.
A perfect absorber/emitter has α = 1, and for simplicity, we will limit our discussion here to such
bodies. This assumption will be relaxed later when we discuss the optical properties of
windows. The Stefan-Boltzmann Law holds for any object regardless of its temperature. Note
that a small increase in temperature leads to a large increase in radiated power.
Example 1:
The sun has a radius R = 6.95 x 108 m and a surface temperature of 5800 K. Calculate the total
power radiated by the sun's surface, treating it as a perfect radiator.
This is a simple application of the Stefan-Boltzmann law with α = 1.
P = σ A T4 where A = 4 π R2, and R is the sun's radius.
= (5.67 x 10-8 Wm-2 K-4) x (4 π) x (6.95 x 108 m)2 x (5800 K)4
= 3.89 x 1026 W.
1 The origin of the name has to do with the fact that the radiation emitted by an object is intimately related to the
radiation it will absorb. A "black" object, in this sense, is an object whose surface will absorb absolutely any
radiation which is incident upon it, no matter the wavelength. The quintessential example of this is an object
whose surface has been coated with "lamp black," soot from a candle or lamp. While not obvious, it can be
shown that the surface of such an object will also emit any radiation which emanates from within, again, no
matter the wavelength. Better terminology might be to call these things perfect emitters (and, accordingly
perfect absorbers).
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
Figure 1. Planck spectrum plotted for two temperatures, 6000 K (blue) and
5000 K (red). The two dashed lines locate the peaks for the two curves. The total
fluxes, I, are given in units of 106 W/m2.
Note that a small increase in temperature has two important effects: 1) it makes the curve get
much taller (and hence the area under the curve much larger), and 2) it shifts the peak to slightly
shorter wavelength. The total flux (accounting for all wavelengths) is given by the Stefan-
Boltzmann law and represents the total area bound between the horizontal axes and the curve.
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
Example 2:
Calculate the total radiation intensity from a perfect radiator at a temperature T = 5000 K.
This is a simple application of the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Recall that intensity is just power
per unit area.
I = P/A = σ T4
= (5.67 x 10-8 Wm-2K-4) x (5000 K)4
= 3.54 x 107 W/m2.
Note that this agrees with the total area under the red curve in Figure 2 above.
It is important to understand that every body emits radiation described by the Planck
distribution simply due to its temperature. The earth is roughly at 300 K and emits blackbody
radiation with much lower intensity. About two decades ago, Wilson and Pensius, who then
worked for AT&T Bell Laboratories, discovered that empty space seems to be full of radiation
whose spectra is given by Planck's formula for a temperature T = 3 K. This radiation has
subsequently been shown the remnant left over from the creation of the universe, the so-called
"big bang." A few years ago much more sensitive measurements were performed by the Hubble
space telescope confirming that this 3-K radiation is uniform throughout all space.
Before leaving this topic I must confess that I haven't been quite honest. The idealized
emitter, the "blackbody," has a spectrum as I have described. Real objects have surfaces which
alter the emitted distribution. That is, the surface may not transmit radiation from the interior
the same for all wavelengths. For instance, window glass will transmit the visible spectrum
without attenuation, but will not transmit infrared wavelengths nearly so well. Thus, both the
Stefan-Boltzmann law and the Planck distribution ought to include a "fudge factor" called the
emissivity, which makes the appropriate correction. This will be discussed later.
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
Example 3:
The earth is at a temperature of 300 K. It, too, radiates blackbody radiation. Calculate the
maximum wavelength for the earth's blackbody radiation.
λmax = γ/T
= (2.90 x 10-3 m K) / (300 K)
= 9.7 mm.
This is in the infrared. This is crucial for understanding the green-house effect.
Figure 2. The blue curve (smooth) is calculated from the above formula for a
temperature T = 6000 K. The green curve (jagged) is the measured solar
spectrum. Both curves are adjusted for distance from the sun. The dashed
vertical lines indicate the visible spectrum, 400 nm - 700 nm.
The area bounded between the curve and the horizontal axis is the total power per unit area at all
wavelengths. This is 1350 W/m2. The area bounded by the curve on top, the horizontal axis on
the bottom, and the two dashed lines, is the amount of power per unit area in the visible range,
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
520 W/m2. The amount of radiation in the ultraviolet (below 400 nm) and infrared (above 700
nm) ranges are 192 and 640 W/m2 respectively.
Sun RE Earth
Figure 3. The Sun's radiation is absorbed by only 1/2 of the earth, with an
effective area of that of a circle of radius RE. The Earth gives off IR radiation in
all directions.
The earth is a sphere of radius RE. The entire spherical surface (roughly speaking) is at a
temperature TE. Therefore the entire earth's surface radiates energy away at a rate given by
Ploss = σAETE4 = 4πσRE2TE4 . (4)
Now let's consider the rate at which energy is received by the sun. If the sun has a radius RS, a
surface temperature TS, and is a distance r from the earth, then the intensity of the sun's radiation
at the earth's surface is
4⎛ r ⎞
I sun = σTS ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ .
⎝ RS ⎠
Now, the area of the earth which receives this radiation is just the area of a circle of radius Re.
Thus, the rate of energy gain by the earth is Isun times this area. For balance, Ploss = Pgain, that
2 (6)
4 ⎛ RS ⎞
σTE 4πRE = σTS ⎜ ⎟ πRE2 .
4 2
⎝ r ⎠
This equation may be solved to find the earth's temperature, namely
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
RS (7)
TE = TS .
Plugging in TS = 5800 K, r = 1.5 x 10 m, and RS = 6.95 x 108 m we find TE = 279 K, just above
the freezing point of water. Of course this is an oversimplification, but it does show roughly
why T = 300 K in the world we live in. The slightest change in distance from the sun, or
atmospheric conditions, etc. would change this delicate balance and shift our temperature
Sun Earth
Figure 4. The earth has a radius RE, the sun a radius RS, and their separation
distance is r.
6. Emissivity
So far we have considered only perfect emitters/absorbers, that is one that absorb any
incident radiation incident upon it and emits any radiation that is within it. An object that is
black in color with a dull (rather than shiny) finish has this appearance because it is absorbing all
incident radiation. Thus, a "black body" approximates an ideal absorber/emitter. A metal with a
rough surface that has been coated with "lamp black" (soot from a candle flame) or flat-black
paint will absorb nearly 100% of the visible radiation incident upon it.
In contrast, a shiny, mirror-like metallic surface will not absorb much radiation at all. Instead, it
will reflect most of the radiation. Since the absorbing and emitting properties of a surface are
closely related, such a body will emit only a small fraction, α, of its radiation spectrum emitted
by a "perfect radiator" having the same temperature.
Furthermore, real objects have surfaces that won't treat all wavelengths the same. For
instance, conventional window glass appears transparent to visible light, but does not transmit
infrared or ultraviolet radiation so effectively. Quartz, on the other hand, transmits both visible
and UV radiation. This preference for a surface to transmit/reflect some wavelengths better than
others is accounted for by its wavelength-dependent emissivity. A perfect radiator/absorber has
an emissivity α = 1 at all wavelengths. Real bodies have emissivities that may be less than
unity, and also, that may vary with wavelength. For instance, a rough, flat surface (i. e., one that
appears dull rather than shiny) painted with flat, black paint will have an emissivity very close to
unity. On the other hand, a polished aluminum surface that appears mirror-like may have an
emissivity as low as 0.01 (i. e., 1%).
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
Moreover, changes in the atmosphere can lead to important changes in the earth's
temperature. This is the principle fact behind the global warming debate. This topic will be
taken up in a later chapter.
Figure 6. Planck spectrum for the tungsten filament of an incandescent light bulb.
Only a small fraction of the power is radiated in the visible spectrum.
Incandescent light bulbs have improved somewhat since the time of Edison. "Energy
saver" light bulbs have special coatings on the glass which reduce, even further, the amount of
transmitted light in the infrared. Since the bulb radiates less total power, the filament heats up
even further, raising its temperature. Or, compared with a bulb that does not have these coatings,
it takes less electrical power to heat it up to the same temperature. So, energy-saver bulbs
produce the same amount of light as a regular light bulb but with less electrical power.
Another way of improving the efficiency of the incandescent light bulb is to have an even
hotter filament. A hotter filament will shift the Planck distribution to shorter wavelength,
increasing the fraction of the radiation in the visible range. Problem is, running the filament
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PHYS-068 the Solar Spectrum revised
John H. Scofield Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Oberlin College September 8, 2009
hotter increases the rate that it oxidizes.2 This problem is eliminated by filling the bulb with a
halogen gas. The tungsten-halogen bulb runs hotter and, accordingly, produces more light than
heat relative to the standard light bulb. The hotter bulb introduces new worries of fire hazard
Example 4:
Compare the rates at which heat will be emitted by a radiative heat system operated at two
possible temperatures, 180ºF and 120ºF.
Recall that the rate of heat loss goes as the fourth power of the temperature, expressed in Kelvin.
So, we need to convert these two temperatures to Kelvin, then find the ratio of their 4th powers.
The conversion is straight-forward
T1 = (180ºF -32ºF )(5K/9ºF )+273K)
= 355K.
T2 = (120ºF -32ºF )(5K/9ºF )+273K)
= 322K.
(322/355)4 = 0.68.
That is, the radiator, if operated at the lower temperature, will supply heat into the space at a rate
that is only 68% as much as if it were operated at the higher temperature. This is important
when considering.
These kind of calculations are important for the design and performance of a solar hot-water
heating system. On a cloudy day the water temperature from solar panels will be considerably
lower than for sunny days. This will greatly decrease the efficiency at which the system delivers
heat into the living space.
2 Even though the lightbulb is evacuated it is never possible to remove all of the air. The little oxygen remaining
is eventually responsible for the filament burning up.
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