Brochure Asphalt Surface Dressing Chipseal
Brochure Asphalt Surface Dressing Chipseal
Brochure Asphalt Surface Dressing Chipseal
Surface dressing/chipseal overview
Surface dressing, also known as chipseal bituminous surface treatment, or seal coat, is a surface
treatment comprised of an application of bitumen -- in the form of emulsion, hot binder or cutback
-- to a pavement surface quickly followed by a layer of aggregate chippings. After application, the
seal may be rolled to align and embed the aggregate into the binder. A surface dressing/chipseal
application is an economical and effective technique to waterproof a road’s underlying structural
layers and improve skid resistance. Surface dressing/chipseal applications provide many additional
benefits. They seal the pavement surface, including cracks, minimize oxidative aging, enable minor
reprofiling and improve appearance. They do not provide any structural improvement.
Surface dressing/chipseal can be used on roads of most traffic Graded aggregate seal (Otta seal)
levels, or applied onto a base as a temporary or permanent Graded aggregate seal is a surface dressing for low-volume
riding surface. It comprises a 1-2 l/m2 (0.2-0.5 gal/yd2) spray- roads which uses an aggregate with a wider size range than
applied bitumen layer typically covered with 6-12 mm conventional chipseal, and a softer binder. It provides a cost-
(1/4-1/2 inch) one-size aggregate (“chip”), which is rolled in. effective wearing course which after trafficking has a texture
Excess aggregate is removed by sweeping after the surface similar to dense hot or cold mix. It is less susceptible to snow
treatment has cured. Double or triple applications of binder plow damage than normal surface dressing/chipseal and has
and chips can be made. Fog seal can be applied over chipseal the flexibility to withstand movement in underlying unbound
to reduce raveling and provide a black surface. materials. Otta seal was designed for colder climates and
is used in Northern USA, Canada, Scandinavia and in some
There are several special types of surface dressing/chipseal: developing countries.
What can be achieved with surface dressing/chipseal:
• Prevent water penetration into asphalt surfaces
• Prevent water intrusion into gravel basis
• Improve skid resistance
• Improve surface texture/surface drainage
• Fill small cracks
• Correct flushed surfaces
• Wearing surface on stabilized bases
• Bond coat
• Delineate shoulders, rumble audible warning
• Reduce temperature of road surface
(with reflective cover aggregate)
• Increase reflective surface for night driving
(with reflective cover aggregate)
• Aesthetic surfaces in cultural areas, for example
around old castles
• Aesthetic surfaces on highly patched roads
Otta seal after trafficking. Soft binder has Scrub seal: Broom dragged behind bitumen Surface dressing/chipseal.
migrated to the seal surface. distributor pushes binder into cracks.
Pavement preservation
Asphalt and cement concrete roads deteriorate over time through the action of traffic, the elements
and slow chemical changes in the binders themselves. Early deterioration such as minor cracking,
raveling, and polishing may be quickly and economically restored by maintenance treatments. Even
earlier treatment can prevent significant deterioration by providing a barrier between the asphalt
structural layers and the elements.
are also used on highways and may be applied to hard
shoulders, airport roads and parking lots to restore and
rejuvenate aged asphalt surfaces.
Surface dressings/chipseals based on bitumen emulsion provide
Time/Traffic particular benefits. Polymer (in the form of latex) can be easily
incorporated either into the emulsion during production or
Early treatment of the road extends its life without expensive soon afterwards to improve performance and durability. The
rehabilitation or reconstruction.
result is an environmentally friendly product, without the
fumes or fire risk associated with hot or cutback binders.
The concept of Pavement Preservation or Preventive
Maintenance is now widely accepted by highway engineers.
The road should be treated while still in good or fair condition
when a small investment of time and money will pay back
the most in extended life. If left too long roads become
severely damaged and are expensive and disruptive to repair
or reconstruct. The Michigan Department of Transportation
reports that for every dollar spent on Preventive Maintenance it
saves six to ten dollars in future reconstruction or rehabilitation
cost. According to several road authorities in Europe, surface
dressing has a very favorable life cycle cost.
The surface dressing/chipseal
process and types of seals
Before surface dressing/chipseal can be applied the existing road Table 2: Emulsion, cutback and hot binder attributes
surface must be repaired as necessary. Crack seal and patch mix Attributes Emulsion Cutback Hot Binder
Handling Low fire hazard Easy handling Lower application rate
also must be fully cured. Cold lay patch materials which contain Fumes Few fumes VOCs Fumes
solvents may take several weeks to cure. The surface is swept Cure Slow Medium, solvent tunable Fast
before application begins. Season Limited Longer Longer
Dust Sensitive Less sensitive Clean or pre-coated chips
Adhesion Damp chips okay Needs anti-strip May need pre-coated chips
Bitumen (hot, emulsion or cutback) is applied using a pressure Polymers Can use latex None Can be polymer-modified
or polymer
distributor with nozzles arranged to provide full even coverage
with no run off. With cutback and cationic emulsions, the application on a gravel or stabilized base, or any high stress road
aggregate is usually applied immediately. Some authorities surface. Some authorities wait several weeks before applying the
suggest a delay of 5-15 minutes before applying cover second dressing to a granular base of gravel road to allow the
aggregate to high float emulsions. first to fully embed. The lower texture of the double seal means
a lower noise level. A third application with even finer chip can be
Aggregate is applied from a chip spreader and compaction applied to further reduce the texture and noise level in urban areas.
begins immediately, typically with 4-5 passes or more with
pneumatic tires rollers. Controlled speed traffic (less than In “racked-in” systems a second layer of smaller chip is applied
20-30 mph (30-50 km/h) depending on the region) may be to the uncompacted or lightly compacted chipseal without a
allowed on immediately. Higher speed traffic must usually second binder application, then compacted. The coverage of
wait until any loose chippings are removed by sweeping. Light the first layer of chips is reduced to allow space for the smaller
sweeping can usually be completed the morning following stone. An advantage of the system is excess loose chips tend to
sealing. Fast curing systems may allow sweeping earlier. be of the smaller size.
Double or multiple layers can be constructed using different On cement concrete or where the asphalt road shows large
sequences of binder and aggregate. In double chipseal, a second variation in porosity (e.g. because of extensive crack fill, reinstatements
application of binder and smaller chip is applied to the first or patching) a first pass using small chips can provide an even surface
chipseal. Normally the application of cover aggregate is reduced for a second regular surface dressing/chipseal. The process is
in the first layer of a double chipseal compared to a single seal, sometimes called inverted seal or pad coat.
to avoid the need for sweeping. The first layer may sometimes
be compacted before the smaller chip is applied. The second In yet another variation, “sandwich seal”, coarse aggregate can be
material may be a coarse washed “choke” sand with an upper applied to the road surface with no prior application of binder. Binder
size of 3-5 mm or a regular single-sized chip, usually about half is applied to the loose aggregate, and then a small aggregate is
the size of the first chip. After the smaller chip is applied, the applied on top, followed by compaction. This treatment can be
road is compacted again. Double seals are recommended for used to deal with fatted up areas in hot mix surfacing.
2 Single Layer
3 Pad coat or
2 inverted
Application of binder. The chip spreader.
3 Double
2 Racked-in
Rolling of surface dressing/chipseal. Sweeping of surface dressing/chipseal.
Design of single seals
Proper design can improve the useful lifetime of surface dressing/chipseal by determining the
correct application rate of binder and cover aggregate for the particular traffic volume and existing
road surface to ensure surface durability. Design methods start with size and packing properties of
the cover aggregate. Road designers first derive an aggregate application rate. Then they determine
a binder application rate based on a certain embedment or voids filled with binder, adjusted for the
condition of the old road surface and the traffic level.
The Aggregate
The quality of materials used depend on traffic level.
While a pea gravel aggregate may be an acceptable and
economical solution for a low trafficked farm-to-market
road or cycleway, high quality cubical crushed rock
with a low flakiness index, high abrasion value, and low
polishing potential may be necessary for highways, or
for roads subject to studded tires or snow-plow damage.
Lightweight aggregate may be specified to avoid damage
to cars from loose chippings.
The top size of the cover aggregate ranges from 5 mm or
(1/4 inch) to 25 mm (1 inch), although some development
work with 2.4 mm (#8) chips has been performed in
France. 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) top size is the most common
chip used in single seals in the United States. Larger chips
are more likely to cause damage if dislodged by traffic but
design methods may demand coarser aggregate in higher
traffic levels and with softer road surfaces to prevent full
embedment. Better results are obtained with one sized
aggregate and the tightness of the grading envelope may
be specified in various ways.
Particle shape
After trafficking the chips tend to settle with their shortest
dimension facing up. This is particularly true in the wheel-
paths. Flat particles make it difficult to obtain texture and
risk being submerged in the binder, so aggregate may
need to meet a Flakiness Index value. Fractions from the
sieve test are passed through appropriately sized slots and
the percent flakiness determined.
Before rolling
the covering power of the aggregate is determined
experimentally by spreading the aggregate out on a
After rolling and traffic tray one stone deep and weighing. The more one sized
the aggregate grading the higher the voids and the less
aggregate will be required to cover the road.
When considering embedment and coverage, design
methods consider the average least dimension (ALD) Over application of small chips may help prevent initial
which can be calculated from the median size and bleeding. Over application of coarser chip may damage
the flakiness index or determined on a sample of the the sealcoat and increases the risk of vehicle damage. A
aggregate by measurement. Average greatest dimension 5-10% excess is built into some design methods.
(AGD) or median dimension (MD) can be determined and
specifications may set limits on the ratio of ALD to AGD or Application rates are sometimes expressed or measured in
MD. Rounded particles do not interlock effectively and one, volume of aggregate per area, because of the differences
two or more crushed faces may be demanded especially in aggregate density.
for highly trafficked areas. Crushed faces are determined Typical application rates are 10-14 kg/m2 (18-25 lbs/yd2).
visually on plus 1/4 inch (greater than 5mm) material.
The binder
Coverage and spread rate High binder content rapid set emulsions are the most
The aggregate application rate can be simply calculated common binder for surface dressing/chipseal, but cutback
from the uncompacted bulk density or partially compacted bitumen or hot bitumen are still used in some regions.
bulk density and the top size, with an allowance for Polymer-modified binders or emulsions may be specified
5-10% waste (excess chips which are removed by traffic or for high traffic areas. Elastic Recovery, (Force) Ductility,
sweeping). In the widely used McLeod design method the MSCR or the Vialit Pendulum cohesion test may be
calculation uses the density of the stone and the voids specified as well as penetration. The Float test looks at the
in the uncompacted aggregate, but assumes compaction gel structure in certain binders. Gel structure is associated
will reduce the voids in the aggregate to 40% of this value. with reduced temperature susceptibility of the binder
This method tends to overestimate aggregate requirements and is widely specified for chipseal emulsions in North
with one-size cubic stone. In another widely used method America. The industry is developing a Surface Performance
Grade system for spray applied binders using an approach
Bitumen emulsions
Anionic Cationic
• RS-2 • CRS-2
• HFRS-2 • CRS-2P (SBS or latex) or CRS-2L (latex)
• RS-2H • CRS-2H
• RS-2P (SBS or latex) • CHFRS-2p
Hot bitumen*
PG grade Penetration grade
52-28 150-200
58-28 100-150
64-22 60-80
*May be polymer-modified
Design of single seals (cont’d)
Application rate be directly addressed by reducing the application of binder
Chip loss is reduced at higher binder application rates, but in the wheel-paths with sophisticated distributors, or an
application rates are limited by the risk of bleeding and average application rate can be used.
reduced texture. Design application rates are generally based
on a certain target embedment of the chip into the binder The application rate of emulsion and cutback binders
or a certain filling of the voids content of the aggregate. needs to be adjusted according to their residue content.
Because they are applied at a higher volume more of the
Many authorities use a mix design approach which targets chip is initially wetted and they may deliver a better bond
70% of voids filled with bitumen after compaction and traffic. at an application equivalent to a hot bitumen.
An initial filling of the voids with binder to 50% after rolling
may rise to 70-80% after trafficking. As mentioned above there Corrections to the application rate depend on the absorptive
is a risk that smaller chips or flaky material may be covered by capacity of the road surface to be treated. Higher binder
binder over time and aggregates with high flakiness indices application rate for dry open surfaces and lower for smooth
will need reduced binder application rates, while providing rich surfaces. This can be a very significant adjustment
less texture depth than more cubical aggregate. (+/30% is possible) to the original design application rate. In
some design methods the road surface is tested for texture
Because the seal outside the wheel-path is compacted less using the sand patch test in an effort to get a quantitative
by traffic, there is a mismatch between the design binder correction factor. A portion of the embedment of the chip
application in the wheel-path and that outside. This can is a result of penetration into the underlying road surface.
1. Decrease binder rates towards the lower limit of the range when 4. Initial application
there is heavy commercial traffic. 5. Second application.
2. Class 2 surface treatment may cause dust problems in urban areas. 6. The use of Granular A aggregate in a Single or Double Surface
3. Do not apply to flushed surface treatments, flushed pavements or Treatment is not recommended
where low friction values are a concern.
With soft surfaces or heavy traffic, embedment into the For hot applied binder, especially if polymer-modified, pre-
road is higher, so less binder needs to be applied. By coated chips or heated chips may be recommended to
contrast, on hard surfaces or lightly trafficked roads a ensure good adhesion. The chips are treated with bitumen
higher level of binder is applied to ensure good retention at a level of 0.25-0.75%, usually in a hot process. In some
of the chip. Penetration or indentation tests can be used in countries the chips are washed or coated with diesel fuel
the field to estimate the hardness of the road surface. or kerosene, which may contain adhesion promoter, in a
cold process.
If a highly absorptive cover aggregate is used then
application rates may need to be adjusted upwards,
especially with cutback binders, but the effect is
small for traditional hard aggregates used for surface
Compatibility tests
Aggregate and binder compatibility can be confirmed by
simple adhesion tests in which chips are placed in emulsion
or coated with emulsion, then later rinsed or immersed
in water or subjected to a boiling stripping test to check
adhesion. For hot or cutback binders the Immersion Tray test
provides a check on “active adhesion” the ability of binder
to displace water from the aggregate surface. Laboratory
performance and compatibility tests have confirmed that
emulsion binders perform better when the aggregate is
damp, whereas hot applied and cutback binders perform best
with dry aggregates. The Vialit Plate test is also used to check
active adhesion by some authorities. Adhesion agents may
be added to the binder (including emulsion) in response to
poor results in the compatibility tests, or alternative aggregates
may be selected.
Curing of cutback and emulsion binders results in a lower residue on Immersion tray test.
the roadway than hot bitumen so the initial application needs to be
higher, but because the chip is wetted to a greater depth the increase
in final application rate need not be increased the full amount.
Increase to 85%-90% of the theoretical is common.
Performance tests for surface
Performance tests rarely form part of the design process for surface dressing/chipseal or other spray
seals. Laboratory based performance tests are typically used to aid the formulation of emulsion
binders and to elucidate some of the main parameters affecting the curing and final performance of
sealcoats. Field tests may be used as quality control or warranty items.
Laboratory based performance tests In the frosted marble cohesion test; the cohesiometer
Simple compatibility tests described previously can be used in slurry seal mix design is adapted to study the
extended to evaluate the performance of the surface curing of surface dressings /chipseals in the laboratory. Job
dressing/chipseal system compacted cover aggregate and or standard lab aggregate or glass marbles may be used.
binder. Small scale seals can be prepared and used to After defined cure times and conditions, each piece of
check cure rates, water susceptibility or low temperature aggregate or glass marble is subjected to a sideways force
performance. While the tests usually use job aggregates,
standard aggregates or glass balls may be used if the focus
is on the binder properties. Laboratory based performance
tests rarely form part of national specifications or design
methods but are useful tools for the emulsion formulator.
In the Vialit Plate Test, seals are prepared on a metal plate
then subjected to an impact from a steel ball, causing any
poorly adhering chips to be dislodged. The test is used to
check adhesion in cutback or hot binders, cohesive binder
failure at low temperatures, or as an estimate of curing rate
in emulsion systems.
Chip loss reduces friction and may lead to the appearance
of bleeding. If the underlying seal is damaged by the chip
pulling out binder then water penetration may occur
which can be especially damaging if the chip is placed on
a granular base. Chip loss can be quantified by methods
based on image analysis.
Placing and design of other
spray seals
Double or multiple seal design Sand seal
Double and triple layer surface dressings (double and triple Sand used in sand seal should meet minimum cleanliness
chipseals) can be designed as separate single seals or the requirements with sand equivalence greater than 50 for
first layer can be designed as a single seal with application example, or clay content of less than 1.5%, and should
of the subsequent layers can be based on the designer’s be low in minus 200 mesh material (less than 5%). The
experience. The total design binder content of the two top size should be less than 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) but unlike
sealcoats can be combined and divided 50/50 or 40/60 chipseal it need not be single sized. A typical application
between the applications. The spread of aggregate in the rate would be 10 kg/m2 of sand and 1-1.5 l/m2 of binder
first layer may be reduced to 90-95% of the application (18 lbs/yd2 of sand and 0.22-0.33 gal/yd2 of binder). The
rate derived from a single seal design to allow room for sand is applied using a sand spreader. Double sand seals
the second layer of aggregate. In the racked in system the can be applied for low traffic roads. Cutback bitumen or
first application of cover aggregate may be reduced to rapid or medium set emulsion of low residue content
80-85%. It is compacted before applying the second are used for sand seal. When a sand seal is placed over a
cover. granular base then a binder suitable for prime is used at
Each successive layer of aggregate is generally half the an application rate of approximately 2 l/m2 (0.44 gal/yd2)
dimension of the previous layer and the application rate of to allow for some penetration into the base. Steel wheel
aggregate and binder also is about half. Coarse gradations rollers can be used for compaction. The compatibility of the
to 25 mm (1 inch) may be used for the first layer in double sand with the emulsion or cutback should be confirmed.
layer or racked in seals, and finer material or choke sand For cutback binder, an adhesion agent will probably be
may be used for the second layer. Because of the fine required to ensure good adhesion to damp sand.
material on the surface, the larger chips are less likely to be
dislodged by traffic and cause damage. Graded aggregate seal (Otta seal)
A wide variety of aggregates may be used, crushed or
uncrushed. An aggregate top size of 20 mm (~3/4 inch)
No Prime 1 Binder 2 Graded aggregate is used with a 10% maximum of minus 200 mesh.
Aggregate application is around 20 kg/m2 (37 lbs/yd2),
2 binder (road oil, medium or slow curing cutback or
emulsion) around 1.6-2.5 l/m2 (0.35-0.55 gal/yd2). The
emulsions used are typically of medium setting grades,
DOUBLE OTTA SEAL often high float emulsions containing solvent. An adhesion
No Prime 1 Binder 2 Graded aggregate
agent should be used with siliceous aggregates, including
2 when employing anionic emulsion binder. There is no
2 Layer
accepted design procedure. The target is that the binder
1 Layer 1 will be forced towards the surface so that practically
all the aggregate is coated, which may take prolonged
compaction with rubber tired rollers and trafficking under
controlled speed to achieve. During this period aggregate
SAND SEAL pushed to the shoulder by traffic may need to be put back
1 Prime 2 Binder 3 Sand
3 2
on the road or additional aggregate may be used to treat
fatty spots. A second layer of graded aggregate seal may
be placed, usually some weeks or months after the first to
allow time for the binder to migrate to the surface and a
Graded aggregate seal (Otta seal) is placed on granular base and
portion of the solvents to evaporate. The surface of Otta
gravel roads Sand seal is often used as a final treatment on top of
Otta seal. seal may be treated with a fog seal or sand seal.
Primer seals or first seals Application of fog seal over surface dressing/chipseal
Sealing of granular base or gravel roads presents problems. Fog seals may be applied to new surface dressing/chipseal
The surface may be regraded and compacted to provide to reduce early chip loss or raveling and provide a black
a homogeneous substrate. The surface may be primed surface for road marking. A wide variety of emulsion
and the prime allowed to cure, and sanded if necessary to grades are used for fog seal, often diluted 50/50 before
avoid pick up by construction equipment. A single seal is use. If rapid set grades are used they may need to be
not usually a permanent wearing surface for an unbound diluted with soap solution at the emulsion production site.
base and the goal is usually to provide at least a double Slow-set and quick-set grades can be diluted with water.
seal, or to eventually cover the seal with a hot or cold mix Soap solution or water should be slowly added to the
overlay. A double seal may be placed in one operation or emulsion, rather than the other way around. With fog seal
the second layer applied several weeks or months after the over surface dressing/chipseal the application rate should
first seal. With a soft unbound base a large chip – like be low enough not to cover the high points of the chip,
20 mm or 3/4 inch – may be used to allow for to maintain friction and avoid the need for sanding. Typical
embedment. After construction the seal may be swept and application rates are 0.08-0.12 gal/yd2 (0.36-0.54 l/m2)
fog sealed. diluted emulsion.
Overview of Nouryon products
Table 4: Product overview
Product Region Comments Applications
Redicote E-9 A, E Builds medium viscosity Products for cationic rapid set emulsions for surface
Redicote E-16 E, S 100% Active liquid emulsifier that builds medium viscosity dressing/chipseal primer seal, scrub seal and sand seal,
Redicote E-4819 A, E, S, C Builds high viscosity and cationic medium set emulsions for graded aggregate seal
Redicote E-4900 A 100% Active liquid emulsifier that builds high viscosity
Redicote EM22 E Liquid emulsifier for fast cure in surface dressing
Redicote EM24 E, S Liquid emulsifier with high viscosity build and fast breaking emulsions
Redicote EM44 E, S Liquid emulsifier for viscosity control and good emulsion stability
Redicote EM-44A A Liquid emulsifier for viscosity control and good emulsion stability
Redicote E-62 A Produces high float character to emulsion residue Products for anionic rapid set emulsions for chipseal and
medium set emulsions for graded aggregate seal
Redicote C-150AP A Designed to be easily blended with emulsions Adhesion promoter for anionic emulsions for chipseal
and graded aggregate seal
Diamine OLBS E, S Low viscosity, liquid product for cutback and soft bitumen mixes Active adhesion promoters for chip seals using cutback
Duomeen HT S Pelletised form for convenient on-site addition or hot asphalt
Redicote E-16 E, S Liquid product for cutback and soft bitumen mixes
Wetfix 312 A 100% Active, lower odor antistrip suitable for cutbacks and hot bitumen
Wetfix BE E, S, C Suitable for a wide range of applications including soft bitumen
Wetfix N422 E Heat-stable product for soft bitumen mixes and
surface dressing with hot bitumen
Redicote AP A Suitable for both anionic and cationic emulsions Bitumen additive for improved emulsion quality with polymer-
Heat-stable product for surface dressing with hot bitumen modified binders. Active adhesion agent for hot applied seals.
A= North and South America; E= Europe, Middle East, India, Africa; S = South East Asia, excl China; C= China
Products may not be available in every country within a region.
Active adhesion promoters
for surface dressing/chipseal
with hot binder or cutbacks
Surface dressing/chipseal made with cutback or hot applied
binders face particular adhesion problems because the
cover aggregate is not heated and often contains moisture.
Furthermore the old road surface may not be dry. Unlike
emulsions, the viscosity of the hot binders may increase
significantly on cooling and this high viscosity may make it Loss of cover aggregate due to poor adhesion.
impossible for a good bond to form between binder and
wet aggregate. in water. The adhesion is then tested in the normal way by
striking the back of the plate with a metal ball and counting
Adhesion promoters/anti-stripping agents used in hot mix chips knocked out of the seal.
processes are designed to prevent bitumen from stripping off
aggregate coated when it was hot and dry (passive adhesion). Use of active adhesion promoters
They may not provide the “active” adhesion needed for the Active adhesion promoters are added to the binder at
bitumen to actually displace water from cold wet surfaces and 0.5-1.5%, generally at higher dosages than needed for hot
form a durable bond. mix products. The agents can be added at the refinery but
preferably at the bitumen storage depot or directly into the
Some surface-active anti-stripping agents (known as active distributor. Liquid products can be pumped into the bitumen
adhesion promoters) can decrease the surface energy of the delivery line, or into the distributor or bitumen storage tank.
bitumen-aggregate interface, allowing the bitumen to displace Pelletized products are available for easy addition to the
water and coat the aggregate surface. distributor in the field.
Testing active adhesion Active adhesion agents may lose activity if the treated binder
In simple tests, damp aggregate is mixed with binder and is stored hot for extended periods before use. The source
subjected to a static immersion, rolling bottle or boiling and the acid value of the bitumen used will also influence the
stripping test before estimating coverage. In the Immersion loss of activity. If storage of the treated binder is unavoidable,
Tray Test, binder is placed in a tray, covered with water or then a heat-stable product must be selected and storage
placed into a water bath, and individual chips are pushed temperatures should be minimized where possible.
through the water and into the binder. After a period of time
the chips are removed and the coating of the face in contact
with the binder is estimated. With high viscosity binders the
test may be done warm. The Vialit Test can also be modified
to test active adhesion. The plate is coated with binder, then
wet chips are placed into the binder. The plate is immersed
Static immersion test without adhesion promoter (left) and with Wetfix BE.
Formulating cationic high
residue rapid-set emulsions for
surface dressing/chipseal
Overview emulsions specify an emulsion viscosity in the range of
Nouryon offers a range of products for the formulation 100-400 SSF at 50°C and in Europe, 30 to 70 STV seconds
of cationic rapid set (CRS) emulsions to cope with the at 40°C (depending on performance class). The viscosity of
range of bitumen types available and which offer different these emulsions is very sensitive to the recipe which is why
handling characteristics. CRS emulsions are prepared with Nouryon offers a range of emulsifiers designed to provide
low levels of emulsifier (typically 0.15-0.35%) to achieve different levels of viscosity build in the emulsion.
the rapid-setting properties. As a result they are particularly
sensitive to bitumen type and manufacturing conditions. Major factors in viscosity include: binder content, emulsifier
Problems encountered include: sieve residue formation content, salt content of the bitumen, particle size and
during production, or during storage and handling; particle size distribution. There is a relationship between
problematic too high or too low viscosity; changes in binder content and viscosity. Low emulsion viscosity can
viscosity during storage; slow curing or poor adhesion. always be corrected by increasing the binder content,
These problems often cannot be solved by adjustments within the specified limits. High emulsion viscosity can be
to the production process, and require changes to the corrected by reducing binder content only so far as the
emulsion recipe. Some problems can be solved by specification minimum residue.
adjusting production parameters such as production rate,
mill speed, temperatures, etc. Problematic high viscosity may result from so-called
viscosity building bitumens, which typically have high acid
Emulsion viscosity values and contain high levels of salt. Salt may lead to
A key and often challenging specification item for CRS the transfer of water into the bitumen phase by osmosis,
emulsions is viscosity. Emulsions for spray seal must have which raises initial emulsion viscosity and can lead to
a viscosity sufficiently low to give a good distribution of changes of viscosity during storage. Control of viscosity
emulsion across the surface of the roadway, yet viscous usually can be achieved by including 0.05-0.25% calcium
enough to prevent run off and give sufficient meniscus. chloride or sodium chloride in the formulation, which
ASTM and European standards for high residue (>65%) reduces the osmotic gradient.
400 40
300 30
STV Viscosity
SSF Viscosity
200 20
100 10
0 0
150/200 pen A PG52-28 PG52-28 150/200 pen B 160/220 ME
400 120 125
350 100
Breaking Index
Demulsibility %
SSF Viscosity at 50C
250 50
200 25
150 0 0
150/200 150/200 PG52-28 150/200 160/220
100 pen A pen B CRS-2 pen B ME
Redicote E-4900 Redicote E-4819 Redicote EM24
If viscosity is changing during storage this can be partly The simplest response to emulsion quality issues is to
corrected by higher emulsifier dosage, inclusion of calcium reduce the soap pH and increase the emulsifier level.
chloride in the recipe and lower storage temperatures. Use of 0.05-0.15% calcium chloride in the soap recipe
can help emulsion quality, especially with high acid value
Selection of emulsifiers for viscosity control asphalts. Redicote EM44 or EM-44A, Redicote E-9 and
Redicote E-9 and Redicote E-16 Redicote E-16 provide emulsions with the best storage
Classic fatty diamine emulsifiers provide stable emulsion at stability, including good resistance to shear, and stability
low dosage with neutral viscosity build and good adhesion. to temperature changes.
These qualities mean recipes can be adapted to a wide
range of bitumen sources by the incorporation of calcium Peptisers
chloride, changes in residue content, pH or emulsifier Redicote AP is a product added to the bitumen phase
dosage. before emulsion production helping the emulsification
process. The result is a smaller emulsion particle size,
Redicote E-4819, Redicote E-4900 and Redicote EM24 which can translate into higher viscosity and reduced
Products build emulsion viscosity to reduce residue settlement. The product is most often used with
contents close to the specification minimum, leading to challenging binders such as polymer-modified bitumens.
cost savings. Generally these produce emulsions that are
more reactive than Redicote E-9 at the same dosage. Reactivity and breaking behavior
Specifications generally include an item related to the
Redicote EM44 and Redicote EM-44A reactivity of the emulsion. In the Americas the emulsion
Liquid emulsifiers provide the lowest emulsion viscosity is reacted with a solution of opposite charge to assess
and are used when high viscosity is not required or emulsion demulsibility – high demulsibility means higher
with bitumens which build problematic high viscosity. reactivity. In Europe the emulsion is reacted with mineral
These products often provide the best emulsion quality filler to determine breaking value – low breaking value
with difficult to emulsify bitumens. They are very easily means more reactive emulsion.
dispersed in water for fast neutralization.
Formulating cationic high residue
rapid-set emulsions for surface
dressing/chipseal (cont’d)
Meeting specifications for reactivity and breaking behavior With viscosity building bitumens the higher the dosage of
in the field may demand adjustment of the recipe. Increase an emulsifier like Redicote EM44 or EM-44A which don’t
in emulsifier dosage will decrease the reactivity of the build viscosity, then the lower the viscosity attained.
emulsion as measured by these tests. Conversely, lower
emulsifier dosage always increases reactivity, as does a Soap pH
higher soap pH. Generally with viscosity building emulsifiers, higher viscosity
is attained at lower soap pH. A higher emulsion soap pH
Redicote EM22, Redicote EM24, Redicote E-4819 and generally leads to higher viscosity in latex modified systems.
Redicote E-4900 provide the highest reactivity and best
breaking experience in the field. Redicote E-9 and Redicote Latex
EM44 or EM-44A provide more storage stable emulsions Latex added via the soap phase or post-added to emulsion will
with somewhat slower reactivity. reduce the viscosity compared to an unmodified emulsions
prepared at similar residue content. Latex added via the bitumen
A combination of emulsifier choice, pH changes and phase generally increases emulsion viscosity.
emulsifier dosage changes will most often solve problems
with emulsion viscosity and stability while maintaining the Polymer-modified binder
required reactivity. Polymer-modified binders lead to larger particle size and
lower emulsion viscosity than similar emulsions prepared with
Tips for viscosity control: unmodified bitumen. To ensure the highest viscosity, use a
Emulsifier dosage viscosity building emulsifier at higher dosage and production
The higher the dosage of viscosity building emulsifiers like conditions designed to produce a small particle size.
Redicote E-4819 and EM24 then the higher the viscosity
achieved. If the higher dosage gives too low demulsibility,
this can be solved by using a higher soap pH.
surface dressing/chipseal
Table 5: Troubleshooting options
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Too low emulsion viscosity Low residue content Raise residue content
Too high calcium chloride content Reduce or eliminate calcium chloride
Low emulsifier dosage Raise emulsifier dosage
Wrong emulsifier type for bitumen Select viscosity building emulsifier
Latex Add portion of latex to the bitumen line
Broad particle size distribution Check particle size and adjust manufacturing conditions
Emulsion pH Check pH (emulsifier dependent)
Too high emulsion viscosity High residue content Reduce residue content
Problematic asphalt Include calcium chloride in the recipe
Wrong emulsifier type for bitumen Select viscosity controlling emulsifier
Latex injection into bitumen line Add portion of latex to the soap line
Fail demulsibility or filler index Emulsifier content too high Reduce emulsifier content
Too high emulsifier in soap phase Add portion of emulsifier to bitumen phase
Emulsion pH Raise emulsion pH (cationic grades)
Too high calcium chloride (cationic grades) Replace with sodium or potassium chloride
Fail float test (anionic grades) Too low emulsifier content Increase emulsifier dosage
Too low polymer content Increase polymer content
Bitumen source Select alternative bitumen. Include aromatic
solvent or fuel oil in recipe.
Emulsion builds sieve on storage, Problematic asphalt Increase emulsifier level, lower emulsion pH
handling, or heat-cool cycles Include calcium chloride in the recipe
Consider moving to Redicote EM44 or EM-44A
Polymer incompatibility Consider Redicote AP if using polymer-modified bitumen
Broad particle size distribution Check particle size and adjust manufacturing conditions
Severe viscosity drop on storage, Problematic asphalt Include calcium chloride in the recipe
handling, or heat-cool cycles (emulsion) Increase emulsifier level, lower emulsion pH
Latex injection into bitumen line Split latex injection between asphalt and soap lines into mill
Broad particle size distribution Check particle size and adjust manufacturing conditions
Emulsion running off the road Low emulsion viscosity Increase bitumen content
Too much emulsion Check application rate
Wet cover aggregate Check moisture content of aggregate stockpile
Damp pavement or rain showers Wait for better weather
Poor embedment of chips Delay or no rolling of cover aggregate Roll cover aggregate directly after chip application
Low binder application Check application rate
Binder cured before chips placed Adjust emulsion reactivity. Increase hot bitumen temperature.
Apply chips immediately after binder application.
Early raveling (Chip loss) Cold or freezing conditions Avoid paving in cold conditions. Road and air should be at
least 60°F (15.5°C) and rising.
Slow cure, low paving temperature (emulsion) Adjust system reactivity. Use warm emulsion.
Fast cure, low paving temperature (bitumen) Increase bitumen application temperature.
Opened to traffic too early Control traffic speed for extended period
Poor embedment of chips See poor embedment of chips above. Consider fog seal.
Dusty aggregate Use clean chips or anionic emulsion.
Aggregate/emulsion compatibility Increase emulsifier level or post-add adhesion promoter.
Switch emulsion type (cationic to anionic or vice versa).
Early fatting up of binder in wheels Low cover aggregate Check chip spreader calibration
paths (Bleeding) High binder application rate Check distributor calibration. Check binder
application rate
Underlying road surface soft or rich Reduce binder application rate
Raveling of aggregate See early raveling above
Binder striping/non-uniform coverage Plugged distributor nozzle Clean distributor nozzles
Insufficient pressure Check distributor pressure
Low application rate Increase application rate
Distributor speed Slow down distributor
Loose cover aggregate No sweeping Sweep seal within 24 hours to remove excess chips
Poor embedment of chips See poor embedment of chips above. Consider fog seal.
Early raveling/chip loss See early raveling (chip loss) above.
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