Physics C: Superposition and Standing Waves
Physics C: Superposition and Standing Waves
Physics C: Superposition and Standing Waves
Chapter 18
Multiple particles must exist at Multiple waves can combine at one point in
different locations. the same medium – they can be present at
the same location.
When waves are combined in systems with boundary conditions, only certain
allowed frequencies can exist.
We say the frequencies are quantized.
Quantization is at the heart of quantum mechanics.
The analysis of waves under boundary conditions explains many quantum
Quantization can be used to understand the behavior of the wide array of musical
instruments that are based on strings and air columns.
Waves can also combine when they have different frequencies.
Superposition Principle
Section 18.1
Superposition and Interference
Two traveling waves can pass through each other without being destroyed or
A consequence of the superposition principle.
The combination of separate waves in the same region of space to produce a
resultant wave is called interference.
The term interference has a very specific usage in physics.
It means waves pass through each other.
Section 18.1
Superposition Example
Section 18.1
Superposition Example, cont
Section 18.1
Destructive Interference Example
Section 18.1
Types of Interference, Summary
Constructive interference occurs when the displacements caused by the two
pulses are in the same direction.
The amplitude of the resultant pulse is greater than either individual pulse.
Destructive interference occurs when the displacements caused by the two
pulses are in opposite directions.
The amplitude of the resultant pulse is less than either individual pulse.
Section 18.1
Analysis Model
The superposition principle is the centerpiece of the analysis model called waves
in interference.
Applies in many situations
They exhibit interesting phenomena with practical applications.
Section 18.1
Superposition of Sinusoidal Waves
Assume two waves are traveling in the same direction in a linear medium, with
the same frequency, wavelength and amplitude.
The waves differ only in phase:
y1 = A sin (kx - wt)
y2 = A sin (kx - wt + f)
Section 18.1
Sinusoidal Waves with Destructive Interference
Section 18.1
Sinusoidal Waves, General Interference
Section 18.1
Sinusoidal Waves, Summary of Interference
Section 18.1
Sinusoidal Waves, Interference with Difference Amplitudes
Section 18.1
Radiation from a monopole source
Section 18.1
Interference in Sound Waves, 2
Section 18.1
Standing Waves
Assume two waves with the same
amplitude, frequency and wavelength,
traveling in opposite directions in a
The waves combine in accordance with
the waves in interference model.
y1 = A sin (kx – wt) and
y2 = A sin (kx + wt)
They interfere according to the
superposition principle.
Section 18.2
Standing Waves, cont
The resultant wave will be y = (2A sin kx) cos wt.
This is the wave function of a standing wave.
There is no kx – wt term, and therefore it is not a traveling wave.
In observing a standing wave, there is no sense of motion in the direction of
propagation of either of the original waves.
Section 18.2
Standing Wave Example
Note the stationary outline that results from the superposition of two identical
waves traveling in opposite directions.
The amplitude of the simple harmonic motion of a given element is 2A sin kx.
This depends on the location x of the element in the medium.
Each individual element vibrates at w
Section 18.2
Note on Amplitudes
Section 18.2
Standing Waves, Definitions
A node occurs at a point of zero amplitude.
These correspond to positions of x where
x n 0, 1, 2, 3,
An antinode occurs at a point of maximum displacement, 2A.
These correspond to positions of x where
x n 1, 3, 5,
Section 18.2
Features of Nodes and Antinodes
Section 18.2
Nodes and Antinodes, cont
Section 18.3
The boundary condition results in the string having a set of natural
patterns of oscillation, called normal modes.
Each mode has a characteristic frequency.
This situation in which only certain frequencies of oscillations are allowed
is called quantization.
The normal modes of oscillation for the string can be described by
imposing the requirements that the ends be nodes and that the
nodes and antinodes are separated by λ/4.
We identify an analysis model called waves under boundary
Section 18.3
This is the first normal mode that is
consistent with the boundary
There are nodes at both ends.
There is one antinode in the middle.
This is the longest wavelength
½l1 = L so l1 = 2L
The section of the standing wave
between nodes is called a loop.
In the first normal mode, the string
vibrates in one loop.
Section 18.3
Consecutive normal modes add a loop at each step.
The section of the standing wave from one node to the next is called a
The second mode (c) corresponds to to l = L.
The third mode (d) corresponds to l = 2L/3.
Section 18.3
Standing Waves on a String, Summary
The wavelengths of the normal modes for a string of length L fixed at both ends
are ln = 2L / n n = 1, 2, 3, …
n is the nth normal mode of oscillation
These are the possible modes for the string:
The natural frequencies are
v n T
ƒn n
2L 2L
Also called quantized frequencies
Section 18.3
Waves on a String, Harmonic Series
The fundamental frequency corresponds to n = 1.
It is the lowest frequency, ƒ1
The frequencies of the remaining natural modes are integer multiples of the
fundamental frequency.
ƒn = nƒ1
Frequencies of normal modes that exhibit this relationship form a harmonic
The normal modes are called harmonics.
Section 18.3
Musical Note of a String
Section 18.3
Section 18.4
Because an oscillating system exhibits a large amplitude when driven at any of its
natural frequencies, these frequencies are referred to as resonance frequencies.
If the system is driven at a frequency that is not one of the natural frequencies, the
oscillations are of low amplitude and exhibit no stable pattern.
Resonance occurs when a system is able to store and easily transfer energy between
two or more different storage modes .However, there are some losses from cycle to
cycle, called damping. When damping is small, the resonant frequency is
approximately equal to the natural frequency of the system, which is a frequency of
unforced vibrations. Some systems have multiple, distinct, resonant frequencies.
Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there
is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear
magnetic resonance(NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of
quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a
specific frequency (e.g., musical instruments),
Lsmalles t= 9.00 cm
Wave interference is the phenomenon that occurs when two waves meet while
traveling along the same medium. The interference of waves causes the medium
to take on a shape that results from the net effect of the two individual waves
upon the particles of the medium.
if two upward displaced pulses having the same shape meet up with one another
while traveling in opposite directions along a medium, the medium will take on
the shape of an upward displaced pulse with twice the amplitude of the two
interfering pulses. This type of interference is known as constructive
If an upward displaced pulse and a downward displaced pulse having the same
shape meet up with one another while traveling in opposite directions along a
medium, the two pulses will cancel each other's effect upon the displacement of
the medium and the medium will assume the equilibrium position. This type of
interference is known as destructive interference
The diagrams below show two waves - one is blue and the other is red -
interfering in such a way to produce a resultant shape in a medium; the
resultant is shown in green. In two cases (on the left and in the middle),
constructive interference occurs and in the third case (on the far right,
destructive interference occurs.
An animation below shows two sound waves interfering constructively in
order to produce very large oscillations in pressure at a variety of anti-
nodal locations. Note that compressions are labeled with a C and
rarefactions are labeled with an R.
1 1
cos cos 2 cos cos
2 2
Two sound waves with different but close frequencies give rise
Consider s1 x,t sm cosw1t
s2 x,t sm cosw2 t
w1 w 2
s s1 s2 2sm cos w t cos wt
1 1
w w1 w 2 w w 1 w 2
Very ≈w1≈w2
2 2
s 2sm cos w t cosw t
On top of the almost same frequency, the amplitude takes
maximum twice in a cycle: cosw’t = 1 and -1: Beats
Beat frequency fbeat: fbeat f1 f2
Sum and Difference Frequencies
When you superimpose two sine waves of different frequencies, you get components at
the sum and difference of the two frequencies. This can be shown by using a sum
rule from trigonometry. For equal amplitude sine waves
The first term gives the phenomenon of beats with a beat frequency equal to the
difference between the frequencies mixed. The beat frequency is given by
since the first term above drives the output to zero (or a minimum for unequal
amplitudes) at this beat frequency. Both the sum and difference frequencies are
exploited in radio communication.