GNUSim8085 Assembly Language Guide
GNUSim8085 Assembly Language Guide
GNUSim8085 Assembly Language Guide
c. Labels
d. Comments
Labels when given to any particular instruction/data in a program, takes the address of that
instruction or data as its value. But it has different meaning when given to ``EQU`` directive.
Then it takes the operand of ``EQU`` as its value. Labels must always be placed in the first
column and must be followed by an instruction (no empty line). Labels must be followed by a
``:`` (colon), to differentiate it from other tokens.
Pseudo Ops
``DB`` is used to define space for an array of values specified by comma separated list. And
the label (if given to the beginning of ``DB``) is assigned the address of the first data item.
For example,
.. note::
Assuming that the assembler has currently incremented its ``PC`` to ``4200h``,
``var1=4200h``, ``var1+1=4201h``, ``var1+2=4202h``. Note that ``56h`` is actually
considered to be a hex constant. In this example 3 bytes are assigned.
``DS`` is used to define the specified number of bytes to be assigned and initialize them to
zero. To access each byte you can use the ``+`` or ``-`` operator along with label. For
var2: ds 8
.. note:
Now when you use ``var2`` in the program it refers to the first byte of these eight bytes. To
refer other bytes, say 3rd byte, you have to use ``var2+3`` instead of simply ``var2``. Hope
you understand! This concept also applies to ``DB``! '-' is used to back refer variables, i.e., to
refer just previous variables in the program!
``EQU`` behaves similar to ``#define`` in C. But it is simple. It can be used to give names
only to numeric constants. Nesting of ``EQU`` is not allowed. You can use ``EQU`` only in
operands for pseudo ops and mnemonics. For example,
As you can see ``EQU`` defined labels can be used to give descriptive names to constants.
You should use them frequently in your program in order to avoid magic numbers.
Comments start with a semi-colon (``;``). As you can see in the previous example, comments
can be given to any part of the program. Anything after ``;`` is ignored by the assembler,
except to one important character sequence.
Auto breakpoints
As you get acquainted with the application, you can use breakpoints to debug your program.
But for certain programs, you have to display something to the user before continuing. A
perfect example for this is the N-Queens problem. Here finding all the solutions for (say) 8
queens is time consuming (it involves a total of 92 solutions). In my system, it took almost 1
minute to computer all the solutions. But in that I can see only the last solution, since
solutions are overwritten by subsequent ones. Now I can give a breakpoint at the place where
the program finds the next solution. When the breakpoint is reached, I can stop and see the
solution (by examining the variables) and then continue for the next solution. But for this
program, every time you load it, you have to set the breakpoints. This can be automated. To
set the breakpoint (when the program is loaded) at line number `n`, you have to put a special
comment at line ``n-1``. And this comment should start at first column. The sequence is
If ``;@`` is encountered, the editor will set breakpoint in the next line. For obvious reasons,
you can't set a breakpoint at first line in your program. For an example, look at the N-Queens
program in the docs section (`nqueens.asm`).
Final notes
* Don't forget to include the ``HLT`` instruction somewhere else in the program to terminate
* Constant addresses should be used with caution. ``LDA 2200h`` will be ``3a 00 22`` in
machine code . So the actual address is again ``2200h``!