Astm D5030 - D5030M-13
Astm D5030 - D5030M-13
Astm D5030 - D5030M-13
This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
in non-conformance with the standard. Fluids
1.7.1 The gravitational system of inch-pound units is used D698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
when dealing with inch-pound units. In this system, the pound Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-
(lbf) represents a unit of force (weight), while the unit for mass lbf/ft2 (600 kN-m/m3))
is slugs. The slug unit is not given, unless dynamic (F = ma) D1556 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in
calculations are involved. Place by Sand-Cone Method
1.7.2 In the engineering profession, it is customary practice to D1557 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
use, interchangeably, units representing both mass and force, Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-
unless dynamic calculations (F = Ma) are involved. This lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3))
implicitly combines two separate systems of units, that is, the D2167 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in
absolute system and the gravimetric system. It is scientifically Place by the Rubber Balloon Method
undesirable to combine the use of two separate systems within a D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water
single standard. These test methods have been written using inch- (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
pound units (gravimetric system) where the pound (lbf) D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
represents a unit of force (weight); however, conversions are Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as
given in the SI system. The use of balances or scales recording Used in Engineering Design and Construction
pounds of mass (lbm), or the recording of density in lbm/ft 3
D4253 Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit
should not be regarded as nonconformance with this standard.
Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table
1.8 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the D4254 Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit
guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density
Practice D6026. D4564 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in
1.8.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected, Place by the Sleeve Method (Withdrawn 2013)3
recorded or calculated in this standard are regarded as the D4718 Practice for Correction of Unit Weight and Water
industry standard. In addition they are representative of the Content for Soils Containing Oversize Particles
significant digits that generally should be retained. The D4753 Guide for Evaluating, Selecting, and Specifying
procedures used do not consider material variation, purpose for Balances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rock, and
obtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any considerations Construction Materials Testing
for the user’s objectives; it is common practice to increase or
D4914 Test Methods for Density and Unit Weight of Soil and
reduce significant digits of reported data to be commensurate
Rock in Place by the Sand Replacement Method in a Test
with these considerations. It is beyond the scope of this standard
to consider significant digits used in analytical methods for
D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical
engineering design.
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety D7382 Test Methods for Determination of Maximum Dry Unit
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility Weight and Water Content Range for Effective
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and Compaction of Granular Soils Using a Vibrating Hammer
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test
limitations prior to use. For a specific hazard statement, see Sieves
Section 9. F2362 Specification for Temperature Monitoring Equipment
2. Referenced Documents 3. Terminology
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3.1 Definitions—Except as follows in 3.2, all definitions are in
C127 Test Method for Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and accordance with Terminology D653.
Absorption of Coarse Aggregate 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
C138/C138M Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, 3.2.1 control fraction—the portion of a soil sample consisting
and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete of particles smaller than a designated sieve size.
C566 Test Method for Total Evaporable Moisture Content of Discussion—This fraction is used to compare inplace
Aggregate by Drying densities with densities obtained from standard laboratory tests.
The control sieve size depends on the laboratory test used.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
3.2.2 oversize particles—the portion of a soil sample laid in the template and the volume of the space between a
consisting of the particles larger than a designated sieve size. selected level within the template and the ground surface is
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The ground surface at the test location is prepared and a
template (metal ring) is placed and fixed into position. A liner is
determined by filling the space with water. The mass or the
volume of the water required to fill the template to the selected
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
level is determined and the water and liner removed. Material condition when this test method is used for clean, relatively
from within the boundaries of the template is excavated, forming uniform-sized particles 3 in. [75 mm] and larger. The disturbance
a pit. A liner is placed in the test pit and template, water is poured during excavation, due to lack of cohesion, and the void spaces
into the pit and template up to the selected level; the mass or between particles spanned by the liner may affect the
volume of the water within the pit and template and, measurement of the volume of the test pit.
subsequently, the volume of the hole are determined. The wet
density of the in-place material is calculated from the mass of 7. Apparatus
material removed and the measured volume of the test pit. The
7.1 It is necessary to calculate density to at least three
water content is determined and the dry density of the in-place
significant digits. Practice D6026 requires that all measurements
material is calculated.
be made to four significant digits. Report any readability
4.2 The density of a fraction of the material can be determined limitations in the apparatus used in Section 16.
by subtracting the mass and volume of any oversize particles
7.2 Balance or Scale, having a capacity and readability
from the initial values and recalculating the density.
appropriate to the mass and procedural techniques for the
specific test pit dimensions within the range of 3 to 100 ft 3 [0.08
5. Significance and Use
to 2.83 m3] volume and meeting the requirements of
5.1 These test methods are used to determine the in-place Specification D4753.
density of compacted materials in construction of earth 7.3 Balance or Scale—a balance (or scale) to determine water
embankments, road fills, and structure backfill. For construction content of minus No. 4 material having a minimum capacity of
control, the test methods can be used as the basis for acceptance about 2 lbm [1000 g] and meeting the requirements of
of material compacted to a specified density or to a percentage Specification D4753 for a balance of 0.001 lb [0.1 g] readability.
of a maximum density determined by a standard laboratory test
method such as determined from Test Methods D698 or D1557, 7.4 Drying Oven, thermostatically controlled, preferably of the
subject to the limitations discussed in 1.4. forced-draft type, and capable of maintaining a uniform
temperature of 110 6 5°C throughout the drying chamber.
5.2 These test methods can be used to determine in-place
density of natural soil deposits, aggregates, soil mixtures, or 7.5 Sieves, No. 4 sieve [4.75-mm] and 3-in. [75-mm],
other similar material. conforming to the requirements of Specification E11.
NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by these test methods are
7.6 Thermometer, use of electrical thermocouples or
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing them and the thermoresistive devices (Specification F2362) are required with
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the readability to four significant digits.
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent and
objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of these test methods are 7.7 Metal Template—a circular template to serve as a pattern
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure for the excavation. Template dimensions, shapes, and material
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740 may vary according to the size of the test pit to be excavated. The
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors. template must be rigid enough not to deflect or bend.
NOTE 2—The template shown in Fig. 1 represents a design that has been
6. Interferences found suitable for this purpose.
6.1 Because of possible lower densities created when there is 7.7.1 Since it may be difficult to place the template exactly
particle interference (see Practice D4718), the percent level, particularly with 6-ft [1.8-m] and larger diameter rings, the
compaction of the control fraction should not be assumed to height of the template should accommodate a slope of
represent the percent compaction of the total material in the field. approximately 5 %. Since the water level has to be below the top
6.2 A very careful assessment must be made as to whether or of the template, it is not necessary that the template be level. The
not the volume determined is representative of the in-place
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
larger rings should be high enough to prevent any loss of water cans with lids, drums, barrels, or other suitable containers for
due to wave action caused by wind. retaining the test specimen without water change; cloth for
7.8 Liners, approximately 4 to 6 mil [100 to 150 μm] thick. collecting excess soil; assorted pans and porcelain dishes suitable
Two pieces, each large enough to line the test pit, with about 3 ft for drying moisture content specimens; boards, planks, to serve
[1 m] extending beyond the outside of the template. Any type of as a work platform when testing soils that may flow or deform;
material, plastic sheeting, etc. can be used as long as it is flexible hoists, slings, chains, and other suitable equipment that may be
enough to conform to the ground surface. required to handle heavy loads; surveyor’s level and rod or other
suitable equipment for checking the slope on the template in
place; duct tape or mortar, or both, used to prevent tearing of the
plastic sheeting by sharp rock fragments.
8. Reagents and Water
8.1 Use clean potable water.
9. Safety Hazards
9.1 These test methods involve handling heavy loads.
10. Technical Hazards
10.1 Materials that may flow or deform during the test must be
identified and appropriate precautions taken.
10.2 Errors may arise in the computed density of material due
to the influence of excessive moisture in the material. These
errors may be significant in materials with high permeability
such as sands and gravels where the bottom of the test hole is
close to or below the water table. The buoyant forces of free
water beneath or behind the liner may adversely affect the
FIG. 1 A 6-ft [1.8-m] Diameter Metal Ring for Determining InPlace volume determination.
10.3 The test area and equipment must be suitably protected
7.9 Water-Measuring Device, including a storage container,
during periods of inclement weather such as rain, snowfall, or
delivery hoses or piping, and a water meter, scale, or other
high wind. If the in-place water content value is required, it may
suitable measurement device. Water may be measured by mass
be necessary to protect the area from direct sunlight.
or by volume. The equipment must be capable of controlling the
10.4 Numerous containers may be required during
delivery of the water so that any inaccuracies in filling and
performance of these test methods. All containers must be
measuring do not exceed 6 1 % of the total mass or volume
properly labeled to avoid a possible mix-up.
10.5 The total mass of the water, or soil sample, or both, may
7.10 Water-Level Reference Indicator—A water-level
exceed the capacity of the scale used, requiring cumulative
reference must be established so that the water level in the
determinations of mass. Care must be taken to make sure that the
template is the same for the two determinations. A hook gage
total mass is properly determined.
may be the simplest and most practical, although any device such
as a rod with a pointed end that can be fastened to the template, 11. Calibration and Standardization
a carpenter’s level and scale, a carpenter’s scale on a beam across
the template, or other similar arrangement or device may be used. 11.1 If the volume of water used is determined with a water-
Whichever method is employed, the device must be able to be measuring device, the device must be calibrated to meet the
removed and replaced so that the reference water level is requirements of 7.9.
measured at the exact same location. Some type of protection
12. Procedure A—In-Place Density of Total Material
around the device may be necessary if the water surface inside
the template is not smooth. 12.1 Procedure A is used to determine a total density (see
7.11 Siphon Hose, Pump, Buckets, Hoses, or other suitable
equipment to move water to and from the template or pit, or both, 12.2 Determine the recommended sample volume and select
and any storage container or reservoir. the appropriate template for the anticipated soil gradation in
accordance with information in Annex A1. Assemble the
7.12 Miscellaneous Equipment, sandbags used to prevent
remainder of the required equipment.
movement of the template during the test; shovels, picks, chisels,
bars, knives, and spoons for digging test pit; buckets or seamless
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
12.3 Determine the mass of each combination of empty template. The difference between the two volumes gives the
container, lid, and container liner (if used) that will contain the volume of water in the test pit.
excavated material. Number the containers and mark as to use. The approximate volume of water required equals the
Write the mass on the container or prepare a separate list. anticipated volume of the test pit plus twice the calculated
12.4 Prepare the quantity of water to be used. The volume of volume of the template. If appropriate, convert the required
the excavated test pit is determined by filling the test pit with volume in cubic feet [metres] to determine the volume in gallons
water and either the mass or volume of the water measured. [litres]. Increase this amount by about 25 % to make sure that a
Measuring the mass of water used is usually only practical for 3 sufficient supply of water is available at the site. If containers are
to 4-ft [1 to 1.3-m] diameter rings. If the mass of water is used, determine the number required and fill the containers with
measured, follow 12.4.1. If the volume of water is measured, water; otherwise, fill the water truck or water reservoir with
follow 12.4.2. sufficient water.
12.4.1 If the mass of water used is measured, containers of 12.5 Select a representative area for the test, avoiding locations
water must be prepared with the mass of water determined before where removal of large particles would undermine the template.
and after the test. For test pits with volumes of 3 to 6 ft3, [0.08 to
0.17 m3], use containers such as hand-held buckets so the mass 12.6 Preparation of the Surface Area to be Tested:
can be determined on a balance or scale of the type normally 12.6.1 Remove all loose material from an area large enough on
found in a laboratory. Larger test pit volumes can be measured which to place the template. Prepare the exposed surface so that
using water contained in tanks or large drums if equipment, such it is a firm, reasonably level plane.
as a hoist and a suitable scale, is available to determine the mass. 12.6.2 Personnel should not step on or around the area selected Two sets of water and containers are necessary. for testing. Provide a working platform when testing materials
Determining the volume of the test pit requires two separate which may flow or deform.
determinations of the mass of water to: (a) measure the mass of
water used to fill the space between the soil surface (before the 12.7 Placing and Seating the Template on the Prepared
test pit is excavated) and a water-level reference in the template; Surface:
and (b) measure the mass of water used to fill the test pit up to 12.7.1 Firmly seat the template to avoid movement of the
the same water-level reference. The difference between the two template while the test is performed. The use of nails, weights,
masses gives the mass of water in the test pit. Estimate or other means may be necessary to maintain the position. Check
the mass of water (and the number of containers) required to fill the elevation at several locations on the template. Since the
the template. The estimated mass may be calculated by water-level reference is kept below the top of the template, it is
multiplying the template volume by the density of water. Number not necessary that the template be exactly level, but the slope of
the containers to be used and mark as to use, for example the template should not exceed 5 %.
“template correction.” Fill the containers with water, and 12.7.2 Remove any material loosened while placing and
determine and record the mass of the containers and water. seating the template, taking care to avoid leaving any void space From the anticipated volume of the test pit, estimate under the template. If necessary, voids under the template may
the mass of water required to fill the test pit. The estimated mass be filled using plastic soil, molding clay, mortar, or other suitable
of water to be used for the test pit may be calculated by material, provided that this material is not subsequently
multiplying the anticipated volume of the test pit by the density excavated as part of the material removed from the test pit.
of water and then adding to it the mass of water calculated in 12.7.3 Inspect the surface within the template. If necessary, Increase this amount by about 25 % to make sure that a cover any sharp edges with duct tape or other suitable material to
sufficient supply of water is available at the site. Determine the prevent tearing or puncturing of the plastic lining.
number of containers required, number them, and mark as to use,
for example, “test pit.” Fill the containers with water, and 12.8 Determine the volume of the space between the soil
determine and record the mass of the containers and water. surface and the water-level reference.
Proceed to 12.5. 12.8.1 Irregularities of the soil surface within the template
must be taken into account. To do this, determine the volume of
12.4.2 If the volume of water used is measured, use a water-
water required to fill the space between the soil surface and the
measuring device to measure the volume of water used from a
water-level reference.
water truck, a large water reservoir, or large containers of water.
12.8.2 Place a liner 4 to 6 mil [100 to 150 μm] thick over the
The water-measuring device must meet the requirements of 7.9.
template, and shape it by hand to conform to the irregular soil Two separate determinations of volume are necessary surface and the template. The liner should extend approximately
to: (a) measure the volume of water to fill the space between the 3 ft [1 m] outside the template. The liner should not be stretched
soil surface (before the test pit is excavated) and a water-level too taut or contain excessive folds or wrinkles (see Fig. 2).
reference in the template; and (b) measure the volume of water
used to fill the test pit up to the same water-level reference in the
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
12.8.3 Assemble the equipment for the water-level reference calculated. The “control fraction” values determined then
indicator. Normally, the water-level reference is set after the become the values for the total material from the test pit.
water in the template reaches a practical level. If enough of these particles are found so that their
12.8.4 If the volume of water is being measured, set the water- mass is determined to be about 5 % or more of the mass of the
measuring device indicator to zero or record the initial reading excavated soil, repeat the test with a larger test pit in accordance
of the indicator. Pour the water from the containers or discharge with the guidelines in Annex A1.
the water from the water reservoir into the template until the 12.9.6 The sides of the pit should be as close to vertical as
water level reaches a practical level. The slope of the template practical but will, out of necessity, slope inward (see Fig. 4).
and any possible wave action must be considered to prevent Materials that do not exhibit much cohesion will result in a more
losing any water. Set the water-level reference indicator (see Fig. conically shaped test pit.
3). If the volume of water is being measured, record the final 12.9.7 The profile of the finished pit must be such that the
reading of the water-measuring device. If the mass of water is water will completely fill the excavation. The sides of the test pit
being measured, save the remaining water for a subsequent should be as smooth as possible and free of pockets or overhangs.
determination of mass. 12.9.8 The bottom of the test pit must be cleaned of all Inspect for water leakage by looking for bubbles, loosened material.
observing the water level over an appropriate time.
12.8.5 Make appropriate markings so that the water-level
indicator can be placed in the identical position and at the same
elevation following excavation of the test pit. Disassemble the
water-level reference indicator.
12.8.6 Remove the water in the template, and remove the liner.
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
12.10 Determine the Volume of the Test Pit:
12.10.1 Calculate and record all volume measurements to four
significant digits. Equations for calculations are shown in
Section 14.
12.10.2 Place the liner into the test pit. The liner,
approximately 4 to 6 mil [100 to 150 μm] thick, should be large
enough to extend approximately 3 ft [1 m] outside the template
boundaries after having been carefully placed and shaped within
the pit. Make allowances for slack. The liner should not
12.9 ExcavatingtheTestPit:
12.9.1 Usinghandtools(shovel,chisel,knife,bar),exca -
requiredtoremovelargeparticles. Donotpermitthemovementofheavyequipment
12.9.2 Placeallmaterialremovedfromthetestpitinthe FIG. 4 Test Pit Excavation
container(s).Takecaretoavoidlosinganymaterial. be stretched too taut nor contain excessive folds or wrinkles.
Inspect the liner for punctures before use.
NOTE 3—Forthesmallersizetemplateswherethecontainersforthe
12.10.3 If the volume of water is being measured, set the
placedunderthecontainerstofacilitatelocatingandcollectinganyloose water-measuring device indicator to zero or record the initial
material. reading of the indicator. Pour the water from the containers or
12.9.3 Keepcontainer(s)coveredwhennotinusetoavoid discharge the water from the water reservoir into the test pit until
lossofmoisture.Asealableplasticbagmaybeusedinsidethe the water reaches the water-level reference indicator. When the
containertoholdthematerial. filling is complete, record the final reading of the water-
12.9.4 Carefully trim the sides of the excavation so the measuring device indicator. If the mass of water is being
dimensionsofthetestpitatthesoil-templatecontactareas measured, set aside the remaining water for a subsequent
closeaspracticaltothedimensionsofthetemplatehole.Avoid determination of mass. If necessary, calculate the gallons [litres]
disturbingthetemplateorthematerialbeneathoroutsidethe of water used.
template. Inspect for water leakage by looking for bubbles and
12.9.5 Continuetheexcavationtotherequireddepth,care - observing the water level over an appropriate time.
12.9.9 Inspect the surface of the material within the template. 12.10.4 If the mass of the water is being measured, determine
Cover any sharp edges with duct tape or other suitable material and record the temperature of the water in the test pit.
to prevent tearing or puncture of the plastic lining. Mortar, or 12.10.5 Remove the water from the test pit, and remove the
other suitable material, may be used to fill recesses to eliminate liner. Inspect the liner for any holes that may have allowed water
sharp edges, overhangs, or pockets that cannot be smoothed or to escape during the test. Loss of water will require another
eliminated. The volume of the material used must be able to be determination of the volume.
determined and provisions to do this made accordingly. 12.11 Calculating the Volume of the Test Pit: If mortar is used, measure the mass of mortar and 12.11.1 Calculate and record all volume measurements to four
calculate the volume in cubic feet in accordance with Test significant digits. Equations for calculations are shown in
Method C138/C138M. Section 14.
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
12.11.2 If the mass of water is being measured, determine the NOTE 4—For rapid water content determination of soils containing less
mass as follows: than 15 % fines (minus No. 200 sieve), a suitable source of heat such as an
electric or gas hotplate may be used. If a source of heat other than the Determine and record the mass of the container(s) controlled temperature oven is used, stir the test specimen to accelerate
and remaining water after filling the template (the space between drying and avoid localized overheating. The material may be considered dry
the soil surface and the water-level reference). when further heating causes, or would cause, less than 0.1 % additional loss Calculate and record the total mass of water used to of mass.
fill the template to the water-level reference. 12.12.8 Calculate and record the dry density of the material to Determine and record the mass of the container(s) three significant digits.
and remaining water after filling the test pit and template to the
water-level reference. 13. Procedure B—In-Place Density of Control Fraction Calculate and record the total mass of water used to 13.1 This procedure is used when percent compaction or
fill the test pit and template to the water-level reference. percent relative density of the control fraction is required (see Calculate and record the mass of water used to fill 1.4).
the test pit. Using a density of water of 62.3 lbm/ft 3 (this 13.2 Obtain the in-place wet density of the total material by
assumes a temperature between 18 and 24°C), calculate and following the procedure for Procedure A, as stated in 12.2 –
record the volume of water used to fill the test pit. If mortar or 12.12.5.
other material was not used, this value is the volume of the test 13.3 Record all masses and volumes and wet density below to
pit. If mortar was used, add the calculated volume of mortar to four significant digits. Calculate and record water content and
the volume of water used to determine the volume of the test pit. dry density to three significant digits. Equations for calculations
12.11.3 If the volume of the water is being measured, are shown in Section 15.
determine the volume as follows:
13.4 To obtain the wet density of the control fraction, Calculate and record the volume of water used to fill
determine the mass and volume of the oversize particles and
the template (the space between the soil surface and the water-
subtract from the total mass and total volume to get the mass and
level reference).
volume of the control fraction. Calculate the density of the Calculate and record the volume of water used to fill control fraction from the mass and volume of the control fraction.
the test pit and template.
13.4.1 Normally, the wet density of the control fraction is Calculate and record the volume of water used to fill determined and the dry density is calculated using the water
the test pit. content of the control fraction. Calculate and record the cubic feet of water used to 13.4.2 In addition, the water content of the oversize particles,
fill the test pit. If mortar was not used, this value is the volume the water content of the total material, and the percentage of
of the test pit. If mortar was used, add the calculated volume of oversize particles may be determined.
mortar (see to the volume of water used to determine
13.5 After obtaining the wet mass of total material removed
the volume of the test pit.
from the test pit, separate the material into the control fraction
12.12 Determine the Dry Density: and the oversize particles using the designated sieve. Do this
12.12.1 Calculate and record volumes and masses and wet rapidly to minimize loss of moisture. If the test is for construction
density to four significant digits. Calculate and record water control, place the control fraction in an airtight container for
content and dry density to three significant digits. Equations for further tests.
calculations are shown in Section 14. 13.6 Wash the oversize particles and reduce the free water on
12.12.2 Determine the total mass of the excavated material and the surface of the particles by blotting, draining, or using a
containers. similar method.
12.12.3 Calculate and record the total mass of the containers
used to hold the excavated material. Record the container 13.7 Determine the wet mass of the oversize particles plus the
numbers. container of predetermined mass and record.
12.12.4 Calculate and record the mass of excavated material. 13.8 Calculate the wet mass of the oversize particles and
12.12.5 Calculate the wet density of the excavated material. record.
12.12.6 If percent compaction or percent relative density of the 13.9 Calculate the wet mass of the control fraction and record.
control fraction is required, separate the material using the
appropriate size sieve and follow the procedures in Procedure B. 13.10 Calculate and record the volume of the oversize particles
12.12.7 If Procedure B is not used, obtain a water content by using a bulk specific gravity value of the oversize particles. If
specimen representative of the excavated material; determine the previous tests for bulk specific gravity of the oversize particles
water content in accordance with Test Method D2216 or Test from a particular source have been performed and the value is
Method C566 and record. relatively constant, a specific gravity may be assumed.
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
Otherwise, obtain a representative sample and determine the bulk 14.2 Calculate the mass of the water used to fill the template
specific gravity in accordance with Test Method C127 except as follows:
that oven drying and the 24-h soaking period are not used. The m6 5m2 2m4 (2)
bulk specific gravity used must correspond to the moisture
condition of the oversize particles when their mass is determined. where:
As used in these test methods, the bulk specific gravity must have m6 = mass of water for template volume, lbm [kg], m2 = mass of
been determined on the oversize particles in the moisture water and containers for template volume
condition as stated in 13.6 – 13.8. If an oven dry or saturated (before test), lbm [kg], and m4 = mass of water and
surface dry (SSD) bulk specific gravity is used, then determine containers for template volume
the mass of the oversize particles for this procedure on oven dry (after test), lbm [kg].
or SSD material, respectively.
14.3 Calculate the mass of the water used to fill the test pit as
13.11 Calculate the volume of the control fraction and record. follows:
13.12 Calculate the wet density of the control fraction. m7 5m5 2m6 (3)
13.13 Determine the water content of the control fraction in
accordance with Test Method C566 or Method D2216 (see Note
3) and record. m7 = mass of water in test pit, lbm [kg], m5 = mass of water used
for template and test pit volume, lbm [kg], and
13.14 Calculate the dry density of the control fraction and m6 = mass of water for template volume, lbm [kg].
14.4 Calculate the volume of water used to fill the test pit as
13.15 If desired, determine and record the water content of the follows:
oversize particles in accordance with Test Method C566 or
Measured mass of water:
Method D2216 (see Note 3). If previous tests for water content
of the oversize particles from a particular source have been V4 5m7/ρw ~inch 2 pound! (4)
performed and the value is relatively constant, a water content 1
may be assumed. 3
V4 5 ~m7/ρw! 10 3 ~SI! (5)
13.16 If desired, determine the percentage of oversize
particles: where:
13.16.1 Calculate the dry mass of the control fraction and V4 = volume of water in test pit, ft3 [m3],
m7 = mass of water in test pit, lbm [kg],
13.16.2 Calculate the dry mass of the oversize particles and
record. and ρ = density of water, 62.43 lbm/ft3 [1.0
13.16.3 Calculate the dry mass of the total sample and record. g/cm3].
13.16.4 Calculate the percentage of oversize particles and w
record. NOTE 5—The density of water above is for room temperature. For better
13.17 If desired, calculate the water content of the total accuracy the density of water used can be adjusted based on the temperature
of the water used during testing using know relationships between water
material and record.
temperature and density of water. or:
13.18 If desired, calculate the dry density of the total material Measured volume of water:
and record.
V4 5V3 30.13368 ~inch 2 pound! (6)
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
3 3
and 10 = constant to convert litres to m . 14.5 where:
Calculate the volume of mortar as follows: ρd = dry density3 of material excavated from test pit, lbm/ft
m11 [Mg/m3],
5 ρwet = wet density of material excavated from test pit, lbm/ft
V5 ρm (8) 3
14.6 Calculate the volume of the test pit as follows: 15.1 Calculate the wet mass of oversize particles, as follows:
m14 5m12 2m13 (15)
V6 5V41V5 (9)
or if no mortar has been used:
m14 = wet mass of oversize particles, lbm [kg], m12 = wet mass of
V6 5V4 (10) oversize particles and container, lbm [kg], and
where: m13 = mass of container, lbm [kg].
V6 = volume of test pit, ft3 [m3], V4 15.2 Calculate the wet mass of the control fraction as follows:
3 3
= volume of water in test pit, ft [m ], and m18 5m10 2m14 (16)
V5 = volume of mortar in test pit, ft3
m18 = wet mass of control fraction, lbm [kg], m10 = mass of wet
14.7 Calculate the mass of wet material removed from the test material removed from test pit, lbm [kg], and
pit, as follows: m14 = wet mass of oversize particles lbm [kg].
m10 5m8 2m9 (11) 15.3 Calculate the volume of the oversize particles based on a
known bulk specific gravity as follows:
where: m10 = mass of wet material removed from
test pit, lbm [kg], m14
Vos 5 Gm ~62.43 lbm/ft3! ~inch 2 pound! (17)
m8 = mass of wet material removed from test pit plus mass of the
containers, lbm [kg], and m14 1
m9 = mass of containers for m8, lbm [kg]. Vos 5 Gm ~1 g/cm3! 3 103 ~SI! (18)
14.8 Calculate the wet density of material excavated from the where:
test pit as follows:
Vos = volume of oversize particles, ft3 [m3], m14 = wet mass of
ρwet 5m10/V6 ~inch 2 pound! (12)
oversize particles, lbm [kg], Gm = bulk specific gravity of
ρwet 5 ~m10/V6! ~SI! (13) oversize particles,
62.43 lbm/ft3 = density of water,
ρwet = wet density of material excavated from test pit, lbm/ ft 3
1.00 g/cm3 = density of water, and
[Mg/m3], ⁄10
1 3
= constant to convert g/cm3 to kg/m3.
m10 = mass of wet material removed from test pit,
lbm [kg], and 15.4 Calculate the volume of the control fraction as follows:
V6 = volume of test pit, ft3 [m3]. Vc 5V6 2Vos (19)
14.9 Calculate the dry density of material excavated from the where:
test pit as follows: Vc = volume of control fraction, ft3 [m3], V6 =
ρwet volume of test pit, ft3 [m3], and Vos = volume of
ρd 5 11~w/100! (14)
oversize particles, ft3 [m3].
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
15.5 Calculate the wet density of the control fraction as m20 5m191m17 (26)
m20 = dry mass of total sample (control fraction plus oversize),
ρwet ~c! 5 V18c ~inch 2 pound! (20)
lbm [kg],
m19 = dry mass of control fraction, lbm [kg], and
ρwet ~c! 5 ~m18/Vc! 3 ~SI! (21)
m17 = dry mass of oversize particles, lbm [kg].
15.10 Calculate the percent oversize particles as follows:
ρwet (c) = wet density of control fraction, lbm/ft3 [Mg/m3], m17 3100
= wet mass of control fraction, lbm [kg], and = Percent oversize 5 (27)
volume of control fraction, ft3 [m3]. m20
m18 Vc
15.6 Calculate the dry density of the control fraction as where:
follows: m17 = dry mass of oversize particles, lbm [kg], and m20 = dry mass
of total sample (control fraction plus oversize particles), lbm
ρd ~c! 5 (22) [kg].
where: 15.11 Calculate the water content of the total material as
ρd (c) = dry density of control fraction, lbm/ft3 [Mg/m3],
m10 2m20
15.9 Calculate the dry mass of the total sample as follows: 16.3 Record as a minimum the following apparatus
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
16.3.1 Apparatus and methods for determining the mass or 16.4.5 In-place moisture content(s), and total, or control
volume of water, including the scales or flow meters used and fraction, or both, and test method(s) used, to three significant
their sensitivity or readability, including the methods and results digits; and
of calibrations; 16.4.6 Bulk specific gravity and percentage of oversize
16.3.2 Apparatus and methods for determining the mass of soil particles to three significant digits.
excavated including scales used and their readability;
16.3.3 Apparatus and methods for determining the moisture 17. Precision and Bias
content(s), of the total or control and oversize fractions, or both 17.1 Precision—Test data on precision is not presented due to
including ovens and scales; and the nature of this test method. It is either not feasible or too costly
16.3.4 Apparatus and methods for processing and weighing at this time to have ten or more agencies participate in an in situ
and determining the bulk specific gravity oversize particles, if testing program at a given site.
required. 17.1.1 Subcommittee D18.08 is seeking any data from the
16.4 Record as a minimum the following test data/results: users of this test method that might be used to make a limited
16.4.1 Test hole volume to a minimum of four significant statement on precision.
digits; 17.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test
16.4.2 In-place wet density, total, or control fraction, or both, method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
to three significant digits;
16.4.3 In-place dry density, total, or control fraction, or both, 18. Keywords
to three significant digits; 18.1 acceptance tests; degrees of compaction; densities;
16.4.4 In-place dry unit weight, total, or control fraction, or density tests; field tests; in-place densities; pit tests; quality
both, to three significant digits; controls; test pit densities; water pits; water replacement methods
A1.1 This annex covers guidelines for selecting the excavation
dimensions and the type of equipment to use based on the
maximum particle size present in the material (or control
fraction) being tested. These guidelines apply to both these test
(Mandatory Information)
methods and to Test Method D4914. The guidelines are given in Maximum Minimum Suggested Apparatus Required
Particle Required and Template Minimum
Tables A1.1-A1.3. Size, in.A Volume, ft3 Opening Depth, in.B
A1.2 These guidelines are based on providing a representative 3 1.0 24-in. square frame 18
sample of the material being tested and on practical working 5 2 30-in. square frame 12
8 8 4-ft diameter ring 24
conditions. For a discussion of the shape and dimensions of the
12 27 6-ft diameter ring 24
test pits and for the minimum volumes for the excavation, see 18 90 9-ft diameter ring 36
Appendix X1. More than 18 in. maximum particle size should be determined on a case-by-case
A1.3 The guidelines shown in Table A1.1 apply to test pit AMaximum particle size present in total material or the maximum particle size of
control fraction if the total in-place density is not of concern. B This depth is
Types A and B (Fig. A1.1). These test pits generally are for non necessary to obtain the minimum required volume of material when using the
free-draining materials and for cohesionless materials whose suggested apparatus and template opening.
gradation and particle angularity will allow near-vertical side
walls to be excavated.
TABLE A1.2 Test Pit Type C (see Fig. A1.1)—Test Apparatus and
A1.4 The guidelines shown in Table A1.2 apply to test pit Minimum Excavation Volume
Type C (Fig. A1.1). This type of test pit can be excavated when Approximate
Maximum Minimum Suggested Apparatus Required Diameter of
Type A or B cannot. For this case, the slope of the side walls will Particle Required and Template Minimum Excavated
be much flatter, approximately the angle of repose of the Size, in.A Volume, ft3 Opening Depth, in.B Hole, in.
material. 3 1.0 33-in. square frame 10 30
5 2 40-in. square frame 12 35
A1.5 These guidelines are only applicable when the limitations
8 8 62-in. diameter ring 18 54
stated in 1.5 and 1.6 for unstable or soft materials are followed. More than 8 in. maximum particle size should be determined on a case-by-case
TABLE A1.1 Test Pit Types A and B (see Fig. A1.1)—Test Apparatus basis.
and Minimum Excavation Volume
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
AMaximum particle size present in total material or the maximum particle size of 36 900 40 1000
control fraction if the total in-place density is not of concern. B This depth is 54 1350
necessary to obtain the minimum required volume of material when using the 62 1550
(Nonmandatory Information)
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
X1.1 Required Excavation Volume X1.3 Minimum Volume of Test
X1.1.1 The minimum excavation volumes shown in Table X1.3.1 In Table A1.2, the minimum volume obtained from
A1.1 and Table A1.2 are required to provide a representative excavating a test pit using the template shown and the required
sample of the material being tested. For this test method, a minimum depth is based on the following assumptions:
representative sample is based on the mass required to provide a X1.3.1.1 The material being excavated contains a significant
gradation analysis of the soil within certain limits of accuracy. amount of the maximum particle size, not just a random, isolated
For soils with a maximum particle size of 3 in. [75 mm], the particle of that size.
required mass (and volume) is based on a sample 100 times the X1.3.1.2 No matter whether the template is square or round,
mass of the maximum particle size. This results in gradation the excavation will be basically circular in plan view because the
percentages with an accuracy of 61.0 %. For soils with a presence of the maximum particle size will probably prevent
maximum particle size larger than 3 in. [75 mm], the required excavating corners.
mass is based on a sample 40 times the mass of the maximum X1.3.1.3 The side walls will be sloped. Encountering the
particle size. This results in gradation percentages with an maximum particle in the side wall while excavating will
accuracy of 62.5 %. The volumes recommended are also typical necessitate reducing the excavation diameter. For a maximum
of volumes used in practice. particle size of 3 in. [75 mm], most materials can be excavated at
a slope of 1 horizontal to 3 vertical or steeper; while for the 5 and
X1.2 Type and Size of Equipment 8-in. [125 and 200-mm] maximum particle sizes, the side walls
X1.2.1 The basic types of apparatus used to determine in-place can be excavated at a slope of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical or steeper.
density are the sand-cone device, the rubber balloon, the square X1.3.1.4 The diameter of the excavation will be smaller than
metal frame, and the metal ring. Each type is practical only for the template opening because a large particle may be just beneath
specific excavation sizes. The sand-cone device is practical only the template. To prevent an overhang in the excavation, these
up to about a 20-in. [500-mm] test hole diameter because of the particles should not be removed unless they are protruding into
physical difficulty in handling anything larger. The square frame the excavation more than about two-thirds their diameter.
is practical from about 18 in. [450 mm] square to about 36 in. X1.3.1.5 For excavation of materials with maximum particle
[900 mm] square. Square frames are easier to fabricate than size up to 8 in. [200 mm], the volume of the excavation is
circular templates. Rings are preferred as templates for assumed to be a frustrum of a cone as shown in Fig. A1.1. The
excavating test pits about 3 ft [0.9 m] in diameter and larger diameter of the excavation is assumed to be the template
because square frames need to be stiffened and can be heavier diameter minus the maximum particle size.
and more awkward to handle than circular templates. In addition, X1.3.1.6 For excavation of materials with maximum particle
it is difficult to trim the excavation with corners because of the sizes of 12 in. and larger, the volume of the excavation is
larger particle sizes present in the material when a square frame assumed to be a spherical segment. The diameter of the
larger than 33 in. [825 mm] is required. The liner for the sand excavation is assumed to be the template diameter minus two
replacement method should be about 1⁄2 mil thick while the liner thirds of the maximum particle size.
for the water replacement method should be about 4 to 6 mils
thick. Bunching of a liner 4 to 6 mils thick in the corners of a X1.3.2 In Table A1.2, the minimum volume is assumed to be
square frame may result in errors in the volume measurement. conical, as shown on Fig. A1.1, with the depth of the excavation
equal to about one-third the hole diameter. For cohesionless
X1.2.2 The apparatus and template sizes shown in Table A1.1 materials, with relatively uniform gradation, the “worst case” is
and Table A1.2 were selected to provide a volume about equal to assumed where the slope of the side walls could not exceed the
the required volume. Other sizes may be used (for example, 27- angle of repose of the material.
in. square frame) as long as the minimum volume of excavated
X1.3.3 Based on these assumptions, the minimum volume of
material can be obtained.
excavations shown in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 is thus
conservative. Steeper side walls or larger test hole diameters will
result in larger volumes. In some cases, a smaller apparatus than
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D5030/D5030M − 13a
that indicated in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 may be used if a trial in 6-in. [150-mm] increments since cohesive soils are normally
test pit is excavated and it can be shown that the smaller compacted in layers of 6 in. [150 mm] maximum thickness. The
apparatus can provide the minimum required volume. However, minimum depth is 12 in. [300 mm] so that at least two lifts are
the depth of excavation should never be less than one-third the included in the determination. If the in-place density
hole diameter, the volume of the excavation must be 50 times determination is for in situ materials, the minimum depth shown
larger than the volume of the maximum particle size, and the hole is that required to obtain the minimum volume. Greater depths,
diameter must be at least 4 times larger than the maximum not necessarily in 6-in. [150-mm] increments, may be used.
particle diameter. X1.5.2 Shallower depths may be used for in situ materials but
X1.4 Replacement Medium only if the diameter of the excavation is larger so that the
minimum volume of material is obtained. This may be necessary
X1.4.1 For the templates shown in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2, to test deposits of material of limited thickness.
sand replacement using a sand-pouring device is felt to be
practical for square frames up to 33-in. [875-mm] and water X1.5.3 For the materials in Table A1.1 with maximum
replacement for 40-in. [1000-mm] and larger diameter rings. particles sizes of 8 and 12 in. [200 and 300 mm] the desired
minimum excavation depth is shown as 24 in. [600 mm] since
X1.4.2 If other sizes are used, the sand replacement method is
these soils would normally be placed in 12-in. [900-mm] lifts.
probably practical up through 36-in. [900-mm] square frames,
For materials with an 18-in. [450-mm] maximum particle size, a
while water replacement is more practical for 36-in. [900-mm]
36-in. [900-mm] minimum depth is necessary to obtain the
diameter rings and larger. A 36-in. [900-mm] opening is about
required volume.
the size limit where sand can be poured into the excavation
uniformly and consistently while standing outside the template. X1.5.4 In Table A1.2, the minimum depths of excavation are
equal to about one-third the hole diameter as discussed
X1.5 Depth of Excavation previously. The elevation of the top of the excavation should be
X1.5.1 For materials with a maximum particle size of 5 in. such that the test will be representative of the lift being tested.
[125 mm] or less, the depth of excavation in Table A1.1 is shown
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D5030 – 13)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Nov. 15, 2013.)
Committee D18 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (D5030 – 04)
that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Feb. 1, 2013.)
(1) Revised the standard into a dual measurement system (3) Added statements concerning significant digits to 1.8,
with the units of measurement now stated in either inch-pound 7.1,
units or SI units. (4) Added Note 1.
(2) Removed statements and equations concerning unit (5) Updated requirements in 7.6.
weight throughout. (6) Revised Section 17 in accordance with committee
12.10.1, 12.11.1, and 12.12.1.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if
not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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