Identify The Controls and Variables
Identify The Controls and Variables
Identify The Controls and Variables
Identify the:
2. Independent Variable:
Retesting it
6. What was the initial observation?
Identify the-
7. Control Group
Identify the-
16. Control Group
Subject A
Krusty was told that a certain itching powder was 18. Dependent Variable
the newest best thing on the market, it even
claims to cause 50% longer lasting itches. How long the subject is itchy
Interested in this product, he buys the itching
powder and compares it to his usual product. One 19. Explain whether the data supports the advertisements
test subject (A) is sprinkled with the original claims about its product.
itching powder, and another test subject (B) was
sprinkled with the Experimental itching powder. 45 minutes is 50 % more that 30 minutes, so the claims
Subject A reported having itches for 30 minutes. seem to be true
Subject B reported to have itches for 45 minutes.
20. Describe how Lisa would perform this experiment.
Identify the control group, and the independent and
dependent variables in your description.
Lisa would test two family members. One would grow their
hair naturally (control group) and the other would use
Rogooti (independent variable). She would measure the
length of hair grown over time (dependent variable).