Lanaban, Journal 1 Reflection
Lanaban, Journal 1 Reflection
Lanaban, Journal 1 Reflection
The Gospel this Sunday is all about the parable of the vineyard (Mt. 21:33-43).
As I reflect in its message, the word envy comes into my mind. According to Harold
Coffin, “Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.”
As I grow up, sometimes I feel insecurities towards my fellow youths. They have
a perfect body, bright and flawless skin and even their level of confidence make me feel
insecure. I keep looking up to them without realizing how blessed I am. I am just like the
tenants in the gospel who were envious. I am more focused to other people’s blessing
that I’ve forgot to count the blessings that I have received.
This gospel is a wake-up call that being envious is really not good. It will only
poison our hearts and our minds. Also, it will break our relationship to our neighbors as
well as our relationship to our Lord. Being envious doesn’t produce any good fruits
that’s why we are reminded to keep our hearts and minds clean at all times. Don’t let
this negative attitude controls us. In addition, we as Filipinos are known for our attitude
as “crab-mentality”. I can also connect it to our gospel today. This is an unhealthy
attitude and it will only drag us more in a downfall direction.
Let me share my experience about being a toxic person. When I was still in junior
high. I was very competitive and I really want to be at the top always. Of course, there’s
nothing wrong about that. But, I have this mindset before that those who also compete
with me are my enemies. I keep looking at their flaws and share it with other people.
Then, this the same Gospel opens my mind about the reality. I have realized that even I
am still in the top, I am still a loser. I missed the opportunity to establish a real
friendship. I never found a real companion who will celebrate with me. I am too
competitive and I did not balance my study and my social life. I am very thankful for this
Gospel because it redirected my life. The most important thing is I’ve learned and I am
To sum it up, let us put into our hearts that there’s always a room for a change.
Jesus saves us from our sin because He loves us very much. If we make mistakes,
always go back to our Creator. He always know what’s best for us.